Document 10987328

Education Innovation Zones
West Virginia Department of Education
Please fill out all appropriate boxes and respond to all questions. The application and plan
must be submitted using Times New Roman, 12 pt. font and is limited to 20 pages.
Application is due by 4:00 p.m•• October 1. 2014 to Rebecca Derenge, in the Office of
School Improvement, WVDE, Bldg. 6, Room 330, 1900 Kanawha Blvd., Charleston
West Virginia 25305.
Section I -Applicant Information:
Mingo County Schools
Mingo County
Robert Bobbera
Leah Wireman, Principal at Burch Middle School; Cindy Calfee,
Principal at Matewan PK-8; Teresa Jones, Principal at Mingo
Central Comprehensive High School
Grant Contact
Name& Title
Judy McCoy, Administrative Assistant
Drema Dempsey, Student Support & Attendance Director
djdempse@kl 2.
Place a check beside the appropriate designation for an innovation zone applicant:
_ _ Single School (an entire faculty of a school working to implement a school-wide strategy)
_ _ Departments or Subdivision of Schools Teacher Team or Partnership of Teams (Not
applicable to dropout prevention grant 3-year grant) partnership of teacher teams across schools
(subject-specific departments, subject, grade level, or issue-specific teams willing to implement a
common approach) teacher teams within a school (department, grade-level, or cross-role team
with a common focus).
_A_ Consortium of Schools (fill out multiple listings below)
_ _ Higher Education Institution (must include at least one county school system applicant)
_ _ Feeder System of Schools or schools of the same programmatic levels working within a
county or across counties to implement a strategy (to impact dropout prevention at the high
school level)
Education Innovation Zones
West Virginia Department of Education
District Application (district wide dropout prevention initiatives with less than a 90%
graduation rate, dropout prevention only)
_ _ School System Collaborative Innovation Zones -The intent of this grant is to cause local
communities to take action by working in coalitions, creating partnerships, hosting community
conversations and ultimately creating comprehensive dropout prevention plans. The Education
Alliance of WV and the WV Center for Civic Life provide resources and training to organize
community dialogues and follow-up action.
Innovation School Districts (to provide entrepreneurship education and include at least one
partner from the local business community with opportunities for greater collaboration to plan
and implement systemic approaches that include evidence-based solutions for increasing
graduation rates, increasing achievement and educational outcomes while reducing the number
of dropouts
Place a check beside the appropriate grant for which you are applying:
_ _ Innovation Zone Grant (one-year grant - The West Virginia Board of Education will grant
awards for Innovation Zones on from $5,000 to $50,000 to enhance student learning).
The State Legislature has created Innovation Zones as a way for schools to implement promising
innovations that can be supported by research. They could address a range of topics from how to
restructure time, configure staff, and/or modify school-wide programs to more specific ideas that
may relate to a particular grade or content level.
Drop-Out Prevention Grant (must include community partners and three year budget
proposal) The Local School Dropout Prevention and Recovery Innovation Zone has been
allocated $2.2 million by the State Legislature as funds available for this competitive grant.
Acknowledged Requirement (superintendent's signature):
We acknowledge, as a requirement ofreceiving an Innovation Zone Grant or Dropout Prevention Grant, we
must use the Early Warning System provided by West Virginia Department of Education to determine students
who are at-risk of dropping out and provide direct interventions to support identified indicators. And upon
request grantee will provide data to support decisions based upon disaggregation of the data for at-risk
identified students.
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Ming~ty, Superintendent
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Education Innovation Zones
West Virginia Department of Education
According to WVDE - BOE Policy 3236
Mingo County, Superintendent
Date: November 19, 2014
Identify the sdtool or ~'s leadership team.
For dropout prevention grants, the leadm:ship team should include community partners
Leah Wireman
Donna J. Cooke
David Jewell
Jamie Mann
Latisha Marcum
Counselor, MCBOE
Christie Till
K. Steven Kominar
Parent Education Resource Coordinator, MCBOE
Ex. Director, Min o Co. Redeve/o ment Authol'. ·
Please ensure you have all of the supporting documents required completed and attached to the end of
this application:
Record of Commitment from Staff, Parent, and LSIC
Local Educational Agency Report of Support or Concerns
Multiple Community Partner Records of Commitment for Dropout Grants
Section 2 - Priorities:
During the 2013 legislative session, Governor Tomblin sponsored several key education reform initiatives
through Senate Bill 359 and charged the WV Board of Education with supporting the successful
implementation. These areas have been identified for priority points in the grant review process.
Education Innovation Zones
West Virginia Department of Education
Section 2 - Priorities:
During the 2013 legislative session, Governor Tomblin sponsored several key education reform initiatives
through Senate Bill 359 and charged the WV Board of Education with supporting the successful
implementation. These areas have been identified for priority points in the grant review process.
If you are submitting an application for one of the identified priority areas please review guidance documents
and resources
Applications for Drop-out Prevention grants that choose to focus on a priority area must show clear a
correlation between the priority area and the outcome of drop-out prevention. All applications that target a
priority area must identify it below.
Community School Partnership
The term "community school" means a public elementary or secondary school that participates in a
community-based effort to coordinate and integrate educational, developmental, family, health, and
other comprehensive services through community-based organizations and public /private
partnerships. Community Schools provide access to such services for students, families, and the
community, such as access during the school year (including before and after-school), as well as during
the summer. Some may include: Early childhood education Programs under the Head Start Act,
including Early Head Start programs and child care; Remedial education activities and enrichment
activities, including expanded learning time; Summer enrichment and learning experiences; Dental
health care; Mental health counseling services (expanded-school mental health services). Complete
guidance on can be found at:
Comprehensive Literacy Development (creating a school-wide elementary focus on literacy
and numeracy)
_Jl_ Career Development (middle school focus to prepare students in the middle grades to set goals
through interest and talent to view graduation as a culmination of planned activities and classes
from year-to-year to result in a career pathway)
_ _ Redesign oflnstructional Time (Intended to provide principals and teachers with flexibility
from the constraints of certain statutes, policies and rules in order to serve as testing grounds for
innovative reform strategies that enhance student success and increase accountability)
_ _ Personalize Learning though Technology (Project 24 is an urgent call to action on the need
for systemic planning around the effective use of technology and digital learning to achieve the
goal of "career and college readiness" for all students. It is a one-stop shop of comprehensive
district-level planning tools, expert advice, creative ideas, and tangible suggestions from
experienced education experts and nonprofit education membership organizations.)
Education Innovation Zones
West Virginia Department of Education
Section 3 - ABSTRACT:
Provide a one page Q!!h project summary that briefly describes the project's vision, goals, activities, and key
features for student success that will be addressed. Please limit the length of the abstract to the text box found
on this page only.
Overview: Mingo County Schools in collaboration with community leaders, K 12 educators, health care
providers, college and university personnel, and RESA 2 will implement a comprehensive dropout prevention
model grant utilizing a feeder school paradigm at Burch Middle and Matewan PK-8 to support graduation for
all students from Mingo Central High school. E3: Engage, Experience, and Educate describes our proposal
as a model of academic and engagement supports to ensure that all students who are members of these three
schools will graduate with his or her cohort. Three schools with 1266 students were selected because they
currently have limited supports and many needs to comprehensively address the issue of graduation rates and
dropout prevention. This project will coordinate efforts currently underway at Mingo Central High School
with the Graduation 20/20 project. Currently the graduation rate for Mingo County is 82.4 percent and 79. 78
percent for Mingo Central High School.
Vision: E3 is based upon the collaborative and solidifying work of community stakeholders, county, regional
and site based educators, higher education, business, and the health care community to support all students to
successfully transition to careers and/or postsecondary education.
I. Coordinate comprehensive attendance gains by involving staff, parents, students, health care providers
and social service professionals to review data, identify issues related to cause and effect, and then
collaboratively develop responses to improve attendance.
2. Develop strategies to improve school climate, review student discipline policies, procedures and
discipline data and implement a universal school climate initiative such as PBIS.
3. Implement positive strategies to increase engagement and personalization with students and family.
4. Engage the community and public agencies to support outreach and case management with health
services through a community school concept to assist with medical needs, management and
prevention services to students, as well as integrate work with social service providers.
5. Create effective practices that include full family involvement with parent notification and frequent
home-school contact and initialize an "Attendance First" campaign that supports strategies to get and
keep students in the classroom.
6. Work to establish cooperative learning, personalized student leadership, motivation, group cohesion,
respect and mutual trust in each school and classroom.
7. Promote student engagement academically, behaviorally, cognitively, and psychologically including
convincing each student that he or she matters and has something valuable to contribute to the
8. Establish tutoring supports in literacy and numeracy to support student academic growth.
Education Innovation Zones
West Virginia Department of Education
Section 4- Waiver Requests:
Requires that no exception be granted to assessment programs administered by the West Virginia Department
of Education (WVDE), provisions of NCLB or other federal law, nor exception from WV Code §§ l 8A-2-7,
l 8A-4-7a, I 8A-4-7b, 18A-4-8, 18A-5-8b. However, exceptions may include a proposal to require that a
candidate for a teaching vacancy in an innovation school possess qualifications over and above those
stipulated in statute if approved in a county-wide school staff election process.
Indicate the specific type(s) of policy or code that prohibit or constrain the design that you wish to
request a waiver from:
__ Specific waiver requested of county policy
__ Specific waiver requested ofWVBOE policy
__ Specific waiver requested of WV code/statute
WV Code Waiver Request
(Specify section and article)
Impact of the waiver
What will the waiver enable the school to
do differently?
WVBOE Policy Waiver Request
(specify section and article)
Impact of the waiver.
What will the waiver enable the school to
do differently?
County Policy Waiver Request
(specify section and article)
Impact of the waiver.
What will the waiver enable the school to
do differently?
Education Innovation Zones
West Virginia Department of Education
Section 5- Project Design: Complete each section. Use as much space necessary.
What is the purpose and expected outcome of this project?
The purpose of E3: Engage, Experience and Educate is to decrease the number of high school dropouts
and increase graduation rates for all students by: (I) implementing a Community Schools Model in three
Mingo County schools: Matewan P-K 8 and Burch Middle School, feeder schools to Mingo Central High
School. This project will develop and implement an environment of academic and personal supports
including a community health partnership approach, attendance initiative, enhanced school climate,
development of parent involvement strategies to support higher levels of school contact, establish
comprehensive supports in literacy and numeracy, and focus upon crafting personalized graduation plans
for each student. The student population at these three schools ha<> a high percentage of students cited by
the National Dropout Prevention Center at Clemson University as predictors of dropping out of school.
These include: struggling academic achievement, retentions, poor attendance and tardiness, behavioral
issues, low socioeconomic status, and low education levels of parents. Mingo Central High School is
already working with the National Dropout Prevention Center and the Collaboration for Effective
Educator, Development, Accountability, and Refonn Center (CEEDAR) on a specialized project
"Graduation 20/20" which is focusing primarily on graduation and dropout prevention for students with
disabilities. Team members at Mingo Central High School are currently being trained by NDPC and
Short Term Outcomes will include:
•!• Establishment of dropout prevention/graduation planning/ attendance committee at each site crafting
a comprehensive sustainable plan to be implemented school wide including attendance, student
engagement, academic success, student behavioral and health supports.
•!• Students will increase their knowledge of career and educational planning. A graduation plan will be
developed for each student with appropriate support in career and academic arenas. They will be
connected to careers through a variety of activities in class, extended learning opportunities in real
world work settings in the community and career exploration. WIN software will be used to connect
students to possibilities in the region and state in tenns of careers.
•!• The three schools will implement a culture/climate plan to be developed using the National School
Climate Center paradigm using the five Stage School Climate Process. Connectivity and engagement
will be center pieces to the E3 grant.
•!• Students will receive interventions (SPL/SPI, software in math and reading, tutoring support) in
reading, writing, and mathematics.
•!• Health care/ case manager will be hired to bridge supports between school, community, social service
agencies, health care facilities and home.
•!• Opportunities to develop a "re-imagined" time frame within the school day to support collaborative
teaming and student support and enrichment systems. These opportunities will be designed to
improve their educational, social, emotional and physical skills.
Long Term Outcomes will include:
•!• Student attendance rates will increase.
•!• High school dropout rates will decrease.
•!• A systemic school wide focus upon creating a school, parent, community model for success in
careers and postsecondary education will be implemented.
•!• Graduation rates at Mingo Central High School will rise to 87% in five years.
Education Innovation Zones
West Virginia Department of Education
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);:. Actively pursue a Community Schools Model by hiring a dedicated professional in either the health
or social services arena to actively connect students to appropriate resources which will result in
benefits for students in personal, health and social service related areas. With this type of increased
support, students will be more likely to persist and thrive in school. The project will establish a
comprehensive continuum of services to systematically improve the emotional, social physical and
cultural outcomes for its students.
);;. E3 will develop community partnerships to provide systemic, sustainable support to support the
transition from K-12 schooling to career and college.
).;- Work in partnership with parents, consistently supporting the importance of attendance and higher
levels of student achievement in literacy and numeracy.
);;- Create a climate that celebrates and supports the accomplishments of students and staff to be
developed by Leadership Team, students and E3 Planning Committee. Climate or culture surveys to
measure results will be determined by teams.
);:. Craft a comprehensive "Engagement" initiative to facilitate connectedness, a sense of belonging,
student voice and efficacy ... ingredients vitally important to success in school for all students.
);;- Create an active attendance campaign at schools beginning with intervention from Day I nonattendance by students.
;,;. In concert with the attendance campaign, the project will pay close attendance to disciplinary
referrals and begin to develop strong interventions in the area of behavioral engagement.
);:. Tutoring for identified students in literacy, numeracy and writing will occur through the utilization of
"Reimagining Time" initiative during the school day. The school day will involve scheduling an hour
of instructional creativity bi monthly with supports for math, reading, writing, interest subjects,
student leadership development, effort and persistence, peer mentoring and careers as a starting point
in Year One. A planning committee will design time with community support, volunteers and
teachers involvement. Outcomes will result in demonstrated academic growth on formative and
summative assessments beginning in 2015 and the establishment of a graduation plan for each
);:. Collaborative school teams will utilize a data driven approach in teams to identify and craft personal
and academic support structures for students identified utilizing the Early Warning Systems.
Collaborative teams will also utilize the National Dropout Prevention Center's data tools to build
intervention plans related to organizing, examining, and analyzing data related to school completion.
Teams will identify at risk youth and develop intervention plans for tiered support.
);:. Teachers will participate in professional learning opportunities with suggested topics: differentiation,
Student Personalized Learning (SPL ), scaffolding, close reading, performance assessments, data
notebooks, creatin a connected environment and student work anal sis.
Education Innovation Zones
West Virginia Department of Education
Extended learning opportunities in career pathways to extend career exploration will be an integral
part of the promotion of school completion as a student goal partnership.
Student leadership support will be formed to enhance student voice.
Teachers will meet with students in the late fall and mid spring in a focus group format to garner
ideas on what students think are the best ways to engage them in learning and prepare them for
college and careers. The gathering of input from students will enliven the classrooms and give
students an opportunity to make their voices heard on what kind of instructional strategies work best
for them.
Build engagement and achievement through personalized and career focused learning. Strategies to
achieve this focus include: developing an understanding of college and career readiness for teachers,
forming cross disciplinary teruns for planning, rrunping up communications and informational
sharing, enhancing math and literacy strategies in all areas of the curriculum by embedding career
context into instruction. Fosterin~ cross collaboration between CTE and all academic subjects.
Explain bow school or consortium's current data influenced the need for the project
described in question one?
Personalizing education in this rural Mingo County community is not difficult. The advantage is that
education in the three schools where E3 will be implemented has always been "personal." In smaller
communities, you often know your neighbor, the child in your classroom and his or her parents. You
know their aspirations, struggles and success. Yet from this knowledge come definitive challenges:
How do you as educators living in small communities, introduce your student to the larger multicultural, diverse world in which they have to find their place if they are to succeed in our
industries, businesses, college campuses, and the larger more global marketplace?
How do you augment "personal " education with personalized learning so the content taught in
classes is both flexible for the different needs and skill levels of students and authentic to engage
the interest of students in their future lives and careers?
How do you become highly effective in teaching and leading so your students increase their
achievements and gain the skills they need to be realistically prepared for what lies ahead?
How can we ensure all students graduate career and college ready?
How can we inspire and support student growth when high numbers of students live in poverty?
It was these questions that led to the development for the E3 grant proposal.
Economic Disadvantage- Few areas have the need to support the career and college readiness as
urgently as the targeted schools do. High unemployment, low rates of matriculation to postsecondary
education are real problems for the community. Realizing a plan must be put into motion aggressively to
address these issues is the first step. These statistics demonstrate an urgency for success. Free and
Reduced Lunch: Burch Middle School's percent needy is 76.82 percent; Matewan PK-8 is 85.08 percent;
Mingo Central Comprehensive High School is 67.09 percent. The poverty rate for Mingo County is 22.9
%. Mingo County has an extremely low college going rate.
Academic Risk- Academically, there are many factors that drive the need for intensive supports in the
area of dropout prevention for these schools. Burch Middle School's academic proficiency performance
is as follows in mathematics: Grade 5 is 44 percent; Grade 6 is 32 percent; Grade 7 is 27 percent, and
grade 8 is 26 percent. In Reading Language Arts; Grade 5 is 37 percent; Grade 6 is percent; Grade 7 is 49
Education Innovation Zones
West Virginia Department of Education
percent; and Grade 8 is 43 percent. Special needs proficiency data is simply alarming with all math
proficiency rates) except Grade 6 with a 13 percent proficiency for students with disabilities. At Matewan
PK-8, Grade 5 proficiency is 32 percent; Grade 6 is 28 percent; Grade 7 is 21 percent; and grade 8 is 20
percent. Students with disabilities have 0 percent proficient across all middle school grade levels. In
Reading Language Arts, proficiency levels are as follows: Grade 5 is 38 percent; Grade 6 is 47 percent;
Grade 7 is 32 percent; and grade 8 is 33 percent. As is often the case nationwide and in West Virginia,
poor academic performance in key gatekeeper areas such as algebra and the ability to comprehend
technical texts are leading causes of high dropout rates among high school students.
Graduation Rates- The 2012-13 graduation rate for Mingo County was 82 .40%. The graduation rate for
Mingo Central High School is 82.4%.
College Going Rate: Mingo County, according to the American Community Survey 2008-2012 has
39.9% of the population enrolled in college graduate school. This number represents a statistic that must
be changed.
Unemployment Data:
The area has high numbers of a workforce serving in low skill, low wage jobs. This project will play a
pivotal role in in stemming the tide of unemployment or underemployment as students envision a future
in a career or a plan to embark upon postsecondary education upon graduation.
How is the school or consortium's project connected to best practice and current research in
reference to raisin2 student achievement and/or dropout prevention?
The National Center for Dropout Prevention has identified critical variables that have a significant impact
on the school dropout rate and provide a systematic framework for Dropout Prevention initiatives. E3
will utilize many of these evidence based practices including:
Active Engagement in Learning: To embrace teaching and learning strategies that engage and involve
students in the learning process and provide support for the integration of learning opportunities
embedded with career and college ready correlations. This initiative will support literacy and
mathematics success which are predictors of success in careers and life.
School/Parent/Community Relationships: When all members of the community are actively supporting
one another to build a connectedness and sense of purpose around a purposeful goal, a sustainable and
caring environment will be built to support students academically, behaviorally, psychologically and
cognitively caring relationships will be established that will support meaningful participation and prevent
dropping out.
Professional Learning Model: Collaborative professional learning will benefit both students and
educators. This model will celebrate effective collaborative teams working to simultaneously promote the
success of all students as they focus on areas of student need. Teachers will work across grade levels, and
across teams to design or reimagine instructional time, opportunities for high quality career driven
learning opportunities and weekly debrief student data to pinpoint areas to actively supports students
from academic triage and enrichment to wellness needs.
Education Innovation Zones
West Virginia Department of Education
Data Driven Tools: These tools, available through the National Dropout Prevention Center, have proven
to provide support in examining and organizing responses to school completion. These tools will help
teams identify at risk populations of students and assist in the development of additional evidence
supports and tiered interventions. These schools will use the Risk Calculator, Attendance and dropout
data, discipline data and academic risk factors.
School Connectedness and Interventions to Promote School Climate: School climate is an integral
part of dropout prevention. The Center for Social and Emotional Education describe the effects of a
positive school environment which fosters a belonging, connectedness, efficacy and positive social
relationships. This project will work with students to create an inviting, productive, and accountable
school environment with a shared value system.
Reimagining Time: Time is a critical variable. This project will re-imagine the school day once a week.
Tutoring for identified students in literacy, numeracy and writing will occur through the utilization of
"Reimagining Time" initiative during the school day. The school day will involve scheduling an hour of
instructional creativity bi monthly with supports for math, reading, writing, interest subjects, student
leadership development, effort and persistence, peer mentoring and careers as a starting point in Year
One. A planning committee will design time with community support, volunteers and teachers
involvement. Outcomes will result in demonstrated academic growth on formative and surnmative
assessments beginning in 2015 and the establishment of a graduation plan for each student.
What will other schools in West Virginia learn from your project and how will other schools
in West Virginia benefit from your project?
E3 is committed to documenting outcomes and opportunities during the history of the initiative described
in this application. An evaluator will be hired to collect both anecdotal and data driven information to
share regionally, statewide and nationally through conference presentations. A key ingredient of E3 will
be to encourage replication of practices within the region and across the state. Additionally, other schools
in WV can gain perspective concerning the community school movement and its impact on graduation
rates. A summary document will be created each year that includes methodology, and successes and
barriers on changes in attendance, discipline, and matriculation to Mingo Central High School.
It is our goal to pilot a program that is replicable and vetted, and we will use data to drive mid-course
corrections if necessary as well as continued implementation of programmatic goals. After program
evaluation, staff will convene a Dropout Forum hosted by RESA 2. Other benefits that will be gained
from the implementation of this project will include opportunities to see how school teams address data
collected from the Early Warning systems at their disposal as well as the National Dropout Prevention
Center's data tools. Since this project is systemically working with climate issues at the schools, ideas
will be shared on how to create an environment where students feel empowered and a sense of belonging
and efficacy which are vital pieces of student persistence. Advisory Councils and workgroups created will
record their progress through meeting minutes and work plan documents. A school monitoring document
will be developed that will require the inputting of evidence for each goal and objective. This tool can
also be available for review of process and outcomes completion.
Education Innovation Zones
West Virginia Department of Education
Section 6 - Goals, Objectives, Evaluation, Timeline:
Complete this chart for each of your goals Goal:
ltJentih ·~le
lllili«de budget
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- - in /Judget ')
sections e.g. 3 subs
I. To build the
foundation for a
systematic framework
prevention based
upon research and
utilizing the tenets
of the National
Center for
1.1 Establishment of
teams at each
1.2 Teachers will
learning on the
Catalyst school
model which is
predicated upon
all members of
the school
digging deep into
data to design
responses to
support student
growth and
1.1 Mingo
County BOE
curriculum and
teams, Student
Support Services
staff and as well
teams; Drema
Principals at all
three schools
1.2 Professional
learning and
ongoing support
to craft high
quality teamsTammy Stowers,
team support.
Learning will
occur JanuaryMay on teaming
Stipends for
teachers at three
schools for
afterschool and
Saturday planning
and training for
Objectives I and 2
Spring 2015/
Training for a team
from each school;
Education Innovation Zones
West Virginia Department of Education
1.3 All staffs will
also receive
support and
training on the
NDPC model.
1.3 Special
Director RESA
21 Dr. Kristi
1.4 A Core team will
1.4 Dropout
coach from
also be trained in
all three schools
and provide
support to school
teams. A core
team is being
trained from
Mingo Central
now by the
National Dropout
2. All three schools will
implement a
culture/climate plan
developed using the
National School
Climate Center
paradigm using the five
Stage School Climate
School / home I
engagement will be
center pieces to the E3
1.5 An evaluator will
be hired.
2.1 Staff will create a
leadership team
$10,000 per year
Student Services
director for
Mingo County
2.2 Building
support and
Prevention I
"buy in" to
foster the school Teams
Ors. Sandra
Angius and
2.3 Establish a no
Kristi James of
fault framework RESA 2 to
and promotion
support the
of a culture of
development of
A viable
research based
2.4 Systematically
plan at each
evaluate the
school; special
education staff
strengths, needs, from Mingo
County BOE
develop a plan
to share with
To be completed
by March 2015.
Throughout the
lifetime of the
Spring 2015
In-kind from
RESA 2 for
Learning Support
Education Innovation Zones
West Virginia Department of Education
the entire
3. Attendance will
increase for all
2.5 Embracing the
findings school
wide to understand the areas
of consensus
and discrepancy
in order to
May 2015
2.6 Prioritize goals
consistent with
framework of
the Innovation
grants goals.
Craft a culture
and Engagement Plan for
the entire school
to instill a
climate of
celebration and
May 2015
August 2015
2. 7 Action plan with Central Office;
the entire staff in School teams;
terms of engage- Principal;
ment and
efforts designed
to promote
students social,
emotional, civic
and intellectual
August 2015
2.8 Revise plans as
3 .I Create a parent
notification and
frequent homeschool contact
system and
Culture Surveys
Spring 2015
3.1 - 3.4
Mingo County
$3,200 or School
Education Innovation Zones
West Virginia Department of Education
initialize a
First" campaign
that supports
strategies to get
and keep
students in the
3.2 Design supports
and internal
incentives to
keep the
First" in the
forefront of
school, home
and community.
BOE Attendance
Leadership Team
August 2015
3.3 Create a website
deigned to keep
parents in the
3.4 Develop a
school/ home/
community plan
with outreach
actions and a
Parent Stakeholder's group to
activities and
options to keep
Provide a strong
school, health nexus
to support student
growth in academics
and attendance.
4.1 Hire a
health care
professional or
case manager to
bridge supports
between school,
social service
agencies, health,
social service,
Central office;
Mingo County
Schools Student
Director, Drema
Paula Hinkle
January 2015 Fall 2016
Spring semester
Salary $50,000
Benefits $16,000 at
Education Innovation Zones
West Virginia Department of Education
health care
4.2 Coordinate
attendance gains
by involving
staff, parents,
students, health
care providers
and social
and others to
review data,
identify issues
related to cause
and effect, and
responses to
improve student
attendance - tied
to Goal 3.0
5.0 Opportunities to
develop a "reimagined" time frame
within the school day
to support
collaborative teaming
and student support
and enrichment
systems. These
opportunities will be
designed to improve
their educational,
social, emotional and
physical skills.
5.1 School teams
will redesign
the instructional
day to include
at least one hour
of time per
week where
students receive
peer to peer
tutoring, wealth
and health
for student
tutoring by
completion, the
exploration of
careers, music,
interest clubs,
art and theater.
School Teams
Principal, School
Teams, and
Tammy Stowers
ofRESA 2,
Design team to
work through
March with
in April 2015 and
to continue
throughout the
life of the
Education Innovation Zones
West Virginia Department of Education
6.0 Curriculum &
Instruction options
will provide ongoing
support and
enrichment for all
Teachers, aides,
members will
supervise. An
hour each week
will be the goal
of the first
semester of the
operation of the
grant. This
might be 2x a
month to start
with the idea of
four hours per
6.1 A planning
committee will
be established
to support the
logistics and
pieces with
options for
Principals, SPL
specialists from
RESA 2 and
Mingo County
coaching staff
6.2 Teachers not
students or
working in
small teams
with students
will collaborate
and staff
responses to
academic needs.
Health provider
6.3 Students will
software in math
and reading,
tutoring support)
in reading,
writing, and
college students,
staff; principals;
Mimw Central
January 2015 life of the grant
Education Innovation Zones
West Virginia Department of Education
7. Career Exploration
and career and college
driven instructional
opportunities will be
embedded into the
Office Staff;
6.4 Additional
tutoring using a
format will be
developed in
2015-2016 using
students and
7.1 Teachers will be 7 .1 RESA staff
trained on crafting
lessons with
performance tasks
that relate to real
world situations.
7.2 WIN Software
will be integrated
intervention lessons.
These have career
based applications.
Training will need to
Throughout the
Software purchase
7.2 WIN
Training via
RESA 2, Mingo
BOE Staff
7.3 All students will 7.3 Counselors
develop a career path re-imagine time
with a graduation
sessions with
7.4 Transition
support extended
opportunities with
7.4 Transition
specialist, Mingo
RESA Special
7.5 Career
exploration; on-site
and off-site; twice a
Section 7- Project Evaluation and Sustainability:
Education Innovation Zones
West Virginia Department of Education
It is important to explain how you will measure the success of your project and how you plan to
continue the project after the grant funds are exhausted.
1. How will you evaluate and report the impact this innovation project has on increasing student
success and/or other stated goals and objectives?
An evaluator will be hired to measure success. Graduation and dropout rates yearly will be compared to
previous year's data. We will also examine the failure rates of all students in English and math classes
specifically but will dive into the data for all student on satisfactory course completion, attendance data,
growth data on summative assessments, graduation plan goals for each student, data driven discussions in
collaborative teams. Focus groups with students, parents, and school staff will occur each year to gather
anecdotal information which will be invaluable in reshaping areas of need. Graduation rates at all schools will
be assessed to reach the five year goal of an 87% graduation rate. Attendance rates will be closely monitored
by Mingo County schools attendance director, school principals and the Transition Specialist for Special
Education students. Reports will be shared with central office, school administrators, teachers and counselors
so adjustments can be made weekly to support student success. The Juvenile Justice System and Juvenile
Probations will be ongoing partners and will be informed about the success of the project.
2. How will this innovation project be sustained beyond the initial funding period?
Mingo County Schools will continue to work together with the community to build an infrastructure and
community/school climate with a goal of graduation for all students to be college and career ready. Using
district funds, the professional learning and support at each school can be sustained. To develop processes
and successes worthy of being a model will take perseverance, tenacity and a wholehearted commitment of
educators, students and the community. Principals, teachers and counselors teams will continue to work
with business and all other community systems to ensure students have guidelines and support to stay in
Once initiatives are in place, Mingo County will continue the spirit of the program to tap into state and
regional resources by committing to the continuation of career and college readiness goals and activities.
Within the first three months of the project, the leadership team will form a sustainability committee, whose
work will focus on the county needs and the tools necessary to continue beyond the grant cycle.
Engage community partnership to create sustainability through support and collaborative ventures, and
leverage that support to continue programmatic goals.
Community assets and possible funding sources will be identified to support the continuation of the
health/social service coordination within the communities. The data will be used to corroborate the
importance of a community schools model that not only impacts growth but achievement and success.
These data will provide important information for the school system to obtain funding from other sources.
Section 8- Budget Justification:
Education Innovation Zones
West Virginia Department of Education
The Innovation Zone allocation for FY 2015 is approximately $435,000. Applicants should prepare
proposals and accompanying budgets for no more than two school years. The budget should support the
activities described in the above application. Major item requests must be supported with activities within
in the application. You may request up to $50,000. *Regular IZ applicants need to only fill in the FY
2015 budget.
The Dropout Prevention Innovation Zone allocation is approximately $2,200,000. These funds will be
awarded in one competitive grant process and applicants must prepare proposals and accompanying budgets
for three school years. The budget should support the activities described in the above application. Major
item requests must be supported with activities within in the application. The budget range for each
proposal is $50,000 to $100,000 for each of the three years (total 3 year award range $150,000 to
$300,000). *Dropout Innovation Zone applicants need to complete a 3 year budget plan for FY 2015 -
FY 2015
Amount Reguested
In-Kind (Ol!tional}
RESA 2 Staff
3 (@, 10% = $18,000
Professional Salaries
Fringe Benefits
$ 6,200
$ 6,200
Other: Stipends
$ 8,000
$ 8,000
Equipment: Website
development; Teacher
Collaboration Portal
Professional Development
Education Innovation Zones
West Virginia Department of Education
FY 2016
Amount R~uested
In-Kind (02tional}
RESA Staff
Professional Salaries
Fringe Benefits
$ 2,000
$ 2,000
$ 5,000
$ 5,000
$ 5,000
$ 5,000
Other: Bus Driver
$ 2,000
$ 4,000
FY 2017
Amount Reguested
In-Kind {Ontional}
Professional Salaries
Fringe Benefits
Equipment: Software
$ 3,000
$ 3,000
$ 5,000
$ 5,000
RESA Staff
Professional Development
Travel: Careers
Other: Bus Driver
$ 2,000
$ 4,000
$ 6,000
Education Innovation Zones
West Virginia Department of Education
According to WVDE - BOE Policy 3236
Record of Commitment
Use this form to report the staff commitment regarding the innovation application and plan. A copy
must be forwarded to the Innovation Zone Committee with the application and the plan.
Mingo Central Comprehensive High School
Department (if applicable): __
Notice of Meeting (Date provided to faculty or department/subdivision):
Meeting Date:
Atd V. t:fl.'f. 1
Secretary: (NameU : i'('k
1reus11rer: (Name)
Signature: -ll:;;,,,,...+-.lf>..,...~r--·,
\cu oe tj; \\
;;7,2txbeM}<.f'fd·±-IP 'J
Other: ( N a m e ) - - - - - - - - - -
____ Sigllature: - - - - - - - - - - - -
Parent Representatives:
We certify that 80 percent of the faculty affected by the application/plan has voted to support the
application/plan. (This Report Certification is not required of institutions of higher education in their
Education Innovation Zones
West Virginia Department of Education
According to WVDE - BOE Policy 3236
Record of Commitn· .'nt
Use this form to report the staff commitment regarding the innovation application and plan. A copy
must be forwarded to the Innovation Zone Committee with the application and the plan.
Matewan PK-8 School
Department (if applicable): - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Notice of Meeting (Date provided to faculty or department/subdivision):
___,1,_,_/+--/+--J-+'i-J~Jil=r---------------Hrr /1 ;-
Meeting Date:
""" b rg: Go!
e mg v1
Vice-Pre.,·itlt!nt: (l\'nmr)..l. 1e
Secretary: (Nmnc•)
Go..., a H
0 IA;
e l\
Tre11.~11r1•r: (Nome) Marsb S. ] 0 h-,~~--~...:....;;...n;...__ _
Oilier: (l'linme)
'i/; fl../-.~
----·-------- ___ Sig11ot11re: _ _ _ __
Service Personnel Representative:
:J h d., 1
S .' ryp l f
Pos;tian: C' \, c:;Ja.!; hi\
WA t..eL.1 ~12.g >
Signature:,-.4~':4/d--< __.
signature: 121#['-/- 1ti·1f» L
Signat11re:k:L< LrA
~ «....tO
LSJC Representatives:
~· ~
,\ ·ome:m
/llaa Atl -~
,V:mw: Mty ~ PP·S
We certify that 80 percent of the faculty affected by the application/plan has voted to support the
application/plan. (This Report Certification is not required ofinstitutions of higher education in their
Nov 21 2014 14:11
West Vi
ucation Innovation Zones
ginia Department of Education
g to WVDE - BOE Policy 3236
·-·- --·--·--~., ...
............_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. . . , ._ _ _............_ _ _ _QXfl<~-..~#A>';i~
Record of Commitment
Use this form to report the staff comm!.ment reprding the innovation application and plan. A copy
must be forwarded to the Innovation toe Committee with the application and the plan.
Burch Middle School
Department (if applicable):
Notice of Meeting (Date provided to
fac~lty or department/subdivision):
' Mcetilll! Dote:
1'ua.,·urer: (Namej .lZ!CQ.;~~'--~4J..1UJ1.;;:a:.::~~-- Sigt1alure: -1.-~~~~..---;s..;.~:o.u1w;.
Other: (Name)
Service Penonnel Reprge11tativej
Parent Representatives:
n') tt\n'I\ Q\kno
k; ro
'7n'1 C
£-L.. - - ~
a(o.,... .w'..,,d
hatd'Q: }.ur~4pl!Y\ P\w
~ignnture: A4t'h e4-e <' ,Q ,i7l?:
LSIC Representatives:
\<r\ s,..\-\ .\\C\.rdl:Q
Sli\)'mn\ a. ~M§1rx
~Ar\ rt\ L
We certify that 80 percent of the facu~ affected by the application/plan bas voted to support the
application/plan. (This Report Certification is not required of institutions of higher education in their
Education Innovation Zones
West Virginia Department of Education
According to WVDE - BOE Policy 3236
Local Educational Agency Report of Support or Concerns
Use this form to report the county board or boards and superintendent's support or concerns, or both, about the
innovation to the principal and faculty senate. A copy must be forwarded to the Innovation Zone Committee.
School: _ _ _
_ _County
_ _ _ _ of
Department (if a p p l i c a b l e ) : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Date of School/Department/Subdivision Receipt of Application: - - - - - - - - - - - Date of Regularly Scheduled County Board of Education M e e t i n g : - - - - - - - - - - - County Board of Education Elected Officers:
President: (Name/JaaES .b,w~
Vice-President: (Name),
H//,,e~ ~:.:rure­
~ Rer f Sf«cr
tlli./e;Jc// G/, 11.r
(Report of the Local Education Agency must be forwarded to school/department/subdivision for submission to
West Virginia Board of Education with the application/plan).
(This Report Certification is not required of institutions of higher education in their application or plan).
Education Innovation Zones
West Virginia Department of Education
According to WVDE - BOE Policy 3236
Community Partner Support
Use this form to document community organization/agency support
and partnership for the innovation dropout plan/project.
Use a separate form for each community partner.
Dropout grants!!!!!!! include meaningful documented partnerships.
School/Schools/District: . . :;M.;. ;=in"'"g,_o_..C. .o....un~ty<-=-Sc=h=o~o=ls.__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
District: Mingo County
Date(s) of School/District/Community Partner Dialogues: Board of Directors and Members Monthly Meetings
- ongoing communication
Name of Community Organization/Agency: Mingo County Family Resource Network
Contact Person:
Amy Martin _
Contact Person email address:
Contact Person phone number:
Contact Person address: PO Box 1335. Williamson. WV 25661
Explain the community organization/agency's commitment to the Plan/Project:
Our agency will assist in the planning and organizing of events and facilitating the process of obtaining
speakers to assist in education and prevention services. The Family Resource Network will provide resource
referral assistance to McKinney-Vento eligible families and youth.
List the resources and contributions (not monetary) that the organization/agency is making to this Plan/Project:
Our agency will assist in the recruitment of participants and partners to support dropout prevention programs in
Mingo County Schools.
J\.t t:x·\f\ i ( l '
Education Innovation Zones
West Virginia Department of Education
According to WVDE - BOE Policy 3236
Community Partner Support
Use this fonn to document community organization/agency support
and partnership for the innovation dropout plan/project.
Use a separate fonn for each community partner.
Dropout grants must include meaningful documented partnerships.
School/Schools/District: -"M=in,,,.g=o-'C=o=un=tv'--"'-Sc=h=o=o=ls,__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
District: Mingo County
Date(s) of School/District/Community Partner Dialogues: FRN Board of Directors and Members Monthly
Meetings - ongoing communication
Name of Community Organization/Agency:
WV Birth to Three
Contact Person:
Jamie Mann
Contact Person email address:
Contact Person phone number:
Contact Person address: Logan. WV 2560 I
Explain the community organization/agency's commitment to the Plan/Project:
Offer SUP.Port services to teen parents and early intervention and educational service options to pre-school aged
children and their caregivers.
List the resources and contributions (not monetary) that the organization/agency is making to this Plan/Project:
Our agency will be available for trainings. seminars. workshops and meetings to support school personnel.
students and parents.
Agency Representative (Name) __.,_'_"-_·_,·._L_._'_( ,_,_,·-'---'Signature: . .~"""""-'
....·__.. ._._. . . . -·--··,___ _·1_«_
'"I. ,) C ,
L "- \...
·: · , ,
i ·
1 ·,
• ,
L <......
Education Innovation Zones
West Virginia Department of Education
According to WVDE - BOE Policy 3236
School/Schools/District: .;M=in"l:g~o-=C=o"-"un==ty,_S=-c=h=oo=ls'--------------­
District: Mingo County
Date(s) of School/District/Community Partner Dialogues:
ongoing communication
Board of Directors Monthly Meetings
Name of Community Organization/Agency: Mingo County Redevelopment Authority
Contact Person:
K Steven Kominar
Contact Person email address:
Contact Person phone number:
Contact Person address: 1100 E. 4th Avenue. Williamson, WV 25661
Explain the community organization/agency's commitment to the Plan/Project:
Realizing that an educated workforce is one of the keys to economic development. the MCRA will be available
to provide support for programs developed to decrease dropouts and increase the graduation rate in Mingo
County Schools.
List the resources and contributions (not monetary) that the organization/agency is making to this Plan/Project:
Our agency will provide program support through speakers for trainings. workshops and meetings at school
and community events for school staff, parents and students.
Agency Representative (Name)£.
2\1ecM ,
/ /
/ .
Innovation Zone Requirements:
I. Proposals must be typed in 12 point font and received no later than 4:00 p.m. on October I, 2014.
2. Complete the application for Innovation Zone designation
Education Innovation Zones
West Virginia Department of Education
According to WVDE - BOE Policy 3236
Community Partner Support
Use this form to document community organization/agency support
and partnership for the innovation dropout plan/project.
Use a separate form for each community partner.
Dropout grants!!!!!!! include meaningful documented partnerships.
School/Schools/District: -=-M=in=.;g=o...;;C:;..:o:;..;un=--ty"-'S"'"c=h=o"""o=ls'--------------District: Mingo County
Date(s) of School/District/Community Partner Dialogues: Student Empowerment Alliance Community-School
Partnership Meetings - ongoing communication
Name of Community Organization/Agency: Logan-Mingo Area Mental Health
Contact Person:
Donna J. Cooke
Contact Person email address:
Contact Person phone number:
Contact Person address: PO Box 176, Logan, WV 25601
Explain the community organization/agency's commitment to the Plan/Project:
Logan-Mingo Mental Health will provide community based screenings for a variety of addictions.
Intervention services for children and parents/caregivers through the out-patient counseling program will be
available at the centers. The program will include both day and evening hours to accommodate the schedules
of those individuals seeking treatment.
List the resources and contributions (not monetary) that the organization/agency is making to this Plan/Project:
Our agency coordinator will work closely with the schools and rule health centers to train and help conduct
early intervention screenings. Our agency will be available for trainings and workshops to children, caregivers
and the family.
Agency Representative (Name) Donna J. Cooke
Title: ....
Signature:(,_~- IJ. ttb,~
Education Innovation Zones
West Virginia Department of Education
According to WVDE - BOE Policy 3236
Community Partner Support
Use this form to document community organization/agency support
and partnership for the innovation dropout plan/project.
Use a separate form for each community partner.
Dropout grants !!!!!!! include meaningful documented partnerships.
School/Schools/District: ...::.M=1=·n::c;g=o-=C._.o'""un==ty'-'S:;:;...c=h=o'""'o=ls'--------------District: Mingo County
Date(s) of School/District/Community Partner Dialogues: Monthly Members Coalition Meetings - ongoing
Name of Community Organization/Agency: The STOP Coalition. Mingo County's Coalition
for Drug-Free Communities
Contact Person:
Joshua Murphy
Contact Person email address:
Contact Person phone number:
Contact Person address: PO Box 1385, Gilbert, WV 25621
Explain the community organization/agency's commitment to the Plan/Project:
Our agency will assist in the planning and organizing of events. We will provide direct prevention and
intervention substance abuse services to students. We will provide personnel to assist in the education and
prevention services.
List the resources and contributions (not monetary) that the organization/agency is making to this Plan/Project:
The STOP Coalition will provide resources and personnel for workshops and seminars to encourage a drug-free
community. Our agency will provide substance abuse programs and dropout prevention programs in Mingo
County Schools.
Education Innovation Zones
West Virginia Department of Education
According to WVDE - BOE Policy 3236
Community Partner Support
Use this form to document community organization/agency support
and partnership for the innovation dropout plan/project.
Use a separate form for each community partner.
Dropout grants !!!.!!!! include meaningful documented partnerships.
School/Schools/District: """""M=1=·n...,g'""'"o--'C~o.....un--=.. tv'-S"'"c=h=o"""""o_.ls_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
District: Mingo County
Date(s) of School/District/Community Partner Dialogues: Student Empowerment Alliance Community-School
Partnership Meetings - ongoing communication
Name of Community Organization/Agency:
Coalfield CAP
Contact Person:
David Jewell
Contact Person email address:
Contact Person phone number:
304-235-1701. Extension 202
Contact Person address: PO Box 1406. Williamson, WV 25661
Explain the community organization/agency's commitment to the Plan/Project:
Coalfield CAP offers assistance to low income families and oversees Head Start programs beginning at age 3.
We are available to assist families with early education opportunities.
List the resources and contributions (not monetary) that the organization/agency is making to this Plan/Project:
Our agency will provide program support for Head Start programs. resources and personnel for workshops and
seminars to explain our programs.
Agency Representative (Name)
l),. "
I --rc:f+,c/I