REVISED 10- 30-13 A Guide for All Educators: Making the Right Assessment Decisions that are Student Centered and Learning Focused Section 1 - Required Assessments Name 1. NAEP Required by state statute 2. WESTEST 2 (including online writing assessment) Required by state statute Focus Purpose and justification Assessment administered to grades 4, 8, and 12 utilizing a stratified random state sample of 2,500 to 3,000 students per grade, per subject. NAEP fulfills federal requirements and allows the state to qualify for federal funds. A national assessment, also known as the "Nation’s Report Card," administered every year in the content areas as determined by the National Assessment Governing Board. State level results are provided in mathematics and reading every other year. In addition, state results in science and writing are typically provided every four years. It is part of West Virginia Measures of Academic Progress (WV-MAP). WESTEST 2 measures student performance in the content areas of mathematics, reading/language arts writing, science, and social studies. It is aligned to the state’s 21st Century CSOs. Data from WESTEST 2 provide information on a student’s academic strengths and weaknesses in each content area within each grade level. An annual summative assessment required to report proficiency rates for ESEA. WESTEST 2 is administered on-line in SY 2013-2014 to students in grades 3-11 and includes an online writing assessment. Capacities: Tools/Support needed for effective use • Instruction in Rigorous Core Content • areas with embedded 21st Century Skills. NAEP is administered by a contractor of the federal government. School personnel are asked to assist in the preparation of materials about the students, such as necessary accommodations. Support to help schools fulfill the necessary tasks is provided by the NAEP state coordinator. • Time for collaboration among teachers to • • • • examine student data school-wide, across grades and among content-area teams. Access to data available in WESTEST 2 reports. Training to examine data to drive programmatic decision making. Access to Acuity Platform that provides Benchmarks of WESTEST 2 and a bank of test items to support classroom assessment. Appropriate planning to administer the assessments online • • • • Benefits - How does it inform instruction? NAEP allows comparison of state progress over time and with other states and the nation. Requires only 90 minutes of testing time. Scores are reported as scale scores and achievement levels. WVDE NAEP coordinator supports schools to fulfill the required tasks to administer the NAEP assessment. • Provides educators with diagnostic • • • information of student learning on the state's 21st Century CSOs. Data-driven information that supports instructional needs. Identification of specific strengths and weaknesses disaggregated by CSO and DOK level. Provides information on students' writing ability in the analytic traits of Word Choice/Grammar Usage, Organization, Development, Sentence Structure, and Mechanics using a 6point rubric. 1 Name Focus Purpose and justification Capacities: Tools/Support needed for effective use 3. Smarter Balanced Assessment Will be required by state statute in SY 2014-2015 An annual summative assessment that will fulfill ESEA requirements to report proficiency rates. The Smarter Balanced assessment will be administered online in SY 2014-2015 to students in grades 3-8 and 11, with additional assessments for students in grades 9 and 10. The Smarter Balanced assessment will measure student knowledge and ability in the content areas of mathematics and English/Language Arts. It is aligned to the WV Next Generation CSOs. Additional assessments will be available to assess the content areas of science and social studies. • Time for collaboration among teachers to 4. WESTELL Required by state statute An assessment administered to students in grades K-12 who are not native English speakers or who have a home language other than English. Annual summative alternate assessment required to report proficiency rates for NCLB. APTA is administered to students in grades 3-8 and 11. Fulfills requirements to qualify for federal technology funds. Online standardized assessment targeting students in health classes in grades 6 and 8 and high While not an end-of-course test, it is a health assessment comprised of questions that align with the WV K-12 Health Education CSOs. HEAP is used 5. APTA Required by state statute 6. HEAP Required by state statute Provides an alternate assessment of ESL that measures understanding of core CSOs. Alternate Performance Task Assessment (APTA) is an assessment for students taught on alternate academic achievement standards in the content areas of reading/language arts, mathematics (grades 3-8 and 11) and science (grades 4, 6 and 11). APTA is specifically designed for a small number of students having significant cognitive disabilities whose performance could not otherwise be adequately assessed on the general assessment even with accommodations. This assessment is used in the determination of AYP. Benefits - How does it inform instruction? • Provides educators with summative examine student data school-wide, and diagnostic information of student across grades and among content-area learning on the state’s NxGen CSOs. teams. • Data-driven information that supports • Access to data available in upcoming instructional needs. Smarter Balanced reports • Identification of specific strengths and • Training to examine data to drive weaknesses disaggregated by claim programmatic decision making. and by standard. • Access to Smarter Balanced interim • Provides information on students’ assessments and digital library of tools to writing, research, and inquiry abilities support classroom assessment and using student essays against the assessment literacy. Smarter Balanced writing rubric. • Appropriate planning to administer the assessments online. • Support for collaboration between • Provide data for the continuous schools (elementary, middle, and high improvement of English Language school) and ESL teachers. Proficiency. (This test measures social and academic language proficiency • Professional development that focuses skills.) on administration, analysis of data and how to use the data to make curriculum • Determines students to be targeted for decisions. continued program services. • Professional development activities to • Informs instruction. assist school personnel in the individual • Assists in the development of APTA data analysis including: individualized educational plans • performance and progress of mastery of including emphasis on specific the extended content standards extended standards and provide documentation on levels of prompting • depth of knowledge and levels of and independence. independence • Integrates technology in the • integration of technology in meeting instruction and assessment of the the unique needs of the population extended standards to develop 21st • formative assessment training for the century learning skills. Extended Standards Acuity items and • Increases opportunities for learning by Boardmaker platforms meeting the diverse communication needs of the population through technology. • Professional development that focuses on administration, analysis of data and how to use the data to make curricular decisions. • Provides data for the continuous improvement of health education programs at the school/district level. 2 Name Focus Purpose and justification Capacities: Tools/Support needed for effective use school required by Policy 2520.5. A fitness test required in Grades 4 through 8 and high school by Policy 2520.6. to measure student knowledge and program effectiveness. Assessment designed to measure student knowledge of the five fitness components and the components of the F.I.T.T. principle exercise. 8. Educate WV CTE Required by federal regulation Students in grades 9-12 who complete a career concentration. • 9. ACT EXPLORE Required by WVBOE policy EXPLORE is part of the West Virginia Measures of Academic Progress and is administered to students in grade 8. An assessment targeting career/technical education students. Fulfills the Federal Carl Perkins Act Requirement. Assessment designed to measure Grade 8 students’ general educational development and their complex, critical thinking skills. The test covers the content areas of English, mathematics, reading and science. 10. ACT PLAN Required by WVBOE policy PLAN is part of the West Virginia Measures of Academic Progress and is administered to students in grade 10 • Mirrors the capacities needed by ACT EXPLORE 11. ACT COMPASS Required by WVBOE policy All grade 11 students and grade 12 students who are enrolled in Transitions Math or English 12 CR An assessment designed to measure Grade 10 students’ attainment of knowledge and complex critical thinking skills acquired in the early years of high school. The test covers the content areas of English, mathematics, reading and science. A computer adapative assessment designed to adapt to students’ ability. The test measure mathematics and writing. 7. Fitness-Gram Required by state statute • Professional development that focuses on: administration, analysis of data and how to use the data to make curricular decisions. Intensive technical assistance and professional development at the school level • Time for collaboration among elementary, middle and high school teachers to examine student data school-wide, across grades and among content-areas • Access to all data, reports and training available. • Professional development to analyze and interpret the data to support programmatic decision-making, support college and career awareness, inform students when developing/revising their Individual Student Transition Plans (ISTP). • Mirrors the capacities needed by ACT EXPLORE and Plan • Appropriate planning to administer the assessment online Benefits - How does it inform instruction? • FITNESSGRAM should be used for the continuous improvement of physical education programs. • Improved student performance • Credentialing opportunities for students • A research-based measure of college and career readiness • Information about students’ academic strengths and weaknesses in English, mathematics, reading and science • Student performance by test item; the correct answer is provided for each wrong answer on the student score report • National comparisons identifying students not on track to be collegeand-career ready after graduation • Information on whether students are on track to qualify for the PROMISE scholarship • Prediction of performance on PLAN • Mirrors the benefits offered by ACT EXPLORE • Prediction of performance on ACT • Information about students’ academic preparedness in mathematics and writing • Assists in determining potential course schedules for Grade 11 students • It is aligned to HEPC’s Series 21 and may be used by post-secondary institutions to place students into 3 Name Focus Purpose and justification Capacities: Tools/Support needed for effective use 12. ACT Work Keys Required by WVBOE policy CTE completers who are taking career/technical education courses and are working toward receiving the WV Work Readiness credential. Assessment used to determine whether students are acquiring the skills in the career/technical education concentrations in the areas of applied mathematics, reading for information, and locating information. Fulfills the Federal Carl Perkins Act Requirement. • Professional development for test administration • On-site technical assistance to improve student performance, including access to Key Train remediation software 13. Early Learning Scale Required by WVBOE policy Data Reporting on the Early Learning Scale (ELS) developed by the National Institute of Early Education Research (NIEER) is required of all children in PreKindergarten, including children with special needs, beginning in 2011 for school readiness indicators a minimum of three times per year, per WVBE Policy 2525. The Child Outcome Summary Form is currently required of all Pre-Kindergarten special needs children to comply with OSP regulations concerning child outcomes reporting. An ongoing, performance-based assessment tool for the classroom that allows teachers to observe children’s development over time, informs intentional teaching, and is userfriendly to facilitate parent communication. • Ongoing support for collaboration between WV Universal Pre-K agencies, including special education directors, Head Start directors and child care directors implementing WVBE Policy 2525. • Professional development focused on administration, analysis of data and how to use the data to make curriculum decision. • Access to data and reports for partnering agencies, parents and transitions. • Provides information for data driven decisions pertaining to instruction, development and ongoing progress on school readiness standards. • Provides reporting mechanism for parent- teacher communication. • Provides information on kindergarten transitions and ongoing progress monitoring. Provides an early childhood assessment system that helps teachers accurately pinpoint where children are in their development and learning. • Provides information for data driven decisions pertaining to instruction, development and ongoing progress on school readiness standards. • Provides a reporting mechanism for OSP child outcomes reporting and ongoing progress monitoring. Students in grades 9-12 who complete the NCCER applicable CTE concentration Perkins federal requirement • Time for collaboration between universal pre-k agencies, including special education directors, Head Start directors and child care directors working to implement Universal Pre-K. • Professional development needs to be provided that focuses on administration, analysis of data and how to focus on correct data entry and reporting requirements. • Intensive technical assistance and professional development at the school level 14. Child Outcome Summary Form Required by federal regulation for students with disabilities only 15. CTE NCCER Credential Assessment Required by federal regulation for CTE Benefits - How does it inform instruction? credit-bearing courses • Students can earn the WV Work Readiness Credential • Improves student literacy and numeracy skills • Improved student performance • International Credentialing opportunities for students 4 Section 2 – Non-Required Assessments The assessments in this section are not required by state policy or statute and therefore do not require a waiver for the WVBOE. Any of these assessments required by county policy would be eligible for a waiver at the county level. Name Focus Purpose and justification Capacities: Tools/Support needed for effective use • Time for collaboration among elementary, middle and high school teachers to examine student data schoolwide, across grades and among contentareas • Access to all data, reports and training available. • Professional development to analyze and interpret the data to support programmatic decision-making, support college and career awareness, inform students when developing/revising their Individual Student Transition Plans (ISTP). 1. ACT Local discretion ACT is not part of the West Virginia Measure of Academic Progress and covers the content areas of English, mathematics, reading and science. The writing test is optional. ACT is administered to students interested in attending college. A college entrance exam designed to measure students’ general educational development and their ability to complete college-level work. 2. PSAT Local discretion PSAT is not part of the West Virginia Measure of Academic Progress and is administered to students in grades 10 and 11. The PSAT measures critical reading, mathematics and writing skills for students in Grades 10 and 11. • Professional development related to types of data/reports available • Familiarity with College Board PSAT resources and research 3. SAT Local discretion SAT is not part of the West Virginia Measure of Academic Progress and is administered to students interested in attending college A college entrance exam that measures critical reading, mathematics and writing skills that students have developed over time and that they need to be successful in college. • Time for collaboration between high schools and institutions of higher education. • Professional development of data/reports • WVDE SAT website provides stakeholders Benefits - How does it inform instruction? Provides: • A research-based measure of college and career readiness • Information about students’ academic strengths and weaknesses in English, mathematics, reading and science • Student performance by test item; the correct answer is provided for each wrong answer on the student score report. • National comparisons identifying students not on track to be collegeand-career ready after graduation • Information on whether students are on track to qualify for the PROMISE scholarship • Identifies students not academically prepared for college-level courses or careers • PSAT identifies students with AP potential • PSAT has college readiness benchmarks for Grade 10 and 11 • Provides education with information about students' academic strengths and weaknesses in critical reading, mathematics and writing • Provides national comparisons and entry into national Merit Scholarship Corporation competitions • Provides educators with information about students' academic strengths and weaknesses in critical reading, mathematics and writing • Provides national comparisons of student performance 5 with trend data • College Board offers SAT resources and research • Awareness of types of data available • Awareness of types of AP course curricular requirements • Familiarity with WV Virtual School, AP teacher training and College Board AP resources and research 4. AP Exams Local discretion Students enrolled in AP courses AP exams measure course specific content 5. Smarter Balanced Field Test Local discretion Students in schools and grades who are identified as part of the scientific sample The Smarter Balanced Field Test provides an opportunity for West Virginia to be appropriately represented when Smarter Balanced establishes cut scores for the operational test in SY 2014-2015 • Participation in webinars and training to administer the tests securely • Determine technological readiness prior to the operational administration • Communicate with the Office of Assessment and Accountability to establish an appropriate testing window for the online administration of assessments 6. TechSteps Local discretion TechSteps is a technology literacy and assessment tool focused on infusing technology skills into core instruction, while generating data for authentic performancebased assessments TechSteps is used to document that students are technology literate by eighth grade as required by NCLB and to document that all students are educated annually on cyber safety awareness and response as required by the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA). • Time for students to work on selfdirected and group-based assignments and projects • Professional development to prepare teachers for utilizing the lessons which are aligned to WV Next Generation CSOs and interpret the reports showing student progress to meeting technology literacy Districts which elect not to utilize TechSteps are required to provide documentation to the WVDE showing what alternate method was used to meet these requirements and showing which students were trained on cyber safety and which students attained tech literacy by 8th grade • Provides educators with information about students' mastery of course specific content • Provides students opportunity to receive college credit for AP courses based on AP exam score and college policies • Schools will have an early opportunity to administer an online test prior to WESTEST 2 • Administrators, teachers, and students can experience what the assessment is like prior to the implementation of the operational test • Schools can provide feedback to WVDE and the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium regarding the assessment experience • Provides a clear measure of student progress toward technology literacy • Infuses technology skills into core instruction with lessons at each grade level aligned to WV Math, ELA, Social Studies and Science CSOs • Includes rigorous and relevant student centered projects that promote inquiry and higher-order thinking • Student-centered formative and summative tools used to inspire learning and assess competence • Using technology in meaningful ways promotes rigor and improves learning outcomes in all subject areas • Teaches students to use common technology tools to solve real-world math, science, and engineering challenges 6