An Analytic Structure for Sustainable Energy in Competitive Electricity Markets by Arnob K. Bhattacharyya Submitted to the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degrees of Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and Master of Engineering in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY May 9, 2003 V Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2003. All rights reserved. OF TECHNOLOGY 0- . JUL 3 0 2003 LIBRARIES Author Department of Electrical Engineering and omputer Science D n ay 9, 2003 Certified by Stephen R. Connors Coordinator - Multidisciplinary Research Director, Analysis-Group for Regional Electricity Alternatives Thesis-j.ppervisor Accepted by Arthur C. Smith Chairman, Department Committee on Graduate Theses B'K.R __j1 An Analytic Structure for Sustainable Energy in Competitive Electricity Markets by Amob Bhattacharyya Submitted to the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science on May 9 th 2003 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degrees of Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and Master of Engineering in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science ABSTRACT Vast resource requirements and copious production of emissions and their associated social and environmental concerns have made the electric utility sector a hot topic of several debates. Some of the core issues include increased competition, increased population growth accompanied by increases in demand, and global climate change. Although this is a global problem, we address the issues presented on a more regional level by looking at the Scandinavian utility sector. In this thesis, PROSYM, a chronological electric power production costing simulation computer software package, is tested as a possible model to be used for a sustainability project. It is determined that PROSYM's hydro logic is inept and suggestions are made as to how to improve the model to handle a system with a large amount of hydro generation. With these fixes in place, we then shift focus to the benefits and costs of adding alternative energy sources to the system. Multiple simulations are run to test the feasibility of adding wind to the Scandinavian system. Emissions and transmission line capacities are analyzed to measure the effect of this added generation. Having looked at both a model and an alternative energy source, detailed suggestions are made as to the requirements for a sustainable production model. Model, data, and scenario requirements are discussed thoroughly in an effort to attract multiple stakeholders and to engage them in a debate over the critical issues and the future direction for a planning project in Scandinavia. Thesis Supervisor: Stephen R. Connors Title: Coordinator - Multidisciplinary Research Director, Analysis Group for Regional Electricity Alternatives 3 4 Acknowlegdements I would like to thank my advisor and mentor Stephen R. Connors for his unrelenting support. He provided the guidance and inspiration I needed to complete the work, by constantly taking time out of his busy schedule to design work arounds for problems encountered. Furthermore, the input from Audun Botterud and Kaare Gether helped to develop the thesis making it more comprehensive. Audun worked on several projects for more than the span on a year, yet he always found time to brainstorm with me. Thanks!! I would also like to thank Prasad Ramanan for several late night discussions that made me look at problems in a different light. His guidance helped me to sail through my graduate studies. It has truly been a privilege to work with him throughout my MIT career. I wish you the best in your career and your life. Lastly, to my family who has been always supportive and understanding, I couldn't have done it without you. I owe all my success to your love. 5 6 Table Of Contents INTRODUCTION 2 OVERVIEW OF MODELLING AND DATA ISSUES 2.1 The PROSYM and EMPS Models 2.1.1 PROSYM 2.1.2 EMPS 2.1.3 PROSYM vs. EMPS 9 11 11 11 11 12 2.1.4 Current Work 13 2.2 Geographic Division 2.3 Load Division 2.3.1 Norway 2.3.2 Sweden 13 14 14 15 2.3.3 Denmark 2.4 Transmission Lines 2.5 1Hydro Production 2.6 Heat Rates for Thermal Plants 2.7 Modeling Germany, Finland, Poland, and Russia 2.8 Profiles for Nuclear and CIP Plants 16 17 18 19 21 22 3 1IYDRO SCIIEDULING AND TIlE PROSYM MODEL 3.1 Hydro Scheduling Methodology 25 25 25 25 26 3.1.1 Hydro Scheduling Issues 3.1.2 External Hydro Scheduling 3.1.3 Scenario Selection and Data Preparation 3.21 lydro Scheduling Results 3.2.1 Varying Hydro/Flat Thermal Results 27 27 3.2.2 Flat Ilydro/Varying Thermal Results 29 3.2.3 Varying I lydro/Thermal Results 3.3 Improving the Hydro Scheduling Methodology 30 33 3.3.1 Representative Weeks 3.3.2 Results of Ilydro Scheduling Methodology for Representative Weeks 3.3.3 Factor Adjustment for Run-of-River Content 3.3.4 Results of Factor Adjustment for Run-of-River Content 3.4 Pitfalls and Alternatives 33 35 38 40 42 3.4.1 Pitfalls of Hydro Scheduling Methodology 42 3.4.2 Alternatives 43 4 INTEGRATING WIND INTO TIE ANALYSIS OF TIE SCANDINAVIAN SYSTEM 4.1 Wind in Norway 45 45 45 48 49 49 4.1.1 Load Characteristics in Norway 4.1.2 Wind Characteristics in Norway 4.2 Converting Wind to Power 4.2.1 Converting Data to I lub Height 50 50 51 52 52 4.2.2 Analyzing Wind in Norway NorwayS NorwayW NorwayM NorwayN 7 4.2.3 Estimating the Power Curve 4.2.4 Total Power 4.2.5 Power Surface Curves 4.2.6 Load Surface Curves 54 57 58 60 4.3 PROSYM Simulations 60 4.3.1 Transmission Lines 61 4.3.2 Transmission Area Prices 63 4.3.3 CHP Generation 65 4.3.4 Hydro Scheduling 65 4.4 Transmission Line Solution 66 4.5 Issues with Wind 66 4.6 Conclusions 67 5 MODEL AND DATA REQUIREMENTS FOR A PLANNING PROJECT IN SUSTAINABLE ENERGY 69 5.1 The Optimal Model 69 5.1.1 System Boundary & Time Resolution 69 5.1.2 Economics 70 5.1.3 Wind 70 5.1.4 H ydro 70 5.1.5 Thermal 71 5.1.6 Hydro/Thermal Coordination 72 5.1.7 Price-Flexible Load 5.1.8 Cost/Bid-based Dispatch 72 74 74 74 74 75 75 75 76 78 78 78 79 79 80 5.2 Data 5.2.1 Load Data 5.2.2 Hydro Data 5.2.3 Wind Data 5.2.4 Heat Data 5.2.5 Plant Data 5.2.6 Database Organization 5.2.7 Database Security 5.3 Scenario Selection 5.3.1 Supply Side Technology Options 5.3.2 Demand Side Technology Options 5.3.3 Bidding Strategies 5.3.4 Emission Trading 5.4 Multi-Attribute Trade-Off Analysis 5.5 Conclusions 81 82 83 85 CONCLUSION REFERENCES 8 INTRODUCTION Environmental emissions, increasing demand for power, and vulnerability of electric power networks have increased concerns about the sustainability of the electric sector. These issues not only play an important role in the choice of future options for system development, but in current operation as well. It is important that we understand that the issues mentioned above are not disjointed. A solution that decreases environmental emissions at the risk of higher vulnerability of the power network is not robust. Any proposed solution will be complex, will have to be implemented with finite resources, and will have some degree of impact on society as a whole. Decision makers and planners in the electricity sector are searching for an elegant solution to the sustainability problem by addressing the issues mentioned above. There are an ample number of suggestions for solving this problem. Technological advances in power generation, power storage, end-use efficiency, and load management have provided us with both demand side and supply side solutions. The key is to accurately model these new technologies and to use them effectively to benefit the system in the present and the future. With the emergence of policy measures to control emissions and increased competition, these new technologies must be flexible. They must adapt to constraints that change rapidly and unpredictably. Thus, any solution to this problem must balance the social, economic, and environmental dimensions of sustainable development. They must contribute to the management of risk and the improvement of flexibility, in order to avoid serious disruption of the energy system [I]. However, social concerns and regulatory policies which express themselves to govern system operation can change quickly. Changes in technology and public concern are reflected by changes in the regulatory and decision-making process, and policy options have proliferated, including emissions trading and taxes and various structures for increased competition. It is left up to the decision makers to deal with the conflicts of interest which exist between technological appropriateness, social acceptance, economic soundness and responsibility towards future generations, with the goal of social and economic development which achieves or maintains a high standard of living and improves quality of life [2]. 9 As the above discussion has outlined, there is a need for research that will address the problems related to sustainability and the electric utility sector on the technical, systems, and decisionmaking levels. There are several goals for this project. The idea is to involve a wide range of participants from the electricity sector, utility sector, environmentalists, and customers and to engage them in a debate of the current issues. It is important to identify and implement a wider range of measures that will serve as accurate indicators of sustainability. Improved modeling tools that simulate electric system operation under competition, and include transmission and distribution effects are essential to a project in sustainability. Analyzing technology options that are considered 'next generation' is of importance as this will give us insight into the limits of the current system. These are some of the end goals for this project. We need to enumerate some of the more immediate goals that will help us reach these end goals. The most important of these goals is the gathering of data that describes the Scandinavian electricity market accurately and effectively. The next is to gather a group of stakeholders who can enlighten us as to the most critical issues and those that can be addressed at a later time. Using this information a set of scenarios must be developed that analyzes a wide array of both supply and demand side options. Finally, a model must be chosen to test these scenarios and to further identify and refine the goals for this planning project. We have attempted to address some of the goals mentioned above in this paper. The first major issue that we tackled was the selection and examination of a possible model for the project. Using a minimal data set, we tested the model to determine its feasibility for the project. After analyzing the model, we present possible improvements to enhance the functionality of the model in Chapter 2. While testing the model, meetings were held with possible stakeholders to determine particular areas of interest. One area of interest was chosen and researched quite thoroughly and is presented in Chapter 3. Chapter 4 integrates both the previous chapters and presents the requirements for a model that is to be used in this planning project. The chapter also discusses possible scenarios that should be explored and tested once a model has been chosen. Finally, we conclude and reiterate our findings. 10 2 OVERVIEW OF MODELLING AND DATA ISSUES 2.1 The PROSYM and EMPS Models 2.1.1 PROSYM The electric power system in Scandinavia was simulated using the PROSYM model. PROSYM is a chronological model that represents the operation of several individual generating units which serve customer electricity demand on an hourly basis. As a general matter, the units with lower operating costs have priority in the dispatch over higher cost units, so that the total cost of operating the system is minimized. The model also recognizes generator operating constraints such as minimum down time and maximum ramp rates as well as transmission constraints between each of the individual "transmission areas" in the study region. In PROSYM, the electric industry is divided into a number of interlinked transmission areas, which correspond to the utilities' transmission capabilities and geographic boundaries; there are eight transmission areas in the three country region used in this analysis [3]. 2.1.2 EMPS EMPS has been developed for optimization and simulation of hydro-thermal power systems with a considerable share of hydropower. It takes into account transmission constraints and hydrological differences between major areas or regional subsystems. The EMPS model optimizes the utilization of storage capacity (hydropower, gas, emission quotas) in relation to demand and alternative sources of supply. The model has been developed for studying the operation of the Nordic and European power systems, and may also include gas markets and emissions quotas. The model is well suited for simulating the utilization of national or international energy resources, the interaction between hydropower and thermal-based generation, and e.g. the interaction between a gas- and an electricity market. Several hundred production units may be represented in a number of subsystems which may e.g. represent parallel markets for electricity and gas. Among available results are simulated market prices, generation, consumption and trade as well as emissions and economic results. At present, the model is frequently used for forecasting spot price development [4]. 11 2.1.3 PROSYM vs. EMPS Time resolution: PROSYM has an hourly while the EMPS model has a weekly time resolution. It is therefore possible to add more detailed operational constraints with the Prosym model. Thermal description: PROSYM allows the modeling of thermal plants in a very detailed fashion, using max/min capacity, heat rates, ramp rates, start up/shut down costs, and variable operating costs. The EMPS model represents the thermal generation simply with marginal costs and available capacity. Hydro description: The EMPS model has a detailed description of the optimization of hydropower generation including all hydropower plants in the system. The network of waterways is also represented in the model. The Prosym model has no long-term optimization of hydropower, but dispatches the available hydro energy throughout the week, using internal hydro logic. Each single hydro unit can in theory be represented, but waterways and run of water between plants are not represented in the model. By using the EMPS model for long-term and Prosym for short-term dispatch of resources we should, at least in theory, end up with a good hydro description. Transmission: The EMPS model divides Scandinavia into 15-20 areas and normally applies simple constraints on the weekly energy transport between the areas. It is possible to add an additional DC loadflow module to represent the physical flow with more detail. PROSYM can handle up to 10 areas with hourly constraints on the transport capacity between areas. Market design: Prosym can simulate a bid-based market, with possible strategic behavior from participants with market power. The EMPS model does not have this option and aims at minimizing total cost by optimal use of the hydro reservoirs. In Prosym we can also represent ancillary services like reserve requirements. This may not be important in a system with more than 50 % hydropower. Outages: In Prosym outages can be drawn from a probability distribution. In the EMPS model the outages are only represented as deterministic reductions in available capacity for the various plants. 12 2.1.4 Current Work The most crucial element of our work is to compile all necessary data, which include demand data, heat rates for thermal plants, weekly energy values, and fuel ratios for CHP plants that use two or more fuels. The next step is to determine scenarios to test in the short- and long-term. This is important as there are several issues that need to be considered and they must be compiled in an intelligible manner that will allow easy analysis of the results. Next, simulations spanning 1-year to 30-years into the future must be run and results must be collected and analyzed. Running these simulations allow us to learn the intricacies of the model, as well as its constraints. Then a different set of scenarios must be run and the results of these scenarios must be compared with previously collected results. This process is repeated until all alternatives have been exhausted. 2.2 Geographic Division To proceed in our study of the Scandinavian area using the PROSYM model, the first step was to reduce the aggregate nature of the data. To accomplish this, we began by dividing each country in our model into distinct transmission areas. Thus, Norway was divided into four sub-areas, Sweden into two sub-areas and Denmark into two sub-areas. In the EMPS model, Norway consisted of twelve distinct areas. We tried to choose sub-areas so that the main bottlenecks in the system are still represented. This led us to reduce the twelve sub-areas into four as shown below. Glomma Ostland Sorost Hallingdal Telemark Sorland Vestsyd Vestmidt Norgemidt Helgeland Troms Norway South Norway West Norway Mid Norway North Finnmark Table 2-1: Table of EMPS and PROSYM transmission areas. 13 Sweden and Denmark were divided into two sub-areas, Sweden North and South and Denmark East and West. These divisions were the same as those in the EMPS model for Sweden and Denmark. Once these divisions had been determined, the next step was to divide the aggregate load amongst the newly created areas. 2.3 Load Division 2.3.1 Norway From the EMPS model, we acquired data for each of the twelve areas in Norway for 1999. We aggregated the data for the twelve sub-areas into the PROSYM areas that were created. The data from the EMPS model was quite detailed, as it divided the demand for each of the twelve areas in Norway into three parts, an industrial, residential, and price-flexible part, but has an hourly time resolution. As we aggregated the data into the four PROSYM areas, we were able to maintain the same level of detail as the EMPS model. This allowed us to extract ratios for the industrial, residential, and price-flexible parts of the load for each of the four PROSYM areas. The sum of these three parts for each area was the fraction of the total load that was assigned to that area. We combined the residential and price-flexible ratios into one; however the industrial was not easily combinable. Given that most of the industry in Norway is heavy industry which is running all the time and requires an almost constant amount of electricity, the total industrial load was subtracted from the aggregated Norwegian load. The Norwegian load, minus the industry, was then divided into the four PROSYM areas using the combined residential and price-flexible ratios. Once this was complete, the fraction of the total industrial load for each area was added back to create four separate demand profiles for the four PROSYM areas. The figures below shows the total Norwegian load broken up into four separate areas for Jan. 2001. 14 2 0 th, Norway South Norway West 3500 -- 3000 - - - --- - ---- - - - - -,_ 12000 - - _- -- -_- _-- -- 10000- 2500- 8000 2000 6000 1500- - --- - - - - 4000 -- 1000- 2000 5001 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 1 3 5 7 9 11 Hours Hours Norway North 2500 -- - - - - - - - 13 15 17 19 21 23 Norway Mid - - -- - 3500 - - --- -A 3000 2000 2500 1500 -- - - _ - 2000------ m 1000- 1500 1000 500 500 --0 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 1 Hours 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 Hours Figure 2-1: Variation in demand over a period of 24 hours in Norway. As can be seen from above, the demand follows the same pattern in all four areas. This is because they are all based on the same aggregate hourly load data for Norway for 2001. Demand in all areas has a bi-modal profile. The first peak occurs at approximately noon, after which demand decreases slightly. We see that demand then rises to a second higher peak at approximately 5 in the evening, when people get home and start preparing dinner. From the graphs above, we see the Norway South has the largest load compared to the other areas as it is compromised of six subareas with a denser population. 2.3.2 Sweden For Sweden, we also acquired data from the EMPS model. Since Sweden is modeled as North and South in the EMPS model, we directly determined the fraction of the total load for each area. With these ratios, we divided the 2001 data into North and South. Below is the graph of demand in the two areas of Sweden for January 2 0 th 2001. 15 Sweden South Sweden North 4500 40003500300025002000------1500 - 100 0 - -- - - - - -_--500 0 1 3 5 7 _--- 4000 - 2000 0 __ 1 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 9 - --- 20000 -18000 16000-. 14000 12000 10000 8000 6000 5000 - 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 Hours Hours Figure 2-2: Variation in demand over a period of 24 hours in Sweden. As can be seen from the graphs above, both Sweden North and Sweden South follow the same pattern. Similar to Norway, Sweden's demand profile is bimodal. Demand reaches its first maximum at approximately noon, decreases a bit for the following 3 hours and then reaches a new higher maximum at approximately 5 in the evening. It is obvious that Sweden South has a much higher load than Sweden North. One point to take note of for both Norway and Sweden is that these demand profiles were artificially created from real data. That is, we have applied our own ratios to separate the load into separate parts to create different demand profiles. These ratios were extracted from EMPS input data, but may not be entirely accurate. 2.3.3 Denmark For Denmark, we acquired real historical data for East and West from Nord Pool. This means that we did not apply any ratios to the total demand to break them into their respective parts. The data in the figure below is therefore real data, and that explains why they have slightly different shapes, as opposed to the sub-areas in Norway and Sweden. Below is the graph of demand in the two areas of Denmark for January 2 0 th,2001. 16 Denmark West Denmark East - - 2500- - - - - - - 3500--- ------ 3000 2000- 2500- 1500 - 2000 1000 - - - -- S1500- _ 1000 500- 500 0 , 1 0 3 5 7 9 1 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 Hours Hours Figure 2-3: Variation in demand over a period of 24 hours is Denmark. Once again we see that the demand in Denmark East and West follow the same pattern. Similar to Norway and Sweden, Denmark's demand profile is bimodal. The first peak occurs at noon and the second higher peak occurs at approximately 6 in the evening. We also notice that the demand profile in Denmark is not as smooth as the other two countries. This can be attributed to the fact that this is real data. Also, Denmark is different from the other two countries as its load is almost evenly shared between East and West. 2.4 Transmission Lines The transmission lines were modeled with the help of the EMPS model. The model had a list of all lines between the various areas, their MW capacity, loss rate, and duplex characteristics. Since we reduced the number of Norwegian areas from twelve in the EMPS model to four in the PROSYM model, some transmission lines needed to be aggregated. For example, Norway South has one transmission line that is an aggregate of all the transmission lines to the six individual sub-areas that it is composed of. This single transmission line is equivalent in capacity, loss rate, and duplex characteristics to all the transmission lines entering and leaving the six sub-areas comprising Norway South. Transmission lines were created in a similar fashion for the rest of Norway. Since Sweden and Denmark were represented the same way as the EMPS model, no aggregation was needed for lines leaving those two countries. Below is a table of the all the links in the PROSYM model. 17 FROM TO Norway South Norway North Norway Mid Norway South Denmark East Norway South Norway North Norway Mid Sweden North Denmark West Denmark West Sweden North Sweden North Sweden South Sweden South Norway West Norway Mid Norway South Sweden South Sweden South CAPACITY (MW) 1040 785 500 1850 1190 8700 900 300 6500 560 CAPACITY BACK (MW) LOSS (%) 1040 785 500 1600 1140 8700 900 300 6500 560 3 .1 .1 .1 2 .1 .1 .1 3 3 Table 2-2: Transmission lines with associated loss rates between the transmission areas 2.5 Hydro Production For hydropower we had access to weekly inflow statistics at Sintef Energy Research (SEfAS) for both Sweden and Norway. The hydrological inflow series usually run from 1930 until 1990, so we had sufficient statistical material for hydropower. In the EMPS model these series are used for long-term stochastic optimisation of the storable hydropower generation. The time resolution in the EMPS model is one week, and the optimisation usually takes place over a time period of I to 5 years. We used the EMPS model for long-term hydropower scheduling purposes in our trade-off analysis, but we intended to use PROSYM for more detailed modelling with hourly time resolution. We therefore needed to prepare the weekly results for hydropower generation from the EMPS model so that they could be transferred to the PROSYM model. PROSYM requires a weekly or monthly available hydropower production as input, and allocates the energy between the hours of the week, using specific logic for hydropower. The level of detail and complexity applied in this logic is flexible. The simplest and fastest way is to let the available hydropower be scheduled in order to meet the demand as much as possible during high demand hours in the system, and therefore level out the demand met by thermal units. The model can also optimize the hydropower generation through iterations based on an assessment of the marginal value of water in the reservoirs. In the last case water values from the EMPS model can possibly be used as initial marginal values of the water in PROSYM. The PROSYM model treats the weekly/monthly hydro generation as a deterministic variable. We will therefore need to create a set of scenarios to incorporate the uncertainty in hydro inflow into 18 our model. Figure 2-4 illustrates how this can be done, by reducing the simulated values of weekly hydro generation and possibly also water values from EMPS, into for instance three scenarios for the availability of hydro energy in the power system. The methodology described here is directly applicable for the storable part of the hydropower generation. The non-storable part of the inflow can also be modelled in the same way, but with no flexibility in how to dispatch the energy over the week. We therefore represent the run of river fraction of the hydropower as minimum weekly capacities in PROSYM. Alternatively, run-of-river generation can also simply be modelled as a reduction in the demand. WV 1 W~d WV? WVI , WV WV59 WV60 4 HGI HG 2 HG, HG, HG59 HG60 Figure 2-4: The transfer of weekly hydropower data from the EMPS model to the PROSYM model: a) Extraction of simulated weekly results for hydro generation (HGj) and possibly also water values (WVi) from the EMPS model. b) Reduction to three (or more) hydro scenarios (dry-d, normal-n, wet-w). c) Input of hydro scenarios to the PROSYM model. Unfortunately, we have not been able to obtain plausible results with the built-in hydropower logic in PROSYM. Therefore, we have developed a logic that will treat the hydro power outside of the PROSYM model, as further described in Chapter 2. 2.6 Heat Rates for Thermal Plants The heat rates for thermal plants were acquired from data in a previous study. PROSYM provides us three ways of modeling heat rates. The first is an incremental method for which we specify a 19 few levels of production and the associated incremental heat rate to run at those production levels. The second is an average method for which we specify a level of production and an associated average heat rate for that level. And lastly, a coefficient option which allows us to specify coefficients to create a heat rate curve. As we did not have detailed information available, we decided to use a flat average heat rate curve. This means that the efficiency of the plant remained constant at all levels of production. As production is increased, the cost associated with production is directly related to the cost of fuel. The heat rate determines the initial marginal cost, but has no bearing on the cost as production is increased from the minimum to the maximum level. As more data becomes available we may switch to other options of modeling heat rates. Sweden's nuclear and coal plants were assigned values to create a flat average heat rate curve. Since there was no readily available data on heat rates for nuclear and coal plants, an average heat rate for similar nuclear and coal plants was assigned to Sweden's plants. For Sweden's CHP plants, average heat rates between 8000 GJ/GWh and 10000 GJ/GWh were assigned. data becomes available these numbers will become more precise. As more For Denmark, data was extracted from the EMPS model for all CHP plants leading to average heat rates ranging from 8,000 GJ/GWh to 65,000 GJ/GWh. Below is a table of the various thermal plants in Sweden and Denmark. Plant Type Sweden Capacity (MW) Plant Type Location Denmark Capacity (MW) Location Nuclear 9500 South CHP 400 West CHP 635 South CHP 616 West CHP 642 South CHP 700 West CHP CHP CHP 641 300 170 South South South CHP CHP CHP 681 700 633 West West West Com. Turbine Com. Turbine CHP 180 415 151 South South North CHP CHP CHP CHP CHP CHP 1374 250 522 1382 500 249 West East East East East East CHP 166 East CHP 700 East CHP 466 East Table 2-3: Thermal plants in Sweden and Denmark. 20 2.7 Modeling Germany, Finland, Poland, and Russia Although we are modeling the Scandinavian electricity market, we must take into account that a portion of electricity that is used in Scandinavia is purchased from surrounding areas such as Germany, Finland, Poland, and Russia. In the same respect, when there is overproduction in Scandinavia electricity is sold to these areas as well. It is important to account for these areas as the prices and dispatch of the system is very dependent on the conditions in the neighboring areas. The imports serve as another source of electricity, while the exports increase the actual demand that the system faces in times of surplus generation. However, accounting for these areas does not mean including them as generation sources in our model. Including them as generation sources would increase the complexity of the model and would make our results harder to evaluate. It would also increase the input data requirement considerably. Thus, we decided to represent these areas with purchase/sales contracts. A purchase contract allows an area to purchase electricity if the contract price of the electricity is lower than the marginal cost of increasing production of the next unit. A sales contract allows an area to sell electricity at a specified contract price, if there is a surplus in that area. The amount of electricity that can be purchased/sold was determined by the physical capacities of the links connecting Norway, Sweden, and Denmark with Germany, Finland, Poland and Russia. For example, there is a link of capacity 600 MW between Sweden South and Germany. This link was converted into an equivalent purchase and sale contract with a maximum capacity of 600 MW. Thus, Sweden can purchase a maximum of 600 MW at any given time and sell a maximum of 600 MW at any given time. These purchase/sales have a price associated with them. The prices that were assigned to these contracts were based on a price profile of low offpeak prices (7pm to 7am and weekends) and higher peak prices (7am to 7pm). One thing that these contracts do not take into account is emissions. When sales are made from Scandinavia to other areas, then emissions can be calculated, but when electricity is purchased from surrounding areas the emissions are not taken into account. An appropriate solution to modeling emissions for purchases must be devised. Below is a table of all the transactions that occur between transmission areas in Scandinavia and neighboring areas. 21 Transmission Area Transaction Capacity (MW) Country Sweden North Sweden North Sweden South Sweden South Sweden South Sweden South Sweden South Sweden South Denmark West Denmark West Denmark East Denmark East Purchase Sales Purchase Purchase Purchase Sales Sales Sales Purchase Sales Purchase Sales 900 500 600 600 550 600 600 550 900 1300 600 600 Finland Finland Germany Poland Finland Germany Poland Finland Germany Germany Germany Germany Table 2-4: Purchase/Sales contracts between Scandinavia and surrounding areas 2.8 Profiles for Nuclear and CHP Plants In order to add more detail to our model, we created weekly profiles for the nuclear plant in Sweden and the CHP plants in Denmark. The idea for having such profiles was to mimic reality. In real life the nuclear and CHP plants display a seasonal pattern, with more production in the winter months and lower production in the summer months. The figure below illustrates the heat-power characteristics of a typical CHP plant. F IsofuelC urves 0- E -10 D- )% Fuel PR ...................................... ....................... ............. . ...... .. Minimum Fuel Ma ximum Heat Extraction Heat Figure 2-5: Heat characteristics of typical CHP plant. 22 When this unit generates maximum power, heat production is the waste heat from the unit (Point A). As power generation decreases, heat production capacity increases and more heat can be extracted for the steam turbine. However, when power generation decreases further below PB, heat production capacity decreases. Along the curve AB, the amount of fuel burned is constant, power generation decreases and heat extraction increases. Along BC, the heat extraction valve is set to its maximum opening while the amount of fuel burned decreases [5]. For CHP plants, there are two possible profiles that are distinctly different. A CHP plants may have follow either electricity demand or heat demand which are two different profiles. A CHP plant may primarily produce electricity, in which case heat would be a byproduct or a CHP plant may primarily produce heat, in which case electricity would be a byproduct. Lack of data has prevented us from making that distinction for the CHP units in Sweden and Denmark. All CHP units are have been assigned a fixed heat profile which in reality is not the case. 23 24 3 HYDRO SCHEDULING AND THE PROSYM MODEL 3.1 Hydro Scheduling Methodology 3.1.1 Hydro Scheduling Issues After running several different scenarios, it became apparent that PROSYM did not dispatch hydro in a logical manner. PROSYM was instructed to use all available hydro in the transmission areas to level the system load. Although the load was being leveled, it became apparent that only one hydro power plant was being dispatched to level the load. One possible explanation into this behavior is the fact that hydro is such a large part of the overall system in Scandinavia, approximately 60% of total generation. In fact, it seems as if the largest hydro power area was able to single-handedly level the load in the entire system. Therefore only the aggregate hydro power plant represented in the model for Sweden North had a varying production level across the hours of the day. All other hydro power plants produced a constant amount of energy for every hour of the week. Several attempts were made to correct this situation, including restricting hydro generation in each transmission area to level the load in that particular area and the use of hydro banking to reduce production when prices are low and increase production when prices were high. However, a feasible solution could not be found. After much deliberation it was decided that hydro scheduling should be done outside the model. 3.1.2 External Hydro Scheduling There were several issues that had to be considered before hydro scheduling could be done outside the model. By scheduling hydro outside the model, one would have more power & flexibility in how the hydro resource is utilized throughout the day. Also, by removing hydro from the model, real market situations could be mimicked more accurately. These were among the benefits from removing hydro scheduling from the PROSYM model. There were several pitfalls as well, the most important being how to deal with pricing in areas that were solely comprised of electricity generation derived from hydro power. Another issue that required consideration was transmission line constraints. Questions arose as to whether or not transmission line capacities had to be adjusted in response to hydro scheduling being done outside the model. The positive/negative 25 aspects of hydro scheduling outside of the model became more apparent after running several simulations. 3.1.3 Scenario Selection and Data Preparation The next step was to decide what scenarios to run, more specifically how to schedule the hydro. Obviously there were an infinite number of ways to schedule the hydro, so the first thing was to clearly define the boundary cases. The first boundary case attempts to schedule hydro in a manner that leads to a completely flat thermal production curve and a varying hydro production curve. The other extreme boundary case attempts to schedule hydro in a manner that leads to a completely flat hydro production curve and a varying thermal production curve. The next logical case is one that falls in between these two boundary cases with both varying thermal and hydro production curves. The key to picking this case is to schedule hydro in a manner that both mimics reality, given the technical constraints in the system and which leads to PROSYM output that is reasonable as well. Before scheduling the hydro, a method for coordination among the various hydro power plants was developed. Since there are six aggregated hydro power plants, one in each area, there are several ways of dispatching them. One way of scheduling hydro is to start with the largest hydro power plant. Once it has produced its maximum capacity, the next plant is dispatched. This process continues until the load is met or all available energy from hydro power is exhausted. Another strategy is one where the hydro power is scheduled in such a manner that it first levels the load in its respective area and extra available energy is exported to other areas. The strategy chosen for the analysis below was one in which each hydro power plant produces a fraction of the total hydro production. More specifically, the total available hydro power (which includes the run-of-river content) was calculated from which a fraction was extracted indicating the amount of energy (as a percentage) that each hydro power plant is responsible for. Once the part of the system load that is to be satisfied using hydropower is calculated, the fractions determine how much each power plant will produce in each hour of the week. In this way, every hydro power plant is responsible for a fraction of the load for every hour. Using the above described methodology, hydro power production was determined for each of the areas containing hydro power plants. Then, for each of the areas a new load was calculated by 26 subtracting the hydro power production from the original load. This led to new loads that were both positive and negative. For Norway, which has no other means of electricity production, a positive load in a transmission area indicates an area that must import to meet the load and a negative load indicates a transmission area will export. These new loads were entered into the model and simulations were run. For the first run of hydro scheduling, week 8 was used as it is a regular winter week. Before deciding on a particular methodology, simulations will be run on several hand-picked weeks to assure accuracy of the chosen method. 3.2 Hydro Scheduling Results 3.2.1 Varying Hydro/Flat Thermal Results For the first scenario that was run, the results were adequate. From the graphs shown below, we see that hydro varies throughout the week and that thermal production is constant. --- 60000 - -- - 50000- 30000 20000 10000 0 1 12 23 34 45 56 67 78 89 100 111 122 133 144 155 166 Hours m Hydro mThermal Figure 3-1: The total load divided into the parts met by hydro and thermal generation. In order to gauge the accuracy of our hydro scheduling methodology, imports/exports from PROSYM are compared with actual imports/exports for that week in Norway. From the figures below, it is apparent that Norway imports during off-peak hours and exports during peak-hours which is consistent with what occurs in reality. One point to take note of is that the difference between peak imports and peak exports that PROSYM produces is approximately 4000, where as in reality the difference is only 3000. 27 Imports(+)IExports(-) 3000 4000 2000 1000 - 1/11% 1fr 0 -1000 3 25 7V49 Y173 7 109 21 85 145 157 A0 -2000 -3000Hours Figure 3-2: Imports/exports for Norway in week 8 using the flat thermal and varying hydro scheme. The figure on the left is the estimated imports/exports from the PROSYM model and the figure on the right is the actual exchange for Norway. Another issue that arose is the fact that scheduling hydro in this manner is not realistic, as no hydro power is banked for future use. All available hydro power is dispatched and thermal production is flat across all hours of the week. This issue becomes more apparent as we focus on the prices in the transmission areas. In the figure below, prices in Norway North drop down. 15 ------- -- -- -10 5 -- --- - ---- - - - - - - - - --- - L - - - - -- - 20 ---- -- --- - - - - --- - - --- - 0 1 25 49 97 73 121 145 Hour marginal cost) -NorwayM(Running marginal cost) -NorwayN(Running NorwayS(Running marginal cost) marginal cost) -NorwayW(Running SwedenN(Running marginal cost) - SwedenS(Running marginal cost) marginal cost) - DenmarkW(Running marginal cost) -DenmarkE(Running Figure 3-3: Prices in the transmission areas for week 8 estimated by PROSYM using the flat thermal and varying hydro scheme. This is due to the fact that there is too much hydropower available in that area and all of it cannot be exported due to transmission constraints. Therefore since the power cannot be saved or stored, it simply goes to waste. In reality, system operators have knowledge of transmission line constraints and will schedule hydro in a manner that would not violate these constraints. They might choose to bank the hydro for later use when prices are high. However this scheduling 28 methodology lacks the flexibility to allow hydro banking, as hydro power production is predetermined. 3.2.2 Flat Hydro/Varying Thermal Results The next scenario that was run gave results that were not entirely accurate. From the graphs shown below, we see that in this scenario, hydro production is a constant throughout the week and thermal production varies from hour to hour. 60000 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 1 13 25 37 49 61 85 97 109 121 133 145 157 73 Hours mThermal U Hydro Figure 3-4: The total load divided into the parts met by hydro and thermal generation. Once again, looking at the imports/exports from PROSYM (below) and comparing them to actual imports/exports for that week, the PROSYM output indicates that Norway imports during peak hours and exports during off-peak hours, which is opposite of what actually occurs in reality. Another important point to take note of in this scenario is that in a system which is dominated by hydro power, it is illogical to have a flat hydro production curve. Especially in the Scandinavian case, where hydro power accounts for more than half of the energy production in the area, a varying thermal production along with a constant hydro production is unable to meet the load. 29 Inpods(+Y/Bqorts(-) Imports(+yExports(-) 4000 3000 2000--1000 -201 -2000 - -3000-4000AOM MW The figure Figure 3-5: Imports/exports for Norway in week 8 using the varying thermal and flat hydro scheme. the right is the actual on the left is the estimated imports/exports from the PROSYM model and the figure on exchange for Norway. 3.2.3 Varying Hydro/Thermal Results The last scenario that was run gave results that were closer to reality. This last scenario was partly derived from the first case where thermal production was flat and hydro production varied throughout the day. Since the imports/exports data for that scenario was closest to reality, the loads were adjusted using the formula below, to produce an import/export graph that was more similar to the actual. ltnew = 1+ 1, - () C where itnew = new varying hydro area load = average hydro area load over week = hydro area load with complete load leveling C1 = load leveling factor (= 0.5) The purpose of using the formula was to compress the graph so that that difference between peak by imports and peak exports is decreased to a level that mimics reality more closely. This is done and calculating the average load over the week and multiplying the difference between the average hydro the actual by a load-leveling factor. This methodology gives us varying thermal and have production curves as shown below. The two curves follow the same pattern as they both 30 higher production during peak hours and lower during off-peak hours. Comparing PROSYM import/export data to the actual data from the graphs below, we see that this new method has decreased the difference between peak imports and exports to approximately 3000. Imports(+)/Exports(-) 4000 2000 - - - _-- 3000 1500 2000 1000 - 500 -1000 0 13 25 37 49 61 -500 73 85 7 10 21 13 145157 -0 .. .. Acofo- 49515 -1000 Hours Figure 3-6: Imports/exports for Norway in week 8 using the varying thermal and varying hydro scheme. The figure on the left is the estimated imports/exports from the PROSYM model and the figure on the right is the actual exchange for Norway. This analysis assumes that hydro producers are behaving ideally by trying to level the load completely. However, there are several reasons as to why hydro producers may not act idealistically. For example, transmission limits may impose constraints on the manner in which hydro producers schedule production. Uncertainty in load may also lead to non-idealistic behavior as load estimates are essentially predictions as to how much power will be needed. Lastly, hydro producers may purposely act in a non-idealistic fashion by decreasing production leading to higher prices. Production is then increased at these high prices in order to maximize profits. Looking at graphs for other areas, PROSYM import/export data for Sweden seems to be a translated version of the actual import/export graphs. The peaks and shape of the graph are very similar, however the PROSYM output indicates that Sweden is mainly an importer, where as in actuality Sweden both imports and exports. There are two possible explanations for the discrepancy in this case. First, Sweden's electricity infrastructure is composed of both thermal and hydro generation. The load-leveling factor analysis used does not take this into account. Secondly, the run-of-river content in Sweden South is a large percentage of the actual energy production from hydro. The analysis used does not differentiate between run-of-river content and actual energy production. Future iterations of the load-leveling analysis will take these issues into account. 31 Imports(+)/Exports(-) Imports(+)/Exports(-) 2500 2000 - 1500 1000 --- 500 1000 0 500- - -- --- A -500 0 13 25 37 49 61 -500 - 73 85 97 109 121 133 145 157 - Hours I1 Hours -15WJ Figure 3-7: Imports/exports for Sweden in week 8 using the varying thermal and varying hydro scheme. The figure on the left is the estimated imports/exports from the PROSYM model and the figure on the right is the actual exchange for Sweden. Finally, examining the PROSYM import/export graphs for Denmark, there seems to be a regular pattern with high exports during off-peak hours and low exports during peak hours. Comparing the PROSYM data with actual imports/exports for Denmark, it is consistent in the fact that both describe Denmark as an exporter. However, the actual data does not have the same regular pattern as the PROSYM output. In the case of Denmark, the load-leveling methodology has no direct effect as Denmark's generation does not include hydro. However, this method may be indirectly affecting the PROSYM results for Denmark. But, as this load-leveling methodology is improved for Norway and Sweden, it may adjust the results for Denmark as well. The large fraction wind power might give "irregularities" in the actual Danish data. 0 0 Imports(+)/Exports(-) Import(+)1EkSport(-) 500- 0 - 1 -500- ... 13 25 37 49 61 -. -.. .. - ..11"11.1111..11. ........ -7fm 1 73 85 97 109 121 133 145 157 -f--l 1 ,b 1000 -1500 -1500- -2000 -2500 . - ---- Hours Hours 2--2000 - - Figure 3-8: Imports/exports for Denmark in week 8 using the varying thermal and varying hydro scheme. The figure on the left is the estimated imports/exports from the PROSYM model and the figure on the right is the actual exchange for Denmark. Validity of these results can be further verified by examining the prices in the various transmission areas. As can be seen from the graph below, prices are high during peak hours and lower during off-peak hours. The prices follow a very similar pattern throughout the week, with some variation 32 in the weekend. Unlike before, where the price in Norway North fell to $3, there are no such price drops or spikes. This demonstrates that transmission constraints were not violated. 20 18 16 14 12 . .0 ------ - ---- - - -- --- --- --- 10 8 6 4 2 0 1 25 49 97 73 145 121 Hour marginal cost) marginal cost) -NorwayM(Running -NorwayN(Running cost) marginal NorwayS(Running cost) marginal -NorwayW(Running cost) marginal SwedenN(Running marginal cost) - SwedenS(Running - DenmarkW(Running marginal cost) - DenmarkE(Running marginal cost) Figure 3-9: Prices in the transmission areas for week 8 estimated by PROSYM using the flat thermal and varying hydro scheme. Overall the results acquired from this method closely mimic reality. transmission constraints are violated and prices are reasonable. Using this method no The PROSYM import/export profile for Norway matches the actual data very closely. For Sweden and Denmark, the profiles have the correct shape and accurately describe the region as an importer/exporter, but further work is required in order to account for areas with thermal production. Also, the load-leveling method must be improved in areas for which the run-of-river content is a large part of the hydro production. 3.3 Improving the Hydro Scheduling Methodology 3.3.1 Representative Weeks In order to continue with this analysis, a representative set of weeks from the year must be chosen in order to test the results. Although this analysis can be done for all weeks of the year, a good sample set of weeks will suffice. In order to choose these weeks, the load as well as the inflow data for Scandinavia was analyzed. Looking at the graph below, the load in week 6 is the highest 33 I a throughout the year. This was probably one of the coldest weeks in Scandinavia and would be good week to use in testing our hydro scheduling methodology. Load per week - 8000 -- - -~~~--- ---- 7000 --- ------- --- -- 300000 250000 6000 200000 5000- 150000 C 4000 00 3000- 100000 2000 50000 1000 0 0F Figure 3-10: The aggregate load for Norway in 2001. Week 30 was the next logical choice as it had had the lowest load throughout the year. Week 30 was a summer week with low load coupled with a high run-of-river content and moderate reservoir inflow in both Norway and Sweden, as shown by the figure below. 7000 ----- - 6000 --- 5000 I I 4000 U II I ii I I. I _________________ II _________________ 3000 2000- 0Week no. I Load ROR Res inflow levels for 2001. Figure 3-11: The aggregate load for Norway along with ROR content and reservoir inflow 34 Week 24 was another logical choice as it represented a late spring week with high reservoir inflow and run-of-river production coupled with moderate temperatures in both Norway and Sweden. 4000 - --- 3500- 3000- 2500- I 2000- - 150o - - - 1000- 500o 0 Week no. * Load B ROR U Res iflow Figure 3-12: The aggregate load for Sweden along with ROR content and reservoir inflow levels for 2001. Thus far, weeks 6, 8, 24, and 30 were chosen. To represent a typical fall and winter week, weeks 41 and 48 were chosen, respectively. Week 41 was a typical fall week characterized by moderate load, run-of-river content, and reservoir inflow. Week 48 was a winter week characterized by high load coupled with low run-of-river content and low reservoir inflow for both Norway and Sweden. Using the weeks selected here, the hydro scheduling methodology will be fine tuned and tested for Norway, Sweden, and Denmark. 3.3.2 Results of Hydro Scheduling Methodology for Representative Weeks Once the weeks were selected, the corresponding data had to be prepared for the analysis. Using the formula presented above, new loads were created for each of the areas for the weeks selected. These new loads were entered into PROSYM and consequently PROSYM produced import/export graphs for each of the areas. Comparing these graphs with actual exchange data shows that the factor method works well, but improvements are required. An issue that was encountered when preparing the data was the fact that during several of the weeks chosen, the run-of-river content 35 was often a large percentage the energy production for an area. In this case, to avoid losing the energy from the run-of-river content, much flexibility was lost in how the hydro was scheduled. In particular, Sweden South had a hydro production curve that was approximately flat for week 24 and week 30 as the run-of-river content was almost 100% of the production for that area. In this case, all hydro production came strictly from the run-of-river content and therefore was not scheduled in a manner that took into account peak/off-peak periods. The results for week 6 are quite similar to those of week 8 presented previously. PROSYM produces an import/export graph for Sweden which is a translated version of the actual import/exports for that area. 2500-2000_ 4000---3000 2000 - 1500 I 1000 - 0 1000 - 2 5-9 - -- 4 - 5- -, - 1000 500- 0 -500-11529 -1000 -2000 - - -1500 -2000 - -3000 Hours - Norway Actual - Hours Norway PROSYM - Sweden Actual - Sweden PROSYM Figure 3-13: Actual and estimated imports/exports for both Norway and Sweden for week 6. 36 For week 24 and week 30, the import/export graphs created by PROSYM are all translated versions of the actual import/exports. This translation can be attributed to the high run-of-river content during these weeks. A correction for this will be discussed later in this chapter. 4000 - - - -- - - - - 4000 3000 3000 - 2000 2000- 1000 2 1000 - 2 0 -1oo 2 1 8 3 0 . . ... ... . .. .. .. .. . . ...... ...... ..... 991 312 141 155 -1000- -2000- 1 15 29 43 57 71 85 - -2000 -- -3000 Hours - Norway Actual - 5 714 99113 Hours Norway PROSYM Sweden Actual - - Sweden PROSYM Figure 3-14: Actual and estimated imports/exports for both Norway and Sweden for week 24. 5000 99 113 97 141 - -1000 - 3000_ -1500 20002 15 29 43 57 71 85 -500 4000. -2000 - 1000 - S -2500 0 A-- --- -3000 - -1000 15 -2000 ----- 29 43 71 5 85 99 ----- -- 13 127 141 155 -3500 ---__ -4000 - - - - Norway Actual - - - -- - Hours Hours Norway PROSYM - Sweden Actual - Sweden PROSYM Figure 3-15: Actual and estimated imports/exports for both Norway and Sweden for week 30. 37 I Since the run-of-river content is still a large percentage of the energy production in week 41, the same translation phenomenon can be seen quite clearly. For week 48, the translation is less pronounced as much of the snow has melted leading to a smaller run-of-river contribution. -500 2000- -1000 -1500- 1000- 2 10 - n -2000 -2500 -3000 - - - - -3500 -2000 ----- -3000 -4000 --4500 -- ---- - - - - - Hours Hours - Norway Actual - Sweden Actual - - Norway PROSYM Sweden PROSYM Figure 3-16: Actual and estimated imports/exports for both Norway and Sweden for week 41. 2500- 2000- 2000 1000- 1500- 0-1000- 2 15 "T 43 7 85 11 12 17 1000 500 -2000- 0- -3000- -500 -4000-5000- I . ........ ...... " -nnfi ................... ..... a.. . . .,. . . S13 25 37 49 61 73 85 97 109 12113314 157 -1000 Hours - Norway Actual - Hours Norway PROSYM - Sweden Actual - Sweden PROSYM Figure 3-17: Actual and estimated imports/exports for both Norway and Sweden for week 48. 3.3.3 Factor Adjustment for Run-of-River Content As presented above, when the run-of-river content is low, the hydro scheduling methodology works quite well. However, as the run-of-river content increases, the import/export graphs created by PROSYM maintain the same shape as the actual exchange data, but a translation takes place. are Looking at the graphs for week 24 above, it is apparent that the PROSYM import/export graphs a translated version of the actual exchange data. To determine the root of this behavior, the run-ofthe river content was analyzed for the six weeks in question. From the table below, we see that run-of river is a small percentage of the energy production in the winter weeks except for Norway is a Mid and Sweden South. Proceeding through the year, we see that the run-of-river content as much larger percentage of the energy production in the various areas. This is accurate because 38 the temperature rises, snow on the mountains melt and drain into the rivers. As the contribution from the run-of-river gets larger, the hydro scheduling methodology loses flexibility as the run-ofriver content must be utilized or else it is wasted. This is a dilemma faced by hydro producers in reality because there is no control over the timing and the amount of the run-of-river content. Since it must be used and there is no control over how much comes and when, hydro producers lose much freedom in scheduling the hydro the way they wish to. Nonetheless, as can be seen from the import/export data, the hydro producers do deal with this issue in some respect. Therefore, the hydro scheduling methodology presented must account for this run-of-river situation appropriately. NorwayN NorwayM NorwayW NorwayS SwedenN SwedenS Week 6 Week 8 Week 24 Week 30 Week 41 Week 48 1% 19% 4% 7% 2% 21% 2% 19% 4% 6% 5% 13% 56% 68% 61% 75% 66% 100% 66% 82% 84% 73% 90% 99% 33% 54% 63% 70% 86% 95% 5% 26% 10% 17% 24% 89% Table 3-1: The percentage of hydro that is run-of-river for the six hydro areas in our analysis. In order to correct the hydro scheduling methodology, the factor method must somehow take into account the run-of-river content when producing the new loads. Given that the shape of the graph is correct, one must determine how to translate the graph appropriately such that it more closely mimics what occurs in reality. One such method for doing this is to adjust the new loads that are calculated by subtracting a fixed amount from them. This would essentially just translate the curve downward. The next step is calculation of this factor. Looking at the graphs closely we see that in most cases the import/export graphs produced by PROSYM are approximately 1000 above the actual import/export graphs. One possible method for adjusting the loads is to simply subtract 1000 from the load in each hour of the day. However, this method does not take into account the percentage of hydro energy that comes from the run-of-river content. A better method, one that involves the run-of-river content, is one where the amount subtracted from the new load is the percentage of hydro energy that consists of run-of-river content multiplied by 1000, as shown in the figure below. 39 itnew _I+= ( I Ci- (2) RO e000 where new varying hydro area load Anew = average hydro area load over week hydro area load with complete load leveling C1 = R load leveling factor (= 0.5) =run - of - river percentage In order to use the formula above, we must aggregate the run-of-river percentages for each week for all of Norway and Sweden. Doing this gives us the run-of river percentages presented below. Norway Sweden Week 6 6% 3% Week 8 6% 6% Week 24 68% 71% Week 30 76% 91% Week 41 61% 87% Week 48 14% 30% Table 3-2: The percentage of hydro that is run-of-river for Norway and Sweden. 3.3.4 Results of Factor Adjustment for Run-of-River Content Using these percentages and the correct formula presented above, new loads were created and simulations were run once again. As shown below, the improved formula has taken into account the run-of-river content and PROSYM has produced import/export graphs that mimic reality. Only weeks with run-of-river percentages above 50% are presented below. 40 a) Week 24 - 4000 ---------------- 3000 2000 1500 1000- 1000 S 500- 0- -1000 -.. - - -1500 -~ 1 - ----- -1000 - ------------------------ 7 3- 25 37-4 9- 61- 73 -500 --- -2000 -1 -3000 - - -- - - -- - - 3000 2500 -------- Hours Hours Norway Actual -Norway -- Sweden Actual -Sweden PROSYM PROSYM b) Week 30 3 2 0 --- --------- 4000 ----- 35003000 ----2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 -500 -1000 -1500 ... .,. ........ 0 - " -. .0 .. - --.--- .0 .... 97-10912-133-145457 -500 113- 25--37--49--61-73 -1000 - 2 -1500 -2000 -2500 -3000 ----- - -3500 -4000 --- -- - - --- -- -- -- - - - - - -4500 - --- Norway Actual - - Hours Hours - - Norway PROSYM - Sweden Actual - Sweden PROSYM c) Week 41 3000 - 2000 - 0-500 .-- 13-25-37--49-61 ---- - 1000 109-421-1133-145-1-57 -1500 0q 723-85-97 -1000 ---- ;25 R 49'j; 73j85 P7 11121 13 45 157 2 _-- -2000 -2500 -3000 -1000 -3500 -2000 -4000 -4500 -3000 - --- -- Norway Actual -Norway - - ---- Hours Hours PROSYM -- Sweden Actual - Sweden PROSYM Figure 3-18: a) Actual and estimated imports/exports for both Norway and Sweden for week 24. b) Actual and estimated imports/exports for both Norway and Sweden for week 30. c) Actual and estimated imports/exports for both Norway and Sweden for week 41. 41 3.4 Pitfalls and Alternatives 3.4.1 Pitfalls of Hydro Scheduling Methodology As was presented above, the hydro scheduling methodology does a good job of estimating reality. However, there remain two pitfalls of this methodology. First, as was mentioned earlier, the hydro scheduling methodology directly effects areas that have hydro power, but has an indirect effect on areas without it, mainly Denmark. We were hoping that improving the hydro scheduling methodology for Norway and Sweden would positively impact Denmark and bring the PROSYM output for Denmark closer to reality. However, after much analysis, we were unable to improve the PROSYM import/export graphs for Denmark. One major reason for this is the fact that there is much wind in Denmark as mentioned earlier. This wind must be used to generate electricity or else goes to waste. Because of the timing and variability of the wind, it may be prudent to remove wind from the PROSYM model, and dispatch it as we did the hydro. This may improve the results from PROSYM. The second issue to be considered is that this hydro scheduling methodology presented here does not take into account areas that have a mix of hydro and thermal generation. Although, it hasn't proven to be much of an issue, one might want to distinguish between the part of load that is to be met by hydro and that which is to be met by thermal. This hydro/thermal issue can be addressed in the same manner as the issue of the run-of-river content. In that case, the hydro scheduling methodology could be further improved with a factor that represents generation from thermal units. This is a possible area for future work. This entire analysis presented here has been based solely on 2001 data. Although the hydro scheduling methodology works well for this year, does not necessarily imply that it will work flawlessly for another year. This methodology is not complex enough to account for unprecedented weather conditions, political unrest, and various other shocks to the electricity sector. There are certainly areas for improvement. First, the factor of .5 that has been used may need readjusting. A better factor can be calculated by using more data to repeat the analysis presented here. This is true of the fix for the run-of-river content as well. No two years have the same weather patterns, and thus the run-of-river content may need to be adjusted for a dry year, wet year, and an average weather year. The hydro scheduling methodology presented here 42 suggests an acceptable alternative for hydro dispatch outside the PROSYM model, but a more involved solution may be required for a thorough study in the area of electricity planning. 3.4.2 Alternatives There are alternatives available for short/long-term hydro scheduling that are currently being explored in decentralized markets. One such short-term hydro scheduling scheme is presented in [6]. In this paper, the algorithm presented uses a detailed model of the interconnected hydro system to determine the half-hourly operating schedule based on allocated water releases with the objective of maximizing overall returns from the market. The plan is revised continuously and updated every five minutes as actual generation requirements and inflows change. This allows continuous real-time optimization which is necessary for continuously changing spot prices and inflows into reservoirs. There are several long-term hydro scheduling models available as well. [7] presents a new efficient algorithm to solve the long-term hydro-scheduling problem. The algorithm is based on using the short-term memory of the Tabu search approach to solve the nonlinear optimization problem in continuous variables of the LTHSP. 43 44 4 INTEGRATING WIND INTO THE ANALYSIS OF THE SCANDINAVIAN SYSTEM 4.1 Wind in Norway 4.1.1 Load Characteristics in Norway Now that we have coped with the problem of hydro in PROSYM, it is time to look at other sources of renewable generation, namely wind. In this day and age, windpower is everywhere. Most of the larger wind farms can be found in Europe, as the government has forced the European countries to find sources of generation that will not only meet future demand, but will do so in an environmentally safe way [8]. One of the newest wind farms is that off the coast of Denmark called Horns Rev. It is a project funded by Vestas which setup seventy 2MW turbines with a distance of approximately half a kilometer between them poised to produce 160 million kWh every year - almost enough to cover the electricity consumption of 130,00 households [9]. [10] states that over 4,000 MW of wind power may be installed offshore in Denmark over the coming 30 years. From an environmental point of view wind farms have very few drawbacks. Studies have shown that wind farms at sea have no significant influence on bird life. In terms of human considerations, the wind farms at Horns Rev are located so far from the coast (at distances ranging from 10 to 18 km) that the visual impact of the farm is expected to be minimal or non existent when viewed from the shore, depending on weather conditions. A calculation of energy use in manufacturing, deployment and maintenance of an offshore wind farm shows that the energy thus consumed is less than 2.5 percent of the energy produced by the farm, thus making wind energy one of the cleanest generating technologies available. It is obvious that Denmark has had much success in combining these wind farms with its existing CHP plants. However, combining wind farms with another non-dispatchable energy source, such as hydro, is not a trivial task. This is the case for Norway where almost 100% of the energy production comes from hydro. In order to meet future demand, Norway must look to other renewable generation sources. We begin our assessment of adding wind to Norway's current power system by examining the characteristics of electricity demand for the past four years. 45 b) 1999 a) 1998 29 29 77 77 125 125 173 173 221 221 269 269 317 317 365 365 0 5000 10000 0 VN - 15000 20000 0 25000 5000 10000 15000 TI.- (j (N 25000 20000 d)2001 c) 2000 30 30 78 78 126 126 174 174 222 222 270 270 318 318 (Nj 0 r- -- (r N 5000 C(4 T-N (N 0 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 Norway in 2001. Figure 4-1: a) Load in Norway in 1998 b) Load in Norway in 1999 c) Load in Norway in 2000 d) Load in From the figures above, we can see that Norway is a winter peaking season. High electricity demand occurs between the hours of 7am to about 10pm, with the highest occurring between 9am and about 3pm and again between 5pm and 9pm as people return home from work. Over the years, we see that electricity demand during the winter season has increased considerably. This corresponds to the red bands in the graphs, which are getting darker and darker and are also ending later in the year and beginning earlier in the year. This phenomenon can be due to the fact that it is getting colder in Norway. The summer season, represented by the blue bands, has not changed much over the year, maintaining the same shape and duration. Overall, load has grown slowly over the years, with higher growth in the winter season. This can be seen more clearly in the figure below. 46 4000 -- 3500 3000 -- 2500 2000 2000 1998 1999 2000 1500 -_ 2001 1000 500 1 5 9 13 17 21 25 29 33 37 41 45 49 53 Weeks Figure 4-2: Load in Norway for four consecutive years. 47 4.1.2 Wind Characteristics in Norway to wind Now that we have looked at some of the load characteristics of Norway, we turn our focus characteristics of the country. We begin by looking at a wind topography chart for Norway shown below. rm/s >.0 5.0-6.0 4.5-5.0 3.5-4.5 <3.5 VV/m 2 m/s >250 :50-250 &5-7.5 100-150 5.5-6.5 50-100 4.5-5.5 <50 >7.5 <4_5 2 W/rn >500 300-500 200-300 100-200 <100 rm/s >8.5 7.0-8.5 6.0-7.0 5.0-6.0 <5.0 W/m2 >700 400-700 250-400 150-250 <150 rm/s >9.0 8.0-9.0 7.0-8.0 5.5-7.0 <5.5 2 W/m >800 600-800 400-600 200-400 <200 m/s W/m 2 >1800 > 1.5 10.0-I1.5 1200-1800 8.5-10.0 700-1200 400-700 7.0-8.5 <7.0 <400 T5 <5 Figure 4-3: Wind topography chart for Norway and Sweden. As can be seen from the figure above, Norway has pretty strong winds throughout the entire country. The strongest winds are obviously along the coast line and they decrease as we move a more inland. A wind park must satisfy several demands such as average wind speeds of 9 m/s, distance of 500 meters between a wind turbine and nearby buildings, and easy access to existing This transmission lines. The winds along the coast have an average speed of 7.5 m/s or greater. would be a good place to build wind farms as one can expect a strong continuous wind coming off the ocean. Also, the coastline would be an ideal location because there would be fewer buildings and and other structures that would impede the wind. They would be far enough from homes 48 buildings having little or no visual impact on Norwegians living along the coast. Overall the coast of Norway would be an excellent location for new wind parks. To continue evaluating the coast as a site for new wind parks, we analyze wind data from ten different locations along the coast. This analysis may lead to the discovery of trends and patterns in the wind that can be exploited in order to produce more energy. We acquired hourly wind data for ten locations along the coast. The measurement of wind speeds was done using a cup anemometer. This anemometer measured the wind speed for every second of a ten minute period. Those measurements were then averaged and one wind speed was produced for the first ten minutes of the hour. This process was repeated for the six ten minute intervals in an hour. These six values were taken and then averaged to produce the average wind speed for each hour of the day. There was data missing for two days of the year. To fix this, we estimated the average wind speed for those two days. Even if our estimation is incorrect, it will have little impact on our analysis. 4.2 Converting Wind to Power 4.2.1 Converting Data to Hub Height To begin our analysis of the wind at these ten locations, the first step was to convert the wind speed to hub height. The anemometer measured the wind speed at 10 meters, where as the height of the wind turbine is 80 meters. The fact that the wind profile is twisted towards a lower speed as we move closer to ground level is called wind shear. To account for this wind shear phenomenon, the wind speeds at 10 meters had to be scaled up to hub height. This was done by using the formula shown below. 49 vnew =V ln(z /z 0 )/In(zref / z0 ) () where Vnew = wind speed at height z above ground level. vref = reference speed, i.e. a wind speed we already know at height zref z = height above ground level for the desired velocity, v. z = roughness length in the current wind direction. z = reference height, i.e. the height where we know the exact wind speed v ref ref The roughness class that was used was that of a completely open terrain with a smooth surface. This roughness class has a roughness length of .0024 meters which was used in the calculations above. Using this roughness length and the formula presented above, the data was scaled up to a height of 80 meters. We then proceeded to analyze the characteristics of the wind in ten different positions along the coast. 4.2.2 Analyzing Wind in Norway NorwayS In order to proceed with our analysis, we averaged the hourly data for the twelve months of the year. The next step was to group the different wind measurement locations into the PROSYM areas that were discussed in Chapter 1. The figure below shows the wind speeds recorded in NorwayS. As can be seen below, the highest winds seem to occur in the winter season. Winds speeds tend to drop off as we enter the spring season. During the winter season, it is generally windy throughout the day in this location with some strong gusts in the middle and end of the day. Another phenomenon that can be seen below is the increasing wind speeds during the evening and nighttime hours of the summer. 50 10 1 Month 0 4 2 I l ours 12 10 8 6 Figure 4-4: Wind characteristics of one location in NorwayS. NorwayW The next area that we focused on was NorwayW. It is quite similar to the NorwayS case, in that the highest wind speeds are recorded during the winter season. As can be seen below, for the first location (a), we see an increase in the wind speed during the evening and nighttime hours of the summer season. However, the second location (b) is clearly a much better site for a wind park as the wind is consistently strong throughout the year. b) Location 2 a) Location 1 9 8 7 8 5 14 10 4 a 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 IHours Month Hours Mo 0 9 2 4 6 8 Figure 4-5: Wind characteristics of two different locations in NorwayW. 51 10 12 14 16 NorwayM We had measurements from two different The third area that we looked at was NorwayM. locations. The first location (a) had high wind speeds in the winter season, with a constant wind speed between 4 and 6 m/s in the spring and summer season. The second location (b) had much stronger winds throughout the year, with the highest occurring in the winter season. During the summer season the wind dropped down a bit, but remained relatively strong. The second location would be an ideal spot for a wind park site. b) Location 2 a) Location 1 16 142 12 10-. 74.- Cf4 4- 4,- 2. Hours Month 0 1 2 3 5 4 6 7 8 9 Mont 0 10 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 U Figure 4-6: Wind characteristics of two diff erent locations in NorwayM. NorwayN For the last PROSYM area, we had wind data for five different locations. As was true of all the other areas, NorwayN had higher wind speeds during the winter season. For several of the locations, we see the wind drop off a bit at the end of the winter season, only to rise again a month later. Four of the five locations consistently have high winds of about 8 to 10 m/s throughout the year. During the summer time, wind speeds in all the locations drop off a bit yet remain strong. If one had to choose a the site for a wind park, I would choose location (a). The winds in location (a) are consistently strong with wind gusts of up to 15 m/s in the winter season which is higher than all the other locations. During the summer season, we see that the wind is relatively constant and strong with no major drops in wind speeds, making this a good site for a wind park. 52 b) Location 2 a) Location 1 1414 10 M- 1 ui o 10 0 4, oo Q0 12 o 0' - COillM Vl 0 2 10 8 6 4 I lours Month iHus Month 12 14 0 16 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 d) Location 4 c) Location 3 14 10 10 8 4 4- 0. Hours Month 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 14 53 2 4 6 8 10 12 e) Location 5 14 I-- 1 T:;l T'r Month 0 2 4 Hours 8 6 10 12 14 Figure 4-7: Wind characteristics of five different locations in NorwayN. 4.2.3 Estimating the Power Curve Once we decided on the ideal locations for wind parks in the four different PROSYM areas, the next step was to determine the type and number of wind turbines to install in each of these locations. We chose to install Vestas V80 - 2.0MW onshore wind turbine because these wind turbines were used in the recently completely Horns Rev Project completed off the shore of Denmark. Once we had decided on the wind turbine, we had to obtain the power curve for this wind turbine. The power curve told us the MW output of the wind turbine at different wind speeds, as shown below. 54 V-80-2.0 FMApaiwer curves 1 i AF( X-41 I ,OeI 0 21120 1 1 .Au1f Ifi I Id S101i 0.--.... 11I1(k 1 I IT 4IA"O W St dIKI1i 111 Figure 4-8: Actual power curve of a 2MW Vestas wind turbine. The next step was to take the wind data for the areas selected above and use the power curve above to convert the wind speeds to power values. Given that we have over 8000 hours of data for each of the areas, it would have been easy to convert it to power values if we had the equation for the curve above. However, Vestas failed to provide the equation for the power curve and so we had to use regression analysis to estimate an equation for the curve above. The figure below shows the results of the regression analysis. Looking at the R value for the analysis, we see that the estimated equation is over 99% accurate. We had to use an equation of the 6t order to ensure this accuracy. 55 4 + 25.241x 5 6 250&y= -0.001x + 0.0741x - 2.0824x 112.64 206.56x 3 - 115.37x 2 + R2 = 0. 2000 _ 1500 1000 0 CL 500 0 5 -- -500 25 20 - 15 10 30 Wind (m/s) Data - * Figure 4-9: Estimate of the actual power curve in Excel. Using this equation, the wind speeds were converted to power measurements. Once we had calculated power measurements, we had to determine how many wind turbines we would have in each area. Norway plans to have 3 TWh of wind generation by 2010. We decided to use this number to calculate the number of wind turbines. In the figure below, we see the wind expansion plans for the biggest Norwegian power producer, Statkraft. They want to build a total of 730 MW of generation at the locations shown, which is to produce 2 TWh of electricity a year. Fremtidige vindpark '7 Vadso 40 MW BerlevAg 40MW Lebesby 35 MW Nordkapp 50 MW Hammerfest 110 MW Hitra 56 MW Smela 150 MW TOTALT Frana 130 MW ca. Tilsvarer en 730 MW Arlig 7energiproduksjon p6 arlig stromforbruk for 100 000 husstander ca. 2 TWh = Austevoll 40 MW BomIo 40 MW Eigersund 40 MW Figure 4-10: Statkraft's plans for wind turbines in Norway. 56 To get an idea of the maximum load hours, we divide the 2TWh by the 730 MW of generation and we arrive at approximately 2740 maximum load hours. We repeated this calculation using 3 TWH and 3000 maximum load hours because our wind measurements were further north where the wind is better. This led us to 1000 MW of installed capacity. Since we used the Vestas 2 MW machine, we would need to install 500 wind turbines. Given the wind characteristics discussed above, we decided to install 150 wind turbines in each of NorwayN, NorwayM, and NorwayW, while only installing 50 in NorwayS. 4.2.4 Total Power Using the wind turbine numbers, we calculated the total power output for each of the areas. These power numbers assumed that the wind turbines were always running and that the wind was always blowing in the right direction. Since this is not always the case, we adjusted the power output numbers slightly to reflect periods of downtime. Over the course of a year, wind turbines are out of service for approximately 2 weeks which is about 3%. Although these wind turbines can rotate to find the optimal wind direction, there is some power lost and the rotation may not result in the most optimal position. Therefore, we reduced the total power output numbers for each of the areas by 5%. We then aggregated the hourly power output numbers into weekly numbers. Below is a graph showing the load, hydro production estimated by the EMPS model, and the estimated wind for Norway in 2001. 57 Weekly 2001 load, simulated hydro generation (EMPS), and estimated wind for Norway - 3500 3000- 2500- 2000U 0 Hydro MWind 1500 1000 500 NON ) N" N 1A tA ) ~ Week no. Figure 4-11: Simulated hydro generation (EMPS), weekly load for 2001 and estimated wind for Norway. As can be seen from the figure above, the wind is a very small part of the generation in Norway. In 2001, hydro production led to approximately 125 TWh of electricity. The wind plants that were added generated approximately 4TWh of electricity. This is a meager 3.2% of the generation in Norway. Another point to make note of is that the generation from wind is high when the load is high and then falls when the load is low. Although the goal was to produce 3TWh of generation, we see that we underestimated the maximum load hours. This just shows that the winds were stronger than we had expected. 4.2.5 Power Surface Curves To analyze more closely the power generated in each of the areas, we plotted the aggregate power from wind for each hour of the 12 months in the year. As can be seen from the figure below, the shape of the curve for each of the areas is closely related to the wind graph for that area presented earlier. Since NorwayS is only given 50 wind turbines, its output is considerably lower than the other areas. 58 b) NorwayM a) NorwayN 6 4 4- 0 0 Month 5 4 3 2 1 0 ''D Hours 6 7 Mon0 0 9 8 E 1-7 '2 3 4' 58ours 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 1 1 d) NorwayS c) NorwayW 99 88 8~ 7- 7" U-4 5.- 1 0 MontIh* 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 Figure 4-12: a) Power surface curve for NorwayN b) Power surface curve for NorwayM c) Power surface curve for NorwayW d) Power surface curve for NorwayS 59 4.2.6 Load Surface Curves After looking at the power surface curves, we analyzed the load surface curves in Norway for 2000 and 2001. From the figures below, we see that the wind has approximately the same seasonal pattern as the load. It is high in the winter season and low in the summer season. However, the wind does not follow the diurnal pattern of the demand. The load rises during the peak hours of 7am to 9pm, but the wind is more unpredictable. b)2001 a) 2000 0 100 200 300 400 500 0 600 Figure 4-13: a) Load surface curve for Norway in 2000 10000 b) Load surface 0 300 400 500 600 700 curve for Norway in 2001. 4.3 PROSYM Simulations The next step of our wind analysis was to add the estimated wind generation and re-mun our PROSYM simulations. However, we were not particularly interested in looking at import/export graphs. We focused more on transmission line usage and thermal production. Transmission line usage was an important aspect as we needed ensure that there was enough transmission line capacity to transfer electricity from one area to another with this added generation. We also examined thermal production to see which areas had reduced its production which meant a decrease in emissions. 60 In order to run the simulations, we had to adjust the loads to take into account the energy from wind. This was done using the following formula. - R 01000 (2) where new varying hydro area load / average hydro area load over week hydro area load with complete load leveling /t'l = C/I R = load leveling factor (= 0.5) run - of - river percentage w = wind power As can be seen from the formula, the hydro area load with complete load leveling for each hour was reduced by the amount of wind energy for that hour. This wind had to be deducted from the load before doing the hydro scheduling because wind is non-dispatchable. Using these new loads, we proceeded to run simulations for the previously selected weeks. 4.3.1 Transmission Lines From the table below, we see that the link utilization between NorwayN and NorwayM, as well as, NorwayM and NorwayS is approximately 100%. This means that even before adding the wind to our analysis, these links were transferring their maximum capacity for all 168 hours in the week. However, when we look at the transmission area prices, we do not observe a drop in price. This means that although the link is transferring its maximum capacity in all hours of the week, all available energy is transported from one area to another. 61 From To Week 6 Week 8 Week 24 Week 30 Week 41 Week 48 NorwayS DenmarkW - - - 22.1% - - DenmarkW NorwayS 61.4% 45.9% 23.4% - 23.5% 33.7% NorwayN SwedenN NorwayM SwedenN NorwayN SwedenN 35.9% - 65.1% 2.8% - 93.4% - 51.6% - 30.9% - 50.3% 0.5% 1.1% SwedenN NorwayM 37.6% 36.6% 100.0% 98.6% 99.8% 6.0% NorwayS SwedenS 5.2% 15.2% - - - 30.2% SwedenS NorwayS 5.5% 0.5% 40.4% 14.6% 22.2% - NorwayS NorwayW - - .6% - - - NorwayW NorwayN NorwayS NorwayM 31.5% 99.2% 28.4% 92.2% 1.1% 42.7% 6.8% 5.7% 6.8% 40.0% 23.6% 78.2% NorwayM NorwayN - - - 0.1% - - NorwayM NorwayS 100.0% 100.0% 94.0% 31.4% 100.0% 100.0% NorwayS NorwayM - - - 0.2% - - Table 4-1: Link utilization rates for all the links between Norway and surrounding areas before adding wind. After adding the wind, we see that the link between NorwayM and NorwayS still has a link utilization of 100%. In the case of NorwayN and NorwayM, we see that the link utilization has dropped a bit in all of the weeks. This is due to the fact that with the added wind power for NorwayM, it no longer needs to import as much electricity from NorwayN. We also see that there is a drop in link utilization between SwedenN and NorwayM. This reflects the fact that the added wind power has decreased the load in NorwayM requiring that area to import less. This in turn leads NorwayN with more electricity to export. However, NorwayS which did not benefit as much from the added wind power, still needs NorwayM to export electricity. Examining more closely, we see that the link utilization between NorwayN and SwedenN has increased considerably. This shows that the electricity that was previously going to NorwayM is now being exported to SwedenN. 62 From To Week 6 Week 8 Week 24 Week 30 Week 41 Week 48 NorwayS DenmarkW - - - 39.5% 3.5% - DenmarkW NorwayS 60.3% 100.0% 21.2% - 14.5% 41.4% NorwayN SwedenN NorwayM SwedenN NorwayS SwedenN NorwayN SwedenN NorwayM SwedenS 64.2% 8.2% 6.1% 17.0% 99.2% 89.0% 65% 56.6% 99.8% - 38.0% 95.6% - 1.4% 9.5% 66.2% - 84.2% 35.2% 50.0% SwedenS NorwayS 2.3% 4.3% 30.2% 12.4% 16.2% - NorwayS NorwayW - - .2 - - - NorwayW NorwayN NorwayS NorwayM 34.0% 95.0% 28.4% 62.0% 2.3% 23.1% 8.0% 7.1% 9.1% 35.6% 26.4% 72.4% NorwayM NorwayN - - - 0.1 - - 90.6% 100.0% - - NorwayM NorwayS 100.0% 38.6% 100.0% 56.7% NorwayS NorwayM - 24.8% - - Table 4-2: Link utilization rates for all the links between Norway and surrounding areas after adding wind. 4.3.2 Transmission Area Prices After having examined some of the link utilization factors, we looked at the transmission area prices for the six weeks that we had chosen previously. From the figures below, we see that in NorwayN the price drops down to the dump power price. This means that NorwayN had more electricity than it could transfer. Although the link utilization is below 100%, the drop in price still occurred because there were specific hours in which the amount of electricity that needed to be exported exceeded the capacity of the link. The link utilization tells us how often the link is transferring at maximum capacity. So if we looked at the link utilization for the hours in which the price drops down, we would see the link utilization at 100% with extra electricity to be exported. The graphs below show only the weeks in which the price drops down to the dump power price. We see that the price drops down to the dump power price in the winter weeks, but remain stable during the summer weeks. A possible explanation for this behavior is the fact that in the winter season production from hydro is a lot higher than in the summer. Therefore, the transmission lines are more heavily taxed during the winter season. The wind follows the same seasonal pattern with stronger winds in the winter. Thus, adding wind to the system further places stress on the transmission lines leading to electricity that cannot physically be transported. This forces the price to drop down to the dump power price. 63 a) Week 6 201816 14 12 10 18L -- -- -- --- ----- -- -- -- - ------------------- -- -- ---- -- -- - - - -- - - --- 6 4 I L 2 0 73 Hour 49 25 1 145 121 97 b) Week 8 20 18 1614I0 12 10 2- -I - - - ------------- ---- -- -- - - - - I - - - 0- I 73 Hour 49 25 1 145 121 97 c) Week 48 20 1816 -- 14- - - - -------------- -- --- -- - - - - - -- - - -- - 12C0 108- 64- - - 20- - -- --- ------- --- I I 1 ------ ------ ------- ---- 25 49 73 Hour 97 121 145 --- Norway M Ajusted marginal cost N~justed marginal cost) sted marginal cs NorwaySA -- NorwA djusted marginal cot - Sweden(dusted marginal cos -- Swedler jdusted marginal cost) E Ajusted marginal cost) (djusted marginal cost) -Denmark -Denmark -Norway Figure 4-15: a) Transmission area prices for week 6. b) Transmission area prices for week 8. c) Transmission area prices for week 48. 64 4.3.3 CHP Generation Adding wind to the system also has an effect on thermal production. The added generation leads to lower production from CHP plants as can be seen from the figure below. CHP Generation 10000 90 0 0 -- -- - - -- --- - -- 8000 -- ---- --- -- 7000 - 6000 - - 3: 5000 - 7 - - - - - --- - -- -- - - 4000 -- - --3000 2000 ---- --- ----- - -- -- --- ------- 1000 - - - - - -- --- - - -- - --- - --- - --- ---- -- ---- ---- - ----- L - - ------ ----- ------- - - -- ---- ------- 0 1 25 49 73 Hour 97 CHP(Before) 121 145 CHP(After) Figure 4-16: CHP generation in Denmark before and after adding wind to the system. Lower thermal production means a decrease in emissions of noxious gases from these plants. If we had more detailed data on CO 2 and SO 2 emissions for thermal plants, we could have calculated the precise amount by which these gases would decrease due to the added generation from wind. Overall, we see that electricity generation from wind will benefit the environment. Actual reduction percentages may be calculated at a future time. 4.3.4 Hydro Scheduling There are some pitfalls to the analysis above. After adding the wind generation to the system, we did not change the hydro production. In reality, this would not be the case. Hydro producers would adjust their production to account for the wind generation. They might choose to lower their production when the wind is high and increase their production when the wind is low in order to maximize their profits. For example, they might bank some hydro during the winter and then use it to increase their production in the summer months. Not only would this decrease thermal production, in turn decreasing emissions, but would also allow the hydro producers to make a higher profit. Also, the problems with the transmission lines reaching their maximum capacity 65 may be averted. None the less it is an important issue that needs to be tackled as some of the transmission lines in Norway are nearing maximum capacity without even adding the wind energy. Overall, it was near impossible to model the reaction of the hydro producers to the added wind energy. 4.4 Transmission Line Solution A possible solution to the transmission line problem can be found in [11]. This paper analyzes an algorithm that may be used as a short-term solution while transmission lines are being constructed. The algorithm has four main parts. The first part entails estimating the wind energy Nw produced by the wind turbine, taking into account the existing wind speed, the ambient density and the selected wind turbines power curve. The next step is to compare the energy production of the wind and the hydro with the consumer energy demand, Nd. If any energy surplus occurs (Nw > Nd), the energy is stored by a battery system and the process is repeated for another time step. If there is an energy deficit (Nd - Nw> 0 ), the battery is discharged to meet the difference. If the battery is near empty and unable to meet the deficit, the battery size is increased and power is drawn from batteries in neighboring areas. 4.5 Issues with Wind Wind is an important addition to the power system in Norway. However, this addition comes with both positive and negative aspects. A few of the positive aspects include reduction in emissions due to a reduction in thermal production and another source of renewable energy that can be used to meet consumer demand. consequences. However, adding wind to a system may have some negative Simulations show that adding a wind farm provides little service in terms of capacity [12]. If the wind/hydro combination must provide the same level of service as a totally hydro scenario, the wind farms require large additional hydro backup capacity. For example, if there is an increase in demand of 56MW, then simulations show that 98 MW of windpower would be needed plus 48 MW of additional hydro-capacity. Similar results are valid for large networks as well. This problem arises because of our inability to forecast the wind accurately. There are two basic methods to forecast the energy output from wind farms. The first uses a persistence model which looks at prior intervals to estimate the wind energy for a few hours in the future. The second 66 uses a meteorological model which use wind speeds to forecast wind output for the next few days [13]. Although these models have improved over the year, they are still not 100% accurate when it comes to forecasting the wind. For that reason, extra capacity must be reserved (at a cost) so that demand is met if the wind is below forecast. A similar problem occurs in wind and thermal system, such as Denmark. With a large amount of non-dispatchable power (wind), the system may become unbalanced as the production does not follow the load. There are three distinct scenarios that might occur: the wind is rising later than forecast (deficit), the wind is rising earlier than forecast (surplus), and the wind rises as forecast. In the case of a deficit, production at local CHP plants can be increased. However, these plants must be kept on reserve status. In the case of a surplus, the excess power can be exported provided that capacity is available on the interconnections to Norway, Sweden, and Germany. However, if there is too much power to export then the system may become unstable. To balance the system, Denmark is experimenting with four scenarios: closing down wind turbines, closing down local CHP plants, introducing flexible loads, and installing heat pumps [14]. Overall, we see that adding wind to a hydro or thermal system has both advantages and disadvantages. It is important to look at all sides of this issue before charging ahead and building wind power plants. 4.6 Conclusions From the discussion above, we see that there are both positive and negative consequences from building wind farms. The positive include a reduction in emissions from thermal plants and another source of energy that can be used to meet future demand. However, these benefits do come at a cost. When building wind farms, other issues must simultaneously be considered, such as transmission line capacity and backup systems. Since wind may fall below forecast, we must pay an additional price to build backup systems. Similarly, wind may be above forecast, in which case we must build more transmission lines to transport the electricity. The whole argument boils down to whether or not the benefits of building wind farms outweigh the costs. 67 68 5 MODEL AND DATA REQUIREMENTS FOR A PLANNING PROJECT IN SUSTAINABLE ENERGY 5.1 The Optimal Model Analysis of the PROSYM model has given us an idea of what some of the requirements are for a model that is to be used in a project focusing on sustainable energy. Although the PROSYM model is used by several electric companies throughout the US, it is not an adequate model for a power planning study. There are several areas in which a model must be proficient in order to be used in such a study. Each of these areas is described in detail below. We begin with nondispatchable energy sources such as wind, continue with a semi non-dispatchable energy source hydro, and finally discuss dispatchable energy sources such as nuclear and thermal production. We also discuss cost-based dispatch and bid-based dispatch. 5.1.1 System Boundary & Time Resolution Before dealing with the dispatch of energy, we must first consider the issues of system boundary and time resolution. The model should be complex enough such that the whole of the Scandinavian market can be represented. It is also important that the model allow us to represent neighboring areas with which exchange occurs through buy/sell contracts or some similar mechanism. This is crucial as the Scandinavian market is not self-contained. It is important that exchange with these neighboring areas be represented elegantly, as including other countries in their entirety in our analysis would cause us to lose focus on our initial goals and make the system unnecessarily large. Another important aspect of the model is the time resolution. In order to study the response of the system to random spikes in demand, to shortages in generation, and over-capacity of transmission lines we need to observe the system from hour to hour. Hourly time resolution also allows us to analyze the response of the system to scheduled and unscheduled shutdowns. Overall, it is important that the model provide the detail that comes with an hourly time resolution so that we may study the behavior of the system in an accurate and precise manner. The model must also be able to forecast demand for periods in the future. Low load and high load scenarios must be tested 69 in this study, and it is important that the model be furnished with internal algorithms to create these load scenarios. The model must also have some notion of investments. 5.1.2 Economics Given that this is a planning study that will look 25 to 50 years in the future, the model must be able to calculate the costs involved with repairing plants, building new transmission lines, and most importantly with building new plants. It is important that the model have the economics of such actions built in so that one may analyze the effect these investments have on electricity prices. These built in economics will allow us to see how soon investments in infrastructure begin to pay off. This will be an important selling point for several of the sponsors involved in the planning project. 5.1.3 Wind When dealing with wind, the model must reduce the hourly demand by the amount of electricity available from wind power. If the demand is low, and the wind is blowing harder than usual, there may be extra electricity available. In this case, the model must export the electricity to surrounding areas. The goal of the model should be to export the extra electricity to areas with thermal generation. This way, the extra electricity from wind can be used to reduce the production of thermal plants, leading to lower emissions among other benefits. If wind is to become a larger part of the system, the model must somehow represent the uncertainty in the wind and the need for additional operating reserves in the system. This may be beyond the scope of this planning study. Other renewable energy sources should be treated in a similar fashion. 5.1.4 Hydro The next area that the model needs to be proficient in is semi non-dispatchable energy sources, such as hydro. Hydro is semi non-dispatchable because the run-of-river content cannot be controlled, where as hydro in the reservoirs can be controlled to increase production when needed. In Scandinavia, hydro accounts for over 60% of the electricity generation, therefore it is important that the model schedule and dispatch hydro in a manner that closely reflects reality. Given hourly demand for each area and a target electricity generation number, the model must ensure that the hydro is dispatched in a manner such that the demand is met, transmission constraints are not 70 violated, and that any extra hydro energy is used to level out peaks in the system. If transmission lines are at capacity, the model should make an attempt to transfer the electricity through other underutilized lines. The model should also observe transmission area prices and should expend reserves in order to reduce the price if it is too high. Likewise, if reserves are low and extra available capacity, then the model should bank hydro for use in future times. During the summer months, when there is a large run-of-river content, the model must ensure that the run-of-river content is used, that any extra electricity generated from hydro is exported to thermal production areas, and that transmission constraints are not violated. 5.1.5 Thermal Nuclear and thermal generation is the last step in the dispatch process. The model must first create a list of all thermal plants and rank them by cost and emissions. The next step is to begin at the top of the list with the plant that has the lowest cost and emissions and work its way down until all remaining demand is met (merit order dispatch). For the model to be able to do this, it must have some notion of startup and shutdown times, ramp rates, heat rates, days required for maintenance, and fuel used. Without this specific information, the model is unable to calculate accurately the cost and emissions required to create the dispatch list. Another area that the model must particularly be adept is CHP as this is a major component of Denmark's generation. A Combined Heat and Power (CHP) Plant is a term used to refer to an installation where there is simultaneous generation of energy to perform a task (usually electricity) and usable heat in a single process. CHP technology represents an attempt to use the 'waste' heat in a constructive fashion. Rather than being dissipated into the atmosphere it may be used to provide heating for a nearby community, or to operate some part of the process that converts the energy. To deal with CHP, the model must either convert the CHP plants to a thermal plant with reduced fuel use due to the additional heat production, or reduce the load by the amount of electricity generation from the CHP plant. The CHP plant must be converted to a thermal plant with reduced fuel use to avoid double counting of emissions. 71 5.1.6 Hydro/Thermal Coordination An important aspect of the model is its ability to coordinate hydro and thermal scheduling to some extent. When scheduling the hydro, the model should reserve a small fraction to smooth out spikes in demand. This prevents the thermal plants from having to drastically increase their generation from hour to hour, and also keeps the transmission area prices relatively stable. The model should schedule the hydro, then schedule thermal production, and then return to the hydro and adjust production in order to correct for demand spikes and other abnormalities in demand. Therefore, it is important that this logic be built into the model. The optimal model would do an integrated optimization/scheduling of hydro and thermal plants. 5.1.7 Price-Flexible Load Another option that the model must allow is price-flexible load. This is load that responds to current transmission prices. Therefore, if the price is too high the plant is turned off or production is lowered. If the price is low, then production is increased. It is important that the model allow for this as we see this happening more often in the real system. 72 The scheduling and dispatch issues discussed above lead us to the diagram shown below. Start Repeat for all hydro Create load target based on specified area load Yes Schedule run-ofriver component, adjust load and remaining energy Yes All energy scheduled? More stations? No No Find highest load target Dne ] Store results of hydro Increment generation, adjust load, and perform energy adjusting Schedule thermal Readjustment of hydro No Done Yes Adjust hydro to reduce thermal generation Figure 5-1: Flowchart demonstrating the logical process of scheduling hydro and thermal. 73 5.1.8 Cost/Bid-based Dispatch The model to be used must also allow two distinct types of dispatch: cost-based and bid-based. Cost-based dispatch is when plants are dispatched in the order of increasing costs until all demand is met. In bid-based dispatch, plants submit their bids to an Independent System Operator (ISO) who determines a market clearing price. Plants submit bids several times until a clearing price is chosen such that load is met. If the price the plant submits is below the clearing price, that plant is paid the clearing price. Any plant above the clearing price does not generate any electricity. Costbased dispatch equals bid-based if the participants behave properly and bid their marginal costs corrected for start-up and shut-down costs. Therefore, it is important that a model allow bid-based dispatch allowing one to study the effects of various bidding strategies. These strategies would have long reaching effects on the bids of other plants. The model should provide the user with bids for each energy block, as well as the market clearing price. The model should also allow for user defined bids and also be able to calculate bids based on heat rates, startup and shutdown costs, and ramp rates. 5.2 Data 5.2.1 Load Data Now that we have analyzed some of the model requirements, we move forward and discuss some of the data issues. This planning study requires a host of data that must be organized and validated. The first essential piece of data is the load profiles for each of the countries in Scandinavia. Demand data is available as far back as 1930. This data must be pulled together and aggregated in some manner. For example, the load profiles used in Chapters 1 & 2 are an average of the past 60 years of load data. We must use all the data available to create three distinct load profiles: a low load profile, an average load profile, and high load profile. Load data must be on an hourly time frame. 5.2.2 Hydro Data The next piece of data required is hydro data. For hydro, we need data describing the reservoir levels, inflow into these reservoirs, run-of-river content, and hydro production levels for as far back 74 as possible. Once again, this data must be aggregated in some fashion to create three distinct hydro production profiles: a dry-year profile, an average year profile, and a wet-year profile. It would be helpful to have hourly data in this case, but weekly data should be sufficient. Numbers on upper/lower limits for reservoir levels would also be helpful. 5.2.3 Wind Data For wind data, we will need data from existing wind farms as well as locations where new wind farms may be built. We will need wind speeds, the heights of the measurement, as well as the location of these measurements (roughness factors) so that we may calculate the wind speeds at hub height. The available data will be aggregated to create three distinct wind profiles: a low wind, an average wind, and a high wind profile. The time granularity for this wind data must be at the hourly level. 5.2.4 Heat Data Another crucial piece of information will be data on heat profiles. This data will be used mainly for areas with CHP plants. It is important to have this data as the heat profile and the load profile do not follow each other. Specifically, the heat profile will have a higher profile in the morning and evening hours, while having a low profile in the daytime and afternoon hours. This is opposite of the load profile which is high during peak hours (7am to 9pm) and low the rest of the time. Using the heat profiles, we must create three distinct heat profiles: a cold-year profile, an average year profile, and a warm-year profile. As was mentioned earlier, one way to handle CHP is to deduct from the load the amount of heat produced. This is where the heat profile will play a crucial role. 5.2.5 Plant Data Once we have created these profiles, we must create an accurate description of the electricity system in Scandinavia. To do this, we will need a description of all the plants in the system. A complete and accurate description would include the location of the plant, the type of plant, and the energy output of the plant. The location of the plant will not only include the physical location, but will also contain the name of the plant itself. These two pieces of information will help to distinguish one plant from another. The plant type will indicate the type of generation available at 75 the plant. The energy output will give us an idea of the size of the plant. Along with the energy output come other crucial pieces of data such as heat rates, startup and shutdown costs, ramp rates, fuel use, emissions, maintenance costs, and variable and fixed operating costs. Heat rates (plant efficiency) and ramp rates (fraction of capacity by which a plant can increase its load per minute) are important in case we need to increase the production of the plant. These rates will help us to calculate how quickly we can increase the production, and more importantly at what cost. The startup and shutdown costs are important as they describe the fuel and attrition costs to startup and shutdown a plant. In terms of cost, maintenance, variable, and fix operating costs tells us how much money is being spent to keep this plant running. This information is important because we might choose to shutdown plants that are too expensive to run and find alternative generation sources. There are two other pieces of information that are important. Data on fuel use for each of the plants will be required as well as fuel prices. This will be important it calculating the costs of running the plant, but more importantly in determining the type and amount of emissions. Emissions data is dependent not only on the fuels used, but also on the type of plant. Therefore, we will need detailed emissions data for each plant in the study. The last piece of data that is of importance is the transmission line network. We will need to know the capacity of all the transmission lines, their loss rates, as well as other link characteristics. 5.2.6 Database Organization This vast array of data must be organized in a database with several tables. To make sure that each record (each entry) in these tables has a unique value, we must designate a database field to contain a value that is unique across all of the records in that table. For example, one may choose an existing field in the database which is guaranteed to be unique -- a social security number would work for a U.S. citizen and an ISBN would work for a book. In many cases, the best idea is to add a new field to the table to serve as the unique identifier. And in some cases, you may use a combination of two or more fields that, while not individually unique, are guaranteed to be unique when used together. Regardless of the method used, what we have created is called a database key. Database keys are essential to good database design. In most cases, each table in the database should have its own key field. Any arbitrarily-created key field for a database table is typically called a primary key. 76 Country Table Database Country Name -Pt- 9 Total Available Capacity Transmission Table (3) Generation 7able (3) Transmission Line Name Generation Tvye * Capacity " * Losses * Wheeling Charges * * Minimum Capacity Maximum Capacity Percentage of Total Plant Table (# of distinct generation tyes) Plant Name " Minimum Capacity * Maximum Capacity * Heat Rates * " Ramp Rates VOM and Fixed Costs * Fuels Used * Startup & Shutdown Costs Maintenance Costs * Figure 5-2: Suggestion for a database to store study data. The figure above is a proposed structure for a database containing our data. We see that there will be four distinct tables. The first table will be the Country Table with the country name as the primary key. Other data stored in this table will include total available capacity. For each record in the country table (3 for the three Scandinavian countries) there are two additional tables, the Transmission Table and the Generation Table. The Transmission Table has as its primary key the transmission line name and stores line information such as capacity, losses, and wheeling charges. The Generation Table has as its primary key the generation type and stores minimum and maximum capacities for each, as well as the percentage of total capacity for each of the generation types. For each generation type, there will be a Plant Table which stores information about each of 77 the physical plants. The primary key for this table is the plant name and the table stores the information shown above. There will be as many distinct tables as there are generation sources. Using the structure above, we will be able to manage and store the data accurately. 5.2.7 Database Security Now that we have a formal structure in which to store data, we must ensure that the data we store is accurate. Often times, data is acquired from sources that are not reliable. Therefore, it is important that the same data be acquired from several different sources in order to ensure correctness. This process must be done before data is entered into the database and periodically throughout the project. If it is found that two sources of data do not agree, then another source must be found. If this is not a possibility, then some averaging must take place to produce one coherent data set. In terms of access to the database, everyone is granted 'read' access so that they may view the data. However, only a select few should have 'modify' access to add or correct data in the database. This ensures the integrity of the data in the database. A copy of the database should be stored so that in case of failure, one can revert back to the last saved state. Overall, the issues raised here will ensure that the integrity of the project. 5.3 Scenario Selection Now that we have looked at some of the model and data issues, we turn our focus to some of the scenarios that can be explored in this project. There are several different ideas that can be tested such as demand-side technology options, supply-side technology options, various bidding strategies, as well as emissions trading. Each of these ideas is described in detail below. 5.3.1 Supply Side Technology Options Although there are several technological options available, the focus should be on natural gas power plants, wind farms, and other renewable energy sources. It is important to get acquainted with some of the ongoing issues that exist in the Scandinavian power market and then suggest technology options that are acceptable to all the countries in the region. For example, Denmark is quite strongly opposed to the use of nuclear power plants. Therefore it would be senseless to consider an architecture that adds more nuclear plants to the existing structure, as it would not be a 78 viable alternative for Denmark. Before considering different technology options, we must first determine a baseline scenario. In the case of the Scandinavian power market, an appropriate baseline scenario would be the current system architecture. Using this as the baseline, changes can be made to the system structure. For example, new technological options will be constructed containing more wind and biomass generation plants. Another option will contain more efficient thermal plants. This will be done by retiring old coal plants, and replacing them with gas power plants which produce more energy with fewer emissions. The goal is to introduce more renewable energy sources into the Scandinavian market which will not only meet future demand, but will also reduce emissions. The project should also try and incorporate work being done on alternative fuels such as hydrogen. The ultimate goal is to produce an optimal mix of technologies which is costeffective to implement and addresses several of the issues presented. 5.3.2 Demand Side Technology Options On the demand side, focus should be placed on energy efficiency issues. There are methods that consumers of energy can employ to reduce their overall consumption. Energy efficient lighting, heat pumps, and distributed small-scale cogeneration plants for production of electricity plus heat and/or steam are example of such methods. There are a variety of options available for the development and adoption of new energy-efficient technologies. Regardless of the option chosen, the efforts must pay attention to the needs of users, deployment issues, and communication amongst all pertinent market actors, including manufacturers, users, distributors, energy utilities, and governments. One option that should be looked at closely will be improving district heating systems by expanding the use of combined heat and power plants. These plants produce two in demand products for the price of one. We should try and exploit this technology to benefit us in the long-run. 5.3.3 Bidding Strategies In addition to studying various technological options for the Scandinavian markets, it is important to study the effect of different bidding strategies on different technology options. There are different bidding strategies that companies employ during peak and off-peak consumption hours. Under electricity market environment, profits of generation companies depend, to a large extent, on 79 their bidding strategies. As a result, how to develop the optimal bidding strategy has become a major concern of generation companies. Analyzing these different strategies on the new architectures will determine whether these strategies have a positive or negative impact on the architecture. Specifically, one must analyze the market clearing prices and the amount of emissions that arise from different strategies. Furthermore, trying to determine an optimal strategy that maintains low electricity prices, keeps the companies profitable, and does not increase emissions will be an important result of this planning project. [15] presents a method for building such an optimal bidding strategy for generation companies in those power markets in which the uniform market clearing price and stepwise bidding protocol are used. Rivals' bidding prices are represented as stochastic variables of normal distributions. A stochastic optimization model for developing the optimal bidding strategy is established, and solved by the Monte Carlo method. 5.3.4 Emission Trading Emission trading is another area that is of great importance. Since the Scandinavian countries are one of the lowest emission producing markets in the world, they can further reduce energy prices by collecting revenue from emission trading. As not all countries will be able to meet their Kyoto Treaty requirements immediately, there will be a market for emission trading. The Scandinavian markets can use this mechanism as a temporary source of revenue as they transform their old architecture to a more efficient one. The short-term electricity market with a bid-based dispatch provides the foundation for building a system that includes tradeable transmission "rights" in the form of transmission congestion contracts. Coordination is unavoidable, and spot market locational prices define the opportunity costs of transmission that would determine the market value of the transmission rights without requiring physical trading and without restricting the actual use of the system. 80 5.4 Multi-Attribute Trade-Off Analysis Multi-attribute trade-off analysis will be employed to measure the benefits and disadvantages of various technological solutions in the Scandinavian markets as described above. As can be seen from the figure below, the first step of such an analysis is to determine the important issues. Then a set of attributes is developed which measure performance relative to those issues. In this project, the two important issues that will be focused on are cost and emissions. After these attributes have been decided, we proceed to the second step. A set of alternatives that include various technological options must be developed. To avoid the typical bias toward supply side solutions, the scenarios will include technological options that emphasize both demand side and supply side technologies. However, before proceeding we must make assumptions about common uncertainties such as electricity demand, fuel costs and availability, and the performance of new technologies. These uncertainties are bundled into a set of futures that are used to carry out sensitivity analysis for the various technological alternatives. Each future and each technology option form a scenario. Using a model of our choice, we can analyze the different scenarios from both a cost and environmental standpoint. Analyzing the results from the different scenarios will force us to find better technological strategies than the ones initially selected. At this time, the choice of attributes may also be revised. This is an iterative process that will be repeated a number of times until consensus is reached as to what should be included in the analysis. In the last step of this analysis, we will have a number of solutions that satisfy the constraints for the given system attributes. This is one of the benefits of using multi-attribute trade-off analysis. There is not one optimal solution; rather there is a basket of solutions to choose from. Other strategies should be given attention, as understanding these strategies may prevent poor investments [16]. 81 AY A tmbffs2ird'w S Ay ......... 6 62 .I..................... Exhaustively Comnsle Stlategies and Futures 6 62 irntoSoenaxjns Attributes fox MeasungProgress longIssAs 0 A, N 0. 0 p(sIM(c AX artuRu)J 1, A m5wrda:s& kiWNt~tAr Sfratqfgls Ay 6 2* Effects ofUnecertaixty? ? 2*Strongest Options? +? +++ Synergistic Strategies? + + +4 A +0 0 ?6'21 + 0 0 0 Ax nLJa ewznet Ax Figure 4-3: The four basic steps of performing multi-attribute trade-off analysis in a multi-stakeholder policy debate. 5.5 Conclusions We have looked at some of the modeling issues required for a planning project in sustainable energy. The discussion above has presented some of the requirements for a model that is to be used. We have also described some of the essential pieces of data that will be required. This data needs to be stored in an organized manner and we have suggested a database structure that achieves that goal. Finally, we suggested some of the possible scenarios that can be tested using the model and the data. Scenarios include both demand and supply-side technologies. Overall, this chapter presents a good start point for moving forward with this project. The suggestions in this chapter will be useful in leading us into the next phase of this project. 82 CONCLUSION This project has laid a strong foundation for future research initiatives in the area of sustainable energy. We began by trying to construct a working replica of the Scandinavian electricity system that was detailed enough to allow us to test various strategies, but not too detailed that we would get lost in the complexities of the system. With this accomplished, we proceeded to address some of the data issues. We arranged the data in a manner that reflected the artificial divisions that we imposed on Norway and Sweden. Denmark did not require any data massaging as we had actual data for Denmark East and West. We then addressed the hydro data issue which required pulling data from SINTEF and using the EMPS model to schedule hydro on a weekly time resolution, in an effort to produce a weekly profile that could be used as input to the PROSYM model. Lastly, we estimated heat rates (plant efficiencies) and included generation from surrounding areas so that we had a complete picture of the electricity system in Scandinavia. The next step was to run simulations with the PROSYM model and to analyze the results. As we ran several different scenarios, we found that the hydro scheduling methodology of PROSYM did not produce results that were in line with actual system results. We tried to develop a work around for this problem and the best solution developed was one where the hydro scheduling was done outside the model. External hydro scheduling can be done in several ways, so we determined a method that would produce accurate results. The import/export results from PROSYM were compared against the actual import/exports of the country. Once a suitable method was found, we repeated the analysis for several other representative weeks in the year. We found that the hydro scheduling methodology needed to be improved to account for the run-of-river content. With this fix in place, results improved for Norway and Sweden, but not for Denmark. We found that the hydro scheduling methodology was quite rudimentary to be used for a planning project, but it furnished decently accurate results. After addressing some of the modeling issues, we moved on to look at wind as a viable generation alternative. Wind speeds measured in nine different locations throughout Norway were thoroughly compared with the load characteristics of Norway. The wind speeds in each of these areas were scaled to hub height and a location that had the strongest and most consistent wind speeds was 83 chosen for each of the four areas in Norway. These wind speeds were then converted to power using the power curve for a Vestas 2MW wind turbine and the resulting power was added to the system. Scenarios were then repeated to check for the effect of this added generation on the system. Early results show that this added generation would have some detrimental effects on the already over-taxed transmission system. There were however emissions benefits from adding wind to the system. The results are not complete as the response of hydro producers was impossible to model. Finally, we wrapped up the entire discussion by providing a glimpse into some the data and model requirements for a project of this magnitude. We suggested a simple database structure that would store the necessary data in a coherent and easily accessible manner. We also listed some of the crucial pieces of data that is required to continue with this planning project. We also touched on some of the areas of proficiency for a model used for a project in Scandinavia which is characteristically different than other areas because of its enormous hydro resource. Once the data is compiled and the model chosen, scenarios must be developed and the multi-attribute trade-off analysis must be done. With this information in hand, the next step is to involve stakeholders in a debate of the important issues affecting the Scandinavian system. The research presented here serves as a guideline for this debate as it enumerates the several different areas that must simultaneously be considered. This study has provided a richer understanding of the unique characteristics of the Scandinavian utility system. Some of the analysis and conclusions presented in this report are based upon forecasts and other data that contain some uncertainties. However, the emphasis in this project is to combine the modeling of the Scandinavian power system with decision analysis tools to produce preliminary results that can be analyzed by stakeholders at various levels. Public interest should focus on the primary measures of cost and emissions which this study has analyzed to create a coordinated mix of certain options that seem reasonable. A balanced program of nuclear life extensions, end-use efficiency programs, and increase generation from sustainable energy sources appear to offer cost effective benefits. The next step is to choose the appropriate model as outlined in Chapter 4 and to begin the enormous task of compiling data describing the entire Scandinavian electricity system. 84 REFERENCES [1] OECD, "Toward a Sustainable Energy Future", OECD 2001. [2] W. Schenler et. al., "Strategic electric sector assessment methodology under sustainability conditions: a Swiss case study", Alliance for Global Sustainability (AGS), April 1998. 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