Nutrition Content Report January 2013 Produced By The NHS Choices Reporting Team NHS Choices Policy Report Nutrition Dashboard Page 1 Tag Cloud Showing Top Nutrition Related Searches Overall Choices Site Visits 27.3M 30.0M 25.0M 20.0M 15.0M 10.2M 10.0M 5.0M 0.0 Nutrition Page Visits 2,500,000 Nutrition Page Visits Excl. C4L Pages 2,000,000 C4L Nutrition Page Visits 1,500,000 1,000,000 500,000 0 Overall Site Visits Nutrition Page Visits Excl. C4L Pages C4L Nutrition Page Visits % of NHS Choices Traffic made up by Nutrition Pages Excl. C4L Pages % of NHS Choices Traffic made up by C4L Nutrition Pages Jan-12 10.2M 1120811 55305 11.01% 0.54% Feb-12 14.5M 950459 23003 6.55% 0.16% Mar-12 13.8M 993773 19565 7.18% 0.14% Apr-12 14.6M 995061 15481 6.81% 0.11% May-12 14.3M 1051925 15785 7.36% 0.11% Jun-12 15.9M 962271 21462 6.06% 0.14% Jul-12 15.6M 938336 23325 6.01% 0.15% Aug-12 16.0M 959261 18403 5.98% 0.11% Sep-12 16.0M 1105149 22979 6.92% 0.14% Oct-12 16.4M 1242218 22799 7.58% 0.14% Nov-12 19.8M 1198083 21167 6.07% 0.11% Dec-12 19.8M 964665 14134 4.87% 0.07% Jan-13 27.3M 1910151 1215304 6.99% 4.45% The period covering January 2012 to January 2013 has seen significant changes in nutrition-related visits. Over the year, visits to NHS Choices nutrition pages have increased by 70%, with visits to NHS Choices nutrition content accounting for 6.99% of NHS Choices traffic in January 2013. Visits to Change4Life (C4L) nutrition-related pages have also seen a big rise over the year period, with visits between January 2012 and January 2013 seeing more than a 2000% increase. The reason for the substantial increase was the launch of the ‘be food smart’ content, which saw over 360,000 visits in January 2013. Between February and August 2012, NHS Choices visits were fairly consistent, remaining close to the one million mark. Visits began to rise during September 2 012 and continued into October 2012, with visits still remaining elevated well above the one million mark in November 2012. In October 2012 visits were 8% higher than those seen during the New Year spike in January 2012. Peak visits to nutrition content (excluding Change4Life pages) were recorded during January 2013, when visits neared the 2 million mark. This was 98% higher than the previous month and 54% higher than the peak visits total for 2012. The increase can be attributed to a variety of factors including a general uplift in overall site traffic, seasonal influences such as New Year's resolutions to lose weight and eat more healthily and the launch of the new weight loss guide which had over 78,000 visits. Excluding Change4Life content, pages within the ‘Live Well’ content area account for most nutrition-related visits, followed by treatments and conditions and common health questions (CHQs). The most popular page in the Live Well content area during January 2012 – January 2013, was the ‘top 10 diets review’ page. NHS Choices Policy Report Nutrition Dashboard Page 2 Breakdown of Visitor Traffic to Nutrition Related Content Websites Receiving Traffic from Nutrition Search Terms CHQ 3.7% Livewell Amazon UK Wei ght Loss Reso urces Planner NHS - Change4Life Services BBC Health Tools 38.9% Treatments and Conditions YouTube 33.4% Wikipedia Mobile - English Video Facebook Carers Direct NHS Choices News and Others Wikipedia Campaign NHS England 0.0% 0.0% 0.1% 0.0% Change4Life BBC Good Food 0.0% 0.0% 20.4% 0% 10% 3.1% 0.3% 20% 30% % Of Traffic Top Nutrition Search Terms = Breakdown of Visitor Traffic to Nutrition Related Content by Month 3.50M potassium 3.0M fat 2.50M milk 2.0M healthy eating fruit 1.50M cholesterol 1.0M healthy recipes 500K water 0 Jan-12 Feb-12 Mar-12 Apr-12 May-12 Jun-12 Jul-12 Aug-12 Sep-12 Oct-12 Nov-12 Dec-12 Jan-13 fish good food CHQ Tools News and Others Livewell Treatments and Conditions Campaign Planner Video NHS England Services Carers Direct Change4Life 0% 5% 10% % of Searches 15% 20% NHS Choices Policy Report Nutrition Dashboard Page 3 Nutrition Search Terms Not Driving Traffic to NHS Choices Change in Popular Search Terms Within the Nutrition Policy Area fish be food smart food groups carbohydrates fat vegetables milk potassium fruit good food recipes fish healthy ea ting fruit nutrition dinner brea kfast dairy bala nced diet lunch sulphur healthy food magnesium vegetables milk water beans potassium calories choles terol healthy recipes -10% -5% 0% 5% % Change The above chart shows the search terms within the portfolio with the highest % change of search term clicks (against the total search term clicks in the portfolio) between the two 4 week reporting periods ending the 26 January 2013 and the 28 January 2012. 0.0% 2.0% 4.0% 6.0% 8.0% % Of Searches The above chart shows the top 10 search terms (within the portfolio) that NHS Choices received no search term clicks from (all the traffic went elsewhere), the terms are ranked by the clicks for that particular term as a % of the total search term clicks in the portfolio. It can be used as an indication of potential traffic that could have been generated.