Women in STEM Fields: Bachelors Degrees 0.7" 0.6" 0.5" Biology" Chemistry" Math"&"Stats" Earth"Sciences" Physics" Engineering" All"Bachelor's"Degrees" 0.4" 0.3" 0.2" 0.1" Source:"NCES/IPEDS" 0" 1965" 1970" www.aps.org 1975" 1980" 1985" 1990" 1995" 2000" 2005" 2010" ©2016, American Physical Society; Email: hodapp@aps.org 2015" 1 Women in STEM Fields: Doctoral Degrees 60%# Biology# Geosciences# Chemistry# Math#&#Stats# Engineering# Physics# All#PhDs# 50%# 40%# 30%# 20%# 10%# Source:#NCES/IPEDS# 0%# 1966# www.aps.org 1976# 1986# 1996# 2006# ©2016, American Physical Society; Email: hodapp@aps.org 2 Women in Physics 25%# Bachelor# Doctorate# PostDoctorate# Assistant# Associate# Full# 20%# 15%# 10%# 5%# Source: IPEDS, AIP SRC 0%# 1965# 1970# 1975# 1980# 1985# 1990# 1995# 2000# 2005# 2010# www.aps.org ©2016, American Physical Society; Email: hodapp@aps.org 3 Women in Physics 25%# 20%# 15%# 10%# 5%# Bachelor# Doctorate# Assistant# Associate# Full# PhD:#BS#+8# Asst.:#PhD#+4# Assoc.:#Asst.#+6# Full:#Assoc.#+14# # Source:#IPEDS,#AIP#SRC# 0%# 1965# 1970# 1975# 1980# 1985# 1990# 1995# 2000# 2005# 2010# www.aps.org ©2016, American Physical Society; Email: hodapp@aps.org 4 Issues Facing Women in Physics (and other fields) • Unconscious Bias (https://implicit.harvard.edu) • Imposter Syndrome • Harassment • Stereotype Threat www.aps.org ©2016, American Physical Society; Email: hodapp@aps.org 5 Stereotype Threat The experience of anxiety in a situation where a person has the potential to confirm a negative stereotype about their social group • Math performance (Male vs. Female) • Intelligence (Black vs. White) • Memory (old vs. young) www.aps.org ©2016, American Physical Society; Email: hodapp@aps.org 6 Gender in Perceived Math Ability Female and Male students given a difficult math examination. All students have high math ability. • Half told it produces gender differentiated scores • Half told it does not produce gender differentiated scores www.aps.org ©2016, American Physical Society; Email: hodapp@aps.org 7 Gender in Perceived Math Ability Score"Corrected"for"Guessing" 30" Male" 25" Female" 20" 15" 10" 5" 0" Gender"Difference" No"Gender"Difference" Spencer,"Steel,"and"Quinn,"Journal"of"Experimental"Social"Psychology"35,$4–28"(1999)" www.aps.org ©2016, American Physical Society; Email: hodapp@aps.org 8 Physics GRE: Impact of Cutoff Scores 1.00# 0.90# Frac1on#(F)# 0.80# Frac1on#(M)# 0.70# 0.60# 0.50# 0.46 (M) 0.40# 0.30# 0.25 (F) 0.20# 0.10# 0.00# 400# www.aps.org 650 500# 600# 700# 800# 900# 1000# Source: ETS ©2016, American Physical Society; Email: hodapp@aps.org 9 Percentage of Women in Physics 50%# Sources:#NCES/IPEDS,#AIPGSRC,#HERI# 45%# 40%# 35%# 30%# 25%# 20%# 15%# 10%# 5%# 0%# High#School# www.aps.org College# Entrance# BS####(degree)# PhD#(degree)# Assistant# Professor# Associate# Professor# ©2016, American Physical Society; Email: hodapp@aps.org 10