LOAD FOLLOWING OPERATION OF A PRESSURIZED WATER NUCLEAR POWER PLANT by GILBERTO GOMES DE ADRADE B.S. in Chemical Engineering at Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais 1968 M.S. in Nuclear Engineering at Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro 1973 SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF NUCLEAR ENGINEER at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY January 1978 Signature redacted Signature of the Author Departm " ,,--N 4 ;'.- - t of' Nucj~ajEngineering "-anuary 19, 1978 Signature redacted Certified by L..-' hesis Supervi4r Signature redacted Certified by Thesis Readek' Accepted by Signature redacted Archives JuN 9 1978 . Chairman, Department/ Committee on Graduate Students 2 ABSTRACT LOAD FOLLOWING OPERATION OF PRESSURIZED WATER NUCLEAR REACTORS by GILBERTO GOMES DE ANDRADE Submitted to the Department of Nuclear Engineering on January 19, 1978 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Nuclear Engineer After considerations about the reasons that can lead pressurized water nuclear reactors to a more flexible scheme than the usual base-load operation, this thesis identifies three areas of concern if PWRs are to be used for load-following: fuel element restrictions due pellet-clad interactions; core reactivity control limitations due difficulties with the use of part-length control rods; and wet-steam high pressure turbine restrictions due fatigue life of the equipment. Ramp rates for each one of the three areas selected and overall ramp rates for the plant are analysed, which show the difficulties presently existing to operate the PWR taken as reference for this study, with ramp rates of 5%/min, considered representative of the load-following duty. 3 Thesis Supervisor: John E. Meyer Professor of Nuclear Engineering Thesis Reader: David D. Lanning Professor of Nuclear Engineering 4 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I wish to extend my gratitude to Professor John E. Meyer for his interest and valuable criticism throughout this thesis research and to Professor David D. Lanning who was the Thesis Reader. My appreciation to Furnas Centrais Eletricas S/A, whose finantial support made possible this work. The computer expenditures to this project were provided via MIT Energy Laboratory by Northeast Utilities Service Company, New England Electric System, Yankee Atomic Electric Company, Public Service Electric and Gas Company (NJ) and was appreciated To jy wife Elisete, who shared with me all the good and hard times of this experience, my recognition. 5 TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT 2 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS 5 CHAPTER I - Approach to the Study of Load-Following 1.1. Introduction 7 1.2. Nuclear Power Plants on Load-Following 9 1.3. Method of Analysis Used 13 1.4. Limitations and Scope of the Analysis 19 CHAPTER II - General Plant Behavior on Load-Following 2.1. Introduction 21 2.2. Overall Effects of Power Changes 25 2.3. Selection of the Critical and Limiting Components 40 CHAPTER III- Reactivity Control for Load-Following 3.1. Introduction 42 3.2. Operation Modes for the Reactivity Control Systems 3.3. The Computer Code FOLLOW CHAPTER IV- 45 49 Fuel Element Behavior in Load-Following 4.1. Introduction 63 4.2. Zircaloy Corrosion Behavior 66 4.3. Fatigue Analysis 70 4.4. Pellet-Clad Interactions 76 6 CHAPTER V - Turbine Analysis 5.1. Introduction 82 5.2. Moisture Effects 83 5.3. Turbine Governing 87 5.4. Part Load Operation of the Turbine 90 5.5. High Pressure Turbine Model 93 5.6. The TURBINE Computer Code 104 CHAPTER VI - Ramp Rate Limitations 6.1. Introduction 111 6.2. Weekly Load Curves for Load-Following 111 6.3. Reactivity Control System Limitations 115 6.4. Fuel Element Limitations 119 6.5. Turbine Limitations 121 6.6. Ramp Rate Limitations for the Plant 128 CHAPTER VII- Conclusions and Recommendations 7.1. Conclusions 138 7.2. Considerations About Plant Capability 139 7.3. Recommendations 141 APPENDIX 1 - Listing of Computer Code FOLLOW 143 APPENDIX 2 - Listing of Computer Code TURBINE 153 APPENDIX 3 - Angra I Power Plant Data 171 LIST OF REFERENCES 173 7 Chapter I Approach to the Study of Load-Following 1.1. Introduction. It is a general rule for the electric utilities that electricity should be provided within tight specifications, in the quantity demanded frequency and when required by the customers. The large investments involved in the construction and operation of electric generating units and the formal necessity to satisfy the demand, assumed by the utilities, make planning the expansion and operation of the electric system a key point to the success of the electric utilities."Satisfy the demand"means that the company should be able to meet the daily load-curve imposed on its electric system, independent of the time of the day, week, month year. It is important to list all such times because variations in demand are expected to exist throughout time scale. Another complication is that demand only statically through previous experience and is or large that known must be projected many years into the future. In order to describe the behavior of a power generating unit connected to an electric grid during a specific interval of time, some statistics of the plant can be used /41/. For this purpose, the capacity factor of the unit is defined as the ratio of the effective energy output for that time inter- 8 val to the total energy produced if the plant was used at full power, the load-factor is the ratio of the average load to the attained peak load during the time interval, and the availability factor is the ratio of the number of hours that the plant is available for operation to the total number of hours during the period.Based on these statistical indices, it is possible to group the plants in at least three broad classes /38/, - specifically: base-loaded plants, which are used to produce energy at a rate in excess to 4000 kWhr per year per kW of in- stalled capacity, implying reasonably continuous operation of the unit with load factor greater than 50%. - cyclic-loaded plantswith power production between 1000 and 4000 kWhr per year per kW installed, which normally implies a discontinuous operation of the plant during say 2/3 of the year, with daily duration of 4 to 16 hours or an equivalent production on a seasonal or other intermitent basis with capacity factor in the range from 15% to 50%. - peak-loaded plants, with energy production smaller than 1000 kWhr per year per kW installed. Typical numbers for the distribution of load respect to the total installed capacity for the with electric utilities in the United States are to have about 65% as base-loaded, 25% as cyclic-load and 10% as peaking-load/38/, with the actual distribution between the three segments varying from system to system, and presenting a relatively 9 constant value for the cyclic portion, with the base-load and peaking being distributed depending on the load factor of the system. To handle the uncertainties associated with the demand load curve and to optimize both operation of existing units and planning for new plants, is common practice to classify the power generating units with respect to their duties on the load curve. This specific classification, as well as the other just presented, is by no means rigid, but instead, dynamic, because depending on special requirements imposed on the system, such as outages of other units or seasonal variations, a unit can quickly change its duties in the system. Figure 1.1 /40/ presents the different required ramp rates for plants working either as cyclic-load or peakingload in a large interconnected system, where the first step is a load-following operation with daily power variations with required response up to rates of 5% of full power per minute, which will be taken here as typical for this cyclic duty. 1.2. Nuclear Power Plants on Load-Following Operation. Because of their low fuel cycle cost compared with other energy production sources and due the relatively high capital investment required, nuclear power plants are best suited and have been extensively used as base-loaded units. It may 10 Frequency regulation Tie-line thermal backup Response 1000 Daily load I ~-,.following Rate (%MW/min) 100 Un it co mmitment *Full Power 10 'N 1 -I I 0.1 1 I 10 'N I\ 100 1000 Time to Perform Load Change (min) Figure 1.1 (From Ref. 40) 11 happen, though, depending on peculiarities of the power production system in which the nuclear plant will be integrated that load-following becomes interesting for those plants, from the optimization of the system point of view. for To mention some reasons for load-following operation nuclear power plants, we have: a. Transition from almost pure hydroelectric power supply system to a mixed thermal and hydro system, with pronounced seasonal variations due uncertainties on rainfall, will have the tendency to operate the hydraulic plants as base-loaded units during the "wet" season in order to save thermal generation. This will make the thermal units, including the nuclear plants, to operate in a more flexible scheme, as load-following units for instance. This is the case for the first nuclear unit, the Angra I Nuclear Power Plant, to be operated in South-East Brazil /42/, where the hydroelectric plants account for more than 90% of the total electricity production of the region. The optimization of the operation of the system indicates that, ideally, nuclear plant would operate as a cyclic-loaded unit the for periods that could range from 6 month to 3 years, depending on the rainfall. Specific load-curves for this operation mode is presented in Chapter VI. b. When thermal generation is responsible for most of 12 the energy produced, incentives for load-following would come when new units take over all the base-load operation and displace older units, generally with higher incremental operating cost, to the more flexible operating region of the load curve. This reasoning will be shown as not applicable today /38/, completly which together with the fact that nuclear units are, in general, new units in the system, and even the relatively old nuclear plants operate with low fuel cycle cost, make the possibility of displacement feasible only much later in time. c. A reason for load-following with nuclear units much closer in time and realistic for the thermal electric systems, is the necessity to satisfy the cyclic-load demand, which, as discussed before, grows with the total demand increase. It is pointed out by Swengel /38/ that units now facing downgrading are reasonably efficient machines and were built at lower capital cost than any new facility; with comparable fuel cost and lower capital cost, they can produce electricity at lower .or comparable cost and should be kept as base loaded units. To satisfy the cyclic-load demand, though, units must be bought for this specific duty. Large oil-fired units have already been used for cyclic duties /12,43/ and it can happen that the same eponomic arguments that favour nuclear plants for base-load will make 13 them more attractive for cyclic duties also, as long as they show their capability to cope with the ramp rates demanded by the system. To reinforce the competitiveness of nuclear units with respect to alternative energy sources, Figure 1.2 /39/ shows a specific case where nuclear units could be considered as a better choice even for capacity factors as low as 45%. Resulting either from the scarcity of alter- native fuel sources or from the increase in total installed capacity of base-loaded nuclear plants, incentives exist to consider the use of nuclear plants in a load-following operation scheme. This research covers the problems that can be pated if a Pressurized Water Reactor nuclear plant, anticias presently designed, controlled and operated, were to be used in a daily load-following operation pattern. The reference design considered here is the Angra I Power Plant /19/, a 626 MWe plant designed by Westinghouse and to go on line by mid-1978 /42/. 1.3. Method of Analysis Used. The first idea on how to develop this work was to take the base-load operation as a reference case. When the plant is changing power, several additional activities are carried out in order to adjust and control the process variables to 14 20.0 Total 15.0 Generation Co st Western Coal 10*0 ~ -- Nuclear ~ 5.0 (mills/kWh) 0 ag 40 Mixed Coal 50 60 Capacity Factor, Percent Figure 1.2 (From Ref. 39) 70 15 their new operating level, which will "waste" the plant relatively to the reference case. We can then develop a statistical approach to assess this extra usage that the load-following operation will impose on plant components. Working this way, it would be possible to quantify the price to be paid for load-following and to identify the important components to be considered for extra maintenance. The above considerations assume that fatigue is the feature contributing most to the wastage of the plant in load-following operation due the cyclic variation of the process variables. Let's see now how it would be possible to define a reliability index to be used to compare the reference case, base-load operation, with load-following. We follow Green and Bourne /50/ and define reliability as "that characteristic of an item expressed by the probability that it will perform its required function in the desired manner, under all the relevant conditions and on the occasions or during the time intervals when it is required so to perform". We can consider that a single number defining a failed state for an item exists and is associated with a failure probability function and is an unreliability index for that item. The number associated with the complementary probability, in this case, is a reliability index. Let's take now the case of fatigue failure. If consider whether is possible or not to characterize we the state of fatigue of an item by a single number, the answer, 16 as is well known, is that the theories of cumulative damage assume that this is possible /44/. To complete the approach, we can associate a specific state of fatigue, now characterized by a single number, to a well defined loading history, through the use of a linear cumulative damage analysis /45/. If a piece of equipment is subjected to a variety of stress cycles during its lifetime and fatigue failure occurs when the cumulative usage factor is equal to one, as defined in the ASME Code /30/, of the then we can use the calculated value .cumulative usage factor as an unreliability index for that item subjected to a specific load history, with respect to its fatigue life. Of course this is not strictly true and would be useful only as a comparative index to relate base-load and load-following, since if the calculated cumulative usage factor is equal to one, the item will not necessarily fail. Conservatisms introduced in the design criteria (e.g. introduction of a factor of two on the stresses or a factor of twenty on the number of cycles whichever is more conservative /45/), prevent it to happen. It however is plausible that bigger values of the index will characterize a more demanding fatigue life. With the fatigue reliability index just defined, can proceed to assess a comparative analysis of we load- following in respect to base-load, considering fatigue as the failure mechanism. That is the whole idea behind the 17 previous discussion, where the linear cumulative usage factor our unreliability index, would be used to quantify the two conditions: base-load and load-following. To check the validity of the approach above proposed, we can refer to Table 2.2, where the fluctuations in surface stresses for the pressure vessel of the reactor are shown in respect to the design transients considered in the fatigue life analysis for that item. Table 1.1 is a list of the design transients considered. From Table 2.2 we can conclude that the alternating stresses associated with the loading and unloading operations at 5% per minute are possibly smaller than the endurance limit of the material (11 ksi or 75 MPa). Another point to be noted is that they are of the same order of magnitude as the stresses resulting from the steady state fluctuations, for which a practically infinite number cycles is considered. It is obvious, though, that of the stresses resulting from loading and unloading the unit at 5% per minute, or in other words, resulting from load- following, do not add up in the cumulative damage factor of the item, in such way that, from the fatigue analysis point of view, the reliability of the item is not affected at all if load-following is used or not. Those conclusions will also be shown to be valid for several other items with respect to fatigue failure, which means effects of load-following are not seen in the that the cumulative 18 Table 1.1 (From Ref. 29) Heatup and Cooldown at 10 0 1F/hr (50 0/ahr). . Loading and unloading at 5% per minute . 0 0 * 0 0 . . * fluctuations. . . . . 200 0 106 . Steady-state 200 (each) 2000 (each) . . Large step load with steam dump. . 18400 (each) * . . 0 . Step Change of 10% in load . . . . . Reactor Design Transients 0 . . . . . . . . from full power . . . Turbine roll test. . . Cold - hydro test . Hot hydro test . . . . .. . . 0 . . - .* . . . . . . . . . 0 0 . 80 400 10 W . 0 . . . Reactor trip . . flow . of . Loss 80 . Loss of load . . . . . . . . . . . .0 5 40 19 damage factor. There are therefore no apparent fatigue effects in most components when using a pressurized water reactor nuclear plant in load-following as compared to the regular practice of base-load operation. There is however a much more fundamental question which must be adressed: whether or not is possible to use the pressurized water reactor as designed and operated today, in load-following at all. This work will try to answer this latter question. 1.4. Limitations and Scope of the Analysis. It is important to recognize that in this work it is not intended to cover in depth all the implications of loadfollowing, but, instead, to develop a pathfinder research, since no other general compilation involving the primary and secondary parts of the plant, as well as aspects of design, control, and operation of the Pressurized Water Nuclear Power Plant is load-following is known by the author. As mentioned before, the plant considered here as reference, is the Angra I Nuclear Power Plant /19/ designed by Westinghouse. Different designers have small peculiarities in their design concept, as the once-through steam-generator and slightly superheated steam for the Babcock-Wilcox /17/, and the two-loop concept of Combustion Engineering and Babcock Wilcox as opposed to the four-loop design for the large plants 20 of Westinghouse. Those differences are not expected to affect very much the conclusions of this work, because the essential aspects of the pressurized water nuclear power plant concept are not changed from one designer to another. Load-following operation will be intended here as daily load variation for the plant, with ramp rates of the order of 5% of full power per minute. Chapter II will cover the overall effects of load-following on plant components in order to evaluate the potential areas of concern. Three aspects are then selected for further analysis, the core reactivity control covered in Chapter III, the fuel element behavior covered in Chapter IV, and the turbine behavior analyzed in Chapter V. Chapter VI presents the general results of the analysis and the final conclusions and recomendations are in Chapter VII. 21 Chapter II General Plant Behaviour on Load-Following 2.1. Introduction. The reactor control, the pressurizer control, the steam dump control and the feedwater control are the systems generally provided in a Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) plant to execute or to help the operator during the complex task of changing the power of the plant /26/. Manual or automatic the operation modes can be selected respectively when control system works only as a monitor to the executing the tasks by itself. For operator or both cases the plant protection system supervises the region of allowed operation for the process variables. Figure 2.1 shows a simplified schematic of a PWR plant and Figure 2.2 is a block diagram of the plant and of the control system that will be active during power changes. the If the plant is operated in automatic control, reactor control system regulates the power of the reactor via control rod movements. turbine demanded power, The reactor the where the first stage pressure is the process variable for the turbine ion detectors current follows and the for the reactor /26/. excore The reactor control philosophy is to maintain the average of the hot and cold leg coolant temperature varying in a prestated form spray valve R.1;ef Valve I R.Ocl-rrof Va~ive w 11 Vvm N)3 23 ntrol Core Neutron Po Po~sition Kinetics Reactor Control System Operator Neutron Populatio Turbine Load Temp. Fuel Fissio Produc Ha Cool at Te mpj Boriq Cool oCoolan Coolant Boron Concent. &CaICi 6j010 Chemical and Volume Operator Control System Heat Steam enerator Steam Contro Turbine Position Plant Turbine Control System Control-, Figure 2.2 Block Diagram of Reactor Plant and Control (from Ref.26) Operator 24 with load. One possibility is to have a constant primary pressure scheme with a linear coolant average temperature variation imposed in the power range for automatic operation (from 15% to 100% full power); followed in this is the pattern the Angra I Power Plant /19/ and will used here for the analysis. For be this constant pressure philosophy, the pressurizer pressure control has the task of keeping the reactor coolant loop pressure constant with power through the actuation of electrical heaters and water spray from the reactor coolant cold leg, as is shown in Figure 2.1. The chemical and volume control system handles the soluble boron concentration changes and provides storage space for the reactor coolant volume changes due density variations with temperature. The options for reactivity changes and neutron flux shaping, operated either through the actuation of part-length and full-length control rods or through the boron dilution and concentration mechanisms,will be discussed with further detail in Chapter III. Steam dump valves are provided to reduce the impact ofa large turbine load reduction on the reactor coolant system temperature. The steam dump control actuates a turbine bypass to the steam,which is discharged directly into the condenser. The feedwater control has the function of maintaining the water level of the steam generator within specified bounds in both steady state and with power changes. Following the above discussion we can see that several 25 changes are supposed to occur in the process variables when the power of the plant is varied. The impact of the changes in temperature, pressure, flows and levels on several plant components will now be discussed. 2.2. Overall Effects of Power Changes. The reactor coolant pumps of the PWR are generally of the centrifugal type and operate with single speed, independent of the power level /34/.This implies in a practically constant water flow rate with power through the pumpreactor, pipes, and primary side of the steam generator /27/. With the constant pressure and variable coolant mean temperature control scheme for the reactor coolant system, the total heat production in the fuel elements, the cold and legs temperature, the coolant boron concentration hot and control rod positions, as well as the water level in the pressurizer tank, are the process variables to be considered here as power dependent in the primary side of the plant. During power transients, the coolant temperature variation changes the coolant density with consequent coolant volume variation, which will produce a change in the water level of the pressurizer and in the flow rate through the letdown orifice between the reactor coolant system and the chemical and volume control system. The chemical and volume control system works also a backup system for the coolant volume 26 variations with power and provides the desired coolant boron concentration. system The analysis of the steam and power conversion behavior with power is focussed on the operation of the secondary side of the steam generator, the feedwater heating system, and the turbine-generator group.Beyong these, the electrical generator and the feedwater heating system are not different from those used in oil or coal fired plants and no special attention will be dedicated to them. The secondary side of the steam generator has its water level controlled by the feedwater control system and, typically, can be considered as operating with small pressure changes with load, which will imply in correspondingly small temperature variations for the wet steam produced (it can alternatively be operated with no pressure and temperature variations at all). The turbine sees large flow rate variations with load, as well as pressure and temperature changes due the throttling process of the steam. The flow rate changes are executed by the turbine electro-hydraulic control system, in order to keep constant rotational speed in the turbine shaft. Careful operation is required for the moisture separator reheater (MSR) when load is changed in order to avoid overheating of the last stage blades of the low pressure section of the turbine and also to protect the reheater section tubes /2/; due those facts, the moisture separator reheater operation is constrained with respect to 27 temperature and flow rate variations with load. Table 2.1 presents an overall summary of the variations considered here as relevant for the analysis of load- following operation of the PWR, and Figure 2.3 shows the expected behavior, when automatic control is used, of pressure and temperature with load for the cold and hot legs of the primary side and for the shell side of the steam generator, where a pressure increase of 10% was supposed to occur when load is reduced from full power to the hot zero power condition /28/. A brief discussion of the effects of process variable changes with power will be made considering the equipment presented in the schematic simplification of Figure 2.1. It is important to remember that this study is intended to define areas for further study but not to cover in detail the structural analysis of individual components. 2.2.1. Reactor Analysis. Reactor core, structurals and pressure vessel are subjected to variations in temperature of the order of 3700, and in neutron flux, about one decade. The control rod positions and soluble boron concentration depend on the reactivity control strategy and on the core burnup level/19/, The different options of reactivity control and their operational constraints are discussed with some detail in Chapter III, because, as will be shown, special limitations 28 Table 2.1 Some Effects of Load-Following on Plant Components Reactor Coolant System Reactor:neutron flux or fuel heat generation temperatures in hot and cold legs and fuel control rods positioning soluble boron concentration Pressurizer: water level soluble boron concentration Pipes and Pumps: temperature soluble boron concentration Steam Generator Primary side:temperature soluble boron concentration Secondary side: temperature pressure (steam and feedwater) flow rates water level Steam and Power Conversion System All components will see large variations in the flow rates and variations in temperature and pressure. Chemical and Volume Control System Feed and Bleed Lines: flow rates temperature soluble boron concentration 29 330 Semperature ( 0) 0 Hot Leg 320 310 ,--'o Average t 300 290 0 'mm ,-- . . mm M Steam 280 20 60 40 80 100 Percent Load Primary 15.5 Pressure (MPa) 4 '" . Secondary * 6.0 ' 20 * ' 7.0: 40 60 80 100 Percent Load Figure 2.3 Temperature and Pressure Variations with Load 30 on the use of part-length control rods are imposed in today's PWR, thereby making the reactivity control of the reactor one of the limiting conditions for load-following. Reactor internals and other components are designed to withstand the stresses resulting from starup, steady-state operation with any number of pumps running and shutdown conditions /19/. The internals are designed to maintain their functional integrity even in the event of very severe accidents. Fuel assemblies are designed to withstand the combined effects of flow induced vibrations, earthquake, reactor pressure, fission gas pressure, fuel growth, thermal strain, differential expansion and other effects associated with fatigue due thermal cycling /19/. The thermal cycling effect on the grid-clad support, for instance, is a slight relative movement between the grid contact surfaces and the clad, which is gradual in nature and relatively important during the heatup and cooldown cycles /19/, and small for temperature variations of the order of 3700 associated with power cycling. For the pressure vessel we can refer to the work of Riccardella and Mager /29/, where a fatigue evaluation of a reactor pressure vessel using fracture mechanids was presented. From this work we have.the pressure vessel stress analysis divided in four regions, as is shown in Figure 2.4 and in Table 2.2. The fluctuations in inside surface stress for the reactor design transients are presented at selected 31 Control rod drive mechanisms Closure Head Region Closure flange Outlet nozzle Core 1-~ \-* Nozzle Shell-Course Region Beltline Region Thickne ss =22 cm Radius =220cm Lower Head Region In-core instrumentation penetration * critical locations Figure 2.4 Pressurized Water Reactor Vessel (from Ref.29) 32 Table 2.2 (from Ref. 29) Inside Surface Stress Ranges for Critical Loeations (MPa) Transients Closure Head Nozzle Shell Beltline Region Lower Head Cooldown 426.4 393.3 205.6 133.2 Plant Loading and Unloading 12.4 43.5 31.7 12.4 Step Change in Power 66.9 55.9 71.0 59.3 Steam Dump 84.9 76.6 20.0 82.1 Steady State Fluctuations 31*7 61*4 12.4 37*3 Loss of Load 186.3 146.6 44.2 171.8 Loss of Flow 188.3 216.7 89.0 188.3 Reactor Trip 32.4 39.3 20.*0 26.9 Turbine Roll Test, 146.3 515.4 118.7 111.8 Cold Hydro Test 105.5 564.4 214.6 186.3 Hot Hydro Test 380.9 442.3 202.2 148.3 Heatup - 33 critical locations of each region. From this table it can be seen that the expected stress fluctuations for unit loading and unloading are at least one order of magnitude smaller than the corresponding stresses for more critical transients. If a linear cumulative damage concept is used, the cumulative usage factor fraction due the unit loading and unloading at the rate of 5% of full power per minute is practically zero because the associated stress fluctuation is very small /30/. This is an important point and is well worth emphasizing again: the relatively small temperature variation due unit loading and unloading, if compared to others much more severe transients considered during the design of the equipment, results in an almost negligible fatigue effect in the equipment, for the design ramp rate of 5% of full power per minute, considered here as sufficient for the duties of load-following, as explained in Chapter I. The fuel elements have important variations with the power level and with burnup. Although they were manufactured to support the design transients, which includes the ramp rate of 5% per minute, unanticipated events have reduced drastically the advisable ramp rates for commercial fuels used in the PWR. The fuel behavior is today one of the limiting condition for the plant operation in load-following and will be discussed in Chapter IV. 34 2.2.2. Pressurizer Analysis. The pressurizer is a cylindrical vessel with a surge line penetration connected to the hot leg piping and spray line connected to the cold leg piping /27/. a It provides a surge chamber and water reservoir to accomodate density changes in the reactor coolant during operation and is built to maintain the steam and water inside the pressurizer at the saturation temperature corresponding to the desired reactor coolant system pressure, through the actuation of electrical heaters ans spray line. For slow transients such as unit loading and unloading, it can be considered that the pressurizer works all the time in equilibrium with the reactor coolant system, which means that pressure and temperature are kept constant inside the vessel and the only change with power will be the water level, which will follow a prestated program controlled by the pressurizer control system. Since no pressure temperature variations are expected, no special or fatigue problem is antecipated for the pressurizer. 2.2.3. Steam Generator Analysis. The steam generator uses pressurized water, heated in the reactor core, as the hot fluid in the tube side, which exchanges heat with a lower-pressure feedwater in the shell side, where vapor is produced. For the tube side, constant pressure and variable temperature will occur, and for the 35 shell side a small pressure variation is considered with load before the turbine stop valve, which will imply in an equivalently small temperature change with load for the saturated steam. The shell side water level will change with load in a prestated form controlled by the feedwater control system. Since the shell side will see a temperature variation with power, the overall dimensions ofthe vessel are expected to change slightly with load; fatigue stresses can result from the tube side also temperature change. The structural behavior of the thick perforated plate, called the tubesheetj where the U-shapped tubes are supported, was analysed by Tichit /28/ with respect to fatigue failure due temperature cycling during normal operation. It was concluded that the temperature changes do not appear to be sufficient to bring any concern of fatigue damage to the tubesheet. The tubes are supported radially and are free to expand axially, So, no stress cycling is expected to be imposed on them by normal operation, as long as they are free to expand. Recently some concern has been shown with the occurence of tube denting along the tube support plate /31,32/, which prohibit the axial free expansion for the tubes and can bring the occurence of stress cycling and fatigue problem. This is, however, a case that concerns a special condition in the steam generator and can not be considered as a normal operation case. This kind of problem will not be covered here because it appears 36 that a convenient feedwater treatment associated with minimum condenser leakage, can avoid the problem /32/, and no ramp rate limitation is expected for the steam generator. Another reported problem with steam generator is related to the crud deposition on tube walls and the formation of sludge deposits along the low flow areas of the tubesheet. The steam generator acts like an evaporator and all nonvolatile impurities, soluble or solids, brough into the steam generator by the feedwater train, are therefore concentrated boiler water and in the tube walls /33/. in the As the sludge piles grow with time, the concentration of corrosive chemicals can take place and the tube can corrode /33/. There appears to be a correlation between the flow atagnation positions in the tubesheet and the sludge pile. Since the flow patterns are expected to change with load, periodic reductions part load operation may be favorable with respect to to this problem. 2.2.4. Pumps and Pipes Analysis. Each reactor coolant pump is a vertical, single-stage, centrifugal, shaft-seal pump, with normal operating speed of 1189 rpm /34/. Working in the cold leg of the reactor coolant system, the pump is supposed to operate with constant pressure and constant speed with load and it will see only the very small temperature changes associated with the cold leg. Stress levels in the pump are generally limited to one-half 37 the minimum yield strength of the materials used /34/ and the small temperature cycling with load, about 500, is expected to bring any special fatigue problem to not the operation of the reactor coolant pumps. The fatigue analysis of the reactor coolant loop piping system during unit loading and unloading with the design ramp rate of 5% of full power per minute, as in the pump analysis just presented, will have only the temperature transient of the coolant. Following the analysis presented in /35/, WCAP-8172 where all the normal, upset, and test transients required by the ASIE Code for Class 1 components /30/ were considered, it is pointed out that only a few of the many transients considered have an appreciable effect on the cumulative usage factor. Using a conservative technique to calculate the alternating stress intensity range and the expected number of cycles for each transient, it was concluded that the high values of the cumulative usage factor occur only at equipment nozzle junctions with the pipe and that the values at the elbows are at least one order of magnitude lower. The detailed stress analysis results at terminal points are presented for the governing load sets and are here reproduced in Table 2.3. From these data it can be seen that transients with big pressure and temperature changes are the governing conditions and we conclude that the small temperature changes and no pressure variation conditions imposed in the unit loading and unloading transient 38 Table 2.3 (from Ref. 35) Detailed Stress Analysis Results for the Piping System Values are for Terminal Points (Inside Surface) Terminal Points Range Governing Set (MPa) (00) Reactor Vessel Outlet 15.5 140 215 Steam Generator Inlet 12.9 Steam Generator Outlet 17.2 Pump Inlet Inside Wall Stresses Transients Axial Hoop Cooldown Heatup 772 -103 300 300 Reactor Trip Hydro Test 434 -186 305 572 -69 305 Loos of Load Hydro Test 17.2 305 305 Loss of Load Hydro Test 607 -55 Pump Outlet 17.2 305 305 Loss of Load Hydro Test 483 -34 Reactor Vessel Inlet 15.5 200 90 Heatup, Cooldown 690 -124 39 are not expected to cause any trouble with respect to the fatigue life of the piping system. The secondary side piping, where small pressure variations are also expected together with the temperature, does not seem to present any special problem either. 2.2.5. Turbine and Moisture Separator Reheater Analysis. The turbine will see large pressure, temperature and flow rate variations with load and will be analysed with some detail in Chapter V, because they are expected to pose limitations on the ramp rates required for load-following with the PWR plants. Moisture separator reheater (MSR) are generally associated with the wet-steam nuclear turbines because they improve the cycle efficiency and reduce the erosioncorrosion problems resulting from the expansion of high wetness steam in the turbine /2/. A MSR is a pressure vessel with an outer shell, moisture separators of chevron type or wire mesh, and one or more tube bundles to superheat the steam in the shell transfering heat from high pressure steam. side by Test results show that the steam should be admitted carefully to the reheater section in order to avoid binding the tubes in the support due uneven thermal expansion /2/. Another problem is the existance of temperature instabilities that are apparently caused by tubes that flow filled with water, 40 which reduces the tube temperature and causes it to contract and to bind in its supports /2/. Similarly to the turbine, during power changes the MSR flow rate will have important pressure, temperature and variations. These variations, associated with the fact that the MSR can not be operated continuously for very low turbine power levels (in order to avoir overheating the last stage blades of the low-pressure turbine) generally requires a careful operation for the MSR. But, as will be shown in Chapter V, the ramp rate limitations imposed by the high pressure turbine rotor of the wet-steam turbine can be considered as more demanding than those imposed by the MSR. 2.3. Selection of the Critical and Limiting Components. As presented above, it can be concluded that the loadfollowing operation of the PWR using the design ramp rate of 5% of full power per minute, is already covered by the design structural analysis of the non-core equipment used in the primary side of the plant. Fatigue problem due thermal cycling was generally shown as not existing for the unit loading and unloading, since the temperature transient is small if compared with others that are more demanding and that have to be included From the review by the design of the of the behavior of the primary two specific problems were equipment. side, selected to be covered with 41 greater detail because they represent conditions not covered by the structural design considerations. First, the core reactivity control will reduce the expected allowable ramp rates due the existance of special restrictions on the use of part-length control rods /36/, designed specifically for power shaping and xenon feedback control during reactor transients. Second, pellet-clad interaction mechanisms were not sufficiently accounted in fuel design, resulting in fuel element failures and in additional restrictions on allowable ramp rates for the reactor operation /37/. the Chapter III will cover the core reactivity control limitations and Chapter IV the fuel element limitations. For the steam and power conversion system, the operation of the high pressure turbine in the wet-steam region will also impose limitations on the ramp rates for safety operation of the turbine unit. Those restrictions will be analysed in Chapter V. 42 Chapter III Reactivity Control for Load-Following Operation 3.1. Introduction. Pressurized water reactors are generally provided with two independent systems for core reactivity control, control rods and a chemical shim in the form the of boric acid dissolved in the reactor coolant. The control rod assemblies in Angra 1 /19/ are of two types, the full-length control rods made of an alloy of Ag-In-Cd sealed in stainless steel, and the part-length rods made of the same alloy in the lower 25% and with an inert material, Al203, in the upper 75%. Full-length rods are also provided as the shutdown group in order to assure a safe operation of the plant under all the circunstances. The Angra I power plant has 33 full-length rod clusters, 12 of which are in the shutdown group and the others 21 are divided in four control groups from A to D, which operate sequentially when power is increased from 0 to 100% /19/. Four part-length assemblies are also provided, as is shown in Figure 3.1. The reactor coolant boric acid concentration is controMled by the boron thermal regeneration system, which process the reactor coolant letdown flow before it is returned to the volume control tank and the reactor coolant system through the chemical and volume control system charging pumps /27/. 43 0 0 @ 0 o 0 00 @ 0 0 0 A,B,C,D - Control Groups Full Length PL - Control Group Part Leiagth S - Shutdown Group Figure 3.1 Control and Shutdown Groups Distribution (from Ref. 19) 44 Alternative paths can be used to increase the dilution or the boration capability of the plant through proper operation of the chemical and volume control system /47/. One important aspect of the use of soluble boron for reactivity control is the considerable amount of tritium produced by the B10(n,2 )H3 reaction, which will have to be considered in respect to the radioactive plant discharge /46/. As will be discussed below, the load-following reactivity control of the reactor will possibly result in an increase in the boron concentration to be used throughout the life of the core, with corresponding increase in the total tritium production. Although important with respect to the dimensioning and designing of the liquid and gaseous waste disposal system, which.will have to be able to handle increased flow rates, this problem will not be covered here nor will be considered as a limiting factor with respect to the possible ramp rates for the plant. In the following material, first will be discussed the way that the soluble boron and the control rods are actuated with respect to the core reactivity control and the difficulties resulting fiom practical limitations on the use of part-length control rods. Then, the computer FOLLOW, written for this thesis, is presented. code A zero- dimension mathematical model is built to analyse the transient behavior of the reactivity control systems in order to define what are the attainable ramp rates for the present 45 configuration of the control systems. 3.2. Operation Modes for the Reactivity Control Systems. In order to minimize transient xenon feedback effects on the axial power distribution, the normal procedure is to keep constant, as much as possible, the axial power shape at all power levels, with a pre-scheduled gradual change throughout core life. This operation, regularly known as constant axial offset control (CAOC) /47,48/, can performed with or without the use of part-length be control rods. In each case, the dynamic behavior of the plant will be different, in such a way that we can identify two independent operation modes. If part-length rods are used, the normal procedure is to have the full-length rods to compensate for the power defect, the part-length rods to keep constant the axial offset, and the soluble boron system handle the reactivity change associated with the transient xenon. This is the basic operation scheme considered in early planning for the plant to give load-following capability with respect to what is there considered as the typical load cycle, and will be called here as operation mode 1. Mode 2 will be the case when part-length rods are not used at all. Under this circunstance, the full-length rods have to be used to handle the constant axial offset control, and the soluble boron system is used to overcome 46 the reactivity changes due both the power defect and the xenon transient /48/. The maximum allowable ramp rate for power change is strongly dependent on the operation mode selected. In order to keep the fast transient capability predicated in the plant design, where the system is assured to support the design reference load cycle with ramp rates of 5% per minute /48/, operation mode 1 should be selected, which means that the part-length rods have to be used. But the use of part-length rods pose some potential problems and special care should be exercised. One condition to be avoided results from a bad positioning of the part-length rods with respect to the full-length groups. The occurrence of a "pinched" power distribution with a high power peak in the center can result /47/. Since the constant axial offset criteria will not be violated, the adverse power distribution will not be indicated by the ex-core detectors. To prevent this problem from happening, a convenient overlap of the part-length and full-length groups have to be considered in much the same way as the one existing for the different full-length rod banks themselves. Figure 3.2 shows the recommended insertion limit for the part-length control rods with power. Other limiting condition to be avoided in case of partlength rods use, is the so called fuel burnup shadowing /48/, resulting from long periods of operation at full power with the part-length rods inserted half way, as indicated in 0. 0. I I I I I I I I I I I K - jg. 4/0 "dion 10 30 - 30 40 SQ ci- P. 0 bo. (00. CD 70IQ -4000// 10 qo. "00 C', 0 0 H I I 20. 40. PL -A I Qo.to00. I INSECTilJ- MO]&- | 0. 20. o0 oo. 4 %PoWsvontN&e- - IV49'E-TiZTOJ MOjE. 2 - . - AmQ 1-b* 00 48 Figure 3.2, in order to avoid the "pinched" power distribution. This insertion will cause adjacent fuel rods to have a relatively smaller neutron flux. Again, a high power peak factor can result near the core center when the power it changed and the part-length rods removed from their previous position, leaving the shadowed and relatively less burned fuel at the core center to see now a higher neutron flux. Studies have shown /48/ that no increase in the axial peak factor due shadowing is expected to occur if the core is depleted at full-power with the part-length rods inserted for no more than 60% of time. The recommended rule for operation with the part-length control rods is to use them on no more than 18 of every 30 equivalent full-power days /48/. All the above limitations have strongly restricted the use of part-length control rods in today's pressurized water reactor operation. Utilities that operate PWR nuclear power plants keep the part-length rods out of the core as a normal operating procedure /36/, in order to avoid the axial misalignment problem and the resulting safety related consequences due higher than allowed axial power peaking. Those practical limitations on the use of part-length control rods bring us to consider mode 2 as a more realistic option from a reactor operation standpoint, and we calculate now the ramp rate limitations resulting from the fact that mode 2 has to be used. 49 3.3. The Computer Code FOLLOW. FOLLOW is a point model code with the built in capability to simulate the reactivity control both by the part-length and full-length control rod groups, as well as by the soluble power history boron system, in order to follow a prestated imposed on the plant. The reactivity required to overcome the power defect and the xenon poisoning is distributed to the different control systems depending on the operation mode previously specified and on the reactivity characteristic of each item involved. No allowance is made here to use variations of the coolant temperature as an additional mechanism to change core reactivity through the actuation of the coolant temperature reactivity feedback effect, which could account for a reduced demand on the boron dilution system /51/. All the reactor physics data defining the characteristics of each control rod group, the soluble boron reactivity coefficient, the reactivity power defect and the hot power critical boron concentration, must be specified full for all burnup levels. Data related to the soluble boron system model and the xenon poisoning model must also be provided. Linear interpolation is generally used to obtain the values for the variables in between those specified. Practical operational procedures are used in order to couple the insertion position of the control rod groups with 50 power. In mode 1 operation, a one-hundred step overlap (or an overlap of 1.60m, with a full control rod travel of 3.80m) is used for the three full-length control groups B, C, and D, that are active when power is increased from the hot zero power condition to hot full power /19/, and the part-length rod position is defined by the typical insertion curve of Figure 3.2. For mode 2 operation, the experience has shown /48/ that only one control rod group has to be used for constant axial offset operation, and the typical insertion curve for this case is also presented in Figure 3.2. To account for the total reactivity effect of each control group as function of its insertion in the core, a typical integral control rod worth versus percent insertion curve is used, and is shown in Figure 3.3. For the part-length control rod, the integral worth relative to its 25% reactive portion is calculated by the difference of the integral worth relative to the position of the top of the rod and, the beginning of its active length. Figure 3.4 presents the block diagram of the code FOLLOW. The xenon transient equations /49/ and the soluble boron system model /41,46/ are discussed below, as well as the input data preparation for the code. A complete listing of the code with a sample problem is presented in Appendix I. The resulting ramp rate limitations with respect to both operation modes and core burnup level, is shown in Chapter VI, together with the final conclusions of this work. 51 Figure 3.3 (from Ref. 19) Normalized Control Rod Worth 100 Rod Worth (/M) 50 00 .LVV :)u Rod Insertion (%) C7ED Figure 3.4 Block Diagram for code FOLLOW READ CASE INPUT DATA -operation mode -burnup level -power history DETERMINE -initial boron -initial reactivity -rod positions -boron reactivity -xenon concentration NEXT TIME STEP -cale. power -calc. xenon NO PRINT ES CALCULATE AND PRINT -critical boron -maxmin boron cone. -rod positions -reactivities _N FOLLOr NO YES NO AST TI ES P=IN WARNING MB365AGd "OPERATION IMPOS."It NO T CAS ES STOP 52 53 3.3.1. Transient Xenon Calculation /49/. Due its very high absorption cross-section for thermal neutrons, Xel35 is the most important of all the fission products for control of the reactor during power transients. It is part of a fission chain where it can be directly produced with low yield fraction, or can be produced by beta decay of Te 1 3 5 to 1135 and then to Xe1 3 5, with a higher yield to /49/. For practical purposes a simplified chain is used analyse the transient behavior of the xenon poisoning, where the I135 is assumed to be produced directly from fission and the chain ends with the destruction either by neutron absorption or by beta decay. This simplified chain representation, as well as the resulting differential equations to be solved by the code FOLLOW, are presented in Table 3.1. The numerical values used in the model are in Table 3.3. 3.3.2. Soluble Boron System Model /41,46/. The soluble boron model considers that the reactor coolant system is a control volume which receives an inlet flow with variable boron concentration, and from which an equivalent flow is taken with the same boron concentration as the control volume itself and with the same flow rate as the inlet flow. A mass balance is made for the boron with the assumption that all the available boron is kept in solution, in such way that the transient concentration for the soluble boron in the reactor coolant system can be determined. 54 Table 3.1 Transient Xenon fission------------------ Model u (SIMPLIFIED L ........ 1135 --- ~. 13 5 .---. I>X1X CHAIN) Differential equations for the simplified xenon chain above: dt i xI(t) - TXec z*! i1 + J I(t) + - df1t) _ Xe Xe(t) Z;all1 If we consider a linear relation between neutron flux and power and take Xf1 and x(t) = 6e Xet) a 1f we have: d _Xe IoP _t) xe Xe 0 .0 1, (-p0 e21T + 1 igt -P e~o (E + di (t) Z/O 1 P0 ) + AX (t) 55 Table 3.2 Soluble Boron System Model V M - VT (C) R - flow rate (mass) C - boron concentration t - time - C R I volume mass . - coolant density Mass balance for soluble boron in VT assuming perfect mixing of all boron: dMS= CinR - C R Supposing constant volume for the primary: Tt dc + C ) R ( Cin - = R t= s R Where the solution for the initial concentration C is: 0 Rt C(t) = C. i( 1 - e T)+ c 0 Rt 0.T 56 Table 3.3 1. Core Model Data (from Ref.19) 1.1 Critical Boron Concentration a. Full power, no xenon, hot, rods out........1290 ppm b. Full power, equil. xenon, hot, rods out.... 980 ppm 1.2 Typical Neutron Flux at Full Power (n/cm2 sec)xIO1 3 fast thermal a. Core center...................... b. Core outlet radius at midheigh... c. Core top on axis................. d. Core bottom on axis.............. 5.97 3.19 3.13 1.50 1.83 1.26 1.75 1.50 2. Transient Xenon Model Data (from Ref.49) 2.1 Iodine yield fraction from fission............ 0.064 2.2 Xenon yield fraction from fission............. 0.003 2.3 Iodine decay constant (10-5 sec 2.4 Xenon decay constant (10- 5 sec 1 )............ 2.87 1 )............. 2.09 2.5 Xenon absorption cross-section (10-18 cm 2 ).... 2.70 3. Soluble Boron Model Data (from Ref.19 and Ref.48) 3.1 Reactor primary system volume............... .. 7 6 000gal (290 3.2 Maximum dilution rate... 3.3 Maximum boration rate..................... 3.4 Boron concentration for dilution............ )_ 120 gpm (0.5m /min) g11 gm 3 (.04m /min) 10 ppm 3.5 Boron concentration for boration............ ..20000 ppm 57 Table 3.2 presents the equation used in the FOLLOW code to calculate, for each time step, what are the bounds for the boron concentration if either the dilution or the boration modes were used, in order to check the capability of the system to follow a specific load history. The numerical data for Angra I /19/ is in Table 3.3. 3.3.3. Input Data Description for the FOLLOW Code. The input data are divided in two levels: those defining the plant characteristics are changed less frequently and are inputted through DATA statements in the MAIN program; those defining the operation characteristics for the power history to be followed, are read and must be provided by the user. The plant characteristics can be divided in data related to the core reactivity model, which are either provided in Table 3.3 or in Figures 3.5 to 3.8, the xenon poisoning model, and the soluble boron system model, which are both in Table 3.3. The power history and operation data to be provided by the user is organized in four card groups, which provide informations about the operation mode to be used and the points defining the time and power of the history to be followed. Table 3.4 presents the organization of the input information required by the code. 58 Table 3.4 Input Data for Code FOLLOW Card 1 - Format (20A4) (TITLE(I) ,I=1, 20) Card 2 - Format (2110) NPONTSMODE NPONTS - number of points in the power history MODE - operation mode MODE = 1 - part-length rods used MODE = 2 - no part-length rods are used Card 3 - Format (16F5.1) (TIME(I) ,I=1,16) TIME - up to four cards with the selected time values for this power history Card 4 - Format (16F5.1) (POTEN(I),I=1,16) POTEN - up to four cards with the selected power fraction for points of this history Figure 3.5 (from Ref.19) Power Defect Variation with Power Level 0 Total Power Defect (pom) 500 Beginning of Cycle 1000 End of Cycle 1500 2000 2500 0 20 40 60 80 100 Power Level (/) 60 Reactivit, Full-Length Group 0 1.50 1.25 Full-Length Group D 1.00 0*751- 0.501- Part-Length Rods 0.25 0.001 0 I 20 I 40 I 60 I 80 100 Burnup(%) Figure 3.6 (from Ref.19) Control Rod Worth with Burnup 61 2 Figure 3. 7 (from Ref.19) Boron Concentration Variation with Burnup 62 -10.0 Boron React. Coef. -9.5 (c) ppm -9.0 -8.5 -8.0 0 I 20 I 40 I 60 I 80 100 Burnup(%o) Figure 3.8 (from Ref.19) Boron Reactivity Coefficient with Burnup 63 Chapter IV Fuel Element Behavior in Load-Following 4.1. Introduction. Reactor fuel element behavior has been extensively studied and reported both with respect to the failure mechanisms ant to the remedies adopted to prevent the failures or to correct the problem. For example, recent reviews of the subject /37,52,53,54/ have identified the evolution of the fuel elements problems, as well as the remedies. Table 4.1 is a resume of the above references and will be used here as a basis for the discussion of the fuel element behavior in load-following. The question now to be posed is: what are the fuel failure mechanisms which are likely to be activated by the load-following operation of the plant? The obvious answer, as the examination of Table 4.1 indicates, is that at least the fuel pellet-clad mechanical and chemical interactions and the somewhat related cladding cyclic strain fatigue problem will have to be considered. With respect to other failure mechanisms, besides the two just mentioned which are usually considered as areas of special concern for the cyclic operation of the fuel /55/, it is wothwhile to point out other potential difficulty. If the fuel initial enrichment is not to be affected by a special 64 Table 4.1 LWR Fuel Element Failures and Remedies REMEDIES: FAILURES: 1. Early Failures 1.1 Increased design 1.1 Design related experience and feedback -fretting/corrosion from reactor and -rod bow laboratory experiments. -inadequate plenum volume Improved correlations -inadequate gap size for fission gas release -faulty end cap design and fuel swelling. 1.2 Improved manufacturing 1.2 Manufacture related procedures and quality -pellet loading control due feedback -clad flaws from reactor and -end cap welds laboratory experiments. -pellet fabrication processing -excessive moisture 1.3 Others 1.3.1 Intergranular attackl.3.1. Change to Zircaloy of stainless steel clad cladding 1.3.2 Fretting zirconium grid of 1.3.3 Crud deposition 2. Epidemic Failures 2.1 Internal hydriding 2.2 Densification and clad flattening 1.3.2. change to inconel grids 1.3.3.Better control of coolant chemistry 2.1 -adequate fabrication techniques -use of hydrogen getters 2.2 -pre pressurization of fuel rods -incresed initial fuel density -thicker cladding wall -stable fuel structure 65 Table 4.1 (continuation) 3. Current Concerns 3.1 Nodular corrosion 3.1 Improvement in water chemistry 3.2 Fuel rod bow 3.3 Cladding fatigue 3.4 Fuel pellet and cladding mechanical and chemical interaction (PCI) 3.2 Improvement in spacer grid design 3.3 Limitation of power cycling 3.4 -Reduced ramp rates -modified fuel pellet geometry -cladding annealing -fuel pellet and cladding interlayers 66 fuel management procedure due the load-following operation of the plant, the reduction of the capacity factor 65%, typical for base load operation /39/, from say to 40%, well within the cyclic load range, would increase the in-core fuel residence time from 3 years, as is practiced today in pressurized water nuclear plants, to something like 5 years. The effect of this extension in the in-core residence time should be analysed with respect to the cladding corrosion mechanism. To proceed this analysis, though, three areas will be covered by the subsequent discussion on the effects of loadfollowing operation on the reactor fuel elements: the cladding corrosion due extended in-core residence time; the cladding strain-cycling fatigue; and the pellet-cladding mechanical and chemical interaction. 4.2. Zircaloy Corrosion Behavior. Only the external cladding surface corrosion aspects will be discussed in this paragraph because internal surface attack is somewhat related to the pellet-clad mechanical and chemical interaction and will be covered later. It is generally true that the corrosion resistance of Zircaloy is adequate to assure operation of the fuel element for a long period of time /54,56/ as long as the reactor coolant chemistry is appropriately controlled and the fuel 67 element has no manufacture problem components or faulty welds /56/. with respect to faulty Reported performance for Zircaloy tubes that have been operating for about 4100 days (11 years) in the Shippingport plant /58/, revealed only the predicted behavior with a slight increase in the formation of the oxide layer. In order to estimate the effect of the reduction of the plant capacity factor in the build up of the oxide film in the external cladding surface, we can use Figure 4.1. Considering that the fuel in-core residence time would double, and taking 1100 days as the reference case for the fuel residence time, Table 4.2 presents the estimated variation of the oxide film thickness. and the percent variation with respect to the total wall thickness. The maximum cladding wastage is not considered excessive with respect to the allowable limits /60/. One important aspect here is that temperature has a pronounced effect on the corrosion rate of Zirealoy. Although the core residence time will increase for the fuel rods, the average coolant temperature is expected to reduced by the load-following operation. To be estimate the effect of temperature reduction on cladding corrosion attack Table 4.1 presents results for out-of-reactor experiments at different temperatures. Those results should not be taken as absolute values because neutron irradiation also has a important effect on the corrosion rate /60/, but the relative 68 PWR 3270 (excess oxygen) BWR 29540C PWR 33400 1000 Weight Gain 500 A-33( mg/dm2 Out 10 = of Reactor 100 10 /e/ 50 '00 K-- ~ /* / / pre-trbns~t. region p. ,p, 0 ~*5~0*~~ 10. 100 1000 10000 Exposure Time (days) Figure 4.1 (from Ref.56) External Corrosion of Zircaloy Cladding 69 Table 4.2 Zircaloy Cladding Corrosion Data From Figure 4.1: ) Weight Gain (mg/dm2 Reference Curve 1100 days(residence time) 2200 days PWR 3340C00...... .. ........ 210 ...... 350 Out-of-Reactor 125 3300 C..0 .. 0 0.. 0 3100 0......... 3000 C........ * .. 0 000 00 0 *0 0 0 ...... 0009V0 60 ...... * 0 30 ...... 0 0 .. 230 100 50 .. Calculated Cladding Corrosion (rm) and (percent wastage): Reference Curve PWR 3340C 1100 days ............ 2200 days 12.4 (2.17) ............ 20.0(3.50) Out-of-Reactor 330 0 C............ 7.4 (1.29) 3l0 0 C............ 3.5 (0.61) 300C.0...... 1.8 (0.31) 0 0.0.00000 00000 0 0 0 13.6(2.38) 5.9(1.03) 2.9(0.51) 70 reduction of cladding attack with temperature is expected to be representative of the trends for in-reactor corrosion. The end-of-life cladding fast neutron fluence is not expected to change under the assumptions above, although the flux levels will be different. Although relevant, the fuel cladding oxidation is not considered as a limiting factor for load-following operation, since the fuel in-core residence time is certainly one of the variables to be defined by the fuel management and will probably be different if the plant is to be operated as a base-loaded unit or in load-following. 4.3. Fatigue Analysis. Fuel cladding strain-cycling fatigue will result from the pellet-cladding interaction. For the pressurized water nuclear reactor environment, the clad tube will tend to creep down onto the pellet under the influence of the pressure gradient between reactor coolant and rod internal pressure. A typical behavior for the gap closure of a new fuel rod is shown in Figure 4.2. After the first contact is established at low power, the fuel pellet expansion with power increase imposes a strain on the cladding which constitutes the first half of the strain cycle. When power is reduced, the formation of a clearance between fuel and clad allows the clad collapse down again onto the pellet after some time at to to 90 -- U J Figure 4.2 (from ref.19) Clad and Pellet Dimension Variations with Exposure -jJ -J-J 71~ 72 temperature and the strain cycle is complete. The importance of this cycle on the fuel element behavior is usually well evaluated /53,54,55/ Aas /55/ and results reported by consider that a strain cycle of 0.6% would produce failure after only 50 cycles. Based on low cycle fatigue curves for the Zirealoy/53,59/ we can consider that the above strain cycle value is aparently overestimeted and also that the fatigue resistance of Zirealoy is underestimated. Robertson /54/, although indicating some concern that the use of nuclear reactors in load-following could lead to cladding fatigue failure, indicates that strain gauges attached to Zircaloy cladding showed that for large power cycles, the amplitude of the strain cycle in the cladding was only about 0.1%. Using the design curve for irradiated Zircaloy-4 at 32000 proposed by O'Donnell and Langer /59/, and shown in Figure 4.3, we can prepare Table 4.3 that relates the total strain range with the allowable number of cycles. The fatigue design curve presented uses a safety factor of 2 on the stresses or a factor of 20 on the number of cycles to failure as is the practice for fatigue design curves /45/. In order to estimate the importance of the fatigue, the percent strain variation of the cladding internal surface was calculated, for the fuel element to be used in Angra I /19/, by a modified version of the LIFE-1 LWR computer code /37/. The results are in Table 4.3 where 40% is considered as the 73 Figure 4. 3 (from Ref. 59) Design Fatigue Curve for Irradiated Zircaloy-4 -N -J U III IA0 -4 -o -4 It aj (Paw) .094 + 33~ 74 lower power limit due pre-conditioning effect, as will be discussed in Chapter VI. Letts ask now what is the expected number of strain cycles that the fuel rod has to stand for a reduced capacity factor of 40% and no change in fuel initial enrichment as before. Mechanical contact between cladding and fuel will be possible only after clad creep down, as in Figure 4.2, which will occur at about 400 equivalent full power days operation. Supposing that the fuel residence time is again to be doubled, the maximum number of cycles would be about 1400 if power is changed daily and no credit is taken for the time required for cladding creep down, discussed in Chapter VI. From Table 4.3 we see that tha allowable number of 40 to 100% strain cycles is 2100; therefore we can operate the plant with daily power changes equivalent to this and have acceptable fatigue performance. As indicated before, the fuel in-core residence time can be changed with no apparent difficulty, as long as limitations on the fatigue or corrosion life, or fuel management considerations find it advisable. No ramp rate limitations is considered here as imposed on the operation of the plant due to either the cladding fatigue or the corrosion behavior of the Zircaloy cladding. 75 Table 4.3 Zircaloy Cladding Fatigue Data From Figure 4.3: Maximum Number of Cycles Percent Total Strain Amplitude 100000 0.19 50000 0.21 10000 0~ 0.34 0.37 0.41 0~ 5000 00 2000 1000 00 0.52 500 0.58 0.84 1.03 0~ 100 50 10 1.66 @0 From LIFE 1-LWR(modified): Percent Power Change . from 42% to 57% from 42% to 71% .. from 42% to 86% from 42% to 93% from 42% to 100%.. Percent Total Strain Amplitude .0 Maximum Allowable Number of Cycles .... 0.004 infinite .... .... 0.130 0.254 infinite ..... 25000 .... .... 0.326 0.406 ..... ..... 15000 2100 76 4.4. Pellet -Clad Mechanical and Chemical Interaction. It is generally recognized today that the pellet-clad mechanical interaction plays a important role in the limitations of the allowable ramp rates for reactor power increase /37,54,57,62,63/. Both radial and axial pellet-clad interaction (PCI) have been extensively studied and reported because of its impact on fuel element failures and on ramp rate limitations. PCI will be covered here on those aspects related to restrictions imposed on load-following operation. The provision of a built-in gap between pellet and clad for new fuel rods prevents PCI occurrence early in fuel life. Results from experiments and operation of the pressurized water nuclear reactor has shown that this gap is taken up by cladding creep down, fuel swelling, and fuel relocation /57/ later in the life of the fuel element as is shown in Figure 4.2. As described before, in ease of a power increase, the temperature rise of the fuel pellet is considerably greater than that of the cladding. Bigger thermal expansion of the fuel pellet results, with consequent straining of the cladding if pellet-clad contact exists at the beginning of the ramp. The internal environment of the fuel rod and the possible existence of fuel cracks at pellet surface and pellet hourglassing, can produce local effects at the cladding internal surface that will make possible the occurrence of stress assisted corrosion of the Zircaloy clad. The iodine produced 77 from fission has been considered as a possible active element for the internal surface attack /54,55,56,57,61,62/. Vinde and Lunde /57/ have experimentally determined the time to failure and the strains at failure as function of stress, for internally pressurized Zirealoy cladding tubes in the presence of iodine vapors. If the cladding internal surface stress due a defined power history is known through a fuel behavior computer code, and a cladding failure criteria is established, it is possible to estimate the limiting ramp rate to avoid failure due to PCI. One important aspect to be considered in the PCI analysis is that only up-power ramps are potential problems and the failure mechanism seems to be active only when sufficient tensile stress is imposed on the cladding internal surface, or, perhaps, when the throughthickness average tensile stress is sufficiently high /57,64/. Let's take now the case when power is increased to a new level and kept constant. Due the creep behavior of the material, the cladding stresses tend to relax with time and to accomodate a new diameter. If reactor power is now reduced, fuel pellet temperature decreases almost instantly and a gap is again available between pellet and clad. Any power increase operation that is made within a reasonable time interval and does not go beyond the power level previously attained, will not impose any additional stress on the clad. The clad is said to be conditioned for that specific power level. Now, if the low power level is kept for sufficient 78 time, the mechanisms of clad creep down, fuel swelling, and fuel relocation, will again take up the gap, and the pelletclad mechanical contact is restablished at the lower power level. This is a deconditioning behavior with respect to the higher power level. Conditioning and deconditioning of the fuel element cladding are key points for the ramp rate analysis because, to a large extent, they define the available gap between pellet and clad with respect to the previous power history of the fuel element. The knowledge of the instantaneous gap size is fundamental for definition of the stresses imposed by the up-power ramp on the clad. It is obvious, though, that the ramp rate limitations for the operation of the fuel element are very much history dependent due the dynamic behavior of the pelletclad gap size. To define the limiting ramp rates due PCI, results of daSilva /37/ are used. His procedure for the construction of fuel performance maps is now described. A modified version of the LIFE-1 LWR computer code is used with normalization of some correlations with experimental results and the use of a creep enhancement factor for the Zircaloy, to account for the fuel element behavior during up-power ramps. Decondi- tioning of the fuel is calculated by the BUCKLE computer code /61/, considering the late-in-life ovality and the ovalization creep behavior under the pressure gradient. 79 The failure criterion uses the experimental results of Vinde and Lunde /57/. A stress concentration factor of 2 is imposed on the results produced by the modified version of the LIFE-1 LWR code. Conditioning of the cladding is based on long term stress corrosion cracking (sea) tests by Busby et al /64/ and is considered to occur at the time required to relax 50% of the maximum stress produced by the up-power ramp fuel pellet expansion. Figure 4.4 showns the failure and conditioning criteria proposed to define the limiting ramp rates. Although PCI is not considered usually as a completely known phenomenon /62/, the numerical results produced by the approach proposed in /37/ seems to be compatible with the up-power ramp rates advised by fuel manufacturers /36/ and are used here. The maneuvering table /37/ reproduced here as Table 4.4, lists the advisable ramp rates for different fuel pre- conditioned power levels. The rate of deconditioning and the stress relaxation coefficient are also shown. The values of this table will be used in Chapter VI to define the ramp rate limits for the load-following operation of the plant due PCI. 80 Hoop ) Stress (MPa ..-. 0. Vinde and. Lunde Threshold_. _. 50% Busby Threshold 80 - conditionin time 60 40 20 -20 v -40 . 0 Figure 4.4 (from Ref.37) Failure and Conditioning Criteria 81 Table 4.4 (from Ref.37) Maneuvering Tables (550 to from 42 kW/m to 600 EFPD) 41 40 39 kW/m 38 kW/m kW/m kW/m kW/m kW/m-hr 38.7 M 35.4 M M 32.2 M M M 28,9 M M M M 25.6 65 82 M M 22.3 13 33 M M M M Mv M iv M M - 19.0 6.6 13 33 *fuel element is fully conditioned for the heat generation rate in the "from" column M = Maximum system allowable ramp rate Rate of Deconditioning = 0.501 kW/m-day Stress . 50 Decay Coefficient .75 1.0 I 10 I , 3 20 30 40 50 Time (hours) 82 Chapter V Turbine Analysis 5.1. Introduction. The hot leg of the primary side of the pressurized water nuclear reactors, when in the hot zero power condition operates at about 2800C, and the temperature increases slightly when power is changed to the hot full power level. This value will set an upper bound for the steam generator secondary side temperature at normal operation, and, consequently, will limit the properties of the steam to be delivered to the turbine. If compared with temperatures of the order of 50000 now regularly found in oil or coal fired thermal plants, this is a moderate temperature and will impose the use of wet steam expanding in the high pressure turbine associated with the pressurized water nuclear plant. The necessity to control the secondary side pressure and the steam generator overall heat transfer inside reasonable limits in order to avoid undesirable reactivity effects in the reactor core due to primary side cold leg temperature variations, and the fact that wet steam is used in the high pressure turbine, will, to a large extent, define the load-following behavior of the turbinegenerator group of the pressurized water power plant. To make easier the discussion of the part-load and 83 load-following operation characteristics of the wet steam turbines, a brief presentation of the different turbine governing processes and the effects of moisture in the high pressure and low pressure turbines will be made. The full load heat balance for the turbine of the Angra I Power Plant /19/ was taken as the reference from which Figure 5.1, the associated turbine expansion line, was drawn on a Mollier diagram, assuming a total of 5% for the pressure loss at the stop valve and throttle valve at full power /1/. 5.2. Moisture Effects. The water associated with the wet steam is usually assumed to be present in the form of spherical droplets. To evaluate the consequences of expanding this mixture of water drops and steam in the nuclear turbine, we have to consider the loss of stage efficiency, the erosion-corrosion problem in the high pressure (HP) turbine, and the erosion problem in the low pressure (LP) turbine /2,3,5/. It was experimentally found that the efficiency of dry steam expansion was considerably higher than the expansion of wet steam. An estimate of the loss of stage efficiency due wetness can be made using the results from Karl Baumann /2/, which established that for each 1% wetness present in a stage, its efficiency is likely to decrease about 1%. More accurate results, shown on Figure Fi gure 5.-1 Turbine Expansion Line (Angra I) Enthalpy Entropy 84 85 5.2, should take into account facts as the droplets to steam velocity retio, the pressure and the geometry of the blades /2,3,4/. The use of wet steam in the HP portion of the light water reactor turbines make them very special if compared to the superheated steam turbines which have wet steam only in the last stages of the LP turbine. In this particular, the relative spacing between water drops in the steam at the LP turbine can be greater by a factor of ten with respect to the HP turbine, at the same wetness /5/. The higher temperature and water drop density existing in the HP turbine makes possible the existance of erosion-corrosion caused by iron being dissolved in pure water, and experimental results show that this reaction takes place preferentially in the temperature range from 4 0 to 26000 /2/. The blade erosion problem, another phenomenon, occurs in the LP turbine and is not unique to the nuclear plants because the water separation and steam reheater between HP and LP turbines, makes the wet steam region of the LP nuclear turbine very much like the fossil plant unit, although there is a relatively bigger unit size and mass flow rate for the nuclear units when the same installed capacity is considered. The most serious erosion problem here is the damage that occurs near the tips of the last rotor blades due the impact between the fast moving blades 86 1.00 Efficiency Ratio 0.98 \\ Bauman Rule 0.96 High Pressure Turbine > Low Pressure Turbine, 0*94 0.92 0.90 0 .02 .04 .06 .08 .10 Figure 5.2 (from Ref.2) Wetness Loss for Turbines 87 and the slow moving droplets. It is generally accepted that the maximum wetness value economically feasible is 11% /2,5/. 5.3. Turbine Governing. When the power plant is connected to an electric grid, the mechanical power delivered to the shaft of the turbine, and consequently the steam consumption, is dictated by the grid demand on the generator. One very important aspect to consider in the analysis of the load-following behavior of the plant is to understand how the wet steam turbine is usually controlled to handle different power demands. Since the generated load depends ,mainly on the steam flow and on the thermodynamic properties of the inlet steam, we can identify two classes of control concepts for the operation of the turbine /12/. In the first case, called constant-pressure control, the pressure before the turbine stop valve is kept constant or changes only slightly with power, and the mechanical power required to match the demand is adjusted by the actuation of a governing mechanism which, through different positioning of a valve, changes the flow and pressure of the steam expanding in the turbine. Another possibility is to allow the pressure before turbine stop valve to vary with the load, as in the the sliding-pressure control, where no governing mechanism is needed and all power changes rely on the boiler or steam 88 or steam generator reserve capacity. When a sliding-pressure scheme is used, although no governing is required, some kind of provisionshould be made to handle rapid load increases because the system has generally a reduced speed of response /12/. Pressurized water nuclear power plant uses constantpressure control. For this case, the governing control can be operated by a throttling valve, or by the nozzle control process, or using a bypass scheme /1/. Cases in which combination of the processes above mentioned are used, can also be found. In the nozzle control governing process, different number of nozzle groups are activated, through the actuation of independent control valves, when the turbine load is changed, providing a partial admission of steam proportional to the power demand. The nozzle control is necessarily restricted to the first stage of the turbine while the nozzle areas in the other stages will remain constant. This fact is important because it can be shown /1/ that the absolute pressure of the steam after the first impulse stage of a nozzle governed turbine will be directly proportional to the rate of steam through the turbine. The same is true when throttle governing is used. As will be shown, this will bring severe limatations to the operation of the wet steam turbine. In case of bypass governing, more than one steam 89 admission position is provided in the turbine expansion line. Each valve delivers steam to a specific stage in the quantity and thermodynamic condition imposed by the valve position. The valves are operated in a pre-scheduled sequence when the demanded load does not match the power delivered to the shaft. Since the steam flow for separate groups of blades can now be different, depending on the load and on the bypass valve positions, the pressure change of the expansion line of the turbine with load can be controlled. The problem here is the sophistication control system required to actuate properly of the the bypass valves, as well as the losses associated with the throttling of the bypass steam to meet the stage condition. Turbine throttling is the simplest scheme of the three because it requires the less elaborate control valve actuation pattern to handle the full range of power variations. At each load the throttle valve is positioned by the control system in order to operate the turbine with constant rotational speed. The relation between load and steam consumption is, in general, given by the Willans line and for the throttle governing the Willans line is shown to be straight /1/, indicating a linear relation between load and staam demand. The full power steam consumption is generally well known and for condensing turbines the no load steam consumption is about 10% of the full load /1/. Another characteristic of throttling is that it can be 90 considered as a process with expansion work only and, consequently, isoenthalpic /16/. Using the above considerations about throttling and neglecting the effects of the last stages of the LP turbine where the steam velocity changes appreciably with load, it can be shown that the pressure in any row of blades, sufficiently far away fnom the very low pressure exhaust end is directly proportional to the steam flow /1/, and, consequently, to the load. 5.4. Part-Load Operation of the Wet Steam Turbine. It is well known that big coal and oil fired power plants can respond rapidly to load changes. Reported specifications /12/ state that a 600 MW unit must be capable of being brought up to full power, after an overnight shutdown, in 20-40 minutes, and from the cold condition in 2-3 hours from burners light-up, with loading ramp rates between 5 and 15% of full load per minute in the range from 30 to 100% full load. For these plants, the size of the HP and IP (intermediate pressure) cylinders make it difficult to maintain safe clearances between rotor and stator, which involves close matching of boiler steam with HP casing temperatures and hot reheat steam with IP casing temperature. The ability to raise high vacuum very quickly in case of startups /11/, the first stage bending stresses at part load 91 and when nozzle governing is used, the LP last stage vibration at part-load /7/, all are problems to be considered, but the possibility to use more flexible control schemes, as the sliding-pressure for instanee /12/, and the relatively small steam temperature changes with pressure due the initial superheating in the HP and IP turbines, regions where bigger pressure changes are expected to occur with load, make the load-following capability of the big superheated steam turbine generally be considered as good /7,10,11,12/. As mentioned before, the pressurized water nuclear power plant operates the steam generator secondary side on a almost constant pressure basis. Throttling is the governing process, and is important to consider its effect on the wet steam turbine, when part load operation is required. Figure 5.3 shows the HP expansion line variation due the throttling process, considered as an isoenthalpic transformation. It can be noted that the temperature variation is very significant in the wet steam region with pressure. For the wet steam turbine, steam temperature, pressure and wetness all vary in a wide range with load, and their effects should be carefully considered. Fatigue failure due thermal stress cycling is the first concern. It can be shown that with respect to thermal elasticity the components of a turbine can be arranged in ascending 92 E N T H A L P Y IIo Figure 5.3 Throttling Effect on High Pressure Turbine 93 order of risk into pipings, casings and rotor /9/. In order to analyse the behavior of the turbine under the temperature and pressure variations due load-following, it will be sufficient, though, to investigate the response of the HP turbine rotor, which is the most highly stressed component /9,14/. 5.5. HP Turbine Rotor Mathematical Model. In order to retain the most significant effects of load following, as considered in this analysis, on the HP turbine rotor, and still keep the problem inside reasonable practical bounds, simplifying assumptions are and made, some of which are used even in more sophisticated models /9,14, 15,16/. It is important to understand that the idea here is to estimate roughly the fatigue problem in the HP portion of the wet-steam turbine, and to show the special character of this problem due both the wet steam expansion and the relatively big size of the rotor, with its conse- quently large thermal inertia. Only thermal and pressure variations will be considered with load, and since the rotor is taken as turning with constant speed, no considerations are made about the stresses due centrifugal forces. The form of the HP rotor, as considered here, is shown Figure 5.4. in 94 50 mm 180 M/S Steam in- 1. 50 m Figure 5.4 (from Ref.2) Cross Section of the High Pressure Turbine Rotor 95 The simplifying assumption for the model are: a. Symmetry of revolution, which is a reasonable consideration, because full vapor admission is used for all loads. The model is developed considering a by-dimensional (r,z) cross-section, axisymmetric with respect to the zdirection. Only heat convection is modeled in the steam metal interface, and no allowance is made for heat transfer by irradiation, because its effect is considered negligible /14/. For the metal temperature distribution, heat conduction is assumed. b. Only the body of the rotor is taken into account and no blades are modeled. This is a strong simplification because important stress concentration exists at blade roots /9/, and the results obtained from the model should be taken as lower bounds for the local stress values. The use of a stress concentration factor is discussed in Chapter VI. c. No creep effect is analysed because the maximum metal temperature here is relatively small, while the creep rates for steels are significant only for higher metal temperatures /18/. d. The steam-to-metal heat transfer coeeficient is an 96 important factor, since it will define the external metal temperature. For superheated steam turbines, it was shown /9/ that the heat transfer coefficient varies by a factor of three between machine inlet and outlet, and by a factor of eight between the beginning of startup and full load. It is suggested also /14/ the importance of considering two different regions for the steam-rotor heat transfer surface, the path of steam itself through the fixed and moving blades, and the leakage flow along the shaft through the labyrinth seals, which reduces the total heat flux from steam to metal. In wet steam flow, the heat transfer to walls is greatly enahnced, because the walls become wetted by liquid droplets or water films deposited on them by impact or condensation. These liquid layers have a surface temperature equal to the saturation temperature at that pressure /2/. It is assumed here that the water film deposited over the turbine rotor is in thermal equilibrium with the wet steam expanding in the turbine for all loads, and no consideration is made about the heat transfer process existing at low loads. The leakage flow through labyrinth seals is bounded by the pressure differential between two adjacent stages, and again thermal equilibrium assumed between the leaking steam and will be the metal surface water film, which reduces the impact of the labyrinth seals on the overall steam-metal heat transfer for the wet steam 97 turbines. The mathematical model will be built to consider two independent heat transfer regions, that can be used by option, if the simulation of the differences in the rotor surface due the existance of blades or labyrinth seals is desired. e. The HP rotor is considered with its boundaries perpendicular to the symmetry axis as if they were perfectly insolated on both ends. are also taken Holes in the rotor, if they exist, with perfectly insolated boundaries and no heat transfer equation is solved for their regions. f. No consideration is made for the effect of metal temperature on steam, which is believed to be small /14/. Other effects are not accounted for: supersaturation, the Wilson points /2/ for instance, or other non-equilibrium conditions of the steam and water phases of the wet steam. No consideration is made for the stage increased efficiency at part load due wetness reduction. With all those considerations in mind, the model prepared to analyse the thermo-elastic behavior of the HP turbine rotor under load-following, will now be described. First, the steam and pressure dependence on load is considered and then the steady state and the transient rotor temperature fields are solved using the 98 heat conduction equation. Finally, the rotor stress field is calculated by a thermo-elastic-plastic material model. Detailed description of the mathematical model and the resulting computer codes are presented next. The computer calculations are in two steps, the metal temperature field calculations first, and then the associated 5.5.1. stress field. Steam Pressure and Temperature Dependence on Load. The initial and final steam properties of the full load HP turbine operation are considered as known data. For the throttling process and for positions far away from the very low pressure stages, we have: H =H0 p = (1) W0 ) P (2) 0 where H is enthalpyi. p is pressure, and w is the steam mass flow rate. Subscripted values indicate full power conditions. Using the linear Willans line relation for throttling, with 10% full power steam flow at no-load, w =[.10 + 0.90 ( d wO p[=0.10 + )*go ( P) p0 (3) (4) 99 where P is the turbine power level. Now, using the steam tables /19/, it is possible to find the steam temperature dependence on load, T= T (p,H) = T p(p P (5) ),H where T5 is the steam temperature. The temperature dependence on pressure and enthalpy, obtained from the steam tables, should be provided as input data to the computer code. 5.5.2. Metal External Surface Temperature. The steam temperature dependence on load is calculated for the HP turbine inlet point, just before the first stage nozzle, and for the outlet point, just after the last HP moving blade. Between those two points a linear interpolation is made, which associates a specific temperature to each position along the steam expansion line, T (0) - T (z) = T (0) - T (LJ (6) where L is the total length of the turbine rotor and z is the symmetry axis. Then, the metal external surface temperature can be computed as TM(R,z) = 0 (z) T8 (z) i = 1,2 (7) 100 where T is the metal temperature, R is the position of the external metal surface point in the radial direction r, C and is a multiplication factor to account for special surface conditions on the rotor. 5.5.3. Steady-State Rotor Temperature Distribution. The power level specified at the beginning of the power history is taken as the initial steady-state condition for the turbine. At this power level the rotor external surface temperature is calculated as before and imposed as boundary condition to the Laplace form of the axisymmetric heat conduction equation. The problem to be solved is wi h r-T(rz) + 2Tm(r,z) + Br br T2(r,z) Z2 = 0 with boundary conditions Tr,z) = 0 for z=0, z=L (9) C (z) T 5 (z) Tm(r,z) for r=R T (rz) = 0 for r=0 The finite difference formulation for the heat conduction 101 Ti+, + Ti, j+ 2 T9 - + 1 T- 1 2 r h2 r + Ti,j+l 2 T h2 lz - h - Ti, + partial differential equation is r + T ij-l =-0 Tt = k + k2 Ti.1 , Ti+, j + k 3 (Ti, j+ + T ) or where k, = r hz 2 2rhz + + hr hz2 hrhz 2 + 2rh2 (10) 2 rh2 2Z 2rh2 + hrhz z + 2rh2 r rh 2r 3 2rhz + hrhz + 2rhr and i is the index for the r direction, j is the index for the z direction From equation (10), the iterative procedure used to solve = (1-A) T + A k T + + k2TP. + k3 (TPj+1 + T( (11) ) T + the steady-state temperature problem, can be formulated 102 where A is a relaxation factor used to accelerate the convergence of the iterative procedure /24/. 5.5.4. Transient Rotor Temperature Distribution. The time dependence of the rotor temperature field is imposed by the variation of the metal external surface temperature, resulting from a specified load history given as input data. The equation to be solved now is the Poisson form of the heat conduction problem -6Tm(r, z , t) a1 r + a2Lm+ = m(r,z,t) Tm(r,z,t) +r (12) where t is the time variable and a2= , with k as the p thermal conductivity, CPthe specifiesheat, -and ? the density of the metal. The problem has boundary conditions as (9) and and known initial condition Tm(r,z,0) from the solution of the steady-state problem. Using the index n to represent the time variable, the T9 = 2 a2 LTli+l, ht - 2 Ti. + Ti ,-2,j + - h r + T . associated finite difference equation can be formulated h r h2 z 103 or + k 4T +1,j = h k5 T + T -+ k 6 (, +1 + Tij) - kc7 T (13) + T where S2 = a k + Sa 2 r hr kc k5 a2 2 hr k a2 6 ~ k a2 2 a2 r 2 a2 h2 + which is the expression used to solve the transient heat transfer equation. 5.5.5. Rotor Stress Calculation. The stress field is determined a finite element formulation, using by the utilization of axisymmetrie isoparametric elements and working with an isotropie thermoelastic material model. The code ADINA /25/, a general purpose structural analysis finite element program, is the model used. 104 5.6. The TURBINE Computer Code. The mathematical model presented in the last section is built in the computer code TURBINE, written for this thesis study, which will now be described. The TURBINE code is divided in two steps, the temperature calculation and the stress calculation, which can be executed sequentially or not, depending on the use of intermediate storage of the data to be transfered from one step to another. The first step reads all the input information and prepares the nodal temperature values to be used in the finite-element stress calculation, executed in the second step. All the input information required to run the ADINA code /25/ in the second step, is also provided as output of the first step. The program structure and the options available access each part of it, are presented in Figure 5.5. to The flow chart of the first step, temperature calculation ADINA input data and preparation, is shown in Figure 5.6, where a short explanation of the function of each individual part of the program, taken as independent subroutines, is made. In order to run the program, the HP turbine dimensions and cross-section profile, as well as other input information, steam data and load history for instance, are provided. Table 5.1 presents a detailed description of the required 105 Subroutine read and prepare input data BEI t=0 <h too small STOP Sub.EXPANS Sub.TEMPME Sub.TEMPSS steam temperature rotor ext.surface temp. steady-state temperature Sub.OUTPUT prepare output for ADINA next ime step Sub. EXPANS Sub *TEMPME Sub.TEMVPTR transient temperature Sub.OUTPUT no no last time ast hist. YsSTO Figure 5.6 Calculation of Rotor Temperature Field (Fluxogram) * TURBINE Compute Code 106 COMPUTER CODE TURBINE INPUT DATA AND POWER HIS TORY TURBINE THROTTL. ------ AND EXPANSION (WILLANS LINE) ADI NA INP UT DA TA ROWR SUTFC TEMPERATURE PREP. ROTOR ANP.AN STEPM TEMP.o DISTRIB. (FINITE DIFF.) CHECK FOR LAST ----- STEP AND POWER HISTORY TEMPERATURE FIELD TAPE ADINA * 56 FINITE ELEMENT STRESS FIELD CALCULATION (AXISYMWiETRIC) (ELASTIC) Figure 5.5 Turbine Rotor Model ADINA INPUT DATA TAPE 107 input information. For this analysis, the input data needed by the model is detailed in Table 5.2, where the HP turbine shown Figure 5.4 was used as the basic design. All in the program listing, as well as the input values used to plot the thermal fatigue curves presented in Chapter .VI, is in Appendix II. 108 Table 5.1 Card 3 - Card 2 - Card 1 - Input Data Cards for TURBINE Card 4 - Format (20A4) (TITLE(I),I=l,20) Format (5IlO,2FlO.5) J1AXKMAXNDATANLOADH, ITERM, CONVOVERR JMAX - number of points in radial direction KMAX - number of points in axial direction NDATA - number of points in steam property table NLOADH - number of load histories CONV - convergence criterium for steady state temperature calculation OVERR - overelaxation factor Format (80I1) ((ID(J,K) ,J=lJMAX) ,K=lKMAX) ID = 1 - boundary point with imposed temperature in heat transfer region 1 ID = 2 - boundary point with imposed temperature in heat transfer region 2 ID = 3 - isolated or symmetric boundary point ID = 4 - interior node point ID = 5 - as ID=1 if print is required ID = 6 - as ID=2 if print is required ID = 7 - as ID=3 if print is required ID = 8 - as ID=4 if print is required ID = 9 - point in a void region where no temperature calculation is performed Format (8F10.5) RMAX, ZTOT ,PINPOUT, ALFA, CONVPl, CONVWP2, EXTPRE maximum external radius for HP turbine rotor maximum length for the HP turbine rotor HP turbine inlet pressure at full load, before first stage nozzle POUT - HP turbine outlet pressure at full load ALFA - time constant for metal transient temperature CONVP1 - multiplier for heat transfer region 1 CONVP2 - multiplier for heat transfer region 2 EXTPRE - total steam pressure variation with load RMA, ZTOT PIN - - 109 Card 5 - Format (8F10.5) (TS(IJ),I=l,NDATA) (PS(IJ),I=l,NDATA) TS - steam temperature table PS - steam pressure table This card group should be repeated for the inlet (J=l) and outlet enthalpy (J=2). The data should be provided in increasing order, beginning with the smaller pressure. Card 6 - For each power history the following cards should be provided (NLOADH sets): Format (F10.5,3I10) TSTEP(J),NPOINT(J),NPRINT(J),ICARD(J) TSTEP - time step for this power history NPOINT - number of points for this power history NPRINT - time values specified for printout ICARD - program output option Format (8F10.5) (TIME(IJ) I=lNPOINT) (FRAFP(I,J ,I=1,NPOINT) TIME - selected time for this power history FRAFP - fraction of full power for the selected times Format (8F10.5) (TIMEPR(IJ),I=NPRINT) TIMEPR - specified values of time for printout 110 Table 5.2 Input Data for the TURBINE Code Steam Data (from Ref.20) ) Inlet Enthalpy Pressure Temperature (kPa) ( C 5660 4830 4140 3450 2760 2070 1790 1520 1380 1240 1100 690 350 270 260 252 241 229 214 206 198 194 189 184 174 162 Outlet Enthalpy Pressure Temperature (kPa) 1380 1100 960 830 690 550 410 340 280 194 183 178 171 163 155 144 138 130 210 121 170 140 100 115 107 100 Inlet enthalpy: 2790 J/kg Outlet enthalpy: 2580 J/kg Material Properties (from Refs.21,22,23) Young modulus: E = 2.07 x 105 MPa 6 Thermal expansion coefficient: o= 5.2 x 10Poisson ratio: = 0.30 Density: ? = 4.53 kg/m3 Thermal conductivity: k = 0.17 W/cm C High Pressure Turbine Data (from Ref.2) RMAX = 105 cm ZTOT = 200 cm PIN = 5520 kPa POUT = 1290 kPa C ill Chapter VI Ramp Rate Limitations 6.1. Introduction. Results from the three areas for a more detailed analysis, will selected in Chapter II now be presented. Information from the methods of Chapters III, IV and V will be used to form an overall picture of the load-following behavior of a pressurized water nuclear reactor. Fuel element ramp rate limits were shown to be strongly history dependent. To begin this chapter, some considerations concerning possible weekly cyclic duties for load-following plants will be made. With the defined week load curves it is possible, then, to judge the capability of the plant to follow the load. After the considerations about load-curves, numerical results are presented for the reactivity control system, the fuel element, and the turbine. The last paragraph will discuss the overall behavior of the plant, when the considerations are combined. 6.2. Weekly Load Curves for Load-Following Operation. In Chapter I, it was pointed out that typical ramp rates for load-following duties are in the range of 5% per 112 minute, but nothing is said about the power ranges in which this ramp rate is to be applied. The discussion of the dynamic behavior of the fuel pellet-clad gap size, emphasized that the capability of the plant to follow the load depends very strongly on the details of the plants recent power history. To evaluate properly the behavior of the plant we have, therefore, to define specific load curves. The load-curve used as the reference daily cycle /48/ for the dimensioning of the soluble boron system, considers that power is reduced from 100% to 50% and returned to 100% with ramp rates smaller than 0.3% of full power per minute, in the cycle 12-3-6-3 (that is, 12 hours at 100% power, then 3 hours to change power, then 6 hours at 50%, then 3 hours to change). The cycle 18-6 is also considered in design to study rapid change capability /48/. In order to keep the ramp rates near the 5%/minute identified for load-following operation, the cycle 18-0.2-5.6-0.2 will be analysed. This cycle is displayed as cycle A in Figure 6.1. To some extent, this cycle can be considered as a severe version of the daily (non-Sunday) operation of the plant, which would probably be done most days with smaller ramp rates. For this and all the cycles here considered, it will be assumed that the plant is operated at a lower power level during Sundays. Another extreme load-following operation duty is to consider that the plant is usually loaded only with the minimum possible load. However it must still be available 113 to operate at full power within the time interval required by the dispatcher. This would be typically the case mentioned in Chapter I, when the plant is operating in a essentially hydraulic system during the wet season. For this case we can suppose that the plant assumes three diferent duties throughout the day /42/: - Hot reserve period, from 5 a.m. to 5 p.m., during which the plant should be able to go to full power within one hour. - Instant reserve period, from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m., during which the plant should be able to go to full power in 15 minutes. - Cold* reserve period, from 9 p.m. to 5 a.m., during which the plant is never asked to assume any power. During Sundays, the plant is kept in cold reserve for the whole day. Considering that power is to be changed no higher than a 5% per minute ramp rate, the minimum load to assure instant reserve capability is 25%. For the hot reserve period we have to consider that the plant is at least in the automatic control range, which means no less than 15%. During the cold reserve *The term cold implies no power production. It is not expected that the plant is actually cooled during this time. Figure 6.1 114 100 %Power 80 60 40 20 8. 4. 16. 12. Load Curve A 20. 1 24. Hours 100 %/Powe3 80. 60 - Cold Reserve Instant Reserve Hot Reserve 40 20. 3. 0 1 1 12. 16. Load Curve B 2Q. 24. 20. 24. 100. %Power 80. 60. 40 201 ./ 4. 8. I I 12. 16. Load Curve C 115 period the plant can be kept at the hot-zero-power condition. The load curve resulting from the above considerations is called load curve B, and is shown in Figure 6.1. The actual load curve to be followed by the plant is not necessarily cycle B, because the plant can be asked to assume any load up to full load during the hot reserve or instant reserve periods. Cycle B is the minimum power load-curve that the plant should keep to assure its duty throughout the week. A variation of cycle B, in which the hot and instant reserve period minimum power levels are taken as 50% of full power, called cycle C, will also be considered. Note that, exclusive of shutdowns and returning the plant in cold reserve on Sundays, the plant usage for the cycles pictured are, in equivalent full power days per week, A=5.3, B=0.7 and C=2.0. 6.3. Reactivity Control Systems Limitations. The soluble boron reactivity control system behavior is strongly dependent on the core burnup level, because the total boron concentration is reduced gradually from the beginning to the end of a fuel cycle. Both mode 1, with partlength control rods, and mode 2, without part-length control rods, will be affected by the reduction of the reactor coolant system boron concentration with burnup, but a different behavior will be apparent, because mode 2 will 116 show a gradual loss of ramp rate capability, while mode 1 keeps the design ramp rate for most of the core life and, when the boron concentration is relatively smallits capability is drastically reduced for levels sometimes even smaller than those of mode 2. This behavior is explained by the diversity of duty of the boron dilution system in mode 1 and mode 2 operations. For large power reductions, for instance, while mode 1 requires boron dilution to compensate for the xenon buildup, in mode 2, depending on the ramp rate, boration can be requested to compensate for the power defect which, in this case, has to handled also by the boron system. Several ramp rates have been analysed with the computer code FOLLOW, for both operation modes and at different burnup levels, in order to define the maximum ramp rates that the system is able to follow. A power history with two days of operation was used as the reference for this ramp rate analysis. The ramp rates are depending on the initial and final power levels, and this dependence was analysed through proper definition of the two-days power history. Figure 6.2 and Table 6.1 list the results of the analysis. The data as presented and considered here will be taken as independent of the power history prior to the two days. Although strickly not true, this can be considered as a good approximation since xenon and iodine half lives are short with respect to two days (9.2 hr and 6.7 hr, respectively). 117 Table 6.1 Reactivity Control System Power Variations (percent) 0 - 100 BurnupLevel (percent) 00 20 40 60 80 100 0 - 50 00 20 40 60 80 100 50 - 100 00 20 40 60 80 100 100 - 0 00 20 40 60 80 100 100 - 50 Ramp 00 20 40 60 80 100 Rates Node 1 Mode 2 (peroent/m"i)T M (5%o/min) M M M M <0.10 1*30 1.00 0076 0.53 0.24 <0.10 M M M M M M 1.43 1.04 0.86 0.63 0.48 0.26 M M M M M 1.35 0.89 0.65 0.45 0.29 <0.10 <0010 M M 0.52 0.35 0.15 <0.10 1.32 Mi M M M1 0016 <0.10 1.00 0.71 0.49 0.24 (0.10 1039 1.22 0.65 0.41 0.26 <0.10 118 Operation Mode 1 5.0. Ramp Rate (%/min 4.0 3.0 2.0 Operation Mode 2 1.0. 20 40 60 80 100 Percent Burnup Figure 6.2 Ramp Rates for Reactivity Control Systems ( 0% to 100% full power maneuver) 119 6.4. Fuel Element Limitations. If the behavior of only one fuel rod is analysed with respect to pellet-clad gap size and pellet-clad interaction, a burnup dependence will be apparent: the first gap closure will occur only after about 400 full power days of operation. For reactor core operation beyond the first few cycles, we have to consider that batches with different burnup and core residence time are operating. To be conservative, then, we can impose the ramp rate limits of Table 4.4 as if the reactor power peak were in a regionwhere first pellet-clad contact already exists. This assumption makes the pelletclad interaction ramp rate limit burnup independent. The first consideration now is to calculate the power level for which the fuel rod can be taken as pre-conditioned if the proposed load-curves are followed. If we apply Table 4.4 to load-curves A, B, and C, Figure 6.3 results, where it can be seen that the deconditioning rate is so small relatively to the power maneuvers required to follow the load, that the fuel rod will be conditioned for the highest power level attained daily in the load curve, as long as the reactor is kept for at least three hours at this power level. Three hours can be considered sufficient because each time the required power level is reached, 50% of the resulting stress is releived (stress relaxation factor, from Table 4.4). With practically no deconditioning between 120 Figure 6.3 Fuel Pre-Conditioned Power for Load Curves A,Band C ............. 4 Fuel pre-cond. for 100% (Load curve A) 9080- 7060.- 50- -L---, ----... 40- Fuel pre-cond. for 50% (Load Curve C) 30Fuel pre-cond. for 25% (Load Curve 1B)-- 20- 10- 00- Friday Saturday I I Monday Sunday I 121 one cycle and the next, after the the 6 th cycle of the week, stresses existing at the first cycle would have decayed to only 2% of the original value. It is concluded, though, that the maneuvering table /37/ can be used directly to define the ramp rate limitations due pellet-clad interactions as long as we take the maximum power level attained daily for at least three hours, as the fuel pre-conditioned power to be used in the table. We will therefore use a preramp power level as 100% (42 kW/m) for curve A, 25% (10.5 kW/m) for curve B, and 50% (21 kW/m) for curve C. Other consideration to be made on the use of Table 4.4 is that it seems reasonable to consider that any percent power variation between two lower levels than a specific power maneuver of the table, can be made at least with the same ramp rate. This is a reasonable consideration because the fuel temperature profile variation and the resulting strain, will be bigger if the same percent variation is made at higher power levels. 6.5. Turbine Limitations. Turbine ramp rate limitations are not burnup dependent and, although history dependent, it will be considered here that a steady-state temperature distribution has been reached at the beginning of each ramp rate analysis. Of course, this 122 assumption is not necessarily true for power histories with relatively short periods of time at constant power levels, but will be made here in order to keep inside reasonable bounds the computer calculational time required. Simulation of several power variations with different ramp rates were imposed on the turbine high pressure rotor, using the computer code TURBINE. The maximum stress difference and the alternating stress intensity were, then, calculated for each power maneuver, which will be dependent on both the total power change and the ramp rate; the procedure used to estimate the fatigue life of the turbine rotor, is taken from the rules for Class I components in the ASME code /30/. High pressure turbine rotors used in wet-steam are reported to be made of steel alloyed with chromium, molybdenum and vanadium /8/. To estimate the impact of the alternating stress intensities on the fatigue life of the shaft, the ASME code design fatigue curve /30/ for ferrite steels is used, and is reproduced here as Figure 6.4. The rotor model contained in the computer code TURBINE does not consider particularities as, for instance, rotor blades roots. Stress concentrations can occur at those points which will be underestimated by the bare truncated cone used in the model. From results of Hohn /9/, the use of a stress concentration factor of two seems to be appropriate to account for the particularities of rotor shaft not modeled. ( sto -1 CLE S FIG ti RE 6.4H FA1U.cv*iV 1r- FERil/T 5T.L$( , . 30) 124 Table 6.2 presents, though, the resulting alternating stress intensities for the ramp rates, where a stress concentration factor of two have been employed. The allowable number of cycles for each maneuver are also presented. It is common practice to design and operate large turbine to withstand 10,000 cycles at least, throughout its lifetime. Although the number seems to be small for turbines operating in load-following and with 40 years lifetime (14,600 total calendar days),thermal fatigue cracks propagate slowly and are detectable during the maintenance of the equipment. The shaft can be machined and the problem corrected, as long as the structural behavior of the shaft has not been affected. The limiting ramp rates for the turbine operation are here considered, though, as those liable to produce alternating stress intensities compatible with a 10,000 cycles fatigue life. To estimate the allowable ramp rates, Figure 6.5 can be used, where the data from Table 6.2 is plotted, for variations starting at the zero power level. The same procedure could be followed for different power levels at the start of the ramp and a general picture for the allowable ramp rates for 10,000 cycles would be made. For our discussion here, the data shown in Table 6.2 and Figure 6.5 will be sufficient. Figure 6.6 presents the turbine ramp rate limitations for load-following operation, based on the above assumptions. 125 Table 6.2 Turbine Analysis Results Ramp Rates 0.10%/min 0.50%//min 1.00%/Min 5.00%/min ** Power Variations (percent) 0 0 0 0 iSalt Number oI Cycles (MPa) 71,7 50 50 25 50 75 100 75 100 0 0 0 0 50 50 25 50 75 100 75 100 99.3 159.3 27,000 187.6 199.4 43.4 3,000 2,500 infinite 79.3 40,000 0 0 0 0 50 50 25 50 75 100 75 100 122.8 260.8 57.2 100.7 10, 500 2,700 1,500 1,000 105,000 21,000 0 0 0 0 50 50 25 50 75 100 75 100 138.4 7,100 220.8 1,700 950 610 75,000 11,000 79.3 80.7 80.7 28.3 37.9 194.5 233.9 275.3 313.9 70.3 117.9 Number of cycles calculated with stress concentration factor of 2 applied to the alternating stress (Salt) 75,000 40,000 38,000 38,000 infinite infinite 5,100 126 0.*4%/ruin 5.04/min 1.W0%/ruin 0. 3%/ruin 0.*2%/ruin 0. 5%/rir -Q - - 6L/min ' 100 Power Change M g80 70 60 50 MII 40 IIM~ilii Nil II 30 20 10 00 102 Cycles Figure 6.5 Ramp Rate Influence on Cycles to Failure (0% Initial Power) 127 Ramp Rate 5.0. (%/min) 4.0- 3.0' 2.0. 1.0. 0.0 I 20 I 40 60 I I 80 100 Power Change from 0% (/) Figure 6.6 Turbine Ramp Rates for Power Changes from 0% (10,000 cycles fatigue life) 128 6.6. Ramp Rate Limitations for the Plant. From the previous paragraph, the overall picture of the plant behavior can now be drawn. To begin with, is important to understand the magnitude of the ramp rate limitations just developed and what would be the consequences if they were violated. For the reactivity control system, the ramp rates shown in Table 6.1 are the maximum allowable due to physical limitations on system capacity. The same is not true for Tables 4.4 and 6.2, where the systems involved have sufficient capacity to violate the ramp rates proposed, which are, only, advisable limits in order to avoid or reduce the impact of well identified problems. The data presented and discussed in the previous paragraphs is replotted in Figure 6.7 to 6.9 in a form more convenient to combine them in order to evaluate the overall plant behavior. For those plots, the ramp rates are shown as function of the initial power and the total power change. Groups of points with about the same allowable ramp rate, are joined and form a region in the plot defined by border lines. The final power reached after the transient operation is defined for each point by the sloping line that passes through the point and intersects equal initial power power change and on the axes (for example, the sloping line for Figure 6.7 100 Total Power 9 Change 90 (percent) 129 Rea ctivity Control System Ramp Rates (Operation Mode 2) *ramp rates are in (/min) -s 80 3 N 70 H 60 -R 50 40 30 20 0 N 1.e 2.0 -A T 0 N Beginning of Cycle M (5.0) 10 00 I , I I 40 20 60 S 0. Y 70 60 50 N C -H R 0.3 0 N I 40 30 20 z 80% Through Q,ycle 0. A T 1- I 0 N 1*5 10 00 100 Initial Power (percent) 100 Total Power Change 90 (percent) 80 80 M a 20 40 60 80 100 Initial Power (percent) 130 Figure 6.8 Fuel Element Ramp Rates 100 Total Power Change *ramp rates are in (N/min) 80 S 60 -y 40 100% Power Pre-Conditioned (Load Curve A) N -C H R M(5 .0 20 00 I I 20 100 Total Power 80 Change (M) 60 40 40 60 80 100 Initial Power (%) 0.5* 1.3 S N C 50% Power Pre-Conditioned (Load Curve C) H M 20 00 20 40 60 80 100 Initial Power (M) 100 Total Power 80 Change M% 0010 0.25 S 0.50 1.30 60 -Y 40 20 00 N C H R - 'U 25% Power Pre-Conditioned (Load Curve B) 40 60 80 100 Initial Power (%) 131 Figure 6.9 Turbine Ramp Rates *ramp rates are in (%/min) 100 Total Power 90 Change (percent) 80 S y 70 0.3 C 60 -H R 50 40 N I z A 30 20 M (5%/min) T I 0 N 10 00 I 20 40 60 80 100 Initial Power (percent) 132 for 100% final power is provided on all plots). For all the plots, turbine synchronization precludes operation of the plant, for the purpose of this thesis, at power levels smaller than 15% of full power. Of course, only the general trends of the plant behavior are intended to be covered here. The conditions selected to be plotted in those graphs, are considered as representative of the difficulties to load-follow with the pressurized water nuclear reactors, as perceived here. So, only mode 2 operation, with no use of the part-length control rods, is considered in the plots, where two representative burnups are shown. For the fuel pellet-clad interaction ramp rates, the data selected is representative for the analysis of cycles A, B, and C. Some general comments about the behavior of the ramp rate limitations of each specific area, are well worth considering: - Figure 6.7 for the reactivity control system in mode 2, shows well the difficulty resulting from the limitations on the part-length control rods use. Only a relatively small region is left to operate at the desirable ramp rate of 5%/min which is further reduced with core depletion. By 80% of the core life, some power maneuvers can take as long as 8 hours to be executed. 133 - Figure 6.8 for the fuel element, shows the impact of a convenient fuel preconditioning level on the ramp rate capability of the plant due pellet-clad interactions. When the pre-conditioned power level decreases from 100% 25%, the ramp rate capability is also reduced from to the desired 5%/min ramp rate to 0.1%/min, which would impose 15 hours to attain full load from 15% of full power and destroy the concept of hot reserve as idealized in cycle B. - The shape of the curves presented in Figure 6.9 for the turbine operation, is probably the least restrictive of all, because only relatively big power maneuvers are limited to smaller than desirable ramp rates. It seems that sufficient room is left for load-following, as long as very demanding cycles, like load-curve B, are avoided. Let's now combine the limitations imposed by fuel element, reactivity control system, and turbine, using the corresponding plots 6.8, 6.7 and 6.9. The resulting Figures 6.10 to 6.12 show the overall ramp rate limitations to be applied for the plant operation to follow that specific power history and at the burnup level analysed. From the plots it is apparent the influence of each one of the three mechanisms involved here in the discussion of the ramp rate limitations. The ramp rate limitations for each power history can 134 Figure 6.10 Plant Ramp Rate for 100% Power Pre-Cond. *ramp rates are in (%/min) 100 Total Power Change M go 80 S 70 - 0. N C 60 - H 0.3 Load Curve A R N 40 1 . 50 0. A 80% Through Cycle 1.0 30 - T I N 10 M (5.0) 20 60 40 o 100 Initial Power (/) 100 Total Power Change (%o) 90 80 S 70 - Y 60 N C O.3 H R .4 50 - 0 N 40 - I .0 Load Curve A .5 A 2.0 Beginning of Cycle 30 - T I 20 - 0 N 10 00 20 40 60 80 100 135 Figure 6.11 Plant Ramp Rates for 25% Power Pre-Cond. *ramp rates are in (%o/min) 100 Total Power Change 90 (fo) Load Curve B 80 S Y 70 -N C 60 -H R 0. 0 50 0 . 0 N I e5 40 -z 080% Through Cycle A 1.0 30 -T I 1.5 0 N 20 10 M (5.0) 00 I i I 60 40 20 100 80 Initial Power (%) 100 Total Power 90 Change M 80 _ Load Curve B S Y 70 -N C 60 50 40 30 20 0. 0. R 0 -N I z A T 00 *0 Beginning of Cycle 0. I 0 N 3* M 00 - 10 20 40 60 80 100 Initial Power (M) 136 Figure 6.12 Plant Ramp Rates for 50% Power Pre-Cond. *ramp rates are in (%/min) 100 Total Power Change MI 90 80 S 70 N C 60 - H R 50 - 0 N 40 02Y 0.3 Load Curve C 0 0. z 80% Through Cycle A 30- T 20- 0 N 1. 10 - M (5.0) 1* 00 20 40 60 80 100 Initial Power (%) 100 Total Power Change (%o) 90 80S 70605040 3020- N 0.3 3 CN0 H R 0 N Load Curve C 0 100 z A T I Beginning of Cycle N 10001 20 40 60 80 100 Initial Power (M) 137 now be studied. A load curve will involve different power variations, each one with a specific position in the plot and a ramp rate limitation. A representative point, which can be defined as the one with smaller ramp rates for instance, should be selected. The locus of representative points for load-curves A, B, and C are plotted in the convenient graph and will be used to support the conclusions of this work, presented in Chapter VII. 138 Chapter VII Conclusions and Recomendations 7.1. Conclusions. The major conclusion of this study can be stated by reviewing our approach and the data and the discussion presented in the last chapter: - we adopted representative pressurized water reactor plant characteristics; - we defined a set of desirable load-following operating cycles that would fit with at least one utility's power demands; - we considered a set of restrictions (from regulatory, equipment capacity, and mechanical integrity considerations); - we performed a set of simplified (but plausible) calculations; - and we found that the plant so defined cannot operate in the desired manner without violating one or more restrictions. Cycles A, B, and C, intended to be followed with ramp rates of 55/min, are in general not able to support variations at levels even one order of magnitude smaller. Although fuel element behavior has been pointed out as a major restriction for load-following, load curve A did not present any limitation due to fuel behavior. Other consider- 139 ations prevented curve A from being followed with reasonable ramp rates except at the beginning of core life. It seems clear, though, that even in case of a convenient fuel pre-conditioning, or more idealistically, if the fuel element restrictions were removed, which would allow the operation of the fuel rods with high ramp rates, other restrictions should be analysed. If a power history possible to be handled efficiently by the turbine is selected, and no fuel lement restriction is considered, which is the case for Figure 6.10, still something must be done with respect to the core reactivity control system. If pressurized water nuclear reactors are to be used in load-following at all, it will be necessary, first, to increase its safe ramp rate capability to levels compatible with the cyclic operation scheme demand. Some plant modifications will probably be required, and even a specific load-following system design is also to be thought as a reasonable approach, since, as discussed before, both baseload and load-following impose particular requirements on plant behavior. 7.2. Considerations About Plant Load-Following Capability. By comparing the three areas of difficulty considered here, it seems reasonable to identify the reactivity control limitations as the most restrictive item. Without improvement 140 here, we cannot begin even a moderate effort on load-following with pressurized water nuclear reactors. If the present knowledge of the fuel element behavior proves to be correct, the pellet-clad interaction and the turbine limitations can be lived with, in case of a power cycle not too demanding. It is important to remember, however, that the reactivity control model used here is very simple and no analysis is made of the possibility to use the moderator temperature feedback as an additional control mechanism. Based on the data presented here, it seems reasonable to suggest that the increase of the capacity of the boron dilution system is desirable. This is a logical way to increase the reactivity control capability without deviating from the constant axial offset control. In this particular, safety related aspects should be considered, because increasing the dilution system capability for end-of-life operation, result in excessive core reactivity insertion can from boron dilution at the beginning of life. The high pressure turbine limitation should be handled if load curves as the cycle B are to be followed. The discussion on the control schemes for turbines, presented in Chapter V, showed the temperature variations imposed on the rotor, due either to throttling of the steam ot to partial admission, to be a major effect. If by-pass governing were used, the rotor temperature variatione could be reduced by choosing an appropriate distribution of the by-pass flows and 141 intake positions along the turbine expansion line. Fuel pellet-clad interaction research must be continued in order to improve the knowledge and reduce the uncertainties on fuel behavior. Based on present understanding of the pellet-clad mechanical and chemical interaction phenomenon, ramp rates were suggested that are expected to avoid ramp failure difficulties. New results may (or may not) show that excess conservatism have been introduced in the analysis. However, modifications of fuel element design in order to improve its ramp rate capability can be justified even in case of a loss of efficiency or plant power rating, if the economical incentives for load-following justify them. The change of the cladding or the use of surface coating either on the pellets or on the cladding internal surface, can then be looked as possible paths. Of course, there is a price to pay for a specific loadfollowing design. The benefits accrued from the optimization of the system due load-following operation of the pressurized water nuclear power plants, should be sufficient to pay for specific modifications of the plant, to make it a real loadfollowing unit. 7.3. Recommendations for Continuing and Supplementing this Work. - Improve in the core reactivity control model, which uses a zero-dimension calculation. A one-dimensional model 142 would be much more appropriate to calculate control rod positions and critical boron concentration, than the present approach of curve interpolation of typical data. - The reactivity effect of the reactor coolant temperature variations can be used to reduce the actuation of the soluble boron system and should be analysed. - The liquid and gaseous waste disposal system behavior should be analysed in order to verify the impact of the additional tritium generation and of transient operation. - The possibility of by-pass governing for wet-steam turbine can be investigated. - It should be analysed with greater detail the operation of the plant in the hot-zero-power condition and the difficulties of going to a greater number of synchronization operation for the turbine-generator group - The possibility and consequences of an increase in the boron dilution system capability can be investigated. - The experimental verification of the ramp rates considered here for the fuel elements should be made. 143 APPENDIX 1 Listing of Computer Code FOLLOW C C C C FOLLOW * ********************************** ********************************* C C C C , DIMENSION POTEN(50),TIME (501 ,RRSYST(143) ,FREIN (100) ,rT IT LE (2 0) DATA SIGAXE,FLUXFP,YIELDXYIELDYDECAYYDECAYX/2.7E -18,1.08E 17, 10.00 3,0.064,0. 10 33, 0. 0752/ DATA FREIN/.001, .002,.003,.004,.005,.006,.007,.008, .009,.010,.011,6 A.012,.013,.0 14,.015,.0 16,.017,.018,.019, .020,.021,. 022,. 023 ,.024 B.025, .026, .027,.028,.029,.030,.0 32,.0 34,.036,.038,. 040,. 042,.0440, C.046,.048,.050,.052,.054,.056,.058,.060,.062,.064,. 066,. 068,.070, D.073,.076,.079,.082,.085,.090,.095,.100,.105,.110,r. 118,. 126,.134, E.142,.150,.160,.170,.180,.190,.200,.213,.226,.239,. 252,. 265,. 287, F.309,.331,.353,.375,.415, .455,.495,.535,.575,.622,. 669,. 716, .763, G.810,.832,.854,.876,.898,.920,.936,.952,.968,.984,1 .00/ DATA VOLUMECONDILFLOWDICONBORFLOWBO/76000.,10., 7200. ,22000., 1660./ 1000 WRITE(6,1001) 1001 FORMAT(1H1) TEP=0. TEMP1=0. ISAI=0o IPRINT=O TPRINT=3. READ (5, 1009, END=17) (TITL,(I) ,I=1,20) READ (5,1 ,END=17) NPONTSMODE 1 FORIMAT(8110) READ(5,2) BURNUP P EA D (5,2) (TIME (I) ,I=1, NPONTS) READ (5,2) (POTEN(I),I=1,NONTS) 2 FORMAT(16F5.1) IS ',I1,/////,46X, 'POWER HISTORY ) WRITE (6,1010) (TITLE (I) ,I=1,20) WRITE(6, 1002) MODENPONTS OMAT(/////,50X,'OPERATION MODE 10002 1HAli1 , v12, POI NTS r,/,53Xv (T IMErPOW. FF) I Hj . . ...... .. .... ........... ................................ DO 1004 I=1,NPONTS,4 WRITE(6,1003) TTME(I),POTEN(I),TIME(I+1),POTEN(I+1),TIME(1+2), 1POTEN (1+2) ,TIMEII+3) ,POTEN(I+3) 1003 FORMAT(30X,4('(',F6.2,',,F4.2,')')) 1004 CONTINUE WRITE (6,1005) BURNUP 1005 FORMAT(/////,46X,'CORE BURNUP FRACTION IS ',F4.2,/////) CALL QUEIMA(BURNUPRPOWEO,ALF3OR,RRODDRRODCRRODPL, 1CBOROE, RXENOOR3DBRRSYSTFReIN) RPODDO=RRODD RRODCO=RRODC RRODBO=RRODB RRPLO=RRODPL WRITE (6,1006)CBOROERPOWEOALFBOR 1006 FORMAT(30X,'CRITICAL BORON CONCENTRATION',1OX,'COLD-TO-HOT REACTIV 1ITY',/,30X, ' (EQ.XENON - HOT FULL POWER)',15X,'(POWER D!FECT)v,/, 239X, F6.1,' PPM',25XF6.1,' 3TY COEFFICIENT IS',F5.1,' PCM',/////,34X,'SOLUBLE BORON REACTIVI PCM/PPN',/////) WRITE(6,1007)RRODB,RRODC, RR3DDRRODPL 1007 FORMAT(38X,'TOTAL REACTIVITY (PCH) - CONTROL ROD GROUPS',/,32X, 1'B - tF6.1,5X,'C - ',F6.1,5X,'D - ',6.1,5X,'PL - IF6.1) VRITE(6,1001) C=SIGAXB*FLUXFP A=C*YIELDY B=C*YIELDX FRAFP=POTEN(1) YODO=FRAFP*A/DECAYY XENON=FRAFP* (A+B) / (FRAFP*C+DECAYX) XENONO= (A+B)/(C+DECAYX) RX3NON=RXENOO*XENON/XENONO RPOW 8R=FRAFP*RPO WEO PCHANX=PXENOO-RXENON RCHA P=RPOWEO-RPOWE R+RCHANX WRITS(6,1008) 1008 FO1hAT(///,29X,'POSTIO-CONT0L RODS',6X,'REACTIVITY OF CONTROL R 101)3',9X,'CONCENTRATION OF BORN',/12X,'TIME',4X,'POWER',9X,' (INSER . ...... . . ...... . . .......... .......................... 2TION) ',21X,'(PCM) ,29X,' (PPM)',/12X,'(HR)I,3X,'FRACTION',4X,'B',4X 3,'C',4X,'D',4X,'PL',7X,'B',6X,'C',6X,'D',6X,'PL',3X,'TOTAL',3X,'CR 4ITICAL MAX.DIL. MAX.BOR.',/) 1009 FORMAT(20A4) 1010 FORMAT(///,30X,20A4) CALL OPERA(MODtFRAFPTEMPRPOWER,RXENONISAI, 1CBOROECBOROTPPODD,PRODCPRODPLXENONYODORCHANPALFBOR, 2RRODDORRODCORRODBORRPLORCHANXRRSYSTFREIN, 3TEMP1,YOLUMECONDILFLOWDI,CONBORFLOWBO) DO 16 I=2,NPONTS IF(POTEN(I)-POTEN(I-1))3,6,3 3 DELT=0.05 DPOTEN= (POTZN (I) -POTEN (I-1)) *DELT/(TIME(I) -TIME(I-1)) IF(DPOTEN) 4,6,5 4 ITEST=O GO TO 7 5 ITEST=1 GO TO 7 A DELT=1.05 DPOT?=0. ITFST=2 7 TFMiPO=TEM? TE M P=T3MP+D 1T FRAF?=FRAFP+DPOTEN IF (IT EST-1) 8,10,11 8 IF(FRAFP-POTEN (I))9,9,11 9 FR AFP=POTEN (I) DELT=TIME (I) -TEMPO TEMP=TIN (I) IPRINT=1 GO TO 12 10 IF(FPAFP-POTE N(1))11,9,9 11 IF(TFMP-TIMF(I)) 12,9,9 12 CALL jKUTTA (FPArP,XENON,YODO,A,3,C, DzrAYY, DECAYXDELT) I(TTMP-TPRI NT- .95) 13,14,14 13 IF(CIPRINT) l7,7,14 14 CONTINUE RXENON=RX RNOO*XENON/XENONO RPOWER='PAFP*RPOWEO FCHANX=RXENOO -tRXENON R CH ANP=RPOWEO-RPONER+RCHA NX CALL OPERA(MODEFPAFP,TEMPRPOERRXEON,ISAI, 1CBOROE,CROROTPRODDPRODC, PRODPLXENONYODORCHANP,ALFBOR, 2RJRODDO, RRODCO, RRODBORRPLORCHANX, RRSYSTFREIN, 3TEIP1,VOLU ME,CONDILFLOWDICONBOBFLOWBO) IF(ISAI.EQ.1) GO TO 1000 TPRINT=TEMP IF(IPRINT) 17,7,16 16 IPRINIT=O GO TO 1000 17 STOP END SUBPOUTINE RKUTTA(FRAFPXENONYODOABiCDECAYY,DECAYXDELT) AA= A*FR AFP BB=B*FRAFP CC =C* FR A FP +DECAY X AK11=AA-DECAYY*YODO A K12=BB+DECAYY*YODO-CC*XENON AK21=AA-DECAYY* (YODO+AK11/2.) AK22=BB+DECAYY*(YODO+AK11/2.)-CC* (XENON+AK12/2.) AK31= AA-DECAYY* (YODO+AK21/2.) AK32=BB+DECAYY*(YODO+AK21/2.)-CC*(XENON+AK22/2.) AK4 1= AA-DECAYY* (YODO+AK3 1) A K42=BB+DECAYY*(YODO+AK31)-CC*(XENON+AK32) YODO=Y1 DO+ (AK11+2. * AK21+2.*A K31+ A K41) *DE LT/6. XENON=XENON+ (AK 12+2. *AK22+2. *AK 32+AK 42) * DELT/6. PETURN END SUBROUTINE QUEIMA(BURNUPRPOcEOALFBORRRODD,R RODC,RRODPL, 1CBOROE, RXENOO,RRODBRRSYST,FREIN) DIMENSION wREIN(100), RRSYST(143) CXENOO=310. IF(BURNUP.GT.O.15) GO TO 1000 ALFBOR=8.96-BUPNUP*1.60 GO TO 1002 1000 IF(BURNUP.GT.0.38) GO TO 100 1 ALFBOR=8.72 GO TO 1002 1001 ALFBOR=8.72+(BHRNUP-0.38)*1.06 1002 CONTINUE RXENOO=CXENOS*ALFBOR RPOWEO=140 0 .+BURNUP*700. CBOROE=980.*(1.-BURNUP) + 10. RRODD= 1010. PRODC=1500. R RODB=900. PRODPL=250. DO 5 I=10,143 co =.- ...... . ............ m w w IF(I.GT.40) GO TO 1 RRSYST (I) =RRODD*FRPIN (I) +R RODPL* (FREIN (1+50) -F REIN (1+25)) GO TO 5 1 IF(I.GT.43) GO TO 2 RRSYST(I)=RRODD*FR-I- (I) +RRODPL* (FREIN(90) -FREIN (65)) GO TO 5 2 IF(I.GT.86) GO TO 3 + PRSYST (1)=RRODD*FREIN(I) +RRODPL* (FR EIN (90) -FREIN (65) ) + 1 RRODC*FREIN (1-43) GO TO 5 3 IF(I.GT.100) GO TO 4 RRSYST (I)=RRODD*FREIN (I) +RRODPL* (FREIN (90) -FREIN (65) ) + 1RRODC*FREIN(I-43) +RRODB*FREIN (1-86) GO TO 5 4 RRSYST (I) =RRODD+RRODPL* (FREIN (90) -FREIN (65)) 1 RRODC*FREIN (1-43) +R RODB*FREIN (1-86) 5 CONTINUE RETURN END OPER A (MODE, FRAFPTEMPRPOVER, RXENONISAI, SUBROUTINE 1CBOROECBOROT,PRODDPRODC,PRODPL,KENONYODORCHANP,ALFBOR, 2RRODDO, RBODCORRODBORRPLORCHANX, RRSYST, FREIN, 3TEMP1, VOLTJE, CONDIL,.?LOWDICONBORFLOWBO) DIMENSION FREIN(100),RRSYST(143) IF(MODE-1) 12,2,1 1 PRODD=0.6-FRAFP*0.5 T=100. *PRODD RRODD=FREIN (I) *RRODDO RRODPL=O. RRODC=0. PPO DB= 0. PROD PL=O. PRO DC= 0. PRODB=0. RRODT=RRODD P qORON=PCHANP-1R00T ...... ....... ...... .. ....... CBOROT=CBOROP+ RBORON/ALF BOR GO TO 9 2 CBOR0T=CBOREk+RCUANX/ALFBOR RRODT=RCHANP-RCHANX DO 3 I=10,143 IF(RRSYST(I)-RRODT)3,4,4 3 CONTINUE 4 IF(I.GT.40) GO TO 5 PRODD=FLOAT(I)/100. PRODPL=FLOAT (1+50) /100. PRODC='. PROD3=0. RRODD=FREIN(I)*RRODDO PRODPL=(*FRElIN(1+50) -FREIN (1+25)) *RRPLO RRODC=0. PROD8=0. GO TO 9 5 I?(I.GT.43) GO TO 6 PRODD=FLOAT(I)/100. PRODPL=0.9 PRODC=0. PRODB=O. RRODD=FREIN (I) *RRODDO PRODPL=(FREIN(90)-FREIN(65)) *RPPLO RRODC=0. RRODB=O. GO TO 9 6 IF(I.GT.86) GO TO 7 PRODD=FLOAT(I) /100. PRODPL=O.9 PRODC=FLOAT(I-43)/100. PRODB=0. RRODD=FREIN(I)*RRODDO RRODPL= (FREIN (90) -FREIN (65)) *?PPL) RRODC=FRel N (I -43) *RPODCO PRODB=o. H 0 'Ji GO TO 9 7 IF(I.GT.100) GO TO 8 PRODD=FLOAT (1) /100. PRODPL=0.9 PRODC=FLOAT (1-43)/100. PRODB=FLOAT (1-86)/100. RRODD=FRPIN (I) *RRODDO RRODPL= (FREIN (90) -FREIN(65)) *RRPLO RRODC=FREIN (I-43) *RRODCO PROD B=FREIN (1-86)*RRODBO GO TO 9 8 PRODD=1.0 PRODPL=0.9 PRODC=FLOAT (1-43) /100. PRODB3=FLOAT (I-86) /100. RRODD=RRODDO PRODPL= (FREIN (93) -FREIN (65)) *RRPLO RRODC=FREIN(I-43)*RRODCO PODB=FRE1N (1-86) *RRODBO 9 CONTINUE PRO DT=RRODB+RRODC+RRO DD+RRODPL IF(TEMP-0.001) 10,10,11 10 CBORO1=CBOROT 11 CONTINUE DITEM=TEMP-TEMP1 AUX=EXP (-PLOWBO*DITE 1/VOLUME) CBOMAX=CONBOR* (1.-AUX) +CBORO 1*A UX AUX=1EXP (-FLO WDI*DITTEM/VOLtTME) CB014IN=CONDIL* (1. -AUX) +CBOR0 1*AHX WRI TE (6, 13) TEIP, FRAFP, PRODB, PRODC,PRODD, PRODPL, RRODB3, RRODC, RRODD, 1RRODL ,RODT, CBOROT, CBOMIN,C BOM!AX GO TO 14 IF(C9OROT.LT.CBOMIN.OR.CBCROT.GT.CBOMAX) T iMP 1=T EMP CL30%1=CBOROT 12 CONTINUE 13 FORMAT(10XF6.2,3XF5.2,5X,4(FS.2),2X,5(F7.1),4XF6.1 ,3X,F6.1 ,3X, HJ 'I .......... mw lw w 1F6. 1,/) RE TU RN 14 WRITE(6,15) 15 FORMAT (/////,10X,'TH2 REQUIRED OPERATION IS NOT POSSIBLE DUE INSUF 1FICTIENT CAPACITY ISAI=1 RETURN END IN THE SOLUBLE BORON SYSTEM') I- .......... .. .......... .... . .... I'll, ................ ........... - 'w- .. ......... ... ............ .. 153 APPENDIX 2 Listing of Computer Code TURBINE -- -l . - ....... ................ ..... ..... :.:"" - .............. III = I. JI il LSd7=1 H (31r 14 QV 0 7N*L=)iVI 63 0( a. /a/ v riv =vs al/o= (W' ED a/v= Mc z a/(Oa+v) =(r) t D** l+i+V* *id ZI*ZH*H=R an* (L'0 =11 ZkI/L01~ z= Zf L /XVWV= aN (WnloDN *6R 'ItNK 'alS4 'allll 'XVWa'~ln0d*NdSdS till 1Vla'XVW1)'XYW"daI) 091 M3'NIddK Bd WII *Ati0JZ 'ily N49ig~ L 9s atumadi (08) ;)* (08) ti S(ozz)wva~ls.L oe) (08) 09 (ORl) to " (0 0 09) ddaI* (OZZo1) -(0 L) I 0drN'( *00Sd'('* 0)SJ'(OU GI advo l R40ispiawi( 3HG 3 AUX=HR*HR*HZ*HZ/2./NLFA/(HR*HR+HZ*HZ) GO TO 4 IF(HT.LT.AUX) WRITE(6,3) AUJX,IJK 3 FORMAT(IOX,'TIME STEP HAS TO BF SMALLER THAN ',F7.4,' 1ENCY IN LOAD HISTORY ',I3) GO TO 9 4 TIME1=TIME(1,IJK) FOR CONVERG FPAFP1=FRAFP (1,IJK) IXPANS(FRAFP1,PINPOUTTSPS,NDATA,NZKMAXTSTEAM) CALL CONVP1,CONVP2,TBOUNDIBOUND, TEMPME(TSTEAM,ID, CALL 1KMAX,JMAX) CALL TEMPSS(TSTEAMTBOUNDIBOUNDC1,C2,C3,ID,JMAXKMAX, 1ITrRMITERCONVTT1) IHIST 1 OUTPUT(IDPRJMAXKMAXIHISTTFRAFP1,TIMElICARD,1, CALL 1HPhZ,ITER,TITLENPRINTIJKNLOADHNSTP,NNEWN9,NCOLUM) NPHIST=NPOINT (IJK) NPPIN1=NPRINT(IJK) IPRINT=1 LT.HT) IPINT=2 IF(TIMEPR(1,IJK) DO 8 IHIST=2,NPHIST DFRAP=(FRAFP(IHIST,IJK) -FRAFP(IHIST-1,IJK) 1TIME(IHIST-1,IJK)) )/(TIME(IHISTIJK)- 5 HT=HT1 TIME1=TIME1+HT IIFLAG=0 I FLAG=0 IF(TIME1.GE.TIME(IHIST,IJK)) IFLAG=1 IIFLAG=1 IF(TIME1.GF,.TIMEPR(IPRINT,IJK)) GO TO 7 GO TO 6 Vn . ............ .... ... .. ........... ...... . ..... ....... . 6 IF(IIFLAG.EQ.0.AND.IFLAG.EQ.0) IF(IIFLAG.EQ.O.AND.IFLAG.F.Q.1) HT=TIMEPR(IPRINTIJK) -TIME1+HT TIMNl1=TIMEPR(IPRINT,IJK) IPRINT=IPRINT+1 IF(IFLAG.EQ.0) GO TO 7 HT=TIIE(IHISTIJK)-TIME1+HT TIM E1=TIM,(IHISTIJK) 7 FRAPP1=FRAFP1+DFRAFP*HT EXPANS (FRAFP1,PINPOUT,TSPSNDATANZKMAXTSTEAM) CALL TEMPME(TSTEAM,IDCONV?1,CONVP2,TBOUND,IBOUND, CALL 1KMAX,JMAX) CALL TEMPTR(TBOUNDIBOUNDC4,C5,A,C,HTIDJMAXKMAX,T,T1) IF(IFLAG.EQ.O.AND.IIFLAG.EQ.0) IF(TIMSI.LT.O.) TIME1=0. GO TO 5 OT PUT(IDPRvJMAXKMAX,IHISTTFPAFP1,TIME1,ICARD,2, CALL 1HRHZITER,TITLENPRINTIJK,NLOADH,NSTENNEW,N9,NCOLUM) IF(IFLAG.EQ.1) GO TO 8 GO TO 5 8 CONTINUE 9 CONTINUE GO TO 1 IF(NTCASE.EQ.1) STOP END BEGIN(ID,IDPR,JMAX,KMAX,NDATA,TS,PSPIN,POUTRMAX, SUBEOUTINE 1ZTOTALFA,CONVP1,CONVP2,NLOADHNPOINTTSTEPTIMEFRAFPITERM, 2CONVTI MvPRNPRINTICARDIBOUND,TITLENSTENNEWN9,NCOLUM) CCMMON/OVER/OVERR DIMENSION ID(80,220),IDPP(80,220) ,TS(30,2) ,PS(30,2),NPOINT(10), 1TSTEP(10),TIME(10,10),FFAFP(10O,10),TIM EPR (20,1O),NPRINT(10), 21CARD(10) ,TITLE(20) ,NCOLUM(220) (TITLE(1) ,=1,20) PEAD(5,1,END=42) 1 FORMAT(20A4) 1EAD(5,2)JMA!,KMAXNDATANLDADH,ITERMCONVOVERR 2 FORMAT(5I10,2F10.5) IBOUND=O N9=0 DO 16 K=1,KMAX READ(5,40) (ID(JK),J1,JJMAX) DO 16 J=1,JJMAX ID123=ID(J,K) GO TO (3,5,7,10,11,12,13,14,15) ,ID123 3 IDPR(J,K)=2 4 ID(JiK)=1 IBOUND=IBOUND+1 GO TO 16 5 IDPP (J,K)=2 6 ID(J,K)=2 IBOUND=IBOUND+1 GO TO 16 7 IDPR(JK)=2 8 IF(K.EQ.1.OR.ID(J,(K-1).GT.6) IF(J.NE.l.AND.ID(J-1,K).EQ.7 IF(ID(JK).NE.4) ID(J,K)=3 GO TO 16 9 IF(K.FQ.1.OR.ID(JK-1).EO.8) IF(ID(JK).NE.5) TD(JK)=6 GO TO 16 10 IDPP(JK)=2 ID(J ,K)=7 GO TO 9 ID (JK)=4 1 D(J , K) =5! H . : .................... .... ......... GO T0 16 11 IDPR(JK)=1 GO TO 4 12 IDPR (JK)=1 GO TO 6 13 IDPI (JK)=1 GO TO 9 14 IDPR(JK)=1 ID(J,K)=7 GO TO 16 15 IDPR(J,K)=2 ID(JK)=8 16 CONTINUE 17 READ(5,17)RMAXZTOTPINPOUTALFACONVP1,CONVP2 FORMAT(8F10.5) DO 18 J=1,2 READ(5, 17) (TS (IJ) ,I=1,NDATA) READ(5,17) (PS(IJ),I=,NDATA) 18 CONTINUE DO 20 J=1,NLOADH READ(5,19)TSTEP(J),NPOINT(J) ,NPRINT(J),ICARD(J) 19 ?ORMAT(F10.5,3I10) NPT=NPOINT (J) NPR=NPRINT (J) READ(5,17) (TIME(I,J),I=1,NPT) READ(5,17) (FRAFP(IJ),I=1,NPT) READ(5,17) (TIMEPR(IJ) ,I=1,NPR) 20 (ONTINUE WRITE(6,21) (TITLE(I) ,I=1,20) 21 FORMAT(1H1,////20X,20A4) WRITE (6,22) JMAXKMAXNDATAvLOADHITEPM ,CONV,OVERR 22 FORMAT(//,30X,'NODES IN RADIAL DIRECTION ',I4, 1/30X,'NODES IN AXIAL DIRECTION ',14, 2/30X,'NUMBER OF POINTS IN STEAM TABLES ',14, 3/30X,'NNMBER OF LOAD HISTORIES',I4, 4/30X,'iMAXIMUM ITE37TION FOR STEADY STATE TEMPERATUR7 ',I4, - - - . .1.1 1 .1 - - - I I . , - - 1 .1 .." I . 11:,- - I - - . "I'll .... ... ...... ..... - .1.. . . ... ....... - C0 5/30X,'CONVERGENCE CRITERION FOR STEADY STATE TEMPERATURE', F6.3, 6/30X,'OVER-RELAXATION FACTOR FOR SYEADY STATE TEMPERATURE',F6.3) 23 WRITE (6,23) FORMAT(/////,20X,'NODE NUMB7RING SPECIFICATION', 1/25X,'ID= I OR 2 2/25X,'ID= 3 TO 6 BOUNDARY NODE WITH SPECIFIED TEMPERATURE', BOUNDARY NODE WITH ZERO HEAT FLUXI', - 3/25X,'ID= 7 INTERIOR NODE', 4/25X,'ID= 8 EXTERNAL NODE (NOT CONSIDERED)',/) DO 24 K=lKMAX 24 WRITE(6,39) (ID(JK),J=1,JTMAX) WRITE(6,25)PIN,POUTRMAX,ZTOT,ALFA,CONVP1,CONVP2 25 FORMAT(/////,40X 'PIN ',F8.1,/40X,'POUT ',F8.1, 1/40X,'RMAX ',F8.1,/40X,'ZTOT ',F8.1, 2/40X,'ALFA vF8.1,/40X,'CONVPl',F7.1,/40X,'CONVP2',F7.1) WRITE(6,26) FORMAT(/////,30X,'STEAM DATA (TEMPERArJ REPRESSURE) 't 1//15X,'INLET CONDITIONS') J=1 27 DO 29 I=1,NDATA,5 WRITE(6,28) TS(IJ),PS(IJ),TS(I+1,J),PS(I+1,J),TS(I+2,J), 26 1PS(I+2,J),TS(I+3,J),PS(I+3,J),TS(I+4,J) 28 FORMAT(10I ,PS(I+4,J) ,5('(',F6.1,','F6.1,')',3X)) 29 CONTINUE IF(J.EQ.2) GO TO 31 WRITE(6,30) 30 FORMAT(//15X, 'OUTLET CONDITIONS') J=2 GO TO 27 31 J=1 32 WRITE(6,33)JTSTEP(J),ICARD(J) 33 FOPMAT(/////10X,'POWER WRITE (6,34) NPOINT (J) 34 FOPMAT(//,IGX,I3,' NPT=NPOINT(J) NPR=NPRINT(J) DO 35 I=1,NPT,5 HISTORY' ,13,' POINTS SPECIFIED HT - ',F6.4,' (TIME,FPAFP) '/) ICARD',I2) , 35 WRITE (6,36) TIM-E(IJ),jFRAFP(IJ),vTIME (I+1,rJ),rFRAFP (I+1,vJ) 1TIME(I+2,J) ,FRAFP(I+2,J) , TIME(I++3,J),FRAFP(I+3,J),TIME(I+4,J), 2FRAFP (I+4,J) 36 FORMAT(10X,5('(',F6.2,',',F6.2,')I,3X)) WRITE(6,37)NPR 37 FORMAT(//1OX,13,' TIME VALUES SPECIFIED FOR PPINTOUT') WRITE (6,38) (TIMEPR(IJ) ,I=I,NPR) 38 FORMAT(/1OX,10(F8.3,2X)) 39 FORMAT(30X,90I1) 40 FORMAT(8011) J=J+1 IF(J.LE.NLOADH) GO TO 32 IA0=0 NSTE=0 DO 41 I=1,NLOADi NPRIN1=NPRINT (I) NPHI ST= NPOINT (I) IF(TIMEPR(NPRIN1,I).LT.TI ME(NPHIST,I)) IA0=1 IF(IA0.EQ.1) NPRINT(I)=NPRINT(I)+1 IF (IA6.EQ. 1) TIMEPR (NPRIN1+1,I) =TrME(NPHISTI) IF(ICARD(L).NE.0) NSTE=NSTE+NPRINT(I) 41 IAO=0 RETURN 42 END FILE 56 REWIND 56 REWIND 57 EXIT .... .... .. .. .. ..... ... .. . ........... . ... ..... ..... ........ . CALL END w SUBROUTINE OUTPUT (IDPRJMAXKMAXIHISTTFRAFP1,TIME1,ICARDNNN# 1HR,HZ ,ITERTITLENPRINT, IJKfNLOADHNSTENNEW, N9,NCOLUM) 30 0 0 DIMENSION IDPR(80,220),T(80,220),RCOOR(1000),ZCOOPR(1000),T2( 1NPRINT(10) ,TITLE(20) ,ICARD(10),NCOLUM (220) ), REAL*8 TEMPDBT2DOUB(3000) DATA TEMPDBT2DOUB/0.,3000*70./ GO TO 5 IF(IJK.NE.1.OR.NNN.NE.1) 1 WRITE(6,2) 2 FORMAT(1H1,/////,1OX,'NODE NUMBERING 1RE PRINTOUT',//) T EM PO= 1. ICAR 1=ICAP D (IJK) AND COORDINATES FOR TEMPERATU NUMNR=O NNEW=O K1=0 DO 3 K=1, KMAX IF(IDPR(1,K).-FQ.2) GO TO 3 GO TO 3 K1=Ki+i NCOLUM (K)=0 DO 3 J=1,JMAX IF(IDPR(JK).EQ.2) IF(K.EQ.1) NUMNR=NUMNR+1 NCOLUM(K)=NCOLUM(K1) +1 NNEV=NNEW+1 PCOOR (NNEW) =HR* (J-1) ZCOOR (NNEW) =H Z* (K-1) 3 CONTINUE (IIRCOOR(II) ,ZCOOR(II),1=1, NNEW) WRITE(6,4) 4 FORMAT(4(5XI4,' (',F7.3,' ,',F7.3,') )I,/) WRITE (6 ,9) ITEF NUMNP=NNEW IF(ICAR1.EQ.0) GO TO 5 WRITE(56)TEMPDB, (T2DOUB(II) ,II=1, NNEW) IF(ICAR1.EQ.1) GO TO 5 CALL ADINA(TITLE, NUMNPNUMNNSTPRCOOR,ZCOORICAR1,YKNCOLU IJK,TIME1,RAFP1 5 WRITE(6,6) M) H 0\ H 6 FORMAT (////,1OX,'LOAD HISTORY ',I3,10X,'TIME=',F7.3,* 1F5.2) IF(ICARI.NE.0) WRITE(6,10)TEMPO NNEW=0 DO 7 K=1,KMAX Do 7 J=1,JMAX IF(IDPR(JK).EQ.2) GO TO 7 FRAFP=', NNEW=NNEW+1 T2(NNEV) =T(JK) 7 CONTINUE 8 FQRMAT(6(5X,I4,' (',F6.1,')'),/) 9 FORMAT(//30X,'NUMBER OF ITERPATIONS PERFORMED FOR STEI ADY STATE TEMP 1FRATURE...,13,////) 10 FORMAT(10X,'FOR ADINA THIS TIME IS EQUIVALENT TO...' ,F5.1) WRITE (6,8) (I,T2 (II) ,II=1,NNEW) TEMPDB=TEMPO DO 11 I=1,NNEW 11 T2DUB(I)=T2(I) IF(ICAR1.NE.0) WRITE(56) TEMPDB, (T2DOUB (11) ,II=1,NNEW) IF (ICAR1.NX.0) TEMPO=TEM PO+1 RETURN END N) ... .... ...... ..... ........... SUBROUTINE IK1,NCOLUM) ADINA(TITLENUMNPNUMNRNSTERCOORZCOORICARD, DIMENSION TITLE(20),ISREFB(3,1),IEQITB(3,1),IPFIB(3,1),RCOOR (1000) 1,ZCOOR (1000),ID(6),NPAR(20),PROP(25),NCOLUM(220) DATA IDOFNEGLMODEXIDATWR,IRINTITP96,JNPORTIMASSIDAMP, 1J1MASSNIDAMPN,IEIGIOPE,NSPEFBNEQITBNPPIB,NPB,NLOAD,ICONN, 2IPSrMTYP/100111,0,1,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,1,1,1/ DATA INPORTNPUTSV/0,0/ DATA NPAR/2,0,1,0,0,,t4,0,U,2,0, 0,0,0,3,1,0,0,0,0/ DATA ISREFB/3*1/,IEQITB/3*1/,IPRIP/3*1/,ID/1,O,0,1,1,1/ DATA DTTSTARTOPVARIOPVAR2,DENN/1.,0.,0.,0.,,1./ DATA PROP/100.,200.,300.,400.,500.,850.,6*30000000., 16*0. 30,6*0. 0000094, 70./ IJJ=0 NST1=NSTE ISREFB (2,1)=NST1 IEQITB (2,1) =NST1 IPRIB (2,1) =NST1 NPAR2=0 DO 99 IJJ=1,K1 IP(IJJ.EQ.K1) GO TO 99 NPAR2=NPAR2+NCOLUM (IJJ)-1 99 CONTINUE NEGNL=NPAR2/20 IF(20*NEGNL.LT.NPAR2) ISAI=7 IF(ICARD.GT.3.OR.ICARD.LT.-3) ISAI=57 100 IF(ISAI.MQ.6) 101 NEGNL=NEGNL+1 IF(ICARD.EQ.2) ISAI=6 IF(ICARD.EQ.3.OR.ICARD.EQ.-3) WRITE(6,101) FORMAT(1H1,////,30X,'ADINA INPUT DATA',//) WRITE (ISAI, 1) (TITLE (I) ,=1,1 8) WRITE(ISAI,2)NUMNPIDOFNEGLNEGNLMODEXNSTIDTTSTARTIDATWR, 1IRINTITP96,INPORTJNPORT WRITE (ISAI,3)IMASSIDAMP,IMASSN,IDANIPN WRITE (I5AI,3) IEIG WRITE (ISAI,4) iOPE,oPVAR1,oPVAR2 "o- . .. .. .. . . .. ........ ............. ....... WRITE (ISAI,5) -NSREFBNEQITB WRITE (ISAI,3) NPRIBNPB WRITE (ISAI,3) NPUTSV WRITE (ISAI,3)ISREFB (1,1) ,ISREFB (2,1) ,ISREFB (3,1) WRITE(ISAI,3)IEQITB(1,1),IFQITB(2,1) ,IEQITB (3, 1) WRITE (ISAI,3) IPRIB (1 ,1) ,IPPIB (2,1) ,IPRIB (3, 1) DO 7 I=1,NUMNP WRITE(ISAI,6)I, (ID(J),J=1,6),RCOOR (I),ZCOOR (I) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 FORMAT(18A4) FORMAT(I5,16,I14, 315,2E10.3,515) FORMAT(415) FORMAT(110,2E10.3) FORMAT (315,E10.3) FORMAT(lXI4,6I5,l0X, 2E10.3) CONTINUE 8 FORMAT(2014) 9 FORMAT(15,E1O.3) 10 FORMAT (8E10. 3) 11 FORMAT (15,5K, 215) WRITE (ISAI,3) NLOAD WRITE(ISAI,3) ICON J=0 IA=0 NTOC=0 DO 14 II1=1,NEGNL II=0 IF(II1*20.LE.NPAR2) IF(II1*20.GT.NPAR2) NPAR (2)=20 NPAR(2)=NPAR2-(IIl-1)*20 WRITE (ISAI ,8) (NPAR (I) ,I=1,20) WRITE (ISAI ,9) NDENN WRITE (ISAI,10) (PROP (I) ,I=1,25) 12 J=J+1 IF(J.GE.K1) GO TO 14 NCOLUJ=NCOLUM (J) -1 NTOC=NTOC+NCOLUl (J) 13 1A=IA+1 Hs mw I1=II+1 NOD1=NTOC+I A+1 NOD2=NOD1-1 NOD3=NOD2-NCOLUN (J) NOD4=NOD3+1 WRITE(ISAI, 11) IIIPS,MTYP WRITE (ISAI,3) NOD1,NOD2,NOD3, NOD4 IF(IA.LT.NCOLUJ.AND.II.LT.NPAR(2)) IF(IA.EQ.NCOLUJ) IA=0 IF(II.LT.NPAR(2)) GO TO 12 14 CONTINUE GO TO 13 L.,JJ=TJ+ 1 1F(ICARD.LE.-3) ISAI=6 IF (ICARD.EQ.-4.AND.IJJ.EQ.2) IF(ICARD.LE.-3.AND.IJJ.LT.2) IF(ICARD.EQ.-4.AND.IJJ.EQ.2) R ETUR N END ISAI= 7 GO TO 100 GO TC 100 lellilillilli................ amelsm asemenemileme . 0% EXPANS (FR AFP1,PINPOUTTSPSNDATA,NZ, K MiAXTSTEAM) SUBROUTINE DIMENSION TS (30,2) ,PS(30, 2), TSTEAM (220) ,PRES (2) ,TEM (2) PRES (1) =(0.1+0.9*FRAFP1) *PIN PR ES (2) =(0. 1+0.9*FRA FP1) *POUT Do 3 3=1,2 DO 1 1 =1,NDATA IF(PS(IJ) .GT.PRFS(J)) GO TO 2 1 CONTINUE 2 TEM(J)=(TS(IJ)-TS(I-1,J) )*(PRES(J)-PS(I-1,J))/(PS 1PS(I-1,J))+TS(I-1,J) 3 CONTINUE DTEM= (T EM (2) -T EM (1) )/N Z (IJ)- TSTEAM (1) =TEM (1) DO 4 I=1,NZ 4 TSTEAM (I+1)=TSTEAM (I) +DTEM RETURN END GI SUBROUTINE 1KNAX,JMAX) TEMPME(TSTEAM,ID,CONVP1,CONVP2, TBOUNDIBOUND, DIMENSION TSTEAM (220) ,ID (80,220) ,TB3OUND (1000) II=0 DO 2 K=1,KMAX DO 2 J=1,JMAX IF(ID(JK) .GT.2) GO TO 2 II=1I+1 IBOU ND=II IF(ID(JK).EQ.2) GO TO 1 TBOUND (II) =CONVP I*TSTEAM (K) GO TO 2 1 TBOUND(IT) =CONVP2*TSTEAM(K) 2 CONTINUE RETUR N END .. ............. TEMPSS(TSTEAM,TBOUND,IBOUND,C1 SUBROUTINE 1ITERMITER,CONV, T,TI) ,C2,C3,IDJMAXKMAX, COMMON/OVER/OVERP DIMENSION TSTEAM(220),TBOND(100),CI(8C),C2(8),C3(80),ID( 8 0, 2 2 0) 1 ,T(80,220) ,T1 (80,220) ITER=O II=0 DO 2 K =1,KMAX DO 2 J=1,JMAX IF(ID(J,K).LT.3) GO TO T (JK)=TSTEAM (K) Ti (J,K) =TSTEAI (K) GO TO 2 1 1 11=II+1 Ti (J,K)=TBOUND (II) T (J,K) =TSTEAM (K) 2 CONTINUE IF(II.NE.IBOUND) WRITE(6,3)IIIBOUND 3 FORMAT(//,10X,'ERROR IN BOUNDARY TEMPERATURES IBOrIND=',I4) 1' 4 ICONV=1 ITER=ITER+1 - II=',I4, DO 11 K=1,KMAX DO 11 J=2,JMAX ID123=ID(JK) GO TO (11,11,5,6,7,8,9,11),1D123 5 T(J,K)=(C1(J)+C2(J))*T1(J+1,K)+C3(J)*(T1(J,K+1)+T(JK-1)) GO TO 10 6 T(J,K)=(C1(J)+C2(J))*T1(J-1,K)+C3(J)*(Tl(J,K+1)+T1(JK-1)) GO TO 10 ) 7 T(JK)=C1(J)*T1(J+1,K)+C2(J)*T1(J-1,K)+2.*C3(J)*T(J,K+1) GO TO 10 9 T(JK)=C1(J)*T1(J+1,K)+C2(J)*T1(j-1,K)+2.*C3(J)*T1(J,K-1) GO TO 10 9 T(J,K)=C (J)*T1 J+1,K)+C2(J)*T1(u-1,K)+C3(J)*(T1(JK+1)+T1(JK-1)) 10 TEST=ABS (T (JK) -T(J,K) H co - - - .1. 1 - - .-, , - - - I- -- n.- -- - -- I -- I I I - I - - - - - --- -- - I- - - --- , --- I- . . . ....... .. H ON 51 dflLN0a t7 f)(Wal o=ANOJGN*O*AOI s )aI 1 SUBROUTINE TEMPTR (TBOUND,IBOUNDC4,CS,A,C, HTID,JMAX,KMAXi,T,T1) DIMBNSION TBOUND (1000) ,C4 (80),C5 (80) ,ID(80,220),T(80,220),TI (80, 1220) I I=0 DO 1 K=1,KMAX DO 1 J=1,JMAX IF(ID(JK).GE.3) GO TO 1 1i=II+1 T (J,, K) =TBOUND (II) 1 T1 (JK)=T(JK) DO 8 K=1,KMAX DO 7 J=2,JMAX ID123=ID(JK) GO TO (7,7,2,3,4,5,6,7),1D123 2 T(JK)=HT*((C4(J)+A)*T1(J+1,K)+C* (T1(J,K+1)+T1(J,K-1)) 1-C5 (J) *T1 (JK))+Tl (JK) GO TO'7 3 T(J,K)=HT*((C4 (J)+A)*T1(J-1,K)+C*(T1 (JK+1)+T1(J,K-1)) 1-C5(J) *T 1 (JK) )+T1 (JK) GO TO 7 4 T(J,K)=HT*(C4(J)*T1(J+1,K)+A*T1(J-1,K)+2.*C*T1(J,K+1) 1-C5 (J) *TI (JK)) +T 1(JK) GO TO 7 5 T(J,K)=HT*(C4 (J)*T1(J+1,K)+A*T1(J-1,K)+2.*C*TI(JK-1) 1-C5(J)*T1(J,K))+T1(JK) GO TO 7 6 T(JK)=HT*(C4(J)*TI(J+1,K)+A*T1(J-1,K)+C*(T1(JK+1)*T1(JK-1)) 1-C5 (3) *T1 (JK)) +TI (JK) 7 CONTINUE 8 T(1,K)=T(2,K) RETURN EliD 0j .............. - .. - -4 --. I-- - Z - ,.1 171 APPENDIX III Angra I Nuclear Power Plant Data (from Ref.19) Thermal and Hydraulic Design Parameters Reactor Core Heat Output 1876 MWt 2. Heat Generated in Fuel 97.4% 3. System Pressure, Nominal 15.5MPa 4. System Pressure, Minimum Steady State 15. 3MPa 5. Total Thermal Flow Rate for Coolant (x106 32. 2kg/hr 6. Coolant Average Velocity along Fuel Rods 490.cm/sec 7. Nominal Coolant Inlet Temperature 287. 50C 8. Average Coolant Temperature Rise in Vessel 37. C 9. Average Coolant Temperature Rise in Core 38.5 0 10. Average Coolant Temperature in Core 307.0 C ) 1. 11. Average Coolant Temperature in Vessel 305.0C 12. 17.6kW/m Average Thermal Output 13. Maximum Thermal Output for Normal Operation 42.0kW/m 172 Core Mechanical Design Parameters 1. Number of Fuel Assemblies 121 2. U0 2 Rods per Assembly 235 3. Rod Pitch 1.23cm 4. Fuel Rod Out side Diameter 0.95cm 5. Diametral Gap 165 m 6. Clad Thickness 570 m 7. Clad Material 8. Fuel Pellet Material 9. Density of Fuel Pellet Zircaloy-4 U0 2 Sintered 95% of Theoretical 10. Diameter of Fuel Pellet 0.82cm 11. Fuel Pellet Length 1.35cm 12. Control Assembly Absorber 13. Control Assembly Clad Material 14. Clad Thickness for Control Assembly 15. Number of Control Assemblies 16. Number of Absorber Rods Per Cluster Ag-In-Cd Type 304 SS-Cold Worked 445 m 33full/4part 20 Additional Plant Data Has Been Provided Throughout the Text 173 List of References 1) W. J. Kearton, "Steam Turbine Theory and Practice", Isaac Pitman and Son, London,1958. 2) M. J. Moore and C. H. Sieverding, "Two-Phase Steam Flow in Turbines and Separators", Hemisphere Publ. Corporation, Washington, 1976. 3) I. I. Kirilov and R. M. Yablonik, "Fundamentals of the Theory of Turbines Operating on Wet Steam", NASA TT F-611, Washington, November 1970. 4) R. C. Spencer and E. H. Miller, "Performance of Large Nuclear Turbines", Combustion 5) , pp.24-30, August 1973. F. R. Harris, "Problems Posed by the Wet Steam Turbines in Nuclear Power Plants", Journal of Science and Technology, Vol.36 - 6) Number 3, 1969. J. M. Mitchell, "Trends in the Design of Highly Rated Steam Turbines", the Institution of Mechanical Engineer, Steam Plant Group, Proceedings Vol.183 - Part 30, London 1969 174 7) N. 0. Parsons, "The Contribution of Service Experience to the Development of Modern Large Steam Turbines" the Inst. of Mech. Eng., Steam Plant Group, 064/71, London 1971. 8) G. Riollet, M. Widmer and J. Tessier, "Les Turbines a Vepeur de Grande Puissance Associees aux Reacteur Nucleaire", Proceedings of the European Nuclear Confer. Paris, 1975 9) A. Hohn, "Steam Turbines on Startup", Combustion, February, 1976. 10) G. Wronski, A. Davies and B. D. Burrows, "Behavior of Turbo-Generator Bearings under the Influence of Varying Operational Conditions", the Inst. Mech. Eng., Steam Plant Group, 0123/73, London, 1973. 11) J. T. Moore, "Engineering Planning and Designing of Large Steam Power Plants for Maximum Availability", the Inst. Mech. Eng., Steam Plant Group, Proceedings Vol.179 - Part 31, London, 1965. 12) K. Buchwald et al., "Design Behavior and Operational Experience of Sliding-Pressure Power Station Units", the Inst. Mech. Eng., 1973 Steam Plant Group, 0114/73, London 175 13) J. S. Sohre, "Steam T!arbine Blade Failures, Causes and Correction", Proceedings of the 4th Turbomachinery Symposium, Texas A and M University, October 1975. 14) C. J. Benjamin et al.,"Bi-Dimensional Calculation and Experimental Verification of Thermal Stresses on a Steam Turbine Rotor", Proceedings of the International Conf. on Thermal Stresses and Thermal Fatigue, CEGB Nuclear Labs., Gloucestershire, England, September 1969. 15) R. U. McCrae, A. Montagne and M. Douglass, "Experience in the Use of a Digital Computer For Predicting SteamTurbine Performance", Inst. Mech. Eng., Steam Plant Group, Proceedings Vol.176 - 16) Part 81, London, 1965. P. J. Turton, "Digital Computer Programs for Steam Cycle Analysis", Inst. Mech. Eng., Steam Plant Group, Proceedings Vol.176 - 17) Number 5, London, 1962. Babcock and Wilcox, "Plant Operation Report - Reactor Coolant System Heatup Schedule". 18) W. E. Cooper, "Notes on Design of Elevated Temperature Components", Summer Section on Nuclear Reactor Safety, M.I.T. Summer 1975. 176 19) Furnas Centrais Eletricas S/A, "Final Safety Analysis Report - Angra I Nuclear Power Plant", Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1977. 20) J. H. Keenan and F. G. Keyes, "Steam Tables", John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1969. 21) N. P. Suh and A. P. L. Turner, "Elements of the Mechanical Behavior of Solids", McGraw Hill Co., New York, 1975. 22) S. H. Crandall et al., "An Introduction to the Mechanics of Solids", McGraw Hill Co., New York, 1972. 23) 1A. M. El-Wakil, "Nuclear Heat Transport", International Textbook Co., Scranton, 1971. 24) M. Clark and K. F. Hansen, "Numerical Methods of Reactor Analysis", Academic Press, New York, 1964. 25) K. J. Bathe, "ADINA - A Finite Element Program for Aut. Dynamic Incremental Nonlinear Analysis", M.I.T., Report 82448-1, Cambridge, 1977. 26) P. J. Nicholson, "LWR Instrumentation and Control", Class Notes of M.I.T. Course 22.32, Fall 1976. 177 27) D. D. Lanning, "Power Reactors", Class Notes of M.I.T. Course 22.32, Fall 1976. 28) J. F. Tichit, "Important Structural Considerations in Design of Steam-Generator Tubesheets", M.I.T. Master Thesis, May 1976. 29) P. C. Riccardella and T. R. Mager, "Fatigue Crack Growth Analysis of Pressurized Water Reactor Vessels", ASTM, Special Techaical Publication number 513, pp. 260-279, 1972. 30) ASME, "Boilers and Pressure Vessels Code", Section III, 1971 31) H.N. Paduano, G. E. Liebler and J. M. Pugsley, "Effects of Steam Generator Tube Denting on Turkey Point Operation" ANS - Winter Meeting, Transactions p. 8 13, 1977. 32) E. F. Duhn, D. D. Malinowski and i. D. Fletcher, "Three Years Operating Experience with AVT in Westinghouse Steam Generators", ANS - Winter Meeting, Transactions p.814, 1977. 33) P. J. Wasling et al., "Correlation of PWR Steam Generator Failures with T/H Characteristics", European Conf.,Paris, 1975. 178 Westinghouse Nuclear Energy Systems, "Topical Report - 34) Reactor Coolant Pump Integrity in Loca", WCAP-8163, September 1973. 35) Westinghouse Nuclear Energy Systems, "Pipe Breaks for LOCA Analysis of the Westinghouse Primary Coolant Loop", WCAP-8172, July 1973. 36) Verbal communication from the Engineering Department of the Maine Yankee Reactor. 37) Othon L. P. da Silva, "Fuel Element Performance Maps for Nuclear Reactors Orerational Decisions", Nuclear Engineer Thesis, M. I. T., December 1977. 38) F. M. Swengel, "Quick Star and Cyclic Capacity For the 70's", Power Engineering, pp.34-40, June 1971. 39) Commonwealth Edison Staff, "Appraisal of Nuclear Power Plant Reliability", Power Engineering, pp.45-47, May 1975. 40) R. E. Balzhiser, "R and D Status Report: Fossil Fuel and Advanced Systems Division", EPRI Journal, p.33, november 1977 41) Furnas Centrais Eletricas S/A, personal communication. 179 43) R. Schuster, "Directions in Peaking", Power Engineering, pp.28-33, October 1972. 44) J. S. Spencer, "Physical Justification of the Term:State of Fatigue of Materials under Cyclic Loading, ASTM-STP519, pp.185-212, 1972. 45) J. E. Meyer, "Structural Mechanics in Nuclear Power Technology", Class Notes for M.I.T. Course 22.314, Fall 1975. 46) K. Hornyik, "Tritium Generation in the Coolant-Moderator of Pressurized Water Reactors", Nuclear Science and Engineering, Number 49, pp.247-254, 1972. 47) P. J. Sipush et al., "Load-Following Demonstration Employing Constant Axial Offset Power Distribution Control Proceeding", Nuclear Technology, Vol.31, pp.12-31, October 1976. 48) T. Morita et al., "Topical Report - Power Distribution Control and Load-Following Procedures", WCAP-8403, WNES, September 1974. 49) A. F. Henry, "Nuclear Reactor Analysis", MIT Press, Cambridge, 1975. 180 50) A. E. Green and A. J. Bourne, "Reliability Technology", Johe Wiley and Sons, New York, 1972. 51) D. D. Ebert et al., "Maneuvering Experience at Calvert Cliffs", ANS Meeting, Summer 1977. 52) N. Eickelpasch, R. Seepolt and U. Wolff, "Implication of Fuel Performance on the Plant Operation", Proceedings of European Nuclear Conference, Vol.3, Paris, 1975. 53) Y. Y. Liu, "A Probabilistic Approach in Nuclear Reactor Fuel Element Reliability Analysis", M. S. Thesis, MIT, January, 1976. 54) J. A. L. Robertson, "Nuclear Fuel Failures, Their Causes and Remedies", Proc.Joint ANS/CNA Topl.Mtg.Commercial Fuel Technology Today, Toronto, Canada, 1973. 55) S. Aas, "The Effects of Load-Following Operation on Fuel Rods", Nuclear Engineering and Design 33, pp.2 6 1-269, 1975. 56) R. Manzel and H. Stehle, "KWU in*Reactor Experience with LWR Fuel", Proc. European Nuclear Conference, Vol.3 Paris, 1975. 181 57) K.Vinde and L. Lunde, "Fuel Element Failures Caused by Iodine Stress Corrosion", Proc. European Nuclear Conf., Vol.3, Paris, 1975. 58) E. Hillner,"Corrosion and Hydriding Performance of Zircaloy Tubing After Extended Exposure in the Shippingport Pressurized Water Reactor", ASTM-STP 551, Zirconium in Nuclear Applications, pp.449-462, 1974. 59) W. J. O'Donnell and B. F. Langer, "Fatigue Design Basis for Zircaloy Components", Nuclear Science and Engineering 20, pp.1-12, 1964. 60) A. L. Bement, "Nuclear Fuels", Class Notes of MIT Course 22.72, Spring 1976. 61) P. J. Pankaskie, "BUCKLE, An AnAlytical Computer Code for Calculating Creep Buckling of an Initially Oval Tube", Battelle Pacific Northwest Lab., May 1974. 62) J. T. A. Roberts et al., " On the Pellet-Cladding Interaction Phenomenon", Nuclear Technology, Vol.35, mid-August 1977. 63) S. Aas, K. D. Olshansen and K. Vindem, "Fuel Failures Caused by Overpower Ramps", Nuclear Fuel Performance Conf.,London, 1973. 182 64) C. C. Busby, R. P. Tucker and J. E. McCanby, "Halogen Stress Corrosion Cracking os Zircaloy-4 Tubing", Journal of Nuclear Materials 55, pp. 6 4- 8 2, 1975.