Social Studies Summer Institute Civics, Economics, Entrepreneurship, Geography and History Agend a West Virginia Department of Education Civics, Economics, Entrepreneurship, Geography and History Charleston Civic Center Charleston, W.Va. June 18 - 21, 2007 Social Studies Summer Institute Civics, Economics, Entrepreneurship, Geography and History Agend a WEST VIRGINIA BOARD OF EDUCATION 2006-2007 Lowell E. Johnson, President Delores W. Cook, Vice President Priscilla M. Haden, Secretary Robert W. Dunlevy, Member Barbara N. Fish, Member Burma Hatfield, Member Gayle C. Manchin, Member Jenny N. Phillips, Member Ronald B. Spencer, Member Brian E. Noland, Ex Officio Chancellor West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission James L. Skidmore, Ex Officio Chancellor West Virginia Council for Community and Technical College Education Steven L. Paine, Ex Officio State Superintendent of Schools West Virginia Department of Education Social Studies Summer Institute Civics, Economics, Entrepreneurship, Geography and History Agend a Social Studies education has always been a priority, but it has never been more important than it is today. I am pleased to welcome our outstanding social studies teachers, business teachers, administrators, members of the business community and civic leaders to this collaborative conference. It is because of your dedicated efforts in preparing students to be involved, effective citizens who are financially literate and who share a global perspective that we hold great promise for the future of our state. I am certain this second annual Social Studies Summer Institute emphasizing civic literacy, economic literacy, global awareness and our Appalachian heritage will spark much debate, discussion and deliberation as you continue to advocate for dynamic social studies education in West Virginia schools. Our sincere thanks and best wishes as you prepare our children to be successful in this 21st century. Dr. Steven L. Paine State Superintendent of Schools West Virginia Department of Education Social Studies Summer Institute Civics, Economics, Entrepreneurship, Geography and History Agend a June 18 – June 21 Global Awareness, Civic Literacy, Financial Well-being and Entrepreneurship Throughout History and in Future Opportunities Yet to Unfold PURPOSE: To provide social studies teachers with resources and instructional strategies that will support their efforts as they provide their students with a true understanding of the past and an appreciation of their heritage as West Virginians; and to draw strength from the foundation of their roots as they take up the challenges fashioned by globalization, become economically judicious, and engage in local, state, national and world civic experiences. Day 1 Monday, June 18, 2007 Evening Focus: • 21st century learning in the social studies content • Awareness of the global influences of our Appalachian heritage • The consequence of civic and economic global activities on our students 5 p.m. Reception and Registration Great Hall, Cultural Center 6 p.m. Dinner Great Hall 7 p.m. Introductions: Regina Scotchie, Social Studies Coordinator West Virginia Department of Education Welcome: Carla Williamson, Executive Director West Virginia Department of Education Keynote: Mr. John LeFeber, Curriculum and Instruction Developer National Council an Economic Education Presentation - West Virginia Musical Heritage Lynette Swiger, Monongah Elementary School Patty Looman and Brad Swiger, Marion County Social Studies Summer Institute Civics, Economics, Entrepreneurship, Geography and History Agend a Today’s Focus: • True global awareness as an essential prerequisite for understanding globalization, economic literacy, entrepreneurship and civic engagement in historical context. • The urgent necessity for the 21st century learner to become an engaged citizen locally, nationally and internationally Tuesday, June 19, 2007 Day 2 7:45 a.m. Light Refreshments and Opening Session Regina Scotchie 8:30 a.m. Breakout Sessions: Session 1: Title: Presenters: Session 2: Title: Presenter: Session 3: Title: Presenter: Session 4: Title: Presenter: Sessions 5: Title: Presenter: Room 202 Quilting Our Culture: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Teaching Appalachia Sarah Morris, West Virginia Teacher of the Year, Morgan County Heather McChesney, Kanawha County Room 203 The War that Made America French and Indian War Impact on America and on West Virginia James Wetzler, Presenter and Re-enactor for the French and Indian War 250 Inc., the French and Indian War Commemoration Room 204 “The Faces of Freedom” and “Freedom and You” Jay Shackett, Bill of Rights Institute Room 205 Focus Globalization and Thinking Globally John LeFeber, Curriculum and Instruction Developer National Council on Economic Education Room 206 Youth Leadership Institute Meg Heubeck, University of Virginia Social Studies Summer Institute Civics, Economics, Entrepreneurship, Geography and History Agend a Day 2 (continued) 10 a.m. Break 10:15 a.m. Breakout Sessions: Session 1: Title: Presenters: Session 2: Title: Tuesday, June 19, 2007 Presnter: Mini Society (grades 4-8) Real World Entrepreneurship Carol Hamilton, National Board Certified Teacher, and Chip Hamilton, Berkeley County Room 202 Room 203 The War that Made America French and Indian War Impact on America and on West Virginia James Wetzler Session 3: Title: Presenter: “Free to Believe” and “Free to Gather” Jay Shackett Session 4: Title: Presenter: Youth Leadership Institute Meg Heubeck Sessions 5: Title: Presenter: Thinkfinity and Virtual Economics John LeFeber 11:45 Second Floor Lobby Room 204 Room 205 Room 206 Lunch Keynote Speaker: Title: 1 p.m. Rebecca Weiner, Project Manager of the Project at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace Globalization 101 General Session Keynote Speaker: Title: Rooms 103-105 Welcome Dr. Steve L. Paine, State Superintendent of Schools West Virginia Department of Education Patrick Overton Re-building the Front Porch of America Foundation Engaging Youth in the Democracy of Civil Discourse: Understanding the Math and Metaphor of Citizenship Little Theatre Social Studies Summer Institute Civics, Economics, Entrepreneurship, Geography and History Agend a Day 2 (continued) 2 p.m. Break 2:30 p.m. Breakout Sessions: Session 1: Title: Presenter: Smithsonian Center for Education and Museum Studies for 21st Century Skills Initiatives Sarah Morris Session 2: Title: Presenter: Youth Leadership Institute (middle and high schools) Meg Heubeck Tuesday, June 19, 2007 Session 3: Title: Presenter: Session 4: Title: Presenter: Session 5: Title: Presenter: The Federal Reserve System and Globalization Amanda Gibson, Economic Education Specialist Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond Globalization 101: Hands-on Rigor and Relevance for Global Citizens Rebecca Weiner Second Floor Lobby Room 202 Room 203 Room 204 Room 205 Room 206 Technology Lab (all programmatic levels) Integrating Technology Resources Thinkfinity, SAS, Intelliboards (whiteboards) Student Response Systems, PowerPoint, Movie Maker Guilda Haddox, Technology Integration Specialist, Raleigh County 4 p.m. Team Meeting Focus Questions 4:45 p.m. Adjourn Room 202 Social Studies Summer Institute Civics, Economics, Entrepreneurship, Geography and History Agend a 6:30 p.m. – 8 p.m. Optional sessions available Lab Reopens with Guilda Haddox Lap Dulcimer Lessons with Lynette Swiger Teamwork on County Quilt Squares How to Initiate and Lead a Successful Book Study Online Social Studies - Instructional Guides, CSOs and Course Sequence Tuesday, June 19, 2007 Notes Room 206 Room 202 Room 203 Room 205 Room 204 Social Studies Summer Institute Civics, Economics, Entrepreneurship, Geography and History Agend a Tuesday, June 19, 2007 Notes Social Studies Summer Institute Civics, Economics, Entrepreneurship, Geography and History Agend a Today’s Focus: • The geography of economic literacy and civic engagement • Every student financially literate • Every student an engaged citizen • Every student proficient in reading and writing literacy Wednesday 20, 2007 Day 3 7:45 a.m. Light Refreshments and Opening Session 8:30a.m. Keynote Speaker: Dr. Harm deBlij Title: 10 a.m. 10:30 a.m. Session 1: Title: Presenter: Session 2: Title: Presenter: Session 3: Title: Presenter: Room 202 Author of 30 books and more than 100 articles and papers regarding the importance of geography in virtually every aspect of society; geography consultant for ABC and NBC; host for C-Span documentary on global economics and world trade Why Geography Matters Book Signing by Dr. deBlij Second Floor Lobby Break Second Floor Lobby Breakout Sessions My Money and the Stock Market Glenn Gainer, West Virginia State Auditor Room 202 Adventures in Writing (grades 3-8) Room 203 Teaching Social Studies Through Writing Martin and Delia Wach, Authors and Publishers of Children’s Books The Many States of West Virginia Dr. George Towers, Professor of Geography Concord University Room 204 Social Studies Summer Institute Civics, Economics, Entrepreneurship, Geography and History Agend a Day 3 (continued) 10:30 a.m. Session 4: Title: Presenters: Session 5: Title: Wednesday, June 20, 2007 Presenter: Beyond the Lemonade Stand (elementary and middle school) Dave Johnson, George Weimer Elementry School Kanawha County Susan Rice, Entrepreneurship Coordinator West Virginia Department of Education Technology Integration in the Classroom (all programmatic levels) George Sumner, Technology Integration Specialist Fayette County 11:45 Lunch 1 p.m. Breakout Sessions Session 1: Title: Presenters: Session 2: Title: Presenter: Session 3: Title: Presenter: Session 4: Title: Presenter: Room 205 Room 206 Rooms 103-105 Room 202 The Great West Virginia Snow Adventure (elementary school) Teaching Social Studies While Writing a Publishable Book as a Class Project Martin and Delia Wach Room 203 Making Ends Meet—Envelope Budget Game and Bean Game Hands-on activities, free resources to teach financial literacy, Nefe workbooks and teacher’s manuals (all programmatic levels) Linda Hawkins, Fnancial Education Director West Virginia Department of the Treasury We the People (elementary school) Jenny Schaffer, Center for Civic Education Room 204 Room 205 Civics for the 21st Century (high shool new graduation requirement) Steve Freeman, Capital High School, Kanawha County Social Studies Summer Institute Civics, Economics, Entrepreneurship, Geography and History Agend a Day 3 (continued) 1 p.m. Session 5: Title: Presenter: 2:15 p.m. Break 2:30 p.m. Breakout Sessions Session 1: Title: Presenters: Wednesday, June 20, 2007 Technology Lab (all programmatic levels) Room 206 Integrating Technology Resources Thinkfinity, SASS, Itelliboards (whiteboards) Student Response Systems, PowerPoint, Movie Maker Guilda Haddox,Technology Integration Specialist, Raleigh County Session 2: Title: Presenter: Teaching Social Studies Through Reading in the K-3 Classroom Lynette Swiger and Patsy Dicken Monongah Elementary School, Marion County We the People (high school) Jenny Schaffer Second Floor Lobby Room 202 Room 203 Session 3: Title: Presenter: Room 204 Project Citizen Myron Yoder, Curriculum Coordinator for Allentown, Pa., School District and Trainer for Project Citizen Session 4: Title: Room 205 Teaching Tolerance, Teaching the Holocaust (middle and high school) Brian O’Connell, George Washington High School, Kanawha County Presenter: Session 5: Title: Presenter: Sesion 6: Title: Presenters: 4 p.m. Room 206 Technology Tools in Your Social Studies Classroom (adaptable to all programmatic levels) Matt Wells, Ravenswood High School, Jackson County Our National Entrepreneurship Lessons to Engage Your Students Susan Rice and Junior Achievement Representative Team Meetings Room 207 Breakout Rooms Social Studies Summer Institute Civics, Economics, Entrepreneurship, Geography and History Agend a 4:30 p.m. Adjourn 6:30 – 8 p.m. Optional sessions available Lab Reopens with Guilda Haddox Lap Dulcimer Lessons with Lynette Swiger Teamwork on County Quilt Squares Writing and Publishing with Your Class, Martin and Delia Wach How to Initiate and Lead a Successful Book Study Topics for Discussion - Q&A Session Wednesday, June 20, 2007 Notes Room 206 Room 202 Room 203 Room 204 Room 205 Room 207 Social Studies Summer Institute Civics, Economics, Entrepreneurship, Geography and History Agend a Today’s Focus: • Regional and local heritage in a global world • Transforming what we know into relevant, rigorous and engaging instruction Day 4 7:45 a.m. Light Refreshments and Opening General Session 8: 30 a.m. Breakout Sessions Thursday, June 21, 2007 Session 1: Title: Presenter: Room 202 Room 202 Analysis of Primary Documents in the West Virginia History Classroom • Bartering between Natives and Europeans - the Fort Pitt Day Book • Slavery - Slave Narratives from the Federal Writers Project • Formation of the 35th State - Lincoln’s Cabinet Advises Him, the Willey Amendment, the Statehood Law, the Proclamation, Etc. • Living History in the Classroom - John Brown, Mother Jones and Suggestions for Your Own (elementary and middle schools) Gerry Kohler, National Preserve American History Teacher of the Year 2006, NCBT, VanDevender Junior High, Wood County Session 2: Title: Presenters: Room 203 Model UN, Youth in Government, HI-Y (high school) David King, Director, HI-Y Ohio Valley Jordan Beckett, Wirt County High School 2007 Youth Government Attorney General Talia Blankenship, Williamson High School Andrew Koerber, Tyler Consolidated High School Cameron Wilson, Roane County High School 2008 West Virginia Youth Governor for Youth in Government Session 3: Title: Room 204 Foldable Books for the Elementary and Middle School Classroom Learn how to generate students’ interest through a variety of content-based folded books. You will receive step-by-step directions, materials and supplies as you are guided to create your own. Student examples will be available for you to see. Denise White, DuPont Middle School, Kanawha County Presenter: Social Studies Summer Institute Civics, Economics, Entrepreneurship, Geography and History Agend a Day 4 (Continued) 8:30 a.m. Session 4: Title: Presenter: Session 5: Title: Presenter: Thursday, June 21, 2007 Session 6: Title: Presenter: Do I Really Have to Teach Reading? (middle and high schools) Terry Reale, English, Lannguage Arts Coordinator West Virginia Department of Education Room 205 Room 206 Technology Lab (all programmatic levels) Integrating Technology Resources Thinkfinity, SASS, Itelliboards (whiteboards) Student Response Systems, PowerPoint, Movie Maker Guilda Haddox Room 207 Financial Literacy for All Representative from the West Virginia Society of Certified Public Accountants shares lesson plans and resources 10 a.m. Break Floor Lobby 10:15 a.m. Breakout Sessions 2nd Floor Lobby Session 1: Title: Presenter: Session 2: Title: Presenter: Session 3: Title: Presenter: Apple Stackcake for Dessert (all programmatic levels) Dr. Barbara Shortridge, Geography Professor, University of Kansas, author of several books on cultural heritage, particularly the culture of food Room 203 How to be a World Class Educator of Personal and Global Investing (middle and high schools) Michael Branch, Parkersburg High School, Wood County J.R. Clifford Case Lesson Plans and Activities for your Classroom (grades 8 through 12) Tom Rodd, Senior Clerk for Justice Larry Starcher, West Virginia Supreme Court of Appeals Room 204 Social Studies Summer Institute Civics, Economics, Entrepreneurship, Geography and History Agend a 10:15 a.m. Session 4: Title: Presenter: Session 5: Title: Presenter: Session 6: Title: Presenter: Thursday, June 21, 2007 11:45 a.m. Room 205 Using the West Virginia Encyclopedia in Your Classroom Lesson plans (4th and 8th grade) Mark Payne, West Virginia Humanities Council Room 206 Technology Lab (all programmatic levels) Integrating Technology Resources Thinkfinity, SASS, Itelliboards (whiteboards) Student Response Systems, PowerPoint, Movie Maker Guilda Haddox Room 206 Foldable Books for the High School Classroom Learn how to generate students’ interest through a variety of contentbased folded books. Step-by-step directions, materials and supplies Denise White Lunch Report out and Assemble our Quilt Door Prizes 1 p.m. 2007 Social Studies Summer Institute Adjourns Notes 2nd Floor Lobby and Rooms 202-204 Social Studies Summer Institute Civics, Economics, Entrepreneurship, Geography and History Agend a Dr. Steven L. Paine State Superintendent of Schools West Virginia Department of Education