MAJOR PROGRAM FOR TRANSFER STUDENTS (2010-2012 Curriculum) This sheet is to help identify which courses will transfer from Kirkwood’s CNC Machining Technology program to UNI’s Manufacturing Technology Program. The courses that the student needs to take at UNI are marked with an X. Math and Science Core …………………………………………………..12 Hours Calculus for Technology (4) Calculus I Hrs . 4 4 Sem offered S F/S Chemical Technology General Chemistry 4 4 F F/S General Physics I Physics for Science and Engineering 4 4 F/S F Course # Course title 800:048 OR 800:060 860:020 OR 860:044 880:054 OR 880:130 Pre-req Equivalent 800:046 800:046 MAT 210 CHM 165 800:060 PHY 162 PHY 212 Technical Core……………………………………………………………36 hours 330:008 330:010 330:023 330:024 330:060 330:043 330:072 330:080 Mfg Materials and Processes Metal Removal Processes Technical Drawing and Design II Technical Drawing and Design Fundamentals of Automated Mfg Managing Manufacturing systems Engineering Materials Statics & Strengths of Materials 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 F/S F/S F S F/S F/S F/S F/S 330:112 330:142g 330:187g Industrial Projects I Statistical Quality Control Applied Industrial Supervision and Mgt Industrial Safety Industrial Projects II 1 3 3 F F/S F/S 3 2 F/S S 330:196g 330:197 MFG 213 & 228 330:024 330:017 or equivalent Soph. CAD 105, 106 & MFG 140 MFG 302 & 317 Soph. Chem, Phys., Soph. Chem, Phys. Pre/Co Req.: 330:072 Sr.* Precalc OR Calc OR Stats. Jr., 150:153 OR 330:043 OR 330:131 Soph. Take after 112 Advanced Manufacturing ( 18SH) 330:113 g Manufacturing Tooling 3 S 330:145 g Work Measurement & Improvement 3 F2011 330:147g Computer-Aided Manufacturing S2011 330:177g Advanced Manufacturing F2011 Same as 330:145 330:180 Intro to Lean Manufacturing Electives 3 3 3 3 330:008, 330:010, 330:023,330:024, Calc, Pysics, Jr. 008,010,023,024,043,060 ,072,080, Calc, Chem, Physics, Jr. Same as 330:145 MFG 420 MFG 311 & 313 8/2010 Design (18SH) 330:113g Machining Tooling 3 S 330:122g 330:135g Advanced CAD & Modeling Design Manufacturing 3 3 S S 330:148g Machine Design 3 F 330:155g Finite Element Analysis Electives 3 3 F 330:008, 330:010, 330:023,330:024, Calc, Physics, Jr. 330:023, 330:024 MFG 420 330:008, 330:010, 330:023,330:024, Calc, Pysics, Jr. Jr. 330:008. 330:010; 330:023; 330:024; 330:043; 330:072; 330:080, Calc, Chem, Physics, Jr. Same as 330:148 Metal Casting (18SH) 330:127 Transport Phenomena for Technologists 2 S2011 330:134 Molding practices in metal casting Applied Metallurgy 3 F2011 3 F Melting practices in metal casting Tooling practices in metal casting Electives 3 F2010 3 S2012 330:132g 330:136 330:137 Jr. 330:008. 330:010; 330:023; 330:024; 330:043; 330:072; 330:080, Calc, Chem, Physics, Jr Same as 330:127 330:008; 330:010; 330:072Calc, Phys, Chem Same as 330:127 Same as 330:127 3 Students will receive credits for the courses they have taken that are equivalent to UNI Liberal Arts Core. To check equivalency, visit: Students will also receive 15 credits to University Electives. Please work with UNI and Kirkwood advisors to ensure the most effective transferability in courses. Cooperative Education (Internship) is not required but recommended for University Credit. 8/2010