Introduction PERIscope 2015 explores consumer behaviours & attitudes towards food, shopping and cooking. Online survey conducted amongst 1,000 adults aged 18+ in Germany. Results are also available across seven other countries. Survey covers topics such as: Eating at home, attitudes towards cooking, local food, sustainability, the environment, grocery shopping and health & wellbeing. A Consumer Trend Index was created based on the relevant and most indicative questions. This allowed for each country to be ranked within each emerging theme. The ranking is provided at the start of each thematic section. Research carried out by Ipsos MRBI. Please note, there may be discrepancies in relation to some of the „total‟ figures within this report. This is due to rounding (e.g. “slightly agree” at 45, “strongly agree” at 30, “agree” at 76). For further information or queries please visit or email 2 Overview of Themes The Power of Food Back to Work Love Local Understanding the health benefits of eating well Changing shopping & working habits Why local, is and will remain loved Easier Living Joyning Better Business? Using food and cooking to create social, sharing experiences Does ‘better’ business impact on consumer purchase behaviour? Importance of technology & convenience for busy lives The Power of Food “The Power of Food”: Consumer Index 5 Who believes in the benefits of healthy eating? #1 China #2 Spain #3 ROI #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 Netherlands US GB France Germany The benefits and rewards of a healthy diet are cutting through to varying degrees across each of the markets, understanding the implications of healthy eating is the focus for this theme. Attitudes towards healthy food options, eating habits, perception of diet and the importance of “healthy option” labelling of food have been addressed. “The Power of Food”: German Thematic Overview Germany‟s perceptions of health and diet continue to be low when compared to other countries in PERIscope 2015, as they rank eight overall. Close to two thirds of Germans do perceive their diet to be healthy and 3 in 10 believe they are eating more healthily than 12 months ago. There continues to be strong support when considering the importance of diet for mental health. 87% of Germans believe good food can enhance both body and mind. However, there are mixed results when it comes to German respondents with dependent children. Compared to other countries, concern regarding obesity and sugar intake are quite low. A majority of these respondents do try to ensure their children have a balanced diet (85%). There are also conflicting results regarding their opinion of convenience meals. While there are decreases in agreement regarding “great taste” and “good value for money”, fewer Germans believe that convenience meals “are expensive” and have “poor quality ingredients”. Approximately six in ten Germans experience difficulty with nutritional information and food labelling. A higher proportion (90%) would like manufacturers to help them eat healthily. 6 Overall perceptions of diet amongst the Germans have declined by almost ten percentage points since 2008. 7 Diet Perceptions NET ‘Healthy’ 73 Describe their diet as ‘very’ healthy 8 64 64 6 6 54 58 58 2010 2013 2015 60 5 Describe their diet as ‘fairly’ healthy 65 2008 Germanys perception of its own healthiness continues to be the lowest of the PERIscope 2015 study. Three in ten Germans believe their eating habits to be more healthy in the last 12 months; a relatively unchanged figure over the past seven years. Changes in eating habits in last 12 months My eating habits are more healthy 32 30 30 30 4 6 4 2 2008 2010 2013 2015 My eating habits are less healthy Germany ranks in joint fourth with Netherlands when it comes to believing its eating habits are healthier than before. China holds the strongest belief that its eating habits are more healthy (50%). 8 The proportion of Germans who agree that it is important to eat properly to be healthy remains high in 2015, with over eight in ten respondents in agreement since the research began. % agree that ‘To be healthy it is important to eat properly’ 85% 81% 2008 2010 85% 2013 83% 2015 Germany ranks quite low, only ahead of GB and Netherlands, in agreeing that to be healthy it is important to eat properly. ROI, France and Spain all rank in first (92%). 9 Eating healthy to take control of one‟s life is a concept relevant to just under six in ten Germans. It is a concept that has maintained relative stability since 2008. 10 I eat healthy to take control of my life % agree slightly 2015 41 % agree strongly 18 18 59 61 2013 44 2010 42 15 57 2008 43 15 58 Germany ranks seventh out of eight countries. GB ranks lowest at 57%. ROI ranks first (73%). The relationship between diet and mental health is being viewed with consistent strength in Germany. There is continuously more support for the concept that good food can enhance body and mind. 11 % Agree Good food can enhance body & mind I consider what I eat to be really important for my mental well-being 2008 2010 2013 2015 82 81 88 87 63 57 62 64 Germany is a strong supporter of the idea that a good diet can help your mental health. It ranks joint fourth, alongside US and China, regarding this idea. It ranks lower (6th) when considering diet as really important for mental well-being. Concerns about ones children becoming obese have risen to almost three in ten of all adults with dependent children. 12 I am concerned about my children becoming obese % agree slightly % agree strongly 2015 19 10 2013 21 10 32 2010 20 12 32 2008 19 7 29 26 Germany ranks seventh in terms of concern about one‟s children becoming obese. Spain are the most concerned and the Netherlands are the least concerned. A majority of Germans with dependent children are conscious of their children‟s sugar intake and an even stronger majority are attempting to ensure a balanced diet for their children. 13 % Agree strongly/slightly I am conscious about my children’s sugar intake 68% I try to ensure that my children have a balanced diet I find it difficult to get my kids to eat vegetables with their dinner 85% 26% Germany ranks third for ensuring their children have a balanced diet. However, it ranks second lowest for conscientiousness regarding their children‟s sugar intake. Sandwiches and fruit are popular lunchbox components in Germany. Water is the most popular drink. Cheese snacks have grown in popularity in three years. Content of kids’ lunchboxes Sandwiches Cereal bars Crisps 92 92 4 83 Cheese Snack 9 Milk 11 27 30 22 28 33 9 12 51 77 77 21 33 90 34 2 33 2015 31 1 Yoghurt Bottle of Water 2013 26 Fruit Juice 2010 54 57 Sandwiches are more popular in Germany than in any other country in PERIscope 2015. 14 Germans associate convenience foods with lower levels of value & poorer taste than in 2008. However, they are deemed marginally less expensive than previously. 15 Convenience foods…… … are expensive … are good value for money 52% 44% 36% 34% 2008 2015 2008 2015 … have poor quality ingredients … taste great 28% 25% 44% 39% 2008 2015 2008 2015 Germany shows average levels of agreement when it comes to claims that convenience meals „taste great‟ or are „good value for money‟. China are strongest in agreement that convenience meals are „good value for money‟ and that they „taste great‟. In Germany, todays grocery shopper is no different to that of the grocery shopper in 2008 when it comes to checking the nutritional labelling on food prior to purchase. % applies that they ‘always check the nutritional labelling on foods before buying them’ 2015 64 2013 65 2010 2008 70 64 Compared to other countries, Germanys tendency to check the nutritional labelling on food before purchase is average (sixth position). 16 Compared to 2013, the Germans are finding it slightly less difficult to understand nutritional claims on packaging and labelling on food. % applies that they ‘often find it difficult to understand nutritional claims on packaging’ 2015 2013 63 67 69 77 71 75 2010 2008 % applies that they ‘often find it difficult to understand labelling on food’ 62 64 Germany displays an average understanding of nutritional claims on packing and food labelling. Spain display the highest levels of difficulty in understanding. 17 The Germans continue to maintain a strong preference for having manufacturers help them to eat healthy. I would like manufacturers to help me to eat healthy 87% 88% 2008 2010 85% 2013 90% 2015 Spain (95%), China (93%) and Germany rank as the top three countries that would like manufacturers to help them to eat healthy. 18 Back to Work “Back to Work”: Consumer Index 20 Whose workplace habits are changing? #1 #2 #3 GB ROI US #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 Netherlands France Spain Germany China The question has arisen across all markets – is the recession coming to an end? Behaviours relating to shopping, workplace habits and trends that are emerging have been analysed in this section in the context of changing shopping habits as well as attitudes towards price and value for money. “Back to Work” - German Thematic Overview 21 Germany is positioned towards the lower end of the “Back to Work” theme. As with previous years, over a third of Germans eat lunch at work. There is a higher proportion of Germans bringing their lunch to work more often, than less often. Compared to other countries, Germany does not place a high value on price when shopping. But, they are ranked second to lowest when considering quality more important than price. Striving for the best value in a known store is not important in Germany compared to other countries. Shopping habits are mixed amongst German respondents. 40% are shopping in discount retailers more often than before. Over three in ten German shoppers are spreading their shopping across shops for better value both more and less often. Almost half of German shoppers are travelling further for better value less often. Just over a third of Germans will eat their lunch at work, which has been consistent in the past two waves of research. % Eating lunch at work 2010 2013 2015 35 36 34 Germany ranks similar to France (30%), Spain (32%) and ROI (35%) in the proportion that eat lunch in work. France has the lowest proportion eating lunch at work. 22 Slightly less Germans are changing their lunch habits in work compared to 2008. Over four in ten continue to bring lunch into work more often, while just under three in ten bring lunch to work less often. % Bringing in own lunch to work More often Less often 2010 2013 2015 47 43 44 31 31 29 Germany ranks joint fourth with ROI when considering the proportion who bring in their lunch to work more often. 23 There are considerably higher proportions of Germans going out to eat less often in work than eating lunch out more often. Since 2008, there has been a decrease in those going out to eat at work less often. % Going out to eat lunch at work More often Less often 2010 2013 2015 16 17 18 64 60 55 Germany ranks only behind France for those going out to eat lunch at work less often. 24 The importance placed on price when grocery shopping has decreased slightly in Germany in 2015. When I shop the first thing I look for is price % agree slightly 2015 2013 2010 2008 33 38 % agree strongly 17 51 16 53 35 20 54 37 17 54 Looking for price as a „first thing‟ is not a defining behaviour of German grocery shoppers. The Germans rank sixth overall with regard to agreement with this statement. 25 The practice of placing the quality of fresh food ahead of price has seen an increase in Germany compared to five years ago. 26 Quality of fresh food is more important than price % agree slightly 2015 45 2013 43 2010 2008 37 41 % agree strongly 22 18 18 14 67 60 56 55 Germany displays a relatively weak level of agreement with the idea that quality is more important than price. It ranks seventh overall, considerably behind Spain (81%) who has the highest level of agreement. Getting value for money in the same store is important for more than half of German grocery shoppers. Yet, compared to 2010, this behaviour has declined considerably. I most often go to the same store but look for the best value for money I can get % agree slightly 2015 2013 42 39 2010 43 2008 44 % agree strongly 58 16 17 56 73 30 17 61 Obtaining value for money in the same store is least popular in Germany. German behaviour is significantly different to US (80%). 27 The concept of paying more for better customer service has not experienced any significant change in attitude in Germany in the past five years. I will pay a bit more for grocery shopping to get superior customer service % agree slightly % agree strongly 2015 23 8 2013 24 5 2010 22 2008 22 8 6 31 29 30 28 Germany ranks joint sixth, alongside US, in terms of willingness to pay a premium for superior customer service. Spain (58%) and China (56%) record the highest scores. 28 Buying products on impulse has become a less common feature amongst German grocery shoppers since 2008. % agree strongly % agree slightly I tend to buy on impulse if I think products are cheap 2008 45 36% 2010 36 9% 27% 2013 36 8% 28% 2015 34 8% 26% Germany ranks sixth in terms of its susceptibility towards buying products on impulse. GB (49%) continues to be the most likely to respond impulsively. 8% 29 Spending time looking for a bargain is a shopping behaviour that has ascended considerably in Germany since 2008, but just over half of German shoppers exhibit this behaviour. I don’t mind spending time looking for a bargain % agree slightly % agree strongly 2015 31 21 2013 32 17 49 2008 2151 34 2010 23 51 49 51 831 31 Germany remains behind the US (64%) when it comes to bargain hunting, but is also considerably ahead of France (38%). 30 In Germany, 4 in 10 shoppers are claiming to shop in discount retailers more often than 12 months ago, a decrease of three percentage points since 2013. % Shopping in Discount Retailers 2010 2013 2015 More often 50 43 40 Less often 20 18 19 Germany ranks second overall for more frequent shopping in discount retailers. ROI rank the highest for shopping in discount retailers more often. 31 Almost equal proportions of German shoppers have changed their behaviour regarding spreading shopping across a number of shops to get the best value. % Spreading shopping across a number of shops to get the best value 2010 More often 37 Less often 35 2013 2015 30 31 36 30 Germany are ranked third overall for spreading their shopping across shops more often. It is ranked second overall for spreading their shopping less often. 32 Higher proportions of German shoppers are travelling further for better value less often, than those who have increased this habit. Both proportions remains similar to previous years at 15%. % Travelling further to shop to get better value 2010 2013 2015 More often 16 15 15 Less often 55 49 47 After China (63%), Germany have the highest proportion who are travelling less often for better value. It is ranked third for those travelling more often. 33 Love Local “Love Local”: Consumer Index 35 Where is local produce on the rise? #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 China Spain France ROI Germany US Netherlands GB The focus of this theme is “why „local‟ is, and will remain loved” and the importance of transparency when it comes to food production and purchase. The importance of transparency, knowing the source of your food has emerged as a central trend in the food and drinks industries over the past few years. This theme manifests in attitudes towards locally produced food, cooking from scratch, importance of pre prepared or convenience foods and the frequency of purchasing local food. “Love Local” - German Thematic Overview The majority of German respondents consider local food important but not as important as four other countries in PERIscope 2015 as they rank fifth on the scale for “Love Local”. Almost six in ten agree that local food is food within a close proximity to where one lives. High proportions check for the country of origin (85%) and symbol of quality (70%), although the latter has been decreasing since 2008. Two thirds of Germans purchase local foods more often than once a week. Over 70% of Germans continue to prepare meals from scratch several times a week or more often. This effort to be healthy is also seen in the high proportions of Germans who attempt to limit their fast food consumption (87%). 36 The overall importance of local food has remained at high levels, with consistent proportions of respondents considering local produce „very important‟. Importance of buying local produce when shopping 2008 Total importance Very important 2010 55% 17% 2013 60% 54% 17% 2015 15% 59% 16% Germany‟s attitude towards local, places it inside the bottom three, along with GB (52%) and the Netherlands (34%). 37 In Germany, „local food‟ is most often viewed as food that is made within close physical proximity. Almost 6 in 10 believe local food is food that is… Approx. 4 in 10 believe local food is food that is… Very few believe local food to refer to food that is … 59% … made within close proximity to where I live 43% 42% …made within the country that I live … available in farmers’ markets 39% … made within a 20 mile/30km radius from where I live 4% …made within the province that I live 1% … made within Europe 38 The routine of checking for the country of origin label is well established amongst German grocery shoppers and has shown little change in the past seven years. Checking for Country of Origin label 2008 2010 2013 2015 Always check 32 24 30 26 Sometimes check 56 58 55 59 NET (check for quality symbol) (88) (82) (85) (85) Never check 20 18 15 15 Germany ranks in the top four, behind China, Spain and France, for checking the country of origin label. 39 The process of checking for the symbol of quality has fallen over the past seven years. The proportion who „never check‟ is now more than one in four, compared to less than one in five in 2008. Checking for Symbol of Quality label Always check Sometimes check NET (check for quality symbol) Never check 2008 2010 2013 2015 15 13 12 11 61 59 66 64 (73) (70) 27 30 (81) (77) 19 22 Germany ranks as fifth, ahead of US, the Netherlands and GB respectively, for checking the symbol of quality on food products. 40 A strong majority of Germans believe that food in supermarkets is safe. I am confident that food in supermarkets is safe % applies a little 2015 64 % applies a lot 24 88 Germany is ranked fifth, along with US, for its belief in the safety of food in supermarkets. 41 The momentum of buying local food more frequently continues to build. Just one in ten now buy local less often than monthly, while over one in six buy local food several times a week. Frequency of ‘Local’ Food Purchases 2008 2010 2013 2015 3 5 2 2 Few times/ once a week 56 58 61 64 Few times/ once a month 24 21 26 22 Less often/ never 17 16 11 12 Daily Germany ranks second last for having the highest level of local food purchases several times/ once a week. 42 Just under three quarters of Germans prepare their meals from scratch few times a day/few times a week , a relatively unchanged proportion since 2008. % preparing a meal from scratch once/ few times a day % preparing a meal from scratch few times a week 2008 2010 2013 2015 74 71 73 72 33% 33% 41% 38% 43 35% 38% 36% 36% Compared to other countries in the PERIscope 2015 study, Germany ranks fifth for scratch cooking. The Netherlands (81%) ranks first. The majority of Germans are cooking from scratch to the same extent as 12 months ago, however, just under two in ten claim to be scratch cooking more often, which is an increase from one in ten in 2008. Frequency of cooking meals from scratch more often or less often compared to 12 months ago 2008 Cooking from scratch more often Cooking from scratch less often 2010 2013 2015 19 19 17 9 7 6 10 12 Germany is behaving similarly to many other countries when it comes to scratch cooking. The Spanish and the Chinese have increased their scratch cooking the most. 44 Since 2008, efforts to limit fast food consumption in Germany had slipped slightly but have increased once more in 2015. 45 I try to limit the amount of fast food that I consume % applies a lot % applies a little 2015 50 37 2013 50 34 47 39 2010 2008 54 37 87 84 86 91 While all countries are making efforts to reduce fast food consumption, German efforts rank in the bottom four, with the same proportion as ROI attempting to limit their fast food consumption. Easier Living “Easier Living”: Consumer Index 47 Who is under the most time pressure? #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 China Spain US GB Germany France ROI Netherlands It is all about making the consumers‟ life easier. Companies need to be part of the solution, not part of the problem. We have utilised statements relating to the use of ready prepared ingredients, convenience meals and pre prepared meal components. Time is a key criterion for this theme the focus is on attitudes towards foods that are easy and quick to cook, easy to prepare, as well as those with a willingness to spend time cooking and eating a proper breakfast. “Easier Living”: German Thematic Overview Less than half of Germans feel too busy to cook as often as they would like and that they rarely have time for a proper breakfast. In addition, under half feel they often eat ready made/convenience meals or would use a lot of ready to eat foods in their household. Germany uses the least amount of ready prepared ingredients when compared internationally. But, it ranks third for choosing foods that are easy to cook and easy to prepare. Almost six in ten Germans consider ready made meals a good substitute for a home cooked dinner if time is limited. Germany has the lowest proportion of respondents eating ready made/convenience meals more often than twelve months ago. Internet usage to order groceries online is average amongst German shoppers. Significantly more Germans use the internet to download a recipe than to download a food app. 48 There has been a gradual decrease in the percentage of Germans who regard themselves as too busy to cook as often as they would like to. 49 % agree that ‘I am too busy to cook as often as I would like’ 2015 47 49 2013 2010 54 2008 61 2006 n/a Germany is ranked within the top five feeling too busy to cook as often as they would like. The proportion of Spanish feeling this way is highest (72%). Over four in ten Germans agree that they rarely have time for a proper breakfast. The proportion that agree is lower in 2015 than in the previous years of research. 50 % agree that ‘I rarely have time for a proper breakfast’ 2015 2013 2010 42 46 51 2008 2006 46 n/a When it comes to rarely having time for a proper breakfast, Germany ranks in fifth, between Spain in first (59%) and the Netherlands in last (32%). There has been a decrease in the proportion who often eat ready prepared foods in their households, with less claiming to behave this way in 2015. % applies that they ‘would often eat ready prepared/ convenience meals’ 2015 2013 2010 2008 46 53 56 51 Eating convenience meals has average popularity in Germany. Germany ranks sixth overall while the China (90%) ranks the highest. 51 Since 2008, Germany has reduced the amount of ready prepared meal components used in the meals cooked on a daily/ weekly basis. Use of ready prepared ingredients 2008 Once a day/ few times a day 2010 2013 6 3 2015 6 Few times a week 26 Once a week 18 22 22 17 18 3 21 16 In terms of daily/ weekly usage of ready prepared ingredients, Germany uses the least amount of ready prepared meal components. 52 Demand for food that is easy to prepare and quick to cook has continued to be paramount in German food attitudes. % Applies 2008 2010 2013 2015 I tend to pick foods that are easy to prepare 82 83 85 86 I tend to pick foods that are quick to cook 80 76 78 75 Germany ranks third when it comes to picking foods that are easy to prepare and in its tendency to pick foods that are quick to cook. 53 Almost half of Germans claim to use a lot of ready to eat foods in their households, a slight decrease on 2013 levels. % applies ‘we use a lot of ready to eat foods in our household’ 2015 49 2013 54 2010 54 2008 46 Text Boxto eat foods. It ranks fifth overall. Germany displays average use of ready 54 The proportion who consider convenience meals to be a good substitute for home cooked meals when time is limited has increased since 2008. % agree that convenience meals… ‘are a good substitute for home cooked meals when time is limited’ 59 2015 61 2013 63 2010 2008 49 Germany displays one of the highest levels of agreement with the idea that convenience meals can be a good substitute for home cooked meals, ranking third behind China and France. 55 Just under three in ten Germans claim to be eating ready meals/ convenience meals less often than 12 months ago, a much improved situation since 2008. % eating ready meals/ convenience meals more/less often than 12 months ago 2008 More often Less often 12 2010 2013 2015 8 6 4 33 29 28 13 Germany ranks as the country with the lowest proportion eating ready meals more often than 12 months ago. It compares most similarly to the Netherlands in its consumption of ready meals/ convenience meals in the last 12 months. 56 Less than 2 in 10 German adults have ordered their grocery shopping online. The majority of these shop online for grocery less often than once a month. 17% 57 How often have they ordered their grocery shopping online? Every day/ few times a week of German adults have ever ordered their grocery shopping online. 6 Once a week 6 11 54 2-3 times a month 23 Germany has the fifth highest percentage of people who have ordered their shopping online. However they are considerably behind China (71%). Less often About once a month Using the internet to access recipes is significantly more popular than downloading food apps. Technology appears to be facilitating more traditional information searches among German adults. 67% 20% Downloaded Recipe Downloaded Food App 58 Most recent download activity 14% Past Week 19% 16% 18% 2% 3% 5% 10% Past Month Longer Ago Past Week Past Month Past 6 Months Longer Ago Past 6 Months Germany is in the top five for the percentage of people who have downloaded a recipe and for the percentage who have downloaded a Food App. Joyning “Joyning”: Consumer Index Who is searching to feel connected? #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 France Germany China Netherlands Spain GB US ROI The desire for connection, new ways to be satisfied and using food as a social experience. This theme focuses on trying new foods and having new experiences, new ways of connecting with people and with food. The attitudes of those who enjoy spending time cooking to create a great meal and who consider it important to spend time together as a family over meals – including breakfast and dinner, have been included. Additional areas for focus include those who consider that they have good levels of cooking expertise, those who like cooking/preparing meals and hosting dinner parties. “Joyning”: German Thematic Overview Germany rank highly (second place) on the “Joyning” theme. High proportions of Germans like to try new foods (92%). A majority claim that they primarily eat for enjoyment rather than in the interests of their health. Germany can be considered to have the most positive attitude towards cooking in PERIscope 2015. Germany is ranked the highest for considering cooking „good fun‟ and „a passion‟. In addition, the highest levels of enjoyment when creating a great meal are found in Germany and Spain. Germany also possess the highest measured level of cooking expertise, alongside France, with their confidence levels for cooking a Sunday roast claiming the highest position. The vast majority of Germans consider it important to spend time over dinner as a family and 1 in 3 make the effort to eat breakfast as a family every morning. 61 High proportions of Germans enjoy trying new foods. This proportion has remained consistent in the past seven years. 62 % agree that ‘I like to try new foods’ 2015 2013 2010 92 Germany ranks third overall in enjoying trying new foods. It is marginally behind Spain (95%) and China (94%). 92 93 2008 90 2006 n/a The levels of eating for enjoyment rather than health reasons have risen considerably since 2008 and have remained steady in the previous two waves of research. % agree that ‘I eat for enjoyment and not for health reasons’ 39% 2008 58% 2010 60% 59% 2013 2015 Germany ranks as fourth overall. It is not far behind first position, which is held by France (63%). 63 The German relationship with cooking continues to remain positive. The amount of fun associated with cooking has progressed, while the level of passion associated with cooking has decreased slightly. Good Fun A Passion Attitude towards cooking 2008 2010 2013 2015 68% 74% 73% 70% 17% 51% 30% 44% 26% 47% 25% 45% When it comes to cooking, the Germans consider themselves to be the most passionate. They also have the most fun of any of the other countries in the PERIscope 2015 study. 64 Since 2008, those who are comfortable as a dinner party host has fallen significantly. Despite this, overall levels of culinary expertise have remained stable, with heightened levels of confidence in producing a roast. 65 Level of cooking expertise 70 Would enjoy having a dinner party where I do all the cooking Would be confident that I could produce a good Sunday roast with all the trimmings 72 71 70 15 14 15 57 57 55 2010 2013 2015 26 44 2008 Germanys cooking expertise (on the basis of dinner party hosting and producing meals with all the trimmings), ranks in at joint first, alongside France. Its confidence regarding a Sunday roast is the highest in the study. Attendance of cooking classes in Germany has remained at a consistently low level in the past three years. % who have attended/taken cooking classes in the past three years 6 2015 7 2013 2010 5 Germany ranks only higher than GB for attendance at cooking courses. 66 The proportion entertaining at home more often has decreased by 5 percentage points since 2013. 67 % who are entertaining at home more often nowadays 2015 2013 2010 33 38 39 70% Friends over more often 66% Family celebrations at home Germany is ranked at fourth for those entertaining at home more often. It is far behind China (79%) and the Netherlands (77%). In Germany, the enjoyment obtained from cooking a great meal has increased significantly since 2008 and remains consistent with the previous two waves. % applies that they ‘enjoy cooking and being able to create a great meal’ 85 2015 2013 86 2010 86 2008 67 Germany and Spain (85%) display the highest enjoyment levels associated with creating a great meal. 68 There has been a slight decline in the importance placed on eating dinner together as a family since 2008. However, at more than eight in ten, it remains important to the majority. % applies that ‘it is important to spend time over dinner as a family’ 2015 2013 2010 2008 83 82 85 87 Overall, spending time eating dinner together as a family is important in all countries. However, compared to all other countries in the PERIscope 2015 study, this is least important to Germany and GB (79%). 69 Over a third of Germans eat breakfast as a family every day. Consistent levels exist for families who eat breakfast together on weekends. There is a decline in the amount of families who never eat breakfast together. % Eating breakfast as a family Every morning 2010 2013 2015 31 37 34 4 5 41 42 5 7 13 12 Weekdays only 3 Weekends only 42 Other* 4 Never 19 In terms of eating breakfast together every morning, Germany ranks as third along with France. Proportions of weekend breakfast as a family is third highest in Germany. 70 Better Business? “Better Business?”: Consumer Index 72 Who is concerned about environmental issues? #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 China Spain Germany France Netherlands US ROI GB The concept that „good‟ business will be good for business in an economic sense is the focus of this theme. We have analysed attitudes towards environmental concerns, terminology and ongoing issues, including awareness, understanding and propensity to purchase. Changing behaviours towards these issues will also be included in order to demonstrate development in this area. “Better Business?”: German Thematic Overview 73 Compared to the other countries, Germany does not have strong support or awareness of environmentally friendly products and companies. There have been gradual declines in conscientiousness towards environmentally friendly products and purchasing from environmentally friendly companies. There are relatively low levels of awareness towards Carbon Footprint amongst German respondents. However, there is a high level of awareness of sustainability, with only 6% claiming to have never heard of it. Germany also has the highest awareness when compared to other PERIscope 2015 countries. Over seven in ten Germans attempt to behave in an environmentally friendly manner when shopping. Germany has one of the highest proportions of buying food in smaller packs and buying environmentally sensitive packaging as they rank in third place on the theme of “Better Business?” The momentum behind being environmentally conscious and buying from companies who are environmentally aware is beginning to show signs of decline in Germany. % who agree that they are more conscious of environmental issues in their choice of products 61% 2008 56% 55% 50% 2010 2013 2015 74 % who agree that they prefer to buy from companies that are aware of the impact of environmental issues 48% 2008 57% 2010 53% 50% 2013 2015 Consumer consciousness for environmental issues and the practice of buying from environmentally aware companies is quite low in Germany. Germany is ranked in the bottom three for the proportion supporting these behaviours. Overall efforts to buy Fair Trade products by Germans have remained relatively unchanged in seven years. I try to buy Fair Trade products/brands whenever they are available % applies a lot 2015 2013 2010 2008 15 % NET applies 61 13 62 15 62 12 62 The Germans rank fourth overall when it comes to efforts to buy Fair Trade products. China (93%) claim to try to buy these products the most while ROI (45%) are the least inclined. 75 Compared to 2008, those claiming to have never heard of carbon footprint has shown no signs of advancement. There has been a slight reduction in low footprint purchases. 76 % never heard of carbon footprint 2008 2013 2015 40 40 47 25 15 % who buy foods with low footprint 2008 26 16 31 16 2013 2015 TOTAL % who buy foods with low footprint % who sometimes try to buy food with low footprint Germanys awareness of carbon footprint is one of the lowest of the study. Its awareness is only higher than Spain (46%). „Sustainably produced‟ is now a very well known term in Germany. The proportion claiming to buy foods with sustainable features has been risen substantially since 2008. 77 % never heard of sustainably produced 2008 2010 38 % who buy foods with sustainable features 28 26 16 2008 2013 2015 13 6 29 21 2010 49 24 2013 58 34 2015 TOTAL % who buy foods with sustainable features % who sometimes try to buy food with sustainable features Germany has the highest awareness of the term sustainably produced in PERIscope 2015 at 94%. It is significantly higher than ROI‟s (42%) awareness. Food Waste and Animal Welfare record higher levels of awareness than Conserving Resources, though all are high when compared to other countries. % aware 2015 Food Waste 92 Animal Welfare 92 Conserving Resources 85 78 Buying in smaller packs to avoid waste has become an extremely popular practice in Germany since 2010. % applies that they ‘buy food in smaller packs because it means less waste’ 2008 2010 73 2013 2015 81 83 49 The Germans are one of the most conscious of cutting down on food waste, apart from China (92%). 79 Over seven in ten German respondents continue to try buy brands that use environmentally sensitive packaging. % agree that ‘I always try to buy brands that use environmentally sensitive packaging’ 73% 2010 74% 2013 71% 2015 The Germans are the third most conscious of environmentally sensitive brands. China (92%) and Spain (85%) complete the top three. 80