Nearly 55 years ago, in his final inaugural
address, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt
reflected on the lessons of the first half of the
20 Century. "We have learned,” he said, “that
we cannot live alone at peace. We have learned
that our own well being is dependent on the well
being of other nations far away. We have
learned to be citizens of the world, members of
the human community."
Those words have more resonance than ever as
we enter the 21 century. America is at the
height of its influence and prosperity. But, at a
time of rapid globalization, when events halfway
around the earth can profoundly affect our safety
and prosperity, America must lead in the world
to protect our people at home and our way of
life. Americans benefit when nations come
together to deter aggression and terrorism, to
resolve conflicts, to prevent the spread of
dangerous weapons, to promote democracy and
human rights, to open markets and create
financial stability, to raise living standards, to
protect the environment – to face challenges
that no nation can meet alone. The United
States remains the world’s most powerful force
for peace, prosperity and the universal values of
democracy and freedom. Our nation’s central
challenge – and our responsibility – is to sustain
that role by seizing the opportunities of this new
global era for the benefit of our own people and
people around the world.
To do that, we are pursuing a forward-looking
national security strategy for the new century.
This report, submitted in accordance with
Section 603 of the Goldwater - Nichols Defense
Department Reorganization Act of 1986, sets
forth that strategy. Its three core objectives are:
To enhance America’s security.
To bolster America’s economic prosperity.
To promote democracy and human rights
The United States must have the tools necessary
to carry out this strategy. We have worked to
preserve and enhance the readiness of our
armed forces while pursuing long-term
modernization and providing quality of life
improvements for our men and women in
uniform. To better meet readiness challenges, I
proposed, and Congress passed, a fiscal year
2000 defense budget that increased military pay
and retirement benefits, and significantly
increased funding for readiness and
modernization. I have also proposed a $112
billion increase across fiscal years 2000 to 2005
for readiness, modernization, and other high
priority defense requirements. This is the first
long-term sustained increase in defense
spending in over a decade.
Over the last six months, our military leaders
and I have seen encouraging signs that we have
turned the corner on readiness. Although our
Armed Forces still face readiness challenges,
particularly in recruiting and retaining skilled
individuals, Administration initiatives are helping
us achieve our readiness goals. I am confident
that our military is – and will continue to be –
capable of carrying out our national strategy and
meeting America's defense commitments
around the world.
To be secure, we must not only have a strong
military; we must also continue to lead in limiting
the military threat to our country and the world.
We continue to work vigilantly to curb the spread
of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons and
missiles to deliver them. We are continuing the
START process to reduce Russian and
American nuclear arsenals, while discussing
modification of the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty to
allow for development of a national missile
defense against potential rogue state attacks.
And we remain committed to obtaining Senate
advice and consent to ratification of the
Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty
(CTBT), and to bringing this crucial agreement
into force.
We must also sustain our commitment to
America’s diplomacy. Every dollar we devote to
preventing conflicts, promoting democracy,
opening markets, and containing disease and
hunger brings a sure return in security and longterm savings. Working with Congress, we were
able to provide enhanced funding to international
affairs accounts and UN arrears, but we need to
sustain this commitment to foreign affairs in the
years ahead.
America must be willing to act alone when our
interests demand it, but we should also support
the institutions and arrangements through which
other countries help us bear the burdens of
leadership. That's why I am pleased that we
reached agreement with Congress on a plan for
paying our dues and debts to the United Nations.
It is why we must do our part when others take
the lead in building peace: whether Europeans
in the Balkans, Asians in East Timor, or Africans
in Sierra Leone. Otherwise we will be left with a
choice in future crises between doing everything
ourselves or doing nothing at all.
America has done much over the past seven
years to build a better world: aiding the
remarkable transitions to free-market democracy
in Eastern Europe; adapting and enlarging
NATO to strengthen Europe’s security; ending
ethnic war in Bosnia and Kosovo; working with
Russia to deactivate thousands of nuclear
weapons from the former Soviet Union; ratifying
START II and the Chemical Weapons
Convention; negotiating the CTBT, and the
Adaptation Agreement on the Conventional
Armed Forces in Europe (CFE) Treaty; securing
a freeze in North Korean fissile material
production; facilitating milestone agreements in
the Middle East peace process; standing up to
the threat posed by Saddam Hussein; reducing
Africa’s debt through the Cologne Initiative and
the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries Initiative
(HIPC); helping to broker peace accords from
Northern Ireland to Sierra Leone to the PeruEcuador border; fostering unprecedented unity,
democracy and progress in the Western
Hemisphere; benefiting our economy by
reaching over 270 free trade agreements,
including the landmark accord to bring China
into the World Trade Organization; and
exercising global leadership to help save Mexico
from economic disaster and to reverse the Asian
financial crisis.
But our work is far from done. American
leadership will remain indispensable to further
important national interests in the coming year:
forging a lasting peace in the Middle East;
securing the peace in the Balkans and Northern
Ireland; helping Russia strengthen its economy
and fight corruption as it heads toward its first
democratic transfer of power; furthering arms
control through discussions with Russia on the
Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty and deeper
reductions in strategic nuclear weapons;
implementing China’s entry into the WTO and
other global institutions while promoting freedom
and human rights there; easing tensions
between India and Pakistan; building on hopeful
developments between Greece and Turkey to
make progress in the Aegean, particularly on
Cyprus; securing new energy routes from the
Caspian Sea that will allow newly independent
states in the Caucasus to prosper; supporting
democratic transitions from Nigeria to Indonesia;
helping Colombia defeat the drug traffickers who
threaten its democracy; fighting weapons
proliferation, terrorism and the nexus between
them; restraining North Korea's and Iran's
missile programs; maintaining vigilance against
Iraq and working to bring about a change in
regime; consolidating reforms to the world’s
financial architecture as the basis for sustained
economic growth; launching a new global trade
round; enacting legislation to promote trade with
Africa and the Caribbean; pressing ahead with
debt relief for countries fighting poverty and
embracing good government; reversing global
climate change; and protecting our oceans.
At this moment in history, the United States is
called upon to lead – to marshal the forces of
freedom and progress; to channel the energies
of the global economy into lasting prosperity; to
reinforce our democratic ideals and values; to
enhance American security and global peace.
We owe it to our children and grandchildren to
meet these challenges and build a better and
safer world.
I. Introduction
Our national security strategy is designed to meet the
fundamental purposes set out in the preamble to the
...provide for the common defence, promote the
general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of
Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity,...
Since the founding of the nation, certain requirements
have remained constant. We must protect the lives
and personal safety of Americans, both at home and
abroad. We must maintain the sovereignty, political
freedom and independence of the United States, with
its values, institutions and territory intact. And, we
must promote the well-being and prosperity of the
nation and its people.
Opportunities and Challenges
The twenty-first Century will be an era of great
promise. Globalization – the process of accelerating
economic, technological, cultural and political
integration – is bringing citizens from all continents
closer together, allowing them to share ideas, goods
and information in an instant. A growing number of
nations around the world have embraced America’s
core values of democratic governance, free-market
economics and respect for fundamental human rights
and the rule of law, creating new opportunities to
promote peace, prosperity and cooperation among
nations. Many former adversaries now work with us
for common goals. The dynamism of the global
economy is transforming commerce, culture,
communications and global relations, creating new
jobs and opportunities for Americans.
Globalization, however, also brings risks. Outlaw
states and ethnic conflicts threaten regional stability
and progress in many important areas of the world.
Weapons of mass destruction (WMD), terrorism, drug
trafficking and other international crime are global
concerns that transcend national borders. Other
problems originating overseas – such as resource
depletion, rapid population growth, environmental
damage, new infectious diseases, pervasive
corruption, and uncontrolled refugee migration – have
increasingly important implications for American
security. Our workers and businesses will suffer if
the global economy is unstable or foreign markets
collapse or lock us out, and the highest domestic
environmental standards will not protect us
adequately if we cannot get others to achieve similar
standards. In short, our citizens have a direct and
increasing stake in the prosperity and stability of
other nations, in their support for international norms
and human rights, in their ability to combat
international crime, in their open markets, and in their
efforts to protect the environment.
National Interests
Since there are always many demands for U.S.
action, our national interests must be clear. These
interests fall into three categories. The first includes
vital interests—those of broad, overriding
importance to the survival, safety and vitality of our
nation. Among these are the physical security of our
territory and that of our allies, the safety of our
citizens, the economic well-being of our society, and
the protection of our critical infrastructures – including
energy, banking and finance, telecommunications,
transportation, water systems and emergency
services – from paralyzing attack. We will do what
we must to defend these interests, including, when
necessary and appropriate, using our military might
unilaterally and decisively.
The second category is important national
interests. These interests do not affect our national
survival, but they do affect our national well-being
and the character of the world in which we live.
Important national interests include, for example,
regions in which we have a sizable economic stake
or commitments to allies, protecting the global
environment from severe harm, and crises with a
potential to generate substantial and highly
destabilizing refugee flows. Our efforts to halt the
flow of refugees from Haiti and restore democracy in
that country, our participation in NATO operations to
end the brutal conflicts and restore peace in Bosnia
and Kosovo, and our assistance to Asian allies and
friends supporting the transition in East Timor are
The third category is humanitarian and other
interests. In some circumstances our nation may act
because our values demand it. Examples include
responding to natural and manmade disasters;
promoting human rights and seeking to halt gross
violations of those rights; supporting democratization,
adherence to the rule of law and civilian control of the
military; assisting humanitarian demining; and
promoting sustainable development and
environmental protection. The spread of democracy
and respect for the rule of law helps to create a world
community that is more hospitable to U.S. values and
interests. Whenever possible, we seek to avert
humanitarian disasters and conflict through
diplomacy and cooperation with a wide range of
partners, including other governments, international
institutions and non-governmental organizations.
This may not only save lives, but also prevent crises
from getting worse and becoming a greater drain on
Threats to U.S. Interests
The security environment in which we live is dynamic
and uncertain, replete with a host of threats and
challenges that have the potential to grow more
Regional or State-Centered Threats: A number of
states have the capabilities and the desire to threaten
our national interests through coercion or aggression.
They continue to threaten the sovereignty of their
neighbors, economic stability, and international
access to resources. In many cases, these states
are also actively improving their offensive
capabilities, including efforts to obtain or retain
nuclear, biological or chemical weapons and the
capabilities to deliver these weapons over long
Transnational threats: These are threats that do not
respect national borders and which often arise from
non-state actors, such as terrorists and criminal
organizations. They threaten U.S. interests, values
and citizens – in the United States and abroad.
Examples include terrorism, drug trafficking and other
international crime, illicit arms trafficking, uncontrolled
refugee migration, and trafficking in human beings,
particularly women and children. We also face
threats to critical national infrastructures, which
increasingly could take the form of a cyber-attack in
addition to physical attack or sabotage, and could
originate from terrorist or criminal groups as well as
hostile states.
Spread of dangerous technologies: Weapons of
mass destruction pose the greatest potential threat to
global stability and security. Proliferation of
advanced weapons and technologies threatens to
provide rogue states, terrorists and international
crime organizations with the means to inflict terrible
damage on the United States, our allies and U.S.
citizens and troops abroad.
Failed states: At times in the new century, we can
expect that, despite international prevention efforts,
some states will be unable to provide basic
governance, safety and security, and opportunities
for their populations, potentially generating internal
conflict, mass migration, famine, epidemic diseases,
environmental disasters, mass killings and
aggression against neighboring states or ethnic
groups – events which can threaten regional security
and U.S. interests.
Other states – though possessing the capacity to
govern – may succumb to the inflammatory rhetoric
of demagogues who blame their nation’s ills on and
persecute specific religious, cultural, racial or tribal
groups. States that fail to respect the rights of their
own citizens and tolerate or actively engage in
human rights abuses, ethnic cleansing or acts of
genocide not only harm their own people, but can
spark civil wars and refugee crises and spill across
national boundaries to destabilize a region.
Foreign intelligence collection: The threat from
foreign intelligence services is more diverse, complex
and difficult to counter than ever before. This threat
is a mix of traditional and non-traditional intelligence
adversaries that have targeted American military,
diplomatic, technological, economic and commercial
secrets. Some foreign intelligence services are
rapidly adopting new technologies and innovative
methods to obtain such secrets, including attempts to
use the global information infrastructure to gain
access to sensitive information via penetration of
computer systems and networks. We must be
concerned about efforts by non-state actors,
including legitimate organizations, both quasigovernmental and private, and illicit international
criminal organizations, to penetrate and subvert
government institutions or critical sectors of our
Environmental and health threats: Environmental
and health problems can undermine the welfare of
U.S. citizens, and compromise our national security,
economic and humanitarian interests abroad for
generations. These threats respect no national
boundary. History has shown that international
epidemics, such as polio, tuberculosis and AIDS, can
destroy human life on a scale as great as any war or
terrorist act we have seen, and the resulting burden
on health systems can undermine hard-won
advances in economic and social development and
contribute to the failure of fledgling democracies. In
the future, we face potentially even more devastating
threats if we fail to avert irreparable damage to
regional ecosystems and the global environment.
Other environmental issues, such as competition
over scarce fresh water resources, are a potential
threat to stability in several regions.
A Strategy of Engagement
Our strategy is founded on continued U.S.
engagement and leadership abroad. The United
States must lead abroad if we are to be secure at
home. We cannot lead abroad unless we devote the
necessary resources to military, diplomatic,
intelligence and other efforts. We must be prepared
and willing to use all appropriate instruments of
national power to influence the actions of other states
and non-state actors, to provide global leadership,
and to remain a reliable security partner for the
community of nations that share our interests. The
international community is at times reluctant to act
without American leadership. In some instances, the
United States is the only nation capable of providing
the necessary leadership and capabilities for an
international response to shared challenges. By
exerting our leadership abroad we have deterred
aggression, fostered the resolution of conflicts,
enhanced regional cooperation, strengthened
democracies, stopped human rights abuses, opened
foreign markets and tackled global problems such as
preventing the spread of weapons of mass
destruction, protected the environment, and
combated international corruption.
Our strategy has three core objectives: enhancing
American security; bolstering our economic
prosperity; and promoting democracy and human
rights abroad, which we strongly believe will, in turn,
advance the first two goals. Achieving these
objectives requires sustained, long-term effort. Many
of the threats to our national interests are persistent
or recurring – they cannot be resolved or eliminated
once and for all. American engagement must be
tempered by recognition that there are limits to
America’s involvement in the world, and that
decisions to commit resources must be weighed
against the need to sustain our engagement over the
long term. Our engagement therefore must be
selective, focusing on the threats and opportunities
most relevant to our interests and applying our
resources where we can make the greatest
difference. Additionally, sustaining our engagement
abroad over the long term will require the support of
the American people and the Congress to bear the
costs of defending U.S. interests – in dollars, effort
and, when necessary, with military force.
Implementing the Strategy
International cooperation will be vital for building
security in the next century because many of the
challenges we face cannot be addressed by a single
nation. Many of our security objectives are best
achieved – or can only be achieved – by leveraging
our influence and capabilities through international
organizations, our alliances, or as a leader of an ad
hoc coalition formed around a specific objective.
Leadership in the United Nations and other
international organizations, and durable relationships
with allies and friendly nations, are critical to our
security. A central thrust of our strategy is to
strengthen and adapt the formal relationships we
have with key nations around the world, create new
relationships and structures when necessary, and
enhance the capability of friendly nations to exercise
regional leadership in support of shared goals. At
other times, we seek to shape a favorable
international environment outside of formal structures
by building coalitions of like-minded nations. But we
must always be prepared to act alone when that is
our most advantageous course, or when we have no
Success requires an integrated approach that brings
to bear all the capabilities needed to achieve our
security objectives – particularly in this era when
domestic and foreign policies increasingly overlap.
To effectively shape the international environment
and respond to the full spectrum of potential threats,
our diplomacy, military force, other foreign policy
tools, and domestic preparedness efforts must be
closely coordinated. We will continue to strengthen
and integrate all of these capabilities.
At home, we must have effective capabilities for
thwarting and responding to terrorist acts, countering
international crime and foreign intelligence collection,
and protecting critical national infrastructures. Our
efforts to counter these threats require close
cooperation among Federal agencies, state and local
governments, the industries that own and operate
critical national infrastructures, non-governmental
organizations, and others in the private sector.
The Power of Our Values
Underpinning our international leadership is the
power of our democratic ideals and values. In
crafting our strategy, we recognize that the spread of
democracy, human rights and respect for the rule of
law not only reflects American values, it also
advances both our security and prosperity.
Democratic governments are more likely to cooperate
with each other against common threats, encourage
free trade, promote sustainable economic
development, uphold the rule of law, and protect the
rights of their people. Hence, the trend toward
democracy and free markets throughout the world
advances American interests. The United States will
support this trend by remaining actively engaged in
the world, bolstering democratic institutions and
building the community of like-minded states. This
strategy will take us into the next century.
II. Advancing U.S. National Interests
In our vision of the world, the United States has close
cooperative relations with the world’s most influential
countries, and has the ability to shape the policies
and actions of those who can affect our national wellbeing. We seek to create a stable, peaceful
international security environment – one in which our
nation, citizens and interests are not threatened; the
health and well-being of our citizens are enhanced by
a cleaner global environment and effective strategies
to combat infectious disease; America continues to
prosper through increasingly open international
markets and sustainable growth in the global
economy; and democratic values and respect for
human rights and the rule of law are increasingly
Enhancing Security at
Home and Abroad
Our strategy for enhancing U.S. security has three
components: shaping the international security
environment, responding to threats and crises, and
preparing for an uncertain future.
Shaping the International
The United States seeks to shape the international
environment through a variety of means, including
diplomacy, economic cooperation, international
assistance, arms control and nonproliferation, and
health initiatives. These activities enhance U.S.
security by promoting regional security; enhancing
economic progress; supporting military activities,
international law enforcement cooperation, and
environmental efforts; and preventing, reducing or
deterring the diverse threats we face today. These
measures adapt and strengthen alliances and
friendships, maintain U.S. influence in key regions,
and encourage adherence to international norms.
The U.S. intelligence community provides critical
support to the full range of our involvement abroad.
Comprehensive collection and analytic capabilities
are needed to provide warning of threats to U.S.
national security, give analytical support to the policy
and military communities, provide near-real time
intelligence while retaining global perspective, identify
opportunities for advancing our national interests,
and maintain our information advantage in the
international arena. We place the highest priority on
monitoring the most serious threats to U.S. security:
states hostile to the United States; countries or other
entities that possess strategic nuclear forces or
control nuclear weapons, other WMD or nuclear
fissile materials; transnational threats, including
terrorism, drug trafficking and other international
crime; potential regional conflicts that might affect
U.S. national security interests; and threats to U.S.
forces and citizens abroad.
Diplomacy is a vital tool for countering threats to our
national security. The daily business of diplomacy
conducted through our missions and representatives
around the world is an irreplaceable shaping activity.
These efforts are essential to sustaining our
alliances, forcefully articulating U.S. interests,
resolving regional disputes peacefully, averting
humanitarian catastrophe, deterring aggression
against the United States and our friends and allies,
promoting international economic cooperation and
stability, fostering trade and investment opportunities,
and projecting U.S. influence worldwide.
When signs of potential conflict emerge or potential
threats appear, we take action to prevent or reduce
these threats. One of the lessons that repeatedly has
been driven home is the importance of preventive
diplomacy in dealing with conflict and complex
emergencies. Helping prevent nations from failing is
far more effective than rebuilding them after an
internal crisis. Helping people stay in their homes is
far more beneficial than feeding and housing them in
refugee camps. Helping relief agencies and
international organizations strengthen the institutions
of conflict resolution is much better than healing
ethnic and social divisions that have already
exploded into bloodshed. In short, while crisis
management and crisis resolution are necessary
tasks for our foreign policy, preventive diplomacy is
far preferable.
We must renew our commitment to America’s
diplomacy to ensure we have the diplomatic
representation and voice in international
organizations that are required to support our global
interests. This is central to our ability to retain our
influence on international issues that affect our wellbeing. Our national security requires that we ensure
international organizations such as the United
Nations are as effective and relevant as possible.
We must, therefore, continue to work to ensure that
our financial obligations to international organizations
are met.
Preserving our leadership, influence and credibility in
the world demands that we maintain highly trained
and experienced personnel, a broad range of
capabilities for diplomacy and public diplomacy, and
a secure diplomatic infrastructure abroad.
Modernization of embassies, consulates and our
diplomatic telecommunications and information
infrastructure is essential to advancing and protecting
vital national interests overseas. Our embassies and
consulates host critical elements of peacetime power:
diplomatic personnel, commercial, defense and legal
attaches, and consular and security officers
dedicated to protecting Americans at home and
abroad. The cost of doing these things is a tiny
fraction of the costs of employing our military forces
to cope with crises that might have been averted
through collective international action.
Public Diplomacy
We have an obligation and opportunity to harness the
tools of public diplomacy to advance U.S. leadership
around the world by engaging international publics on
U.S. principles and policies. The global advance of
freedom and information technologies like the
Internet has increased the ability of citizens and
organizations to influence the policies of
governments to an unprecedented degree. This
makes our public diplomacy – efforts to transmit
information and messages to peoples around the
world – an increasingly vital component of our
national security strategy. Our programs enhance
our ability to inform and influence foreign publics in
support of U.S. national interests, and broaden the
dialogue between American citizens and U.S.
institutions and their counterparts abroad.
Effective use of our nation’s information capabilities
to counter misinformation and incitement, mitigate
inter-ethnic conflict, promote independent media
organizations and the free flow of information, and
support democratic participation helps advance U.S.
interests abroad. International Public Information
activities, as defined by the newly promulgated
Presidential Decision Directive 68 (PDD-68), are
designed to improve our capability to coordinate
independent public diplomacy, public affairs and
other national security information-related efforts to
ensure they are more successfully integrated into
foreign and national security policy making and
International Assistance
From the U.S.-led mobilization to rebuild post-war
Europe to more recent economic success stories
across Asia, Latin America and Africa, U.S. foreign
assistance has helped emerging democracies,
promoted respect for human rights and the rule of
law, expanded free markets, slowed the growth of
international crime, contained major health threats,
improved protection of the environment and natural
resources, slowed population growth, and defused
humanitarian crises. Crises are averted – and U.S.
preventive diplomacy actively reinforced – through
U.S. sustainable development programs that promote
the rights of workers, voluntary family planning, basic
education, environmental protection, democratic
governance, the rule of law, religious freedom, and
the economic empowerment of citizens.
Debt relief is an important element of our overall
effort to alleviate poverty, promote economic
development, and create stronger partners around
the world for trade and investment, security and
democracy. The Cologne Debt Initiative announced
at the 1999 G-8 summit, together with earlier debt
relief commitments, provides for reduction of up to 70
percent of the total debts for heavily indebted poor
countries. This will be a reduction from the current
level of about $127 billion to as low as $37 billion with
the cancellation of official development assistance
debt by G-8 and other bilateral creditors.
The Cologne Debt Initiative also calls on international
financial institutions to develop a new framework for
linking debt relief with poverty reduction. These
measures center around better targeting of budgetary
resources for priority social expenditures, for health,
child survival, AIDS prevention, education, greater
transparency in government budgeting, and much
wider consultation with civil society in the
development and implementation of economic
programs. In September, President Clinton took our
debt relief efforts a step further. He directed the
Administration to make it possible to forgive 100
percent of the debt these countries owe to the United
States when the money is needed and will be used to
help them finance basic human needs.
When combined with other efforts, such as our
cooperative scientific and technological programs,
U.S. aid initiatives can help reduce the need for
costly military and humanitarian measures. When
assistance programs succeed in promoting
democracy and free markets, substantial growth of
American exports has usually followed. Where crises
have occurred, our assistance programs have helped
alleviate mass human suffering through targeted
relief. Other assistance programs have created a
path out of conflict and dislocation, helped to restore
elementary security and civic institutions, and
promoted political stability and economic recovery.
Arms Control and Nonproliferation
Arms control and nonproliferation initiatives are an
essential element of our national security strategy
and a critical complement to our efforts to defend our
nation through our own military strength. We pursue
verifiable arms control and nonproliferation
agreements that support our efforts to prevent the
spread and use of WMD, prevent the spread of
materials and expertise for producing WMD and the
means of delivering them, halt the use of
conventional weapons that cause unnecessary
suffering, and contribute to regional stability at lower
levels of armaments. In addition, by increasing
transparency in the size, structure and operations of
military forces and building confidence in the
intentions of other countries, arms control
agreements and confidence-building measures
constrain inventories of dangerous weapons, reduce
incentives and opportunities to initiate an attack,
reduce the mutual suspicions that arise from and
spur on armaments competition, and help provide the
assurance of security necessary to strengthen
cooperative relationships and direct resources to
safer, more productive endeavors.
Verifiable reductions in strategic offensive arms and
the steady shift toward less destabilizing systems
remain essential to our strategy. Entry into force of
the START I Treaty in December 1994 charted the
course for reductions in the deployed strategic
nuclear forces of the United States and Russia. The
other countries of the former Soviet Union that had
nuclear weapons on their soil – Belarus, Kazakhstan
and Ukraine – have become non-nuclear weapons
states. Once the START II Treaty enters into force,
the United States and Russia will each be limited to
between 3,000-3,500 accountable strategic nuclear
warheads. START II also will eliminate destabilizing
land-based multiple warhead and heavy missiles. On
September 26, 1997, the United States and Russia
signed a START II Protocol extending the end date
for reductions to 2007, and exchanged letters on
early deactivation by 2003 of those strategic nuclear
delivery systems to be eliminated by 2007.
At the Helsinki Summit in March 1997, Presidents
Clinton and Yeltsin agreed to START III guidelines
that, if adopted, will cap the number of strategic
nuclear warheads deployed in each country at 2,0002,500 by the end of 2007 – reducing both our
arsenals by 80 percent from Cold War heights. They
also agreed that, in order to promote the irreversibility
of deep reductions, a START III agreement will
include measures relating to the transparency of
strategic nuclear warhead inventories and the
destruction of strategic nuclear warheads. The
statement also committed the two nations to explore
possible measures relating to non-strategic nuclear
weapons, to include appropriate confidence building
and transparency measures.
The Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty remains a
cornerstone of strategic stability, and the United
States is committed to continued efforts to enhance
the Treaty’s viability and effectiveness. At the
Helsinki Summit, Presidents Clinton and Yeltsin
reaffirmed their commitment to the ABM Treaty and
recognized the need for effective theater missile
defenses in an agreement in principle on
demarcation between systems to counter strategic
ballistic missiles and those to counter theater ballistic
On September 26, 1997, representatives of the
United States, Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and
Ukraine signed or initialed five agreements relating to
the ABM Treaty. At the Cologne G-8 Summit in June
1999, Presidents Clinton and Yeltsin reiterated their
determination to achieve earliest possible ratification
and entry into force of those agreements. The
agreements on demarcation and succession will be
provided to the Senate for its advice and consent
following Russian ratification of START II.
The two presidents also reaffirmed at Cologne their
existing obligations under Article XIII of the ABM
Treaty to consider possible changes in the strategic
situation that have a bearing on the ABM Treaty and,
as appropriate, possible proposals for further
increasing the viability of the Treaty. They also
agreed to begin discussions on the ABM Treaty,
which are now underway in parallel with discussions
on START III. The United States is proposing that
the ABM Treaty be modified to accommodate
possible deployment of a limited National Missile
Defense (NMD) system which would counter new
rogue state threats while preserving strategic
At the Moscow Summit in September 1998,
Presidents Clinton and Yeltsin agreed on a new
initiative for the exchange of early warning
information on missile launches. The agreement will
significantly reduce the danger that ballistic missiles
could be launched inadvertently on false warning of
attack. It will also promote increased mutual
confidence in the capabilities of the ballistic missile
early warning systems of both sides. The United
States and Russia will develop arrangements for
providing each other with continuous information from
their respective early warning systems on launches of
ballistic missiles and space launch vehicles. As part
of this initiative, the United States and Russia are
establishing a Joint Warning Center in Russia to
continuously monitor early warning data. The United
States and Russia are also working towards
establishing a ballistic missile and space launch
vehicle pre-launch notification regime in which other
states would be invited to participate.
To be secure, we must not only have a strong
military; we must also take the lead in building a
safer, more responsible world. We have a
fundamental responsibility to limit the spread of
nuclear weapons and reduce the danger of nuclear
war. To this end, the United States remains
committed to bringing the Comprehensive Nuclear
Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) into force.
More than 150 countries have signed the Treaty so
far, agreeing to refrain from all nuclear explosive
testing. The CTBT will constrain nuclear weapons
development and will also help prevent nuclear
weapons technologies from spreading to other
countries. The United States ended nuclear testing
seven years ago; the CTBT requires other countries
to refrain from testing, too. We have developed
means of making sure our nuclear weapons work
through non-nuclear tests and computer simulations,
rather than by tests with nuclear explosions, and we
spend $4.5 billion a year to ensure that our nuclear
weapons remain safe and reliable.
The CTBT will put in place a worldwide network for
detecting nuclear explosions. With over 300 stations
around the globe – including 31 in Russia, 11 in
China, and 17 in the Middle East – this international
monitoring system will improve our ability to monitor
suspicious activity and catch cheaters. The United
States already has dozens of monitoring stations of
its own; the CTBT will allow us to take advantage of
other countries’ stations and create new ones, too.
The Treaty also will give us the right to request onsite inspections of suspected nuclear testing sites in
other countries.
The United States will maintain its moratorium on
nuclear testing, and is encouraging all other states to
do the same. We are encouraging all states that
have not done so to sign and ratify the CTBT. We
remain committed to obtaining Senate advice and
consent toward ratification of the CTBT. U.S.
ratification will encourage other states to ratify,
enable the United States to lead the international
effort to gain CTBT entry into force, and strengthen
international norms against nuclear testing.
The Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) is the
cornerstone of international nuclear nonproliferation
efforts and reinforces regional and global security by
creating confidence in the non-nuclear commitments
of its parties. It was an indispensable precondition
for the denuclearization of Ukraine, Kazakhstan,
Belarus and South Africa. We seek to ensure that
the NPT remains a strong and vital element of global
security by achieving universal adherence and full
compliance by its parties with their Treaty obligations.
Achieving a successful Review Conference in 2000
will be important to the future of this critical Treaty.
We will vigorously promote the value of the NPT in
preventing the spread of nuclear weapons while
continuing policies designed to reduce U.S. reliance
on nuclear weapons and to work for their ultimate
To reinforce the international nuclear nonproliferation
regime, we seek to strengthen the International
Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) safeguards system
and achieve a Fissile Material Cutoff Treaty in the
Geneva Conference on Disarmament. Halting
production of fissile materials for nuclear explosions
would cap the supply of nuclear materials available
worldwide for weapons, a key step in halting the
spread of nuclear weapons. A coordinated effort by
the intelligence community and law enforcement
agencies to detect, prevent and deter illegal
trafficking in fissile materials, and the Material
Protection, Control and Accounting program, which
enhances security for nuclear materials having
potential terrorist applications, are also essential to
our counter-proliferation efforts.
Through the Nunn-Lugar Cooperative Threat
Reduction (CTR) Program and other initiatives, we
aim to strengthen controls over weapons-usable
fissile material and prevent the theft or diversion of
WMD and related material and technology from the
former Soviet Union. The CTR Program has
effectively supported enhanced safety, security,
accounting and centralized control measures for
nuclear weapons and fissile materials in the former
Soviet Union. It has assisted Ukraine, Kazakhstan
and Belarus in becoming non-nuclear weapons
states and will continue to assist Russia in meeting
its START obligations. The CTR Program is also
supporting measures to eliminate and prevent the
proliferation of chemical weapons and biological
weapon-related capabilities, and has supported many
ongoing military reductions and reform measures in
the former Soviet Union. We are working to
strengthen the Convention on the Physical Protection
of Nuclear Material to increase accountability and
protection, which complements our effort to enhance
IAEA safeguards.
In 1999, the President launched the Expanded Threat
Reduction Initiative (ETRI). This effort is designed to
address the new security challenges in Russia and
the other Newly Independent States (NIS) caused by
the financial crisis, including preventing WMD
proliferation, reducing the threat posed by residual
WMD, and stabilizing the military. This initiative
builds on the success of existing programs, such as
the CTR program, the Material Protection, Control
and Accounting program and the Science Centers, to
make additional progress in the more challenging
environment now facing Russia and the NIS. ETRI
initiatives will substantially expand our cooperative
efforts to eliminate WMD in the NIS and prevent their
proliferation abroad. A new component of our
nuclear security program will greatly increase the
security of fissile material by concentrating it at fewer,
well-protected sites, and new programs will increase
the security of facilities and experts formerly
associated with the Soviet Union’s biological
weapons effort.
At the Cologne summit in June 1999, the leaders of
the G-8 nations affirmed their intention to establish
arrangements to protect and safely manage
weapons-grade fissile material no longer required for
defense purposes, especially plutonium. They
expressed strong support for initiatives being
undertaken by G-8 countries and others for scientific
and technical cooperation necessary to support
future large-scale disposition programs, invited all
interested countries to support projects for early
implementation of such programs, and urged
establishment of a joint strategy for cooperation in
large-scale disposition projects. They also
recognized that an international approach to
financing will be required – involving both public and
private funds – and agreed to review potential
increases in their resource commitments prior to the
next G-8 Summit in July 2000.
We are purchasing tons of highly enriched uranium
from dismantled Russian nuclear weapons for
conversion into commercial reactor fuel, and working
with Russia to remove 34 metric tons of plutonium
from each country’s nuclear weapons programs and
converting it so that it can never be used in nuclear
weapons. We are redirecting dozens of former
Soviet WMD facilities and tens of thousands of
former Soviet WMD scientists in Eastern Europe and
Eurasia from military activities to beneficial civilian
research. These efforts include implementing a new
biotechnical initiative aimed at increasing
transparency in former Soviet biological weapons
facilities and redirecting their scientists to civilian
commercial, agricultural, and public health activities.
In support of U.S. efforts to prevent proliferation of
WMD by organized crime groups and individuals in
the NIS and Eastern Europe, the Departments of
Defense, Energy, Commerce, the U.S. Customs
Service, and the FBI are engaging in programs that
assist governments in developing effective export
control systems and capabilities to prevent, deter, or
detect proliferation of WMD and weapons materials
across borders. These programs provide training,
equipment, advice, and services to law enforcement
and border security agencies in these countries.
We seek to strengthen the Biological Weapons
Convention (BWC) with a new international regime to
ensure compliance. We are negotiating with other
BWC member states in an effort to reach consensus
on a protocol to the BWC that would implement an
inspection system to enhance compliance and
promote transparency. We are also working hard to
implement and enforce the Chemical Weapons
Convention (CWC). The United States Congress
underscored the importance of these efforts in
October 1998 by passing implementing legislation
that makes it possible for the United States to comply
with the requirements in the CWC for commercial
declarations and inspections.
The Administration also seeks to prevent
destabilizing buildups of conventional arms and limit
access to sensitive technical information, equipment
and technologies by strengthening international
regimes, including the Wassenaar Arrangement on
Export Controls for Conventional Arms and Dual-Use
Goods and Technologies, the Australia Group (for
chemical and biological weapons), the Missile
Technology Control Regime, the Nuclear Suppliers
Group, and the Zangger Committee (which ensures
that IAEA safeguards are applied to nuclear exports).
At the NATO 50 Anniversary Summit, Allied leaders
agreed to enhance NATO’s ability to deal both
politically and militarily with the proliferation of
weapons of mass destruction and the means of their
Regional nonproliferation efforts are particularly
important in three critical proliferation zones. On the
Korean Peninsula, we are implementing the 1994
Agreed Framework, which requires full compliance by
North Korea with its nonproliferation obligations. We
also seek to convince North Korea to halt its
indigenous missile program and exports of missile
systems and technologies. In the Middle East and
Southwest Asia, we encourage regional confidence
building measures and arms control agreements that
address the legitimate security concerns of all
parties, and continue efforts to thwart and roll back
Iran’s development of WMD and long-range missiles,
and Iraq’s efforts to reconstitute its WMD programs.
In South Asia, we seek to persuade India and
Pakistan to refrain from weaponization or deployment
of nuclear weapons, testing or deploying missiles
capable of delivering nuclear weapons, and further
production of fissile material for nuclear weapons, as
well as to adhere fully to international nonproliferation
standards and to sign and ratify the CTBT.
Over the past three years, the United States has
worked to ensure that the landmark 1990
Conventional Armed Forces in Europe (CFE) Treaty
remains a cornerstone of European peace, security
and stability into the twenty-first century. On
November 19, 1999, we joined the other 29 CFE
States Parties in signing an Adaptation Agreement
that eliminates obsolete bloc-to-bloc limits and
replaces them with nationally based ceilings. It will
also enhance transparency through more information
and inspections, strengthen requirements for host
nation consent to the presence of foreign forces, and
open the treaty to accession by other European
nations. The accompanying CFE Final Act reflects a
number of important political commitments, including
agreements on the complete withdrawal of Russian
armed forces from Moldova and partial withdrawal of
Russian forces from Georgia. President Clinton has
stated that he will only submit the CFE Adaptation
Agreement to the Senate for advice and consent to
ratification when Russian forces have been reduced
to the flank levels set forth in the adapted Treaty.
President Clinton is committed to ending the threat to
innocent civilians from anti-personnel landmines
(APLs). The United States has already taken major
steps toward this goal while ensuring our ability to
meet international obligations and provide for the
safety and security of our men and women in
uniform. President Clinton has directed the Defense
Department to end the use of all APLs, including selfdestructing APLs, outside Korea by 2003 and to
pursue aggressively the objective of having APL
alternatives ready for Korea by 2006. We will also
aggressively pursue alternatives to our mixed antitank systems that contain anti-personnel
submunitions. We have made clear that the United
States will sign the Ottawa Convention by 2006 if by
then we have succeeded in identifying and fielding
suitable alternatives to our self-destructing APLs and
mixed anti-tank systems.
In May 1999, we gained Senate advice and consent
to ratification of the Amended Mines Protocol to the
Convention on Conventional Weapons. This
agreement addresses the worldwide humanitarian
problem caused by APLs by banning the use of nondetectable APLs and severely limiting the use of
long-duration APLs to clearly marked and monitored
fields that effectively keep out civilians. We have
established a permanent ban on APL exports and are
seeking to universalize an export ban through the
Conference on Disarmament in Geneva. We are
supporting humanitarian demining programs
worldwide through engagement with mine-afflicted
nations and the international community, and through
our "Demining 2010" initiative have challenged the
world to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of
removing landmines that threaten civilians.
Military Activities
The U.S. military plays a crucial role in shaping the
international security environment in ways that
protect and promote U.S. interests, but is not a
substitute for other forms of engagement, such as
diplomatic, economic, scientific, technological,
cultural and educational activities. Through
overseas presence and peacetime engagement
activities such as defense cooperation, security
assistance, and training and exercises with allies and
friends, our Armed Forces help to deter aggression
and coercion, build coalitions, promote regional
stability and serve as role models for militaries in
emerging democracies. With countries that are
neither staunch friends nor known foes, military
cooperation can serve as a positive means of
building security relationships today that will
contribute to improved relations tomorrow. At the
same time, we remain firmly committed to human
rights and we will continue to ensure that we do not
train or assist known human rights abusers.
Maintaining our overseas presence promotes
regional stability, giving substance to our security
commitments, helping to prevent the development of
power vacuums and instability, and contributing to
deterrence by demonstrating our determination to
defend U.S., allied, and friendly interests in critical
regions. Having credible combat forces forward
deployed in peacetime also better positions the
United States to respond rapidly to crises. Equally
essential is effective global power projection, which is
key to the flexibility demanded of our forces and
provides options for responding to potential crises
and conflicts even when we have no permanent
presence or a limited infrastructure in a region.
Strategic mobility is a key element of our strategy. It
is critical for allowing the United States to be first on
the scene with assistance in many domestic or
international crises, and is a key to successful
American leadership and engagement. Deployment
and sustainment of U.S. and multinational forces
requires maintaining and ensuring access to
sufficient fleets of aircraft, ships, vehicles and trains,
as well as bases, ports, pre-positioned equipment
and other infrastructure.
Although military activities are an important pillar of
our effort to shape the global security environment,
we must always be mindful that the primary mission
of our Armed Forces is to deter and, if necessary, to
fight and win conflicts in which our vital interests are
Just as American engagement overall must be
selective—focusing on the threats and opportunities
most relevant to our interests and applying our
resources where we can make the greatest
difference—so must our use of the Armed Forces for
engagement be selective. Engagement activities
must be carefully managed to prevent erosion of our
military’s current and long-term readiness. The
Defense Department's theater engagement planning
process, which was approved by the President in
1997, helps ensure that military engagement
activities are prioritized within and across theaters,
and balanced against available resources. In short,
we must prioritize military engagement activities to
ensure the readiness of our Armed Forces to carry
out crisis response and warfighting missions, as well
as to ensure that we can sustain an appropriate level
of engagement activities over the long term.
Our ability to deter potential adversaries in peacetime
rests on several factors, particularly on our
demonstrated will and ability to uphold our security
commitments when they are challenged. We have
earned this reputation through both our declaratory
policy, which clearly communicates costs to potential
adversaries, and our credible warfighting capability.
This capability is embodied in ready forces and
equipment strategically stationed or deployed
forward, in forces in the United States at the
appropriate level of readiness to deploy when
needed, in our ability to gain timely access to critical
regions and infrastructure overseas, and in our
demonstrated ability to form and lead effective
military coalitions. Because terrorist organizations
may not be deterred by traditional means, we must
ensure a robust capability to accurately attribute the
source of attacks against the United States or its
citizens, and to respond effectively and decisively to
protect our national interests.
Our nuclear deterrent posture is one example of how
U.S. military capabilities are used effectively to deter
aggression and coercion against U.S. interests.
Nuclear weapons serve as a guarantee of our
security commitments to allies and a disincentive to
those who would contemplate developing or
otherwise acquiring their own nuclear weapons. Our
military planning for the possible employment of U.S.
strategic nuclear weapons is focused on deterring a
nuclear war and emphasizes the survivability of our
nuclear systems and infrastructure necessary to
endure a preemptive attack and still respond at
overwhelming levels. The United States will continue
to maintain a robust triad of strategic nuclear forces
sufficient to deter any potential adversaries who may
have or seek access to nuclear forces – to convince
them that seeking a nuclear advantage or resorting to
nuclear weapons would be futile. In addition, some
U.S. non-strategic nuclear forces are maintained in a
forward-deployed status in NATO as a visible
reminder of our security commitment.
We must also ensure the continued viability of the
infrastructure that supports U.S. nuclear forces and
weapons. The Stockpile Stewardship Program will
provide high confidence in the safety and reliability of
our nuclear weapons under the Comprehensive
Nuclear Test Ban Treaty.
The United States is committed to preserving
internationally recognized freedom of navigation on
and overflight of the world's oceans, which are critical
to the future strength of our nation and to maintaining
global stability. Freedom of navigation and overflight
are essential to our economic security and for the
worldwide movement and sustainment of U.S.
military forces. These freedoms are codified in the
United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea,
which the President submitted to the Senate in 1994
for advice and consent to ratification. In addition to
lending the certainty of the rule of law to an area
critical to our national security, the Convention
preserves our leadership in global ocean policy.
Thus, the Law of the Sea Convention buttresses the
strategic advantages that the United States gains
from being a global power, and ratification of the
Convention remains a high priority.
We are committed to maintaining U.S. leadership in
space. Unimpeded access to and use of space is a
vital national interest – essential for protecting U.S.
national security, promoting our prosperity and
ensuring our well-being. Consistent with our
international obligations, we will deter threats to our
interests in space, counter hostile efforts against U.S.
access to and use of space, and maintain the ability
to counter space systems and services that could be
used for hostile purposes against our military forces,
command and control systems, or other critical
capabilities. We will maintain our technological
superiority in space systems, and sustain a robust
U.S. space industry and a strong, forward-looking
research base. We also will continue efforts to
prevent the spread of weapons of mass destruction
to space, and will continue to pursue global
partnerships addressing space-related scientific,
economic, environmental and security issues.
We also are committed to maintaining information
superiority – the capability to collect, process, and
disseminate an uninterrupted flow of information
while exploiting and/or denying an adversary’s ability
to do the same. Operational readiness, as well as
the command and control of forces, relies
increasingly on information systems and technology.
We must keep pace with rapidly evolving information
technology so that we can cultivate and harvest the
promise of information superiority among U.S. forces
and coalition partners while exploiting the shortfalls in
our adversaries’ information capabilities.
Quality people – civilian and military – are our most
critical asset in implementing our defense activities.
The quality of our men and women in uniform will be
the deciding factor in future military operations. We
must ensure that we remain the most fully prepared
and best trained military force in the world.
Accordingly, we will continue to place the highest
priority on programs that support recruiting, retention,
quality of life, training and education.
International Law Enforcement
As threats to our national security from terrorism,
drug trafficking and other international crime
increase, U.S. and foreign law enforcement and
judicial agencies must continue to find innovative
ways to implement a concerted, global plan to
combat international crime. As highlighted in the
President’s International Crime Control Strategy, one
way to accomplish this is through cooperative
activities, such as overseas law enforcement
presence, that leverage our resources and foster the
establishment of effective working relationships with
foreign law enforcement agencies. U.S. investigators
and prosecutors work to enlist the cooperation of
foreign law enforcement officials, keeping crime away
from American shores, enabling the arrest of many
U.S. fugitives and solving serious U.S. crimes. This
presence creates networks of law enforcement
professionals dedicated to preventing crime and
bringing international criminals to justice.
The Department of State and U.S. federal law
enforcement agencies are engaged in a cooperative
effort to provide assistance to law enforcement
agencies in Central and Eastern Europe and East
Asia through the International Law Enforcement
Academies that have been established in Hungary
and Thailand. The ILEA initiative is a multinational
effort organized by the United States, the host
nations, and other international training partners to
provide mutual assistance and law enforcement
Environmental and Health
Decisions today regarding the environment and
natural resources can affect our security for
generations. Environmental threats do not heed
national borders; environmental peril overseas can
pose long-term dangers to Americans’ security and
well-being. Natural resource scarcities can trigger
and exacerbate conflict. Environmental threats such
as climate change, stratospheric ozone depletion,
introduction of nuisance plant and animal species,
overharvesting of fish, forests and other living natural
resources, and the transnational movement of
hazardous chemicals and waste directly threaten the
health and economic well-being of U.S. citizens.
We have a full diplomatic agenda to respond
aggressively to environmental threats. For example,
at Kyoto in December 1997, the industrialized nations
of the world agreed for the first time to binding limits
on greenhouse gases. This was a vital turning point,
but we must press for participation by key developing
nations and will not submit the Kyoto protocol for
ratification until they have agreed to participate
meaningfully in efforts to address global warming.
Diseases and health risks can no longer be viewed
solely as a domestic concern. Like the global
economy, the health and well-being of all peoples are
becoming increasingly interdependent. With the
movement of millions of people per day across
international borders and the expansion of
international trade, health issues as diverse as
importation of dangerous infectious diseases and
bioterrorism preparedness profoundly affect our
national security. Besides reducing the direct threat
to Americans from disease, healthy populations
internationally provide an essential underpinning for
economic development, democratization and political
stability. We are, therefore, taking a leadership role
to promote international cooperation on health
Beyond these general concerns, a number of specific
international health issues are critical for our national
security. Because a growing proportion of our
national food supply is coming from international
sources, assuring the safety of the food we consume
must be a priority. The Administration has
announced new and stronger programs to ensure the
safety of imported as well as domestic foods, to be
overseen by the President’s Council on Food Safety.
New and emerging infections such as drug-resistant
tuberculosis and the Ebola virus can move with the
speed of jet travel. We are actively engaged with the
international health community as well as the World
Health Organization to stop the spread of these
dangerous diseases.
The worldwide epidemic HIV/AIDS is destroying
peoples and economies on an unprecedented scale
and is now the number one cause of death in Africa,
killing over 5,500 per day. The Administration has
taken bold new steps to combat this devastating
epidemic, including reaching agreement in 1999 with
the G-8 in Cologne to link debt relief with social
programs such as HIV/AIDS prevention. And at the
United Nations in September 1999, the President
committed the United States to a concerted effort to
accelerate the development and delivery of vaccines
for AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis and other diseases
disproportionately affecting the developing world. He
announced plans for a special White House meeting
to strengthen incentives to work with the private
sector on common goals for fighting these diseases.
Responding to Threats and
Because our shaping efforts alone cannot guarantee
the international security environment we seek, the
United States must be able to respond at home and
abroad to the full spectrum of threats and crises that
may arise. Our resources are finite, so we must be
selective in our responses, focusing on challenges
that most directly affect our interests and engaging
where we can make the most difference. We must
use the most appropriate tool or combination of tools
– diplomacy, public diplomacy, economic measures,
law enforcement, military operations, and others. We
act in alliance or partnership when others share our
interests, but unilaterally when compelling national
interests so demand.
Efforts to deter an adversary – be it an aggressor
nation, terrorist group or criminal organization – can
become the leading edge of crisis response. In this
sense, deterrence straddles the line between shaping
the international environment and responding to
crises. Deterrence in crisis generally involves
signaling the United States’ commitment to a
particular country or interest by enhancing our
warfighting capability in the theater. We may also
choose to make additional statements to
communicate the costs of aggression or coercion to
an adversary, and in some cases may choose to
employ U.S. forces to underline the message and
deter further adventurism.
Transnational Threats
Transnational threats include terrorism, drug
trafficking and other international crime, and illegal
trade in fissile materials and other dangerous
The United States has made concerted efforts to
deter and punish terrorists, and remains determined
to apprehend and bring to justice those who terrorize
American citizens. We make no concessions to
terrorists. We fully exploit all available legal
mechanisms to punish international terrorists,
eliminate foreign terrorists and their support networks
in our country, and extend the reach of financial
sanctions to international terrorist support networks.
And we seek to eliminate terrorist sanctuaries
overseas, counter state support for terrorism, and
help other governments improve their capabilities to
combat terrorism.
To respond to terrorism incidents overseas, the State
Department leads an interagency team, the Foreign
Emergency Support Team (FEST), which is prepared
to deploy on short notice to the scene of an incident.
FEST teams are tailored to the nature of the event
and include personnel from the State Department,
Defense Department, FBI, and other agencies as
appropriate. Additionally, the FBI has five Rapid
Deployment Teams ready to respond quickly to
terrorist events anywhere in the world. The State
Department is also working on agreements with other
nations on response to WMD incidents overseas.
Whenever possible, we use law enforcement and
diplomatic tools to wage the fight against terrorism.
But there have been, and will be, times when those
tools are not enough. As long as terrorists continue
to target American citizens, we reserve the right to
act in self-defense by striking at their bases and
those who sponsor, assist or actively support them.
On August 20, 1998, acting on convincing information
from a variety of reliable sources that the network of
radical groups affiliated with Osama bin Laden had
planned, financed and carried out the bombings of
our embassies in Nairobi and Dar es Salaam, and
planned future attacks against Americans, the U.S.
Armed Forces carried out strikes on one of the most
active terrorist bases in the world. Located in
Afghanistan, it contained key elements of the bin
Laden network's infrastructure and has served as a
training camp for literally thousands of terrorists from
around the globe. We also struck a plant in
Khartoum, Sudan, that was linked by intelligence
information to chemical weapons and to the bin
Laden terror network. The strikes were a necessary
and proportionate response to the imminent threat of
further terrorist attacks against U.S. personnel and
facilities, and demonstrated that no country can be a
safe haven for terrorists.
Drug Trafficking and Other International
A broad range of criminal activities emanating from
overseas threatens the safety and well-being of the
American people.
Drug Trafficking. We have shown that with
determined and relentless efforts, we can make
significant progress against the scourge of drug
abuse and drug trafficking. For much of this century,
organized crime leaders inside the United States
controlled America’s drug trade. Aggressive law
enforcement efforts have dramatically weakened U.S.
crime syndicates. But international trade in drugs
persists; now led by criminals based in foreign
countries. International drug syndicates, especially
those based in Mexico and Colombia, continue to
diversify and seek new markets in the United States
– moving beyond large cities into smaller
communities and rural towns.
The aim of our drug control strategy is to cut illegal
drug use and availability in the United States by 50
percent by 2007 – and reduce the health and social
consequences of drug use and trafficking by 25
percent over the same period, through expanded
prevention efforts, improved treatment programs,
strengthened law enforcement and tougher
interdiction. Our strategy recognizes that, at home
and abroad, prevention, treatment and economic
alternatives must be integrated with intelligence
collection, law enforcement and interdiction efforts.
Domestically, we seek to educate and enable
America’s youth to reject illegal drugs, increase the
safety of America’s citizens by substantially reducing
drug-related crime and violence, reduce health and
social costs to the public of illegal drug use, reduce
domestic cultivation of cannabis and production of
methamphetamines and other synthetic drugs, and
shield America’s air, land and sea frontiers from the
drug threat. Concerted efforts by the public, all levels
of government and the private sector together with
other governments, private groups and international
organizations will be required for our strategy to
Internationally, our strategy recognizes that the most
effective counterdrug operations are mounted at the
source where illegal drugs are grown and produced.
We seek to stop drug trafficking by bolstering the
capabilities of source nations to reduce cultivation
through eradication and development of alternative
crops, and attack production through destruction of
laboratories and control of chemicals used to produce
illegal drugs. In the transit zone between source
regions and the U.S. border, we support interdiction
programs to halt the shipment of illicit drugs. In
concert with allies abroad, we pursue prosecution of
major drug traffickers, destruction of drug trafficking
organizations, prevention of money laundering, and
elimination of criminal financial support networks.
Our strategy also includes efforts to build cooperative
links with foreign law enforcement agencies,
strengthen democratic institutions, assist source
nations to root out corruption, and safeguard human
rights and respect for the rule of law in both source
and transit nations. Additionally, we are engaging
international organizations, financial institutions and
non-governmental organizations in counterdrug
Other International Crime. A free and efficient
market economy requires transparency and effective
law enforcement to combat unlawful activities such
as extortion and corruption that impede rational
business decisions and fair competition. The benefits
of open markets are enhanced by fostering the safe
and secure international movement of passengers
and goods by all modes of transportation.
Additionally, the integrity and reliability of the
international financial system will be improved by
standardizing laws and regulations governing
financial institutions and improving international law
enforcement cooperation in the financial sector.
Corruption and extortion activities by organized crime
groups can also undermine the integrity of
government and imperil fragile democracies. And the
failure of governments to effectively control
international crime rings within their borders – or their
willingness to harbor international criminals –
endangers global stability. There must be no safe
haven where criminals can roam free, beyond the
reach of our extradition and legal assistance treaties.
We are negotiating and implementing new and
updated extradition and mutual legal assistance
treaties, and increasing our enforcement options
through agreements on asset seizure, forfeiture, and
money laundering. The new National Money
Laundering Strategy being implemented by the
Departments of Treasury and Justice is increasing
the effectiveness of America’s efforts both
domestically and internationally to deprive organized
crime groups the benefit of their illegal profits.
Initiatives also are under way to accelerate the
criminal identification process and facilitate global
participation in the investigation and prosecution of
criminal activities through the linking of worldwide law
enforcement databases. This will be done in a
manner that protects the privacy of U.S. citizens.
Because of the global nature of information networks,
no area of criminal activity has greater international
implications than high technology crime. Computer
hackers and other cyber-criminals are not hampered
by international boundaries, since information and
transactions involving funds or property can be
transmitted quickly and covertly via telephone and
information systems. Many of the challenges that law
enforcement faces in this area are extremely difficult
to address without international consensus and
cooperation. We seek to develop and implement
new agreements and encourage cooperative
research and development with other nations to
address high technology crime, particularly cybercrime.
Defending the Homeland
Our potential enemies, whether nations or terrorists,
may be more likely in the future to resort to attacks
against vulnerable civilian targets in the United
States. At the same time, easier access to
sophisticated technology means that the destructive
power available to rogue nations and terrorists is
greater than ever. Adversaries may be tempted to
use long-range ballistic missiles or unconventional
tools, such as WMD, financial destabilization, or
information attacks, to threaten our citizens and
critical national infrastructures at home.
The United States will act to deter or prevent such
attacks and, if attacks occur despite those efforts, will
be prepared to defend against them, limit the damage
they cause, and respond effectively against the
perpetrators. At home, we will forge an effective
partnership of Federal, state and local government
agencies, industry and other private sector
National Missile Defense
We are committed to meeting the growing danger
posed by nations developing and deploying longrange missiles that could deliver weapons of mass
destruction against the United States. Informed by
the Intelligence Community’s analysis of the August
1998 North Korean flight test of its Taepo Dong I
missile, as well as the report of the Rumsfeld
Commission and other information, the
Administration has concluded that the threat posed
by a rogue state developing an ICBM capable of
striking the United States is growing. The
Intelligence Community estimates that during the
next fifteen years the United States will most likely
face an ICBM threat from North Korea, probably from
Iran, and possibly from Iraq.
We intend to determine in 2000 whether to deploy a
limited national missile defense against ballistic
missile threats to the United States from rogue
states. The Administration's decision will be based
on an assessment of the four factors that must be
taken into account in deciding whether to field this
system: (1) whether the threat is materializing; (2) the
status of the technology based on an initial series of
rigorous flight tests, and the proposed system’s
operational effectiveness; (3) whether the system is
affordable; and (4) the implications that going forward
with NMD deployment would hold for the overall
strategic environment and our arms control
objectives, including efforts to achieve further
reductions in strategic nuclear arms under START II
In making our decision, we will review progress in
achieving our arms control objectives, including
negotiating changes to the ABM Treaty that would
permit the deployment of a limited NMD system. At
the Cologne G-8 Summit in June 1999, Presidents
Clinton and Yeltsin agreed to begin discussions on
START III and the ABM Treaty. Their reaffirmation
that under the ABM Treaty the two sides are
obligated to consider possible changes in the
strategic situation that have a bearing on the Treaty
and possible proposals for further increasing the
viability of the Treaty opened the door for discussion
of proposals for modifying the Treaty to
accommodate a limited NMD deployment. The
United States will attempt to negotiate changes to the
ABM Treaty that would be necessary if we decide to
deploy a limited NMD system. At the same time, the
Administration has made clear that it will not give any
state a veto over any missile defense deployment
decision that is vital to our national security interests.
Countering Foreign Intelligence
The United States is a primary target of foreign
intelligence services due to our military, scientific,
technological and economic preeminence. Foreign
intelligence services aggressively seek information
about U.S. political and military intentions and
capabilities, and are stepping up their efforts to
collect classified or sensitive information on U.S.
weapons systems, emerging technologies with
military applications, and related technical methods.
Such information enables potential adversaries to
counter U.S. political and military objectives, develop
sophisticated weapons more quickly and efficiently,
and develop countermeasures against U.S. weapons.
Intelligence collection against U.S. economic,
commercial and proprietary information enables
foreign states and corporations to obtain shortcuts to
industrial development and improve their
competitiveness against U.S. corporations in global
markets. Although difficult to quantify, economic and
industrial espionage result in the loss of millions of
dollars and thousands of jobs annually.
To protect sensitive national security information, we
must be able to effectively counter the collection
efforts of foreign intelligence services through
vigorous counterintelligence efforts and security
programs. Over the last five years, we have created
new counterintelligence mechanisms to address
economic and industrial espionage and implemented
procedures to improve coordination among
intelligence, counterintelligence and law enforcement
agencies. These measures have considerably
strengthened our ability to counter the foreign
intelligence collection threat. We will continue to
refine and enhance our counterintelligence
capabilities as we enter the twenty-first century.
Domestic Preparedness Against
Weapons of Mass Destruction
The Federal Government will respond rapidly and
decisively to any terrorist incident in the United States
involving WMD, working with state and local
governments to restore order and deliver emergency
assistance. The Domestic Terrorism Program is
integrating the capabilities and assets of a number of
Federal agencies to support the FBI, FEMA, the
Department of Health and Human Services, and state
and local governments in crisis response and
managing the consequences of a WMD incident. We
continue to develop and refine a comprehensive
strategy to protect our civilian population from
nuclear, biological and chemical weapons. We are
upgrading our public health and medical surveillance
systems to enhance our preparedness for a biological
or chemical weapons attack, and helping to ensure
that federal, state and local emergency response
personnel have the resources they need to deal with
such a crisis.
Critical Infrastructure Protection
Our national security and our economic prosperity
rest on a foundation of critical infrastructures,
including telecommunications, energy, banking and
finance, transportation, water systems and
emergency services. These infrastructures are
vulnerable to computer-generated and physical
attacks. More than any nation, America is dependent
on cyberspace. We know that other governments
and terrorist groups are creating sophisticated, wellorganized capabilities to launch cyber-attacks against
critical American information networks and the
infrastructures that depend on them.
The President has directed that a plan for defending
our critical infrastructures be in effect by May 2001,
and fully operational by December 2003. Through
this plan we will achieve and maintain the ability to
protect our critical infrastructures from intentional acts
that would significantly diminish the ability of the
Federal Government to perform essential national
security missions. This plan will also help ensure the
general public health and safety; protect the ability of
state and local governments to maintain order and to
deliver minimum essential public services; and work
with the private sector to ensure the orderly
functioning of the economy and the delivery of
essential telecommunications, energy, financial and
transportation services.
The Federal government is committed to building this
capability to defend our critical infrastructures, but it
cannot do it alone. The private sector, as much as
the Federal government, is a target for infrastructure
attacks, whether by cyber or other means. A new
partnership between the Federal government and the
private sector is required. Acting jointly, we will work
to identify and eliminate significant vulnerabilities in
our critical infrastructures and the information
systems that support them.
We are creating the systems necessary to detect and
respond to attacks before they can cause serious
damage. For the first time, law enforcement,
intelligence agencies and the private sector will
share, in a manner consistent with U.S. law,
information about cyber-threats, vulnerabilities and
attacks. The Government is developing and
deploying new intrusion detection network
technologies to protect Defense Department and
other critical Federal systems, and we are
encouraging the private sector to develop and deploy
appropriate protective technology as well. A
nationwide system for quickly reconstituting in the
face of a serious cyber-attack is being developed.
Every Federal Department is also developing a plan
to protect its own critical infrastructures, which
include both cyber and physical dimensions.
Finally, we will be building a strong foundation for
continued protection of our critical infrastructures:
increased Federal R&D in information security,
increased investment in training and educating cybersecurity practitioners, and evaluating whether
legislation is necessary to protect both our civil
liberties and our critical infrastructures.
National Security Emergency
We will do all we can to deter and prevent destructive
and threatening forces such as terrorism, WMD use,
disruption of our critical infrastructures, and regional
or state-centered threats from endangering our
citizens. But if an emergency occurs, we must be
prepared to respond effectively at home and abroad
to protect lives and property, mobilize the personnel,
resources and capabilities necessary to effectively
handle the emergency, and ensure the survival of our
institutions and infrastructures. To this end, we will
sustain our efforts to maintain comprehensive, allhazard emergency planning by federal departments,
agencies and the military, as well as a strong and
responsive industrial and technology base, as crucial
national security emergency preparedness
Smaller-Scale Contingencies
In addition to defending the U.S. homeland, the
United States must be prepared to respond to the full
range of threats to our interests abroad. Smallerscale contingency operations encompass the full
range of military operations short of major theater
warfare, including humanitarian assistance, peace
operations, enforcing embargoes and no-fly zones,
evacuating U.S. citizens, and reinforcing key allies.
These operations will likely pose frequent challenges
for U.S. military forces and cumulatively require
significant commitments over time. These operations
will also put a premium on the ability of the U.S.
military to work closely and effectively with other U.S.
Government agencies, non-governmental
organizations, regional and international security
organizations and coalition partners.
It often will be in our national interest to proceed in
partnership with other nations to preserve, maintain
and restore peace. American participation in peace
operations takes many forms, such as the NATO-led
coalitions in Bosnia and Kosovo, the American-led
UN force in Haiti, the recently concluded Military
Observer Mission Ecuador and Peru (MOMEP), our
participation in the coalition operation in the Sinai,
military observers in UN missions in Western Sahara,
Georgia and the Middle East, and the UN mission in
East Timor.
The question of command and control in multinational
contingency operations is particularly critical. Under
no circumstances will the President ever relinquish
his constitutional command authority over U.S.
forces, but there may be times in the future, just as in
the past, when it is in our interest to place U.S. forces
under the temporary operational control of a
competent allied or United Nations commander.
Not only must the U.S. military be prepared to
successfully conduct multiple smaller-scale
contingencies worldwide, it must be prepared to do
so in the face of challenges such as terrorism,
information operations and the threat or use of WMD.
U.S. forces must also remain prepared to withdraw
from contingency operations if needed to deploy to a
major theater war. Accordingly, appropriate U.S.
forces will be kept at a high level of readiness and will
be trained, equipped and organized to be capable of
performing multiple missions at one time.
Major Theater Warfare
airfields, seaports and supply depots in theater – as
well as our forces deployed in the field.
Fighting and winning major theater wars is the
ultimate test of our Armed Forces – a test at which
they must always succeed. For the foreseeable
future, the United States, preferably in concert with
allies, must have the capability to deter and, if
deterrence fails, defeat large-scale, cross-border
aggression in two distant theaters in overlapping time
frames. Maintaining a two major theater war
capability reassures our friends and allies and makes
coalition relationships with the United States more
attractive. It deters opportunism elsewhere when we
are heavily involved in deterring or defeating
aggression in one theater, or while conducting
multiple smaller-scale contingencies and
engagement activities in other theaters. It also
provides a hedge against the possibility that we might
encounter threats larger or more difficult than
expected. A strategy for deterring and defeating
aggression in two theaters ensures we maintain the
capability and flexibility to meet unknown future
threats, while continued global engagement helps
preclude such threats from developing.
We are enhancing the preparedness of our Armed
Forces to effectively conduct sustained operations
despite the presence, threat or use of WMD. These
efforts include development, procurement and
deployment of theater missile defense systems to
protect forward-deployed military personnel, as well
as improved intelligence collection capabilities,
heightened security awareness and force protection
measures worldwide. We are also enhancing our
ability to defend against hostile information
operations, which could in the future take the form of
a full-scale, strategic information attack against our
critical national infrastructures, government and
economy – as well as attacks directed against our
military forces.
Fighting and winning major theater wars entails three
challenging requirements. First, we must maintain
the ability to rapidly defeat initial enemy advances
short of the enemy’s objectives in two theaters, in
close succession. We must maintain this ability to
ensure that we can seize the initiative, minimize
territory lost before an invasion is halted and ensure
the integrity of our warfighting coalitions. Failure to
defeat initial enemy advances rapidly would make the
subsequent campaign to evict enemy forces from
captured territory more difficult, lengthy and costly,
and could undermine U.S. credibility and increase the
risk of conflict elsewhere.
Second, the United States must be prepared to fight
and win under conditions where an adversary may
use asymmetric means against us – unconventional
approaches that avoid or undermine our strengths
while exploiting our vulnerabilities. Because of our
conventional military dominance, adversaries are
likely to use asymmetric means, such as WMD,
information operations or terrorism. Such
asymmetric attacks could be used to disrupt the
critical logistics pipeline – from its origins in the
United States, along sea and air routes, at in-transit
refueling and staging bases, to its termination at
Third, our military must also be able to transition to
fighting major theater wars from a posture of global
engagement – from substantial levels of peacetime
engagement overseas as well as multiple concurrent
smaller-scale contingency operations. Withdrawing
from such operations would pose significant political
and operational challenges. Ultimately, however, the
United States must accept a degree of risk
associated with withdrawing from contingency
operations and engagement activities in order to
reduce the greater risk incurred if we failed to
respond adequately to major theater wars.
The Decision to Employ Military
The decision whether to use force is dictated first and
foremost by our national interests. In those specific
areas where our vital interests are at stake, our use
of force will be decisive and, if necessary, unilateral.
In situations posing a threat to important national
interests, military forces should only be used if they
advance U.S. interests, they are likely to accomplish
their objectives, the costs and risks of their
employment are commensurate with the interests at
stake, and other non-military means are incapable of
achieving our objectives. Such uses of military forces
should be selective and limited, reflecting the
importance of the interests at stake. We act in
concert with the international community whenever
possible, but do not hesitate to act unilaterally when
The decision to employ military forces to support our
humanitarian and other interests focuses on the
unique capabilities and resources the military can
bring to bear, rather than on its combat power.
Generally, the military is not the best tool for
humanitarian concerns, but under certain conditions
use of our Armed Forces may be appropriate. Those
conditions are when the scale of a humanitarian
catastrophe dwarfs the ability of civilian relief
agencies to respond, when the need for relief is
urgent and only the military has the ability to provide
an immediate response, when the military is needed
to establish the preconditions necessary for effective
application of other instruments of national power,
when a humanitarian crisis could affect U.S. combat
operations, or when a response otherwise requires
unique military resources. Such efforts by the United
States, preferably in conjunction with other members
of the international community, will be limited in
duration, have a clearly defined mission and end
state, entail minimal risk to American lives, and be
designed to give the affected country the opportunity
to restore its own basic services .
In all cases, the costs and risks of U.S. military
involvement must be commensurate with the
interests at stake. We will be more inclined to act
where there is reason to believe that our action will
bring lasting improvement. Our involvement will be
more circumscribed when regional states or
organizations are better positioned to act than we
are. Even in these cases, however, the United
States will be actively engaged with appropriate
diplomatic, economic and military tools.
In every case, we will consider several critical
questions before committing military force: Have we
explored or exhausted non-military means that offer a
reasonable chance of achieving our goals? Is there a
clearly defined, achievable mission? What is the
threat environment and what risks will our forces
face? What level of effort will be needed to achieve
our goals? What are the potential costs—human and
financial—of the operation? What are the opportunity
costs in terms of maintaining our capability to
respond to higher-priority contingencies? Do we
have milestones and a desired end state to guide a
decision on terminating the mission?
Having decided that use of military forces is
appropriate, the decision on how they will be
employed is based on two guidelines. First, our
forces will have a clear mission and the means to
achieve their objectives decisively. Second, as much
as possible, we will seek the support and
participation of our allies, friends and relevant
international institutions. When our vital interests are
at stake, we are prepared to act alone. But in most
situations, working with other nations increases the
effectiveness of each nation's actions and lessens
everyone's burden.
Sustaining our engagement abroad over the long
term will require the support of the American people
and the Congress to bear the costs of defending U.S.
interests – including the risk of losing American lives.
Some decisions to engage abroad with our military
forces could well face popular opposition, but must
ultimately be judged by whether they advance the
interests of the American people in the long run.
When it is judged to be in America’s interest to
intervene, we must remain clear in our purposes and
resolute in our actions.
Preparing for an Uncertain
We must prepare for an uncertain future even as we
address today's security problems. We need to look
closely at our national security apparatus to ensure
its effectiveness by adapting its institutions to meet
new challenges. This means we must transform our
capabilities and organizations – diplomatic, defense,
intelligence, law enforcement, and economic – to act
swiftly and to anticipate new opportunities and threats
in today’s continually evolving, highly complex
international security environment. Preparing for an
uncertain future also means that we must have a
strong, competitive, technologically superior,
innovative and responsive industrial and research
and development base.
Within the military, transformation requires that we
strike a balance among funding three critical
priorities: maintaining the ability of our forces to
shape and respond today, modernizing to protect the
long-term readiness of the force, and transforming
our unparalleled capabilities to ensure we can
effectively shape and respond in the future.
Transformation also means taking prudent steps to
position ourselves to effectively counter unlikely but
significant future threats, particularly asymmetric
threats. We also must work with Allies and coalition
partners to help improve their defense capabilities
and interoperability with our forces, in order to bolster
the effectiveness of multinational operations across
the full spectrum of potential military missions.
Transformation of our military forces is critical to
meeting the military challenges of the next century.
Exploiting the revolution in military affairs is
fundamental if U.S. forces are to retain their
dominance in an uncertain world. Investment in
research and development while closely monitoring
trends in likely future threats are important elements
of our transformation effort. A carefully planned and
focused modernization program will maintain our
technological superiority and replace Cold War-era
equipment with new systems and platforms capable
of supporting the full spectrum of military operations.
Transformation extends well beyond the acquisition
of new military systems – we seek to leverage
technological, doctrinal, operational and
organizational innovations to give U.S. forces greater
capabilities and flexibility. Joint Forces Command
and the Armed Services are pursuing an aggressive,
wide-ranging innovation and experimentation
program to achieve that transformation. The ongoing integration of the Active and Reserve
components into a Total Force is another important
element of the transformation. Despite the rapid
pace of technological innovation, the human
dimension of warfare remains timeless. In this era of
multinational operations and complex threats
involving ethnic, religious, and cultural strife, regional
expertise, language proficiency, and cross-cultural
communications skills have never been more
important to the U.S. military. We will continue to
transform and modernize our forces, ensure the
quality of our personnel, and explore new ways of
optimizing the Total Force for future missions.
To support the readiness, modernization and
transformation of our military forces, we will work with
the Congress to enact legislation to implement the
Defense Reform Initiative, which will free up
resources through a revolution in business affairs.
This effort includes competitive sourcing, acquisition
reform, transformation of logistics, and elimination of
excess infrastructure through two additional base
realignment and closure rounds. The Administration,
in partnership with the Congress, will continue to
assure we maintain the best-trained, best-equipped
and best-led military force in the world for the twentyfirst century.
In the area of law enforcement, the United States is
already facing criminal threats that are much broader
in scope and much more sophisticated than those we
have confronted in the past. Ongoing technological
and economic revolutions such as the Internet and
globalization of markets offer extraordinary benefits,
but will also continue to present new dangers. We
must prepare for the law enforcement challenges
arising from emerging technology, globalization of
trade and finance, and other international dynamics.
Our strategy for the future calls for the development
of new investigative tools and approaches as well as
increased integration of effort among law
enforcement agencies at all levels of government,
both in America and abroad.
We will continue efforts to construct appropriate
twenty-first century national security programs and
structures government-wide. We will continue to
foster innovative approaches and organizational
structures to better protect American lives, property
and interests at home and abroad.
Promoting Prosperity
The second core objective of our national security
strategy is to promote America’s prosperity through
efforts at home and abroad. Our economic and
security interests are inextricably linked. Prosperity at
home depends on stability in key regions with which we
trade or from which we import critical commodities,
such as oil and natural gas. Prosperity also demands
our leadership in international development, financial
and trade institutions. In turn, the strength of our
diplomacy, our ability to maintain an unrivaled military
and the attractiveness of our values abroad depend in
large part on the strength of our economy.
Strengthening Financial
As national economies become more integrated
internationally, U.S. prosperity depends more than
ever on economic developments abroad.
Cooperation with other states and international
organizations is vital to protecting the health of the
global economic system and responding to financial
Global financial markets dominated by private capital
flows provide both opportunities and risks, as
highlighted by the international financial crisis of the
past two years. Our goal is to build a stable, resilient
global financial system that promotes strong global
economic growth while providing broad benefits in all
countries. We have worked with our G-7 partners
and the rest of the international community to pursue
reforms in six broad areas: strengthening and
reforming international institutions and arrangements;
enhancing transparency and promoting best
practices; strengthening financial regulation in
industrial countries; strengthening macroeconomic
policies and financial systems in emerging markets;
improving crisis prevention and management, and
involving the private sector; and promoting social
policies to protect the poor and most vulnerable.
The United States has played an important role in
initiating a process of broader participation in
financial architecture discussions, especially to
include a substantial number of emerging market
economies. In furtherance of this goal, we agreed to
create the G-20 to provide a new mechanism for
informal dialogue in the framework of the Bretton
Woods institutional system to broaden the
discussions on key economic and financial policy
issues and promote cooperation to achieve stable
and sustainable world economic growth.
International financial institutions, particularly the
International Monetary Fund (IMF), have an important
role to play in building a stronger global financial
system. To ensure that it is better positioned to meet
the challenges of the changed world, we are pursuing
a number of IMF reforms, including: requiring greater
openness and transparency; building strong national
financial systems; promoting an appropriate role for
the private sector in preventing and resolving
financial crises; and giving greater attention in IMF
country programs to governance, poverty reduction,
social, labor, and environmental concerns.
continue to expand our international trade to sustain
economic growth at home. The rapidly expanding
global economy presents enormous opportunities for
American companies and workers, particularly in
emerging markets. Our prosperity as a nation in the
twenty-first century will depend upon our ability to
compete effectively in international markets.
The Administration remains committed to carrying
forward the success of the Uruguay Round under the
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT),
and to the success of the World Trade Organization
(WTO) as a forum for openly resolving disputes. We
completed the Information Technology Agreement,
which goes far toward eliminating tariffs on high
technology products, and concluded a landmark
WTO agreement that will dramatically liberalize trade
in telecommunications services. The WTO agenda
includes further negotiations to reform agricultural
trade, liberalize service sector markets, encourage
unfettered development of electronic commerce, and
strengthen protection for intellectual property rights.
We also have a full agenda of accession negotiations
with economies seeking to join the WTO. The United
States is setting high standards for accession in
terms of adherence to the rules and market access.
Accessions offer an opportunity to help ground new
economies in the rules-based trading system and
reinforce their own reform programs.
An OECD Convention on criminalizing the bribery of
foreign officials entered into force in 1999. The
United States and 16 other countries are currently
parties. It provides for a monitoring process, based
on peer review, to evaluate parties' implementation of
the Convention. As parties enact anti-bribery laws,
the tax deductibility of bribes to foreign officials will be
eliminated. We are seeking an agreement in the
WTO on transparency in government procurement.
Promoting an Open Trading
We have also made important strides on labor issues.
WTO members have affirmed their commitment to
observing core labor standards: the right to organize
and bargain collectively, and prohibitions against
employment discrimination, child labor and forced
labor. We will continue pressing for better integration
of the international core labor standards into the WTO's
work, including through closer WTO interaction with the
International Labor Organization (ILO).
In a world where over 96 percent of the world’s
consumers live outside the United States, we must
We will continue to ensure that liberalization of trade
does not come at the expense of national security or
environmental protection. For example, the national
security, law enforcement and trade policy communities
worked together to make sure that the WTO agreement
liberalizing global investment in telecommunications
was consistent with U.S. national security interests.
Moreover, our leadership in the Uruguay Round
negotiations led to the incorporation of environmental
provisions into the WTO agreements and creation of
the Committee on Trade and Environment, which
continues to pursue the goal of ensuring that trade and
environment policies are mutually supportive.
Although significant differences remain, we made
progress on this broad agenda at the recent WTO
Ministerial meeting in Seattle. We will work to ensure
that a new round of global trade talks includes
bringing down barriers in agriculture, manufacturing
and services, keeping electronic commerce tariff-free,
and ensuring that trade will lift living conditions for
working people everywhere while protecting the
environment. We remain determined to move
forward on the path of free trade and economic
growth while ensuring that a human face is put on the
global economy.
In addition to working in the WTO, the Administration
will continue to press for more open markets through
regional economic organizations – such as the Asia
Pacific Economic Cooperation Forum (APEC), the
Transatlantic Economic Partnership, the President’s
economic partnership with sub-Saharan Africa, and
the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA).
Trade agreement implementing authority is essential
for advancing our nation’s economic interests.
Congress has consistently recognized that the
President must have the authority to break down
foreign trade barriers and create good jobs.
Accordingly, the Administration will continue to work
with Congress to fashion an appropriate grant of fast
track authority.
Enhancing American
Gaining full benefit of more open markets requires an
integrated strategy that maintains our technological
advantages, promotes American exports abroad, and
ensures that export controls intended to protect our
national security do not unnecessarily make U.S. high
technology companies less competitive globally.
Technological advantage. We will continue to
support a vigorous science and technology base that
promotes economic growth, creates high-wage jobs,
sustains a healthy, educated citizenry, and provides the
basis for our future military systems. We will invest in
education and training to develop a workforce capable
of participating in our rapidly changing economy. And
we will invest in world-class transportation, information
and space infrastructures for the twenty-first century.
Export Advocacy. The Administration created
America’s first national export strategy, reforming the
way government works with the private sector to
expand exports. The Trade Promotion Coordination
Committee has been instrumental in improving export
promotion efforts, coordinating our export financing,
implementing a government-wide advocacy initiative,
and updating market information systems and product
standards education.
The export strategy is working, with the United States
regaining its position as the world’s largest exporter.
While our strong export performance has supported
millions of new, export-related jobs, we must export
more in the years ahead if we are to further strengthen
our trade balance position and raise living standards
with high-wage jobs .
Enhanced Export Control. The United States is a
world leader in high technology exports, including
satellites, cellular phones, computers, information
security, and commercial aircraft. Some of this
technology has direct or indirect military applications,
or may otherwise be used by states or transnational
organizations to threaten our national security. For
that reason, the United States government carefully
controls high technology exports by placing
appropriate restrictions on the sale of goods and
technologies that could be used for military purposes
or otherwise impair our security. These controls
recognize that in an increasingly competitive global
economy where there are many non-U.S. suppliers,
excessive restrictions will not limit the availability of
high technology goods. Rather, they would serve
only to make U.S. high technology companies less
competitive globally, thus losing market share and
becoming less able to produce cutting-edge products
for the U.S. military and our allies.
Our current policy recognizes that we must balance a
variety of factors. While acting to promote high
technology exports by making license decisions more
transparent, predictable and timely through a rigorous
licensing process administered by the Department of
Commerce, we also expanded review of dual-use
applications by the Departments of Defense, State
and Energy. If any of these agencies disagree with a
proposed export, it can put the issue into a dispute
resolution process that can ultimately rise to the
President. As a result, reviews of dual-use licenses
are today more thorough than ever before. In the
case of munitions exports, we are committed to a
policy of responsible restraint in the transfer of
conventional arms and technologies that could
contribute to WMD. A key goal in the years ahead is
to strengthen worldwide controls in those areas.
Encryption is an example of a specific technology
where careful balance is required. Export controls on
encryption must be considered as part of an overall
policy that balances several important national
interests, including promoting secure electronic
commerce, protecting privacy rights, supporting
public safety and national security interests, and
maintaining U.S. industry leadership. Over the past
year, the Administration, in consultation with industry
and privacy groups, conducted a review of its
encryption policy as well as foreign and domestic
markets, and announced an updated policy in
September 1999. While continuing a balanced
approach, the new policy significantly streamlines
export controls while protecting critical national
security interests. When the new encryption export
regulation is published in early 2000, U.S. companies
will be afforded new opportunities to sell their
encryption products without limits on key length to
global businesses, commercial organizations and
individuals. Most U.S. mass-market software
products, previously limited to 40 and 56 bit keys, will
be approved for export to any end user.
Similarly, computers are a technology where we must
apply export controls in a manner that addresses our
national security concerns and continues to help
strengthen America’s competitiveness. In doing so,
we face extraordinarily rapid technological changes.
Maintaining outdated controls on commodity level
computers would hurt U.S. companies without
benefiting our national security. Recognizing this, the
Administration announced reforms to export controls
on computers in July 1999 that permit higher levels of
computers to be sold to countries which are friendly
to the United States. For countries that present risks
from a national security viewpoint, the Administration
will continue its policy of maintaining a lower
threshold for military end-users than civilian end-
users. Export control agencies will review advances
in computer technology on an ongoing basis and will
provide the President with recommendations to
update computer export controls every six months.
U.S. efforts to stem proliferation cannot be effective
without the cooperation of other countries. We have
strengthened cooperation through the Nuclear
Suppliers Group, the Missile Technology Control
Regime, the Zangger Committee, the Australia Group
for the control of chemical and biological weaponsrelated related items, and the Wassenaar
Arrangement for greater transparency in conventional
arms transfers. These efforts enlist the world
community in the battle against the proliferation of
weapons of mass destruction, advanced conventional
weapons and sensitive technologies, while at the
same time producing a level playing field for U.S.
business by ensuring that our competitors face
corresponding export controls.
Providing for Energy Security
The United States depends on oil for about 40 percent
of its primary energy needs, and roughly half of our oil
needs are met with imports. And although we import
less than 15% of the oil exported from the Persian Gulf,
our allies in Europe and Japan account for about 80%
of those exports. The United States is undergoing a
fundamental shift away from reliance on Middle East
oil. Venezuela is our number one foreign supplier, and
Africa supplies 15% of our imported oil. Canada,
Mexico and Venezuela combined supply almost twice
as much oil to the United States as the Arab OPEC
countries. The Caspian Basin, with potential oil
reserves of 160 billion barrels, promises to play an
increasingly important role in meeting rising world
energy demand in coming decades.
Conservation measures and research leading to
greater energy efficiency and alternative fuels are a
critical element of the U.S. strategy for energy
security. Our research must continue to focus on
developing highly energy-efficient buildings,
appliances, and transportation and industrial
systems, shifting them where possible to alternative
or renewable fuels, such as hydrogen, fuel cell
technology, ethanol, or methanol from biomass.
Conservation and energy research notwithstanding, the
United States will continue to have a vital interest in
ensuring access to foreign oil sources. We must
continue to be mindful of the need for regional stability
and security in key producing areas to ensure our
access to, and the free flow of, these resources.
Promoting Sustainable
Developing countries face an array of challenges in
their efforts to achieve broad-based economic and
social progress and participate more fully in the
opportunities presented by globalization. Poor
environmental and natural resource management can
impede sustainable development efforts and promote
regional instability. Many nations are struggling to
provide jobs, education and other services to their
citizens. Three billion people, half the world’s
population, subsist on less than two dollars a day. Their
continued poverty leads to hunger, malnutrition,
economic migration and political unrest. Malaria, AIDS
and other epidemics, including some that can spread
through environmental damage, threaten to overwhelm
the health facilities of developing countries, disrupt
societies and economic growth, and spread disease to
other parts of the world.
Sustainable development brings higher incomes and
more open markets that create steadily expanding
opportunities for U.S. trade and investment. It
improves the prospects for democracy and social
stability in developing countries and increases global
economic growth, on which the demand for U.S.
exports depends. It alleviates pressure on the global
environment, reduces the attraction of the illegal drug
trade and other illicit commerce, and improves health
and economic productivity. U.S. foreign assistance
focuses on five key elements of sustainable
development: broad-based economic growth, human
capacity development, environmental protection,
population and health, and democracy. We will
continue to advocate environmentally sound private
investment and responsible approaches by
international lenders.
Promoting Democracy and
Human Rights
The third core objective of our national security
strategy is to promote democracy, human rights, and
respect for the rule of law. In the past decade, the
movement of nations away from repressive
governance and toward democratic and publicly
accountable institutions has been extraordinary. Since
the success of many of those changes is by no means
assured, our strategy must focus on strengthening the
commitment and capacity of nations to implement
democratic reforms, protect human rights, fight
corruption and increase transparency in government.
Emerging Democracies
The United States works to strengthen democratic and
free market institutions and norms in all countries,
particularly those making the transition from closed to
open societies. This commitment to see freedom and
respect for human rights take hold is not only just, but
pragmatic. Our security depends upon the protection
and expansion of democracy worldwide, without which
repression, corruption and instability could engulf a
number of countries and threaten the stability of entire
The sometimes-difficult road for new democracies in
the 1990’s demonstrates that free elections are not
enough. Genuine, lasting democracy also requires
respect for human rights, including the right to political
dissent; freedom of religion and belief; an independent
media capable of engaging an informed citizenry; a
robust civil society; the rule of law and an independent
judiciary; open and competitive economic structures;
mechanisms to safeguard minorities from oppressive
rule by the majority; full respect for women’s and
workers’ rights; and civilian control of the military.
The United States is helping consolidate democratic
and market reforms in Central and Eastern Europe
and the newly independent states of the former Soviet
Union. Integrating new democracies in Europe into
European political, economic and security
organizations, such as NATO, OSCE, the EU and the
Council of Europe, will help lock in and preserve the
impressive progress these nations have made in
instituting democratic and market-economic reforms.
Consolidating advances in democracy and free
markets in our own hemisphere remain a priority. In
the Asia Pacific region, economic dynamism is
increasingly associated with political modernization,
democratic evolution, and the widening of the rule of
law. Indonesia’s October 1999 election was a
significant step toward democracy and we will do our
part to help Indonesia continue on that path. In
Africa, we are particularly attentive to states, such as
South Africa and Nigeria, whose entry into the
community of market democracies may influence the
future direction of an entire region.
The methods for assisting emerging democracies are
as varied as the nations involved. Our public
diplomacy programs are designed to share our
democratic experience in both government and civil
society with the publics in emerging democracies. We
must continue leading efforts to mobilize international
economic and political resources, as we have with
Russia, Ukraine and other countries in Eastern Europe
and Eurasia and with Southeast Europe. We must take
firm action to help counter attempts to reverse
democracy, as we have in Haiti and Paraguay.
We must help democratizing nations strengthen the
pillars of civil society, supporting administration of
justice and rule of law programs, promoting the
principle of civilian control of the military, and training
foreign police and security forces to solve crimes and
maintain order without violating the basic rights of
their citizens. And we must seek to improve their
market institutions and fight corruption and political
discontent by encouraging good governance practices
and a free and independent local media that promotes
these principles.
Adherence to Universal Human
Rights and Democratic Principles
We must sustain our efforts to press for adherence to
democratic principles, and respect for basic human
rights and the rule of law worldwide, including in
countries that continue to defy democratic advances.
Working bilaterally and through international
institutions, the United States promotes universal
adherence to democratic principles and international
standards of human rights. Our efforts in the United
Nations and other organizations are helping to make
these principles the governing standards for
acceptable international behavior.
Ethnic conflict represents a great challenge to our
values and our security. When it erupts in ethnic
cleansing or genocide, ethnic conflict is a grave
violation of universal human rights. Innocent civilians
should not be subject to forcible relocation or
slaughter because of their religious, ethnic, racial, or
tribal heritage. In addition to being a cause for
concern on humanitarian grounds, ethnic conflict can
threaten regional stability and may give rise to
potentially serious national security concerns.
We will work to strengthen the capacity of the
international community to prevent and, whenever
possible, stop outbreaks of mass killing and
displacement. The United States and other countries
cannot respond to every humanitarian crisis in the
world. But when the world community has the power
to stop genocide and ethnic cleansing, we will work
with our allies and partners, and with the United
Nations, to mobilize against such violence – as we
did in Bosnia and Kosovo.
Our response will not be the same in every case.
Sometimes collective military action is both
appropriate and feasible. Sometimes concerted
economic and political pressure, combined with
diplomacy, is a better answer. The way the
international community responds will depend upon
the capacity of countries to act, and on their
perception of their national interests.
Events in the Bosnia conflict and preceding the 1994
genocide in Rwanda demonstrate the unfortunate
power of inaccurate and malicious information in
conflict-prone situations. We must enhance our ability
to make effective use of our communications and
information capabilities to counter misinformation and
incitement, mitigate ethnic conflict, promote
independent media organizations and the free flow of
information, and support democratic participation.
We will also continue to work – bilaterally and with
international institutions – to ensure that international
human rights principles protect the most vulnerable
or traditionally oppressed groups in the world –
women, children, workers, refugees and other
persecuted persons. To this end, we will seek to
strengthen international mechanisms that promote
human rights and address violations of international
humanitarian law, such as the UN Human Rights
Commission and the international war crimes tribunals
for the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda. We strongly
support wide ratification of the ILO Convention on the
Worst Forms of Child Labor. We also aim to
implement fully those international human rights
treaties to which we are a party.
It is our aim to ensure temporary protection for persons
fleeing situations of armed conflict or generalized
human rights abuses by encouraging governments to
not return refugees to countries where they face
persecution or torture. We also seek to focus
additional attention on the more vulnerable or
traditionally oppressed people by spearheading new
international initiatives to combat the sexual
exploitation of minors, child labor, homelessness
among children, and the use of child soldiers.
Violence against and trafficking in women and
children are international problems with national
implications. We have seen cases of trafficking in the
United States for purposes of forced prostitution,
sweatshop labor and domestic servitude. Our efforts
have expanded to combat this problem, both
nationally and internationally, by increasing
awareness, focusing on prevention, providing victim
assistance and protection, and enhancing law
enforcement. The President continues to call upon
the Senate to give its advice and consent to
ratification to the Convention on the Elimination of all
Forms of Discrimination Against Women, which will
enhance our efforts to combat violence against
women, reform unfair inheritance and property rights,
and strengthen women's access to fair employment
and economic opportunity.
Promotion of religious freedom is one of the highest
concerns in our foreign policy. Freedom of thought,
conscience and religion is a bedrock issue for the
American people. To that end, the President signed
the International Religious Freedom Act of 1998, which
provides the flexibility needed to advance religious
freedom and to counter religious persecution. In
September 1999, we completed the first phase outlined
in the Act with publication of the first annual report on
the status of religious freedom worldwide, and in
October, we designated the most severe violators of
religious freedom. The United States is active
throughout the world assisting those who are
persecuted because of their religion and promoting
freedom of religious belief and practice. We will
continue to work with individual nations and with
international institutions to combat religious
persecution and promote religious freedom.
The United States will continue to speak out against
human rights abuses and carry on human rights
dialogues with countries willing to engage with us
constructively. Because police and internal security
services can be a source of human rights violations,
we use training and contacts between U.S. law
enforcement and their foreign counterparts to help
address these problems. We do not provide training
to police or military units implicated in human rights
abuses. When appropriate, we are prepared to take
strong measures against human rights violators.
These include economic sanctions, visa restrictions
and restricting sales of arms and police equipment that
may be used to commit human rights abuses.
Humanitarian Activities
Our efforts to promote democracy and human rights
are complemented by our humanitarian programs,
which are designed to alleviate human suffering,
address resource and economic crises that could
have global implications, pursue appropriate
strategies for economic development, and support
and promote democratic regimes that respect human
rights and the rule of law.
We also must seek to promote reconciliation in states
experiencing civil conflict and to address migration and
refugee crises. To this end, the United States will
provide appropriate financial support and work with
other nations and international bodies, such as the
International Committee of the Red Cross and the UN
High Commissioner for Refugees. We also will assist
efforts to protect the rights of refugees and displaced
persons and to address the economic and social root
causes of internal displacement and international
Private firms and non-governmental organizations are
natural allies in activities and efforts intended to
address humanitarian crises and bolster democracy
and market economies. We have natural partners in
labor unions, human rights groups, environmental
advocates, chambers of commerce and election
monitors in promoting democracy and respect for
human rights and in providing international
humanitarian assistance; thus, we should promote
democratization efforts through private and nongovernmental groups as well as foreign governments.
Supporting the global movement toward democracy
requires a pragmatic, long-term effort focused on both
values and institutions. Our goal is a broadening of the
community of free-market democracies, and stronger
institutions and international non-governmental
movements committed to human rights and
III. Integrated Regional Approaches
Our policies toward different regions reflect our overall
strategy tailored to their unique challenges and
Europe and Eurasia
European stability is vital to our own security. The
United States has two strategic goals in Europe. The
first is to build a Europe that is truly integrated,
democratic, prosperous and at peace -- a realization
of the vision the United States launched 50 years ago
with the Marshall Plan and the North Atlantic Treaty
Organization (NATO). Our second goal is to work
with our allies and partners across the Atlantic to
meet the global challenges no nation can meet alone.
This means working together to consolidate this
region’s historic transition in favor of democracy and
free markets; to support peace efforts in troubled
regions; to tackle global threats such as
environmental and health problems, terrorism, drug
trafficking, the spread of weapons of mass
destruction and other potentially dangerous
technologies; and to build a more open world
economy without barriers to transatlantic trade and
Enhancing Security
NATO remains the anchor of American engagement
in Europe and the linchpin of transatlantic security.
As the leading guarantor of European security and a
force for European stability, NATO must play a
leading role in promoting a more integrated and secure
Europe, prepared to respond to new challenges. We
will maintain approximately 100,000 military personnel
in Europe to fulfill our commitments to NATO, provide
a visible deterrent against aggression and coercion,
contribute to regional stability, respond to crises,
sustain our vital transatlantic ties and preserve U.S.
leadership in NATO.
NATO is pursuing several initiatives to enhance its
ability to respond to the new challenges it will face in
the twenty-first century. At NATO's Fiftieth
Anniversary Summit in April 1999, Alliance leaders
adopted an expansive agenda to adapt and prepare
NATO for current and future challenges. This
included an updated Strategic Concept, which
envisions a larger, more capable and more flexible
Alliance, committed to collective defense and able to
undertake new missions. The Defense Capabilities
Initiative aims to improve defense capabilities and
interoperability among NATO military forces, thus
bolstering the effectiveness of multinational
operations across the full spectrum of Alliance
missions, to include Partner forces where
appropriate. The WMD Initiative will increase Alliance
efforts against weapons of mass destruction and their
means of delivery.
NATO enlargement has been a crucial element of the
U.S. and Allied strategy to build an undivided,
peaceful Europe. At the April 1999 NATO Summit,
the alliance welcomed the entry of Poland, Hungary
and the Czech Republic as new members. These
three nations will make the Alliance stronger while
helping to enlarge Europe's zone of democratic
Together with our Allies, we are pursuing efforts to
help other countries that aspire to membership
become the best possible candidates. These efforts
include the NATO Membership Action Plan and our
Partnership for Peace. We are also continuing
bilateral programs to advance this agenda, such as
the President’s Warsaw Initiative, which is playing a
critical role in promoting Western-style reform of the
armed forces of Central and Eastern Europe and
Eurasia and helping them become more
interoperable with NATO. Some European nations
do not desire NATO membership, but do desire
strengthened ties with the Alliance. The Partnership
for Peace provides an ideal vehicle for such
relationships. It formalizes relations, provides a
mechanism for mutual beneficial interaction and
establishes a sound basis for combined action should
that be desired. This can be seen in the major
contributions some Partnership for Peace members
have made to NATO missions in the Balkans.
NATO is pursuing several other initiatives to enhance
its ability to respond to new challenges and deepen
ties between the Alliance and Partner countries.
NATO has launched the Euro-Atlantic Partnership
Council to strengthen political dialogue and practical
cooperation with all Partners, and established a
distinctive partnership with Ukraine, which provides a
framework for enhanced relations and practical
cooperation. As a result of the 1997 NATO-Russia
Founding Act, NATO and Russia launched the
Permanent Joint Council to enhance political
consultation and practical cooperation, while retaining
NATO's decision-making authority. Our shared goal
remains to deepen and expand constructive Russian
participation in the European security system.
The Organization for Security and Cooperation in
Europe (OSCE) has a key role to play in enhancing
Europe’s stability. It provides the United States with
a venue for developing Europe's security architecture
in a manner that complements our NATO strategy. In
many instances, cooperating through the OSCE to
secure peace, deter aggression, and prevent, defuse
and manage crises offers a comparative advantage
because it is more cost effective than unilateral
action. The November 1999 Istanbul OSCE Summit
agreed on principles and modalities to further such
cooperation in the Charter on European Security.
The Charter commits members to, among other
things, the establishment of Rapid Expert Assistance
and Cooperation Teams to assist in conflict
prevention and crisis management. The Charter also
recognizes that European security in the twenty-first
century increasingly depends on building security
within societies as well as security between states.
The United States will continue to give strong support
to the OSCE as our best choice to engage all the
countries of Europe, the Caucasus, and Central Asia
in an effort to advance democracy, human rights and
the rule of law, and to encourage them to support one
another when instability, insecurity and human rights
violations threaten peace in the region.
The Balkans and Southeastern Europe: The
United States has an abiding interest in peace in this
region because continued instability there threatens
European security. We are working to advance the
integration of several new democracies in
Southeastern Europe (Albania, Bosnia, Bulgaria,
Croatia, Macedonia, Romania, and Slovenia) into the
European mainstream. More specifically, the
President's Action Plan for Southeast Europe seeks
to promote further democratic, economic and military
reforms in these countries, to encourage greater
regional cooperation, advance common interests,
such as closer contact with NATO, and increased law
enforcement training and exchanges to assist in the
fight against organized crime. We are working to
promote increased security cooperation among
NATO Allies and Partners in the region through the
Southeast Europe Defense Ministerial process and
NATO’s Southeast Europe Initiative. We are also
working with the region, the EU and others to
strengthen overall democratization, economic
development and security through the Stability Pact
for Southeastern Europe, initiated by the EU and
launched by President Clinton and other leaders at
Sarajevo in July 1999. The Pact also seeks to
deepen regional cooperation and draw those
countries closer to the rest of Europe and the United
States, thereby giving them an opportunity to
demonstrate that they are ready for integration into
Euro-Atlantic institutions.
Kosovo and Serbia-Montenegro: After this year’s
successful NATO intervention in Kosovo, the stability
of the Balkans is still threatened by the vestiges of
ethnic hatred and political repression. As the United
States and NATO remain engaged in helping the
people of the region build a stable and secure future
for the Balkans, we remain prepared to address
renewed threats to the region’s stability.
Constitutional challenges between Serbia and a
democratic and reform-minded Montenegro pose a
danger for renewed conflict. And in Kosovo, the last
decade of Serbia’s systemic repression of Kosovar
Albanians leaves a volatile mixture of
disenfranchisement, displacement and revengeseekers.
NATO military operations against Serbia in the spring
of 1999 had three clear goals: the withdrawal of all
Serb military, paramilitary, and police forces from
Kosovo; the unconditional and safe return of all
refugees and displaced persons to Kosovo; and
deployment of an international security force, with
NATO at its core, to protect all the people of Kosovo
-- Serbs, Albanians and others. Those goals were
achieved. Now, NATO, the UN and the international
community face the challenge of establishing a stable
environment that provides for the security and dignity
of all people in Kosovo. Much has been achieved to
this end. Mine fields are being cleared; homes are
being rebuilt; nearly a million Kosovars who returned
to the province are receiving food, shelter and
medicine; investigations into the fate of the missing
are ongoing; and the Kosovar Liberation Army has
been demilitarized.
for the former Yugoslavia by assisting in the location,
detention and transfer of suspected war criminals, and
supporting the international community’s efforts to
eliminate corruption, expose outside influence, facilitate
the return of refugees, and promote justice and
reconciliation in Bosnia. We are working to accelerate
market economic reforms in Bosnia and Croatia and
support a transition to democracy in Croatia.
Over 48,000 troops from 30 countries have
participated in the Kosovo Force (KFOR). Our
European allies have provided the vast majority of
them; America will continue to contribute about
7,000. Russian and other non-NATO participation in
KFOR remains an important demonstration of
international commitment and provides reassurance
to all the people of Kosovo that they will live in peace
and security. KFOR continues to operate under
NATO command and control and rules of
engagement set by NATO. It has the means and the
mandate to protect itself while doing its job. Under
the security environment established by KFOR, the
United Nations has established an interim civilian
administration and a 4,700-person international
police force that will assist the Kosovars in building
institutions of self-government. As local institutions
take hold, and as international and indigenous police
forces establish law and order, NATO will be able to
turn over increasing responsibility to them.
Cyprus and the Aegean: Tensions on Cyprus,
Greek-Turkish disagreements in the Aegean and
Turkey’s relationship with the EU have serious
implications for regional stability and the evolution of
European political and security structures. Our goals
are to stabilize the region by reducing long-standing
Greek-Turkish tensions and pursuing a comprehensive
settlement on Cyprus. A democratic, secular, stable
and Western-oriented Turkey is critical to these efforts
and has supported broader U.S. efforts to enhance
stability in Bosnia, the nations of the former Soviet
Union and the Middle East, as well as to contain Iran
and Iraq. The President’s recent trip to Turkey and
Greece highlighted encouraging signs of progress for
reconciliation in the region, including talks on the
Cyprus dispute that are being held under the auspices
of the UN in New York. The EU's historic decision at its
Helsinki Summit to grant candidate status to Turkey
reinforced this positive trend.
A final challenge will be to encourage Serbia to join
its neighbors in this historic journey to a peaceful,
democratic, united Europe. But as long as Slobodan
Milosevic remains in power we will not provide
support for the reconstruction of Serbia. We are
providing humanitarian aid, and will be willing to help
build a better future for Serbia when its government
represents tolerance and freedom, not repression
and terror. We are also providing support for
democratic forces in Serbia to strengthen
independent political parties and a free media, and to
accelerate Serbia's transition to democracy.
Bosnia and Croatia: Full implementation of the
Dayton Accords is the best hope for creating a selfsustaining peace in Bosnia. NATO-led forces are
contributing to a secure environment in Bosnia and
providing essential support for broader progress in
implementing the Dayton Accords. However, further
progress is necessary to create conditions that will
allow implementation to continue without a major
international military presence. We continue to
support the efforts of the International Criminal Tribunal
The Baltic States: The special nature of our
relationship with Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania is
recognized in the 1998 Charter of Partnership, which
clarifies the principles upon which U.S. relations with
the Baltic states are based and provides a framework
for strengthening ties and pursuing common goals.
These goals include integration of Latvia, Lithuania
and Estonia into the transatlantic community and
development of close, cooperative relationships
among all the states in Northeastern Europe.
Through the Northern European Initiative we seek to
strengthen regional cooperation, enhance regional
security and stability, and promote the growth of
Western institutions, trade and investment by
bringing together the governments and private sector
interests in the Baltic and Nordic countries, Poland,
Germany and Russia.
Northern Ireland: Historic progress was achieved in
implementing the Good Friday Accord when, on
December 2, 1999, an inclusive power-sharing
government was formed in Northern Ireland, the
principle of consent was accepted with respect to any
change in the territorial status of Northern Ireland,
new institutions were launched for North-South
cooperation on the island of Ireland, and the Irish
Republican Army named a representative to the
Independent International Commission on
Decommissioning of paramilitary weapons (loyalist
paramilitaries named their representatives to the
commission soon thereafter). These developments
followed continued progress in promoting human
rights and equality in Northern Ireland, including the
important recommendations put forward for police
reform in the Patten Report issued on September 9,
The United States continues to work with the British
and Irish governments and the political leaders in
Northern Ireland to achieve full implementation of the
Good Friday Accord. Working through the
International Fund for Ireland and the private sector,
we will help the people seize the opportunities that
peace will bring to attract new investment and bridge
the community divide, create new factories,
workplaces and jobs, and establish new centers of
learning for the twenty-first Century.
Russia and the Newly Independent States (NIS):
There is no historical precedent for the transition
underway in Russia, Ukraine, and other NIS. The
United States has core national interests at stake in
those endeavors and has acted quickly to help
people across the NIS to break the back of the Soviet
regime. But the Soviet system’s collapse created
new challenges. In Russia, for example, rigidity often
gave way to laxness and disorder – too many rules
were replaced by too few. The United States’
strategy of engagement with each of the NIS
recognizes that their transformation will be a longterm endeavor, with far-reaching implications for
regional and global stability, as well as
disappointments and setbacks along the way.
Russia, Ukraine, and most other NIS are now
electoral democracies, although we will continue to
engage with all these countries to improve their
electoral processes and help strengthen civil society
by working with grassroots organization, independent
media and emerging entrepreneurs. Though the
transition from communism to market democracy is
far from complete, the NIS have largely dismantled
state controls over their economies and liberalized
prices. It is in our national interest to help them build
the laws, institutions and skills needed for a market
democracy, to fight crime and corruption and to
advance human rights and the rule of law. The
conflict in Chechnya represents a major problem in
Russia’s post-Communist development and
relationship with the international community; the
means Russia is pursuing in Chechnya are
undermining its legitimate objective of upholding its
territorial integrity and protecting citizens from
terrorism and lawlessness.
The United States strategy in Russia and the NIS has
made every American safer. Threat reduction
programs have helped deactivate former Soviet
nuclear warheads and make it far less likely that
sensitive materials, technology, expertise, or
equipment do not fall into the wrong hands. We are
working aggressively to strengthen export controls in
Russia and the other NIS and to stem proliferation of
sensitive missile and nuclear technology to countries
of concern such as Iran. The Administration has
supported the sovereignty and territorial integrity of
the NIS, including through agreement on an adapted
CFE Treaty, which provides schedules for the
withdrawal of Russian forces from Georgia and
Moldova. The integration of Russia, Ukraine, and
other NIS with the new Europe and the international
community remains a key priority. Despite
disagreements over NATO enlargement and the
Kosovo conflict, Russian troops serve shoulder-toshoulder with U.S. and NATO forces in Kosovo and
Bosnia. The United States remains committed to
further development of the NATO-Russia relationship
and the NATO-Ukraine distinctive partnership.
Promoting Prosperity
Europe is a key element in America's global
commercial engagement. Europe and the United
States produce almost half of all global goods and
services; more than 60% of total U.S. investment
abroad is in Europe; and fourteen million workers on
both sides of the Atlantic earn their livelihoods from
transatlantic commerce. As part of the New
Transatlantic Agenda launched in 1995, the United
States and the EU agreed to take concrete steps to
reduce barriers to trade and investment through
creation of an open New Transatlantic Marketplace and
through Mutual Recognition Agreements in goods that
eliminate redundant testing and certification
requirements. Our governments are also cooperating
closely with the civil society dialogues established
under the New Transatlantic Agenda: the Transatlantic
Business Dialogue, Transatlantic Consumer Dialogue,
Transatlantic Environment Dialogue, and Transatlantic
Labor Dialogue. These people-to-people dialogues
create opportunities for increased communication
focusing on best practices, and can help their
governments identify and reduce barriers to greater
transatlantic interaction. In return, our governments
should be committed to listen, learn, and facilitate.
Building on the New Transatlantic Agenda, the United
States and the EU launched the Transatlantic
Economic Partnership in 1998 to deepen our
economic relations, reinforce our political ties and
reduce trade frictions. The first element of the
initiative is reducing barriers that affect
manufacturing, agriculture and services. In the
manufacturing area we are focusing on standards
and technical barriers that American businesses have
identified as the most significant obstacle to
expanding trade. In the agricultural area we are
focusing on regulatory barriers that have inhibited the
expansion of agriculture trade, particularly in the
biotechnology area. In the area of services we seek
to facilitate trade in specific service sectors, thereby
creating new opportunities for the service industries
that are already so active in the European market.
The second element of the Transatlantic Economic
Partnership is a broader, cooperative approach to
addressing a wide range of trade issues. We will
continue not imposing duties on electronic
transmissions and develop a work program in the
WTO for electronic commerce. We will seek to adopt
common positions and effective strategies for
accelerating compliance with WTO commitments on
intellectual property. We will seek to promote
government procurement opportunities, including
promoting compatibility of electronic procurement
information and government contracting systems. To
promote fair competition, we will seek to enhance the
compatibility of our procedures with potentially
significant reductions in cost for American
The United States strongly supports the process of
European integration embodied in the EU. We support
EU enlargement, and we are also encouraging bilateral
trade and investment in non-EU countries. We
recognize that EU nations face significant economic
challenges and that periods of economic stagnation
have eroded public support for funding
outward-looking foreign policies and greater
integration. We are working closely with our
European partners to expand employment, promote
long-term growth and support the New Transatlantic
By supporting historic market reforms in Central and
Eastern Europe and in the NIS, we help new
democracies take root by avoiding conditions, such
as corruption and poverty, that can weaken
democratic governance and erode the appeal of
democratic values. The United States will continue
helping the NIS economies integrate into international
economic and other institutions and develop healthy
business climates. We will continue to promote
political and economic reform in Russia, working to
create a thriving market economy while guarding
against corruption.
We are working with many NIS countries to promote
their accession to the WTO on commercially fair terms.
Building on successful accession of Kyrgyzstan, Latvia
and Estonia, we have made significant progress on the
accession of Georgia, Albania, Armenia, Croatia,
Lithuania and Moldova. We also have held fruitful
discussions on WTO with Russia and Ukraine. We
will continue to mobilize the international community
to provide assistance to support reform and to help
the Central and Eastern European and NIS countries
stimulate foreign and domestic private investment.
We are also encouraging investment in these
countries, especially by U.S. companies.
We are focusing particular attention on investment in
Caspian energy resources and their export from the
Caucasus region to world markets, thereby expanding
and diversifying world energy supplies and promoting
prosperity in the region. A stable and prosperous
Caucasus and Central Asia will facilitate rapid
development and transport to international markets of
the large Caspian oil and gas resources, with
substantial U.S. commercial participation. Resolution
of regional conflicts such as Nagorno-Karabakh and
Abkhazia is important for creating the stability
necessary for development and transport of Caspian
On November 18, 1999, President Clinton was
present in Istanbul, Turkey for the signing of the
Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline agreement and the
Trans-Caspian Gas Pipeline Declaration. We
actively supported the negotiations leading to these
agreements and will continue to be actively engaged
in both pipeline projects. We believe that the BakuTbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline and the trans-Caspian gas
pipeline are commercially viable. The Export-Import
Bank and OPIC stand ready to provide the necessary
financing and insurance on a commercial basis to
help bring these projects to fruition. The transCaspian gas pipeline is planned to begin delivering
gas to Turkey in 2002 and the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan
pipeline is planned to begin delivering oil by 2004.
We support these agreements because they will
achieve several important goals. They will help fulfill
our commitment to the prosperity and independence
of the Caspian states. The agreements will help the
development of their societies into democratic, stable
commonwealths, and will bolster relationships among
the states. Countries on both sides of the Caspian –
Azerbaijan, Turkey, Georgia, Kazakhstan and
Turkmenistan – will be working together, united by a
single vision. Development of Caspian energy
resources will improve our energy security, as well as
that of Turkey and other allies. It will create
commercial opportunities for U.S. companies and
other companies around the world. The Baku-TbilisiCeyhan pipeline is also the most environmentally
sound approach to transporting oil resources from the
Caspian region to world markets.
Promoting Democracy
Democratic reforms in Central and Eastern Europe
and Eurasia are the best measures to avert conditions
that could foster ethnic violence and regional conflict.
Already, the prospect of joining or rejoining the
Western democratic family has strengthened the forces
of democracy and reform in many countries of the
region. Together with our West European partners
we are helping these nations build civil societies. For
example, the CIVITAS organization has carried out a
joint civic education program in Bosnia-Herzegovina,
and a similar project is planned for Ukraine.
Throughout the region, targeted exchange programs
have familiarized key decision-makers and opinionmolders with the workings of American democracy.
The independence, sovereignty, territorial integrity, and
democratic and economic reform of the NIS are
important to American interests. To advance these
goals, we are utilizing our bilateral relationships and our
leadership of international institutions to mobilize
governmental and private resources. But the
circumstances affecting the smaller countries depend
in significant measure on the fate of reform in the
largest and most powerful—Russia. The United States
will continue to promote Russian reform and
international integration, and to build on the progress
that already has been made. Our economic and
political support for the Russian government depends
on its commitment to internal reform and a responsible
foreign policy.
East Asia and the Pacific
President Clinton’s vision of a new Pacific community
links security interests with economic growth and our
commitment to democracy and human rights. We
continue to build on that vision, cementing America’s
role as a stabilizing force in a more integrated Asia
Pacific region.
Enhancing Security
Our military presence has been essential to
maintaining the peace and security that have enabled
most nations in the Asia-Pacific region to build thriving
economies for the benefit of all. To deter aggression
and secure our own interests, we maintain about
100,000 military personnel in the region. The U.S.Japan security alliance anchors the U.S. presence in
the Asia-Pacific region. Our continuing security role is
further reinforced by our bilateral treaty alliances with
the Republic of Korea, Australia, Thailand and the
Philippines. We are maintaining healthy relations with
the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)
and supporting regional dialogue – such as in the
ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) – on the full range of
common security challenges.
Japan: The United States and Japan reaffirmed our
bilateral security relationship in the April 1996 Joint
Security Declaration. The alliance remains the
cornerstone for achieving common security
objectives and for maintaining a peaceful and
prosperous environment for the Asia Pacific region as
we enter the twenty-first century. The 1997 revised
Guidelines for U.S.-Japan Defense Cooperation
create a solid basis for more effective and credible
U.S.-Japan cooperation in peacetime, in the event of
an armed attack on Japan, and in situations in areas
surrounding Japan. They provide a general
framework and policy direction for the roles and
missions of the two countries, and ways of
coordinating our efforts in peacetime and
contingencies. The revised Guidelines, like the U.S.Japan security relationship itself, are not directed
against any other country; rather, they enable the
U.S.-Japan alliance to continue fostering peace and
security throughout the region. In April 1998, in order
to support the new Guidelines, both governments
agreed to a revised Acquisition and Cross-Servicing
Agreement (ACSA) which expands the provision of
supplies and services to include reciprocal provision
of logistics support during situations surrounding
Japan that have an important influence on Japan’s
peace and security. Japan approved implementing
legislation for the Guidelines in the spring of 1999.
Japan’s generous host nation support for the U.S.
overseas presence also serves as a critical strategic
contribution to the alliance and to regional security.
Our bilateral security cooperation has broadened as
a result of recent agreements to undertake joint
research and development on theater missile
defense and to cooperate on Japan’s indigenous
satellite program. Moreover, we work closely with
Japan to promote regional peace and stability, seek
universal adherence to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation
Treaty, and address the dangers posed by transfers
of destabilizing conventional arms and sensitive dualuse technologies. Japan is providing $1 billion to the
Korean Peninsula Energy Development Organization
(KEDO), and consults closely with the United States
and ROK on issues relating to North Korea.
Korean Peninsula: Tensions on the Korean
Peninsula remain the leading threat to peace and
stability in East Asia. The Democratic People's
Republic of Korea (DPRK) has publicly stated a
preference for peaceful reunification, but continues to
dedicate a large portion of its dwindling resources to
its huge military forces. Renewed conflict has been
prevented since 1953 by a combination of the
Armistice Agreement, which brought an end to open
hostilities; the United Nations Command, which has
visibly represented the will of the UN Security Council
to secure peace; and the physical presence of U.S.
and ROK troops in the Combined Forces Command,
which has demonstrated the alliance’s resolve.
President Kim Dae-jung continues to pursue a course
toward peace and stability on the Korean peninsula,
seeking new channels of dialogue with North Korea
and developing areas of cooperation between South
and North. During their July 1999 meeting in
Washington, President Clinton and President Kim
reaffirmed the need for direct dialogue between
South and North to build a more permanent peace,
and the indispensability of the strong U.S.-ROK
defense alliance as a stabilizing pillar for the region.
President Clinton strongly restated his support for
President Kim’s vision of engagement and efforts
toward reconciliation with the North. The United
States is working to create conditions of stability by
maintaining solidarity with our South Korean ally,
emphasizing America’s commitment to shaping a
peaceful and prosperous Korean Peninsula, and
ensuring that an isolated and struggling North Korea
does not opt for a military solution to its political and
economic problems.
Peaceful resolution of the Korean conflict with a
democratic, non-nuclear, reunified peninsula will
enhance peace and security in the East Asian region
and is clearly in our strategic interest. We are willing to
improve bilateral political and economic ties with North
Korea – consistent with the objectives of our alliance
with the ROK – to draw the North into more normal
relations with the region and the rest of the world. But
our willingness to improve bilateral relations will
continue to be commensurate with the North’s
cooperation in efforts to reduce tensions on the
South Korea has set an example for nonproliferation
by forswearing nuclear weapons, accepting IAEA
safeguards, and developing a peaceful nuclear
program that brings benefits to the region. We are
firm that North Korea must maintain the freeze on
production and reprocessing of fissile material,
dismantle its graphite-moderated reactors and related
facilities, and fully comply with its NPT obligations
under the Agreed Framework. The United States, too,
must fulfill its obligations under the Agreed Framework
and the Administration will work with the Congress to
ensure the success of our efforts to address the North
Korean nuclear threat.
Beyond fully implementing the Agreed Framework, we
seek to eliminate North Korea’s development and
export of long-range missiles and weapons of mass
destruction through a step-by-step process. Based on
U.S.-North Korean discussions in September 1999, it is
our understanding that North Korea will continue to
refrain from testing long-range missiles of any kind as
we move toward more normal relations. Working
closely with our ROK and Japanese allies, we will
improve relations with North Korea on the basis of their
moving forward on the missile and WMD agendas, and
we will take necessary measures in the other direction
if the North chooses to go down a different path.
The North also needs to engage in a productive
dialogue with South Korea; continue the United Nations
Command-Korean People's Army General Officer
Dialogue at Panmunjom; participate constructively in
the Four Party Talks among the United States, China,
and North and South Korea to reduce tensions and
negotiate a peace agreement; and support our efforts
to recover the remains of American servicemen
missing since the Korean War.
China: A stable, open, prosperous People's
Republic of China (PRC) that respects international
norms and assumes its responsibilities for building a
more peaceful world is clearly and profoundly in our
interests. The prospects for peace and prosperity in
Asia depend heavily on China’s role as a responsible
member of the international community. Our policy
toward China is both principled and pragmatic,
expanding our areas of cooperation while dealing
forthrightly with our differences. Despite strains in the
relationship resulting from the tragic accidental
bombing of the PRC embassy in Belgrade, we have
continued to engage China on these issues.
The United States and China have taken a number of
additional steps to strengthen cooperation in
international affairs: presidential visits to each other's
capitals; establishing the Vice President-Premier
Forum on environment and development; regular
exchanges of visits by cabinet and sub-cabinet
officials to consult on political, military, security, arms
control and human rights issues; establishing a
consultation mechanism to strengthen military
maritime safety; holding discussions on humanitarian
assistance and disaster relief, and environmental
security; and establishing working groups on law
enforcement cooperation. China is also a major
partner in science, technology and health research.
U.S. interests have been advanced in discussions
with China on arms control and nonproliferation
issues. In 1998, the United States and China
announced that they will not target their strategic
nuclear weapons at each other and confirmed their
common goal of halting the spread of WMD. Both
our nations have signed the Comprehensive Test
Ban Treaty. We have consulted on the Missile
Technology Control Regime and missile
nonproliferation, and we continue to press China to
avoid destabilizing missile technology sales to other
countries. Both our nations have signed the
Chemical Weapons Convention, and we have agreed
to further strengthen controls on the export of dualuse chemicals and related production equipment and
technology to assure they are not used for production
of chemical weapons. China also has expanded the
list of chemical precursors that it controls. Both
nations have called for strengthening of the Biological
Weapons Convention and early conclusion of a
protocol establishing a practical and effective
mechanism to enhance compliance and improve
transparency. We also reached agreement with
China on practices for end-use visits on U.S. high
technology exports to China and continue a dialogue
on implementation of this agreement.
China is working with the United States on important
regional security issues. In South Asia, China has
condemned India and Pakistan for conducting
nuclear tests and joined us in urging them to conduct
no more tests, to sign the Comprehensive Test Ban
Treaty, to avoid deploying or testing missiles, and to
work to resolve their differences through dialogue.
On the Korean Peninsula, the United States and
China share an interest in peace and stability. We
have both worked to convince North Korea to freeze
its dangerous nuclear program, and believe the fourparty peace talks are an important tool in working
toward establishment of peace and stability in
Northeast Asia. To help maintain peace, security, and
stability in the Western Pacific and to promote our
broad foreign policy objectives we are implementing
fully the terms of the Taiwan Relations Act by
maintaining robust unofficial relations between the
American people and the people of Taiwan.
Our key security objectives for the future include:
sustaining the strategic dialogue begun by the recent
summits and other high-level exchanges; enhancing
stability in the Taiwan Strait through maintenance of
our “one China” policy, peaceful resolution of crossStrait issues and encouraging dialogue between
Beijing and Taipei; strengthening China's adherence
to international nonproliferation norms, particularly in
export controls on ballistic missile and dual-use
technologies; restarting our bilateral discussions on
arms control ; achieving greater openness and
transparency in China's military; encouraging a
constructive PRC role in international affairs through
active cooperation in multilateral fora such as the
ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) and the Asia Pacific
Economic Cooperation Forum (APEC); and
improving law enforcement cooperation in such areas
as counterterrorism and counternarcotics.
Southeast Asia: Our strategic interest in Southeast
Asia centers on developing regional and bilateral
security and economic relationships that assist in
conflict prevention and resolution and expand U.S.
participation in the region’s economies. U.S. security
objectives in the region are: to maintain our security
alliances with Australia, Thailand and the Philippines;
to sustain security access arrangements with
Singapore and other ASEAN countries; and to
encourage the emergence of a strong, cohesive
ASEAN capable of enhancing regional security and
prosperity. The Philippine Senate’s ratification of the
Visiting Forces Agreement (VFA) in May 1999 is one
example of how our continuing engagement
enhances both bilateral defense cooperation as well
as regional security interests.
Our policy combines two approaches. First, we must
maintain our increasingly productive relationship with
ASEAN and enhancing our security dialogue under
the ARF. Second, we must pursue bilateral initiatives
with individual Southeast Asian nations to promote
democracy, human rights and political stability; foster
market-oriented economic reforms; and reduce the
effects of organized crime, particularly the flow of
heroin from Burma and other countries in the region.
In 1999, the United States, in partnership with the
member nations of ASEAN, opened the International
Law Enforcement Academy in Bangkok, Thailand.
Officials of the U.S. Drug Enforcement
Administration, U.S. Customs Service, FBI and other
agencies provide high-caliber training in areas such
as drug trafficking, alien smuggling, cyber crime, and
other transnational threats. The International Law
Enforcement Academy also promotes cooperation
and information sharing, as well as significantly
improving regional counterdrug capabilities.
Promoting Prosperity
A prosperous and open Asia Pacific is key to the
economic health of the United States. On the eve of
the recent financial problems in Asia, the 21
members of APEC – which includes the United
States, Canada, Mexico, Peru, Chile and Russia,
along with East Asian nations – contributed about
one-half of total global gross domestic product and
exports. Thirty percent of U.S. exports go to Asia,
supporting millions of U.S. jobs, and we export more
to Asia than Europe. Our economic objectives in
East Asia include: continued recovery from the recent
financial crisis; further progress within APEC toward
liberalizing trade and investment; increased U.S.
exports to Asian countries through market-opening
measures and leveling the playing field for U.S.
business; and WTO accession for the PRC and
Taiwan on satisfactory commercial terms.
Opportunities for economic growth abound in Asia
and underlie our strong commitment to economic
cooperation, such as via the annual APEC leaders
Our economic strategy in Asia has four key elements:
support for economic reforms and market opening;
working with international financial institutions to
provide well-targeted economic and technical
assistance in support of economic reforms; providing
bilateral humanitarian aid and contingency bilateral
financial assistance if needed; and urging strong
policy actions by Japan and the other major
economic powers to promote global growth.
The United States will continue to work with the IMF,
the World Bank, other international financial
institutions, the governments in East Asia and the
private sector to help stabilize financial markets,
restore investor confidence and deepen on-going
reforms in the troubled East Asian economies. In
doing so, we will remain mindful of the need to
promote protection of worker rights. We will continue
to support South Korea, Thailand and Indonesia as
they implement economic reforms designed to foster
financial stability and investor confidence in order to
attract the capital flows required to restore economic
growth. U.S. initiatives in APEC will open new
opportunities for economic cooperation and permit U.S.
companies to expand their involvement in substantial
infrastructure planning and construction throughout the
region. We will continue our efforts to encourage all
Asia Pacific nations to pursue open markets.
China: Bringing the PRC more fully into the global
trading system is manifestly in our national interest.
China is a major potential market for our goods and
services. As we look into the next century, our
exports to China will support hundreds of thousands
of jobs across our country. For this reason, we must
continue our normal trade relationship with China, as
every President has done since 1980, to strengthen
our economic relationship.
An important part of integrating China into the marketbased world economic system is opening China’s
highly protected market through elimination of trade
barriers and removal of distorting restraints on
economic activity. We have negotiated and vigorously
enforced landmark agreements to combat piracy of
intellectual property and advance the interests of our
creative industries. We have also negotiated – and
vigorously enforced – agreements on textile trade. We
will continue to press China to open its markets as it
engages in sweeping economic reform and to respect
and adhere to core labor standards as codified by the
ILO. Most recently, we reached agreement to bring
China into the World Trade Organization on fair
commercial terms – a landmark accord that will
create jobs and opportunities for Americans through
opening of Chinese markets, promote economic
reform in China, and help spread the message and
the tools of freedom to the Chinese people.
Japan: The Administration continues to make
progress on increasing market access in Asia’s
largest economy. Since the beginning of the first
Clinton Administration, the United States and Japan
have reached 38 trade agreements designed to open
Japanese markets in key sectors, including autos and
auto parts, telecommunications, civil aviation,
insurance and glass. The Administration also has
intensified efforts to monitor and enforce trade
agreements with Japan to ensure that they are fully
implemented. The United States also uses
multilateral venues, such as WTO dispute settlement
and negotiation of new multilateral agreements, to
further open markets and accomplish our trade
objectives with Japan. The US-Japan Common
Agenda advances our bilateral cooperation with a
major donor ally on global and regional
environmental, scientific, and health issues.
Japan has a crucial role to play in Asia’s economic
recovery: generating substantial growth to help
maintain a growing world economy and absorb a
growing share of imports from emerging markets.
We have encouraged Japan to reform its financial
sector, stimulate domestic demand, deregulate its
economy, and further open its markets to foreign
goods and services.
Republic of Korea: The United States will continue
its strong support for South Korean efforts to reform
its economy, liberalize trade and investment,
strengthen the banking system and implement the
IMF program. We have committed to providing
bilateral finance under appropriate conditions and will
continue to explore concrete steps to promote growth
in both our countries, to more fully open our markets,
and to further integrate the Republic of Korea into the
global economy.
ASEAN: The United States strongly supports efforts
to sustain and strengthen economic recovery in the
ten nations of ASEAN through maintaining our open
market for Southeast Asian goods and services, as
well as our support for IMF-led recovery programs for
several ASEAN nations. Thailand has completed its
IMF-mandated structural reform program and has
turned the corner towards renewed growth.
Indonesia's economy has basically stabilized and the
newly elected democratic government is working on
new lending agreements with the IMF and World
Bank, linked to progress on economic and financial
reform. We applaud ASEAN’s 1998 Hanoi Action
Plan, which calls for accelerated regional economic
integration. We are working toward completion of a
broad commercial agreement with Vietnam that will
open markets and promote economic reform while
allowing us to endorse Normal Trade Relations for
Vietnam, which we also seek for Laos. Working with
ASEAN members to address environmental
degradation in Southeast Asia is a major priority,
from forest fires and haze, to fisheries depletion,
deforestation, and sustainable growth during the
recovery from the Asian financial crisis.
Australia and New Zealand: We are building on our
already close working relationship with Australia and
New Zealand to strengthen our bilateral trade and
economic relationships, build consensus for regional
liberalization, and cooperate in opening the new
round of international trade negotiations at the WTO.
Promoting Democracy
We will continue to support the democratic
aspirations of Asians and to promote respect for
human rights. Our strategy includes: a constructive
approach toward achieving progress on human
rights, religious freedom and rule of law issues with
China; fostering meaningful political dialogue
between the ruling authorities in Burma and the
democratic opposition; promoting democracy and
encouraging greater respect for human rights in
Cambodia; and, in Vietnam, achieving the fullest
possible accounting of missing U.S. service members
and promoting greater respect for human rights.
Indonesia: The October 1999 election in which
Abdurrahman Wahid was elected President and
Megawati Sukarnoputri as Vice President was a
historic moment for Indonesia, putting it on course
toward becoming the world’s third largest democracy.
The United States strongly supports a united,
prosperous and democratic Indonesia that plays a
positive role in regional security. We look forward to
working with Indonesia’s new leaders to meet the
challenges of national reconciliation, democratic
reform and economic recovery that lie ahead.
The referendum in East Timor on August 30, 1999
was conducted fairly by the United Nations with the
agreement of the Indonesian Government. It
produced a clear mandate for independence, but
armed groups opposed to independence attempted
to overturn the results through violence. To stop the
violence, restore order and resume the transition
process, the UN Security Council unanimously
approved creation of a Multi-National Force
(INTERFET) led by Australia. INTERFET
accomplished its mission of establishing secure
conditions throughout East Timor and an international
peacekeeping force under UN command (UNTAET)
will take over in early 2000.
The U.S. contribution to INTERFET is relatively
small, but performs highly important functions,
including communications and logistical aid,
intelligence, and airlift of personnel, equipment and
humanitarian materiel. Additionally, elements of the
U.S. Pacific Fleet have been providing support for the
operation. This mission supports our interests by
helping to restore stability to a region of strategic
importance to the United States.
East Timor is now under a UN-administered transition
authority (UNTAET) and in two to three years will
gain full independence. A UNTAET peacekeeping
force will replace INTERFET to prevent further
instability and violence as East Timor becomes an
independent nation.
The Western Hemisphere
Our hemisphere enters the twenty-first century with an
unprecedented opportunity to secure a future of
stability and prosperity – building on the fact that every
nation in the hemisphere except Cuba is democratic
and committed to free market economies. The end of
armed conflict in Central America and other
improvements in regional security have coincided with
remarkable political and economic progress throughout
the Americas. The people of the Americas are taking
advantage of the vast opportunities being created as
emerging markets are connected through electronic
commerce and as robust democracies allow individuals
to more fully express their preferences. Sub-regional
political, economic and security cooperation in North
America, the Caribbean, Central America, the Andean
region and the Southern Cone have contributed
positively to peace and prosperity throughout the
hemisphere. Equally important, the people of the
Americas have reaffirmed their commitment to combat
together the difficult threats posed by drug trafficking
and corruption. The United States seeks to secure the
benefits of this new climate in the hemisphere, while
safeguarding our citizens against these threats.
Enhancing Security
The principal security concerns in the hemisphere are
transnational in nature, such as drug trafficking,
organized crime, money laundering, illegal
immigration, firearms trafficking, and terrorism. In
addition, our hemisphere is leading the way in
recognizing the dangers to national and regional
stability produced by corruption and ineffective legal
systems. All of these threats, especially drug
trafficking, produce adverse social effects that
undermine the sovereignty, democracy and national
security of nations in the hemisphere.
Working through the Organization of American States
(OAS) and other organizations, we are seeking to
eliminate the scourge of drug trafficking in our
hemisphere. The Multilateral Counterdrug Alliance is
striving to better organize and coordinate efforts to
extradite and prosecute individuals charged with drug
trafficking and related crimes; combat money
laundering; seize assets used in criminal activity; halt
illicit traffic in chemical precursors; strike at the
financial support networks; enhance national drug
abuse awareness and treatment programs; and
eliminate illicit crops through alternative development
and eradication programs. We are also pursuing a
number of bilateral and regional counterdrug initiatives.
In the Caribbean, and bilaterally with Mexico and
Colombia, we are working to increase counterdrug and
law enforcement cooperation.
We are advancing regional security cooperation
through: bilateral security dialogues; multilateral efforts
in the OAS and Summit of the Americas on
transparency and regional confidence and security
building measures, exercises and exchanges with key
militaries (principally focused on peacekeeping); and
regular Defense Ministerials. Last year, the guarantor
nations of the Peru-Ecuador peace process –
Argentina, Brazil, Chile and the United States –
brought the parties to a permanent solution to this
decades-old border dispute, the resolution of which
was important to regional stability. The Military
Observer Mission, Ecuador-Peru (MOMEP),
composed of the four guarantor nations, successfully
separated the warring factions, creating the mutual
confidence and security necessary to resolve the
dispute. Our efforts to encourage multilateral
cooperation are enhancing confidence and security
within the region and will help expand our
cooperative efforts to combat the transnational
threats to the Western Hemisphere.
Colombia is of particular importance because its
problems extend beyond its borders and have
implications for regional peace and security.
Insurgency, drug trafficking and a growing
paramilitary movement are testing democracy in
Colombia. To turn the tide, President Pastrana
needs U.S. assistance to wage a comprehensive
effort to promote the mutually reinforcing goals of
peace, combating drug trafficking, economic
development, and respect for human rights.
Working closely with us, the Government of Colombia
has developed an aggressive three-year strategy,
Plan Colombia, to revive their economy, strengthen
the democratic pillars of society, promote the peace
process and eliminate sanctuaries for narcotics
producers and traffickers. We will significantly
increase assistance for Plan Colombia in a manner
that will concurrently promote U.S. and Colombian
interests, and we will encourage our allies and
international institutions to do the same.
Promoting Prosperity
Economic growth and integration in the Americas will
profoundly affect the prosperity of the United States
in the twenty-first century. This begins with our
immediate neighbors, Canada and Mexico. Canada is
our largest merchandise export market and trade
partner in the world, and our exports to Canada have
grown rapidly as the U.S.-Canada Free Trade
Agreement phased in. U.S. merchandise exports to
Mexico have nearly doubled since the conclusion of the
North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA),
making Mexico our second largest goods export
market and trading partner. In the hemisphere as a
whole, our trade initiatives offer a historic opportunity to
capitalize on and strengthen the unprecedented trend
toward democracy and free market economics.
We seek to advance the goal of an integrated
hemisphere of free market democracies by building
on NAFTA and obtaining Congressional Fast Track
trade agreement approval procedures. Formal
negotiations are in progress to initiate the Free Trade
Area of the Americas (FTAA) by 2005. The
negotiations cover a broad range of important issues,
including market access, investment, services,
government procurement, dispute settlement,
agriculture, intellectual property rights, competition
policy, subsidies, anti-dumping and countervailing
duties. We will seek to ensure that the agreement
also supports workers rights, environmental
protection and sustainable development. We are also
committed to delivering on the President’s promise to
pursue a comprehensive free trade agreement with
Chile because of its economic performance and its
active role in promoting hemispheric economic
integration. To address the concerns of smaller
economies during the period of transition to the
global economy of the twenty-first century, and in
light of the increased competition NAFTA presents to
Caribbean trade, we are seeking Congressional
approval to provide enhanced trade benefits under
the Caribbean Basin Initiative to help prepare that
region for participation in the FTAA.
The United States will continue its effective
partnership with the IMF, the World Bank, the InterAmerican Development Bank, the governments of
Latin America, and the private sector to help the
region’s countries in their transition to integrated,
mature market economies. A key target of this
partnership is assisting the reform and recovery of
banking sectors hurt by financial market turmoil over
the past several years. We will continue to support
financial and economic reform efforts in Brazil and
Argentina to reduce their vulnerability to external
shocks, as well as helping Ecuador on its difficult
road to economic recovery and sustainable levels of
debt service.
We also view it as essential that economic prosperity
in our hemisphere be pursued in an environmentally
sustainable manner. From our shared seas and
freshwater resources to migratory bird species and
transboundary air pollution, the environmental
policies of our neighbors can have a direct impact on
quality of life at home. U.S. Government assistance
to the region recognizes the vital link between
sustainable use of natural resources and long-term
prosperity, a key to developing prosperous trading
partners in this hemisphere.
quality secondary education for at least 75% of young
Promoting Democracy
In Haiti we continue to support the consolidation of
democratic institutions, respect for human rights and
economic growth by a Haitian government capable of
managing its own security. In cooperation with the
United Nations and Organization of American States,
we are working with Haiti's Provisional Electoral
Council to pave the way for free, fair, and transparent
local, legislative and presidential elections in 2000.
We are committed to working with our partners in the
region and in the international community to meet the
challenges of institutionalizing Haiti’s economic and
political development, and building an effective and fair
police force and judicial system.
Many Latin American nations have made tremendous
advances in democracy and economic progress over
the last several years. But our ability to sustain the
hemispheric agenda crafted at the Summit of the
Americas depends in part on meeting the challenges
posed by weak democratic institutions, persistently
high unemployment and crime rates, and serious
income disparities. In some Latin American
countries, citizens will not fully realize the benefits of
political liberalization and economic growth without
regulatory, judicial, law enforcement and educational
reforms, as well as increased efforts to integrate all
members of society into the formal economy.
The hemisphere's leaders are committed to
strengthening democracy, justice and human rights.
They have pledged to intensify efforts to promote
democratic reforms at the regional and local level,
protect the rights of migrant workers and their
families, improve the capabilities and competence of
civil and criminal justice systems, and encourage a
strong and active civil society. Specific initiatives
include: ratification of the Inter-American Convention
Against Corruption to strengthen the integrity of
governmental institutions; creation of a Special
Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression as part of the
Inter-American Commission for Human Rights; and
establishment of an Inter-American Justice Studies
Center to facilitate training of personnel and the
exchange of information and other forms of technical
cooperation to improve judicial systems.
Education is at the centerpiece of reforms aimed at
making democracy work for all the people of the
Americas. The Summit Action Plan adopted at
Santiago in 1998 seeks to ensure by the year 2010
primary education for 100% of children and access to
We are also seeking to strengthen norms for defense
establishments that are supportive of democracy,
transparency, respect for human rights and civilian
control in defense matters. Through continued
engagement with regional armed forces, facilitated by
our own modest military activities and presence in the
region, we are helping to increase civilian expertise in
defense affairs and reinforce the positive trend in
civilian control.
The United States remains committed to promoting a
peaceful transition to democracy in Cuba and
forestalling a mass exodus that would endanger the
lives of migrants and the security of our borders. While
maintaining pressure on the regime to make political
and economic reforms, we continue to encourage the
emergence of a civil society to assist the transition to
democracy when the change comes. As the Cuban
people feel greater incentive to take charge of their
own future, they are more likely to stay at home and
build the informal and formal structures that will make
transition easier. Meanwhile, we remain firmly
committed to bilateral migration accords that ensure
migration in safe, legal and orderly channels.
The Middle East, North
Africa, Southwest and
South Asia
Developments in these regions will profoundly affect
America’s future. They will determine whether a just
and lasting peace can be established between Israel
and the Arab countries; whether nations of the region
will fully join our fight against terrorism and drug
trafficking; whether they will agree to stop the spread of
weapons of mass destruction; whether the oil and gas
fields of the Caucasus and Central Asia become
reliable energy sources; and whether respect for basic
human rights and democracy can be institutionalized.
Enhancing Security
The United States has enduring interests in pursuing a
just, lasting and comprehensive Middle East peace,
ensuring the security and well-being of Israel, helping
our Arab friends provide for their security, and
maintaining the free flow of oil. Our strategy reflects
those interests and the unique characteristics of the
region as we work to strengthen peace and stability.
The Middle East Peace Process
A historic transformation is taking place in the political
landscape of the Middle East. Peace agreements are
taking hold, requiring concerted implementation efforts,
and new agreements are being negotiated, which hold
out the hope of ending the conflict between Israel and
its Arab neighbors. The United States - a key architect
and sponsor of the peace process - has a clear
national interest in seeing the process deepen and
widen. We will continue our steady, determined
leadership - standing with those who take risks for
peace, standing against those who would destroy it,
lending our good offices where we can make a
difference and helping bring the concrete benefits of
peace to people’s daily lives.
A significant breakthrough in the Middle East Peace
Process took place in December 1999 when Prime
Minister Barak and President Assad agreed to
resume the Israel-Syrian peace negotiations where
they left off. These negotiations will be high level,
intensive, and conducted with the aim of reaching an
agreement as soon as possible in order to bring a
just and lasting peace between Israel and Syria.
With the resumption of Israeli-Syrian talks, we will
continue working to begin negotiations between
Israel and Lebanon.
On the Palestinian front, Israelis and Palestinians are
turning to the core issues that have defined their
conflict for the past fifty years, seeking to build a lasting
peace based on partnership and cooperation. They
have agreed to seek to reach a permanent status
agreement by September 2000 and the United States
will do everything within its power to help them achieve
that goal. At the same time, both sides will continue to
implement the remaining issues in the Interim
Agreement, the Wye River Memorandum, and the
Sharm el-Sheikh agreement. Our goal remains the
normalization of relations between Israel and all Arab
states. Through the multilateral working groups on
security, refugees, water and the environment, we are
seeking to promote regional cooperation to address
transboundary environmental issues that affect all
North Africa
The United States has an interest in the stability and
prosperity of North Africa, a region that is undergoing
important changes. In particular, we are seeking to
strengthen our relations with Morocco, Tunisia and
Algeria and to encourage political and economic
reform. Libya continues to be a country of concern
for the national security and foreign policy interests of
the United States. Although the government of Libya
has taken an important positive step away from its
support of terrorism by surrendering the Lockerbie
suspects, our policy toward Libya is designed to
encourage Libya to completely cease its support of
terrorism and block its efforts to obtain weapons of
mass destruction.
Southwest Asia
In Southwest Asia, the United States remains
focused on deterring threats to regional stability and
energy security, countering threats posed by WMD,
and protecting the security of our regional partners,
particularly from the threats posed by Iraq and Iran.
We will continue to encourage members of the Gulf
Cooperation Council (GCC) to work closely on
collective defense and security arrangements, help
individual GCC states meet their defense requirements,
and maintain our bilateral defense relationships.
We will maintain an appropriate military presence in
Southwest Asia using a combination of ground, air
and naval forces. We maintain a continuous military
presence in the Gulf to enhance regional stability and
support our on-going efforts to bring Iraq into
compliance with UN Security Council resolutions.
Our forces in the Gulf are backed by our ability to
rapidly reinforce the region in time of crisis, which we
have demonstrated convincingly. We remain
committed to enforcing the no-fly zones over northern
and southern Iraq, which are essential for
implementing the UN Security Council resolutions
and preventing Saddam Hussein from taking largescale military action against Kuwait or the Kurd and
Shia minorities in Iraq.
Our policy toward Iraq is comprised of three central
elements: containment and economic sanctions, to
prevent Saddam from again threatening the stability
of the vital Gulf region; relief for the Iraqi people from
humanitarian suffering via the UN oil-for-food
program; and support to those Iraqis seeking to
replace Saddam’s regime with a government that can
live at peace with its neighbors and its people.
Operation Desert Fox in December 1998 successfully
degraded the threat posed by Iraqi WMD in the wake
of Baghdad’s decision to cease cooperation with UN
weapons inspectors.
In December 1999, the United Nations Security
Council passed UNSCR 1284, a new omnibus
resolution on Iraq. The United States supports
Resolution 1284 because it buttresses the
containment of Iraq. This resolution reflects the
consensus view of the Security Council that Iraq has
still not met its obligations to the international
community and, in particular, has failed to disband
fully its proscribed WMD programs. The resolution
expands the humanitarian aspects of the oil-for-food
program to ensure the well-being of the Iraqi people.
It provides for a robust new disarmament program
that would finish the work begun by UNSCOM. It
would allow for a suspension of the economic
sanctions in return for Iraqi fulfillment of key
disarmament tasks, and would lock in the Security
Council’s control over Iraqi finances to ensure that
Saddam Hussein is never again able to disburse
Iraq’s resources as he would like.
We have consistently maintained that the Iraqi
regime can only have sanctions lifted when it has met
its obligations to the international community.
Saddam’s actions over the past decade make clear
that his regime will not comply with its obligations
under the UN Security Council resolutions designed
to rid Iraq of WMD and their delivery systems.
Because of that and because the Iraqi people will
never be free under the brutal dictatorship of Saddam
Hussein, we actively support those who seek to bring
a new democratic government to power in Baghdad.
We recognize that this may be a slow and difficult
process, but we believe it is the only solution to the
problem of Saddam’s regime.
Our policy toward Iran is aimed at changing the
practices of the Iranian government in several key
areas, including its efforts to obtain WMD and longrange missiles, its support for terrorism and groups
that violently oppose the Middle East peace process,
its attempts to undermine friendly governments in the
region, and its development of offensive military
capabilities that threaten our GCC partners and the
flow of oil. We view signs of change in Iranian
policies with interest, both with regard to the
possibility of Iran assuming its rightful place in the
world community and the chance for better bilateral
ties. We welcome statements by President Khatemi
that advocate a people-to-people dialogue with the
United States.
These positive signs must be balanced against the
reality that Iran's support for terrorism has not yet
ceased and serious violations of human rights
persist. Iran is continuing its efforts to acquire WMD
and develop long range missiles (including the 1,300
kilometer-range Shahab-3 it flight-tested in July
1998). The United States will continue to oppose
Iranian efforts to sponsor terror and to oppose
transfers from any country to Iran of materials and
technologies that could be used to develop longrange missiles or WMD.
We are ready to explore further ways to build mutual
confidence and avoid misunderstandings with Iran.
We will strengthen our cooperation with allies and
friends to encourage positive changes in Iranian
practices that threaten our shared interests. If a
government-to-government dialogue can be initiated
and sustained in a way that addresses the concerns
of both sides, then the United States would be willing
to develop with the Islamic Republic a road map
leading to normal relations.
South Asia
Our strategy for South Asia is designed to help the
peoples of that region enjoy the fruits of democracy by
helping resolve long-standing conflicts, implementing
confidence-building measures, and assisting economic
development. Regional stability and improved bilateral
ties are also important for U.S. economic interests in a
region that contains a fifth of the world’s population and
one of its most important emerging markets. In
addition, we seek to work closely with regional
countries to stem the flow of illegal drugs from South
Asia, most notably from Afghanistan. We seek to
establish relationships with India and Pakistan that are
defined in terms of their own individual merits and
reflect the full weight and range of U.S. strategic,
political and economic interests in each country. The
October 1999 coup in Pakistan was a clear setback for
democracy in that region, and we have urged
Pakistan’s leaders to quickly restore civilian rule and
the democratic process.
We seek, as part of our dialogue with India and
Pakistan, to encourage both countries to take steps to
prevent proliferation, reduce the risk of conflict, and
exercise restraint in their nuclear and missile programs.
The Indian and Pakistani nuclear and long-range
missile tests were dangerously destabilizing and
threaten to spark a dangerous arms race in South
Asia. Recent fighting along the Line of Control is a
reminder of the tensions in that part of the world and
of the risk that relatively minor conventional
confrontations could spin out of control, with the most
serious consequences.
In concert with the other permanent members of the
UN Security Council, the G-8 nations, and many
others in the international community, the United
States has called on both nations to sign and ratify
the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, to take
steps to prevent an arms race in nuclear weapons
and long-range missiles, to resume their direct
dialogue, and take decisive steps to reduce tensions
in South Asia. We also strongly urge these states to
refrain from any actions that would further undermine
regional and global stability, and urge them to join the
clear international consensus in support of
nonproliferation and a cut off of fissile material
Promoting Prosperity
The United States has two principal economic
objectives in the region: to promote regional economic
cooperation and development and to ensure an
unrestricted flow of oil from the region. We seek to
promote regional trade and cooperation on
infrastructure through the peace process, revitalization
of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) economic
summits, and our Qualifying Industrial Zone program,
which provides economic benefits for certain countries
that enter into business arrangements with Israel. In
South Asia, we will continue to work with the region’s
democracies in their efforts to implement market
reforms, strengthen educational systems, and end the
use of child and sweatshop labor.
Although the United States imports less than 15% of
the oil exported from the Persian Gulf, the region will
remain of vital strategic importance to U.S. national
security due to the global nature of the international oil
market. Previous oil shocks and the Gulf War
underscore that any blockage of Gulf supplies or a
substantial increase in price would immediately affect
the international market, driving up energy costs
everywhere -- ultimately harming the U.S. economy as
well as the economies of our key economic partners in
Europe and Japan. Appropriate responses to events
such as Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait can limit the
magnitude of a crisis in the Gulf and its impact on world
oil markets. Over the longer term, U.S. dependence
on access to these and other foreign oil sources will
remain important as our reserves are depleted. That is
one of many important reasons why the United States
must continue to demonstrate commitment and resolve
in the Persian Gulf.
Promoting Democracy
We encourage the spread of democratic values
throughout the Middle East, North Africa and
Southwest and South Asia and will pursue this
objective aided by constructive dialogue with
countries in the region. In Iran, for example, we hope
the nation's leaders will carry out the people's
mandate for a government that respects and protects
the rule of law, both in its internal and external affairs.
We will promote responsible indigenous moves
toward increasing political participation and
enhancing the quality of governance, and we will
continue to challenge governments in the region to
improve their human rights records. Respect for
human rights also requires rejection of terrorism. If
the nations in the region are to safeguard their own
citizens from the threat of terror, they cannot tolerate
acts of indiscriminate violence against civilians, nor
can they offer refuge to those who commit such acts.
Our policies are guided by our profound respect for
Islam. The Muslim religion is the fastest-growing
faith in the United States. We recognize and honor
Islam’s role as a source of inspiration, instruction and
moral guidance for hundreds of millions of people
around the world. U.S. policy in the region is directed
at the actions of governments and terrorist groups,
not peoples or faiths.
Sub-Saharan Africa
In recent years, the United States has engaged in a
concerted effort to transform our relationship with
Africa. We have supported efforts by many African
nations to move toward multi-party democracy, hold
free and fair elections, promote human rights, allow
freedom of the press and association, and reform
their economies. A new, post-colonial political order
is emerging in Africa, with emphasis on democratic
and pragmatic approaches to solving political,
economic and environmental problems, and
developing human and natural resources. U.S.Africa ties are deepening, and U.S.-Africa trade is
Sustaining these recent successes will require that
we identify those issues that most directly affect our
interests, and on which we can make a difference
through efficient and effective targeting of our
resources. We will promote regional stability through
engagement with sub-regional organizations and key
African states using carefully harmonized U.S.
programs and initiatives. Our immediate objective is
to increase the number of capable states in Africa;
that is, nations that are able to define the challenges
they face, manage their resources to effectively
address those challenges, and build stability and
peace within their borders and their sub-regions.
Enhancing Security
Serious transnational security threats emanate from
pockets of Africa, including state-sponsored
terrorism, drug trafficking, international crime,
environmental degradation and infectious diseases,
especially HIV/AIDS. Since these threats transcend
state borders, they are best addressed through
effective, sustained sub-regional engagement in
Africa. We have already made significant progress in
countering some of these threats – such as by
investing in efforts to combat environmental
degradation and infectious disease, and leading
international efforts to remove mines planted in
previous conflict areas and halt the proliferation of
land mines. We continue efforts to reduce the flow of
illegal drugs through Africa and to curtail international
organized criminal activity based in Africa. We will
improve international intelligence sharing, and train
and assist African law enforcement, intelligence and
border control agencies to detect and prevent
planned terrorist attacks against U.S. targets in
We seek to keep Africa free of weapons of mass
destruction by supporting South Africa's nuclear
disarmament and accession to the NPT as a nonnuclear weapon state, supporting the African Nuclear
Weapons Free Zone, and encouraging African
nations to join the BWC and CWC.
Nigeria’s rapid change from an autocratic, military
regime to a civilian, democratically elected
government affords us an opportunity to build
productive security, political and economic relations
with the most populous country in Africa. With nearly
one in six Africans living in Nigeria, the impact of
serious cooperative efforts to tackle mushrooming
crime, drug trafficking and corruption problems could
be enormously beneficial to the United States and a
large proportion of Africans.
The Sierra Leone peace accord signed in July 1999
illustrates that cooperative efforts can resolve longstanding African conflicts. Nigeria played a
leadership role in this effort, working in concert with
the Economic Community of West African States and
supported by the international community. The July
1999 Organization for African Unity (OAU) initiative,
under Algeria’s energetic leadership, for peace
between Eritrea and Ethiopia is another such
example of cooperative peace efforts which we have
actively supported. We believe the Lusaka cease-fire
agreement of July 1999 can bring an end to the war
in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and its
Joint Military Commission supports the evolution of a
regional collective security arrangement in Central
Africa. Additionally, we are working with the Angolan
government through a Bilateral Consultative
Commission (BCC) on key areas of mutual interest
such as regional security, humanitarian and social
issues, and economic reform.
Sudan continues to pose a threat to regional stability
and the national security interests of the United
States. We have moved to counter Sudan’s support
for international terrorism and regional destabilization
by imposing sanctions on the Khartoum regime,
continuing to press for the regime’s isolation through
the UN Security Council, and enhancing the ability of
Sudan’s neighbors to resist Khartoum-backed
insurgencies in their countries through our Frontline
States initiative. We support regional efforts for a just
and fair peace and national reconciliation in Sudan
based on the Inter-Governmental Authority on
Development’s Declaration of Principles.
Persistent conflict and continuing political instability in
some African countries remain obstacles to Africa’s
development and to our national security, political
and economic interests there, including unhampered
access to oil reserves and other important natural
resources. To foster regional stability and peace in
Africa, the United States in 1996 launched the African
Crisis Response Initiative (ACRI) to work with
Africans to enhance their capacity to conduct
effective peacekeeping and humanitarian operations.
We are coordinating with the French, British, other
donor countries and African governments in
developing a regional exercise program to promote
common doctrines and command and control
capability, and interoperability for peacekeeping
missions. We are consulting closely on ACRI activity
with the UN Department of Peacekeeping
Operations, the OAU and its Crisis Management
Center, and African sub-regional organizations
already pursuing similar capability enhancements.
The United States has established the African Center
for Strategic Studies (ACSS) to promote the
exchange of ideas and information tailored
specifically for African security concerns. The goal is
for ACSS to be a source of academic, yet practical,
instruction in promoting civil-military relations and the
skills necessary to make effective national security
decisions in democratic governments. The
curriculum will engage African military and civilian
defense leaders in a substantive dialogue about
defense policy planning, civil-military relations, and
defense resource management in democracies. Our
long-term goal is to support the development of
regional security arrangements and institutions to
prevent and manage armed conflicts and curtail
transnational threats to our collective security.
Promoting Prosperity
A stable, democratic, economically growing Africa will
be a better economic partner, a better partner for
security and peace, and a better partner in the fights
against drug trafficking, crime, terrorism, infectious
diseases and environmental degradation. Lasting
prosperity for Africa will be possible only when Africa
is fully integrated into the global economy.
Further integrating Africa into the global economy will
also directly serve U.S. interests by continuing to
expand an already important new market for U.S.
exports. The more than 700 million people of subSaharan Africa represent one of the world’s largest
basically untapped markets. Although the United
States enjoys only a seven-percent market share in
Africa, already 100,000 American jobs depend on our
exports there. Increasing both the U.S. market share
and the size of the African market will bring tangible
benefits to U.S. workers and increase prosperity and
economic opportunity in Africa. Our aim, therefore, is
to assist African nations to implement economic
reforms, improve public governance and combat
corruption, create favorable climates for trade and
investment, and achieve sustainable development.
To support the economic transformation underway in
Africa, the President in June 1997 launched the
Partnership for Economic Growth and Opportunity in
Africa Initiative. The Administration has implemented
many of the Initiative’s objectives and continues to
work closely with Congress to implement remaining
key elements of this initiative through passage of the
African Growth and Opportunity Act. By significantly
broadening market access, spurring growth and
helping the poorest nations eliminate or reduce their
bilateral debt, the Initiative and the legislation will
better enable us to help African nations undertake
difficult economic reforms and build better lives for
their people through sustainable development.
We are working with African governments on shared
interests in the world trading system, such as
developing electronic commerce, improving WTO
capacity-building functions, and eliminating
agricultural export subsidies. We also are pursuing
initiatives to encourage U.S. trade with and
investment in Africa, including targeted technical
assistance, enhanced debt forgiveness, and
increased bilateral trade ties. We have led the
international community in efforts to address Africa’s
crippling debt, through the Cologne Initiative which
substantially deepens relief available under the
Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) initiative.
We will continue to work with African countries to
manage and reduce the debt burden in order to
unleash the continent’s economic potential.
To further our trade objectives in Africa, the Ron
Brown Commercial Center was established in
Johannesburg, South Africa in 1998. The Center
provides support for American companies looking to
enter or expand into the sub-Saharan African market,
promotes U.S. exports through a range of support
programs, and facilitates business contacts and
partnerships between African and American
businesses. The President’s historic March 1998 trip
to Africa and the unprecedented March 1999 U.S.Africa Ministerial further solidified our partnership with
African nations across a range of security, economic
and political issues.
Helping Africans generate the food and income
necessary to feed themselves is critical for promoting
sustainable growth and development. Despite some
recent progress, the percentage of malnourished
people and lack of diversified sustainable agricultural
production in Africa is the highest of any region in the
world, and more help is greatly needed. In 1998 we
launched the Africa Food Security Initiative, a 10-year
U.S. Agency for International Development-led effort
to help improve agricultural productivity, support
research, expand income-generating projects, and
address nutritional needs for the rural poor.
African nations are also engaged in battle with
diseases, such as malaria and tuberculosis, which
sap economic productivity and development. Worse,
the epidemic of HIV/AIDS continues to attack the
continent, threatening progress on development,
reducing life expectancy, and decreasing GDPs in
the hardest-hit nations. The Administration has made
the battle against AIDS and other diseases a priority
for international action and investment in Africa. Our
global AIDS Initiative has focused special attention
and earmarked resources for Africa.
Promoting Democracy
In Africa as elsewhere, democracies have proved
stronger partners for peace, stability and sustained
prosperity. We will continue to support the important
progress African nations have achieved and to
broaden the growing circle of African democracies.
The restoration of civilian democratic government in
Nigeria can help return that country to its place as a
leader in Africa. Over the past year, the government
and people of Nigeria have succeeded in restoring
democratic civilian government, freed political
prisoners, lifted onerous restrictions on labor unions,
and worked to restore the authority of the judicial
system. Nigeria’s new civilian government has taken
sweeping steps to ensure that the military remains in
the barracks and that fighting corruption will be a top
priority. The peaceful elections in February 1999 and
inauguration of the new civilian government in May
1999 were important steps in this transformation.
As in any democratic transition, Nigeria’s new
government is facing enormous challenges: creating
accountable government, building support within the
military for civilian rule, protecting human rights, and
rebuilding the economy so it benefits all citizens.
President Clinton met with President Obasanjo at the
White House in October 1999 and reaffirmed our
commitment to work with him on the challenges and
security, economic, political and social issues.
Through the Great Lakes Justice Initiative, the United
States is working to help end the cycle of violence
and impunity in the Democratic Republic of Congo,
Rwanda and Burundi, and to support judicial systems
that are impartial, credible, effective and inclusive. In
addition, we will work with our allies to find an
effective formula for promoting stability, democracy
and respect for human rights in the Democratic
Republic of Congo so that it and a democratic Nigeria
can become the regional centers for economic
growth, and democratic empowerment that they can
and should be. In order to help post-apartheid South
Africa achieve its economic, political, democratic and
security goals for all its citizens, we will continue to
provide substantial bilateral assistance, vigorously
promote U.S. trade and investment, and pursue close
cooperation and support for our mutual interests.
Ultimately, the prosperity and security of Africa
depend on African leadership, strong national
institutions, and extensive political and economic
reform. The United States will continue to support
and promote such national reforms and the evolution
of regional arrangements that build cooperation
among African states.
IV. Conclusions
Today, as we reach the twenty-first century, we are
building new frameworks, partnerships and institutions
– and adapting existing ones – to strengthen America’s
security and prosperity. We are working to construct
new cooperative security arrangements and build
peace, contain weapons of mass destruction, fight
terrorism and international crime, rid the world of ethnic
cleansing and genocide, build a truly global economy,
and promote democratic values and economic reform.
This is a moment of historic opportunity to create a
safer, more democratic, and more prosperous
tomorrow -- a better future for our children and
This promising state of affairs did not just happen, and
there is no guarantee that it will endure. The
contemporary era was forged by steadfast American
leadership over the last half century – through efforts
such as the Marshall Plan, NATO, our security ties in
the Pacific, the United Nations, the International
Monetary Fund and the World Bank. The clear
dangers of the past made the need for national security
commitments and expenditures obvious to the
American people. Today, the task of mobilizing public
support for national security priorities is more
complicated. The complex array of unique dangers,
opportunities and responsibilities outlined in this
strategy are not always readily apparent as we go
about our daily lives focused on immediate concerns.
Yet, in a more integrated and interdependent world, we
must remain actively engaged in world affairs to
successfully advance our national interests.
To be secure and prosperous, America must continue
to lead. Our international leadership focuses on
President Clinton's strategic priorities: efforts to
promote peace and security in key regions of the
world; to create more jobs and opportunities for
Americans through a more open and competitive
trading system that also benefits others around the
world; to increase cooperation in confronting security
threats that threaten our critical infrastructures and
our citizens at home and abroad, yet often defy
borders and unilateral solutions; to strengthen
international arms control and nonproliferation
regimes; to protect the environment and the health of
our citizens; and to strengthen the intelligence,
military, diplomatic and law enforcement tools
necessary to meet these challenges.
Our international leadership is ultimately founded
upon the power of our democratic ideals and values.
The spread of democracy supports American values
and enhances our security and prosperity. The
United States will continue to support the trend
toward democracy and free markets, peace and
security by remaining actively engaged in the world.
Our engagement abroad requires the active, sustained
support of the American people and the bipartisan
support of the U.S. Congress. This Administration
remains committed to explaining our security interests,
objectives and priorities to the nation and seeking the
broadest possible public and congressional support for
our security programs and investments. We will
continue to exercise global leadership in a manner that
reflects our national values, promotes prosperity and
protects the security of this great nation.