Syllabus Business Finance 7240 Principles of Real Estate

Business Finance 7240
Principles of Real Estate
Course Number:
Office Hours:
BUSFIN 7240; Principles of Real Estate
March 2, 2016 – April 25, 2016
Wednesdays 6:00 PM-9:15 PM
Gerlach Hall 0305
1.5 Units
Ken Gold
Available upon request by email or phone
Course Description
Principles of Real Estate is an introductory course into the business of real estate development.
Real estate development has many facets, and each component could be an entire class or a
degree program. In this course students will learn the basic principles and processes of real
estate development and financing. With this learning, students will be placed in teams and will
flesh out one development deal in Columbus Ohio. This decision-making and analysis will
become the major graded component of the course.
The objective of this course is to lay the ground work towards an understanding of the real
estate development process, the players involved, and the tools needed to fulfill a development
Prerequisites include MBA 6221 (810), MBA 6222, BusFin 6211, BusFin 6212, or BusFin 6220.
Not open to students with credit for 870 or 871.
Quiz 1 – March 30, 2016
Quiz 2 - April 13, 2016
Case Presentation – April 20, 2016
The following are the primary principles for evaluation:
 The average grade in this course will be 3.60 or lower.
 Grading is relative to the performance of your peers.
 The grade distribution is not truncated. It is possible to earn any of the official OSU grades in
this course.
 Please note that there will not be any make-up exams except as required by university
policy. If illness or an emergency should force you to miss an exam, please contact me
before the exam is given.
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BUSFIN7240 / SP16 / Gold
Grade Appeal:
Students wishing to appeal a grade must do so in writing within five days of receiving the grade.
Written requests must clearly define why they are requesting the re-grade as outlined by the
grading rubric. All assignments will be reviewed and re-graded in total, so new scores, which
may be higher, lower, or equal to the original grade, will stand as final.
Attendance and Participation
Attendance in class is mandatory. Any absence from class must be accompanied by a note
explaining the absence, otherwise it will be considered an unexcused absence. Any unexcused
absences will be taken into account as part of the participation grade. Beyond your presence in
class, the participation grade will be determined by your contribution in class discussions.
Code of Conduct
You have affirmed to adhere to the following statement of honor:
As a member of the Fisher College of Business community, I am personally committed to the
highest standards of ethical behavior. Honesty and integrity are the foundation from which I will
measure my actions. I will hold myself accountable to adhere to these standards. As a leader in
the community and business environment, I will pledge to live by these principles and celebrate
those who share these ideals.
In addition, the University's Code of Academic Integrity is designed to ensure that the principles
of academic honesty and integrity are upheld. All students are expected to adhere to this Code.
Please visit the following website for more information on the University's Code of Academic
Integrity and possible sanctions: procedures. In accordance with University
Faculty Rule 3333-5-487, all instances of academic misconduct will be reported to the
Committee on Academic Misconduct which recommends appropriate sanctions to the Office of
Academic Affairs. There will be no exception to this rule.
Case Competition
At the end of the term a case presentation will be judged by practitioners in the field. They will
review your work and offer feedback. This means that you will present to a panel. The panel
will then begin a Q and A on your project and comment on their impressions. The review will be
on April 20th at 6:00 PM. You are expected to be prepared to answer questions and offer visual
components to your project. This might include graphs, pictures, designs, financial models,
PowerPoint slides, etc. More detail on the case will be provided in the Final Project Description.
Disability Services
Students with disabilities that have been certified by the Office for Disability Services will be
appropriately accommodated and should inform the instructor as soon as possible of their
needs. The Office for Disability Services is located in 150 Pomerene Hall, 1760 Neil Avenue;
telephone 614-292-3307, TDD 292-0901; http://www.ods.ohio-
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BUSFIN7240 / SP16 / Gold
March 2, 2016
Project intro / teams
Intro into process / people
March 9, 2016
Planning & Analysis
March 16, 2016
Spring Break
March 23, 2016
March 30, 2016
Implementation; Contracts & Construction
Quiz #1
April 6, 2016
Management / Sales
April 13, 2016
Bringing it all together
Quiz #2
April 20, 2016
Case Presentation
Final Project Due
*This schedule is subject to change depending on current events.
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BUSFIN7240 / SP16 / Gold