Document 10988335

Revitalizing The Village:
A Redevelopment Proposal for Ball State University's Commercial District
An Honors Thesis (HONRS 499)
Carissa Clohessy
Thesis Advisor
Anthony Costello
t:tt~ Muncie Indiana May 2013 Expected Date of Graduation May 2013
c;;, J
"The Village," the commercial district serving Ball State University and the
surrounding community , is in need of redevelopment and revitalization . The south 1600
block of University Avenue has the most potential for redevelopment. The conceptual
framework for redevelopment is based on the history of the area and successful
commercial districts near other universities, and the architectural design is cohesive with
the style of the Ball State University Campus and the surrounding bu ildings in "The
Village." The proposed complex includes the relocation of some existing businesses on
the block, new businesses that are lacking in "The Village," high-end apartments , and an
open plaza. The proposal is economically viable for the Muncie area , as well as culturally
and environmentally sustainable.
Dr. Emert,
Included here is a black and white copy of my honors thesis for your review. The
document is intended to be printed in color, and the color copy scanned for electronic
records. The images being printed in black and white verses in color has no impact on
the text of the document, but revisions could potentially cause images to shift and
many pages to be reprinted. Color printing is significantly more expensive than black
and white, so I am trying to only print the color version once. I will be happy to provide
a color copy with any necessary revisions. If you would like to see a color copy befo re
the final revised copy, I would be happy to email you a PDF version of the file, or the
color copy of the "90% finished" version of the document that I submitted for
consideration for the Trimmer Award is at the Honors House . I look forward to your
feedback .
Thank you
Carissa Clohessy
caclohessy@bsu .edu
765 .717 .1649
This project would not have been possible without the guidance of my advisor and
long-time mentor, Tony Costello , who helped me transform my ideas about architecture
into a holistic proposal for a block in "the Village." I would also like to thank the Ball State
Honors College, particularly Dr. John Emert for encouraging me to pursue this project.
Finally, I would like to thank Bill Stark for his constructive feedback throughout the
process, and Megan Culp and Emily Young, who tolerated me as they accompanied me
at bars and restaurants for hours as I studied how people use "the Village."
With the evolution of big box stores, fast food franchises , and urban sprawl,
downtown and college village areas are fighting for sUNival, Local small businesses and
mixed-use housing units are fighting a battle of David versus Goliath against the one-size­
fits-all mega-chains, To survive, commercial areas like the Ball State University "Village"
must consistently evolve to thrive in our rapidly-changing world, While the entire 8-block
area that makes up the Ball State "Village" would have to evolve to successfully face the
challenges of the future, I chose to focus my efforts on the block that is currently the least
successful and has the most potential for redevelopment. The plan I have developed is
based on the history of the Ball State University "Village", the success of two commercial
areas shared by universities and the surrounding communities that faced similar
challenges, and my experience in the Ball State "Village" both as a Ball State student and
a life-long Muncie resident, Other designers could have different approaches to the
architecture and details of the project , but the basic principles and program could be
applied a range of similar urban settings as a conceptual roadmap for success,
Most universities located in small or medium size cities in our country have
commercial districts that serve both the student population and the surrounding
communities with places to eat, shop, and live near campus, "The Village" serves this
function at Ball State University and a selected Muncie population, What was once a
vibrant, busy part of Muncie has experienced a decline resulting into an under-utilized and
neglected area, Thankfully, things are starting to look up as new businesses are taking
root and people are coming back to "the Village," This project focuses on one block in
"the Village", defined to the west by Martin St., to the east by Dill St., to the north by
University Ave" the main road through "the Village," and to the south by North St. The
success of "the Village" depends on the entire area being redeveloped in a coordinated
fashion, However, the selected block has the greatest potential for redevelopment, The
decision as to what types of buildings and businesses are proposed for the site is based
Figure 1 Aerial View of Muncie, Village Shorn in Red, Base image source: "The Village," 40 0 11'5142" N 85 0 24'20,19"
W. Google Earth. February 26, 2012. January 11, 2013. Modified March 9, 2013.
Figure 2 Base image source : "The Village." 40°11 '51.42" N 850 24'20.19" W. Google Earth. February 26 , 2012.
January 11, 2013. Modified March 9, 2013.
Figure 3 Base image source : "The Village. " 40"11 '511.42" N 85°24'20 .19" W. Google Earth . February 26, 2012.
January 11, 2013 . Modified March 9, 2013.
White Rabbit Used Books
2. Crave Hair Studio
Greek's Pizza ria
3. Insomnia Cookies
Village Pantry Gas Station
1. Scotty's Brewhouse
Wizard's Keep Gaming
5.. The Cup
9. First Merchant's Bank 10. Ball State Federal Credit Union 6
Figure 4 Base image source: "The Village." 40°11 '51 .42" N 85°24'20.19" W. Google Earth. February 26, 2012.
January 11 , 2013 . Modified March 9 , 2013.
1. Cleo 's Bourbon Bar
2. University Square
3. l\Jational Guard Recruitment Center
4. cardinal cupcakes and coneys
5. Dill Street Bar
on patterns of businesses in "the Village", past proposals 1,2, case studies of two
successfully revamped university districts, and my experience in "the Village " as both a
Ball State student and a life-long Muncie resident. The buildings are flexible to have
allowed for businesses to change over time, as "the Village " contains a mix of long-time
establishments and short-lived, rapidly changing businesses. The two case studies used
to inform and inspire the proposal for "the Village" are Market Square in Knoxville,
Tennessee, and The District in Columbia, Missouri, serving the University of Tennessee
and the University of Missouri, respectively. While these cities and universities are larger
than Muncie and Ball State , the recent successful redevelopment from situations similar to
that of "the Village," and my first-hand observations of these village-like districts make
these case studies a good starting point in determining what "the Village" needs.
Figure 5 "Market Square. " 35°57'53.98"N 83°55'1 0.43"W GoogleEarth. Accessed March 23, 2013
1 Fish, Lauren K.. "A Life 01 a Restaurant in the Village: An Analysis and Creation of a Successful Restaurant in Muncie's Viliage"(Honors Thesis, Ball
State University, 2010.
2 Jeffery Glinke and Joshua Schum, "The Village:A Plan for Identity, Diversity. and the Future" (Honors TheSiS, Ball State UniverSity. 2006).
Currently, "the Village" has some thriving businesses , but also has a number of
empty storefronts and under-utilized spaces. It has been a successful location in the past,
proving that the area can work if the right ingredients are present. In the 1970s, "the
Village" catered to the surrounding community , particularly families 3 "The Village"
included a grocery store, shoe store, clothing store,4 candy shop, drugstore,S and a variety
of restaurants 6 In the 1980s , top restaurants in "the Village" included Buffalo Wild Wings,
La Bamba (a small , made-to-order burrito shop), and the Blue Bottle (a local coffee
shop) l Since then, all three of these establishments have relocated elsewhere in the
Muncie area, and both La Bamba and Blue Bottle have closed all operations in the area.
Since 2010, "the Village" has experienced an unusually large number of businesses
closing and new businesses opening. Two years after the economic collapse in 2008, the
owner of several buildings in "the Village"a filed for bankruptcy, resulting in the closing of
many businesses. 9 Since then , several new businesses have opened in "the Village,"
including Grandma Betty's ice cream shop ,10 OL's Bar-B-Oue,ll cardinal cupcakes and
coneys(See Appendix C), 12 Cleo's Bourbon Bar, 13 The Cup coffee shop (formerly MT Cup,
3 Boswel, Sarah. "Muncie Residents Recall Village of Past." Ball State Daily News. Apn12B. 2011, accessed April 30. 2012.
4 Editorial Board. "Our View: Back to Life." Ball State Daily News. October 13, 2011, accessed April 30. 2012.­
5 Boswell. Sarah, "Muncie Residents Recall Village of Past."
6 Editorial Board. "Our View: Back to Life."
7 Boswell. Sarah. "Muncie Residents Recall Village of Past."
eFilchak. Devan. "Village Coffee Shop MT Cup Closes Down." Ball Stale Daily News. January 10. 2012. accessed April 30. 2012.
http://www .bsudailynews .com/village-cooffee-shop-ml-cup-closes-down.html.
9 Dickey. Kelly. "New Universily Square Developers, Business Owners Hope 10 Restore Ball State's Village," Ball Siale Dally News. February 22. 2012.
accessed April 30. 2012, hope-Io-reslore-ball-slales­
village. him!.
10 Boswell. Sarah; "Village Looks for Rebound." Ball Stale Datly News. April 28, 2011. accessed April 30. 2012. httpJ/­
11 Wharton. Sydney. "QL's Bar-B-Que Joins Grandma Betty's in Ihe Village." Ball State Daily News. October 12. 2011, accessed April 30, 2012.
http J/
12 Dickey . Kelly, "Picking Up the Pieces, " Ball State Oatly News. October 13, 2011. accessed April 30. 2012, httpJ/­
the-pieces .hlm!.
Dickey, Kelly. "Picking Up the Pieces :
a long standing, popular establishment), 14 Insomnia Cookies, 15 and Red Bird Tequila and
Taco Bar. 16
The block that is the focus of this proposal currently contains five buildings. The
two most successful bUildings on the block are the two story , brick-fa<;:ade building at the
corner of University and Martin housing Cleo's Bourbon Bar with apartments above, and
the building housing Dill Street Bar on Dill Sl. Those would remain in this proposal, while
the University Square building, National Guard building, and the cardinal cupcakes and
coney building would be demolished, These businesses would be given preference if the
elect to be relocated within the proposed building complex, University Place, The
proposed University Place complex would retain the following existing businesses:
Oh Fusion Japanese Restaurant
cardinal cupcakes and coneys
National Guard Recruitment Center
Figure 6 Dill Street Bar
"Filchak, Devan, "Village Colfee Shop to Reopen This Spring," Ball State Daily News, February 22, 2012, accessed April 30, 2012,
15 Nahrworld, Sara, "Insomnia Cookies to Open Monday," Ball State Daily News, January 17, 2013, accessed March 10,2013,
16 Podnar, Rachel, "Changes Continue in Village, Help Add Variety to Student Retail Area," January 7, 2013, accessed March 10,2013,
Based on the perceived needs of Ball State's students, faculty, and staff as well as
a specific clientele that have supported "the Village" in the past, the current proposals and
growth in "the Village," and using the successes in Columbia, Missouri and Knoxville,
Tennessee university-related "villages," the proposed complex would also include :
1. A small grocery store with
2. A small pharmacy
3. A small , casual dining restaurant
4. Bicycle and skate shop
5. Plaza space to accommodate outdoor dining and small festivals and
6. Eight high-end, two-bedroom apartments
- ... ....
......... Grocery Store
Oh Fusion ,
Building ' ... . - . .
Natl. Guard
Bike Shop
Figure 8 Proposed Commercial BUildings
& coneys
- -.
: Drug •
: Store
Existing Building
Design Approach :
In designing University Place, three primary goals were defined early in the project:
• The proposal must be economically viable to to build and maintain .
• The proposal must be sustainable from a cultural and environmental perspective,
• The proposal must be flexible , adapting to the rapid change seen in "the Village "
and similar urban areas in the past and, no doubt, are destined to take place in
the future.
These goals are intentionally broad because this proposal is meant to provide the
conceptual framework for a vision of "the Village ," a framework that can be used as a
basis for the revamping of similar urban areas across the country ,
of the proposed commercial buildings are inspired by the other
buildings on the block and historic streetscapes of similar scale like the block to the north,
across University Avenue , The goal was to focus the development on a pedestrian­
oriented plaza with welcoming buildings to house the current and proposed businesses to
draw people back to "the Village" with a fresh and inviting space, Maintaining a consistent
color and material palette throughout the block will help to unify the space rather than a
conglomeration of different styles and scales , as seen in much of "the Village, " The
proposed apartments are based on a long-held, historic model of "living above the shop "
and, more currently, mixed use development that attempts to foster 24/7 activities, They
are clad in a gray, matte-finish metal panel rain-screen , This material was chosen to set
the apartments apart from the commercial buildings and give the apartments a lighter,
more airy feel. The metal panels and the metal trim around doors and windows in the
brick walls offer a color and texture that both contrasts and balances the brick well .
The main structural system for the proposed buildings is load-bearing masonry
walls , a fairly simple, common, and inexpensive system for this scale of buildings . In
addition to being cost effective, concrete masonry units (eMUs), also commonly known as
concrete blocks , are manufactured locally in Shelbyville, Indiana, a little over an hour drive
from Muncie. The use of local and regional materials is not only cost effective because it
reduces shipping and transportation costs , but because it puts money into the local
economy, which is a step toward economic sustainability , and the reduction in shipping
results in a reduction of greenhouse gas emissions transporting materials. eMUs can be
made using recycled or repurposed materials such as recycled concrete ground up or fly
ash, a waste product resulting from coal power generation. Because eMUs are modular
and manufactured allover the country, this structural system has and will continue to be
used in similar urban settings for versatile, affordable, sustainable buildings. For more on
the proposed structural system , see Appendix A.
Even with a consistent eMU wall design that can be used throughout the country ,
the wide range of possibilities for exterior finish materials would allow this framework for
revamping a depressed urban area to reflect each individual community differently. Red
brick was chosen for University Place in order to unify the development of the block as a
micro-community within "the Village " and Muncie , and to visually connect the area with the
materials and styles of Ball State and downtown Muncie . Brick fac;ades are easily
maintained and are incredibly durable. Although energy-intensive to manufacture , brick
lasts much longer than many other exterior finish materials. In some cases , brick can be
reused from buildings that are demolished , which offers a more sustainable option for the
use of brick.
Restaurants and bars are currently the main attraction in "the Village ." Restaurants
are placed strategically to draw people into the plaza and other commercial businesses in
University Place in this proposal . Oh Fusion Japanese restaurant, one of the tenets of
University Square, is in the same location, but in a new building with outdoor seating in the
plaza . The small, casual dining restaurant is located at the south end of the plaza with
outdoor seating on the north side of the restaurant. The casual dining restaurant is
intended to be a Mexican restaurant, similar to the well-established Puerto Vallarta
restaurants in Muncie. In fact , they may even be approached to establish and operate it as
Figure 9 Conceptual Sketch of Restaurant Interior, Process Work
this move would bring a "known entity" in the development. "The Village" has a variety of
cuisine, inducing American dining, pizza , sandwiches, Chinese , Japanese, and hot
breakfast served most of the day at The Cup. Mexican food is usually affordable and is
popular with the college-age population, which suggests it would be successful in "the
Village ."
Cardinal cupcakes and coneys is located south of the casual dining restaurant in a
new building close to its current location . The new building is almost double the size of
the current building, providing indoor seating , a larger kitchen, and a patio dining space.
A large portion of the lunch customers at cardinal cupcakes and coneys drive from outside
"the Village " area to get a quick meal during their lunch breaks, making close parking
essential. This particular restaurant sees more vehicular traffic than the rest of "the
Village ," which sees a mix of cars , buses, bicycles, and walkers .
The grocery store with a pharmacy is located at the northeast corner of the block.
Two lines of the Muncie Indiana Transit System (MITS) bus stop at this corner. (See
Appendix B) The closest pharmacy (other than the Ball State Health Center, which has
limited hours and a limited range of medications) is more than a mile away from "the
Village ," and the closest grocery store, not counting "pantry-size" convenience stores
often found with gas stations, is more than a mile and a half away.
Figure 10 Conceptual Sketch of Grocery Store, Process Work
In this proposal , the National Guard Recruitment Center is relocated to a new building on
the south side of the complex along Martin St, from the corner of University Ave . and Dill
St., which becomes the new location for the grocery store , It is anticipated that a larger
percentage of people traveling to the National Guard Recruitment Center
would be traveling by car than on foot, which is not necessarily the case for the other
businesses in the complex. This suggests that the National Guard Recruitment Center
would benefit from being located close to the parking area. Many restaurants and shops
are located along busy streets with large signs to attract "impulse buyers" who will stop in
on a whim, The National Guard Recruitment Center, much like a dentist or law office , does
not significantly benefit from the street traffic as a restaurant would,
The bicycle and skate shop is located next to the National Guard Recruitment
Center. With biking becoming a more and more common mode of transportation,
especially on the Ball State campus and In the greater Muncie community, and
skateboarding rapidly gaining popularity among Ball State University students, there would
be a market for bicycles, skateboards , and repair parts for both. The nearest bicycle shop
to "the Village " is downtown, almost a mile and a half away, With so many students using
bicycles and skateboards on campus, a bicycle and skate shop is a logical addition to
Figure 11 Conceptual Sketch of South Side of Complex, Process Work
make it easier for people in the surrounding neighborhoods to bike more, which is a step
toward a more sustainable community,
The eight apartments above the commercial businesses are proposed as high-end,
two bedroom, two bathroom apartments marketed toward Ball State University faculty,
Indiana University Health Ball Memorial Hospital (IUHBMH) doctors and staff, and
potentially masters and doctoral students , "The Village" is within walking and biking
distance of both Ball State University and IUHBMH, two of the largest employers in the
Muncie area, Student housing is abundant on and off campus in the forms of dormitories.
apartments, and rental houses, There are far fewer options between a college rental
property and owning a house in the area, The apartments are two story units with an open
plan first level and both bedrooms, as well as a bathroom on the second level, The open
plan allows each tenant to configure the space to his or her needs using movable shelving
and storage units that act as partitions. Each unit has a balcony on the first level facing
out to the plaza, The interior wall of the second bedroom would be a folding partition so
that if the room is used as an office, lounge, or work area, it can be open to the first level,
Figure 12 Study Models of Apartment. Process Work
making the apartment feel more spacious. The space between the two bedrooms is open
to the first floor below.
These apartments would be partially furnished, including kitchen appliances, living
room , and dining room furniture . A comparable apartment in the 17hundred complex on
Bethel Avenue that was constructed in 2012 rents for $1100 per month .' ? The proposed
apartment units would rent for approximately $1200-1500 per month. The proposed units
have balconies , enclosed bicycle storage , and access to laundry and fitness equipment in
the complex, all of which the 17hundrend complex does not have . People are generally
willing to pay more to live close to where they eat, shop , and work. These apartment units
would be of high quality , including top of the line appliances, granite countertops , quality
tile in the bathrooms, and hardwood floors . The main leasing office would be located
south of Dill Street Bar, facing the parking lot. A section of the parking lot would be
reserved for the tenants of the apartments and their guests. The main stairs and elevator
Figure 13 Sketch of Section View of an Apartment . Process Work
17Hundred Apartment website. Access ed September 11. 2012. Http://
for the apartments would be located inside the leasing office, Tenants would have card
swipe access into the complex after normal business hours, Each apartment would have
locked, enclosed bicycle storage outside the leasing office,
The proposed plaza serves as the "front porch" for "the Village," The plaza is a
hardscape area providing space for outdoor dining and small festivals, The area would be
paved with permeable concrete pavers in a rotated grid pattern that complements the
surrounding buildings, The plaza would contain kiosks for vendors to sell food and
merchandise, The kiosks would allow for small vendors to cater to both the festival and
late night student crowds, Carter's Nearly World Famous Hot Dogs 18 and Greeks Pizzeria
both successfully operate late-night food carts at the intersection of University Avenue and
Dill Street, and the addition of a plaza with kiosks would allow the late-night food offerings
to grow, which could help attract students not old enough to go to the bars to "the
Figure 14 Conceptual Sketch of the Plaza
18 Dashley, Benjamin, "Hot Dog Man Follows His Dream," Ball State Daily News , June 2, 2011, Accessed April 30, 2012,
One of the design goals for this proposal
sustainabllity . The main goal of this
proposal is to look at the redevelopment of "the Village" as primarily a commercial area,
but one that also integrates residential units, that can sustain itself. Areas where people
can work, play , go out to eat, and shop for basic groceries close to where they live tend to
have a stronger sense of community . Living close to work and basic stores allows people
to rely less on their cars and bike or walk to work , which is economically sustainable
because it saves people money on gasoline, and environmentally sustainable by reducing
the pollution caused by cars . The MITS bus system is another way for people to travel to
and from "the Village " sustainably.
_- ­~-----­ - - ­
Figure 15 Conceptual Sketch of Bus Stop , Restaurant. and Apartment Fire Stairs with Vegetation Wall
The plaza is paved with permeable pavers, which allow storm water to percolate
through them and drain into the soil instead of running off into the city storm drain system,
where in the event of heavy rain it can overflow, causing wastewater to drain into the White
Permeable pavers cost more than traditional concrete paving initially, but they will
ultimately save the owner money by reducing the storm water runoff bill. eMUs can be
manufactured regionally with recycled materials, reducing the cost and pollution in
manufacturing and transporting them to the construction site. In some cases, brick can
be reused from demolished buildings The commercial buildings have permanent
awnings that shade the windows from hot, summer sun, reducing the amount of air
conditioning needed. The awnings block the high summer sun, but allow the low, winter
sun in to warm the buildings. The abundance of windows allows indirect sunlight to light
the buildings during the day, minimizing the need for electric lighting. A light-weight,
extensive green roof covers the flat roofs of the complex. This low-maintenance system
insulates the buildings and helps mitigate carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. The pitched
south-facing roofs are angled to maximize the efficiency of solar hot water heaters. Solar
hot water heaters use solar radiation from the low winter sun to heat water to be used in
radiant floor heating. Photovoltaic (PV) solar panels, used for electricity generation , are
not yet efficient enough or cost effective to be used year-round in Muncie for power
generation, but that will change in the coming years. The overhangs on the south side of
the proposed buildings are pitched to maximize PV panel efficiency when the system
becomes an economical energy option for this area. PV panels could also be
accommodated on the roofs of the buildings.
Many of the proposed sustainable technologies would cost more upfront , but
would save money dunng the life of the building. Sustainability is a balancing act between
initial, "first time" cost and long-term costs associated with the operation and maintenance
of a building . The architecture of this proposal is not dependent on having these
sustainable technologies, but it does incorporate these elements in a seamless manner
when they become economically viable to pursue. Some elements make sense to
incorporate immediately, like the green roof system, which can triple the life of the roofing
membrane, the replacement of which often exceeds the initial cost of the green roof.
Others, like the PV panels , are not yet as economical yet but continue to become more
efficient, smaller in size and weight, and more affordable .
This proposal is meant to be the framework for redevelopment in "the Village" in
Muncie, Indiana, but it is also designed to be flexible enough to work in many commercial
districts with similar characteristics. As we work toward a more sustainable future, we are
beginning to rethink how our communities work. If the under-utilized parts of "the Village"
are redeveloped in a thoughtful way to maximize future success, business will pick up in
the area, and "the Village" will once again be "the place to be" in Muncie.
Appendix A: Structure
The main structural system used in this proposal is reinforced concrete masonry
unit (CMU) walls. CMUs are laid in a running bond with steel rebar reinforcement.
Concrete lintel units are used to span door and window openings. Brick is placed in front
of the CMU wall as an exterior finish. The brick is tied to the CMU wall with steel ties.
Figure 16 CMU Wall with Steel Rebar
Figure 17 CMU Wall with Brick Facade
The main structural floor/roof system for the grocery store is open-web steel joists,
which is a system common to grocery and drug stores. Steel joists are spaced 2-4 feet
apart and are anchored to the eMU walls . Metal decking is attached to the top of the
joists, and a concrete slab is poured on top of the decking.
Figure 18 Open-web Steel Joists on CMU Wall
Figure 19 Open-web Steel Joist with Metal Decking
and Concrete Slab
The structural system for the floor/roof of the other proposed buildings is of precast,
hollow-core concrete slabs . Precast slabs are anchored into the eMU walls and often
have a tongue-and-groove connection with one another. Precast slabs have hollow cores
that run lengthwise through the slabs to reduce the weight and allow utilities to run through
the floor. Finish flooring can be placed directly on top of the precast slabs , but in most
cases , a two-inch lightweight concrete "topping slab " is poured on top of the precast
slabs to provide a smooth and level base for finish flooring.
Figure 206 Precast. Hollow-core Concrete Slab Atop CMU Wall
Appendix B: MITS Bus System
Muncie Indiana Transit System (MITS) is the public bus system in Muncie. All
routes run every half hour, Monday through Saturday, except for the Walmart route , the
main route through Ball State University campus, which runs every fifteen minutes during
the academic year . One-way fare is 50 cents and students ride free with student 10. Two
MITS routes stop at the intersection of University Avenue and Dill Street. The 16 Walmart
route travels back and forth from the downtown bus station to the north Muncie Walmart,
with multiple stops in "the Village" and Ball State University campus along the way . This
route runs every fifteen minutes during the academic year , and every half hour during the
summer and university breaks . The 1 Ball State route travels back and forth from the
downtown bus station to the west central region of Muncie, stopping in "the Village" every
half hour
A "bus stop pavilion" has been incorporated at the corner of University and
Dill St. where buses currently stop. The design is consistent with the design of the kiosks
and the plaza.
19 Muncie Indiana Transit System's website. Accessed March 23, 2013. http J/www .mitsbus.orgldefault.asp
Appendix C: Notes
cardinal cupcakes and coneys
The name cardinal cupcakes and coneys is all lowercase letters. Their logo,
facebook page 20 , and multiple articles appearing in the Ball State Daily News ,2122 the Ball
State University student newspaper all show the name in all lowercase letters .
20 cardinal cupcakes and coneys' Facebook Page. Accessed March 23. 2013. ht1p:// ardinal-cupcakes­
21 Dickey. Kelly. "Picking Up tile Pieces."
22 Davis. Victoria. "Cardinal Cupcakes and Coneys Joins University Square." Ball State Daily News. November 13. 2011 . Accessed April 30. 2012.
ht1p ://!cardinal-cupcakes -and-coneys-joins-unlversity-square.html
Appendix D: Additional Process Drawings
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