Annual Report 2008-2009 Ball State University Overview ................................................................................................. 3 Executive Summary .............................................................................................. 4 Initiatives and Accomplishments ........................................................................... 6 External Funding Overview Trends ...................................................................... 8 ASPiRE Internal Grants ...................................................................................... 10 Research Committees.......................................................................................... 12 Research Compliance .......................................................................................... 14 Intellectual Property............................................................................................ 16 Funding Profiles .................................................................................... 18 College of Applied Sciences and Technology ...................................................... 19 College of Architecture and Planning.................................................................. 25 Miller College of Business ................................................................................... 29 College of Communication, Information, and Media ......................................... 32 College of Fine Arts ............................................................................................ 35 College of Sciences and Humanities.................................................................... 39 Teachers College ................................................................................................. 53 Extra-Collegial Units .......................................................................................... 59 Academic Affairs ...................................................................................... 60 Information Technology .......................................................................... 65 Student Affairs ......................................................................................... 67 2 Research Committees Research Committee Jennifer Bott, Chair Lambert Deckers, Secretary Derron Bishop Becky Brey Clare Chatot Michele Chiuini Kathryn Fletcher Sarah Lee Kristi Koriath Susan McDowell Deborah Mix Jacquelyn Nelson Michael Oravitz Jason Ribblett Carolyn Shue Carolyn Vann Lisa Walz He Wang Lynda Wiley Jensen Zhao Marketing and Management Psychological Science, Faculty Council Representative Medical Education Physiology and Health Science Biology Architecture Educational Psychology Social Science Research Center Ex-officio, Sponsored Programs Office Biology Ex-officio, English Ex-officio, Graduate School Music Chemistry Communication Studies Biology Graduate Student Physical Education, Sport, and Exercise Science Student Life, University Council Representative Information Systems and Operations Management Research Subcommittee #1 - Humanities Michele Chiuini Deborah Mix Michael Oravitz Lisa Walz Lynda Wiley Architecture English Music Graduate Student Student Life Research Subcommittee #2 - Education, Business, Social Sciences Jennifer Bott Lambert Deckers Kathryn Fletcher Sarah Lee Jacquelyn Nelson Carolyn Shue Jensen Zhao Marketing and Management Psychological Science Educational Psychology Social Science Research Center Graduate School Communication Studies Information Systems and Operations Management 12 Overview Executive Summary From the Associate Provost for Research and Dean of the Graduate School Greetings to the Ball State Community, Congratulations to the faculty, professional staff, and students who submitted proposals during the past fiscal year. The statistics illustrate a year of work well done and a campus increasingly engaged in research and creative activity. I extend my appreciation to all who carried out the challenging work of preparing grant proposals—whether awarded or not—and recognize the groundbreaking achievements represented by those funded. Best regards, Robert J. Morris Associate Provost for Research and Dean of the Graduate School Professor of Chemistry 4 Executive Summary From the Director This report includes FY 2008-09 records pertaining to the Sponsored Programs Office (SPO) and to interdisciplinary centers reporting to the Associate Provost for Research and Dean of the Graduate School. The statistics and tables displayed in this report illustrate an extraordinary year of work well done. FY 08-09 brought a record level of funding in external dollars to the campus - $26,082,888 - as compared to the total $20,387,798 the previous year. This represents a healthy 28.4% increase. Congratulations to the faculty and professional staff who submitted the 583 proposals that resulted in 401 funded awards - the latter also a new record - up from 388 awards in FY 2007-08. Thanks to the leadership of Associate Provost Robert Morris, several new policies, procedures, and incentive programs (detailed in the following pages) are in place that support the vibrancy of the faculty and staff research agenda at Ball State. The “flatter” structure of the Sponsored Programs Office provides for our Proposal/Program Managers to work on all aspects of proposal development with their assigned departments and units. This organization has proved to be a productive process and one that enhances relationship-building with clients. Our efforts to closely align our work with that of Contracts and Grants Office, the Office of Research Compliance (now housed in the Graduate School), the Office of Technology Transfer, University Development, and University Marketing and Communications, have resulted in more streamlined, mutually productive processes. Finally, our name change from the Office of Academic Research and Sponsored Programs to Sponsored Programs Office has signaled a more focused, nimble, and responsive service, which is reflected in the great success of our Ball State faculty, professional staff, and students. Respectfully submitted, Kristi Koriath Director 5 FY 2008-2009 Initiatives and Accomplishments Strategic Plan The performance of SPO is on track with the goals targeted in the Ball State Strategic Plan in the following areas: • Funding for scholarly work - 2008-09 is $26.1 M ($45.2M by 2011-12) • Number of successfully competitive proposals submitted – 401 (489 by 2011-12) • Median size of grants - $10K ($26.9K by 2011-12) • Number of faculty submitting one or more proposals - 303 (383 by 2011-12) Office restructuring for optimum efficiency and effectiveness Five full-time Proposal Managers are in place - Jackie Davis, Stephanie Klinger, Heather Miller, Justin Miller, and Elizabeth Pearson - plus SPO Program Manager, Stan Geidel. • Cross-training is a hallmark of these professionals, whose skill sets display the necessary redundancy of abilities and knowledge required for continued operations during staff absences or varying client volume. • Individual “sidebar” responsibilities address indirect cost distribution, office accounting, database management, proposal budget double-check, ASPiRE internal grants management, incentive program management, and pan-campus and collaborative coordination. • The former SPO position, Systems Coordinator, was reassigned to UCS for more appropriate application and efficiency. Enhancement of SPO processes SPO Standard Operating Procedures are in place for uniform internal process management. • The proposal database system is being redesigned to enable more accurate and timely reports and will be migrated to the FileMaker Pro system from Access. • The Proposal Submission Policy provides for enough lead time prior to submission of the proposal for adequate review by SPO and other University administrators. • The SPO website has been redesigned and has gone “live” on the Site Core platform, thanks to the efforts of Research Information Coordinator, Augusta Wray, working in collaboration with University Marketing and Communications staff. New Faculty Programs Joining the previously introduced SUBMIT Program (that encourages sponsored project activity by directly rewarding faculty who submit proposals), the promulgation of the Proposal Timeline (that facilitates a new level of organization for developing and processing proposals), and the sharing of recovered Indirect Costs (5%) with Principal Invesigators (PIs), are the following: • RESUBMIT Program funds up to $2,500 to support activities leading to a stronger federal proposal that had been earlier denied funding, but that had received encouragement for resubmission by an agency program officer. • Cardinal Fellows Program offers support for the preparation of proposals targeting federal funding by way of course buyout and enhanced SUBMIT funds. 6 FY 2008-2009 Initiatives and Accomplishments External initiatives • The Research publication, formerly known as BeneFacta, continues as an annual fall publication featuring outstanding representative scholarly and creative faculty projects; in addition, the spring issue of Research Notes, now also offers a brief update of additional stellar work taking place. • BeneFacta Day celebrates those who have sought or received external funding in an elegant reception in their honor in the Ball State Museum of Art. Special Initiative Dr. Stanley Geidel, Program Manager, has been on special assignment this year, working closely with community leaders on Project 2020, a funding initiative involving the Community Foundation of Muncie and Delaware County, Ball State University, Ivy Tech Community College, and several other local and regional entities. Project 2020 is seeking support from Lilly Endowment, Inc. to implement a community betterment plan whose primarily goal is local and regional workforce development. ASPiRE Program The ASPiRE Internal Grant Program has concluded the first year of its redesigned profile and has accomplished the goal of emphasizing seed funding to enable future successful external grant awards. All proposals are submitted electronically through IRBNet. Included are the following programs: • Start-Up competition for new, tenure-track faculty to receive up to $1,500 for supplies, expenses, equipment and travel (SEET). • Junior Faculty Competition for tenure-track faculty in their first, second or third year for summer stipends, supplemental assigned time, summer graduate assistantships, and SEET funds. (Proposals are capped at $10,000.) • General Faculty Competition offers summer stipends for a maximum of $6,000 and a total proposal cap of $10,000. • Programs for Reprint/Publication Support and Travel Support for External Funding remain largely the same. • Student programs for Research and Creative Arts have a scaled-down number of competitions for graduate students from three competitions to one (with an invitation to resubmit) and undergraduates to two (from five). • New to the ASPiRE Program is the International Faculty Travel Award that provides supplemental travel funds provided by a faculty member’s college or department for international travel to present or perform abroad. 7 External Funding Overview Trends Academic Colleges Other Units Funding 2006-07 $10,915,587 $7,168,862 Funding 2007-08 $14,888,235 $5,499,563 Funding 2008-09 $16,011,233 $10,071,655 External Dollars Recieved 2004-2009 Total Number of Proposals Submitted & Funded by External Grants 8 External Funding Overview External Dollars Received by Funding Source 2008-2009 External Dollars Received by Type of Award 2008-2009 Research (141) Public Service (165) Academic Support (48) Instruction (33) Institutional Support (14) Equipment (0) Other (0) Total (401) $17,158,674 65% Federal (84) $8,121,812 31% $4,599,756 $2,223,950 $1,382,587 18% 9% 5% Business (137) Foundation (46) $6,818,880 $6,756,505 26% 26% State (28) $2,403,463 9% $717,921 $0 $0 3% 0% 0% Non-Profit (73) $1,592,165 6% $26,082,888 100% $234,905 $125,180 $17,995 $11,983 $26,082,888 1% less than 1% less than 1% less than 1% 100% Proposal Submissions: Awards: Higher Education (4) Local (24) Individual (3) International (2) Total (401) 583 (525 in 2007-08) 401 (388 in 2007-08) Awards Exceeding $500,000…………………………10 Awards Exceeding $100,000……………....................29 Awards Exceeding $10,000………………..................122 Additional Awards (to $9,999)……………………… 240 (11 in 2007-08) (24 in 2007-08) (117 in 2007-08) (236 in 2007-08) Awards by College and Unit CAST CAP MCOB CCIM CFA CSH TC Academic Affairs Information Technology Student Affairs Total $1,957,426 $4,693,925 $134,008 $277,500 $61,030 $4,230,650 $4,656,694 $8,439,331 $915,939 $716,385 $26,082,888 (32 awards) (23 awards) (8 awards) (7 awards) (9 awards) (148 awards) (51 awards) (100 awards) (13 awards) (10 awards) (401 awards) 9 ASPiRE Internal Grants Ball State University’s Internal Grants Program was created in 1965 to provide funding to faculty and students and to support and develop projects in the areas of research and creative endeavors. This year, the Internal Grants Program was revamped entirely, including a name change to ASPiRE. The name ASPiRE is intended to remind faculty of the goal of seeking external grants, that is, to turn internally-funded research effort into proposals to external funding agencies. ASPiRE Internal Grants are intended to supplement and strengthen the support for research and creative endeavors that comes both from departmental and college resources along with other university programs. The Ball State ASPiRE program consists of the following competitions: General Faculty Research, Junior Faculty Research, General Faculty Creative Arts, Junior Faculty Creative Arts, Ad Hoc, New Faculty Start-Up, Reprint/Publication Support, Travel Support for External Funding for faculty, International Travel Support, as well as Graduate Creative Arts, Graduate Research, Undergraduate Creative Arts, Undergraduate Research, and Travel Support for Professional Meetings for students. 2008 -09 Program Participation The ASPiRE Internal Grants program processed 214 proposals and awarded $181,910 to support 156 projects. The total number of proposals submitted in 2008-09 decreased 22% from 2007-08, and proposals funded in 2008-09 decreased 7% from those funded in 2007-08. Details of the 2008-09 Internal Grants program are summarized in the table ASPiRE Program 2008-09 on page 11. In addition, the graph Total Number of Proposals Submitted & Funded by Internal Grants (below) illustrates the trends in submitted and funded proposals for internal grants from 2004-2009. Total Number of Proposals Submitted & Funded by Internal Grants 10 ASPiRE Program 2008-09 Faculty Programs Research - General Faculty Summer Salary Summer Graduate Assistantships Supplemental Assigned Time SEET1 Requests Submitted Proposals Awarded 15 3 3 6 1 1 $ $ $ 33,000 1,825 2,500 Award Amount Increase (Decrease) in Awards3 (33%) (67%) (67%) 11 6 $ 11,320 0% Total2 32 14 $ 48,645 27% Research - Junior Faculty Summer Salary Summer Graduate Assistantships Supplemental Assigned Time SEET1 16 6 4 9 3 2 $ $ $ 48,000 4,836 5,000 0% 0% (50%) 15 9 $ 16,826 125% 18 50 10 24 $ $ 74,662 123,307 67% 60% Total2 Total Research Creative Arts- General Faculty Summer Salary SEET1 Summer Graduate Assistantship Supplemental Assigned Time Total2 4 2 $ 12,000 100% 0 0 0 0 0 0 $ $ $ - 0% 0% 0% 4 2 $ 12,000 100% 0 0 $ - 0% 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 $ $ $ $ 2,500 0% 0% 0% 100% 1 5 1 3 $ $ 2,500 14,500 (67%) (25%) 11 17 5 19 4 11 17 3 19 1 $ $ $ $ $ 4,400 19,570 3,000 4,072 300 N/A N/A 0% (27%) (83%) Total Faculty Programs 111 78 $ 169,149 13% Graduate Student Programs Creative Arts Research Travel Support for Professional Meetings Total 2 18 57 77 2 9 49 60 $ $ $ $ 1,000 4,471 4,225 9,696 (33%) (31%) 0% (8%) Undergraduate Student Programs Creative Arts Research Travel Support for Professional Meetings Total 8 7 12 27 4 3 12 19 $ $ $ $ 1,200 895 950 3,045 (20%) 0% (54%) (44%) Total Student Programs 104 79 $ 12,741 (20%) Total Internal Grants 215 157 $ 181,890 (7%) Creative Arts - Junior Faculty Summer Salary SEET1 Summer Assigned Time Summer Graduate Assistantship SAT Total2 Total Creative Arts International Travel New Faculty Start-up Ad Hoc Reprint/Publication Support Travel Support for External Funding 1SEET is Supplies, Expenses, Equipment and Travel 2Totals equal total number of proposals submitted. One proposal can have multiple requests. 3Increase (Decrease) in number of proposals funded from previous year. 11 Research Subcommittee #3 - Mathematics, Biology, Physics, Health, Applied Science He Wang Physical Education, Sport, and Exercise Science Graduate Subcommittee #1 - Humanities Michele Chiuini Deborah Mix Michael Oravitz Lisa Walz Lynda Wiley Architecture English Music Graduate Student Student Life Graduate Subcommittee #2 - Sciences Jennifer Bott Lambert Deckers Kathryn Fletcher Sarah Lee Jacquelyn Nelson Carolyn Shue He Wang Jensen Zhao Marketing and Management Psychological Science Educational Psychology Social Science Research Center Graduate School Communication Studies Physical Education, Sport, and Exercise Science Information Systems and Operations Management Creative Arts Committee Beth Messner, Chair Nancy Melser, Secretary Nazim Ahmed Joe Blalock Barbara Bogue Fred Bower Marianne Honrath Kristi Koriath Tonja McClain Mark Neely Michael O’Hara Communication Studies Elementary Education Information Systems and Operations Management Landscape Architecture English Art Graduate Student Sponsored Programs Office Nursing English Ex-officio, Fine Arts Hollis Review Committee Kristin Perrone-McGovern Thomas Holtgraves Kristi Koriath Sharon Paulson Counseling Psychology and Guidance Services Psychological Science Sponsored Programs Office Educational Psychology 13 Research Compliance The Office of Research Compliance provides administrative support for three federally mandated compliance committees – the Institutional Review Board, the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee, and the Institutional Biosafety Committee. These committees are responsible for the review of research protocols, policy revisions to maintain compliance with changing federal regulations, providing annual reports on activities to the appropriate federal agency, and conducting educational programs in the respective areas. The Office of Research Compliance has investigated and determined to upgrade its training resources for faculty researchers, student researchers, and compliance committee members in regard to research with human subjects and animals. To realize this, the office has enrolled Ball State in the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) that will enable all university affiliated researchers and compliance members to have access to a number of online training modules. In addition to this initiative, the Office of Research Compliance has been developing new policies on research integrity, standard operating procedures, and general policies for research involving human subjects. The Institutional Review Board is charged with the protection of individuals participating as human subjects in research. The IRB reviewed 245 protocols between July 1, 2008 and June 30, 2009. Members: Leonard Kaminsky (chair) George Gaither (assistant chair) Stefania Aegisdottir Kent Bullis, M.D. Andrew Davis Michael Holmes Nicholas Luden (PhD student) Ronald Naylor Ted Neal Lauren Shaffer Linda Siktberg Amy Boos (ex officio, non-voting) Bryan Byers (ex officio) Alternate members: Johnathan Forbey David Jewett Vicki Keller Charles Sanders, M.D. Human Performance Laboratory Psychological Science Counseling Psychology and Guidance Services Amelia T. Wood Health Center Educational Psychology Media Design Human Performance Laboratory Community Member Art Speech Pathology and Audiology Nursing Research Compliance Interim Director, Research Compliance/ Criminal Justice and Criminology Psychological Science Community Member Nursing Ball Memorial Hospital 14 The Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee ensures the humane treatment of animals used in research. The IACUC reviewed 23 protocols between July 1, 2008 and June 30, 2009. Members: Clare Chatot (chair) Derron Bishop Heather Bruns James Flowers Pat Riggins, D.V.M. Rozann Schenkel Marianna Zamlauski-Tucker Amy Boos (ex officio, non-voting) Bryan Byers (ex officio) Biology Medical Education Biology Technology Attending Veterinarian Community Member Physiology and Health Science Research Compliance Interim Director, Research Compliance/ Criminal Justice and Criminology The Institutional Biosafety Committee is responsible for the review of all research involving recombinant DNA molecules or the use of infectious agents. The IBC reviewed 1 protocol between July 1, 2008 and June 30, 2009. Members: John McKillip (chair) Lynne Cary Larry Fromm Kiev Gracias Bozena Jemiolo Susan McDowell James Mitchell Amy Boos (ex officio, non-voting) Bryan Byers (ex officio) Biology Community Member Medical Education Community Member Human Performance Laboratory Biology Biology Research Compliance Interim Director, Research Compliance/ Criminal Justice and Criminology The Institutional Radiation Safety Committee is responsible for the review of all research involving radioactive materials. It maintains a safe radiation environment and ensures regulatory compliance with the Nuclear Radiation Committee (NRC). Members: T. Stuart Walker (chair) Saiful Islam (Radiation Safety Officer) Clare Chatot Timea Gerczei David Grosnick Marc McFarland Marianna Zamlauski-Tucker Bryan Byers (ex officio) Medical Education Physics and Astronomy Biology Chemistry Physics and Astronomy Environmental Health and Safety Physiology and Health Science Interim Director, Research Compliance/ Criminal Justice and Criminology 15 Intellectual Property The 2009 fiscal year included several important developments in the Technology Transfer area as well as significant increases in the number of IP disclosures, patent filings, and licensing revenue. First, work was completed on Ball State’s Intellectual Property Policy and the policy has been approved and implemented across the University. This new, comprehensive policy deals with intellectual property generated at Ball State University by its faculty, staff, and students, and addresses the challenges of modern intellectual property issues, technology transfer, and commercial development, especially in the areas of Ball State’s developing efforts in emerging media. Secondly, final work is underway on the organization model that will meet the commercialization needs of Ball State. Adopted from a proven model, Ball State recently formed the Ball State Innovation Corporation (BSIC), a new not-for-profit company. BSIC’s mission is to foster and facilitate the process of innovation to enhance the regional economy. This mission encompasses the commercialization of inventions and other innovations derived from research within the University. BSIC and its affiliates, Innovative Management Services, Inc. (a for-profit corporation) and the Ball State Holdings LLC, will be fully operational by the fall 2009. During FY 2009, the Office of Technology Transfer received 31 intellectual property disclosures, doubling the 15 disclosures for FY 2008, and over 4 times the number of disclosures from FY 2007. It should be noted that three-fourths (25) of the 31 disclosures represented intellectual property from new media, and covered IP ranging from film to media behavior, digital intermedia arts, and web applications for use in multi-touch technology. Another direct result from the increase in IP disclosures was the licensing revenue for FY 2009, which produced $146,537 and almost doubled revenue ($78,000) from the previous FY 2008 year. In FY 2009, 3 new provisional patents and 3 non-provisional patents were filed. Provisional patents included 2 processes from the Miller College of Business, one encompassing digital signage and the other covering Webbased media production. The third provisional was in the area of Gamma Ray Beam Detection and relates to the field of radiotherapy for measuring and calibrating a gamma ray source and measuring dosages from said source. Three provisional patents were filed as non-provisional patents including a device for measuring thermal expansion, one from the Miller College relating to computer security, and the third relating to building construction - an alignment device for securing piping and conduit during the construction of a building structure. BSIC is actively pursuing marketing opportunities for these patents. Ball State will soon see the creation of several new start-up companies. CMD Insight LLC, a spin-off from the Center of Media Design’s Insight and Research Institute, will work directly with Media Behavior Institute, a leading private sector research and consulting group, to market state-of-the-art methods to track consumer media behavior. The formation of a new spin-off from the Digital Corps is underway that will market recently developed iPhone and iPod applications via the Apple Store. Other potential spin-offs being analyzed for the upcoming year are from the Institute for Digital Entertainment and Education (IDEE), Institute for Digital Intermedia Arts (IDIA), Institute for Digital Fabrication (IDF), and from Music Technology, . In summary, expectations for technology transfer and commercialization for FY 2010 point to another year of record growth. While there is a great deal work and many challenges ahead in fully developing BSIC’s potential, there also appears to be no shortage in the creative intellectual property that will be developed from the university, with areas like new media leading the way to new commercial endeavors. 16 Intellectual Property Income 2008-09 () Author(s) DVD Nancy Carlson, Ann Eldridge, Mark Warshaw Arlene Ignico Arlene Ignico Christi M. Arnett Teresa Matlock Teresa Matlock Gene Stratton Porter Assessment of Fundamental Motor Skills Assessment of Sports Skills Child Care Collection Vivian Gussin-Paley Story Acting/Storytelling Themes $380 $1,920 $90 $51,119 $3,173 $2,217 Teresa Matlock Teresa Matlock Stanley Geidel Michael Gerhard, Wes Gehring Michael O'Hara Catherine Primmer/L. T. Faison Catherine Primmer Hans Sturm Ronald Morris Linda Siktberg, Ann Burford Nancy Carlson Social and Emotional Development Series Bubbles & Stories Hasty Legacy The Many Faces of Movie Comedy Explore Theatre: A Backstage Pass Weight Training for the Physical Body Running - A Head to Toe Approach - DVD The Art of the Bow Madison, Indiana Safe Swallowing Movers & Stakers: Stories Along the Indiana National Road $20,545 $81 $530 $98 $1,626 $966 $24 $6,270 $260 $779 $2,134 CD Elizabeth Richter Mihai Tetel, Robert Palmer Robert Palmer Software Jason Doll, Thomas Lauer Dan Fortriede Patricia Keith-Spiegel, Gil Michelini Matthew Stuve, Mark Lora Sherry Woosley, Donald Whitaker Printed Materials Christi M. Arnett Bruce Geelhoed Patricia Hughes, C. Frederick Dykins, M. Kay Stickle Teresa Matlock j Title Project Looking Glass River: Music for Solo Harp La Gitanai The Romantic Spirit: Solo Piana Music from the 19th and 20th Centuries Back-Calc (FishCD) InQsit Multimedia Integrity Teaching Tool (The MITT) rGrade MAP: On-line (Making Achievement Possible: On-line) Reflections on Practice Cardinals on the Gridiron Guide for the Evaluation of Student Teachers Story Acting and Inclusion: Companion Guide to Paley Video Income as of June 30, 2009 Income $528 $15 $165 $118 $749 $929 $10,414 $40,395 $60 $13 $298 $630 $146,526 17 Funding Profiles College of Applied Sciences and Technology External Dollars Received by Type of Award 2008-2009 Research (11) Academic Support (8) Instruction (4) Public Service (9) Institutional Support (0) Equipment (0) Other (0) Total (32) External Dollars Received by Funding Source 2008-2009 $1,576,885 81% Federal (7) $1,457,584 74% $193,271 $124,153 $63,117 10% 6% 3% Business (11) Foundation (7) $321,809 $136,673 16% 7% State (2) $20,850 1% $0 $0 $0 $1,957,426 0% 0% 0% 100% Non-Profit (4) $17,515 1% Individual (1) $2,995 1% $0 $0 $1,957,426 0% 0% 100% Higher Education (0) Local (0) Total (32) Five-Year Summary for the College of Applied Sciences and Technology FY 2005..............................$1.7 million FY 2006..............................$834 thousand FY 2007..............................$1.4 million FY 2008..............................$1.6 million FY 2009..............................$2.0 million 19 College of Applied Sciences and Technology External Grants Director Family and Consumer Sciences Friesen, Carol A. Chezem, Jo Carol Hall, Scott S. Adams, Rebecca A. Whitaker, Sue Spangler, Alice Title Sponsor 354-08 BioMeasure Adult Measuring Instrument Glenview Health Systems 356-08 Family Film Festival Muncie Altrusa Foundation, Inc. 242-09 Connecting the Classroom with the Community and Beyond: A Blog Experience within an Interdisciplinary Immersive Learning Experience Indiana Campus Compact Amount $12,625 $790 $2,250 Department Total $15,665 Indiana Healthy Weight Initiative Task Force Training Company Health Assessment Wellness Certification Template Corporate Wellness Initiative Livable Community for All Ages Strategic Planning Session Indiana State Department of Health COR Client COR Client COR Client Ball Brothers Foundation Department Total $18,600 $5,150 $3,500 $1,304 $5,000 $33,554 248-08 The Impact of CPAP on Physical Activity Habits in OSA ResMed Foundation $20,999 Kaminsky, Leonard 063-09 Use of Lipoprotein-Associated Phospholipase A2 (Lp-PLA2) to Identify Those with Abnormal Carotid Intima Media Thickness Diadexus (CIMT) in Individuals Categorized as Low and Intermediate Risk (Framingham 10 Year Risk) Mahon, Anthony 486-08 The Influence of Age, Maturation, and Gender on Substrate Utilization in Children Gatorade Sports Science Institute Trappe, Scott Trappe, Todd 306-08 Genomic and Proteomic Profiling of Aging and Unloaded Human Skeletal Muscle Eli Lilly and Company $107,116 Department Total $216,385 Fisher Institute for Wellness and Gerontology Ellery, Jane E. 458-09 Murr, Rhonda C819-09 Murr, Rhonda C820-09 Murr, Rhonda C821-09 Segrist, Kathy 503-09 Human Performance Laboratory Hargens, Trent A. Kaminsky, Leonard $85,270 $3,000 Nursing Ryan, Marilyn 103-04D Professional Nurse Traineeship Continuation U.S. Department of Health and Human Services $80,583 Ryan, Marilyn 150-09 Advanced Education Nursing Traineeship (AENT) Program Health Resources and Services Administration $95,938 Switzer, Cheryl 367-08 Contract for Individual/Institutional Training - Carla McCord Indiana Workforce Development $25,463 Department Total $201,984 20 College of Applied Sciences and Technology External Grants Physical Education, Sport, and Exercise Science Bell, Robert J. 149-09 The Impact of the Hardiness Personality with Professional Golfers Joseph and Marcella Hollis Fund Dugan, Eric L. 267-08 Dugan, Eric L. 280-07A Ignico, Arlene A. Vidoni, Carla Ignico, Arlene A. 394-06B The Effects of Fatigue and Load Carriage on Musculo-Skeletal Injury Mechanisms Biomechanical and Physiological Changes Associated with Prolonged Sitting in a Comfort Motion Technology Automobile Seat Head Start Motor Development 552-09 Ball State Healthways Project: Physical Education Redefined Jutte, Lisa S. 090-09 The Effect of Anti-histamine on Signs and Symptoms of Eccentric Great Lakes Athletic Trainers' Association Muscle Damage $1,499 Petersen, Jeffrey Judge, Lawrence W. Pierce, David 346-08 Chase Charlie Run Ball Brothers Foundation $2,000 Petersen, Jeffrey Pierce, David 031-09 Ball State University Ticketing Operations and Promotion in Sport (TOPS) Program - Partnership with the Indiana Ice – Fall 2008 Indianapolis Ice $2,410 Petersen, Jeffrey Pierce, David 334-09 Ball State University Ticketing Operations and Promotion in Sport (TOPS) Program Partnership with the Fort Wayne Tin Caps – Spring 2009 Fort Wayne Tin Caps $2,553 Petersen, Jeffrey 345-09 Applications In Marketing for Sport (AIMS) Program Cotton, Samuel E. 340-08 Professional Development for Workplace Specialist Johnson, Richard T. 295-09 FIRST Robotics Johnson, Richard T. Jones, James W. Kanu, Rex Jones, James W. Kanu, Rex Rose, Mary Annette 296-09D 603-09 FIRST Robotics Geo Energy Panel Systems Testing Part II Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis Indiana Department of Workforce Development NASA Geo Energy Panel System 529-09 Geo Energy Panel Systems Testing Geo Energy Panel System $2,995 268-09 Request for Support for EnviroTech Participants 575-09 Paul D. Von Holtz Conference Incentive Awards Wal-Mart International Graphic Arts Education Association, Inc. Department Total College Total $1,500 Xu, Renmei U.S. Department of Defense $500 $1,244,000 Comfort Motion Technologies $95,000 Head Start Action, Inc. $600 Healthways Indianapolis Tennis Championship Department Total $105,884 $930 $1,455,376 Technology $14,786 $5,000 $6,000 $3,881 $300 $34,462 $1,957,426 21 College of Applied Sciences and Technology Internal Grants Director Family and Consumer Sciences Title Grant Amount Pucciarelli, Deanna Determinants Influencing Life-Stage Eating Patterns in Muncie, Indiana from the Middletown Studies (1920) through 2009 Junior Faculty Research $9,482 Pucciarelli, Deanna Middletown: A Longitudinal Study in American Food Culture Start-up Program $1,500 Saiki, Diana Morris, Mary (student) "The Effects of Globalization on Dress of Northern India" presented at International Textile and Apparel Association on November 5-8, 2008 in Chicago, IL Undergraduate Student Travel Department Total $75 $11,057 Fisher Institute for Wellness and Gerontology Ellery, Jane Martz, Donna (student) "Drumming: Drums Alive Presentation Assistant" presented at IDEA Conference & Drumming Certification Conference on October 7-8, 2008 in Chicago, IL Graduate Student Travel $100 Segrist, Kathy Miller, Neal (student) "Lifelong Learning and Education for Older Adults" presented at the Annual Conference of the American Society on Aging and Graduate Student Travel the National Council on Aging on March 15-20, 2008 in Las Vegas, NV $100 Department Total $200 Human Performance Laboratory Harber, Matthew Konopka, Adam (student) "The Influence of Amino Acids on Gene Expression in Skeletal Muscle" presented at The 2008 APS Meeting: Integrative Biology of Exercise V on September 24-27, 2008 in Hilton Head, SC Graduate Student Travel $50 Kaminsky, Leonard Boyle, Leryn (student) "The Influence of Hormone Suppression Therapy and Related Factors on Bone Mineral Density in Cancer Patients" presented at the Midwestern American College of Sports Medicine Regional Conference on October 23-25, 2008 in Bowling Green, OH Graduate Student Travel $75 Mahon, Anthony Guth, Lisa (student) "Effects of a Family History of Non-Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus on Body Composition in Adolescents presented at the Graduate Student Travel North American Society for Pediatric Exercise Medicine on September 17-20, 2008 in Colorado Springs, CO $100 Trappe, Scott Hayes, Erik (student) "Human Vastus Lateralis and Soleus Muscles Display Divergent Cellular Contractile Properties" presented at The 2008 APS Graduate Student Travel Meeting: The Integrative Biology of Exercise V on September 2427, 2008 in Hilton Head, SC $50 Trappe, Scott Luden, Nicholas (student) "Human Vastus Lateralis and Soleus Muscles Display Divergent Cellular Contractile Properties" presented at The 2008 APS Graduate Student Travel Meeting: The Integrative Biology of Exercise V on September 2427, 2008 in Hilton Head, SC $100 Trappe, Todd Dickinson, Jared (student) "Influence of a Cyclooxygenase-2 Inhibitor on Cyclooxygenase mRNA Expression After Resistance Exercise in Humans" presented at The 2008 APS Meeting: The Integrative Biology of Exercise V on September 24-27, 2008 in Hilton Head, SC Graduate Student Travel $100 Trappe, Todd Lee, Jonah (student) "The Impact of Sex and Chronic Resistance Training on Human Patellar Tendon Dry Mass, Collagen Content, and Collagen Cross-Linking" presented at The 2008 APS Meeting: The Graduate Student Travel Integrative Biology of Exercise V on September 24-27, 2008 in Hilton Head, SC $50 Trappe, Todd Sullivan, Bridget (student) "Skeletal muscle proteolysis in humans: Influence of resistance training alone with cyclooxygenase inhibitor consumption" presented at The 2008 APS Meeting: The Integrative Biology of Exercise V on September 24-27, 2008 in Hilton Head, SC Graduate Student Travel $100 Department Total $625 22 College of Applied Sciences and Technology Internal Grants Nursing Johnson, Elizabeth Geriatric Clinical Simulation for Baccalaureate Nursing Students Physical Education, Sport, and Exercise Science Bell, Robert Ad Hoc Application Start-up Program Department Total $1,000 $1,000 Ad Hoc Program $250 Blom, Lindsey Understanding American Parents' Comments on the Sidelines International Travel Program $400 Blom, Lindsey Research in Youth Sport and Physical Activity Start-up Program Hargens, Trent Campbell, Diane (student) The Influence of Aerobic Training on Double Product Break Point in Low and Moderate Risk Adults Graduate Research $496 Judge, Lawrence Yurko, Ryan (student) “CSRI Hammer Throw Presentation” presented at the 2009 Scholarly Conference on College Sports on April 16-18, 2009 in Chapel Hill, NC Graduate Student Travel $100 Jutte, Lisa Carithers, Lorena (student) Common Injuries in Collegiate Dancers and the Treatment they Seek Undergraduate Research $300 Nagelkirk, Paul Boyle, Leryn (student) The Effects of Whole Body Vibration on Fibrinolysis in Men Graduate Research $500 Peterson, Jeffrey Royse, Kevin (student) “Graduate Case Study Team Competition” presented at the 2009 Scholarly Conference on College Sports on April 16-18, 2009 in Chapel Hill, NC Graduate Student Travel $100 Pierce, David Examining Corporate Sponsorship in High School Athletics Start-up Program Department Total $1,250 $1,500 $4,896 Technology Xu, Renmei Calkins, Celeste (student) "Mathematical Models of Ink Mileage Curves of Dry Toners in Electrophotography" presented at the Technical Association for the Graphic Arts (TAGA) Conference on March 15-17, 2009 in New Orleans, LA Graduate Student Travel Department Total College Total $100 $100 $17,878 23 External Proposals Submitted by the College of Applied Sciences and Technology Family and Consumer Sciences Adams, Rebecca Ahmadi, Reza Altman, Lois Brown, Carol Foster, Deborah Friesen, Carol Lazo-Flores, Thelma Pucciarelli, Deanna Spangler, Alice Thompson, Nancy Whitaker, Sue Fisher Institute for Wellness and Gerontology Ellery, Jane Murr, Rhonda Segrist, Kathy Human Performance Laboratory Jemiolo, Bozena Kaminsky, Leonard Mahon, Anthony Trappe, Scott Trappe, Todd Nursing Dillard, Nancy Hodson-Carlton, Kay Johnson, Elizabeth Kelsey, Beth Ryan, Marilyn Siela, Debra Siktberg, Linda Thomas, Cynthia Twibell, Renee Physical Education, Sport, and Exercise Science Bell, Robert Blom, Lindsey Burt, Tammy Bussell, Leigh Dugan, Eric Harber, Matthew Hargens, Trent Hobley, Marjorie Ignico, Arlene Ivan, Emese Judge, Lawrence Jutte, Lisa S. Nagelkirk, Paul Petersen, Jeffrey Pierce, David Vidoni, Carla Walker, Stacy Wang, He Weidner, Thomas Technology Cotton, Samuel Flowers, James Hua, David Johnson, Richard Jones, James Kanu, Rex Rose, Mary Annette Xu, Renmei Yang, Baijian 24 College of Architecture and Planning External Dollars Received by Type of Award 2008-2009 Research (11) Institutional Support (1) Public Service (7) Academic Support (2) Instruction (2) Equipment (0) Other (0) Total (23) External Dollars Received by Funding Source 2008-2009 $4,446,490 95% Business (2) $4,244,290 90% $133,000 $107,435 $4,000 $3,000 $0 $0 1.5% 1.5% 1% 1% 0% 0% Federal (5) $335,025 6% Local (6) $58,310 1% Non-Profit (7) $43,300 1% Foundation (1) $10,000 1% $3,000 1% $4,693,925 100% $0 $4,693,925 0% 100% State (2 Higher Education (0) Total (23) Five-Year Summary for the College of Architecture and Planning FY 2005..............................$500 thousand FY 2006..............................$430 thousand FY 2007..............................$1.0 million FY 2008..............................$369 thousand FY 2009..............................$4.7 million 25 College of Architecture and Planning External Grants Director Architecture Elvin, George A. Title Sponsor Amount 040-08A 2008 Report on University Research American Institute of Architects $10,000 Gibson, Michael D. 373-08 Integration of Solid-State, Solar-Powered Micro-Cooling Assemblies in Building Skins: Feasibility, Performance Studies, and Prototyping American Institute of Architects $7,000 Janz, Wesley R. 382-09 2008 Curry Stone Design Prize Finalist Curry Stone Foundation Department Total $10,000 $27,000 CAPIndy Beaubien, Brad M. C822-09 Indianapolis Smart Growth Redevelopment District Various $15,000 Beaubien, Brad M. C825-09 West Morris Streetscape West Indianapolis Development Corporation $3,000 Beaubien, Brad M. C826-09 Regional Center Green Infrastructure Mapping Indianapolis Downtown, Inc. $2,000 Central Indiana Regional Transportation Authority Various Department Total Beaubien, Brad M. C823-09 Transit Oriented Development Exhibit $4,400 Truex, Scott C824-09 Great Indy Neighborhoods Lankford, Susan 330-08 Historic Architecture Survey and Determination of National Register Eligibility of Old Town Carmel Carmel Clay Historical Society $3,135 Lankford, Susan 332-08 Preservation What? A Primer to the Practices and Players of Heritage Preservation Indiana Humanities Council $2,000 Lankford, Susan 333-08 Completion of Historic Structure Reports for the Indiana Division of State Museum and Historic Sites Indiana Division of State Museum and Historic Sites Lankford, Susan 441-09 Proposal to Complete Surveys and Interim Reports for Franklin and Carroll Counties Historic Landmarks Foundation of Indiana $105,025 Lankford, Susan 483-09 Staff Funding for Professional Services Indiana Department of Natural Resources Department Total $308,160 $14,900 $39,300 Center for Historic Preservation $65,000 $133,000 Landscape Architecture Baas, Robert C. 370-09 Celebrating Indiana's Conservation Design Heritage: Selected Drawing from the Archives of the Indiana Department of Natural Resources Indiana Humanities Council $2,000 Baas, Robert C. 479-09 Planning Services for Morgan-Monroe State Forest Indiana Department of Natural Resources $1,500 Baas, Robert C. 482-09 Planning Services for Greene-Sullivan State Forest Indiana Department of Natural Resources Motloch, John 314-08 US-Brazil Universities of the Future Consortium U.S. Department of Education Department Total Schoen, David 053-09 Sponsorship of Graduate Assistantship in Urban Planning for AY Delaware-Muncie Metropolitan Plan 2008-2009 Commission $8,500 Schoen, David 058-09 Sponsorship of Graduate Assistantship in Urban Planning for AY Johnson County Department of Planning 2008-09 $8,275 Schoen, David 059-09 Sponsorship of Graduate Assistant Madison County Council of Governments $8,500 Schoen, David 180-09 Intergraph Education Program Intergraph Corporation Schoen, David 427-09 RW Armstrong Graduate Assistantship RW Armstrong, Inc. Truex, Scott 103-07B LISC Website Design, Host & Management Local Initiatives Support Corporation Department Total College Total $1,500 $30,000 $35,000 Urban Planning $4,236,290 $8,000 $14,900 $4,284,465 $4,693,925 26 College of Architecture and Planning Internal Grants Director Architecture Klinger, Kevin Boone, Elizabeth (student) Title Grant Amount Spot on Schools - MorphoLuminescence Graduate Student Travel $75 Klinger, Kevin Brockmeyer, Eric (student) Spot on Schools Exhibition - Luminaire Graduate Student Travel $75 Klinger, Kevin Buente, Adam (student) Spot On Schools - Smart Scrap Graduate Student Travel $75 Klinger, Kevin Perry, Kyle (student) Spot On Schools Exhibition- Bodhi Graduate Student Travel $75 Spodek, Jonathan "Application of Infrared Thermography to Historic Building Investigation" printed in the Journal of Architectural Conservation Faculty Reprint $300 Department Total $600 Landscape Architecture Baas, Robert The Penn School Cultural Landscape Junior Faculty Research $8,876 Baas, Robert New Faculty Start-up Grant Start-up Program $1,250 Marlow, Christopher Games and Learning in Landscape Architecture International Travel Program $400 Department Total College Total $10,526 $11,126 27 External Proposals Submitted by the College of Architecture and Planning Architecture Chiuini, Michele Gray, Timothy Grondzik, Walter Harwood, Pamela Janz, Wesley Swartz, Andrea CAP Indy Center Beaubien, Brad Truex, Scott Center for Historic Preservation Lankford, Susan Landscape Architecture Baas, Robert Cairns, Malcolm Hunt, Martha Rotar, Sean Urban Planning Burayidi, Michael Perera, Nihal Schoen, David 28 Miller College of Business External Dollars Received by Type of Award 2008-2009 External Dollars Received by Funding Source 2008-2009 Research (4) $88,702 66% Federal (3) $85,502 64% Public Service (4) Instruction (0) $45,306 $0 34% 0% Business (4) $38,506 29% Local (1) $10,000 7% $0 0% $0 $0 $0 $134,008 0% 0% 0% 100% $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $134,008 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 100% Academic Support (0) Institutional Support (0) Equipment (0) Other (0) Total (8) State (0) Higher Education (0) Foundation (0) Non-Profit (0) Individual (0) Total (8) Five-Year Summary for the Miller College of Business FY 2005..............................$108 FY 2006..............................$54 FY 2007..............................$52 FY 2008..............................$61 FY 2009..............................$134 thousand thousand thousand thousand thousand 29 Miller College of Business External Grants Director Center for Business and Economic Research Faulk, Dagney C754-09 Hicks, Michael J. Hicks, Michael J. D321-08 Title Sponsor Amount Downtown Hotel Study City of Muncie $10,000 Manufacturing and Transportation Industry Forecast and Analysis Conexus $25,000 Department Total $35,000 Economics Coelho, Philip R. 204-07B Collaborative Research: The Differential Impact of Parasitic Diseases on Agricultural Productivity of Blacks and Whites in the National Science Foundation Early Twentieth-Century South $36,751 Coelho, Philip R. 204-07A Collaborative Research: The Differential Impact of Parasitic Diseases on Agricultural Productivity of Blacks and Whites in the National Science Foundation Early Twentieth-Century South $36,751 Coelho, Philip R. 430-09 REU Supplement: The Differential Impact of Parasitic Diseases on Agricultural Productivity of Blacks and Whites in the Early Twentieth-Century South National Science Foundation $12,000 Department Total $85,502 COR Client Department Total $306 $306 Information Systems and Operations Management Kitchens, Fred C818-09 Educational Kiosks on Emerging Technology Marketing and Management Bott, Jennifer P. C817-09 Marketing Plan for Project 18 COR Client Wahlers, Russell C816-09 Closed-circuit Television Network Feasibility COR Client $10,000 $3,200 Department Total College Total $13,200 $134,008 Miller College of Business Internal Grants Director Title Grant Amount Accounting Sun, Li "Corporate Reputation and Technical Efficiency: Evidence from the Chemical and Business Service Industries" printed in the Journal of Applied Business Research Faculty Reprint $200 Sun, Li "Corporate Reputation and Earnings Quality" printed in Journal of Applied Business Research Faculty Reprint $300 Department Total $500 Information Systems and Operations Management Chalupa, Marilyn Harris, Thomas "Market Quality Perception of the American Auto Producers" printed in the Review of Buisness Research (RBR) Faculty Reprint $300 Harris, Thomas "Teaching Cross Functional Integration at the Undergraduate Curriculum Using ERP Tool" printed in the Review of Business Research (RBR) Faculty Reprint $255 Department Total $555 Faculty Reprint $135 Marketing and Management Borna, Shaheen Smith, Brien "Retail Image...Establishing the Essence of the Business for Retail Organizations" printed in the Marketing Management Journal Department Total College Total $135 $1,190 30 External Proposals Submitted by the Miller College of Business Accounting White, Gwendolen Center for Business and Economic Research Faulk, Dagney Hicks, Michael Economics Coelho, Philip McClure, James Finance and Insurance Avila, Stephen Information Systems and Operations Management Chalupa, Marilyn Kitchens, Fred Marketing and Management Bott, Jennifer Smith, Brien Wahlers, Russell 31 College of Communication, Information, & Media External Dollars Received by Type of Award 2008-2009 Research (2) Public Service (2) Instruction (2) Academic Support (1) Institutional Support (0) Equipment (0) Other (0) Total (7) External Dollars Received by Funding Source 2008-2009 $175,000 62% Non-Profit (3) $140,500 50% $80,000 $22,000 $500 29% 8% 1% Foundation (2) $77,000 28% Business (2) $60,000 22% Federal (0) $0 0% $0 $0 $0 $277,500 0% 0% 0% 100% State (0) Local (0) $0 $0 0% % $0 $277,500 0% 100% Higher Education (0) Total (7) Five-Year Summary for the College of Communication, Information, & Media FY 2005..............................$152 thousand FY 2006..............................$962 thousand FY 2007..............................$189 thousand FY 2008..............................$165 thousand FY 2009..............................$278 thousand 32 College of Information, Communication, and Media External Grants Director Center for Information and Communication Sciences Title Sponsor Amount Jones, Stephan S. C760-09 Digital Policy Institute Organization for the Promotion and Advancement of Small Telecommunications Companies Jones, Stephan S. C761-09 Digital Policy Institute Ohio Telecom Association Jones, Stephan S. C762-09 Training Technology Professionals Telamon Department Total Maksl, Adam 446-09 Emerging Media Workshop Newspaper Association of America Foundation $15,000 Masse, Mark H. Masse, Mark H. 344-08 126-02G National Journalism Writing Award National Journalism Writing Award Myrta and Russ Pulliam Myrta and Russ Pulliam Department Total $70,000 $7,000 $92,000 527-09 Paint for Peace 2 Indiana Campus Compact Department Total College Total $125,000 $50,000 $10,000 $185,000 Journalism Telecommunications Williams-Hawkins, Maria $500 $500 $277,500 College of Information, Communication, and Media Internal Grants Director Communication Studies Day, Angela Title Home Daycare Providers: Domestic Workers “Problematizing” Family and Business Boundaries Grant Amount Start-up Program $1,250 Department Total $1,250 Journalism Hayes, Brian Nolder, Autumn (student) "How to Discover Creative Story Ideas" presented at JEA/NSPA National High School Journalism Convention on November 13-16, 2008 in St. Louis. Undergraduate Student Travel MO Hayes, Brian Williams, Aimee (student) "Bite-Size Stories" presented at the JEA/NSPA National High School Journalism Convention on November 13-16, 2008 in St. Louis, MO $50 Graduate Student Travel $100 Department Total $150 $500 Telecommunications Chesebro, James Hufford, Kyle (student) Haiti: A Nation of Future Digital Storytellers Graduate Creative Arts Smith, Susan New Faculty Start-up Grant Start-up Program Department Total College Total $750 $1,250 $2,650 33 External Proposals Submitted by the College of Information, Communication, and Media Center for Information and Communication Sciences Bellaver, Richard Jones, Stephan Journalism Hanley, Michael Hayes, Brian Maksl, Adam Palilonis, Jennifer Supa, Dustin Telecommunications Carlson, Nancy Chesebro, James Flook, Christopher Smith, Susan Williams-Hawkins, Maria 34 College of Fine Arts External Dollars Received by Type of Award 2008-2009 External Dollars Received by Funding Source 2008-2009 Academic Support (6) $41,850 69% Non-Profit (5) $31,016 51% Institutional Support (1) Public Service (1) Research (1) Instruction (0) Equipment (0) Other (0) Total (9) $10,000 $7,180 $2,000 $0 $0 $0 $61,030 16% 12% 3% 0% 0% 0% 100% Individual (2) $15,000 25% Federal (1) $10,000 16% $5,014 8% $0 $0 0% 0% $0 $0 $61,030 0% 0% 100% Local (1) State (0) Business (0) Higher Education (0) Foundation (0) Total (9) Five-Year Summary for the College of Fine Arts FY 2005..............................$43 thousand FY 2006..............................$59 thousand FY 2007..............................$251 thousand FY 2008..............................$61 thousand FY 2009..............................$61 thousand 35 College of Fine Arts External Grants Director Title Sponsor Amount Museum of Art Schafer, Carl Blume, Peter F. Said, Tania 449-08 Challenge America: Reaching Every Community Invitational Initiative National Endowment for the Arts $10,000 Department Total $10,000 Music Koriath, Kirby 019-08 Doctoral Assistantship 2007-2008 Erwin and Barbara Mueller $7,000 Koriath, Kirby 430-08 Arts Place Graduate Assistantship Arts Place, Inc. $8,000 Koriath, Kirby 248-09 Erwin and Barbara Mueller Graduate Assistantship 2008-09 Erwin and Barbara Mueller $8,000 Koriath, Kirby 297-09 MSO Enhanced Graduate Assistantship Stipends Muncie Symphony Orchestra $5,014 Koriath, Kirby 297-09A MSO Enhanced Graduate Assistantship Stipends Muncie Symphony Orchestra $2,836 580-09 Muncie Symphony Orchestra 08-09 and 09-10 Graduate Assistantships Muncie Symphony Orchestra $11,000 Department Total $41,850 Pohly, Linda Theatre and Dance Blackmer, Jennifer S. 277-08 BSU Downtown Dinner Theatre Summer 2009 Arts Place, Inc. D190-08 National Teaching Artist Grant American College Theatre Festival Department Total College Total $7,180 Mortimer, Harold Mortimer, Wendy $2,000 $9,180 $61,030 36 College of Fine Arts Internal Grants Director Title Grant Amount Art Martis, Susan Anna Pavlova and the Inspiration of the Performing Body for Sculptures by Malvina Hoffman Start-up Program $570 Russell, Jacinda Speck, Adam (student) Songs For You, Truths For Me Undergraduate Creative Arts $300 Department Total $870 Music Crawford, Elizabeth International Clarinet Association Research Competition Proposal International Travel Program $400 Karna, Duane ICVT7 - Paris, France (July 2009) International Travel Program $400 Karna, Duane The Use of the IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet) in the Choral Rehearsal Start-up Program $750 Karna, Duane Wahl, Shelbie (student) By Women, For Women: An Annotated Bibliography of Choral Works For Women's Voices Composed and Texted By Women Graduate Research $500 Kilburn, Raymond Jimenez, Fabian (student) “Guia Prático: A Practical Guide to the Musical World of Heitor VillaLobos” presented at the 27th Annual Great Lakes Regional Conference of The College Music Society 2009 on March 27-28, 2009 in Mt. Pleasant, MI Graduate Student Travel $75 Kilburn, Raymond Nakayama, Yuka (student) “Virginia Waring International Piano Competition” presented at the Virginia Waring International Piano Competition on March 28-April 5, 2009 in Palm Desert, CA Graduate Student Travel $100 Mantione, Meryl Xu, Grace (student) “Compose, Rehearse, and Perform” presented at the Freie Universtat Berlin, Germany on June 6 - July 18, 2009 Graduate Student Travel $100 Palmer, Robert Jeoung, Ji-Young (student) "No Longer Very Clear" presented at the Regional Conference of the Southern Chapter of the College Music Society on February 26-28, 2009 in Orlando, FL Graduate Student Travel $100 Palmer, Robert Kim, Jooyoung (student) Taneev Internationl Chamber Ensemble Competition Graduate Creative Arts $500 Platt, Heather "Brahms's Tribute to Haydn and Pohl" to be presented at Celebrating Haydn: His Times and Legacy International Travel Program $400 Reilly, Paul The Evocation of the Guitar-a recording of Evocative Guitar Music General Faculty Creative Arts $6,000 Reilly, Paul Salmon, Shawn (student) “The Lieder of Clara Schumann” presented at the Feminist Theory and Music 10 Conference on May 27-31, 2009 in Greensboro, NC Graduate Student Travel $100 Zhong, Mei Lecture-Recital-Presentation at International Congress of Voice Teachers International Travel Program $400 Zhong, Mei Kellogg, Kathleen (student) “The Lieder of Clara Schumann” presented at the Feminist Theory and Music 10 Conference on May 27-31, 2009 in Greensboro, NC Graduate Student Travel $100 Department Total $9,925 Theatre and Dance Daehn, Michael 10 Little Indians Polomchak, Andrew (student) Undergraduate Creative Arts $300 Vidal, Christopher Mayo, Carlie (student) Undergraduate Creative Arts $300 Department of Theatre and Dance's Chicago Showcase 2008 Department Total College Total $600 $11,395 37 External Proposals Submitted by the College of Fine Arts Art Prater, Michael Russell, Jacinda Museum of Art Blume, Peter Schafer, Carl Music Allison, Jesse Inks, Kimberly Koriath, Kirby Opie, Peter Pohly, Linda Theatre and Dance Blackmer, Jennifer Mortimer, Wendy 38 College of Sciences and Humanities External Dollars Received by Type of Award 2008-2009 External Dollars Received by Funding Source 2008-2009 Public Service (82) $2,042,022 48% Federal (27) $1,651,095 39% Research (46) $1,084,181 26% Academic Support (8) Instruction (9) Institutional Support (3) Equipment (0) Other (0) Total (148) $854,245 $171,742 $78,460 $0 $0 $4,230,650 20% 4% 2% 0% 0% 100% State (8) Business (73) $1,065,276 $816,272 25% 19% $269,660 7% $229,905 $196,392 $2,050 $4,230,650 5% 5% less than 1% 100% Non-Profit (22) Higher Education (3) Foundation (13) Local (2) Total (148) Five-Year Summary for the College of Sciences and Humanities FY 2005..............................$5.6 FY 2006..............................$6.0 FY 2007..............................$3.6 FY 2008..............................$6.7 FY 2009..............................$4.2 million million million million million 39 College of Sciences and Humanities External Grants Director Title Sponsor Amount Anthropology Hogue, S. H. 323-08 Analysis of the Faunal Remains from St. Paul Parish Plantation and West Pasture Archaeological Sites Chicora Foundation $4,000 Nyce, James M. 342-09 Lund University Flight Simulation Activities Support Lund University School of Aviation $5,000 Swartz, Benjamin 085-99F Secretarial Support for Lambda Alpha Lambda Alpha $8,460 Swartz, Benjamin 085-99G Secretarial Support for Lambda Alpha Lambda Alpha $1,999 530-09 Does Increasing Cultural Awareness Effect Prejudices and Cultural Bias in Adolescents? Joseph and Marcella Hollis Fund Waite, Gerald $250 Department Total Archeological Resources Management Service McCord, Beth C652-09 $19,709 CR 144 and Whiteland Road Butler, Fairman, & Seufert $2,677 McCord, Beth C653-09 Oaktown 1 Mine - IBR #2 Black Panther Mining $1,530 McCord, Beth C654-09 Addendum to Columbus South Side Sewer Strand & Associates $1,463 McCord, Beth C655-09 Addendum to Columbus WWTP Strand & Associates $2,048 McCord, Beth C656-09 Putnam Co. Bridge #10 Beam, Longest, & Neff $1,170 McCord, Beth C657-09 Inter-Urban Trail Butler, Fairman, & Seufert McCord, Beth C658-09 McClung Road Beam, Longest, & Neff McCord, Beth C659-09 Reconstruction of Morgan Street Butler, Fairman, & Seufert $743 McCord, Beth C660-09 Newport Borrow Pit Gohman Asphalt $731 McCord, Beth C661-09 CR 575 S Borrow Pit Force Construction $844 McCord, Beth C662-09 Added Travel Lanes on SR5 Beam, Longest, & Neff McCord, Beth C663-09 Greensburg Airport Butler, Fairman, & Seufert $990 $1,001 $765 $11,295 McCord, Beth C664-09 Steuben County Trail Butler, Fairman, & Seufert McCord, Beth C665-09 Evansville Borrow Leisure Land, LLC $1,200 $923 McCord, Beth C666-09 Lake Road Borrow Force Construction $608 McCord, Beth C667-09 Rensselaer Downtown Revitalization Butler, Fairman, & Seufert McCord, Beth C668-09 Oak Grove Road Reconstruction Bernardin, Lochmueller, & Associates, Inc. $844 $4,057 McCord, Beth C669-09 Replace of Bridge #55 Butler, Fairman, & Seufert $788 McCord, Beth C672-09 SR 58 Small Structure Bernardin, Lochmueller, & Associates, Inc. $709 McCord, Beth C673-09 SR 135 Small Structure Bernardin, Lochmueller, & Associates, Inc. $653 McCord, Beth C670-09 Cass CR 300 South Bernardin, Lochmueller, & Associates, Inc. $878 McCord, Beth C671-09 US 50 Small Structure Bernardin, Lochmueller, & Associates, Inc. $619 McCord, Beth C674-09 SR 163 Bridge Replacement Bernardin, Lochmueller, & Associates, Inc. $1,035 McCord, Beth C677-09 Intercity Road, Jeffersonville Clarksville Butler, Fairman, & Seufert $1,249 McCord, Beth C678-09 SR 56 Small Structure Bernardin, Lochmueller, & Associates, Inc. $889 McCord, Beth C675-09 SR 11 Small Structure Bernardin, Lochmueller, & Associates, Inc. $788 McCord, Beth C676-09 SR157 Borrow Pit Force Construction $900 McCord, Beth C679-09 SR 9 Small Structure Bernardin, Lochmueller, & Associates, Inc. $878 McCord, Beth C680-09 Lincoln Avenue Borrow Pit Leisure Land, LLC $1,170 McCord, Beth C681-09 US 31 Road Rehabilitation Relocations Bernardin, Lochmueller, & Associates, Inc. $1,080 McCord, Beth C682-09 SR 16 Pavement Rehabilitation Earth Tech $3,285 McCord, Beth C683-09 SR 25 Residential Relocations Butler, Fairman, & Seufert $923 McCord, Beth C684-09 Cool Creek Trail North Butler, Fairman, & Seufert McCord, Beth C685-09 SR 25 Hoosier Heartland Bernardin, Lochmueller, & Associates, Inc. $11,396 $810 McCord, Beth C686-09 SR56 Pavement Replacement Bernardin, Lochmueller, & Associates, Inc. $945 McCord, Beth C687-09 SR 37 Slide Repair Bernardin, Lochmueller, & Associates, Inc. McCord, Beth C688-09 Borrow Pit E. S. Wagner McCord, Beth C689-09 Bridge #503 Replacement Bernardin, Lochmueller, & Associates, Inc. $653 McCord, Beth C690-09 SR 252 Road Rehabilitation Bernardin, Lochmueller, & Associates, Inc. $1,778 McCord, Beth C691-09 Porter County Bridge 96 Replacement DLZ $968 $2,273 $968 40 College of Sciences and Humanities External Grants McCord, Beth C692-09 Adams Street Pavement Rehabilitation Butler, Fairman, & Seufert $878 McCord, Beth C693-09 US 31 Additional Survey Areas Bernardin, Lochmueller, & Associates, Inc. $810 McCord, Beth C694-09 Earl Park Well and Transmission Main Butler, Fairman, & Seufert $743 McCord, Beth C695-09 Canoe Access Site on Sugar Creek Indiana Department of Natural Resources $968 McCord, Beth C696-09 Lake Trail Borrow Pit E. S. Wagner $1,751 McCord, Beth C697-09 Wabash Heritage Trail Phase 1 and 2 H. Stewart Kline & Associates $1,350 McCord, Beth C698-09 CSX Railroad Corridor Butler, Fairman, & Seufert $698 McCord, Beth C699-09 White River Borrow Pit Milestone Contractors, LP $2,929 McCord, Beth C700-09 Butler Property Borrow Pit E. S. Wagner $1,038 McCord, Beth C701-09 Belt Property Borrow Pit E. S. Wagner McCord, Beth C702-09 Koontz Lake Regional Sewer Wightman Petrie, Inc. McCord, Beth C703-09 Maple Point Extension and Concord Road Butler, Fairman, & Seufert $810 McCord, Beth C704-09 Stones Crossing and Worthsville Road Butler, Fairman, & Seufert $1,170 McCord, Beth C705-09 US 35 Rehabilitation through Greentown Bernardin, Lochmueller, & Associates, Inc. $833 McCord, Beth C706-09 Macy Wastewater Collection and Treatment Plant Wightman Petrie, Inc. $250 McCord, Beth C707-09 US 40 Small Structure Replacement Bernardin, Lochmueller, & Associates, Inc. $250 McCord, Beth C708-09 Grand Calumet River Bike Trail Butler, Fairman, & Seufert $250 McCord, Beth C709-09 Roadway Improvements Along CR 750 N and CR 700 N Butler, Fairman, & Seufert McCord, Beth C710-09 Bridge #1 Beam, Longest, & Neff $1,035 McCord, Beth C711-09 Vera Bradley Wetland Mitigation Earth Source $5,260 McCord, Beth C712-09 Columbus South Side Sewer Strand & Associates $6,225 McCord, Beth C713-09 Columbus WWTP Outflow Strand & Associates $6,225 McCord, Beth C714-09 Monitoring of Loteewi Lake Hamilton County Parks and Recreation McCord, Beth C715-09 Monitoring of Adams Bridge #82 Butler, Fairman, & Seufert McCord, Beth C716-09 Columbus WTTP Strand & Associates McCord, Beth C717-09 Bostick Road Butler, Fairman, & Seufert McCord, Beth C718-09 Monitoring of Whitewater Locks #26 & 28 Butler, Fairman, & Seufert McCord, Beth C719-09 Artifact Processing Camp Atterbury McCord, Beth C720-09 Ceramic Analysis of 12Fr310 and 12De772 Gray and Pape $788 $1,575 $250 $450 $1,035 $4,335 $12,780 $2,025 $17,495 $6,350 Department Total $149,080 Biology Badger, Kemuel S. 347-09 Student Research and Travel Support Ball State University Foundation $15,000 Bernot, Melody J. 308-09 The Influence of Nonprescription Pharmaceuticals on Aquatic Ecosystems: Direct Toxicity and Indirect Trophic Interactions Indiana Water Resources Research Center $15,000 Bruns, Heather A. 393-09 Examination of the Immune Response in Staphylococcus AureusIndiana Academy of Science Infected Mice Treated with Simvastatin Carter, Timothy C. 266-08 Monitoring Indiana Bat Maternity Colonies in the Shawnee National Forest U.S. Forest Service Carter, Timothy C. 327-08 Monitor Indiana Bat Maternity Colonies In Southern Illinois Illinois Wildlife Preservation Fund $2,000 Carter, Timothy C. 335-09 Monitoring an Indiana Bat Colony in the Shawnee National Forest U.S. Forest Service $9,000 Islam, Kamal 162-08 Comparison of Relative Abundance of Cerulean Warbler Populations Between Fragmented and Unfragmented Forest Blocks in Indiana U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Lauer, Thomas 333-09 Dynamics and Models of the Yellow Perch in Indiana Waters of Indiana Department of Natural Resources Lake Michigan and Near-Shore Fish Community Characteristics LeBlanc, David 421-09 Monitoring Associations Between Avian and Plant Communities Indiana Academy of Science on the Mary Gray Bird Sanctuary Indiana $2,984 $18,000 $41,788 $198,027 $2,168 41 College of Sciences and Humanities External Grants McDowell, Susan 095-09 Investigating Changes in Small GTPase Associations due to Simvastatin Using 2- Dimensional Gel Electrophoresis Indiana Academy of Science Pyron, Mark 316-09 Hydrology, Substrates and Fish Assemblages of the Wabash River Indiana Water Resources Research Center $14,004 Pyron, Mark 418-09 Wabash River Substrate, Bathymetry, Flow Effects on Fish Assemblages Wabash River Enhancement Corporation $12,500 Ruch, Donald G. 373-09 Examination of the Flora and Floral Communities of the Nicholson Nature Preserve in Wayne County, Indiana Indiana Academy of Science $1,820 $500 Department Total $332,791 Chemistry Coan, Paul S. 448-09 CRISP: Chemistry Research Immersion Summer Program Eli Lilly and Company $5,000 Gerczei, Timea 076-09 The Future of Biochemistry Education at Ball State University Discovery Group $17,432 Gnezda, Anita 093-07A LSAMP Phase II National Science Foundation $49,336 Ribblett, Jason 113-04C Center for Authentic Science Practice in Education Purdue University $57,441 Zubkov, Tykhon 023-09 Identification of Photocatalytically Active Surface Sites on Layered Transition Metal Sulfides American Chemical Society $50,000 Zubkov, Tykhon 047-09 Used Energy Related Equipment Grant U.S. Department of Energy $3,000 Zubkov, Tykhon 436-09 Photocatalytic Degradation of Organic Compounds Using Layered Transition Metal Sulfides Indiana Academy of Science $3,000 Department Total $185,209 Computer Science Gestwicki, Paul V. 623-09 App Inventor for Android Project Google, Inc. Zage, Wayne 097-09 Understand Analyst Software License Scientific Toolworks, Inc. $35,910 $8,072 Zage, Wayne 235-06A Software Reliability and Security Improvements Army Research Office $60,000 Zage, Dolores Dean's Office Johnson, Susan M. Miller, Judy** 036-08A I-STEM Resource Network Initiative Department Total $103,982 Indiana STEM Resource Network $100,000 Department Total $100,000 English Hamada, Megumi 511-09 Role of Decoding Efficiency in L2 Incidental Word Learning Joseph and Marcella Hollis Fund $200 Hanson, Linda K. 202-08A Indiana Writing Project National Writing Project $20,000 Hanson, Linda K. 330-09 Indiana Writing Project National Writing Project $46,000 Department Total $66,200 $14,200 Geography Coleman, Jill S. 072-09 High-Altitude Atmospheric Balloon Launch Discovery Group Zimmermann, Petra 294-08 Riverine Flood Analysis Zimmermann, Petra 294-08A Riverine Flood Analysis Indiana University - Purdue University I di li Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis Department Total $9,450 $14,175 $37,825 Geological Sciences Fluegeman, Richard H. Grigsby, Jeffry D. Nicholson, Kirsten Fluegeman, Richard H. 004-09 Acquisition of a Tabletop Scanning Electron Microscope with EDS for Multidisciplinary Geoscience Research 281-09 SMT’s Kingdom Software National Science Foundation $101,825 Seismic Micro-Technology, Inc. Department Total $596,448 $698,273 42 College of Sciences and Humanities External Grants History Doyle, Michael W. D415-09 Swope, Kenneth D324-08A 2008 West Point Summer Seminar in Military History United States Military Academy Witkowski, Gregory 589-09 German Academic Exchange Service Mathematical Sciences Dean, Curtis G. Visiting Professorship at the University of Bordeaux 3 Visiting Professor University of Bordeaux 3 $4,015 $450 $8,710 Department Total $13,175 $28,675 038-09 Travelers Predictive Modeling Initiative St. Paul Travelers Livshits, Irene 303-08 Multiscale Algorithm for Finding Full Eigenbasis of PDR Operators Livermore National Lab Stump, Sheryl Miller, Judy** Stump, Sheryl Miller, Judy** 292-09 Middle School Mathematics Initiative Indiana STEM Resource Network $65,200 292-09A Middle School Mathematics Initiative Indiana STEM Resource Network $400 $9,707 Department Total Natural Resources and Environmental Management Eflin, James C. 048-09 Literature Review for Solartech SBIR Proposal $103,982 Solartech $4,500 Delaware County Emergency Management Agency $1,600 Department Total $6,100 Gray, Timothy C.** Pichtel, John D411-09 Tuition for Training with the Emergency Response Training Center Philosophy and Religious Studies Roemer, Michael 340-09 Workshop on Teaching College Introductory Courses Follow-up Wabash Center Department Grants $2,000 Department Total $2,000 Physics and Astronomy Cancio, Antonio C. 169-08 RUI: Empirical Density Functional Theory Using the Laplacian of the Density National Science Foundation Jordan, Thomas M. 617-09 2009 Research and Engineering Apprenticeship Program New Hampshire Academy of Applied Science Kaitchuck, Ronald 216-08 A Collaborative Program of Student Research in Observational Astronomy Indiana Space Grant Consortium $13,239 Robertson, Thomas 227-08 In Search of Red Dwarf Stars: Application of Three-Color Photometric Techniques Indiana Space Grant Consortium $7,500 Wijesinghe, Ranjith 432-09 Magnetic Measurements of Nerve Signals Indiana Academy of Science Department Total $2,788 $78,727 267-04C Staffing of the National Office of Eta Sigma Gamma Eta Sigma Gamma $22,994 McKenzie, James 351-09 Pfizer Visiting Professorships In Health Literacy / Clear Health Communication Pfizer, Inc. McKenzie, James 582-09 Consulting for ISDH DNPA Program Indiana State Department of Health Pinger, Robert 213-08A 2008 West Nile Virus Surveillance Cooperative Program Indiana State Department of Health $89,399 Pinger, Robert 397-09 2009 West Nile Fever Virus Surveillance Cooperative Program Indiana State Department of Health $27,139 $50,000 $5,200 Physiology and Health Science Clark, Jeffrey K. Political Science Scheele, Raymond Losco, Joseph Vasicko, Sally Jo Bagga, Jay* $7,500 $19,910 Department Total $166,942 045-07 Voting System Technical Oversight Program Indiana Secretary of State $162,097 Scheele, Raymond 037-09 Project for Bowen Center Client Bowen Center Client $159,000 Scheele, Raymond Markle, Larry** 055-09 Proposal for a Contract Between the Indiana Division of Indiana Division of Disability and Disability and Rehabilitative Services and The Bowen Center for Rehabilitative Services Public Affairs at Ball State University $463,236 045-07A Voting System Technical Oversight Program $362,772 Scheele, Raymond Losco, Joseph Vasicko, Sally Jo Bagga, Jay* Indiana Secretary of State Department Total $1,147,105 43 College of Sciences and Humanities External Grants Psychological Science Butler, Darrell L. 512-09 Explorations in the Use of Online Interactive Virtual Worlds for Clinical Research in Psychology Joseph and Marcella Hollis Fund Forbey, Johnathan D. 485-08 Validation Studies of MMPI-2 Restructured Form (MMPI-RF) University of Minnesota Press Kite, Mary 310-07A Midwestern Psychological Association Secretary/Treasurer Midwestern Psychological Association Perkins, David 148-09 The Role of the Family in Vocational Recovery of Individuals with Psychiatric Disabilities and Criminal Histories Joseph and Marcella Hollis Fund $500 Tagler, Michael 504-09 Wrist Actigraph Sleep Measurement Pilot Study Joseph and Marcella Hollis Fund $475 Woodward, Lucinda 510-09 Post-traumatic Stress Disorder and Comorbid Depression in a West African Population Joseph and Marcella Hollis Fund $400 $200 $4,890 $24,000 Department Total $30,465 Social Science Research Center Brown, Ann L. 118-08 RFP-8-30: Coordination and Management Services to Child Welfare Providers Indiana Department of Child Services $151,054 Brown, Ann L. Raines, Joshua Brown, Ann L. Rich, Lisa Brown, Ann L. Hawkins, Alishea R. Brown, Ann L. Hawkins, Alishea R. 487-08 Facilitation of Youth Advisory Board Indiana Department of Child Services $300,000 185-07B Indiana Independent Living Initiative Indiana Department of Child Services $52,058 054-09 Guardian Scholars Program Ball Brothers Foundation $75,000 272-09 Guardian Scholars Program Annie E. Casey Foundation $50,000 Department Total $628,112 $220,890 Social Work Egbert, Judi E. 614-09 BSW and MSW Education through the Indiana Child Welfare Education and Training Partnership Indiana University Slater, Greta Yoder 352-08 Engaging Learners in the Development of Essential Research Skills (ELDERS) Council on Social Work Education $7,497 Department Total Sociology Gong, Fang $228,387 001-09 Homecare Intervention Project Centers for Disease Control $24,880 Holtzman, Mellisa K. 021-09 Precipitating Legal Change: Children’s Rights, Family Definitions, and Judicial Decision-Making National Science Foundation $81,671 Kapinus, Carolyn A. Connolly, James J.** 084-09 Adolescent Well-Being in Muncie, Indiana: An Analysis of the Effect of Neighborhood and Community Changes Discovery Group $18,735 Department Total Speech Pathoology and Audiology Updike, Claudia 302-04J Classroom Amplification Indiana Lions Speech & Hearing, Inc Department Total Women's Studies Rosser, Julee 374-08 Women's Studies Program Scholarships 2008 USA Funds, Inc. Department Total College Total $125,286 $2,300 $2,300 $5,000 $5,000 $4,230,650 44 College of Sciences and Humanities Internal Grants Director Anthropology Waite, Gerald Gibler, Kristin (student) Title A Day with Mimi: The Modern Face of Vietnam Grant Amount Undergraduate Creative Arts $300 DepartmentTotal $300 Biology Bernot, Melody "Nutrient cycling relative to d15N and d13C natural abundance in a coastal wetland with long-term nutrient additions" printed in the Aquatic Ecology Faculty Reprint $200 Bernot, Melody Bragg, Robert (student) Examining the Effects of Multiple Agricultural Chemicals on Amphibian Development Undergraduate Research $295 Bernot, Melody Brandenburg, Michael (student) “Spatial variation of macroinvertebrate abundance and diversity in headwater streams of Delaware County, Indiana” presented at the North American Benthological Society annual meeting on May 17-22, 2009 in Grand Rapids, MI Undergraduate Student Travel $75 Bernot, Melody Bunch, Aubrey (student) “Abundance of nonprescription pharmaceuticals in streams and effects on sediment microbial activity” presented at the North American Benthological Society annual meeting on May 17-22, 2009 in Grand Rapids, MI Graduate Student Travel $75 Bernot, Melody Bunch, Nathan (student) “Preferential Uptake of Microbial Communities to Varying Nitrogen Availability” presented at the North American Benthological Society annual meeting on May 17-22, 2009 in Grand Rapids, MI Graduate Student Travel $75 Bernot, Melody Bunch, Nathan (student) Quantifying Preferential and Adaptive Nitrogen Uptake in Microbial Communities Graduate Research Bernot, Melody Cross, Emily (student) "Effect of UV on Sediment Respiration" presented at the Indiana Water Resource Association on May 11-13, 2009 in Bloomington, IN Undergraduate Student Travel $50 Bernot, Melody Martin, Erika (student) “Does preferential uptake of dissolved inorganic and organic nitrogen change with trophic complexity?” presented at the North American Benthological Society Annual meeting on May 17-22, 2009 in Grand Rapids, MI Undergraduate Student Travel $75 Bernot, Randall Determining the Impacts of Nanomaterials on Aquatic Ecosystems Junior Faculty Research $7,600 Bruns, Heather Reduction of Intestinal Probiotic Populations by Antibiotic Treatment During Oral Tolerization Induces Immune Activation Rather Than Suppression General Faculty Research $8,000 Bruns, Heather Burns, Erin (student) “Immune Responses of S. Aureus-Infected Mice Pre-Treated with Simvastatin” presented at Autumn Immunology Conference on November 21-24, 2008 in Chicago, IL Graduate Student Travel $100 Bruns, Heather Burns, Erin (student) Effects of Staphylococcus Aureus Infection and Simvastatin Treatment on Immune Responses in Vivo Graduate Research $495 Bruns, Heather Seamon, Megan (student) "Assessment of IgA Production During Oral Tolerance" presented at Indiana Undergraduate Student Travel Academy of Science Fall Meeting on October 15-19, 2008 in Columbus, OH $500 $50 45 College of Sciences and Humanities Internal Grants Bruns, Heather Sellers, Lisa (student) "Exercise-induced Alterations in Immunoglobulin (IgA, IgG, IgM) Levels in Cancer versus Non-Cancer Patients" presented at Indiana Academy of Science (IAS) on October 23-24, 2008 in Evansville, IN Graduate Student Travel Carter, Timothy "Prey Consumed by Eight Species of Insectivorous Bats from Southern Illinois" printed in the The American Midland Naturalist , Volume 162(1), July 2009 Faculty Reprint $300 Lauer, Thomas Lau, Jamie (student) An Analysis of Ohio River Basin Water Quality: Solving the Problems for Regional Water Quality Assessments Graduate Research $500 Lauer, Thomas Lau, Jamie (student) "Habitat use of grass pickerel Esox americanus vermiculatus in Indiana streams" printed in American Midland Naturalist Faculty Reprint $300 McKillip, John Robinson, Amanda (student) Detection and Enumeration of Sublethally-Injured Escherichia coli 0157:H7 Using Selective Agar Overlays Graduate Research $480 Pyron, Mark "Conservation of the Freshwater Gastropods of Indiana: Historic and Current Distributions" printed in the American Malacological Bulletin 26(1/2): 137Faculty Reprint 151 $300 Pyron, Mark "Substrate and Current Velocity Preferences of Spotfin Shiner (Cyprinella Spiloptera) and Sand Shiner (Notropis Stramineus) in artificial Streams" printed in the Journal of Freshwater Ecology $200 Pyron, Mark Beugly. Jay "Fish and Invertebrate Assemblages in Seasonal Headwater Streams" presented at the American Society of Ichthologists and Herpetologists on July Graduate Student Travel 23-28 in Montreal, Canada Pyron, Mark Beugly, Jay “Mortality Associated with Marking and Handling Small Bodied Minnows” presented at the Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference on December 14-17, 2008 in Columbus, OH Graduate Student Travel $50 Pyron, Mark “Paleo Impacts on Fish Assemblages: Glaciation” presented at the Midwest Jacquemin, Stephen (student) Fish and Wildlife Conference on December 14-17, 2008 in Columbus, OH Graduate Student Travel $50 Pyron, Mark Pritchett, Jennifer (student) "Substrate Variation in the Wabash River During Three Years: Effects on Fish Assemblages" presented at the Joint Meeting of the American Society of Ichthologists and Herpetologists on July 23-28 in Montreal, Canada Graduate Student Travel $100 Pyron, Mark Pritchett, Jennifer (student) Effects of Hydrology on Substrate Variation and Fish Assemblages in the Middle Wabash River presented at the Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference Graduate Student Travel on December 14-17 in Columbus, OH $50 Ruch, Donald "Vascular Flora and Vegetational Communities of the Wetland Complex on the IMI Property in Henry County, Near Luray, Indiana" printed in the Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science Faculty Reprint $131 Ruch, Donald "Point-Centered Quarter Analysis of Four Forest Types at Hayes Arboretum in Wayne County, Indiana" printed in the Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science Faculty Reprint $65 $50 Faculty Reprint $100 Department Total $20,266 46 College of Sciences and Humanities Internal Grants Chemistry Palencia, Hector Ritchie, Zachary (student) “N-heterocycle carbenes as organocatalyts: a new approach in biodiesel synthesis” presented at the Posters on the Hill (CUR) Conference on May 5, 2009 in Washington D.C. Undergraduate Student Travel $100 Department Total $100 Computer Science Gestwicki, Paul Interactive Curriculum Visualization General Faculty Research $8,200 Zage, Wayne Zage, Dolores Travel Support to NSF Faculty Travel $300 Department Total $300 English Donnelly, Michael M. Writing Program Administration, Research, and Assessment Start-up Program $1,250 Grutsch-McKinney, Jackie Williams, Nicole (student) “Navigating Fair Use and Copyright Law: A Case Study on How Students Compose Multimodal Projects CCCC presentation” presented at the Midwestern Educational Research Conference on October 15-19, 2008 in Columbus, OH Graduate Student Travel Hamada, Megumi Development of Second Language Word-Meaning Inference While Reading Junior Faculty Research $6,160 Lovelace, Sean Flash Fiction: Two Manuscripts of an Emerging Genre Junior Faculty Creative Arts $2,500 Lovelace, Sean Hartley-Smith, Rachel (student) CEllA's Round Trip: An Online Hybrid Literary and Visionary Journal presented at the Association of Writers and Writers Program (AWP) Conference on February 11-14, 2009 in Chicago, IL Graduate Student Travel MacKay, Carolyn Trechsel, Frank Totonac-Tepehua Lexical Database Project Ad Hoc Program $2,500 MacKay, Carolyn A Dictionary of Pisaflores Tepehua General Faculty Research $7,500 Neely, Mark Fishing With Lorenzo: a collection of poems General Faculty Creative Arts $6,000 $100 $75 Department Total $26,085 Geological Sciences Fluegeman, Richard H Robinson, Seth (student) “Foraminiferal Paleoecology & Sequence Stratigraphy of the Pachuta & Shubuta Members of The Yazoo Clay (Eocene; Priabonian), Wayne City, MS,” presented at the American Association for Petroleum Geologists Student Expo on October 8-9, 2008 in Houston, TX Undergraduate Student Travel $100 Fluegeman, Richard Mullin, Michelle (student) “Stable Isotope Record of Soil Carbonates From the Eocene-Oligocene Transition, Badlands National Park, South Dakota,” presented at the Climatic and Biotic Events of the Paleogene on January 12-15, 2009 in Wellington, New Zealand Graduate Student Travel $100 Graduate Student Travel $100 “CO2 Injection and Reservoir Characterization: An Integrated Petrographic Grigsby, Jeffry and Geochemical Study of the Frio Formation, Texas” presented at the McGuire, Kelli Ann (student) American Association of Petroleum Geologists Student Exposition on October 8-9, 2008 in Houston, TX 47 College of Sciences and Humanities Internal Grants Nicholson, Kristen McKinney, Kegan (student) "Unraveling 100MA of Volcanic Activity in Northland New Zealand" presented at the 2008 GSA North-Central Section Meeting on April 24-25, 2008 in Evansville, IN Undergraduate Student Travel $100 “A Possible Northern Extension of the Reunion Hotspot Track; Based on Nicholson, Kristen Samples From the Bela Ophiolite, Pakistan” presented at the AGU 2009 Banser, Christopher (student) Joint Assembly on May 24-27, 2009 in Toronto, Canada Graduate Student Travel $100 Rice-Snow, Scott Balakrishnan, Aneesha (student) Graduate Student Travel $100 Department Total $600 “Relationship of Tectonism to Continental Divide Irregularity” presented at the AAPG Student Expo on March 12-14, 2009 in Norman, OK Geography Airriess, Christopher Coming Ashore: Spatially Disciplining the Boat Population in Late Colonial Hong Kong International Travel Program $400 Call, David "An Assessment of National Weather Service Warning Procedures for Ice Storms" printed in Weather and Forecasting/ American Meteorological Society Faculty Reprint $300 Coleman, Jill High-Altitude Atmospheric Balloon Launch Ad Hoc Program $250 Yang, Jian-Sheng Internationalization of the Department of Geography International Travel Program $400 Yang, Jian-Sheng "Estimating Impervious Surface Area of Urban Watersheds Using ASTER Data” printed in the Journal of Environmental Informatics Faculty Reprint $160 Department Total $1,510 History Suppe, Frederick Jones, Stephen (student) “The (Post) Colonial Discourse of Land, Language and National Identity in Saunders Lewis's Cymru Fydd” presented at the California Celtic Colloquium Graduate Student Travel on March 12-15, 2009 in Berkeley, CA $100 Department Total $100 Mathematical Sciences Livshits, Irene Efficient numerical methods for solving differential eigenvalue problems General Faculty Research $8,120 Shafer, Kathryn New Faculty Start-UP Grant Start-up Program $1,250 Department Total $9,370 Modern Languages and Classics Gilman, Donald Supplementary Travel Funds for Presentation of Paper, International Association of Neo-Latin Studies, University of Uppsala (Sweden), August 29, 2009 International Travel Program $400 Zheng, Guohe The Impact of the Occupation (1945-1952) on Modern Japanese Theatre: Invited Lectures in China International Travel Program $400 Department Total $800 Natural Resources and Environmental Management Gregg, Amy Holzinger, Joseph (student) Factors Associated with Declining Hunting Participation in Indiana Graduate Research $500 Popovicova, Jarmila "Water Quality Assessment of Prairie Creek Reservoir in Delaware County, Indiana" printed in the Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science Faculty Reprint $109 Department Total $609 48 College of Sciences and Humanities Internal Grants Philosophy and Religious Studies Agnew, Elizabeth Jane Addams: Public Intellectual for Peace Eflin, Juli "William James' Genuine Option" presented at the Midsouth Philosophy Hoover, Christopher (student) Conference on April 17-18, 2009 in Memphis, TN General Faculty Research $8,200 Undergraduate Student Travel $100 Eflin, Juli Brooks, Isaac (student) “Hume and Introduction: A Counter Institute Response” presented at the Phi Sigma Tau Midwest Undergraduate Conference on April 17-18, 2009 in Undergraduate Student Travel Omaha, NE $100 Marchal, Joseph Junior Faculty Research Grant (Spring 2009) Junior Faculty Research Marchal, Joseph New Faculty Start-Up Grant Start-up Program $750 Roemer, Michael New Faculty Start-Up Program Start-up Program $1,250 Department Total $20,400 $10,000 Physics and Astronomy Joe, Yong, Hedin, Eric Emergence of Molecular Electronics: Charge Transport in DNA General Faculty Research $8,625 Department Total $8,625 Physiology and Health Science Kelly-Worden, Marie Huff, Courtney (student) Investigating the Binding of Streptococcal Monoclonal Antibody 10F5 in the Heart of Lewis Rats Graduate Research $500 Kelly-Worden, Marie Gebhard, Robyn (student) Investigating the Interaction of Streptococcal Monoclonal Antibody 10F5 in the Brain of Lewis Rats Undergraduate Research $300 Pinger, Robert "The Blacklegged Tick (Ixodes scapularis) in Indiana: A Review" printed in the Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science Faculty Reprint $172 "The Effect of Short-term Dietary Supplementation with Glutathione Ethyl Ester (GSHE) on Reduced Glutathione (GSH) Levels in Kidney Zamlauski-Tucker, Marianna Mitochondria from Young and Old Rats" printed in the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology Faculty Reprint $45 Department Total $1,017 Political Science Nishikawa, Misa Political Stability Data (Conference Presentation) International Travel Program $400 Taylor, Charles New Faculty Start-Up Grant Start-up Program $1,250 Department Total $1,650 $4,158 Psychological Science Adams, Heather Rethinking Experiences of Chronic Illness: Shifts in foci and their implications for modeling identity Junior Faculty Research Tagler, Michael Belavadi, Sucharita (student) “Implicit and Explicit Attitudes Toward the Poor” presented at the APS 21st Annual Convention on May 22-24, 2009 in San Francisco, CA Graduate Student Travel $100 Gaither, George Driver, Christian (student) "What Do They Want to Know? An Exercise to Teach by Doing Postmodern Graduate Student Travel Feminism on the First Day of a Human Sexuality Class" $100 Department Total $4,358 49 College of Sciences and Humanities Internal Grants Sociology Gong, Fang Contexts of Migration and Mental Health Status among Asian Americans Junior Faculty Research $8,500 Gong, Fang Workplace Discrimination and Health among White and Minority Women Start-up Program $1,500 Petts, Richard Religious Heterogamy and Relationship Stability: A Comparison of Marital and Cohabiting Unions Start-up Program $1,250 Department Total $11,250 Speech Pathology and Audiology Thatcher, Karen Philippsen, Melissa (student) "College Students' Perceptions of Issues in Diversity" presented at American Speech Language Hearing Association National Convention on November 20, 2008 in Chicago, IL Graduate Student Travel $100 Thatcher, Karen Endicott, Blair(student) "College Students' Perceptions of Issues in Diversity" presented at American Speech Language Hearing Association National Convention on November 20, 2008 in Chicago, IL Graduate Student Travel $50 Department Total $150 Women and Gender Studies Siering, Carman Thomas, Kendra (student) Walking Our Talk: Resisting Academic Hegemony/Enacting Feminist Pedagogy presented at the National Women's Studies Conference on June 19- Graduate Student Travel 22, 2008 in Cincinnati, OH $75 Department Total College Total $75 $107,565 50 External Proposals Submitted by the College of Sciences and Humanities Anthropology Boyd, Colleen Nyce, James Waite, Gerald Archaeological Resources Management Service McCord, Beth Biology Badger, Kemuel Bernot, Melody Bernot, Randall Bruns, Heather Carter, Timothy Desouza, Josephine Islam, Kamal Lauer, Thomas LeBlanc, David McConnell, Tom McDowell, Susan McKillip, John Pyron, Mark Ruch, Donald Chemistry Coan, Paul S. Gerczai, Timea Lang, Patricia Palencia, Hector Poole, James Storhoff, Bruce Zubkov, Tykhon Computer Science Bagga, Kunwarjay Buis, Paul Gestwicki, Paul Sun, Fu-Shing Tanksale, Vinayak Zage, Delores Zage, Wayne Criminal Justice and Criminology Brown, Michael English Christman, Jill Felsenstein, Frank Habich, Robert Hamada, Megumi Hanson, Linda Newbold, Webster Seig, Mary Theresa Geography Call, David Coleman, Jill Zimmermann, Petra Geological Sciences Fluegeman, Richard Grigsby, Jeffry Neumann, Klaus Nicholson, Kirsten History Dolski, Michael Doyle, Michael Hall, Kenneth Witkowski, Gregory Mathematical Sciences Dean, Curtis Livshits, Irene Shafer, Kathryn Stump, Sheryl Modern Languages and Classics Thorington, Ellen Zheng, Guohe 51 External Proposals Submitted by the College of Sciences and Humanities Natural Resources and Environmental Management Eflin, James Pichtel, John Popovicova, Jarmila Philosophy and Religious Studies Concepcion, David Roemer, Michael Physics and Astronomy Berrington, Robert Cosby, Ronald Hedin, Eric Jin, Feng Joe, Yong Jordan, Thomas Kaitchuck, Ronald Khatun, Mahfuza Wijesinghe, Ranjith Physiology and Health Science Clark, Jeffrey Kelly-Worden, Marie Marini, David McKenzie, James Pinger, Robert Psychological Science Butler, Darrell Forbey, Johnathan Holtgraves, Thomas Perkins, David Tagler, Michael Woodward, Lucinda Social Science Research Center Brown, Ann Hawkins, Alishea Raines, Joshua Social Work Egbert, Judi Slater, Greta Yoder Sociology Gong, Fang Holtzman, Mellisa Kapinus, Carolyn Xu, Jun Political Science Friedman, Francine Hall, Steven Hollands, Roger Reagan, Daniel Scheele, Raymond Taylor, Charles Vasicko, Sally Jo Young, John 52 Teachers College External Dollars Received by Type of Award 2008-2009 Research (26) Instruction (5) Academic Support (16) Public Service (3) Institutional Support (1) Equipment (0) Other (0) Total (51) External Dollars Received by Funding Source 2008-2009 $3,316,290 71% Federal (20) $976,789 $274,476 21% 6% $59,139 1% $30,000 $0 $0 $4,656,694 1% 0% 0% 100% Foundation (15) Non-Profit (5) Higher Education (1) State (10) Business (0) Local (0) Total (51) $3,344,213 71% $769,670 $141,509 $5,000 $396,302 $0 17% 3% less than 1% 9% 0% $0 0% $4,656,694 100% Five-Year Summary for Teachers College FY 2005..............................$5.2 FY 2006..............................$5.2 FY 2007..............................$4.3 FY 2008..............................$5.9 FY 2009..............................$4.7 million million million million million 53 Teachers College External Grants Director Burris Laboratory School Title Sponsor Amount DeWeese, Marilyn 033-09 Participant Stipends Indiana State University DeWeese, Marilyn 060-09 State High Ability Grant Program 2008-2009 Indiana Department of Education $27,296 $750 $600 DeWeese, Marilyn 064-09 Non-English Speaking Program 2008-2009 Indiana Department of Education McGee, Jay Ahlersmeyer, Betsy K. Shears, Frederick Funk, Emily 319-08 Indiana Tech Prep Education Grant Indiana Department of Workforce Development McGee, Jay 343-08 Title II, Part A, Improving Teacher Quality Indiana Department of Education $15,702 McGee, Jay 200-09 2008-09 Professional Development Grant Indiana Department of Education $3,000 McGee, Jay 200-09A 2008-09 Professional Development Grant Indiana Department of Education $3,720 McGee, Jay 547-09 Title II, Part A, Improving Teacher Quality Indiana Department of Education $17,514 Segedy, Janis 100-09 Healthy Living Take Charge Delaware County Health Department $30,000 $500 Department Total $99,082 Indiana Council for Economic Education $21,396 Department Total $21,396 Center for Economic Education Yoho, DeVon 003-09 Center for Gifted and Talented Development Adams, Cheryll M. 361-08 Pierce, Rebecca** Cassady, Jerrell C.* Cross, Tracy* Economics America Program Project CLUE - Plus U.S. Department of Education $405,241 Department Total $405,241 Counseling Psychology and Guidance Services Aegisdottir, Stefania 151-09 Multicultural Competence of Icelandic Psychologists Joseph and Marcella Hollis Fund $500 Aegisdottir, Stefania 508-09 Causal Model Examining Affirmative Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual (LGB) Counseling Self-Efficacy Joseph and Marcella Hollis Fund $120 Aegisdottir, Stefania 533-09 Ruralness and Gender: Predicting the Self-Stigma Associated with Seeking Help from Mental Health Professionals Joseph and Marcella Hollis Fund $350 Alexander, Charlene M. 515-09 Implicit Attitudes of Counselor Trainees Toward Black-White Couples Joseph and Marcella Hollis Fund $400 Alexander, Charlene M. 519-09 Attitudes Toward Help Seeking Among Israeli Arabs Joseph and Marcella Hollis Fund $250 Bowman, Sharon L. 035-09 Graduate Assistantship at the Youth Opportunity Center Youth Opportunity Center Nicholas, Don 518-09 The Mediating and Moderating Effects of Religious Coping in Joseph and Marcella Hollis Fund Long-Term Survivors of Cancer $400 Spengler, Paul 339-08 The Moderating Effects of Client Information Processing Style on Benefits Gained from Delivered and Interactive MMPI-2 Joseph and Marcella Hollis Fund Feedback $500 White, Michael 514-09 The Effect of Young Women's Sexual Self-Schemas on Emotional Responses to Sexualized Female Imagery in Magazine Advertising $350 $12,613 Joseph and Marcella Hollis Fund Department Total $15,483 54 Teachers College External Grants Dean's Office Mullen, Laurie Johnson, Susan M.** 310-08 Woodrow Wilson Fellowship Program Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation $715,000 Richmond, Daena 014-09 Gifted / Talented and High Ability Services 2008-09 Indiana Department of Education $277,239 Richmond, Daena 022-09 Virtual Special Education Cooperative Basic 2008-09 Indiana Department of Education $440,870 Richmond, Daena 608-09 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009 Part B, IDEA Recovery Funds for Services to Students with Disabilities Indiana Department of Education $172,169 Weaver, Roy Merbler, John* Richmond, Daena 458-08 Indiana Education Project 2008-09 Indiana Department of Education $1,643,455 Weaver, Roy 005-09 Development of K-12 School Design Guidelines for the State of Indiana Indiana Department of Education $48,215 Koester, Robert** Harwood, Pamela** Grondzik, Walter** Swartz, Andrea** White, Gwendolen** Weaver, Roy 034-09 Baseball's Greatest Hits National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum Weaver, Roy Bagga, Kunwarjay S.** Beilke, Jayne R.* Chezem, Jo Carol** Koester, Robert** Pichtel, John** 068-09 Curriculum Development for Careers in Homeland Security Indiana Department of Homeland Security $100,000 $50,000 Weaver, Roy 003-08C Indiana Education Project 2007-08 Indiana Department of Education - Educate Indiana $64,260 Merbler, John* Richmond, Daena Weaver, Roy 275-09 Electronic Field Trip: Legacy of the Buffalo Soldiers National Park Foundation Department Total $50,000 $3,561,208 Educational Psychology Dean, Raymond S. 505-09 Sensory Motor Tasks in Identification of Alzheimer Disease Joseph and Marcella Hollis Fund $350 Dean, Raymond S. 506-09 Comorbidity Frequencies of ADHD and TBI in Children Joseph and Marcella Hollis Fund $350 Dean, Raymond S. 507-09 The Risk of Psychiatric Symptoms in Neurological Disorders Joseph and Marcella Hollis Fund $350 Marchant, Gregory 516-09 High Schools’ Actual vs. Predicted Achievement: Too Little, Too Late Joseph and Marcella Hollis Fund $350 Paulson, Sharon 322-08 21st Century Community Learning Centers Program Family Services of Delaware County, Inc. $7,174 Paulson, Sharon 322-08A 21st Century Community Learning Centers Program Family Services of Delaware County, Inc. $8,431 517-09 Implicit and Explicit Attitudes of Educators Toward the Emotional Disturbance Label Joseph and Marcella Hollis Fund Rothlisburg, Barbara $400 Department Total $17,405 55 Teachers College External Grants Educational Studies Fraser-Burgess, Sheron A. 335-08 Education as Contextualized Service: For Immersion and Community Partnerships (ECLICPs) Indiana Campus Compact $3,750 Malaby, Mark 286-08 Foundations of Education - EDFON 420 Indiana Campus Compact $3,750 Merriweather Hunn, Lisa 262-08 Othermothering: Is this the missing ingredient in the recipe for successful African American doctoral student mentoring? National Academic Advising Association $5,000 Stuve, Matthew Bottomley, Diane M.* Rice, Peggy** 103-08A Evidence-Based Instructional Change II Indiana Commission for Higher Education $196,643 Department Total $209,143 $40,000 Indiana Academy Williams, David 289-08 The EPICS Program at the Indiana Academy for Science, Mathematics, and Humanities Purdue University Williams, David 336-08 Professional Development for Indiana Academy of Science Indiana Department of Education $5,014 Williams, David 341-08 Title II, Part A, Improving Teacher Quality Indiana Department of Education $9,217 Williams, David 354-09 2008-2009 Professional Development Program Indiana Department of Education $3,000 Williams, David 585-09 High Ability Education 2008-09 Grant Indiana Department of Education $26,307 Williams, David 354-09A 2008-09 Professional Development Program Indiana Department of Education Williams, David 397-06B Project Zhongwen U.S. Department of Education Williams, David 548-09 Title II, Part A, Improving Teacher Quality $1,911 $129,699 Indiana Department of Education $9,945 Department Total $225,093 Special Education Harvey, Michael W. 008-09 Indiana Post School Follow-up System 2008-09 Indiana University $57,962 Harvey, Michael W. 010-09 Indiana State Improvement Grant 2008-09 Indiana University Department Total College Total $44,681 $102,643 $4,656,694 56 Teachers College Internal Grants Director Counseling Psychology and Guidance Services Bowman, Sharon Shepler, Dustin (student) Title “Perceived Social Support in GLB College Students: Implications for Counseling Psychology” presented at the ACPA Annual Convention on March 28- April 2, 2009 in Washington D.C. Grant Amount Graduate Student Travel $100 Department Total $100 Educational Psychology Bronk, Kendall (ASPIRE) Youth Purpose among High Ability Youth Junior Faculty Research $10,000 Paulson, Sharon Oetting, Megan (student) "Gender Differences in the Relations Between Extracurricular Activity Type and Educational Expectations" presented at Mid-Western Educational Research Association on October 15-19, 2008 in Columbus, OH Undergraduate Student Travel $75 Paulson, Sharon Williams, Kristen(student) "Investigating how Gender and Ethnicity Moderate the Relations between Extracurricular Activity Type and Educational Aspirations" presented at the Midwestern Educational Research Conference on March 11-14, 2009 in San Francisco, CA Graduate Student Travel $75 Department Total $10,150 Educational Studies Stuve, Matthew Noel, Megan (student) “A Videographic, Web-Based Exhibit Model for Representing Professional Performance and Supporting Reflective Practice” presented at E-Learn: World Conference on E-Learning on November 19, 2008 in Las Vegas, NV Wyss, Vanessa Podcasts for Adolescent Connections to Scientists (PACS) Junior Faculty Research Department Total Voices of Poverty Start-up Program Department Total College Total Elementary Education Ceglowski, Deborah Graduate Student Travel $100 $9,886 $9,986 $1,250 $1,250 $21,486 57 External Proposals Submitted by the Teachers College Burris Laboratory School DeWeese, Marilyn Gray, Linda McGee, Jay Segedy, Janis Shears, Frederick Center for Economic Education Yoho, DeVon Counseling Psychology and Guidance Services Aegisdottir, Stefania Alexander, Charlene Bowman, Sharon Kruczek, Theresa Nicholas, Don White, Michael Dean’s Office Richmond, Daena Weaver, Roy Educational Psychology Bronk, Kendall Cassady, Jerrell Dean, Raymond Finch, William Fletcher, Kathryn Marchant, Gregory Rothlisburg, Barbara Shim, Sungok Educational Studies Beilke, Jayne Brogan, Steven Clausen, Jon Fraser-Burgess, Sheron Glowacki-Dudka, Michelle Malaby, Mark Mulvihill, Thalia Park, Gilbert Payne, Charles Stuve, Matthew Watson, Sunkyung Wyss, Vanessa Elementary Education Clark, Patricia Miels, Jill Walker, Carolyn Zygmunt-Fillwalk, Eva Indiana Academy Williams, David Special Education Harvey, Michael Merbler, John Teacher Education Services Miller, Judy 58 Extra-Collegial Units External Dollars Received by Type of Award 2008-2009 External Dollars Received by Funding Source 2008-2009 Research (40) $6,469,126 64% Foundation (8) $5,566,770 56% Public Service (57) $2,195,557 22% Business (45) $1,338,003 13% $855,608 8% Federal (21) $1,238,393 12% $466,461 $84,903 $0 $0 $10,071,655 5% 1% 0% 0% 100% $948,665 $918,035 $49,806 9% 9% 1% $11,983 $0 $10,071,655 less than 1% 0% 100% Academic Support (7) Institutional Support (8) Instruction (11) Equipment (0) Other (0) Total (123) Non-Profit (27) State (6) Local (14) International (2) Higher Education (0) Total (123) Five-Year Summary for Extra-Collegial Units FY 2005..............................$12.5 million FY 2006..............................$9.8 million FY 2007..............................$7.2 million FY 2008..............................$5.5 million FY 2009..............................$10.0 million 59 Academic Affairs External Grants Director Academic Advising Marini, Cynthia Title Sponsor Amount 316-08 FY09 Perkins Postsecondary Vocational Program Ivy Tech State College Marini, Cynthia 316-08A FY09 Perkins Postsecondary Vocational Program Ivy Tech State College $285 Marini, Cynthia 316-08B FY09 Perkins Postsecondary Vocational Program Ivy Tech State College $2,012 Marini, Cynthia 532-09 FY10 Perkins Postsecondary Vocational Program Ivy Tech State College $21,538 Buck, Marilyn M. 036-07B Statewide Transfer Website Indiana Commission for Higher Education $292,261 Department Total $334,128 Building Better Communities Boyd, Delaina D. Avila, Stephen M.** $18,032 546-09 2009 Insurance Education Institute Griffith Insurance Education Institute $47,070 Boyd, Delaina D. C800-09 $33,300 C801-09 Education Development Counselor/Program Administrative S AutoCAD 2008 Basics COR Client Boyd, Delaina D. COR Client $4,095 Boyd, Delaina D. C803-09 Consulting Services COR Client $3,740 Boyd, Delaina D. C804-09 Professional Development Training COR Client $6,259 Boyd, Delaina D. C805-09 University Evaluation and Review of ILMCT Program COR Client $500 Boyd, Delaina D. C806-09 Microsoft 2007 Computer Applications Training COR Client $3,946 Boyd, Delaina D. C808-09 Spanish for Construction Sites COR Client $2,475 Boyd, Delaina D. C809-09 Microsoft Project 2007 Basics COR Client $1,050 Boyd, Delaina D. C810-09 ILMCT Coordination Services COR Client $10,149 Boyd, Delaina D. C811-09 Six Sigma Training COR Client $41,858 Boyd, Delaina D. Chalupa, Marilyn** Boyd, Delaina D. Brogan, Steven** Boyd, Delaina D. Smith, Brien** Fisher, Elaine M. C812-09 Writing Consulting Services COR Client $165 C814-09 FCC Indiana COR Client $16,225 C815-09 Embracing Diversity COR Client $1,980 025-08A Office of Building Better Communities Support. Indiana Economic Development Corporation Fisher, Elaine M. 468-09 Economic Recovery of Flood-Impacted Counties of Indiana Planning Grant University of Southern Indiana $125,000 Fisher, Elaine M. 028-08B Office of Building Better Communities Support Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs $202,000 Fisher, Elaine M. C763-09 Facilitating the Development of a Strategic Plan for the Town for Brownstown Town of Brownstown $15,800 Fisher, Elaine M. C781-09 Parkview Health Parkview Hospital $43,700 Association of Indiana Convention Visitors Bureaus $10,000 $41,274 Thaiprasert, Nalitra Fisher, Elaine M. Hicks, Michael J.** D517-08A Association of Indiana Convention Visitors Bureaus Futures Study Flynn, Krista L. C802-09 2008-2009 Retention through Customer Services COR Client $6,000 Flynn, Krista L. C807-09 Excel 2 Training COR Client $850 Garner, Lisa M. 029-09 Organization and Delivery of CDBG Grant Accreditation Course Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs $34,345 Heupel, Richard D. C522-08 Portland Consumer Research Study Portland Chamber of Commerce $10,000 Heupel, Richard D. 201-09 2008-2009 Partnership: Indiana Economic Development Corporation and Ball State University Indiana Economic Development Corporation $202,000 Heupel, Richard D. 026-08A Office of Building Better Communities Support Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs $180,000 Heupel, Richard D. C774-09 Facilitating the Development of an Economic Development Strategic Plan Tipton County Economic Development Corporation $18,600 Heupel, Richard D. C778-09 Planning a Better Randolph County Randolph County Economic Development Corporation $10,200 Heupel, Richard D. C779-09 Decatur County Parkway: Gateway and Legacy Decatur County Community Foundation $2,750 60 Academic Affairs External Grants Heupel, Richard D. Yeager, Sarah C793-09 ED101 Noble County Economic Development Corporation Heupel, Richard D. Yeager, Sarah C794-09 ED101 COR Client Heupel, Richard D. C795-09 Preparing and Presenting Site and Building Information Northeast Indiana Regional Partnership $2,500 Heupel, Richard D. C796-09 Indiana Economic Development Course Indiana Economic Development Corporation $3,600 $1,633 $315 Heupel, Richard D. Yeager, Sarah C797-09 ED101 North Central Indiana Economic Development District Heupel, Richard D. Yeager, Sarah C798-09 ED101 Greater Lafayette Commerce Heupel, Richard D. Yeager, Sarah C799-09 ED101 Boone County Economic Development Corporation Kemper, Heather C764-09 Income Survey: Smithville Monroe County $6,048 Income Survey: Blackford County Blackford County Economic Development Corporation $2,966 Kemper, Heather C765-09 $712 $1,019 $776 Kemper, Heather C767-09 Income Survey: Ingalls Town of Ingalls $2,300 Kemper, Heather C768-09 Income Survey: Jeffersonville Town of Jeffersonville $2,800 Kemper, Heather C769-09 Income Survey: Daleville Town of Daleville $1,800 Kemper, Heather C770-09 Income Survey: Rensselaer City of Rensselaer $1,800 Kemper, Heather C771-09 Industry Cluster Analysis for Boone County Boone County Economic Development Corporation $11,000 Kemper, Heather C772-09 Income Survey: Macy Town of Macy $2,100 Kemper, Heather C773-09 Income Survey: Decatur City of Decatur $2,800 Kemper, Heather C775-09 Income Survey: Millersburg Town of Millersburg $2,535 Kemper, Heather C776-09 Income Survey: Montpelier Community Builders COR Client $2,475 Kemper, Heather C777-09 Income Survey: Millersburg Greentown Volunteer Fire Company $2,692 Kemper, Heather C780-09 Income Survey: Kentland Town of Kentland $2,573 Kemper, Heather C782-09 Income Survey: Clinton County Clinton County $2,502 Kemper, Heather C783-09 Income Survey: Glenwood Town of Glenwood $2,490 Kemper, Heather C784-09 Income Survey: Fortville Town of Fortville $2,480 C785-09 Development of Short and Long Term Goals for Logansport-Cass Logansport-Cass County Economic County Development Corporation Kemper, Heather Department Total $9,800 $1,147,047 Center for Energy Research, Education, and Service Culp, Jeffrey D. Koester, Robert C751-09 Mirror-Box Artificial Daylighting Assessment (Belmont High School) Levin-Porter Architects $2,400 Culp, Jeffrey D. Koester, Robert C752-09 Mirror-Box Artificial Daylighting Assessment (Residence Park PKLevin-Porter Architects 8) $2,000 Department Total $4,400 Center for Media Design Bloxham, Michael V. C721-09 Sports Media Study CMD Client $81,218 Bloxham, Michael V. C722-09 Listenership Study CMD Client $13,784 Bloxham, Michael V. C723-09 Pearson Interface Study CMD Client $12,500 Bloxham, Michael V. C724-09 Report Sales Various $2,500 Bloxham, Michael V. C725-09 Media Insight Center Studies Various $60,660 Bloxham, Michael V. C506-08C Consumer Video Mapping Study Nielsen Research Bloxham, Michael V. Holmes, Michael Bloxham, Michael V. Holmes, Michael C746-09 Pearson Ethnography CMD Client C747-09 Large CRE Project Nielsen Research $596,692 $8,750 $13,097 61 Academic Affairs External Grants Bloxham, Michael V. Holmes, Michael Bloxham, Michael V. Holmes, Michael Bloxham, Michael V. Holmes, Michael Bloxham, Michael V. Holmes, Michael Bloxham, Michael V. Holmes, Michael Bloxham, Michael V. Holmes, Michael C722-09A Sports Media Study, Part II CMD Client $83,666 C748-09 CMD Client $16,840 C748-09A Usability Project for Redesign, Part II CMD Client $16,840 C749-09 CTAM VOD CMD Client $16,600 C750-09 The Weather Media Day CMD Client $65,819 CMD Client $39,859 Ferguson, David L. 211-06C The Digital Exchange Lilly Endowment, Inc. Fillwalk, John A. C730-09 Silo Project CMD Client $1,778 Fillwalk, John A. C744-09 Nurses Training Visualization CMD Client $5,004 Usability Project for Redesign C750-09A The Weather Media Day, Part II $4,728,950 Fillwalk, John A. C745-09 The Sysphean Chamber CMD Client $576 Huer, Jonathan B. C731-09 Online Translation Tool CMD Client $30,000 $12,239 Huer, Jonathan B. C732-09 Surgery Video CMD Client Huer, Jonathan B. C733-09 Indy Zoo Project CMD Client $660 Huer, Jonathan B. C734-09 Easter Seals Project CMD Client $1,970 Huer, Jonathan B. C735-09 One More Round CMD Client $5,000 Smith, Rodger 241-08 Training Video Shoot Indiana State Supreme Court $3,276 Smith, Rodger 291-08 Video Publishing Project with Calamari Productions, LLC CMD Client Smith, Rodger C726-09 Team Videos CMD Client $1,500 Smith, Rodger C727-09 Child Development Videos CMD Client $21,000 $45,000 Smith, Rodger C741-09 Dr. Laura Berk Videos CMD Client $7,500 Smith, Rodger C742-09 Make-up Videos CMD Client $7,572 Smith, Rodger C743-09 Rivars Show Documentary CMD Client Department Total $1,244 $5,902,094 Center for Medical Education Bishop, Derron L. 276-08 The Role of Glial Cells in Synapse Remodeling in Aging Living Mice University of California Santa Cruz Pederson, Bartholomew 452-08 Neuroprotective effects of brain glycogen in hypoglycemia National Institutes of Health $210,520 Pederson, Bartholomew 095-06C Glycogen Metabolism and its Regulation National Institutes of Health $13,841 Pederson, Bartholomew 095-06D Glycogen Metabolism and its Regulation National Institutes of Health Department Total $26,467 $14,334 $265,162 Center for Peace and Conflict Studies Gerstein, Lawrence H. 117-09 Peaceful Communities Project Community Foundation of Muncie and Delaware County, Inc. Gerstein, Lawrence H. 182-09 Establishing Peaceful Communities Ronald McDonald House of Indiana $1,000 Department Total $4,000 Office of Teaching and Learning Advancement Siering, Greg C813-09 Online Training Module Development $3,000 COR Client $2,500 Department Total $2,500 School of Extended Education Sabatine, Frank Repp, Philip** Boyd, Delaina D.* 057-09 Building Better Communities Fellows: Introducing the Emerging Media Fellows Program Lilly Endowment, Inc. $750,000 Department Total $750,000 Rinker Center for International Programs Holland, Kenneth M. University College Helms, Laura L. 359-09 065-09 U.S.-Canada Cooperation in Rebuilding Higher Education in Afghanistan Scholars JumpStart International Council for Canadian Studies $10,000 Department Total $10,000 Ball Brothers Foundation Department Total College Total $20,000 $20,000 $8,439,331 62 Academic Affairs Internal Grants Director Academic Assessment and Institutional Research Woosley, Sherry Title Grant Amount "Integration and Institutional Commitment as Predictors of College Student Transition: Are Third Weeks Indicators Significant?" printed in the College Faculty Reprint Student Journal $300 Department Total College Total $300 $300 63 External Proposals Submitted by Academic Affairs Academic Advising Marini, Cynthia Center for Middletown Studies Building Better Communities Center for Peace and Conflict Studies Boyd, Delaina Fisher, Elaine Flynn, Krista Garner, Lisa Heupel, Richard Kemper, Heather Thaiprasert, Nalitra Yeager, Sarah Gerstein, Lawrence Center for Energy Research, School of Extended Education Education, and Service Culp, Jeffrey Koester, Robert Center for International Programs Connolly, James Office of Teaching and Learning Advancement Siering, Greg Scholarships and Financial Aid Hannaford, John Sabatine, Frank Ward, Charles Ted Sponsored Programs Office Geidel, Stanley Holland, Kenneth Center for Media Design Bloxham, Michael Ellery, Peter Fillwalk, John Holmes, Michael Huer, Jonathan Milks, Jennifer Smith, Rodger University College Harris, Jacqueline Helms, Laura Ritz, Gary Center for Medical Education Bishop, Derron Fromm, Larry McCaughey, Stuart Pederson, Bartholomew 64 Information Technology External Grants Director Indiana Public Radio Jackman, Marcus L. Title 204-09 Radio Community Service Grant Sponsor Amount Corporation for Public Broadcasting $126,362 Department Total $126,362 University Libraries Faust, Bradley D. 336-09 Digital Library Collections Access through Hand Held Mobile Devices Indiana State Library $7,851 Hafner, Arthur W. 285-08 Second Life Virtual Library Project Indiana State Library $5,400 Hafner, Arthur W. Calvert, Hildegund M. 356-09 2008-2009 Canadian Studies Library Support Program Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade $1,983 Straw, John 282-08 Middletown Women's History Digital Collection Indiana State Library $21,194 Deloria, Philip Straw, John Hafner, Arthur W. Connolly, James J.** Cotner, Elaine** Straw, John 119-09 Gospel Trumpet Digitization Project Anderson University $13,185 Straw, John 332-09 Delaware County Aerial Plat Maps Digital Collection Indiana State Library Department Total $24,000 $73,613 205-09 Interconnection Grant Corporation for Public Broadcasting $13,794 WIPB-TV Cheney, Alice J. Cheney, Alice J. 206-09 Community Service Grant Corporation for Public Broadcasting $671,670 Cheney, Alice J. 594-09 Digital Television Transition Grants Corporation for Public Broadcasting $10,000 Georgi, Lori A. 235-09 My Source Community Impact Grant Corporation for Public Broadcasting $8,000 Georgi, Lori A. 236-09 PBS KIDS GO! Corporation for Public Broadcasting $5,000 Georgi, Lori A. 339-09 WIPB National Parks Community Engagement WETA Public Broadcasting Station $7,500 Department Total $715,964 $915,939 College Total 65 External Proposals Submitted by Information Technology Indiana Public Radio Jackman, Marcus Information Technology Repp, Philip University Libraries Calvert, Hildegund Faust, Bradley Hafner, Arthur Straw, John Trendler, Amy WIPB-TV Cheney, Alice Georgi, Lori 66 Student Affairs External Grants Director Career Center Mitchell, James E. King, Willow Smith, Jenni Early Outreach Haynes, Charles Title 082-09 Professional Experience Exploration Program Sponsor Amount Discovery Group $10,000 Department Total $10,000 209-01D Our Promise, Their Greatness U.S. Department of Education Department Total $658,879 $658,879 425-09 Party Smart BSU! Delaware County Coordinating Council, Inc. $2,172 Department Total $2,172 Health Education Lamb, Anna Public Safety Burton, Gene B. 030-09 Operation Pullover - Blitz Indiana Criminal Justice Institute Clark, Rhonda R. 444-09 K-9 Assistance Fund-Paws for the Cause Delaware County Coordinating Council, Inc. $11,000 $5,000 Department Total $16,000 $12,000 Student Life Isaacs, Mitchell E. 270-08 Citizen Scholar Fellowship Program Midwest Campus Compact Isaacs, Mitchell E. 036-09 Democracy Day Indiana Campus Compact Isaacs, Mitchell E. 293-09 American Humanics Leadership Institute Ball Brothers Foundation $5,000 Smith, Kathy 358-08 Grow Indiana Americorps Program Indiana Campus Compact $11,234 Smith, Kathy 338-09 Student Voluntary Services Alternative Spring Break Indiana Campus Compact $600 $500 Department Total College Total $29,334 $716,385 Student Affairs Internal Grants Director Title Grant Amount Student Life Titus-Kleinschmidt, Holly Moore, Jessica (student) “A Call to Active Duty: Inspiring Campus Support for Veterans” presented at the ACPA: College Student Educators International Conference on March Graduate Student Travel 28-April 1, 2008, in Washington D.C. $100 Department Total College Total $100 $100 67 External Proposals Submitted by Student Affairs Career Center King, Willow Mitchell, James Smith, Jenni Counseling and Health Services Payne, June Counseling Center Cole, Michele Lett, Robin Disabled Student Development Markle, Larry Health Education Lamb, Anna Public Safety Burton, Gene Clark, Rhonda Student Life Estes, Amanda Isaacs, Mitchell Smith, Kathy 68