Development of a Miniature, Continuous Measurement, Stochastic Perturbation Gas Chromatograph by MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Eli Paster AUG 15 2014 B.S., University of Colorado at Boulder (2004) S.M., Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2010) LIBRARIES Submitted to the Department of Mechanical Engineering in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Mechanical Engineering at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY June 2014 @ Massachusetts Institute of Technology MMXIV. All rights reserved. Signature redacted A u th or . . . . . . . . . . . .... .. ... .. .. ... .. .. . ... . . . . ... .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. ... Department of Mechanical Engineering March 31, 2014 Signature redacted C ertified by ....................... ............ Ian W. Hunter Hatsopoulos Professor of Mechanical Engineering J)Thesjs Supervisor Signature redacted' A ccepted by ............................ ...... David E. Hardt Chairman, Department Committee on Graduate Theses Development of a Miniature, Continuous Measurement, Stochastic Perturbation Gas Chromatograph by Eli Paster Submitted to the Department of Mechanical Engineering on 31 March, 2014 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Mechanical Engineering Abstract Gas chromatography is one of the most widely used analytical chemistry techniques for separating and analyzing chemical compounds. Chromatographic methods are used to identify constituent species within a compound and determine the purity and relative concentrations of those species. Current gas chromatographs are heavy, bench top instruments that require large capital expenditures, kilowatt power sources, and trained technicians. Additionally, traditional chromatographic measurements are non-continuous. The first part of this thesis explores the application of stochastic system identification techniques applied to chromatography to enable continuous chromatographic measurements, multiplexing of instrument components, and the ability to optimally tune instrumentation parameters and reduce chromatogram noise. The second part of this thesis explores the development of a miniaturized, standalone gas chromatograph. A handheld, low-cost gas chromatograph has been developed over the course of five device generations, through the implementation of localized heating techniques, on-demand gas generation, and the integration of electrical, mechanical, and chemical processes into a compact volume. Characterization of the device shows comparable operating parameters and performance to equivalent bench top instruments at 0.5% total cost and 0.03% total volume. These contributions reduce the barrier-to-entry for performing high quality chemical measurements, and enable more widespread use of chromatography in monitored, closed-loop, remote operation and automated systems. Thesis Supervisor: Ian W. Hunter Title: Hatsopoulos Professor of Mechanical Engineering 2 In Loving Memory of Zhang Mingsheng 1941 -2012 3 Acknowledgements Doctoral work is a roller-coaster ride, filled with ups and downs, successes and failures, and insights and blunders that in the end, give rise to a coherent understanding. I am grateful to have encountered so many encouraging, brilliant, and supportive people along this path. My thesis committee, composed of Professor Ian Hunter, Professor Steven Leeb, and Professor Timothy Swager, has been exceptional. Their versatility, their recommendations, their insights, and their guidance have been an integral part of this work, and beyond. From the BioInstrumentation Lab, I would like to thank Ian Hunter, who has created an environment and an ethos in which the exploration of non-traditional approaches to traditional systems is the norm, and where it is expected and encouraged to challenge the boundaries of what is possible. I would like to thank Jean Chang, Ellen Chen, Cathy Hogan, Brian Hemond, Adam Wahab, Ashin Modak, Mike Nawrot, Alex Ohayon, and Alex Gabella for their camaraderie as friends and fellow researchers. Additionally, I would like to thank Kate Melvin, Leslie Regan, and Joan Kravit, who work behind the scenes to keep the lab and the department running like clockwork. Outside of MIT, I would like to thank Dr. Jubal Hamernik, who has without hesitation offered guidance, allowing me to successively complete my academic studies. I would also like to thank Zorba and Penny Paster, and Dan and Kay Barry for their support. Finally, for all of the late nights, the weekends, the times when research took precedence, and the unwavering support, I thank my wife, Zhang Xia: per aspera, amor omnia vincit. 4 Contents Chapter 1.................................................................................................................14 Introduction.............................................................................................................14 1.1 M otivation................................................................................................... 14 1.2 Outline of Thesis ......................................................................................... 17 1.3 Developm ent of Gas Chromatography......................................................... 17 1.4 Instrum entation and Processes .................................................................... 21 1.4.1 Instrum entation .................................................................................... 21 1.4.2 Separation............................................................................................. 23 1.4.3 Detector Types..................................................................................... 28 1.5 Stochastic Perturbation Chrom atography .................................................. 30 Chapter 2.................................................................................................................37 Chrom atographic Sim ulations............................................................................... 37 2.1 Simulation Constructs ................................................................................ 37 2.2 Traditional Chrom atography Sim ulation Results ........................................ 43 2.3 Stochastic Perturbation Chromatography Simulation Results....................46 5 2.3.1 Stochastic Signal Generation and Implementation................................ 46 2.3.2 Reducing Noise..................................................................................... 49 2.3.3 M ultiplexing Possibilities ...................................................................... 51 Chapter 3................................................................................................................. 56 Bench Top Implementation ................................................................................. 56 3.1 Instrumentation........................................................................................... 56 3.2 Results............................................................................................................62 Chapter 4.................................................................................................................65 Design Considerations ........................................................................................... 65 4.1 Design Elements ......................................................................................... 65 4.1.1 Injection Port....................................................................................... 66 4.1.2 Column ................................................................................................. 70 4.1.3 Detector ................................................................................................. 71 4.1.4 Gas Sources and Flow Control............................................................. 73 4.1.5 Sample Injection System ....................................................................... 75 4.1.6 Therm al Components........................................................................... 77 4.2 Summ ary ..................................................................................................... 6 78 Chapter 5.................................................................................................................80 Prototype Development of Micro Gas Chromatograph (pGC) ............................. 80 5.1 Generation I 1iGC....................................................................................... 80 5.2 Generation II pGC....................................................................................... 87 5.3 Generation III pGC ..................................................................................... 98 5.3.1 Flame Ionization Detector Design......................................................... 99 5.3.2 Injection Port M iniaturization Design.................................................... 102 5.3.3 Intermediate Fittings ............................................................................. 106 5.3.4 Pressure Transducers ............................................................................. 107 5.3.5 Column Configuration............................................................................ 108 5.3.6 M echanical Layout................................................................................. 111 5.4 Generation IV pGC ...................................................................................... 113 5.4.1 Im proved FID Design............................................................................. 113 5.4.2 M odular Heater Development ................................................................ 116 5.4.3 Capillary Column Heating ..................................................................... 118 5.4.4 Im proved Electrolyzer ............................................................................ 122 5.4.5 Layout M odifications and PCB Integration ........................................... 124 7 5.4.6 Electronics ............................................................................................. 128 5.4.7 Assembly................................................................................................ 129 5.5 Generation V IiGC ....................................................................................... 131 Chapter 6................................................................................................................ 137 11GC Perform ance Characterization....................................................................... 137 6.1 Design and Specifications Summary ............................................................. 137 6.2 Basic Flow and Operation ............................................................................ 139 6.3 Therm al Performance ................................................................................... 140 6.4 Stochastic Perturbation Results ................................................................... 145 Chapter 7............................................................................................................... 147 Conclusion ............................................................................................................. 147 References.............................................................................................................. 150 8 List of Figures Figure 1. Commercially available gas chromatographs .............................................. 20 Figure 2. Portable gas chrom atographs....................................................................... 21 Figure 3. Basic components of a gas chromatograph .................................................. 23 Figure 4. The chromatographic separation process .................................................... 25 Figure 5. Exam ple gas chromatograph...................................................................... 26 Figure 6. Schematic representation of the traditional injection method used in gas chrom atography ................................................................................................... 31 Figure 7. Schematic representation of stochastic system identification applied to gas chrom atography ................................................................................................... Figure 8. Exam ple Gaussian curve............................................................................. 33 38 Figure 9. Flame ionization detector signal simulations of benzene..............................44 Figure 10. Chromatography simulation of multiple chemicals .................................... 45 Figure 11. Random binary signal input.......................................................................... 47 Figure 12. Simulated binary stochastic input and output .......................................... 48 Figure 13. Impulse response from binary stochastic mass flow perturbations ............ 49 Figure 14. Noise comparison of chromatographic methods........................................51 Figure 15. M ultiplexing possibilities........................................................................... 9 52 Figure 16. Superimposed FID responses from multiplexed samples. .............................. 54 Figure 17. The impulse responses of two samples injected simultaneously ................ 54 Figure 18. Variance Accounted For of various stochastic perturbation chromatography simu lation s..............................................................................................................55 Figure 19. Autom ated injection system ....................................................................... 58 Figure 20. Bench top implementation of stochastic perturbation chromatography........60 Figure 21. Input and output signals from bench top gas chromatograph using stochastic binary perturbation............................................................................................. 62 Figure 22. Single solute chromatogram, determined using stochastic perturbation meth o d s .................................................................................................................. 63 Figure 23. Chromatogram of relative concentrations for two-analyte sample measured using the stochastic perturbation method............................................................ 64 Figure 24. Typical injection port types found on gas chromatographs.......................68 Figure 25. Full bridge thermal conductivity detector.................................................81 Figure 26. Suspended thermistor thermal conductivity detector................................83 Figure 27. Custom vertical alignment mount.................................................................84 Figure 28. Four cell thermistor-based TCD with PCB integration............................85 Figure 29. First generation pG C ................................................................................ Figure 30. Single solute (pentane) chromatogram, determined using stochastic 10 86 perturbation methods on the first generation pGC..............................................87 Figure 31. Typical, commercially available TCD filament .......................................... 88 Figure 32. Type 24E, 28 V bulb filament thermal response ........................................ 90 Figure 33. Rotary attachment for bulb removal.........................................................91 Figure 34. Filament manufacturing process ................................................................ 92 Figure 35. Copper block T CD ..................................................................................... 93 Figure 36. Stacked TCD heating system....................................................................94 Figure 37. G eneration II pG C ..................................................................................... 97 Figure 38. Thermal image of the second generation 11GC during heating ................... 98 Figure 39. Preliminary prototype of flame ionization detector.....................................101 Figure 40. Thermal image of flame ionization detector ................................................ 101 Figure 41. Schem atic of injection port ......................................................................... 103 Figure 42. Injection port com ponents........................................................................... 106 Figure 43. Flame ionization detector built from off-the-shelf fittings........................... 107 Figure 44. Quartz capillary heating configuration........................................................109 Figure 45. Quartz capillary heat distribution.............................................................. 109 Figure 46. Transient heating and passive cooling curves for 330 pm quartz capillary colum n surrounded by NiCr wire.......................................................................... 110 Figure 47. Board m ounting com ponents ...................................................................... 112 11 Figure 48. Third generation pGC mechanical layout ................................................... 112 Figure 49. Chromatogram from the third generation pGC .......................................... 113 Figure 50. Flame ionization detector schematic ........................................................... 114 Figure 51. Flam e ionization detector............................................................................ 115 Figure 52. Injection port m odular heater ..................................................................... 116 Figure 53. Concentric heater fabrication steps............................................................. 117 Figure 54. Photo and thermal image of guided coil heating scheme ............................ 119 Figure 55. Photo and thermal image of Delrin-PTFE guided column.......................... 121 Figure 56. Photo and thermal image of polyimide sheathed column............................ 122 Figure 57. Eight cell polymer electrolyte membrane electrolyzer ................................. 123 Figure 58. Eight cell polymer electrolyte membrane electrolyzer output pressure, shown as a function of total input current....................................................................... 124 Figure 59. Fourth generation 1iG C ............................................................................... 125 Figure 60. PCB layout of fourth generation pGC ........................................................ 127 Figure 61. Proportional-integral (PI) and pulse-width-modulated (PWM) heating control schem e ...................................................................................................... 129 Figure 62. Populated PCB from the fourth generation piGC.................... 130 Figure 63. Final assembly of the fourth generation liGC ............................................. 131 Figure 64. Populated PCB from the fifth generation pGC........................................... 133 12 Figure 65. PCB layout of fifth generation 11GC ........................................................... 134 Figure 66. Fifth generation pG C .................................................................................. 135 Figure 67. Front panel of LabVIEW program.............................................................. 135 Figure 68. Chromatogram of a well-known American bourbon.................. 136 Figure 69. Gas flow patterns for the fifth generation pGC .......................................... 140 Figure 70. Heating and cooling performance of the injection port ............................... 141 Figure 71. Injection port heating rates........................................................................ 142 Figure 72. Closed loop performance of injection port temperature............................... 143 Figure 73. Colum n heating rates.................................................................................. 144 Figure 74. Closed loop performance of column temperature ........................................ 145 Figure 75. Fifth generation pGC noise signal............................................................... 146 Figure 76. Single solute (pentane) chromatogram, determined using stochastic perturbation methods on the fifth generation pGC............................................... 146 Figure 77. Handheld, continuous measurement, stochastic perturbation gas chrom atograph ...................................................................................................... 13 149 Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Motivation For millennia humans have observed their surroundings so as to better understand the world in which they live. From the early botanical observations of ancient cultures [1], to the scientific societies and discoveries of post-Renaissance Europe [2], we have maintained an unending curiosity for knowledge and understanding. In recent decades, the ushering of the digital era has enabled us to move into a computational age of data-based decision-making and development. Traditional methods of discovery are being uprooted by massive computational and statistical undertakings, made possible in part by the ability to inexpensively create, organize, and analyze swaths of distributed information from various sources. In areas ranging from medicine [31 to agriculture [41, from education [5] to political strategy [6], we are reducing the cost and increasing the accessibility of techniques previously limited to large-scale simulations [7]. Along similar progressive paths has been the democratization of technology, a trend 14 that has enabled scientific measurements and data collection to reach the hands of a much greater audience [8] who may then aid in both the power of collection and the analysis of their own immediate surroundings. Information has become a commodity [9], valued equivalently to what was once reserved for precious metals and far away spices [10]. This intrinsic value of information stems from enabling us to better decide, for ourselves, for our societies, and for our future. A key limit to introducing enabling technologies into society is the need to significantly reduce their adaptation barrier-to-entry by reducing the cost, size, maintenance, and ease of use of such technologies. As high-tech instrumentation becomes democratized, and technologies previously reserved only for cutting-edge scientific laboratories become user-friendly, we will see a broader adaptation of these devices in everyday life, bringing benefits not only to the individual, but also to communities, countries, and global consortiums. This work anticipates the societal trend toward data-driven distributed measurement systems, by enabling a powerful means of performing chemical analysis on everything from the gasoline that one pumps daily into an automobile, to the quality of water passing through one's faucet or running through a nearby stream. This thesis describes the development of a stand-alone, miniaturized, low-cost gas chromatograph and the implementation of nontraditional perturbation techniques that enables continuous 15 chromatographic measurements. Gas chromatography is used everywhere from analyzing wine and coffee [11], to petroleum [121 and amino acids [13]. It is commonly implemented as a quality control process in pharmaceutical manufacturing, chemical processing, and food science. For the individual, one might analyze their favorite food flavors. For the farmer, one might place low-cost gas chromatographs near their feedstock water supply, their crop supplies, and their harvest storage to monitor pesticide levels. For extant processing lines with controlled manufacturing methodologies, a miniature gas chromatograph may serve as a form of automated quality control, so that manufacturing variances can be quickly identified and remediated in real-time. A low-cost gas chromatograph may be a commonplace in the doctor's office, where a simple exhalation of breath can provide an early diagnosis of lung cancer [141. Under these premises, this thesis seeks to reduce a gas chromatograph to a handheld size, reduce the cost by designing a system that is suitable to mass manufacturing and economies of scale, and enable high sensitivity capabilities along with the possibility of implementing more advanced chemical analyses via stochastic system identification techniques. These aims will enable gas chromatograph units to be employed within health and home monitoring systems, and at locations and within industries that are otherwise prohibitively limited by space, cost, or ease-of-use requirements. 16 1.2 Outline of Thesis This thesis is divided into distinct, yet interrelated chapters. The introductory chapter discusses a brief history of chromatographic development, a survey of the basic instrumentation and chemical processes that govern the chromatographic process, and a discussion of stochastic perturbation techniques as applicable to chromatography. Chapter 2 builds off previous models of gas chromatography by simulating stochastic perturbation chromatography and investigating the benefits of this methodology. Chapter 3 describes the first implementation of stochastic perturbation chromatography on a retrofitted bench top gas chromatograph. Chapters 4, 5, and 6 describe the design considerations, prototypical development, and characterization of a miniature gas chromatograph. Conclusions and recommendations for further exploration in the field may be found in Chapter 7. 1.3 Development of Gas Chromatography The development of chromatographic methods dates back to the turn of the 2 0 th century, when the British Nobel-Prize winning Chemist Sir William Ramsay1 published 1 Ramsey won the Nobel Prize in 1904 for the discovery of neon, argon, krypton, and xenon, and establishing them as a new periodic category: noble gases. 17 a method for separating volatile gases and vapors by passing them through a column of cooled cocoanut charcoal [15]. Around the same time period, Russian-Italian botanist Michael Tsvet designed a method of liquid-adsorption column chromatography by separating plant pigments into colored bands and correctly identifying the cause of separation as an adsorption process [16]. Tsvet is credited with coining the term chromatography (color writing) as is now used in analytical chemistry2 Over the next century, the fundamental principles of chromatography were expanded into a variety of chromatographic instruments and techniques. A taxonomic scheme typically used to classify these discoveries separates chromatography into planar and column chromatography, referring to the geometry through which separation occurs during a chromatographic process. Column chromatography is often sub-classified into liquid and gas methods, based on the state of the carrier medium that passes through the column. This work will focus on one of these sub-categories: gas chromatography. Gas chromatography (GC), first published significantly in 1952 [17], is used to determine the purity of a particular substance or the relative concentration of species within a chemical mixture. Gas chromatographs also serve as a conduit for simulated, small-scale distillation, enabling the separation of a sample before it is input into a mass- 2 The word chromatography had previously been used as a reference to artistic techniques and painting. 18 spectrometer, a Fourier transform spectrometer, a thermogravimetric analyzer or other analytical instruments for further analysis. Commercial chromatographs have been developed over the past six decades, burgeoning into a billion dollar industry [18]. Despite their widespread use, bench top gas chromatographs still remain niche products that are rarely found outside of scientific or industrial laboratories. One reason for their limited deployment is that the majority of operating GC's require high capital expenditures, and need to be operated by a skilled technician under controlled environmental conditions. Several commercially available gas chromatographs are shown in Figure 1. Over the course of GC development, major innovations have occurred through the improvement of sensing and control techniques, the invention of new detection methods, the advancement of column chemistry used for separation, the creation of multidimensional chromatography to improve the resolution of an instrument, and innovative approaches to sample preparation. Automation has also significantly reduced operator errors. Chromatographic column lengths can vary anywhere from 1 m to 100 m, and GC's can be configured to operate using multiple detectors in both series and parallel, with automated sample handing and injection, and programmed flow and temperature control. For the current state-of-the-art, gas chromatography measurements can detect substances down to a range of parts per billion (ppb). 19 Intswr A B C Figure 1. Commercially available gas chromatographs from: (A) Agilent, Inc.; (B) Perkin Elmer, Inc.; and (C) Shimadzu, Inc. Miniaturized chromatographs are far-less common than bench top versions. Smaller gas chromatography units that have been developed previously (Figure 2) range in cost from 2,000 to 50,000 USD. Portable systems have limited battery lifetimes, limited operating parameters, and often lower sensitivities than bench top alternatives [19]. Additionally, these units often require an external gas tank, thereby increasing the mass and volume constraints. For portable GC units that operate with air as the carrier gas, the range of measureable analytes is restricted. A performance summary of both bench top and portable GC's is shown in Table 1. 20 A C B Figure 2. Portable gas chromatographs from: (A) Vernier Software & Technology, LLC; (B) Inrag, AG; and (C) Inficon, Inc. 1.4 Instrumentation and Processes 1.4.1 Instrumentation The basic components found in a gas chromatograph (Figure 3) include an injection port, a column, an axillary gas supply, flow control hardware, a detector, a column oven, and a data acquisition system. Samples typically enter the instrument through the injection port via a microliter syringe. The injection port heats or vaporizes the sample, after which it is flushed out of the injection port and through the column. The column of a gas chromatograph is usually placed within a temperature-controlled oven. Upon exiting the column, the chemical components pass through a detector and are identified based on their retention times. Retention times will vary, depending on carrier gas flow rate, column temperature, column-analyte reaction rates, and column length. 21 Table 1. Summary of performance specifications for bench top and portable gas chromatographs Size Mass Resolution Model Operating Carrier Column Gas Type Temperature (C) Detector Power Type (mm) (kg) Perkin Elmer 770 x 260 x 280 49 ppb External (various) Various 50-450 Various 2 kW Agilent (7890) 860 x 580 x 540 45 ppb External (various) Various 50-450 Various 3 kW 515 x 440 x 530 30 ppb External (GC-2010 PLUS) Vaiu3040Vros Various 30-450 Various 2k 2 kW Vernier 108 x 133 x 191 MEMS Chemicapacitive 72 W MEMS TCD 160 W Shimadzu PLUS)(various) 1.3 Hundreds of Inficon (3000 11GC) 155 x 364 x 413 16.6 10 ppm Air 11m/ MXT-1 mn 30-120 Internal (various) Capillary columns (propriety) 30-180 Packed Photovac 390 x 270 x 150 6.8 50 ppb Internal Columns 30-105 (various) PID 90 W ECD (propriety) Inrag (IGraphX) 310 x 290 x 100 3.5 100 ppm External (various) 22 Capillary columns (propriety) 30-350 MEMS TCD 60 W cj VF C Figure 3. Basic components of a gas chromatograph, including the: (A) carrier gas supply, (B) injection port, (C) microsyringe, (D) column, (E) detector, and (F) data acquisition. The boxed enclosure contains the column oven and other supporting hardware. 1.4.2 Separation The key chemical process that takes place during chromatography is the separation process. Separation occurs as the axillary gas supply, commonly referred to as the carrier gas, transports the sample through the column. A chromatographic column is typically coated with a thin film or packed with solid particles of a particular chemical substance. These coatings or packed particles are referred to as the stationary phase. The interaction between the mobile phase (the carrier gas and sample) and the stationary phase causes chromatographic separation. At the exit of the column, the sample separates into solutes or analytes. 23 The carrier gas is usually an inert, unreactive gas such as nitrogen or helium that travels at a constant rate through the column. The different chemical constituents of the sample travel with the mobile phase through the column at different rates, depending on their interactions with the stationary phase. The rate of travel of each analyte in a given sample is determined by the partition of each analyte between the mobile and the stationary phases. Partitioning is often described in terms of the distribution constant, Kc, which is also referred to as the partition coefficient. Kc is a representation of the tendency of an analyte in a sample to be attracted to the stationary versus the mobile phase. It is commonly represented as the ratio of concentrations in the stationary and mobile phases as, Kc = [C] [cIM, (1.1) where [C] refers to concentration, and subscripts s and m refer to the stationary and mobile phases respectively. K, is a temperature dependent, thermodynamic value [20]. Partitioning may occur either by adsorption of an analyte with the surface of the stationary phase, absorption of an analyte with the bulk of the stationary phase, or a combination of the two. Different stationary phases and samples types govern if the separation process occurs through absorption, adsorption, or a combination of the two. Analytes with high partition coefficients pass through the column more slowly, 24 because of their tendency to distribute themselves more in the stationary phase. The amount of partitioning determines each analyte's relative retention time, the time difference between sample injection and outlet detection, for a particular analyte. A schematic representation of the partition chromatographic separation process is shown in Figure 4. Detector Chromatogram Direction of mobile-phase flow B A Concentration of solute in B mobile phase A -YConcentration of solute in stationary phase B A BB A BB B Fraction of bed length Figure 4. The chromatographic separation process, adapted from [21]. For a sample that is initially composed of more than one analyte, each analyte will ideally have a unique partition coefficient and therefore, a different retention time. The 25 difference in retention times for each respective analyte results in a separation of the sample in the mobile phase as it elutes from the column. The power of chromatography and its development lies in this separation ability. Depending on the column configuration, thousands of samples can be separated from a single instrument [22]. An example output from a moderate number of separated peaks, often referred to as a chromatogram, is shown in Figure 5. 3 4 I,2 6 7,8 10 12 51% I u 5 10 I I's 20 -U -T 25 1 30 1 U- I a 35 40 45 Time (min.). I a a a I I 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 Figure 5. Example gas chromatograph, adapted from [17]. This chromatogram shows the different analytes found in fatty acids. Each peak represents a different analyte, and can be expressed in terms of a retention time that is related to the instrument's parameters and column type. Retention times can also conceptually be represented as retention volumes. In this regard, the retention volume is the volume of carrier gas needed to elute a given analyte. The retention time, tR and the retention volume, VR, are related to each other by the column flow rate, Fc, and the equation, 26 VR =CR -FC ( (1.2) Equation 1.2 assumes a constant flow rate. If the flow rate is not constant, the retention volume will be the integral of the time-dependent flow rate. In theory, the retention volume can then be related to the distribution constant by the equation, (1.3) VR = KC V +VM, where VM is the volume of the mobile phase. For a derivation of this relationship, see previous summaries by Cazed and Scott [23]. As the peaks from a chromatogram represents different analytes (or a combination of analytes if full separation has not occurred), each peak's height or area is proportional to amount of analyte within a given compound. In other words, the integrated area under each analyte curve will correspond to the relative concentration of each analyte with respect to the total sample. This characteristic of the chromatogram makes chromatography a powerful tool for determining constituent chemical ratios, chemical adulteration, and chemical purity. Relative areas are typically analyzed after a chromatogram is complete, through the process of normalization. For a given analyte area, A,, its relative concentration, A, is given by, 27 Ac - \2:=' lAi) 100 (1.4) where there are n total peaks within a chromatogram and i is a counting index. 1.4.3 Detector Types In gas chromatography, there are a wide variety of detectors available depending on the desired type of measurement to be taken. Chromatographic detectors vary from simple resistive element systems to elaborate spectroscopic instruments. Detector choice will determine what types of analytes can be detected within a sample, and how these analytes are treated upon exiting the chromatograph. Certain detectors are non-destructive, enabling a separated sample to be further analyzed in additional instruments upon exiting the chromatograph. Other detectors permanently alter or destroy the sample during the measurement process. Many detectors are selective to a particular type of analytes, such as halogens or sulfur compounds, while other detectors measure non-selective properties such as thermal conductivity or gas density. A brief summary of common gas chromatograph detectors is shown in Table 2. 28 Name Table 2. Gas chromatograph detector types Destructive Selectivity Thermal conductivity Universal No Gas density Universal No Flame ionization Organics Yes Photoionization Aromatics Yes Helium ionization Volatile inorganics No Thermionic N, P Yes Flame photometric S, P Yes Plasma atomic emission Metals, X, C, 0 Yes Electron capture X No Nitrogen-phosphorous N, P, X Yes Chemiluminescent S Yes N=nitrogen, P=phosphorus, S-sulfur, X=halogens The two most common detectors found in commercial gas chromatographs are the flame ionization detector (FID) and the thermal conductivity detector (TCD), both of which have sensitivities over a wide range of concentrations. Thermal conductivity detectors operate by measuring the differential thermal conductivity of the outflowing analyte gases with respect to the carrier gas. TCD's have sensitivities on the order of 10 PPM with linearity over a range of 10 4 . FID's have sensitivities up to 50 PPB with linearity over a range of 106. A major difference between these two detectors is their implementation as concentration or mass flow rate measurements. Concentration detectors, such as the TCD, measure the concentration of an analyte in a carrier gas. Mass flow rate detectors, such as the FID, measure the absolute amount of an analyte, 29 irrespective of the volume of the carrier gas. It is sometimes beneficial to operate multiple detectors simultaneously, as they can work to complement each other, depending on the types of analytes that are being analyzed. Thermal conductivity measurements are non-destructive, while FID's require that the analyte be ionized via a flame. In many cases, both TCD's and FID's will operate in series, with the TCD measuring the analytes before they are destructively measured in an FID. A common solution to destructive detectors is to split the flow of the analytes at the beginning of a detector, and redirect a portion to another instrument. 1.5 Stochastic Perturbation Chromatography One of the drawbacks in the current art of chromatography is that unlike other chemical analysis techniques such as spectroscopy and selective chemosensory systems, chromatographic measurements cannot be performed continuously. Continuous methods in chromatography could enable both the ability to sample a system as it changes and detect those changes in real-time. Traditional chromatography, however, is a serial process that involves the injection of a sample, followed by a delay period during which the sample interacts with the column, followed by a series of recorded, time-delayed peaks that produce a chromatogram. A schematic representation of the traditional injection method 30 is shown in Figure 6. Impulse Response Sample Input Gas Chromatograph Chromatogram Figure 6. Schematic representation of the traditional injection method used in gas chromatography. The total length of the chromatographic process depends on the retention times of the analytes. Retention times can vary, depending on the instrument parameters and the partition properties of the analytes and the column, from several minutes to several hours. For samples that have relatively short retention times, it is possible to obtain chromatograms in short, successive batches over time. For samples with longer retention times, however, the gas chromatograph is occupied until all of the analytes have passed through the column from a given injection. There have been several attempts to develop continuous chromatographic methods. The most common technique is to stagger or separate the sample introduction by a known time-delay, using the traditional injection method, such that a series of staggered inputs with a similar time delay will be output to a series of staggered chromatograms with the same known time delay [241. This method, however, can cause erroneous measurements if 31 column saturation occurs, or if analyte peaks overlap between samples. A second method involves passing a chromatographic medium, such as a column, through a continuous gas [25]. An alternative method to performing traditional chromatography involves applying techniques commonly used in control theory that involve the identification of unknown systems. One form of this technique, often referred to as stochastic system identification, involves the stochastic perturbation of a system's input in order to determine the impulse response of that system. The impulse response of a system is the system's response to an infinitely short pulse input of unit area. For a linear system, the impulse response contains sufficient information to identify and understand how that system will react to a given input. In theoretical chromatography, the injection time of the sample is supposed to be as short as possible, similar in signal processing to an impulse input. Therefore, under linear conditions, the resulting chromatogram from a gas chromatograph can be considered the impulse response of the system. The definition of the system, in the case of gas chromatography, includes the process of vaporizing a sample in the injection port, passing the sample through the column, and measuring the analyte output at the detector. The input to the system, in its most basic state, is the sample itself. The output is the detector signal. Under the assumption that 32 the system is linear 3 [26], it is possible to replace the traditional, single injection impulse input with a random sequence of binary inputs, and, after performing a series of mathematical operations, obtain an impulse response that is equivalent to a traditional chromatogram. A schematic representation of this stochastic perturbation chromatographic process is shown in Figure 7. Sample Input Impulse Response Gas Chromatograph Chromatogram Figure 7. Schematic representation of stochastic system identification applied to gas chromatography. Although chromatographic system identification techniques are not strictly limited to binary inputs, the use of a stochastic binary input enables fast calculations and an efficient distribution of input frequencies [271. Also, because the input is stochastic, it does not matter when in time the input and output signals are recorded for determining the impulse response. Therefore, one can determine the impulse response, for arbitrarily defined, 3 Very small and very large sample injections exhibit non-linear behavior, but moderate injections tend to be linear, if the detector is within its linear range as well. 33 moving windows, and therefore continuously compute the system's impulse response. The equations governing stochastic system identification involve a sequence of operations. Consider the variable P as representing the system input, the variable 0 representing the output, the variable n representing the number of data samples, the variable At representing the time interval between each successive data sample, the variable h representing the impulse response or chromatogram, and the variables i and j representing indices. Once the autocorrelation of the input function (1.5) and a crosscorrelation of the output and input functions (1.6) are determined, a Toeplitz matrix can be formed (1.7) from 1.6. The impulse response (1.8) of the system is then product of the inverse of the time interval, the inverse Toeplitz matrix, and the cross-correlation matrix [28]. CppZj =(Pi_ -Pi) (1.5) CPO = =1 (Pi_; (1.6) GPO (1.7) Tipi -CPO. (1.8) - Ti= CPPpj h= The resulting impulse response and the mathematical characteristics of the impulse response curve correspond to a traditional chromatogram. The method, as will be shown 34 in upcoming sections, works for both single analyte samples and multiple-analyte compounds. Stochastically perturbing a gas chromatograph can provide several benefits, the most prominent being that it enables the continuous perturbation and determination of chemical components within a sample, the relative concentrations of those components, the retention times of chemicals that interact with a chromatographic medium, and the sensitivity and correlations between the chemical components of a mixture and the various apparatus parameters of a chromatograph. Sample input is not the only parameter of the system that may be perturbed. Modulated parameters may also include the column temperature and pressure 4 . If additional variables are perturbed, such as the column temperature or the system pressure, then the respective impulse responses for those conditions can also carry additional information about the properties of the chemical mixture and the individual components of that mixture. For example, in traditional chromatography, operating the chromatograph at different temperatures can cause the constituent chemicals to elute at different rates, thereby causing a shift in retention times, peak widths, and heights. If the The partition coefficient, which ultimately governs the retention times, is a non-linear function of temperature. Stochastic temperature perturbations would therefore be carried out using non-linear stochastic system identification techniques. 4 35 impulse response of the system as a function of temperature is determined, then the retention rate peak shifts can also be determined and the chromatograph can be optimized for ideal peak separation. Another advantage of stochastic perturbation chromatography is the fact that spurious sources of noise present when performing chromatographic analysis can be greatly reduced. The operations performed to determine the impulse response are based on correlation methods. Therefore, in cases where a system's noise is uncorrelated with the input, the noise's contribution to the final impulse response will be negligible. The employment of stochastic perturbation techniques also allows for input parameter and system tuning through input shaping. For example, if a chromatogram with a broad stochastic set of frequencies is found to have a large response for a given input spectrum, the probability distribution function of the random binary input can be tailored such that more power is distributed to the most responsive portions of the system [27]. Additionally, although this method of stochastic perturbation is currently being applied to gas chromatography, it can, both conceptually and in practice, be applied to liquid, solid, HPLC, paper, and ion exchange chromatography. 36 Chapter 2 Chromatographic Simulations In order to evaluate the stochastic perturbation approach to chromatography, a computational simulation was created based on the basic input and output equations that govern gas chromatography. The simulation was then compared and calibrated against experimental chromatography results. After verification, the simulation was expanded to include system identification techniques as applied to gas chromatography. 2.1 Simulation Constructs Gas chromatography simulations are often performed using a series of equations, based on van Deemter [29], Golay [291, and Kovits retention indices [30]. These models help elucidate chromatographic behavior and the properties of chemicals. In this simulation, plate theory was used as the theoretical construct for predicting the detector output in the time domain. The first step in the simulation was to approximate the system response, due to 37 '\ partitioning, in the time domain. The partitioning that governs the chemical kinetics between the mobile and stationary phases is a statistical process, in which individual molecules can be assumed to act independently of one another. The resulting retention time, and the shape of the elution curve are an accumulated reflection of the sorption and desorption interactions of each individual molecule. In its ideal form, the elution curve can be approximated as a Gaussian curve, whose mean represents the retention time. A representative curve is shown in Figure 8. In practice, chromatographic peaks can show signs of broadening, asymmetry, and overlap, depending on sampling techniques and instrumentation parameters [31]. Specific cases like band broadening that differ from the ideal chromatographic response will not be addressed in this simulation. Tmients to points of Inflection 0.399 1.0 -Il I I I 0.20 **- 0.\ I / I'OD 3 /2 0.0 1 0 1 2\ 3 Figure 8. Example Gaussian curve, adapted from [35]. 38 Plate theory is based on the construct that a chromatographic column is composed of a series of discrete individual plates. One of the key assumptions of plate theory is that a solute is always in equilibrium between the mobile and stationary phases for a given plate5 . Working with the equilibrium equation (1.1) from the previous chapter, it can be rewritten as, Xs = KXM, (2.1) where Xs and XM are the concentrations of the stationary and mobile phases respectively, and K is the distribution coefficient. Equation 2.1 expresses the equilibrium relationship between the stationary and mobile phases for a single plate. If this equation is differentiated, the result is, dXs = KdXM. (2.2) The concentrations, XM and XS can be written in terms of mass, such that, (2.3) , Xs = and XM = M V (2.4) where ms and mm are the masses of the stationary and mobile phases respectively, and V In practice, the mobile and stationary phases are never in equilibrium. The division of a column into discrete plates allows this discrepancy to be overcome. 39 is the plate volume. Since each plate has two adjacent neighbors, the change in mass between two plates can be determined by the plate index, i, rewriting equation 2.4, such that, m = (XM (i_1) - XM (i))V. (2.5) Differentiating equation 2.5 results in, dm = (XM (i-1) - XM (i))dV- (2.6) The change in mass between two plates can also be written in terms of the change in concentration of the mobile and stationary phases, or, dm = VsdXs(i) + VMdXM(i). (2.7) Substituting equation 2.3 into 2.7 results in, dm = (VM + KVs)dXmui). (2.8) If the representations for the change in mass from equations 2.6 and 2.8 are equated, and algebraically manipulated, an expression for the changes in concentration and volume can be written as, dXM(i) dV _ XM (i-1)-X (i) (VM-KVs)dXm(i)* (2.9) In gas chromatography, it is often convenient to express the plate volume not in terms 40 of length cubed, but in terms of the plate volume. Plate volume, Vp, can be written as, Vp = VM + KVs. (2.10) Using this new definition of plate volume, it is mathematically convenient to define a new variable, v, as the ratio of the conventional column volume to the plate volume, or V (2.11) V =V.V VM+KVs Differentiating equation 2.11 results in, dv = dV VM+KVS (2.12) Substituting equation 2.12 into equation 2.9 results in a simplified representation of the changes in concentration and volume as, dXM(i) = XM (i-1) - XM (i). (2.13) Equation 2.13 can be solved through integration [23]. Due to the discrete nature of plate theory, the resulting concentration of a solute at a given plate i can be written as, Xoe-vvi (2.14) , Xyggi = I, where Xo is the initial concentration. Equation 2.14 represents the analyte distribution along a given column. The equation 41 takes a Poisson form, but as the number of plates becomes large 6 , the function closely represents a Gaussian curve. This can be shown by defining the term w as the number of plate volumes from the elution peak maximum, such that, w = v - i. (2.15) The transformation from the Poisson to the Gaussian form requires the implementation of Sterling's theorem [231. The resulting elution curve, in Gaussian form can then be written as, (v-i)2 X0 XMi) =f2-7-e (2.16) 2i. The Gaussian form of the elution curve can be transformed into various variables of interest. One such transformation is to rewrite the elution curve in the time domain [32], resulting in, A(tR-t) Xm(i) = Xoe LH 2 (2.17) where A is a constant, L is- the column length, and H is the height equivalent of a theoretical plate. The plate height, column length, and number of plates are all related by the function, 6 Columns typically have large plates counts, where i>>100. 42 N = L.L H (2.18) From equation 2.17, we see that the retention time shifts the Guassian function, while the length of the column and the theoretical plate height control the width of the elution curve, such that a longer or more efficient column results in sharper peaks. The retention time, tR, will be dependent on instrument and column parameters such as the column type, column temperature, and column flow. In the upcoming simulations, equation 2.17 was used as the time domain representation of the elution curve. Flow modeling was based on the assumption of Poiseuille flow [331, with a constant pressure drop across the column. Typical column diameters, lengths, and inlet pressures were used in determining the flow rate. The input sample mass was based on typical ranges found in the literature for bench top chromatography (0.1 pL to 50 pL). In order to calibrate and verify the system, the retention times of the simulated analytes were compared to calibration data taken on an Agilent 6890 gas chromatograph. 2.2 Traditional Chromatography Simulation Results The simulation constructs were first verified by simulating single analyte injections and observing the detector output. The simulation worked such that a larger sample input 43 resulted in an increase in the output accordingly (Figure 9). If the column length was modified, or the flow rate or temperature changed, the retention times shifted accordingly as well. It was assumed that all injections remained below the saturation threshold of the system 8x 7 10-7 -10 uL 7 -1 uL 6 I - V 0 50 100 150 Time (s) 200 ! 250 A 300 Figure 9. Flame ionization detector signal simulations of benzene, using 1 pL and 10 PL injection volumes. To simulate multi-analyte compounds, it was assumed that none of the analytes interfered with the sorption rates of the others, and that the output detector worked on the principle of superposition. For multi-solute systems with two or more analytes, 7 The simulation constructs do not account for column or detector saturation. 44 modification of the gas chromatograph parameters is often done in order to induce peak separation8, as the retention time is a temperature-dependent property that is unique to each analyte (being derived from the partition coefficient). An example multiple analyte sample is shown in Figure 10. -7 810 -phenol 7- -3-phenyl propanol -acetophenone -p-chlorophenol 6 -benzene 5 S3 V 3- 21 C0 50 100 150 Time (s) 200 250 300 Figure 10. Chromatography simulation of multiple chemicals. Each analyte has a different retention time, based on the column and instrument parameters of the simulation. 8 In chromatography, if the resolution of an instrument is low, or separation does not occur, the detector output will not be able to differentiate two overlapping peaks. In cases where partial overlap occurs, it is sometimes possible to infer the relative concentrations of the individual peaks, by recognizing that the contributing peaks are formed from a summation of the individual analytes. This method of post chromatogram analysis, however, is limited to two-analyte systems, and requires previous knowledge of the retention times. 45 From the initial simulation, the retention times, peak shapes, and peak transformations moved according to experimental observation, as a function of column length, pressure, and analyte type. Although a variety of chromatographic principles could be applied to enhance the realisticness of the simulation, it was decided that these primary qualities would sufficiently model the chromatographic process in order to evaluate if stochastic perturbation gas chromatography was possible. 2.3 Stochastic Perturbation Chromatography Simulation Results After the simulation was verified for the conventional form of chromatography, stochastic system identification techniques were applied to examine the possibility of continuously sampling and computing chromatograms. 2.3.1 Stochastic Signal Generation and Implementation To simulate the stochastic input, a random sequence of white noise that had a Gaussian probability density function was hard-limited to a binary signal. A numerical low-pass filter was then applied to the hard-limited sequence, similar to methods previously described [36]. The time constant of the filter was based on the heuristic understanding that the smallest time intervals of the binary output should be at least 25 times smaller than the system response and within the bandwidth of the input controller. 46 A plot of a simulated example random binary sequence is shown in Figure 11. 1.2 1 0.8 - 0.6 c 0.4 ED LI 0.2 0 -0.2 0 1- 2 3 4 I I 5 6 Time (s) 7 8 9 10 Figure 11. Random binary signal input. Only a portion of the total signal duration is shown. To determine the simulated time domain response of the gas chromatograph detector, the random binary input sequence was convolved with the discrete form of the time domain elution equation (2.17). An example of the resulting, simulated detector output, for a single analyte convolved with the binary input is shown in Figure 12. 47 -input_ -Output 5 CD 3 CL 0 2 CL 0 if 1f -F~1 LI 0 2 4 6 8 10 Time (s) 12 14 16 18 20 Figure 12. Simulated binary stochastic input (red) and chromatograph detector output (black). The lag between the input and the output signals, visible during the first 2 seconds, is due to the dead volume lag associated with the column. The actual lag was 40 seconds, but the first 38 seconds are not shown. The input and output have been scaled so that they can be viewed simultaneously. The impulse response of the system was then determined by implementing the equations discussed in section 1.5. A plot of the impulse response determined through stochastic system identification is shown in Figure 13. 48 2010 -IIII 18F 16 <14 C,, C:12 K 0 10 H 8 E 6 4 2 II 0 20 I 40 60 80 100 Time (s) 120 140 160 180 200 Figure 13. Impulse response computed from binary stochastic mass flow perturbations through a GC column with a flame ionization detector. The retention time and elution peak height are identical to the simulated traditional chromatogram. 2.3.2 Reducing Noise One of the advantages of stochastic perturbation techniques is the ability to reduce noise inherent in a system. Sources of noise in a chromatographic system may include temperature fluctuations, excess chemicals, and unclean columns [341. While these types of noise can be reduced through proper maintenance, if the system is to be operated outside of a controlled laboratory environment [351, it is preferred that spurious sources of noise contribute minimally to the overall chromatogram. To deal with noise inherent in the system, many commercial gas chromatographs have built-in filters that are either software or hardware based. Reducing noise without filtering offers the advantage of 49 increasing an instrument's detection limit. To prove the utility of stochastic techniques, noise simulations were performed using both'the traditional and stochastic perturbation methods. In these simulations, it was assumed that system noise was rooted in the detector itself, and had no correlation with the input sequence. It was also assumed that the noise was random, white, and did not affect the chemical kinetics between the stationary and mobile phases. Finally, it was assumed that the noise was manifested only in the detector output, and was equal to 5% . of the total detector signal9 Under these assumptions, a white noise signal with a limited amplitude was superimposed on the detector output signal of both the traditional chromatogram and the signal response from stochastic perturbation. The chromatogram from the stochastically perturbed sequence was then determined, as discussed in the previous section. A comparison of the noiseless chromatogram and noisy detector chromatograms using both traditional and stochastic perturbation methods is shown in Figure 14. 9 A noise source that has an amplitude equal to 5% of the total detector signal is highly uncommon for flame ionization detectors. The simulated noise signal was chosen, however, to show the benefits of using stochastic techniques in high-noise environments. In cases, however, where large temperature or environmentally chemical fluctuations might exist, such as oil and gas discovery, large fluctuations in environmental noise may exist. 50 -7 2cx10 18- -Noisy Detector (Traditional Processing) -Noisy Detector (Stochastic Processing) '16 --- No Noise C i 14- O12 ~10 8I E4 I 0 0 M 10 20 30 Time (s) 50 40 60 Figure 14. Noise comparison of traditional chromatography in the presence of noise and stochastic perturbation chromatography in the presence of noise. Note the drastic reduction in noise between the traditional method (magenta) and the stochastic method (green), as compared to the ideal, theoretical chromatogram (black). 2.3.3 Multiplexing Possibilities Another advantage to stochastic perturbation gas chromatography is the ability to multiplex columns and samples, and to perturb multiple instrument parameters at once. The stochastic methods discussed in this work are based on the correlation between the input and the output signals. Therefore, if there is a system with multiple inputs and those inputs are independent of each other 10 , the resulting impulse responses relating the 10 Ideally, multiple inputs will not just be independent of each other, but orthogonal. 51 output with each respective input will be unique. This enables, for example, the ability to perturb the sample input, the column temperature, and the column pressure simultaneously, as long as the three input signals are independent. This also enables the possibility of multiplexing 1 several columns or several samples simultaneously. A schematic of multiplexing possibilities is shown in Figure 15. Pressure Temperature Modulation Modulation Property r Modulation Gas Chromatograph Cohunin 1 IAW A[, J Sample 1 3 IFIJ_1FJ1PI I Sample 2 OK Column 2 3 Columin Sample n q i n-q-r + n*q Figure 15. Multiplexing possibilities. Each sample is injected according to its own, independent binary sequence. 11 It should be noted that this technique, while multi-dimensional in describing the system inputs, is entirely different from N by N multi-dimensional chromatography. In the latter case, the output of a column is sampled into an additional column, resulting in multiple separation processes. N by N chromatography is used to improve the resolution of a chromatographic system, or of a particular subset of analytes. 52 If each of the system inputs is independent of the others, the system will yield a certain number of impulse responses, N, according to the equation: 2.1 N = n - q(1+ r), where n is the number of independent samples, r is the number of instrument parameters that are modulated, and q is the number of columns. The (1 +r) derives from the fact that a chromatogram can be obtained, even if no instrument parameters are modulated apart from the sample mass. Multiplexing was integrated into the simulation based on the injection of two different samples with different retention times and elution characteristics. The samples were injected simultaneously into the same column, according to their respective binary input sequences. Both samples shared the same detector. A plot of the detector output, and the contributions that each sample made to the total output, are shown in Figure 16. The chromatogram for each respective sample input was computed by the same methodology as described in section 2.3.1, resulting in two chromatograms, one for each stochastically perturbed sample input. The respective chromatograms from each independent sample, super-imposed, are shown in Figure 17. Data from the original theoretical elution curves were compared to these results, to verify accurate retention times, areas under the curves, and peak widths. A larger baseline noise was observed when using the multiplexing method, but the baseline noise was only observed in areas where 53 no elution response existed. 8x 10-9 -Contribution -Contribution 7 from Sample 1 from Sample 2 Response 66) -Total C 05- 4-- 05 CD - (D03- 2 1 10 3 6 5 4 8 7 10 9 Time (s) Figure 16. Superimposed flame-ionization detector responses from multiplexed samples. The total response of the detector (black) is observed, while the two contributive signals from U75 sample one (blue) and sample two (green) are plotted for illustrative purposes. 9X 108 -Sample 1 -Sample 7- 2 .6- c. 5 -- - -CO 3 E 21 -0 C0 100 150 Time (s) 260 250 300 The impulse responses of two samples injected simultaneously and independently into the same gas chromatograph. The respective elution curves were determined by independently processing the total gas chromatograph detector output for Figure 17. each respective input. As the sampling time increased, the baseline noise dropped to zero. 54 Simulations were also run with two single-analyte samples, multiplexed on a single column, and two dual-analyte samples multiplexed on two columns simultaneously. Results from these various scenarios were quantified by taking the Variance Account For (VAF) of the simulated signals, in comparison with the theoretical expectations. Results of the VAF's are shown in Figure 18. The VAF's suggest that computing the impulse response from more complex samples (i.e. with more analytes) requires more data than with simple samples. Additionally, multiplexing samples, or multiplexing columns, introduces more variance into the system. In all cases, however, the VAF's of the simulations were found to approach unity over time. Simpler samples, however, approached unity significantly more quickly. 1 0.9 L_ 0 U- 0.80.7- -0 0.60.5- 0 0.4- -Single Analyte -Dual Analyte -Two Samples Multiplexed -Two Samples + Two Columns Multiplexed 0 200 400 600 800 Normalized Chromatogram Length 1000 Figure 18. Variance Accounted For of various stochastic perturbation chromatography simulations. The normalized chromatogram length refers to the length of data taken, divided by a length equivalent to one chromatogram using the traditional injection method. 55 Chapter 3 Bench Top Implementation 3.1 Instrumentation To prove the validity of the simulation results that applied stochastic system identification techniques to chromatography, the process was also implemented on a retrofitted Agilent 6890 gas chromatograph. In order to enable stochastic perturbations, the injection port on the instrument was modified by replacing the traditional, automated syringe injection system with a computer-controlled nanoliter injection system. The computer-controlled injection system was composed a linear actuator, an airtight syringe, a cooling system and a controller. A Zaber T-LA60A Series linear actuator with a built in controller was used to control the syringe piston's position. This actuator was chosen based on a combination of its force output (15 N), its stroke length (60 mm), and its small step size (0.1 pm). The typical, total stroke length of a microsyringe is around 40 mm. Coupling the Zaber system to a typical syringe resulted in an injection control volume, dependent on the syringe volume, as low as to 2.5 picoliters as shown in Table 3. 56 Table 3. Syringe injection volumes Max VMex 1 IpL 10 1L 100 pL 1 250 11L 500 piL 1000 pL Min VMen 2.5 pL 25 pL 0.25 nL 0.625 nL 1.2 nL 2.5 nL Volume Volume The actuator and syringe were mounted on a custom frame that included a vertical collar that held the syringe at a specified height that prevented it from moving during injections. Two lateral cooling blocks maintained the needle and the base of the syringe at a constant temperature, offsetting any heat conduction originating from the injection port. The Zaber actuator was coupled to the syringe only through mechanical contact, as the backpressure on the syringe plunger from the injection port caused the piston to maintain contact with the distal end of actuator shaft. The mounting system for the injection controller is shown in Figure 19. The Zaber actuator was controlled by a custom-built script written LabVIEW. The system operated under closed-loop control at a maximum bandwidth of 200Hz. During operation, the position of the actuator was recorded, via LabVIEW, from the actuator's built-in encoder. 57 1ml syringe I - E. Aluminum cooling block Figure 19. Automated injection system, composed of the: (A) Zaber linear actuator, (B) support and mounting hardware, (C) microsyringe, (D) thermoelectric leads for cooling system, and (E) syringe tip. After mounting the injection system on the bench top device, samples were injected into the gas chromatograph at stochastic intervals, according to a randomly generated 58 binary array. A value of one from the binary array indicated an injection of a specified amount. A value of zero indicated no injection. The actuator was tested under two different injection-operating configurations. The first configuration involved controlling the Zaber actuator to deliver a constant volume injection over a specified time interval. In the second configuration, the linear actuator moved at a constant speed for a specified duration. In both cases the shortest interval was 50 ms, based on the baud rate and response time of the controller. No noticeable differences in the performance 12 of the actuator were observed under both operating conditions (constant linear displacement or constant speed). The Agilent 6890 GC was fitted with a 30 m capillary column (HP-5ms), and operated under the conditions shown in Table 4. Injection Injection Port PortPort Port Pressure Temperature Table 4. Agilent 6280 settings Column Column Temperature Flow Deetr Split Vetnto Vent Helium 200 0C 213 kPa 150 0C 14.8 FID 20:1 mL/min Performance was quantified by comparing the position of the actuator from the encoder with an externally mounted linear variable differential transformer (LVDT, Shaevitz MHR 005 Series). The LVDT was sampled at 1 kHz. 12 59 The linear actuator system was mounted vertically onto the injection port of the Agilent bench top GC, as shown in Figure 20. The syringe needle height was adjusted such that the needle tip was at approximately the same height as a standard automated injection. A new septum was used for each test, and tests were limited to 1.5 hours or less. Prolonged piercing of the septum while the injection port was held at an elevated temperature caused permanent damage to the septum over time. Although the septum was replaceable, some of the longer duration tests (greater than 2 hours) showed a modest drop in injection port pressure, or reduced signal responses for the same input. Both of these observations were indications that some of the volatile sample was escaping through the injection port septum. Data from these initial tests were discarded. Controllers Figure 20. Bench top implementation of stochastic perturbation chromatography. Two personal computers control the gas chromatograph and injection port system. The inset (red outline) shows an enlarged view of the syringe entering the injection port. 60 The stochastic sample perturbation system was tested with both single analyte samples and multi-analyte samples, to validate that the stochastic system identification process yielded the same results as the traditional GC injection methodology. An example plot of the input and output signals from the bench top setup is shown in Figure 21. From initial tests, it was observed that at the beginning, the FID signal moved above the baseline, and remained above the baseline until after the last perturbation passed through the column. It was possible to keep the lower limit of the signal response closer to zero13 , but that required smaller injection volumes or a longer time constant when filtering the input signal. Both of these methods in turn reduced the amplitude of the signal. Instead of targeting a small baseline, the injection volume was modified such that the output signal took full advantage of the dynamic range of the detector. At too small a volume, the signal to noise ratio was higher. At too large a volume, the detector became saturated. The injection volume, therefore, was determined experimentally after the 4 . filtered binary sequences were determined 1 Flame ionization detectors will not drop below zero, unless the entirely polarity of the ionization bias is reversed. 1 Any set of binary sequences created according to the methods described in Chapter 2 should be sufficiently similar, if they are filtered with the same time constant, to work with different injection volumes. 61 - ~ut np tput 98- 4' - 6 -I 3 -111? 0 10 5 15 Time (min) Figure 21. Input (red) and output (blue) signals from bench top gas chromatograph using stochastic binary perturbation. The input signal indicates the state of the injector, while the output signal was recorded directly from the flame ionization detector. 3.2 Results A plot of the chromatogram obtained on the bench top system using stochastic perturbation, computed from the sample show in Figure 21, is shown in Figure 22. The sample was composed of pentane using the instrument parameters shown in Table 4. Stochastic perturbation occurred over an eight-minute period. Each single injection was equivalent to a sample volume of 9 nL. The impulse response was determined according to the methods discussed in section 1.5. The retention time, peak width, and peak height 62 corresponded with the traditional chromatographic methodology. 9nn, 180 - 160 () 140 CO 120100- . CL 80604020 0 ~&V~AA ~ 50 0 Time (s) 150 100 Figure 22. Single solute chromatogram, determined using stochastic perturbation methods on an Agilent 6890 gas chromatograph. A second experiment was also performed to determine whether stochastic perturbation worked with samples that contained more than one analyte, and, if the relative areas of the peaks in a multi-analyte sample could be accurately determined using the stochastic perturbation method. In this regard, a controlled, two-analyte sample was tested using a 1:4 ratio of pentane to heptane. The instrumentation conditions were the same as with the single injection experiment. The resulting chromatogram is shown in Figure 23. From the plot, the areas of under the retention curves were determined using numerical 63 integration. The relative concentrations were found to be 19.4% and 80.6%, within the experimental errors of the GC instrument and in the same proportion to the traditional GC method. 16C I I II *Heptane *Pentane 1 40+ 1201000 0L C. 80- C- 60- E 40200 -2 1 0 I 40.5 41 I 41.5 Time (s) II 42 42.5 43 Figure 23. Chromatogram of relative concentrations for two-analyte sample measured using the stochastic perturbation method. The areas under each elution curve correspond to the calibrated, relative concentrations of heptane and pentane. 64 Chapter 4 Design Considerations 4.1 Design Elements Once it was determined that stochastic perturbation gas chromatography was possible, implementation of a miniaturized gas chromatograph began. Before designing a miniaturized gas chromatograph to meet the objectives discussed in the introduction, the major components and operational characteristics of a high-performance bench-top gas chromatograph were analyzed. These components included the: 1. Injection port 2. Column 3. Detector 4. Gas sources and flow control 5. Sample injection control 65 6. Thermal components and control After this analysis, a series of parameters, restrictions, and objectives guided the progressive designs through five device generations of the micro gas chromatograph (pGC). Design principles, high volume manufacturability considerations, component costs and ease of assembly were all considered, and are discussed in the proceeding sections. 4.1.1 Injection Port Sample input, either in the solid, gaseous or liquid state, typically enters a sealed gas chromatograph through the injection port. For solid samples, the material of interest is often dissolved into a solute, preferably one that adds little or known chemical analytesi5 The dissolved sample is then passed through the injection port, vaporized, and passed through the column. Liquid samples follow the same process, whereby the sample is flash vaporized before entering the column1 6 . For gaseous samples, the main requirement is that the injection port maintains the necessary temperature and pressure so that no condensation occurs. If the sample enters as a liquid, flash vaporization is the preferred method of inducing 5 Solutes can vary by detector so that they do not affect the resulting chromatogram. 16 Allowing the sample to pass through the column in the liquid state can cause column saturation, or short- term and long-term degradation of the stationary phase. 66 a phase change. In order to induce flash vaporization, the injection port temperature must be kept above the boiling point of all of the solutes in the sample 7 . At the same time, the injection port walls must be kept below a temperature at which chemical decomposition or chemical rearrangement may occur 18 . The injection port thermal control is therefore guided by, boiling point < injection port temperature < sample degradation. Injection ports are commonly configured as on column ports or separate mechanical ports, as shown schematically in Figure 24. For both on column and separate component configurations, a self-sealing, high temperature polymer septum typically separates the injection port from atmospheric conditions. For best results, the injection duration should be as short as possible, and the septum seal should be broken for as short a time as possible, so as to avoid contaminating the sample with air or other environmental species. Additionally, it is preferred that the syringe needle through which most injections are made never comes into direct contact with the stationary phase of the column, because A general rule of thumb is to maintain the injection point at 50 *C above the maximum boiling point of the analytes. 18 For most commercial GC's, the injection port temperature operates between 50 0C and 450 'C. 17 67 of both the fragility of the stationary phase and the possibility of contamination. In the on column configuration, the sample is injected directly into a vacant space at the start of the column, before encountering the stationary phase. Vaporization takes place directly on the column. Flow and column purging are typically controlled with a sealed fitting on the column end. On column ports provide a reduced part count to the overall instrument and typically have low dead space volumes. Typically they operate exclusively in the splitless injection mode, and are therefore limited in their capabilities to serve as pre-concentrators or pre-diluters. ON COLUMN INJECTION PORT SEPERATE INJECTION PORT L Septum -- + Purge Outlet Carrier Purge Outlet Syringe Needle Inlet Syringe Needle I Septum _. Vaporization] Chamber Split Outlet Carrier Inlet Vaporization Glass Liner Chamber Column - Column Ji Figure 24. Typical injection port types found on gas chromatographs: the separate injection port was adopted from [35]. The on column injection port was adopted from [36]. For separate mechanical injection ports, mixing chambers, additional temperature 68 controls, and some aid in both the vaporization process and sample protection are common. Separate injection ports have larger dead volumes than on column ports, but are able to operate in splitless or split mode. On column injection ports simplify and reduce the part count, but they also simplify the capabilities and versatility of the gas chromatograph. For example, it is often desired to keep the injection port temperature constant, even if the column temperature is modulated. An on column injection port may restrict injections to steady state temperature modes if it is not fitted with an independent heaiter. Additionally, on column injections work well for larger, packed columns, but poorly for capillary columns. In considering this, on column injection ports tend to limit the column type that could be used in the miniature gas chromatograph. For these reasons, a separate injection port was chosen. A separate injection port allows for the independent control of the injection port and the column temperature, thereby enabling the instrument to operate under a broader range of thermal conditions. A separate injection port also enables the possibility of sealing a permanent injection line to the system. In place of a consumable, self-sealing polymer, it will be possible to create a design based on a ferrule system that seals either an injection syringe or a supply line. In terms of micro gas chromatograph (1 iGC) development, the first and second 69 generation ipGC's used standard fittings as injection ports. In generation III, a dedicated injection port was designed and fabricated. In generations IV and V, thermal control and sealing improvements were made to the injection port. 4.1.2 Column Different column types within gas chromatographs offer different advantages and disadvantages. From large diameter packed columns to sub-millimeter capillary columns, the geometric restrictions of a column and the pressure drop across a column can vary by orders of magnitude [361. It was therefore decided that the system would be designed to operate within the range of typical capillary and moderate diameter packed columns (250 pm to 1.69 mm). Larger column diameters were eliminated from consideration because of their weight, volume, and high flow rate requirements. One of the major drawbacks of current portable GC systems is that the column selections for these devices are limited. Typically, portable systems either make the columns non-replaceable, or use their own proprietary manufacturing to produce or integrate the column [37]. Table 5 lists the catalogue of column types for currently available portable GC's. The design presented in this thesis sought to take full advantage of the past five decades of column chemistry development by building a platform similar to a bench top chromatograph, in which the column can be obtained from third party vendors. Limited 70 column selections would result in a limited number of applications to which the PGC could be applied. Therefore, the only restriction on the column design for the 11GC was 9 . that it must have a relatively small minimum bend radius Table 5. Column options for portable gas chromatographs Vernier Inficon Photovac Inrag IGraphX Bench top Comparison (3000 micro GC) Capillary columns Yes Yes No Custom Yes Packed columns No No Yes No Yes Number of different chemical column compositions 1 12 3 7 150+ Throughout the development of the pGC, column types were changed to show both the ability of the system to operate with a variety of columns, as well as reduce the size of the final instrument. In terms of development, 1.69 mm diameter stainless steel columns were used in generation I, 3.750 mm stainless steel packed columns were used in generation II, 330 pm fused silica capillary columns were used in generation III, and 350 Pm stainless steel capillary columns were used in generation IV and generation V. 4.1.3 Detector Most portable GC units use a micro-electro-mechanical system (MEMS)-based 19 The bending radius should preferably be less than 50 mm. 71 thermal conductivity detector, because of its small size and simplicity. MEMS-based TCD's have higher sensitivities than their macroscopic equivalents [38] due to scaling effects, and also offer the advantage of being universal detectors [39] that can be operated using a single gas supply stream. Electron capture devices (ECD) are also sometimes found in portable GC's, but their use is usually limited to environmental monitoring applications for detecting halogens. Considering these limitations, along with the required use, monitoring, and transportation of radioactive substances, an ECD was not developed. One of the greatest disparities between bench top and portable gas chromatographs is the absence of flame ionization detectors in portable systems. FID's are the most common bench top detector unit, because of their high sensitivity, their wide range of linearity, and their robustness. One postulation for this discrepancy is that FID's are less common in portable units because of the need to transport hydrogen. As discussed in the upcoming section, a solution to the hydrogen transportation issue is proposed so that an FID can be integrated into the pGC system. Considering this, and the current art of portable GC's, a TCD was chosen as a candidate detection system developed for the PGC in generation I and generation II. A portable, fully integrated flame ionization detector was used in generations III, IV, and V. 72 4.1.4 Gas Sources and Flow Control The carrier gas source is one of the most important components that affect the quality of a measurement in gas chromatography. Ideally, the carrier gas will be a highly pure, inert gas. Contaminants to the carrier gas cause decomposition and corrosion of the column's coating, as well as build-up within the detector, leading to decreased system sensitivity. An additional challenge associated with carrier gases is the support needed for external, pressurized gas tanks. Most portable systems use a small canister of carrier gas concealed within the instrument's housing [40], adding significant mass and volume to the units. Certain portable systems use air as the carrier gas [41], but this greatly limits the accuracy of the instrument and the type of chemical that can be analyzed. Common carrier gases include helium, hydrogen, and nitrogen. Carrier gas choice is typically guided by the type of detector used: for thermal conductivity detectors, helium is often the first choice because of its high thermal conductivity; for flame ionization detectors, helium, nitrogen, or hydrogen is often preferred; for less common detectors like an electron capture detector, oxygen-free nitrogen is preferred. Of all of the candidates discussed, air is the only readily available carrier that requires a simple pump. Helium cannot be produced using portable equipment, and nitrogen extraction from air is an energy-intensive and bulky operation [42]. This thesis proposes to use hydrogen as the carrier gas, generated via electrolysis 73 within the 11GC instrument. This design choice will enable the production of highly pure hydrogen without the need to carry or refill an external tank. Using a closed gas production system will significantly reduce contamination, and will make replacing the carrier gas as easy as filling the instrument up with deionized water A disadvantage to using hydrogen is its flammability hazard. For the scale of the pGC, however, this is of less concern because a) the hydrogen may be combusted upon passing through the detector if an FID is implemented, b) the quantity of hydrogen produced is small, around 25 mL/min, and c) hydrogen sensors are now available as lowcost, solid-state devices [431, allowing for safety mechanisms to be put in place to monitor for leaks and cut off hydrogen production in the event of an emergency. Constant carrier gas flow is a critical factor in being able to reproduce chromatograms, and being able to use the chromatograph for identification purposes. The control of the carrier flow rate will affect the accuracy of measurement, as the retention times are based on the linear velocity of the carrier gas with respect to the inlet and outlet of the column. Flow rates depend on the column diameter, length, and temperature, and may vary anywhere from tens of microliters to several milliliters per minute [44]. If the samples are to be injected stochastically, there is also the possibility of slight fluctuations in column pressure due to the pressure caused by flash vaporization of the sample. Furthermore, 74 20 changes in the column temperature will give rise to changes in the flow rate To address these issues, either the varying flow rate must be take into account during calculations of the chromatogram, or constant flow must be maintained in real-time via closed loop control of the carrier gas pressure. Both approaches may be applied to the 1iGC system, depending on the magnitude of such fluctuations. One possibility is to provide flow control by adjusting the output of the hydrogen electrolysis source [45]. A second possibility is to add an additional reservoir and micro-pump to control the carrier gas pressure. Both of these options were considered. The design permits, if required by the end user, to allow for external gas tanks or feeds to replace on-board hydrogen production. In generation I through generation III, external tanks were used for flow control. In generation IV and generation V, integrated hydrogen generation was used for the detector gases by including polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) electrolyzers. If scaled, the PEM system could provide sufficient pressure for the carrier gas as well. 4.1.5 Sample Injection System Sample injection control is crucial to both bench top and portable GC systems. The flow rate will decrease as the column temperature increases due to the increased viscosity of the carrier gas. 2 75 Although bench top systems typically allow for manual control, in the laboratory environment the use of an automatic sample handler and injector is common. Automation reduces the risk of external contamination, and also ensures, when comparing samples, that the injection volume and injection duration remain consistent. The speed and accuracy of sample injection is incredibly important for resolving the peaks of a gas chromatograph [46], as slow injections will result in poor peak separation, while inaccurate injections will bias the results. In the portable GC design, the sample will be injected into the column as a binary (on/off) sequence, because of the use of stochastic perturbations of the sample input when implementing system identification methods. For these reasons, the accuracy, speed, and repeatability of the automated injections are critical. For the current design, the smallest injection volumes must be in the nanoliter range, while the total injection amount is preferably, at least 6 orders of magnitude higher. The restriction on the minimum injection amount was discussed previously, and comes from the potential pitfalls associated with column saturation, detector saturation, and poor vaporization [47]. Oversaturating the column will result in samples that pass through the column without separating. Oversaturating the detector will result in an inability to quantify the peaks of the chromatogram. Typically, saturation limits will be determined by the column and detector characteristics, and therefore, will have to be considered after 76 a column and detector are chosen. For generations I through V, the Zaber linear actuator injection system that was discussed in section 3.1 was used. If needed, it would be possible to switch to a smaller linear actuator such as a squiggle motor [48], and obtain the same positioning resolution, albeit with a shorter total stroke length. In the case where the pGC is used for monitoring systems continuously, the injection system could be replaced with a valve-controlled direct line to the sample of interest. 4.1.6 Thermal Components The thermal system that regulates the temperature of various components of a gas chromatograph is critical to both the consistency of the measurement and the overall size of the instrument. In bench top gas chromatographs, the column oven typically occupies 60% to 70% of the total volume. To address this size constraint, two heating schemes have been developed that will work for any column type discussed in the previous section. For metallic columns, joule heating will be applied directly to the columns. For fused quartz columns, resistive wire elements will act as heaters, causing heat transfer through both conduction and IR absorption. In both heating schemes, the objective is to keep heating as localized as possible and within the temperature range of most columns (25 C to 450 *C). Localized heating will reduce the unintentional heating of other components while improving the thermal response time. For generation I, no heating system was used. 77 For generations II through V, joule heating was implemented. 4.2 Summary In summary, the pGC should be guided by the following design components: 1. Injection Port a. Separate component b. Operating temperature range of 25 0C to 500 0 C c. Chemically inert d. Adaptable to capillary and packed columns e. Sealed through compression fittings (without septum) 2. Column a. Maximum bend radius of 50 mm b. Maximum diameter of 3.175 mm 3. Detector a. TCD or FID 4. Gas Sources and Flow Control a. Adaptable to multiple gas types b. On-board hydrogen production preferred 5. Sample Injection System 78 a. High bandwidth (greater than 50 Hz) b. Long stroke length (preferably near 50 mm) c. Small step size 6. Thermal Components and Control a. Operating temperature range of 25 C to 500 0 C b. Replaceable and localized c. Controllable down to 0.1 C d. Small volumetric footprint 7. Structural and Mechanical Hardware a. Robust enough to withstand transportation and vibration 8. Power Requirements a. Battery operated b. Comparable with other portable gas chromatographs 79 Chapter 5 Prototype Development of Micro Gas Chromatograph (pGC) 5.1 Generation I pGC The first generation micro gas chromatograph was based on a proof-of-concept thermal conductivity detector. Thermal conductivity detectors are concentration dependent detectors, such that the response of the detector is proportional to the concentration of the mobile phase with respect to the reference carrier gas. Scaling and size reduction for thermal conductivity detectors exploits this phenomena, and can result in increased levels of sensitivity [49] and improvements in signal to noise ratios [501. The basic configuration of a TCD is shown in Figure 25. 80 SAMPLE GAS V, V REFERENCE GAS Figure 25. Full bridge thermal conductivity detector. The reference gas and sample gas pass through opposing legs of the bridge, improving the overall sensitivity of the device. Thermal conductivity detectors are often operated in a full bridge configuration, under differential conditions in which the thermal conductivity of the carrier gas is measured against the thermal conductivity of the eluents. These two gas streams are passed through diagonal bridge sensors to double the sensitivity of the measurement [51]. Table 6 lists the thermal conductivities of a variety of gases. Although TCD's can operate as single cell systems, the lack of a reference stream measurement makes these systems susceptible to errors, especially as environmental conditions fluctuate. At the very least, a two-cell configuration is recommended, while a four-cell configuration yields the best results. In differential mode, there are various methods that can be used to measure the thermal conductivity, including the use of sensitive thermistors [52], hot wire filaments [19], ultrasonic detectors [531, and optical devices [54]. The most common technique for commercial bench top TCD's includes the use of hot-wire filaments. In recent years 81 1. however, MEMS TCD's have shown great promise to replace hot-wire filament TCD's, operating under the same measurement principle but at a reduced volumetric scale. For this thesis, the high capital and temporal costs involved in developing and manufacturing a MEMS TCD lead to exploring alternative methods of producing a low-cost TCD out of off-the-shelf components. Table 6. Thermal conductivity of various gases Thermal Conductivity W/m-K (300 K) Helium 0.142 Hydrogen 0.168 Methane 0.030 Oxygen 0.024 Propane 0.015 Nitrogen 0.024 The first TCD prototype was based off a highly sensitive thermistor. The thermistor2 1 was chosen based on its fast response time (500 ms), small size (360 jim), and low-cost. Typical thermistor-based TCD designs are bulky, due largely to the mechanical mounts 21 Honeywell 111 Series thermistor 82 that hold the thermistor in place. In the first generation design, the total volume was minimized by suspending the thermistor between two adjacent stainless steel tubes, as shown in Figure 26. The tube tips were coated with a thin layer (1 pm) of Parylene@ so as not to add a resistive path across the thermistor leads. _iA Figure 26. Suspended thermistor thermal conductivity detector. Enlargement on the left shows a 360 pm diameter thermistor, ready to be sealed within glass tubes. The photo on the right shows concentrically aligned stainless steel tubes with inlet and outlet union fittings. Gold foil served as the thermistor's electrical leads. Initial tests with the single cell TCD system showed that the thermistor was highly sensitive to small fluctuations in flow and changes in gas type. Consequently, a four-cell version was built, based on an integrated mechanical printed circuit board (PCB) design. 83 One of the challenges associated with the suspended thermistor design was being able to ensure proper vertical alignment of the adjacent tubes. To accomplish this with offthe-shelf fittings, a series of custom hanging mounts where manufactured that maintained the center of the fittings with the vertical top plane of the PCB. An example alignment mount is shown in Figure 27. Figure 27. Custom vertical alignment mount. A four legged bridge configuration was then integrated into the parallel mounting of four suspended thermistor cells, as shown in Figure 28. All tubing for the four-cell TCD was 1.69 mm, type 304 stainless steel. Tube diameter specifications were chosen in order to minimize the dead volume within each leg of the detector. Symmetry in the design came from the preferred identical flow requirements of each cell. Two T-shaped adapters were used for the reference and mobile phase streams. Two trim capacitors were also used to adjust for any inherent resistive biases in the 84 thermistors. I L]i 10 mm Figure 28. Four cell thermistor-based TCD with PCB integration. A combined setup of the first generation iGC with the full bridge detector is shown in Figure 29. Two 1.69 mm diameter columns, each of 0.3 m in length, were created such that the path from the carrier gas separator to the TCD thermistors was the same for both the separating column and the reference column. Both columns were lightly packed with desiccated TIDE ® detergent, which has been shown act as a simple separating agent [29]. For the injection port, a simple T-shaped connector with a septum seal was used. 85 Figure 29. First generation piGC, composed of the: (A) helium gas tank, (B) injection port controller and data acquisition system, (C) carrier gas pressure monitor, (D) injection port actuator, and (E) full bridge TCD. The system was tested with 1 Ill stochastic injections of pentane over a 6-minute period. Results from the first series of tests are shown in Figure 30. The first generation 1iGC showed that it was possible to use stochastic methods with a TCD, and that miniaturization using low-cost thermistors was possible. The PGC detector, however, showed considerable drift over a long period of time. Because of the high sensitivity of the thermistors, the system was also noisy in the presence of small thermal fluctuations from the surrounding environment. Both of these sources of noise contributed to the overall noise of the system, resulting in poor results as evident from the large baseline noise visible in Figure 30. If a longer sample was obtained, the baseline 86 noise would be invariably reduced, as shown in the simulations. However, because the piGC is designed to operate in both stochastic and tradition injection modes, the high noise level was found to be unacceptable. Taking these results into consideration, along with the mechanical fragility of the thermistors, a redesign of the TCD can be found generation II, discussed in the upcoming section. 6 A- 4 CU 2 313- 0 -2 0 5 Time (s) Figure 30. Single solute (pentane) chromatogram, perturbation methods on the first generation 1iGC. 10 determined using stochastic 5.2 Generation II pGC The second generation micro gas chromatograph prototype took the concepts from the first generation thermal conductivity detector, and addressed several of the issues associated with reducing drift and keeping the sensory unit at a constant temperature. 87 Due to the fragility of the small thermistors in the previous generation design, the TCD sensor system was changed from a thermistor based sensor to a hot wire filament design. Typical hot wire systems are bulky (see Figure 31), and costly, where a single filament can range anywhere from 100 to 500 USD. To reduce these costs, it would be possible to create filaments using raw materials (such as thinly drawn tungsten wire), but making electrical contact with custom filaments is challenging. However, miniature light bulbs often have finely drawn wire, are readily available, and cost nearly one-tenth the price of a regular filament while offering similar performance. 10 mm Figure 31. Typical, commercially available TCD filament. Several off-the-shelf miniature light bulbs were examined as possible candidates for TCD filaments. A summary of their properties is shown in Table 7. Scanning electron microscopy images in conjunction with micrometer measurements were used to estimate the filament diameters. 88 Table 7. Properties of various light bulb filaments 70 Filament Diameter (Im) 100 Cost (USD) 2 #24X 70 100 1.5 #74 13.5 175 1.2 6418LL 3.4 2.2 5.5 211-2 1.2 3.5 2.5 Bulb Type Resistance (n) #24E Thinner filament diameters were desirable due to the fact that thin filaments are more resistive for a given length of the same material, and therefore will exhibit a larger change in resistance. Also, the sensitivity of a filament increases as its size decreases [38], determined by its heat capacitance and overall mass [39]. The #24 Series bulbs were found to be the best candidates for TCD filaments, because of their resistive properties, their filament sizes, and their overall cost. Certain precautions should be taken when creating hot-wire systems to prevent overheating and ensure that over excitation of the filaments is avoided. For the #24 Series bulbs, the thermal-electrical behavior was observed by applying successively larger amounts of power to a test filament while monitoring its thermal characteristics (see Figure 32). A type A40 FLIR camera recorded surface temperature. The filaments were tested until the filament burnt out from overheating. 89 600 0 500C) 400 0~ 300 U>) 2001001 'aI 0 . . . . I . . E 0.4 0.2 Power (W) 0.6 Figure 32. Type 24E, 28 V bulb filament response. The results show an approximate logarithmic relationship between the bulb's surface temperature and the input power. The nonlinear change in temperature as a function of input power suggests the bulb behaves in a similar manner to a diode. What is more critical to note, however, is that the bulb temperature needs to remain below 250 C in order to avoid causing permanent damage to the filament. In order to prepare an off-the-shelve bulb to be used in the TCD, the filament's metallic casing was first carefully removed by soaking the bulb in acetone to break down the casing adhesive. The glass outer bulb structure of the filaments were then removed by using a custom built, miniature, 3-axis attachment in conjunction with a diamond band saw. The rotating bulb, when cut with the band saw, cleanly removed of the bulb 90 shell (Figure 33). The remaining bulb housing and filament were then rinsed and soaked in ethanol for 12 hours and deionized water for an additional 12 hours. The bulb filaments were then air-dried for another 24 to 36 hours. The resulting, exposed filament is shown in Figure 34A. Figure 33. Rotary attachment for bulb removal, composed of the: (A) diamond blade saw, (B) DC motor and gearbox, (C) motor speed controller, and (D) dual axis stage attachment. In practice, hot wire filaments are either plug fitted or thread fitted onto the thermal conductivity detector housing, because they must be able to withstand high temperatures, and also maintain a seal under moderate pressures. Due to the relatively large volume that threaded systems require, a series of plugs were designed and molded (see Figure 34) through the use of high-temperature silicone (Smooth-On, Mold Max 60). Silicone was 91 chosen for its elastic properties, its high temperature resistance, and its relative chemical inertness. The fitting dimensions of the silicone molds were determined experimentally, resulting in light press fits between the TCD housing and the filament bulb structures. The TCD housing was tested up to 100 kPa (well above the actual operating pressure of the TCD) and at 250 C, in order to ensure the fittings maintained their seal under elevated temperatures and pressures. Pressure measurements were monitored using an absolute pressure transducer 22 5 mm bi A B C Figure 34. Filament manufacturing process. After the bulb housing is remove (A), silicon molds (B) were made. The final filament was then plugged into the TCD housing, shown as a frontal view (C). The housing for the TCD was made out of high purity copper because of its high thermal conductivity. The bulbs were arranged in a linear configuration, such that the 22 Omega PX303 Series 92 measurement filaments were as close to each other as possible. Ferruled fittings were used for the input and output gas streams. The TCD housing, and filament configuration within the housing are shown in Figure 35. Figure 35. Copper block TCD. Three views of the copper housing (above), and a CAD drawing and actual assembly (below), show the layout of the TCD. The housings of thermal conductivity detectors are typically held well above room temperature, and preferably at or above the column temperature so as to avoid condensation of the eluents. For thermal conductivity detectors, the stability of the TCD 93 housing significantly affects the quality of the signal [20]. The copper block TCD was therefore controlled by a multi-stage, stacked heating scheme that included two outer stainless steel plates, two nickel-chromium (NiCr) polyimide heaters, and two 10 W thermoelectric coolers (TEC). The TEC's were added so that active cooling could take place, if necessary. Thermal control was developed and built for the system through the use of a specialized integrated circuit (IC)2 3 that had built-in proportional-integral-derivative (PID) and pulse-width-modulated (PWM) control. The outer resistive heaters were controlled by a PID-PWM control scheme developed in LabVIEW. A photo of the stacked TCD heating system is shown in Figure 36. Figure 36. Stacked TCD heating system. The second generation micro gas chromatograph was the first apparatus to include 23 Maxim 1979 IC 94 direct joule heating. The column2 4 was heated by applying a high power, DC signal across its length. In order to accomplish this, the sample and the reference columns had to be electrically isolated from all other components. Isolation was implemented by sealing the columns between the carrier gas source and the thermal conductivity detector through the use of high temperature Teflon ferrules. The columns were carefully aligned in the axial direction such that the ferrules served as electrical insulators between the carrier gas fittings and the TCD housing. An image of the assembled second generation 1 IGC is shown in Figure 37. Once sealed and isolated, a high current DC voltage was applied to the ends of the column. Due to the thickness of the tubing, a high power amplifier was needed in order to heat the column significantly. An example thermal image of the heat distribution is shown in Figure 38. The filament designed TCD worked significantly better than the Generation I TCD. The bridge output was more stable, due in part to the active temperature control of the TCD housing, and the more stable nature of the filaments. The second generation pGC, however, still underperformed when compared to a bench RESTEK-80442: Packed Column, 10% Rtx-1 Silcoport W 100/120, 2 mm ID 95 top device, and while the cost of the system was drastically reduced2 5 , the size of the TCD did not scale well. One of the limiting scaling factors was the filament bulb plug housing, which could not be eliminated without having to create custom-built filaments. Another scaling factor was related to the TCD thermal control system. It would have been possible to use smaller resistive heaters and TEC's, but these components also had limited heating and cooling capabilities that were not sufficient for maintaining the TCD at the necessary temperature. Additionally, from a volumetric and power consumption perspective, the second generation TCD was not on an effective path towards creating a truly portable gas chromatograph. Even at a reduced size, the TCD housing would still have required a significant amount of power to heat it, its mass would have been large, and the required supporting hardware would have limited the smallest possible footprint of the device. It was therefore decided that the third generation device would be based on a flame ionization detector, a smaller column, and an improved injection port. The device mounting techniques, thermal systems, and control schemes would be taken from generation I and generation II, and applied to the next generation device. 25 The entire TCD, at high volumes, cost less than 20 USD. 96 Figure 37. Generation II 1 iGC. Red dashed lines indicate carrier gas flow. Blue dashed lines indicate mobile phase (carrier gas and vaporized sample) gas flow. The main components include the: (A) thermoelectric controller, (B) NiCr heater control electronics, (C) thermal conductivity detector, (D) reference column, (E) separation column, (F) carrier gas pressure monitor, and (G) injection controller. 97 Figure 38. Thermal image of the second generation pGC during heating. The injection port, on the left, reached 193 C. The internal temperature of the TCD was measured at 200 0 C, while the outer steel plate was at 112 0 C. 5.3 Generation III pGC The third generation micro gas chromatograph was a transformational period in which miniaturization took precedence. It was decided that a miniaturized flame ionization detector may stabilize the signal output. The large pressure transducers of generation I and generation II were replaced by miniaturized equivalents. The heating scheme remained the same, but the packed column from the second generation device was replaced with a general-purpose capillary equivalent. Finally, a miniaturized injection port design, based on bench top versions, was designed and built. 98 5.3.1 Flame Ionization Detector Design The second type of miniature detector that was built for the pGC was a flame ionization detector. Unlike a thermal conductivity detector, FID's can only be used to measure organic substances. In an FID, two electrodes are kept a constant distance apart, over which a high bias is applied (typically greater than 150 V). The sample and the carrier gas from the column output are then mixed with a hydrogen-air or hydrogen gas stream. This hydrogen and sample mixture is then passed through a combustion jet, which causes the sample to vaporize and ionize. The ionization current is approximately proportional to the carbon content of the sample. The flame ionization detector for the third generation 1iGC was built to prove both the stability and usability of a miniaturized detection system while using an integrated hydrogen source. Hydrogen was generated via three polymer electrolyte membrane cells operating in parallel, to give an approximate flow rate of 21 ml/min. To determine an approximate jet diameter that would accommodate a fast enough flow rate for a sustained flame, a series of needles with diameters ranging from 1.27 mm to 0.46 mm (18 to 26 gauge) were tested. A flame was able to be maintained at diameters above 0.72 mm (22 gauge) for the amount of hydrogen flow produced. It was observed that the smaller the jet tip diameter, the more stable the jet. At gauges above 26, however, the jet tip was so small that the combustion portion of the flame remained inside the tip. 99 Since it was preferred that combustion of the analytes took place immediately upon exiting the tip, such that the exhaust did not build up on the tip walls, a 0.57 mm (24 gauge) needle was chosen for the first FID. In the initial tests, a 1.69 mm stainless steel tube was used as the collector electrode, and was spaced 5 mm away from the jet tip in an open atmosphere. A high voltage bias (200 V) between the proximal and distal electrodes was maintained using a precision high voltage power source (Agilent B2962A). The proximal electrode was held at ground, while the current, monitored in the circuit, was converted to a voltage using a resistor. Results from the FID's steady state signal with helium as the carrier gas showed a noise level that was indistinguishable regardless of flow pressure (0 kPa up to 50 kPa). Photos and a thermal image of the initial FID test apparatus are shown in Figure 39 and Figure 40. The on-board flame ionization detector housing was made from a 1.69 mm brass union, whose outlet line was replaced with a 0.57 mm stainless steel tube. 100 Figure 39. Preliminary prototype of flame ionization detector. Figure 40. Thermal image of flame ionization detector. 101 5.3.2 Injection Port Miniaturization Design In previous designs the injection port was simply a sealed T-shaped fitting with a septum top. The previous injection ports, however, exerted high backpressures on the syringe piston, often resulting in bubbles entering the syringe during the duration of an injection sequence. Previous injection ports also had poor flow characteristics, due in part to their oversized vaporization chambers. Finally, previous injection ports had been heated exclusively through joule heating, and were limited to around 150 *C. To raise the injection port temperature above 150 C required significant power consumption, and still resulted in poor flash vaporization. For these reasons, the third generation micro gas chromatograph required a redesigned injection port, based on the functional characteristics of a bench top port, with a reduced volumetric footprint. Both planar and cylindrical injection port geometries were considered, the former of which would have been simpler to manufacture, but more difficult to seal. A cylindrical design was chosen, based on the premise that concentric heaters could be applied externally. Concentric heaters would enable a constant radial temperate profile to exist within the injection port, eliminating edge effects that may be associated with a planar design. The injection port design for the third generation ptGC was based on a flash vaporization tube, an upper and low mixing chamber, and the ability to easily seal and 102 modify the inlet and outlet gases. A schematic of the components is shown in Figure 41. Carrier gas (He) High temperature seal separating upper and lower chambers Syringe njecte sample Vaporized sample and carrier gas Vaporization chamber (up to 500 OC) Figure 41. Schematic of injection port. Flash vaporization was designed to take place in the center of the port, occurring in a quartz cylinder lightly stuffed with glass wool. Quartz was chosen because of its chemical inertness and its ability to withstand rapid temperature fluctuations. The quartz tube 103 was held in the axial direction by a high temperature Viton@ washer, allowing the tube to rest between the upper and lower portions of the injection port. The washer also served as a seal that separated the input sample from the mixed sample. A small amount of radial spacing was allowed on both the upper and lower portions of the injection port to encourage mixing within both chambers before passing the carrier gas and sample to the column. There were two input lines and one output line connected to the injection port. The carrier gas input line was a permanently attached 1.69 mm stainless steel tube. For the purpose of allowing for various types of sample inputs, including a syringe or a valve operated gas or liquid supply stream, the sample input line was a ferrule-based axial connection, whereby the only requirement for the input line was that it be of a tubular geometry less than 1.69 mm. Similarly, to accommodate for different types of columns, the output line of the injection port was a ferrule-based system. The upper and lower portions of the injection port were manufactured in two parts, to accommodate for the internal flash vaporization tube. The upper and lower portions were sealed through the implementation of a flanged design and a high temperature graphite washer 2 6 , as shown in Figure 42. Graphite was 26 The graphite washer was produced through a combination of high-speed vertical drilling for the flange holes, and low force, wire EDM machining for the internal and external outlines. 104 chosen as the flange seal because of its relative chemical inertness and its ability to maintain a seal under high temperatures. Although a flanged design is less desirable from the perspective of manufacturing, due to the increased part count and assembly requirements, the two-piece design allowed for the placement of an interior quartz tube and the use of ferruled fittings, while maintaining a large interval vaporization chamber. A large vaporization chamber was desired, as the volumetric change of some liquids to the gaseous state can be as high as 1:100. Although the column temperature may be modulated during operation of the PGC, the injection port chamber is typically held at a constant temperature. Thermal stability of the injection port, aided in part by the thermal mass of the port, will result in improved vaporization consistency. Therefore, the chamber was made from 316 stainless steel, chosen for its mechanical strength, chemical inertness, and high heat capacity. A stainless steel port also allows for the reduction of the wall thickness within the device, without compromising the injection port's ability to maintain high pressures and withstand mechanical vibrations during storage or use. 105 A B DI E D F CO 10 mm Figure 42. Injection port components, including the: (A) upper injection port housing, (B) lower injection port housing, (C) Viton @ washer, (D) quartz tube, (E) brass ferrule, and (F) graphite washer. 5.3.3 Intermediate Fittings The third generation design replaced the bulky ferrule fittings with permanently sealed, miniature three way unions made from type 304 stainless steel. The unions were located at both inlet gas lines, such that an external pressure transducer could monitor both the carrier gas pressure and the FID gas pressure. Sealing between the pressure transducers and the unions was made through a combination of light press fits and hightemperature epoxy. A photo of the FID and union are shown in Figure 43. 106 5 mm Figure 43. Flame ionization detector built from off-the-shelf fittings. 5.3.4 Pressure Transducers The pressure transducers for the third generation micro gas chromatograph were chosen based on performance, size, mechanical structure, chemical compatibility, and cost. As part of an integrated system, the sensors had to be able to measure possible carrier gases (helium, air, nitrogen) and the flame ionization gas (hydrogen). It was preferable that the sensors be both compact and low cost. A variety of MEMS-based pressure transducers met these requirements, but many of them required the fabrication of custom sealed housings in order to be integrated into the system. Additionally, many of the standalone pressure sensors had plastic housings. Metallic housings were preferred, both to be able to withstand the volatile chemicals that entered the injection port, and to reduce the risk of contaminating the inlet gas streams. Additionally, metallic housings would be more suitable to withstanding temperature fluctuations. Based on these conditions, the Omega PX72 Series pressure sensor was chosen. The 107 PX72 Series is a gauge sensor capable of measuring helium, air, and hydrogen, with a high degree of linearity ( 0.5% FS), a relatively high storage temperature (125 0C), temperature compensation up to 80 C, and a full metal housing. In generation III, the pressure transducers were horizontally mounted on custom fittings to monitor the inlet gas pressures. 5.3.5 Column Configuration In the third generation micro gas chromatograph, the packed, large diameter stainless steel column was replaced by a quartz capillary system. Thermal control of the column was performed using inductive and IR heating. Because of the low mass of quartz that needed to be heated, and the physical dimensions of the column (less than 400 Pm diameter), rapid heating and cooling was possible. Heating was performed by wrapping a 0.23 mm (32 gauge) NiCr wire at an approximate 2.5 mm pitch along the length of the column2 7 , as shown in Figure 44. The thermal performance of the column was tested with aid of a FLIR A40 thermal camera. The surface temperature of the NiCr wrapped quartz capillaries were monitored at a rate of 60 Hz while a series of successively larger step inputs were applied across the 2 Agilent HP-5 capillary column, with a 0.33 mm O.D. 108 heating element. An example thermal distribution from heating is shown in Figure 45. Figure 44. Quartz capillary heating configuration. Quartz columns were wrapped in NiCr wire. 250 200 150 100 Figure 45. Quartz capillary heat distribution. Blue indicates a temperature 25 C. Red indicates a temperature of 350 C. 109 Heating and cooling times for the column depend on the column mass, the pitch of the wrapped NiCr wire, the input power, and the environmental characteristics surrounding the column. Heating and cooling performance of the quartz capillary system were quantified by measuring the change in surface temperate as a function of input power. Input power was calculated from the product of input voltage and the resulting current. The results, shown in Figure 46, show a nonlinear component to the heating slew rate. Power (W) 180 160 13.725 12.663 140 11.44 10.41 120- 9.3225 8.175 7.11 6.1 5.0225 3.975 100 80 60 3.025 180 160 140\ o e 120 Z 100 Ce ) 80 S 60 s 2.094 40 1.2735 40 0.601 20 0. 5 1 Time (s) 1.5 2 20 2 4 6 Figure 46. Transient heating (left) and passive cooling (right) curves for 330 Jm quartz capillary column surrounded by NiCr wire with a pitch of approximately 2.5 mm. Each curve represents a different step input of a prescribed power. For each power input, the column cool down temperature was also measured. It was noticed that, while heating rates were relatively fast for this system (~400 'C/sec), the cooling rates were significantly slower (~100 'C/sec). Cooling rates were improved by 110 placing the column in a helium atmosphere (data not shown) and taking advantage of helium's high thermal conductivity. However, this approach was not pursued further because of the impracticality of maintaining the column within a helium atmosphere, while at the same time minimizing the volume and mass of the overall pGC. 5.3.6 Mechanical Layout All of the mechanical components were mounted onto a 60 mm acrylic plate, using a set of custom manufactured aluminum mounts (see Figure 47). The mounts were designed to keep the components elevated from the mounting plate and vertically aligned with each other. A photo of the third generation lIGC is shown in Figure 48. The column, not shown, had a minimum bend radius of 50 mm and was wrapped below the mounting plate. The third generation iiGC was tested using stochastic perturbation techniques, in order to ensure that a chromatogram could be obtained, before further design modifications were made. The impulse response tests from the third generation pLGC are shown in Figure 49. The results show a clear reduction in baseline noise, when compared with previous generations. 111 a, ., 10i 10 mm Figure 47. Board mounting components. Distal Electrode FID Jet (Proximal Electrode) 4 Hydrogen Pressure Monitor Carrier Gas T-Fitting Carrier Gas Pressure Monitor Hydrogen SupplyT-Fitting FID Injection Port 10 mm Figure 48. Third generation 11GC mechanical layout. 112 301 25 200 L 15 1 0- E 5- 0- -105 10 15 20 25 Time (s) Figure 49. Chromatogram from the third generation piGC. 5.4 Generation IV pGC Building on the functionality and performance of the flame ionization detector in the third generation micro gas chromatograph, the fourth generation instrument was further refined to include PCB integrated electronic controls, modular heaters, a reduced footprint, and an improved FID chamber. These components are discussed in detail below. 5.4.1 Improved FID Design A custom-built housing for the flame ionization detector was built for the fourth generation device, in order to reduce the size of the detector and maintain the flame and electrodes within an enclosed environment. The housing for the detector was made from 113 316 stainless steel with two external fittings. The front-end fitting was a ferrule system connected directly to the column. The center housing served as the inlet port for the oxyhydrogen stream, and as a small dead volume mixing chamber for the column eluents and the combustion gas. The back-end fitting connected the mixing chamber to the jet nozzle. A schematic representation of the FID is shown in Figure 50. Hydrogen gas (H) Proximal electrode Ask I Separated sample and carrier gas Distal electrode & exhaust + 200 V + e- C+ C Ground Figure 50. Flame ionization detector schematic. The back-end fitting contained step-down diameter rods, compressed through a ferrule fitting. A high temperature Teflon ferrule was used to seal the jet, so that it would be electrically isolated from the FID housing and the column. At the jet output, a stainless 114 steel electrode 2 8 was placed in mechanical contact with the jet tip. A second, hollow electrode 2 9 was concentrically placed approximately 5 mm away from the first electrode. The second electrode also served as the exhaust vent of the system. Both proximal and distal electrodes were isolated from the FID housing by means of hollow ceramic fittings that were permanently affixed to the housing. A photo of the FID jet is shown in Figure 51. 5 mm Figure 51. Flame ionization detector, composed of the: (A) hydrogen gas inlet line, (B) capillary column inlet, and (C) jet tip. 28 29 proximal electrode distal electrode 115 5.4.2 Modular Heater Development A key component to flash vaporization is maintaining the injection port at a high temperature. In previous generations of the micro gas chromatograph, the injection port was heated by direct joule heating. For the fourth generation piGC, a series of modular heaters were developed in order to improve both the heating efficiency of the system and the upper temperature limit of the injection port. A concentric heater design was developed with the interest of creating low-volume, low-mass modular heaters for the injection port. The design was based off of three components: a copper sleeve, aluminum-nitride (Al-N) coatings, and nickel-chromium wire, shown in layers in Figure 52. Figure 52. Injection port modular heater, shown in layers. To fabricate the heaters, an interior copper sleeve was custom made using wire EDM machining, allowing for a minimal gap to exist between the injection port and the heater sleeve. Copper was chosen because of its high thermal conductivity. The copper sleeve 116 was then coated externally with aluminum nitride (Al-N), a high electrical resistance, high thermal conductance material. Aluminum nitride has a thermal conductivity almost equaling that of aluminum, one to two orders of magnitude higher than most ceramics, thereby ensuring the thermal response of the heater was rapid, and was capable of inducing uniform concentric heating30 . After coating the copper sleeve, NiCr wire was coiled around the heater, and then an additional layer of Al-N was applied. Between each step, the coatings were step cured up to 500 0 C over a 36-hour period. The final result was a rapid response, high temperature modular heater, with a wall thickness of 1.25 mm. ( The three stages of the fabrication process are shown in Figure 53. A B C 5 mm Figure 53. Concentric heater fabrication steps. A copper sleeve (A) is coated with aluminum nitride (B) and then wrapped with NiCr wire and coated with another layer of aluminum nitride (C). It should also be noted that the concentric design ensured a uniform heating profile in the radial direction. 30 117 The modular heaters were both compact and able to maintain the injection port at temperatures well above the necessary temperature. For most samples, the injection port remained at less than 450 C. The heater was designed to reach up to 900 oC 3 , based on the maximum temperature of the individual heater components, shown in Table 8. Table 8. Operating temperature of heater components NiCr (22 AWG) Aluminum Nitride Copper Max Temperature 1085 1650 900 (OC) 5.4.3 Capillary Column Heating Column heating from the third generation pGC instrument showed promise as a fastheating capillary system. The portability of the system was limited, however, by the fragility of the column and its relatively large minimum bending radius. It was therefore decided that if needed, the pGC could accommodate quartz columns, but future designs would focus on more mechanically robust stainless steel capillary columns. With metallic capillary columns, heating could be controlled through direct joule heating, as was performed with the second generation device. Similar to the second generation heating scheme, the coil would have to be electrically isolated between each 31 The maximum heater temperature will actually be far below 900 *C, as dictated in part by the column operating temperature. 118 individual winding. Three approaches were taken to accomplish electrical isolation between each successive coil winding. The first approach was to wind the column along grooved tracks of a guiding structure, while keeping each respective track separated. For example, for a 350 im column, a M2 screw with a pitch of 400 pm was sufficiently large such that as the column sat in each individual groove and remained out of contact with each successive turn, as shown in Figure 54. For this configuration, high temperature PEEK @ screws were used as column guides. 10 mm Figure 54. Photo (left) and thermal image (right) of guided coil heating scheme. 32 PEEK® screws can operate at continuous temperatures up to 250 0C. 119 This scheme only allowed for one row of coil windings, whose total length was determined by the bend radius, the total screw height, and the screw pitch. In this configuration, the screws were also found to bend over time from the compression of the wrapped column. Metallic screws could not be used because of their electrical conductivity. Ceramic screws or threaded bars allowed for another possibility. However, ceramic screws were found to be prohibitively expensive for large-scale systems, and too brittle for a portable system. A second means of coil isolation was performed by creating an array of high temperature Delrin-PTFE guides, as shown in Figure 55. In this configuration, the coil was wound through a 20 by 3 array of 400 pm holes. This design allowed for several concentric windings to be wrapped, thereby greatly increasing the maximum allowed column length. This system, however, had thermal limitations based on the Delrin-PFTE structure. Additionally, the friction between the guides and the coil became successively larger with each winding, making this configuration difficult to assemble. 120 10 mm Figure 55. Photo (left) and thermal image (right) of Delrin-PTFE guided column. A third design involved the sheathing of the column with a high temperature material such as fiberglass or braided ceramic. A sheath would insulate the column from itself, so that joule heating would occur over a single resistive element, and would provide insulation to the column from ambient conditions that may cause temperature fluctuations. Under this design, three types of insulation were tested: polyimide sheathing, braided fiberglass, and high temperature braided ceramic. Polyimide sheathing (Figure 56) worked well in terms of electrical insulation, but worked poorly as a thermal insulator 33 . A second sheathing of high temperature braided ceramic was also tested. This Polyimide also allowed for the possibility of direct column coating, if the system was mass-produced, in a similar manner to how motor wire is fabricated. 3 121 sheathing performed well in electrically and thermally isolating the column. The cost, however, was prohibitively expensive. An intermediate solution was found by using fiberglass sheathing that could be maintained at temperatures up to 316 0 C, while providing good thermal isolation and costing one-tenth the price of the ceramic alternative. 10 mm Figure 56. Photo (left) and thermal image (right) of polyimide sheathed column. The thermal image shows that polyimide sheathing provides good electrical insulation but poor thermal insulation. 5.4.4 Improved Electrolyzer In the fourth generation pGC, an improved electrolyzer was built so that the system could operate at higher flow rates. The electrolyzer was based on a scaled version of the third generation design, with the addition of an automatic refill system and upper and lower manifolds for the hydrogen and oxygen (see Figure 57). Hydrogen was generated 122 from a battery of eight off-the-shelf polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) electrolyzers. Each of the eight cells was 25 mm by 25 mm, and the electrolyzer consumed up to 10 W (total) under steady state conditions. An 80 mm diameter disk, or two, stacked 28 mm diameter disks would yield the equivalent surface area required to switch from a multicell to a single-cell electrolyzer. The FID system was tested only using the hydrogen output of the electrolyzer, but could also be switched to an oxy-hydrogen source and still provide the necessary gas flow for combustion. -Refill Tank PEM Cells Hydrogen Manifold Figure 57. Eight cell polymer electrolyte membrane electrolyzer. The hydrogen output pressure of the eight-cell system was also measured, to verify 123 that the electrolyzer would output a high enough pressure to mix properly with the mobile phase eluents. A plot of the pressure versus the input current is shown in Figure 58. A second order exponential was fit to the curve, and the output pressure was then computed as a function of PEM cross-sectional area. The results suggest that the PEM's can produce hydrogen at a rate of 11.2 L/m 2 , with an output pressure of 1.4 MPa/m 2 , at a power . consumption rate of 7.2 kW/m2 7 6 5 CU) C,) 4 3 0D 2 S C 0 2 4 Current (A) 6 8 Figure 58. Eight cell polymer electrolyte membrane electrolyzer output pressure, shown as a function of total input current. 5.4.5 Layout Modifications and PCB Integration In the fourth generation pGC, an improved mechanical layout was implemented in 124 order to reduce the planar footprint of the system. Initially, the pressure transducers were changed from horizontal, custom mounts to vertically oriented, self-mounting components. This allowed for the elimination of the pressure transducer mounts and the horizontal space that they occupied. It also allowed for the pressure transducer housings to serve as vertical and horizontal alignment structures. Due to the rearrangement of the transducers, the 3-way unions from the third generation were replaced with custom, stainless steel hexagonal fittings. The injection port mount was also changed by replacing the single, center-mounted flange holder with two, bookend holders, allowing for the ability to use the pressure transducer, instead of the mount, as an axial alignment tool. The new arrangement is shown in Figure 59. Column High Voltage Converter Hydrogen Pressure Monitor FID Housing \FID Jet (Proximal Electrode) Carrier Gas T-Fitting and Pressure Sensor 10 mm Figure 59. Fourth generation 1 iGC. 125 The mechanical mounting plate from the previous instrument generation was replaced with a PCB. Printed circuit board manufacturing in high volumes is a practical means of obtaining tight tolerance mechanical components at a low price. The layout of the PCB was designed around the injection port and the FID mounts, and served as the alignment structure and the mechanical base of the device. From the mechanical side, four major alignments occurred. Both the injection port and the flame ionization detector were restricted to rotational and single axis, translational motion through the use of elevated concentric mounts. These two cylindrical housings were then connected to the helium input and hydrogen input lines respectively, which further constrained their rotational and lateral motion. All parts were fixed in the vertical direction, by attachment either directly to the PCB, or from the mechanical PCB mounts. The supporting system circuitry was designed around the basic operating functions of the device. After determining the mechanical layout, any available free space was used for the necessary supporting electronic components that performed thermal control and instrumentation measurement. The PCB support circuitry involved several base level operations, including: temperature sensing, signal amplification, power supply regulation for the heaters, pressure sensors, and supporting integrated circuits, high voltage boost conversion, and low-noise signal amplification. The board communicated with a PC that monitored and controlled everything, through a series of parallel input-output (I/O) lines. 126 Several physical restrictions on the PCB existed. The mechanical mounts for the flame ionization detector and the injection port restricted the lateral free space available. The bodies of the pressure transducers consumed a significant portion of the PCB surface area3 4 . Traces were placed sparingly under the high voltage supply, since switching regulators tend to generation noise that can add spurious signals to routing paths. An image of the PCB layout is shown in Figure 60. Figure 60. PCB layout of fourth generation pGC. There was a design tradeoff here, as the pressure transducers served a dual electro-mechanical function as part of the monitoring system and the mechanical alignment system. 3 127 5.4.6 Electronics The support electronics for the fourth generation ptGC included heating circuits for thermal control, support electronics for the flame ionization detector, pressure transducer regulators, and a series of regulators for the IC's and other electronic components. The heater amplifiers were based off a driver-MOSFET pair that was designed to meet the bandwidth and power requirements of the modular heaters. Because the heaters were resistive elements, the thermal response time of the heating system was dependent on the operating voltage input and the maximum allowable current of the restive elements. In this case, the current draw from the resistive elements was significantly less than both the maximum current of the MOSFET's and the drivers, thereby allowing the heaters to be operated at the maximum value of the input voltage. The MOSFETS were rated up to 30 V (12 A). The high voltage bias for the flame ionization detector was generated by a 5 V to 200 V boost converter35 . For the detection circuit that measured the ion current between the two FID electrodes, a low input bias 36 current precision amplifier was used (LMP 7721). 3 36 UMHV Series from HVM Technology, Inc. 3 femtoamps 128 Heating control was performed using a proportional-integral (PI) scheme coupled with a PWM transformation. Heater temperatures were monitored using type K thermocouples, coated in Al-N to prevent electrical shorting. The thermocouple voltages were converted to temperatures using an eighth order polynomial according to NIST [55]. The thermal feedback was then processed through a proportional-integral (PI) control scheme written in a custom script in LabVIEW. The controller output for each independent heater was then converted to a PWM signal. The resulting PWM signals drove independent driverMOSFET pairs, which subsequently output the amplified signals to the respective modular heaters. A schematic of the control scheme is shown in Figure 61. Feedback gains for each individual heater were tuned experimentally. s~s - PW M HEAERR T TYPE K THERMOCOUPLE Figure 61. Proportional-integral (PI) and pulse-width-modulated (PWM) heating control scheme. 5.4.7 Assembly After the PCB was populated (see Figure 62), the fourth generation pGC was assembled onto the PCB substrate. The final version shown in Figure 63 includes a 4m, 129 polyimide-sheathed column. The fourth generation ptGC had a 45 mm diameter, a 25 mm height, and a mass of 50 g (see Figure 63). Although the fourth generation assembly was characterized by a compact and efficient use of space, it was found in practice that the modular heaters (not shown in the figure) were heating up nearby components, including the high voltage boost converter and the carrier gas pressure transducer housings. Although no noticeable noise was observed in those respective signals, it was decided to increase the footprint slightly so as to avoid permanently damaging the components. Minor issues in the fourth generation device design also included the input power line standoffs, which were insufficient to handle the power requirements of the system. Minor modifications addressing these issues would be incorporated into the fifth generation pGC. TOP BOTTOM 10 mm Figure 62. Populated PCB from the fourth generation pGC. 130 10 mm Figure 63. Final assembly of the fourth generation pGC. 5.5 Generation V pGC Modifications were made to the fifth generation pGC to address some of the heating and electrical overload issues experienced in the fourth generation pGC. To accommodate for the thickness of the modular heaters and their surrounding heat signature, the board diameter was increased from 45 mm to 50 mm. In addition to increasing the board size, thermal standoffs were added to the PCB design to address the issue of localized heating that occurred in the NiCr heater wires. Tests performed with NiCr showed that directly soldering NiCr wire to the PCB created significant, localized hot spots. While the temperatures at these hotspots remained below 131 the maximum PCB tolerance, temperature extended exposure and temperature fluctuations could cause damage to the PCB over time. Additionally, fluctuation in the board's temperature could add an additional source of noise to the system, in terms of IC performance, and the performance of supporting components. For these reasons, small brass standoffs where added to the PCB, such that the resistance of the standoffs was significantly less than the resistance of the NiCr wire, allowing the majority of the heat to dissipate within the standoff and not the PCB. The input, output, and power lines were also modified between the fourth and fifth generations. In the fourth generation, two 1 mm pitch I/O ports were located on the back of the PCB (Figure 62), adding 5 mm to the overall thickness of the device. During testing, the input power lines exceeded their maximum current rating, and some of the surface mounted connections melted. To eliminate this effect, the power lines were moved to a separate standoff, while I/O ports were replaced by a micro HDMI jack, which reduced the overall height of the ports while maintaining the number of signal lines. Photos of the fifth generation PCB are shown in Figure 64. 132 10 mm BOTTOM TOP Figure 64. Populated PCB from the fifth generation p.GC. The PCB board layout was also changed between the fourth and fifth generations. The fifth generation design moved away from a double side populated PCB (see Figure 65). All electrical components were moved to the bottom layer so that the PCB provided a thermal shield from the top layer's heated components. 133 Figure 65. PCB layout of fifth generation pGC. The final mechanical assembly of the fifth generation was similar to the fourth generation. The same mounts, pressure transducers, and fittings were used. Input lines for the carrier gas and the FID gas were permanently affixed to the three-way fittings with high-temperature epoxy. A photo of the fifth generation pGC is shown in Figure 66. The column in the fifth generation device was moved to a 7 mm tall cylinder that was affixed to the bottom of the PCB. 3 RESTEK-71815: MXT-1 Cap. Column, 20 m, 0.18 mm ID 134 dColumn Prsure Monitor hV a Convet Hosing Carrier Gas Pressure Mantrr mIcro44DMI 1/0 Injection Pr FID Distal Electrocle 10 mm Figure 66. Fifth generation 1iGC. The sheathed column (not visible) is wrapped in a coil, underneath the device. Figure 67. Front panel of LabVIEW program that controls and monitors the system parameters, controls the injection port system, and records the input and output signals. A superimposed thermal image of the system (bottom left) shows the heat distribution of the concentric injection port heaters. 135 All of the component signals were integrated into a custom-built LabVIEW program. The front panel virtual instrument that was used to control the heaters, monitor the pressure transducers, control the injection port and acquire the FID output is shown in Figure 67. The fifth generation pGC was able to generate chromatograms using both stochastic and traditional injection techniques. One example of the device operating using traditional injection techniques is shown in Figure 68, where an injection of bourbon was passed through the system, while the column temperature was modulated from 50 0 C to 300 0 C. An example of the pGC operating using stochastic injection techniques will be discussed in the upcoming section. I I I I I I I I 4.5 4 3.5F 3 cc 2.5F 2 1.5 1 0.5 U i .ii IL 0 2 4 6 8 10 Time (min) 12 14 16 18 Figure 68. Chromatogram of a well-known American bourbon. 136 20 Chapter 6 pGC Performance Characterization 6.1 Design and Specifications Summary The final design specifications for the fifth generation pGC are shown in Table 9. Table 9. Performance specifications of the fifth generation PGC 50 mm (diameter) x 32 Size mm (height) Mass 50 g Temperature Range 25 0 C to 450 0 C Column Type capillary and micropacked Power Consumption up to 50 W (dependent on operating temperature) Detector Type flame ionization detector Operating Pressure 700 kPa Max Heating Rate 207 'C/min Measuring Time sample dependent (seconds to minutes) 137 The total cost breakdown of the pGC, shown in Table 10, is an estimation of the device cost for an initial run of 2500 units. The cost does not included machining costs for the mechanical components, or any assembly costs. From the initial breakdown, however, we see that the largest contributors to the cost are the pressure transducers, the high voltage converter, and the PEM, accounting for approximately 74% of the total cost. The column cost, which is a significant investment for bench top gas chromatographs, actually scales with size. Costs can be reduced further if some of the propriety technologies are removed. For example, the pressure transducers and the high voltage converter are currently sourced from proprietary suppliers, but their designs are simple enough to be manufactured inhouse. Cost savings with regards to the PEM are more difficult to reduce. Inexpensive PEM's are rare, and tend to perform poorly. Regarding the cost breakdown, the estimated cost of the fifth generation pGC is about 0.5% the cost of a bench top equivalent, and around 10% the cost of the cheapest portable GC available on the market. 138 Table 10. Cost breakdown of fifth generation pGC 4 Stock metal 3 PCB 30 Components 1 Insulation 50 High voltage converter 4 Ferrules 38 Column 70 Pressure transducers PEM 105 TOTAL $305 6.2 Basic Flow and Operation The flow pattern of the pGC involves two gas inputs, one liquid input, and two mixing chambers. A diagram of the input and output flows is shown in Figure 69. Initially, the sample is input into the injection port in the liquid or gas state, upon which is it immediately vaporized and mixed with the carrier gas. The mixture is then passed through the capillary column where its eluents are separated. The output of the column is then fed into the flame ionization detector housing, where it is mixed with hydrogen gas, supplied by the electrolyzer. The hydrogen-sample-carrier gas mixture is then passed through the flame ionization detector jet, ionized, and measured. The exhaust gases are then vented. 139 Hydrogen gas Carrier gas (He) Sample Figure 69. Gas flow patterns for the fifth generation piGC. 6.3 Thermal Performance The external and internal temperatures of the heating port were monitored to verify a proper operating system and ensure stable internal temperatures during injection. Two type K thermocouples were embedded within the modular heaters on the front and back of the injection port. An additional type K thermocouple was placed inside the injection port. Example heating and cooling curves for the injection port operating in open loop are shown in Figure 70. The heat distribution of the surface temperature of the injection port was observed to be constant. The internal temperature of the injection port was 140 found to lag behind the external heater temperatures, in both heating and cooling modes. At steady state, however, all three temperatures reached the same temperature, within 0.75 0 C. - 140 120- 100- -Front Injection Port -Rear Injection Port -Internal Injection Port 140 Time (min) 140 120 100- -Front Injection Port -Rear Injection Port -Internal Injection Port 1 40 - 1-082 0 a. 60- E 40- 20- 5 10 Time (min) 15 20 Figure 70. Heating (above) and cooling (below) performance of the injection port. 141 The injection port heating rate was also determined by subjecting the injection port heaters to a series of voltage step inputs. Figure 71 shows the thermal performance of the heaters, for various power inputs, using the same temperature-monitoring scheme. 500 I 450- -loW 400- 20W -40W 350*-300250L E 200.. 150 10 0 - ............. ......- 50 - 00 0.5 1 15 2 25 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 Time (min) Figure 71. Injection port heating rates. The temperature was measured inside the injection port. From the figure, we see a power relationship between the input power and the thermal heating rate38. It should be noted that although the injection port heating system is relatively slow, the injection port is designed to be operated at steady state. The thermal inertia of the system, therefore, can be advantageous as it will make the injection port 38 10 W (16 OC/min), 20 W (34 'C/min), 40 W (80 'C/min) 142 less susceptible to environmental variations. Figure 72 shows the closed loop performance of the injection port, using the PI-PWM control scheme discussed previously. The time to reach steady state approaches ~2 min. At steady state, the observed ripple was caused partially by the tuned PI parameters, and may also have been related to the accuracy of the thermocouples (+1%). 150 -internal Inj. Port -Setpoint -100 E 50- 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Time (min) 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 Figure 72. Closed loop performance of injection port temperature. The thermal performance of the column was also measured by mounting a type K thermocouple directly onto the column's external surface using a small amount of 143 aluminum nitride adhesive. The heating rates 39 of the column (Figure 73), for various power inputs, were found to be significantly higher than those that were observed for the injection port, due in part to the column's low mass. - - - 150 -18W -8.3W -4.62W 0 -100 0. C0 I 0.1 I I I I 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 Time (min) 0.6 07 0.8 0.9 Figure 73. Column heating rates. The time constant of the closed loop heating system (Figure 74) was also shorter, allowing the column to reach operating temperature 40 within 30 to 60 seconds, depending on the set point and input power. 39 4.62 W (49 0C/min), 8.3 W (88 0C/min), 18 W (207 *C/min) 4 An ambient temperature of 25 0C is assumed. 144 r- 100r- c 90 80 ______ ___ 70 0 60 L 50 E 40 30 -Internal Inj. Port -Setpoint 20 100 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 I6 0.5 0.6 I.7 0.7 0.8 1_____9 0.9 1 1 Time (min) Figure 74. Closed loop performance of column temperature. 6.4 Stochastic Perturbation Results The fifth generation pGC was found to have an extremely stable output FID signal. The lower level noise oscillation was around 20 mV peak-to-peak, compared to a 5 V signal, as shown in Figure 75. The noise was stable over time, meaning that it could be filtered out when using traditional injection methods, and could be greatly reduced when using stochastic methods. The FID response of the system was observed to be higher than that of the bench top system, in the sense that smaller amounts of sample were needed in order to induce a response. This was due to the fact that the injection port was being operated in splitless mode. A chromatogram from a stochastic sequence of pentane injections, using the fifth generation device is shown in Figure 76. The chromatogram was 145 comparable to the same injection made using the traditional injection mode, with a similar retention time and peak height. n r%,2 U 00 .02 0 .04-n (0 I _n n I 2 1 3 4 5 Time (s) 6 7 9 8 10 Figure 75. Fifth generation pGC noise signal. 8 - 7 I I- 6 C/) 0 C/) 5 4 3 E - Cln 1 I 0 -1 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Time (s) Figure 76. Single solute (pentane) chromatogram, perturbation methods on the fifth generation 1 GC. 146 determined using stochastic Chapter 7 Conclusion This thesis explored the use of stochastic perturbation system identification techniques, as applied to gas chromatography, and the implementation of those techniques on both bench top and miniature gas chromatographs. A handheld gas chromatograph was developed (Figure 77), over the course of five device generations. Characterization of each prototype led to successively smaller, and more stable designs. The stochastic perturbation techniques, as shown through the simulations and the various implementations, were found to reduce noise in chromatographic measurements and improve the processing capabilities of a single gas chromatograph. With the addition, for example, of multiplexing methods, it was possible to analyze multiple samples on the same gas chromatograph, simultaneously and continuously. Along the same lines, it was possible to analyze a single sample on multiple columns, simultaneously. This type of parallel processing expands the versatility and adaptability of gas chromatographs, so that they can be configured to adapt to and monitor multiple environmental variables at the same time. 147 The five generations of prototypical development documented over the course of this thesis resulted in a handheld GC that cost less than 1% of its bench top equivalent, at a fraction of the volume and mass. At a manufacturing price around 300 USD, an instrument as powerful as a gas chromatograph may have the opportunity to see more widespread deployment, in factories, in small business, and in environmental monitoring. The applicability of stochastic methods in the miniaturized design also enabled continuous sampling and processing, thereby removing a trained technician from the equation and allowing a 11GC to function as a standalone monitoring device. In future work, more exploration into stochastic perturbation chromatography is recommended, along with the investigation into the nonlinear effects of temperature perturbation. Currently, any samples that require a temperature ramp must be processed by the pGC using the traditional injection method. In terms of hardware and software design, the pGC could benefit from thermal isolation mounts, and a separate microcontroller for monitoring and controlling the device. Future development should also consider the possibility of gaseous injections, and the miniaturization of hardware that will be able to control stochastically modulated gas inputs. 148 / Figure 77. Handheld, chromatograph. continuous measurement, 149 stochastic perturbation gas References [1] Morton, A. G. History of Botanical Science: An Account of the Development of Botany from Ancient Times to the Present Day Acad. Press, 1986. [2] Holmes, R. 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