Automates cellulaires : structures Nicolas Ollinger LIP, ENS Lyon, France 19 décembre 2002 / soutenance ◦I× Cellular Automata: Structures Nicolas Ollinger LIP, ENS Lyon, France 19 december 2002 / Ph.D. defence ◦I× Approach • A main concern of Complex Systems : a relatively simple microscopic rule completely de ned local rule (given) may produce a very complex macroscopic behavior far more complex global rule (induced) 3 CC J ◦ B BB × Approach • A main concern of Complex Systems : a relatively simple microscopic rule completely de ned local rule (given) may produce a very complex macroscopic behavior far more complex global rule (induced) • Cellular Automata provide a simple not simplistic and uniform model for studying this problem. 3 CC C ◦ I BB × Table of Content 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. De nitions Classi cations Geometrical Transformations Abstract Bulking Exploration 4 CC J ◦ I BB × Cellular Automata De nition. A d•CA A is a 4•uple Z , S, N, δ where: d • S is the nite state set of A; • N ⊂ Zd , nite, is the neighborhood of A; • δ : S|N| → S is the local rule of A. 5 CC J ◦ B BB × Cellular Automata De nition. A d•CA A is a 4•uple Z , S, N, δ where: d • S is the nite state set of A; • N ⊂ Zd , nite, is the neighborhood of A; • δ : S|N| → S is the local rule of A. A con guration C is a mapping from Zd to S. 5 CC C ◦ B BB × Cellular Automata De nition. A d•CA A is a 4•uple Z , S, N, δ where: d • S is the nite state set of A; • N ⊂ Zd , nite, is the neighborhood of A; • δ : S|N| → S is the local rule of A. A con guration C is a mapping from Zd to S. The global rule applies δ uniformly according to N: ∀p ∈ Zd , G(C)p = δ (Cp+N1 , . . . , Cp+Nν ) 5 CC C ◦ I BB × Examples (1) σ = (Z, { , } , {−1} , q 7→ q) Σ2 = (Z, { , } , J−1, 0K, (q, q 0 ) 7→ q ⊕ q 0 ), where ({ , } , ⊕) is isomorphic to (Z2 , +) 6 CC J ◦ I BB × Examples (2) (Z, { , } , J−1, 1K, maj), where maj is majority between 3 (Z, { , , , , , } , J−1, 1K, δ6 ) 7 CC J ◦ I BB × Topological Charact. • Endow S with the trivial topology. • Endow S Zd with the induced product topology. • The shift σv : S Zd →S Zd is de ned as σv (C)p+v = Cp . 8 CC J ◦ B BB × Topological Charact. • Endow S with the trivial topology. • Endow S Zd with the induced product topology. • The shift σv : S Zd →S Zd is de ned as σv (C)p+v = Cp . Zd Zd Theorem[Hedlund 69]. A map G : S → S is the global rule of a d•CA if and only if it is continue and commutes with shifts. 8 CC C ◦ B BB × Topological Charact. • Endow S with the trivial topology. • Endow S Zd with the induced product topology. • The shift σv : S Zd →S Zd is de ned as σv (C)p+v = Cp . Zd Zd Theorem[Hedlund 69]. A map G : S → S is the global rule of a d•CA if and only if it is continue and commutes with shifts. Consequences. We can freely compose CA and invert b¼ective CA to obtain new CA. 8 CC C ◦ I BB × Subautomaton ∼ B) if there exists • A CA A is isomorphic to a CA B (A = a b¼ective map ϕ : SA → SB such that ϕ ◦ GA = GB ◦ ϕ 9 CC J ◦ B BB × Subautomaton ∼ B) if there exists • A CA A is isomorphic to a CA B (A = a b¼ective map ϕ : SA → SB such that ϕ ◦ GA = GB ◦ ϕ De nition. A ⊆ B if there exists an injective map ϕ : SA → SB such that this diagram commutes: C GA y ϕ −−−−→ ϕ(C) G y B GA (C) −−−−→ ϕ(GA (C)) ϕ 9 CC C ◦ I BB × Closure (1) • An autarkic CA ψ is a CA with neighborhood {0} and local rule ψ : S → S. (notice that ψ is ultimately periodic) • An elementary shift is a shift σv such that kvk1 = 1. 10 CC J ◦ B BB × Closure (1) • An autarkic CA ψ is a CA with neighborhood {0} and local rule ψ : S → S. (notice that ψ is ultimately periodic) • An elementary shift is a shift σv such that kvk1 = 1. • The composition A ◦ B of two CA A and B satis es GA◦B = GA ◦ GB . • The Cartesian product A × B of two CA satis es GA×B = GA × GB . 10 CC C ◦ I BB × Closure (2) • A new characterization of CA Theorem. The set of CA is the closure of the set of autarkic CA and elementary shifts by the operations of composition, Cartesian product and subautomaton. 11 CC J ◦ B BB × Closure (2) • A new characterization of CA Theorem. The set of CA is the closure of the set of autarkic CA and elementary shifts by the operations of composition, Cartesian product and subautomaton. Theorem. The set of reversible (b¼ective) CA is the closure of the set of b¼ective autarkic CA and elemen• tary shifts by the operations of composition, Cartesian product and subautomaton. 11 CC C ◦ I BB × Table of Content 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. De nitions Classi cations Geometrical Transformations Abstract Bulking Exploration 12 CC J ◦ I BB × Experimental Work Wolfram (1984) First classi cation. [. . . ] In class 1, the behavior is very simple, and almost all initial condi• tions lead to exactly the same uniform nal state. In class 2, there are many di er• ent possible nal states, but all of them consist just of a certain set of simple structures that either remain the same forever or repeat every few steps. In class 3, the behavior is more com• plicated, and seems in many respects random, although triangles and other small•scale structures are essentially always at some level seen. And nally [. . . ] class 4 involves a mixture of order and random• ness: localized structures are pro• duced which on their own are fairly simple, but these structures move around and interact with each other in very complicated ways. [. . . ] S. Wolfram [ANKOS, chapter 6, pp. 231 235] 13 CC J ◦ B BB × Experimental Work Wolfram (1984) First unformal classi cation. [. . . ] In class 1, the behavior is very simple, and almost all initial condi• tions lead to exactly the same uniform nal state. In class 2, there are many di er• ent possible nal states, but all of them consist just of a certain set of simple structures that either remain the same forever or repeat every few steps. In class 3, the behavior is more com• plicated, and seems in many respects random, although triangles and other small•scale structures are essentially always at some level seen. And nally [. . . ] class 4 involves a mixture of order and random• ness: localized structures are pro• duced which on their own are fairly simple, but these structures move around and interact with each other in very complicated ways. [. . . ] S. Wolfram [ANKOS, chapter 6, pp. 231 235] 13 CC C ◦ B BB × Experimental Work Wolfram (1984) First unformal classi cation. [. . . ] In class 1, the behavior is very simple, and almost all initial condi• tions lead to exactly the same uniform nal state. Nilpotency In class 2, there are many di er• ent possible nal states, but all of them consist just of a certain set of simple structures that either remain the same forever or repeat every few steps. In class 3, the behavior is more com• plicated, and seems in many respects random, although triangles and other small•scale structures are essentially always at some level seen. And nally [. . . ] class 4 involves a mixture of order and random• ness: localized structures are pro• duced which on their own are fairly simple, but these structures move around and interact with each other in very complicated ways. [. . . ] S. Wolfram [ANKOS, chapter 6, pp. 231 235] 13 CC C ◦ B BB × Experimental Work Wolfram (1984) First unformal classi cation. [. . . ] In class 1, the behavior is very simple, and almost all initial condi• tions lead to exactly the same uniform nal state. Nilpotency In class 2, there are many di er• ent possible nal states, but all of them consist just of a certain set of simple structures that either remain the same forever or repeat every few steps. Ult. Periodic (up to a shift) In class 3, the behavior is more com• plicated, and seems in many respects random, although triangles and other small•scale structures are essentially always at some level seen. And nally [. . . ] class 4 involves a mixture of order and random• ness: localized structures are pro• duced which on their own are fairly simple, but these structures move around and interact with each other in very complicated ways. [. . . ] S. Wolfram [ANKOS, chapter 6, pp. 231 235] 13 CC C ◦ B BB × Experimental Work Wolfram (1984) First unformal classi cation. [. . . ] In class 1, the behavior is very simple, and almost all initial condi• tions lead to exactly the same uniform nal state. Nilpotency In class 2, there are many di er• ent possible nal states, but all of them consist just of a certain set of simple structures that either remain the same forever or repeat every few steps. Ult. Periodic (up to a shift) In class 3, the behavior is more com• plicated, and seems in many respects random, although triangles and other small•scale structures are essentially always at some level seen. Chaoticity And nally [. . . ] class 4 involves a mixture of order and random• ness: localized structures are pro• duced which on their own are fairly simple, but these structures move around and interact with each other in very complicated ways. [. . . ] S. Wolfram [ANKOS, chapter 6, pp. 231 235] 13 CC C ◦ B BB × Experimental Work Wolfram (1984) First unformal classi cation. [. . . ] In class 1, the behavior is very simple, and almost all initial condi• tions lead to exactly the same uniform nal state. Nilpotency In class 2, there are many di er• ent possible nal states, but all of them consist just of a certain set of simple structures that either remain the same forever or repeat every few steps. In class 3, the behavior is more com• plicated, and seems in many respects random, although triangles and other small•scale structures are essentially always at some level seen. Chaoticity Ult. Periodic Complexity (up to a shift) And nally [. . . ] class 4 involves a mixture of order and random• ness: localized structures are pro• duced which on their own are fairly simple, but these structures move around and interact with each other in very complicated ways. [. . . ] S. Wolfram [ANKOS, chapter 6, pp. 231 235] 13 CC C ◦ B BB × Experimental Work Wolfram (1984) First unformal classi cation. [. . . ] In class 1, the behavior is very simple, and almost all initial condi• tions lead to exactly the same uniform nal state. Nilpotency In class 2, there are many di er• ent possible nal states, but all of them consist just of a certain set of simple structures that either remain the same forever or repeat every few steps. In class 3, the behavior is more com• plicated, and seems in many respects random, although triangles and other small•scale structures are essentially always at some level seen. Chaoticity Ult. Periodic Complexity (up to a shift) And nally [. . . ] class 4 involves a mixture of order and random• ness: localized structures are pro• duced which on their own are fairly simple, but these structures move around and interact with each other in very complicated ways. [. . . ] S. Wolfram [ANKOS, chapter 6, pp. 231 235] 13 CC C ◦ I BB × Understanding class 4 • Only one proposition of classi cation (to our knowledge) 14 CC J ◦ B BB × Understanding class 4 • Only one proposition of classi cation (to our knowledge) J. Mazoyer and I. Rapaport. Inducing an order on cellular automata by a grouping operation. Discrete Applied Mathe• matics 91(1•3):177 196. 1999 • Grouping relies on an algebraic approach 14 CC C ◦ B BB × Understanding class 4 • Only one proposition of classi cation (to our knowledge) J. Mazoyer and I. Rapaport. Inducing an order on cellular automata by a grouping operation. Discrete Applied Mathe• matics 91(1•3):177 196. 1999 • Grouping relies on an algebraic approach Idea. De ne a quasi•order on CA using the subau• tomaton relation, up to some geometrical transforma• tion of these CA. 14 CC C ◦ I BB × Example • Particles (1) How to eliminate the periodic background pattern ? You can zoom out and use shades of grey... X 0 Cp = 1/9 C3p+v v∈J0,2K2 16 CC J ◦ I BB × Example • Particles (2) How to eliminate the periodic background pattern ? ...but also make blocks of bottom cells of the squares 0 Cp = C3p+(0,0) , C3p+(1,0) , C3p+(2,0) 17 CC J ◦ I BB × Grouping We consider 1D CA with neighborhood J−1, 1K. • De ne the kth power Ak of a CA A. De nition. A CA B simulates a CA A, A 6 B, if there exists m and n such that Am ⊆ Bn . 18 CC J ◦ B BB × Grouping We consider 1D CA with neighborhood J−1, 1K. • De ne the kth power Ak of a CA A. De nition. A CA B simulates a CA A, A 6 B, if there exists m and n such that Am ⊆ Bn . Theorem. The relation 6 is a quasi•order. 18 CC C ◦ B BB × Grouping We consider 1D CA with neighborhood J−1, 1K. • De ne the kth power Ak of a CA A. De nition. A CA B simulates a CA A, A 6 B, if there exists m and n such that Am ⊆ Bn . Theorem. The relation 6 is a quasi•order. It admits a global minimum, some equivalence classes at the bottom of the order correspond to simple known CA families. It admits no global maximum. 18 CC C ◦ I BB × Table of Content 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. De nitions Classi cations Geometrical Transformations Abstract Bulking Exploration 19 CC J ◦ I BB × Extension Claim. The grouping operation doesn't take into ac• count some classical geometrical transformations of the literature, natural in the context of: • Transformation from CA to OCA, • Nilpotency, • Intrinsic Universality. 20 CC J ◦ I BB × Classical transform. • Classical transformations are usually of the type: k qn,1+k ... ... q1,m qn,m+k qn,m+1+k ... qn,2m+k n q1,1 q1,m+1 ... q1,2m m hm,n,ki GA n = o−1 ◦ σ ◦ G k m A ◦ om 21 CC J ◦ I BB × Formalization (1) • A geometrical transformation on space•time dia• grams transforms a cellular automaton into a new one by combining cells of a space•time dia• gram of the rst one to construct a space•time diagram of the second one. 22 CC J ◦ B BB × Formalization (1) • A geometrical transformation on space•time dia• grams transforms a cellular automaton into a new one by combining cells of a space•time dia• gram of the rst one to construct a space•time diagram of the second one. • Formally, it is a pair (k, Λ) where Λ: d N×Z −→ 7−→ d k N×Z 22 CC C ◦ I BB × Formalization (2) • To apply a transformation (k, Λ) to a space•time di• d d N×Z agram ∆ over S, we de ne ΛS : SN×Z → Sk by ΛS (∆)(t, p) = (∆(Λ(t, p)1 ), . . . , ∆(Λ(t, p)k )) . 23 CC J ◦ B BB × Formalization (2) • To apply a transformation (k, Λ) to a space•time di• d d N×Z agram ∆ over S, we de ne ΛS : SN×Z → Sk by ΛS (∆)(t, p) = (∆(Λ(t, p)1 ), . . . , ∆(Λ(t, p)k )) . • We de ne an operation rather similar to composition: (k 0 , Λ 0 ) ◦ (k, Λ) = (kk 0 , Λ 0 ◦ Λ) where 0 0 0 Λ ◦ Λ (t, p) = Λ Λ (t, p)1 1 . . . , Λ Λ (t, p)k 0 k 23 CC C ◦ I BB × Formalization (3) e as • We also introduce Λ e : Λ N×Zd 2 X −→ 7−→ N×Zd 2 S {Λ(t, p)1 , . . . , Λ(t, p)k } (t,p)∈X 24 CC J ◦ B BB × Formalization (3) e as • We also introduce Λ e : Λ N×Zd 2 X −→ 7−→ N×Zd 2 S {Λ(t, p)1 , . . . , Λ(t, p)k } (t,p)∈X • A good geometrical transformation satis es 1. ∀A, ∃B, ΛSA (∆) ∆∈Diag(A) = Diag(B) ; 24 CC C ◦ B BB × Formalization (3) e as • We also introduce Λ e : Λ N×Zd 2 X −→ 7−→ N×Zd 2 S {Λ(t, p)1 , . . . , Λ(t, p)k } (t,p)∈X • A good geometrical transformation satis es 1. ∀A, ∃B, ΛSA (∆) ∆∈Diag(A) = Diag(B) e {t + 1} × Z 2. ∀t ∈ N, Λ d e {t} × Z *Λ d ; . 24 CC C ◦ I BB × Packing v1 v0 PF,v (t, p) = t ~ (F ⊕ (p v)) Transformed CA global rule: o−1 F,v ◦ G ◦ oF,v 25 CC J ◦ I BB × Cut ting 7−→ CT (t, p) = (tT, p) Transformed CA global rule: GT 26 CC J ◦ I BB × Shifting 7−→ Ss (t, p) = (t, p ⊕ ts) Transformed CA global rule: σs ◦ G 27 CC J ◦ I BB × Composition We de ne PCS transformations as PCSF,v,T,s = PF,v ◦ Ss ◦ CT PCSF,v,T,s (t, p) = tT ~ (F ⊕ (p v ⊕ ts)) Transformed CA global rule: T o−1 ◦ σ ◦ G ◦ oF,v s F,v 28 CC J ◦ B BB × Composition We de ne PCS transformations as PCSF,v,T,s = PF,v ◦ Ss ◦ CT PCSF,v,T,s (t, p) = tT ~ (F ⊕ (p v ⊕ ts)) Transformed CA global rule: T o−1 ◦ σ ◦ G ◦ oF,v s F,v PCS transformations are closed under composition. 28 CC C ◦ I BB × Characterization Theorem. A geometrical transformation is a good geometrical transformation if and only if it can be ex• pressed as a PCS transformation. The proof highly relies on the uniformity of cellular automata and the construction of counter•examples. 29 CC J ◦ I BB × Table of Content 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. De nitions Classi cations Geometrical Transformations Abstract Bulking Exploration 30 CC J ◦ I BB × Abstract Bulking • We don't want to reproof that we have a quasi•order for each kind of grouping we introduce. • Some properties are generic and do not rely on painful computation at the level of geometrical trans• formations but come from more abstract properties. • We introduce a logical theory to uniformize the work with grouping. 31 CC J ◦ I BB × De nition De nition. An abstract bulking A is a logical theory on the signature Obj, Trans; apply : Obj × Trans → Obj, divide ⊆ Obj × Obj, combine : Trans × Trans → Trans . Notation. An object y simulates an object x if they satisfy the formula α β x 4 y ≡ ∃α∃β x | y 32 CC J ◦ I BB × A xioms (1) Combination. (Trans, ·) is a monoid. A ` ∃1∀α (α · 1 = α ∧ 1 · α = α) ∧ ∀α∀β∀γ ((α · β) · γ = α · (β · γ)) Compatibility. (Trans, ·) acts on Obj through apply. x x = x1 A` 1 ∀x x = x ∧ xα xα·β α β ∀x∀α∀β (x ) = x α·β 33 CC J ◦ I BB × A xioms (2) Divisibility. divide is a quasi•order on Obj. A` ∀x (x | x) ∧ ∀x∀y∀z ((x | y ∧ y | z) → x | z) Transitivity. apply is compatible with divide. yα xα x A` y ∀x∀y∀α (x | y → x | y ) α α 34 CC J ◦ I BB × A xioms (3) Surjectivity. apply preserve the richness of objects. yα y A` x ∀α∀x∃y (x | yα ) 35 CC J ◦ I BB × A xioms (4) Proximity. apply keeps objects nearby. There exists two functions ζ and ξ such that ζ(x,β) (xα ) xα x x A` β x β ξ(x,α,β) ζ(x,β) ∀x∀α∀β (xα ) | x β ξ(x,α,β) 36 CC J ◦ I BB × Properties Theorem. 4 is a quasi•order is a bulking property. A` ∀x (x 4 x) ∧ ∀x∀y∀z ((x 4 y ∧ y 4 z) → x 4 z) 37 CC J ◦ B BB × Properties Theorem. 4 is a quasi•order is a bulking property. A` ∀x (x 4 x) ∧ ∀x∀y∀z ((x 4 y ∧ y 4 z) → x 4 z) • u is universal if ∀x (x 4 u). • u is strongly universal if ∀x∃α (x | uα ). 37 CC C ◦ B BB × Properties Theorem. 4 is a quasi•order is a bulking property. A` ∀x (x 4 x) ∧ ∀x∀y∀z ((x 4 y ∧ y 4 z) → x 4 z) • u is universal if ∀x (x 4 u). • u is strongly universal if ∀x∃α (x | uα ). Theorem. If there exists a strongly universal objet then each universal object is strongly universal is a bulking property. 37 CC C ◦ I BB × Table of Content 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. De nitions Classi cations Geometrical Transformations Abstract Bulking Exploration 38 CC J ◦ I BB × First try Idea. Use abstract bulking theory with: Obj Trans apply divide combine the set of d•CA, the set of PCS transformations, the transformation operator, the subautomaton relation, the composition of transformations. 39 CC J ◦ B BB × First try Idea. Use abstract bulking theory with: Obj Trans apply divide combine the set of d•CA, the set of PCS transformations, the transformation operator, the subautomaton relation, the composition of transformations. Argh! The Proximity axiom is not satis ed. 39 CC C ◦ I BB × Regular Packing P̃: restriction on P transformations. P̃(m1 ,...,md ),τ = PQd (στ(1) ,...,στ(d) )⊗m i=1 J0,mi −1K, v0 v1 40 CC J ◦ I BB × Second try Idea. Use abstract bulking theory with: Obj Trans apply divide combine the set of d•CA, the set of P̃CS’ transformations, the transformation operator, the subautomaton relation, the composition of transformations. 41 CC J ◦ B BB × Second try Idea. Use abstract bulking theory with: Obj Trans apply divide combine the set of d•CA, the set of P̃CS’ transformations, the transformation operator, the subautomaton relation, the composition of transformations. (P̃CS’ and P̃CS de ne the same relation of simulation) 41 CC C ◦ B BB × Second try Idea. Use abstract bulking theory with: Obj Trans apply divide combine the set of d•CA, the set of P̃CS’ transformations, the transformation operator, the subautomaton relation, the composition of transformations. (P̃CS’ and P̃CS de ne the same relation of simulation) It works: All the axioms are satis ed. 41 CC C ◦ I BB × Summary Applying a P̃CS transformation hmτ , n, ki to a CA A: hmτ ,n,ki GA n = o−1 ◦ σ ◦ G k mτ A ◦ omτ 42 CC J ◦ B BB × Summary Applying a P̃CS transformation hmτ , n, ki to a CA A: hmτ ,n,ki GA n = o−1 ◦ σ ◦ G k mτ A ◦ omτ De nition. A CA A is simulated by a CA B, A 6 B, if there exists two P̃CS transformations hmτ , n, ki and hmτ0 , n 0 , k 0 i such that: A hmτ ,n,ki mτ0 ,n 0 ,k 0 i h ⊆B 42 CC C ◦ B BB × Summary Applying a P̃CS transformation hmτ , n, ki to a CA A: hmτ ,n,ki GA n = o−1 ◦ σ ◦ G k mτ A ◦ omτ De nition. A CA A is simulated by a CA B, A 6 B, if there exists two P̃CS transformations hmτ , n, ki and hmτ0 , n 0 , k 0 i such that: A hmτ ,n,ki mτ0 ,n 0 ,k 0 i h ⊆B Theorem. The relation 6 is induced by an abstract bulking model. 42 CC C ◦ I BB × Basic properties Corollary. The relation 6 is a quasi•order. 43 CC J ◦ B BB × Basic properties Corollary. The relation 6 is a quasi•order. • In dimension 1, the relation 6 re nes 6. 43 CC C ◦ B BB × Basic properties Corollary. The relation 6 is a quasi•order. • In dimension 1, the relation 6 re nes 6. • × corresponds to a local maximum. 43 CC C ◦ B BB × Basic properties Corollary. The relation 6 is a quasi•order. • In dimension 1, the relation 6 re nes 6. • × corresponds to a local maximum. • We still have in nite chains. n 6≷ > ξ m,n < 6≷ m 43 CC C ◦ I BB × Bottom of the order Nil (Zp , ⊕) σ-Per ··· ⊥ level 1 level 0 44 CC J ◦ I BB × Top of the order U ∞ There is no quasi•universal CA. 45 CC J ◦ I BB × Universality Theorem. Given a CA, deciding whether it is intrinsi• cally universal is undecidable. 46 CC J ◦ B BB × Universality Theorem. Given a CA, deciding whether it is intrinsi• cally universal is undecidable. Theorem. There exists no real•time intrinsically uni• versal CA (∀A, ∃n, A ⊆ U hn,n,0i ). 46 CC C ◦ B BB × Universality Theorem. Given a CA, deciding whether it is intrinsi• cally universal is undecidable. Theorem. There exists no real•time intrinsically uni• versal CA (∀A, ∃n, A ⊆ U hn,n,0i ). • We can construct very small intrinsically universal CA (ex. 1D, von Neumann neighborhood, 6 states) 46 CC C ◦ I BB × Structure Qk • The structure of products of shifts, i=1 σvi , and CA they simulate can be completely described. 47 CC J ◦ B BB × Structure Qk • The structure of products of shifts, i=1 σvi , and CA they simulate can be completely described. < (2) < < (2, 4) < (2, 3) (3) The relation 6 induces no semi•lattice structure. 47 CC C ◦ B BB × Structure Qk • The structure of products of shifts, i=1 σvi , and CA they simulate can be completely described. < (2) < < (2, 4) < (2, 3) (3) The relation 6 induces no semi•lattice structure. Idea. Modify bulking so that × de nes a supremum. 47 CC C ◦ I BB × A new bulking (1) • New transformations: (k, l, Λ) where Λ: d N×Z −→ 7−→ d k J1, lK × N × Z 48 CC J ◦ B BB × A new bulking (1) • New transformations: (k, l, Λ) where Λ: d N×Z −→ 7−→ d k J1, lK × N × Z • PCST(Fi ,vi ,Ti ,si )i∈J1,lK transforms A into T1 Tl −1 −1 oF1 ,v1 ◦σs1 ◦GA ◦oF1 ,v1 ×· · ·× oFl ,vl ◦σsl ◦GA ◦oFl ,vl 48 CC C ◦ I BB × A new bulking (2) Idea. Use abstract bulking theory with: Obj Trans apply divide combine the set of d•CA, the set of P̃CST’ transformations, the transformation operator, the subautomaton relation, the composition of transformations. 49 CC J ◦ B BB × A new bulking (2) Idea. Use abstract bulking theory with: Obj Trans apply divide combine the set of d•CA, the set of P̃CST’ transformations, the transformation operator, the subautomaton relation, the composition of transformations. • P̃CST transformations are de ned like P̃CS ones. • All the axioms are satis ed. • The relation of simulation induces a sup•semi•lattice with × as a supremum operator. 49 CC C ◦ I BB × Ideals • An ideal is a set of equivalence classes stable by × and lower element by 6. surj. UR inj. ult. per. ⊥ 50 CC J ◦ I BB × Perspectives • CA at the bottom and the top of the order seem to correspond to CA which are easy to describe. What about CA in the middle ? • Links between stuctural properties of bulking and de• cidability questions have been presented. What about topological properties ? • Study abstract bulking in the case of a di erent kind of dynamical system, re ne the choice of axioms, gen• erals properties. 51 CC J ◦ I BB ×