2016/04 Request for Change of Designated County/Multi-County Center I verify that ___________________________________ SS# _____-_____-_______ has been hired by the _______________________________________ County Board of Education/Multi-County Center effective ___/____/______. Therefore, I am requesting that ____________________________ County/Multi-County Center be reflected as the County/Center of record in the Office of Educator Effectiveness and Licensure. ________________________________________ County/Multi-County Center Official (Print Name) _________________________________________ County/Multi-County Center Official Signature _________________________ Date _________________________________________ Educator (Print Name) _________________________________________ Educator signature __________________________ Date Please complete and submit to the Office of Educator Effectiveness and Licensure (OEEL).This form may be faxed to 304-558-7843 or scanned and emailed to a staff member in the OEEL.