-*N ^ " > B-124KL08) TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION SERVICE . THE TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY SYSTEM Z e r l e L . C a r p e n t e r, D i r e c t o r . C o l l e g e S t a t i o n , T « r TEXAS LIVESTOCK ENTERPRISE BUDGETS CENTRAL TEXAS DISTRICT Projected for 1993 Prepared by Ashley C. Lovell Professor and Extension Specialist Rt. 2, Box 1, Stephenville, Texas 76401 817/968-4144 E d u c a t i o n a l p r o g r a m s c o n d u c t e d b y t h e Te x a s A g r i c u l t u r a l E x t e n s i o n S e r v i c e s e r v e p e o p l e o f a l l a g e s r e g a r d l e s s o f s o c i o economic level, race, color, sex, religion or national origin. C o o p e r a t i v e E x t e n s i o n W o r k i n A g r i c u l t u r e a n d H o m e E c o n o m i c s , T h e Te x a s A S M U n i v e r s i t y S y s t e m a n d t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s Department of Agriculture cooperating. Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8, 1914, as amended, and June 30, 1914. ISO - 01-93, New > r d Projections for Planning Purposes Only B-1241(L08) Not to be Used without Updating after October 13, 1993. COW-CALF PRODUCTION C e n t r a l Te x a s D i s t r i c t ( 8 ) 1993 Projected Costs and Returns per Head f ^ PRODUCTION Description Quantity Unit $ / Unit Return""" Estimate CULL COWS BEEF O.IOHd 9.000 cwt. 47.5000 42.75 HEIFER C A LV E S 0.28Hd 4.500 cwt. 85.0000 107.10 STEER C A LV E S 0.40Hd 4.800 cwt. 90.0000 172.80 * To t a l GROSS Income 322.65 OPERATING INPUT or CUSTOM OPERATION Description Input Use Unit $ / Unit Cost C O A S TA L PA S T U R E 1.150 acre 52.000 59.80 CUBES 1.500 cwt. 9.300 13.95 H AY 10.000 cwt. 3.000 30.00 MARKETING CALF 0.780 head 9.750 7.61 MISCELLANEOUS CALF 1.000 head 7.500 7.50 PA S T U R E N AT I V E 4.600 acre 1.400 6.44 S A LT & MINERALS COW-CALF 0.420 cwt. 16.700 7.01 V E T. MEDICINE COW-CALF 1.000 head 6.000 6.00 Fuel 5.81 Lube 0.58 Repair 3.57 ' " ~ ~ ~ ' " To t a l O P E R AT I N G I N P U T a n d C U S T O M O P E R AT I O N C o s t s 1 4 8 . 2 7 Residual returns to capital, ownership labor, land, management, and p r o fi t 174.38 C A P I TA L I N V E S T M E N T D e s c r i p t i o n Q u a n t i t y U n i t R a t e o f C o s t Invested Return Interest IT Borrowed 987.434 Dol. 0.095 93.81 Interest OC Borrowed 31.869 Dol. 0.088 2.79 To t a l C A P I TA L INVESTMENT R e s i d u a l r e t u r n s t o o w n e r s h i p , l a b o r, land, management, J ^ \ Costs and 96.59 p r o fi t 77.78 O W N E R S H I P C O S T D e s c r i p t i o n ( D e p r e d a t i o n , Ta x e s , a n d I n s u r a n c e ) C o s t Machinery and Equipment 36.89 Livestock 14.98 To t a l OWNERSHIP Residual LABOR returns COST Machinery Other To t a l labor, returns to land, Lease Lease LAND returns Use __ Use 1.150 and 25.92 ff and Unit 1?Z p r o fi t Rate Return Acre 4.600 p r o fi t Average Cost Rate Hr. 5.500 17.34 5.500 27.23 management, Input *!l-86_ Unit _ of -18.65 Cost 19.000 21.85 Acre 6.000 27.60 __ __ Costs to _ management, Costs Description COASTAL PASTURE Annual PASTURE, NATIVE Annual Residual Input __ and Equipment 3.153 4.950 Hr. COST To t a l land, Description LABOR Residual LAND to Costs management and p r o fi t f?lf? _ -68^10 -WARNING- No Management Cost Specified Residual To t a l returns Projected to Cost p r o fi t of _ _ Production I??;.!0. 390.75 50 cow herd, 2 bulls, 80% calf crop, 12% replacement, 2% death loss, replacements raised. J^N Information presented Is prepared sololy as a ganaral guide and is not Intondod to racogniza or pradict the costs and raturns from any ona particular farm or ranch oparation. Thaso projactions woro collected and dovolopad by staff mambars of tho Taxas Agricultural Extansion Sorvica and approvad for publication. L8.1 B-124KL08) Projections for Planning Purposes Only Not to be Used without Updating after October 13, 1993. Cow-Calf Production C e n t r a l Te x a s D i s t r i c t ( 8 ) 1993 Projected Costs and Returns per Head Quantity Unit $ / Unit GROSS INCOME Description CULL COWS BEEF HEIFER CALVES STEER CALVES O.10Hd 0.28Hd 0.40Hd 9.000 cwt. 4.500 cwt. 4.800 cwt. 47.5000 85.0000 90.0000 To t a l Your Estimate 42.75 107.10 172.80 322.65 Total GROSS Income To t a l VARIABLE COST Description 0.80 59.80 13.95 1.84 30.00 2.79 27.23 1.43 7.61 7.50 6.44 23.01 0.23 7.01 6.00 BARN COASTAL PASTURE CUBES FENCE HAY Interest - OC Borrowed LIVESTOCK LABOR LOT FENCE MARKETING CALF MISCELLANEOUS CALF PA S T U R E N AT I V E PICKUP TRUCK 3/4 TON POND SALT & MINERALS COW-CALF VET. MEDICINE COW-CALF Total VARIABLE COST 195.63 GROSS INCOME minus VARIABLE COST 127.02 FIXED COST Description Unit Machinery and Equipment Livestock Land Acre Acre To t a l 75.03 70.64 49.45 Total FIXED Cost 195.12 Total of ALL Cost 390.75 NET PROJECTED RETURNS -68.10 50 cow herd, 2 bulls, 80% calf crop, 12% replacement, 2% death loss, replacements raised. Information prasontad is praparad sololy as a general guida and is not intended to racogniza or predict tha cost! and returns from any ona particular farm or ranch oparation. Thasa projections wore collected and dovolopad by staff mambars of tho Taxas Agricultural Extansion Sorvica and approvad for publication. L8.2 Projections for Planning Purposes Only B-1241(L08) Not to be Used without Updating after October 13, 1993. /f^S STOCKER CALF PRODUCTION C e n t r a l Te x a s D i s t r i c t ( 8 ) , W e s t e r n * 1993 Projected Costs and Returns per Head ======== =====s"**====== === ================ = = ============ = = ====== === Your PRODUCTION Description Quantity Unit $ / Unit Return Estimate FEEDER STEERS 0.97Hd 6.300 cwt. 81.0000 494.99 To t a l GROSS Income 494.99 OPERATING INPUT or CUSTOM OPERATION Description Input Use Unit $ / Unit Cost GRAIN SUPPL. STOCKER 1.000 cwt. 8.050 8.05 H AY STOCKER 0.840 CWt. 3.000 2.52 PA S T U R E N AT I V E 1.000 acre 1.400 1.40 SALES COMMISSIONSTOCKER 0.970 head 14.250 13.82 S A LT & MINERALS STOCKER 0.200 cwt. 17.500 3.50 SMALL GRAINS PA S T U R E * 1.360 acre 42.000 57.12 STOCKER STEERS 425 4.250 cwt. 95.000 403.75 V E T. MEDICINE STOCKER 1.000 head 5.000 5.00 Fuel 1.39 Lube 0.14 Repair 0.34 To t a l O P E R AT I N G I N P U T a n d C U S T O M O P E R AT I O N C o s t s 4 9 7 . 0 3 Residual returns to capital, ownership labor, land, management, and p r o fi t -2.04 C A P I TA L I N V E S T M E N T D e s c r i p t i o n Q u a n t i t y U n i t R a t e o f C o s t Invested Return Interest IT Borrowed 57.766 Dol. 0.095 5.49 Interest OC Borrowed 301.079 Dol. 0.088 26.34 To t a l C A P I TA L INVESTMENT R e s i d u a l r e t u r n s t o o w n e r s h i p , l a b o r, land, management, Costs and 31.83 p r o fi t -33.87 O W N E R S H I P C O S T D e s c r i p t i o n ( D e p r e c i a t i o n , Ta x e s , a n d I n s u r a n c e ) C o s t Machinery and Equipment 8.00 ^p"\ To t a l OWNERSHIP Costs 8.00 R e s i d u a l r e t u r n s t o l a b o r , l a n d , m a n a g e m e n t , a n d p r o fi t - 4 1 . 8 8 LABOR COST Machinery Other LABOR Residual returns COST Use Unit Costs to land, Description PASTURE RENT NATIVE W Annual Lease SMALL GRAINS PASTURE Annual Lease To t a l Residual Input Average Cost Rate Hr. 5.500 3.67 5.500 7.15 and Equipment 0.667 1.300 Hr. To t a l LAND Description __ management, Input Use 0.100 to and Unit 1.360 29:?? p r o fi t Rate Return Acre of 15.000 and Cost 0.60 20.40 Costs management -52.69 6.000 Acre LAND returns __ ?!l99 p r o fi t _ ~7?:?? -WARNING- No Management Cost Specified Residual To t a l returns Projected to Cost of p r o fi t iZ?:?? Production 568.68 * I n t e n d e d f o r w e s t e r n p o r t i o n o f C e n t r a l Te x a s E x t e n s i o n D i s t r i c t . 1 0 0 s t e e r u n i t , 2 0 5 p o u n d s g a l n / s t o c k e r, s t o c k i n g r a t e : 1 . 3 a c r e / h e a d , small grain winter pasture, November-February, 2% death loss. Information prasontad is praparad sololy as a ganaral guida and is not intandad to racogniza or pradict tho costs and raturns from any ono particular farm or ranch oparation. Thaso projactions wara collected and dovolopad by staff mambars of tho Taxas Agricultural Extansion Sarvico and approvad for publication. L8.23 ' ' ' ~ ~ ' Projections for Planning Purposes Only B-1241(L08) Not to be Used without Updating after October 13, 1993. Stocker Calf Production C e n t r a l Te x a s D i s t r i c t ( 8 ) , W e s t e r n * 1993 Projected Costs and Returns per Head GROSS INCOME FEEDER Description STEERS To t a l Quantity 0.97Hd 6.300 GROSS VA R I A B L E $ cwt. / Unit 81.0000 Income COST GRAIN H AY H AY Interest LIVESTOCK PA S T U R E PICKUP SALES S A LT SMALL STOCKER V E T. Unit To t a l Your Estimate 494.99 494.99 Description To t a l SUPPL. & To t a l STOCKER STOCKER RACKS OC Borrowed LABOR N AT I V E TRUCK 3/4 TON COMMISSIONSTOCKER MINERALS STOCKER GRAINS PA S T U R E * STEERS 425 MEDICINE STOCKER 8.05 2.52 0.04 26.34 7.15 1.40 5.49 13.82 3.50 57.12 403.75 5.00 VA R I A B L E 534.19 COST Break-Even Price, Total Variable Cost $ 87.41 per cwt. of FEEDER STEERS GROSS FIXED INCOME minus COST Machinery Land Description and To t a l VA R I A B L E COST Unit Equipment Acre FIXED Acre Cost -39.20 To t a l 13.49 21.00 34.49 Break-Even Price, Total Cost $ 93.05 per cwt. of FEEDER STEERS To t a l NET of PROJECTED ALL Cost 568.68 RETURNS -73.69 * I n t e n d e d f o r w e s t e r n p o r t i o n o f C e n t r a l Te x a s E x t e n s i o n D i s t r i c t . 1 0 0 s t e e r u n i t , 2 0 5 p o u n d s g a l n / s t o c k e r, s t o c k i n g r a t e : 1 . 3 a c r e / h e a d , small grain winter pasture, November-February, 2% death loss. Inforraotion presented is prepared sololy as a general guida and is not intandad to racogniza or pradict tho costs and raturns from any ono particular farm or ranch oparation. Thaso projactions wore collected and dovolopad by staff mambars of the Taxas Agricultural Extension Sarvico and approvad for publication. L8.24 ^•x Projections for Planning Purposes Only B-1241(L08) Not to be Used without Updating after October 13, 1993. j ^ STOCKER CALF PRODUCTION Central Texas District (8), Eastern* 1993 Projected Costs and Returns per Head ========================================-=-==-===========-=======:=__ Your PRODUCTION Description Quantity Unit $ / Unit Return Estimate FEEDER STEERS 0.98Hd 6.500 cwt. 81.0000 515.97 To t a l GROSS Income 515.97 OPERATING INPUT or CUSTOM OPERATION Description Input Use Unit $ / Unit Cost GRAIN SUPPL. STOCKER 1.000 cwt. 8.050 8.05 H AY STOCKER 0.840 cwt. 3.000 2.52 " PA S T U R E N AT I V E 0.100 acre 1.400 0.14 ~ SALES COMMISSIONSTOCKER 0.980 head 14.250 13.97 " S A LT & M I N E R A L S S TO C K E R 0 . 2 0 0 c w t . 1 7 . 5 0 0 3 . 5 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ SMALL GRAINS PA S T U R E 1.000 acre 60.000 60.00 ~ STOCKER STEERS 3.750 cwt. 103.000 386.25 " V E T. MEDICINE STOCKER 1.000 head 5.000 5.00 ' Fuel 1.39 Lube 0.14 Repair 0.34 To t a l O P E R AT I N G I N P U T a n d C U S T O M O P E R AT I O N C o s t s 4 8 1 . 2 9 Residual returns to capital, ownership labor, land, management, and p r o fi t 34.68 C A P I TA L I N V E S T M E N T D e s c r i p t i o n Q u a n t i t y U n i t R a t e o f C o s t Invested Return Interest IT Borrowed 57.766 Dol. 0.095 5.49 Interest OC Borrowed 299.759 Dol. 0.088 26.23 To t a l C A P I TA L INVESTMENT Costs 31.72 Residual returns to ownership, labor, land, management, and p r o fi t 2.96 OWNERSHIP COST Description (Depredation, Taxes, and Insurance) Cost Machinery and Equipment 8.00 To t a l OWNERSHIP Costs _ 8.00 R e s i d u a l r e t u r n s t o l a b o r , l a n d , m a n a g e m e n t , a n d p r o fi t - 5 . 0 4 LABOR COST Description Input Use Unit Average Cost Rate Machinery and Equipment 0.667 Hr. 5.500 3.67 Other 1.300 Hr. 5.500 7.15 To t a l LABOR Residual LAND returns COST Costs to land, Description PASTURE RENT NATIVE Annual Lease SMALL GRAINS MACH. FC Annual Lease To t a l Residual LAND returns _ management, Input Use 0.100 Unit and 1.0O0 Acre and of 8.000 -15.86 Cost 0.80 35.000 35.00 _ ??:?? _ management 1?:!? p r o fi t Rate Return Acre Costs to __ profit ~51JL®? -WARNING- No Management Cost Specified Residual returns to p r o fi t I!!!;.!!!! To t a l Projected Cost of Production 567.63 * Intended for eastern portion of Central Texas Extension District. 50 steer unit, 300 pounds gain/stocker, stocking rate: 1.0 acre/head, small grain winter pasture, December-May, 2% death loss. Information prasontad is praparad sololy as a ganaral guida and is not intandad to racogniza or predict tho costs and returns from any ono particular farm or ranch operation. Thaso projactions woro collocted and dovolopad by staff mambars of tho Taxas Agricultural Extansion Sorvica and approvad for publication. L8.25 Projections for Planning Purposes Only B-1241(L08) Not to be Used without Updating after October 13, 1993. Stocker Calf Production C e n t r a l Te x a s D i s t r i c t ( 8 ) , E a s t e r n * 1993 Projected Costs and Returns per Head GROSS INCOME FEEDER Description STEERS To t a l Quantity 0.98Hd 6.500 GROSS VA R I A B L E $ cwt. / Unit 81.0000 Income COST GRAIN H AY H AY Interest LIVESTOCK PA S T U R E PICKUP SALES S A LT SMALL STOCKER V E T. Unit To t a l To t a l Yo u r 5?*lm?*?_ 515.97 515.97 Description To t a l SUPPL. & _ STOCKER STOCKER RACKS OC Borrowed LABOR N AT I V E TRUCK 3/4 TON COMMISSIONSTOCKER MINERALS STOCKER GRAINS PA S T U R E STEERS MEDICINE STOCKER 8.05 2.52 0.04 26.23 7.15 0.14 5.49 13.97 3.50 60.00 386.25 5.00 VA R I A B L E 518.34 COST Break-Even Price, Total Variable Cost $ 81.37 per cwt. of FEEDER STEERS GROSS FIXED INCOME minus COST Machinery Land Description and To t a l VA R I A B L E COST Unit Equipment Acre FIXED -2.37 To t a l Acre 13.49 35.80 Cost 49.29 Break-Even Price, Total Cost $ 89.10 per cwt. of FEEDER STEERS To t a l NET of PROJECTED ALL Cost 567.63 RETURNS -51.66 * I n t e n d e d f o r e a s t e r n p o r t i o n o f C e n t r a l Te x a s E x t e n s i o n D i s t r i c t . 5 0 s t e e r u n i t , 3 0 0 p o u n d s g a i n / s t o c k e r, s t o c k i n g r a t e : 1 . 0 a c r e / h e a d , small grain winter pasture, December-May, 2% death loss. Information prasontad is praparad solely as a ganaral guida and is not intondod to racogniza or predict tho costs and raturns from any ona particular farm or ranch operation. Those projections wara collected and dovolopad by staff mambars of tho Taxas Agricultural Extansion Sorvica and approvad for publication. L8.26 Projections for Planning Purposes Only Not to be Used without Updating after October 13, B-1241(L08) 1993. DAIRY PRODUCTION, LACTATING COW (WITH SILAGE) C e n t r a l Te x a s D i s t r i c t ( 8 ) 1993 Projected Costs and Returns per Head PRODUCTION Description BULL DAIRY BULL CALVES DAIRY CULL COWS DAIRY HEIFER CALVES DAIRY MILK Quantity 0.010 0.430 0.22Hd 13.000 0.020 167.300 Unit head head cwt. head cwt. $ / Unit 1000.0000 75.0000 47.5000 100.0000 12.9700 Total GROSS Income Unit head cwt. cwt. head head head ton head head head cwt. / Unit 6.000 7.500 4.350 18.000 20.000 7.850 25.000 68.000 74.500 33.000 0.740 Cost 6.00 570.00 241.43 18.00 20.00 7.85 93.75 68.00 74.50 33.00 123.80 14.29 1.43 8.05 Total OPERATING INPUT and CUSTOM OPERATION Costs 1280.09 Residual returns to capital, ownership labor, land, management, and profit 1069.89 CAPITAL INVESTMENT Description Interest Interest Interest Quantity Invested 1967.753 1242.791 1.554 IT Equity IT Borrowed OC Borrowed Unit Dol . Dol . Dol . Rate of Return 0.060 0.095 0.088 Cost 11 8 . 0 7 11 8 . 0 7 0.14 Total CAPITAL INVESTMENT Costs 236.27 R e s i d u a l r e t u r n s t o o w n e r s h i p , l a b o r, l a n d , m a n a g e m e n t , a n d p r o fi t 833.62 O W N E R S H I P C O S T D e s c r i p t i o n ( D e p r e d a t i o n , Ta x e s , a n d I n s u r a n c e ) Machinery and Equipment Livestock Cost 159.19 74.67 Total OWNERSHIP Costs 233.86 R e s i d u a l r e t u r n s t o l a b o r , l a n d , m a n a g e m e n t , a n d p r o fi t 599.77 LABOR COST Description Input Use Unit 6.985 34.615 Machinery and Equipment Other H r. H r, Average Rate 5.582 5.600 Cost 38.99 193.84 To t a l L A B O R C o s t s 232.83 R e s i d u a l r e t u r n s t o l a n d , m a n a g e m e n t , a n d p r o fi t 366.93 LAND COST Yo u r Estimate 2349.98 OPERATING INPUT or CUSTOM OPERATION Description Input Use BREEDING DAIRY 1.000 GRAIN MIX W/S 76.000 H AY DAIRY 55.500 MGMT. RECORDS 1.000 MISCELLANEOUS DAIRY 1.000 SALES COMMISSIONDAIRY 1.000 SILAGE 3.750 SUPPLIES DAIRY 1.000 UTILITIES 1.000 VET. MEDICINE DAIRY 1.000 HAULING MILK 167.300 Fuel Lube Repa1r y^PN Return 10.00 32.25 135.85 2.00 2169.88 Description Input Use PA S T U R E R E N T D A I R Y Annual Lease Unit 1.750 Acre Rate of Return 8.000 Cost 14.00 14.00 To t a l L A N D C o s t s 352.93 R e s i d u a l r e t u r n s t o m a n a g e m e n t a n d p r o fi t - WA R N I N G - N o M a n a g e m e n t C o s t S p e c i fi e d 352.93 R e s i d u a l r e t u r n s t o p r o fi t 1997.05 To t a l P r o j e c t e d C o s t o f P r o d u c t i o n * 1 5 0 c o w d a i r y, 1 6 , 7 3 0 p o u n d s p r o d u c t i o n p e r c o w, 3 0 0 d a y l a c t a t i n g p e r i o d , b a r n i s d o u b l e s i x h e r r i n g b o n e , f e e d i n g o u t s i d e m i l k i n g p a r l o r, 2 5 % r e p l a c e m e n t . information prasontad is praparad sololy as a general guida and is not intandad to racogniza or predict tho costs and raturns from any ono particular farm or ranch oparation. Those projections woro collected and dovolopad by staff mambars of tho Taxas Agricultural Extension Sorvica and approvad for publication. L8.3 B-124KL08) Projections for Planning Purposes Only Not to be Used without Updating after October 13, 1993 Dairy Production, Lactating Cow (with Silage) C e n t r a l Te x a s D i s t r i c t ( 8 ) 1993 Projected Costs and Returns per Head Quantity Unit $ / Unit GROSS INCOME Description BULL DAIRY B U L L C A LV E S D A I RY CULL COWS DAIRY HEIFER CALVES DAIRY MILK 0.010 0.430 0.22Hd 13.000 0.020 167.300 head head cwt. head cwt. 1000.0000 75.0000 47.5000 100.0000 12.9700 Yo u r Estimate 10.00 32.25 135.85 2.00 2169.88 2349.98 Total GROSS Income To t a l VARIABLE COST Description 0.10 6.00 0.63 193.84 0.55 0.09 0.33 0.06 570.00 123.80 241.43 0.06 0.06 0.14 0.19 18.00 0.22 1.25 0.45 0.70 20.00 47.25 7.85 93.75 0.06 68.00 10.35 74.50 33.00 0.23 0.19 BARN H AY BREEDING DAIRY BULK MILK COOLER DAIRY LABOR DIGGER/WAGON SILAGE FEED SYSTEM FEEDER MECHANIC FEEDING AREA GRAIN MIX W/S HAULING MILK H AY DAIRY HAY RACKS HOLDING AREA Interest - OC Borrowed MANURE SYSTEM MGMT. RECORDS MILK ROOM MILKING EQUIP. MILKING PARLOR MILKING STALLS MISCELLANEOUS DAIRY PICKUP TRUCK 3/4 TON SALES COMMISSIONDAIRY SILAGE SILO HORIZON SUPPLIES DAIRY TRACTOR 40 HP UTILITIES VET. MEDICINE DAIRY WAGON MANURE WATER SYSTEM Total VARIABLE COST /*"",3t!\ 1513.06 GROSS INCOME minus VARIABLE COST VARIABLE COST Description To t a l 836.92 Quantity FIXED COST Description Unit Unit Machinery and Equipment Livestock Land Acre Acre $ / Unit To t a l To t a l 310.65 159.34 14.00 Total FIXED Cost 483.99 Total of ALL Cost 1997.05 NET PROJECTED RETURNS 352.93 * 150 cow dairy, 16,730 pounds production per cow, 300 day lactating period, barn 1s d o u b l e s i x h e r r i n g b o n e , f e e d i n g o u t s i d e m i l k i n g p a r l o r, 2 5 % r e p l a c e m e n t . /*"W?5"V Information prasontad is praparad sololy as a ganaral guida and is not intandad to racogniza or predict tha costs and raturns from any ono particular farm or ranch oparation. Thosa projactions wara collected and dovolopad by staff members of the Texas Agricultural Extansion Sarvico and approvad for publication. L8.4 Projections for Planning Purposes Only Not to be Used without Updating after October 13, B-124KL08) 1993. DAIRY PRODUCTION, LACTATING COW (WITHOUT SILAGE) C e n t r a l Te x a s D i s t r i c t ( 8 ) 1993 Projected Costs and Returns per Head PRODUCTION Description BULL DAIRY B U L L C A LV E S D A I R Y CULL COWS DAIRY H E I F E R C A LV E S D A I RY MILK Unit head head cwt. head cwt. Quantity 0.010 0.430 0.22Hd 13.000 0.020 167.300 $ / Unit 1000.0000 75.0000 47.5000 100.0000 12.9700 Total GROSS Income Unit head cwt. cwt. head head head head head head cwt. / Unit 6.000 7.500 4.350 18.000 20.000 7.850 68.000 74.500 33.000 0.740 Cost 6.00 570.00 330.60 18.00 20.00 7.85 68.00 74.50 33.00 123.80 14.64 1.46 8.12 Total OPERATING INPUT and CUSTOM OPERATION Costs 1275.97 Residual returns to capital, ownership l a b o r , l a n d , m a n a g e m e n t , a n d p r o fi t 1074.01 C A P I TA L I N V E S T M E N T D e s c r i p t i o n Unit Quantity Invested 1969.610 1243.964 1.550 Interest - IT Equity Interest - IT Borrowed Interest - OC Borrowed Rate of Return 0.060 0.095 0.088 Dol . Dol. Dol . Cost 118.18 118.18 0.14 Total CAPITAL INVESTMENT Costs 236.49 R e s i d u a l r e t u r n s t o o w n e r s h i p , l a b o r, land, management, and profit 837.52 OWNERSHIP COST Description (Depredation, Taxes, and Insurance) Machinery and Equipment Livestock Cost 159.90 74.67 Total OWNERSHIP Costs 234.57 R e s i d u a l r e t u r n s t o l a b o r, l a n d , m a n a g e m e n t , a n d p r o fi t 602.96 LABOR COST Description Input Machinery and Equipment Other Use Unit 7.152 34.448 Hr, Hr, Average Rate 5.582 5.600 Cost 39.92 192.91 Total LABOR Costs 232.83 Residual returns to land, management, and profit 370.12 LAND COST Your Estimate 2349.98 OPERATING INPUT or CUSTOM OPERATION Description Input Use BREEDING DAIRY 1.000 GRAIN MIX W/0 S 76.000 H AY DAIRY 76.000 MGMT. RECORDS 1.000 MISCELLANEOUS DAIRY 1.000 SALES COMMISSIONDAIRY 1.000 SUPPLIES DAIRY 1.000 UTILITIES 1.000 V E T. M E D I C I N E D A I R Y 1.000 HAULING MILK 167.300 Fuel Lube Repair ji*\ Return 10.00 32.25 135.85 2.00 2169.88 Description Input Use PASTURE RENT DAIRY Annual Lease Unit Rate of Return 8.000 1.750 Acre Cost 14.00 14.00 Total LAND Costs 356.12 Residual returns to management and profit ■WARNING- No Management Cost Specified Residual To t a l returns Projected to Cost of p r o fi t Production ???ll? 1993.86 150 cow dairy, 16,730 pounds production per cow, 300 day lactating period, barn is d o u b l e s i x h e r r i n g b o n e , f e e d i n g o u t s i d e m i l k i n g p a r l o r, 2 5 % r e p l a c e m e n t . Information prasontad is praparad solely as a goneral guida and is not intondod to racogniza or pradict tho costs and raturns from any ono particular farm or ranch oparation. Thoso projactions woro collected and dovolopad by staff mambars of tho Taxas Agricultural Extansion Sorvica and approved for publication. L8.5 Projections for Planning Purposes Only Not to be Used without Updating after October 13, B-1241(L08) 1993, Dairy Production, Lactating Cow (without Silage) C e n t r a l Te x a s D i s t r i c t ( 8 ) 1993 Projected Costs and Returns per Head Quantity GROSS INCOME Description BULL DAIRY B U L L C A LV E S D A I RY CULL COWS DAIRY HEIFER CALVES DAIRY MILK 0.010 0.430 0.22Hd 13.000 0.020 167.300 Unit head head cwt. head cwt. $ / Unit 1000.0000 75.0000 47.5000 100.0000 12.9700 Your Estimate 10.00 32.25 135.85 2.00 2169.88 2349.98 Total GROSS Income To t a l VARIABLE COST Description 0.10 6.00 0.63 192.91 0.55 0.09 0.33 0.06 570.00 123.80 330.60 0.06 0.06 0.14 0.19 18.00 0.22 1.25 0.45 0.70 20.00 48.64 7.85 0.06 68.00 10.35 74.50 33.00 0.23 0.19 BARN H AY BREEDING DAIRY BULK MILK COOLER DAIRY LABOR DIGGER/WAGON SILAGE FEED SYSTEM FEEDER MECHANIC FEEDING AREA GRAIN MIX W/0 S HAULING MILK H AY DAIRY HAY RACKS HOLDING AREA Interest - OC Borrowed MANURE SYSTEM MGMT. RECORDS MILK ROOM MILKING EQUIP. MILKING PARLOR MILKING STALLS MISCELLANEOUS DAIRY PICKUP TRUCK 3/4 TON SALES COMMISSIONDAIRY SILO HORIZON SUPPLIES DAIRY TRACTOR 40 HP UTILITIES VET. MEDICINE DAIRY WAGON MANURE WATER SYSTEM Total VARIABLE COST 1508.94 GROSS INCOME minus VARIABLE COST VARIABLE COST Description To t a l 841.04 Quantity FIXED COST Description Unit Unit Acre Machinery and Equipment Livestock Land Acre $ / Unit To t a l To t a l 311.57 159.34 14.00 Total FIXED Cost 484.92 Total of ALL Cost 1993.86 NET PROJECTED RETURNS 356. 12 * 150 cow dairy, 16,730 pounds production per cow, 300 day lactating period, barn 1s d o u b l e s i x h e r r i n g b o n e , f e e d i n g o u t s i d e m i l k i n g p a r l o r, 2 5 % r e p l a c e m e n t . Information prasontad is praparad sololy as a ganaral guida and is not intended to racogniza or pradict tho costs and returns from any ono particular farm or ranch oparation. Thaso projactions woro collocted and dovolopad by staff mambars of tho Texas Agricultural Extansion Sarvico and approvad for publication. L8.6 Projections for Planning Purposes Only Not to be Used without Updating after October 13 B-1241(L08) 1993, DAIRY PRODUCTION, LACTATING COW* C e n t r a l Te x a s D i s t r i c t ( 8 ) 1993 Projected Costs and Returns per Head PRODUCTION Description BULL DAIRY B U L L C A LV E S D A I RY CULL COWS DAIRY HEIFER CALVES DAIRY MILK Quantity 0.013 0.470 0.24Hd 13.000 0.020 167.300 Unit head head cwt. head cwt. $ / Unit 1000.0000 75.0000 47.5000 100.0000 12.9700 Total GROSS Income 2368.33 OPERATING INPUT or CUSTOM OPERATION Description Input Use BREEDING DAIRY 1.000 MGMT. RECORDS 1.000 MISCELLANEOUS DAIRY 1.000 SALES COMMISSIONDAIRY 1.000 SUPPLIES DAIRY 1.000 TOT MIXED RATION 305.000 UTILITIES 1.000 VET. MEDICINE DAIRY 1.000 HAULING MILK 167.300 Fuel Lube Repair Unit head head head head head days head head cwt. $ / Unit 6.000 18.000 20.000 7.850 68.000 4.000 74.500 33.000 0.740 Total OPERATING INPUT and CUSTCIM OPERATION Cost s Interest - IT Equity Interest - IT Borrowed Interest - OC Borrowed Cost 6.00 18.00 20.00 7.85 68.00 1220.00 74.50 33.00 123.80 22.55 2.25 4.93 1600.88 R e s i d u a l r e t u r n s t o c a p i t a l , o ui n e r s h i p labor, land, management, and p r o fi t CAPITAL INVESTMENT Description Return Estimate 13.00 35.25 148.20 2.00 2169.88 767.45 Quantity Invested 1525.948 963.757 1.899 Unit Rate of Return 0.060 0.095 0.088 Dol . Dol . Dol . Cost 91.56 91.56 0.17 Total CAPITAL INVESTMENT Costs 183.28 Residual returns to ownership, l a b o r , land, management, and profit 584.17 OWNERSHIP COST Description (Dei;> r e c i a t i o n , Ta x e s , a n d I n s u r a n c e ) Machinery and Equipment Livestock Cost 144.80 74.67 Total OWNERSHIP Costs 219.47 R e s i d u a l r e t u r n s t o l a b o r, l a n ei, management, and profit 364.71 LABOR COST Description Machinery and Equipment Other Input Use Unit Average 6.779 2 4 . 2 11 Hr. Hr. pafp 5.800 5.800 Cost 39.32 140.42 Total LABOR Costs 179.74 Residual returns to land, management, and profit 184.97 LAND COST Description Input Use PASTURE RENT 300 Annual Lease 1.010 Unit Acre Rate of Return 12.500 Cost 12.63 12.63 Total LAND Costs 172.34 Residual returns to management a n d p r o fi t -WARNING- No Management Cost S p e c i fi e d 172.34 R e s i d u a l r e t u r n s t o p r o fi t 2195.99 To t a l P r o i e c t e d C o s t o f P r o d u c t i o n ^ - N 300 cow dairy, 16,730 pounds production per cow, 300 day lactating period, barn is d o u b l e e i g h t h e r r i n g b o n e , f e e d i n g o u t s i d e m i l k i n g p a r l o r, 2 6 % r e p l a c e m e n t , r a i s e replacements, no farming, dairy waste management system installed. Information prasontad is praparad sololy as a goneral guida and Is not intandad to racogniza or predict tha costs and raturns from any ono particular farm or ranch oparation. Those projections wara collected and devalopad by staff mambars of tha Taxas Agricultural Extansion Sorvica and approvad for publication. L8.7 Projections for Planning Purposes Only Not to be Used without Updating after October 13 B-124KL08) 1993. Dairy Production, Lactating Cow* C e n t r a l Te x a s D i s t r i c t ( 8 ) 1993 Projected Costs and Returns per Head GROSS INCOME Description BULL BULL CALVES CULL COWS HEIFER CALVES MILK DAIRY DAIRY DAIRY DAIRY Quantity Unit $ / Unit 0.24Hd 0.013 0.470 13.000 0.020 167.300 head head cwt. head cwt. 1000.0000 75.0000 47.5000 100.0000 12.9700 To t a l Yo u r Estimate /■-••*"%. 13.00 35.25 148.20 2.00 2169.88 2368.33 Total GROSS Income To t a l VARIABLE COST Description 6.00 140.42 0.06 0.06 123.80 0.17 18.00 20.00 42.51 7.85 68.00 1220.00 26.05 74.50 33.00 0.37 BREEDING DAIRY DAIRY LABOR 300 FRONT END LOADER GRAIN TANK HAULING MILK Interest - OC Borrowed MGMT. RECORDS MISCELLANEOUS DAIRY PICKUP TRUCK 4X4 SALES COMMISSIONDAIRY SUPPLIES DAIRY TOT MIXED RATION TRACTOR 75 HP UTILITIES VET. MEDICINE DAIRY WAGON MANURE Total VARIABLE COST 1780.78 GROSS INCOME minus VARIABLE COST 587.55 FIXED COST Description Unit Acre Machinery and Equipment Livestock Land Acre To t a l 243.24 159.34 12.63 Total FIXED Cost 415.21 Total of ALL Cost 2195.99 NET PROJECTED RETURNS >"*«V 172.34 300 cow dairy, 16,730 pounds production per cow, 300 day lactating period, barn is d o u b l e e i g h t h e r r i n g b o n e , f e e d i n g o u t s i d e m i l k i n g p a r l o r, 2 6 % r e p l a c e m e n t , r a i s e replacements, no farming, dairy waste management system installed. >S!%, Information prasontad is praparad sololy as a ganaral guida and is not Intondod to recognize or pradict tho cost! and raturns from any ono particular farm or ranch oparation. Those projections wara collected and dovolopad by staff mambars of tho Taxas Agricultural Extension Sarvico and approvad for publication. L8.8 Projections for Planning Purposes Only Not to be Used without Updating after October 13, 1993. ^ • v B-1241(L08) DAIRY PRODUCTION, LACTATING COW (WITHOUT SILAGE) C e n t r a l Te x a s D i s t r i c t ( 8 ) 1993 Projected Costs and Returns per Head PRODUCTION Description Quantity BULL DAIRY 0.010 BULL C A LV E S DAIRY 0.470 CULL COWS DAIRY 0.30Hd 13.000 HEIFER C A LV E S DAIRY 0.470 MILK 167.300 Unit head head cwt. head cwt. $ / Unit 1000.0000 75.0000 47.5000 100.0000 12.97O0 Total GROSS Income Return Estimate 10.00 35.25 185.25 47.00 2169.88 2447.38 OPERATING INPUT or CUSTOM OPERATION Description Input Use M G M T. RECORDS 1.000 MISCELLANEOUS DAIRY 1.000 SALES COMMISSIONDAIRY 1.000 SUPPLIES DAIRY 1.000 TOT MIXED R AT I O N 305.000 UTILITIES 1.000 V E T. MEDICINE DAIRY 1.000 HAULING MILK 167.300 Fuel Lube Repair Unit head head head head days head head cwt. $ / Unit 18.000 20.000 7.850 68.000 4.000 74.500 33.000 0.740 Total OPERATING INPUT and CUSTOM OPERATION Cost:s Cost 18.00 20.OO 7.85 68.00 1220.00 74.50 33.00 123.80 4.44 0.44 0.90 1570.92 Residual returns to capital, ownership labor, land, management, and profit 876.46 C A P I TA L I N V E S T M E N T D e s c r i p t i o n Q u a n t i t y Invested Interest IT Equity 111 9 . 8 0 1 Interest IT Borrowed 707.243 Interest OC Borrowed 1.838 Unit Dol. Dol. Dol. Rate of Return 0.060 0.095 0.088 Cost 67. 19 67.19 0.16 Total CAPITAL INVESTMENT Costs 134.54 R e s i d u a l r e t u r n s t o o w n e r s h i p , l a b o r, land, management, and profit 741.92 OWNERSHIP COST Description (Depredation, Taxes , and I n s u r a n c e ) Machinery and Equipment Livestock Cost 59.27 74.67 Total OWNERSHIP Costs 133.93 Residual returns to labor, land, management, and prof 1 t 607.99 LABOR COST Description Input Use Machinery Other and Equipment 2.000 23.000 Unit Hr. H r. Average Rate 7.950 7.950 Cost 15.90 182.85 Total LABOR Costs 198.75 Residual returns to land, management, and profi t 409.24 LAND COST Description PASTURE RENT 300 Annual Input Lease Use Unit 0.210 Acre Rate of Return 12.500 Cost 2.63 2.63 Total LAND Costs 406.61 Residual returns to management and profit -WARNING- No Management Cost Specified 406.61 R e s i d u a l r e t u r n s t o p r o fi t 2040.77 To t a l P r o i e c t e d C o s t o f P r o d u c t i o n * 720 cow dairy, 16,730 pounds production per cow, 300 day lactating period, barn is double twenty herringbone, feeding outside milking parlor, 32% replacement, purchase replacements, no farming, dairy waste management system installed. Information prasontad is praparad sololy as a ganaral guida and is not Intandad to racogniza or pradict tho costs and returns from any ono particular farm or ranch oparation. These projactions woro collected and dovolopad by staff mambars of tha Taxas Agricultural Extansion Sorvica and approved for publication. L8.9 Projections for Planning Purposes Only B-1241(L08) Not to be Used without Updating after October 13, 1993. Dairy Production, Lactating Cow (without Silage) Central Te x a s District 1993 Projected Costs and Returns GROSS VA R I A B L E $ / Unit head head cwt. head cwt. 0.010 0.470 0.30Hd 13.000 0.470 167.300 BULL DAIRY B U L L C A LV E S D A I RY CULL COWS DAIRY HEIFER CALVES DAIRY MILK To t a l Unit Quantity GROSS INCOME Description 1000.0000 75.0000 47.5000 100.0000 12.9700 Income COST GROSS Description FIXED To t a l NET 1769.83 VA R I A B L E Description and COST Unit Equipment Acre Acre To t a l 10.00 35.25 185.25 47.00 2169.88 !___! COST minus COST Machinery Livestock Land Estimate 182.85 123.80 0. 16 18.00 20.00 10.42 11.26 7.85 68.00 1220.00 74.50 33.00 VA R I A B L E INCOME To t a l ^^ '"**-*% 2447.38 720 DAIRY LABOR HAULING MILK Interest - OC Borrowed MGMT. RECORDS DAIRY MISCELLANEOUS 2X4 PICKUP TRUCK 4X4 PICKUP TRUCK SALES COMMISSIONDAIRY SUPPLIES DAIRY TOT MIXED RATION UTILITIES VET. MEDICINE DAIRY To t a l (8) Head per FIXED of PROJECTED Cost ALL Cost RETURNS 677.55 To t a l 108.97 159.34 2.63 270.94 ^ 2040.77 406.61 720 cow dairy, 16,730 pounds production per cow, 300 day lactating period, barn is double twenty herringbone, feeding outside milking parlor, 32% replacement, purchase replacements, no farming, dairy waste management system installed. /<«•%. Information prasontad is praparad sololy as a ganaral guida and is not intondod to racogniza or predict tho costs and raturns from any ona particular farm or ranch oparation. Thasa projactions woro collected and dovolopad by staff members of the Texas Agricultural Extansion Sarvico and approvad for publication. L8.10 \ Projections for Planning Purposes Only B-1241(L08) Not to be Used without Updating after October 13, 1993. DAIRY PRODUCTION, DRY COW C e n t r a l Te x a s D i s t r i c t ( 8 ) 1993 Projected Costs and Returns per Head PRODUCTION Description Quantity Unit $"/~Unit Return""" Estimate -WARNING- No gross receipts OPERATING INPUT or CUSTOM OPERATION Description Input Use Unit GRAIN MIX DRY COW 2.400 H AY 14.400 cwt. V E T. MEDICINE DRY COW 1.000 $ / Unit Cost cwt. 7.500 18.00 3.000 43.20 head 6.000 6.00 Z__Z_ZZ To t a l O P E R AT I N G I N P U T a n d C U S T O M O P E R AT I O N C o s t s 6 7 ^ 2 0 Residual returns to capital, ownership labor, land, management, and p r o fi t -67.20 C A P I TA L I N V E S T M E N T D e s c r i p t i o n Q u a n t i t y U n i t R a t e o f C o s t Invested Return Interest OC Borrowed 33.784 Dol. 0.088 2.96 To t a l C A P I TA L INVESTMENT R e s i d u a l r e t u r n s t o o w n e r s h i p , l a b o r, land, management, Costs and p r o fi t 2.96 -70.16 -WARNING- No Ownership Cost R e s i d u a l r e t u r n s t o l a b o r , l a n d , m a n a g e m e n t , a n d p r o fi t - 7 0 . 1 6 LABOR COST Other Description 1.000 To t a l j p fi f c y I Input Use Hr. Unit Average 5.500 LABOR Costs Cost 5.50 5.50 Residual returns to land, management, and p r o fi t -75.66 LAND COST Description Input Use Unit Rate of Cost Return PASTURE RENT DAIRY Annual Lease 0.300 Acre 8.000 2.40 To t a l Residual LAND returns to Costs management and 2.40 p r o fi t -78.06 -WARNING- No Management Cost Specified Residual To t a l returns Projected to Cost p r o fi t of Production -78.06 78.06 60 day dry period. JP^ Information prasontad is praparad solely as a ganaral guida and is not intondod to racogniza or predict the costs and raturns from any ono particular farm or ranch oparation. Thasa projactions woro collected and developed by staff members of tha Taxas Agricultural Extonsion Sorvica and approvad for publication. L8.ll Projections for Planning Purposes Only B-1241(L08) Not to be Used without Updating after October 13, 1993. Dairy Production, Dry Cow Central Te x a s 1993 Projected Costs and District Returns per (8) Head ^_^ /"^k G R O S S I N C O M E D e s c r i p t i o n Q u a n t i t y U n i t $ / U n i t To t a l _ _ H ? * ! * ] ! ! ? * ! : „ -WARNING- No gross receipts VA R I A B L E COST Description GRAIN MIX H AY Interest LIVESTOCK V E T. MEDICINE To t a l GROSS FIXED DRY OC LABOR DRY COST Borrowed COW COST minus VA R I A B L E Description Land Unit of PROJECTED -75.66 To t a l 2.40 FIXED To t a l 18.00 43.20 2.96 5.50 6.00 75.66 COST Acre To t a l NET COW VA R I A B L E INCOME !__?! Cost ALL 2.40 Cost 78.06 RETURNS -78.06 60 day dry period. y*s*\ y * % . Information prasontad is praparad sololy as a ganaral guida and Is not intandad to raeognize or pradict tho costs and raturns from any ono particular farm or ranch oparation. Thesa projactions woro collected and dovolopad by staff mambars of tho Taxas Agricultural Extansion Sarvico and approved for publication. L8.12 Projections for Planning Purposes Only B-1241(L08) Not to be Used without Updating after October 13, 1993. FARROW TO FINISHING HOG PRODUCTION C e n t r a l Te x a s D i s t r i c t ( 8 ) 1993 Projected Costs and Returns per Sow JP*^ PR 5 fGS Sc r i p 1t 16 o. 0n 0 HQd u a n2t.i 2t y0 0 U nci w t t . $ " / 3" u7 n. 5i t0 0 0 R e t u1 r3n2" 0" ". 0 0E s t i m a t e MHA ?Rr Ki SE ITi 0 ! 1H- O To t a l GROSS Income 1320.00 OPERATING INPUT or CUSTOM OPERATION Description Input Use Unit $ / Unit Cost BOAR FEED 0.890 cwt. 9.700 8.63 FINISHING R AT I O N 95.200 cwt. 9.300 885.36 H AY 1.000 cwt. 3.000 3.00 MARKETING HOGS 16.000 head 3.500 56.00 PIG S TA RT E R 8.000 cwt. 11 . 6 0 0 92.80 SOW FEED G E S TAT. 9.760 CWt. 10.100 98.58 SOW FEED L A C TAT. 13.530 cwt. 10.100 136.65 V E T. MEDICINE PIGS 16.000 head 0.800 12.80 V E T. MEDICINE SOWS 1.000 head 6.500 6.50 Fuel 11 . 6 5 Lube 1.16 Repair 5.89 To t a l O P E R AT I N G I N P U T a n d C U S T O M O P E R AT I O N C o s t s 1 3 1 9 . 0 3 Residual returns to capital, ownership labor, land, management, and p r o fi t 0.97 C A P I TA L I N V E S T M E N T D e s c r i p t i o n Q u a n t i t y U n i t R a t e o f C o s t Invested Return Interest IT Borrowed 564.785 Dol. 0.095 53.65 Interest OC Borrowed 155.351 Dol. 0.088 13.59 To t a l C A P I TA L INVESTMENT Costs 67.25 R e s i d u a l r e t u r n s t o o w n e r s h i p , l a b o r, land, management, and p r o fi t -66.28 ———___—=———————————ssss———————=————-——===————=——sss——————————————————————————~= O W N E R S H I P C O S T D e s c r i p t i o n ( D e p r e d a t i o n , Ta x e s , a n d I n s u r a n c e ) C o s t Machinery and Equipment 54.74 Livestock 6.77 To t a l OWNERSHIP Costs 61.52 R e s i d u a l r e t u r n s t o l a b o r , l a n d , m a n a g e m e n t , a n d p r o fi t - 1 2 7 . 7 9 LABOR COST Machinery Other Description Input Use Unit Average Cost Rate Hr. 5.500 30.80 5.500 121.00 and Equipment 5.600 21.999 Hr. To t a l LABOR Costs 151.80 ssss___=____________—_—______~sssssssssss——~——sssssssssss—ss——sssssssss———-sss Residual LAND returns COST to land, Description PASTURE RENT HOGS Annual Lease To t a l LAND Residual Costs returns management, Input Use 0.750 _ to and Unit Acre p r o fi t Rate Return of -279.59 Cost 15.000 11 . 2 5 p r o fi t -290.84 _ management and -WARNING- No Management Cost Specified Residual To t a l returns Projected to Cost of p r o fi t Production -290.84 1610.84 15 sow unit, fall-spring farrowing, 56 day weaning, 16 pigs weaned per sow per year, 3.5 feed conversion. JpN Information presented is praparad sololy as a ganaral guida and is not intondod to racogniza or pradict tha costs and raturns from any ono particular farm or ranch operation. Thasa projections were collected and dovolopad by staff mambars of tha Taxas Agricultural Extansion Sarvico and approvad for publication. L8.13 " ~ ' * * " ~ ~ Projections for Planning Purposes Only B-1241(L08) Not to be Used without Updating after October 13, 1993. Farrow to Finishing Hog Production C e n t r a l Te x a s D i s t r i c t ( 8 ) 1993 Projected Costs and Returns per Sow GROSS INCOME "MARKET Description HOGS To t a l 16.00Hd Quantity 2.200 GROSS VA R I A B L E Unit cwt. $ / Unit 37.5000 Income COST Your ______*?_ _1__?:?? 1320.00 Description !_„_! 8.63 0.72 1.06 0.50 0.28 0.01 0.45 885.36 3.00 13.59 121.00 56.00 0.25 46.13 92.80 98.58 136.65 12.80 6.50 0 . 11 BOAR FEED BOAR PEN FARROWING HOUSE FEED STORAGE HOG FEEDERS FEEDING FLOOR FENCE HOG FINISHING RATION HAY Interest - OC Borrowed LIVESTOCK LABOR MARKETING HOGS PASTURE SHEDS PICKUP TRUCK 3/4 TON PIG STARTER SOW FEED GESTAT. SOW FEED LACTAT. VET. MEDICINE PIGS VET. MEDICINE SOWS WATERERS HOG To t a l !____ VA R I A B L E COST 1484.42 B r e a k - E v e n P r i c e , To t a l V a r i a b l e C o s t $ 4 2 . 1 7 p e r c w t . o f M A R K E T H O G S GROSS INCOME FIXED minus COST Machinery Livestock Land VA R I A B L E Description and COST Unit Equipment Acre Acre To t a l FIXED Cost -164.42 To t a l 94.75 20.42 11 . 2 5 126.42 B r e a k - E v e n P r i c e , To t a l C o s t $ 4 5 . 7 6 p e r c w t . o f M A R K E T H O G S To t a l NET of PROJECTED ALL Cost 1610.84 RETURNS -290.84 15 sow unit, fall-spring farrowing, 56 day weaning, 16 pigs weaned per sow per year, 3.5 feed conversion. Information prasontad is prepared sololy as a goneral guida and is not Intondod to racogniza or pradict tho costs and ,raturns from any ono particular form or ranch oparation. These projactions woro collected and davalapod by staff mambars of tha Taxas Agricultural Extansion Sarvico and approvad for publication. L8.14 Projections for Planning Purposes Only B-1241(L08) Not to be Used without Updating after October 13, 1993. FEEDER PIG PRODUCTION Central Texas District (8) 1993 Projected Costs and Returns per Sow #*^ PRODUCTION Description Quantity Unit $ / Unit Return Estimate FEEDER PIGS 16.00Hd 0.500 cwt. 49.0000 392.00 To t a l GROSS Income 392.00 OPERATING INPUT or CUSTOM OPERATION Description Input Use Unit $ / Unit Cost BOAR FEED 0.890 cwt. 9.700 8.63 MISCELLANEOUS PIGS 1.000 head 21.000 21.00 PIG S TA RT E R 8.000 cwt. 11 . 6 0 0 92.80 SALES COMMISSIONPIG 16.000 head 1.750 28.00 SOW FEED G E S TAT. 9.760 CWt. 10.100 98.58 SOW FEED L A C TAT. 13.530 cwt. 10.100 136.65 V E T. MEDICINE PIGS 16.000 head 0.800 12.80 V E T. MEDICINE SOWS 1.000 head 6.500 6.50 Fuel 11 . 6 5 Lube 1.16 Repair 5.89 To t a l O P E R AT I N G I N P U T a n d C U S T O M O P E R AT I O N C o s t s 4 2 3 . 6 7 Residual returns to capital, ownership labor, land, management, and p r o fi t -31.67 C A P I TA L I N V E S T M E N T D e s c r i p t i o n Q u a n t i t y U n i t R a t e o f C o s t Invested Return Interest IT Borrowed 564.785 Dol. 0.095 53.65 Interest OC Borrowed 128.201 Dol. 0.088 11 . 2 2 To t a l C A P I TA L INVESTMENT Costs 64.87 Residual returns to ownership, labor, land, management, and p r o fi t -96.54 OWNERSHIP COST Description (Depredation, Taxes, and Insurance) Cost Machinery and Equipment 54.74 Livestock 6.77 To t a l OWNERSHIP Costs _ 61.52 R e s i d u a l r e t u r n s t o l a b o r , l a n d , m a n a g e m e n t , a n d p r o fi t - 1 5 8 . 0 6 LABOR COST Description Input Use Unit Average Cost Rate Machinery and Equipment 5.600 Hr. 5.500 30.80 Other 13.999 Hr. 5.500 77.00 To t a l LABOR Costs _ ___ l?Zl!? R e s i d u a l r e t u r n s t o l a n d , m a n a g e m e n t , a n d p r o fi t - 2 6 5 . 8 6 LAND COST Description PASTURE RENT HOGS Annual Lease Input Use 0.750 Unit Acre Rate Return of Cost 15.000 11 . 2 5 p r o fi t - 2 7 7 . 11 Total LAND Costs Residual returns to management and -WARNING- No Management Cost Specified Residual To t a l returns Projected to Cost p r o fi t of _ Production ~ 2 Z Z ' 11 6 6 9 . 11 15 sow unit, fall-spring farrowing, 56 day weaning, 16 pigs weaned per sow per year, income from cull animals will buy replacements. Information prasontad is praparad sololy as a goneral guida and is not intondod to racogniza or pradict tho costs and raturns from any ono particular farm or ranch operation. These projections wore collected and dovolopad by staff -embers of the Texas Agricultural Extension Sorvica and approvad for publication. L8.15 ~ ' ~ " " ' ~ Projections for Planning Purposes Only B-1241(L08) Not to be Used without Updating after October 13, 1993. Feeder Pig Production C e n t r a l Te x a s D i s t r i c t ( 8 ) 1993 Projected Costs and Returns per Sow GROSS INCOME FEEDER Description PIGS To t a l 16.00Hd Quantity 0.500 $ cwt. GROSS VA R I A B L E Unit / Unit 49.0000 Income COST Description VA R I A B L E Yo u r E__„_____ 392.00 392.00 To t a l BOAR FEED BOAR PEN FARROWING HOUSE FEED STORAGE FEEDERS HOG FEEDING FLOOR FENCE HOG Interest OC Borrowed LIVESTOCK LABOR MISCELLANEOUS PIGS PA S T U R E SHEDS PICKUP TRUCK 3/4 TON PIG S TA RT E R SALES COMMISSIONPIG SOW FEED G E S TAT. SOW FEED L A C TAT. V E T. MEDICINE PIGS V E T. MEDICINE SOWS WAT E R E R S HOG To t a l To t a l COST 8.63 0.72 1.06 0.50 0.28 0.01 0.45 11 . 2 2 77.00 21.00 0.25 46.13 92.80 28.00 98.58 136.65 12.80 6.50 0 . 11 542.69 B r e a k - E v e n P r i c e , To t a l V a r i a b l e C o s t $ 6 7 . 8 3 p e r c w t . o f F E E D E R P I G S GROSS FIXED INCOME minus COST Machinery Livestock Land VA R I A B L E Description and COST Unit Equipment Acre Acre To t a l FIXED Cost -150.69 To t a l 94.75 20.42 11 . 2 5 126.42 B r e a k - E v e n P r i c e , To t a l C o s t $ 8 3 . 6 3 p e r c w t . o f F E E D E R P I G S To t a l NET of PROJECTED ALL Cost RETURNS 6 6 9 . 11 - 2 7 7 . 11 15 sow unit, fall-spring farrowing, 56 day weaning, 16 pigs weaned per sow per year, income from cull animals will buy replacements. Information prasontad Is praparad sololy as a goneral guida and is not Intondod to racogniza or predict tha costs and raturns from any ona particular farm or ranch operation. Theso projections woro collected and dovolopad by staff mambars of tho Taxas Agricultural Extansion Sorvica and approved for publication. L8.16 Projections for Planning Purposes Only B-1241(L08) Not to be Used without Updating after October 13, 1993. MARKET HOGS C e n t r a l Te x a s D i s t r i c t ( 8 ) 1993 Projected Costs and Returns per Head PRODUCTION Description Quantity Unit $ MARKET HOGS 0.98Hd 2.400 cwt. To t a l GROSS / Unit Return Estimate 37.5000 88.20 Income 88.20 OPERATING INPUT or CUSTOM OPERATION Description Input Use Unit $ / Unit Cost FEEDER PIGS 0.500 cwt. 75.000 37.50 FINISHING R AT I O N 6.600 cwt. 9.300 61.38 MARKETING HOGS 0.980 head 3.500 3.43 MISCELLANEOUS HOGS 1.000 head 1.000 1.00 V E T. MEDICINE HOGS 1.000 head 1.150 1.15 Fuel 1.39 Lube O.14 Repair 0.34 To t a l O P E R AT I N G I N P U T a n d C U S T O M O P E R AT I O N C o s t s 1 0 6 . 3 2 Residual returns to capital, ownership labor, land, management, and p r o fi t -18.12 C A P I TA L I N V E S T M E N T D e s c r i p t i o n Q u a n t i t y U n i t R a t e o f C o s t Invested Return Interest IT Borrowed 12.694 Dol. 0.095 1.21 Interest OC Borrowed 29.986 Dol. 0.088 2.62 To t a l C A P I TA L INVESTMENT R e s i d u a l r e t u r n s t o o w n e r s h i p , l a b o r, land, management, Costs and 3.83 p r o fi t -21.95 O W N E R S H I P C O S T D e s c r i p t i o n ( D e p r e c i a t i o n , Ta x e s , a n d I n s u r a n c e ) C o s t Machinery and Equipment 3.29 To t a l OWNERSHIP Costs 3.29 R e s i d u a l r e t u r n s t o l a b o r , l a n d , m a n a g e m e n t , a n d p r o fi t - 2 5 . 2 4 LABOR COST Machinery Other To t a l returns COST Costs to land, Description PASTURE RENT HOGS Annual Lease To t a l Residual Input Use Unit Average Cost Rate Hr. 5.500 3.67 5.500 1.32 and Equipment 0.667 0.240 Hr. LABOR Residual LAND Description LAND returns __ _ management, Input Use 0.030 Unit and p r o fi t Rate Return Acre Costs to _ -30.23 Cost 15.000 0.45 _ ?lf_ _ management of 4.99 and p r o fi t -30.68 -WARNING- No Management Cost Specified Residual To t a l returns Projected to Cost p r o fi t of _ Production ___2_?? 11 8 . 8 8 240 fed per year, 120 fed per bunch, 3.50 pounds feed per pound of gain, 2% death loss. Jf*\ Information prasontad Is prepared sololy as a ganaral guido and is not intondod to racogniza or pradict tha casts and raturns from any ono particular form or ranch operation. Thoso projactions woro collected and dovolopad by staff mambars of tha Taxas Agricultural Extansion Service and approvad for publication. L8.17 ~ ' ~ ~ B-1241(L08) Projections for Planning Purposes Only Not to be Used without Updating after October 13, 1993. Market Hogs C e n t r a l Te x a s D i s t r i c t ( 8 ) 1993 Projected Costs and Returns per Head GROSS INCOME Description MARKET HOGS Quantity Unit $ / Unit 0.98Hd 2.400 cwt. 37.5000 Your Estimate 88.20 88.20 Total GROSS Income To t a l VARIABLE COST Description 0.02 37.50 0.01 0.00 61.38 2.62 1.32 3.43 1.00 5.49 1.15 0.00 FEED STORAGE FEEDER PIGS FEEDERS HOG FEEDING FLOOR FINISHING RATION Interest - OC Borrowed LIVESTOCK LABOR MARKETING HOGS MISCELLANEOUS HOGS PICKUP TRUCK 3/4 TON VET. MEDICINE HOGS WAT E R E R S H O G Total VARIABLE COST 113.93 B r e a k - E v e n P r i c e , To t a l Va r i a b l e C o s t $ 48.43 per cwt of MARKET HOGS GROSS INCOME minus VARIABLE COST -25.73 FIXED COST Description Unit Acre Acre Machinery and Equipment Land Total FIXED Cost Break-Even Price, Total Cost $ To t a l To t a l 4.49 0.45 4.94 50.54 per cwt. of MARKET HOGS Total of ALL Cost 118.88 NET PROJECTED RETURNS -30.68 ^r% 240 fed per year, 120 fed per bunch, 3.50 pounds feed per pound of gain, 2% death loss. '*"ts^\ Information prasontad is praparad sololy as a goneral guida and is not Intondod to racogniza or pradict tho costs and raturns from any ona particular farm or ranch oparation. Thaso projactions woro collected and dovolopad by staff mambars of tho Texas Agricultural Extansion Sorvica and approvad far publication. L8.18 Projections for Planning Purposes Only B-1241(L08) Not to be Used without Updating after October 13, 1993. GOAT PRODUCTION Central Texas District (8) 1993 Projected Costs and Returns per Animal Unit* PR D °0 ^ECST I O N 0D. e 3 s0 cHrdi p t i o n 7 Q 0 .u0a0n0t i t y Ul nb i.t $ / 0U. n2 i3t 0 R 0 e t u r n 4 ." 8 E 3stimate KID G O AT S 3.780 head 40.0000 151.20 MOHAIR A D U LT 54.000 lb. 1.1500 62.10 ~~ MOHAIR KID 18.000 lb. 5.9500 107.10 ' To t a l GROSS Income 325.23 OPERATING INPUT or CUSTOM OPERATION Description Input Use Unit $ / Unit Cost GRAIN S U P P L E M E N T G O AT S 2.000 CWt. 8.650 17.30 MISCELLANEOUS G O AT S 1.000 head 10.000 10.00 P R E D ATO R CONTROL 1.480 head 0.350 0.52 ~~~ SALES C O M M I S S I O N G O AT S 1.000 AU 6.850 6.85 S A LT & MINERALS G O AT S 0.600 cwt. 20.500 12.30 V E T. MEDICINE G O AT S 12.000 head 0.700 8.40 SHEARING 18.000 head 1.500 27.OO Fuel 5.55 Lube 0.55 Repa i r 1.20 To t a l O P E R AT I N G I N P U T a n d C U S T O M O P E R AT I O N C o s t s 8 9 . 6 7 Residual returns to capital, ownership labor, land, management, and p r o fi t 235.56 C A P I TA L I N V E S T M E N T D e s c r i p t i o n Q u a n t i t y U n i t R a t e o f C o s t Invested Return Interest IT Borrowed 386.885 Dol. 0.095 36.75 Interest OC Borrowed 54.105 Dol. 0.088 4.73 sssssssssss To t a l C A P I TA L INVESTMENT R e s i d u a l r e t u r n s t o o w n e r s h i p , l a b o r, land, management, Costs and 41.49 p r o fi t 194.07 O W N E R S H I P C O S T D e s c r i p t i o n ( D e p r e c i a t i o n , Ta x e s , a n d I n s u r a n c e ) C o s t Machinery and Equipment 15.80 Livestock 18.62 To t a l OWNERSHIP Costs _ 34.42 R e s i d u a l r e t u r n s t o l a b o r , l a n d , m a n a g e m e n t , a n d p r o fi t 1 5 9 . 6 6 LABOR COST Machinery Other Input LABOR Residual returns COST Residual Unit Average Cost Rate Hr. 5.500 14.67 5.501 44.00 to Costs land, Description PASTURE RENT GOATS Annual Lease To t a l Use and Equipment 2.667 7.999 Hr. To t a l LAND Description management, Input Use 14.000 LAND __ returns to and Unit _ management p r o fi t Rate Return Acre Costs 58.67 of 100.99 Cost 6.000 84.00 __ 84.00 and p r o fi t 16^99 -WARNING- No Management Cost Specified Residual To t a l returns Projected to Cost of p r o fi t Production 16.99 308.24 * One animal unit is six nannies. 75% kid crop, 1 buck per 35 does, 7% death loss 12% replacement. Information prasontad is praparad sololy as a goneral guida and is not intended to racogniza or predict tha costs and returns from any ona particular farm or ranch oparation. Thoso projections woro col looted and dovolopad by staff mambars of tha Taxas Agricultural Extansion Sarvico and approvad for publication. L8.19 " " ~ ~ Projections for Planning Purposes Only B-1241(L08) Not to be Used without Updating after October 13, 1993. Goat Production Central Te x a s District (8) ^^ 1 9 9 3 P r o j e c t e d C o s t s a n d R e t u r n s p e r A n i m a l U n i t * '■* » % . GROSS INCOME Description Quantity Unit $ / Un1t__ ___!_______ _________ ~~DOES " 0.30Hd 70.000 lb. 0.2300 KID G O AT S 3.780 head 40.0000 MOHAIR A D U LT 54.000 lb. 1.1500 MOHAIR KID 18.000 lb. 5.9500 To t a l VA R I A B L E GROSS COST Income Description 4.83 151.20 62.10 107.10 325.23 To t a l GRAIN S U P P L E M E N T G O AT S Interest OC Borrowed LIVESTOCK LABOR MISCELLANEOUS G O AT S PICKUP TRUCK 3/4 TON P R E D ATO R CONTROL SALES C O M M I S S I O N G O AT S S A LT & MINERALS G O AT S SHEARING V E T. MEDICINE G O AT S To t a l VA R I A B L E COST 17.30 4.73 44.00 10.00 21.97 0.52 6.85 12.30 27.00 8.40 153.07 GROSS 172.16 INCOME FIXED COST Machinery Livestock Land NET VA R I A B L E Description and To t a l To t a l minus PROJECTED Unit Equipment Acre FIXED of COST Acre Cost ALL Cost RETURNS To t a l 23.92 47.25 84.00 155.17 308.24 16.99 One animal unit 1s six nannies. 75% kid crop, 1 buck per 35 does, 7% death loss 12% replacement. Information prasontad is praparad solely as a ganaral guida and Is not intandad to racogniza or pradict tha costs and returns from any one particular farm or ranch oparation. Thosa projactions wara collected and developed by staff morebors of tho Taxas Agricultural Extansion Sorvica and approved for publication. L8.20 Projections for Planning Purposes Only Not to be Used without Updating after October 13, 1993. /^-N B-1241(L08) SHEEP PRODUCTION C e n t r a l Te x a s D i s t r i c t ( 8 ) 1993 Projected Costs and Returns per Animal Unit* PRODUCTION Description EWES CULL LAMBS WOOL Unit lb. lb. lb. Quantity 0.85Hd 100.000 4.00Hd 70.000 42.500 $ / Unit 0.2900 0.6500 0.9000 Total GROSS Income Return Estimate 24.65 182.00 38.25 244.90 OPERATING INPUT or CUSTOM OPERATION Description Input Use MISCELLANEOUS SHEEP 1.000 PREDATOR CONTROL 1.480 PROTEIN SUPPL. 2.250 SALES COMMISSIONSHEEP 4.850 SALT & MINERALS SHEEP 0.600 V E T. M E D I C I N E S H E E P 10.000 SHEARING 5.000 Fuel Lube Repa i r Unit head head cwt. AU cwt. head head $ / Unit 10.000 0.350 9.800 8.650 20.500 0.700 1.500 Cost 10.00 0.52 22.05 41.95 12.30 7.00 7.50 2.77 0.28 0.60 Total OPERATING INPUT and CUSTOM OPERATION Costs 104.97 Residual returns to capital, ownership l a b o r , l a n d , m a n a g e m e n t , a n d p r o fi t 139.93 CAPITAL INVESTMENT DescriF> t 1 o n Interest - IT Borrowed Interest - OC Borrowed Quantity Invested 407.900 85.095 Unit Dol . Dol . Rate of Return 0.095 0.088 Cost 38.75 7.45 Total CAPITAL INVESTMENT C: o s t s 46.20 R e s i d u a l r e t u r n s t o o w n e r ss h i p , l a b o r , l a n d , m a n a g e m e n t , a n d p r•of 1t 93.73 OWNERSHIP COST Descriptorl ( D e p r e d a t i o n , Ta x e s , a n d I n s u r a n c e ) Machinery and Equipment Livestock Cost 9.38 16.84 Total OWNERSHIP Costs 26.22 R e s i d u a l r e t u r n s t o l a b o r ,, l a n d , m a n a g e m e n t , a n d p r o f i t 67.51 LABOR COST Description Input Use 1.333 9.240 Machinery and Equipment Other Unit H r. H r. Average Rate 5.500 5.500 Cost 7.33 50.82 58.15 To t a l L A B O R C o s t s 9.36 R e s i d u a l r e t u r n s t o l a n d . m a n a g e m e n t , a n d p r o fi t LAND COST Description Input Use PA S T U R E R E N T S H E E P Annual Lease Unit 14.000 Acre Rate of Return 6.000 Cost 84.00 84.00 To t a l L A N D C o s t s -74.64 R e s i d u a l r e t u r n s t o m a n a g is m e n t a n d p r o fi t -WARNING- No Management C o s t S p e c i fi e d R e s i d u a l r e t u r n s t o p r o fi t -74.64 To t a l P r o i e c t e d C o s t o f P r o d u c t i o n 319.54 One animal unit is five ewes. 100% lamb crop, 1 ram per 33 ewes, 3% death loss finewool ewes and crossbred lambs, 20% replacement. Information prasontad is praparad solely as a goneral guide and is not intondod to racogniza or pradict tha costs and raturns from any one particular farm or ranch oparation. These projections woro collected and devolopod by staff mambars of tho Toxas Agricultural Extansion Sorvica and approved for publication. L8.21