B-1241 (L) Projections for Planning Purposes Only Not to be Used without Updating after April 20, 1994 Date Stage of Production 0 6 / 1 5 / 9 4 FIRST CUTTING 0 7 / 1 5 / 9 4 SECOND CUTTING 11 / 0 1 / 9 4 THIRD CUTTING Date Stage of Production 04/01/94 04/01/94 04/01/94 06/01/94 06/01/94 06/05/94 06/05/94 07/01/94 07/05/94 07/05/94 07/05/94 10/15/94 10/15/94 12/15/94 12/15/94 12/31/94 12/31/94 FIRST CUTTING FIRST CUTTING FIRST CUTTING FIRST CUTTING FIRST CUTTING SECOND CUTTING SECOND CUTTING SECOND CUTTING THIRD CUTTING THIRD CUTTING SECOND CUTTING THIRD CUTTING THIRD CUTTING Product Name Type of Prod. A A A Type of of !Head Units HAY HAY HAY BERMUDA BERMUDA BERMUDA Input Name 60.0000 45.0000 45.0000 Number of Units Input M E E G G M E G M E G G G M E K L 1H e i g h t per Number aaaeaaaaaaaas DRY FERT. RIG FERT. 1 8 - 4 6 - 0 FERT. 3 4 - 0 - 0 CUSTOM HAULING CUSTOM BALING DRY FERT. RIG FERT. 3 4 - 0 - 0 CUSTOM BALING DRY FERT. RIG FERT. 3 4 - 0 - 0 CUSTOM HAULING CUSTOM BALING CUSTOM HAULING SPRAYING HERB, PRE-EMERGE CASH RENT COASTAL BERMUDA HAY HAY HAY HAY HAY KAY BERMUDA PASTURE 1.0000 100.0000 250.0000 60.0000 60.0000 1.0000 250.0000 45.0000 1.0000 250.0000 45.0000 45.0000 45.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 Cash NonCash C C C .00 .00 .00 Y Y Y Fixed Landlord or ishare Va r i . a a a a a a a ia a a a a a a C C C C V V V V C C V V C V V V V c c c c c Cash Landlord Break NonShare Even Cash Prod. V F F .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 ^ ^ l » ^«B»V Information presented is prepared sotefy as a general guim and ti not mtended to ncogmze or prcdta to com art These projections wen cou*y^ and develA^ ty staff memben of to Texas Agricultural Extension Service and approved for publication. L4.4 B-1241 (L) Projections for Planning Purposes Only Not to be Used without Updating after April 20, 1994 Coastal Bermudagrass Pasture North Central Texas (4) 1994 Projected Costs and Returns per Acre GROSS INCOME Description Unit Quantity 5.360 PASTURE $ AUM / Unit To t a l 10.0000 53.60 53.60 Total GROSS Income VARIABLE COST Description FERT. 18-46-0 FERT. 34-0-0 DRY FERT. RIG FERT. 34-0-0 DRY FERT. RIG Fuel & Lube - Machinery Repairs - Machinery Labor - Machinery Interest - OC Borrowed Unit Quantity 100.000 150.000 1.000 150.000 1.000 0.091 26.449 lb. lb. acre lb. acre Acre Acre Hour Dol. $ / Unit To t a l . 11 5 .087 2.000 .087 2.000 11 . 5 0 13.12 2.00 13.12 2.00 0.25 0.07 0.45 3.20 5.007 0.121 45.72 Total VARIABLE COST !ost Break-Even Price, Total Variable Cost $ 8 .53 per AUM of PASTURE 7.88 GROSS INCOME minus VARIABLE COST FIXED COST Description Machinery and Equipment Land Perennial Crop Unit To t a l SSSB SSSSSSSSSSS Acre Acre Acre 1.03 12.00 11 . 0 6 24.09 Total FIXED Cost Break-Even Price, Total Cost $ Yo u r Estimate L3.02 per AUM of PASTURE Total of ALL Cost NET PROJECTED RETURNS Information presented ti prepared solely as a general gidu and ti na Intended » recogntae or pr^ These projections wen collected and developed ty stiff nmmbers of to Texas Agricultural Extentim 69.81 -16.21 L4.5 B-1241 (L) Projections for Planning Purposes Only Not to be Used without Updating after April 20, 1994 Date Stage of Production 03/15/94 04/15/94 05/15/94 06/15/94 07/15/94 08/15/94 09/15/94 10/15/94 Date of Stage of Product Name Prod. A A A A A A A A GRAZING GRAZING GRAZING GRAZING GRAZING GRAZING GRAZING GRAZING Production 04/01/94 04/01/94 04/01/94 08/15/94 08/15/94 12/31/94 12/31/94 Type Ty p e of of Head Units .6700 .6700 .6700 .6700 .6700 .6700 .6700 .6700 PASTURE PASTURE PASTURE PASTURE PASTURE PASTURE PASTURE PASTURE Input Name Number of Units Input M E E M E K L V' e i g h t per Number DRY FERT. RIG F E RT. 1 8 - 4 6 - 0 F E RT. 3 4 - 0 - 0 DRY FERT. RIG FERT. 34-0-0 CASH RENT COASTAL BERMUDA PASTURE 1.0000 100.0000 150.0000 1.0000 150.0000 1.0000 1.0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 Cash NonCash C a s h La n d l o r d Break NonShare Even Cash Prod. N N N N N N N N .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Fixed Landlord or Share vari. C C V V C C V F F .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 y=3*%. ^Sf% Information presented ti prepared solely as a general guiu and ti mn bunded to recogmze or predta to com an^ Thae projections wen collected and developed ty staff L4.6 B-1241 (L) Projections for Planning Purposes Only Not to be Used without Updating after April 20, 1994 /f|W\ Bermudagrass Overseeded with Ryegrass & Clover North Central Texas (4) 1994 Projected Costs and Returns per Acre Unit GROSS INCOME Description Quantity PA S T U R E AUM 13.350 To t a l $ / Unit 133.50 10.0000 133.50 Total GROSS Income VARIABLE COST Description FERT. 18-46-0 FERT. 34-0-0 DRY FERT. RIG SOD SEEDING SEED RYEGRASS SEED CLOVER INOCULANT SEED CEREAL RYE Fuel & Lube - Machinery Repairs - Machinery Labor - Machinery Interest - OC Borrowed Interest - Positive Cash Unit $ / Unit Quantity 100.000 100.000 1.000 1.000 20.000 5.000 1.000 90.000 0.197 20.697 -20.473 lb. lb. acre acre lb. lb. acre lb. Acre Acre Hour Dol. Dol. To t a l 11 . 5 0 8.75 2.00 5.00 8.00 7.00 1.50 16.20 0.95 0.54 0.98 2.50 -1.48 . 11 5 .087 2.000 5.000 .400 1.400 1.500 .180 5.002 0.121 0.072 63.45 Total VARIABLE COST :ost Break-Even Price, Total Variable Cost $ 4 .75 per AUM of PASTURE 70.05 GROSS INCOME minus VARIABLE COST FIXED COST Description JP^N Machinery and Equipment Land To t a l Unit 3.85 12.00 Acre Acre S3 15.85 Total FIXED Cost Break-Even Price, Total Cost $ Your Estimate 5.94 per ATJIM of PASTURE Total of ALL Cost 79.30 NET PROJECTED RETURNS 54.20 Information presented ti prepared solely as a general guide end ti n* iiundcd to recogmv or pecdk, to tt a* These projections wen collected and developed ty stiff membm af to Texa Agricultu^ L4.7 B-1241 (L) Projections for Planning Purposes Only Not to be Used without Updating after April 20, 1994 Date 11 / 0 1 / 9 4 12/01/94 01/01/95 02/01/95 03/01/95 04/01/95 05/01/95 06/01/95 07/01/95 08/01/95 09/01/95 10/01/95 Date 10/01/94 10/05/94 10/05/94 10/05/94 10/10/94 10/10/94 10/10/94 10/10/94 10/10/94 12/31/94 L4.8 Stage of Production GRAZING GRAZING GRAZING GRAZING GRAZING GRAZING GRAZING GRAZING GRAZING GRAZING GRAZING GRAZING Stage of Production Type o f Prod. A A A A A A A A A A A A Type o f Input Product Name Number of Units OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO .0000 .0000 .0000 .6700 .6700 .6700 .6700 .6700 PASTURE PASTURE PASTURE PASTURE PASTURE PASTURE PASTURE PASTURE PASTURE PASTURE PASTURE PASTURE Input Name DISCING DRY FERT. RIG FERT. 18-46-0 F E RT. 3 4 - 0 - 0 SOD SEEDING SEED RYEGRASS SEED CLOVER INOCULANT SEED CEREAL RYE CASH RENT TANDEM CUSTOM PASTURE Weight Cash Landlord Break per NonShare Even Head Cash Prod. oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo c c c c c c c c c c c c .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 Number Cash Fixed Landlord of Nonor Share Units Cash Va r i . 1.0000 1.0000 100.0000 100.0000 1.0000 20.0000 5.0000 1.0000 90.0000 1.0000 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 Information presented ti prepared solely as a general guide and is not Intended to recognize or predict to com and returns from any om particular farm or ranch operation. These projections wen collected and developed ty staff members of to Texas Agrieultunl Extwsim Service and approved for B-1241 (L) Projections for Planning Purposes Only Not to be Used without Updating after April 20, 1994 Sorghum for Hay North Central Texas (4) 1994 Projected Costs and Returns per Acre GROSS INCOME Description "hay" SORGHUM Quantity 120.000 Unit $ / Unit bale 2.0000 Your Estimate 240.00 240.00 Total GROSS Income VARIABLE COST Description PREHARVEST FERT. 18-46-0 DRY FERT. RIG FERT. 82-0-0 ANHYDROUS RIG SEED FORAGE SORG Fuel & Lube - Machinery Repairs - Machinery Labor - Machinery Quantity Unit $ / Unit 100.000 1.000 100.000 1.000 50.000 0.848 lb. acre lb. acre lb. Acre Acre Hour .115 2.000 .092 2.000 .160 5.001 To t a l 11.50 2.00 9.25 2.00 8.00 4.17 2.03 4.24 43.19 Total PREHARVEST HARVEST CUSTOM BALING CUSTOM HAULING 60.000 60.000 Total HARVEST PREHARVEST FERT. 34-0-0 DRY FERT. RIG Fuel & Lube - Machinery Repairs - Machinery Labor - Machinery bale bale .650 .400 39.00 24.00 63.00 300.000 1.000 0.045 lb. acre Acre Acre Hour .087 2.000 5.007 26.25 2.00 0.12 0.04 0.23 28.64 Total PREHARVEST HARVEST CUSTOM BALING CUSTOM HAULING 60.000 60.000 bale bale .650 .400 39.00 24.00 63.00. Total HARVEST Interest Interest To t a l OC Borrowed Positive Cash 47.279 -0.021 Dol Dol 0.121 0.071 203.54 Total VARIABLE COST Break-Even Price, Total Variable Cost $ 1.69 per bale of HAY 36.46 GROSS INCOME minus VARIABLE COST FIXED COST Description Machinery and Equipment Land Unit ssss Acre Acre Total of ALL Cost NET PROJECTED RETURNS To t a l 18.33 25.00 43.33 Total FIXED Cost Break-Even Price, Total Cost $ 5.72 0.00 2.05 per bale of HAY 246.87 -6.87 Information praenuylti prepared solely as a gene^ T h e s e p r o j e c t i o n s w e n c o l l e c t e d a n d d e v e l o p e d t y s t a f f m e m b e n o f t o Te x a s A g r i c u ^ u 9 B-1241 (L) Projections for Planning Purposes Only Not to be Used without Updating after April 20, 1994 Date Stage of Production A A 06/10/94 HARVEST 07/25/94 HARVEST Date Stage of Production aaaaaaaa a a a a a a a a a a a a a i 06/15/93 08/15/93 10/10/93 10/10/93 10/15/93 12/31/93 02/10/94 02/10/94 03/25/94 03/25/94 06/01/94 06/01/94 06/05/94 06/05/94 07/15/94 07/15/94 PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST HARVEST HARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST HARVEST HARVEST Product Name Ty p e of Prod. Type o f Input SORGHUM SORGHUM HAY HAY Input Name Weight Cash Landlord Break per NonShare Even Head Cash Prod. .0000 C .0000 C 60.0000 60.0000 Number of Units Cash NonCash .00 .00 Fixed Landlord or Share Va r i . isaissaa aaas: M M M E M K M E -ME G G E M G G Number of Units DISCING DISCING DRY FERT. RIG FERT. 18-46-0 DISCING CASH RENT ANHYDROUS APPL. F E RT. 8 2 - 0 - 0 DRILLING SEED FORAGE SORG CUSTOM BALING CUSTOM HAULING F E RT. 3 4 - 0 - 0 DRY FERT. RIG CUSTOM BALING CUSTOM HAULING OFFSET TANDEM TANDEM CROPLAND HAY HAY HAY HAY l . 0000 l . 0000 l . 0000 100.0000 OOOO oooo 1.0000 100.0000 1.0000 50.0000 60.0000 60.0000 300.0000 1.0000 60.0000 60.0000 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 100.00 100.00 .00 .00 Information presented ti prepared solely as a general guide and ti not intended to recognize or predict to com and returns from any om particular farm or ranch operation. These projections wen collected and developed ty staff members of to Texas Agricultural Extension Service and appntvri L4.10 B-1241 (L) Projections for Planning Purposes Only Not to be Used without Updating after April 20, 1994 Wheat Production, Grazing Only North Central Texas (4) 1994 Projected Costs and Returns per Acre GROSS INCOME Description WEIGHT GAIN STOCKERS Quantity 360.000 Unit lb. $ / Unit To t a l 0.2500 90.00 90.00 Total GROSS Income VARIABLE COST Description PREHARVEST FERT. 18-46-0 DRY FERT. RIG FERT. 82-0-0 ANHYDROUS RIG SEED WHEAT INSECT. GREENBUG FERT. 32-0-0 LIQUID FERT. RIG INSECT. GREENBUG Fuel & Lube - Machinery Repairs - Machinery Labor - Machinery Quantity 100.000 1.000 100.000 1.000 90.000 1.000 200.000 1.000 1.000 0.827 Unit lb. acre lb. acre lb. acre lb. acre acre Acre Acre Hour $ / Unit To t a l 11 . 5 0 2.00 9.25 2.00 15.30 2.05 16.50 2.00 2.05 3.71 1.63 4.14 . 11 5 2.000 .092 2.000 .170 2.050 .082 2.000 2.050 5.002 72.13 Total PREHARVEST Interest - OC Borrowed Yo u r Estimate 63.192 Dol. 0.121 7.65 Total VARIABLE COST 79.77 GROSS INCOME minus VARIABLE COST 10.23 FIXED COST Description Machinery and Equipment Land Unit To t a l Acre Acre Total FIXED Cost Total of ALL Cost NET PROJECTED RETURNS 16.14 25.00 41.14 120.92 -30.92 /jPS\ "information presented ti prepared solely as a^genetvl gidde and ti n* intended to reeognto^ e p r ^ c t i Z w Z c o l l e c i e d ^ L 4 . 11 B-1241 (L) Projections for Planning Purposes Only Not to be Used without Updating after April 20, 1994 Date Stage of Production Type of Prod. WEIGHT GAIN 05/31/94 GRAZING Date 06/15/93 07/15/93 08/15/93 08/15/93 08/20/93 08/20/93 09/01/93 09/01/93 12/15/93 12/15/93 03/10/94 03/10/94 03/15/94 05/31/94 Stage of Production PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST Product Name Type o f Input M M E M E M E M E M E M E K STOCKERS Input Name OFFSET DISCING TANDEM DISCING F E R T. 1 8 - 4 6 - 0 DRY FERT. RIG F E R T. 8 2 - 0 - 0 ANHYDROUS APPL. SEED WHEAT DRILLING INSECT. GREENBUG S P R AY I N G F E R T. 3 2 - 0 - 0 L I Q U I D F E R T. R I G INSECT. GREENBUG CROPLAND CASH RBNT Number of Units Weight Cash Landlord Break per NonShare Even Head Cash Prod. OOOO 360.0000 Number of Units Cash NonCash 1. 0000 1. oooo 100.0000 1.0000 100.0000 1.0000 90.0000 oooo oooo oooo 200.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 N .00 N Fixed Landlord or Share Va r i . .00 .00 33.00 .00 33.00 .00 .00 .00 33.00 .00 33.00 .00 33.00 .00 /-SS% ^ Information presetted ti prepared solely as a general guide and Is not intended to recognize or predict to com and returns from any om particular farm or ranch operation. These projections wen collected and developed ty staff members of to Tem Agriadturai Extensim Serviu and appr^ L4.12 B-1241 (L) Projections for Planning Purposes Only Not to be Used without Updating after April 20, 1994 j|P*K Cow-Calf Production Improved Pastures 40 Cow Herd N o r t h C e n t r a l Te x a s ( 4 ) 1994 Projected Costs and Returns per Head PRODUCTION Description CULL COWS BEEF HEIFER CALVES STEER CALVES Quantity O.IOHd 9.000 0.28Hd 4.500 0.43Hd 4.800 Return 41.85 109.62 200.21 $ / Unit 46.5000 87.0000 97.0000 Unit cwt. cwt. cwt. 351.68 Total GROSS Income OPERATING INPUT or CUSTOM OPERATION Description Input Use H AY BERMUDA 24.750 MISCELLANEOUS COW-CALF 1.000 PA S T U R E BERMUDA 1.800 SALES COMMISSIONCULL COW 0.900 SALES COMMISSIONSTOCKER 3.180 S A LT & MINERALS 0.490 SUPPLEMENT 1.500 V E T. MEDICINE COW-CALF 1.000 Fuel Lube Repair 195.61 Residual returns to capital, ownership l a b o r, l a n d , m a n a g e m e n t , a n d p r o fi t 156.06 Quantity Invested 1076.780 128.345 -4.229 CAPITAL INVESTMENT Description JfP\ Cost 74.25 10.00 67.18 1.13 6.36 3.89 16.13 7.00 5.92 0.59 3.18 $ / Unit 3.000 10.000 37.320 1.250 2.000 7.930 10.750 7.000 Unit cwt. head acre cwt. cwt. cwt. cwt. head Total OPERATING INPUT and CUSTOM OPERATION Costs Interest Interest Interest IT Borrowed OC Borrowed OC Earned Unit Rate of Return 0.121 0.121 0.072 Dol. Dol. Dol. Cost 130.28 15.53 -0.30 145.50 Total CAPITAL INVESTMENT Costs tasssssssssss R e s i d u a l r e t u r n s t o o w n e r s h i p , l a b o r, l a n d , m a n a g e m e n t , a n d p r o fi t 10.56 Cost 40.49 18.92 OWNERSHIP COST Description (Depreciation, Taxes, and Insurance) Machinery and Equipment Livestock 59.41 Total OWNERSHIP Costs s—====~—s—ssssssssssassssssssssssasssssssssssssssssssssssssssss -48.85 R e s i d u a l r e t u r n s t o l a b o r, l a n d , m a n a g e m e n t , a n d p r o fi t LABOR COST Description Av e r a g e Rate 4.949 5.000 Input Use Unit H r. H r. 3.108 5.400 Machinery and Equipment Other -91.23 R e s i d u a l r e t u r n s t o l a n d , m a n a g e m e n t , a n d p r o fi t 3SaSS3S3SS3SSSS33SS3S3 SSSSSSSSS=333SS33SIS33SS3333S33S33333333333SS3SSS3333! BERMUDA PASTURE Annual NATIVE PASTURE Annual 15.38 27.00 SSSSS833S3S3S3SSSS3S33 33SS333333SSS333SS3SSS3S3333S33S333333S33S333333SSS3I COST Cost 42.38 Total LABOR Costs LAND Yo u r Estimate Description Input Use Rate Return Unit of Cost Lease 1.800 Acre 20.000 36.00 Lease 2.000 Acre 8.000 16.00 52.00 Total LAND Costs SSSSSSSSSSS==SSS333SSSSSS3S3SSSSSSSSSSS33SSSSSSSS33SSSS3S3SSSS3333SSS3SSSSSSS— Residual returns to management and p r o fi t -143.23 -WARNING- No Management Cost Specified _____SSSSSSSSSS3333S3S333SSS33S3SS333SSSSSSSSSSSS333SS3S3SSSS3S3SSS3333SSSS333 Residual returns to p r o fi t -143.23 =333S3S33SSSS333S3333S3S3333SSS3=33S33SS3SSS3S3SS3==333SS3SSS3S3333S3SS33S3S3S To t a l Projected Cost of Production 494.91 Information presented ti prepared sotety as a general guide and ti not bunded to recognize or predict to com and returns from any em particular farm or ranch operation. These projections wen collected and developed ty staff memben of to Texas Agrtcua^ L4.13 B-1241 (L) Projections for Planning Purposes Only Not to be Used without Updating after April 20, 1994 Cow-Calf Production Improved Pastures 40 Cow Herd North Central Texas (4) 1994 Projected Costs and Returns per Head GROSS INCOME Description CULL COWS BEEF HEIFER CALVES STEER CALVES Quantity Unit $ / Unit O.IOHd 9.000 cwt. 46.5000 0.28Hd 4.500 cwt. 87.0000 0.43Hd 4.800 cwt. 97.0000 == Your To t a l E s t i m a t e 41.85 109.62 200.21 351.68 Total GROSS Income To t a l VARIABLE COST Description 0.26 2.52 74.25 -0.30 15.53 27.00 10.00 67.18 0.56 21.74 1.13 6.36 3.89 16.13 7.00 BARN H AY FENCING ONE MILE H AY BERMUDA Interest - Earned Interest - OC Borrowed LIVESTOCK LABOR MISCELLANEOUS COW-CALF PA S T U R E B E R M U D A PENS & EQUIPMENT PICKUP TRUCK 3/4 TON SALES COMMISSIONCULL COW SALES COMMISSIONSTOCKER SALT & MINERALS SUPPLEMENT VET. MEDICINE COW-CALF a :: S 3 3 3 3 3 S 3 S 253.22 Total VARIABLE COST Break-Even Price, Total Vetriable Cost $ 49.30 per cwt. of STE ER CALVES 98.46 GROSS INCOME minus VARIABLE COST FIXED COST Description Unit To t a l = S S S S S S a S S 3 3 3 3 S S S 3 S 3 3 8 3 3 S 3 3 I3 3 S 3 3 3 SSSS a ti s a a a a a a a s Machinery and Equipment Livestock Land Acre Acre 103.73 85.96 52.00 I33333S3SS Total FIXED Cost 241.69 Break-Even Price, Total Cc3St $ 166.39 per cwt. of STEER CALVES Total of ALL Cost NET PROJECTED RETURNS 494.91 -143.23 y Information presented ti prepared solely as a general guide and ti not bunded to recognize or predict to com and returns from any om particular farm or ranch operation. These projections wen collected and developed ty staff members of to Texas Agricultural Extension Service and approved for publication. L4.14 ^ K Projections for Planning Purposes Only B-1241 (L) Not to be Used without Updating after April 20. 1994 Central r C o w - C a l f P r o d u c t i o n N a tNorth ive P a s t u rTexas e s 4 (4) 0 Cow Herd 1994 Projected Costs and Returns per Head =______=========S3333333=====S3S3S333=========_===================3=33SSSSSSSS YOUr PRODUCTION Description Quantity Unit $ / Unit Return Estimate CULL COWS BEEF O.IOHd 9.000 cwt. 46.5000 41.85 HEIFER C A LV E S 0.28Hd 4.500 cwt. 87.0000 109.62 STEER C A LV E S 0.43Hd 4.800 cwt. 97.0000 200.21 To t a l GROSS Income 3 51.68 OPERATING INPUT or CUSTOM OPERATION Description Input Use Unit $ / Unit Cost MISCELLANEOUS COW-CALF 1.000 head 10.000 10.00 PA S T U R E BERMUDA 0.500 acre 3 7.320 18.66 SALES COMMISSIONCULL COW 0.900 cwt. 1.250 1.13 SALES COMMISSIONSTOCKER 3.180 cwt. 2.000 6.36 S A LT & MINERALS 0.490 cwt. 7.930 3.89 SUPPLEMENT 3.000 cwt. 10.750 32.25 V E T. MEDICINE COW-CALF 1.000 head 7.000 7.00 Fuel 5.92 Lube 0-59 Repair 3.18 s s s s s s s s s s s To t a l O P E R AT I N G I N P U T a n d C U S T O M O P E R A T I O N C o s t s 8 8 . 9 7 Residual returns to capital, ownership labor, land, management, and C A P I TA L I N V E S T M E N T D e s c r i p t i o n Q u a n t i t y Invested Interest IT Borrowed 1076.780 Interest OC Borrowed 128.182 Interest OC Earned -16.010 ^ p r o fi t 262.71 Unit Rate of Cost Return Dol. 0.121 130.28 Dol. 0.121 15.51 Dol. 0.072 -1.15 To t a l C A P I TA L INVESTMENT Residual returns to ownership, labor, land, management, and Costs 144.64 =333SSSS3=333S3S=S3SSS333SSS3S=3SSSSS333S33SSSSSS33333SS3SS===3SS3SS3S3S=SSSSS p r o fi t 11 8 . 0 7 OWNERSHIP COST Description (Depreciation, Taxes, and Insurance) Cost Machinery and Equipment 40.49 Livestock ^18.92 To t a l OWNERSHIP Costs 59_41 3ssssssssssssssssssssssssssaasssssasasSSSSS3S3SSS3S333SSSSSSSSSSSS333S3ssss—ss R e s i d u a l r e t u r n s t o l a b o r , l a n d , m a n a g e m e n t , a n d p r o fi t 5 8 . 6 6 isassssssssa LABOR COST Machinery Other Input LABOR Residual returns COST BERMUDA Annual N AT I V E Annual To t a l Use Unit Average Cost Rate Hr. 4.949 15.38 5.000 27.00 and Equipment 3.108 5.400 Hr. To t a l LAND Description to Costs land, Description _ management, Input Use PA S T U R E Lease 0.500 PA S T U R E Lease 5.000 p r o fi t Rate Return , Acre nnn Acre LAND and Unit _ 4^_38 of „ 20.000 An 8.000 Costs 16.28 Cost «a 10.00 nn _t°i 50___ ____=—.SSSSSSSSSSS3=3SS3S83SS3333SSSS3333333333333S33S3333aS3SS333SS333333SS3S3 Residual returns to management and p r o fi t -33.72 333SSS333SS33S33S=3SSS33SaaS33S333333Sa3SS3333a3a333333333SS3S33S3S33S33SSSS33 J*N. -WARNING- No Management Cost Specified Residual returns to p r o fi t -33.72 SSSSSSSSS33SS3333SS33S3SS3333SS3S3S3S333S3S333SS383333S3S3S333S333a333S3_33SS3 To t a l Projected Cost of Production 385.40 Information presented is prepared solely as a general g*m end ti not intended to recognta or prcdla T h e s e p r o j e c t i o n s w e n c o l l e c t e d a n d d e v e l o p e d t y s t i f f m e m b e r s o f t o Te x a A g r i e u b ^ a ^ 1 4 1 5 Projections for Planning Purposes Only B-1241 (L) Not to be Used without Updating after April 20, 1994 Cow-Calf Production Native Pastures 40 Cow Herd North Central Texas (4) 1994 Projected Costs and Returns per Head GROSS INCOME Description Quantity Unit $ / Unit ~"cULL~COWS BEEF O.IOHd 9.000 cwt. 46.5000 HEIFER C A LV E S 0.28Hd 4.500 cwt. 87.0000 STEER C A LV E S 0.43Hd 4.800 cwt. 97.0000 Your Estimate 41.85 109. 62 200. 21 351.,68 Total GROSS Income To t a l VARIABLE COST Description ""barn" To t a l 0..26 2..52 - 1 ..15 15,.51 27..00 10,.00 18 .66 0 .56 21 .74 1..13 6 .36 3 .89 32 . 2 5 7.00 H AY FENCING ONE MILE Interest - Earned Interest - OC Borrowed LIVESTOCK LABOR MISCELLANEOUS COW-CALF PA S T U R E B E R M U D A PENS & EQUIPMENT PICKUP TRUCK 3/4 TON SALES COMMISSIONCULL COW SALES COMMISSIONSTOCKER SALT & MINERALS SUPPLEMENT VET. MEDICINE COW-CALF ssssssss: 145 .71 Total VARIABLE COST Break-Even Price, Total Variable Cost $ - 2.78 per cwt. of STEER CALVES GROSS INCOME FIXED minus COST Machinery Livestock Land VA R I A B L E Description and COST Unit Equipment Acre Acre To t a l FIXED Cost 205.97 To t a l 103.73 85.96 50.00 sssssssssss 239.69 Break-Even Price, Total Cost $ 113.33 per cwt. of STEER CALVES To t a l NET of PROJECTED ALL Cost RETURNS 385.40 -33.72 Information presented ti prepared solely as a general gukU and ti not Imended to recogniu or predta These projections wen collected and developed ty stiff members of to Texas Agricultural Extension ServUx and approved fr L4.16 Projections for Planning Purposes Only B-1241 (L) Not to be Used without Updating after April 20, 1994 Stocker Steers (Wheat Grazing Nov-Feb 120 Days) North Central Texas (4) 1994 Projected Costs and Returns per Head PRODUCTION Description Quantity Unit $ / Unit Return Estimate FEEDER STEERS 670 LB. 0.98Hd 6.700 cwt. 82.5000 541.70 To t a l GROSS Income 541.70 OPERATING INPUT or CUSTOM OPERATION Description Input Use Unit $ / Unit Cost H AY BERMUDA 2.000 cwt. 3.000 6.00 MISCELLANEOUS STOCKER 1.000 head 4.000 4.00 PA S T U R E N AT I V E 0.250 acre 8.000 2.00 SALES COMMISSIONSTOCKER 6.700 cwt. 2.000 13.40 S A LT & MINERALS 0.188 cwt. 7.930 1.49 STOCKER STEERS 4.800 cwt. 95.000 456.00 SUPPLEMENT 0.500 cwt. 10.750 5.38 V E T. MEDICINE STOCKER 1.000 head 7.000 7.00 W H E AT $/CWT GAIN 1.900 cwt. 25.000 47.50 Fuel 1-41 Lube °-14 Repair °-30 s s s s s s s s s s s To t a l O P E R A T I N G I N P U T a n d C U S T O M O P E R A T I O N C o s t s 5 4 4 . 6 2 S333333SSS33S3SSS333SSS3333S333S33333S333S33S3333333S33333333SS3SS3S333333S33S Residual returns to capital, ownership labor, land, management, and p r o fi t -2.92 =3S3S33333S3333333S3SSSS33SaSSSSSS33333333S33S3333S3S3333SSSS333333333SSS33333 C A P I TA L I N V E S T M E N T D e s c r i p t i o n Q u a n t i t y U n i t R a t e o f C o s t Invested Return Interest IT Borrowed 143.170 Dol. 0.121 17.32 Interest OC Borrowed 320.480 Dol. 0.121 38.78 To t a l C A P I TA L INVESTMENT Residual returns to ownership, labor, land, management, Costs and profit 56.10 ~59_°_? OWNERSHIP COST Description (Depreciation, Taxes, and Insurance) Cost Machinery and Equipment 15.20 s s s s s s s s s s s To t a l OWNERSHIP Costs 15.20 333333S3S333SS3333S3==S33333S3SS33SSSB3S333a3SS33333333S33=I33SSS33SSSSS3SS3333 R e s i d u a l r e t u r n s t o l a b o r , l a n d , m a n a g e m e n t , a n d p r o fi t - 7 4 . 2 2 33333SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS3=3383SSSSSSSSSSS3SSSSSSSSSSBSSS3S33S3S3SS============ LABOR COST Machinery Other Description Input Use Unit Average Cost Rate Hr. 4.864 4.46 5-000 9'50 s s s s s s s s s a s and Equipment 0.917 1-900 Hr- To t a l LABOR Costs 13.96 33S333SSSS3333333aaSSSS=BS3S3aBSS333333333333SS333SSSSS3S3SS333333S33=SSS3333S Residual returns to land, management, and p r o fi t _"?8'18 333S3S3SSS33333Sa«3S3S3=3S3333SS33333SS3333S333S33S3SS3333SS3S3S33333SS_=_33S3 -WARNING- No Land Cost Specified 33SSSSSSSSSS3SaSSaaaSSSSSS333333 33SSSSS33S3333333S333 3S: Residual returns to management and p r o fi t ~88^8 _S3SS3S33SSSS833SSS3Sa3SSS33SS3S33SSSSa8aaS3SS3S3i ■WARNING- No Management Cost Specified 333S333SSS3S3a3S333SSS3SaS3S33SSSS33SS3SSS3S33S333333SSS3SS83SS3! Residual To t a l returns to s s s s s s s s s 3 a s s 3 3 S S S S S S S 3 S S S S S S S S S S S Projected Cost of p r o fi t -88.18 Production 629.87 I S S 3 3 3 S S S S 3 S 3 S 3 3 3 S S S S 3 S S 3 3 Inform*** presented ti prepared solely as a general guim and ti not inwukd » recognta or prcdkt to These projccaom vme collected and developed ty staff nmmbm of to TemAgricuu^ B-1241 (L) Projections for Planning Purposes Only Not to be Used without Updating after April 20, 1994 Stocker Steers (Wheat Grazing Nov-Feb 120 Days) North Central Texas (4) 1994 Projected Costs and Returns per Head GROSS INCOME Description FEEDER STEERS 670 LB. Quantity Unit $ / Unit 0.98Hd 6.700 cwt. 82.5000 sssssssssss 597.35 Total VARIABLE COST Break-Even Price, Total Variable Cost $ 90.97 per cwt. of FEEDER STEERS -55.66 GROSS INCOME minus VARIABLE COST Unit SS33 Acre To t a l SSSSSSSSSSS 32.52 32.52 Total FIXED Cost Break-Even Price, Total Cost $ 541.70 6.00 38.78 9.50 4.00 2.00 1.13 5.19 13.40 1.49 456.00 5.38 7.00 47.50 H AY BERMUDA Interest - OC Borrowed LIVESTOCK LABOR MISCELLANEOUS STOCKER PA S T U R E N AT I V E PENS & EQUIPMENT PICKUP TRUCK 3/4 TON SALES COMMISSIONSTOCKER SALT & MINERALS STOCKER STEERS SUPPLEMENT VET. MEDICINE STOCKER WHEAT $/CWT GAIN Machinery and Equipment Your Estimate To t a l VARIABLE COST Description ssasssssssssssssasssssssassssssss To t a l 541.70 Total GROSS Income FIXED COST Description /^~%k 95.92 per cwt. of FEEDER STEERS Total of ALL Cost 629,.87 NET PROJECTED RETURNS -88 .18 Information presented ti prepared solely as a general guide and ti not bunded to recognize or predict to cam and returns from any om particular farm or ranch operation. These projections wen collected and developed ty staff members of the Texa Agricultural Extatsim Service and approved L4.18 y M ^ B-1241 (L) Projections for Planning Purposes Only Not to be Used without Updating after April 20, 1994 Stocker Steers (Wheat Grazing Nov-May 210 Days) North Central Texas (4) 1994 Projected Costs and Returns per Head j$m\ ============33==__=====33S=======33=_========S3333S8=8333833===_===========88= YOUr PRODUCTION Description Quantity Unit $ / Unit Return Estimate FEEDER STEERS 840 LB. 0.98Hd 8.400 cwt. 73.5000 605.05 To t a l GROSS Income 605.05 OPERATING INPUT or CUSTOM OPERATION Description Input Use Unit $ / Unit Cost H AY BERMUDA 2.000 cwt. 3.000 6.00 MISCELLANEOUS STOCKER 1.000 head 4.000 4.00 PA S T U R E N AT I V E 0.250 acre 8.000 2.00 SALES COMMISSIONSTOCKER 8.400 cwt. 2.000 16.80 S A LT & MINERALS 0.300 cwt. 7.930 2.38 STOCKER STEERS 4.800 cwt. 95.000 456.00 SUPPLEMENT 0.500 cwt. 10.750 5.38 V E T. MEDICINE STOCKER 1.000 head 7.000 7.00 W H E AT $/CWT GAIN 3.600 cwt. 25.000 90.00 Fuel 1.41 Lube 0.14 Repair 0.30 To t a l O P E R A T I N G I N P U T a n d C U S T O M O P E R A T I O N C o s t s 5 9 1 . 4 1 Residual returns to capital, ownership labor, land, management, and p r o fi t 13.64 =SSSS333=3SS3SS3SSaaSSSSSS3333S3SSSS3333SS33S333a3aS3S3SSSSS33S3aaSSSS3S3SSSSS C A P I TA L I N V E S T M E N T D e s c r i p t i o n Q u a n t i t y U n i t R a t e o f C o s t Invested Return Interest IT Borrowed 143.170 Dol. 0.121 17.32 Interest OC Borrowed 342.398 Dol. 0.121 41.43 J$P*N To t a l C A P I TA L INVESTMENT Costs 58.75 _SSSS3SS=S=SSSS3S333SS3SS33SS3SS33SS3333S33SSSSS3S3SS333S33SSS333S3SSS333SSSSS Residual returns to ownership, labor, land, management, and p r o fi t - 4 5 . 11 SS33S333SSSS3=333S333=S3S3S3S3Sa33SSS3S333333=33SSS3S3333333S3S3SS==S=383S3SSS OWNERSHIP COST Description (Depreciation, Taxes, and Insurance) Cost Machinery and Equipment 15.20 To t a l OWNERSHIP Costs 15.20 s s s s s s a s s s s s s s a a s s s s s s s s s s s s a a s a a a s s s s a a a s s a s a s s s s s a a a a s s s s s s a a a a s s s s s s s s s s a s s R e s i d u a l r e t u r n s t o l a b o r , l a n d , m a n a g e m e n t , a n d p r o fi t - 6 0 . 3 1 38S33S3333SS33333SSSS33333S33333S33333S333333333333S333S3SSSS3SSSS3SS3S3333SSS LABOR COST Machinery Other Description Input Use and Equipment 3.040 Hr. To t a l Unit Average Cost Rate Hr. 4.864 4.46 5.000 15.20 0.917 LABOR Costs 19.66 33S38333SSS3333833S33333SS3S3B333SS3333S33SSSS333S333S333383SS8333SSS3_333333S Residual returns to land, management, and p r o fi t -79.96 ___=____S33SS3Saaaaa3S3S3S3SSS33333333S3SSaS333SS3S3S8SS3SS3aaSSSSS33SSSSS333S -WARNING- No Land Cost Specified SSS3SSSSSSSSSSS33 3333333 33 33 33 33 333333333SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS333S3SSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Residual returns to management and p r o fi t -79.96 -WARNING- No Management Cost Specified S3SSSS83SSS33333S33833333 3333333338833 3338 88333333333333333 3 8 3333 33333SSSSSSSS Residual returns to p r o fi t -79.96 SS3SS33333SS3333S333S33SSSS8333SSSSS333333S3SS3SS383S3S33SS3SS333S3S333S3S838S To t a l Projected Cost of Production 685.02 Information presented is prepared solely as a general gukk and ti not bunded to recognbv or predta T h e s e p r o j e c t i o n s w e n c o l l e c t e d a m i a c v c l o p c d t y s t i f f m e m b m o f t o Te x a A g r t a d a a ^ 1 4 1 9 Projections for Planning Purposes Only B-1241 (L) Not to be Used without Updating after April 20, 1994 Stocker Steers (Wheat Grazing Nov-May 210 Days) North Central Texas (4) 1994 Projected Costs and Returns per Head GROSS INCOME Description Quantity Unit $ / Unit Your Estimate To t a l " F E E D E R S T E E R S 8 4 0 L B . 0 . 9 8 H d 8 . 4 0 0 c w t . 7 3 . 5 0 0 0 6 0 5 . 0:s 5= 605. 05 Total GROSS Income VARIABLE COST Description ==: H AY BERMUDA Interest - OC Borrowed LIVESTOCK LABOR MISCELLANEOUS STOCKER PA S T U R E N AT I V E PENS & EQUIPMENT PICKUP TRUCK 3/4 TON SALES COMMISSIONSTOCKER SALT & MINERALS STOCKER STEERS SUPPLEMENT VET. MEDICINE STOCKER WHEAT $/CWT GAIN CO£3 t $ Break-Even Price, Total Variable Cost 79.26 per cwt. of FEEIDER STEER! -47 .45 GROSS INCOME minus VARIABLE COST S S S 3 3 8 S S S S 3 S 3 3 3 S S S 3 3 3 S 3 3 S 3 S S S S 3 8 S Machinery and Equipment Unit 3 3 3 3 Acre To t a l ======:3 S S 32 .52 333 32 .52 Total FIXED Cost Break-Even Price, Total Cost $ 6. 00 41. 43 15. 20 4. 00 2.,00 1.,13 5.,19 16. 80 2.,38 456,.00 5,.38 7,.00 90,.00 652 .50 Total VARIABLE COST FIXED COST Description To t a l 83 .21 per cwt. of FEEDER STEERS Total of ALL Cost 685 .02 NET PROJECTED RETURNS -79 .96 Information presented ti prepared solely as a general guide and ti not bunded to recognize or predict to com and returns from any om particular farm or ranch operation. Then projections wen collected and developed ty staff members of to Texas Agricultural Extension Service and approved for publication. L4.20 lZtrl ^ofSOMtrydjOfpOMSAddopUOt^ , ■uonvjsdoipuojjouuofxo^s^ 3S*639 uox^onpojd _9~8_~" 30 ^sod HTJO^d °h paqoaCoad suanqaa 1*6*401. fenpxsaH psT-j-poods ^sod suauiaB-euew on -DNINHYM= S 3 S S S 8 3 S S 8 S S 3 S S S S 3 S S S = S S S S S 3 B S S S B S B S B S S S S S S S S S a S S S 3 3 S S S S B a a B S S S S S 3 S S 3 S S S S = S S 3 _9*8_- 3T?oad pu*e quauiaB-eu-eiu 03 suanqaa x*enpxsa*_ S S 3 S S S 3 3 S = = 8 S 3 S S S S 3 S S = S S 3 3 S S 3 S S = = = = 3 3 S = S 8 S 3 S 3 S S S S S S S S 3 B S S S B B B « B B S 3 3 S S S 3 S 3 3 S B 3 S pafj-poads *4Sod pueq on -DNINHYM_ 9 ~ B _ ~ * 4 T * | O j d p u * e ' 3 u a i u a B * e u * e u i ' p u e x 0 * 5 s u a n q a a x e n p Ts a n = S S S S S S 3 = S 3 S S 3 S 3 S B S S S S 3 B E S 3 B S S = S S B B S S S S S 3 S S S S B a B B S S S C 3 S S S B 8 S S S S = = S S S S 3 S 3 B S S S = S 9-fr-ii" s^soo -aoavT x^oi 00*01 000*5 ••JH 000 'Z _, . _ iS^0 9K* fr98.fr -an _T6*0 quauidxnba pu* Aaau-ttp-ew a*4__ * 4 s o o a B - e a a AV " AT ^ n © e n ^ n d u i u o x ^ d x a o s a o * 1 S 0 D _ 0 S Y 1 3=33SS3SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS3SS3SS3SSBSBSSSS3SSSSBSSSSSSBBS3SCS33S3SSSSSSS=== TZ"*r*9- "JTJoad PUB '*4uau»a5*eu-em 'pu*ex 'aoq_x oq suanqaa x*enp*tsa*a 02~ST= buboo dIHSHaNMO TBhOJ, 02~ST *}uauidxnba pu*e Aaauxqosw qsoo (aou-eansui pu-e 'sax*ei 'uoxqexoaadaa) uoxqdxaosaa 1S0D dIHSHaNMO To " 6 f r - q*t?°--d _3'ss PUB s-asoo ' *}uaiua6*eu*eiu 'pu*ex 'aoq*ei 'dxqsaauAio 05 suanqaa xBnPTS9_ ujawxsaANi ty-li-YD s ^ x*2"*°i. S6~_t TZT'O *TO- _T9*€T£ paMoaaog 00 - -,saaa-,ui Z Z - LT T 3 T * 0 * I o a 0 _ T * £ * T p a M o a a o g i i - q s a a a q u i uan*4a_ paqsaAui 3SOD 50 a^BH 3T_n A^TAuenO uoT^dxjiDsaa INaWlSHANI *TY_.IdYD S a 3 S S S S S S S S S S a a B B B S 3 S S B S a B B B B S S S S 3 S 3 8 S B 3 B B S S S S E B B 3 S S B 3 S S S S S B S S S S S S = S S S S S = = S S S S 9Z'9 qxjoad pu_ ' 3uaiuaB*eueiu 'pu*ex 'aoqex dx-qsaauMO 'xe^xdeo oq euanqaa xBnPTssH 09***S s-asoo N0IlY_3d0 W0J.SDD pu*e mdNI ONIlYHadO X«nOJ. 0£~0 *T " ^^^^ • 00"*T 9 0 * 08 0 0 " _ aq ops*. e' O T ax-edan scIn1 0 0 0 0 "* h 3 m o_ 3 " H D 0 o .sL_S' o 3 N I Di iNa aa w Wa r i 'dJ d. 3n A s 00'9St 000'56 "*niD 008fr snaais HaaDoxs 80 Z 0£6'_ "4WO £92*0 STYHaNIW 9 -.TVS 09'*T 000 'Z '-4AO 00E*_ H3HD0I.SN0ISSIWW0D S3TYS 00 *2£ 000'8 aao*e 000'fr aAHYN SHflLSYd oo** 000 •* oo'zt 000 qsoo 98-0SS ^xun pea-q ooo •£ "hmo / $ 3xun auiooui "i asn _3aoois snosNYmsosiw 000*1Yo n w H a a ayh qndui uoxqdxaosaa NOIlYHSdO WOlSflD *o UldNI DNI_.Y_3dO SSOHO TBhOI 98* oss oooo*__ *"4wo ooc"_ PH86*o * a*! ot_ SHaaxs _aaaa_ a*,*eui*r*asa uanqan *4T*-*n / $ ""iTun Aqiqu-eno uoxqdxaosaa NOIlDnaOHd anoA ============================================================================== p-ean Jad suanqan pup sqsoo paqoaCoad fr66T (fr) s-exaj, x-eaquao qqJON (ean^BVd »A*f*4*BN) nox^onposa 51*0 ^a-ifoo^s (1) ipzi-g P66I '0Z WAV **lft> 8utwpdf} jnoyjiM pdSfi dq 01 ion Quo sasodtnj Suwutqj jof svoivafouj \^0 B-1241 (L) Projections for Planning Purposes Only Not to be Used without Updating after April 20, 1994 Stocker Calf Production (Native Pasture) N o r t h C e n t r a l Te x a s ( 4 ) 1994 Projected Costs and Returns per Head GROSS INCOME Description FEEDER STEERS 730 LB. Quantity Unit $ / Unit 0.98Hd 7.300 cwt. 77.0000 12.00 37.95 10.00 H AY BERMUDA Interest - OC Borrowed LIVESTOCK LABOR MISCELLANEOUS STOCKER PA S T U R E N AT I V E PENS & EQUIPMENT PICKUP TRUCK 3/4 TON SALES COMMISSIONSTOCKER SALT & MINERALS STOCKER STEERS SUPPLEMENT VET. MEDICINE STOCKER 4.00 32.00 1.13 5.19 14.60 2.08 456.00 8.06 14.00 597.00 Total VARIABLE COST B r e a k - E v e n P r i c e , To t a l Va r i a b l e C o s t $ 83.44 per cwt. of FEEDER STEERS -46.15 GROSS INCOME minus VARIABLE COST Unit ssaa Acre To t a l 32.52 32.52 Total FIXED Cost B r e a k - E v e n P r i c e , To t a l C o s t $ 550.86 To t a l VARIABLE COST Description Machinery and Equipment Yo u r Estimate 550.86 Total GROSS Income FIXED COST Description To t a l 87.99 per cwt. of FEEDER STEERS To t a l o f A L L C o s t 629,.52 NET PROJECTED RETURNS - 7 8 ,.67 Information presetted ti prepared solely as a general guide and ti not bunded to recognize or predict to costs and returns from any om particular farm or ranch operation. These projections wen collected and developed ty staff members of to Texas Agricultural Extension Service and approved for publication. L4.22 /**=% B-1241 (L) Projections for Planning Purposes Only Not to be Used without Updating after July 16, 1994 Dairy Production (without Silage) N o r t h C e n t r a l Te x a s D i s t r i c t ( 4 ) 1994 Projected Costs and Returns per Head PRODUCTION Description BREEDING HEIFERS B U L L C A LV E S D A I R Y CULL COWS DAIRY HEIFER CALVES DAIRY MILK Quantity 0.200 0.450 0.22Hd 13.000 0.030 135.000 Unit head head cwt. cwt. cwt. / Unit 700.0000 135.0000 46.5000 150.0000 12.9700 OPERATING INPUT or CUSTOM OPERATION Input Use Description 1.000 BREEDING DAIRY 66.400 GRAIN MIX 111 . 0 0 0 HAY 1.000 MGMT. RECORDS 40.000 MILK REPLACER 1 000 DAIRY MISCELLANEOUS 5 000 DAIRY PASTURE 0 720 SALT 1 000 DAIRY SUPPLIES 1 000 UTILITIES 1 000 DAIRY VET. MEDICINE 135 000 MILK HAULING Unit head cwt. cwt. head lb. head acre cwt. head head head cwt. / Unit 24.500 7 900 3 000 18 000 0 910 15 000 20.000 5.300 34.750 40.000 30.000 0.720 Fuel Lube Repair Residual returns to capital, ownership l a b o r, l a n d , m a n a g e m e n t , a n d p r o fi t CAPITAL INVESTMENT Description 809.87 Quantity Invested 2614.530 2.506 -225.390 IT Borrowed OC Borrowed OC Earned Cost 24.50 524.56 333.00 18.00 36.40 15.00 100.00 3.82 34.75 40.00 30.00 97.20 12.44 1.24 8.42 1279.32 Total OPERATING INPUT and CUSTOM OPERATION Costs Rate of Return Unit 0.121 0.121 0.072 Dol. Dol. Dol Cost 316.33 0.30 -16.25 Total CAPITAL INVESTMENT Costs 300.38 R e s i d u a l r e t u r n s t o o w n e r s h i p , l a b o r, l a n d , m a n a g e m e n t , a n d p r o fi t 509.49 OWNERSHIP COST Description (Depreciation, Taxes, and Insurance) Machinery and Equipment Livestock 320.21 R e s i d u a l r e t u r n s t o l a b o r, l a n d , m a n a g e m e n t , a n d p r o fi t COST Description Cost 165.96 23.33 189.28 Total OWNERSHIP Costs LABOR Yo u r Estimate 2089.19 Total GROSS Income Interest Interest Interest Return 140.00 60.75 132.99 4.50 1750.95 Input Machinery and Equipment Other Use Unit 6 . 2 1 9 H r. 4 8 . 0 0 0 H r, Average Rate 5.000 5.000 31.10 240.00 271.10 Total LABOR Costs 4 9 . 11 R e s i d u a l r e t u r n s t o l a n d , m a n a g e m e n t , a n d p r o fi t LAND COST Description Cost Input PASTURE RENT DAIRY Annual Lease Use Unit 5.000 Acre Total LAND Costs R e s i d u a l r e t u r n s t o m a n a g e m e n t a n d p r o fi t Rate of Return 2.000 Cost 10.00 10.00 3 9 . 11 -WARNING- No Management Cost Specified ____„____________==________=SSS=S3SS333SS: R e s i d u a l r e t u r n s t o p r o fi t To t a l P r o j e c t e d C o s t o f P r o d u c t i o n 3 9 . 11 2050.08 Information presented is prepared solely as a general guide and ti not intended to recognize or predict to com and returns from any om particular form or ranch operation. These projections were collected and developed ty staff members of to Texas Agricultural Extension Service and approved for publication. L4.23 B-1241 (L) Projections for Planning Purposes Only Not to be Used without Updating after July 16, 1994 Dairy Production (without Silage) N o r t h C e n t r a l Te x a s D i s t r i c t ( 4 ) 1994 Projected Costs and Returns per Head Quantity Unit $ / Unit GROSS INCOME Description BREEDING HEIFERS B U L L C A LV E S D A I R Y CULL COWS DAIRY HEIFER CALVES DAIRY MILK 0.22Hd 0.200 0.450 13.000 0.030 135.000 head head cwt. cwt. cwt. 140.00 60.75 132.99 4.50 1750.95 To t a l VARIABLE COST Description 0.10 24.50 63 01 55 ,70 ,09 ,33 .06 524.56 97.20 333.00 0.06 0.06 -16.25 0.30 240.00 0.19 18.00 36.40 22 25 45 0.70 15.00 100.00 38.13 3 82 0 06 34.75 9.19 40.00 30.00 23 19 BARN H AY BREEDING DAIRY BULK MILK COOLER CALF HUTCHES DIGGER/WAGON SILAGE FEED MILL FEED SYSTEM FEEDER MECHANIC FEEDING AREA GRAIN MIX HAULING MILK HAY HAY RACKS HOLDING AREA Interest - Earned Interest - OC Borrowed LIVESTOCK LABOR MANURE SYSTEM MGMT. RECORDS MILK REPLACER MILK ROOM MILKING EQUIP. MILKING PARLOR MILKING STALLS DAIRY MISCELLANEOUS DAIRY PASTURE PICKUP TRUCK 3/4 TON SALT HORIZON SILO DAIRY SUPPLIES TRACTOR 40 HP UTILITIES DAIRY VET. MEDICINE MANURE WAGON WATER SYSTEM 1534.47 Total VARIABLE COST 554.72 GROSS INCOME minus VARIABLE COST Machinery and Equipment Livestock Land Unit Acre Acre To t a l 374.43 131.18 10.00 Total FIXED Cost 515.61 To t a l o f A L L C o s t 2050.08 NET PROJECTED RETURNS Yo u r Estimate 2089.19 Total GROSS Income FIXED COST Description 700.0000 135.0000 46.5000 150.0000 12.9700 To t a l 3 9 . 11 Information presented is prepared solely as a general guide and ti not Intended to recognize or predict to com and returns from any om particular farm or ranch operation. These projections were collected and developed ty staff members of the Texas Agricultural Extension Service and approved for publication. L4.24 "■"•"•k Projections for Planning Purposes Only Not to be Used without Updating after July 16, 1994 B-1241 (L) Dairy Production (with Silage) North Central Texas District (4) 1994 Projected Costs and Returns per Head PRODUCTION Description Quantity Unit $ / Unit Return BREEDING HEIFERS 0.200 head 700.0000 140.00 BULL C A LV E S DAIRY 0.450 head 135.0000 60.75 CULL COWS DAIRY 0.22Hd 13.000 cwt. 46.5000 132.99 HEIFER C A LV E S DAIRY 0.030 cwt. 150.0000 4.50 MILK 135.000 cwt. 12.9700 1750.95 To t a l GROSS Income Your Estimate 2089.19 OPERATING INPUT or CUSTOM OPERATION Description Input Use Unit $ / Unit Cost BREEDING DAIRY 1.000 head 24.500 24.50 GRAIN MIX 66.400 cwt. 7.900 524.56 H AY 39.000 cwt. 3.000 11 7 . 0 0 M G M T. RECORDS 1.000 head 18.000 18.00 MILK REPLACER 40.000 lb. 0.910 36.40 MISCELLANEOUS DAIRY 1.000 head 15.000 15.00 PA S T U R E DAIRY 5.000 acre 20.000 100.00 S A LT 0.720 cwt. 5.300 3.82 SORGHUM SILAGE 11 . 5 0 0 ton 25.000 287.50 SUPPLIES DAIRY 1.000 head 34.750 34.75 UTILITIES 1.000 head 40.000 40.00 V E T. MEDICINE DAIRY 1.000 head 30.000 30.00 HAULING MILK 135.000 cwt. 0.720 97.20 Fuel "-JJ L ube. Repair I'H __!_ To t a l O P E R A T I N G I N P U T a n d C U S T O M O P E R A T I O N C o s t s 1 3 5 0 . 8 2 Residual returns to capital, ownership labor, land, management, and p r o fi t _ ___._.__ C A P I TA L " I N V E S T M E N T D e s c r i p t i o n Q u a n t i t y U n i t R a t e o f C o s t Invested Return Interest IT Borrowed 2614*"° S°}* i'ili 31n'^ Interest OC Borrowed 4.265 Dol. 0.121 0.52 Interest OC Earned -191.204 Dol. 0.072 = ___*;!* To t a l C A P I TA L INVESTMENT Costs Residual returns to ownership, labor, land, management, and _________!_? p r o fi t ^ ======= O W N i R i H I p " c o l T ~ D e s c r i p t i o n ^ D e p r e c i a t i o n , Ta x e s , a n d I n s u r a n c e ) C o J t Machinery and Equipment o?'?? Livestock =========== To t a l OWNERSHIP Costs = =============== R e s i d u a l " r e t u r n s ~ t o l a b o r , l a n d , m a n a g e m e n t , a n d p r o fi t = _ _ _ _ _ = = = = LABOR=COST=Description"= = Input Use Unit ^JJ|ge C°St Machinery To t a l and LABOR Equipment Costs _ == J.219 Hr. *|.000 ,J^|g 271 10 ====3================== R e s i d u a l r e t u r n s t o l a n d , m a n a g e m e n t , a n d p r o fi t _ _ _ = = = = = = = LAND=COST=DSIcription PA S T U R E ^ E N T ^ D A I RY To t a l LAND Residual -WARNINGJfPfey Residual No to Use ^ _ management to Cost Unit |^®r°f Cost p r o fi t of ^ 2QQQ and p r o fi t C°St __10.00 10.00 ==_==================== Management returns To t a l ~ P r o j e c t e d Input „ Costs returns °" ===3_==== S p e c i fi e d -==ss==== =====3============= Production • information presented ti prepared stttely as a general gu^ Thae projections were collected and developed ty staff memlten of to Texas Agricuburd Extension Servae a^ 2124.2 L4.25 B-1241 (L) Projections for Planning Purposes Only Not to be Used without Updating after July 16, 1994 Dairy Production (with Silage) North Central Texas District (4) 1994 Projected Costs and Returns per Head Quantity GROSS INCOME Description BREEDING HEIFERS BULL CALVES DAIRY CULL COWS DAIRY HEIFER CALVES DAIRY MILK 0.200 0.450 0 . 2 2 H dI 1 3 . 0 0 0 0.030 135.000 Unit head head cwt. cwt. cwt. 700.0000 135.0000 46.5000 150.0000 12.9700 To t a l Yo u r Estimate 140.00 60.75 132.99 4.50 1750.95 2089.19 Total GROSS Income To t a l VARIABLE COST Description 0.10 24.50 0.63 0.01 0.55 0.70 0.09 0.33 0.06 524.56 97.20 11 7 . 0 0 0.06 0.06 -13.79 0.52 240.00 0.19 18.00 36.40 0.22 1.25 0.45 0.70 15.00 100.00 38.13 3.82 0.06 287.50 34.75 9.19 40.00 30.00 0.23 0.19 BARN H AY BREEDING DAIRY BULK MILK COOLER CALF HUTCHES DIGGER/WAGON SILAGE FEED MILL FEED SYSTEM FEEDER MECHANIC FEEDING AREA GRAIN MIX HAULING MILK HAY HAY RACKS HOLDING AREA Interest - Earned Interest - OC Borrowed LIVESTOCK LABOR MANURE SYSTEM MGMT. RECORDS MILK REPLACER MILK ROOM MILKING EQUIP. MILKING PARLOR MILKING STALLS MISCELLANEOUS DAIRY PA S T U R E D A I RY PICKUP TRUCK 3/4 TON SALT SILO HORIZON SORGHUM SILAGE SUPPLIES DAIRY TRACTOR 40 HP UTILITIES VET. MEDICINE DAIRY WAGON MANURE WATER SYSTEM "'■*» ' ""% 1608.65 Total VARIABLE COST 480.54 GROSS INCOME minus VARIABLE COST FIXED COST Description $ / Unit Unit To t a l 3 3 3 3 Machinery and Equipment Livestock Land Total FIXED Cost Total of ALL Cost NET PROJECTED RETURNS Acre Acre 374.43 131.18 10.00 515.61 2124.26 -35.07 Information presented is prepared solely as a general guide and ti not bunded to recognize or predict to com and returns from any om particular farm or ranch operation. These projections were collected and developed ty staff members of to Texas Agricultural Extension Service and approved for publication. L4.26 "****% Livestock Products Report Livestock Name BREEDING HEIFERS BULL 3ULL CALVES CULL COWS CULL COWS FEEDER STEERS FEEDER STEERS FEEDER STEERS HEIFER CALVES HEIFER CALVES MILK STEER CALVES DAIRY DAIRY BEEF DAIRY 670 LB. 730 LB. 840 LB. DAIRY Price per Unit Unit Of Mes. 700 ,0000 1000 .0000 135 ,0000 46 ,5000 46 ,5000 82 ,5000 77 .0000 73 .5000 87 .0000 150 .0000 12 .9700 97 .0000 head head head cwt. cwt. cwt. cwt. cwt. cwt. cwt. cwt. cwt. "Informal ^ ^ T presenudti m s e p r oprepared l e c l k tolety m t ™as a general Weight per Unit .0000 .0000 .0000 100.0000 100.0000 100.0000 100 .0000 100.0000 100.0000 100.0000 100 .0000 100.0000 Cash Flow Row 24 26 24 26 26 25 25 25 24 24 27 24 L4.27