Tunable Liquid Microlenses formed from Dynamically Re-Configurable Double Emulsions by Sara Nagelberg B.S., McGill University (2013) Submitted to the Department of Mechanical Engineering in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of ARCHIVES MASTER OF SCEINCE MASSACHu OF ICH- at the !'TiUTE LLG JUL 3 0 2015 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY LIBRARIES June 2015 @2015 Massachusetts Institute of Technology. All rights reserved Signature of Author Signature redacted _ _ _ _ Department of Mechanical Engineering May 8, 2015 Signature redacted Certified by _ _ _ _ Mathias Kolle Assistant Professor Of Mechanical Engineering Thesis Supervisor Accepted by redacted _Signature ___ David E. Hardt Professor of Mechanical Engineering Chairman, Committee on Graduate Students I'IiT 111 PELaborat for MITMECHE Photonip e Tunable Liquid Microlenses formed from Dynamically Re-Configurable Double Emulsions by Sara Nagelberg Submitted to the Department of Mechanical Engineering on May 8, 2015 in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering Abstract Micro-scale optical components capable of on-demand reconfiguration of their internal morphology and composition would enable unprecedented control of light propogation on the microscale. Double emulsions formed from immiscible hydrocarbons and fluorocarbons offer a promising platform as reconfigurable micro-optical lenses. These droplet-based lenses can be reconfigured to strongly focusing, nearly transparent, or strongly scattering geometries. The dynamic variation of the lenses' optical interfaces can greatly enhance the lenses' ability to manipulate light. Finite Difference Time Domain and Raytracing techniques were used to characterize the optical properties of the drops and the simulations were verified experimentally immersing the lenses in an aqueous fluorescent medium in order to visualize their light manipulation capabilities. The lenses show a rapid response to external light stimuli or heat gradients and are susceptible to chemical triggers. Thesis Supervisor: Mathias Kolle Title: Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering 3 1 Introduction Micron-sized lenses find use in a variety of applications including plenoptic cam- eras [1], integral imaging or 3D displays, and solar collection [2]. They may also find use in microfluidics in order to collimate diverging light coupled into the system using an optical fiber [3]. Dynamically tunable micro-lenses formed from hydrocarbon-fluorocarbon double emulsion drops [4] are presented here. These droplet-based lenses can easily be produced in large quantities The interface between the two phases can be adjusted by changing the relative surface tensions in the drop, allowing the focal length of the lenses to be varied dynamically through chemical triggers or optically. Simulations of the optical response of the drops were done using the Finite difference Time Domain solver MEEP (MIT Electromagnetic Equation Propagation) [5] as well as ray tracing methods in MATLAB. These simulations show how the focal length and depth of the lenses vary when the optical interface between the two emulsion constituents is modified. The simulations also show how different rotations of the drops relative to the incident light can be used to direct light. This ability of the droplet-based lenses to focus, scatter, or redirect light was experimentally observed by placing the drops in an aqueous solution of Rhodamine B. The drops were shown to be able to collimate diverging light from the tip of an optical fiber, as well as to focus light from a plane wave source. The drops also show an interesting response to an infrared laser. When the infrared laser is focused in the vicinity of a liquid lens, it will orient itself such that the internal phase is closer to the focus of the laser. This capability of the drops offers opportunities for the development of a thermally or optically addressed dynamic 3D display. 5 2 Background Microlens arrays can be made by shaping the optical interface of a surface on the micron scale. For example, microlens arrays have been fabricated by creating an arrangement of posts using photolithography and then heating the posts until they melt. The lenses' shape is dominated by surface tension resulting in a spherical interface [6]. Alternatively microlens arrays have also been created using gradient refractive index (GRIN) through ion exchange [7]. In both cases, the resulting microlenses have a fixed focal length. Micro-lenses formed by control of liquid configurations are an appealing option for several reasons. The surface roughness of liquid interfaces is significantly smaller than the wavelength of visible light (the surface roughness of a water-air interface is several angstroms [8]) ideal for high quality optical interfaces. Liquids can also be tuned after the lens is formed. Liquid lenses with a variable focal length have been fabricated by taking advantage of electro-wetting [9-11]. In these cases, the contact angle between the solid and liquid is manipulated by applying a voltage. In order to negate the effect of gravity the lens is enclosed in a second, density-matched liquid and hysteresis can be minimized using a lubricating liquid. Variable focal length lenses have also been fabricated using microfluidics where the amount of liquid in a cavity behind a membrane is varied [12-14]. In essence, these lenses work similarly to the human eye. By varying the pressure in the microfluidic channel, the curvature of the lens is adjusted, and therefore the focal length. Flows of liquid have also been used to create variable lenses within the plane of the micro-fluidic channel [3]. The liquid lenses presented here are formed from double emulsions. The method for creating the double emulsions developed by Dr. Lauren Zarzar with Professor Tim Swager's group in the MIT Department of Chemistry, utilizes fluorocarbons and hydrocarbons in an aqueous solution. Fluorocarbons are ideal for forming these double emulsions because they are both lipophobic and hydrophobic at room temperature, 7 (1) (2) (3) YH W C YFH 'F VI 6.0 YH YFH' 4.0- F, OF 4 40 a \FH ( 'H F (E zH Ei F YFH 'F II - b V 00 AF -2.0 -4OT Fluorosurfactant diffusion 20 4- 0.8 0 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.1% Zonyl F/H/W H/F/W Janus Droplet 0.1% SOS fw III IV V VI Vil d Figure 1: Droplet Morphology. a) Sketch of effect of surface tensions on drop morphology b) Hexane-perfluorohexane drops reconfigure due to variation in surface tension as zonyl diffuses through a solution of SDS. c) difference in surface tension as a function of surfactant concentration. d) Optical micrograph of the various geometries of the drops. Reproduced with permission from [4]. and the temperature above which they will from a homogenous mixture (the critical temperature T,) with hydrocarbons is relatively low (< 700 C). By gently heating the fluorocarbon and hydrocarbon to a temperature above T, they can be mixed to form a homogeneous solution. When drops of this mixture are then cooled back below T, in an aqueous solution, they will phase separate to form drops that are compartmentalized into the two distinct materials [4]. 100 pm), surface tension is the dominant On the length scale of the drops (~ force [15] and thus determines the morphology of the emulsions. The interfaces will therefore be spherical and the contact angles are: 2 cos 2 2 - 2 H F - HY FH -YFHYH 2 2 cos OF = YH -F 2 2 ~ "FH (1) (2) "YFH'YF where -YF is the inter-facial tension between the fluorocarbon and the water, -yH between the hydrocarbon and the water, and -YFH between the fluorocarbon and the hydrocarbon [4]. By changing these inter-facial tensions it is possible vary the drop through the var- 8 ious geometries depicted in Figure 1. This can be accomplished by adding surfactants such as Zonyl or sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) to change -yF and 7H. Changing the relative concentrations of these two surfactants allows the contact angle (and thus the curvature) of the internal interface to be controllably varied. A change in curvature translates into a change in focal length when the drop is used as a liquid lens. 9 10 3 Simulations 3.1 Background on Optical Modeling Techniques As the emulsion droplets range in size from a few microns in diameter to hundreds of microns, the optical properties were simulated using two methods. The first method, for the smallest of the drops, was Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD) calculation using the open source software MEEP (MIT Electromagnetic Equation Propagation) [5]. The larger drops could be simulated using simple ray-tracing techniques implemented in MATLAB. 3.1.1 Finite Difference Time Domain Simulations using MEEP Electromagnetism can be summarized by Maxwell's equations: aB VxE=-, at V xH=~aD + j, at V-B=O, V D =p where E is the electric field, H is the magnetic field, D is the displacement field, B is the magnetic induction field, and p and . are the charge and current densities respectively. The Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD) technique numerically solves Maxwells equations by dividing time and space into discrete units and stepping forward in time to solve for the electric field and magnetic field at each point in space and time. The computational cell is divided into a uniform grid in both time and space, and the derivatives in Maxwell's equations are approximated as finite differences. MEEP then uses a leap frog algorithm to step forward in time. At a time t the electric field E at each grid point is calculated from the surrounding electric field grid points at a time t - At and the magnetic field at surrounding points at time t - t. Similarly, the magnetic field H is then found at time t + A. This leap frog method is repeated 11 through the entire simulation. Reflections at the edge of the computational cell are avoided using a perfectly matched layer [16]. Increasing Resolution pp 1 0.7 - 0.8 . 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 01 0 10000 8000 E 6000 0 4000 E2000 CL 0 20 40 Resolution 60 Figure 2: FDTD Resolution. Simulations of 500nm wavelength light propagating through a 10 pm diameter double emulsion drop with resolution a) 8, b) 10, c) 16, d) 32, e) 128 grid points per pm. f) plot of the computation time required for each of the simulation cells. For extremely low resolution the light will not even propagate, however for extremely high resolution, the computation time is very high. The FDTD simulation technique is both powerful and straightforward to use, however comes at the cost of being computationally expensive, as it needs to calculate the electric and magnetic fields at every point in space for each time step. In order for the solution to converge, the temporal resolution must be at least twice the spatial resolution. Therefore for a 2D simulation, the computation time is proportional to third power of the resolution, and for a 3D simulation cell, the computational time increases as fourth power of the resolution. The effect on the output of the simulation by varying the resolution can be seen in Figure 2. 12 3 12.5 3 2 (V 1.5 .4-, C 0.5 0 3 3- d C 2.5 2 2 1.5 ._ 1. 01 0 0.5 0 0 40 30 20 10 z (PM) 50 3 0 10 0 20 40 50 3 e 2.5 2.5 2 2 1.5 1.5 )1 0.5 0.5 -10 -5 0 SPM) 5 10 01 -10 -5 0 x Pm 5 10 Figure 3: Comparison of 2D and 3D Simulations of Double Emulsions. Finite Difference Time Domain simulations of 500nm wavelength light through 10 pm diameter double emulsion drop at a resolution of 16 points per pm. a) Intensity distribution for a two dimensional computational cell. Symmetry is assumed for the 3 rd dimension, so the drop is modeled as the cross-section of an infinite fiber. b) Cross-section of full three dimensional simulation. c, d) Optical intensity profile along optical axis of 2D and 3D simulations respectively. e, f) Intensity profile at focal plane. Each of the simulation cells in Figure 2 was run for 264 time unitsi, with increasing resolution. In the case of a low resolution simulation (8 grid points per pm) the simulation could not even capture the propagation of the light. The 10 grid points 'This time was chosen based on the time it takes the monochromatic source to turn on and then the light to propagate through the cell, allowing for a steady state to be reached. 13 per pm simulation varies greatly from the high resolution 128 grid point simulation. The 16 grid point resolution simulation captures most of the information of the high resolution, and the 32 is almost indistinguishable. In 3D the computation time is even higher and increases even more quickly, so the 16 grid points per pm resolution was used.2 Given that the computational time is so long for a high resolution 3D simulation, it is appealing to use 2D simulations to gauge the general behavior of the system. A comparison of 2D and 3D simulations of a double emulsion can be seen in Figure 3. While the intensity at the focus is significantly increased for the 3D simulation, the overall behavior is similar. In both cases the distance from the center of the drop to the point of highest intensity is 16 pm (marked with a dashed line in Figure 3). In this comparison both simulations were run at a resolution of 16 grid points per pm. Throughout the rest of this work, 3D simulations shown are done with this same resolution, but 2D simulations were completed at a higher resolution of 32 grid points per pm. 3.1.2 Ray-Tracing For emulsion droplets significantly larger than the wavelength of interest ( drop radius ~ 100 pm) ray-tracing techniques are sufficient for understanding the basic behaviour of the system. To this end a simple ray-tracer was created in MATLAB. The ray-tracer is implemented using MATLAB's object oriented environment. Each Ray object had properties 3 including the position, direction, amplitude, and an array of past locations. The rays are propagated through the drop by locating each intersection point and then calculating the refraction using Snell's law. The amplitude of the transmitted and reflected waves was determined using the Fresnel equations [17]. For a three dimensional ray-tracer it is simpler to model refraction and reflection in terms of vector representations of light rays. Consider a ray traveling in the direction 2 3 Even at this resolution a single simulation takes several days to run. 1n MATLAB, object fields are referred to as properties. 14 dj ft n2 \W2 Figure 4: Vector Diagram for Snell's Law. index d 1 refracting through a surface with normal n' from a material with refractive plane ni to a material with refractive index n2 . Refraction will take place within the formed by n' and d 1 . Therefore consider a vector t perpendicular to n' in this plane such that d, = sin O 1 t+ cos 6 1n (3) sin 62 t- cOS 02 (4) and d2= as can be seen in Figure 4. From equation 3, t must then be: -d t + cos 0 1n sin 15 1 (5) The outgoing angle 02 can be determined using Snell's law: ni sin 01 = n2 sin 6 2 Using the identity sin 2 9 + cos 2 9 = CO (6) 1 Snell's law can be written in terms of the cosines = - (1 ( - (7) cos 1) Substituting Equations 5, 6, and 7 into Equation 4 yields a vector form for Snell's Law: 2= -di + ( n2 n2 V/i- cos ( \2 )[1 -cos29]) n; (8) The angle 01 between the incoming ray and the surface normal is easily obtained from the dot product: cos 01 = di - n (9) since d1 and n' each have unit length. Similarly, rays are reflected at the same angle that they are incident of the surface d. sin O 1 - cos = 1 in (10) The ray-tracer handles reflected rays by recursively calling the same algorithm for propagating the ray through the drop for each reflection. The Fresnel equations are used to determine the amplitude of the transmitted and reflected rays. Total internal reflection occurs when sin0 1 > -, n, or equivalently 1 < 1- ( cos9 One tn2 y Once the rays are propagated through the system the intensity can either be de- 16 termined coherently or incoherently. If coherent illumination is assumed, the intensity is determined by summing the complex amplitude of the rays and then squaring the absolute value. For incoherent illumination, the intensity of each ray is determined by squaring the absolute value of the amplitude and then the intensities of all the rays is summed. 3.2 FDTD Simulations of Focusing and Scattering Droplets When placed in an aqueous fluorocarbon surfactant solution, such as Zonyl, the emulsions will adopt a configuration such that the fluorocarbon phase is on the outside. In general, the fluorocarbon has a lower index of refraction than the hydrocarbon phase on the inside. The resulting drop works well to focus light. If however, a hydrocarbon surfactant is used, the higher refractive index hydrocarbon phase will be on the outside of the drop, and the drop will scatter light, as can be seen in Figure 5. Due to the presence of gravity, the drops do not form in a concentric morphology, but the lower density material floats. In most cases, the hydrocarbon phase is lighter than fluorocarbon. In the case of the focusing drop shown in Figure 5a with the fluorocarbon phase on the outside, the inner hydrocarbon drop floats. The two lens configuration extremes, highly scattering and strongly focusing, resemble the geometries of retinal cell nuclei found in nocturnal and diurnal mammals [18-20]. Simulations of the droplets' optical behavior show that they focus and scatter light in a very similar way as individual retinal cell nuclei. Therefore, the tunable lenses could represent a versatile experimental model system for elucidating the detailed function of the observed biological retinal architectures by performing experiments that might be difficult or impossible to realize in the biological systems. 17 12 ab 10 6.1- C nw n, n 2 0 Figure 5: FDTD Simulations of Light Scattering by two Extreme Emulsion Droplet Geometries. The refractive indexes of the two droplet phases are ni = 1.387 (heptane), n 2 = 1.27 (FC-770). The surrounding medium has a refractive index of nm = 1.33 (water). a) Strongly focusing drop in solution with Zonyl. Heptane is the inner phase and FC-770 as the outer phase. b) The same droplet in SDS strongly scatters light as the two phases switch position. 3.3 Focusing Dependence on Inner Radius of Curvature When the emulsions are immersed in an aqueous solution with an appropriate mixture of hydrocarbon and fluorocarbon surfactants, Janus drops will form. Since the surface tensions of the drop depend on surfactant concentrations, the curvature of the inner drop will depend on the ratio of the surfactant concentrations. A diagram of the geometry of such a drop can be seen in Figure 6. V - A i Volume liquid B of liquid Volume of the h volume ratio, Rd is the radius of the drop, Ri is the radius of curvature of the internal interface of the drop. The interface between the two liquids is modeled as sphere with radius Ri located a distance d from the center of the drop. Geometrically, it can be shown that d solves 18 Figure 6: Diagram of Emulsion Geometry. Rd is the radius of the drop, Ri is the radius of curvature of the internal interface and d is the distance between the drop center and the sphere modeled for the internal interface. the equation: (d + Rd - Ri)2(d2 + 2d( Ri -- Rd) - 3( Rd + Ri)2) + 16d 1+?2V The contact angle is related o rva COSO = = 0. (11) of theRintrnalditerfahe relation R2 + R2 - d2 i 2RdRj (12) Combining these gives a relation between the contact angle, inner radius of curvature and the volume ratio. Figure 7 shows several 2D FDTD simulations of double emulsions with varying radii of curvature. As expected, stronger focusing can be seen for the smaller radius of curvature. The far field distribution was approximated by Fraunhofer diffraction [21]. The far field angular distribution of intensity is wider for a smaller radius of curvature. For a flat interface between heptane (n = 1.387) and FC770 (n = 1.27) the far-field distribution is very similar to the case when there is no drop present. The flat interface 19 1 C 0) -20 0 20 -20 -20 20 0 0 20 -20 0 20 0 -20 20 -20 0 20 (W) g 12 10 8 6 4 0 10 30 20 40 50 Radius of Curvature of Inner Interface (Pm) Figure 7: FDTD Simulations of Double Emulsions with Various Internal Radii of Curvature. The two-dimensional simulations were done with a resolution of 32 grid points per pm for 500 nm light incident on 10 pm diameter droplets with internal radii of curvature a) 3.96, b) 6, c) 9, d) 20, and e)oo (flat interface). f) The same simulation with no drop present. The far-field distribution of the drop with the flat internal interface and the aperture when no drop is present are very similar. g) The width of the far-field distribution. drops are nearly transparent. 3.4 Transparent Janus Droplets One potential application of the emulsions is to create a screen that can easily be switched between opaque (scattering drops) and clear (transparent drops). To achieve this transparency the drops need to have no net focusing power, that is to say that rays that enter the drop parallel, leave the drop parallel. This can be accomplished 20 if refraction at the second edge of the drop essentially "undoes" the refraction at the first edge. This can happen for a convex lens if one of the indexes of refraction is lower than that of the surrounding medium. This is almost the case for the flat Janus drop formed from FC770 and heptane. Figure 8a shows how parallel rays interact with this drop. As long as one of the indexes of refraction is below that of the surrounding medium and the other is above, it should be possible to satisfy the condition that rays that enter the drop parallel, leave the drop parallel. By curving the internal interface this can be accomplished even when one of the indexes of refraction is significantly higher than that of the surrounding medium and the other is only slightly lower. The amount curvature required can be determined using the paraxial approximation and the ray transfer matrix method. The ray transfer matrix considers a ray that starts at an initial input plane and travels to a final output plane both perpendicular to the optical axis. For a ray starts a distance x 1 from the optical axis with angle 01 from the optical axis, the position and angle of the ray at the output plane can then be approximated by: X2 A B x1 [2 C D 01 (13) The matrix for one of the droplet-based lenses is: A B [1 C D n2nm nRd 01-d n nm_ Into Drop Internal Interface Out Of Drop 1 1 0 1 [i-n2 n 2 Ri Through Second Phase 0 1 Rd+d-i 1 0 a- 0 1 nm-ni n1Rd nm n2 Through First Phase (14) In order for rays that enter parallel to exit parallel, component C of the above matrix should be equal to zero. The resulting equation can be numerically solved simultaneously with Equation 11 for the radius of curvature of the inner interface Ri. 21 n1 Figure 8b shows parallel rays through a drop where ni = 1.6 and n2 = 1.31. While the focal length of this drop is infinite, the rays become more condensed as they exit the drop. Such a drop might be useful as a micro-beam expander/condenser. a) n m T) n ~ 2a la b )n m n2b Figure 8: Raytracing through Transparent Drops. a.) A Janus drop formed from heptane(nia = 1.38) and FC770 (n 2 a = 1.27), the radius of curvature at the interface is R, = 24.8 x Rd. b) Example of a higher refractive index drop (nib = 1.6 and n2b = 1.31 ) with curved interface Ri = 1.01 x Rd. 3.5 Rotations of Droplet-Based Lenses Since the fluorocarbon and hydrocarbon liquids in the drops are not perfectly density-matched, the drops do not exhibit spherical symmetry even when they form complete double emulsions. Flat interface Janus drops can be used similarly to prisms to redirect light. Figure 10 shows how the drops can accomplish this. For small angle deflections, the far-field distribution resembles that of the aligned drop, but shifted. Large angle deflections however are not possible as at glancing angles a large amount of light is reflected at the interface between the two materials. 22 Sbd8 6 n L 2 Figure 9: 3D FDTD Simulation of Rotations of Double Emulsion Drops. 500 nm light sent through 10 pm diameter drops formed from heptane (n1 = 1.387) and FC-770 (n2 =1.27) at rotations a =a) 01, b) 300 , c) 600, d) 900. AAM,, -5-, CDC -2012 0 -50 0 50 -50 0 0 so -so 50 -50 0 56- f -4- E 0 20 40 >0 Ro tati on An gle a (4) Figure 10: 2D FDTD Simulations of Flat Interface Janus Drops at Various Rotations. 500 nm wavelength light sent through 10 Pm diameter drops formed from heptane (n = 1.387) and FC-770 (n2 = 1.27) at rotations a = a) 00, b) 100, c) 30', d) 60'. f) Far-field deflection angle as a function of droplet rotation. 23 24 Experimental Characterization of the Droplets 4 4.1 Emulsion Materials The emulsions can be formed from a variety of different transparent optically distinct materials provided that the two materials are both hydrophobic and immiscible. Several different combinations of liquids and their indexes of refraction can be seen in table 1. The optimal material choice depends on desired application. The transparent drops discussed in section 3.4 can only be created for an emulsion where one of the two phases has a refractive index lower than the surrounding medium (1.33 for water). On the other hand, better focusing can be accomplished if both phases have an index of refraction higher than the surrounding medium. Fluorocarbons Perfluorohexane 3M Fluoronert FC770 Methooxyperflourobutane Index 1.25 1.27 ?? Hydrocarbons Heptane Hexane Hexadecane Index 1.39 1.38 1.43 Table 1: Refractive Indexes of Materials Used to Create Dynamically Reconfigurable Double Emulsions. Values obtained from ChemSpider online database [22]. The drops are made by simply combining the fluorocarbon and hydrocarbon in the desired volume ratio (usually 1:1) in a small capped vial and heating until the two materials mix. The point when they mix is easily observed as the phase boundary will vanish and the solution will remain transparent when gently agitated. Care is taken to not overheat the mixture, as the liquid will start to evaporate, changing the volume ratio. A slightly larger volume of the desired surfactant solution (usually 4 0.1% by weight either Zonyl or SDS) is simultaneously heated. A warm pipette is used to transfer the fluorocarbon-hydrocarbon mixture to the surfactant solution. The resulting solution is shaken to form small drops and allowed to cool back below the critical temperature, at which point the hydrocarbon and fluorocarbon will separate within each drop. 'The heating can be accomplished on a hot plate or simply using hot air from a hairdryer. 25 The two primary combinations used are Flourinert FC770 (trademark 3M) with heptane and perfluorohexane with either heptane or hexane. The advantage of FC770 over perfluorohexane is that it has a higher boiling point, so less will evaporate during the heating process. The advantage of heptane over hexane is that it has a higher critical temperature with the fluorocarbons, which allows for double emulsions at room temperature. 4.2 Visualizing the Light Manipulation Power of the Lenses In order to visualize the optical power of the liquid lenses, fluorescent dye was added to the aqueaous medium to visualize the path of light. This method has been used in the past [3] to characterize liquid lenses. Rhodamine dye at sufficiently low concentrations will fluoresce along the beam path of the laser without overly reducing the intensity of the beam. This allowed the path of light to be traced over distanced os several pm. 4.2.1 Illumination of the Lenses Using an Optical Fiber A green (532 nm) laser diode was coupled into a 50 pm core optical fiber, the other end of which was submerged into an aqueous solution containing a small amount of Rhodamine B (- 5 ppm). The fluorescence of the Rhodamine could then be photographed easily, allowing the laser beam to be visualized as can be seen in Figure 12. As the drops have a higher density than water, they sink to the bottom of any container they are placed in. Therefore, a substrate with similar optical properties to the surrounding medium was needed to hold the drops. Water beads designed for craft purposes (typically made from sodium polyacrylate) work nicely. These gel beads could as easily be swollen in a solution of Rhodamine as a pure water solution. As these beads were designed to be nearly invisible in water, their refractive index matches that of the solution very closely. There is some variation in refractive index however and a very small amount of glucose could be added to the water-rhodamine solution in order to index match more closely. 26 Optical Fiber Illumination SSource To Tube Lens Scattering Computer Screen Objective CCD WaterA Bead Gel Figure 11: Schematic of Setup Used to Visualize Light. A 50 Jrm core optical fiber sends light into the cuvette containing the rhodamine solution and water bead used as substrate for the drops. The drops and fluorescence was imaged through a custom microscope setup. The gels were swollen inside of cuvette in order to hold them in place. An aqueous solution containing the surfactant (Zonyl or SDS, < 0.1%) and Rhodamine B (~5ppm) was then added above the gel. The surfactant was added just before the experiment was conducted, as the SDS would gradually push the Rhodamine out of the gel. A small number of the emulsion lenses were then added to the cuvette. The laser light path and drops were imaged using a custom built horizontal microscope setup. A full schematic of the optical setup can be seen in Figure 11. The optical fiber is gripped above the cuvette and can be positioned using an x-y-z translation stage with pm-scale precision. The cuvette is similarly held on a three-axis translation stage. The six degrees of freedom allows a single drop to be positioned in front of the microscope and simultaneously to align the illumination fiber. The microscope consists of an Olympus UplanFLN 4x objective, a Thorlabs infinity corrected tube lens and a Thorlabs USB 3.0 camera. 27 Figure 12: Photograph of the Rhodamine Solution with the Green Laser Coupled in Through the Optical Fiber. a) Macroscopic view of cuvette with laser coupled in through the fiber. b) Image of a fiber tip in the rhodamine solution through a 5x objective. Scale bar lOOµm. 4.2.2 Utilizing a Flat Waveguide The greatest disadvantage of using the optical fiber in order to couple light into the liquid lenses is that it resulted in a partially diverging beam. Since the size of the fiber core is comparable to the lens size, the fiber can not be approximated as a point source nor as a plane wave source, the two ideal conditions for measuring the focusing power of the lenses. In order to get a plane wave source, a long, thin flat waveguide was used to send light into the drop solution. The 532nm laser was coupled into a cover-slip (VWR) using a Thorlabs N-BK7 right angle prism. The light was then contained within the coverslip by total internal reflection. A diagram of this can be seen in Figure 13. The primary disadvantage of this setup is that the light is sent in horizontally. Since the drops orient themselves vertically due to gravity this essentially means that light is sent in perpendicular to the optical axis. In order to send light through the optical axis of the drop lenses this system needs to be rotated 90° . Initial attempts at rotating 28 Microscope objective Immersion oil to smooth interface Slight gap Figure 13: Laser Coupled Into Solution Using a Flat Waveguide. The 532nm laser was coupled into a microscope coverslip through a N-BK7 right angle prism. Index matching immersion oil was used to aid the transmission of light from the prism to the coverslip. this setup were done by adding a layer of teflon to the coverslip to act as a "cladding" and used to seal the bottom of the cell. The sides of the cell were sealed with nail polish. Thin slices of the water beads were placed into the cell as a substrate for the drops. The rhodamine solution was added from the top using a needle and syringe. The emulsions were added last by applying a small amount of solution above the cell and allowing gravity to pull the drops onto the gel substrate. 4.2.3 Results Figure 14 shows the optical fiber coupling light into drop formed from FC-770 and heptane. The light path without the drop present is imaged first as a comparison. While the focus of the drop can not be seen, the drop does serve to collimate the light leaving the fiber. The white boxes in Figure 14 represent the area used in the analysis seen in Figure 15. The green image channel was used in the analysis. Since the light is diverging from the fiber, the lens acts more to collimate the light than to focus it. Although coupling light into the lens through the optical fiber did not allow the focus of the lens to be visualized, it does reveal evidence that the drops might find use has collimating lenses at the end of optical fibers especially in micro-optofluidic 29 Figure 14: Liquid Lens Used to Collimate Light Exiting an Optical Fiber. a) fiber is misaligned from the drop and the light is diverging. b). Fiber aligned with the drop results in a tighter beam. The white box represents the area show in Figure 15. 160 140 150 100 S50 0 0 C d 120 120 I 100 80, 80 60 60 401 0 I 600 400 200 Distance (pill) 0 80 80 70 70 60 60 400 600 200 Dist attce (pill) rI 50 40 40 30 30 -200 -100D 0 100 Disttinti (Pill) 200 -200 -100 0 100 Distance (Pill) Figure 15: Intensity of the Rhodamine Fluorescense. a) Fluorescent intensity from the green image channel from Figure 14a and b)Figure 14b. c) Intensity along optical axis when the drop is not in the beam path and d) when the drop is aligned. e, f) Cross-section of the fluorescence of the rhodamine due to the beam without the drop and with the drop respectively. 30 200 50 - 60 40 C W 20 L 0 10 d e12 8 . ' 10 C 6 42 4 -U C 2 E 0 Figure 16: Intensity of the Rhodamine Fluorescense using the Prism Setup. a) Bright field microscope image of a FC770-heptane drop from above b) Bright field illumination turned off and laser turned on. c) Intensity of fluorescence taken from the red image channel of the image in b. d) Cross-section of 3D simulation of double emulsion drop; the dotted line represents the plane in (e). e) Off optic-axis intensity from 3D FDTD simulation of FC770-heptane drop. devices. The Flat waveguide method of coupling light into the droplets did allow the focus of the lenses to be visualized (Figure 16). This method however did not allow for testing various configurations of the drops. as the light was not aligned with the optical axis of the lens. Figure 16d shows the cross-section that is expected from the setup. 31 4.2.4 Total Internal Reflection Rings An interesting phenomenon that can be observed for these drops is coupling into total internal reflection modes. The optical interface inside of the drops breaks the spherical symmetry allowing this coupling to occur. Light that enters the drop near the edge will be reflected around the drop's internal interface and back into the camera (Figure 17). The effect appears as bright rings around the three-phase contact line. Although this total internal reflection can occur whenever the spherical symmetry is broken, the reflected light will only reach the camera when rays exit the drop at an angle close to the angle at which they enter. Incoming Light TIR n n, n2 n, >n Reflected Rays Figure 17: Total Internal Reflection Rings. Drops are illuminated and imagined from above. Ray diagram on the right shows how the rays are reflected around the inner interface of the drop through total internal reflection. 4.3 Tuning Lens Orientation with an Infrared Laser The emulsion lenses exhibit interesting behavior when placed into an optical trap. An optical trap, also referred to as optical tweezers uses an optical intensity gradient to move small, optically distinct particles or cells around in a medium [23]. When the light hits the particle, it is refracted. A difference in optical intensity across the width of the particle causes in a net change of momentum of the light, resulting in a change in net force on the particle. If the particle has a higher refractive index than the surrounding medium it will be drawn towards the area of higher light intensity, similarly if it has a 32 CCD To Computer ri Laser Tube Lens M2 BS1 Illumination Source LaserB2 Li L2 L3 Objective M1 Sample Figure 18: Schematic of the Optical Trap. A laser beam is expanded and collimated before being coupled into a custom microscope setup. The location of the optical trap can be manipulated by rotated mirror M1 and M2. The insets a) and b) show 10 pm polystyrene colloids being manipulated with this optical trap. lower refractive index, it will be pushed away. The shape and location of the trap can be controlled dynamically using scanning mirrors or beam shaping [24, 25]. A custom optical trap was constructed in our lab (Figure 18) A Thorlabs 915nm wavelength laser diode was used as the laser source. The trap could be controlled this manually by adjusting the angle of either mirror MI or mirror M2. In the future trap could be automated by adding a spatial light modulator to the beam path, or by replacing M2 with a scanning galvo-mirror system. When the focusing conformation of the drops (high index core, low index shell) are refractive placed into the optical trap, they behave as would be expected. The higher 33 index core is pulled towards the focused laser, and the lower refractive index shell is pushed away as can be seen in Figure 19. However the reversed scattering drops do not behave as expected; the lower index core is also drawn towards the focused laser! -20 pm Figure 19: Single Drop Follows Laser Focus. An infrared laser is coupled into a solution containing heptane-perfluorohexane drops through a 60x objective. The inner phase (heptane) moves in the direction of the laser focus, while the overall drop appears to remain stationary. This re-orienting effect can be observed for surpisingly large distances between drop and focused laser spot. Figure 20 shows a number of heptane-perfluorohexane emulsion drops following the focused infrared laser. In this case the laser was coupled in through a lOx objective through the water-air interface. The numerical aperture of the lOx objective lens (0.3) is usually too low for optical trapping. This observation along with the behavior of the scattering drops (low refractive index inner phase, high refractive index outer phase) has led us to the conclusion that the double-emulsions are not reacting to the optical intensity gradient, but instead to another force in the system- most likely the light induced thermal gradient. Since the surface tension between aqueous and organic liquids is temperature dependent [26], the change in orientation and morphology of the drop emulsions could be due to a thermally induced gradient in surface tension across the drop. The minimization of surface energy could result in the drop being oriented towards the heat source. 34 Figure 20: Drops "Watching" The Laser Focus. An infrared laser is coupled into a solution containing heptane-perfluorohexane drops through a lOx objective. The inner phase (heptane) moves in the direction of the laser focus. 35 36 5 Conclusion Double Emulsions Droplets formed from two immiscible hydrophobic materials can be switched between several configurations that change the optical properties of the drops significantly. When they are in a state where a material with higher refractive index surrounds a lower refractive index material they will strongly scatter light. In the opposite configuration - lower refractive index on the outside - the drops will focus light. By tuning the surface tensions of the droplet, they can form intermediate states which can be transparent or used to direct light. Visualization of the drops capability to manipulate light using rhodamine B showed that the droplet lenses could be used to collimate light from the tip of an optical fiber, which could prove useful in optofluidic devices. Unfortunately, this method did not allow to quantitatively characterize the lensing abilities of the drops. Since the light from the fiber tip was diverging, it was not possible to get a focal point from the lens. The flat waveguide setup minimizes this problem, however it has not yet been used along the optical axis of the droplet lens. Optimization of a vertical version of this flat waveguide setup should provide more experimental characterization of the lenses. By changing the radius of curvature of the internal interface the amount that the droplet-based lenses focus or scatter light can be manipulated. In the future in will also be interesting to see what capabilities can be realized by changing the volume ratio of the constituents, and by creating double emulsions with other materials. For example, higher refractive index materials could be used to create drops that closely resemble the geometry of nocturnal mammal nuclei [18-20] in order to better understand the natural system. Density matched materials might allow droplet-based lenses that don't orient themselves so strongly to the gravitational field. The rich parameter space of materials and volume ratios might even be exploited to create drops that minimize lens aberrations. The glowing total internal reflection (TIR) rings observed for some drop configurations are an interesting phenomenon that might be useful for sensing or for contact 37 angle determination. It is only for a fairly narrow set of geometries that the light coupled into these TIR modes will be reflected back in the same direction. The width of the rings as well as their presence might be used as in indicator for the specific configuration of the drop. The demonstrated ability of tuning the droplets' orientation and possibly morphology with an infrared laser is also extremely interesting. While we hypothesis that the change in orientation is due to a thermal gradient, the precise mechanism responsible for the laser-induced switching needs to be investigated in more detail. To this end, the change in droplet conformation under various heating conditions could be studied. The thermal gradient could be manipulated in several ways including changing the beam shape or intensity, adding a molecular absorber to the surrounding medium or possibly through resistive heating or thermo-electric heating and cooling. The beam shape of the stimulating laser could be manipulated using a spatial light modulator. The effect of multiple beams on the geometry of the drops could also be investigated, using diffractive optics, a spatial light modulator or time sharing of a single beam using a scanning mirror. The range of the force associated with the optical intensity gradient could simultaneously be evaluated for a given beam profile by adding small (1 - 3 pm) tracer particles, which would help to further distinguish between the relevance of optical intensity gradients and thermal gradients. Adding a chemical agent with high infrared absorption to the surrounding medium would increase the thermal gradient, which could yield faster switching at lower optical intensities. The capacity to switch the droplets electrically would also be beneficial in many application scenarios. Local thermal gradients could be generated using miniaturized resistive or thermo-electric heaters. This may be accomplished by placing a small resistive filament (such as a Tungsten light bulb filament) in the solution near a drop and observing the changes in geometry as a voltage is applied. In both cases, optically heating and resistively heating, it would be interesting to simultaneously monitor the temperature distribution around the droplets, which could be accomplished with a thermographic camera. 38 Double Emulsions formed from hydrocarbons and fluorocarbons in an aqueous solution exhibit a variety of interesting optical effects. These optical properties can be manipulated using chemical triggers and thermal gradients. Macroscopically these effects might be visualized in order to create integral imaging displays. Additionally the drops could find use in on-chip microscopy systems, sensors, or fiber couplers. References [1] Ren Ng, Marc Levoy, Mathieu Bredif, Gene Duval, Mark Horowitz, and Pat Hanrahan. Light field photography with a hand-held plenoptic camera. Computer Science Technical Report CSTR, 2(11), 2005. [2] Jason H. Karp, Eric J. Tremblay, and Joseph E. Ford. Planar micro-optic solar concentrator. Opt. Express, 18(2):1122-1133, January 2010. [3] Sindy K. Y. 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