Physics 2D Lecture Slides Week 9 Sunil Sinha UCSD Physics Potential Barrier U ? E<U Transmitted x Description of Potential U=0 x< 0 (Region I ) U=U 0<x<L (Region II) U=0 x>L (Region III) Consider George as a “free Particle/Wave” with Energy E incident from Left Free particle are under no Force; have wavefunctions like Ψ= A ei(kx-wt) or B ei(-kx-wt) Tunneling Through A Potential Barrier Region I U E<U II Region III Prob ? •Classical & Quantum Pictures compared: When E>U & when E<U •Classically , an particle or a beam of particles incident from left encounters barrier: •when E > U Particle just goes over the barrier (gets transmitted ) •When E<U particle is stuck in region I, gets entirely reflected, no transmission (T) •What happens in a Quantum Mechanical barrier ? No region is inaccessible for particle since the potential is (sometimes small) but finite Beam Of Particles With E < U Incident On Barrier From Left Region I Region III II U A B Incident Beam Reflected Beam F Transmitted Beam 0 L x Description Of WaveFunctions in Various regions: Simple Ones first In Region I : # I ( x, t ) = Aei ( kx "! t ) + Bei ( " kx "! t ) = incident + reflected Waves ! 2k 2 with E = !! = 2m |B|2 define Reflection Coefficient : R = = frac of incident wave intensity reflected back |A|2 In Region III: # III ( x, t ) = Fei ( kx "! t ) + Gei ( " kx "! t ) = transmitted Note : Gei ( " kx "! t ) corresponds to wave incident from right ! This piece does not exist in the scattering picture we are thinking of now (G=0) So # III ( x, t ) = Fe i ( kx "! t ) |F|2 represents transmitted beam. Define T = |A|2 Unitarity Condition $ R + T= 1 (particle is either reflected or transmitted) Wave Function Across The Potential Barrier In Region II of Potential U ! 2 d 2# ( x ) TISE: + U# ( x ) = E# ( x ) 2 2m dx d 2# ( x ) 2m % = 2 (U $ E )# ( x ) 2 dx ! =! 2# ( x ) 2m(U-E) with ! = ; U>E % ! 2 > 0 ! Solutions are of form # ( x ) ' e ±! x 2 & II ( x, t ) = Ce +! x $i" t + De $! x $i" t 0<x<L To determine C & D % apply matching cond. & II ( x, t ) = continuous across barrier (x=0,L) d & II ( x , t ) = continuous across barrier (x=0,L) dx Continuity Conditions Across Barrier At x = 0 , continuity of " (x) $ A+B=C+D (1) d" (x) At x = 0 , continuity of $ dx ikA # ikB = ! C # ! D (2) Similarly at x=L continuity of " (x) $ Ce #! L + De +! L = FeikL (3) d" (x) at x=L, continuity of $ dx -(! C)e #! L + (! D)e! L = ikFeikL (4) Four equations & four unknowns Cant determine A,B,C,D but if you Divide thruout by A in all 4 equations : $ ratio of amplitudes % relations for R & T That's what we need any way Potential Barrier when E < U Expression for Transmission Coeff T=T(E) : Depends on barrier Height U, barrier Width L and particle Energy E "1 # 1% U2 $ & 2m(U " E ) 2 T(E) = '1+ ) * sinh (! L) ( ; ! = 4 E ( U " E ) ! + , . and R(E)=1- T(E).........what's not transmitted is reflected General Solutions for R & T: Above equation holds only for E < U For E>U, α=imaginary# Sinh(αL) becomes oscillatory This leads to an Oscillatory T(E) and Transmission resonances occur where For some specific energy ONLY, T(E) =1 At other values of E, some particles are reflected back ..even though E>U !! That’s the Wave nature of the Quantum particle Tunneling across a barrier Oxide layer Wire #1 Wire #2 Q: 2 Cu wires are seperated by insulating Oxide layer. Modeling the Oxide layer as a square barrier of height U=10.0eV, estimate the transmission coeff for an incident beam of electrons of E=7.0 eV when the layer thickness is (a) 5.0 nm (b) 1.0nm Q: If a 1.0 mA current in one of the intwined wires is incident on Oxide layer, how much of this current passes thru the Oxide layer on to the adjacent wire if the layer thickness is 1.0nm? What becomes of the remaining current? # 1% U $ & 2 T(E) = '1+ ) * sinh (! L) ( - 4 + E (U " E ) , . 2 "1 2m(U-E) 2mE != ,k = ! ! "1 Oxide layer Wire #1 Wire #2 # 1% U2 $ & 2 T(E) = '1+ ) * sinh (! L) ( 4 E ( U " E ) + . / ! , m = 511 keV/c 2 Use " =1.973 keV.A/c e 2me (U " E ) 2 , 511kev / c 2 (3.0 ,10"3 keV ) ! -1 0! = = = 0.8875A ! " 1.973 keV.A/c Substitute in expression for T=T(E) "1 # 1 % 102 & 2 ! -1 )(50A ! ) $( = 0.963 ,10"38 ( small )!! T= '1+ ) si nh (0.8875 A * 4 7 (10 " 7) + . / ! T=0.657 ,10-7 However, for L=10A; Reducing barrier width by , 5 leads to Trans. Coeff enhancement by 31 orders of magnitude !!! Q=Nq e ! N =6.25 "1015 electrons t N T =# of electrons that escape to the adjacent wire (past oxide layer) 1 mA current =I= N T = N .T = (6.25 "1015 electrons ) " T ; ! T=0.657 "10-7 ! N = 4.11"10 ! I = 65.7 pA !! For L=10 A, T T Current Measured on the first wire is sum of incident+reflected currents and current measured on "adjacent" wire is the IT Oxide thickness makes all the difference ! That’s why from time-to-time one needs to Scrape off the green stuff off the naked wires QM in 3 Dimensions • Learn to extend S. Eq and its solutions from “toy” examples in 1-Dimension (x) → three orthogonal dimensions (r ≡ x,y,z) ! ˆ ˆ ˆ r = ix + jy + kz • Then transform the systems – Particle in 1D rigid box 3D rigid box – 1D Harmonic Oscillator 3D Harmonic Oscillator z • Keep an eye on the number of different integers needed to specify system 1 3 (corresponding to 3 available degrees of freedom x,y,z) y x Quantum Mechanics In 3D: Particle in 3D Box z z=L Extension of a Particle In a Box with rigid walls 1D → 3D ⇒ Box with Rigid Walls (U=∞) in X,Y,Z dimensions U(r)=0 for (0<x,y,z,<L) Ask same questions: • Location of particle in 3d Box • Momentum • Kinetic Energy, Total Energy • Expectation values in 3D y y=0 y=L x To find the Wavefunction and various expectation values, we must first set up the appropriate TDSE & TISE The Schrodinger Equation in 3 Dimensions: Cartesian Coordinates Time Dependent Schrodinger Eqn: !2 2 !# ( x, y, z, t ) $ " # ( x, y , z , t ) + U ( x, y , z ) # ( x, t ) = i ! .....In 3D 2m !t 2 2 2 ! ! ! "2 = 2 + 2 + 2 !x !y !z z y x !2 2 % !2 ! 2 & % !2 ! 2 & % !2 ! 2 & So $ " = ' $ + $ + $ = [K ] 2 ( ' 2 ( ' 2 ( 2m ) 2m !x * ) 2m !y * ) 2m !z * = [K x ] + [K x ] + [K x ] so [ H ]# ( x, t ) = [ E ]# ( x, t ) is still the Energy Conservation Eq Stationary states are those for which all probabilities are constant in time and are given by the solution of the TDSE in seperable form: " -i+ t " # ( x, y, z, t ) = # (r , t ) =, (r)e This statement is simply an extension of what we derived in case of 1D time-independent potential Particle in 3D Rigid Box : Separation of Orthogonal Spatial (x,y,z) Variables !2 2 TISE in 3D: " ! ( x, y, z ) + U ( x, y, z )! ( x, y, z ) = E! ( x, y, z ) 2m x,y,z independent of each other , write ! ( x, y, z ) = ! 1 ( x)! 2 ( y )! 3 ( z ) and substitute in the master TISE, after dividing thruout by! =! 1 ( x)! 2 ( y )! 3 ( z ) and noting that U(r)=0 for (0<x,y,z,<L) ) # ! 2 1 % 2! 1 ( x) $ # ! 2 1 % 2! 2 ( y ) $ # ! 2 1 % 2! 3 ( z ) $ ( = E = Const '& (+'& (+'& 2 2 2 * 2m ! 1 ( x) %x + * 2m ! 2 ( y ) %y + * 2m ! 3 ( z ) %z + This can only be true if each term is constant for all x,y,z ) ! 2 % 2! 1 ( x) ! 2 % 2! 2 ( y ) ! 2 % 2! 3 ( z ) & = E1! 1 ( x) ; & = E2! 2 ( y ) ; & = E3! 3 ( z ) 2 2 2 2m %x 2m %y 2m %z With E1 + E 2 + E 3 = E=Constant (Total Energy of 3D system) Each term looks like particle in 1D box (just a different dimension) So wavefunctions must be like ! 1 ( x) , sin k1x , ! 2 ( y ) , sin k2 y , ! 3 ( z ) , sin k3 z Particle in 3D Rigid Box : Separation of Orthogonal Variables Wavefunctions are like ! 1 ( x) # sin k1x , ! 2 ( y ) # sin k2 y , ! 3 ( z ) # sin k3 z Continuity Conditions for ! i and its first spatial derivatives $ ni" = ki L ! ! Leads to usual Quantization of Linear Momentum p="k 3D %"" & %"" & %"" & px = ( ) n1 ; p y = ( ) n2 ; pz = ( ) n3 (n1 , n 2 , n 3 = 1, 2,3,..') * L + * L + * L + Note: by usual Uncertainty Principle argument neither of n1 , n 2 , n 3 = 0! ( why ?) 1 " 2"2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Particle Energy E = K+U = K +0 = ( px + p y + pz ) = ( n + n + n 1 2 3) 2 2m 2mL Energy is again quantized and brought to you by integers n1 , n 2 , n 3 (independent) ! and ! (r)=A sin k1x sin k2 y sin k3 z (A = Overall Normalization Constant) E -i t ! ! -i E" t , (r,t)=! (r) e = A [sin k1x sin k2 y sin k3 z ] e " Particle in 3D Box :Wave function Normalization Condition E -i t " " -i E! t " (r,t)=! (r) e = A [sin k1x sin k2 y sin k3 z ] e ! E E i t i t " " " * (r,t)=! * (r) e ! = A [sin k1x sin k2 y sin k3 z ] e ! " * " " (r,t)" (r,t)=A2 [sin 2 k1x sin 2 k2 y sin 2 k3 z ] Normalization Condition : 1 = $$$ P(r)dx dydz # x,y,z % L &% L &% L & 1 = A $ sin k1x dx $ sin k2 y dy $ sin k3z dz = A '' (' (' (( (' (' x=0 y=0 z=0 ) 2 *) 2 *) 2 * L L 2 2 3 2 " +2, # A = - . and " ( r,t)= /L0 L 2 2 3 2 2 E i t 2 + , ! -/ L .0 [sin k1x sin k2 y sin k3 z ] e Particle in 3D Box : Energy Spectrum & Degeneracy E n1 ,n 2 ,n3 ! 2!2 2 2 2 = ( n + n + n 1 2 3 ); n i = 1, 2, 3...#, ni $ 0 2 2mL Ground State Energy E111 3! 2 ! 2 = 2mL2 6! 2 ! 2 Next level % 3 Excited states E 211 = E121 = E112 = 2mL2 Different configurations of " (r)=" (x,y,z) have same energy % degeneracy z z=L y=L y x=L x Degenerate States E 211 = E121 = E112 Ground State 6! 2 ! 2 = 2mL2 E111 ψ ψ z z y y x x E211 E121 E112