Accounting Research Center, Booth School of Business, University of Chicago Information Rents and Preferences among Information Systems in a Model of Resource Allocation Author(s): Rick Antle and John Fellingham Reviewed work(s): Source: Journal of Accounting Research, Vol. 33, Studies on Managerial Accounting (1995), pp. 41-58 Published by: Blackwell Publishing on behalf of Accounting Research Center, Booth School of Business, University of Chicago Stable URL: . Accessed: 12/06/2012 09:39 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at . JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact Blackwell Publishing and Accounting Research Center, Booth School of Business, University of Chicago are collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Journal of Accounting Research. Journal of Accounting Research Vol. 33 Supplement 1995 Printed in US.A. Information Rents and Preferences among Information Systems in a Model of Resource Allocation RICK ANTLE* AND JOHN FELLINGHAMt 1. Introduction Using a model in which private information and self-interested behavior induce a socially inefficient allocation of resources, we analyze the effects of introducing a public information system. A manager of productive resources has an informational advantage over the owner of the resources, as in Antle and Eppen [1985]. In this setting, mutually beneficial production is foregone as the owner attempts to limit the manager's information rent. We consider the possibility of introducing a public information system that reduces the manager's information advantage. In particular, we describe conditions under which the social efficiency of production is enhanced or reduced by the introduction of a public information system. In three scenarios, public information is exogenously given, chosen by the owner and influenced by the manager, and stochastically determined by the manager's actions. We find that regardless of who chooses * Yale University; tThe Ohio State University. We thank Michael Alles, Anil Arya, Stan Baiman, Peter Bogetoft, Joel Demski, Harry Evans, Mitch Farlee, Jonathan Feinstein, Jon Glover, Michael Maher, Nandu Nagarajan, John Persons, Suresh Radhakrishnan, Doug Schroeder, Richard Sansing, Andy Stark, Shyam Sunder, Bin Srinidhi, Rick Young; and Rutworkshop participants at Iowa, Ohio State, Maryland, Stanford, Carnegie-Mellon, Association gers, North Carolina, and Yale universities; the 1994 American Accounting Convention; and two anonymous referees for useful comments. 41 Copyright ?, Institute of Professional Accounting, 1996 42 JOURNAL OF ACCOUNTING RESEARCH, SUPPLEMENT 1995 a costless, public information system, productive efficiency is attained. However, the manager's preferred public information system differs in substantive and describable ways from the owner's choice. By restricting the analysis to a particular density function for the private information, we can entirely describe each person's optimal information system. The existence of contrary preferences over public information systems raises another set of questions. Will the owner and manager engage in activities designed to skew the public information system and production schedule toward their private self-interests? Furthermore, will these activities disrupt the social efficiency results? We consider the possibility of activities which affect the public information system choice and its use. For example, in one scenario we allow the owner to commit to ignore information. In another scenario, we allow the manager to coarsify the partitions in the public information system. With these tools at their disposal, we give conditions under which the actors will attempt to affect the public information system choice for personal benefit and under which these attempts destroy the efficiency properties of the resulting allocation of resources. In addition, we characterize conditions under which the actors will engage in more vigorous influence activities. The greater the profit margins, the greater the incentives for actions which affect the public information system. While our results are derived using a general characterization of a public information system of varying fineness, some insight can be obtained about particular accounting systems. For example, an argument in favor of activity-based costing (ABC) systems is that they supply finer cost information.1 If that is an important attribute of ABC systems, our results shed some light on when and why it is difficult, from an organization structure perspective, to design, install, and maintain an ABC system in an organizations Furthermore, even if a perfectly good system is in place, it may be economically rational for some users to commit to ignore some of the output of even a well-functioning information system. Section 2 presents the model and section 3 provides the solution to a benchmark case. Section 4 examines the efficiency consequences of introducing public information. Section 5 introduces and analyzes two important special cases. Section 6 contains analyses of two models of activities that affect the public information are system. Conclusions offered in section 7. Appendix A contains proofs. 1 It is probably more accurate to say that ABC systems are more detailed than traditional costing systems. As is pointed out in Datar and Gupta [1994], more detail does not guarantee more accuracy or finer information. 2 The textbook literature recognizes the difficulties involved in changing organizations' discuss individual information systems. For example, Atkinson et al. [1995, pp. 592-600] and organizational defensive responses, the investment of money and time required to balance of power as sources of make changes, and potential shifts in the organization's difficulties encountered when installing information systems. We contribute to this literaof ture by providing explicit assumptions and solutions, as well as a formal exploration efficiency effects. INFORMATION SYSTEMS IN RESOURCE ALLOCATION 43 time Contract signed Manager reports cost Manager learns cost, c FIG. Owner supplies resources, x produced y time line: no public information. 1.-First 2. The Model model with linear The model is an extension of the owner-manager production technology in Antle and Eppen [1985]. In that model3 the owner of a production function has the property rights to the cash it produces. The owner hires a manager whose comparative advantage is required to implement production. Production requires cash in addition to the manager's presence. If a cash flow of x is to be produced, cash of cx is required, where c < 1 is the cost per dollar of cash flow. Only the manager can put the cash into production. At the time he does so, he knows the cost, c. The owner does not. The owner believes c E C, some set of possible costs. Sometimes we take C = {cl, . . . ,cq}, with cl < c2 < . . . < cn < 1. The probability c= ciis pi. At other times, we take C = [0, 1], with probabilities given by the densityf All cash must come from the owner.4 Let y denote the amount of cash transferred from the owner to the manager. The manager consumes cash above what he puts into production. Therefore, the manager's utility for cash transferred, y, production requirement, x, with cost per dollar c is U(y, x; c) = y - cx. The time line in figure 1 shows the sequencing of events depicted thus far. It can be shown that a participative budget scheme is the optimal form x }?=, such of contracting. The owner designs a menu of contracts, {xi, that the manager selects (xi, yi) when he knows the per dollar cost is ci.5 The owner's objective in choosing among alternative budgets is to maxf7 imize expected profits:6 E Pi [xi- Yi. i= 1 There are five types of constraints on the owner's choice of schemes. First, the manager must receive an expected utility at least as high as his next-best alternative. The contract is entered into before the manager 3We use the Antle and Eppen [1985] model, with a finite set of per dollar costs, for some of our analysis, but we also use a model with per dollar costs from an interval of the real line. Therefore, we present footnotes that extend the Antle and Eppen model to the case. Also see Farlee, Fellingham, and Young [1995]. continuous 4 This rules out the manager implementing on his own and capturing all production the rents. 5 In the continuous version of the model, the owner designs a pair of functions, x(.) and y(.), that map per dollar cost reports into required output and resources provided, 1 respectively. - y(c))f(c)dc. case, the objective function is: f(x(c) 6In the continuous 0 44 RICK ANTLE AND JOHN FELLINGHAM learns the cost and we assume his beliefs are the same as the owner's. Let 0 be the manager's opportunity cost in utility terms. Then the contract must satisfy:7 n E pi [yi - ci xi] 2 0. To ensure a distributional issue, i= 1 we assume throughout that 0 = 0. Second, the contract must respect the manager's lack of cash,8 so that yj - cixi 2 0, i = 1, . . . n. Third, the contract must induce a manager who knows the cost is ci to select (xi, yi):9 y - cixi 2 yj- cixj, i, j = 1. . * * n. Fourth, to ensure a solution exists we must assume the production of cash flows is bounded. If xmax denotes the maximum cash,10 xi < Xmax, i= 1, ... ,n. Finally, cash produced must not be negative:11 xi > 0, i = 1 . . . ,n. 3. Solution of Benchmark Case Antle and Eppen [1985] showed that the optimal amounts of production and resources transferred are given by a simple hurdle strategy. If the reported cost is above some amount, say c^, nothing is produced and no resources are given. If the reported cost is cz or below, Xmaxis produced and cash of CzXmaxis given to the manager. This solution displays the trade-off between productive efficiency and distributional consequences that forms the basis of our analysis. Lowering the critical hurdle cost gives up valuable production. But it allows the owner to capture more of the surplus by reducing the resources he provides when production does occur. Raising the critical hurdle cost increases valuable production but gives more of the surplus to the manager in the form of excess resources. The owner reduces the manager's surplus (a distributional effect) by reducing the amount of resources available, but this reduces the amount of resources produced (an efficiency effect). The optimal policy strikes the best balance between these factors.12 Consider a candidate for the critical hurdle cost, say ck. The expected profit with this hurdle must be higher than that with the next lower or next higher hurdle. If the hurdle is lowered to ck-l, production with an expected gross revenue to the owner of Pkxmax is lost. But the expected resources allocated decline by pkCkX1ax + _________ 7 The constraint in the continuous case is: f k- I p - Ck_1)Xmax. If the hurP(Ck ~~ = 1 ~~~~~~~~i (y(c) - cx(c))f(c) dc 2 0. 0 8 In the continuous 9 In the continuous 10In the continuous 1 In the continuous 12 In the continuous tion of the first-order F is the cumulative case: case: case: case: case, y(c) - cx(c ) y(c) - cx(c) x(c) 2 0 Vc E C. y(~) - cx(C) x(c) < xmax Vce C. 0 VcE for the optimal function V c, & E C. C. the analysis that follows condition distribution 2 2 cutoff, associated in the text is replaced ct, where c* = with the densityf 1- by examina) and INFORMATION 45 SYSTEMS IN RESOURCE ALLOCATION dle is raised to Ck+1, production with an expected gross revenue to the owner of Pk + IXmax is created. But the expected resources allocated increase by Pk + 1 Ck+ 1 XIax + k E Pi (ck + 1 - Xmax. The optimal hurdle is such COk) that the value of the decreased production associated with a lower hurdle offsets the savings in resources allocated, and the additional resources allocated offset the increased production of a higher hurdle. The ck hurdle produces ck)xmaX.The manager's an expected expected profit to the owner of slack is k E 3 pi(1 - i= 1 p1(c;- ci)Xlax. Summing i= 1 the owner's expected the total expected profits and the manager's expected slack, we see surplus produced with a ck hurdle strategy is k E pi(3 - i= 1 ci) X~nx The total expected surplus, a measure of productive efficiency, is maximized by the cn hurdle strategy. The difference between the total expected surplus under the optimal hurdle strategy and the total expected surplus under the cn hurdle strategy is the social cost of the owner's attempts to acquire a higher net expected profit. Thus, it represents a loss due to concerns over distribution. Figure 2 depicts the trade-off between productive efficiency and distributional consequences for the special case of costs uniformly distributed on [0, 1] and maximum production equal to one. Since production cost is always less than or equal to revenue derived from production, it is productively efficient to produce in all cases, i.e., set the hurdle cost equal to one. The owner's profits would be zero because the hurdle cost of one will always be the amount of resources transferred to the manager. All the gains from production are captured by the manager in the form of slack. To retain some of the surplus, the owner can reduce the hurdle cost below one. Figure 2 shows the effects of setting the hurdle costs equal to the hurdle is set at 4, the owner's expected profits are16 4. When This is greater than the zero expected profits obtained with a hurdle of one but is less than the maximum achievable expected profits. The hurdle contract which maximizes the owner's expected profits sets the hurdle cost 1 I equal to and achieves owner's expected profits of To further improve the situation, note that the initial probabilities enter into the determination of the optimal hurdle strategy and the resulting level of the manager's expected slack.13 A system that conveys information about costs alters these probability assessments. The next section expands the model to allow the owner and manager to receive information before 13 This may be clearest in the case of a finite set of possible costs. RICK ANTLE AND JOHN FELLINGHAM 46 Example Hurdle Contract Expected Profit and Expected Slack 1 E(profit) = 0.25 x (1 - 0.25) = 0.1875 0.8 0.6 0.4 E(slack) = 0.25 x 0.25 = 0.0625 0.2 45degrees 0 0.25 0.5 cost (uniformly distributed) 0.75 1 FIG. 2.-Expected profits and expected slack under a contract with a hurdle cost of 4, on [0, 1], and maximum production costs uniformly distributed equal to one. The of cumulative probability, horizontal axis plots cost. The vertical axis plots a combination amount produced, and resources transferred. The amount of resources transferred is equal to both the probability that costs are less than or equal to the hurdle costs and hurdle cost itself. Therefore, the 45-degree line gives both the cumulative distribution function of costs under uniformity and the resources allocated under all possible hurdle costs. The owner's expected profits are equal to the difference between resources returned, 1, and resources allocated, I, weighted by the probability that production occurs, 4. The owner's expected profits of $ p6 are given by the area of the indicated rectangle with base 4 and height -. The manager's expected slack (assessed before the manager knows the cost) of Il is the area of the indicated isosceles right triangle with base and height each equal to 4. the manager learns the cost.14 This information plans, but because it also alters the distribution may have incentives to subvert the system. allows better production of surplus, the manager 4. Exogenous Public Cost Information Public information, a subpartition of the initial set of possible costs, C, is observed by the owner and manager before the manager learns the 14 We model the introduction of a cost system as producing public information for the owner and manager. Thus, we assume the owner has access to the output of the organization's formal cost accounting system but not the system that ultimately generates the takes place. The manager's primanager's perfect knowledge of cost before production vate information system can inprovides his rents. We show that the public information crease or decrease the value of the manager's private information. INFORMATION SYSTEMS IN RESOURCE ALLOCATION 47 time Public information structure revealed Contract signed Public information observed FIG. 3.-Second Manager learns cost, c time line: exogenous Manager reports cost Owner supplies resources, x produced y public information. exact value of the costs. This model corresponds to the basic setting for each element of the subpartition, where beliefs over the costs in each subpartition are derived by Bayes' rule. Thus, a hurdle strategy is optimal in each element of the subpartition. The time line in figure 3 depicts the sequence of events. It is easy to show that the arrival of such information cannot decrease the owner's expected net profits. Imposing the restriction of the optimal no-information hurdle strategy on the set of subpartitions of C is feasible and produces the same expected profits as in the no-information case. Also, in some cases the only use of the information would be distributive: introduce perfect information (i.e., the subpartition consisting of singleton elements) into the case in which a cn hurdle strategy is optimal with no information. Total surplus remains the same, but the manager's slack is driven to zero. However, the manager is not always adversely affected by the arrival of information, and information does not always result in improved productive efficiency, as manifested in the expected total surplus. Consider the following examples. EXAMPLE1. The set of possible costs is C= {0.65, 0.7, 0.71, 0.8, 0.85, 0.91, each element of which is equally likely. Xmax= 100. With no information, the solution is to set the hurdle at 0.71, which yields expected profits of 141 expected slack to the manager of 1I, and expected total surplus of 152. Now introduce the partition {{0.65, 0.7, 0.711, {0.8, 0.85, 0.9} 1. In the first element of the partition, the solution is to set the hurdle at 0.71, which yields conditional expected profits of 29, conditional expected slack of 23, and conditional expected total surplus of 313. In the second element of the partition, the solution is to set the hurdle at 0.9, which yields conditional expected profits of 10, conditional expected slack of 5, and conditional expected total surplus of 15. Thus, with information the expected profits are 191, expected slack is 32, and expected total surplus is 23k. EXAMPLE2. The set of possible costs is {0.65, 0.7, 0.75, 0.8, 0.85, 0.9}, with corresponding probabilities {0.01, 0.06, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.9}. With no information, the ex ante optimal solution is to set the hurdle at 0.9, which produces expected profits of 10, expected slack of 143, and expected total surplus of 113. Now introduce the partition {{0.65, 0.7, 0.75}, {0.8, 0.85, 0.9} }. In the first element of the partition, the solution is to set the hurdle at 0.7, which yields conditional expected profits of 261, conditional expected slack of 5, and conditional expected total surplus 48 RICK ANTLE AND JOHN FELLINGHAM of 267. In the second element of the partition, the solution is to set the hurdle at 0.9, which yields conditional expected profits of 10, conditional expected slack of 1S, and conditional expected total surplus of 10 15 . In this example, the expected profits with public cost information 3 are 11 , expected slack is 10, and expected total surplus is 11. In example 1, the introduction of information increased the owner's expected net profits, the manager's expected slack, and (consequently) total expected surplus; there is no conflict between the productive and distributional consequences of the information. Both the owner and manager have incentives to seek out such an information system and have no incentives to sabotage it. In example 2, information lowers the cost of reducing production to increase expected net profits. With no information, full production is achieved in all circumstances. But the manager captures all the profits from costs lower than 0.9. With the information, the owner can raise expected net profits, in part by not producing when the cost is 0.75. This is the familiar use of rationing to reduce slack, now made profitable by the information system's altering of the probability structure. The effect is lower total surplus. Also, the manager has incentives to oppose or sabotage this information system, and certainly would not have incentives to discover and reveal it to the owner. 5. Uniform Distributions and Regular Partitions Before taking up these incentive issues in more detail in the next section, we present two special cases of interest. The uniform case is described by Xmax = 1, C = [0, 1], and uniform distribution of the per dollar costs, c. The regular case is the uniform case under all regular partitions: { [0, 1] }, The uniform case [1, {[0, 1]}, {[0, 1), 4), [4, 1), [2, 4), [4, 1]} . will be analyzed in detail in later sections. We take up the regular case here, as it allows a precise characterization of when conflicts of interest exist as a function of the number of elements in the partition. In the regular case, it can be shown that if there are m elements in a partition, the total expected surplus is: TS(m) = surplus is increasing lim m Ts TSi (m) in the number of elements I. The manager's expected 214- E[Slack(m)] 2- 12 The total 2 8i2 in the partition, and slack is: = 4m 3(1) 8m2 At m = 1, the manager's expected slack is 8. In this regular case, it rises to 32 at ma= 2, after which it falls. Its limit is 0. The owner's expected profits when there are m elements in the partition are equal to the expected total surplus minus the manager's expected slack. This works out to: INFORMATION SYSTEMS IN RESOURCE ALLOCATION E[7 (rm)] = 49 I - 2m-1 2 4m E[7(m)] is increasing in m and tends to the total surplus of 2 as m goes to infinity. We have shown: PROPOSITION1. In the regular case there is a conflict of interest between the owner and manager if and only if m is greater than 2. If costs are uniformly distributed and the manager could select any partition of [0, 1], he will choose a partition that provides some information, as shown in Proposition 2. PROPOSITION2. (Proof in Appendix A.)The partition of C = [0, 1] in slack is: the uniform case that maximizes the manager's expected = isfies: {[2, 2), lim , [4 [2, -), E[Slack(m)] liMEE[(i(m)] mum value of = 3. 87, ... }. = 6. The The manager's owner's expected expected utility sat- profits In the limit, the total surplus approaches satisfies: its maxi- 2. As this proposition shows, the manager has natural incentives to provide some information to the owner, because with no information, the owner allows no production above c = i. The manager gets slack from the low-cost states, while the owner's expected profits are the same for all costs for which production takes place. In choosing an information system, the manager would like to keep the slack from lower costs while providing information that induces the owner to produce in higher-cost circumstances. This thinking yields the structure of the manager's most preferred partition, which pools the most low costs possible without incurring restricted production. Thus, the manager is interested in information systems that only coarsely describe low-cost circumstances and more accurately describe costs close to the point where production is not profitable (c = 1).15 The proposition also implies the manager may be better or worse off as the result of public cost information and productive efficiency may or may not be enhanced. Consider starting from a partition of the form: 0, 2), is better off with {=[ , 48), [8, 1]}. The manager [2, [4), any subpartition of 's that only subdivides the highest interval and does that at values greater than or equal to 16. Any subpartition that divides any other element of 's makes the manager worse off. Also, further partitioning of 'M increases the owner's expected profits by the same amount it decreases the manager's expected slack. That is, further partitions of 'M have only distributional consequences. 'is 15As an example, in a field study of cost systems in a health-care facility, Maher and manager, Marais [1994] suspect the head nurse, whom we would consider a production has reason to prefer a less precise costing system. Their reasoning is consistent with ours: A more precise system would provide less opportunity to create slack through careful disclosure of local conditions to higher-level management. 50 RICK ANTLE AND JOHN FELLINGHAM We can also characterize the partitions preferred by the owner. In the limit, the owner prefers perfect information, but his preferences over partitions with two elements, three elements, four elements, etc., take a wellstructured form. 3. The m element partition that maximizes the owner's PROPOSITION expected L 2 profits 3 m+ m+ 1 1 in the rn-i, uniform m~+1 case is: LI? ]. The owner's expected E[n(m)] = jmIjL '172ii' profits are: i 2 (rn + 1) 2 m 2 2 (m + 1)2 Comparing special cases of Propositions 2 and 3 illustrates the conflict of interest over information systems. For m = 3, the manager's most preferred partition is {[0, I), [2, 3), [3, 111. The owner's most preferred partition is {[0, ,[, 1), [1, 1]}. As discussed above, the manager prefers to pool the most low costs possible without incurring a loss of production. The owner prefers more accurate identification of low costs and is more tolerant of restricted production than is the manager. We can use the characterization of the owner's and manager's most preferred information systems to gain some insight into how their preferences vary across economic environments. Consider the effects of having per dollar costs uniformly distributed over [0, I], instead of [0, 1]. The important change is not that costs are lower, but that profits are higher. With no information the owner will select the contract that always produces $1 and gives the manager $0.50. The owner gets the surplus from the excess of price, $1, over the $0.50 maximum total cost, and the manager gets all the rent from information about costs. The manager has no incentives to supply information in this very profitable situation, because restricting output is too costly a way for the owner to control the manager's slack. Full production always occurs: Information can only allow the owner to make a more favorable (to him) distribution of the benefits of producing. Now consider the effects of moving the upper bound on the distribuI tion of per dollar costs from to 1. The closer we get to an upper bound of 1, the lower the profits. Without additional information, the owner's optimal contract restricts production when the upper bound on cost is greater than 9. This restriction imposes a cost on the manager, so he would like to avoid this lost production by supplying information that reveals more when costs are high. For example, when the per dollar cost is uniformly distributed over [0, 3], an uninformed owner will ration at 2 The manager would like to preserve his slack for costs less than 2 and induce production between 2 and 3. The best (from the manager's this is {[0, 9), [2, 3]1. The point of view) partition that accomplishes The manager's expected slack is: E[Slack(m)] INFORMATION SYSTEMS IN RESOURCE ALLOCATION 51 owner with this information will produce fully for all costs. Continuing this process leads to thinking of the manager's optimal information system in Proposition 2 as the limit of the optimal information systems as the upper bound on the distribution of per dollar costs goes to 1 from below. Our interpretation is that in less profitable situations, the manager has incentives to provide information about costs close to the margin. As mentioned above, this shows that from the manager's point of view, "good" information systems for decision making are also "good" from the point of view of maximizing his slack. Put somewhat more abstractly, factors external to the firm affect the information preferences of the participants in the firm to the extent that they affect the distributional consequences of whatever information is supplied. Managers typically play a role in designing, implementing, and maintaining information systems. It seems reasonable, then, to introduce opportunities for the manager to influence the information generated. This is the purpose of the next section. 6. Incentives for Influencing Information This section introduces opportunities for the manager to influence the information structure he and the owner install before production takes place. We study two different models of information influencing. They differ in the owner's ability to observe and provide incentives for the manactivities.16 In model 1, the manager can ager's information-influencing join adjacent elements of any given information partition. For example, if C = {0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9} and the information partition is {{0.6}, {0.7, 0.81, {0.911, the manager can alter the partition to any one of the following three: {{0.6, 0.7, 0.81, {0.9}}; {{0.6}, {0.7, 0.8, 0.9)1; {{0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.911. Although the owner observes the results of the manager's informationinfluencing activities, we assume the owner cannot commit to provide incentives for these activities. The time line in figure 4 depicts the sequence of events. Model 2 parallels standard moral hazard models. Information production is uncertain, and the manager has an action choice that influences the probability distribution over information structures. For instance, consider a set of costs, C, and the two partitions fi and 2. The manager has two available influence activities, denoted I, and I2. Under II, fi is realized with probability 1. Under I2, fi is realized with probability p and 12 is realized with probability 1 - p. In contrast to the first model, the owner is assumed to be able to commit to a contract that depends on the realized partition, thus allowing for the provision of incentives for information-influencing activities. The 16 Information is not the only focus of influence activities in organizations. Milgrom [1988] and Milgrom and Roberts [1988; 1992] discuss a wide range of influence activities and organizations' attempts to limit them. 52 RICK ANTLE AND JOHN FELLINGHAM S S } Q Q M bl)a sM C C b) X .C b Q Q Ct 5o C C CD CDa _ C ; . bX OC<a c) C. .;~~~~~~~~ t .2h , S 5J CE Gn S4 sv h? :~~~~~~~~~~~ U~~~~~~ C hC t bb~~~~~~~~~~~~~l INFORMATION SYSTEMS IN RESOURCE ALLOCATION 53 time line in figure 5 depicts the sequence of events. We proceed to an exploration of these two models. In principle, model 1 is straightforward. Given any partition, say Al,we derive the set of all partitions that are coarsifications of rA.Call this set set for information systems. The H(fl), the manager's opportunity manager's expected utility for any element in this set is the expected slack it generates. Since the owner will choose the hurdle strategy optimal for each member of a given partition, the manager's expected utility for any member of H(f) is easily calculated. We have the following result for the regular case: PROPOSITION 4. In the regular case, if the manager starts from a regular partition with m elements, he will construct: ~(rl) = 2L0' The manager's 2 L 21 4 expected L m-2 ~ 2 ' i2 n-li' 2 L im-i 2 slack is: E[Slack((rn(n))] 1- (2) The gain from influencing the information is (2) - (1). In model 1, the owner cannot provide incentives for the manager's information-influencing activities, even though he would prefer to let the manager start from the finest possible regular partition. In model 2, however, the owner can commit to providing information incentives by restricting production and manipulating the manager's slack. Specifically, when the owner can commit to contracts before the information partition is received, the payments to the manager and production targets can depend on the partition observed as well as the manager's subsequent cost report. If the manager controls the partition, information incentives could be costlessly provided by withholding production unless the manager chooses the desired partition. Therefore, just as in ordinary incentive problems, uncertainty in production is a key element of nontrivial analysis, where here information is what is being produced. We report preliminary analysis of two examples from the uniform case. EXAMPLE 3. Suppose the owner can commit to a contract before the partition is realized. Also, suppose there are two possible partitions: [40, I), 0), [2, 1]} and {[O, [3, 111. The first of these is the two-element partition most preferred by the manager and the second is the two-element partition most preferred by the owner. Call them rL2 and r2, respectively. We have already shown there is a conflict of interest. We assume I, leads to 9 with probability 1, and I2 leads to il with probability I. Because the action is costless, the manager will take the action that yields the highest probability of his preferred partition, unless given incentives to do otherwise. The most efficient way to give such incentives is to commit to a contract that leaves the manager indifferent about which 54 RICK ANTLE AND JOHN FELLINGHAM partition is realized; i.e., to commit to a contract that calls for a cutoff of 0.70547 if the first partition is realized and 0.7589 if the second is realized. This makes the manager's expected slack 0.146109 regardless of the partition. These cutoffs reveal the owner's use of restricted production and slack in providing information incentives. The cutoff of 0.70547 in the owner's dispreferred partition is strictly below the cutoff of 3 that would be used without regard to information incentives. The cutoff of 2 that would be used in the owner's pre0.7589 exceeds the cutoff of ferred partition if information incentives were not an issue. Thus, the owner offers the manager additional slack and imposes additional production constraints to provide information incentives. The principal is better off committing to the contract with information incentives than allowing the manager to choose his preferred partition. This conclusion follows from observing that the owner's expected profits are j5 under the manager's preferred partition with no information incentives, 0.310517 under the manager's preferred partition with information incentives, and 0.32486 under the owner's preferred partition with information incentives. EXAMPLE 4. Suppose one of two partitions will be realized, either the manager's most preferred partition: lM = {[0, I), [I, 3), [ , 7), (7, 1 [ ), ], ... } or a partition that the owner prefers: rgo = {[?0, b) [, 1. The owner prefers nlo to flM because flo [2, 3), [3, 7), (7, 51 .... subdivides the lowest cost interval. Here, the most efficient way to make the manager indifferent is to ignore all information if tIM is produced and set a cutoff of 30 . In iro, the optimum is to follow the case where information incentives are not at issue and set cutoffs equal to the upper limit of each interval. Thus, production always occurs with ro. The manager's expected slack in both flM and rO is 4. The owner is better off committing to such a scheme if the information alternatives are flM for sure or nlo with a probability greater than 0.5769, depending on the manager's actions. Under this structure, the owner's expected profits are 3. These examples demonstrate several points. First, additional distortions in production or extra slack are introduced to provide information incentives. Additional restrictions of production necessarily reduce social efficiency and have as their aim only a distributive effect. Both these distortions are exhibited in example 3, whereas example 4 has only restricted production; i.e., the partition the owner is trying to avoid induces full production in the absence of commitment. Any alteration of contract in such a case necessarily reduces social the no-commitment efficiency. Second, the examples illustrate the role of a commitment to ignore information if it is not produced by a desired partition. This is particularly vivid in example 4, where all information produced by IM is INFORMATION SYSTEMS IN RESOURCE ALLOCATION 55 ignored. The typical theoretical explanation of the role of committing to ignore information is to provide incentives for communication. Here we show it can also provide disincentives for the production of information, if it is not the owner's preferred information. Third, the provision of incentives requires differentiating the consequences to the manager under the various partitions. It may then appear that the information choice has been delegated to the manager, who is in turn held responsible for the information. The usual explanation of why managers select the information system is private information (Demski, Patell, and Wolfson [1984]). Our model has no private information at the point of information selection. Rather, we assume that efficient production of information gives the manager some opportunity to influence it, and it is costly to insulate against such influence. 7. Conclusion This paper has examined some issues arising from the ability of managers to influence the information in an organization in order to escape its distributive effects. We gave necessary and sufficient conditions for the owner's and manager's preferences over a public cost-reporting system to be in conflict when costs are uniformly distributed and cost information partitions contain equal length elements. We described the owner's and manager's most preferred public cost-reporting information systems when costs are uniformly distributed. The potential for and nature of the conflict of interest is clear from these results. Managers want to make public cost information that accurately distinguishes highest costs but pools low costs. This allows maximum possibility for extracting slack, while curtailing as much as possible lost production. Owners want information that is more uniform over possible costs to facilitate capturing slack from the manager in low-cost states. Limiting production to socially suboptimal amounts is the owner's tool for controlling the manager's slack consumption. If the manager can costlessly implement any information system, he will choose one with socially efficient production and one which allows him to capture as much of the rents on cost information as possible (Proposition 2). The owner's optimal strategy obtains a more favorable distribution for him while also implementing socially optimal production. The owner's preferred information system gives all the rents, both from the firm's underlying technology and from the cost information, to the owner (Proposition 3). Between these extremes, our analysis shows how socially suboptimal production can be used to affect distribution. The distributive and productive effects of information interact, and additional distortions can be created by information-influencing activities. This was the focus of the analysis of moral hazard in information acts that influence information systems can production. Unobservable RICK ANTLE AND JOHN FELLINGHAM 56 lead to incentive cost information. schemes which commit to ignore otherwise valuable APPENDIX A Several lemmas lemmas all assume LEMMA 1. Within hurdle rate chosen are helpful in proving Propositions 2 and 3. The costs are uniformly distributed on [0, 1]. any element of a partition (ci, cs+,11 the optimal by the owner is: min{'(1+ci), ci,1}. CH Proof. The owner chooses a hurdle cost, cH, to maximize f (1 - CH) dc = Ci (1 - cH)(cH- ci). The first-order condition on cH yields cH = 2(1 + ci) This equation is valid when CH is interior. Otherwise, cH = ci+i. LEMMA 2. In an optimal partition all elements except the highest, (can, 1], have the following property: ci < (1 + ci -). The statement is true whether the partition is optimal for the owner or the manager. Proof. The lemma means there is full production in all elements of the partition except the last. Suppose the statement is not true, and there are two adjacent elements of a partition without full production. Then the manager's expected slack in those two elements of the par- c+1] 2. The of tition is: I[i(1 + c.) - C.]2 + [9(I + C derivative the expected slack with respect to ci+l is '(-1 + c-+,) < 0. So expected slack can be increased by decreasing c-+I to I(I + ci). Notice the proof was for the case when the hurdle rate in the higher partition element is interior. If the hurdle rate is on the boundary of the higher partition element, it is easy to show the derivative of the expected slack with respect to c,+1 is negative. Therefore, an interior hurdle rate in the lower partition element is suboptimal. This logic covers the case in which there is only one interior partition element without full production. The proof proceeds in the same way for the owner's partition. When there are two adjacent elements without full production, the expected residual is: [9(1 + cC-)- Differentiating: cj[1 a + C-)] [+(1 + E(slack) =- - + C-+)c-+,) < 0. C-+,] [ - ( C.+ The owner is made bet- I + I ter off by decreasing ci+1 to (1 + Ci). LEMMA 3. The optimal partition for the manager will have at most one c- - 9slack can be increased by moving Proof. Suppose c1 < C 9. Expected c1 to halfway between c2 and 1. Expected slack below c2 under the old slack below -1c + I(C2 - C,)2 = Ic2 partition is ?2 2 - cl(2 - cl). Expected SYSTEMS IN RESOURCE ALLOCATION INFORMATION 57 c1(c2 - c1). Plus the manager c2 under the new partition is 2c2 > 2c + 1) 2. gets some extra slack at the high end: -(c2 Proof of Proposition 2. Using Lemma 2, the expected slack in the first is E(Slack) = optimal partition two elements of the manager's 1 + - c1)2. The to c1 is: with respect partial derivative d3ESlk = 2c, - c2. This partial derivative a3c1 is an affine function From Lemma 2 the bounda(The left-hand boundary So we only have to check the boundaries. ries on c1 for a given c2 are: 2c2 - 1 < ?, is from the inequality c2 < (1 + c1)12.) Plugging in the boundaries gives two cases: Case 1: c1 = 2- of cl. : 2. for expected into the expression Then E(Slack) = + 4- -- Case 2: c1 = 2c2 - 1. Then E (Slack) = slack 5C2 - From Lemmas 2 and 3 we only need to check the slack is 43. Some algebra reveals Case 1 expected expected slack. Define g(c2) as the expected slack expected slack in Case 2: g(c2) = -2c2 + 5c2- 3c2 + 1. two cases for 2 greater than Case 2 in Case 1 minus the ; g(2) = g(3) = 0; > 0, g'(4) slack in Case 1, c1 =2 < 0, and g"(c2) < 0. So expected 9'(2) is always greater than Case 2 for all relevant c2. (For c2 = 2 and 3, the two cases represent the same partition.) Therefore, the manager's optimal partition must have c1 = 3 Since c1 (halfway to l = , logic identical to the foregoing yields c2 = In limit the and so forth. the C3 = 7, one), manager's expected slack is: E(Slack) = -1 2 ((1/l1)) The + 1(1)2 2(1)2 amount = + 1(1)2 approaches produced 1 of 1 - ( ... + + (1) 2 + (4) 3 + 1- f cdc full production with gains to residual to the owner is Proof of Proposition 3. Using Lemma 2, the expected owner of an m element partition is: residual for the production - 2 So the expected 2. 0 _ G = 3- E(n(m)) + . .+ = c1(I - cl) + + * * * +(ci- c-_.)(1 (Cm i) (1 Cm cl)( (c2- - ci) -Cen ) + -c2) + (c-+1 (Ci -+ll) + c2)(1- (c3- - c-)(l - ( 1- ci+0 -)+1) c3) 58 RICK ANTLE AND JOHN FELLINGHAM Differentiating with respect to c1, ci, and Cm respectively, and setting equal to zero yields: c2 = 2c1; cI = +I + ci-1); and cm- Cml = of the optimal partition. 2(I - Cm), which is an equivalent representation The owner's expected residual is: I 1 I- I I 1- )miMm+M+ 1 m(m+ 1) 2 (m+ 1)2 2 )+ I + (1-m) m+ ml+ 1 ) m 2(m+ 1) The manager's expected slack is Im(1/(m ber of elements in the partition. + 1))2, where m is the num- REFERENCES ANTLE, R., AND G. EPPEN. "Capital Rationing and Organizational Slack in Capital Budget1985): 163-74. ATKINSON, A.; R. BANKER; R. KAPLAN; AND S. YOUNG. ManagementAccounting.Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1995. DATAR, S., AND M. 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