Nutrition Content Report August 2013 Produced By The NHS Choices Reporting Team NHS Choices Policy Report Nutrition Dashboard Page 1 Overall Choices Site Visits Tag cloud showing top respiratory related searches 30.0M 35.0M 30.0M 25.0M 20.0M 16.0M 15.0M 10.0M 5.0M 0.0 Nutrition Page Visits 2,500,000 Nutrition Page Visits 2,000,000 C4L Nutrition Page Visits 1,500,000 1,000,000 500,000 0 Overall Site Visits Nutrition Page Visits C4L Nutrition Page Visits % of NHS Choices Traffic made up by Nutrition pages excl. C4L pages % of NHS Choices Traffic made up by C4L Nutrition pages Aug-12 16.0M 959003 18403 6.01% 0.12% Sep-12 16.4M 1104642 22979 6.74% 0.14% Oct-12 19.8M 1241718 22799 6.29% 0.12% Nov-12 19.8M 1197562 21167 6.05% 0.11% Dec-12 19.3M 964286 14134 5.00% 0.07% Jan-13 27.3M 1909682 1215304 6.99% 4.45% Feb-13 24.5M 1598917 467189 6.52% 1.90% Mar-13 27.2M 1688112 199586 6.21% 0.73% Apr-13 27.9M 1677168 131432 6.00% 0.47% May-13 28.7M 1726896 135768 6.02% 0.47% Jun-13 28.9M 1609333 136645 5.58% 0.47% Jul-13 31.0M 1593349 138188 5.13% 0.45% Aug-13 30.0M 1638044 173280 5.46% 0.58% Between August 2012 and August 2013 visits to nutrition-related pages have seen a 71% increase, with visits to nutrition content accounting for 5.46% of NHS Choices traffic in August 2013. The launch of the Change4Life (C4L) 'be food smart' content in January 2013 saw visits to C4L nutrition content spike significantly. After falling to just over 131,000 in April 2013, visits began rise month-on-month, reaching 138,188 in July 2013. During August 2013 C4L nutrition visits rose more significantly, going up by 25% from the previous month. This coincided with the start of the 'smart restart' campaign on the 14th August, which will have helped to drive traffic other C4L pages. Over the 12 month period beginning August 2012, visits to nutrition content (excluding C4L pages) have only fallen below the monthly 1 million mark on two occassions, during August and December. This is when overall site visits are generally down due to peak summer holiday period and the festive holiday. Peak visits to nutrition content (excluding C4L pages) were recorded during January 2013, when visits neared the 2 million mark. Since January is traditionally a time for making diet and exercise changes, this fits. Since February 2013, visits have been between 1.6m - 1.7m. The 'live well' area of the site remained the most visited area for nutrition content, accounting for 44% of all nutrition visits. NHS Choices Policy Report Nutrition Dashboard Page 2 Breakdown of Visitor Traffic to Nutrition Related Content Websites Receiving Traffic from Nutrition Search Terms CHQ 9.6% 0.1% Livewell Planner 0.0% 0.0% Amazon UK 0.0% 5.6% 0.4% Good Food Channel Patient UK Services Channel 4 Food Tools Web MD Treatments and Conditions YouTube Video 43.9% 36.2% Carers Direct Wikipedia Mobile - English Wikipedia News and Others NHS Choices Campaign BBC Good Food NHS England 0% Change4Life 10% 20% 30% % Of Traffic 0.0% 4.2%0.1% Breakdown of Visitor Traffic to Nutrition Related Content by Month = Top Nutrition Search Terms 3.50M nutrition 3.0M folic acid 2.50M fruit 2.0M fat 1.50M good food recip es 1.0M healthy recipes 500K cholesterol water 0 Aug-12 Sep-12 Oct-12 Nov-12 Dec-12 Jan-13 Feb-13 Mar-13 Apr-13 May-13 Jun-13 Jul-13 CHQ Livewell Planner Services Tools Treatments and Conditions Video Carers Direct News and Others Campaign NHS England Change4Life Aug-13 fish good food 0% 5% 10% % of Searches 15% 20% NHS Choices Policy Report Nutrition Dashboard Page 3 Change in Popular Search Terms Within the Nutrition Policy Area Nutrition Search Terms Not Driving Traffic to NHS Choices milk carbohydrates fat fruit magnesium water nutrition good food recipes fish good food salt water salad good food recip es breakfast fruit rickets fish wheat lactose carbohydrates healthy eating potassium drinks anaemia starch nutrition healthy recipes 0.0% good food 5.0% 10.0% 15.0% 20.0% 25.0% cholesterol -5% 0% 5% % Of Searches % Change The above chart shows the search terms within the portfolio with the highest % change of search term clicks (against the total search term clicks in the portfolio) between the two 4 week reporting periods. The above chart shows the top 10 search terms (within the portfolio) that NHS Choices received no search term clicks from (all the traffic went elsewhere), the terms are ranked by the clicks for that particular term as a % of the total search term clicks in the portfolio. It can be used as an indication of potential traffic that could have been generated.