THREE PROBLEMS IN ONE Finbarr Holland 1. Introdution Sometime over the summer I reeived a postard from Gordon Lessells (Deputy Leader), Kevin Huthinson (Team Leader) and Pat MCarthy (Observer), who were with the Irish Team at the 1999 IMO in Buharest, bearing the following rypti message: Find the smallest onstant C suh that n !4 X 2 2 : xi xi xj (xi + xj ) C i=1 1i<jn X Can you nd the two{line Chinese proof or the Irish solution? When I got the ard I realized that the problem posed was one of the six problems seleted for the IMO, and was triply intrigued by it. Firstly, it didn't appear to fall easily by any of the standard methods that IMO partiipants would know, and therefore struk me as possessing an element of novelty and, as J. E. Littlewood has said, \the disovery of a new inequality is a ause for elebration." Seondly, beause I had no idea what would pass for an aeptable \Chinese Solution." Thirdly, I wondered how I ould possibly be expeted to redisover the \Irish Solution." I suspeted that Pat MCarthy{a former student of mine{ might have had a hand in oming up with the \Irish Solution." But ould I redisover it? Did the link between Pat and myself provide a lue? Was the \Irish Solution" somehow \geneti"? When I met him at the reent IMS meeting in TCD, Gordon eliited my response to these questions. I had to onfess that I 73 74 IMS Bulletin 43, 1999 hadn't found any solution, but that I would like to think about it some more. During the meeting I found the seond solution outlined below, and when I ommuniated it to himself and Kevin Huthinson, who was also at the IMS meeting, Kevin informed that it was essentially the \Irish Solution," disovered by Pat and himself, who were unhappy with the inelegane of the proposed solutions disussed at the Jury Meetings, and were motivated to produe a nier one. Gordon later told me that a solution similar to the \Irish Solution" was also found by an Iranian student during the ontest, and desribed the \Chinese solution" outlined below, whih is based on an idea that a Chinese student used during the ontest, and was elaborated later on by one of the oordinators. Here's the formulation of the problem that the students were given on the rst morning of the Olympiad: Problem 1 Let n 2 be a xed integer. 1. Find the least onstant C suh that X 1i<jn i j (x2i + x2j ) C x x n X i=1 !4 x i ; for all non-negative real numbers x1 , x2 ,: : : , xn . 2. Determine when equality ours for this value of C . 2. The \Chinese Solution" Let M = n X 2 i i=1 x : Then it is lear that X 1i<jn i j (x2i + x2j ) M x x X 1i<jn i j x x ; with equality if, and only if, at worst all but two of the variables are zero. Three Problems in One 75 Now, as is well known, 4ab (a + b)2 if a and b are real, with equality P if, and only if, a = b. Hene, applying this with a = M, b = 2 1i<jn xi xj we see that M 0 X 1i<jn i j x x 12 n X 1 X 2 xi + 2 xi xj A 8 i=1 1i<jn n 1 X 2 = ( x) 8 i=1 i 1 = 8 n X i=1 !2 !4 i x ; with equality if, and only if, n X 2=2 X i i=1 x n 1 X i j = 2 ( xi )2 : i=1 1i<jn x x That is, if, and only if, two of the variables are equal and the rest are zero. Thus, C = 1=8, and equality holds if, and only if, all of the variables are zero or at most two are non-zero and equal. 3. The \Irish Solution" This uses the following easily established identities: 8ab(a2 + b2 ) = (a + b)4 and (a n n X X 3 2 2 xi xi xi xj (xi + xj ) = i=1 i=1 1i<jn X )4 ; (1) b n X 4 i i=1 x : (2) The rst of these tells us that C 1=8 and that equality holds in ase n = 2 if, and only if, the variables are equal. 76 IMS Bulletin 43, 1999 The seond identity suggests an alternative formulation of the problem, viz., nd the smallest positive onstant C suh that n X 3 (1 i i=1 i) C x x subjet to the onstraints that 0 xi , i = 1, 2, : : : , n, and n X i=1 then x i = 1: As a rst shot at solving this we observe that if 0 x 1, 2 (1 x x ) = 4( )( )(1 x) 2 2 x + x + 1 x 3 4 2 2 3 4 = ; 27 by the Arithmeti{Geometri Mean inequality, with equality holding if, and only if, x = 2=3. Hene, x n X 3 (1 i i=1 x x 2 x (1 i ) 1max in i x 274 i) x n X i=1 i x : This establishes that C 4=27, but it is lear that the bound is rude and not attainable. To rene this argument, we distinguish three ases: Case (A), in whih we suppose all of the xi belong to the interval [0; 1=2); Case (B), in whih we suppose that exatly one of the xi belongs to (1=2; 1℄, and Case (C), in whih we suppose that preisely two of the xi are equal to 1=2. We proeed in the knowledge that these ases exhaust all possibilities. Three Problems in One 77 Sine x(1 x) y (1 y ) = (x y )(1 x y ) it is easy to see that x(1 x) is stritly inreasing on [0; 1=2℄. Hene, too, 2 x (1 x) is stritly inreasing on [0; 1=2℄, so that if 0 x < 1=2, then x2 (1 x) < 1=8, and so, in Case (A), n X 3 (1 i i=1 x 2 x (1 i ) 1max in i x = max x2i (1 1in < i) x i) n X i=1 i x x 1 : 8 Suppose next that one of the xi belongs to (1=2; 1℄. Denote this by a. The sum of the remaining n 1 variables (whih we now relabel as y1 , y2 , : : :, yn 1 ) is 1 a < 1=2, so that eah yi 2 [0; 1 a℄ [0; 1=2). It follows that y 2 i (1 i ) (1 y a )2 a; i = 1; 2; : : : ; n 1: Hene n X 3 (1 i i=1 x i ) = a3 (1 x )+ nX1 i=1 3 i (1 i) y y 2 (1 1in 1 i a3 (1 a) + (1 a)3 a 1 = (2a 1)4 < a 3 (1 a a ) + max y i) y nX1 i=1 i y 8 1 ; 8 by identity (1). This disposes of Case (B); we are left with Case (C), whih is trivial. 78 IMS Bulletin 43, 1999 The P upshot of this analysis is that, if 0 , and ni=1 xi = 1, then i , i = 1, 2,: : : , x n n X 3 (1 i i=1 x 1 i) 8 ; x and that the inequality is strit unless two of the variables are equal to 1=2 and the rest are zero. 4. A Problem for the Reader Let n 2 be a positive integer and p a positive number. Determine (a) the best onstant Cp suh that n !p+2 X p p ; xi xi xj (xi + xj ) Cp i=1 1i<jn X for all nonnegative real numbers x1 , x2 ,: : : , xn , and (b) the ases of equality. Finbarr Holland Mathematis Department University College Cork Ireland.