2015 SCHOOL NURSE NEEDS Assessment Data West Virginia Board of Education 2015-2016 Michael I. Green, President Lloyd G. Jackson II, Vice President Tina H. Combs, Secretary Thomas W. Campbell, Member Beverly E. Kingery, Member Gayle C. Manchin, Member William M. White, Member James S. Wilson, Member Paul L. Hill, Ex Officio Chancellor West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission Sarah Armstrong Tucker, Ex Officio Chancellor West Virginia Council for Community and Technical College Education Michael J. Martirano, Ex Officio State Superintendent of Schools West Virginia Department of Education TALLIES FOR 289 NURSES FOR COUNTY - STATEWIDE FOR YEAR 2015 Nurses represented Section I This section seeks to obtain information regarding professional preparation, years of service and provision of school health services. Please complete the questions as indicated, using every means available to collect accurate, complete information. 1. Population served (number of students): Pre-K Grades K-7 Grades 8-12 15,707 157,494 92,908 2. Highest Degree Held a. Diploma 0 b. Associate Degree 4 c. Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing 192 d. Bachelor’s Degree in field other than nursing 4 e. Master’s Degree in Nursing 26 f. Master’s Degree in field other than nursing 49 g. Doctorate 0 h. School Nurse Practitioner 0 i. Family Nurse Practitioner 1 3. Credentials Held a. WV Certified School Nurse/Professional Service Certificate 242 b. Permanent Authorization 74 c. First Class Permit 16 d. Substitute Permit 4 e. ANA Certification 4 f. NASN Certification 61 g. None of the Above 3 h. Other 13 4. Please provide information regarding your employment status: Employer: Board of Education: 273 County Health Department: 1 Status: Part-Time: 13 Full-Time: 259 5. Please indicate your years of experience in SCHOOL NURSING ONLY. a. 0-2 years 39 b. 3-5 years 49 c. 6-10 years 78 d. 11-13 years 33 e. 14+ years 76 1 6.a.Immediate supervisor(s) for school nurses for your area (check all letters that apply). a. Medical Director 10 b. Superintendent 53 c. Principal 90 d. Special Education Director 59 e. Director/Coordinator of Health Services 118 f. Director of Pupil Services 49 g. Other 34 6.b.In your current position as a certified school nurse, do you assign or delegate health care procedures to the following nursing staff? More than one answer is acceptable. a. Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) employed by the county Board of Education 34 b. LPN/AIDE employed by the county Board of Education 114 c. Contracted LPN 23 d. RN on a School Nurse Authorization 34 e. Contracted RN 16 f. None of the above 110 6.c.What is the main role(s) of the nursing staff who were identified above as providing health care procedures in schools under your supervision? More than one answer is acceptable. a. Administering basic procedures only 57 b. Administering insulin only 43 c. Administering one-on-one specialized health care procedure(s) 64 d. Administering basic and specialized health care procedures to all students 96 within the school building e. Administering basic and specialized health care procedures to all students 33 within the county f. Providing classroom aide services to the teacher and health care services 70 under the supervision of the certified school nurse in a school g. Other 30 6.d.Other than School-Based Health Center services provided to your school(s), do you have community medical services being offered to students through an agreement or understanding between an agency or private provider and your school(s)? If yes, what are these services? More than one answer is acceptable. a. Medical services (EPSDT/HealthCheck, Immunizations, screenings, etc.) 52 b. Behavioral/Mental Health Services 68 c. Dental Services 135 d. Family Planning Services 12 6.e.Do you currently have a need or interest in any of the following medical services being offered to the students in your school? a. School-Based Health Center 77 b. Behavioral/Mental Health 124 c. Dental Services 89 d. Family Planning Services 53 2 7. Student screening data totals where you are responsible for supervision/coordination or performance of procedure (complete each column). Number of Students Number of Students Screen Procedure Referred for Evaluation/ Screened per Year Follow-up Blood Pressure 17,616 961 Oral Health 21,051 3,734 Height/Weight 29,145 757 BMI Body Mass Index 23,400 943 Hearing 16,192 923 Scoliosis Mass screenings no longer recommended Vision 48,434 4,949 Cholesterol No longer assessed Lice 37,507 7,870 Immunizations 122,492 23,543 Well Child Screens 17,941 1,350 (EPSDT/Healthcheck) WVU CARDIAC Program 15,692 1,163 8. Other student health services performed by you (complete each column). Number of Students Number of Students Health Service Provided Referred for Evaluation/ Provided Service per Year Follow-up First Aid/Injuries 213,940 24,531 Health Counseling (Individual) 61,772 9,596 Health Counseling (Group) 12,886 277 Acute Care Health Problems (i.e. URI, ear infection, conjunctivitis, scabies, 212,046 49,258 impetigo, ringworm, rashes) CPR/AED 525 53 9. Average number of miles traveled weekly by you. Average Weekly Miles for ( 14,592 Summed Average Miles / 1 Nurses) 62,572.00 10. Number of schools you serve. Schools Served 793 11. Number of health care plans written and/or revised by you. Health Care Plans 24,308 12. Number of consultations with staff, parents, physicians regarding health issues. Consultations 93,715 13. Total number of TB skin tests given by you. TB Skin Tests No longer administered by school nurses 3 14. Meetings attended by you. a. Individualized Education Plan (IEP) 2,466 b. Student Assistance Plan (SAP) 150 c. Student Assistance Team (SAT) 1,873 d. 504 Meetings 1,838 e. Chronic Medical Team for Attendance Policy 0 f. Other Meetings 2,210 15. Total number of students per year for whom Medicaid is billed for specialized health care procedures performed by you. a. Number of Students 1,041 b. Hours Spent on Medicaid Billing 1,242 16. Total number of classroom instructional programs conducted by you. Number of Classroom Instructional Programs 2,277 17. Total number of health fairs conducted by you. a. Number of Health Fairs - Students 355 b. Number of Health Fairs - Staff 67 18. Total number of community programs presented by you. Number of Community Programs 160 19. Total number of home visits regarding student health concerns conducted by you. Number of Home Visits 629 20. County-wide Education or School Intervention Teams on which you participate (check all that apply). a. Alcohol/Drugs/Substance Abuse 30 b. Crisis Intervention 71 c. Crisis Response 82 d. School Improvement Council 15 e. LSIC or UCIP 21 f. S.B.H. Center 21 g. Disaster Preparedness 68 h. School Wellness 172 i. County Wellness 89 j. Regional Wellness 12 k. Other 40 21. Community Based Committees on which you participate (check all that apply). a. Family Resource Network (FRN) 7 b. Red Cross 22 c. Disaster Preparedness 55 d. WV DHHR (local health department, Adolescent Health, Adolescent 25 Pregnancy Prevention, etc.) e. Oral Health 24 f. Other 44 4 22. Is your health data entered on WVEIS (check appropriate letter)? Yes: 272 No: 3 No Answer: 19 23. Who enters health data on WVEIS (check all that apply)? Self: 268 Other Staff: 58 24. Number of immunization records checked by you. Please complete in table for Section I, question 7. 25. Number of hours spent training and supervising personnel who perform delegated student health care procedures. Number of hours spent training and supervising 13,646 26. Counts of programs or services in which actively participating: a. WVDHHR Fluoride Rinse Program 96 b. Community Schools Program 35 c. American Dairy Fuel Up to Play 60 74 d. WVU CARDIAC Program 215 e. Mobile Dentist 95 27. School Personnel Screening - Staff Wellness - where you are responsible for supervision/ coordination or performance of procedures. Number Referred for Services Provided Number Screened Evaluation/Follow-up Blood Pressure 7,156 926 PEIA or Staff Wellness 2,455 111 First Aid 6,221 812 Health Counseling 9,426 2,320 Flu Shots 6,983 182 Immunizations 585,324 581 28. Number of staff development trainings and/or programs presented by you. Number of trainings/programs 1,565 29. Epinephrine Administration a. Anaphylactic Reaction (diagnosed) 325 b. Anaphylactic Reaction (undiagnosed) collection runs August - June 30. Number of student encounters/health office visits to RN resulting in the 477,025 student returning to class or staying in school during the 2014-15 school year. 31. Number of student encounters/health office visits to the RN resulting in 911 3,815 being called or regionally appropriate equivalent during the 2014-15 school year. 32. Number of student encounters/health office visits to RN resulting in the 82,202 student being sent home during the 2014-15 school year. 5 Section II Total Number of Cases Requiring School Nurse Involvement, Intervention, or Follow-Up 1. Cardiovascular/Blood Disorders Heart Problems Hemophilia/Coagulation Disorders Hepatitis Hypertension Immunosuppressed Other Cardiovascular/Blood Disorders 2. Central Nervous System/ Neurological Cerebral Palsy Epilepsy/Seizures Brain/Spinal Cord Trauma/Infection Hydrocephalic/Microcephalic Migraine/Severe Headache Other Central Nervous System/ Neurological Disorders Pre-K 86 4 5 5 11 18 Pre-K 54 141 9 23 3 50 Kindergarten 5th Grade to to 4th Grade 8th Grade 449 417 65 57 8 5 53 160 56 69 103 78 Kindergarten 5th Grade to to 4th Grade 8th Grade 159 130 755 557 30 36 57 37 468 823 101 3. Dermatological Severe Burns Burns Other Dermatological Disorders Pre-K 0 10 60 4. Endocrine Diabetes - Type I Diabetes - Type II Hypoglycemia not diagnosed as diabetic Adrenal Insufficiency Other Endocrine Disorders Pre-K 12 1 5. Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat Artificial Eye Other Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat Pre-K 2 104 2 Kindergarten 5th Grade to to 4th Grade 8th Grade 5 6 22 38 538 226 Kindergarten 5th Grade to to 4th Grade 8th Grade 183 343 23 81 64 3 7 6 79 92 20 28 87 102 Kindergarten 5th Grade to to 4th Grade 8th Grade 14 19 725 674 9th Grade to 12th Grade 416 72 4 301 54 127 9th Grade to 12th Grade 131 547 86 35 1,021 98 9th Grade to 12th Grade 14 70 231 9th Grade to 12th Grade 400 149 173 35 190 9th Grade to 12th Grade 6 898 6. Gastrointestinal Eating Disorders (Anorexia/Bulimia) Cleft Lip/Palate Obesity (nurse or M.D. diagnosed) Ulcerative Colitis Special diets (Medically Indicated) Other Gastrointenstinal Disorders Pre-K 4 9 111 2 315 80 7. Genetic Autism Down’s Syndrome Tourette’s Syndrome Other Genetic Disorders Pre-K 238 25 3 51 8. Musculoskeletal Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis Congenital Hip Lordosis, Kyphosis, Scoliosis Muscular Dystrophy Osteogenesis Imperfecta Spina Bifida Other Musculoskeletal Disorders Pre-K 1 3 5 5 3 12 30 9. Behavior Medicine Mental Disorders (Diagnosed Depression, Bipolar, Schizophrenia, Suicidal) Behavioral Disorders (ADD/ADHDphysician treated, Anxiety, OCD/ODD) Other Behavioral Disorders Pre-K Kindergarten to 4th Grade 10 50 1,017 25 1,793 420 Kindergarten to 4th Grade 863 106 43 129 Kindergarten to 4th Grade 58 10 169 17 9 41 131 Kindergarten to 4th Grade 20 523 739 1,075 282 4,797 4,465 2,974 10. Reproductive Pregnancies Other Reproductive Disorders Pre-K 0 0 32 7 5th Grade to 8th Grade 70 31 1,073 52 851 349 5th Grade to 8th Grade 633 72 67 102 5th Grade to 8th Grade 43 10 148 18 12 33 121 5th Grade to 8th Grade 201 261 Kindergarten 5th Grade to to 4th Grade 8th Grade 0 20 6 32 9th Grade to 12th Grade 62 26 1,015 56 741 391 9th Grade to 12th Grade 540 97 54 75 9th Grade to 12th Grade 57 13 212 24 6 34 136 9th Grade to 12th Grade 167 9th Grade to 12th Grade 432 49 11. Respiratory Asthma Bronchitis (Chronic) Anaphylactic Reaction (actual/potential for) Cystic Fibrosis Other Respiratory Disorders Pre-K 430 28 12. Urological Renal Disease including Nephritis or Nephrotic Syndrome Neurogenic Bladder Other Urological Disorders Pre-K 13. Cancer Cancer-Malignant (Current Diagnosis/ Need School Health Services) Cancer-Nonmalignant (Current Diagnosis/Need for School Health Services) Pre-K 253 Kindergarten 5th Grade to to 4th Grade 8th Grade 4,670 4,406 80 147 2,046 5 11 6 37 30 396 148 Kindergarten 5th Grade to to 4th Grade 8th Grade 53 8 24 1,368 41 34 20 157 101 Kindergarten 5th Grade to to 4th Grade 8th Grade 9th Grade to 12th Grade 3,560 155 1,176 33 96 9th Grade to 12th Grade 46 35 123 9th Grade to 12th Grade 0 36 13 12 2 11 7 4 8 Section III Total Number of Students Needing Specialized Care/People Trained to Perform Delegated Procedures Contracted Licensed Provider Trained Pre-K Kindergarten to 4th Grade 5th Grade to 8th Grade 9th Grade to 12th Grade School Personnel Trained Gastrostomy Tube Bolus Feeding 23 29 26 25 66 26 Gastrostomy Tube Slow Drip and/or Continuous Feeding 23 23 22 21 30 22 Gastrostomy Button Bolus Feeding 229 35 28 31 117 30 Gastrostomy Button Slow Drip and/or Continuous Feeding 24 27 228 20 55 23 Nasogastric Tube Bolus Feeding 20 21 21 20 28 22 Nasogastric Tube Slow Drip and/or Continuous Feeding 20 20 20 20 23 22 Inserting a Nasogastric Tube 20 20 20 20 23 22 Ostomy Care: Emptying/ Changing of Ostomy Pouch 21 23 22 22 37 23 1. Digestive Contracted Licensed Provider Trained Endocrine Pre-K Kindergarten to 4th Grade 5th Grade to 8th Grade 9th Grade to 12th Grade School Personnel Trained Diabetic Management 33 209 380 640 1,590 160 Measurement of Blood Sugar with a Glucometer 34 409 562 447 1,333 153 Insulin by Injection 28 139 401 245 232 128 Insulin Pump/Bolus 24 84 175 189 248 131 Glucagon 32 185 342 371 1,372 351 2. Contracted Licensed Provider Trained Medications Pre-K Kindergarten to 4th Grade 5th Grade to 8th Grade 9th Grade to 12th Grade School Personnel Trained Adrenal Insufficiency Management 20 38 44 36 159 38 Long-Term Medication Administration 218 2,523 1,265 610 2,197 113 3. 9 Contracted Licensed Provider Trained Neurological Pre-K Kindergarten to 4th Grade 5th Grade to 8th Grade 9th Grade to 12th Grade School Personnel Trained Emergency Medication Administration 259 3,670 2,322 1,235 3,521 144 Administration of Rectal Diazepam 79 306 203 105 1,640 148 Phrenic Nerve Stimulator 220 0 24 24 35 22 Seizure Management 123 574 386 408 2,474 140 9th Grade to 12th Grade School Personnel Trained 4. 5. Respiratory Pre-K Kindergarten to 4th Grade 5th Grade to 8th Grade Contracted Licensed Provider Trained Vagus Nerve Stimulator 22 10 20 33 256 15 Anaphylactic Reaction 396 1,632 1,005 865 3,390 156 Epinephrine Auto-Injector (EPI-PEN) 180 1,653 920 680 3,171 164 Inhalation Therapy by Machine 65 191 285 253 601 74 Manual Resuscitator 21 223 21 21 298 28 Mechanical Ventilator 22 21 20 20 3 225 Metered Dose Inhaler (MDI) Therapy 344 3,156 2,320 1,739 2,986 165 Oral Suctioning 3 26 42 225 72 5 Oxygen Administration 23 224 27 4 257 237 Peak Flow Meter 20 44 37 29 48 24 Postural Drainage and Percussion 20 24 23 221 32 6 Emergency Care and Cleaning of Tracheostomy Tube and Stoma 224 26 22 20 31 231 Emergency Replacement of Tracheostomy Tube 23 26 22 20 31 26 Contracted Licensed Provider Trained Pre-K Kindergarten to 4th Grade 5th Grade to 8th Grade 9th Grade to 12th Grade School Personnel Trained Tracheostomy Suctioning Sterile Technique 23 24 44 21 30 34 Clean Catheterization 24 395 26 34 97 30 Self Catheterization 20 28 32 38 61 28 Sterile Catheterization 220 224 225 21 35 24 Credés Method 221 21 20 20 26 221 6. Urinary 10 NOTES 11 NOTES 12 NOTES 13 Michael J. Martirano, Ed.D. State Superintendent of Schools