!"##$%&'(')*$ Letter from the Chair Greetings from the Midwest! I am not going to predict what the weather is like as you read this because it is liable to be 15 degrees different (warmer or colder) from what it is as I write. If you are an alumnus, or have access to the BSU Alumnus Magazine, you know that CPSY was honored with the center article in the most recent issue. It was a pleasure to work with Laura Ford to make that article happen, and an even greater pleasure to see our good deeds appear in LIVING COLOR! I am, as al­ ways, proud of the work that CPSY faculty and students do wherever they do it. !"#$%&'()#% BSU Department of Counseling Psychology Teachers College Room 622 Muncie, IN 47306 And we continue to receive accolades – the most recent issue of The Career De­ velopment Quarterly brings a content and trend analysis by Flores et al. (2006) on the amount of racial/ethnic minority vocational research published in the four main career journals between 1969 and 2004. I am ecstatic to report that CPSY is ranked 12th in that list of institutions pub­ lishing such research, and I personally was tied for 5th in the number of articles pub­ lished during that time period. While I am very excited for CPSY, I must say that there is a great need for authors to focus their ca­ reers on this area (considering that I did not start publishing in that area until the late ‘80s, for goodness’ sake!). I should take a moment to blow my own horn and announce that I was recently named a Fellow of the American Psychological Association through Division 17! It is a great honor to be invited to join this small but prestigious group, and I consider myself fortunate to be able to share my excitement with you, my aca­ demic family. On another, sadder note, I am again reminded that there will always be a need for all of our fields (counseling, social psychology, and counseling psychology) to try to explain the unexplainable. This time last year we were trying to under­ stand the psychological impact of Hurricanes Katrina, Rita, and Wilma on the Gulf Coast and the rest of the country. This year, this month, we are trying to !"#$%&$'()*#$*+,-(*./* Inside this issue: Special points of interest: Meta-Analyses Recently Published 2 The Counseling Psychologist Ranked #1 ... 3 Alumnus to offer Editing and Evaluation Services 4 Welcome to all the New Students 4 Alumni News 5 At A Glance 6 New Student Interviews 12 ! 01+#2%,$%*&$3#21,%&#$*3#2*42,)',%&$-*5,67 !"#$%&'!()"*!%&+,-&./* ! 8+9#1&$-*:++#2%'$&%&(6;*"#$3(2($9(6;*,$)* <#2=6>#+6*!+?*@/* ! A(9($%*B'CD&9,%&#$6*,$)*B2(6($%,%&#$6***** !+?*E/* ! F((+*0$*G#'9>*H#21*3#2*ID'1$&*!+?*JJ/* !etter &r'( the *hair- c'nt0d !"#$%&$'()*32#1*+,-(*J/* understand the rash of school shootings occurring across the country. As I write this I am monitoring the news of a fatal shooting of girls at an Amish school in Pennsylvania. Why that school? Why that man? Why all of those girls? This is, in fact, the second school shooting in recent days involving an adult man and young girls; it is at once shocking and numbing. As (future and current) counselors, social psychologists, and counseling psy­ chologists we are in a position to not only ask the ques­ tions but to be involved in seeking the answers. We hope that if we can’t deter the next shooting, that we can at least assist quickly and ably in the aftermath. I just read that President Bush is calling for a school violence summit to look at the federal government’s role in helping local communities stop the violence. Clearly we should be represented at that table. We should also be represented in our local communities as another resource to provide support and guidance. If you are looking for a way to use your training and talents for the good of the com­ munity, I can’t think of a better one. I wish you all the best as you move through the fall and finish out 2006! Sb CPSY and Division 17 Conference Committee Dr. Larry Gerstein has been ap­ pointed as the Co­Chair of the Division 17 Conference Com­ mittee. He was elected to Co­ Chair in the Spring of 2006. One of his responsibilities will be to serve on the Planning Committee for the 2008 Interna­ tional Counseling Psychology Conference to take place in Chicago. The International Section was formally approved by the Execu­ tive Council of Division 17 in August, 2006. The Section is dedicated to encouraging, pro­ moting, and facilitating a scien­ tist­professional model of coun­ seling psychology in interna­ tional contexts in the U.S.A. and around the globe. For further information, visit www.internationalcounselingpsy chology.org. Meta­Analyses Recently Published Many of you are aware of the years of research and hours in­ vested by Drs. Spengler, Ægisdóttir, and White and several students on the federally funded Meta­Analysis of Clinical Judgment (MACJ) research project. Many of you participated on this project as Page 2 assistants and co­ authors. The members of the MACJ project are proud to announce that two large meta­ analyses were recently published from this project, one on clinical versus statistical prediction (Ægisdóttir, White, Spengler et al. 2006) and the other on experience and judgment accuracy (Spengler, White, Ægisdóttir et al., in press). Both publications are in G>(* "#'$6(D&$-*B6K9>#D#-&6%. CPSY TIMES Dr. Gerstein Lobbies Congressman Pence Dr. Gerstein recently lobbied Con­ gressman Mike Pence, asking him to support a bill to award His Holi­ ness The Dalai Lama the Congres­ sional Gold Medal. The congress­ man was quick to reply yes to his request. The picture was taken on June 9, 2006. It was taken in front of the congressman’s office in the Can­ non Building in Washington, DC. Congressman Pence represents the 6th Congressional District in Indi­ ana which includes Muncie. Dr. Gerstein with Congressman Pence Dr. Bowman Awarded Fellow Dr. Bowman was recently named a Fellow of the American Psychological Association through Division 17, Society of Counseling Psychology. The Fellow status becomes official in January 2007. According to the APA webpage: Election to Fellow status re­ quires evidence of unusual and outstanding contributions or per­ formance in the field of psychol­ ogy. Fellow status requires that a person's work has had a national impact on the field of psychol­ ogy beyond a local, state, or re­ gional level. A high level of competence or steady and con­ tinuing contributions are not suf­ ficient to warrant Fellow status. National impact must be demon­ strated. In Dr. Bowman's case, her con­ tributions in administration and service were of particular note. The Counseling Psychologist Ranked #1 in Citation Indexes G>(*"#'$6(D&$-*B6K9>#D#-&6% was rated number one in citation indexes this year. Last year it was rated number two behind the I1(2&9,$*B6K9>#D#-&6% (I1(2&9,$*B6K9>#D#-&6% was re­ moved this year from citation index). CPSY has a strong tradi­ tion of publishing in G"B and editorial work on G"B. Dr. Spengler has been Associate Editor of G>(*"#'$6(D&$-*B6K7 9>#D#-&6% for the past five years and is finishing his sixth year in this service role. Current board members consist of Drs. Ger­ stein and Alexander. Drs. Spengler and Bowman were recent board mem­ bers as well.* Page 3 Midwestern Psychological Association The Midwestern Psychological Asso­ ciation will be having their annual meeting this May in Chicago, Illinois. The deadline for proposal submissions is November 1st. You can see the call for programs on the web at: www.midwesternpsych.org/ fall_call06.pdf Membership is open to anyone with a Ph.D. in psychology. Graduate stu­ dents may also join with endorsement from a Ph.D. member. The membership form can be found at: www.midwesternpsych.org/ membership.html For further information, see the Ball State University MPA local rep: Name: Rolf Holtz, Ph.D. Office: North Quad 129 Phone: 765­285­1699 Email: rfholtz@bsu.edu Alumnus to offer Editing and Evaluation Services Carrie Hill graduated in 1994 from Ball State with her M.A. in Com­ munity Counseling. After working in a community mental health center in Denver for two years she returned to Indiana to pursue her doctorate. She earned her Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology from Indi­ ana University in 2001 and promptly moved to St. George, Utah to join her now­fiancé, whom she has known since grade school. She spent the next five years as Regional Coordinator of the Alzheimer’s Association, directing programs, services, community out­ reach, public relations, and fund­ raising for all of southern Utah. Deciding it was time to be true to herself, she took a risk and quit her job. She is now self­employed as a freelance writer, editor, trainer, and consultant in the areas of psychol­ ogy and aging. She now offers editing and evalua­ tion services for dissertations, theses, and other manuscripts. Hav­ ing published over a dozen journal articles and book chapters, she says she is “quite familiar with APA for­ mat and academic writing in gen­ eral.” She provides her services via email, mail, and phone, and prom­ ises a quick turnaround. For more information, you can visit her website at http://home.earthlink.net/~carhill or contact her at carhill@earthlink.net. Welcome to all the New Students! The Department of Counseling Psy­ chology and Guidance Services would like to welcome all of the new doctoral and master’s students. The new doctoral students are: Tracy Ksiazak Aimee Prater Nazar Seyala Vocational Rehab track admitted 5 students while 10 students came in with a double major. It is nice to see how large and popular our pro­ gram has become over the years. Janelle Boo Mandy Cleveland Rebecca Hansen Yueh­Ching Hsu Calvin Isaacs Page 4 Sarah Jenkins There were also 48 new master’s students who started the program this Fall. The Community and Mental Health Track each wel­ comed 9 students, while the School track had an overwhelming 15. The CPSY TIMES Alumni News Shonali Raney, M.A., current Ph.D. student is now Senior Staff at Counseling and Consultation Service, at Ohio State University. Chrissy Civiletto, Ph.D. recently moved to Boston where she works at Northeastern University as a Psychologist/ Coordinator of Sexual Assault Services. Jeremy Bottoms, M.A. is finishing up his internship at the Cincinnati VAMC. Afterwards, he is planning on mov­ ing to Danville, PA where he will start a 2­year neuropsych post­doc at Geisinger Medical Center. He was also mar­ ried in 2003 to Marleen Smith (Ed. Psych department grad). Christine Chamberlin, Ph.D. moved back to New England and took a position as a school psychologist at Keene Middle School in Keene, NH. New Beginnings and Arrivals Chris Owens and Carla Schriml were married on April 29, 2006 in Wintergreen, VA. Chris was a 2001 M.A. Community Counseling graduate and Carla graduated in 2000 with an M.A. in Community Counseling and a M.S. in Sports Psychology. Chris is working as a Drug & Alcohol rehab therapist at Eagleville Hospital near Philadelphia. Carla is also work­ ing near Philadelphia as a family therapist for Child Guidance Resource Center. Maxwell Taylor Jack was born on January 15, 2006. He weighed 6lbs., 7 oz. and was 18 inches long. His parents are Mandy (M.A. Mental Health Counseling) and Fred Jack. Katherine Faith was born on April 12, 2006. Her parents are Heather (M.A. Com­ munity Counseling Track May ‘03) and Andy Richardson. Heather and Andy also have another child, three year old Lillian Grace. Heather continues to work as a mental health counselor at Anchor Behavioral Counseling and has recently met the requirements for licensure and will take the exam this October. Ian David Klein was born on May 8, 2006. He weighed 6 lbs., 7 oz. and was 20.5 inches long. His parents are Heather Anderson, and Shawn Klein Ph.D. 04. In Remembrance of Dr. Bethe Anne Korfhage On July 30, 2006, Dr. Bethe Anne Korfhage died following a tragic automobile accident. She was from New Albany and had accepted a position as an adjunct professor at Spalding University in Louisville, Kentucky. Bethe earned her B.A. and master’s degrees from Ball State University and had received her doctorate in Counseling Psychology from the University of Kentucky in May of 2006. She was a member of the American Psychological Association and St. Mary of the Knobs Catholic Church in Floyds Knobs, IN. Her funeral was held on Saturday, August 5, 2006 at St. Mary of the Knobs Church. Expressions of sympathy were asked to be donated to the World Wildlife Fund (www.worldwildlife.org) or the Human Rights Campaign (www.hrc.org). Page 5 At A Glance Sunday, October 29 ­ Tuesday, October 31 Fall Break ­ No Classes Tuesday, November 21 Night classes meet Wednesday, November 22 ­ Saturday, November 25 Thanksgiving Break Monday, November 27 Classes resume Saturday, December 9 Final Exam Period for Saturday Classes Monday, December 11 Last meeting day for regular classes Tuesday, December 12 ­ Saturday, December 16 Final Exams Saturday, December 16 Fall Semester Ends Sunday, December 17 December Commencement Monday, December 18 ­ Sunday, January 7 Semester Break Tuesday, December 19 Grades due by noon Monday, January 8 Classes for Spring Semester begin Friday, January 12 Late registration and change­of­course ends Monday, January 15 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day ­ No classes Thursday, February 8 First course withdrawal period ends Monday, February 12 ­ Monday, June 18 Course Registration for Summer 2007 Sunday, March 11 ­ Sunday, March 18 Spring Break ­ No Classes Monday, March 19 Last course withdrawal period ends Monday, March 26 ­ Tuesday, April 10 Course Request for Fall 2007 Friday, April 27 Last meeting day for regular classes Saturday, April 28 Final Exam Period for Saturday Classes Monday, April 30 ­ Friday, May 4 Final Exams Friday, May 4 Spring Semester Ends Saturday, May 5 May Commencement Monday, May 7 Grades due by noon Attention: 2raduatin4 Master0s 7tudents In order to graduate you must apply for graduation at the Graduate School by the deadline in the semester you intend to graduate. Graduation Application Deadline: For Spring 2007 February 5, 2007 For Summer 2007 June 4, 2007 Page 6 Deadline for Research Papers, Creative Projects, Theses, and Dissertations: For Spring 2007 April 9, 2007 For Summer 2007 July 9, 2007 Applications submitted after the deadline may be switched to the following semester for graduation (students do not have to reapply for graduation). Please direct all questions to the Graduate School. CPSY TIMES Upcoming Opportunities Spring 2007 Course Addition: CPSY 634 Introduction to Behavioral Medicine Taught by Dr. Don Nicholas Topics to be Covered Include: ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Mind­Body Health Chronic Pain Smoking Cessation Weight Management Stress Management Psychosocial Oncology Psychosocial Aspects of Heart Disease If interested contact Dr. Nicholas (dnichola@bsu.edu) Course Day and Time Not Yet Determined Summer Study Abroad Programs: Study Abroad Programs are in the works for trips to the following countries: St. Lucia It will be held the first 2­3 weeks of May. The trip is designed to provide school counseling and peer mediation services. For more information contact Dr. Alexander South Africa It will be held in early May. The trip is designed around cultural exchanges and students will be able to go on a safari. For more information contact Dr. Bowman Iceland This trip is still tentative and if scheduled will probably be planned for the second summer semester. For more information contact Dr. Ǽgisdottir Upcoming Conferences & Workshops Indiana Counseling Association 2007 Educational Conference February 1­2, 2007 Indianapolis, IN http://www.indianacounseling.org/ American Counseling Association Annual Convention & Exposition March 21­25, 2007 COBO Convention Center, Detroit, MI http://www.counseling.org/Convention/ 16th National Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect Co­Sponsored by APA and Children’s Bureau, Office on Child Abuse and Neglect April 16­21, 2007 Portland, OR http://www.childwelfare.gov/index.cfm Midwestern Psychological Association 2007 Annual Meeting May 3­5, 2007 Chicago, IL http://www.midwesternpsych.org/ American School Counselor Association Annual Conference June 23­26, 2007 Denver, CO http://www.schoolcounselor.org/ American Mental Health Counselors Association Annual Conference July 26­28, 2007 Hotel Monteleone, New Orleans, LA http://www.amhca.org/ Job Opportunities The following job opportunities require the completion of a Ph.D. Central College—Psychology Department, Assistant Professor, Tenure­track, beginning August 2007, for more informa­ tion contact Dr. Paul Naour at naourp@central.edu University of Tennessee—Department of Psychol­ ogy, Four Positions ­ Director of Counseling Psychology (Associate/Full Professor), two positions in the Clinical Program (one in Child Psychology and one Open posi­ tion), Experimental Program (Assistant Professor, Cognitive Develop­ ment); Tenure­track, beginning August 2007, for more information contact Ms. Connie Ogle at (865) 974­3328 (t), (865) 974­3330 (f), cjogle@utk.edu Drake University—Psychology Department, Assistant Professor, Tenure­track, beginning August 2007, for more information contact Dr. Steven F. Faux at steven.faux@drake.edu Page 7 Recent Publications Ægisdóttir, S., Spengler, P. M., & White, M. J. (2006). Should I Pack my Umbrella? Clinical versus Statistical Prediction of Mental Health Decisions. G>(*"#'$6(D&$-*B6K9>#D#-&6%;*LM;*410­419? Ægisdóttir, S., White, M. J., Spengler, P. M., Maugherman, A., Anderson, L. A., Cook, R. S., Nichols, C. N., Lampropoulos, G. K., Walker, B. S., Cohen, G. R. & Rush, J. D. (MAJOR CONTRIBUTION) (2006). The Meta­Analysis of Clinical Judg­ ment project: Fifty­Six Years of Accumulated Research on Clinical versus Statistical Prediction. G>(*"#'$6(D&$-*B6K9>#D#7 -&6%;*LM;*341­382. Delgado­Romero, E. A., Bowman, S. L., & Gerstein, L. H. (2006). 18 years of the Great Lakes Regional Counseling Psychology Conference: Revisiting the need for regional conferences. G>(*"#'$6(D&$-*B6K9>#D#-&6%;*LM;*420­438. Kruczek, T., & Salsman, J. R. (2006). Prevention and treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder in the school setting. B6K9>#D#-K* &$*%>(*N9>##D6;*ML(4), 461­470. Kruczek, T., Salsman, J. R., & Vitanza, S. (2005). Prevention and Treatment of Post­Traumatic Stress Disorder in Adolescents. In T. P. Gulotta & G. R. Adams (Eds.), O,$)C##=*#3*,)#D(69($%*C(>,P&#2,D*+2#CD(16Q*RP&)($9(7C,6()*,++2#,9>(6*%#*+2(7 P($%&#$*,$)*%2(,%1($% (pp. 331­350). New York, NY: Springer. Lampropoulos, G. K., & Spengler, P. M. (2005). Helping and change without traditional therapy: Commonalities and opportuni­ ties. "#'$6(DD&$-*B6K9>#D#-K*S',2%(2DK;*JE, 47­59. Lampropoulos, G. K, Spengler, P. M., & Schneider, M. K. (in press). Predictors of Early Termination in a University Training Counseling Clinic. T#'2$,D*#3*"#'$6(D&$-*,$)*U(P(D#+1($%? Neville, H. A., Carter, R. T., Spengler, P. M., & Hoffman, M. A. (2006). Quantitative research designs and counseling psychol­ ogy. G>(*"#'$6(D&$-*B6K9>#D#-&6%;*LM, 597­600. Nicholas, D. R., Aegisdottir, S, & Kruczek, T. (2006, in press). Cultural and Family Issues. In M. J. Fisch & A. Burton (Eds). ",$9(2*B,&$*5,$,-(1($%. Chapter 12. McGraw­Hill: New York, NY. Perrone, K. M., Webb, L. K., Wright, S. L., Jackson, V., & Ksiazak, T. M. (2006). The relationship of spirituality to work and family roles and life satisfaction among gifted adults. T#'2$,D*#3*5($%,D*O(,D%>*"#'$6(D&$-;*.E;*253 – 268? Rosenthal, D. A., & Dalton, J. A. (In press). Analyzing vocational outcomes of individuals with psychiatric disabilities who re­ ceived state vocational rehabilitation services: A data mining approach. 0$%(2$,%&#$,D*T#'2$,D*#3*N#9&,D*B6K9>&,%2K? Spengler, P. M., Neville, H. A., & Hoffman, M. A. (2005). Introduction to perspectives on counseling psychology research: Furthering the tradition of self­examination. G>(*"#'$6(D&$-*B6K9>#D#-&6%, LL(3), 265­268. Spengler, P. M., White, M. J., Ægisdóttir, S., Maugherman, A., Anderson, L. A., Cook, R. S., Nichols, C. N., Lampropoulos, G. K., Walker, B. S., Cohen, G. R., & Rush, J. D. (in press). The Meta­Analysis of Clinical Judgment project: Effects of ex­ perience on judgment accuracy. G>(*"#'$6(D&$-*B6K9>#D#-&6%. Suzuki, L. A., Alexander, C. M., Lin, P., & Duffy, K. (2006) Psychopathology in the schools: Multicultural factors that impact assessment and intervention. B6K9>#D#-K*&$*%>(*N9>##D6, 43, 429­438. Recent Presentations Alexander, C. M. (2006, August). V'&D)&$-*5'D%&9'D%'2,D*"#1+(%($9&(6*&$*"#'$6(D#2*G2,&$((6Q*I$*0$%(2$,%&#$,D*011(26&#$*RW7 +(2&($9(? Symposium presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, New Orleans, Louisi­ ana. Alexander, C. M. (2006, August). "#$P(26&#$*#3*"'D%'2(*,$)*B6K9>#D#-K*",2&CC(,$*,$)*5(W&9,$*A(6+#$6(6. Roundtable pre­ sented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association. New Orleans, Louisiana. Alexander, C. M. (2006). G>(*0$)&,$,*5($%#2&$-*,$)*I66(661($%*B2#-2,1. Roundtable presented at the annual meeting of the Indiana Counseling Association, Indianapolis, Indiana. (Invited Presentation). Bowman, S. L. (August, 2006). Lions, hippos, and giraffes: Taking your students on safari. In (T. D. Gordon & S. L. Bowman, !"#$%&$'()*#$*+,-(*X/* Page 8 CPSY TIMES 8ecent Presentati'ns- c'nt0d !"#$%&$'()*32#1*+,-(*E/* Chairs): Training a globally minded psychologist. Symposium conducted at the annual convention of the American Psycho­ logical Association, New Orleans, LA. Bowman, S. L. (August, 2006). My date with Katrina: Encouraging social responsibility in counseling psychology. In (M. M. Leach & S. C. Jacobs, Chairs): Tough lessons from Katrina and Rita: Toward better disaster preparedness. Symposium con­ ducted at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association, New Orleans, LA. Carter, R. T., Hoffman, M. A., Neville, H., & Spengler, P. M. (2005, August). G>(*"#'$6(D&$-*B6K9>#D#-&6%*I)*O#9*A(P&(Y(2* G2,&$&$-. Paper presented at the meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington, DC. Choi, S., & Gerstein, L. H. (August, 2006). Asians' help­seeking attitudes and behaviors. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Asian American Psychological Association, New Orleans, LA. Dalton, J. A. (October, 2006). Falling on Deaf ears: Understanding the diversity of the Deaf and Hard­Of­Hearing (DHOH) con­ sumer population and the implications for successful vocational rehabilitation outcomes. Content presentation at the 2006 National Rehabilitation Counseling Association Professional Development Symposium, Albuquerque, NM. Dhanbhoora, K. A., & Nicholas, D. R. (August, 2006). N+#'6,D*9#11'$&9,%&#$*,1#$-*+,%&($%6*Y&%>*9,$9(2? Poster presentation at the Annual Convention of the Americal Psychological Association, New Orleans, LA. Dixon, D. N. (2006, August). Symposium Chair, Forgiveness Research in Context­Northern Ireland, South Africa, the Midwest. Symposium presented at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association in New Orleans. Dixon, D. N., & Kagee, A. (2006, August). Forgiveness following Apartheid in South Africa. Presentation at the annual conven­ tion of the American Psychological Association in New Orleans. Gerstein, L. H. (2006, April). Behind the scenes: Stop Hate Campaign! Chair of a Symposium at the Great Lakes Regional Counseling Psychology Conference, Bloomington, West Lafayette, IN. Gerstein, L. H. (2006, April). Earning frequent flyer miles: Globetrotting Counseling Psychologists. Invited keynote speaker at the Great Lakes Regional Counseling Psychology Conference, Bloomington, West Lafayette, IN. Gerstein, L. H. (2006, May). International Social Justice Architects: Counseling Psychology in Action! Invited presentation at the Department of Counseling and Development, University of Georgia, Athens, GA. Gerstein, L. H. (2006, August). Counseling Psychologists as International Social Architects. Symposium paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, New Orleans, LA. Gerstein, L. H. (2006, August). Gandhi, the Dalai Lama, and Nonviolence­­­Intervention and Research Strategies. Chair of Sym­ posium presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, New Orleans, LA. Gerstein, L. H. (2006, August). Peaceful Strategy to Resolve the Tibet­­China Conflict. Symposium paper presented at the An­ nual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, New Orleans, LA. Gerstein, L. H., & Ægisdóttir, S. (2006, April) We’re Going Global! Counseling Psychology’s Contribution. Co­Chairs of Roundtable at the Great Lakes Regional Counseling Psychology Conference, Bloomington, West Lafayette, IN. Gerstein, L. H., Chen, P., & Ægisdóttir, S. (2006, August). Counseling and Psychology Around the World. Co­Chairs of Round­ table presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, New Orleans, LA. Gerstein, L. H., & Kirkpatrick, D. (2006, April). The Teenage Nonviolence Test: A factor analytic investigation. Poster presenta­ tion at the Great Lakes Regional Counseling Psychology Conference, Bloomington, West Lafayette, IN. Gordon, T. D., Bowman, S. L., Alexander, C. M., & Choi, S. (August, 2006). Training a globally minded psychologist. Sympo­ sium conducted at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, New Orleans, LA. Hansen, R. A., Coleman, M. S., Nichols, A. M., & Bowman, S. L. (2006, August). Lessons from Hurricane Katrina: Volunteer­ ing with the American Red Cross. Poster given at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association. Harris, K. A., Howell, D. S., Spurgeon, D. W., Sirken, A. W., McConnell, J. M., & Coulter, D. R. (2006, August). Language !"#$%&$'()*#$*+,-(*JZ/* Page 9 8ecent Presentati'ns- c'nt0d !"#$%&$'()*32#1*+,-(*X/* games and the sacred: A definitional content analysis. Poster session presented at the American Psychological Association Convention, New Orleans, LA. Harris, K. A., Moore, K. E., & Crocker, R. A. (2006, August). Paganism and counseling: The development of a clinical resource. Poster presented at the American Psychological Association Convention, New Orleans, LA. Lampropoulos, G. K., & Spengler, P. M. (2006, October). "D&($%7%>(2,+&6%*%>&$=&$-*6%KD(6;*%2(,%1($%*+2(3(2($9(6;*+6K9>#+,7 %>#D#-K;*,$)*(,2DK*9#'$6(D&$-*+2#9(66*,$)*#'%9#1(? Paper accepted for presentation at the 2006 conference of the North American Society for Psychotherapy Research, Burr Oak, OH. Lampropoulos, G. K., Spengler, P. M., Jackson, Z. V., & Smith, C. L. (2006, May) G2,&$((*%>(2,+&6%*%>&$=&$-*6%KD(6;*%2(,%1($%* +2(3(2($9(6;*,$)*9#'$6(D&$-*+2#9(66*,$)*#'%9#1(. Paper accepted for presentation at the 22nd International Meeting of the Society for the Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration, Los Angeles, CA. Laturner, A. J., & Dixon, D. N. (2006, August). Effects of Forgiveness­Based Intervention on Forgiveness. At the annual con­ vention of the American Psychological Association, New Orleans, LA. Lent, R., & Gerstein, L. H. (2006, August). Strategic Responses to Disasters: Lessons From Katrina and Rita. Symposium paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, New Orleans, LA. Marmarosh, C., Majors, R., Nortier, S. & Perrone, K. M. (2006, August). Attachment theory: Bridging Empirical Research and Clinical Practice. Symposium presented at the American Psychological Association Conference, New Orleans, LA. Nicholas, D. R. (Sept, 2006). Frankly speaking about new discoveries in cancer: A free workshop for people affected by can­ cer. G>(*<(DD$(66*"#11'$&%K; Indianapolis, IN. Nicholas, D. R. (Oct., 2006). B6K9>#6#9&,D*,6+(9%6*#3*9,$9(2. Invited speaker for the Indiana Rehabilitation Association Des­ serts and Discussion section. Ball State University, Muncie, IN. Perrone, K. M., Gordon, P., & Tschopp, M. (2006, August). Caregiver marital satisfaction when a spouse has multiple sclerosis. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association Conference, New Orleans, LA. Perrone, K. M., Ksiazak, T. M., Jackson, Z. V., & Wright, S. L. (2006, April). "#'$6(D&$-*-&3%()*,)'D%6? Poster presented at the annual Great Lakes Regional Conference, West Lafayette, IN. Raney, S., & Gerstein, L. H. (2006, August). Endangered Lives of Women: Peace and Mental Health Among Tibetan Refugees. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, New Orleans, LA. Salsman, J. R. (2006, April). V#)K*&1,-(*9#$9(2$6*&$*Y#1($*Y&%>*C2(,6%*9,$9(2? Poster presentation presented at the Great Lakes RegionalConference, West Lafayette, IN. Schaffner, A. D., & Dixon, D. N. (2006, August). Social, Environmental, and Spiritual Factors in College Adjustment. Paper presentation at the annual convention of American Psychological Association, New Orleans, LA. Shankar, J., & Gerstein, L. H. (2006, August). Community­Based Solutions to the Hindu­­Muslim Conflict in Gujarat, India. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, New Orleans, LA. White, G. B., & White, M. J. (2006, June). Post­Enron perceptions of accountants. Paper presented to the European Applied Business Research Conference, Florence, Italy. White, M. J., Jackson, V., & Gordon, P. (2006, May). Implicit and explicit attitudes toward athletes with disabilities. Paper pre­ sented at the annual convention of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL. Wright, D. A., & Wright, S. L. (2006, April). U(P(D#+1($%*#3*%>(*2(D,%&#$6>&+*6(D37(33&9,9K*69,D(? Poster presented at the annual Great Lakes Regional Conference, West Lafayette, IN. Wright, S. L. (2006, April). G>(*&1+,9%*#3*,)'D%*,%%,9>1($%*#$*9,2((2*)(9&6&#$*6(D37(33&9,9K;*2(D,%&#$6>&+*(33&9,9K;*,$)*D&3(*6,%&67 3,9%&#$? Paper presented at the annual Great Lakes Regional Conference, West Lafayette, IN. Page 10 CPSY TIMES KEEP IN TOUCH!!! We are constantly curious about you so keep those announcements coming! The following space can be used to inform the department of an address change, any suggestions for our newsletter, or any other news you would like included in the next "BN[*G05RN. Name ________________________________ Degree/Graduation Date: _____________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Please return this form to: Department of Counseling Psychology Attn: M.A. Graduate Assistant Teachers College 622 Ball State University Muncie, IN 47306­0585 Page 11 New Student Interviews As we welcome all of our wonderful new students we thought it would be nice to take the time to get to know who some of our new students are. Be­ BSU low are interviews from two of our new students about themselves, their past, and how things are going for them as they start on their new adventure Department of Counseling Psych. Teachers College Room 622 Muncie, IN 47306 Phone: 765-285-8040 Fax: 765-285-2067 E-mail: CPSY@bsu.edu here at Ball State University. Jeff Waye is a first year M.A. student on the double major track in Social Psychology and Counseling. Jeff is originally from Hudson, Ohio and went to Taylor University in Upland, Indiana for his bachelor’s degree. Jeff has really been enjoying the program here at BSU so far and feels that it is “great to be able to practice counseling skills and focus my academics on the topic We’re on the Web! www.bsu.edu/counselingpsycholgy I’m most interested in.” He said he is also especially excited for practicum to start this January. Jeff said that he loves how willing the professors are to meet with students and provide them with insight from their own personal experience. He points specifically to Dr. White and Dr. Dixon who he says, “have both been great with helping me to get in­ volved in research.” Jeff is still torn at the moment as to whether he would like to begin practicing with his M.A. or continue his education by going straight on to a doctoral program. While he has two years to decide, he admitted that lately he has been lean­ ing towards the doctoral route. Overall though, as he goes forth to do whatever he chooses, he hopes to leave feeling confident and prepared to do counseling in a variety of approaches. When he can find some down time in between classes and working he enjoys weightlifting, watching movies, playing ultimate Frisbee, and spending time with friends. Aimee Prater, originally from Wyandotte, Michigan, also started with us this fall but in the Ph.D. program. She comes to us after receiving her bachelor’s from Western Michigan University and two Master’s degrees from Michigan State University. She has been very happy with her experience at BSU so far, finding the faculty and advanced doctoral students very supportive and great resources. Aimee also enjoys being part of a smaller university that is more centered around the students and offers several bene­ fits (i.e. access to exercise facilities and sporting events). Her favorite part of the program though, she admits, “is all of the choices and different things you can become involved in.” She appreciates having the ability to choose which area she wishes to focus on. She also is excited about the many research opportunities and experiences available to her here that she may not have had the opportunity to participate in elsewhere. Aimee is hoping that as she leaves the program she will have the skills needed to work in a career in academia or at a university counseling center. She is specifically interested in teaching, supervising, and training beginning counselors. Some of her favorite activities include meeting new people and having interesting conversations. Aimee also admits she has, “a passion for the theatre and music and figured skated most of my life, even in college.” She also enjoys spending time outside skiing and camping, along with reading and spending whatever time she can spare with her family whom she misses greatly. She also stays true to her hometown teams and cheers on the Red Wings, Tigers, Pistons, and even the Lions. We would like to wish Jeff and Aimee, along with all the new students, a wonderful year and the best of luck!