Emerald Ash Borer 2014 Risk Surface Emerald Ash Borer 2014 Risk Surface Data format: Raster Dataset - ESRI GRID File or table name: eab_risk2014a Coordinate system: NAD 83 Albers Theme keywords: : Forest Pest, Forest Insect, Invasive Species, Exotic, Emerald Ash Borer, Agrilus planipennis, Risk, MaxEnt Abstract: The Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) 2014 Risk surface was produced for the Contiguous 48 U.S. (CONUS) at a 1 square kilometer (1 km2) resolution by the U.S. Forest Service, Forest Health Protection, Forest Health Technology Enterprise Team (FHTET) in collaboration with Animal and Plant Health Service, Plant Protection and Quarantine (APHIS PPQ) staff members. The intended use is to develop a risk based sample design for EAB that prioritizes detection and management activities in areas with the highest risk and uncertainty. FGDC and ESRI Metadata: Identification Information Data Quality Information Spatial Data Organization Information Spatial Reference Information Entity and Attribute Information Distribution Information Metadata Reference Information Metadata elements shown with blue text are defined in the Federal Geographic Data Committee's (FGDC) Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata (CSDGM). Elements shown with green text are defined in the ESRI Profile of the CSDGM. Elements shown with a green asterisk (*) will be automatically updated by ArcCatalog. ArcCatalog adds hints indicating which FGDC elements are mandatory; these are shown with gray text. Identification Information: Citation: Citation information: Originators: Downing, M. C., I. I. F. Leinwand, P. H. Chaloux, J. R. Withrow, and F. J. Sapio. 2013. Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) “Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire Risk Assessment” U.S. Forest Service Forest Health Technology Enterprise Team (FHTET) Forest Health Protection USDA Forest Service, http://www.fs.fed.us/foresthealth/technology/invasives_agrilusplanipennis_riskmaps.shtml Title: Detection Uncertainty Surface for Agrilus planipennis *File or table name: eab_risk2014a Emerald Ash Borer 2014 Risk Surface Publication date: 20131126 *Geospatial data presentation form: raster digital data Series information: Series name: Version 2.0 Issue identification: 20131126 Publication information: Publication place: Fort Collins, Colorado Publisher: Marla C. Downing Online linkage: http://www.fs.fed.us/foresthealth/technology/invasives_agrilusplanipennis_riskmaps.shtml Larger work citation: Citation information: Originators: Downing, M. C., I. I. F. Leinwand, P. H. Chaloux, J. R. Withrow, and F. J. Sapio. 2013. Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) “Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire Risk Assessment” U.S. Forest Service Forest Health Technology Enterprise Team (FHTET) Forest Health Protection USDA Forest Service, http://www.fs.fed.us/foresthealth/technology/invasives_agrilusplanipennis_riskmaps.shtml Title: Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) 2014 Risk Surface Description: Abstract: The Risk Assessment 2014 map for the Emerald Ash Borer (EAB), Agrilus planipennis, was produced for the Contiguous 48 U.S. (CONUS) at a 1 square kilometer (1 km2) resolution by the U.S. Forest Service, Forest Health Protection, Forest Health Technology Enterprise Team (FHTET) in collaboration with Animal and Plant Health Service, Plant Protection and Quarantine (APHIS PPQ) staff members. The intended use is to develop a risk based sample design for EAB that prioritizes detection and management activities in areas with the highest risk. The Risk Assessment was produced by combining the EAB Detection Likelihood and Uncertainty 2002 to 2013 positives model with the EAB Detection Likelihood and Uncertainty 2013 positives models (Downing et al. 2013). Detection Likelihood models were combined by taking the maximum value between the two models at each 1 km cell (Table 1). Potential introduction sites, including campgrounds, rest areas, and other sites identified by state cooperators, were given a high risk rating. The interim surface was masked using a Fraxinus species range map (Withrow 2010) to develop the final EAB Risk Assessment product. For display purposes and ease of interpretation risk values were partitioned into four classes of risk (Table 2). Purpose: The intended use is to develop a risk based sample design for EAB that prioritizes detection and management activities in areas with the highest risk and uncertainty. Emerald Ash Borer 2014 Risk Surface Input Datasets: Inputs Detection Likelihood 2002 to 2013 Description and Source Detection likelihood surface developed using MaxEnt statistical technique for modeling species distributions (FHTET 2013). Incorporates all known EAB positive locations reported by APHIS and state cooperators from 2002 to 2013. The 2002 to 2013 detection likelihood model puts more emphasis on previously known EAB infested areas. Detection Detection likelihood surface developed using MaxEnt statistical technique for modeling Likelihood species distributions (FHTET 2013). Incorporates all known EAB positive locations reported 2013 by APHIS and state cooperators for 2013 only. The 2013 detection likelihood model puts more emphasis on the frontier of the EAB expanding range. Detection Model uncertainty quantifies the variability of the 2002 to 2013 detection likelihood model Uncertainty runs by calculating the standard deviation of the detection likelihood values on a cell by cell 2002 to 2013 basis. Detection Model uncertainty quantifies the variability of the 2013 detection likelihood model runs by Uncertainty calculating the standard deviation of the detection likelihood values on a cell by cell basis. 2013 Campgrounds Compiled from Federal campgrounds (USDA APHIS PPQ 2009), U.S. MapData Landmark Points (ESRI 2010), a proprietary campground database acquired from Salesgenie (2010). Additional campground locations were received from state cooperators. U.S. Rest Rest Areas point locations were compiled from points of interest across the U.S. (POI Factory Areas 2012 http://www.poi-factory.com/node/14656). High Risk High risk introduction sites identified in IPHIS and by other state cooperators where merged Introduction with the campground and rest area dataset to create a single high risk introduction site Sites 1: Inputs used database. Table in A. planipennis Risk Assessment 2014 Emerald Ash Borer 2014 Risk Surface References: APHIS 2012, Compiled Traffic Volume data. Data compiled from “trafficmetrix” current year estimates, March 2011 Release. Market Planning Solutions Inc. (www.mpsisolutoins.com). Downing, M. C., I. I. F. Leinwand, P. H. Chaloux, J. R. Withrow, and F. J. Sapio. 2013. Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) “Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire Risk Assessment” U.S. Forest Service Forest Health Technology Enterprise Team (FHTET) Forest Health Protection USDA Forest Service, http://www.fs.fed.us/foresthealth/technology/invasives_agrilusplanipennis_riskmaps.shtml POI Factory 2012. U.S. Rest Area point of interest. http://www.poi-factory.com/node/14656 Salesgenie, 2010. Campgrounds_SG. https://www.salesgenie.com USDA APHIS PPQ, 2009. Campsites. Withrow, J. 2010. Production of Urban Host Layers. Deliverable document prepared for USDA Forest Service, Forest Health Protection, Forest Health Technology Enterprise Team (FHTET), Task Order No: AG7604-D-09-0542. WAO No: FHTET-10-Pest-Host. Data Display: Table 2: Risk Assessment Classes MaxEnt Likelihood Value Class 0 to 0.05 Low 0.05 to 0.25 Moderate 0.25 to 0.50 Moderate High 0.50 to 1 High *Language of dataset: en Time period of content: Time period information: Single date/time: Calendar date: 20131126 Currentness reference: publication date Status: Progress: Planned Maintenance and update frequency: As needed Spatial domain: Bounding coordinates: *West bounding coordinate: -128.146914 *East bounding coordinate: -65.086930 *North bounding coordinate: 51.759317 *South bounding coordinate: 22.714584 Local bounding coordinates: *Left bounding coordinate: -2370945.000000 Emerald Ash Borer 2014 Risk Surface *Right bounding coordinate: 2273055.000000 *Top bounding coordinate: 3189315.000000 *Bottom bounding coordinate: 255315.000000 Place: Place keywords: Conterminous United States Place keyword thesaurus: Lower 48 States Access constraints: None Use constraints: None Point of contact: Contact information: Contact organization primary: Contact person: Marla C. Downing Contact organization: Forest Health Technology Enterprise Team (FHTET) Forest Health Protection Contact position: FHTET Lead, Biological Scientist Contact address: Address type: mailing and physical address Address: 2150 Centre’ Ave., Bldg A, Suite 331 City: Fort Collins State or province: Colorado Postal code: 80526-1891 Country: USA Contact voice telephone: 970-295-5843 Contact electronic mail address: mdowning@fs.fed.us Hours of service: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM MT Data set credit: Ian Leinwand Security information: Security classification: Unclassified *Native dataset format: Raster Dataset *Native data set environment: ESRI ArcGIS 10.0 Cross reference: Citation information: Originators: Downing, M. C., I. I. F. Leinwand, P. H. Chaloux, J. R. Withrow, and F. J. Sapio. 2013. Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) “Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire Risk Assessment” U.S. Forest Service Forest Health Technology Enterprise Team (FHTET) Forest Health Protection USDA Forest Service, http://www.fs.fed.us/foresthealth/technology/invasives_agrilusplanipennis_riskmaps.shtml Spatial Reference Information: Horizontal coordinate system definition: Coordinate system name: *Projected coordinate system name: NAD_1983_Albers Emerald Ash Borer 2014 Risk Surface *Geographic coordinate system name: GCS_North_American_1983 Planar: Map projection: *Map projection name: Albers Conical Equal Area Albers conical equal area: *Standard parallel: 29.500000 *Standard parallel: 45.500000 *Longitude of central meridian: -96.000000 *Latitude of projection origin: 23.000000 *False easting: 0.000000 *False northing: 0.000000 Planar coordinate information: *Planar coordinate encoding method: row and column Coordinate representation: *Abscissa resolution: 1000 *Ordinate resolution: 1000 *Planar distance units: meters Geodetic model: *Horizontal datum name: North American Datum of 1983 *Ellipsoid name: Geodetic Reference System 80 *Semi-major axis: 6378137.000000 *Denominator of flattening ratio: 298.257222 Back to Top Spatial Data Organization Information: *Direct spatial reference method: Raster Raster object information: *Image format: GRID *Number of bands: 1 *Row count: 2934 *Column count: 4644 *Vertical count: 1 *Cell size X direction: 1000.000000 *Cell size Y direction: 1000.000000 *Bits per pixel: 32 *Pyramid layers: TRUE *Image colormap: FALSE *Compression type: Default *Raster object type: Grid Cell *Raster display type: matrix values *Raster origin: Upper Left Distribution Information: Resource description: Downloadable Data Emerald Ash Borer 2014 Risk Surface Standard order process: Digital form: Digital transfer information: *Transfer size: 51.98 MB *Dataset size: 51.98 MB Metadata Reference Information: *Metadata date: 20131126 *Language of metadata: en Metadata contact: Contact information: Contact organization primary: Contact person: Marla C. Downing Contact organization: Forest Health Technology Enterprise Team (FHTET) USDA Forest Service Contact position: FHTET, Lead and Biological Scientist Contact address: Address type: mailing and physical address Address: 2150 Centre’ Ave., Bldg A, Suite 331 City: Fort Collins State or province: Colorado Postal code: 80526-1891 Country: USA Contact voice telephone: 970-295-5843 Contact electronic mail address: mdowning@fs.fed.us Hours of service: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM MT *Metadata standard name: FGDC Content Standards for Digital Geospatial Metadata *Metadata standard version: FGDC-STD-001-1998 *Metadata time convention: local time Metadata security information: Metadata security classification: Unclassified