B-1241(L06) I Texas Agricultural Extension Service W The Texas A&M University System Texas Livestock Enterprise Budgets Far West Texas District Projected for 1995 Andrews I Martin IHoward UE_?'' M-^oTJ i'g£?^» joo^F.! Ip-wii Hudspeth I Culberson Crane I Reeves " ">sL^ UPton \Rea3a' Jeff Davis Terrell Presidio Brewster Texas Agricultural Extension Service Staff The Texas Agricultural Extension Service • Zerlc L. Carpenter, Director • The Texas A&M University System • College Station, Texas B-1241 (16) Projections for Planning Purposes Only Not to be Used without Updating after February 20, 1995 Cow-Calf Production Far West Texas (6) 1995 Projected Costs and Returns per Head PRODUCTION Description CULL COWS DEER LEASE HEIFER CALVES STOCKER STEERS Quantity Unit $ / Unit Return 0.14Hd 9.500 cwt. 41.5000 55.20 60.000 acre 0.3000 18.00 0.30Hd 3.870 cwt. 81.0000 94.04 0.45Hd 4.250 cwt. 87.0000 166.39 Total GROSS Income 333.62 OPERATING INPUT or CUSTOM OPERATION Description Input Use Unit MISC. EXPENSE COW-CALF 12.000 $ RANGE CUBES 600.000 lb. SALES COMMISSION 0.900 head S A LT AND MINERAL 30.000 lb. VET. MEDICINE COW-CALF 1.000 head Fuel Lube Repair $ / Unit 1.000 0.090 6.000 0.200 4.500 Total OPERATING INPUT and CUSTOM OPERATION Costs Interest - IT Borrowed Interest - OC Borrowed Cost 12.00 54.00 5.40 6.00 4.50 7.26 0.72 2.51 92.40 Residual returns to capital, ownership l a b o r, l a n d , m a n a g e m e n t , a n d p r o fi t CAPITAL INVESTMENT Description 241.23 Quantity Invested 1229.766 197.146 Unit Dol. Dol. Rate of Return 0.105 0.105 Cost 129.13 20.70 149.83 Total CAPITAL INVESTMENT Costs R e s i d u a l r e t u r n s t o o w n e r s h i p , l a b o r, land, management, and profit 91.40 OWNERSHIP COST Description (Depreciation, Taxes, and Insurance) Machinery and Equipment Livestock Cost 36.79 4.98 Total OWNERSHIP Costs 41.78 R e s i d u a l r e t u r n s t o l a b o r, l a n d , m a n a g e m e n t , a n d p r o fi t 49.62 LABOR COST Description Input Use 4.449 6.000 Machinery and Equipment Other Unit H r. H r. Average Rate 7.123 7.280 Total LABOR Costs Cost 31.69 43.68 75.37 -25.75 Residual returns to land, management, and profit LAND COST Description Your Estimate Input Use PASTURE RENT Annual Lease Unit 60.000 Acre Total LAND Costs Residual returns to management and profit Rate of Return 1.000 Cost 60.00 60.00 -85.75 -WARNING- No Management Cost Specified R e s i d u a l r e t u r n s t o p r o fi t -85.75 To t a l P r o j e c t e d C o s t o f P r o d u c t i o n 419.37 Information pnsented is pnpand solely as a general guide and is not intended lo recognize or predict the costs and n turns from any one particular farm or ranch operation. These projections wen collected and developed by staff members of the Texas Agricultural Extension Service and approved for publication L6.1 Projections for Planning Purposes Only B-1241 (L6) Not to be Used without Updating after February 20, 1995 Cow-Calf Production Far West Texas (6) 1995 Projected Costs and Returns per Head a tni ttyi t y U nUi tn i t QQuua n ========== ==== 0.,14Hd9 . 5 09.500 ccwwt .t . CULL COWS 0.14Hd 0 DEER LEASE 6 0 . 0 0 0 60.000 a c racre e HEIFER C A LV E S 0 . 3 0. 0 ,30Hd Hd 3 .3.870 8 7 0 c wct .w t . STOCKER STEERS 0 . 0, 4 .545Hd Hd 44.250 . 2 5 0 c wct .w t . GROSS INCOME To t a l Description GROSS VA R I A B L E FIXED - AND PENS INCOME COST minus COST and COST Unit Equipment Acre Acre FIXED of PROJECTED Cost ALL 55.20 18.00 94.04 166.39 0.04 2.75 20.70 43.68 12.00 39.16 54.00 5.40 6.00 0.02 4.50 0.18 0.04 188.47 VA R I A B L E Description Yo u r Estimate To t a l COW-CALF VA R I A B L E To t a l 333.62 LABOR COW-CALF 3/4 TON CUBES COMMISSION MINERAL MEDICINE To t a l NET 41.5000 0.3000 81.0000 87.0000 MILE Borrowed OC EXPENSE TRUCK Machinery Livestock Land To t a l Unit Description 1 To t a l GROSS / Income COST BARN FENCE Interest LIVESTOCK MISC. PICKUP RANGE SALES S A LT SHED V E T. WAT E R WORKING $ 145.15 To t a l 84.65 86.25 60.00 230.90 Cost 419.37 RETURNS -85.75 Information pnsented is pnpand solely as a general guide and is not intended to recognize or predict the costs and ntumsfran any one particular farm or ranch operation. L6.2 These projections wen collected and developed by staff members of the Texas Agricultural Extension Service and approved for publication. Projections for Planning Purposes Only B-1241 (L6) Notto be Used without Updating after February 20, 1995 Livestock Proucts Report Livestock Name Price per Unit CULL BULLS CULL COWS DEER LEASE HEIFER CALVES STOCKER STEERS 52.0000 41.5000 .3000 81.0000 87.0000 Unit of Mes. cwt. cwt. acre cwt. cwt. Weight per Unit 100.0000 100.0000 1.0000 100.0000 100.0000 Cash Flow Row 26 26 24 24 24 Information pnsented is pnpand solely as a general guide and is not intended to recognize or predict the costs and ntumsfrom any one particular farm or ranch operation. ... These projectionswen collectedanddevelopedby staffmembers ofthe Texas Agricultural Extension Service and approved for publication Lu.J Educational programs conducted by the Texas Agricultural Extension Service serve people of all ages regardless of socio-economic level, race, color, sex or national origin. Cooperative Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics, The Texas A&M University System and the United States Department of Agriculture cooperating Distributed in furtherance of the acts of Congress of May 8, 1914, as amended, and June 30, 1914. 150-01-95. New EC0 7"2