MINUTES WEST VIRGINIA BOARD OF EDUCATION Capitol Building 6, Room 353 1900 Kanawha Boulevard, East Charleston, West Virginia May 13, 2015 I. Call to Order Following the welcome, Pledge of Allegiance and introductions, Vice President Michael I. Green called the meeting of the West Virginia Board of Education (WVBE) to order at 10:01 a.m. on May 13, 2015, in Capitol Building 6, Room 353, 1900 Kanawha Boulevard, East, Charleston, West Virginia. The following members were present: Vice President Green, Secretary Tina H. Combs, Thomas W. Campbell (via telephone), Beverly E. Kingery, L. Wade Linger Jr. (via telephone), William M. White, and James S. Wilson, and ex officio Paul L. Hill, Chancellor, West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission. Members absent were: President Gayle C. Manchin and Lloyd G. Jackson II and ex officios Michael J. Martirano, State Superintendent of Schools, and James L. Skidmore, Chancellor, West Virginia Council for Community and Technical College Education. Charles K. Heinlein, Deputy Superintendent of Schools, represented Superintendent Martirano during the meeting. II. Approval of Agenda Vice President Green requested the agenda be approved. Dr. White moved that the agenda be approved. Mrs. Combs seconded the motion and upon the call for the question the motion was carried unanimously. III. Recognitions The Board recognized: 1) Ms. Janet Allio, Kanawha County (school nurse at Mary C. Snow/Westside and Piedmont Elementary Schools), as the 2015 School Nurse of the Year, and 2) the West Virginia Pre-K Steering Team: Ms. Melissa Smith, Early Care and Education Specialist, WVDHHR Bureau for Children and Families, Ms. Janet Bock-Hager, WV Universal Pre-K Coordinator, WVDE Office of Early Learning, Ms. Ginger Huffman, Coordinator, Pre-K Special Needs, WVDE Office of Special Programs, and Ms. Traci Dalton, WV Head Start, State Collaboration Director. IV. Real World Learning Vice President Green, assisted by Mr. Sterling Beane, Chief Officer, Division of Technology, welcomed Doddridge County Middle School and presented information regarding the school's one-to-one tablet computer initiative. Mr. Rick Coffman, Superintendent, and Darren McCullough, Technology Director, Doddridge County Schools, provided an overview of technology initiatives in Doddridge County. Doddridge County Middle School is providing an Android based tablet computer to every student and every teacher. These tablets are used as a -2learning resource in every classroom. Teachers at Doddridge County work collaboratively to develop teaching and classroom management strategies that harness the use of technology. Students benefit from this initiative academically by having relevant technology in their hands and a world of information at their fingertips. This year, the social studies textbook is in interactive form and is stored on the tablet. Mr. Beane recognized Mr. Mark Moore and Mr. Josh Ratliff, Coordinators, WVDE Office of Instructional Technology, for their assistance in producing the real world learning segment for WVBE meetings. V. Literacy and Mathematics Design Collaboratives Dr. Gene Bottoms (distributed information), Senior Vice President, Southern Regional Education Board (SREB), presented SREB's Literacy and Mathematics Design Collaboratives for the Board's information. SREB is using a new approach to professional development to bring powerful teaching and learning tools into classrooms schoolwide, districtwide and statewide. Literacy Design Collaborative (LDC) and Mathematics Design Collaborative (MDC) help students reach the deep learning necessary to master college- and career-readiness standards. These frameworks give teachers a way to build lessons that engage students to read, think about and write about challenging texts in all disciplines. In math, students learn the why as well as the how by developing their math reasoning and problem-solving skills. Students struggle productively and learn more; in essence, teaching is shifted so that students take ownership of their learning and perform at higher levels. (Copies appended to Official Minutes, Attachments A-1 and A-2 and addendum.) At the close of his presentation, Dr. Bottoms, on behalf of SREB, requested the WVBE express that the improvement of college and career readiness standards in literacy and mathematics is one of West Virginia's top priorities; encourage RESA and school participation in this important work; and that SREB and its partners be allowed to report to WVBE annually on the work. Vice President Green thanked Dr. Bottoms and invited him/SREB to present at WVBE meetings. VI. Entrepreneurship Education Vice President Green, Dr. Kathy D'Antoni (distributed information), Chief Officer, Division of Career and Technical Education, Dr. Gene Coulson, Executive Director (distributed information), Consortium for Entrepreneurship Education, Mr. Larry Malone, Director of Policy, Office of the Governor, and Mr. Cory Dennison, President, Vision Shared, presented information regarding entrepreneurship education and workforce preparedness efforts. (Copies appended to Official Minutes, Attachment Mc.) Vice President Green recognized Ms. Liz Adams, student at Wirt County High School, winner of the Second Annual Statewide High School Business Plan Competition and her teacher Ms. Deborah Hartshorn. Also in attendance in support Ms. Adams and Ms. Hartshorn was Ms. MaryJane Pope Albin, Superintendent, Wirt County Schools. VII. Delegations Ms. Liza Cordeiro, Executive Director, WVDE Office of Communications, announced that all individuals wishing to address the Board as a delegation would be given two minutes. Mr. Trent Sherman, Martinsburg High School, addressed the Board regarding the proposed amendment of WVSSAC Series 3, particularly out-of-season coaching; Mr. Herman L. Mays Jr. -3(provided information for the record), Department of Biological Sciences, Marshall University, regarding the Next Generation Science Standards and climate change (read letter on the behalf of Climate Parents); Ms. Jason Crouch, citizen of Fayette County, regarding Fayette County and requested support of the middle grade years; Ms. Patsy Holliday, member, Fayette County Board of Education, regarding the principal position at Meadow Bridge High School; Mr. Joe Rossel, citizen of Fayette County, regarding the Fayette County bond and the inclusion of Meadow Bridge High School; and, Ms. Carolyn Arritt, citizen of Fayette County, regarding Fayette County. (Copies appended to Official Minutes, Attachment N.) VIII. Chancellor Reports Vice President Green requested, with the Board's permission, that the Chancellor Reports be taken up prior to breaking for lunch. Chancellor Hill thanked President Manchin and Mr. Jackson for their attendance at a recent meeting of the Higher Education Policy Commission and stated that the cross agency sharing is most beneficial. IX. Break Vice President Green called for a break for lunch at 12:10 p.m. and stated that the meeting would reconvene at 12:45 p.m. Chancellor Hill departed the meeting. X. Reconvene Vice President Green called the meeting back to order at 12:45 p.m. XI. Update - WVBE Actions for Improved Outcomes Ms. Donna Hoylman Peduto (distributed information), WVBE Director of Operations, provided an update regarding actions taken by the Board to improve educational outcomes. Mr. Clayton Burch, Chief Officer, Division of Teaching and Learning, provided additional information regarding grade level reading. Dr. White requested that a report be provided next month regarding school calendars. (Copies appended to Official Minutes, Attachment O.) WVBE Finance Committee. Mr. Campbell provided an update on behalf of the Finance Committee regarding counties on the fund balance watch list and reported that two counties (Calhoun and Clay) appear to be the only counties that will be in deficit on June 30. XII. Superintendent's Report (Continued) Deputy Superintendent Heinlein (distributed information) provided: testing recap regarding the West Virginia Summative Assessment; information regarding two of pilots currently underway regarding alternative learning programs; and visited Hometown Elementary's Leader in Me (leadership education initiative) event. (Copy appended to Official Minutes, Attachment P.) -4XIII. WVBE Coordinator of Board Agencies Report Mr. Jason L. Butcher, WVBE Coordinator of Board Agencies, provided an update regarding his work in conjunction with WVBE agencies inclusive of the West Virginia Schools for the Deaf and the Blind, WVDE Office of Institutional Education Programs, Office of Education Performance Audits, and RESAs. XIV. WVBE Regional Education Service Agency (RESA) Liaison Report Dr. Robin Lewis, Executive Director, RESA 1, provided a report on behalf of the RESAs. XV. Capacity Building for Priority Schools, Intervention Counties, and West Virginia Schools for the Deaf and the Blind Ms. Michele Blatt (distributed information), Chief Officer, Division of Accountability and Performance for School Effectiveness, and Mr. Ted Mattern, System Support Liaison, Office of the State Superintendent, provided information regarding support services provided to priority schools and intervention counties. (Copy appended to Official Minutes, Attachment C and addendum.) Gilmer County Schools Update. Mr. Gabe Devono, Superintendent, Gilmer County Schools, and Dr. William Simmons, President, Gilmer County Board of Education, provided an update regarding school construction. Superintendent Devono reported that team building activities with students and faculties are occurring, have submitted an MIP Project to the School Building Authority, and that Leading Creek School (inter-county school - Lewis and Gilmer) is to open for the 2015-2016 school year and that staff development and open houses are occurring. Dr. Simmons addressed the Board regarding Leading Creek School and requested the school be named a model for change. (Copy appended to Official Minutes, Attachment D.) West Virginia Schools for the Deaf and the Blind (WVSDB) Response to Governor's Direction to the WVBE. Dr. Lynn Boyer, Superintendent, WVSDB, provided an update regarding work that has been undertaken in assisting the WVBE in developing a response to the Governor's direction to the WVBE in his veto of two bills that would have provided funding to the WVSDB. The State Superintendent's study of the WVSDB should be forthcoming within the next couple of months for the Board's consideration. XVI. Office of Education Performance Audits (OEPA) Director’s Information Ms. Susan O'Brien, Director, Office of Education Performance Audits, reported that first year baseline visits have been completed in RESAs 2, 5, 6 and 7, and that planning and professional development for OEPA is scheduled for May 18-21. XVII. Initial On-Site Reviews for Schools Located in RESA 5 Ms. O'Brien presented the Initial On-Site Reviews for Schools Located in RESA 5 for the Board's consideration. The Legislature amended and reenacted W. Va. Code §18-2E-5, by Senate Bill 359, which led to the WVBE repeal and replacement of Policy 2320, A Process for -5Improving Education: Performance Based Accreditation System. The primary focus of the new accreditation process is providing feedback on practices and processes that correlate with high student success and improvement and continuous improvement of all schools. Policy and Code compliance are also monitored. In response to Policy 2320 (effective July 1, 2014) and the direction of the WVBE, the OEPA instituted Initial On-Site Reviews of the High Quality Process Standards in all West Virginia public schools during the 2014-2015 and 2015-2016 school years. Beginning with school year 2016-2017, the OEPA will conduct on-site reviews of each school in the state once every four years. Ms. O'Brien reported that all public schools in the eight school systems located in RESA 5 (Calhoun, Jackson, Pleasants, Ritchie, Roane, Tyler, Wirt, and Wood counties) participated in on-site reviews during March 2015 (http://oepa.state.wv.us/documents/RESA5/sobrienRptsRESA5.pdf). Dr. Wilson moved that the individual school reports be approved and any school in which a function rating was lowered to emerging or unsatisfactory or policy or Code was found non-compliant be required to revise the strategic plan within 30 days and begin corrective action. Ms. Kingery seconded the motion and upon the call for the question the motion was carried unanimously. (Copy appended to Official Minutes, Attachment B.) XVIII. Consent Agenda Vice President Green requested a motion to approve the Consent Agenda. Mrs. Combs moved that the Consent Agenda be approved. Dr. White seconded the motion and upon the call for the question the motion was carried unanimously. (Copies appended to Official Minutes, Attachments C through F.) XIX. Approved minutes of April 8, 2015 (Attachment C) Received WVDE personnel matters (Attachment D) Approved two first time waiver requests of WVBE policies (Attachment E) Approved Employment of Substitute Teachers in Areas of Critical Need policies for five county boards of education (Attachment F). West Virginia Secondary School Activities Commission (WVSSAC) Series 2, 3 and 4 Mr. Ray Londeree, Assistant Executive Director, WVSSAC presented Series 2, 3 and 4 for the Board's consideration. Mr. Londeree presented seven proposals to the Board for consideration: 1) to allow schools to maintain a freshman team, but play a junior varsity football team without losing eligibility; 2) to limit participation to a bona fide move of at least one county away to help limit the number of transfers based solely upon athletic participation; 3) to clarify current rule; 4) to enhance the development of athletes within the state of West Virginia by allowing certified high school and middle school coaches work with them year round; 5) to align rule 127-3-9.6.c with current testing procedure; 6) to allow schools to maintain a freshman team, -6but play a junior varsity football team without losing eligibility; and, 7) to clarify current rules and bring the rule in line with a West Virginia Supreme Court decision. Mrs. Combs moved that Series 2, 3 and 4 be placed on public comment for 30 days. Dr. Wilson seconded the motion and upon the call for the question the motion was carried with five members voting yes and two members, Dr. White and Ms. Kingery, voting no. (Copies appended to Official Minutes, Attachments G-1, G-2 and G-3.) XX. Approval of Local Board of Education Policies for Embedded Credit Ms. Betty Jo Jordan, Executive Assistant to the State Superintendent, presented local board of education policy for embedded credit for the Board's consideration. Policy 2510 states at section 5.4.f.1.B, “County boards of education are encouraged to establish policy which permits a student who masters the approved content standards for a credit bearing high school course that are embedded within a second course to receive credit for both courses.” If these embedded courses are used to meet graduation requirements, the county policy must be reviewed by the WVDE and approved by the WVBE. Ms. Jordan reported that 25 counties and the Office of Institutional Education Programs submitted local policies and required documents for embedded credit courses. The policies and course documents have been reviewed by WVDE staff to ensure alignment with appropriate Next Generation content standards. Copies of the local policies and documents may be viewed at county-dual-and-embedded-credit-policies. Dr. White moved that embedded credit policies for Barbour, Boone, Brooke, Cabell, Calhoun, Fayette, Hancock, Kanawha, Lewis, Marshall, Mason, Mercer, Monongalia, Monroe, Nicholas, Pendleton, Pleasants, Putnam, Raleigh, Randolph, Ritchie, Tyler, Upshur, Wetzel, and Wood counties, as well as the Office of Institutional Education Programs, be approved. Ms. Kingery seconded the motion and upon the call for the question the motion was carried unanimously. XXI. Waiver: Policy 2510, Assuring the Quality of Education: Regulations for Education Programs Mr. Burch presented a statewide waiver request of Policy 2510 for the Board's consideration. The West Virginia Department of Education (Office of the State Superintendent) is requesting a statewide waiver of Policy 2510, Section 5.4.a., Adolescent Education Programming Chart IV. The purpose of the waiver is to enhance the delivery of instructional programs. The waiver shall become effective for the 2014-2015 and 2015-2016 school years. This request only impacts the high school Physical Education (PE) requirement. The waiver will allow students enrolled in two years of JROTC instruction to satisfy the one credit PE requirement. Dr. White moved that the statewide waiver request for Policy 2510 at section 5.4.a be approved for the 2014-2015 and 2015-2016 school years. Dr. Wilson seconded the motion and upon the call for the question the motion was carried unanimously. (Copy appended to Official Minutes, Attachment H.) -7- XXII. Policy 2422.7, Standards for Basic and Specialized Health Care Procedures Ms. Rebecca King, Coordinator, WVDE Office of Special Programs, presented Policy 2422.7 for the Board's consideration. The Basic and Specialized Health Care Procedure Policy and the accompanying procedures Manual for West Virginia Public Schools outlines the safe and standard of care for performing, delegating and assigning health care procedures during curricular and co-curricular activities. The chief authority of this policy is W. Va. Code §18-5-22 (school nurses) and §30-7-1 (Registered Professional Nurses) along with the designated review and revision of school health care procedures by the West Virginia Council of School Nurses. This policy and accompanying manual will provide standard of care for specific medical provider ordered specialized healthcare procedures provided under the auspices of the certified school nurse RN to ensure safe and quality healthcare is provided to students in West Virginia public schools. Dr. White moved that Policy 2422.7 placed on public comment for 30 days. Dr. Wilson seconded the motion and upon the call for the question the motion was carried unanimously. (Copies appended to Official Minutes, Attachments I-1, I-2 and I-3.) XXIII. Policy 2423, Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Ms. King presented Policy 2423 for the Board's consideration. The proposed revision of Policy 2423 includes: Legislative changes from the 2015 session related to HB 2669-TB Testing in Schools and SB 286-Immunizations for School Entry and Progression; and expansion of Governor's KidsFirst Initiative for health promotion through proof of well child screenings (WV HealthCheck) at grades 2, 7 and 12 with a phase-in plan over the next 5 years. The revisions to Policy 2423 will: 1) remove the TB Testing requirement for out-of-state student transfers into WV public schools thus expediting school enrollment; 2) will mainstream and expedite the medial exemption process for vaccinations in a timely fashion to support student enrollment in a WV public school; and 3) the HealthCheck requirement will positively impact student’s health to support early identification of educational and health deficits, improve attendance through early identification and disease prevention, enhance chronic disease case-management and overall student wellness to provide a greater potential to be a successful student, future employee and citizen. Ms. Kingery moved that Policy 2423 placed on public comment for 30 days. Mrs. Combs seconded the motion and upon the call for the question the motion was carried unanimously. (Copy appended to Official Minutes, Attachment J.) XXIV. Policy 2520.15, Early Learning Standards Framework Content Standards and Learning Criteria for West Virginia Pre-Kindergarten Mr. Burch presented Policy 2520.15 for the Board's consideration. Policy 2520.15 was revised last in 2010, and since that time the establishment of WV Universal Pre-K and Kindergarten as a programmatic unit (Early Learning Readiness Grades) per WVBE Policy 2510 has necessitated a stronger alignment between the pre-k and kindergarten grade levels across all content areas. Since the previous revision, federal Head Start child outcomes were also revised. -8This revision includes this consideration as well. The revised policy provides a stronger alignment to the language and format of kindergarten content standards and objectives across content areas, resulting in continuity of services for all children who transition from pre-k to kindergarten. Dr. White moved that Policy 2520.15 placed on public comment for 30 days. Dr. Wilson seconded the motion and upon the call for the question the motion was carried unanimously. (Copy appended to Official Minutes, Attachment K.) XXV. Appointment to School Building Authority of West Virginia Vice President Green requested a motion to appoint Mr. Linger to the School Building Authority of West Virginia to complete an unexpired term ending November 4, 2015. Mrs. Combs moved that Mr. Linger be appointed to the School Building Authority of West Virginia to complete an unexpired term ending November 4, 2015. Dr. Wilson seconded the motion and upon the call for the question the motion was carried with Mr. Linger abstaining. XXVI. WVBE Personnel Matters including the Hiring of an Executive Director for RESA 8, Consideration of Employment Actions regarding Two RESA 5 Employees, Agreement with the Board of Child Care at Falling Waters, Process/Procedure to Employ a Superintendent for the West Virginia Schools for the Deaf and the Blind, and Employment of Interim Superintendent for the West Virginia Schools for the Deaf and the Blind Executive Session Vice President Green called for a motion to approve the Board's personnel matters found in the attachment inclusive of the employment of an Executive Director for RESA 8. Mrs. Combs moved that the Board's personnel matters, inclusive of the employment of an Executive Director for RESA 8, be approved. Ms. Kingery seconded the motion and upon the call for the question the motion was carried unanimously. Mrs. Combs addressed the Board regarding the hiring of Ms. Joan Willard as Executive Director of RESA 8. (Copy appended to Official Minutes, Attachment L.) XXVII. Point of Personal Privilege Vice President Green recognized Ms. Cordeiro for her 13 years of dedicated service to the Department, the Board and the students of West Virginia. XXVIII. WVBE Personnel Matters (Continued) Vice President Green requested a motion to move into executive session as provided in W. Va. Code §6-9A-4(b)(2)(A) [personnel exception] and/or §6-9A-4 [matters involving attorney-client privilege per Peters v. County Commission, 205 W. Va. 481 (1999)]. Mrs. Combs moved that the Board move into executive per W. Va. Code §6-9A-4(b)(2)(A) [personnel exception] and/or §6-9A-4 [matters involving attorney-client privilege per Peters v. County Commission, 205 W. Va. 481 (1999)]. Dr. White seconded the motion and upon the call for the -9question the motion was carried unanimously. The Board entered into executive session at 3:01 p.m. XXIX. Return from Executive Session Vice President Green, at 5:35 p.m., announced that the Board returned from executive session with no action taken or decisions made and that Mr. Linger departed the meeting at 5:15 p.m. Vice President Green called for motions. Mrs. Combs moved that the Board accept the resignation of Chris Huddleston, part-time ABE instructor, RESA 5. Dr. Wilson seconded the motion and upon the call for the question the motion was carried unanimously. Mrs. Combs moved that the WVDE close its investigation of RESA 5 and take no further action. Dr. Wilson seconded the motion and upon the call for the question the motion was carried unanimously. Mrs. Combs moved that the Board utilize the 90 day termination clause in the WVBE's agreement between the WVBE, West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources, and The Board of Child Care of the Baltimore-Washington Conference of the United Methodist Church, Inc., for the provision of education programs and services to youth in the custody of the state who reside at The Board of Child Care, Falling Waters Campus, Martinsburg, West Virginia and instructs the Board's attorney to carry out the process on its behalf. Ms. Kingery seconded the motion and upon the call for the question the motion was carried unanimously. Mrs. Combs moved that Superintendent Boyer explore options of an administrator at the WVSDB for a period not to exceed 90 days at an agreed upon stipend to be determined and report back to the Board in June. Dr. Wilson seconded the motion and upon the call for the question the motion was carried unanimously. Mrs. Combs moved that the Board's President be appointed as chair of the WVSDB Superintendent Hiring Committee and take any steps necessary to prepare for candidate hiring, including, but not limited to, naming the interview committee and establishing the hiring timeline. Dr. White seconded the motion and upon the call for the question the motion was carried unanimously. XXX. Items for Future Consideration It was requested that members notify the Board's secretary of items for placement on the June meeting agenda. Ms. Kingery noted that employee goals are due May 18. Dr. White requested an update regarding the content standards and objectives review. Ms. Kingery requested that the Board coordinate a strategy for members to attend county board of education meetings throughout the state. Dr. White requested updates be provided, every other month, regarding the Special Community Development School Pilot Program with the first report to occur in June. (Copy appended to Official Minutes, Attachment M.) - 10 XXXI. Future Meetings Vice President Green stated that the next regular meeting of the WVBE will be held June 10, 2015, in Charleston, West Virginia. The meeting will continue on June 11, 2015, if the agenda is not completed on June 10, 2015. XXXII. Adjournment Dr. Wilson moved that the meeting be adjourned. Dr. White seconded the motion and upon the call for the question the motion was carried unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 5:48 p.m. Minutes approved by the Board on June 10, 2015. ______________________________________________ Gayle C. Manchin, President ______________________________________________ Tina H. Combs, Secretary Minutes were recorded by Virginia M. Harris Secretary to the Board WVBEMinutes5/13/15