of ZuniSandstore, report 0nredefinition Preliminary NewMexico west-central by Orin l. Anderson,Geologist, New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources,Socorro, NM Recent work by the New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resourceson the sequenceof Upper Jurassicrocks in the Zuni Pueblo-Atarque area of west-central New Mexico has resulted in a redefinition of the Zuni Sandstone.Dutton (1885)originally described the Zuni as a series of sandstones and sandy shaleslying between his Wingate Sandstoneand his Cretaceoussection(present Dakota Sandstone)in the area around the north and west sidesof the Zuni Plateau (present Zuni uplift); he named this interval the Zuni sandstones.Dutton did recognize significant lateral variation in his new unit, especiallybetween Zuni Pueblo and the Fort Wingate areas,but did not regard these variations as important (Fig. 1). The lateral changesnoted by Dutton in the Zuni sandstoneswere due in part to the fact that northward from Zuni Pueblo, where the sandstonesare largely an eolian deposit, the upper part of the Zuni begins to intertongue with the lower members of the fluvial Morrison Formation.This intertonguing is what produced Dutton's colorful variegatedbeds in the Fort Wingate area. Of even greater importance,however, is Dutton's miscorreIation of the Wingate sandstone (Rock Point : Meso NAVAJO( MTN. i ---TT--- ___-qqqNtY__ '] JUANCOUNTY I lBelotokin I nuino o<; Nl EI vl u.,{ s a t i raia L-"-, ,/ zi< xto ;-il )n--"' /-i I I i i i i River I ..M \ t1 ZIL >l< '--):4'sreombool Fori a Wingole ?a it tl zururI FIGURE l-Index map of study area (modified from Harshbarger, Repenning, and Irwin, 1957). August 1983 New Mexico Geology Member of the Wingate Sandstoneof Present usage)in the Zuni Pueblo area with the Entrada Sandstone(of present usage)in the Fort Wingate area. His correlation was based on the similarity in color of the two units and resulted in the inclusion of the Entrada Sandstonein the Zuni sandstonesat Zuni Pueblo, but not in the Fort Wingate area.In this latter area, the base of the Zuni Sandstonewas placed at the base of the Todilto Limestone and included the overlying Summerville,Bluff (or Cow Springs),and Morrison formations. At Zuni Pueblo, Dutton's Zuni sandstones consisted of the Entrada Sandstone and the overlying Cow SpringsSandstone,two largely eolian units separatedby a notch or recess that is here considered to represent the Todilto Limestone interval. This recesswas not noted by Dutton, but was alluded to by Darton (1910)as an "erosional break," and in someareasthis recesswas probably the basis for his division of the Zuni into upper and lower parts in a later publication (Darton, 1915).The Jurassicnomenclatureof some of these early authors is shown and correlated in Fig. 2 and includes the work of Gregory (1917),who named the Todilto limestone, a unit whose presenceor absenceis critical to the redefinition of the Zuni Sandstone.The current stratigraphic divisions used by the U.S. GeologicalSurvey in the southern San ]uan Basin also are shown. The modern stratigraphicframework in the Zuni Pueblo area was establishedby Harshbarger, Repenning, and |ackson (1951)and Harshbarger, Repenning, and Irwin (L957), who tracedboth the EntradaSandstoneand the whitish, highly crossbeddedCow Springs Sandstone(type localityat Cow Springs,Arizona; Fig. 1) into the Lupton-Zuni Pueblo area from the "Navaio countrv." Thev observed that southward from Luirton info the Zuni Pueblo-Black Rock area (Fig. 1) distinguishing the Entrada and the Cow Springs as separatelithologic units became increasingly difficult. Curiously enough they never made reference to the notch or recess (or horizontal truncation plane of Wright and Dickey, t979), even though they specified a 359-ft-thicksection of the upper sandy member of the Entrada as being present in the BlackRock area.Their work pointed out that, whether recognizable as two separate units everrrwhere or not, the Zuni sandstones of Dutt'on included the Entrada Sandstone at Zuni Pueblo. Harshbarger, Repenning, and |ackson (1951)and Harshbarger, Repenning, and Irwin (95n, however, did not formally address the matter of correlating their Cow SpringrEntrada interval with Dutton's Zuni sandstonesas Dutton's locality was outside their study area. Had they merely stated that the Zuni sandstones of Dutton seem to be D u t l o n .C . E . D o r l o nN, . H . r885 t 9t o Z u n iP u e b l o R e c o n n o i s s o no ce f N e wM e x i c o n or i h w es t er n N e wM e x i c o Cr e l oc e o u s Cr e t oc e o u s All of the strata between the Wingate (now Entrada) and Dakota sandstoneswere mapped by Dutton (1885, Mt. Taylor and the Zuni Plateau,U.S.G.S.6th Annl. Rept. p. 737). The basal 2 to 25 feet above the Wingate (now Entrada), where it was thin bedded limestone, was called by Gregory the Todilto formation and the overlying lower part of the sandstoneunit was erroneously calledNavajo by Gregory (7917,Geologyof the Navajo country). The Todilto is not present in the western and southern parts of the Gallup-Zuni Basin. Baker,Dane, and Reeside(1936)recognizedGregory's miscorrelation of Dutton's Zuni sandstonewith the Navajo and correctly assigned the bulk of the Zuni to their Morrison formation as a sandstonefaciesof the formation (seeFigure 14, p. 51, ProfessionalPaper 183),but they included the Todilto limestone as a D o r t o n ,N .H . t 9r 5 S o n t oF e R o Ii r o o d g u i de b o o k G r e g o r yH, . E . t 9t 7 Novojo Country C r e f oc e o u s Cretoceous () Zuni s on ds l on e F. o '6 o o Zuni sondslones s h ol e o o -) € f o C o wS p r i n g s S on d s t on e N o vo j o s o n ds f o n e sondslone I T o di l t o l s . l s ./ ?tT o d i l f oL s . :l o '-o o 5 o o a o 'i f (obsent) D o k o t oS s . c o o o l oc ol cl a o ol ! al ( o b s e n)t o o II J -) ( o b se n t) UJ upper sondy mb r . E r u s n YE o s rn Mhf Weslwoler C o n y o nM b r . re o le-cootu Mbr. Cor o .9 (obsent) I c) Se c u n d i v i d e dI o equivolentsj o !t ol c .9 Cow o o a i S p r n g s 6 -= o = Q) ;l .9 o o q) t) C Morrison Formotion McElmo formolion N ( o b se n t ) DokotoSs. f .E F o () r o o o o c o o J DokotoSs. USGS C u r r e ndt i v i s i o n s of soulhern SoriJuonBosin Ne w M e x i c o G. O j T h i sp o p e r r983 ZuniPueblo N e wM e x i c o H o r s hb o r g e r , o .n d Repenning l r w i n1 9 5 7 Fort Wingote s e c ti o n E o o member of the Morrison. The history is rather fully documented on pp . 43-M of the Baker,Dane, and Reesidereport. The comparable sandstone facies in the Black Mesa irea of Arizona was later calledCow Springs sandstoneby Harshbarger. Subsequentlyit becameclear that the Baker, Dane, Reeside reoort "Morrison sandstone facies" included equivalents of the upper part of the San Rafaelgroup of which certainly the Todilto limestone, the Summerville, and the Bluff sandstone (if that is now included in the San Rafaelgroup, and I believe it is) are representatives. Therefore, it is clear that th-eonly proper procedure is to restore Zuni sandstonein Dutton's original usage.If the stratigraphic relationships had been fully understood, it would have been highly appropriate for }{arshbarger to use Zuni for what he termed Cow Springs sandstonein the Black Mesa area. In my opinion, this should have been done but there are, of course, arguments in favor of a local Arizona name. Once it was done, however, there was no good reasonwhy Cow Springs March 8, 1956 TO: Geologic Names Committee FROM: Carle H. Dane SUBJECT: Reinstatement of Ztni sandstone composed of the undivided equivalents of the Cow Springsand EntradaSandstonesin this area, much of the later misunderstanding and misuse of the term Zuni Sandstone would have been avoided. Such a statement would have at once precludedthe use of the name Zuni in those areas northward of the Zuni Basin where the presenceof the Todilto Limestone and the Summerville Formation splits Dutton'sZuni sandstonesinto its component parts-the Entradaand Cow Springs Sandstones.The term Zuni would have had no application wherever the Todilto-Summerville units were recognizable. No such clarification was forthcoming. In 1956,however, word reachedC. H. Dane of the impending U.S. GeologicalSurvey publication by Harshbarger, Repenning, and Irwin in which the Cow Springs Sandstone would be recognizedas far eastas Zuni-Black Rock. Dane responded with the following memorandum reprinted here with the -oermissionof the U.S. GeologicalSurvey: f N a ol ol 9 El cl o l B l u ff S s . fl I le o l Srmmerv, (9l Formo t ion TodilfoLs. Enl rodo S o n ds t o n e oof m e d i oI silty mDr. (obsent) (obseni) o- -: (obsent) o () '6 Wingote s on ds t o n e W i n g of e sondstone Wingote s on ds i o n e Wi n g o t e sondslone o o o o @ .9 F Iower Triossic .9 o a o F Leroux f o r m oI i o n o o o o '- o '6 red ond groy @ .9 shole (, c o c o c o o c g F Chinle f o r m oI i o n 9 o a 6 (, o o o o r F C h in l e F o r m oI i o n W i n g ot e () S on d s t o n e Chinle F o r m ot i o n r FIGURE 2-Evolution and correlation of Jurassicnomenclature used in the study area. Nat: MexicoGeology August 1983 Chinle F o rm o I i o n Maxwell) as Morrison deposition came to a intertonguing with the Recapture Member. Green and Pierson (1977) used the terms close.A short distanceto the south of MaxCow Springs and Bluff in their San |uan Ba- well's areathe Brushy Basinmember has been sin nomenclaturechart and statedthat where beveled off by pre-Dakota erosion of gently the two are recognized separately, the con- northward-dipping strata and the Dakota tact between them is consideredto be inter- Sandstonerests on the Zuni Sandstoneof tonguing and arbitrary. Green (1975) had Maxwell (seealso Maxwell, 1982). Mapping by Anderson (1982)in the Atarearlier discussedpaleodepositionalunits in upperJurassicrocksof the southernSanJuan que area (Fig. 1) initially recognized the Cow Basin and included the Bluff in his Cow Springs Sandstone, but this work had to be Springs Sandstonewith an unconformity in revised with the realization that the Cow the upper part. Lupe (1981)described the Springs Sandstonedid not include the lower relationship of the lower part of the Morri- Entrada part of the section which is now conson to the Bluff and Cow Springs as a lateral sideredto be present in the area;the unit is facies change; he considered the Recapture now recognized as the redefined Zuni SandShaleMember of the Morrison to have gone stone, describedbelow. In view of the present confusion surroundfrom a fluvial to an eolian facies southward. CarleH. Dane Maxwell (1976), working in the area east ing the usage of the name Zuni and the obto map the un- vious need for a modern definition, the The memorandum, which was never cir- of Grants, was the earliest following publica- present author is recommending the followdefined Zuni Sandstone culated, obviously did little to clarify the map (Dane and ing: while it is recognized that the in-field problem. Dane had earlier (ln Baker, Dane, tion of the state geologic was able to distin- distinction between the two largely eolian Bachman, 1965). Maxwell and Reeside,1936)recommendedabandoncrossbedded units-the Entrada and the Cow Springs guish a light-colored eolian ing the name Zuni, and now he was proBluff Sand- Sandstones-will be difficult and not always sandstone from the underlying posing that Harshbarger's Cow Springs was Pueblo practical, the name Zuni Sandstone shall be in half the Acoma stone the northem of equivalentto Dutton's Zuni sandstones,when quadrangle; he designated this upper sand- applied to the undivided equivalents of the in fact it was equivalent to only the upper the Bluff to Entrada Sandstone and the Cow Springs stone the Zuni. He considered part of the Zuni. On the basis of this supSandstonewhere they rest in contact south and the be a fluviatile deposit at this locality posed equivalency, Dane recommended reof the Todilto-Summerville pinchouts in the within presence numerous pipes of sandstone storing the name Zuni for use throughout Zuni Basin and eastward as appropriate into (of it helps Zuni Maxdistinguish it from the the Zuni, Acoma, and southem San Juan Bathe.A,comaBasin.This usagecorrespondsto sinsand adjacentparts of Arizona regardless well); southward the Bluff and Zuni merge the original use of the term Zuni in this area into the Zuni is a single unit. He noted that of whether or not the Todilto or Summerville only. Northward and eastward the Cow Formationswere presentin the localsection. unconformably overlain by the Brushy Basin Springs Sandstonerests on younger San RaMember contact. with a fossil zone at the soil As per his memo, Dane did restore the fael formations, the Summerville and the Bluff, name Zuni for use in the Zuni-Acoma area Thus the Brushy Basindoesnot gradesouthand is more easily distinguished from them, ward into at this locality, as eolian sandstone of New Mexico, but an official notification of problems are found locally in recthe restorationwas not circulatedby the U.S. had been describedat other localities(Silver, although ognizing the Bluff and Cow Springs as sep1948) rather part of and therebut has cut out GeologicalSurvey. Official notification came arate units. In the San Juan Basin and the ostensiblythrough Keroher and others (1966) fore is younger than the underlying eolian Acoma sag, the usage of the name Cow is sandstone. This interpretation consistent who updated the lexicon of geologic names. continue in the The lexicon, however, contained no defini- with the observation by most workers that Springs Sandstone ought to Raup (7967), Thaden, Merrin, and sense of lower Morrison inonly the memberi of the tion or redefinition of the Zuni Sandstone, and Raup (1967), Green nor did the New Mexico state geologic map tertongue with the eolian facies southward. Thaden, Santos, (Dane and Bachman, 1965)contain any def- By Brushy Basintime, mostly shalewas being (L975),Green and Pierson Q9n), and Lupe deposited and the sand supply for the eolian ( 1 e 8 1 ) . inition or redefinition. The type locality of the redefined Zuni Subsequentto the publication of the state deposits to the south was interrupted. The Mesa (Dowa Yageologic map and the lexicon (Keroher and Brushy Basin shale overlapped the Zuni (of Sandstone is Taaiyalone others,1965),various investigatorsbeganrefening to the Zuni as the equivalent of one of their mapped units. One of the earliest such usages was by Thaden, Merrin, and Raup (1962)and Thaden, Santos,and Raup (1967)who mapped a 300-340-ft-thick finegrained crossbeddedsandstonebetween the Summerville Formation and the Recapture notch Member of the Morrison Formation as the yellow sandstonein the Thoreau, New Mexico, area. They stated that the yellow sandstone interval had been called Bluff or Zuni by some workers and that it may be a tongue of the Cow Springs Sandstone. Diagrammatically they indicated an intertonguing relationship between the Bluff and the yellow sandstone,with a tongue of the Cow Springs coming in from the west, and all units overlain by the RecaptureMember. The Bluff and the yellow sandstone interval can be traced all the way, with minor color changes,to the Fort Wingate-Gallup area where Harshbar- FIGURE3-Type locality of Zuni Sandstoneat south end of TaaiyaloneMesa, Black Rock, New Mexico; ger, Repenning, and Irwin (1957)described Twr, Rock Pbint Mem-berof Wingate Sandstone; !2, Zuni Sandstone; Kd, Dakota Sandstone. Note the section as Cow Springs overlain by and medial color change and notch in Jz, should have beenpermittedto jump east of the Defianceuplif[t] into the ArizonaNew Mexicoborderarea;and thereis certainlyno justificationfor crowhoppingCow Springsinto the AcomaBasinfarthereast. (I might add that the thoughtof replacing an elegantnamelike Zuni by the tawdry commonplace CowSpringscurdlesmy gizzard.ImaginetheEnchanted Mesa,thefabulousEl Morro,"Acoma,theSkyCity", and all the otherbeautifulrocksof the Land of Enchantment composed of theCow Springs sandstone.Heavenforbid!) On the New MexicoGeologicMap,I proposeto useZuni sandstonein the Gallup-Zuniand Acoma basins.Theabandonment of the namewas basedon a misunderstandingof correlation. It shouldbe restored. August 1983 New Mexico Geology lanne on the Zuni Ttlz-minsheet)in sec. 36 T. 10 N., R. 19 W. and sec.1 T. 9 N., R. 19 W. (Fig. 3). Here the Zuni is estimatedat 500 ft in thickness with the notch or recessrepresenting the Todilto interval near the middle. A 2-4-inch-thick grayish-red (5 R 4/2) very fine grained silty sandstone occupies the notch, but there is little or no relief at this horZon and little to distinguish the lower and upper sandstones.Generally the lower one is very light gray and slightly coarser grained and better sorted than the upper, although both are, for the most part, upper very fine to lower fine grained. The upper one is grayish pink (5 R 8/2) weathering to pale red (5 R 5/2). Locally vertical grooves/ 4-6 ft in height, are presentbelow the notch. A more detailed account of the problems in correlating |urassic rocks of west-central New Mexico with those elsewhere on the Colorado Plateauhas been prepared as New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral ResourcesOpen-file Report 774. lt includes a regional correlation diagram and a measured section at the proposed type locality of the Zuni Sandstoneand is available through the NMBMMR publications office, Socorro, NM, 87801. ACKNowLEDGMENTS-The writer wishes to expresshis appreciation to Charles Maxwell, StephenC. Hook, David W. Love, and Don Wolberg for their helpful discussionand critical reading of the manuscript. Thanks also are due the Pueblo of Zuni for kindly granting permissionto collectsamplesat and photograph the important outcrop localities. References Anderson, O. I., 1982,Geology and coal resourcesof the Mesita de Yesoquadrangle, Cibola County, New Mexico: New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources,Open-file Report 171. Baker,A. A., Dane, C. H., and Reeside,J.8., Jr., 1936, Conelation of the JurassicFomations of parts of Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, and Colorado: U.S. Geological Suruey, ProfessionalPaper 183. Dane, C. H., 1956, Reinstatement of Zuni Sandstone: Memorandum to Geologic Names Committee of U.S. GeologicalSuruey (unpublished). Dane, C. H., and Bachman,G. O., 1955,Geologicmap of New Mexico: U.S. GeologicalSurvey, scale1:500,000 of parts of northDarton, N. H-,1910, A reconnaissance ern New Mexico and northernArizona: U.S. Geological Survey, Bulletin 435. -, 1915, Guidebook of the Westem United States, part c. The Santa Fe Route: U.S. Geological Suruey, Bulletin 61.3. Dutton, C. E., 1885,Mount Taylor and the Zuni Plateau: U.S. GeologicalSuruey, 5th Annual Report. Gregory, H. 8., 1917, Geology of the Navajo country: U.S. GeologicalSurvey, ProfessionalPaper 93. Green, M. W., 1975, Paleodepositional units in Upper Jurassic rocks in Galluplaguna area, New Mexico: American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Bullet i n , 5 9 ,n o . 5 , p . 9 1 0 . Green, M. W., and Pierson, C. T., 1977,A summary of the shatigraphy and depositional environments of Jurassicand related rocks of the SanJuan Basin, Colorado and New Mexico: New Mexico Geological Society, Guidebook to 28th field conference,pp.747-752. Harshbarger, J. W., Repenning, C. A., and Jackson, R. L.,1957, JurassicstratiSraphy of the Navajo country: New Mexico GeologicalSociety,Guidebook to 2nd field conference,pp.95-99. Harshbarger,J. W., Repenning, C. A., and Imin, J. H., 1957, Stratigraphy of the uppermost Triassic and the Jurassicrocks of the Navajo country: U.S. Geological Suruey,ProfessionalPaper 291. Keroher, G. C., and others, 1966, Lexicon of geologic names for the United Statesfor 1936-1960:U.S. GeologicalSuruey,Bulletin 1200. Lupe, R. D., 1981,,Sedimentologicrelation of the lower part of the Monison Formation to underlying Jurassic rocks, SanJuan Basin,New Mexico, in GeologicSuruey researchin 1981:U.S. Geological Suruey, Professional t'aoer l2/5. Maxwell,C.H.,1976, Geologicmap of theAcomaPueblo quadrangle, Valencia County, New Mexico: U.S. Geological Suruey, Map GQ-1298. -, 1982,Mesozoic shati8raphy of the Laguna-Crants region: New Mexico Geological Society,Guidebook to 33rd field conference, pp. 261.-266. Silver, Caswell, 1948, Jurassic overlap in western New Mexico:American Associationof Peholeum Geologists, Bulletin, v. 32, no. 1. Thaden,R. E., Merrin, S., and Raup, O.8.,7967, Geologic map of the Grants SE quadrangle, Valencia County, New Mexico: U.S. Geological Survey, Map GQ-682. Thaden, R. E., Santos,E. S., and Raup, O. 8., 1967, Geotogicmap ofthe Grants quadrangle, ValenciaCounty, New Mexico: U.S. Geological Survey, Map CQ-581. Wright, J. C., and Dickey,D. D.,1979, StratigraphicsecSanRafaelGroup and adiacentrocksin tion of Turassic ApacheCounty, Arizona: U.S. GbologicalSuruey,Openfile Report 79-246. tr USGS TorocRapHrc MAps-NEw (scale 1:24,000) yt *Animas 77-82 *Animas Peak 77-82 *Animas Peak NE 77-82 *Antelope Pass 77-82 *BeaconHill 77-82 *Big Hatch Peak 77-82 *Black Point 77-82 *CarrizozoEast 75-82 *Cedarville 75-8L *Center Peak 77-82 *Clanton Draw 77-82 *Doyle Peak 77-82 *Duoro 75-81. *Fitzpatricks 77-82 *Foster Lake 75-82 *Cillespie Mountain 77-82 *Godfrey Peak 75-82 *Hachita Peak 77-82 *Hatchet Ranch 77-82 *Hilo Peak 77-82 *Horse Mountain 77-82 *Lake Lucero NE 75-82 *Lone Mountain 74-82 *Mescalero 75-82 *Mockingbird Gap SE 75-82 *Mount Baldy 77-82 *PiercePeak 77-82 *PlayasLake North 77-82 *PlayasLake South 77-82 *Red Canyon 75-82 *SanAntonio SE 75-82 *Sentinel Butte 77-82 *Sheridan Canyon 77-82 *Sierra Blanca Peak 75-82 *Tank Mountain 77-82 *TularosaNE 75-82 *U Bar Ridge 77-82 *Walnut Wells NE 77-82 *Whitemire Pass 77-82 *Wrye Peak 74-82 RsvIsEo ToPOGRAPHICMAps yr yr (scale 1:24,000) (rev) 62 79-82 "Acme *Antelope Lookout 70 78-82 Mesa *Candy Mesa 68 79-82 *Conejo Creek West 67 79-82 *Cooley Lake 67 79-82 *Cooper Ranch 66 79-82 *Deep Well 67 79-82 *Deering Place 67 79-82 *Dunlap Sill 67 79-82 +EighteenmileHill 67 79-82 *Eightmile Draw 62 79-82 *El Morro Mesa 66 79-82 *Elkins 67 79-82 *Fort Stanton 63 79-82 +Fort Sumner East 68 79-82 *Glenrio 68 81,-82 *Haystack Butte 67 79-82 *La Espia Peak 67 79-82 lat 37"52',30', 31"30', 37'37'30', 31"52'30', 37'52',30', 37'37',30', 37"22'30', 33'37'30', 34"1,5', 31'30', 31"30', 37'45' 34'22',30', 37'22',30', 32"37'30', 37"37'30', 33"22',30', 31"45', 37"37',30', 37"22',30', 31'30', 32"37',30', 33"45' 33'7',30', 33'30', 31"37',30', 31"22',30', 31"52',30" 31'45', 33"37',30', 33"45' 37"22'30', 31"30', 33"15', 37'45', 33"7'30', 31'30', 37"37',30', 31"45', 33"52',30', long 108"45', 108'45', 108'45', r08'52',3O', 108"37',30" 108"22',30', r08"52',30', 105'45', 1,05"37'30', 708"37'30', 108'52',30', 108'15', 't04"52'30" 108"45', 106"7'30', 108"37',30', 105"52',30', 708"22',30', 108'15', 108"30', 108'30', 106"15', 105"45', 105"45', 106'15', 108"52',30', 108'15', 108"30', 108'30', t06"7'30' 106'45', t08"22',30', 108"15', 105'45', 108'45', 106' t08"22',30', 108'30', 108"37',30', 105'15', contour (f0 10 40 20 40 20 20 10 40 10 40 20 10 40 20 20 10 40 10 10 50 40 40 40 20 40 20 20 10 20 10 50 20 40 40 40 40 10 10 205 105 40 20 40 80 20 10 10 40 10 40 20 lat long 33"30', 35%5', 104"15', 708"7',30', contour (f0 105 20 10 34"30' 34"7',30', 34" 34"30' 33"37',30', 33"52',30', 33"52',30', 34"7'30', 33"37'30', 34"15' 33"37'30', 33"22',30', 34"22',30', 35"7',30', 33"45', 34' 104' I04"22',30', 104"7',30', 104'30', L04"45', L04"1,5', 104'30', 104"7',30', 104'15', 704"37',30', 104" 105'30' 104"7'30" 103' 104"7',30', 104'15', 10 10 10 20 10 105 10 10 105 10 10 40 20 10 10 10 105 New Mexico Geology August 1983