Mental Health Content Report August 2014 Produced By The NHS Choices Reporting Team NHS Choices Policy Report Mental Health Dashboard Page 1 Overall Choices Site Visits Tag cloud showing mental health related searches 50.0M 40.6M 40.0M 30.0M 20.0M 30.0M 10.0M 0.0 Mental Health Page Visits 2,500,000 2,000,000 1,500,000 1,000,000 500,000 0 Overall Site Visits Mental Health Page Visits % of NHS Choices Traffic made up by Mental Health content Aug-13 30.0M 1474623 4.91% Sep-13 30.8M 1576076 5.13% Oct-13 36.5M 1998487 5.48% Nov-13 35.2M 2047018 5.82% Dec-13 32.9M 1812698 5.50% Jan-14 42.9M 2258985 5.27% Feb-14 39.1M 2005169 5.12% Mar-14 44.6M 2247098 5.04% Apr-14 42.5M 2052467 4.83% May-14 43.2M 2071838 4.80% Jun-14 41.2M 1836806 4.46% Jul-14 41.4M 1740959 4.20% Aug-14 40.6M 2007482 4.95% During August 2014 there were over 2 million visits to mental health related pages on NHS Choices – a 36% increase compared to the same month last year. Visits to mental health content accounted for 5% of all NHS Choices visits in August 2014. The reporting period high for 2013 was seen during November, when visits passed the 2 million mark and saw the percentage of NHS Choices traffic made up by mental health visits reach 5.82%, the highest percentage recorded for the whole reporting period. After visits saw a dramatic increase in January 2014, when the they rose 25% from the previous month, they remained above the 2 million mark, only briefly falling below during June and July 2014. January 2014 was also the peak month of the reporting period, closely followed by March 2014. Despite a decline in overall NHS Choices visits from July to August 2014, visits to mental health content actually rose 15% during the same period to reach 2,007,482. Whilst there was no one contributing factor for the rise, there were a number of significant rises to a few pages, for example a 70% increase in visits to the 'live well mental health home' page, a 51% rise in visits to 'anorexia' pages and a 40% uplift in visits to the 'depression self-assessment' page, with starts of the tool seeing a 20% increase too. The impact of adding additional search terms to the portfolio did not significantly impact which terms ranked highest, with the top 5 remaining identical. The only additional term to break into the top 10 was 'cbt', with 'cognitive behavioural therapy' and 'relationship counselling' the only other additional terms to receive search clicks. For the 4 weeks finishing at the end of August 2014, NHS Choices received 33% of search clicks for 'cbt', 45% for 'cognitive behavioural therapy' but did not receive any search clicks for 'relationship counselling'. Of all of the additional search terms, 'relationship counselling' was the only term to see a positive change in search clicks between July 2014 - August 2014. Whilst we may wish to investigate looking at gaining traffic from the term 'relationship counselling' in the future, it should be noted that within all mental health search terms in the combined portfolio, the term only received 0.26% of search clicks. Perhaps unsurprisingly Relate was the website to receive the most search clicks from the term (74%). NHS Choices Policy Report Mental Health Dashboard Page 2 Breakdown of Visitor Traffic to Mental Health Related Content CHQ 1.2% 0.4% 0.6% 0.0% Livewell 0.0% 0.4% 0.9% Breakdown of Visitor Traffic to Mental Health Related Content by Month 2.7% 0.0% Planner 2.50M 22.0% Services 2.0M 1.50M Tools Treatments and Conditions 1.0M Video Care and Support 0.3% News and Others Campaign 5.0% 66.4% NHS England 500K 0 Aug-13 Sep-13 CHQ Tools News and Others Audio Change4Life Audio Websites Receiving Traffic From Mental Health Search Terms Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Livewell Treatments and Conditions Campaign Feb-14 Mar-14 Planner Video NHS England Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Services Care and Support Change4Life Mental Health Search Terms Not Driving Traffic to NHS Choices relationship counselling PsychCentral dealing with depression Patient UK YouTube teenage depression mental health charities how to deal with depression Mind types of depression how to help someone with depression Wikipedia mania Facebook low self esteem NHS Choices depression alliance 0% 10% 20% 30% % Of Traffic The above chart shows the top websites receiving traffic from mental health search terms (based on original portfolio), though it should be noted the top 10 does not alter when based on the combined portfolio. 0.0% 0.2% 0.4% 0.6% % Of Searches 0.8% 1.0% 1.2% The above chart shows the top search terms (within the combined portfolio) that NHS Choices received no search term clicks from (all the traffic went elsewhere), the terms are ranked by the clicks for that particular term as a % of the total search term clicks in the portfolio. It can be used as an indication of potential traffic that could have been generated. NHS Choices Policy Report Mental Health Dashboard Page 3 Top Mental Health Search Terms Top Mental Health Search Terms Including Additional Terms 5% 10% 15% stress cognitive behavioural therapy cbt 20% relationship counselling 0% depression symptoms anxiety depression borderline personality disorder bipolar suicide depression suicide schizophrenia depression test depression test bipolar depression symptoms schizophrenia stress borderline personality disorder anxiety 16.00% 14.00% 12.00% 10.00% 8.00% 6.00% 4.00% 2.00% 0.00% signs of depression % of Searches The above chart shows the top 10 search terms based on the original mental health search term portfolio. The results of a combined portfolio showing all original and 13 additional new terms can be seen right. The above chart shows the top 10 search terms based on the original mental health search term portfolio, with 13 additional terms included. The additional terms, exclusive to the new combined portfolio are shown in blue. Only 'CBT' made it into the top 10. 'Cognitive behavioural therapy 'and 'relationship counselling' ranked 21st and 43rd respectively. All other additional terms did not rank. It should also be noted that percentage of searches for both 'depression' and 'anxiety' fell marginally when the additional terms were included. Change in Popular Search Terms Within The Mental Health Policy Area (Additional Terms Only) Change in Popular Search Terms Within The Mental Health Policy Area schizophrenia bipolar cognitive behavioural therapy borderline personality disorder mental health act panic attack mental health support for young people postnatal depression mental health test depressed stress depression self help groups medication for depression clinical depression how to beat depression mental health helplines ty pes of depression depression alliance signs of depression relationship counselling depression test depression symptoms suicide -8.00% anxiety -6.00% -4.00% -2.00% 0.00% 2.00% 4.00% % Change depression -2.00% 0.00% 2.00% 4.00% 6.00% % Change The above chart shows the search terms within the original portfolio with the highest percentage change of search term clicks (against the total search term clicks in the portfolio) between the two 4 week reporting periods. The above chart shows the additional search terms with the highest percentage change of search term clicks (against the total search term clicks in the additional portfolio only) between the two 4 week reporting periods. NB not all terms in the portfolio received search clicks hence only 5 terms being displayed above.