SENIOR YEAR REFLECTION GRADE 12 LESSON 40 Time Required: 30-45 minutes Content Standards: AA.S.5 Students will employ strategies to achieve future career goals and know where and how to obtain information about the world of work and postsecondary training/education. Indicators (Students will…): AA.C.12.5.13 Evaluate school experience and share lessons learned. AA.C.12.5.14 Articulate final postsecondary plans. GOAL: Students will review the activities that are usual done during senior year. Activity Statements: Students will discuss senior year and some of their high school memories. Seniors will discuss post-secondary plans Materials: 1. Pencil/Pen 2. Handout 1-Senior Reflection 3. Handout 2-Personal Plan of Study Procedures: 1. Distribute handout 1. 2. Divide the class into five discussion panels. 3. Have each panel report their answers to the class. Discussion: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Was senior year the best year of high school for you? Are you happy that high school is over? Do you think you will remain close to your high school friends? What will you do, at college or on a job that you failed to do in high school? Have you implemented a personal educational plan necessary for life-long learning? Are you educationally prepared to go beyond high school? SENIOR YEAR REFLECTION GRADE 12 LESSON 40 CLOSING STATEMENT: Memories are an important part of our life. It is important to remember “old” memories, but continue to make “new ones” also. High School and senior year are important times in the life of teens. It is important to rethink and revise life-long learning plans and goals. Additional Resources: Extension Activities: Other activities as assigned by advisor. Activity: Have students record their senior year thoughts and feelings in the Journal section of their Portfolio. Adapted from: Chicago Public Schools (9-12) 30 Advisor/Advisee Lessons Grade 12 Lesson 36 and Missouri Comprehensive Guidance Center Grade 12 Unit 1 Lesson 6