A Database to Support Development And Evaluation of Intelligent Patient Monitoring by Christine Lieu Submitted to the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degrees of Bachelor of Science in Electrical [Computer] Science and Engineering and Master of Engineering in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY May 24, 2002 JUL 3 1 2002 Copyright 2002 Christine Lieu. All rights reserved. LIBRARIES The author hereby grants to M.I.T. permission to reproduce and distribute publicly paper and electronic copies of this thesis and to grant others the right to do so. Author_ Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science May 24, 2002 Certified by Roger G. Mark, M.D., Ph.D. Distinguished Professor in Health Sciences and Technology, HST Professor of Electrical and Bioengineering, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, MIT Thesis Supervisor Accepted by Arthur C. Smith Chairman, Department Committee on Graduate Theses A Database to Support Development And Evaluation of Intelligent Intensive Care Monitoring By Christine Lieu Submitted to the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science May 24, 2002 In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Engineering And Master of Engineering in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Abstract Advances in medical observation equipment have allowed hospital caregivers to collect a wealth of information about a patient's condition. Automated data collection systems make it easy to store multiple clinical notes, lab results, and physiological waveforms electronically. Organizing this data and making it useful to researchers is a complex problem that requires a solution that is easily accessible, intuitive to use, and versatile. The major aim of this project is to develop a framework for the automated acquisition of patient data from clinical information systems and patient monitors, and the subsequent storage, indexing, and presentation of patient records using web and relational database technologies. Thesis Supervisor: Roger G. Mark, M.D., Ph.D. Distinguished Professor in Health Sciences and Technology, HST Professor of Electrical and Bioengineering, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, MIT 2 1 Problem Statement Researchers in intelligent patient monitoring need large amounts of data to test and validate hypotheses about patient care. The data test set must be sufficiently large to ensure that results are not the artifacts of a specific group of patients, and that hypotheses can be applied to the general patient population. One scientist notes that data collection is one of the most complex and resource-intensive stages in clinical research. He writes, "One of the difficulties facing researchers in clinical informatics has been 'getting the data in.' In particular, the costs of acquiring detailed and structured data from the clinical care process have been daunting."i Advances in patient care monitoring have allowed physicians to track an Intensive Care Unit (ICU) patient's physiological state more closely and with greater accuracy. Modern computerized clinical information systems can take information from multiple data sources and store it in a central location. To be useful to researchers, the data collected from patient monitors and clinical information systems must be indexed and presented in a user-friendly interface. It should be searchable so that researchers studying a specific problem or pattern can locate relevant records. This paper describes a utility, called MIMIC, which uses a relational database to organize real patient data and makes it widely available to the general research community. The MIMIC (Multi-parameter Intelligent Monitoring for Intensive Care) database takes advantage of the data collection systems installed at a partner hospital to collect large numbers of real patient records. This utility also organizes the data and makes it searchable on multiple dimensions and provides an intuitive user interface to view and browse data. 3 2 Background Our partner hospital uses the CareVue Clinical Information System, developed by Philips Medical Systems 2, to store clinical data in its ICU units. Each patient's room and nursing station is equipped with a CareVue terminal where nurses may enter notes, medications information, fluid balances, and more. CareVue also stores and collects data from other sources, such as bedside monitors and results from lab tests. The data collected by CareVue is also stored in the hospital's Information Support Mart (ISM), which is built around Oracle database technology. WaveformTe Collection System p rt o MIMIC emwaveform Data " "" CareVue Terminal ICU Roo ICU Room CareVue Central Repository mimic Figure I DataCollection at the PartnerHospital The data in the ISM includes nursing notes, medication dosages and durations, fluid balances, and vital signs. Real-time waveform data, such as blood pressure, pulse oximetry, and ECG signals, are recorded in bedside monitors and collected in a separate system that is not connected to CareVue. We have access to the data stored in the ISM and the data collected in the waveform 4 collection system. The CareVue system ISM system is presently connected to 42 ICU beds, which in a year can collect more than 15,000 patient days' of records. 3 Current Research There are currently several alternate solutions to the problem of collecting and organizing real patient data for research. Many are targeted toward solving specific research problems, while others have less complete data or are not yet published. 3.1 Previous Solutions MIMIC1 3 is a small-scale set of records that provides some support for research in intelligent patient monitoring for ICU patients. MIMIC1 was developed by George Moody and Roger Mark and is stored in Microsoft Access and contains data from the same partner hospital's ICU. It contains only about 100 records and was entered manually from paper records, leaving room for inconsistencies and errors. MIMIC1 contains both waveforms and clinical data. It provides search capabilities and a neat user interface but is severely limited by the lack of automated data collection. MIMIC1 is the precursor to the solution described in this paper. 3.2 Other Databases Clinical Informatics is an exciting area that has made many advances in recent years. This section describes other available databases of clinical data. One interesting solution being explored by the Medical Informatics group at Columbia University is to create an online support system based on a set of common clinical questions. "The aim of this study was to examine a method for creating an online support system for developers of a clinical information system (CIS) from existing documentation and question-answer exchanges (Q-A's). A question answer exchange consisted of a user's question and an expert's corresponding answer. The study was motivated by the need to improve online support systems for system developers using locally developed programs within complex information systems. " 5 This is an innovative approach to a similar problem but lacks the flexibility of being able to answer questions not included in a pre-determined set of frequently asked questions. The IMPROVE (Improving Control of Patient Status in Critical Care) 5 database was constructed from records from intensive care patients in Kuopio, Finland. IMPROVE stores comprehensive records, including ECG waveforms, hemodynamics, respiratory signals, lab tests, and annotations for 59 patients. For this project, a "physician observed the patient state and monitored signals online and annotated any changes in patient state or possible external causes for artifacts." 5 This provides useful information that would be missing if annotations were made afterwards, but requires extra effort by clinicians. IMPACT stores detailed records for ICU patients, but needs more records to be useful in clinical research. There are many clinical databases that have been developed to support research in a specific problem. The HIV Information Infrastructure Program is developing a Central Research Database (CRD) to record clinical data on HIV patients. The CRD will "provide HIV researchers with access to real-time clinical data on a large number of patients, creating unprecedented research opportunities." 6 The CRD provides are similar to but are targeted toward HIV and AIDS patients. There are several other databases similar to the CRD and the FAQ. The Penguin project 7 at Stanford is a database intended to support biomedical applications for experimental data. The University of Virginia is developing an Echocardiogram data collection system' to build up a database of records to support research) Duke University's Clinical Informatics group is working on TMR (The Medical Record) 9 that 6 provides a solution to the problem of organizing and indexing patient records, but it is in early stages of development. The MGH/MF Waveform Database5 is a collection of ECG and hemodynamic waveforms, annotations, and relevant clinical data that was collected from the Massachusetts General Hospital. The MGH project is only a waveform database, so it does not process trends or contain other supporting data. 4 Solution Our solution distinguishes itself from other currently available databases and search engines by providing real high-quality patient data that is searchable through a general-purpose search engine. It is different from other databases that were created for research in only a specific problem, or lack search capabilities or data collection facilities. MIMIC is a utility that uses relational database technology to organize and index large amounts of multidimensional patient data. The MIMIC RDBMS (Relational Database Management System) is used to administer this database and create table definitions. Data can be downloaded from the hospital's ISM and entered into the MIMIC database. Once the MIMIC database is populated, the MIMIC Application dynamically generates HTML pages that allow any researcher with a web browser to access the records stored in MIMIC. The MIMIC application also provides search capabilities on multiple dimensions and presents records in an intuitive interface. The use of real patient data from the partner hospital and the development of this project were approved by the Institutional Review Board (IRB), a review board for clinical research studies. Since it is not feasible or convenient to request patient consent for all data collected in the CareVue system, approval to archive the data was contingent on removal of all patient identifiers from the database. The de- 7 identification measures are described in detail in Section 12.2. 5 Design Requirements To useful in a research context, MIMIC needs to scale to large numbers of records. It should take advantage of data collection resources at the partner hospital as a source of data. The following sections describe other design ideals and requirements specified for this project. 5.1 Provide Easy Access MIMIC should be easily accessible to researchers. Scientists seeking real patient data should not have to download the entire database or install specialized software to view records. Instead, MIMIC is intended to be immediately available to any researcher, free of charge, and have the flexibility to be useful for a wide range of research problems. 5.2 Protect Patient Confidentiality The partner hospital allows MIMIC access to its ISM under the condition that all data in MIMIC must be sanitized to protect patient identities. "The Hippocratic oath incorporated the principle of medical confidentiality into doctors' professional ethics." 8 MIMIC has the responsibility of de-identifying the data so that patients are not identifiable by the records available in the MIMIC database. Patient records often contain identifiers such as names, phone number, Social Security Number (SSN), Medical Record Number (MRN). These must be removed from patient records before they are added to MIMIC. 5.3 Data Accuracy MIMIC must assure that data is downloaded and displayed accurately. "If information is corrupted, clinicians may take incorrect decisions which harm or even kill patients. If information is unreliable, in the sense that it could have been corrupted, then its 8 value as a basis for clinical decisions is diminished."' 0 In order to be useful, the data in MIMIC must be accurate. Because the data in MIMIC is collected from the primary source, a higher level of accuracy is achieved than databases that require transcription from paper records. 6 Overall Architecture The MIMIC utility consists of two major parts: the RDBMS and the application. The MIMIC server refers to the machine MIMIC Database (Postgre) Browsing Users - - - - ------ -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - - --- on which these parts reside. MIMIC utilizes the hospital's ISM is e Hospital ISM* (Oracde) Text data files the source of data. There are also other .......-- . . . -..... . -.-. -. 7.GETT! G'THE DA IA Figure2: Architecture of MIMIC minor components to MIMIC and modules that support MIMIC, that select, de-identify, parse, and upload new data. These modules are described in more detail in the following sections. 7 Tools A Postgres relational database was chosen for the MIMIC database because it is open-source and free of charge. AOLServer is used for the MIMIC Application because it has been successfully used with Postgres to create large-scale databasebased web sites". The Tcl scripting language is used to dynamically generate HTML pages and interface the web server and database. 9 - 8 Data Collection As described in Section 2, the partner hospital has 42 Intensive Care Unit (ICU) beds in that are presently connected to the CareVue system. Nursing notes, medications, fluid input and output, updates to patient charts, lab results, and more are stored in the CareVue System. Waveforms such as ECGs, blood pressure, and pulse oximetry are stored in a separate waveform collection system. MIMIC downloads clinical data from the hospital ISM and stores it in a new database, the MIMIC database. Waveform data is downloaded from the waveform collection system at the hospital and stored in a separate database, which is the waveform counterpart to MIMIC. System mimic CareVue rI J : Unifiedz MI Research Lab os- al Figure3 MIMiC and Data Collection In the future, these two projects will be merged to create a unified utility to view and search through clinical and waveform data. 9 Types of Users Two classes of users will interact with MIMIC. Regular users include normal researchers who are looking for interesting data to support their research. Administrators will generally have some technical knowledge, be familiar with the Administrator's manual for MIMIC (see Appendix E) and have administrative privileges on the MIMIC Server. Administrators have access to the MIMIC RDBMS and are able to upload new data. 10 10 MIMIC RDBMS The MIMIC RDMS allows administrators to create, update, and administer the Postgres relational database that stores records for MIMIC. It provides a user interface to access the database without Dta RDM Figure 4 The MIMIC RDBMS requiring the user to know SQL or specific data models. The MIMIC RDMS itself consists of a few metadata tables that store the table definitions and a set of Tcl pages that modify and display table definitions. The complete data models for these metadata tables appear in Appendix A 10.1 Managing Tables The MIMIC RDMS allows users to define tables and columns within tables and specify how they are used and displayed. Users can specify the database data type for the entry, i.e. integer or varchar (100). The field for extrasql can be used to specify whether this column references another table. An order sort key is used to order the elements in a table. Administrators can also specify whether the column should be included in the text search, and whether the column should be hidden. Once the tables are defined, users can use the MIMIC RDMS to generate SQL CREATE TABLE and DROP TABLE statements. These scripts can be cut and pasted into Postgres to perform these operations. This process is described in step-by-step detail in the Administrator's Manual in Appendix E. 11 Add ma Elaored to test-tble SQL CQd TWide Please enie, the followingfibl You aq cut mad pasta the Edftlw deeothat a eleee (oohnn) oftert table Pireae "annmet for tesd-table to creat dae tcsLjAbe table. table (Lchartite lbelo beseslo(.10 Names Abstract Doletatp of hotrn te.ewaw(200)-v%1egcc' Datasypa e melchr(20)**mtrde EVIVa SQL one column ieae'wbs(to). aceraeyt iee e i el ae~3t roedt "'check foobp Co bo twe Tor fret coltuto Owe osogsy oot~eoryO '.orob~ctatt hcuI~ - Emery Emosaaas Teext Speh VacbsoISZ). var~c~(S2t, boclean-uoser, Dats atyp OrereSor Ke cat*"ct" Gat.gocyb " Figure 5 CreatingTable Definitions 10.1.1 MIMIC Table Definitions There are currently 34 table definitions entered into the MIMIC RDBMS. These are based on the CareVue ISM data models. There are slight differences between the data types defined in ISM and those used for MIMIC due to differences in Postgres and Oracle. The values entered for these tables can be found in Appendix B. The ISM classifies tables into two types: dimension tables and fact tables. Dimension tables "provide details around the who, what, where, and how of the data." 2 For example, the d-patients table contains the patient's sex, dob, and a database-generated pid (patient ID). Other tables that chart patient data will contain a value for the pid of the patient. Fact tables are used to "contain the raw data charted in <the> CareVue system. These properties contain the actual values being charted. The fact table also contains other properties which point to dimension tables."8 In general, dimension tables are used to support fact tables and fact tables contain patient data. MIMIC stores both types of tables. 12 10.2 Managing Indexes The MIMIC RDMS also includes a module to create and modify table indexes. SQL indexes are used to improve the performance of common queries. Indexes can be created on a column or a collection of columns in a table based on the structure and usage of data. Users are able to use the MIMIC RDMS to define indexes and generate SQL CREATE INDEX and DROP INDEX statements. A list of indexes created for MIMIC tables can be found in Appendix C. 10.3 Creating Views A SQL view is used to provide an additional layer of abstraction between the way data is presented and its underlying data structures. MIMIC uses views to present data in a form that is intuitive to the user. For instance, tables that use an Item ID to reference a value in a dimension table will contain numerical values. However, the view created for this table (named viewfortablename in MIMIC) will replace Item Ids with their corresponding text. Views are automatically generated based on table definitions and created and dropped at the same time as tables. Postgres does not support materialized views, but their capability is imitated through creating of tables that act as views. When new data is entered into mimic, these table views are dropped and re-created to assure that new data is included. 13 itemid 36 loitem Id 42 42 42 Itemid 36 36 36 charttime 10/1/2001 1:00 10/1/2001 1:00 10/1/2001 1:00 Itemid label Morphine Sulfate 1 42 amount 100 100 100 label D5W 100.Oml + 100mg Morphine Sulfate 1 loitem ld D5W 100.Oml + 100mg Morphine Sulfate 10/1/2001 1:00 Morphine Sulfate D5W 100.Oml + 100mg Morphine Sulfate 10/1/2001 1:00 Morphine Sulfate D5W 100.Oml + charttime dose units mg mg mg Itemid route IV Drip IV Drip NVDrip culd 2 12 amount dose units route culd 1 1 2 id 936 1092 1759 unitname MICU-A SICU culd cgld 100 mg IV Drip MICU-A 936 100 mg IV Drip MICU-A 1092 100 mg IV Drip MICU-A 1759 100mg Morphine 10/1/2001 1:00 Morphine Sulfate Sulfate Figure 6 Sample View Createdfor the Additives Table 10.4 More Metadata In addition to the metadata defined in the table creation process, the MIMIC RDMS also uses other metadata for managing and displaying tables. 10.4.1 Display Keys A Display Key for a table is the column that should be used as a label for this table. In some views where only one column for a table is displayed, this label is used. For example, in the dmeditems table, the label is the display key. Other tables will reference the dmeditems table. When it does, the label for dmeditems is used to display that value. 10.4.2 Time Keys Time Keys are used to select and order data. These are generally columns with the timestamp data type. Each fact table is ordered by a time key so that results can be displayed in chronological order. 14 10.4.3 Date Keys Date Keys are also used to select and order data. These are columns with integers that denote which day the item was stored. These date keys reference the ddays table, which has entries for every day from January 1, 1970 to December 30, 2030. Date keys are helpful in finding records for a specific day. 10.4.4 Menu Keys Menu Keys are used in displaying data in a menu fashion. Administrators can specify a column for each table and whether this menu key should be visible. This controls the menus that are displayed to normal users. For instance, the Total Balance Events table has Item ID as its menu key. This means that the values of this column are available as menu options. One value for an Item ID is '24 Total Out.' A user could click on this item to view only entries in the column with that menu value. For this example, the result would be a table of only '24 Total Out' entries. Figure 13 shows and example of a menu for a table. Current values for the keys described above can be found in Appendix D. These can be modified and managed using the key management module in / server-path/admin/mimic /keys. 11 Data Extraction and Migration This section describes the process of obtaining new data from the hospital system for upload to MIMIC. MIMIC uses a simple ETL (extract, transform, and load) architecture to add new data to the database. 11.1 Connecting via CareWeb We obtain access to the hospital's data collection system by connecting remotely via a virtual private network (VPN). In this way we are able to access the hospital's ISM without having to be on-site. MIMIC contains records only for those patients who 15 have been discharged from the ICU, to assure that each record is a complete picture of a patient's stay. 11.2 Choosing Records for Download Data is chosen to be included in MIMIC based on available waveform data. Another project, the waveform counterpart to MIMIC, computes wavelet coefficients for analysis and trending. MIMIC is intended to complement that project by organizing clinical records for the patients with corresponding waveforms. Data is chosen to be included in MIMIC based on the waveform data that is collected and processed. 11.3 Extracting Data To extract data from the hospital system, a user needs administrative privileges on MIMIC, a web browser (such as Netscape), access to the MIMIC Server, access to the hospital ISM (Oracle), and a list of patients. The list of patients should be in the form: case-idl last name lfirst namelMRN The MRN is optional. An example appears below. 35511 LADEN JOSEPHI 35491STEELEIREMINGTON112428752 35461 FIELDSIANDREWI 35411COLE KENNETHI 35421 PIERFORIANTHONYI 35451YOUSEFFIANITHOMAS1 35408266 35641WALDEN LAMARI 3565 GARCIA ANDY This file is then uploaded in the data update page to generate a script to extract patient IDs for these patients. Patient IDs are integers used in the ISM as private keys for each patient. Patient IDs are not associated with MRN or any other identifying information for the patient and are only used internally. With this list of Patient IDs, another script is run on the hospitals Oracle system to extract data for these patients. 16 11.4 Reading from the Legacy Format Postgres and Oracle are largely similar, but have a few differences with respect to data types and how values connect via CareWeb . Hospital ISM are formatted. MIMIC uses Oracle's formatting functions to select data in a format that Postgres can recognize, based on metadata from table definitions. For instance, Oracle has one data type for storing dates, date. The default format for selecting the date Figure 7 DownloadingData from the HospitalISM data type returns a string as 'YYYY-MM-DD.' MIMIC tables are largely concerned with dates that are associated with times that an event was charted and use the timestamp type to store these dates. To extract the full timestamp of a date column in Oracle, we can formulate the select statement to select the column as a full timestamp. A similar approach can be applied to other data types to obtain data in the desired format. Data is downloaded into a plain text file, which takes more time than simply dumping tables from Oracle, but allows more flexibility in choosing only desired records. This also prevents having to convert from an Oracle format to one that Postgres can recognize. 110212001-07-18 22:00:0012001-07-19 18:42:001271111242111011 110212001-08-30 00:00:0012001-09-09 23:00:0012711115780111011 110212001-09-24 14:00:0012001-10-05 21:56:0012711116316111011 110212001-10-10 23:00:0012001-11-01 11:10:0012711130970111011 110212001-07-18 22:00:0012001-07-19 18:42:001311111242111011 110212001-08-30 00:00:0012001-09-09 23:00:0013111115780111011 110212001-09-24 14:00:0012001-10-05 21:56:00131111163161110t1 110212001-10-10 23:00:0012001-11-01 11:10:0013111130970111011 Figure 8 Sample Text Data File The output is saved as .csv (comma spaced values) files that can later be parsed and inserted into the MIMIC database. A sample of one of these files appears in Figure 8. This process also allows us to perform some preliminary de-identification of the data, 17 which is described more in Section 12.2. 11.5 Migration Since the files containing the data for the new records are large (75 MB for 100 patients), we use ftp to transfer them to the local server before parsing and inserting into the MIIMC database. The text format of the files avoids compatibility issues with versions of Oracle or Postgres by avoiding proprietary or database-specified formats. The data extraction script is generated each time new data is requested so that updates to data models (table definitions) do not disrupt the data migration process. 12 Adding New Data Once the data is selected and downloaded from the hospital ISM and written to text files, these files must be uploaded to the MIMIC database. 12.1 Uploading New Data When these text files are transferred to the local system, they are ready to be parsed and entered into the MIMIC database. The administrator specifies MIMIC the location of the data files using the 'atabass data update page located at /server-path/admin/mimic/data/. Text data files Figure9 UploadingNew Datato MIMIC The MIMIC server then searches for a .csv file for each table defined in its data model. If a tablename.csv file exists, the indexes for that table are dropped in the database to speed the insertion of new data. More about index management can be found in the Administrator's Manual in Appendix C. MIMIC reads the text files and creates new files that are formatted according to the Postgres specification by getting rid of extraneous white space, 18 formatting null values, and putting each row on a separate line. The newly formatted file overwrites the original file. Once each file is formatted, MIMIC uses a 'COPY' statement to add that data to the corresponding table. The indexes for this table are re-created and the update for this table is complete. This process is repeated for each table defined in the MIMIC RDBMS. 12.2 De-Identification Part of the de-identification process is built into the data migration process. Much of the confidential patient information is simply not selected to be in the data files, so fields such as patient name and caregiver name are not included in the download. They are part of the hospital's ISM, but not defined for MIMIC. Another way to protect patient identities is by using a unique key called a patient ID to identify each patient. "Unique Patient Identifier eliminates the need for the repetitive use and disclosure of an individual's personal identification information (i.e. name, age, sex, race, marital status, place of residence, etc.) for routine internal and external communications (e.g. orders, results, medication, consultation, etc.) and protects the privacy of the individual. It helps preserve the patient anonymity while facilitating communication and information sharing." 13 The pid (patient ID) is assigned by the ISM. New patient IDs are assigned for each new admission, even for the same patient. MIMIC uses a Case ID to identify patients. Each patient is assigned a Case ID, and the Case ID is reused for repeat admissions. The second line of defense for patient de-identification uses a function to replace patient names before writing the data to a file. This function runs on the hospital system when new data is being requested and works by looking up the patient name and replacing any instances of that name with 'patient.' The result is that data files do not contain any patient names. This function does not make any changes to the records on the hospital system, but only modifies the results of a query. 19 The resulting data files may still contain some personal information that must be removed before the new entries can be published. Part of the data upload process SELECT fullname INTO temp-lastname from d_patients WHERE pid = find&pid; new-string := replace(lower(replace-string), lower(templastname), patient); tempnum:=instr(temp_lastname, ); temp_firstname:=substr(temp_lastname, 0, tempnum); temp-lastname:=substr(temp-lastname, temp-num); newstring := replace(new-string, temp-firstname, patient ); new-string replace(new-string, temp-lastname, patient ); Figure 10 Function to Replace Names includes a script that deletes entries that contain personal information such as Spokesperson Phone Number and Insurance Number. We have identified 13 such fields for deletion: "Attending MD", "Spokesperson", "Spokesperson Home Phone #", "Spokesperson Work Phone #", "Religion", "Martial Status", "Home Phone No.", "Work Phone No.", "Page Phone No.", "Pt. Name", "PIN", "Cell Phone No.", and "Account #'. Some of the free text fields may also contain phone numbers, Social Security numbers, or medical record numbers. Before new data is uploaded, a script looks for patterns (for example, a series of numbers of the form xxx-xxx-xxxx) that could be an identifying number and replaces it. 12.3 Logging Once all new data has been uploaded and entered into the MIMIC database, the update is stored in a data log. The log records the date, location of .csv source file, and the results of the update. This can be useful to administrators in evaluating when updates were made and outcome of the update. 20 13 The MIMIC Application Now that the data is loaded into the MIMIC Database, it is ready to be presented to users. Each patient can have multiple days' worth of data, stored in multiple tables, each containing thousands of entries. The pages of the MIMIC Application were designed to provide a unified and intuitive user interface that presents a great deal of data in a way that is easy to navigate and comprehend. MIMIC Database (Postgres) Brows n users Figure 1] The MIMIC Application The MIMIC Application consists of .tcl pages that interact with the MIMIC database to dynamically generate html pages to present to the end user. The MIMIC Application consists of two main sections: data pages and search pages. The data pages present patient data in an intuitive and easily browsable manner. The search pages provide facilities to formulate queries on multiple dimensions. 13.1 General Presentation In creating a user interface to MIMIC, we tried to keep the design as simple and utilitarian as possible. The result is a user interface that is clean, compact, and allows users to browse through records using several different approaches. 13.1.1 Hiding internals One way MIMIC makes data more easily viewed is by hiding the internals of how data is stored and accessed. MIMIC includes metadata about whether columns or categories should be hidden or presented to users. Fields such as caseid or date-key are numeric values that are meaningless to end-users and have no clinical 21 significance. These are not presented in normal user views. MIMIC also uses SQL views to decode references to other tables and provide a level of abstraction between the raw data and a format that is easily understood by the end user. 13.1.2 Utilizing data types (metadata) Another way that MIMIC improves upon the appearance of raw data is through utilization of data types stored in metadata. MIMIC uses this metadata to format data for display. Time stamps are passed through a conversion function to format them as text instead of ANSI format. Columns that are integers are truncated to leave out insignificant figures. MIMIC uses time keys to present data in chronological order. Other keys are used to view data based on category, table, or item type. These different types of views are described in more detail in the next section. 13.2 Viewing the Data MIMIC views organize data into three basic views. A patient record can be viewed by table, which presents the first 25 entries of each table in one page. The record can be viewed by day, which presents the first 25 entries of each table for that day in one page. The category view presents the first 50 entries of each table in that category in one page. It is not reasonable to present more than a few entries for each table on the same page, so MIIMC presents a limited number from each table and adds a menu to browse the rest of the entries. In addition to these views, MIMIC provides the capabilities to concentrate on specific types of data 13.3 Viewing Medications MIMIC currently uses five different tables to store medications information: a_medurations, dmeditems, solutions, additives, and medevents. All of these reference the dmeditems table for medication names. The MIMIC Application includes a medications section to view all medications information for a given patient, or concentrate on a specific medication for a given patient. This provides a 22 useful summary that can be used in determining how a medication was part of a Paftntrmard for Muphm Swat@s Thwse an Me recoaftfog p*W Vou can dso'ic patient's course of care or how NN6O and Uapin U~te. jj Additives it affected his prognosis. O4ol2tM . hIoqbi. SUg. Moq %Sm DWW0+W0Ag JaMW3Y 12.2 Pebruy22,22 Mxqphin DsWM .z+103g 01mm4 t4W aM-W MuhIl, 302 patient information reference 0oe.,e, IV Maca Op 1Y 5 Me.phr.304k. sufa" 13.4 Menus for Browsing Most of the tables containing 1W mapesumLbE M-W &" Macphme "m.i""W"0 V CU 1 DroCM13 M 0tv U9**,", D5W|M. A 936 k8CU A 1W2 IV D" +250mgg 174 Med Durations . M.ee O*~w~2g1 316G4Ss4 Octobrw62001 13.0 " dimension tables for the items *bZ213 ., .. 1.. qSto4~a 4 Marph~aSU&Otob ' D1e 11meO04 hlcOI 373Om S.a2M I4c.4 U1CUA Z1W I"" Figure 13 Viewing Medications they store. Because they reference dimension tables, these items are standardized across different entries. A column that references the dchartitems table will contain multiple entries for the same Item ID. MIMIC utilizes the normal form of this data to create menus to view and browse all items with the same Item ID. In practice, this means this means there are menus to concentrate on - "" Total But-ance Events Tsbisxt0-25f1 er7ntdeooftis 2a _Iye , tym P5t c [2 T H TWtIA 1hutej Q 1 In day at v s tnoa a specific type of entry to a table. For instance, the Total IL 0 U 24 1 39 noa 0 33 aau2 0 33013 nn$ 0 330 04 Balance Events table has menus for '24 Total Out' and users can click on a value to 8.uIsbcr,, 1 20 04 r,02To 00WI3 04 0 2 1 39 In view all entries for that specific item for a given Figure12 Menufor Total Balance Events patient. 23 21 14 Search The interesting capabilities in MIMIC lie in the search engine. MIMIC uses an incremental search to merge the results of criteria on multiple dimensions. This search allows users to view incremental results at each step of the search. Incremental search can further help the researcher pinpoint interesting results from the collection of records stored in MIMIC. When the user gets to the initial search page, he can choose to add a search term -- based on a text search, medications - -- I 4 a MIMIC Complex Search new seach search, or patient demographics. These Enter sechtemutoprformacoplexsearchontheMimic Datbae. types of searches are described and defined in more detail in the following sections. So far: DateofrBkth:afer1906-Jan-10 Contating Text: AND "SOB" AND "albuterol" Once the user enters the search criteria, Medicadom:ANDHeparin>5U There we 9 patients in your results the search terms are sent to be processed. A,1O3u3 414 4148416742043786.5223 1i48 The user can then see the number of Figure 14 Search Results results in MIMIC that satisfy these criteria, and opt to perform the search or enter additional search terms. When no records satisfy the search criteria, the criteria are removed from the search and a notification message appears to the user. More on these types of searches and a few details about their implementation are described in the following sections. 14.1 Patient Demographics The first and simplest search is based on patient demographics, namely age and sex. Age is specified by denoting a date of birth (DOB) greater than or less than a given 24 date. Obviously, the choices for sex are male or female. All patients in MIMIC have data for DOB and sex. MIMIC performs searching based on patient demographics by simply scanning the d-patients table, which contains this information. 14.2 Text Search One of the options for managing columns in MIMIC is whether the column should be in included in a text search. In general, this field should be turned on for text fields that are relevant to the patient record. Only these fields are considered for a text search. The text search facility allows users to enter in text search terms and searches free text for these fields. Users may enter simple logic, such as 'patients AND doctors. MIMIC parses the input to the text search and searches for these search terms. It automatically detects key words for logic 'AND' and 'OR' and generates SQL for these cases. The design of the text component of the MIMIC Search engine is similar to the specifications for an early version of the bboard search on http://www.photo.net. It uses a Tcl ranking function to sort results and presents the most relevant result first. "It does a simple ranking based on a list of keywords - it is not phrase-based. The more keywords that are matched, the higher score you get."14 Ranking is based on items matched for each patient record. For instance, a user may search for Atrial Fibrillation. A patient whose record contains 5 instances of Atrial and 3 instances of Fibrillation would receive a score of 8 in the search results. MIMIC uses a Tcl-based ranking function and SQL 'like' comparison statements to perform the search. SQL 'like' statements match each element of the input string. The results are stored and ranked in a Tcl script. In text-only search, results are 25 returned in order of number of relevance. For more complex searches, results are returned in an arbitrary order based on multiple search terms. 14.3 Medications Search Medications are stored in the dmeditems table, which helps standardize spelling and notation associated with medications. Patient records reference dmeditems. itemid to record that a patient received a medication. Figure 6 shows an example of viewing medication records. Since we know which tables reference the dmeditems table and therefore contain medications information, we can limit the medications search to these tables. Since searching for medications is based on an integer key, it is faster than a text search because numerical comparison is faster than text comparison. 15 Design Issues In the course of designing the components of MIMIC, there were many decisions and tradeoffs considered. In general, design decisions were made according to efficiency and simplicity. 15.1 Performance Early versions of the MIMIC Application were extremely slow. Page views took about 6 seconds to load, due to the time to process queries to the database. Most web users are unwilling to wait more than 2 seconds for a page to load. A great deal of time was spent on creating indexes to speed up queries and reduce the amount of time to retrieve data. Another optimization measure used was to move some of the processing for queries to the data upload process. When new data is added to the MIMIC database, new table views are created and updated at the same time. These views perform the costly JOIN operations needed to generate the materialized user views described in 26 Section 10.3. This increased data upload time up to 100%, but once the data was processed, page views took 2 seconds. The alternative would be to create simple SQL views, instead of tables that act as materialized views, and perform the JOIN operations whenever a page was requested. The data upload process was much faster, but pages took 6-8 seconds to load. The end decision was to move the JOIN latency to the upload process to assure that page loads were fast. This makes MIMIC more convenient for end users who are browsing records, and adds only start-up costs to adding new data. A few other approaches to optimization were also considered, including query caching and warehousing strategies. In the end, a combination of creating indexes, utilizing integer comparisons when possible, and an ad-hoc version of materialized views were used to optimize the MIMIC Application. 15.2 Scalability The MIMIC database will have hundreds of new records every few months. The partner hospital currently has 42 beds connected to the CareVue system. Over the course of a year, over 10,000 patient days' worth of data is available to MIMIC. MIMIC must scale efficiently to handle these records. Relational databases have been proven to handle scaling to thousands of records efficiently. MIMIC takes advantage of this by using Postgres for its database. The MIMIC Application is designed to scale to large numbers of records. The search engine returns incremental results, but stores only the different search terms. Storing incremental results for the search (instead of search terms) and recalculating only new terms as they are added becomes more complicated as the number of records increases. As MIMIC grows to thousands of records, it becomes 27 more efficient to store search terms and perform the entire search at each step. The user interface for MIMIC was also designed with large numbers of patient-days in mind. The average stay for an ICU patient can vary greatly, so the user interface was designed to display varying-length records efficiently. This is achieved through menus to browse menus and a range of display options. 15.3 Versatility The difference between MIMIC and similar databases is that MIMIC was not developed for a specific application or problem. Some similar databases that were developed for more specific research problems were described in Section 3.2. The MIMIC database contains all available records from patients in one of the partner hospital's intensive care units. Data is recorded from multiple data sources and can be browsed based on medication, type of event, or category. The search utility is intended to help researchers locate data that is relevant to their research. Unlike other databases, MIMIC does not target specific problems, but aims to be a generalpurpose source of ICU patient data. 16 Evaluation of Current Design 16.1 De-Identification The de-identification measures taken in the data upload process assure that no patient names, phone numbers, medical record numbers, or social security numbers appear in data for MIMIC. However, MIMIC does not handle other possibly identifying information, such as doctor names or names of family members. Nursing notes occasionally contain references to a patient's "sister Mary" or "home in Bedford." Nursing notes may also contain misspellings that go undetected. MIMIC will replace "Robert" but will not find "Robret." MIMIC lacks the sophisticated facilities to remove such information. In future versions, natural language processing algorithms can be 28 applied to solve these problems. 16.2 Scalability MIMIC currently contains about 300 patients, with a total of over 1,000 patient days. MIMIC should easily scale to contain several hundred more patients. We are unsure of how MIMIC will handle tens of thousands of records. The MIMIC server, which is currently on a machine with a 1500Mhz Athlon AMD processor and 512MB memory, would have to be upgraded to be a server for thousands of patient records. Once MIMIC is merged with its waveform counterpart and regular data updates are made to the MIMIC Database, the database should be backed up regularly and the MIMIC Server used as a dedicated server for the MIMIC Application. 16.3 Usability There are many possible additions to MIMIC that would make it more useful to researchers. Once MIMIC has been merged with its waveform counterpart, complex trending and analysis of those waveforms can be combined with searches on clinical records. Currently, MIMIC does not support any conversion of units of measure for medications searches, due in part to lack of available data. Units conversion may be possible for future versions of MIMIC. The display for MIMIC varies slightly across different web browsers. MIMIC was tested mostly using Internet Explorer, Netscape, and Mozilla. Future versions of MIMIC could add to the current design by using HTML elements that are displayed uniformly across different browsers. 16.4 The Future of MIMIC This project is the second version of an effort to solve the problems or collecting and organizing real patient data for clinical research. However, there can still be improvements and functionality added to MIMIC that could improve its value. 29 MIMIC only contains a portion of the data recorded from the ICU. The hospital also collects discharge summaries, pathology reports, ECG signals, more detailed lab reports, records for surgeries, X-rays, EEGs, outpatient care, and more. This data is not currently stored in the ISM, but is stored on other hospital systems. In the future, we could gain access to their records and add them to MIMIC. The MIMIC RDBMS would have to be extended to include new table definitions and a different extraction system to access the hospital information system. The richer content of the resulting database would widen the range of research problems that MIMIC supports. In the future, MIMIC and its waveform counterpart will be integrated into a unified resource for patient data. New versions of MIMIC could also include more sophisticated patient de-identification procedures and add different user views. The search facilities could allow for more complex searches, including searches on waveform patterns. The current framework for MIMIC leaves the ability to extend to include these capabilities. Even without these improvements, MIMIC will be a useful utility to researchers looking for real patient data. 17 Conclusion MIMIC provides a solution to some of the problems of protecting patient confidentiality, migrating data to a new server, and presenting data in a usable interface. It utilizes web and database technologies to create an application that makes real hospital records available and searchable by researchers. Regular updates from the hospital ISM will populate MIMIC with real patient data. All of these elements are combined to create a useful utility for researchers looking for real patient data. 30 18 Bibliography Kohane, Isaac "The Imperative to Collaborate" Journal of the American Informatics Association Volume 7 Number 5 Sep/Oct 2000 2 Product Description for Philips Medical Systems CareVue Clinical Information System http://www3. medical.philips.com/enus/product home/product/carevuecis detail.asp 3 Moody, George and Mark, Roger "A Database to Support Development and Evaluation of Intelligent Intensive Care Monitoring" Computers in Cardiology 23:657-660 1996 4 Wilcox, Adam, et al. "Developing Online Support for Clinical Information System Developers: The FAQ Approach" Computers and Biomedical research, 31 112-121 (1998) Article No. CO 981470 5 Korhonen, Ilkka. vanGils, Mark. Gade, Jon. "The Challenges in Creating Critical Care Databases" IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology May/June 2001 6 The HIV Central Research Database http://www.ohtn.on.ca/5 central hiip.html) 7 Stanford Penguin Project http://smi-web.stanford.edu/projects/penauin.html 8 "A Model Electronic Patient Record System for Clinical Echocardiography http://hsc.virginia.edu/hs-library/newsletter/1994/november/echocard.html 9 Duke Medical Informatics Research http://dmi-www.mc.duke.edu/dukemi/research/research.html 10 Anderson, Ross , "Security in Clinical Information Systems" Computer Laboratory University of Cambridge - January 1996) "Greenspun, Philip, "Phil and Alex's Guide to Web Publishing" http://www.arsdiita.com/books/panda/ CareVue Clinical Data Management Information Support Mart User's Guide. Agilent Technologies, 2000 12 Unique Patient Identifier 13 http://www.hipaanet.com/upin4.htm Idea for doing Site-Wide Search http://openacs.org/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg.tcl?msgid=000OSy&topicjid=11 14 31 -- APPENDIX A: Metadata Tables create table mimic-tableelements ( metadata id integer tablename varchar(21) column-name varchar(30) pretty-name varchar(100) abstractdatatype varchar(30) oracle-data-type varchar(30) extra-sql varchar(4000) presentation-type varchar(100) presentation-options varchar(4000) entry-explanation varchar(4000) help-text varchar(4000) include-in view-p char(l) mandatory-p char(1) sort-key integer formsort-key integer form-number integer includeinctxindex-p char(1) defaultvalue varchar(200) order-sort-key integer postgresdatatype varchar(80) not not not not not for display of tables by menu item create table mimic-item_keys ( table name varchar(21), item-key varchar(30), includeinview-p varchar(l) null, null, null, null, null, -- for display create table mimic displaykeys tablename varchar(100) primary key, display-key varchar(100) not null, -- data log for updates create sequence mimicindexessequence; create table mimicdata log ( integer, update-id timestamp with time zone, enterdate tablename filename filestatus extrac tkey extrac tkey-start extract keystop insertstatus character varying(40), character varying(100), character varying(400), character varying(40), numeric(30,6), numeric(30,6), character varying(400) - for management of indexe create table mimic-table-categories ( varchar(100) not null, category-name cat-pretty-name varchar(100) not null, description varchar(400), include in view-p varchar(l), order-sort-key integer create table indexname tablename columnname primary key mimic indexes varchar(100), varchar(21), varchar(30), (index-name, tablename, column-name) create table mimic timekeys tablename varchar(100), varchar(100) time-key create table mimic date keys tablename varchar(100), date-key varchar(100) 32 APPENDIXA: Metadata Tables category4 category5 category6 APPENDIX B: MIMIC Table Definitions --- SQL create table statements for all tables You may cut and paste the following to create tables. varchar(32), varchar(32), varchar(32) create table d-ioitems numeric, itemid label varchar(256), varchar(32), categoryl varchar(32), category2 varchar(32), category3 varchar(32), category4 varchar(32), category5 -tables for Dimensions create table d-caregivers cgid numeric, employeeno varchar(20), varchar(6) proftitle category6 create table dcareunits numeric, cuid unitname varchar(20) varchar(32) create table dmeditems numeric, itemid varchar(20), label create table d-chartitems itemid numeric, varchar(110), label categoryl varchar(32), varchar(32), category2 varchar(32), category3 varchar(32), category4 varchar(32), category5 category6 varchar(100) categoryl category2 category3 category4 category5 category6 varchar(32), varchar(32), varchar(32), varchar(32), varchar(32), varchar(32) create table d-outcomeitems ( numeric, itemid label create table d-days dayid numeric, timestamp, calDay month numeric, numeric, dayofmonth numeric, year varchar(20), monthText numeric, dayofweek varchar(20) holiday varchar(60), categoryl varchar(32), category2 category3 category4 category5 category6 varchar(32), varchar(32), varchar(32), varchar(32), varchar(32) create table d-patients integer, caseid numeric, pid varchar(8), sex date dob create table d-interventionitems numeric, itemid varchar(80), label varchar(32), categoryl varchar(32), category2 varchar(32), category3 create table d&problemitems numeric, itemid 33 APPENDIX B: MIMIC Table Definitions label varchar(60), categoryl varchar(32), category2 varchar(32), category3 varchar(32), category4 varchar(32), category5 varchar(32), category6 varchar(32) create table viewforcensusevents as select censusevents.oid as oid forcensusevents, d-patients.caseid, round(censusevents.pid, 0) as pid, censusevents.intime as intime, censusevents.outtime as outtime, d_careunits.unitname as careunit, censusevents.careunit as key-for-careunit, d careunits.unitname as destcareunit, censusevents.destcareunit as keyjfordestcareunit, censusevents.dischstatus as dischstatus, round(censusevents.los, 0) as los, dsources.hospitalname as sid, censusevents.sid as keyjfor-sid, round(censusevents.indayid, 0) as indayid, round(censusevents.outdayid, 0) as outdayid from censusevents, d-patients, d careunits, dsources where d-patients.pid=censusevents.pid and d-careunits.cuid=censusevents.careunit and d-careunits.cuid=censusevents.destcareunit and d_sources.sid=censusevents.sid ; create table d&primarycodes label varchar(50), code varchar(32), numeric pcode create table d-sources systemid numeric, siteid numeric, sourceid numeric, schemaRev numeric, hospitalname varchar(60), addressl varchar(30), address2 varchar(30), varchar(30), address3 sid numeric create table chartevents pid numeric, timestamp, charttime timestamp, realtime numeric, itemid valuel varchar(110), numeric, valuelnum varchar(20 valueluom varchar(110), value2 numeric, value2num varchar(20 value2uom varchar(20), stopped varchar (20) resultstatus varchar(5 00), annotation numeric, cgid numeric, cuid numeric, scode numeric, pcode numeric, chartdate numeric, sid numeric, elemid numeric txid create table d-secondarycodes varchar(50), label varchar(32), code numeric scode -tables for Events create table censusevents pid numeric, intime timestamp, outtime timestamp, numeric, careunit destcareunit numeric, varchar(20), dischstatus numeric, los numeric, sid indayid numeric, outdayid numeric create table view for chartevents as select chartevents.oid as oid forchartevents, d-patients.case-id, round(chartevents.pid, 0) as pid, chartevents.charttime as charttime, chartevents.realtime as realtime, d-chartitems.label as itemid, chartevents.itemid as 34 APPENDIX B: MIMIC Table Definitions formevents.subsectiontitle as subsectiontitle, key for itemid, chartevents.valuel as valuel, round(chartevents.valuelnum, 2) as valuelnum, chartevents.valueluom as valueluom, chartevents.value2 as value2, round(chartevents.value2num, 2) as value2num, chartevents.value2uom as value2uom, chartevents.stopped as stopped, chartevents.resultstatus as resultstatus, chartevents.annotation as annotation, round(chartevents.cgid, 0) as cgid, d careunits.unitname as cuid, chartevents.cuid as key_forcuid, round(chartevents.scode, 0) as scode, round(chartevents.pcode, 0) as pcode, round(chartevents.chartdate, 0) as chartdate, d_sources.hospitalname as sid, chartevents.sid as keyforsid, round(chartevents.elemid, 0) as elemid, round(chartevents.txid, 0) as txid from chartevents, dpatients, d chartitems, d_careunits, d-sources where d-patients.pid=chartevents.pid and d-chartitems.itemid=chartevents.itemid and d-careunits.cuid=chartevents.cuid and d-sources.sid=chartevents.sid ; d chartitems.label as itemid, formevents.itemid as keyjfor_itemid, formevents.value_ as value_, formevents.valuenum as valuenum, formevents.uom as uom, round(formevents.cgid, 0) as cgid, dcareunits.unitname as cuid, formevents.cuid as key-for-cuid, round(formevents.scode, 0) as scode, round(formevents.pcode, 0) as pcode, d_sources.hospitalname as sid, formevents.sid as key-for-sid, round(formevents.elemid, 0) as elemid, round(formevents.txid, 0) as txid, round(formevents.chartDay, 0) as chartDay, round(formevents.formid, 0) as formid from formevents, d_patients, d chartitems, d-careunits, d-sources where d-patients.pid=formevents.pid and d_chartitems.itemid=formevents.itemid and d_careunits.cuid=formevents.cuid and d-sources.sid=formevents.sid ; create table medevents numeric, pid timestamp, charttime numeric, itemid numeric, elemid numeric, chartdate timestamp, realtime numeric, volume numeric, dose varchar(20), doseuom numeric, solutionid numeric, solvolume varchar(20), route varchar(20), site varchar(20), stopped varchar(500), annotation numeric, cgid numeric, cuid numeric, pcode numeric, scode numeric, sid numeric txid create table formevents numeric, pid timestamp, chartTime timestamp, realtime varchar(40), formtitle varchar(40), sectiontitle varchar(40), subsectiontitle numeric, itemid value_ varchar(500), varchar(100), valuenum varchar(20), uom numeric, cgid numeric, cuid numeric, scode numeric, pcode numeric, sid numeric, elemid numeric, txid chartDay numeric, numeric formid create table view for medevents as select medevents.oid as oidfor medevents, d-patients.case-id, round(medevents.pid, 0) as pid, medevents.charttime as charttime, d-meditems.label as itemid, medevents.itemid as key-for-itemid, round(medevents.elemid, 0) as elemid, round(medevents.chartdate, 0) as chartdate, medevents.realtime create table viewforformevents as select formevents.oid as oid for formevents, dpatients.case-id, round(formevents.pid, 0) as pid, formevents.chartTime as chartTime, formevents.realtime as realtime, formevents.formtitle as formtitle, formevents.sectiontitle as sectiontitle, 35 APPENDIX B: MIMIC Table Definitions as realtime, round(medevents.volume, 0) as volume, 0) as elemid, round(noteevents.txid, 0) as txid from round(medevents.dose, 2) as dose, medevents.doseuom as doseuom, noteevents, d-patients, d_careunits, d-sources where d-meditems.label as solutionid, medevents.solutionid as key-for-solutionid, round(medevents.solvolume, 2) as solvolume, medevents.route as route, medevents.site as site, medevents.stopped as stopped, medevents.annotation as annotation, round(medevents.cgid, 0) as cgid, d_careunits.unitname as cuid, medevents.cuid as key-forcuid, round(medevents.pcode, 0) as pcode, round(medevents.scode, 0) as scode, d-sources.hospitalname as sid, medevents.sid as keyjfor sid, d secondarycodesl.scode as txid, medevents.txid as key fortxid from medevents, dpatients, d meditems, d-meditems d_meditems0, d-careunits, dsources, d-secondarycodes d-patients.pid=noteevents.pid and d_careunits.cuid=noteevents.cuid and d-sources.sid=noteevents.sid create table resultevents pid numeric, resultid numeric, timestamp, chartTime chartDate numeric, cgid numeric, cuid numeric, varchar(1000), resulttext timestamp, sourcetime numeric, firstresult numeric, nextresult status varchar(20), numeric, sid txid numeric d_secondarycodesl where d-patients.pid=medevents.pid and d-meditems.itemid=medevents.itemid and d_meditems0.itemid=medevents.solutionid and d-careunits.cuid=medevents.cuid and d sources.sid=medevents.sid and d-secondarycodesl.scode=medevents.txid ; create table noteevents pid numeric, charttime timestamp, realtime timestamp, category varchar(26), title varchar(52), notetext varchar(4000), correction varchar(2), cgid numeric, cuid numeric, chartDate numeric, sid numeric, noteid numeric, elemid numeric, txid numeric create table viewforresultevents as select resultevents.oid as oid forresultevents, dpatients.case id, round(resultevents.pid, 0) as pid, round(resultevents.resultid, 0) as resultid, resultevents.chartTime as chartTime, round(resultevents.chartDate, 0) as chartDate, round(resultevents.cgid, 0) as cgid, d-careunits.unitname as cuid, resultevents.cuid as keyjfor-cuid, resultevents.resulttext as resulttext, resultevents.sourcetime as sourcetime, round(resultevents.firstresult, 0) as firstresult, round(resultevents.nextresult, 0) as nextresult, resultevents.status as status, d sources.hospitalname as sid, resultevents.sid as key_forsid, round(resultevents.txid, 0) as txid from resultevents, dpatients, d-careunits, d-sources create table viewfornoteevents as select noteevents.oid as oidfornoteevents, d-patients.caseid, round(noteevents.pid, 0) as pid, noteevents.charttime as charttime, noteevents.realtime as realtime, noteevents.category as category, noteevents.title as title, noteevents.notetext as notetext, noteevents.correction as correction, round(noteevents.cgid, 0) as cgid, d careunits.unitname as cuid, noteevents.cuid as key-for-cuid, round(noteevents.chartDate, 0) as chartDate, d_sources.hospitalname as sid, noteevents.sid as keyforsid, round(noteevents.noteid, 0) as noteid, round(noteevents.elemid, where dpatients.pid=resultevents.pid and d-careunits.cuid=resultevents.cuid and d_sources.sid=resultevents.sid create table totalbalevents pid numeric, charttime chartdate itemid realtime pervolume 36 timestamp, numeric, integer, timestamp, numeric, APPENDIX B: MIMIC Table Definitions itemid numeric, altid numeric, numeric, volume varchar(20), volumeuom unitshung numeric, unitshunguom varchar(20), newbottle numeric, dressingchanged numeric, numeric, tubingchanged numeric, assessment varchar(20), stopped varchar(20), estimate varchar(500), annotation cgid numeric, numeric, cuid numeric, scode pcode numeric, chartdate numeric, sid numeric, elemid numeric, txid numeric cumvolume numeric, accumperiod varchar(20), approx varchar(10), reset-p integer, varchar(20), stopped annotation varchar(500), cgid numeric, cuid numeric, numeric, scode numeric, pcode numeric, sid txid numeric, elemid numeric create table viewfortotalbalevents as select totalbalevents.oid as oidfortotalbalevents, d-patients.case-id, round(totalbalevents.pid, 0) as pid, totalbalevents.charttime as charttime, round(totalbalevents.chartdate, 0) as chartdate, d ioitems.label as itemid, totalbalevents.itemid as key_forjitemid, totalbalevents.realtime as realtime, round(totalbalevents.pervolume, 0) as pervolume, round(totalbalevents.cumvolume, 0) as cumvolume, totalbalevents.accumperiod as accumperiod, totalbalevents.approx as approx, round(totalbalevents.reset-p, 0) as resetp, totalbalevents.stopped as stopped, totalbalevents.annotation as annotation, round(totalbalevents.cgid, 0) as cgid, d careunits.unitname as cuid, totalbalevents.cuid as keyjforcuid, round(totalbalevents.scode, 0) as scode, round(totalbalevents.pcode, 0) as pcode, d sources.hospitalname as sid, totalbalevents.sid as key-forsid, round(totalbalevents.txid, 0) as txid, round(totalbalevents.elemid, 0) as elemid from totalbalevents, dpatients, d ioitems, d-careunits, dsources where dpatients.pid=totalbalevents.pid and d_ioitems.itemid=totalbalevents.itemid and d_careunits.cuid=totalbalevents.cuid and d_sources.sid=totalbalevents.sid ; -- create table viewfor-ioevents as select ioevents.oid as oidforioevents, d-patients.case-id, round(ioevents.pid, 0) as pid, ioevents.charttime as charttime, ioevents.realtime as realtime, d ioitems.label as itemid, ioevents.itemid as key-for-itemid, dioitems0.label as altid, ioevents.altid as keyforaltid, round(ioevents.volume, 0) as volume, ioevents.volumeuom as volumeuom, round(ioevents.unitshung, 0) as unitshung, ioevents.unitshunguom as unitshunguom, round(ioevents.newbottle, 0) as newbottle, round(ioevents.dressingchanged, 0) as dressingchanged, round(ioevents.tubingchanged, 0) as tubingchanged, round(ioevents.assessment, 0) as assessment, ioevents.stopped as stopped, ioevents.estimate as estimate, ioevents.annotation as annotation, round(ioevents.cgid, 0) as cgid, d careunits.unitname as cuid, ioevents.cuid as key-for-cuid, round(ioevents.scode, 0) as scode, round(ioevents.pcode, 0) as pcode, round(ioevents.chartdate, 0) as chartdate, d sources.hospitalname as sid, ioevents.sid as keyjfor-sid, round(ioevents.elemid, 0) as elemid, round(ioevents.txid, 0) as txid from ioevents, dpatients, d ioitems, djioitems d-ioitems0, d-careunits, d-sources where d-patients.pid=ioevents.pid and tables for IOEvents. Solutions, Additives, and Deliveries create table ioevents numeric, pid charttime timestamp, realtime timestamp, 37 APPENDIXB: MIMIC Table Definitions numeric, chartdate charttime timestamp, numeric, ioitemid varchar(20), site rate numeric, numeric, cgid cuid numeric, numeric, sid numeric, elemid numeric txid d_ioitems.itemid=ioevents.itemid and d ioitemsO.itemid=ioevents.altid and d_careunits.cuid=ioevents.cuid and dsources.sid=ioevents.sid create table additives pid numeric, charttime timestamp, chartdate numeric, itemid numeric, ioitemid numeric, amount numeric, doseunits varchar(20), mperunit numeric, route varchar(20), cuid numeric, cgid numeric, scode numeric, pcode numeric, sid numeric, elemid numeric, txid numeric create table viewfordeliveries as select deliveries.oid as oidfordeliveries, d-patients.case id, round(deliveries.pid, 0) as pid, round(deliveries.chartdate, 0) as chartdate, deliveries.charttime as charttime, dioitems.label as ioitemid, deliveries.ioitemid as key-for-ioitemid, deliveries.site as site, deliveries.rate as rate, round(deliveries.cgid, 0) as cgid, d careunits.unitname as cuid, deliveries.cuid as keyjfor-cuid, dsources.hospitalname as sid, deliveries.sid as keyfor-sid, round(deliveries.elemid, 0) as elemid, round(deliveries.txid, 0) as txid from deliveries, dpatients, d_ioitems, d-careunits, dsources where dpatients.pid=deliveries.pid and d-ioitems.itemid=deliveries.ioitemid and d_careunits.cuid=deliveries.cuid and dsources.sid=deliveries.sid ; create table viewforadditives as select additives.oid as oidfor additives, d-patients.case-id, round(additives.pid, 0) as pid, additives.charttime as charttime, round(additives.chartdate, 0) as chartdate, dmeditems.label as itemid, additives.itemid as key_forjitemid, dioitems0.label as ioitemid, additives.ioitemid as keyforioitemid, round(additives.amount, 0) as amount, additives.doseunits as doseunits, round(additives.mlperunit, 0) as mlperunit, additives.route as route, d careunits.unitname as cuid, additives.cuid as keyfor-cuid, round(additives.cgid, 0) as cgid, round(additives.scode, 0) as scode, round(additives.pcode, 0) as pcode, d sources.hospitalname as sid, additives.sid as key_forsid, round(additives.elemid, 0) as elemid, round(additives.txid, 0) as txid from additives, dpatients, dnmeditems, d-ioitems d-ioitems0, dcareunits, d-sources where d-patients.pid=additives.pid and d-meditems.itemid=additives.itemid and d_ioitems0.itemid=additives.ioitemid and d_careunits.cuid=additives.cuid and d-sources.sid=additives.sid create table solutions numeric, pid timestamp, charttime numeric, itemid numeric, ioitemid numeric, volume varchar(20), doseunits varchar(20), route numeric, cgid numeric, cuid numeric, scode numeric, pcode numeric, chartdate numeric, sid numeric, elemid numeric txid create table deliveries numeric, pid 38 APPENDIX B: MIMIC Table Definitions create table view-for solutions as select solutions.oid as oidfor problems.itemid as key-for-itemid, problems.charttime as charttime, round(problems.chartdate, 0) as chartdate, round(problems.cgid, 0) as cgid, round(problems.addcgid, 0) as addcgid, dIcareunits.unitname as cuid, problems.cuid as keyjfor-cuid, problems.startdate as startdate, problems.stopdate as stopdate, d-days.calDay as dateadded, problems.dateadded as keyjfor-dateadded, round(problems.problemnum, 2) as problemnum, problems.status as status, problems.etiology as etiology, round(problems.scode, 0) as scode, round(problems.pcode, 0) as pcode, d sources.hospitalname as sid, problems.sid as key-for-sid, round(problems.elemid, 0) as elemid, round(problems.txid, 0) as txid from problems, dpatients, d_problemitems, dIcareunits, d_days, dIsources where dpatients.pid=problems.pid and dproblemitems.itemid=problems.itemid and d&careunits.cuid=problems.cuid and d&days.dayid=problems.dateadded and dsources.sid=problems.sid solutions, d-patients.caseid, round(solutions.pid, 0) as pid, solutions.charttime as charttime, d meditems.label as itemid, solutions.itemid as keyjfor-itemid, djioitemsO.label as ioitemid, solutions.ioitemid as keyforioitemid, round(solutions.volume, 0) as volume, solutions.doseunits as doseunits, solutions.route as route, round(solutions.cgid, 0) as cgid, d-careunits.unitname as cuid, solutions.cuid as key_forcuid, round(solutions.scode, 0) as scode, round(solutions.pcode, 0) as pcode, round(solutions.chartdate, 0) as chartdate, d-sources.hospitalname as sid, solutions.sid as keyjfor-sid, round(solutions.elemid, 0) as elemid, round(solutions.txid, 0) as txid from solutions, d-patients, d-meditems, d-ioitems d ioitems0, d-careunits, d-sources where d-patients.pid=solutions.pid and d_meditems.itemid=solutions.itemid and dioitemsO.itemid=solutions.ioitemid and d_careunits.cuid=solutions.cuid and dsources.sid=solutions.sid -- create table outcomes pid numeric, itemid numeric, charttime timestamp, chartdate numeric, cgid numeric, cuid numeric, comments varchar(600), targetdate numeric, dateadded numeric, addcgid numeric, evaltime timestamp, evalcgid numeric, shift varchar(20), variancetype varchar(20), variancecause varchar(40), status varchar(20), problem numeric, probtime timestamp, scode numeric, numeric, pcode sid numeric, elemid numeric, txid numeric tables for Care Plan/Pathway create table problems pid numeric, itemid numeric, charttime timestamp, chartdate numeric, cgid numeric, addcgid numeric, cuid numeric, startdate timestamp, stopdate timestamp, dateadded numeric, problemnum numeric, status varchar(60), etiology varchar(600), scode numeric, pcode sid elemid txid numeric, numeric, numeric, numeric create table view for-problems as select problems.oid as oid for-problems, dpatients.case-id, round(problems.pid, 0) as pid, d-problemitems.label as itemid, create table viewforoutcomes 39 APPENDIX B: MIMIC Table Definitions as select outcomes.oid as oid for outcomes, dpatients.caseIid, probtime round(outcomes.pid, 0) as pid, d-outcomeitems.label as itemid, guidelinename outcomes.itemid as keyjfor-itemid, outcomes.charttime as charttime, round(outcomes.chartdate, 0) as chartdate, round(outcomes.cgid, 0) as cgid, d careunits.unitname as cuid, outcomes.cuid as key_forcuid, outcomes.comments as comments, d-days.calDay as targetdate, outcomes.targetdate as keyjfor-targetdate, d days.calDay as dateadded, outcomes.dateadded as key_for_dateadded, dIcaregivers0.cgid as addcgid, outcomes.addcgid as keyfor_addcgid, outcomes.evaltime as evaltime, d caregiversl.cgid as evalcgid, outcomes.evalcgid as keyfor-evalcgid, outcomes.shift as shift, outcomes.variancetype as variancetype, outcomes.variancecause as variancecause, outcomes.status as status, guideline varchar(2000), chartstatus varchar(20), shift varchar(60), variancetype varchar(20), variancecause varchar(40), scode numeric, pcode numeric, sid numeric, elemid numeric, txid numeric timestamp, varchar(80), create table viewforinterventions d-problemitems2.label as problem, outcomes.problem as key-forproblem, outcomes.probtime as probtime, round(outcomes.scode, 0) as scode, round(outcomes.pcode, 0) as as select interventions.oid as oidforinterventions, keyforsid, round(outcomes.elemid, 0) as elemid, round(outcomes.txid, 0) as txid from outcomes, dpatients, d_outcomeitems, dcareunits, d days, d-caregivers dpatients.case id, round(interventions.pid, 0) as pid, d interventionitems.label as itemid, interventions.itemid as key-for-itemid, interventions.charttime as charttime, round(interventions.chartdate, 0) as chartdate, round(interventions.cgid, 0) as cgid, d careunits.unitname as d_caregiversO, d caregivers d-caregiversl, d problemitems cuid, interventions.cuid as keyjfor_cuid, d-problemitems2, dsources where d-patients.pid=outcomes.pid round(interventions.ordercgid, 0) as ordercgid, interventions.ordertime as ordertime, interventions.dateadded pcode, d-sources.hospitalname as sid, outcomes.sid as and d outcomeitems.itemid=outcomes.itemid and d careunits.cuid=outcomes.cuid and d-days.dayid=outcomes.targetdate and as dateadded, round(interventions.addcgid, 0) as addcgid, d-days.dayid=outcomes.dateadded and key-for-targetdate, interventions.instructions as instructions, d_caregiversO.cgid=outcomes.addcgid and d-caregiversl.cgid=outcomes.evalcgid and as problem, interventions.problem as keyjfor-problem, ddays.calDay as targetdate, interventions.targetdate as interventions.orderstatus as orderstatus, dproblemitems0.label d-problemitems2.itemid=outcomes.problem and interventions.probtime as probtime, interventions.guidelinename d_sources.sid=outcomes.sid as guidelinename, interventions.guideline as guideline, interventions.chartstatus as chartstatus, interventions.shift as shift, interventions.variancetype as variancetype, interventions.variancecause as variancecause, create table interventions pid itemid numeric, numeric, charttime round(interventions.scode, 0) as scode, timestamp, round(interventions.pcode, 0) as pcode, d-sources.hospitalname as sid, interventions.sid as keyfor-sid, round(interventions.elemid, 0) as elemid, round(interventions.txid, 0) as txid from interventions, chartdate numeric, cgid numeric, cuid numeric, ordercgid numeric, d_patients, d interventionitems, d careunits, d days, ordertime timestamp, d_problemitems d-problemitems0, dateadded timestamp, d-patients.pid=interventions.pid and d_interventionitems.itemid=interventions.itemid and addcgid targetdate instructions orderstatus problem numeric, numeric, d-sources where d_careunits.cuid=interventions.cuid and d-days.dayid=interventions.targetdate and varchar(250), varchar(20), d-problemitems0.itemid=interventions.problem and d_sources.sid=interventions.sid ; numeric, 40 APPENDLXYB: MIMIC Table Definitions -- create table view-for driporders as select driporders.oid as oidfor driporders, dpatients.case-id, round(driporders.pid, 0) as pid, dmeditems.label as itemid, driporders.itemid as keyjfor_itemid, driporders.charttime as charttime, round(driporders.chartdate, 0) as chartdate, d_careunits.unitname as cuid, driporders.cuid as key-for-cuid, driporders.verifiedtime as verifiedtime, d caregivers.cgid as verifiedby, driporders.verifiedby as keyjforverifiedby, driporders.addtime as addtime, d-caregiversO.cgid as addby, driporders.addby as keyjfor-addby, driporders.addverifytime as addverifytime, d caregiversl.cgid as addverifyby, driporders.addverifyby as keyjforaddverifyby, round(driporders.duration, 0) as duration, driporders.durationtype as durationtype, driporders.orderedby as orderedby, driporders.starttime as starttime, driporders.stoptime as stoptime, driporders.schedcomments as schedcomments, driporders.discontinuecomments as discontinuecomments, driporders.mdinstr as mdinstr, driporders.rninstr as rninstr, driporders.phinstr as phinstr, driporders.mdcosign as mdcosign, driporders.rnreview as rnreview, driporders.phreview as phreview, driporders.freqlabel as freqlabel, driporders.action as action, driporders.state as state, driporders.stopstate as stopstate, driporders.education as education, d-meditems2.label as base, driporders.base as keyjfor-base, round(driporders.basevol, 2) as basevol, round(driporders.rate, 2) as rate, round(driporders.dosemin, 2) as dosemin, round(driporders.doseminuom, 2) as doseminuom, round(driporders.dosemax, 2) as dosemax, round(driporders.dosemaxuom, 2) as dosemaxuom, driporders.doseunits as doseunits, round(driporders.scode, 0) as scode, round(driporders.pcode, 0) as pcode, d-sources.hospitalname as sid, driporders.sid as key_for_sid, round(driporders.elemid, 0) as elemid, round(driporders.txid, 0) as txid from driporders, dpatients, d-meditems, d careunits, d-caregivers, d-caregivers d&caregiversO, d caregivers d-caregiversl, d-meditems d-meditems2, d-sources where d-patients.pid=driporders.pid and d_meditems.itemid=driporders.itemid and d-careunits.cuid=driporders.cuid and dcaregivers.cgid=driporders.verifiedby and d-caregiversO.cgid=driporders.addby and d_caregiversi.cgid=driporders.addverifyby and d-meditems2.itemid=driporders.base and d-sources.sid=driporders.sid ; tables for orders create table driporders pid numeric, itemid numeric, charttime timestamp, chartdate numeric, cuid numeric, verifiedtime timestamp, verifiedby numeric, addtime timestamp, addby numeric, addverifytime timestamp, addverifyby numeric, duration numeric, durationtype varchar(20), orderedby varchar(30), starttime timestamp, stoptime timestamp, schedcomments varchar(60), discontinuecomments varchar(60), mdinstr varchar(500), rninstr varchar(500), phinstr varchar(500), mdcosign varchar(30), rnreview varchar(30), phreview varchar(30), freqlabel varchar(16), action varchar(20), state varchar(20), stopstate varchar(20), education varchar(20), numeric, base basevol numeric, rate numeric, dosemin numeric, doseminuom numeric, dosemax numeric, dosemaxuom numeric, doseunits varchar(20), numeric, scode numeric, pcode sid numeric, elemid numeric, numeric txid create table freeformorders ( 41 APPENDIX B: MIMIC Table Definitions pid numeric, itemid numeric, charttime timestamp, chartdate numeric, cuid numeric, verifiedtime timestamp, verifiedby numeric, addtime timestamp, addby numeric, addverifytime timestamp, addverifyby numeric, duration numeric, durationtype varchar(20), orderedby varchar(30), starttime timestamp, stoptime timestamp, schedcomments varchar(60), discontinuecomments varchar(60), mdinstr varchar(500), rninstr varchar(500), phinstr varchar(500), mdcosign varchar(30), rnreview varchar(30), phreview varchar(30), freglabel varchar(16), action varchar(20), state varchar(20), stopstate varchar(20), education varchar(20), order_ varchar(900), scode numeric, pcode numeric, sid numeric, txid numeric keyfor-addby, freeformorders.addverifytime as addverifytime, d caregiversl.cgid as addverifyby, freeformorders.addverifyby as keyjfor-addverifyby, round(freeformorders.duration, 0) as duration, freeformorders.durationtype as durationtype, freeformorders.orderedby as orderedby, freeformorders.starttime as starttime, freeformorders.stoptime as stoptime, freeformorders.schedcomments as schedcomments, freeformorders.discontinuecomments as discontinuecomments, freeformorders.mdinstr as mdinstr, freeformorders.rninstr as rninstr, freeformorders.phinstr as phinstr, freeformorders.mdcosign as mdcosign, freeformorders.rnreview as rnreview, freeformorders.phreview as phreview, freeformorders.freqlabel as freqlabel, freeformorders.action as action, freeformorders.state as state, freeformorders.stopstate as stopstate, freeformorders.education as education, freeformorders.order_ as order, round(freeformorders.scode, 0) as scode, round(freeformorders.pcode, 0) as pcode, d_sources.hospitalname as sid, freeformorders.sid as keyfor-sid, round(freeformorders.txid, 0) as txid from freeformorders, dpatients, d-chartitems, dccareunits, d_caregivers, d-caregivers d-caregivers0, dcaregivers d&caregiversl, d sources where d_patients.pid=freeformorders.pid and dchartitems.itemid=freeformorders.itemid and d_careunits.cuid=freeformorders.cuid and d_caregivers.cgid=freeformorders.verifiedby and d_caregiversO.cgid=freeformorders.addby and d-caregivers1.cgid=freeformorders.addverifyby and dsources.sid=freeformorders.sid create table infusionorders pid numeric, itemid numeric, charttime timestamp, chartdate numeric, cuid numeric, verifiedtime timestamp, verifiedby numeric, addtime timestamp, addby numeric, addverifytime timestamp, addverifyby numeric, duration numeric, durationtype varchar(20), orderedby varchar(30), starttime timestamp, stoptime timestamp, create table view for freeformorders as select freeformorders.oid as oidforfreeformorders, d-patients.case_id, round(freeformorders.pid, 0) as pid, d_chartitems.label as itemid, freeformorders.itemid as key_forjitemid, freeformorders.charttime as charttime, round(freeformorders.chartdate, 0) as chartdate, d careunits.unitname as cuid, freeformorders.cuid as key_for_cuid, freeformorders.verifiedtime as verifiedtime, d caregivers.cgid as verifiedby, freeformorders.verifiedby as key-for-verifiedby, freeformorders.addtime as addtime, dccaregiversO.cgid as addby, freeformorders.addby as 42 APPENDIXB. MIMIC Table Definitions action, infusionorders.state as state, infusionorders.stopstate schedcomments varchar(60), discontinuecomments varchar(60), mdinstr varchar(500), rninstr varchar(500), phinstr varchar(500), mdcosign varchar(30), rnreview varchar(30), phreview varchar(30), freqlabel varchar(16), action varchar(20), state varchar(20), stopstate varchar(20), education varchar(20), base numeric, basevol numeric, rate numeric, scode numeric, pcode numeric, sid numeric, elemid numeric, txid numeric as stopstate, infusionorders.education as education, d_meditems2.label as base, infusionorders.base as key_forbase, round(infusionorders.basevol, 2) as basevol, round(infusionorders.rate, 2) as rate, round(infusionorders.scode, 0) as scode, round(infusionorders.pcode, 0) as pcode, d sources.hospitalname as sid, infusionorders.sid as keyjforsid, round(infusionorders.elemid, 0) as elemid, round(infusionorders.txid, 0) as txid from infusionorders, d_patients, d chartitems, d-careunits, d-caregivers, d_caregivers d caregivers0, dtcaregivers dcaregiversl, dmeditems d-meditems2, dsources where d-patients.pid=infusionorders.pid and d_chartitems.itemid=infusionorders.itemid and dcareunits.cuid=infusionorders.cuid and d-caregivers.cgid=infusionorders.verifiedby and d_caregiverso.cgid=infusionorders.addby and d-caregiversl.cgid=infusionorders.addverifyby and d-meditems2.itemid=infusionorders.base and d_sources.sid=infusionorders.sid create table medorders numeric, pid numeric, itemid create table viewforinfusionorders as select infusionorders.oid as oid for infusionorders, d-patients.caseid, round(infusionorders.pid, 0) as pid, d-chartitems.label as itemid, infusionorders.itemid as keyfor_itemid, infusionorders.charttime as charttime, round(infusionorders.chartdate, 0) as chartdate, d careunits.unitname as cuid, infusionorders.cuid as key_forcuid, infusionorders.verifiedtime as verifiedtime, d_caregivers.cgid as verifiedby, infusionorders.verifiedby as key-forIverifiedby, infusionorders.addtime as addtime, d-caregivers0.cgid as addby, infusionorders.addby as keyjfor-addby, infusionorders.addverifytime as addverifytime, d_caregiversl.cgid as addverifyby, infusionorders.addverifyby as keyfor_addverifyby, round(infusionorders.duration, 0) as duration, infusionorders.durationtype as durationtype, infusionorders.orderedby as orderedby, infusionorders.starttime as starttime, infusionorders.stoptime as stoptime, infusionorders.schedcomments as schedcomments, infusionorders.discontinuecomments as discontinuecomments, infusionorders.mdinstr as mdinstr, infusionorders.rninstr as rninstr, infusionorders.phinstr as phinstr, infusionorders.mdcosign as mdcosign, infusionorders.rnreview as rnreview, infusionorders.phreview as phreview, infusionorders.freqlabel as freqlabel, infusionorders.action as charttime chartdate cuid timestamp, numeric, numeric, timestamp, verifiedtime numeric, verifiedby timestamp, addtime numeric, addby timestamp, addverifytime numeric, addverifyby numeric, duration varchar(20), durationtype varchar(30), orderedby timestamp, starttime timestamp, stoptime varchar(60), schedcomments varchar(60), discontinuecomments 43 mdinstr rninstr phinstr mdcosign varchar(500), varchar(500), varchar(500), varchar(30), rnreview phreview varchar(30), varchar(30), APPENDIX B: MIMIC Table Definitions freqlabel varchar(16) action varchar(20), state varchar(20), varchar(20) stopstate education varchar(20) timestamp, renewtime dosemin numeric, doseminuom numeric, numeric, dosemax dosemaxuom numeric, numeric, scode pcode numeric, sid numeric, elemid numeric, numeric txid round(medorders.txid, 0) as txid from medorders, d-patients, d_ioitems, d-careunits, d-caregivers, d-caregivers d_caregiversO, d-caregivers dcaregiversl, dsources where dpatients.pid=medorders.pid and d ioitems.itemid=medorders.itemid and d_careunits.cuid=medorders.cuid and d_caregivers.cgid=medorders.verifiedby and d-caregiversO.cgid=medorders.addby and d_caregiversi.cgid=medorders.addverifyby and d_sources.sid=medorders.sid -- tables for Duration create table achartdurations pid numeric, starttime timestamp, endtime timestamp, create table viewformedorders as select medorders.oid as oidformedorders, d_patients.caseid, round(medorders.pid, 0) as pid, d ioitems.label as itemid, medorders.itemid as key-for itemid, medorders.charttime as charttime, round(medorders.chartdate, 0) as chartdate, dcareunits.unitname as cuid, medorders.cuid as keyforcuid, medorders.verifiedtime as verifiedtime, d-caregivers.cgid as verifiedby, medorders.verifiedby as key-forverifiedby, medorders.addtime as addtime, d_caregiverso.cgid as addby, medorders.addby as key-for-addby, medorders.addverifytime as addverifytime, d-caregiversl.cgid as addverifyby, medorders.addverifyby as keyjfor-addverifyby, round(medorders.duration, 0) as duration, medorders.durationtype as durationtype, medorders.orderedby as orderedby, medorders.starttime as starttime, medorders.stoptime as stoptime, medorders.schedcomments as schedcomments, medorders.discontinuecomments as discontinuecomments, medorders.mdinstr as mdinstr, medorders.rninstr as rninstr, medorders.phinstr as phinstr, medorders.mdcosign as mdcosign, medorders.rnreview as rnreview, medorders.phreview as phreview, medorders.freqlabel as freqlabel, medorders.action as action, medorders.state as state, medorders.stopstate as stopstate, medorders.education as education, medorders.renewtime as renewtime, round(medorders.dosemin, 2) as dosemin, round(medorders.doseminuom, 2) as doseminuom, round(medorders.dosemax, 2) as dosemax, round(medorders.dosemaxuom, 2) as dosemaxuom, round(medorders.scode, 0) as scode, round(medorders.pcode, 0) as pcode, d sources.hospitalname as sid, medorders.sid as key forsid, round(medorders.elemid, 0) as elemid, itemid cuid duration scode pcode sid elemid numeric, numeric, numeric, numeric, numeric, numeric, numeric create table view for a chartdurations as select a chartdurations.oid as oid-for-a-chartdurations, d-patients.case-id, round(a-chartdurations.pid, 0) as pid, a chartdurations.starttime as starttime, a chartdurations.endtime as endtime, d chartitems.label as itemid, a chartdurations.itemid as key_for_itemid, dcareunits.unitname as cuid, a-chartdurations.cuid as keyjforcuid, round(achartdurations.duration, 2) as duration, round(a chartdurations.scode, 0) as scode, round(a chartdurations.pcode, 0) as pcode, d-sources.hospitalname as sid, achartdurations.sid as keyfor-sid, round(a-chartdurations.elemid, 0) as elemid from a-chartdurations, d patients, d-chartitems, dcareunits, d_sources where d-patients.pid=a-chartdurations.pid and d_chartitems.itemid=achartdurations.itemid and d-careunits.cuid=achartdurations.cuid and d_sources.sid=a_chartdurations.sid create table ajiodurations pid numeric, itemid numeric, 44 APPENDIX B: MIMIC Table Definitions starttin e timestamp, endtime timestamp, cuid numeric, duratior numeric, scode numeric, pcode numeric, sid numeric, elemid numeric itemid, a meddurations.itemid as key-for-itemid, a_meddurations.endtime as endtime, d-careunits.unitname as cuid, a-meddurations.cuid as key-forcuid, round(a meddurations.duration, 2) as duration, round(ameddurations.scode, 0) as scode, round(a meddurations.pcode, 0) as pcode, d sources.hospitalname as sid, a meddurations.sid as keyjforsid, round(ameddurations.elemid, 0) as elemid from ameddurations, d-patients, d-meditems, dcareunits, d-sources where d-patients.pid=ameddurations.pid and dmeditems.itemid=a meddurations.itemid and d_careunits.cuid=ameddurations.cuid and d_sources.sid=a meddurations.sid ; create table viewfor_a_iodurations as select aiodurations.oid as oidfor_a_iodurations, d-patients.caseid, round(a-iodurations.pid, 0) as pid, d ioitems.label as itemid, aiodurations.itemid as key-forjitemid, aiodurations.starttime as starttime, a-iodurations.endtime as endtime, dcareunits.unitname as cuid, a-iodurations.cuid as keyjforcuid, round(aiodurations.duration, 2) as duration, round(aiodurations.scode, 0) as scode, round(aiodurations.pcode, 0) as pcode, d-sources.hospitalname as sid, aiodurations.sid as keyjforsid, round(aiodurations.elemid, 0) as elemid from a iodurations, d_patients, d-ioitems, d-careunits, dsources where d-patients.pid=aiodurations.pid and dioitems.itemid=aiodurations.itemid and d_careunits.cuid=aiodurations.cuid and dsources.sid=aiodurations.sid ; create table ameddurations numeric, pid startrealtime timestamp, starttime timestamp, itemid numeric, endtime timestamp, numeric, cuid duration numeric, numeric, scode numeric, pcode sid numeric, elemid numeric create table viewfor_a_meddurations as select a-meddurations.oid as oidfor_a_meddurations, d-patients.case-id, round(a meddurations.pid, 0) as pid, a_meddurations.startrealtime as startrealtime, a-meddurations.starttime as starttime, d-meditems.label as 45 APPENDIX B: MIMIC Table Definitions APPENDIX C: MIMIC Index Definitions -- indexes for all tables in MIMIC -for metatdata create index mimictablecolumns on mimictable-elements (column-name); create index mimictabletables on mimictable elements (table-name); create index mimic table cats on mimictable categories (category-name); create index mimictable-index on mimic-tableelements (table-name, includeinview-p); create index mimicdisplaykeysindex on mimic-displaykeys(table-name); create index mimictime-keysjindex on mimic-time-keys(table-name); create index mimic elementview on mimictableelements (table-name, includeinview-p); create index mimicelement search on mimictableelements (tablename, include in-ctx-index-p); create index mimic-display-keys-index on mimic-display-keys (tablename); -- for data log create index mimic-updateid on newdatalog (update-id); -- for create create create create create create create create create create create create create create create create create create create create create create create -- patient fact tables index index index index index index index index index index index index index index index index index index index index index index index caseidfor-problems on d-patients (caseid); key-index-for_problems on problems (pid); key-indexforresultevents on resultevents (pid); key-indexfor_a_meddurations on ameddurations (pid); keyindexfor_a_chartdurations on achartdurations (pid); key-indexjfor-d-patients on dpatients (pid); key-indexfor_a_iodurations on ajiodurations (pid); key-indexforchartevents on chartevents (pid); key-indexfordeliveries on deliveries (pid); key-indexjfor-driporders on driporders (pid); key-indexjforformevents on formevents (pid); key-indexjforfreeformorders on freeformorders (pid); key-indexforinfusionorders on infusionorders (pid); key-indexforinterventions on interventions (pid); key-indexforioevents on ioevents (pid); key-indexformedevents on medevents (pid); key-indexformedorders on medorders (pid); key-indexforoutcomes on outcomes (pid); keyindexforcensusevents on censusevents (pid); key-indexforsolutions on solutions (pid); key-indexjfor-additives on additives (pid); key-indexfornoteevents on noteevents (pid); key-indexfortotalbalevents on totalbalevents (pid); for dimension tables create create create create create create create create create create create create create create index index index index index index index index index index index index index index -- for create create create create create create time elements index timeindexfor_a_chartdurations on a_chartdurations (starttime); index time-index for additives on additives (charttime); index time-indexforaiodurations on a-iodurations (starttime); index timeindexfor_a_meddurations on ameddurations (starttime); index timeindexforcensusevents on censusevents (intime); index time indexforchartevents on chartevents (charttime); key-index for-d-caregivers on d&caregivers (cgid); key-indexfor_d_careunits on dcareunits (cuid); key-indexfor_d_chartitems on dchartitems (itemid); key-index for-d-days on d-days (dayid); key-index for-d-days on d-days (calday); cal-key-indexfor_d-days on ddays (calday); key-indexfor_d_interventionitems on d interventionitems (itemid); key-indexfor_d_ioitems on dioitems (itemid); key-index for_d_meditems on dmeditems (itemid); key-indexfor_d_outcomeitems on doutcomeitems (itemid); key-index-for-d-primarycodes on d_primarycodes (pcode); key-index-for-dproblemitems on d-problemitems (itemid); key-index-for-d-secondarycodes on dsecondarycodes (scode); key-indexfor-d-sources on d-sources (sid); 46 APPENDIX C: MMC Index Definitions create create create create create create create create create create create create create create create -- index index index index index index index index index index index index index index index time index for deliveries on deliveries (charttime); timeindex for driporders on driporders (charttime); timejindexforformevents on formevents (charttime); time index-for freeformorders on freeformorders (charttime); time index for infusionorders on infusionorders (charttime); timeindex-for interventions on interventions (charttime); timeindexforioevents on ioevents (charttime); timeindex-for-medevents on medevents (charttime); time index for medorders on medorders (charttime); time index for noteevents on noteevents (charttime); timeindex for outcomes on outcomes (charttime); timeindex-for-problems on problems (charttime); time indexforresultevents on resultevents (chartTime); timeindexforsolutions on solutions (charttime); timeindexfortotalbalevents on totalbalevents (charttime); time and key elements create create create create create create create create create create create create create create create create create create create create create index index index index index index index index index index index index index index index index index index index index index time key-index-a_chartdurations on a-chartdurations (starttime, pid); time key-indexadditives on additives (charttime, pid); time-key-index_a_iodurations on ajiodurations (starttime, pid); time-key-index_a_meddurations on ameddurations (starttime, pid); time-key-indexcensusevents on censusevents (intime, pid); time-key-indexchartevents on chartevents (charttime, pid); time-key-indexdeliveries on deliveries (charttime, pid); time-keyindex-driporders on driporders c(harttime, pid); time-key-indexformevents on formevents (charttime, pid); time-key-index_freeformorders on freeformorders (charttime, pid); time-key-indexinfusionorders on infusionorders (charttime, pid); time-key-indexinterventions on interventions (charttime, pid); time-keyindex_ioevents on ioevents (charttime, pid); time-keyindexmedevents on medevents (charttime, pid); time-key-indexmedorders on medorders (charttime, pid); time-key-indexnoteevents on noteevents (charttime, pid); time-key-index-outcomes on outcomes (charttime, pid); time-key-index-problems on problems (charttime, pid); time-key-indexresultevents on resultevents (chartTime, pid); time-key-indexsolutions on solutions (charttime, pid); time-key-index-totalbalevents on totalbalevents (charttime, pid); for search display create index itemidindexchartevents on chartevents (itemid); -- -- for create create create create create create create create create create create create menu item display index menuitem totalbalevents on totalbalevents(itemid); index menuitemcensusevents on censusevents (careunit); index menuitemchartevents on chartevents (itemid); index menuitem_a_chartdurations on a-chartdurations (itemid); index menuitem a iodurations on a-iodurations (itemid); index menuitem deliveries on deliveries (ioitemid); index menuitem-formevents on formevents (sectiontitle); index menuitem ioevents on ioevents (itemid); index menuitemmedevents on medevents (itemid); index menu item noteevents on noteevents (category); index menu item solutions on solutions (itemid); index menu item totalbalevents on totalbalevents (itemid); for create create create create create create create create create create create create create create datekeys index viewdate for additives on view for-additives (chartdate); index view-date-for-censusevents on viewforcensusevents (indayid); index viewdatejfor-chartevents on viewforchartevents (chartdate); index viewdate for deliveries on viewfordeliveries (chartdate); index view-datejfor-driporders on viewfor_driporders (chartdate); index viewdate-for-formevents on viewforformevents (chartDay); index viewdate-forjfreeformorders on viewforfreeformorders (chartdate); index viewdateforinfusionorders on viewforinfusionorders (chartdate); index view-date for interventions on viewforinterventions (chartdate); index viewdateforioevents on viewforioevents (chartdate); index viewdateformedevents on viewformedevents (chartdate); index viewdateformedorders on viewformedorders (chartdate); index viewdatefornoteevents on viewfornoteevents (chartDate); index viewdateforoutcomes on viewforoutcomes (chartdate); -- 47 APPENDIX C: MMC Index Definitions viewdate-for-problems on viewjfor-problems (chartdate); view date for resultevents on view for resultevents (chartDate); viewdate_forsolutions on view_forsolutions (chartdate); view datefortotalbalevents on view for totalbalevents (chartdate); create create create create index index index index -- for create create create create create create create create create create create create create create create create create create create create create create case-ids index index index index index index index index index index index index index index index index index index index index index index caseidforchartevents on viewforchartevents (caseid); caseidfor_a_meddurations on viewfor_ajmeddurations (case-id); caseidfor_a_iodurations on viewjfor-a-iodurations (caseid); case id-for_a_chartdurations on viewfor-a-chartdurations (case-id); caseidforinterventions on view for interventions (caseid); caseidforoutcomes on view for outcomes (case-id); caseidfor-problems on viewfor-problems (case-id); caseidformedorders on view for medorders (case-id); caseidforinfusionorders on viewforinfusionorders (case-id); case id-forfreeformorders on viewforfreeformorders (case-id); case id-fordriporders on viewjfor-driporders (case_id); case id forsolutions on viewforsolutions (case-id); caseidfordeliveries on viewfordeliveries (case-id); case-id-forioevents on viewforioevents (case-id); case id-fornoteevents on viewfornoteevents (case-id); caseidfor formevents on viewforformevents (case-id); caseid-for censusevents on viewforcensusevents (case id); caseidforadditives on viewforadditives (case-id); case id for-resultevents on viewforresultevents (case-id); caseidformedevents on viewformedevents (case-id); caseidfortotalbalevents on viewfortotalbalevents (case-id); case id-for-d-patients on viewjfor-d-patients (case-id); 48 APPENDIX C: MMC Index Definitions f f freeformorders itemid infusionorders itemid APPENDIX D: MIMIC Keys mimic-date keys "tablename" "date-key" additives censusevents chartevents deliveries driporders formevents freeformorders chartd infusionorders chartd interventions totalbalevents chartd ioevents medevents medorders noteevents outcomes resultevents problems solutions mimic-item keys "table-namen "itemkkey" "include in view-p" d-secondarycodes d sources d caregivers d careunits d interventionitems d ioitems d meditems d outcomeitems itemid d-problemitems itemid additives a meddurations itemid d chartitems d days interventions medorders outcomes problems resultevents a-iodurations deliveries ioevents medevents solutions totalbalevents itemid censusevents formevents chartevents a-chartdurations noteevents chartdate indayid chartdate chartdate chartdate chartDay ate ate chartdate ate chartdate chartdate chartdate chartDate chartdate chartDate chartdate chartdate mimic-timekeys "tablename" "time-key" month d_days chartTime resultevents charttime deliveries charttime driporders freeformorders charttime infusionorders charttime f code siteid cgid cuid itemid itemid itemid medorders charttime problems outcomes charttime charttime interventions charttime starttime a_iodurations ameddurations starttime intime censusevents charttime solutions f f f f f f f f itemid itemid itemid itemid itemid resultid itemid ioitemid itemid itemid itemid t careunit sectiontitle itemid itemid title f f a_chartdurations starttime chartevents charttime formevents charttime ioevents charttime medevents charttime noteevents charttime f totalbalevents charttime f d-patients itemid dayid pid d-patients additives dprimarycodes code driporders itemid f f 49 pid charttime APPENDIX D. MMC Keys mimic-display-keys "tablename" "displaykey" pid d-patients d careunits unitname d_chartitems label d-days calDay d_interventionitems label label d ioitems label d_meditems d outcomeitems label d-problemitems label d_sources hospitalname d caregivers d-primarycodes d_secondarycodes censusevents cgid pcode scode pid chartevents formevents medevents noteevents resultevents totalbalevents ioevents itemid itemid itemid pid objectid pid itemid additives deliveries solutions driporders itemid ioitemid itemid itemid freeformorders itemid infusionorders medorders itemid itemid problems itemid outcomes interventions itemid a_chartdurations a-iodurations a-meddurations itemid itemid itemid itemid (34 rows) 50 APPENDIX D: MIMJC Keys Appendix E MIMIC Administrator's Manual Background on MIMIC The Mimic Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) is designed for patient records taken from a hospital's clinical information system called CareVue. This automated system consolidates patient data and stores it in an Oracle database. Those records have been available to MIMIC through a partnership with a local hospital. The purpose of the MIMIC RDBMS is to provide an interface to define tables and manage how they are accessed, displayed, and presented to the end user. The MIMIC RDBMS is used to select data to be downloaded from the partner hospital, parse, upload, and organize these records, and present them to the end user. 51 Manualfor MIMIC Administrators Administrative Modules for MIMIC Administrators to MIMIC have the ability to manage table definitions, add new data to the database, and control parameters that affect how data is displayed and managed. Administrative tasks can be divided into two categories: making table definitions, and adding new data to the database. Table definitions need to be made only once, and updated as necessary. New data can be added at anytime. It is likely that there will be regular updates to add new data as it is collected. Log In Curreut m eue: Please enter your emil and password below. New woes: Welcome to 8ystemName. Please begin the registration process by entering a valid 0mail address and a password for signingimto the system We will direct youtto anotherform to complete yourregisration. Your emai address: user _acunt Your password- 1 Remember this address and password?( ) Ifyoukeep getting thrown backhee, it is probablybecause yourbrowser does not accept cookies. We're socy for the inconvenience but it really is impossible to program a system like this withodtkeeping track of who is posting what In Netscape 4. you can enable cookies from Edit-> Preferences -> Advanced. In Microsoft Internet Explorer 4A you can enable cookies from View-> lnteotetOptions -> Advanced-> Security. Administrators will need a username and password to log into MIMIC before being able to perform any of the administrative tasks described in this section. 52 ManualforMIMIC Administrators The administrative database management module located in /server path/www/admin/mimic/ allows administrators to enter table definitions for tables in MIMIC. These definitions are then used to generate SQL CREATE TABLE statements that the administrator can cut and paste into Postgres to create tables. The administrator does not need to have previous knowledge of SQL. Tables are stored in categories and consist of a number of elements (columns) for that table. Category Category table el el table table table table el Hierarchyof Metadata Step 1: Creating a Catenory Tables are organized into categories. The section for normal users describes how category definitions affect how data is viewed. The administrator first needs to define a category for the table by clicking on "Create a New Category" link in /server path/www/admin/mimic/. The administrator can then enter the attributes associated with this category. The Category Name is the name used in SQL for this - category. Category names must be unique and should not contain any white space. Create a New MhN&c Table Category The Pretty Name is the name used when displaying this category name to normal users. Cagory Nama (optional) The Description field may be used to enter a short description about the usage or contents of this category. OrdrSatK e 1uehad iUer Viw tvyes PrettyNote s ITst F 7 In a test category created for our demonstration This r no ~ ~-:4 The Order Sort Key is an integer used in sorting categories. For instance, a category with an Order Sort Key of 1 would appear first in 53 ManualforMiMIC Administrators the list of categories. Order sort keys are constrained to be unique. The default value for order sort keys is the next largest value order sort key. Lastly, the administrator may specify whether this category should be Included in the User View. This allows categories to be defined, but hidden from normal users. This is useful for administrative or dimension tables. OG rn&et SQL statmnts to Le or k these tables. T" Name the. re am o tAb43 in s zcategory Ad' "o Once these attributes are entered, the administrator can create this category by clicking on the "create" button. Once a category is created, the administrator is taken to a page that lists the tables for that category. To create a new table, click on "Add a New Table." Figure 1 New Category 54 Manualfor MIMIC Administrators Step 2: Creating a Table Now that a category has been defined, tables can be added to that category. The attributes for tables are similar to those for categories. Creat, a New mie Table fur t TAIW Nime Itebe PruyNm The Table Name is the name used in SQL for this table. The Table Name is constrained to be unique should not contain any white space. Test cate.y lTestTable this is a test table this table is used for de onstrational purposes.1 U... The Pretty Name is the name used when displaying this table to normal users. The Description field is used to store information about the table. The Usage field is used to describe how this table should be used. Once these attributes have been defined, the administrator can click on the "create"button to create this table. The table is not actually created on the database system at this time. Step 4 describes how to actually create the table in the database. TacT"TWr .... b.off T.t.T. Qq SQL,,,s1,fob"ta ,, thee we no elswntz in th taNble Now the administrator has defined a category and a table in that category. He can now add elements (columns) to that table by clicking on "Add a New Element." 55 ManualforMIMIC Administrators Step 3: Adding Elements to a Table Administrators can then enter attributes for an element in this table. The Column Name is the name used in SQL for this table and should not contain any whitespace. The Column Name is constrained to be unique for this table. Ad -n Elemat to Tes Table Psese entas thea Moowwi"s The Pretty Name is the label used for displaying this column to normal users. The Abstract Data Type specifies what type this column is, i.e. "boolean" or "integer" or "text." This value is used in formatting this column for display. CGSII l'et Warn Aitract ITest One wx i.e. "tA" DeaP-leraar~ 00 Ke or "shorttex" -. 'vochuM"5 O ) VWIa IM. of TestTable LO.Ivteeba(2Ci)* adre L The Postgres Data Type is the type used for Postgres, i.e. "numeric" or "timestamp." This value is used in generating SQL to create and select from tables in Postgres. The Oracle Data type is the type used in Oracle, i.e. "integer" or "date." This value is used in selecting data from hospital tables that are stored in Oracle. deacibisig an seemct (cohmas) boolean' "istegee inte?"- g.."notnu" .ox -chekfoobarin 1 s' lF ie. 1 forfnt esh=a Fj~lma~* isinthe f irst teet cniun. I~ jqae~ i.ia Teta t es Wno r, Search T"~View 141 , 90" , , - 7 is.r , .-- " ' I I !*? 77777'7 7 _tMkPidt F (optional) The Extra SQL field can be used for any extra SQL that should be included when creating this table, such as "not null" or "references d_tests.test." The Order Sort Key is used to sort elements in this table. An element of order sort key of 1 would appear first in this table. The default value for this attribute is the maximum value +1 for this table. Test Table Table Elemnts of Table Test Table 'ewvr te SQL create table statemen for tis tables Comm Name Petty Name 1I testi edit 2 test2 edit 3 test3 (optional) The Entry Explanation field can be used to give a description of this column. Test One Test Two Test Three this is the frst test column 2nd test colum 3rd test con Adda New Element ~n4 Administrators can specify whether this column should be included in a text 56 Manualfor MIMIC Administrators search of this table in the Include in Text Search field. Typically, this value is turned on for free text fields and turned off for fields that contain date or numeric information. The Include in Table View field controls whether this field is visible to normal users. Some fields may not be significant to the end user and should be hidden. Step 4: Generating SQL Once all elements are defined for this table, the administrator can generate SQL to create this table by clicking on "Generate." A code sample generated by this step appears below. Cee o ll SQL Create Table stateumt far Test Table Youay"cut ndpa'te the fo"ow create.the .gto TetTable t . create table test-table teati vazchax (100), teat varchar(1) , Test Three integer ZYME5C This will generate SQL create table statements that the administrator can cut and paste into the Postgres command line. ::::een L fltZ bash-2.05$ peqi openac4 Welcome to peql, the PostreSOL interactive terminal. Two: \cop~fright for distribution terms \ii for help with SOL commands \? for help on internal slah commands \g or terminate with semicolon to execute q.jerg \q to qpdt j apnes4ee* create table test-table opwnce(* teeti varchar(lOO). operwcs4(e teat.2 varcherti). oees(# tast3 integer oees(C ) C~TE openecs4=0 6-4* MMtM|MfT MMi:1 -_lM Note: These administrative table management pages are also used to modify category, element, and table definitions. Each time an element's column name, Oracle data type, or Postgres data type is updated, the Administrator should first drop and then re-create the table in Postgres for the changes to take affect. Other modifications to columns take effect without having to recreate the table. Currently, MIMIC contains table definitions for those tables defined in the CareVue ISM. A description of these table definitions appears in Appendix B. 57 ManualforMIMIC Administrators Index Management SQL indexes are used to speed common queries for tables with indexable columns. The index management module in /server path/admin/mimic/indexes allows users to create and manage indexes for tables defined in the table management module and created in Postgres as described in Step 4. Indexes are optional but can provide added performance. Administrators can create new indexes by clicking on "Add a New Index." He can then add attributes to define the index. The Name for the Index is the name used in SQL for this index. It is constrained to be unique and should not contain any white space and. Name fr this The Table for this Index is the table that this index is created on. This can be selected from a pulldown menu of tables defined using the table management module. Once the index name and table have been chosen, click on ltesundex (please do not include any whitespace in the ajcoduratons - *~2~ ajiiedduratons censusevents c-days 7, "next." The next step in creating a new index is to choose columns for the index. Columns can be chosen from a pull-down menu of previously defined columns (elements) for this table. Clicking "next" will add a column to the index. Repeat to add more columns. Once all columns have been added, the Administrator can click on the link to "Create this index." The index will be added to the index management system and also created in the database. Creindex test-idex on a_chardurabons ( ld- C7-at Please choose choose coluans(s) to add to this index scods pc-depid sid elemid cuid itemid esdtfime stWme - .. 7 duration MIMIC contains indexes for the tables for tables that are currently defined. These indexes are described in more detail in Appendix C. 58 Manualfor MIMIC Administrators Key Management Keys store more information about how to display the data in tables. The key management module is in /server path/admin/mimic/data/keys/. These keys are simply columns of a table that are designated for a specific use. A Display Key for a table is the column that should be used as a label for this table. In some views where only one column for a table is displayed, this label is used. For example, the dmeditems table, the label is the display key. Oftentimes other tables will reference the dmeditems table. When it does, the label is used to display that value. Menu Keys are used in displaying data in a menu fashion. Administrators can specify a column for each --- ___- table and whether this menu key should be visible. This Total Balance Events controls the menus that are L4=Tr4§ . T1l7.1aufottb. displayed to normal users. For instance, the totalbalevents table has Ss0 itemid as its menu key. This MM0(&3 04 means that the values of this column are available as menu 4 03 o 3 Tota [Wi 8 24 .M 03M01 39 1 04 1s3 o options. One value for 11,2001 24TOW 40 3W 1 3 in 1u'vA itemid is "24 Total Out." A user could click on this item to view only entries in that column with that menu value. For this example, the result would be a table of only "24 Total Out" entries. Time Keys are used to select and order data. These are generally columns with timestamps. Each table is ordered by a time key so that results can be displayed in chronological order. Date Keys are also used to select and order data. These are generally columns with integers that denote which day the item was stored. These date keys generally reference the d days table, which has entries for every day from January 1, 1970 to December 30, 2030. Date keys are helpful in finding records for a specific day. Current values for the keys described above can be found in Appendix D. 59 Manualfor MIMIC Administrators Once tables have been defined in the table management module and created in Postgres, the system is ready to be populated with data. This section describes the steps involved in adding new data to MIMIC. Overview The data comes from a hospital's Information Support Mart (ISM) that is stored in Oracle. Through a special partnership with the hospital, we are able to connect remotely to the hospital's network to download data. :' Hospital ISM (Oracle)--. network * O .: ''' '- o -sMIMIC Database (Pbstgres) Connected via CareWeb Currently, a separate system is used to initially collect and store waveform data. Patients are each assigned a case id (case-id). The hospital's ISM uses a different patient ID (pid) for each admission. Caseids are assigned to be the same for each patient and reused for readmissions. The data download process for MIMIC consists of the following steps: 1. Find the hospital's patient ID for each patient by matching their names and/or MRN 2. Extract data with these patient ID's and de-identify records. 3. Upload data to the MIMIC database Tools Needed * * * " * Web browser (i.e. Netscape or Internet Explorer) Access to hospital network (i.e. via CareWeb) Access to the hospital ISM (Oracle) Access to local server that MIMIC is on (pc44) List of patients This should be of the format: case-id last-name l firstnamelMRN The MRN (Medical Record Number) is optional. Samples of all files needed for and generated by the data update process can be found at the end of this document 60 Manualfor MIMIC Administrators Getting New Data 1. Connect to the CareGroup (eurkea.caregroup.org) system at the partner hospital via the CareGroup VPN Dialer. lCxGiwVPNU CJ&- 2. Start Oracle SQL*Plus and connect to the hospital ISM. You should enter your username, password, and 'ISM' as the host string. You are now connected to the hospital network and have access to patient records. SQL*Plus: Release 0.U.5.8.8 - Production on Wed Kay I (c) Copyright 1998 Oracle Corporation. Connected to: Oracle$ Enterprise Editiol Release PL/SQL Release B. - Production SQL> 15:24:12 2682 All rights reserved. - Production I 61 Manualfor MIMIC Administrators Go to the data upload page at /server path/admin/mimic/data. Upload a file containing the list of patients for Step #1. The list of patients should be a text file of the format: Getting new data Step 1: Input file should contain rows of case-id, firstname, last_name, mm with whitespace as null Fenama:C-TEMPnarms.csvyd This generates a script that extracts hospital pids for each patient. Run this script by typing 86s cz.p name at the Oracle prompt caseid| last-name first_name jmrn where each patient is listed on a separate line. A sample appears below. 35511 LADENIJOSEPHI 35491STEELEIREMINGTON112428752 35461FIELDSIANDREWI 62 Manualfor MIMIC Administrators Here is a sample of a script generated by this step. Save this file as scriptname. Pet heading off; set feedback off; set termout off; spool C:/teap/data/d patients.cxv; select '3551 111I1 p.pid 1III'11p.sex 1'1I1l to-char(p.dob, (upper(p.firstname) like upper(14;JCSEPH3%) and upper (p.lastname) like upper(' %LADENI)) or (upper(p.fullname) like upper(1 JOSEPM) and upper(p.fullname) like upper(' LADEN1)) ; from d_ 'Vy-rmo-dd') select '3549' 111I111 p.pid 1111''1 p.sex 11''l1 tochar(p.dob, lyyyy-in-dd') from d_ (upper(p.firstnae) like upper('9RENINGTON%') and upper (p. lastname) like upper(' %STEELE%')) or (upper(p.fullname) like upper('RENINGTCM') and upper(p.fullnme) like upper('%STEELE')) or p.mrn-12428'752; select '35461 I I111 ' p.pid I I ' I' I I p.sex I1'I 'I I to-char (p.dob, (upper(p.firstname) like upper('!ANDREW') and upper (p. lastneme) like upper(' %FIELDS' )) or (upper(p.fullname) like upper(' ANDREWV') and upper(p.fullname) like upper('%FIELDSV')); 41 Fa H*e ~ 9~, pixm F1 ' yyyy-=m-dd') from d_ I A~ 4 3. Take the script generated by the previous step and run it on the hospital system by typing: @@©scriptname at the Oracle prompt. SQL*Plus: Release - on 011 Production (c) Copyright 1996 Oracle Corporation. Connected to: OracleS Enterprise Edition Release I. PL/SQL Release 3.1.5.D.6 - Production SQL> - Thu May 2 11:22:8 2682 rights reserved. - Production C:/temp/scriptname.txt This step generates a file called dpatients.csv. This file will be of the format caseidipidlsexldob A sample appears below: 35051 592IF11936-09-09 35051 2316IF11936-09-09 35091 1901IMI1927-07-05 No Patient names are used from this point forward. 63 Manualfor MIMIC Administrators 4. Take the d-patients.csv file generated in the previous step and upload it in Step #2. This step generates a file that will extract complete patient records for the Once you have a list ofpadients (dpaents.csv) you generate a script to extract complete records. Filanum: lCij1116\d-'paOw-nts.csvyI LAE Use the "Browse"button to locate the dpafients.csv fie generated by step click 'Open". 1 and then Step 3: er ate a . cnpt to download support (d&nension) tables ifyou haven't already done I so. To run these scripts, log into the hospital system here for more mfotnation. and type ne r.2.enmwe at the Oracle prompt. Go desired patients. Save this file as scriptname. 5. Run the script generated by the previous step by typing @@ scriptname at the Oracle prompt. This will create several .csv files in C:/temp/data on the local filesystem. 6. (optional) Mimic uses some support tables in storing patient data. If you have not already done so, you can generate a script to download support tables in Step #3 . Save this file as scriptname. Run this script by typing @@ scriptname at the Oracle prompt. This will generate more .csv files in C:/temp/data. 64 Manualfor MIMIC Administrators 7. Move all .csv files generated by the previous steps to the local server (i.e. by ftp). Next, upload the data in Step 4 by specifying the location of the .csv files. Note that the files must be stored in a folder that is readable and writeable by the Postgres user.. The next screen will ask for confirmation to begin the data upload process. The 1. Transfer the files generated by the above steps to some folder on the local system (Le. via fip or sep). 2. Enter the location of the directory of where the data files are located on the local system. Diepagod Download you can download data as a text file to process. by ngbt-cickeg on the links below and savig to file. medicatons Case IDIChart Timeitem IDIO Item ID Amount|Dose UnitsptoutelCare Unit IDiCare Giver ID Case IDIChart Trnetem IDPenodic volumelCumiaive VolumeAccunulafion Periodlapproximatefreset|Care Giver IDiCare Unit IDlrransaction IDlOement ID -j ~% time to upload new data depends on the number of records being downloaded and the size of each record. ~.. Enter New Data Are you sure you want to update the database now? This may take a while and slow the system down The results of your update can be viewed in the log page. Please wait untl you are redirected to the log page to view the results of the update. The data will then be parsed, de-identified, and entered into the database. Once this process is complete, the browser will be redirected to the data log where the results of the update can be viewed. 65 Manualfor MIMIC Administrators Normal users can now view these records in /server path/mimic. to CdMe.- Record for April 29, 2002 17:19:51-04 ile Stats pdate Result Table Name [acbartdaaons addshves fm/daa/04_25_02/a_chartdurahons csv /mmcdata042502/addkives csv ajodurahons a meddurabons censusevents /lic/data/04_25_02/a_iodrahons file found update successful e found_ [pdate successful ie found fie found ile found fie found file found fie found Sle found file fo d update successful fe found knmc/data/04_25_02/dehvenes.csv k cdta0202d, terventontew scv fie found Id..mtervenkonatem5 update successful [paescesu chateveits csv tnc/data042502/ameddurations cov /mnecdata/04_25_02/censusevents /rm sv c/datal04_25_02/chartevents sv vercv frnnIdata4 25_02 d_c f idata/0425_02/d-careuntscsv dcaregver dcareunts d-chartms data025_02/d.chatitemscsv ~d~days /f/data/425~_2tddays -v - dehvenes dioitems doutcometesen dpaients- -m update successful dupate successful update successful update successful update successful unpd ae successful mic/data/042502/dioteiscov file found update successful icdata/0425_02/dmeditems.csv fle found update successfU fanmcdata/04-25_02/d-oucometems.csv fe found dat042502/dpaents.csv file found udate successful [update successfi / dkmeditems upate successUl 66 Manualfor MIMIC Administrators Sample Files Sample input file of names for Step 1 12661BROWNIJAMES10033085 21061 THOMAS ISARAHI Sample Script generated by Step 1 set heading of f; set feedback off; set termout of f; spool C: /temp/data/dpatients.csv; select '1266' 11 ' ' 1 p-pid I I' I ' I p-sex I|I |' to-char(p.dob, from d-patients p, dual where 'yyyy-mm-dd') (upper(p. firstname) like upper( '%JAMES% ') and upper (p. lastname) like upper ( '%BROWN% ')) or (upper (p. fullname) like upper ('%JAMES%') and upper (p. fullname) like upper ('%BROWN%')) or p.mrn='0033085'; select '2106' II'' p.pid II'I' I p.sex IIl to-char(p.dob, from d-patients p, dual where 'yyyy-mm-dd') and (upper (p. f irstname) like upper( '%SARAH%') upper(p.lastname) like upper( '%THOMAS%')) or (upper(p.fullname) like upper('%SARAH%') and upper (p. fullname) like upper( '%THOMAS%')); spool off; Sample dpatients.csv file generated by script from Step 1. 126611210IM11912-11-05 2601111721F11917-01-28 67 Manualfor MIMIC Administrators Sample script generated by Step 2 spool off; set heading off; set feedback off; set termout of f; spool C:/temp/data/additives.csv; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION replace-names (find-pid in number, replace-string in char) RETURN varchar IS newstring varchar(5000); tempjlastname varchar(100); tempfirstname varchar(100); temp num number; BEGIN SELECT fullname INTO tempjlastname from d-patients WHERE pid = findpid; new-string := replace(lower(replace-string), lower (templastname), 'patient'); tempnum:=instr (temp-lastname, ' tempfirstname:=substr (tempjlastname, 0, tempnum); temp-lastname:=substr(tempjlastname, temp-num); newstring := replace(new-string, tempjfirstname, 'patient '); new_string replace(new-string, temp-lastname, 'patient '); RETURN (new string); END replace-names; cuidi 'I'll duration I 'I'll sidi 'I'll replace_names(pid, route) cuid cgid I | ''l 'I'll scodell'I'II pcodell'I' I sid 'I'll elemid I' 'I txid from ism.additives where pid=1266 or pid=2106; spool off; spool C: /temp/data/ajiodurations.csv; select pid ''l| itemid 'I'll tochar(starttime, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') 1|'1'1 tochar(endtime, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') II|' |' 'I'll pcode I I sidi iI' I ''l I I ' elemid from ism.a iodurations where pid=1266 or pid=2106; spool off; spool C: /temp/data/a-meddurations .csv; 'I'll select pidi 'I'll to-char (startrealtime, 'YYYY-MM-DD 'I'll 'I'll elemid from ism.a-chartdurations where replace-names(pid, doseunits) | | mlperunitI duration scodel I'!' select pidi li'll tochar(starttime, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')I| I ' ' to char(endtime, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') II' itemidi 'I'll pcodel itemid 'I'll ioitemid 'I'll amount j' '1 cuidl spool C: /temp/data/a-chartdurations.csv; scodel select pid1 'I'|| tochar(charttime, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')11' chartdatel 'I'll HH24:MI:SS') pid=1266 or pid=2106; 11111 to-char(starttime, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') |' |'| itemidi l il tochar(endtime, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')jj'j' cuidI'I'l l chartdateI'I'l l sid '1'|| elemidi 'I'l l txid from ism.chartevents where l duration| I ' l scodel||I I pcodel 'I'll sidi ' I'l l pid=1266 or pid=2106; spool off; elemid from ism.ameddurations where pid=1266 or pid=2106; spool C:/temp/data/deliveries.csv; 'I'll chartdatel' I'l spool off; select pid l to-char(charttime, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')11'1'11 spool C:/temp/data/censusevents.csv; ioitemid|l'I'll select pid1|l replacenames(pid, site)'11111 rate ' I'll I ' tochar(intime, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')11'1'11 to-char(outtime, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')jj'|'j careunit!11 cgid lii I 'l destcareunitI1l' I cuid|l 'I'll sid|l 'I'll replace-names(pid, dischstatus)11'1'|| elemid losI|' ' II sidil'I '| indayidl outdayid 'I'll txid from ism.deliveries where pid=1266 or pid=2106; I'|'l spool off; from ism.censusevents where pid=1266 or pid=2106; spool C:/temp/data/driporders.csv; spool off; select pid|'|'I l itemid 'I'lI to_char(charttime, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')1|'|'|| chartdatel 'I' | spool C:/temp/data/chartevents.csv; select pidil'i ' I tochar(charttime, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')II'I'II tochar(realtime, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')II''I1 itemid|'I'l| replacenames(pid, valuel) I' I'll valuelnumi|'l II replace-names(pid, valueluom) I ' I replace-names(pid, value2)11' li value2numl I'' replace names(pid, replace-names(pid, replace-names(pid, replace-names(pid, cgidj j'j' cuidi cuidi l'I'I tochar(verifiedtime, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')||'1'11 verifiedbyl l'I'l l to-char(addtime, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')1| addbyl l'I'l l tochar(addverifytime, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')11' I'I I'I addverifybyll'I'll duration '' replacenames(pid, durationtype)I'I'l l I replacenames(pid, orderedby) 1''I ' I'll to char(starttime, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') tochar(stoptime, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')j|''j replacenames(pid, schedcomments)11 I'l replacenames(pid, discontinuecomments)11'1'11 value2uom)11'' II II I stopped)'' resultstatus) I' I'| annotation) I' I'l| l'I'l l scodel 'I' I pcodel'i'll replacenames(pid, mdinstr)11'I'll 69 Manualfor MIMIC Administrators replace names(pid, replace names(pid, replace names(pid, replace-names(pid, replace-names(pid, replace names(pid, replace-names(pid, replace-names(pid, replace-names(pid, replace-names(pid, base I' '|I basevoll ' 'l| rate|| 'l dosemin 'I' I doseminuoml|'I'l dosemaxi 'I' II dosemaxuoml'I' I replacenames(pid, scodel 'I' I pcode |'| formid from ism.formevents where rninstr) phinstr) mdcosign)l l rnreview)l l phreview)l I, l freqlabel) II I' ll action) state) I' stopstate) I' II education) II Ill| spool off; spool C:/temp/data/freeformorders.csv; select pidiiI'lI itemidil'I'll tochar(charttime, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')||' 'l chartdate 'I'll cuidllI'I'll tochar(verifiedtime, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')11'1'11 verifiedbyl replace-names(pid, durationtype) I'I'll replace_names(pid, orderedby)|I'I'l l to-char(starttime, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') tochar(stoptime, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')l 1'1' replace-names(pid, schedcomments) I'l'll replace-names(pid, discontinuecomments)ll'l II replace_names(pid, mdinstr)l ''lI replace-names(pid, rninstr)11'1'I replace-names(pid, phinstr) I 'll 'll replace-names(pid, mdcosign)l'I replacenames(pid, rnreview) I '' I I replace_names(pid, phreview)I|'1'1I replacenames(pid, freqlabel)ll'|' | replace-names(pid, action) l'IlII replace-names(pid, state) I 'II replace_names(pid, stopstate) |' 'l l replace-names(pid, education)1I'1'11 replace-names(pid, order_)||'I'I | scodel 'I 'l l pcodeI|'I 'l l sidi'il li txid from ism.freeformorders where pid=1266 or pid=2106; pid=1266 or pid=2106; spool C:/temp/data/formevents.csv; I tochar(chartTime, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')l'l'l1 to-char(realtime, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')11' 1'1| replace-names(pid, formtitle)1Il'1i replace-names(pid, sectiontitle)111''11 replace-names(pid, subsectiontitle)1I'1'11 itemidil''ll I replace-names(pid, value_)11'I'I replace-names(pid, valuenum) replace-names(pid, uom) I ' I ' ' |'I|' ' ' HH24:MI:SS') addverifyby I 'l duration| lil spool off; I'1 I I scode I'I'l l pcodel|'I'l sidiI'l'II 'l I elemid I txidI Il lI chartDayl l II doseunits)1''LI II cgidil'I'I| cuid I' 'l l 'I'l to-char(addtime, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') addbyl' I'll to_char(addverifytime, 'YYYY-MM-DD sidi 'l'I elemid '|'|| txid from ism.driporders where select pidiI'l' pid=1266 or pid=2106; spool off; l'i' spool C:/temp/data/infusionorders.csv; 70 Manualfor MIMIC Administrators to_char(charttime, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')II'I'l select pidi lI chartdatel'I'l 'l itemidl lI'll tochar(charttime, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') chartdatel cuidl i' l l ' I 'l cgidi 'I'I cuidl l''| I'll| ordercgidll'I'll l tochar(ordertime, to char(dateadded, addcgidl'I'l l targetdatel 'I'll replacenames (pid, replacenames(pid, problemI II'l to-char(probtime, to-char(verifiedtime, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')'ll verifiedbyl ' 'll to-char(addtime, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')Ill addbyl l'I'I I tochar(addverifytime, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') IIII addverifybyl durationi i'l l'I'| l replace-names(pid, durationtype)'' l1l replace-names(pid, replacenames(pid, replace-names(pid, replacenames(pid, rninstr) II'll phinstr) II'' I mdcosign)11 I'II rnreview)1I'' I phreview) I'I'll freqlabel) ll' I action)I 'I'11 state)II' 'l| stopstate)1'1'1| education)||'I'|l 'II II YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')II''ll II'll chartstatus)II'l shift)l|'l' l variancetype)ll'I'll variancecause)lI'l' | txid from ism.interventions where pid=1266 or pid=2106; spool off; spool C:/temp/data/ioevents.csv; select pidl l'' to-char(charttime, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')Il'l'I| tochar(realtime, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')ll'IIl itemid 'I'll altid' I II I'l l volumelI'I'l pcodel|'I'| sidil'I'|| elemidi l'I'll txid from ism.infusionorders where I 'I'll scodel|'I'l| pcode|l I'll sidl l 'Ill elemidl 'III' replace-names(pid, mdinstr)'l'llI ' instructions) orderstatus) replace-names(pid, guideline)11'1'1I replace-names(pid, schedcomments)ll'i'll replace-names(pid, discontinuecomments)JI'I'll scode 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')II'|'I| 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')II'I'Il replace-names(pid, guidelinename)' replace-names(pid, orderedby)11'1'1 I II tochar(starttime, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')'II'| to-char(stoptime, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')II'I'|| replace names(pid, replace-names(pid, replace-names(pid, replace-names(pid, replace-names(pid, replace-names(pid, replace-names(pid, replace-names(pid, replace-names(pid, replace-names(pid, base |' I 'l basevol|I' '| rate|I'l|| l l replace-names(pid, volumeuom)I|'1'I | unitshungli|iI replacenames(pid, unitshunguom)11'|'1I newbottlel l'I I dressingchangedlI' pid=1266 or pid=2106; I II spool off; tubingchangedlI 'I spool C:/temp/data/interventions.csv; assessment|I'll replacenames(pid, stopped)|I' replace-names(pid, estimate) I replace-names(pid, annotation) select pidlIl' cgidl I IIl itemidllili 71 'I I Manualfor MIMIC Administrators cuid l'I' scodel l' tochar(addtime, 'll addbyl pcode ' lI I chartdatel 'I 'l l sid l ' I'll elemidiII II txid from ism.ioevents where 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') to-char(addverifytime, pid=1266 or pid=2106; spool C:/temp/data/medevents.csv; select pidl ' III tochar(charttime, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') I' 'll itemidI 'I'll elemid 'IIII chartdate I I 'l| to char(realtime, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')III'll replace-names(pid, replace-names(pid, replace names(pid, replace-names(pid, ''ll 'YYYY-MM-DD rninstr)111''11 phinstr)11'1'11 mdcosign)11'' rnreview)11'I'1 I IIl l replacenames(pid, phreview)11'1'11 replacenames(pid, freqlabel)JI'I 'l replacenames(pid, action)1j'|' 1 volume|I'l dose | I'l replacenames(pid, state) 1'1'1| replace-names(pid, stopstate)JI' 'l| replacenames(pid, education)|j'I'll to_char(renewtime, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')II dosemin'I'll doseminuomll I'l dosemaxIl'I'l l dosemaxuom'I'l l scodel' I'l l pcodel i'l doseuom)1I'i'll route)1 I'| site)JI'I'l stopped) I'll annotation)11'1'1| cgid|II'l'l cuidII I I pcodell'I ' | scodel 'I I'l| sidII II txid from ism.medevents where I HH24:MI:SS') I||''I addverifybyl l'I'l l duration i' I'll replace_names(pid, durationtype)I|'II replacenames(pid, orderedby)|I''| tochar(starttime, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')I'|' 'I to_char(stoptime, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')' replace_names(pid, schedcomments)11'1'|1 replacenames(pid, discontinuecomments)I'I'l l l replace_names(pid, mdinstr) II' I spool off; replace-names(pid, solutionidI' III solvolumel' I 'l replace names(pid, replace-names(pid, replace-names(pid, replace names(pid, l'I'll ' 1' 11 l sidi'I'l elemidl ' I' ll txid from ism.medorders where pid=1266 or pid=2106; pid=1266 or pid=2106; spool off; spool off; spool C:/temp/data/noteevents.csv; spool C:/temp/data/medorders.csv; select pid I I II itemidl II'l'l tochar(charttime, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')11 chartdate 'I'l| cuidI I'II tochar(verifiedtime, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') verifiedbyl l'I'l l select pidI'II to-char(charttime, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')IlI'| tochar(realtime, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')II'llll replace_names(pid, category)II'II I replacenames(pid, title) III' I replace_names(pid, notetext)11' ' I I' correction IIII I''ll cgid 72 I' I Manualfor MIMIC Administrators cuidi cuidI 'I'll 'I'll chartDateII'I'l sidiI'l'll to-char(startdate, tochar(stopdate, dateadded l I'll problemnumi I'l l replace_names(pid, replace-names(pid, scodeI 'I 'l l pcodel i'lI sidl' 'l l elemid l'I'll l noteidl l'I'll elemidl l' I'l l txid from ism.noteevents where pid=1266 or pid=2106; spool off; spool C:/temp/data/outcomes.csv; 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')1'' 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')I|''llI status)|| ' 'l l ' etiology)|I' txid select pid| I I II itemidilI'l to-char(charttime, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') chartdatel|I 'l cgidll''I from ism.problems where spool off; lll I spool C:/temp/data/solutions.csv; cuidII 'lIl replace-names(pid, comments) 'IIIII targetdatel 'i'll dateaddedl il'I addcgidl l'i'| tochar(evaltime, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')II'I'II evalcgidl ''ll| '| replace names(pid, shift)lI'I replacenames(pid, variancetype)1'1'1I replace names(pid, variancecause)11''I I replace-names(pid, status)||'I' I problemi lI 'll tochar(probtime, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')III'II scodelI'I'l pid=1266 or pid=2106; select pidi itemidilI' ' ioitemidl I volume I I'l I'II I replace-names(pid, dos eunits) I|I replace-names(pid, rou te)| liii cgidl lII'll cuidI Il I 'l l 'l l chartdatel'I'l scodeI|'I pcodeI|'I sidIIl Il elemidil'I'll l pcodel|'' sidl'I'l l elemidi ''I l txid from ism.outcomes where LI'l tochar(charttime, 'YY YY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')II'I'II l txid from ism.solutions where pid=1266 or pid=2106; spool off; pid=1266 or pid=2106; spool off; spool C:/temp/data/totalbalevents.csv; spool C:/temp/data/problems.csv; select pidi I'l to-char(charttime, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')I'I'11 chartdatel' I'l l 'l'l itemidI tochar(realtime, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')I'I'IIl pervolumelI'I'l l select pidlI lII itemidll'I'll tochar(charttime, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')'1111 chartdatel ' I'll cgidj ''II addcgidl 'I'll cumvolumelI' I Il replace-names(pid, accumperiod)II'I'l 73 l Manualfor MIMIC Administrators replace-names(pid, approx)11''11 reset||'|'|| replace-names(pid, stopped)11'I'II replace-names(pid, annotation)11'1'11 cgidli'|' cuid I' ' I scodel' I'll pcodel'|'|| sid l' I'll txid I 'l| elemid from ism.totalbalevents where pid=1266 or pid=2106; spool off; spool C:/temp/data/resultevents.csv; select pidili'|i resultid l' I'l l to char(chartTime, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')||'1' chartDatel|'i'l cgidl li'l | l cuidi l'|'I replace names(pid, resulttext)11'1'11 tochar(sourcetime, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')11'1'11 firstresultf i'l nextresulti I'l l replace-names(pid, status) |'ll sid i| i I txid from ism.resultevents where pid=1266 or pid=2106; spool off; 74 Manualfor MIMIC Administrators