Report ESL-R-683 August, 1976 SHORTEST ROUTE ALGORITHMS FOR SPARSELY CONNECTED NETWORKS by Joe E. Defenderfer Electronic Systems Laboratory Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 -2- ABSTRACT This report studies the shortest route problem for networks that are less than fully connected. Two algorithms are presented which exploit the absence of arcs in solving the shortest route problem. The first, which is designated the NXN algorithm, would tend to be the more applicable to networks typically encountered in practice. The second, which is an improvement on Hu's decomposition shortest route algorithm, is more efficient for a small class of networks; however, it generally requires less memory to hold the required decomposition information in the computer than does the NXN algorithm. -3- Acknowledgements I wish to thank Professors John M. Wozencraft and Robert G. Gallager who provided encouragement and many helpful discussions. This work was supported by a Sloan Research Traineeship and the Advanced Research Projects Agency under Contract ONR/N00014-75-C-1183. -4- Table of Contents Page Abstract 2 Acknowledgements 3 Section I Introduction 7 II The NXN Algorithm 9 III Decomposing the Network for the NXN Algorithm 12 IV The IHU Algorithm 15 V Decomposing the Network for the IHU Algorithm 20 Some Examples Using the IHU and NXN Algorithms 21 VI Appendix Section IA Introduction 27 IIA Bookkeeping for Shortest Routes 28 IIIA The Main Program 29 IVA Subroutine DIJKST 32 VA Subroutines DECIHU and IHU 33 VIA Subroutines DECNXN and NXN 37 VIIA Program Listing 42 Biblography 71 Distribution List 72 -5- Figures Figure 1 An N node network with an NXN decomposition. 2 The network of Figure 1 with a distinct NXN decomposition. 3 The form of the D matrix for the IHU algorithm. 4 The topology of ARPA network with decomposition information. 5 A 47 node symmetric network with decomposition information. 6 A 64 node network with decomposition information. 7 An example network with seven nodes and thirteen arcs. 8 Node renumbering and partitioning by subroutine DECNXN for the network of Figure 7. 9 The topology of Figure 7 with new node numbers as assigned by DECNXN. -6- Tables Table 1 Comparative performance of three different shortest route algorithms on the three sample networks. 2 Topology cards for the network of Figure 7. 3 Cards punched by subroutine DECIHU for the network of Figure 7. 4 Values of variables in common block IHUSTF deduced from Table 3. 5 Cards punched by subroutine DECNXN for the network of Figure 7. 6 A Fortran Program which interprets the cards punched by DECNXN. -7- Section I Introduction The problem of finding all the shortest routes in a directed network has an extensive literature [3,9] due to the number of network problems to which shortest route algorithms are applied. This paper presents two new shortest route algorithms which can significantly reduce the required computation time when the network is less than fully connected. The first is based on original decomposition ideas and is called the nodeby-node decomposition (NXN) algorithm. $ The second is based on Hu's de- composition algorithm [5,6,11] and is designated the improved Hu (IHU) algorithm. The shortest route problem is formulated as a shortest distance problem where D = [dij] is a given matrix. The number dij represents the length of the directed arc from node i to node j, and thus it is assumed di. = 0. A path P from i to j is an ordered sequence i = ko,kl,..., k l,k m j, m and the length of the path, L(P), is defined as L(P) = dk k If P r=l r-l r is any closed path, then it is assumed L(P) > 0 so that the shortest distance problem is well defined. d.j = min L(P) Then the problem is to find D* = [d]I where for P ranging over all paths from i to j. Knowing D* alone does not specify the shortest routes, but is a well documented fact that by appropriate bookkeeping as one calculates D*, the shortest routes can also be established. tAfter completion of this paper, the equivalence of the NXN algorithm with previous work done at Network Analysis Corporation under ARPA Order No. 1523 [8] was discovered. Typically D* is calculated as a series of refinements on D. algorithm Floyd's [4] is cited for an N node network: For every i E{1,2,...,N}, do step a: a) For every j,k c{1,2,...,N}, b) where " -" do step b: djk + min (djkl dji + dik) means "is replaced by". The algorithm requires N 3 additions and N 3 comparisons, and it is generally assumed additions and comparisons take about the same amount of time so that one says Floyd's algorithms requires 2N3 operations. D. At the conclusion of the algorithm D* has replaced Proof of the algorithm is found elsewhere [6], but the interested reader can easily convince himself that when i has been stepped from 1 though i 0 then the current value of djk is the minimal distance over all paths from j to k under the condition that the intermediate nodes are elements of the set {1,2,..., i }. No algorithm which solves the shortest route algorithm could be any simpler to encode, but there are a variety of faster algorithms in terms of number of operations [7,10]. The standard against which the new decomposition algorithms will be measured is Yen's implementation of Dijkstra's algorithm [2,11] 3 3 requiring -N operations. The algorithms claiming even less operations are not significantly faster, theoretically, for networks of the size for which computational experience is cited in this paper; furthermore, some of the apparent gains of the theoretically faster algorithms would be offset by their additional algorithmic complexity. -9- Section II The NXN Algorithm The NXN algorithm for solving the shortest route problem is actually a special case of the following new 2N 3 operation algorithm: 1) For every i£{1,2,...,N-2} in order, do step a: a) For every j,kE{i+l,i+2,...,N}, do step b: b) 2) djk + min (djk,dji+dik) For every i£{N-2,N-3,...,1} in order, do step a: a) For every j,kc{i+l,i+2,...,N}, do steps b and c: b) c) dji . J1 dij min (dik+dkj dij) min (djk+dkif d.i) jk~dkii An intuitive proof of this algorithm will be helpful in understanding the NXN algorithm. By inductive reasoning similar to that for Floyd's algo- rithm, when step 1 has been completed for i=io, then djk (for j,k > io) represents the conditional shortest j to k distance subject to all intermediate nodes being elements of the set {1,2,...,i }. Consequently, when o step 1 has been completed, then the djk (for j,k > N-2) represent uncon- ditional shortest distances d*. Note than an arbitrary i to j path (for j > i) must be of the form i,...,r,...,j where r is the first element in the path such that r > i; and, if this path is the shortest path, then its length is d* +d*.. lr rj performing step 2 for i = N-2, d*. is known and d* ir rJ When must be the same as -10- the minimal dir conditional on all intermediate nodes being elements of the set {1,2,...,N-3}; it follows that at the end of step 2 for i = N-2, d.. = dt., and similarly dji = d*. for every jE{N-l,N}. 1] ij ]iIj reasoning shows that at the end of the algorithm D The NXN algorithm will now be presented. = Clearly, inductive D*. However, in order to simplify the discussion, it is assumed that all of the arcs are duplex, i.e. if d.i.<1J Define Ci, called the ith connection set, as follows: then d.ji<. Ji j > i and there exists a path P from i to j such that L(P) intermediate node k satisfies k < i. j6C. if 1 < - and every Notice that the C. are functions of 1 topology only (implicitly assuming the length assigned to an arc is - if and only if the arc does not exist in some sense). In step 1 of the above algorithm, dji = C if jCi and dik = X if kiCi. Furthermore, in step 2 of the above algorithm, dik = if kgCi. X and d = The corresponding operations are clearly unnecessary; the algo- rithm obtained by deleting them is called the NXN algorithm: 1) For every iE{1,2,...,N-2} in order, do step a: a) For every j,kEC i, do step b: b) 2) djk + min (djk, dji+dik) For every i£{N-2, N-3,...,1} in order, do step a: a) For every js{i+l,i+2,...,N} and keCi, do steps b and c: b) dij c) dji + min (dik+dkj, dij) min (dj+d dji) -11A decomposition is defined as an ordering of the nodes. Since the connection sets are a function of the decomposition, the number of operations which the algorithm requires is also a function of the decomposition, as will be demostrated in the following section. In the case where some of the arcs are not duplex, two alternatives are available. The first is to change the definition of Ci as follows: jC. Ciif j > i and there exists a path P from i to j or from j to i such that L(P) < - and every intermediate node k satisfies k < i. causes unnecessary operations for the algorithm. This approach The alternative is to define two connection sets for each node--one for the incoming connections and one for the outgoing connections. In the latter case, one must alter the NXN algorithm to incorporate the efficiencies of the additional connection sets. The increased algorithmic complexity of the second approach and the resultant additional computer steps must be weighed against the number of unnecessary operations of the first approach for the problem at hand. -12- Section III Decomposing the Network for the NXN Algorithm This section is introduced via an example. Consider figures 1 and 2 in which the same network has been decomposed two ways. C. = {i+l,N-l,N} when i{l1,2,...,N-3} and CN 2 For the first, {N-1,N}; the number of operations for the NXN algorithm is calculated in a straightforward fashion as: N-3 Step 1, ( (2) (3) (3)) + (2) (2) (2) i=l N-3 Step 2, (C (2) (2) (3) (N-i)) + (2) (2) (2) (2) i=l which totals 6N +12N-66. By contrast, for the decomposition of figure 2, Ci = {i+l,i+2,...,N} which is exactly the same as if the network was fully connected, and it follows immediately that the NXN algorithm requires 2N3 operations. This example makes it clear that the choice of decomposition can have a profound effect of the efficiency of the algorithm. For an arbitrary network, finding the optimal decomposition in the sense of minimizing the required number of operations for the NXN algorithm is not a trivial problem and probably can only be solved by exhaustive comparision. The method of choosing the decomposition for the examples which are presented later in Section IV deviated only slightly from the following heuristic procedure: -13- J- Figure 1. 44 An N node network with an NXN decomposition implied by the numbering of the nodes. N- 4 Figure 2. The same N node network as in Figure 1 with a distinct NXN decomposition. -14- 1) Label a node "1" such that the cardinality of C is minimized. 1 2) For every i£{2,3,...,N} in order, do step a: a) Given the nodes which have been labeled "1","2",..., "i-l", label an unlabeled node "i" such that the cardinality of Ci is minimized. The effort in finding the decomposition via the above procedure is on the same order as doing a shortest route computation via Floyd's algorithm, and as a consequence computer time savings are realized only when the NXN algorithm is iterated several times for the same topology. There are a large number of networks such that the computation time does not vary widely with the decomposition. Such networks could be termed "locally connected" and have the property that the nodes to which there are direct arcs from any given node are very likely to have direct arcs to one another. In this case, the nodes could be numbered very rapidly by eye with little degradation in efficiency (nodes must at some point in time be assigned a number anyhow in order to communicate the topology to the computer), and in the first shortest route computation the connection sets could be established with very little effort. In fact, the only modification to the NXN algorithm is an additional step which is included just before step la: aa) Initially C i = 0; for jC{i+l,i+2,...,N}, do step bb: bb) Include j in Ci if dij < A. 1The additional operations required this by step number2 The additional operations required by this step number -t which is quite modest for the potential gains. -15- Section IV The IHU Algorithm The presentation of the IHU algorithm requires some additional definitions. For this algorithm, a network decomposition is defined as a division of the network's nodes into ordered subsets S1, S2,...PSk such that for every ieSm and jESS, dij = X if jm-Yj > 1. Every node of the network belongs to exactly one subset. The submatrix D S contains all the distances i m of arcs from elements of Si to elements of Sm and has dimension Isil x ISmi (where ISj means the cardinality of set S). entries in the case li-mi Evidently, D S 1m has no finite > 1 (see figure 3). Various matrix operations will be performed on the submatrices to generate the desired shortest distance matrix. Let D S.S DS mean DS is replaced by the shortest distance matrix computed from the submatrix DS S. Define A°B = S1U S2 U...US then 2m = D = k A 2. [min(aim+bmj) ] and min(A,B) = [min(aij,bij) ]. Also let , and if m = k (where k is the number of ordered sets) Define the conditional shortest distance submatrix, S.(m2), as the shortest distance submatrix under the restriction that all the intermediate nodes on the respective conditional shortest routes are members of 2 . i In the case m = k, D* (S2) (S) S.S. m =D* S.S. D*S S.S Under the assumption that an allowable decomposition has been given, the following algorithm generates all the shortest distances in the network (the parenthetical equality to the right of each step is the claim of what each step accomplishes): -16- 7 |D/BS /7/7/ /7 u3 / Figure 3. T S3 S3/ / /7/' ~/7 Ds4 I/ s/S4S f /t o 533 _ ' 3 The form of the D matrix for the IHU algorithm in the case k = 5. If the decomposition is to be acceptable, the shaded submatrices have no finite entries prior to the algorithmic operations on the D matrix. -17- 1 ( 1) D1 2) 1S1 S1S 1 1 For every i{1l,2,...,k-l}in order, do steps a, b, c, and d: a) D D S Si+l i b) D c) D d) D (1) )) D SiSi+l S Si+1 +l (i )) (= D* i i+lS i i+lS D (= D* i S i si+ min (DS. S1+1i+l Ds i (i)) SiSi+l DS +l ii+l i ii+l i Si+lSi+l C s~~ c Si+i+ i+Sl Si+lSi+l 3) i+1lS i+l For every iE{k,k-l,...,3,2} in order, do steps a, b, and c: a) D DD*S i b) C) D S i D i i-1 i 4 D (= D* 1 iSi S S.S. iSi-1 DS SiSi-1 (=D* SS ii -min (D SiS 4) i (= D* S i-1S i ,D Si-1i D SiSi (=D* SiSii-1 S iSi_ l For every rC{2,3,...,k-1} in order, do step a: a) For every i,je{l,2,...k} if ji-j b) D S.S. i D s.SS i p D S S. pj -= r, do step b: (=D ) S.S. 3 where p is an element of the set Q = {s+l,s+2,...,t-2,t-2} for s = min(i,j) and t = max (i,j) such that Ispl < ISm | for every mCQ. A rigorous proof of the algorithm would be very lengthy and repetitious, and the interested reader is referred to Hu's work [6] for exposition of a similar proof. Steps 1 and 2 are bootstrapping successive diagonal and first off-diagonal submatrices, so that at the end of step 2, DSkSk Skk ~~·113~ll~so---·rrrsl~rrrassk D* SkS k kk ~__ Step 3 is essentially a backwards form of step 2 and replaces the diagonal and first off-diagonal submatrices with the respective unconditional shortest distance submatrices. Step 4 is one method for finding the unconditional shortest distance submatrices corresponding to decomposition sets which are separated by at least one intermediate set. The ordering in step 4 allows p to be any element of the set Q, and the particular choice of p minimizes the number of operations. If one assumes that the shortest distance calculations for submatrices are done via Floyd's method (requiring 2p3 operations for a p x p submatrix) and that the pseudo-multiplications are done in a straightforward manner (requiring 2pqr operations to calculate A-B where A is dimension p x q and B is q x r), then the number of operations required by the IHU algorithm is: Step 1, 21Sl13 k=l Step 2, 2 i~l (2ISi.xi Isii 2 + Isi Step 3, 2 (21Si1 2 ISi_11 + ISi_-ll Sil) Step 4, 2 . Isi+l12 + 1Si+xl3) i=2 Z ISi ISj I i,j such that li-jl > 1 The total number of operations is then k-l 2( i=l k-l i i usi l 3 3 + Isii - i=2 Isil i,j such that Isjl Isp I) li-jl > 1 -19- One may compare the IHU algorithm to other versions of Hu's algorithm. For any given decomposition, the IHU algorithm requires fewer operations than the fastest version of Hu's algorithm known to the author, which is that due to Yen [11]. For purposes of comparision, an example which commonly appears in the literature [5,6,11] for i even and ISij = t for i odd. sets, be odd. 2(mt3 Define m = k+l 2 . is presented. Let JSij = 6 Assume 6< t, and let k, the number of In this case, the new algorithm requires 2 3 2 2 2 2 3 + (m +5m-6)t2 6 + (2m2+2m-6)t62 + (m2-4m+5)63) operations. Yen's modification requires 2(mt 3 + (m2+6m-7)t26 + (2m2+10m-20)t62 + (m2+6m-14)63). The new algorithm is faster for the entire range of interest, i.e. t > 6 > 1 and m > 2. As a particular case, let 6= t and m = 3; the IHU algorithm requires 82t3 operations, Yen's modification requires 128t3 operations, and Floyd's algorithm requires 250t3 operations. -20- Section V Decomposing the Network for the IHU Algorithm Perhaps even more important than the numerical gains of the new algo- rithm are the insights it provides into optimal decomposition of a network. Assume that Floyd's method is used for shortest route computations on submatrices, and that pseudo-multiplications are done by the straightforward technique. It follows that for a given decomposition, if a further decom- position exists by partitioning of existing sets, then the computation time of the further decomposition is less than that of the given decomposition. This "more the better" fact suggests a heuristically good decomposition technique which can be performed by the computer or quickly guessed at by eye. If the decomposition is to be done automatically by the computer, however, it should probably be limited to those cases where many shortest route computations for the same topology will be performed, as in column generating linear programs. An algorithm for finding a good network decom- position for the IHU algorithm is: a) find two nodes, j and k, such that the minimal number of arcs, d, connecting them is maximal over all pairs of nodes; i.e. find the diameter of the network and an associated pair of nodes; b) construct d+l sets by letting S 1 = { and d rm < - or d mr } and Si+l = {mlm{Q-0i} < o for some reS }. 1 This procedure was used to generate the IHU decomposition sets for the examples of the next section, and the reader may want to look at the figures associated with that section at this point. -21- Section VI Some Examples Using the IHU and NXN Algorithms In this section several examples are given which provide insight into the classes of networks for which the NXN and IHU algorithms can substantially reduce shortest route computation time. Although no examples are presented for which the IHU algorithm is faster than the NXN algorithm, they do exist. Such networks form a rather small and special class of networks, and typically may be decomposed in such a manner as to be a variation on the following theme: ISil for i odd is large compared to ISil for i even, and if jeSi and ksSi then j and k are very likely to have direct arcs to one another. The first example is an old version of the ARPA net which is shown in figure 4. In that figure, the NXN decomposition is defined by the numbering of the nodes, and the IHU decomposition is defined by the partitioning of the nodes with broken lines. This network lends itself to NXN decomposition due to the high number of nodes which have arcs directly to only two other nodes--a fact which keeps the cardinality of connection sets very low. The second example is the 47 node symmetric network shown in figure 5. This network is not "locally connected" to a very high degree, but still the NXN algorithm is (perhaps surprisingly) efficient. -22- The final example is the 64 node network displayed in figure 6. The density of arcs is perhaps greater here than in the other examples, but a high degree of local connectivity promotes the efficiency of the NXN algorithm. Efficiency is measured with Yen's implementation of Dijkstra's algorithm as the standard. Theoretical efficiency refers to the relative savings in the number of operations required to perform a shortest route computation. The computation times for the IBM 370-168 to execute the Fortran programs of various algorithms were noted, and relative savings are referred to as the measured efficiency. The comparisions of the various algorithms in performing shortest route calculations on the three sample networks are summarized in table 1. The Fortran programs were complied by the IBM G1 compiler; and each algorithm not only computed the shortest distance matrix, but also computed a routing matrix which specified the next node from each node on the shortest route to any other node. -23- " 2 r3 I0 ,. c 4 2 X~/I Figure 4. a Z4O2 I-2 - The topology of ARPA network (at one stage of its evolution) with decomposition information. -24- ~8 332 and = 13,27,l6,l9,45,35,1,24} 35 36. 44 77 19 38 .31 18 Figure 5. A 47 node symmetric network (nodes are connected to first and seventh nearest neighbors by arcs). NXN decomposition is indicated by node labeling. IHU decomposition sets: S = {1},S = {21,47,28,39}, · S = {34, 40,30,26,2,4,s,8 36,43}' S and S = s =1417,18,29,22,23,42,4 32,25, {46,33,~5,37,31,38,44,3,6,7,9,29,11,12}, =13,27,16,19,45,35,10,2 4}. -25- t2 08S - 25 50 39 49 5 47 27 '23 $17 .Z4 45 \ 344 Fe >\>\/ 26 64 node \ 55,/ vo31 510, \/2 ( ,l/--!89 Figure 6. v 37t 138 1/ 14+8 2) \/ z2 54 4 29 t65 \ n 44 \ e,9 n -63-- infrai 42- 41 /\,115 / 52 53 /3 5 Z?. 3_ 1 34\. 2 A 64 node network with decomposition information. \ -26- ARPA network of figure 4 47 node network of figure 5 27040 154630 393216 1.00 1.00 1.00 .090 .450 1.115 Measured Mieasured efficiency 1.00 1.00 1.00 Number of Numbera of operations 6948 83880 124722 3.89 1.84 3.15 Computation time (seconds) time (seconds) .020 .195 .290 Measured Measured efficiency 4.50 2.31 3.84 Number of operations operations 2828 28608 42416 efficiency 9.56 5.41 9.27 Computation time (seconds) .015 .115 .165 Measured efficiency efficiency 6.00 3.91 6.76 Number of operations operations Dijkstra's Theoretical shortest route efficiency algroute luComputation time (seconds) Ioritm algorithm HTheoretical efficiency 64 node network of figure 6 NXN algohNXNmTheoretical algorithm Table 1. Comparative performance of three different shortest route algorithms on the three sample networks. -27- Appendix Section IA Introduction This appendix describes and lists the program which provided the computational experience cited in this paper. The program of section VIIA reads the topology of the network, finds a decomposition for the IHU and NXN algorithms, solves a sample shortest route problem via each algorithm and the Dijkstra algorithm in order to compare computation times, and calculates the number of operations required by each. Typically, an application of these programs requires at most two of the listed subroutines-one to decompose the network and one to calculate all the shortest routes. The decomposition subroutine needs to be called only one time for any given topology since a new set of data cards are punched by the decomposition subroutines which record the appropriate decomposition information. In this appendix, a hybrid notation will be employed which is a combination of that used in the body of this report and that used in the Fortran programs. The definitions of all Fortran terms are given in the comment cards at the beginning of the program listing that is found in section VIIA. -28- Section IIA Bookkeeping for Shortest Routes The algorithms which are listed not only find the shortest distances between every pair of nodes in the network, but they also record the shortest routes. The method which is used for this purpose is establishing a "next node" matrix where NX(I,J) is the next node on the shortest path from node I to node J. Initially, NX(I,J) = J for every existing arc (I,J), and every time the operation, dij 1 min (dij, dik+dkj is performed such that dik+dkj is the distinct minimum, then the algorithm makes the replacement NX(I,J) + NX(I,K). For the remainder of this appendix, the algorithms are discussed only in terms of the shortest distance problem. -29- Section IIIA The Main Program The main program reads in the topology, assigns arc numbers and provides the control for its specific purpose, i.e. to compare the various algorithms. In figure 7, an example network is presented. Table 2 lists the data cards which communicate the topology of the network to the program. The first card is a header which provides the name of the network and the values for NN, MIHU, MNXN, MAXPRI and NFORBD. The second card says that node "1" has "2" outgoing arcs which terminate on nodes "12"and "3". There is one such card for each node in succession. -30- Figure 7. An Example Network With Seven Nodes And Thirteen Arcs. -31- 7 NODE, 13 ARC EXAMPLE NT 1 2 2 3 2 2 1 4 3 2 4 5 4 1 5 5 2 6 7 1 7 2 6 6 7 2 2 Table 2. 7 2 2 7 0 Topology Cards For The Network of Figure 7 -32- Section IVA Subroutine DIJKST Subroutine DIJKST is an implementation of Dijkstra's algorithm suggested by Yen [12]. The algorithm can be floated to perform the operation, in the case that if j is a node number such that DSiSi iDsis i min k < j < max k, then jeS.. When the call to the subroutine DIJKST is kcS. kcS. 1 1 made, for this case, then NB = min k and NF = max k. If the operation, kES. kES. D + D*, is to be performed via Dijstra's algorithm, then NB = 1 and NF = NN. -33Section VA Subroutines DECIHU and IHU Subroutine DECIHU decomposes the network for the IHU algorithm which is implementated in subroutine IHU. of Section V. The method of decomposition is that Figure 8 shows the network as decomposed by DECIHU with the new node numbers as printed out. Table 3 shows the cards punched by DECIHU which record the decomposition information and describe the topology in terms of the new node numbers. Again, the first card is a header with the title of the network, a "1" which says the cards were punched by DECIHU and a "3" which is the number of IHU sets. The second card says that node "1" has "2" outgoing arcs, is a member of set number "1" (the next two zeros have no significance), and the outgoing nodes are to nodes "2" and "3"; and so forth. on the next card. The ninth card is a header for NTWIXT which starts From them, NTWIXT(l,l) = "O", NTWIXT(1,2) = "0", NTWIXT(1,3) = "2", NTWIXT(2,1) = "0", etc. The information on these cards define the variables found in the common block IHUSTF, and these values are given in Table 4. Subroutine IHU is a straightforward implementation of the IHU algorithm as presented in Section IV. via subroutine DIJKST. The operations, DS S. + DS.S . are performed -34- J Figure 8. 4 Node Renumbering and Partitioning by Subroutine DECIHU for the Network of Figure 7. -35- 7 NODE, 13 1 ARC EXAMPLE 7 - NODE,13 ARC EXAMPLE NT 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 22 2 0 0 1 6 3 2 2 0 0 6 5 4 2 2 0 0 1 7 5 2 3 0 0 4 7 6 1 3 0 0 5 7 2 3 0 0 FOR NTWIXT 00 Table 3. 2 0 3 7 1 2 1 NT 2 4 3 0 Cards punched by subroutine DECIHU which relate the IHU decomposition information and the topology in terms of the new node numbers for the network of Figure 7. -36- Nl(l) = 1 N1(2) = 2 Nl(3) = 5 N2(1) = 1 N2(2) = 4 N2(3) = 7 NTWIXT(1,l) = 0 NTWIXT(2,2) = 0 NTWIXT(1,3) = 2 NTWIXT(2,1) = 0 NTWIXT(2,2) = 0 NTWIXT(2,3) = 0 NTWIXT(3,1) NTWIXT(3,2) = 0 NTWIXT(3,3) = 0 = 3' NS = 3 Table 4. Values of the variables in labeled common block IHUSTF which may be deduced from cards in Table 3 for the network of Figure 8. -37- Section VIA Subroutines DECNXN and NXN Subroutine NXN is a general implementation of the NXN algorithm for the case in which all the arcs in the network are not necesarily duplex. Two connection sets are established for each node--one for outgoing connections and one for incoming connections. Define CI as the outgoing connection set, i.e. jeCC if there exists a path P from i to j such that 1 C(P) < - and every intermediate node k satisfies k < i. define C. as the ith incoming connection set. Similarly, The NXN algorithm takes this form: 1) For every i£{1,2,...,NN-2} in order, do step a: a) For every j£ CI and k£ C?, do step b: 1 b) 2) 1 djk + min (djk, dji+dik) For every iC{NN-2,NN-3,...,1} in order, do stepa: a) For every jc{i+l, i+2,...,NN}, do steps b and c: b) For every mCC., dij + min (dim. +dmj 1 c) 1J For every kOCI, dji 1 ji in dij) 1j min (dji, ddjk+dki ) i jk ki The method DECNXU uses for decomposing the network is given in Section III with the alteration that nodes are chosen in order to sucessively minimize ICoi + ICI|. i ' For the network of Figure 7, the new node number- ing which implies the decomposition is shown in Figure 9. The cards punched by DECNXN which contain topology information in terms of new node numbers and the decomposition information are shown in Table 5. -38- The interpretation of the cards is now more difficult but should be clear by the program in Table 6 which reads in the cards of Table 5, sets up arc numbers, and prepares the decomposition information for DECNXN. One feature of the program not yet discussed is that of NFORBD which is an input variable. If a network is "locally connected" except for a few nodes, they should be numbered last and suppressed from being assigned new node numbers which are low by establishing NFORBD as the cardinality of the set of such nodes. -39- 4 Figure 9;.- The topology of Figure 7 with new node numbers as assigned by DECNXN -40- 7 NODE, 13 ARC EXAMPLE 1 2 3 2 32 2 1 2 1 3 3 2 2 2 4 2 5 NT 7 2 3 2 5 3 5 5 4 3 3 4 1 5 4 6 2 1 3 3 2 5 6 7 2 1 267 6 7 6 2 10 0 3 7 7 2 10 0 4 6 2 Table 5. Cards punched by subroutine DECNXN for the network of Figure 7 which contain decomposition information for the NXN algorithm and topology information in terms of the new node numbers. V-4 Ic,. co - .~ .~,D4 'm . D4 -) , Z X4 P X S:: , ac i Q~Jl #4U : 5 ' CS) r9 P M r;q u a Wd EPxla PF: ~ : a_ ~~~ a pq C w5 0 ;t z t : 4_ - n *" W; H~rc b 3n W P. 0¢ 0 pL, W"S E- rm. 4 PR xC P; aj = E- W =Z CD 04 sct E-4 H- E 1W b O < <tC UZ t;zZ U ~O :25 H 0.4 3 S10 - xK C Mno4 3kq u tr m _u Vg fqV a % o -:X*oQrS Ct 03 - 1 4 ~43 0 = z*- 4 zj t4 CD E- C v- EO -) U 05 m C: GU - #C Z oc< cO m W N oW %D VC9v F- FH X3<H 1 1: * -4 __G >4 + + o **- E4 co v- m 0 W W 0 a 5 O - I u a ."C W 0< 0. EH 0: zM P C> $¢ p$i t" m I ~ E-4 4- *. O * = :C 44 C4 O ft occ 1 H u * E- W % a E_ N W 1. qS 2 Z m T- E-E4 EnU"- -B o-4w 0 tF C;> C4 : 0 rL4 A 4 IC C t a 2 PCI It (N aZP:;_ t\ r co~~~*4 M Z 3EH V ; z = Q O c=£ -- t ~o ) E;-4n (e M O 0 # -f rzl H tn 1 P; (J fr " PS Oj P E" Z 5- H EOe Z X EH E-4 ¢C * t 4 U Z H %M C- SN H Xllt >S SC (~1 CCU : u -t H r ~ro'3 _o M x tz cx ft , _ ~~~~E z ' z tn0 ;-, Z~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- z c IHO 1C 4O O D Q sX^;a. t Vi Z Hr _ V KD = - CS > W CZX ; _Q b 0k ' zt 41 %D P4 Ozu p _ @ - W tq Y c0: D .r0 f xZ m X Q t, 0 *4 rdz4Ju E-t- "- O w -O -- intnZ -ob_ o Pr4 Z :z, C_ Ez~~~ cl zZ) % E-1 xo ; ^ W ,. 0 co + ,4 ~1 ~-.1 U lz~ Z a z ' z ?M Z: H a ~ ~ a0: 0o W0 o z F4 E:; uz3 W 0 1 P1 M CO t 11 + 1 + C1 P>¢ C E-4vc C% >. O _4 -Z rA M - Z o 1 W v 4f H l $0 m " =; Q 11 = - C 111 O ko 3 K Z Z: -T 14 P >4 H co : -: Z -42- Section VIIA Program Listing The program of this section provided the computational results of this paper. The program is generously commented and should be transparent when studied along with this appendix. In general, clarity was sacrificed for speed only in the subroutines DIJKST, NXN, and IHU. -43- a ~ Fi ~ W0 Ei H a PO 2c pa W O~ Cx Z{. U) a L~~~s 0M - U'X: t~.I PZ ~· H ;0cjO ~] Pr ~ )$ ~:~= a *:4 = : m. Ec X:: l 0 M IY4 z PI M'U pq Pi 0 z Fe4 0 M Pi Hr~ O'W ft a= p a Ai H cu POJE- a 0 w 4 Ln pq PM 5 Z U H = 0 S 3 E4 ' W E-4 m E-4 aO se oc X U v) V) M Z 04 H M 4 M M a a a Pt-, U n tD a #cc z M -4 W cr U F-I- H F" &I E-# a pq pi4 fla 6 f ~iMFiaV WafE( M sc W a W " ? e"sc Er(ia ot 0 11 M PW ~ 0 r%4 p d I )Ogg) r =t H'E-4 0 E-* E-4 M E-4 z a W M 0 PC4 - P az I, (I p C) = a: U., z zcS zc S t P jK M Pi #M M Q z P1 4 a EE H FXACa H Hr ~Ff CY a W U a0F b4I t m w H H W H O W W n W: b4: tZta C4 W b- z E5 - I W n 0EM )-W PQ M .u U . uaafr~*E ~ f W CE-5 H ( F W W td ' ' M· 3 P6 M PLI 3 W0 W CM 0 P in Ej 0 pr M E-r Z M V E-i EF, W E-4 H =o F-4 H W M M Z 5 W Z [U a~~~~~E4 ) U EL rq 2; ecc E-4 $XH c pe P:;.C H U 0s rC W M 0 ~~~P ID4 H R O Im M .. H H 5) EH M ~-I H 0 tn Q &4 Ei MO z E K4 e OU 3 O 0 E-1 E-1 H ;.4 AQ ~ l. .a~~~~~~~~~~~~~q = 1;= W H::l z . :-z 1M pq M : : i)-i ~ : Z f)Q -qM H E-4 Matn C- H to0 [~ "~ ' H P 51 t A H Pa ~: h P1~~~~~ :: Zc Pi4 ' :=; 5) pr:F M O O~ 2ze :Oi ¢:~HH E-, ·p~~~~~~~~~~~~~ t;3 t, areC :: :~ 00 SW oce F74 4 O P:4 H i:Z~l:~ ~:OU eZ 1-¢ H 2( M b-d H D! II Z C3 0W 0~0 t~:=o.1 ~: E-: : M AtF64.a E-4 :: M O9 En I O ~~~~-I u·m w 5 O 0CutE-4:o EH~ 5r h H0r m: Cn U F4 1. 5 L:7 m Tl~}C 0~~~~~= ~~~~~~~~~l ::1 aa a z ,P a E-4 a E- -44- I--t Z v, P4OO ae ~:=~ m~ . H *Pi Z:.-. W a t) *# V~r} ~ psW I PJ D I~: -i { awo XpC r: Q :3 3z;V O : : aK ~1-4 n Z'L P X M--I - fw _e H H o Ez r C 5W Hi s H t H C e tfO ~~~aZ tn : En V I- M tn:= Ze W aOUW zn *w w 1 I --- _ H ie: AC O E; Z1z4; fii Z d H E V! Sd bc Nd O v e:D H =G Z; Z Irjq tD Z; -l~F bCm > 2; _Z 1 I 0I Ndi I 4 P h __ :~ _s ^-4 X# ; Xc a 81 nE # a t; E-- Z Ir W a a 2; Z p E-4 U a Za:E O FrX 0 E O 0 WC Z Z Z; Z2 Z r5 r=V 1S F4 0 Z i Z Z. 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E t-/ Fq F--t3 hI--Q> C< > >mE 1I <l : - #~ 3 -66- z mOZi A: o, + 0 0 -67- . P .- t r4 ^: pi E-4 W aw Pa3 Of§ - W a00',:z; p: H bl a Vn Z tn o : O A 4! E- f v Zr; " a W E-4 kt E H U 2; Ez C: Mn -w ;i." Z; .- - PE- _ P; W P:: I E4 03 s: v, ^: , I:4 £: f zn # t; Pr :2: a Z; z wi A~ LX :u Z W4' to tn p3 Pi c Sri t: tn '~ Pi :X t) IY st Pi O~ H EH u) C:> H V F mb Eq Pc < vxr V) a: CS Z E 2¢ Ha H tn ft1 3E w: 4~ t 0 a H s U~ t2 s.iZ U_ c C r1 Z C:# 1 3 V) Hz Z a ; ,Q =: tI I ao r U C*) t: II a _ _cc ;tl I! i :z; z ~ :¢ :E W1 c1 c1 H * ..-. _ r, c 9H Pt t- *r r (I C O V L QJ H) ·- (I r C! V s; a U x IW I *C E: tC U O r W ; U t) c O* 0 00 _ st o uJ C (V p \ O Cs :Z; a s w: 30 H O O;Z ' z 4 Cf \\ ; Z:l E- ,, , a 5: :as o \ Ec W F4a 71 m, H t1 ri Hd a ly p tt; Cy PI 1I tl4 r ; 0;:~>~ E4 !! H aPi :A., ! ;0O In w; uz c ;nz m x *< rt Ei :ca3: ; *W X a3 D:d ti \5 m a '" .. 0 3 co a gN fU r : Cz p:; ., · ,ft ',IrO 0 , 0 I W CVf a a f. P, ¢ tn d -I . . HP W t> 0 :2: z0 ,. m. P4 s '\( s - I g; S]4 C 0 ,,X.,. N, -3 z: b:N'~-t >P' · a.%C) Z rS!: H %D OX 34 W3 W > ',.xM W5;:CrW t- P ~ 0r1~i-Pc PI @ WW .:: * :o a :H En : w; LJ x ; za W Hq U N .o srA S t U3 a:n ' z - ^ 7 " -M H4 = U U_ 3 t0 ,n:; IC. ld #CP ft 4; PW oW~ aE Zt Pi W :; EA 5 P4W;~~~~~~ Z::Zi : M3 X U H X4 o H Pc a 0 El cz 0 H 1 X Z;W . Pr _>t E P sr v H r4 En X~~~~P Z ' -A- C 31 '~ - z1: _ :s v, 1C C e : O EP -::: 0 4pq Q 40 )PZ Z E-4 a P, i·~~~~~~~r% Ctic ~a: U U U 5 --· ^ , H+s> - - ! _~ a -w a; #¢ 5o U _t H ,¢ bl M 3 r( 13~c - l CI Sr; Y W rtl I C: a11 OI 11II 7 Ca cr V a 0 '< PJ 4d -68- CO o co O- ~0 00 t5~0 ,O 0O 0 0° O H - 1 t- t ,I1 11 Sl _ ,_' 1c;m ,, !. t:: _ _ _ x .. C4 oD cO It ! ;4 , Q O H 0L ,, ,- F r, Fa.. 7 Ix) t! a tl ~J:: t O . I:I " jl , 0 O c O H-! _ - 0 co 74+ , It 11 W Il 1:C) _' It ""- :; -' r O II I II I a t ~ L. O ,~ i! OD coao iI O , : 0 H _ m a ·* I l! . 11· co;. It -!,II i. _ b. IH-t W - - 1 ft _ P W I : 11 i I, "-- g r.! 0o co . ~ "" ~ ,x o . , IIt :1 U C- '- w f-- c 0co 1 t) -69- (r ;s, ao 0 O 1 H HmW U It *)- " 4 I w" 2;a~ca a a a *: :1 7; ,_1--S N O 54 ;5jc3 4 a0 !1 V 11 H ; Z CO3 .._D _C - r C H ct 1w p H ii 1 0 U 0 * 1ui 3 vc of X Ir ;m H~a.z-I tl0 rb CqC O; OC *-: -- > > M 4 " t1 O 11c 0 ~l >4 P4 W Q 3 a) 0x r" r t O 11ItH En w H co 0 O co Q0 co 0 -- . ED _P 3- gm O -CD * VA -cc 43 OD 0 Z; co 0 4 a C tm) u _g 1 O re XS I :t a o i(I z: H LF4 *- tDa~ , I V Q, t tyOa~y II 11 ~ z¢ >> #C 11 0t 11 C O C) 0 H 4 U H cm c 0o 0> >c 0 VL 0<: CC t03C _ H _r L < 11 1i4 11 ,9 t¢ H C t ,4 11 F1 III 4 H C t-4 t4 V c co t a:> -70- N LnA: co 0 * E I _ tU _ 1t K-4 HsP 4H C t 1 9: 1-c3 C3 b:; 7 FV * > 11 rH 03 >4 , : tsZ O . U CD N H EC -O W U r4 s % 0 < 0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -71- BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. G. Dantzig, All Shortest Routes in-a Graph, Operations Research House, Stanford University, Technical Report 66-3, Nov. 1966. 2. E. 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Spira, "A new algorithm for finding all shortest paths in a graph of positive arcs in average time o(n 2 1og2 n)", SIAM J. Comput., Vol. 2, No. 1, March 1973. 11. J. Yen, "On Hu's decomposition algorithm for shortest paths in a network", Opns. Res., Vol. 19, No. 3, pp. 983-985, 1971. 12. J. Yen, "Finding the lengths of all shortest ~aths in n-node nonnegative-distance complete networks using 1 n additions and n3 comparisons", J. Assoc. Comput. Mach., Vol. 19, No. 3, pp. 423424, July 1972. -72- Distribution List Defense Documentation Center Cameron Station Alexandria, Virginia 22314 12 copies Assistant Chief for Technology Office of Naval Research, Code 200 Arlington, Virginia 22217 1 copy Office of Naval Research Information Systems Program Code 437 Arlington, Virginia 22217 2 copies Office of Naval Research Code 1021P Arlington, Virginia 22217 6 copies Office of Naval Research Branch Office, Boston 495 Sumnmer Street Boston, Massachusetts 02210 1 copy Office of Naval Research Branch Office, Chicago 536 South Clark Street Chicago, Illinois 60605 1 copy Office of Naval Research Branch Office, Pasadena 1030 East Green Street Pasadena, California 91106 1 copy New York Area Office (ONR) 715 Broadway - 5th Floor New York, New York 10003 1 copy Naval Research Laboratory Technical Information Division, Code 2627 Washington, D.C. 20375 6 copies -73- Dr. A. L. Slafkosky Scientific Advisor Commandant of the Marine Corps (Code RD-1) Washington, D.C. 20380 1 copy Office of Naval Research Code 455 Arlington, Virginia 22217 1 copy Office of Naval Research Code 458 Arlington, Virginia 22217 1 copy Naval Electronics Laboratory Center Advanced Software Technology Division Code 5200 San Diego, California 92152 1 copy Mr. E. H. Gleissner Naval Ship Research & Development Center Computation and Mathematics Department Bethesda, Maryland 20084 1 copy Captain Grace M. Hopper NAICOM/MIS Planning Branch (OP-916D) Office of Chief of Naval Operations Washington, D.C. 20350 1 copy Mr. Kin B. Thompson Technical Director Information Systems Division (OP-91T) Office of Chief of Naval Operations Washington, D.C. 20350 1 copy Advanced Research Projects Agency Information Processing Techniques 1400 Wilson Boulevard Arlington, Virginia 22209 1 copy