RESUME WRITING GRADE 11 LESSON 14 Time Required: 30 - 45 minutes Standard 6: Advisor/Advisee – Career – Employment Readiness Skills AA.S.6 Understanding the relationship between personal qualities, education, and training are keys to success in the world of work. The focus of this standard is the employment of readiness skills for on-the-job success. Objectives: AA.C.11.6.04 Update resume and career portfolio. GOAL: Students will understand the relationship between personal qualities, education, training and the world of work. Activity Statements: Students will examine elements of an effective resume, coordinating cover letter, and post interview thank you note. Students will discuss information to include in their own resume. Materials: 1. 2. 3. 4. Handout 1, Sample Resume Handout 2, Sample Cover Letter Computers Equipped with MS Word Pen/Pencil/Paper Procedures: Reserve a computer lab if computers are not available for student use in your room. Using a computer and projector, demonstrate how to create a resume using a template available in MS Word. Open MS Word, from the File menu select New, open the Basic folder, and select the Chronological Resume template. The Chronological Resume template contains pre-formatted text and place holders. After selecting a placeholder by double clicking, personalized text may be keyed to customize the resume. Categories may be revised as needed. Students will observe how simple it is to generate a resume that is formatted correctly using the template. Use the sample resume handout; generate class discussion by reviewing each point. Personalize the discussion by inviting students to share examples from their own lives. If time allows, ask students to submit their completed resumes to for review. Revised March 2014: Mercer County CTE Center RESUME WRITING GRADE 11 LESSON 14 Discussion: 1. What is a resume? 2. Why should you mail a cover letter with your resume? 3. When should you send a thank you note to a prospective employer? Integrative Closing Statement: A resume is a document used when applying to college or for a job. In order to stand out from other applicants, it is necessary to accurately document your accomplishments, educational achievements, experiences, and skills. Additional Resources: Job Star Resume web site: Resume examples: Book: Guide to Perfect Resume Extension Activities: Activity: Have students create a resume using the Resume Builder Students can also explore the Cover Letter Creator and the Thank-You Letter Builder Articles for Discussion: Your Resume: Key for Success Proofreading Your Resume Resources: Roads to Success Lesson Plan – Creating Resumes 1 Roads to Success Lesson Plan – Creating Resumes 2 Lesson Plan – Writing a Good Resume: Student Critique and Practice Exercise Students: Use the Resume Builder to create or revise a resume. (See Portfolio Activity #9 – Using the Resume Builder) Revised March 2014: Mercer County CTE Center