Projections for Planning Purposes Only Not to be Used without Updating after January 1, 2011 B-1241 (C7) Table 1. Parameters ______________________________________________________________________________ Diesel Fuel (DI) Price . . . . . .($/gal): 2.49 Electricity (EL) Price . . . . . .($/kWh): 0.13 Gasoline (GA) Price. . . . . . . .($/gal): 2.60 LP Gas (LP) Price. . . . . . . . .($/gal): 2.64 Natural Gas (NG) Price . . . . . .($/Mcf): 0.00 Short-term Interest Rate . . . . . . .(%): 6.00 Intermediate-term Interest Rate. . . .(%): 6.75 Comment at End of Table Titles . . . . . : , West Central Texas D-7, 2011 Comment at End of Tables: Note: Cost of production estimates are based on 2010 input prices. ______________________________________________________________________________ Information presented is prepared solely as a general guide & not intended to recognize or predict the costs & returns from any one operation. These projections were collected & developed by TCE staff & approved for publication. Projections for Planning Purposes Only Not to be Used without Updating after January 1, 2011 B-1241 (C7) Table 2. Labor Inputs ______________________________________________________________________ RECORD NUM ITEM NAME UNIT PRICE COMMENT ______________________________________________________________________ 1 OPERATOR LABOR hour 10.91 2 IRRIGATE LABOR hour 8.19 4 HAND LABOR hour 8.19 6 HAND. & STOR. LABOR hour 8.19 7 RICE MGT. LABOR hour 8.19 ______________________________________________________________________ Information presented is prepared solely as a general guide & not intended to recognize or predict the costs & returns from any one operation. These projections were collected & developed by TCE staff & approved for publication. Projections for Planning Purposes Only Not to be Used without Updating after January 1, 2011 Table 3. Tractors/Harvesters _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ RECORD FUEL FUEL LAB LAB PUR R&M ANN SALV USE LEASE R&M ANN NUM ITEM NAME SIZE TYPE USE TYPE MULT PRICE RATE USE RATE LIFE AMOUNT RATE USE _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 46 Combine (250-299 hp) 275 hp DI 14.15 1 1 194693 25 300 30 8 39 Tractor( 60-89hp)RB MFWD 75 DI 3.8604 1 1 30000 15 600 40 10 42 Tractor( 90-119hp)CB 2WD 105 DI 5.4046 1 1 54137 15 600 40 8 18 Tractor(140-159hp)CB MFWD 150 DI 7.7209 1 1 102055 15 600 40 8 19 Tractor(160-179hp)CB MFWD 170 DI 8.7503 1 1 116823 15 600 35 8 21 Tractor(180-199hp)CB MFWD 190 DI 9.7798 1 1 118310 15 600 35 8 9 Tractor(200-249hp)CB MFWD 225 DI 11.5813 1 1 146615 15 600 35 8 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Information presented is prepared solely as a general guide & not intended to recognize or predict the costs & returns from any one operation. These projections were collected & developed by TCE staff & approved for publication. B-1241 (C7) Projections for Planning Purposes Only Not to be Used without Updating after January 1, 2011 Table 4. Self-Propelled Machines __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ RECORD HR/ AC/ FUEL FUEL LAB LAB ALAB ALAB PUR R&M ANN SALV USE LEASE R&M ANN NUM ITEM NAME SIZE AC HR WIDTH SPEED EFF TYPE USE TYPE MULT TYPE QUAN PRICE RATE USE RATE LIFE AMOUNT RATE USE __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 70 ATV - 4 Wheeler 20' Rope W 0.05288 18.91074 20.0 12.0 65 GA .5 1 1 4 .5 8679 25 100 35 8 92 Backhoe 2WD Cab 0.0 0.0 0 DI 1 1 65678 14 Cotton Picker-1st-BB 4R-38(255) 0.25778 3.87927 12.7 3.6 70 DI 13.125481 1 4 1 259280 25 200 30 8 55 Sprayer( 600-825Gal) 90' 200hp 0.01175 85.09091 90.0 12.0 65 DI 10.295 1 1 4 .5 187300 15 350 30 8 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Information presented is prepared solely as a general guide & not intended to recognize or predict the costs & returns from any one operation. These projections were collected & developed by TCE staff & approved for publication. B-1241 (C7) Projections for Planning Purposes Only Not to be Used without Updating after January 1, 2011 Table 5. Implements _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ RECORD HR/ AC/ ALAB ALAB PUR R&M ANN SALV USE NUM ITEM NAME SIZE Trac/Harv AC HR WIDTH SPEED EFF TYPE QUAN PRICE RATE USE RATE LIFE _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 693 Bale Fork Bale MFWD 75 0.050000 20 0.0 0.00 0 1000 5 90 80 20 475 Blade-Scraper 6'-7' 2WD 50 0.0 0.00 0 1149 190 200 15 20 229 Boll Buggy-1st pick 4R-38(255) MFWD 190 0.25778 3.87927 12.7 3.60 70 26045 50 200 35 10 408 Chisel Plow(Folding) 24' MFWD 190 0.07645 13.08073 24.0 5.25 85 25073 65 150 30 12 230 Chisel Plow(Folding) 42' MFWD 225 0.04402 22.71818 42.0 5.25 85 34465 65 150 30 12 694 Dry Fert Rig 20 ft MFWD 75 0.08684 11.51543 20.0 5.00 95 5000 15 600 40 20 98 Field Cult & Inc Fld 24' MFWD 170 0.06611 15.12727 24.0 6.50 80 4 .5 24679 25 100 30 10 400 Grain Drill & Pre 30' MFWD 225 0.06769 14.77273 30.0 6.25 65 4 1 51153 45 150 45 8 697 hay rake 12 ft MFWD 75 0.166666 6.0 0.0 0.00 0 4000 25 240 40 10 424 Header Wheat/Sorghum 22' Rigid 275 hp 0.11610 8.61333 22.0 3.80 85 19323 60 300 40 8 110 Heavy Disk 21' MFWD 170 0.09730 10.27727 21.0 4.75 85 23720 50 180 30 10 124 Module Builder-1st 4R-38(255) MFWD 190 0.25778 3.87927 12.7 3.60 70 4 1 35588 50 200 35 10 500 Module Builder-Strip 4R-38 MFWD 150 0.25778 3.87927 12.7 3.60 70 4 1 35588 50 200 35 10 696 mower/conditioner 16ft MFWD 75 0.17188 5.81818 16.0 4.00 75 5500 25 10000 10 343 Plant & Pre-Folding 8R-38 MFWD 170 0.08027 12.45833 25.3 6.25 65 4 1 43015 45 150 45 8 698 Round Baler 12-1500 MFWD 75 0.333333 3 0.0 0.00 0 17500 45 50 10 10 482 Stalk Shredder-Flail 20' MFWD 150 0.08250 12.12121 20.0 6.25 80 19813 175 200 30 10 690 Wht/Sor Grain Cart 700 bu MFWD 190 .02125 47.05882 0.0 0.00 0 23337 65 200 30 12 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Information presented is prepared solely as a general guide & not intended to recognize or predict the costs & returns from any one operation. These projections were collected & developed by TCE staff & approved for publication. B-1241 (C7) Projections for Planning Purposes Only Not to be Used without Updating after January 1, 2011 Table 6. Single Durable Inputs ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ RECORD FULL TRAN FUEL FUEL LABOR LABOR PUR SALV R&M USE NUM ITEM NAME UNIT UTIL FTN TYPE USE TYPE RATE PRICE RATE RATE LIFE COMMENT ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 30 31 46 4 Wheeler Miles 5000 .0667 GA 1.75 5000 10 40 5 Angora Billy AU 4.16 2105 300.00 20 4 Barn& Facility EA 1 8760 EL 1.05 65000.0 80.0 148.25 20 33 Beef Bull AU 25 350.4 3800 20 5 34 Cow Horse hd 1 8670 1200 0 8 28 Drip Irrigation syst ac in 12000 224 EL .1946 2 .0012 1100000 1 10 10 8 appl X 1.5ac in per appX 1000ac 35 Fence Mile 1 4000.00 52 175 50 36 Meat Goat Billy Hd 1 300 25 4 29 Pickup miles 30000 0.10204 DI 1.225 30000.00 25 24.225 37 Ram Hd 1 450 13 5 44 Ranch Ins & Taxes ea 1 30000.00 0 20 38 Saddle/Tack ea 1 2500.00 75 468 20 39 Stock Trailer ea 1 10000.00 30 122 20 40 welder&misc shop Eq. ea 1 5000.00 43 28.8510 41 windmill ea 1 12000.00 42 192.330 49 Working Dogs (2) EA 1 1000 0 5 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Information presented is prepared solely as a general guide & not intended to recognize or predict the costs & returns from any one operation. These projections were collected & developed by TCE staff & approved for publication. B-1241 (C7) Projections for Planning Purposes Only Not to be Used without Updating after January 1, 2011 B-1241 (C7) Table 7. Operation Names ______________________________ RECORD NUM ITEM NAME ______________________________ 21 22 39 37 35 40 38 36 41 4 32 30 20 9 5 14 55 19 59 56 23 17 25 27 11 1 33 29 31 28 6 2 8 34 13 46 7 47 12 26 18 15 3 49 58 10 1/2-mi Pivot Irr. 1/4-mi. Pivot Irr. 1st Aug Irrigation 1st July Irrigation 1st June Irrigation 2nd Aug Irrigation 2nd July Irrigation 2nd June Irrigation 3rd June Irrigation Apply Water Aug Irr. 3app@.75" August Irrigation Border Flood Irr. Build Inside Levees Build Outside Levee Butt Levees Castrate & Vaccinate Contour Flood Irr. Dock, Castr & Vac. Drenching Flood Irr. Gated Pipe Irr. Handling & Storage Incidental Pest Install Gates Irrigation System July Irr. 4app@.75" July Irrigation June Irr. 3app@.75" June Irrigation Lay Roll-out Pipe Maintenance Mark Levees May Irrigation Move Gated Pipe No-Till Spray Pick Up Pipe Ranch Overhead Remove Gates Rice Management Roll-Out Pipe Irr. Seed Levees Set Up Engine Spplmnt for Kid/Lamb Tag Ewes Tear Down Levees Information presented is prepared solely as a general guide & not intended to recognize or predict the costs & returns from any one operation. These projections were collected & developed by TCE staff & approved for publication. Projections for Planning Purposes Only Not to be Used without Updating after January 1, 2011 B-1241 (C7) 48 Work Bulls- Spring 54 Work Bulls-Fall 52 Work Calves-Fall 51 Work Calves-Spring 53 Work Cows-Fall 50 Work Cows-Spring ______________________________ Information presented is prepared solely as a general guide & not intended to recognize or predict the costs & returns from any one operation. These projections were collected & developed by TCE staff & approved for publication. Projections for Planning Purposes Only Not to be Used without Updating after January 1, 2011 B-1241 (C7) Table 8. Operating Input Categories _____________________________________ RECORD NUM ITEM NAME _____________________________________ 13 ADJUVANTS 18 CLEANING 34 Cowboy Day Labor 25 CROP CONSULTANT 20 CROP INSURANCE 14 CUSTOM FERTILIZE 28 Custom Harvest 24 CUSTOM LIME 16 CUSTOM PLANT 1 CUSTOM SPRAY 15 CUSTOM TILLAGE 19 DRYING 22 ERADICATION FEE 33 Farm & Ranch Supply 4 FERTILIZERS 5 FUNGICIDES 3 GINNING 11 GROWTH REGULATORS 2 HARVEST AIDS 17 HAULING 30 Health Management 6 HERBICIDES 26 INOCULANT 23 INSECT SCOUTING 7 INSECTICIDES 8 IRRIGATION SUPPLIES 32 Marketing/Per Hd Exp 37 Predator Control 31 Purchased Feed 29 Salt and Minerals 9 SEED/PLANTS 21 SURVEY & MARK LEVEES 10 TECHNOLOGY FEE 35 Vet. Medicine _____________________________________ Information presented is prepared solely as a general guide & not intended to recognize or predict the costs & returns from any one operation. These projections were collected & developed by TCE staff & approved for publication. Projections for Planning Purposes Only Not to be Used without Updating after January 1, 2011 Table 9. Operating Inputs ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ RECORD COST NUM ITEM NAME UNIT PRICE YIELD? COMMENT ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ADJUVANTS 504 Crop Oil Conc.(Veg.) 520 Drift/Defoamer 521 Spreader Sticker 160 Surfactant CLEANING 555 Cleaning Peanuts Cowboy Day Labor 734 Day labor CROP INSURANCE 764 NAP 748 PRF 716 Rev. Protect - Milo 703 Rev. Protect-Cotton 712 Rev. Protect. -Wheat CUSTOM FERTILIZE 7 App Fert by Air 8 App Fert by Air(Min) 110 Crop Oil Conc.(Pet.) 379 Custom Apply Fert Custom Harvest 713 Custom Combine 708 Custom Strip 714 Grain Hauling 755 Shear - Sheep 757 Shear Goat 754 Shear-Tag Sheep 762 Swath, Rake & Bale 719 Swath, Rake & Sm Bal 721 Wheat Comb. -overage CUSTOM LIME 50 Lime (Spread) CUSTOM PLANT 641 Custom Plant 639 Custom Plant Air CUSTOM SPRAY 4 App by Air 2 App by Air ( 2 gal) 3 App by Air ( 3 gal) 5 App by Air (10 gal) 468 Custom Spray DRYING 16 Dry Corn 17 Dry Grain Sorghum 556 Dry Peanuts 18 Dry Rice ERADICATION FEE 331 Eradication Delta 704 Eradication Fee 693 Eradication NonDelta 450 Eradication Zone 1 446 Eradication Zone 1A 447 Eradication Zone 1B 432 Eradication Zone 2 322 Eradication Zone 3 324 Eradication Zone 4 Farm & Ranch Supply 733 Ranch Supplies FERTILIZERS 709 11-52-0 701 17-17-0-5 759 17-4-9 pt pt pt pt 2.51 5.86 2.80 1.68 N N N N ton 18.00 Y Day 150.00 ac ac Ac ac ac 2.00 0.85 12.30 13.50 8.00 cwt appl pt acre 7.00 7.00 1.05 5.00 Ac lb bu hd hd Hd bale bale bu 22.00 0.09 0.18 3.00 3.00 1.50 22.00 1.25 0.20 ton 38.00 N acre cwt 8.00 7.00 N N appl appl appl appl acre 6.00 4.00 5.00 8.00 7.00 N N N N N 0.19 0.25 24.00 0.40 Y Y Y Y bu cwt ton bu acre ac acre acre acre acre acre acre acre 4.00 6.00 6.25 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 6.50 6.00 Ea 15.00 lb lb lb 0.31 0.18 0.17 N N N N N petroleum based Large Round Bale less than 1500 lbs Y Zone 1&2 N average zones 3 & 4 Tunica,Quitman,Tallahat.,Sunflow,Leflore Coahoma,Bolivar,Washington Information presented is prepared solely as a general guide & not intended to recognize or predict the costs & returns from any one operation. These projections were collected & developed by TCE staff & approved for publication. B-1241 (C7) Projections for Planning Purposes Only Not to be Used without Updating after January 1, 2011 35 Amm Nitrate (34% N) 384 Amm Sulfate (21% N) 37 Anhy Ammonia (82% 38 Boron 15% 523 Boron Plus 39 DAP 238 Fert 10-34-0 517 Fert 11-37-0 382 Fert 41-0-0-4 711 N-32 Liquid 54 Phosphorus(46% P2O5) 55 Potash (60% K2O) 56 Sulfur 90% 526 Sulfur Plus 57 UAN (32% N) 60 Urea, Solid (46% N) 383 Zinc Sulfate 31% FUNGICIDES 552 Abound 642 Absolute 500SC 643 Allegiance Flowable 487 Apron Maxx RTA 644 Apron Maxx RTA+Moly 486 Apron XL 321 Apron XL LS 696 Artisan 694 Bravo Ultrex 553 Bravo Weather Stick 63 Captan 50 WP 697 Convoy 630 Cotton Seed Trt. 65 Dithane F-45 59 Dithane Rainshield 532 Folicur 3.6 66 Fungicide 453 Gem 25 WG 531 Headline 530 Headline SBR Copak 67 Manzate 75 DF 422 Manzate Flowable 454 Moncut 70 DF 69 Prevail 695 Provost 329 Quadris 645 Quadris Ridomil Gold 563 Quilt 70 Ridomil Gold PC GR 316 Rovral 4F 488 Stiletto 452 Stratego 74 Terrachlor 2EC 435 Terrachlor Flowable 72 Terraclor Super X EC 73 Terraclor Super X G 76 Tilt 3.6 EC 698 Tilt/ Bravo SE 599 Uniform 51 Vitavax 200 53 Vitavax RTU-Thiram 328 Vitavax T-L GINNING 717 bag and tie 20 Gin & Haul GROWTH REGULATORS 309 Early Harvest PGR 311 Mepex 515 Mepex Gin Out 483 Mepichlor 4.2% Liq cwt cwt cwt lb pt cwt cwt cwt cwt lb cwt cwt lb pt cwt cwt lb 28.00 22.00 42.00 0.40 3.87 48.00 52.00 56.00 20.00 0.17 46.00 44.00 0.20 1.24 24.00 27.00 0.60 N N N N N N N N October price October price pt PT pt oz pt oz oz oz lb pt lb oz acre qt lb oz lb oz oz oz lb pt lb lb oz oz oz pt lb pt oz pt pt pt pt lb oz oz oz oz oz oz 35.63 31.91 50.42 0.85 13.24 8.13 6.37 0.76 6.34 6.25 3.61 0.31 20.00 3.63 2.28 2.33 2.67 3.52 2.08 1.78 2.65 1.90 24.85 28.06 2.00 2.61 8.92 16.86 2.05 17.06 0.57 19.49 2.02 4.74 3.95 2.67 2.33 0.38 2.99 0.49 0.33 0.29 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 2.08 lbs/gal peanut bale cwt 5.00 2.50 Y oz oz oz oz 1.46 0.19 0.29 0.19 N N N N N N N N N N N October price October price Sept-Oct price 2007 price October price price liquid October price liquid price October price October price 3 lbs/gal 6 bls/gal 50% 4 lbs/gal 75% 3.6 lbs/gal terrachlor super x G 25% 2.09 lbs/gal 75% 4 lbs/gal 70% Apron-Terrachlor 2.08 lbs/gal 10% 4 lbs/gal liquid foliar fert 28-0-0 2 lbs/gal 2007 price 4 lb/gal 2 + .5 18.8 G 3.6 lbs/gal mix 2 lbs/gal 2007 price .35 lb/gal .35 lb/gal .35 lb/gal Information presented is prepared solely as a general guide & not intended to recognize or predict the costs & returns from any one operation. These projections were collected & developed by TCE staff & approved for publication. B-1241 (C7) Projections for Planning Purposes Only Not to be Used without Updating after January 1, 2011 535 Mepiquat Chloride 539 Mepiquat Extra 601 Pentia 234 PGR IV 516 PGR Plus 235 Pix Plus 436 Pix Ultra 602 Stance 600 SuperBoll HARVEST AIDS 148 Accelerate 604 Aim 2EC 26 Ammonium Sulfate 646 Boll Buster 326 CottonQuik 27 Def 6 495 Def/Folex 578 Defol 3 613 Defol 5 614 Defol 6 647 Defol 750 28 Dropp 50 WP 449 Dropp SC 608 ET 475 Ethephon 6E 327 Finish 6 603 First Pick 29 Folex 6EC 616 Freefall SC 476 Ginstar EC 577 Gramoxone Inteon 30 Gramoxone Max 31 Harvade 5F 477 Leafless 648 MFX Cotton Har. Aid 32 Prep 579 Shed-a-leaf 33 Sodium Chlorate 3L 508 Sodium Chlorate 5L 318 Solium Chlorate 6L 615 TDZ SC 649 Thidazuron 50 WSB 536 Thidiazuron 4lb 617 Thidiazuron 4SC 537 Tribufos 6lb HAULING 217 Haul Corn 218 Haul Cotton 624 Haul Peanuts 219 Haul Rice 220 Haul Sorghum 221 Haul Soybeans 222 Haul Wheat 720 Hay Hauling Health Management 726 Bull Exam 763 cylence- fly&lice 727 Fly Control 728 Implants 751 Lice Control HERBICIDES 172 2,4-D Amine 4 308 2,4-D LV 4Ester 650 2,4-D Weedar 64 78 AAtrex 4L 395 AAtrex NINE-O 396 Accent Gold 79 Accent SP B-1241 (C7) oz oz pt oz oz oz oz pt pt 0.07 0.11 6.93 1.56 5.48 0.28 0.39 16.64 3.54 N N N N N N N N N Mepiquat Extra .35 lb/gal .35 lb/gal .82 lb/gal mix mix .35lb/gal .35 lb/gal mix mepiquat/cyclanilide pt oz lb pt pt pt pt gal gal gal pt lb oz pt pt pt pt pt oz oz oz pt oz pt pt pt gal gal gal gal oz oz oz oz pt 2.59 5.31 0.20 2.68 3.12 6.75 6.91 3.04 4.24 5.20 0.94 45.45 2.37 43.31 4.35 7.61 3.07 7.06 33.78 1.44 0.21 4.97 0.60 18.56 3.64 2.56 3.00 3.04 4.24 5.20 2.94 2.08 2.37 2.79 7.15 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N .52 lbs/gal bu lb ton bu bu bu bu bale 0.20 0.02 14.50 0.22 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.85 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Hd cc hd Hd ml 40.00 0.39 3.65 1.52 0.08 pt pt pt pt lb oz oz 1.87 1.87 2.04 1.94 3.42 6.30 31.94 N N N N N N N 21-0-0-24 mix 6 lbs/gal average price of Folex 6EC and Def 6 3 lb sodium chlorate 5 lb sodium chlorate 6 lb sodium chlorate 50% phasing out 4 lbs/gal .208 lb/gal 6 lbs/gal mix 6 lbs/gal Thidiazuron 4 lbs/gal 1.5 lbs/gal Thidiazuron/Diuron 2 lbs/gal 3 lbs/gal 5 lbs/gal 4 lbs/gal 6 lbs/gal 2006 price 3 lb sodium chlorate Defol 3 Defol 5 Defol 6 Thidiazuron 4 lbs/gal Dropp SC 4 lbs/gal 4 lbs/gal avg folex6ec/def6ec 6 lbs/gal 4 lbs/gal 4 lbs/gal 4 lbs/gal 90% 83.8% WSP 75% Information presented is prepared solely as a general guide & not intended to recognize or predict the costs & returns from any one operation. These projections were collected & developed by TCE staff & approved for publication. Projections for Planning Purposes Only Not to be Used without Updating after January 1, 2011 676 399 398 710 80 609 81 82 278 357 400 83 84 335 85 492 282 401 91 403 592 651 283 284 285 174 175 652 597 439 560 99 101 680 405 359 102 510 561 103 104 106 470 511 108 109 280 505 112 287 289 288 541 412 113 290 114 413 509 653 291 440 343 115 654 337 295 296 Acramite-4SC Aim 2EC Aim DF Ally Arrosolo Arrow 2EC Assure II Atrazine 4L Atrazine 90DF Axiom 68DF Backdraft SL Banvel Basagran Basis Gold Beacon 75% WSP Beyond Bicep II Magnum Blazer Ultra Bolero 8EC Boundary 7.5 Buccaneer Plus Buctril 2EC Buctril 4EC Butoxone 175(2,4-DB) Butoxone 200(2,4-DB) Butyrac 175 (2,4-DB) Butyrac 200 (2,4-DB) Cadre Callisto 4SC Canopy 75% Canopy EX Canopy XL Caparol 4L Carbaryl 4L Celebrity Plus Clarity Classic Clearpath Clincher SF Cobra 2EC Command 3ME Conclude XACT Cornerstone Cornerstone Plus Cotoran 4L Cotoran DF Cotton Pro Credit Extra Direx 4L Direx 80 DF Diuron 4L Diuron 80 DF Diuron 80% Domain DSMA 4 Dual II Magnum Dual Magnum Duet Envoke Equip Evik DF 80W Exceed Expert Facet 75DF Finesse First Rate Flexstar HL FloMet 4L oz oz oz oz qt pt oz pt lb lb pt pt pt lb oz oz qt pt pt pt pt pt pt pt pt pt pt oz oz oz oz oz pt pt lb pt oz lb oz oz pt pt pt pt pt lb pt pt pt lb pt lb lb lb pt pt pt pt oz oz lb oz pt lb oz oz pt pt 1.37 6.06 9.65 13.00 7.88 15.06 1.12 2.25 3.11 22.86 2.40 8.85 10.75 18.87 27.74 4.25 9.46 7.81 4.83 8.69 4.09 8.63 15.37 2.70 3.89 2.71 4.24 5.16 4.61 2.89 6.00 2.23 4.04 3.58 87.24 10.87 14.07 55.03 1.74 1.33 12.93 11.32 3.63 3.69 5.03 9.00 3.36 3.91 2.73 7.37 2.36 4.64 4.64 12.75 0.90 13.47 12.74 3.61 78.53 10.65 6.99 10.71 4.06 52.09 16.17 27.86 13.63 5.05 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 2 lbs/gal molinate + propanil 3.3 2 lbs/gal .88 lbs/gal 4 lbs/gal 90% 68% 1.5 lbs/gal 4 lbs/gal 4 lbs/gal 2007 pricemix 89.46% 75% WSP 1 lb/gal mix 2 lb/gal 8 lbs/gal mix 4 lbs/gal 4 lbs/gal 2007 price 1.75 lbs/gal 2 lbs/gal 1.75 lb/gal 2 lbs/gal 4 lbs/gal 75% 29.5% 56.3% lexone + chlorimuron 4 lbs/gal mix 75.3% 4 lbs/gal 25% DG 75% 2.38 lbs/gal 2 lbs/gal 3 lbs/gal mix 4 lbs/gal 4 lbs/gal 4 lbs/gal 80% 4 lbs/gal 4 lbs/gal 4 lbs/gal 80% 4 lbs/gal 80% Diuron 80DF price 2007 price 60% 4 lbs/gal 7.64 lbs/gal 7.62 lbs/gal 60% 75% 80% WP mix 75% DF 84% WSP 1.88 lbs/gal 4 lbs/gal Information presented is prepared solely as a general guide & not intended to recognize or predict the costs & returns from any one operation. These projections were collected & developed by TCE staff & approved for publication. B-1241 (C7) Projections for Planning Purposes Only Not to be Used without Updating after January 1, 2011 655 534 292 362 118 255 340 506 433 638 700 471 119 576 416 121 417 122 656 657 658 125 659 660 661 610 126 127 128 494 598 419 336 420 130 131 612 423 132 456 662 133 134 550 478 606 663 472 365 138 139 760 611 664 528 143 605 665 144 425 345 342 145 457 146 352 666 458 Flomet DF Fluometuron 4lb Frontier 6.0 Fultime Fusilade DX Fusion Glyfos Glyfos Xtra Glyphosate 3lbs a.e Glyphosate 3lbs a.e. Glyphosate, Generic Glystar Plus Goal 2XL Gramoxone Inteon Gramoxone Max Grandstand R Guardsman Max Harmony Extra XP Harmony GT Harness Harness XTRA Hoelon 3EC Honcho Honcho Plus Hornet WDG Ignite 280 Karmex DF Lariat Lasso 4EC Layby Pro Lexar Liberty Lightning Linex 4L Londax 60DF Lorox 50DF Me-Too-Lachlor MSMA 6.6 MSMA6 Plus Newpath 2SL Option Ordram 15-GM Ordram 8-E Osprey Outlook Parrlay Peak Accu Pak Pendimax 3.3 Permit 75 DF Poast 1.53 Poast Plus Pre/Post emer - berm Prefix Prometryne Propimax EC Prowl 3.3 EC Prowl H20 Pursuit 2S Pursuit DG Pursuit Plus EC Python WDG Raptor Reflex 2LC Regiment 80WP Remedy Resource .86EC Riceshot Ricestar lb pt oz pt oz pt pt pt pt oz oz pt pt oz pt qt pt oz oz pt pt pt pt pt lb pt lb qt qt qt pt pt oz pt oz lb pt pt pt oz oz lb pt oz pt pt oz pt oz pt pt acre pt pt pt pt pt oz oz pt oz oz pt oz pt pt pt pt 6.65 5.04 0.63 3.91 1.34 20.12 3.77 3.91 4.00 0.25 0.08 3.91 10.31 0.23 4.97 22.59 5.74 14.65 19.98 11.84 6.99 10.42 2.78 3.82 55.02 6.57 4.20 5.67 6.60 9.16 5.17 8.89 12.69 7.53 12.70 16.56 6.74 2.18 1.99 3.72 9.68 1.44 7.75 3.42 18.27 0.00 12.54 3.08 18.07 8.90 6.63 6.75 5.56 3.76 33.97 3.31 4.37 4.08 11.59 6.31 10.24 4.23 13.34 32.49 12.56 22.60 2.81 18.13 N N N N N N N N N N avg cotoran/flomet price 6 lbs/gal mix 4 lbs/gal 2 lb/gal mix 2.56 lbs/gal 4 lbs/gal 4 lbs/gal average credit Xtra,bucaneer plus average credit Xtra, bucaneer plus N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 4 lbs/gal 2 lbs/gal 2 lb/gal 3 lbs/gal 3 lb/gal 5 lbs/gal <atrazine mix N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N mix 3 lbs/gal 2.34 lb/gal 80% lasso + atrazine 2007 price 4 lbs/gal mix 4 lbs/gal mix 3.7 lbs/gal 1.67 lbs/gal mix imi corn 4 lbs/gal 60% 50% 8 lbs/gal 6.6 lbs/gal 6 lbs/gal 2 lbs/gal 15% 8 lbs/gal 4.5% 6 lbs/gal 6 lbs/gal 3.3 lbs/gal 75% 1.53 lbs/gal 1 lb/gal 41.8% 3.3 lbs/gal 3.8 lbs/gal 70% WSP 2.9 lbs/gal 80% 1 lb/gal soybean only 2 lbs/gal 80% 4 lbs/gal .86 lb/gal Information presented is prepared solely as a general guide & not intended to recognize or predict the costs & returns from any one operation. These projections were collected & developed by TCE staff & approved for publication. B-1241 (C7) Projections for Planning Purposes Only Not to be Used without Updating after January 1, 2011 564 Ricestar HT 620 Rifel 503 Roundup Original Max 635 Roundup Original Max 633 Roundup Power Max 636 Roundup PowerMax 448 Roundup WeatherMax 637 Roundup WeatherMax 151 Scepter 70 DG 153 Select 2EC 667 Select Max 155 Sencor 4F 154 Sencor DF 594 Sequence 668 Simazine 4L 607 Stalwart 158 Stam 80 EDF 575 Stam M4 300 Staple 565 Staple LX 479 Steadfast 159 Storm 669 Strada WG 341 Strongarm 368 Superwham 493 Suprend 162 Surpass EC 595 Synchrony XP 618 Touchdown HiTech 339 Touchdown Total 163 Treflan HFP 429 Treflan TR-10 303 Trifluralin 4EC 670 Ultra Blazer 459 Valor SX 671 Valor XLT 672 Weedar 64 673 Weedone 638 674 Weedone LV4 675 Weedone LV6 170 Whip 360 171 Zorial Rapid 80DF INOCULANT 622 Nitragin S 543 Optimizer LIFT 699 Vault INSECT SCOUTING 21 Insect Scouting INSECTICIDES 540 Acephate 90% 466 Acephate 90SP 631 Aeris 677 Ambush 2E 177 Ammo 2.5 EC 178 Asana .66 XL 369 Aztec 2.1% G 179 Baythroid 2 628 Baythroid XL 180 Bidrin 8WM 678 Bidrin XL 679 Bifenture 2EC 588 Brigade EC 589 Brigade WSB 182 Capture 2EC 590 Carbine 681 Carbine 50WG 481 Centric 40WG 567 Comite ll pt pt oz pt oz pt oz pt oz oz pt pt lb pt pt pt lb qt oz oz oz pt oz oz qt lb qt oz qt qt pt lb pt pt oz oz pt pt pt pt pt lb 18.62 7.35 0.41 6.56 0.43 6.88 0.50 8.00 3.18 1.34 15.00 10.30 16.01 5.91 2.39 6.54 5.32 5.90 16.01 6.93 24.13 10.00 5.32 41.55 6.68 10.48 19.27 6.86 12.36 13.44 3.33 0.77 2.28 8.46 4.31 3.13 1.86 3.22 2.15 3.00 24.12 15.06 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N .58 lb/gal 4 lbs/gal 4.5lbs a.e./gal 4.5lbs a.e. 4.5lbs a.e. 4.5lbs a.e. 4.5lb a.e. 5.5 lbs salt/gal 4.5lbs a.e. 70% Eco Pak 2 lbs/gal oz oz oz 0.27 0.56 1.42 N N N 16.5 oz/5 bu pkg peanuts acre 7.00 N 7.97 7.51 6.64 13.13 0.72 0.72 0.00 2.36 2.22 0.86 1.91 20.63 19.04 20.32 1.45 4.11 4.11 4.45 7.88 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N lb lb oz oz oz oz lb oz oz oz oz pt pt lb oz oz oz oz pt 4 lbs/gal 75% dual/touchdown 8 lbs/gal 80% 4 lbs/gal 85%WSP 3.2 lbs/gal 75% basagran + blazer 84% 80% 6.4 lb/gal 28.4% 5 lb/gal 5 lbs/gal 4 lbs/gal 10% 4 lbs/gal 51% .67 lb/gal 80% average orthene 90s and acephate 90s 90% 2.5 lbs/gal .66 lbs/gal 2.1% 2 lbs/gal 8 lbs/gal 2 lbs/gal 10% 2 lbs/gal 50% 40% 6 lbs/gal Information presented is prepared solely as a general guide & not intended to recognize or predict the costs & returns from any one operation. These projections were collected & developed by TCE staff & approved for publication. B-1241 (C7) Projections for Planning Purposes Only Not to be Used without Updating after January 1, 2011 249 186 407 581 582 682 187 252 346 596 410 190 191 583 254 188 411 189 584 683 684 333 193 414 629 685 538 418 474 197 686 687 198 263 199 371 200 201 569 421 334 202 203 460 688 205 136 554 424 585 271 689 275 210 484 533 212 213 214 215 690 169 485 691 216 431 692 586 Confirm 2F Counter 15G Counter CR Couraze 1.6F Couraze 2F Cruiser 5FS Curacron 8E Decis 1.5EC Declare Delta Gold Denim 0.16 EC Di-Syston 15G Di-Syston 8 Diamond .83EC Dimethoate 4E Dimilin 2L Dipel DF Dipel ES Discipline 2 EC Endigo ZC Fanfare 2EC Force 3G Furadan 4F Gaucho 480 Gaucho 600 Hero Incidental Pest Trt Intrepid 2F Intruder 70WSP Karate Z Kelthane MF 4EC Knack Lannate LV Lannate SP Larvin 3.2 Leverage 2.7 Lorsban 15G Lorsban 4E Malathion 5E Malathion 8E Malathion ULV Methyl Parathion Monitor 4 Mustang Max Oberon 4 SC Orthene 90S Penncap-M Phorate Pounce 25WP Prolex Provado 1.6F Sevin 4F Sevin 80S Sevin XLR Plus Steward Temik 15G Grit Temik 15G Gypsum Thimet 20-G Lock N L Thionex 3 EC Thionex 50W Tombstone 2E Tracer 4SC Trimax Trimax Pro Vydate C-LV Warrior Z Zeal Zephyr oz lb lb pt pt oz pt oz pt pt pt lb pt pt pt oz lb pt oz pt oz lb pt oz oz pt acre oz oz oz pt pt pt oz oz oz lb pt pt pt pt pt pt oz pt lb pt lb lb oz oz pt lb qt pt lb lb lb pt lb pt oz oz oz oz oz oz oz 1.49 2.51 2.65 26.39 33.33 0.00 9.62 2.84 4.21 34.38 26.51 2.81 13.89 16.34 4.73 1.83 10.40 4.26 1.90 30.11 1.57 4.67 9.52 8.56 6.25 22.97 12.00 1.97 8.50 3.09 5.25 86.07 7.67 24.27 0.51 2.69 1.58 4.45 3.24 4.25 4.93 4.23 14.97 1.61 70.71 8.42 3.55 2.83 10.94 2.94 2.65 3.88 6.13 9.44 25.11 3.49 3.60 2.75 3.60 8.35 40.04 6.58 4.13 4.08 0.60 1.88 19.29 4.37 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 2 lbs/gal 15% 1.6 lbs/gal 2 lbs/gal 8 lbs/gal 2007 price1.5 lbs/gal 4 lbs/gal methyl para 1.5 lbs/gal .16 lb/gal 15% 8 lbs/gal .83 lb/gal 4 lbs/gal 2 lbs/gal biological biological 2 lbs/gal 3% 4 lbs/gal 2 lbs/gal 70% 2.08 lb/gal 2.4 lbs/gal 90% 3.2 lbs/gal 2.7 lbs/gal 15% 4 lbs/gal 5 lb/gal 8 lb/gal 2007 price 9.79 lbs/gal 4 lbs/gal 4 lbs/gal .8 lb/gal 90% 2 lbs/gal 20% 25% 1.25 lbs/gal 1.6 lbs/gal 80% 4 lbs/gal 1.25 lbs/gal 15% 15% 20% 3 lbs/gal 50% 4 lbs/gal 4.44 lbs/gal 3.77 lbs/gal 1 lb/gal .15 lb/gal Information presented is prepared solely as a general guide & not intended to recognize or predict the costs & returns from any one operation. These projections were collected & developed by TCE staff & approved for publication. B-1241 (C7) Projections for Planning Purposes Only Not to be Used without Updating after January 1, 2011 IRRIGATION SUPPLIES 231 Roll-Out Pipe Marketing/Per Hd Exp 729 Check-Off - Beef 753 S&G Yardage 752 Sales Comm S&G 732 Sales Comm. - Beef 730 Sales Comm. - Bull 731 Sales Comm. - Cow Predator Control 744 Cattle Predators 743 Goat Predators 742 Sheep Predators Purchased Feed 724 20% Range Cubes 746 Cottonseed S&G 723 Hay 741 S&G Corn Salt and Minerals 725 Mineral 747 Salt SEED/PLANTS 387 Corn Seed Bt 394 Corn Seed BtRR 224 Corn Seed Conv. 386 Corn Seed RR 580 Cotton Seed BGllRRF 375 Cotton Seed BGRR 626 Cotton Seed BGRRF 225 Cotton Seed Conv. 496 Cotton Seed Liberty 272 Cotton Seed RR 574 Cotton Seed RRF 715 Grain Sorghum Seed 718 Oat Seed 558 Peanut Seed 461 Rice Clearfield 161 462 Rice Clearfield Hyb 356 Rice Seed (Levees) 497 Rice Seed CF(Levees) 621 Rice Seed CFH(Levee) 227 Rice Seed Conv. 761 Safflower seed 226 Sorghum Concept 529 Sorghum Hybrid Sudax 320 Soybean Seed RR 522 Soybean Seed Stack 279 Wheat Seed certified SURVEY & MARK LEVEES 25 Survey & Mark Levees 491 Survey & Mark Levees TECHNOLOGY FEE 391 BG Cot Tech Fee 501 BG II/RR Tech Fee 570 BG ll/RRF Tech Fee 571 BG ll/RRF Tech Fee 350 BG/RR Cot Tech Fee 392 BG/RR Cot Tech Fee 349 RR Cotton Tech Fee 393 RR Cotton Tech Fee 572 RRF Cotton Tech Fee 573 RRF Cotton Tech Fee Vet. Medicine 738 8-Way Clostridial 750 Deworm S&G Ivomec 740 Dewormer-Albendazole 737 Dewormer-Ivermectin 735 IBR/PI-3/BVD/BRSV ft 0.20 Hd Hd hd Hd Hd Hd 1.00 0.65 3.30 25.00 36.00 19.80 AU AU AU 3.83 21.17 10.52 Cwt lb Ton lb N 14.70 0.17 165.00 0.09 lb lb 0.39 0.12 thous thous thous thous thous thous thous thous thous thous thous lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb 0.00 2.42 0.00 2.25 1.37 0.48 0.51 0.00 0.62 0.48 0.50 1.64 0.18 0.86 0.63 3.10 0.32 0.63 3.10 0.32 0.65 1.59 0.60 0.74 0.72 0.22 N N N N N N N N N N N acre acre 4.00 3.50 N N 19.50 56.00 1.38 64.00 1.05 49.00 0.62 29.00 0.86 40.00 N N N N N N N N N N cap/ac cap/ac thous cap/ac thous cap/ac thous cap/ac thous cap/ac Dose ml Hose Dose dose 15", 10 mil 0.56 0.05 4.20 0.38 1.47 12% N N N N N N N Y N N N N N Bollgard/Roundup Flex Bollgard/Roundup 2007 price clearfield hybrid 2007 price Bollgard Bollgard II Roundup Ready Bollgard II Roundup Ready Flex Bollgard II Roundup Ready Flex Bollgard/Roundup Readu Bollgard/Roundup Ready Roudup Ready Roundup Ready Roundup Ready Flex Roundup Ready Flex 10 ml per dose Information presented is prepared solely as a general guide & not intended to recognize or predict the costs & returns from any one operation. These projections were collected & developed by TCE staff & approved for publication. B-1241 (C7) Projections for Planning Purposes Only Not to be Used without Updating after January 1, 2011 756 Overeat/Tetnus ml 0.13 739 Pasturella+8-way Clo Dose 3.21 758 Shp&Gts C/D&T ml 0.13 749 Soremouth Vac. dose 0.14 736 Vibrio & Lepto Dose 0.60 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Information presented is prepared solely as a general guide & not intended to recognize or predict the costs & returns from any one operation. These projections were collected & developed by TCE staff & approved for publication. B-1241 (C7) Projections for Planning Purposes Only Not to be Used without Updating after January 1, 2011 B-1241 (C7) Table 10. Residual Items ______________________________________________________________________________ % OF % OF RECORD CALC DOLLARS % OF DIRECT TOTAL NUM ITEM NAME NUM PER ACRE INCOME EXPENSES EXPENSES ______________________________________________________________________________ 4 West Central Pasture 1 70.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2 West Texas Dryland 1 20.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 West Texas Irrigated 1 50.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ______________________________________________________________________________ Information presented is prepared solely as a general guide & not intended to recognize or predict the costs & returns from any one operation. These projections were collected & developed by TCE staff & approved for publication. Projections for Planning Purposes Only Not to be Used without Updating after January 1, 2011 Table 11. Products __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ RECORD -------------------------PRICES--------------------------NUM ITEM NAME UNIT BUDGET HIGH CONTRACT FUTURES AVERAGE LOAN LOW COMMENT __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 26 Angora Kids hd 63.75 42.5 lbs @1.50/lb 28 Coastal Bermuda bale 55 2 Cotton Lint lb .82 .82 .82 .82 2008 prices 3 Cotton Seed lb .115 19 Cull Bull @$60 Hd 1080.00 18 Cull Cow @$55 Hd 495.00 27 Cull Doe - Angora Hd 45.00 90 lbs @ $0.50 21 Cull Does Hd 66.95 103 lbs @ $.65 25 Cull Ewe, Hd 84.94 137 lbs at $0.62 4 Grain Sorghum cwt 6.6 6.6 2.01 17 Heifer, 525 lbs Hd 609.00 525 lbs @ $1.16 24 Lambs, 75 lbs @1.40 Hd 105.00 20 Meat Goat Kids Hd 93.48 57 lbs @ $1.64 23 Mohair, blend-Grease lb 4.87 15 Oat Hay ton 125 29 Safflower LB .16 14 Small Grains Pasture Lb/G .45 16 Steer, 550@1.22 hd 671.00 7 Wheat bu 4.35 4.35 2.41 22 Wool, 20.6-22.0 mic lb 3.27 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Information presented is prepared solely as a general guide & not intended to recognize or predict the costs & returns from any one operation. These projections were collected & developed by TCE staff & approved for publication. B-1241 (C7)