EXPLORING NEIGHBORHOOD POWER PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGIES AND BUSINESS MODELS FOR DEVELOPING ECONOMIES by ARCHES ' MZMTjTE MAssAC'FC OF )-&HNLL'Y Adeyemi Adepetu AUG 0 6 2015 B.S. Computer Engineering Purdue University, 2005 LIBRARIES M.Sc. Computer and Electrical Engineering Purdue University, 2009 SUBMITTED TO THE SYSTEM DESIGN AND MANAGEMENT PROGRAM IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT AT THE MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY SEPTEMBER 2014 Adeyemi A. Adepetu All rights reserved. The author hereby grants to MIT permission to reproduce and to distribute publicly paper and electronic copies of this thesis document in whole or in part in any medium now known or hereafter created. // Signature of Author I Signature redacted Adeyemi A. Adepetu System Design and Management Program Signature redacteder, Certified by gram in Me ' Joost P. Bonsen a Sciences upervisor Thesi Signature redacted - Certified by ' 5P Patrick C. Hale enior Lecturer, Engineering Systems Division and Management FJons Program Director, ysjen - Accepted by Signature redactedatrick C. Hale _Q X Senior Lecturer, Engineering Systems Division Director, System Design and Management Fellows Program I This page has been intentionallyleft blank 2 Acknowledgment The author would like to acknowledge the following people and organizations for their support and encouragement through this program of study. Without them this thesis would not have been possible. - e e - e e - e Joost Bonsen for helping me to finally put to paper the ideas and thoughts I spent over a year trying to figure out. Thank you for sticking with me to the end on this thesis. Pat Hale for seeing something in me during my program entry interview and for choosing me to be part of the Systems Design and Management (SDM) 2013 cohort. Also for his leadership and support of the fellows. The SDM administrative and support staff for their kind support of sometimes confused and cranky fellows; you made the department a second home. The 2012, 2013 and now 2014 SDM fellow cohorts for all the cheer, competency and intensity you brought to the MIT classes, projects and hangouts. The MIT Legatum Center for Development & Entrepreneurship for believing in my dream, equipping me to go do it. My special thanks to Will Guyster for his excellent coaching. My church family at Pentecostal Tabernacle, Cambridge for all your prayers and kindness during the stressful "thesis crunch" times. My sisters, brother, nephew and nieces for still loving me even when I was too busy to call. My parents who never stop believing no matter how ridiculous my dreams get. You make me fearless. My darling wife whose love and encouragement means the world. Thank you does not begin to cover what I need to say. Your faith in me makes me want to conquer the world for us. And finally to my Lord and Savior who gives strength, direction and abundant favor, this is all your doing and for your glory. 3 & Exploring Neighborhood Power Production Technologies Business Models for Developing Economies by Adeyemi Adepetu Submitted to the System Design and Management Program in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Engineering and Management ABSTRACT A Neighborhood Power Producer business solution, which aggregates customers and therefore employs economies of scale, is one solution to the energy access issue of most developing economies. In this approach, entrepreneurs contract with a group of colocated residents or businesses to provide modem energy services. This service can be grid-tied or off-grid, serving as either backup power to the central electricity grid or as primary power, depending on access to the electric grid and/or the quality and availability of power. These systems are essentially micro-grids with distributed generation. These developing world Neighborhood Power Producers will also benefit from the rising demand for a more distributed electric grid as a solution to the threat of adverse weather like hurricanes and super storms in developed economies. Cyber security threats are also leading to increased research into distributed power generation systems. This provides technological advances that are powered by investments in developed markets. The developing economies can essentially leapfrog their more developed counterparts with regards to grid-resiliency. The goal of this thesis is to examine broad trends in the Neighborhood Power Producer business model and what strategies are necessary for business sustainability in the short, mid, and longer term. Thesis Supervisor: Joost Bonsen Title: Lecturer, Program in Media Arts and Sciences Thesis Supervisor: Patrick C. Hale Title: Senior Lecturer, Engineering Systems Division Director, System Design and Management Fellows Program 4 Table of Contents TABLE OF CONTENTS 5 TABLE OF FIGURES 6 1. INTRODUCTION AND MOTIVATION 7 2. THE CASE FOR NEIGHBORHOOD POWER PRODUCER BUSINESS MODEL 11 3. BACKGROUND ON NEIGHBORHOOD POWER PRODUCERS 15 4. SUMMARY OF THE SUCCESS FACTORS AFFECTING A NPP 4.1.1 Affordability of the service 4.1.2 A secure, reliablefuel source 4.1.3 Design for demand growth and population density 4.1.4 Optimize the system for scale 4.1.5 Clear and appropriateservice area definitions 4.1.6 Light-handed regulation 4.1.6 Appropriatetariffs by regulators 19 19 19 21 22 23 23 24 5. FUTURE SIGNALS FOR NEIGHBORHOOD POWER PRODUCER MODELS 27 5.1 27 TRENDS IN RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES 27 28 28 5.1.1 Energy Storage 5.1.2 Solar photovoltaic (PV) 5.1.3 Trends in Wind Power 5.2 TRENDS IN MICROGRID AND SMART GRID TECHNOLOGIES: 5.3 INVESTMENT TRENDS 5.4 POLICY TRENDS 6. STRATEGY DESIGN FOR NEIGHBORHOOD POWER PRODUCERS 33 35 35 6.1 SYSTEM STAKEHOLDERS 35 36 36 37 37 38 6.1.1 The Community 6.1.2 Diesel Supplier 6.1.3 CapitalProviders 6.1.4 Technology Suppliers 6.1.5 The Regulator 6.1.6 Utilities: 39 6.2 KEY CONSIDERATIONS FOR NPP STRATEGY 6.2.1 6.2.2 6.2.3 6.2.4 6.2.5 30 32 Central GridAvailability Central Grid Reliability Fueling Costs and Supply Chain Reliability Seed and Expansion Capital Policy Environment 39 39 40 40 40 7. BUSINESS STRATEGY RECOMMENDATIONS FOR NPPS 41 SUMMARY OF MACRO TRENDS AND BROAD STRATEGIES THE RURAL, OFF-GRID, FOR-PROFIT AND RETAIL NPP THE URBAN, OFF-GRID, FOR-PROFIT AND RETAIL NPP THE URBAN, GRID-CONNECTED AND RETAIL NPP 41 42 43 44 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 46 APPENDIX A: BIBLIOGRAPHY 5 Table of Figures FIGURE 1: AVERAGE ANNUAL INVESTMENTS REQUIRED BY REGION AND TECHNOLOGY TO 7 PROVIDE ENERGY ACCESS FOR ALL (INTERNATIONAL ENERGY AGENCY, 2011) FIGURE 2: NUMBER OF PEOPLE WITHOUT ACCESS TO ELECTRICITY BY REGION IN MILLIONS 8 (INTERNATIONAL ENERGY AGENCY, 2011) FIGURE 3: ADDITIONAL ELECTRICITY GENERATION BY GRID SOLUTION AND FUEL, 2030 (INTERNATIONAL ENERGY AGENCY, 2011) 12 FIGURE 4: GENERATOR SET MARKET BREAKDOWN IN MIDDLE EAST AND AFRICA REGION, 2013 & 12 ((TECHNAVIO INSIGHTS), 2014) FIGURE 5: GENERATOR MARKET IN REST OF AFRICA 2013-2018 - US$ MILLION ((TECHNAVIO 13 INSIGHTS), 2014) FIGURE 6: TYPES OF ENERGY ACCESS COMPANIES BASED ON LEVELS OF ACCESS AND 15 CONNECTEDNESS (BARDOUILLE ET AL., 2012) FIGURE 7: TYPES OF SMALL POWER PRODUCERS BASED ON TYPES OF ELECTRICITY SALES 16 (TENEBAUM ET AL., 2014) FIGURE 8: AN ANALYSIS OF MICROGRIDS (NPPS) ACCORDING TO PROFIT MAKING STRUCTURE 17 (SCHNITZER ET AL., 2014) FIGURE 9: ELECTRICITY GENERATION COSTS BY MINI-GRID (NPP) TECHNOLOGY (BARDOUILLE ET 20 AL., 2012) 22 ET AL., 2008) (ALZOLAR (NPP) LAYOUT A MICRO-GRID FOR DEFINING FIGURE 10: PROCEDURE SEGMENT BY CUSTOMER BREAKDOWN REVENUE MONTHLY POWER SYSTEMS' 11: HUSK FIGURE 22 FOR A PARTICULAR MICRO-GRID SYSTEM (SCHNITZER ET AL., 2014) 26 FIGURE 12: EXAMPLES OF LIGHT-HANDED REGULATION (TENENBAUM & IZAGUIRRE, 2007) FIGURE 13: US DOE ENERGY STORAGE TREND (GYUK ET AL., 2013) - NEAR: CAPITAL $250/KWH; 27 LONG-TERM: $150/KWH 28 FIGURE 14: SOLAR-PV TRENDS (US DOE?) FIGURE 15: WIND TECHNOLOGY ROADMAP SHOWING PROJECT COST REDUCTIONS (PHILIBERT 29 HOLTITINEN, 2013) FIGURE 16: EXAMPLE OF STRUCTURAL MANUFACTURING IMPROVEMENTS FOR LARGE WIND, 30 KEYSTONE TOWER SYSTEMS ("SOLUTION I KEYSTONE TOWER SYSTEMS," 2014) FIGURE 17: MODULAR POWER METER THAT IS UPGRADABLE WITH COMMUNICATIONS MODULE 31 (WWW.ITRON.COM, 2014) 31 2011) (SANCHEZ, ECONOMIES IN DEVELOPED FIGURE 18: MICRO-GRID COST COMPONENTS 2012) 33 TRUSTS, (PEW CHARITABLE 2012 INVESTMENTS ENERGY CLEAN FIGURE 19: GLOBAL 34 FIGURE 20: US CARBON PRICING OUTLOOK (LUCKOW ET AL., 2014) 35 FIGURE 21: NEIGHBORHOOD POWER PRODUCER (NPP) STAKEHOLDER NETWORK FLOW FIGURE 22: FINANCING NEEDS AND OBSTACLES EARLY IN COMPANY LIFE CYCLE (BARDOUILLE ET 37 AL., 2012) FIGURE 23: REDUCED NPP STAKEHOLDER NETWORK FLOW HIGHLIGHTING KEY FACTORS USING 39 NIGERIA AS A MODEL FIGURE 24: SUMMARY OF MACRO TRENDS FOR STRATEGY IMPLEMENTATION FOR NPP BUSINESS 41 MODEL 42 FIGURE 25: GENERAL NPP NEAR-TERM, MID-TERM AND LONGER-TERM STRATEGIES 43 FIGURE 26: MACRO STRATEGIES ADAPTED FOR RURAL AND OFF-GRID NPPS 44 FIGURE 27: MACRO STRATEGIES ADAPTED FOR URBAN AND OFF-GRID NPPS 45 FIGURE 28: MACRO STRATEGIES ADAPTED FOR URBAN AND GRID-CONNECTED NPPS 6 1. Introduction and Motivation According to the International Energy Agency (IEA) in its World Energy Outlook 2013 report (WEO-2013) there are 1.3 billion people without access to electricity and more than 2.6 billion rely on traditional biomass burning for cooking, with harmful indoor air pollutants. Moreover most are in developing economies in Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa. This holds back development and prosperity in these developing markets. as. as. as- $1.1 bo Is. 12- B5. 5- a. S. 1. Sbillion I Indis . CA8 b llin , Access to clean cookin facilities Advamced biomass coctstoves * 8.ogas sysems 0 N PG stoves World: $3.5 billion $6.4 bhon Electricty access Isotated off-grid S07beio 1bflio Min-grid On-grid World: $30.5 billon Figure 1: Average annual investments required by region and technology to provide energy access for all (International Energy Agency, 2011) 7 The bulk of the discussion and research around energy access is rightfully centered on rural areas, as the percentage of modem energy poverty is typically higher than in urban areas. A 2009 lEA estimate puts the rural energy access poverty at five times the urban rates and projected to be six time higher by 2030 (International Energy Agency, 2011, p. 15). 2030 2009 RualUrli) Ru~i Ub~s Africa Sub-Saharan Africa Developing Asia China Share of Populationi R rl Ubn Rrl Ubn Share of Population 466 121 5% 539 107 42% 465 121 60% 538 107 49% 595 81 19% 327 49 9% 8 0 % 0 0 0% India 268 21 25% 145 9 10% Rest ofdevelopingAsia 319 60 36% 181 40 16% Latin America 26 4 7% 8 2 2% Middle East 19 2 11% 5 0 2% Developing countries 1 06 208 25% 879 157 16% World 1109 2W 19% 879 157 12% Figure 2: Number of people without access to electricity by region in millions (International Energy Agency, 2011) Having grown up in a rapidly urbanizing Nigeria with its worsening power supply and the subsequent unbundling of the electric power grid, I am motivated to include the often overlooked impact Neighborhood Power Producers can have in urban areas in poorly performing energy infrastructures. While grid-connected, the power supply in urban areas of developing markets are often unreliable, of poor quality and sometimes only available when it is of least use. The poor state of electricity in these grid-connected sites is usually due to low generation capacity, inadequate transmission infrastructure with high losses, inefficient distribution networks and non-technical losses. These issues will take years to 8 fix and significant capital investments if developed in a centralized manner. Off-grid sites will take even more time to implement as the distance to the central grid increases gridextension costs. One compelling approach to help meet the need for rapid expansion of energy generation and access is that of the local neighborhood power producer (NPP). In this approach, entrepreneurs contract with a group of co-located residents or businesses to provide electrical power. This service can be grid-tied or off-grid, serving as either backup power or primary power, depending on access to the electric grid and/or the quality and availability of power. These systems are essentially micro-grids with distributed generation. In contrast to developed economies with a relatively more efficient and available electricity grid, the poor grid in most developing economies is driving a demand that motivates investments in micro-grids and distributed power generation. The benefits are a more resilient electrical infrastructure that is better able to ride out climate change effects. These economies can essentially leapfrog their more developed counterparts with regards to grid-resiliency. However, with a bottom-up approach such as this, there is pressure on the entrepreneurs to focus on profitability, thus motivating investments in cheaper fossil fuel technologies, adding to climate change inducing emissions. The scope of this thesis is to study the Neighborhood Power Producer business model in the context of developing economies, especially countries that are expanding energy 9 infrastructure and access. I will examine the political and technological ecosystem that supports this model and that might help or impede business success. The core question I will answer is what broad strategies are needed for such a business to be viable in the short-term to longer-term, especially in light of expanding energy access, complex regulatory and political dynamics, and the growing push for clean technologies'. 1("UN Decade of Sustainable Energy for All launched to business community; private sector engagement seen as crucial to meet objectives ISustainable Energy for All," 2014) 10 2. The Case for Neighborhood Power Producer business model In on-grid urban areas with poor electricity supply there is a demonstrated demand for energy, already developed distribution lines and a tariff regime. However the tariffs in most developing economies do not reflect market conditions and are actually kept below operating cost. This is due to the fact that most systems were centralized and ran as a public entity. Governments face the threat of political backlash in raising tariffs; in fact raising tariffs too fast is unfair to consumers, but not raising them at all is untenable in an unbundled system. These low tariff regimes make it difficult for the private owners of the unbundled grids to recoup costs and invest in further infrastructure. The public is unwilling to pay higher tariffs for poor electric power, thus distribution companies operate at a loss. These new utilities are however under pressure, as the visible face of the energy issue, to improve system efficiencies. In fact in recently unbundled systems like in Nigeria, the regulator has very aggressive targets for efficiency improvements on the grid with potential loss of operating licenses as penalty. This gap in grid-connected areas and the pressure to improve efficiency means that utilities are highly motivated to find solutions for improving grid-connected urban areas. According to the IEA grid-connected investments account for 55% of private sector investments as well as 40% of multilateral institution investments and 63% of these ongrid investments will be with fossil fuels (International Energy Agency, 2011). However 11 these investments will take years to begin affecting the state of the power systems, while energy demand continues to grow [find reference and/or chart]. Mhs-gdd idoE-dpgeratia o 3UTIenal" 3Ua n 470W1 S *Fossil fuels* sowa Nuclear Gill 0 Hydro hydr FosiWofuess SWind * Solar B Other renewables 21% Wind * Diesel Coal accounts for more than 80% of the additional on-grid electricity generated from fossil fuels. Figure 3: Additional electricity generation by grid solution and fuel, 2030 (International Energy Agency, 2011) The pent up demand for energy and lack of confidence in grid improvements is resulting in consumer and industry investments in backup power systems, which are typically fueled by non-renewable sources like diesel due to the relatively low capital required. For example, in a single week in January Nigeria imported over $8 million of generators. Gensets Mrket i the MEA Region by Geogiaphocal Segmentation 2013 A34" 34.A% Figure 4: Generator set market breakdown in Middle East and Africa region, 2013 ((Technavio Insights), 2014) 12 Gensets Market in the Rest of Africa 2013-2018 (US$ rnillon) 44-0 70 D 4.6% 500 45 4 4% 40D .30D 2013 ama 014 2159%206 204 2 4.3% t1 41ee--GothRt 4.2% 2(iD 4.0% 0o 2013 2M14 20115 2M16 2018 2017 Figure 5: Generator Market in Rest of Africa 2013-2018 - US$ million ((Technavio Insights), 2014) Coupled with very high population growth rates and rapid urbanization in Asia and SubSaharan Africa, growing fossil emissions from on-grid backup power are a concern. These backup systems are essentially distributed generation with dirty fuel sources. To fulfill the goals of the UN Sustainable Energy for all (SE4ALL) initiative we cannot afford to assume the utilities in developing economies can single-handedly improve efficiency, provide better access and increase the renewable energy mix. Bringing in entrepreneurs into this segment has the potential to competitively help reduce demand, thus improving efficiency. Entrepreneurs that aggregate can also more efficiently manage distributed generation sources and allow distribution companies (DISCOS) to focus on grid extension activities. Since fossil fuel is oil based it also suffers from price variability and if the supply infrastructure is poor it can be even more erratic. This creates an incentive to diversify or switch entirely to renewable energy sources. If a sustainable business can be proven, the 13 relatively smaller capital requirements of the model makes it less risky, which leads to easier access to capital. Thus the success factors for a Neighborhood Power Producer (NPP) are worth investigating. 14 3. Background on Neighborhood Power Producers Energy access analysts have classified solutions along the lines of level of energy provided (Bardouille, Avato, Levin, Pantelias, & Engelman-Piger, 2012), or on grid& connectedness (Bardouille et al., 2012; Tenebaum, Greacen, Siyambalapitiya, Knuckles, 2014). Impruved cookstowes Cookstovw with higher effiency and lower emissions, using biomass (wood, charcoal, other processed solid fuel) Solar and rechargeable lanterns Integrated device combining small solar panel, batteries, and typically LED lights; sometimes offers limited external charging, e.g, cell phones. Also covers rechargeable lanterns Min grids Fixed installation, typically on rooftop, provides good storage of a few days, can run lights and appliances, e.g, refrigerator, TV, fans Solar kits Plug-and-play system including portable solar panel, batteries. multiple lights, and sockets for running small appliances, e.g., black and white TV, radio Grid extension Small generation facilities using diesel, biomass, hydro, wind, or solar with distribution network to a local cornmunity Extending access from the national electricity grid to cornmunities in urban, periurban, and rural areas Figure 6: Types of Energy Access Companies based on levels of access and connectedness (Bardouille et al., 2012) Bardouille et al classify modem energy access solutions as 1: Devices; 2: mini-utilities 2 and 3: grid extension. Under devices were improved cook stoves, solar lanterns, solar kits 2 Mini-utilities, mini-grids, micro-grids are used interchangeably for a system comprised of a power generation source, electricity distribution to residences or businesses, and the interconnection (where available) to the central electricity grid. 15 and solar home systems. Tenebaum et al focused on Small Power Producers (SPPs), which encapsulate both the mini-grid and grid extension classes of Bardouille et al. SPPs are essentially sub-10MW generation sources that can either supply the grid or an isolated community. SPPs were differentiated in two dimensions, namely the nature of the customers and whether the system was grid-connected or not. Customers fell into retail i.e. final consumers, or into wholesale i.e. back to the utility. Location ofgeneration Nature of customers Connected to isolatedmini-grid Connected to main grid Case 1 Case 3 Case 2 Case 4 Selling retail (directly to final customers) Selling wholesale (toutility) Figure 7: Types of Small Power Producers based on types of electricity sales (Tenebaum et al., 2014) A third dimension is location based, that is urban versus rural systems. Both the systems described by Tenebaum et al and Bardouille et al can be applied in either urban or rural settings but the external factors that affect timing of key decisions might be different. For example an urban system is most likely connected to the grid and if not connected, it is close enough for grid connection in the future. Also urban areas are denser and probably have distribution networks available. Thus grid extension is probable, depending on the tariffs setup by the regulator. Here the entrepreneur operating an NPP has to consider the timing of grid improvements by the utilities. However some urban slums and periurban areas might have communities that have no land use rights and might not be grid connected. The power producer serving these areas 16 has to create distribution networks and add metering for collection. This is not too different from a rural off-grid site apart from the fact that distance to the grid is probably greater and population density is relatively less. 3 Tariff-based O&M cost recovHty ______ N Tarifibased capital C Irecovety cost ___ High Theft High High LAW LOW _____ _____ High Medium Medium Medum Msdkxn fgh Local vrining end _ _ _ insdtudmaliation Load limits ___growth _ Norm _ _ _ _ _ _ Hkffi High High H High High Medium _____:t_______ I_______ Figure 8: An analysis of microgrids (NPPs) according to profit making structure (Schnitzer et al., 2014) We can also examine mini-utilities in terms of profit making aspect of the business model (Schnitzer et al., 2014), that is whether it is a For-Profit entity, a partly subsidized nonprofit entity and a fully subsidized non-profit. Subsidies might come from the government or from multinational institutions with interests in expanding energy access. From these sources, there are three main scenarios that the Neighborhood Power Producer business model discussed in the thesis fits into: * Rural, off-grid, for-profit and retail customers (ROGFPRC) * Urban, off-grid, for-profit and retail customers (UOGFPRC) e Urban, grid-connected, for-profit and retail customers (UGCFPRC) 17 In all we are interested in examining a mini-utility or mini-backup-utility scheme. The backup nature depends on grid connectedness and the level of energy access provided. If the neighborhood or community being served is grid-connected but the power supply is poor or erratic the NPP primarily serves as the backup for when the grid is unavailable. When the community is not connected then the NPP is the primary power source and might operate 24/7 or for a set-period depending on how much generation is available and the consumer energy demand. 18 4. Summary of the Success factors affecting a NPP Tenebaum et al concisely captured the macro business success factors that affect an entrepreneur in the energy access market, and Bardouille et al further examined the regulatory environment needed to encourage private participators in mini-grids for renewable energy in Africa. Schnitzer et al examine several projects in developing economies for success factors and lessons learned. 4.1.1 Affordability of the service: If the NPP is serving the middle class and the so-called "bottom-of-the-pyramid" market segments then there is a need to accommodate relatively small disposable incomes and provide a means for the retail clients to pay over time for the relatively high connection costs. This is especially important for off-grid communities where the per household connection costs can range from $50-$300 (Bardouille et al., 2012). Beyond connection costs having a pay per use system in place also raises chances of success. Retail customers pay for how much electricity they can afford just as they would for diesel or kerosene fuel sources. Along with the flexible payments a visible measure of energy usage and limits should also be provided for the customers. 4.1.2 A secure, reliable fuel source A key factor in the long-term sustainability of the NPP business model is to make sure the fuel source is not at risk of price volatility or supply scarcity. An example is a system that relies primarily on diesel, which is affected by oil prices and depending on supply 19 infrastructure might be prone to scarcity. While the up-front capital investment is low, over time the operating costs add up, and where a solar-diesel hybrid system might be more expensive, a diesel-only system can have high operating costs. Additionally if the technology relies on fuel that is transported over long distance (for example biomass feedstock) then diesel price increases will also affect the operational costs. Levelized cost of electrclty, US cents/kWh Fuel cost * O&M cost M Investment costa 43 33 17 U Solar PV Mini-wind Biomass Micro-hydro Diesel generator gasifier Main Assumptions 4,800 3.300 3.800 3.000 850 Useful life Years 20 20 20 25 15 Capacity factor 20 18 80 20 s0 Fuel costs n.a. n.a. 32* n.a. 0.98 Capex $/kW $1kW $/ton $11 a WACC at 10% a 20% premium pric over the rouestia PV prkcs th re * Ieat content at 2 MWVt4on (wood after falling at S FIGURE 3.13: Electricity generation costs by mini-grid technology Sorce: ESMAP-World Bank, Mclinscy analysis. N.e: kW = kilowatt; kWh = kilowatt hour; MWh = mcgawatt hour; O&M = operations and maintenance; PV = phowookaic; WACC = weighted average cost of capital. n.a. = not appicablc. Figure 9: Electricity generation costs by mini-grid (NPP) technology (Bardouille et al., 2012) 20 moisture) 4.1.3 Design for demand growth and population density To recoup capital costs and ensure long-term profitability the electricity demand should be enough that the affordable rates to customers translates into profits for the NPP. The NPP needs to ensure that energy usage is high enough to recoup costs. The NPP can do this by engaging businesses in the communities that would use the energy for productive purposes such as milling or other processing activities. The NPP could also provide community centers that use energy such as sports bars, business centers, computer training centers and so on. Figure 11 shows how in a particular NPP run by Husk Power Systems in India only 12% of customer base were business customers but they accounted for 24% of monthly revenues. Another aspect the NPP needs to ensure is that energy losses in the distribution system are minimized. In communities where the population is dispersed, the NPP has to strategically design the grid such that the distribution system is not prohibitively expensive. Alzolar et al discuss a process summarized in Figure 10 below for ensuring a balanced and efficient distribution system (Alzolar, Camblong, & Niang, 2008). Generator locations should be chosen as a tradeoff between locating close to large loads and the community receptivity for noise and aesthetics. Distance should also be optimized to reduce losses. 21 CONDITIONS: .Vdbpag drMP WW powwr lome Users a-ond eSafety I Reliability 100w 200w200w, Forecasto W Mh uure 400w Locaton of genersor 100w CONDITIOen: -Close tD larme g'id badt - SPaEM avallawsty -0 Noine 9 []] 200w Fuel Supply 400W Procedurefbr the definition of system layout Figure 10: Procedure for defining a micro-grid (NPP) layout (Alzolar et al., 2008) 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% I! I I0 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 0% '40001r, 20% 40% 60% amMousinomi 80% 100% Percentage of Customers Figure 11: Husk Power Systems' monthly revenue breakdown by customer segment for a particular micro-grid system (Schnitzer et al., 2014) 4.1.4 Optimize the system for scale After validating the NPP model in select communities the NPP has to optimize operating 22 basics to remove inefficiencies and create a replicable and profitable system. It might be necessary to recruit technical and business expertise that ensures that the NPP can scale. This is even more important as the NPP attempts to replace the centralized grid and expands access to more communities. 4.1.5 Clear and appropriate service area definitions The government needs to encourage private participants in NPPs to expand energy access clear and consistent signals need to be in place about grid extension plans as well as projected efficiencies of the service areas. In off-grid cases the NPP needs to be able to sufficiently predict when or if the centralized grid will be extended to a service area. For grid-connected areas the NPP needs to be able understand how soon public utilities are likely to improve quality of service. If these pieces of information are made available to NPPs they can then decide on the risks associated with each level of investment in infrastructure development. 4.1.6 Light-handed regulation According to Tenebaum (see page 66) the regulator's role is mainly to set maximum and minimum electricity prices (tariffs), establish minimum quality-of-service standards, and specify entry and exit conditions through licenses, permits and concessions. However due to the high capital and operating costs of the NPPs, as well as there is typically very little barrier of entry for other participants (in off-grid sites) and little power compared to the centralized utility (grid-connected sites) the regulator should be careful to adapt regulation for NPPs. 23 Tenebaum et al give a summary table on examples of light-handed regulations (see Figure 12). They caution against applying light-handedness without consideration of consequences. For example to low barriers might give rise to "prospecting" license applications where developers might just be holding a license in place for the possibility of future development. However 4.1.6 Appropriate tariffs by regulators While it is important to set tariffs such that the consumers are not taken advantage of, the regulator should recognize that capital costs for expanding energy access using minigrids are much more critical to the survival of NPPs compared to the utilities he/she is used to. In areas where there are no other options the NPP should be allowed to recoup costs at tariffs that are higher than the centralized grid but cost competitive to what communities currently pay for current energy sources. In off-grid areas the impact of changing to modem energy sources can be measured in avoided emissions and thus impact on health can be considered as well. Social impact factors such as prolonged hours of operation and clean light for families. In grid-connected areas the consumers have an alternative already in the grid and probably diesel/gasoline-powered generators. Thus the role of the NPP is to provide backup to an inefficient and unsatisfactory supply of modern energy. There is often open competition and the consumers can choose other providers if an adequate regulatory policy is in place to encourage NPPs as a whole. Thus the need for "heavy-handed" regulation is not needed here as well. If the NPP sets prices too high the customers can opt out of the service and select a competitor. 24 According to Bardouille et al mini-grids (NPPs) "... should be allowed to charge market prices - rather than be subject to tariff regimes designed for centralized plants - at least until they are established and can exploit economies of scale..." Tenebaum et al suggest a light-handed policy that allows NPPs to charge market prices so long as customer complaints are not excessive and a 5-year periodic review period. 25 Characteristicsof light-handedregulation Example Example Characteristics of light-handed regulation Minimize the amount of information provided to the regulator. For very small power producers (VSPPs) (installed capacity of 100 kilowatts [kWI or less), the VSPP need not make a retail tariff filing with the Energy and Water Utilities Regulatory Authority (EWURA). But if the EWURA receives complaints about the tariffs, it reserves the right to review the VSPP's tariffs using a publicly available cost-of-service model employed for the larger small power producers (SPPs) (Tanzania). In setting feed-in tariffs (Fs), the regulator does not require individual cost-of-service studies for each SPP (Tanzania, Sri Lanka, and Kenya), but instead sets generic-technology-based tariffs or tariffs based on estimates of the buying utility's avoided costs. Minimize the number of separate Licenses are not required for SPP projects less than regulatory processes and decisions. 1 megawatt (MW) (Tanzania). Use standardized documents or similar Standardized power-purchase agreements (PPs) documents created by other agencies, and standardized application forms are used for and make documents available on interconnection to a national or regional utility (Tanzania, the Web. Thailand, and Sri Lanka). A standardized template for prefeasibility studies is used when SPPs that wish to sell to the national utility apply for provisional approvals (Sri Lanka). A standardized model electricity supply agreement is preapproved by the regulator for villages served by the private operator of an isolated mini-grid with an SPP (Cambodia). Rely on related decisions by other The regulator gives considerable weight to the rural government agencies or community energy agency's (REAYs approval of an SPP business bodies. plan when the regulator reviews license applications (Tanzania). The regulator gives considerable weight to the renewable energy agency's issuance of an energy permit when it makes its decision as to whether it will issue a generation license (Sri Lanka) (pre-2011). Figure 12: Examples of light-handed regulation (Tenenbaum & Izaguirre, 2007) 26 5. Future Signals for Neighborhood Power Producer models 5.1 Trends in Renewable Energy Sources There is a general expectation that the cost of electricity will increase over time due to increased cost of fossil fuels and concern around global warming. This gives an increased growth potential for renewable energy sources over time and may displace parts of the power production from coal and diesel/gasoline generation. Continued growth will drive down cost as one continues down along the learning curve. 5.1.1 Energy Storage Another trend is the focus on grid-storage technologies. Traditionally the issue with variable sources like wind and solar generation has been the fact that there is no generation when there is no wind for wind power and when there is no sunshine for solar. Thus systems have to have electrical energy storage, which has been either too expensive or short-lived. I I C a: *1 0 -J 2 2013 ea r- term 2015 2017 2 2019 2021 2023 Years Figure 13: US DOE Energy Storage trend (Gyuk et al., 2013) - Near: Capital $250/kWh; Long-term: $150/kWh 27 New research and development has resulted in different startup companies implementing new relatively low-cost and longer-lived battery storage technologies. Figure 13 shows the US Department of Energy's technology roadmap for affordable grid-storage. The DOE expects to realize a $250/kWh capital cost for energy storage by 2020 and at least $150/kWh by 2030. 5.1.2 Solar photovoltaic (PV) IEA issued a roadmap for PV in 2011 (IEA, 2011), illustrating potential for Solar-PV to become cost competitive with grid-based generation by 2030. In areas that are not gridconnected or have poor grid performance well-designed Solar-PV and diesel backup hybrids are already the best option, especially where the diesel fuel prices are prone to vary significantly. 2010 2020 2030 fYfWWoM 250 S150 100 So 0 qwwatioccosts ar gmabacum 10% =WrW niueleckictycoft Figure 14: Solar-PV Trends (US DOE?) 5.1.3 Trends in Wind Power According to the IEA (Philibert & Holtitinen, 2013) land-based wind installations are projected to realize about 20% reductions in installation costs by 2020 and off-shore installations are projected to have 45% cost reductions. Some of the expected 28 improvements are from technologies targeting low wind sites, which will enable greater adoption in distributed generation needs like Neighborhood Power Production. Low wind systems can then be more easily incorporated in urban environments and rural areas with low wind speed. 9080- 70 E 60- 50 40- 30 _0 20 _ 100 -r Blade architecture, controls, aeroacoust s, aerodynamics control systems reduce blade loads Drivetrain architecture power electron'cs control systems reduce generator loads Tower architecture, innovatiw material. conrol systems reduce tower loads Optimised electrical infrastructure Optirnsed resource assessment, forecasting, optinised micro-sitin control strategies Testing. standards, Reduced componenft transparent defects and information failures, sharing condition monitonng, optimised 0 and M strategies -v of 0 2009 LCOE benchmark System validation MTower U Drivetrain U Plant performance optimisation 0 Balance of plant In Operating costs - 4 000 M Rotor 500 3 000 - - 3 2 000 - 2 500- I Soo0- --------------- 500 - - 1 000 0 -4 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 -- Offore 2045 - 2050 Land"Maisd Figure 15: Wind Technology Roadmap showing project cost reductions (Philibert & Holtitinen, 2013) Other potential improvements that can lead to cost reduction are onsite manufacturing deployments for tower and support infrastructure. An example is Keystone Tower Systems ("Solution IKeystone Tower Systems," 2014), which is a startup pioneering the 29 onsite manufacturing of wind tower systems using a spiral welding technology. This reducing transportation costs by eliminating the need for specialized transportation permits for the traditionally modes of transportation. - A / Figure 16: Example of structural manufacturing improvements for large wind, Keystone Tower Systems ("Solution I Keystone Tower Systems," 2014) 5.2 Trends in Microgrid and Smart Grid technologies According to Klemun's article 3, one of the key trends in the Microgrid and Smart Grid space is the development of standardized system controllers that reduce the setup costs of microgrid systems. She cites the work that Consortium for Reliability Technolgy Solutions (CERTS) has been doing to create a plug-and-play control scheme to reduce costs of Microgrid controllers and communications devices, whuch can be up to 20% of the systems costs (Sanchez, 2011). Technology developers like iTron are also implementing hot-swappable smart meters so that the NPP can start out with limited metering-only functionality and then upgrade its meters with communications capability (see Figure 17). 3 (Klemun, 2014) 30 CENTRON® R300 Figure 17: Modular power meter that is upgradable with communications module (www.itron.com, 2014) Switchgear Protection & Transformers (20%) SG Communications & Controls (10-20%) Site Engineering & Construction (30%) Operations Markets Energy storage; Switchgear Standards & A&E (System O&M; Market controllable loads; DG; renewable utility Interconnection (incl. low-cost protocols; Control & protection design and analysis); System (utility) acceptance generation; CHP switches, interconnection technologies; Real-time signals integration, testing, study, (openADR); Local validation protection schemes, and SCADA access; Power electronics protection (Smart Inverters, studies) DC bus) & & Energy Resources (30-40%) Figure 18: Micro-grid cost components in developed economies (Sanchez, 2011) In the developed markets, Microgrids are also gaining a boost from the fact that once 1 00-year weather phenomena is occuring more frequently. For example power outages from hurricane Sandy and others have prompted investments in Microgrid demonstration sites. 31 5.3 Investment Trends In 2012, solar technolgy achieved the most financing of any other clean energy technology for the second year in a row, with a cumulative global investment of $126 USD billion (Pew Charitable Trusts, 2012). China is the clear leader in solar energy investment, contributing 25% of this total. The majority, of China's PV manufacturers are focused on first generation c-Si technology, so given this investment leadership we can expect that first generation PV will continue to dominate the global market in the near future. In 2012, overall clean energy investment in the non-G-20 nations grew 52%, while the G20 nations declined by 16% (Pew Charitable Trusts, 2012). Bloomberg New Energy Finance predicts that this trend will continue and anticipates 10-18% annual growth for clean energy investment in the developing nations. Given the growth in developing markets, we can expect new investments in off-grid systems. For example, in nations such as India there is very poor grid infrastructure. Electricity technologies that can be deployed in distributed rural communities will be more competitive than those designed for centralized grid applications. 32 aem W"ieStfts GinkesteW-27 b - Ausm Sodhthka kiy b.Sfl -- I -60 wfl7l -I 5.4Polcy red The world isb mg mh moearebs of tsse Figure 19: Global Clean energy Investments -2012 (Pew Charitable Trusts, 2012) 5.4 Policy Trends The world is becoming much more aware of the economic risks posed by global climate change from greenhouse gas emissions such as carbon. We see a long term trend of increased emissions tax pricing 4 and government policy incentives which support further 4 US Carbon Pricing Outlook (Luckow et al., 2014) 33 investment in clean energy technology such as solar as a substitute for carbon emitting technologies. It is not clear at this time whether these policies and taxes will benefit one PV technology over another. Organics arguably have a smaller carbon footprint than its predecessors which may give them an economic advantage in a market with strong carbon taxes. 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 $10.00 $11.50 $13.00 $14.50 $16.00 $17.50 $19.00 $20.50 $15.O $17.25 $19.50 $21.75 $24.00 $26.25 $28.50 $30.75 $25.00 $28.25 $31.50 $34.75 $38.00 $41.25 $44.50 $47.75 2028 $22.00 $33.00 $51.00 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 $23.50 $25.00 $2650 $28.00 $29.50 $31.00 $32.50 $34.O $35.25 $37.50 $39.75 $42.00 $44.25 $46.50 $48.75 $51.00 $54.25 $57.50 $60.75 $64.00 $67.25 $70.50 $73.75 $77.00 2037 2038 $35.50 $37.00 $53.25 $55.50 $8025 $83.50 2039 2040 $38.50 $40.00 $57.75 $86.75 $60.00 S90.00 Figure 20: US Carbon Pricing Outlook (Luckow et al., 2014) 34 6. Strategy Design for Neighborhood Power Producers To create a broad strategy framework for Neighborhood Power Producers the key system stakeholders and their motivations must be understood. Figure 21 synthesizes the main stakeholders in the Neighborhood Power Producer's ecosystem in a developing economy. It assumes that the electrical power infrastructure is unbundled or about to be unbundled. 6.1 System Stakeholders Stakeholder Network Flow " -. %(Sales) $Sls Policy (Sales) Money Generator Fuel (Diesel) Flexibilty Optionl $ (Sales) IElectrical Power SKnowledge Primary or BackPup ElectricityGrid Goods and Se es Expansion Capital Investment 1I Veture Seed Energ Services $ (Sales) Capital I lectridty Grid tie-in, FeiAclaySrie N Political 21Feed Suppo rs Setting Tariffs Environ talO Protection $ (Revenue) Lbor Expansion Technology Employment The comnt/eihoho Oto Communkty Social Governance, agrgae hoshod an busiesse creti Theft Reportdng glans Figure 21: Neighborhood Power Producer (NPP) stakeholder network flow 6.1.1 The Community: The community/neighborhood aggregates households and businesses creating a dense enough set of consumers for a NPP business model to work. The communities are in need 35 of modem energy services (off-grid areas) or a backup system to the central grid's poor power supply (grid-connected areas) or are interested in a cleaner more reliable alternative to their existing backup system (diesel/gasoline based generators). The community can also serve as a source for labor allowing the NPP to make use of more labor intensive but cheaper generation technology like biomass. The community can also provide self-governance for electricity theft depending upon the NPP infrastructure design. For example if residents are aggregated into nodes of sub-divisions with energy monitoring and shut-off per node, this will deter electricity thefts or at least help with reporting. 6.1.2 Diesel Supplier Sources diesel/gasoline from fuel depots and transports to NPP sites. Fuel prices are tied to global oil markets and additional supply constraints. If oil prices increase then transportation costs also increase thus remote sites have knock-on effects. 6.1.3 Capital Providers Non-governmental Organizations (NGO) and development agencies can provide needed seed capital especially in off-grid areas that have high connection costs. This will help establish the NPP's initial sites and subsidize communities hastening energy access. Once the NPP is expanding to other communities and demonstrating a scalable business model the NPP can seek venture capital. Some Venture Capitalists are also interested in social impact and development and can thus be earlier in the NPP's growth path. Figure 22, created by Bardouille et al (based on IFC source), summarizes capital needs in a company's life cycle. 36 - snem Model Development - o"O Concept - -4 Camipaniesoften have wmihaeaig urtarad prodwft and c besisn uto '*.Pop Or"'6-1mTheo qr sa6..4 Tehigy Spers R&Dand oer Break- ds even deopment Laenr "Tchn g fimodiangmwntno r Ealy st ag. s T at , s.wrkn peaniednt The need a tOs stags a Matoring companies anrd and angel financing to stay afloat sisl. theywork tward proo of congey for wntsu. cap"tal management a to establish operations. iin mprn a cpMQn 1ilslngterm local-aarrncy- e demtnas dest to gow Woaking capita and Vrad financ am, also required a Figure 22: Financing needs and obstacles early in company life cycle (Bardouille et al., 2012) 6.1.4 Technology Suppliers As discussed in the "Technology Trends" section, renewable energy and energy storage technologies are expected to decrease in costs and new microgrid technologies are expected. The Technology Supplier becomes important as this represents significant cost savings for the NPP over the long term and as it scales to other communities. 6.1.5 The Regulator The regulator is critical to the success of the NPP as he/she works to create simplified and straightforward processes and market representative tariffs. If the regulator is too "heavyhanded" (see Figure 12), too slow in processing licenses or making decisions or inconsistent in policy setting the NPP could be at risk of going out of business. The regulator should establish standard Power Purchase Agreements to help balance the bargaining power of utilities versus NPPs if grid-connected or when grid-extension occurs. 37 Tenebaum et al recommend 5 year periods between reviews to allow companies to have a sense of stability while the regulator can make adjustments for unplanned for consequences of prior regulations. Thus the NPP can make plans in 5-year increments looking at macro trends and policy roadmaps to make decisions. The regulator also drives efficiency requirements for distribution utilities. 6.1.6 Utilities Utilities in a newly unbundled electric power system are typically faced with non-market representative tariffs, poor system efficiency and political and regulatory pressure to improve efficiencies and generation capacity. There is the added pressure of losing licenses for perceived lack of performance. Thus unlike developed economies with relatively efficient centralized electric grids, utilities in developing markets are faced with pressures that make partnerships with private participants attractive. In grid-connected areas NPPs that can aggregate customers and help with energy demand management, helping reduce demand on the main grid or completely disconnecting from the main grid ("islanding") might be seen as a partner rather than competition. With the right technology mix the NPP can also provide ancillary services like frequency regulation, black start (in case of shutdowns), energy reserves (spinning and nonspinning). Off-grid NPPs help relieve pressure on the utilities for grid-extension and if properly planned can be complimentary to the main grid when or if it arrives. 38 6.2 Key considerations for NPP strategy Based on the stakeholder analysis Figure 23 is a reduction the NPP stakeholder network flow to the following key decision factors: A model of Lagos's power relebnly forecast Grid Reliability 0 Stable 40% up to 2019 , Diesel Fuel Price schools 200 Holels Feed in Tariff 202" 2034 201 _,O 0on R""t y (up mw rM per yew) 2042 $(Fuel :osts) Modern Energy Services Investme nt Realizi Deman id d Seed Capital Venture Capitl ROI Social Technology Impact Labor Expansion Option Technology Suppikrsj Figure 23: Reduced NPP stakeholder network flow highlighting key factors using Nigeria as a model 6.2.1 Central Grid Availability If the community is not connected to the grid then the distance to the central grid and grid planning becomes a factor in determining how soon or if there will be grid-extension to the community. 6.2.2 Central Grid Reliability If the community is connected to the central grid then in a recently unbundled system, for 39 the NPP it is a race to scale and be able to offer grid ancillary services by operating as an aggregator of Demand Side Management, Virtual Grids and Renewable Generation sources. Until the grid improves in efficiency the NPP operates as a cleaner, more costeffective backup alternative versus diesel/gasoline sources. 6.2.3 Fueling Costs and Supply Chain Reliability If the generation fuel is subject to price volatility then the NPP might not be sustainable. The NPP should seek to diversify to renewable hybrids quickly to reduce operational costs. 6.2.4 Seed and Expansion Capital Apart from the obvious human value of focusing on improving the living conditions of the energy poor, Bardouille et al have shown that it is a also a large market. Social Impact funds are flowing towards energy access projects and off-grid sites, which have the most impact right away. If an entrepreneur is considering off-grid versus grid-connected, depending on access to capital, the off-grid sites have a better chance of being funded. However there is the added risk of the need to invest in a distribution system 6.2.5 Policy Environment The NPP's ecosystem plays a huge role in strategy decisions, for example the availability of standard Power Purchase Agreements between NPPs and the main grid encourages planning for grid tie-in. Also market appropriate tariffs that recognize the high capital costs of off-grid energy access can help encourage investments in these areas. If there is an attractive feed-in-tariff it might offset the costs of investing in renewable technologies. 40 7. Business Strategy Recommendations for NPPs 7.1 Summary of macro trends and broad strategies The key macro trends for NPPs are summarized in Figure 24 where it is assumed that this is a newly unbundled electric grid system. Figure 25 gives broad strategies and timing for developing market NPPs. Figures 26-28 adapt the broad strategies to specific market segments. Summary ot key macro trends tor NPPs Near-term Mid-range Long-range Some macro trends that affect a Neighborhood Power Producer's strategy Figure 24: Summary of macro trends for strategy implementation for NPP business model 41 Key macro strategies for NPPs Near -term (y ears 0- 5) Refning the basiCs a Design efficient distribution system e Pay-for-use and automatic shut-off Reliable and cost-effective fuel supply * Anchor customers high energy demand; feed excess into community Mid-term (y ear s 515) Scaling the model * Expand to nearby communities * Expand renewable generation * Upgrade for communications - File for Carbon Emission Reduction credits Upgrade for grid-tie-in ( Add smart grid intelligence * Aggregate site, operate as virtual grid Long-term it egr a tln nto t h e Provide grid ancillary services grd Figure 25: General NPP near-term, mid-term and longer-term strategies 7.2 The Rural, Off-Grid, For-Profit and Retail NPP Here the grid-extension option is typically not a priority for the central grid utilities as they are working on improving efficiencies of current assets and markets. The NPP has some time to perfect the business model but has to incur distribution assets costs. The NPP also has to determine the most cost effective method of tariff collection. Off-grid sites without prior modem energy access are also typically characterized with low initial energy usage per household. Thus the NPP has to find "anchor customers" who have higher energy usage rates, which offsets the low usage from residents. Anchor customers can be telecom tower operators or local businesses with productive power needs or high heating needs. The NPP can sell heat to businesses and residents effectively 42 increasing system efficiency as a Combined Heat and Power producer. Macro strategies for ROGFPRC type NPP " Design efficient distribution system " Nodes of customers to reduce metering * Pay-for-use and automatic shut-off " Reliable and cost-effective fuel supply "Anchor: businesses, mobile operators, community center etc. ROGEPRC NPP R - Rural OG - Off-grid FP - For-profit RC - Retail Customers " Expand to nearby communities " Expand renewable generation " Upgrade for communications " File for Carbon Emission Reduction credits Figure 26: Macro strategies adapted for Rural and Off-grid NPPs 7.3 The Urban, Off-Grid, For-profit and Retail NPP While off-grid, the urban nature of this type of NPP makes grid-extension considerations more near-term. With proximity to grid-connected urban sites these areas typically have growing energy needs that are constrained by costs. The NPP should focus on providing an alternative to privately managed gasoline/diesel generation and provide pay-per-use functionality. There is still the need for investment in distribution infrastructure. 43 Macro strategies for ROGFPRC type NPP Near-t*erm (years 0-5) * Design efficient distribution system * Cost-effective tariff collection * Nodes of customers to reduce metering e Reliable and cost-effective fuel supply e Anchor: businesses, mobile operators years -1Ex Sc arlng t he m Expand metering to individual homes/businesses Expand to nearby communities pand Renewables & Energy Storage Upgrade for communications eFile for Carbon Emission Reduction credits odel U Lo ng-term to the o Provide grid ancillary services - O * gi UmGFmRC - Urban OG - Of-grid FP - For-proft RC Retail Customers U teg.rcl - Upgrade for grid-tie-in * Add smart grid intelligence * Aggregate sites, operate as virtual grid I e Feed-in-Tariff for generating into the grid Figure 27: Macro strategies adapted for Urban and Off-grid NPPs The NPP can also still use the community to manage energy theft by creating nodes that are shut off if bypassed. Other residents in the node will be more likely to help selfgovern against theft. The NPP can work to partner with utilities to install renewables and storage to delay transmission investments. When connected to the grid the NPP can aggregate with other urban and grid-connected sites as a Virtual Power Plant. 7.4 The Urban, Grid-Connected and Retail NPP The grid-connected urban system is essentially competitive so long as the central grid is unreliable and unpredictable. As the regulator pressures the unbundled utilities to improve the system efficiency and generation, the urban grid-connected areas are the "lowest hanging fruit" for utilities and thus the NPP needs to aggressively plan for grid- 44 integration. Macro strategies for ROGFPRC type NPP N e a r-t e r rn (y e ars 0-3) Rf n UGCFPRC a Design effie~eiqt dizutieisystem N urban Grid-connected r t - For-profit eu . Cost-effective tariff collection GC - Pay-for-use and automatic shut-off i Reliable and cost-effective fuel supply FP FP - Anchor: businesses * S Expand to nearby communities renewable generation *Upgrade for communications e File for Carbon Emission Reduction credits I Expand (years 3-10) Lo n g- te rm nteg ratmg in t o t h e - Upgrade for grid-tie-in e Add smart grid intelligence 9 Aggregate sites, operate as virtual grid Provide grid ancillary services e Feed-in-Tariff for generating into the grid Figure 28: Macro strategies adapted for Urban and Grid-connected NPPs To achieve system efficiencies the utility will need the regulator to raise tariffs gradually. The NPP can use the tariff structure planning as an indication of how soon the grid will improve. The NPP should plan to scale as soon as possible to other sites, so long as there is a proper regulatory environment such as standard PPAs, Feed-in-Tariffs, Demand Side Management incentives and a market for ancillary services. The NPP needs to be positioned as a partner with the utility to improve efficiencies and defer infrastructure investments. 45 Appendix A: Bibliography (Technavio Insights). (2014). Gensets Market in the MEA Region, 2014-2018. Alzolar, J. A. (ROBOTIKER), Camblong, H. (LIPSI-E., & Niang, T. (CERER-U. (2008). Microgrids:Promotion of microgrids and and renewable energy sourcesfor electrification in developing countries. Bardouille, P., Avato, P., Levin, J., Pantelias, A., & Engelman-Piger, H. (2012). From Gap to Opportunity: Business Models for Scaling Up Energy Access. Gyuk, I. (OE), Johnson, M. (ARPA-E., Vetrano, J. (Office of S., Lynn, K. (EERE), Parks, W. (OE), Handa, R. (OE), ... Braccio, R. (Booz A. H. (2013). USDOE Grid Energy Storage 2013. US DOE - Grid Energy Storage. Retrieved from http://energy.gov/sites/prod/files/2013/12/f5/Grid Energy Storage December 2013.pdf International Energy Agency. (2011). World Energy Outlook 2011: FinancingAccess for the Poor. Oslo, Norway. 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Microgrid Technology: Enabling Energy Reliability and Security - Opportunities in Campus, Commercial and Industrial Communities. In US DOE Microgrid Workshop. Retrieved from http://www.districtenergy.org/assets/pdfs/03AnnualConference/MondayA/A5.2SANCHEZIvette-Sanchez-IDEA.pdf Schnitzer, D., Lounsbury, D. S., Carvallo, J. P., Deshmukh, R., Apt, J., & Kammen, D. M. (2014). Microgridsfor RuralElectrification: A criticalreview of best practices based on seven case studies (p. 122). Solution I Keystone Tower Systems. (2014). Retrieved June 06, 2014, from http://keystonetowersystems.com/solution/ 46 Tenebaum, B., Greacen, C., Siyambalapitiya, T., & Knuckles, J. (2014). From the Bottom Up: How Small Power Producersand Mini-Grids can deliver Electrificationand Renewable Energy in Africa. Tenenbaum, B., & Izaguirre, A. K. (2007). Grid lines, (21), 3-6. UN Decade of Sustainable Energy for All launched to business community; private sector engagement seen as crucial to meet objectives I Sustainable Energy for All. (2014). Retrieved May 28, 2014, from http://www.se4all.org/2014/04/09/un-decade-sustainableenergy-launched-business-community-private-sector-engagement-seen-crucial-meetobjectives/ www.itron.com. (2014). OpenWay@ CENTRON@ Power Meter. Retrieved June 05, 2014, from https://www.itron.com/na/productsAndServices/Pages/OpenWay CENTRON.aspx?market=electricity 47