West Virginia Department of Education School Innovation Zone and Dropout Prevention Innovation Zone 2013-14 GRANT APPLICATION Please fill out all appropriate boxes and respond to all questions. The application and plan must be in 12 pt. font and is limited to 20 pages. Application is due by 4:00 p.m., October 1, 2013. Section 1 - Applicant Information Name of Entity Applying McDowell County Career & Technology Center County McDowell County Superintendent Nelson Spencer Principal (s) Dennis L. Jarvis Grant Contact Name & Title Katie Linkous Email: hlinkous@access.k12.wv.us Phone: 304-436-3488 or 304-436-3626 Please place a check beside the appropriate entity(ies) applying for innovation zone designation X School ___ Department or Subdivision of School ___Coalition of Schools (fill out multiple listings below) ___Higher Education Institution (*must check another entity) ___ Feeder System of Schools ___ District Application Please place a check beside the appropriate grant for which you are applying X Innovation Zone Grant _ _ _ Drop-Out Prevention Grant (must include community partners and three year budget proposal) West Virginia Department of Education School Innovation Zone and Dropout Prevention Innovation Zone 2013-14 GRANT APPLICATION LEADERSHIP TEAM MEMBERS Identify the school or consortium's leadership team. For dropout prevention grants, the leadership team should include community partners add additional lines as necessa . 1 Name Title Dennis L. Jarvis Director/ Principal Donald Grubb Machine Tool Tech Teacher : Renae Belfiore 1 1 Si Option Pathway Teacher Sherman Clevenger Bldg. Maintenance Teacher Katie Linkous School Counselor i ~ Please ensure you have all of the supporting documents required completed and attached to the end of this application _ _ Record of Commitment from Staff, Parent, and LSIC Council _ _ Local Educational Agency Report of Support or Concerns _ _ Multiple Community Partner Records of Commitment for Dropout Grants l West Virginia Department of Education School Innovation Zone and Dropout Prevention Innovation Zone 2013-14 GRANT APPLICATION Section 2 - Priorities, Abstract and Waiver Request Priority Areas: During the 2013 legislative session, Governor Tomblin sponsored several key education reform initiatives through Senate Bill 359 and charged the WV Board of Education with supporting the successful implementation. These areas have been identified for priority points in the grant review process. If you are submitting an application for one of the identified priority areas please review guidance documents and resources http://wvde.state.wv.us/innovationzones/ Applications for Drop-out Prevention grants that choose to focus on a priority area must show clear a correlation between the priority area and the outcome of drop-out prevention. All applications that target a priority area must identify it below. Comprehensive Literacy Development (elementary focus) X Career Development (middle school focus) Redesign of Instructional Time Personalize Learning though Technology (Project 24) Community School Partnership West Virginia Department of Education School Innovation Zone and Dropout Prevention Innovation Zone 2013-14 GRANT APPLICATION ABSTRACT: Provide a one page only project summary that briefly describes the project's vision, goals, activities, and key features for student success that will be addressed. Please limit the length of the abstract to the text box found on this page only. The Mirror Image Initiative is a Career & Technical Education exploratory program designed to generate interest through an innovative, hands-on mentoring experience for Middle School students on the secondary CTE campus. Promotion of CTE in middle schools is paramount for the future academic and career successes of students as well as increasing enrollment for CTE and improving the high school graduation rate. Research has shown that one of the key indicators of future academic and career success is exposure to career awareness activities in middle school. (Plank, et al., 2005) The vision of "The Mirror Image" is to become an engaging, innovative program by blending strong mentoring relationships with personalized opportunities while generating sustainable CTE interest in student lives. The core goals of this strong CTE presence for middle school students include: Meaning, Immediacy, Relevance, Relationships, Optimism, and Realism. Success from these goals will directly correlate with positive changes that take place during the transitional years from middle school to high school. Additionally, a symbiotic relationship is formed between the Senior mentor and the middle school student, thus the title "Mirror Image". The Senior solidifies learning through teaching a skill, while the middle school student can see a snapshot of what lies ahead in his/her future. Developed in McDowell County, this program is unique because it acknowledges barriers while offering practical solutions to issues existing in our at-risk county. Limited staff, lack of transportation, compressed scheduling and student interest levels are common problems. The Mirror Image program's logistics will overcome these obstacles while providing a relevant, meaningful exploration of CTE programs and strengthening school-based relationships. Many schools operate CTE exploration programs in middle schools however geographic regions with limited financial means are rarely exposed to these extras. There is a critical need for rural Career and Technical Centers to ingeniously identify and utilize all available resources for the promotion of CTE in middle schools. Further, students need relevant demonstrations and active participation under the direction of qualified instructors and graduating senior students. With the help of community stakeholders, the MCCTC's administration and staff have organized this comprehensive exploratory program. The Mirror Image Initiative encourages eighth grade students to attend a CTE class at the local CTE center one day each week. Longitudinal data such as process, perception, and results data will be collected and case studies will also be presented as evidence of success. The Mirror Image is a collaborative effort to link secondary CTE with middle schools. West Virginia Department of Education School Innovation Zone and Dropout Prevention Innovation Zone 2013-14 GRANT APPLICATION Waiver Requests Indicate the specific type(s) of policy or code that prohibit or constrain the design that you wish to request a waiver from: __ Specific waiver requested of county policy __ Specific waiver requested of WVBOE policy __ Specific waiver requested of WV code/statute WV Code Waiver Request Impact of the waiver. (Specify section and article) What will the waiver enable the school to do differently? WVBOE Policy Waiver Request Impact of the waiver. (specify section and article) What will the waiver enable the school to do differently? County Policy Waiver Request Impact of the waiver. (specify section and article) What will the waiver enable the school to do differently? r I I West Virginia Department of Education School Innovation Zone and Dropout Prevention Innovation Zone 2013-14 GRANT APPLICATION Section 3- Project Design Complete each section. Use as much space necessary. The application and plan must be in 12 pt. font and is limited to 20 pages. 1. What is the purpose and expected outcome of this project? The primary or immediate purpose of this project is to provide quality exposure to Career Technical Education programs for middle school students through establishing a symbiotic mentoring relationship between middle school and high school students with similar career interests. The secondary or longitudinal purpose of this project is to add meaning and relevance to a student's transition between middle school and high school through the use of Career Technical Education to establish individual career goals. The outcome of successful implementation of this project will show an increase in CTE awareness among an impressionable group of middle school students. Students will be able to enjoy multiple facets of CTE through mini-projects and project based learning. These middle school students will be prepared to make informed decisions when planning their high school schedule. Senior mentors will also greatly benefit through teaching a task to their younger peers. When completed with fidelity, this initiative has the capacity to decrease the number of students dropping out of high school in McDowell County. Career exploration, realistic goal setting, and planning with excitement will give hope to students as they transition to real world decision making. CTE student enrollment and achievement are directly proportional to increasing the number of contributing members of society. West Virginia Department of Education School Innovation Zone and Dropout Prevention Innovation Zone 2013-14 GRANT APPLICATION 2. Explain how the school or consortium's current data influenced the need for the project described in question one? High School Dropouts V-tsJ: 10 sel«ted I 0.... Type: Pacftlt Data Provided by: West Virginia KIDS COONT Fund + McDowell + West Virginia 30% 27.5% 25% 22 5% 20% 17 5% 15% 12 5% 10% 7.5% 5% 2.5% 0% 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 McDowell County's drop-out rate has been higher than the state average for the past three years. Career Technical Education recruitment and retention have been identified as problem areas by the McDowell County Career and Technology Center's leadership team. There is a probable link between these two in that students need Career and Technical Education to remain in school. Research by Kulik (1998) has shown that high risk students are 8 to 10 times less likely to dropout in the 11th and 1ih grades if they enroll in a CTE program, rather than a general program. This powered discussion of the leadership team of students not having adequate exposure to Career Tech offerings prior to the time of enrollment in the 101h, 11th, or 1ih grade years. The team agreed that lack of interest was the impetus for students dropping out of school. To create a remedy for these issues, multiple meetings and discussions among the leadership team and central office administration occurred. The leadership team reviewed school data, conducted parent, staff, and student surveys and accepted input into the logistics of making this plan a reality. The Mirror Image program was developed and implemented in 2012-2013 as a pilot project. Data related to the program development was collected throughout the year. Process Data 228 8 1h grade students participated from 3 middle schools in 2012-2013 32 Senior Mentors were trained and participated actively 11 CTE Staff members participated Perception Data 100% of Senior Mentors in post-survey, viewed the program as valuable to themselves and to the 8th orade students. West Virginia Department of Education School Innovation Zone and Dropout Prevention Innovation Zone 2013-14 GRANT APPLICATION After participating in the program, 93% of the 8 grade students felt "very sure" that they would enroll in a CTE class in high school. 99% parents surveyed felt that this program will be beneficial to their child and help them decide future plans. Results Data 228 Students received safety and completion certificated from the Mirror Image Program 228 Students participated in submitting their contact information for a recruitment data base. Participating students will be invited to Summer Exploration and Mirror Image Reflection in 9th grade to continue the CTE relationship. 1 Longitudinal tracking system is in place to gauge successful CTE entry in students' 10 h or 11th grade year. 3. How is the school or consortium's project connected to best practice and current research in reference to raising student achievement and/or dropout prevention? McDowell County Career and Technology Center's Mirror Image project is directly aligned with best practice and current research identified by the National Research Center for Career and Technical Education along with the Association for Career and Technical Education (ACTE). According to recent research through NRCCTE by Castellano, Sundell, Overman, and Aliaga (2012), by the end of student's 1oth grade year, student's test scores, academic grade point averages, and progress to graduation tended to be better for students enrolled in a CTE program of study than for the comparison group. The study also highlights student engagement and achievement as a means to success. As an example of curricular programming that is relevant to students, CTE has been proposed as a means of increasing student engagement and reducing dropout rates (Castellano et al., 2007). Studies using national data sets have come to different conclusions regarding the role of CTE in increasing student engagement and lowering dropout (Plank,2002; Plank, Deluca, & Estacion, 2005; Silverberg, Warner, Fong, & Goodwin, 2004). Although not definitive, these studies cumulatively suggest value to CTE participation in student engagement and persistence. McDowell County Career and Technology Center strives toward continuous improvement through reviewing current local, state, and national research and data. 4. What will other schools in WV learn from your project and how will other schools in WV benefit from your project? This project will be of immeasurable value to schools across our state. The Mirror Image program has been identified in 2012-13 and 2013-14 as a Program Model by the Association for Career and Technical Education. The program was designed with organization and replication in mind to allow schools to easily duplicate the process, while customizing it to each schools unique need. Phases of Design (Discovery, Buy-In, and Logistics), Phases of Implementation (Launch and Landing), and Phases of Reflection describe all the necessary components to make the program a success. Through trial and error, the proqram has identified positive elements and eliminated or West Virginia Department of Education School Innovation Zone and Dropout Prevention Innovation Zone 2013-14 GRANT APPLICATION modified aspects as necessary. Other schools will also benefit from the precise measures taken to create tools to evaluate process, perception, and results data of the program. Tools such as pre- and post-surveys for students, teachers, mentors, and parents are very valuable to drive the direction of student needs. A detailed senior mentor training and screening process has also been designed to use to better prepare seniors prior to their interactions with middle school students. A safety training and posttest was also created for all 8th grade participants as well as completion certificates. Presentations materials for other schools to use for the buy-in phase will also be readily available. As a longitudinal process, the program results related to official CTE enrollment will be available from the first group of students in the year 2014-2015. From here, adjustments can be made to ensure further development and tailor the program to meet any new needs. Replicating the process in other schools would be extremely beneficial as comparisons would further enhance strength of the program and quantitative data could be examined using multiple variables. West Virginia Department of Education School Innovation Zone and Dropout Prevention Innovation Zone 2013-14 GRANT APPLICATION Section 4- Goals, Objectives, Evaluation, Timeline Complete this chart for each of your goals. Goal: Upon completion of the grant funding period, the Mirror Image- CTE Exploration/Senior Mentoring program will be designed, planned, and implemented with fidelity for at least 90°/o of McDowell County's 3th grade students. Objectives Activities Personnel Timeline Budget Identify the measureable objectives that will beU$8dto determine success in achieving these goals Develop activities for each objective that are: Creative and Innovative; Impact student success; Allow for greater flexibility; change the way the school(s)ldlstrict currently operate Indicate the name and title of personnel that will be responsible for the activities. Identify the t/me/lne for the activities (Include month/year) Indicate budget requirements (Include To create miniprojects in each CTE classroom giving meaning to each middle school students, hands-on experience during school year. Senior mentors will plan every aspect of appropriate, instructor approved program related projects for Middle School students that are unique and fun. CTE Staff and CTE Counselor Designed by September 1; adjust each 9 weeks. To encourage CTE awareness and awareness of the Mirror Image Program To promote and the Mirror Image Program and familiarize students with CTE as part of academic life. CTE Promotion Director/Principal, activities once CTE Staff and per 9wk CTE Counselor rotation (Must be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant. and timely goals <SMART CTE Month February fonnulu used lo dwlve totals In budflet fft;floM e.g. 3 subs @$143/dartota/) 10 CTE programs x $2,000= $20,000 CTE/ Mirror Image Promotional Materials for middle school students, staff, mentors 600 people x $10= $6,000 West Virginia Department of Education School Innovation Zone and Dropout Prevention Innovation Zone 2013-14 GRANT APPLICATION To complete a week long Mirror Image summer enrichment/ beautification program specifically for middle school students during summer school. To allow Middle CTE June 2014 School students Director/Principal, to take part in a CTE Staff and campus wide CTE Counselor beautification program with all programs working together for a completion of a larger project. Materials/ Supplies Plants, landscaping materials, etcLowes $10,000 4 After school parent and community involvement activities for Middle School students at McDowell County CTC. To allow parents of Middle School students to become aware of the offerings Teacher Stipend- 20 staff x $75.00 = $93.75 x 4 =$375 x 20 =$7,500 CTE Director/Principal, CTE Staff and CTE Counselor Each 9 weeks Materials: refreshments/handson activities $750/ session x 4 = $3,000 Section 5- Project Evaluation and Sustainability It is important to explain how you will measure the success of your project and how you plan to continue the project after the grant funds are exhausted. 1. How will you evaluate and report the impact this innovation project has on increasing student success and/or other stated goals and objectives? The project will continue to be evaluated each 9 weeks through Process, Perception, and Results data. Baseline data will be collected to compare results. Pre and post surveys will be used to show progress. Case studies of CTE enrollment will be used. Longitudinal data will be paramount to show student successes and achievement. West Virginia Department of Education School Innovation Zone and Dropout Prevention Innovation Zone 2013-14 GRANT APPLICATION FY 2014 Exeenditure Amount Reguested In-Kind (Oetional} Total Professional Salaries Stipend: $6,000 $6,000 Fringe Benefits $1,500 $1,500 $20,000 $20,000 $19,000 $19,000 Equipment Supplies Professional Development Travel Contracts/Consultants Other $46,500 Total FY 2015 Exeenditure Amount Reguested In-Kind (Oetional} Total Professional Salaries Fringe Benefits Equipment Supplies Professional Development Travel Contracts/Consultants Other Total I West Virginia Department of Education School Innovation Zone and Dropout Prevention Innovation Zone 2013-14 GRANT APPLICATION FY 2016 Ex~enditure Professional Salaries Fringe Benefits Equipment Supplies Professional Development Travel Contracts/Consultants Other Total Amount Reguested In-Kind {O~tional} Total West Virginia Department of Education School Innovation Zone and Dropout Prevention Innovation Zone 2013-14 GRANT APPLICATION 2. How will this innovation project be sustained beyond the initial funding period? This program is in the second year of operation and can be sustained beyond the initial funding period as it makes use of all resources available and capitalizes on them. The purpose for requesting funding is to launch the program from good to great and to be able to offer unique and innovative projects and ideas for our middle school students, thus affording them opportunities in CTE that they have never experienced before. The project will ease the transition from middle school to high school by adding meaning and relevance to CTE programs that are aligned to the local, regional, and state labor market. Section 6- Budget Justification The Innovation Zone allocation for FY 2014 is approximately $435,000. Applicants should prepare proposals and accompanying budgets for no more than two school years. The budget should support the activities described in the above application. Major item requests must be supported with activities within in the application. You may request up to $50,000. *Regular IZ applicants need to only fill in the FY 2014 budget. The Dropout Prevention Innovation Zone allocation is approximately $2,200,000. These funds will be awarded in one competitive grant process and applicants must prepare proposals and accompanying budgets for three school years. The budget should support the activities described in the above application. Major item requests must be supported with activities within in the application. The budget range for each proposal is $50,000 to $100,000 for each of the three years (total 3 year award range $150,000 to $300,000). *Dropout Innovation Zone applicants need to complete a 3 year budget plan for FY 2014 - FY 2016 West Virginia Department of Education School Innovation Zone and Dropout Prevention Innovation Zone 2013-14 GRANT APPLICATION Appendix Record of Commitment Use this form to report the staff commitment regarding the innovation application and plan. A copy must be forwarded to the Innovation Zone Committee with the application and the plan. School: McDowell County Career & Technology Center Depa~ent(Wapplicable): -~----------~~-~-~~~--~ Notice of Meeting (Date provided to faculty or department/subdivision): _ _..S.....e...,0.... te....m....,be ..........r_1___ 6_.2__0.. . .,1....3_ __ Meeting Date: September 23. 2013 Faculty Senate Elected Officers: President: (Name) --=B=o=bb=-y._C-.o=l=lin=s~--------Vice-President: (Name)___...:.Ma=rk---H=ugoa:h=e=s...___ _ _ _ _ __ Secretary: (Name) _ _V.;;..;i..-.ct....o....,ri..... a"""B"""e=lc.-.he-..r_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Treasurer: (Name) _ _G ............. eo r_ge......... Fi.....le...,r_ _ _ _ _ _ __ Other: (Name) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Service Personnel Representative: Name: _ __...D.... ottv....-.W........,in....e....,b.... ar.... a...er..___ _ _ _ Position: Secretarv Parent Representatives: Name: _ ___.S~h=e~ila.......,Co~l=li"='---------Name: ____E~d_d_ie_s~t~ ......... ss...________ Name: _ __..K=im=b=e~r~•v~H=a~a~er=m~a~n~-- LSIC Representatives: Signature:----------- I ' West Virginia Department of Education School Innovation Zone and Dropout Prevention Innovation Zone 2013-14 GRANT APPLICATION Date of School/Department/Subdivision Receipt of A p p l i c a t i o n : - - - - - - - - - - - Date of Regularly Scheduled County Board of Education Meeting: _ _.o...c....to...b....e....r ...2.....2...0.....1_4_ _ _ _ __ County Board of Education Elected Officers: I President: (Name) Michael Callaway v.... Vice-President: (Name) _""'L..... vn.....d....a....E....an.....s.....__ _ _ __ Signature: _.\~1·1:..;.'\....:..·i '--____;____;~~--+ Signatu ... Members Signature:~ ~ Name: David Williams Name: Kevin Wade Signature:_ Name: James Coppolo Signature.; -~ · 1 J!J. · ...--- , . 1 ~ . 1 · .J '· c . ('.:v ( ' ' • " Support: Concerns: (Report of the Local Education Agency must be forwarded to school/departmenVsubdivision for submission to West Virginia Board of Education with the application/plan). (This Report Certification is not required of institutions of higher education in their application or plan). Community Partner Support Use this form to document community organization/agency support and partnership for the innovation dropout plan/project. Use a separate form for each community partner. Dropout grants must include meaningful documented partnerships. School/Schools/District: ~-~-----~~~~~-~~~~~~~~- West Virginia Department of Education School Innovation Zone and Dropout Prevention Innovation Zone 2013-14 GRANT APPLICATION Community Partner Support Use this form to document community organization/agency support and partnership for the innovation dropout plan/project. Use a separate form for each community partner. Dropout grants must include meaningful documented partnerships. School/Schools/District: ------------------------ District:---------------------------Date(s) of School/District/Community Partner Dialogues: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Name of Community Organization/Agency:-----------------Contact Person: Contact Person email address: Contact Person phone number: Contact Person address: Explain the community organization/agency's commitment to the Plan/Project: List the resources and contributions (not monetary) that the organization/agency is making to this Plan/Project: Agency Representative (Name) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Title: Signature: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ --------------------~ West Virginia Department of Education School Innovation Zone and Dropout Prevention Innovation Zone 2013-14 GRANT APPLICATION Innovation Zone Requirements 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Proposals must be typed in 12 point font and received no later than 4:00 p.m. on October 1, 2014. Complete the application for Innovation Zone designation *Approval by 80 percent of faculty (those affected by Innovation Proposal) **Record of Support from Parents, LSIC, Business Partners, Students Record of LEA/County Board Report (Support and Concerns) on application Record of Support from Community Partners for Dropout Grants. Submit your application/plan in a PDF document via email to Rebecca Derenge at rderenge@access.k12. wv. us IMPORTANT NOTES: *To determine staff support, the innovation application and plan must be submitted to all employees affected by the design of the plan for a secret ballot vote at special meetings called to determine the level of commitment. • • • • • The meeting is called with two weeks prior special notice, and the vote is conducted and certified to the principal, superintendent, and county board president by a panel. The panel must provide an absentee ballot to each employee eligible to vote who cannot attend the meeting. The panel consists of the elected officers of the faculty senate of the school or schools; one representative of the service personnel of the school; and three parent members appointed by the Local School Improvement Council (LSIC). At least 80 percent of the employees who are eligible to vote must approve the school's Innovation Zone plan. Any regular employee at a school applying for or designated as an Innovation Zone whose job duties may be affected by implementation of the Innovation Zone plan or proposed plan may request a transfer to another school in the school district. The county board shall make every reasonable effort to accommodate the transfer. **Please make sure your application is submitted to your local board in time to receive their signature and supports/concern before the application due date. Completed grant application must be RECEIVED via email by 4:00 p.m. on October 1. 2013. West Virginia Department of Education School Innovation Zone and Dropout Prevention Innovation Zone 2013-14 GRANT APPLICATION Innovation Zone Requirements 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Proposals must be typed in 12 point font and received no later than 4:00 p.m. on October 1, 2014. Complete the application for Innovation Zone designation *Approval by 80 percent of faculty (those affected by Innovation Proposal) **Record of Support from Parents, LSIC, Business Partners, Students Record of LEA/County Board Report (Support and Concerns) on application Record of Support from Community Partners for Dropout Grants. Submit your application/plan in a PDF document via email to Rebecca Derenge at rderenqe@access. k12. wv.us IMPORTANT NOTES: *To determine staff support, the innovation application and plan must be submitted to all employees affected by the design of the plan for a secret ballot vote at special meetings called to determine the level of commitment. • • • • • The meeting is called with two weeks prior special notice, and the vote is conducted and certified to the principal, superintendent, and county board president by a panel. The panel must provide an absentee ballot to each employee eligible to vote who cannot attend the meeting. The panel consists of the elected officers of the faculty senate of the school or schools; one representative of the service personnel of the school; and three parent members appointed by the Local School Improvement Council (LSIC). At least 80 percent of the employees who are eligible to vote must approve the school's Innovation Zone plan. Any regular employee at a school applying for or designated as an Innovation Zone whose job duties may be affected by implementation of the Innovation Zone plan or proposed plan may request a transfer to another school in the school district. The county board shall make every reasonable effort to accommodate the transfer. **Please make sure your application is submitted to your local board in time to receive their signature and supports/concern before the application due date. Completed grant application must be RECEIVED via email by 4:00 p.m. on October 1. 2013.