Alcohol Content Report December 2013 Produced By The NHS Choices Reporting Team NHS Choices Policy Report Alcohol Dashboard Page 1 Overall Choices Site Visits 40.0M 35.0M 30.0M 25.0M 20.0M 15.0M 10.0M 5.0M 0.0 Tag cloud showing top alcohol related searches 32.9M 19.3M Alcohol Page Visits 700,000 600,000 500,000 400,000 300,000 200,000 100,000 0 Overall Site Visits Alcohol Page Visits % of NHS Choices Traffic made up by Alcohol content Dec-12 19.3M 416455 2.16% Jan-13 27.3M 581008 2.13% Feb-13 24.5M 553680 2.26% Mar-13 27.2M 536686 1.97% Apr-13 27.9M 375543 1.34% May-13 28.7M 389604 1.36% Jun-13 28.9M 395618 1.37% Jul-13 31.0M 388664 1.25% Aug-13 30.0M 408714 1.36% Sep-13 30.8M 410424 1.33% Oct-13 36.5M 468794 1.28% Nov-13 35.2M 479609 1.36% Dec-13 32.9M 523441 1.59% During December 2013 there were 523,441 visits to alcohol related content pages. This was an impressive 26% increase on December 2012 visits and a 9% increase on the previous month. The overall traffic to Choices saw it's usual seasonal drop in December going from 35.2 to 32.9 million visits, in contrast to this the % of traffic going to alcohol realated content actually saw an increase from 1.36% to 1.59% in December, the highest % since the end of the C4L 'Sneaky Drinks' in March 2013. The biggest area of growth in December for alcohol related content was the Common Health Questions which saw a 53% rise in visits , going from 93k visits in November to more than 142k in December. The highest rising CHQ pages are ones which you would expect to rise during December as people celebrate the festive period: How much alcohol can I drink before driving? up 133% to 19,362 visits, How long does alcohol stay in your blood? up 64% to 53,347 visits and Can I drink alcohol if I'm taking painkillers? up 46% to 32,599 visits. The popular common health questions mentioned above are also reflected in the fast moving search terms we saw across the industry as a whole, where search phrases around 'how long alcohol stays in your blood' and 'alcohol and paracetamol' increasing during the reporting period. Choices remained the highest ranked site for alcohol related searches during December, receiving 15.76% of the search term clicks, 2% more than which was ranked second. Live Well content remained the most popular during December, accounting for 31% of the total traffic with the most visited page being 'hangover cures' receiving over 39,000 visits the highest monthly total over the last 12 months, this particular page had over 325,000 visits during 2013! NHS Choices Policy Report Alcohol Dashboard Page 2 Breakdown of Visitor Traffic to Alcohol Related Content CHQ Livewell Websites Receiving Traffic From Alcohol Search Terms 0.1% 0.5% 4.9% Planner Wikipedia Mobile - English About Alcoholism Services 27.2% Tools Treatments and Conditions Facebook 26.5% Patient UK Video Alcohol ics Anonymous Great Britain Care and Support Wikipedia News and Others Campaign 6.1% NHS England Change4Life NHS Choices 31.3% 0.4% Audio 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% % Of Traffic 2.9% Breakdown of Visitor Traffic to Alcohol Related Content by Month Top Alcohol Search Terms 700K units of alcohol 600K fetal alcohol syndrome 500K alcohol units 400K amoxicillin and alcohol 300K alcoholism 200K alcohol withdrawal symptoms liver di sease 100K alcoholics anonymous 0 Dec-12 Jan-13 CHQ Tools News and Others Audio Feb-13 Mar-13 Apr-13 May-13 Livewell Treatments and Conditions Campaign Jun-13 Jul-13 Planner Video NHS England Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Services Care and Support Change4Life Nov-13 Dec-13 alcohol poisoning alcohol 0% 5% 10% % of Searches 15% 20% NHS Choices Policy Report Alcohol Dashboard Page 3 Alcohol Search Terms Not Driving Traffic to NHS Choices Change in Popular Search Terms Within the Alcohol Policy Area liver di sease alcoholics anonymous alcoholism foetal alcohol syndrome drugs and alcohol alcohol and depression breastfeeding and alcohol alcohol is alcohol a depressant effects of alcohol can i drink alcohol with amoxicillin alcoholics paracetamol and alcohol calories in alcohol how long does alcohol stay in your system how long does it take for alcohol to l eave your… alcoholic amoxicillin and alcohol alcohol poisoning alcohol withdrawal symptoms naproxen and alcohol foetal alcohol syndrome effects of alcohol what is alcohol tramadol and alcohol am i an alcoholic alcoholic fetal alcohol syndrome alcoholism alcoholics anonymous 0.0% 1.0% 2.0% 3.0% 4.0% 5.0% 2.0% 1.0% 0.0% -1.0% -2.0% -3.0% -4.0% -5.0% % Of Searches % Change The above chart shows the search terms within the portfolio with the highest % change of search term clicks (against the total search term clicks in the portfolio) between the two 4 week reporting periods. The above chart shows the top search terms (within the portfolio) that NHS Choices received no search term clicks from (all the traffic went elsewhere), the terms are ranked by the clicks for that particular term as a % of the total search term clicks in the portfolio. It can be used as an indication of potential traffic that could have been generated.