EXPONENTIAL REPRESENTATIONS OF THE CANONICAL COMMUTATION RELATIONS by James D. Fabrey A.B., Cornell University (1965) SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY September, 1969 Signature of Author Dep tment of Mathemats ,.JuJulyy.1969 9699 Certified by ......... Accepted by .... . *. .... . . ..... ":Thesis .... ... . ................. Supervisor e... Chairman, Departmental Committee on Graduate Students Archives EXPONENTIAL REPRESENTATIONS OF THE CANONICAL COMMUTATION RELATIONS James D. Fabrey Submitted to the Department of Mathematics in July, 1969 in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. ABSTRACT A class of representations of the canonical commutation relations is investigated. These representations, which are called exponential representations, are given by explicit formulas. Exponential representations are thus comparable to tensor product representations in the sense that they provide the possibility of computing useful criteria concerning various properties. In particular, they are all locally Fock, and non-trivial exponential representations are globally disjoint from the Fock representation. Also, a sufficient condition is obtained for two exponential representations not to be disjoint. An example is furnished by Glimm's model for the :D : interaction for boson fields in three space-time dimensions. Thesis Supervisor: Title: James Glimm Professor of Mathematics ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I am greatly indebted to Professor J. Glimm for the suggestion of this work and for his constant interest and advice. Helpful discussions with Professor A. Jaffe are gratefully acknowledged. I wish to thank Professor K. Hepp for his correspondence and encouragement. Thanks are also due to Professor R. Goodman for useful conversations and to the National Science Foundation for financial support. Finally, I want to express my appreciation to my wife, Pat, for her faith, patience, and understanding. 4. TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter I. II. III. IV. Page Introduction 5 Basic Estimates 19 Renormalized Hilbert Space 31 Exponential Weyl Systems 52 Bibliography 74 Biographical Note 75 5. CHAPTER I Introduction In this paper we investigate a certain class of representations of the canonical commutation relations. Our representations will be called exponential Weyl systems. A representation of the canonical commutation relations, or a Weyl system, H , from to unitary operators J a complex inner product space on a complex Hilbert space f - W(f) is a map such that W(f)W(g) = eiIm(f,g)/ 2 W(f + g) (the Weyl relations), and at t = 0 . If {f ) t + (4,W(tf)4) is continuous is an orthonormal basis of J then itP isQ. W(sf) = e 3, W(tif k ) by Stone's theorem, where Qj, k k = e Pk are self-adjoint. The Weyl relations are isQj e istk itP isQ itPk e e = e e . which is an exponentiated version of Q Pk - PkQj = 16jk A theorem of von Neumann states that if then W dim J = n < , is essentially (up to multiplicity) the Schr8dinger Weyl system of quantum mechanics: Q = multiplication by xj, Pk If dim J = c = i - a , H = L2(R n). , there are uncountably many inequivalent irreducible Weyl systems. Fock representation. The best known example is the J = L 2 (Rd ) , d > 1, is called the single particle space. Let H = F = EFn be the direct sum of Hilbert spaces Fn = SL 2 (Rdn) where S is the symmetrization projection defined on ZL2 (Rd n ) by ... , kn) = n! - 1 Sn (kI, Here kIieR , Sn Z n(ka(1)3, .' , ka(n)) is the permutation group on n letters, S cES is the permutation group on n letters, and F0 = p is the field of complex numbers. esF Zl and if nl nEFn Thus is symmetric, square integrable, 2= 11112 < m . F a neutral scalar boson field. is the Fock space for n EFn represents a state of the quantum field in which there are n particles; 'l'nl1 = 1 , if then IPn(kl, ..., k )12 is the probability density that their momenta are Since n k 1 , ... , kn. is symmetric, the particles are indistinguishable. = (1, 0, 0, ... )EF is the Fock vacuum, and it is the unique (normalized) state in which no particles are present. In general there are an indefinite number of particles in the state *EF. If Fn + fEL 2 (Rd), the annihilation operator a(f) maps Fn-l, annihilating a particle with wave function and the creation operator a (f) maps F f , + Fn creating a particle with wave function f: (a(f)*n)(k l , ..., kn_) a (f)pn = (n + 1)½S(f = n fI f(k ) n) . (kl, ..., k n)dk n The normalization constants are chosen so that and a (f) are adjoints; moreover a(T) $(f) = 2-½[a(T) + a (f)] is self adjoint. W(f) = e i o (f ) is the Fock representation. The Weyl relations follow from the commutation relations a(f)a (g) - a (g)a(f) = f f(k)g(k)dk Exponential representations are constructed as follows. If operator a w = w(kl, ... , k )EL 2(Rdv) ,the (w) maps Fn + F+ , creation creating v particles with wave function w: a (w), n = [(n+l) ... (n+v)]½S(w 0 n) . Let D = {I = •nsF : #n = 0, large n; supp "n compact} be the set of vectors in F with a finite number of particles and bounded momentum. Let v = v(kl, ..., k ) be a symmetric measurable function, and let p, a be lower and upper cutoffs on the magnitude of the largest momentum: v p(k) = v(k) max Iki E[p, o) l<i<v = 0 Note that a > i , otherwise. vpa = 0 for p > a . Let va = V * and let n(k) = k , k > = 0 Suppose k = 0 . v EL2 (Rdv) Observe that for aV (vp) pa is defined. k > k (vn(z)o) exp a so that = exp a (v (k)a + Vn(t)(k)) = exp a*V (v )exp a*v(v as formal power series. If v is almost in L2 in a certain technical sense, we construct a family of cutoff operators T kor , k >- 0 , which are modifications of Fix 10. exp a* (vf(k) ) Tk where such that for 6eD. We view lim DTYD TkD sED} . , k > k , with the identification Then the limit (Tk:p, exists for T£ i)e 0, ieD = (Tk¢ , TZ) "renormalized." U TkD . Let H = Fr The subscript denotes be the completion of (k)fEL2 (Rd), some p(k) = (p02 + Ik 2 ) with momentum limit U TkD . k>0 Let J = {feL 2 (Rd) : where r and defines a positive definite inner product on the set k>0 > n(k), Consider the sets = Tke . a -ý- , = TkoT e TkD = {Tk* = T- k k ; ~O > 0 is c > 0} , the energy of a particle is the rest mass. Then the 11. lim (Tka ,W(f)T o)e = (Tk ,Wr(f)T C Co defines a Weyl system Wr(f), exponential Weyl system. We now define for Wr is called an In general, the power series Tka OeF exp a*Ovn(k)a) feJ. )r does not converge; see [7]. Indee di 2 I la*V(vn(k)a)n. Knn! so that convergence cannot be expected for Exceptions occur when v = 2 V = i, or has Hilbert Schmidt norm less than 12, Lemma 2]. exp a* (vn exp a fr1 v > 2 . and 1/2[ll, v Lemma 4; Thus we must omit portions of Now (v (k)a) = exp a* ( E n(k)<n k)n()< nl(k)<n7(5j)<aI as formal power series, where exp Vja fl(j)min (o,n(J+l) ) 12. Vja = a *(v (j)min (a,n(J+l))) n Let x = exp n(j), > E x /Z! . k=0 , Tk= expn(j) n(k)<n(j)<a Tka converges absolutely on Thus v, Then for any sequence Fr . a, n(j) increases, and D . depend on the parameters Note that as Tka The choice of objectives. Wr Vj a decreases and n(j) creates more high energy particles. n(j) must balance two conflicting We do not want Tka high energy particles that the other hand, we want to create so many (*.,.) Tka doesn't exist. On to create enough high energy particles to overcome the effect of the factor e a 2 require that so that n(j) 11-r * is definite. Thus, we be strictly increasing but polynomially bounded in j . In Chapter II, a basic estimate controlling products of operators of the form aV (w) or aV (w) 13. is obtained. In the process, quantized bilinear forms are discussed [6]. Fr construction of F is Chapter III is devoted to the We say that an operator . the weak limit of an operator A in B = lim A) (written t,(B) = if (Tk ,BTkP)r= lim lim A and (Tkaop,ATRa)e Fr ; the extension is also written Thus if Ira= lim I. Ir is the identity in F , then Chapter III is also devoted to obtaining operators in in F is bounded, then it extends uniquely by continuity to lim A . in k>O a If U TkD B Fr as weak limits of quantized operators F. Chapter IV contains some results concerning unitary operators and n-parameter unitary groups in FP We then conclude which are defined by weak limits. (Theorem 2) that Wr(f) = e ip (f) r lim W(f) , fJ . defines a Weyl system U Moreover, k>O set of entire vectors for r (f) , and TkD is a dense 14. rr (f) j some (f)J , Z lim a > 0, strongly on j >0 r(fn) then if + f-f)n - I Or(f) and lI Wr(f 0 Wr(f) ) U TkD . k>0 We also show (Theorem 3) that the local systems Wr(f), Isupp f(k)l < p , i.e. localized in momentum space, have a non-negative number operator in the sense of Chaiken, and hence are unitarily equivalent to a direct sum of Fock representations. In Theorem 4, we prove that if the kernel is not in L 2 , then the global systems Wr(f) , feJ , are disjoint from the Fock representation because every vector in infinite number of particles. Fr has an Finally, in Theorem 5, it is shown that the choice of n(j) is somewhat a matter of technical convenience in the sense that two 1 2 Weyl systems Wr and Wr with the same kernel v and same choice of a are invariant subspaces Wr l lS 1 if Wr 2 are not disjoint. Si F for is unitarily equivalent to n l (j) = n 2 (j) Wri such that Wr 2 S2 . for almost all j , then are unitarily equivalent. That is, there Moreover, W 1 If the kernel of and Wr is perturbed by a sufficiently small function, then the new 15. Weyl system is not disjoint from the old one. It is hoped that a family of inequivalent exponential representations may be obtained from kernels whose pairwise differences are sufficiently large. 1) 0(f) Remarks. field is related to the Newton-Wigner and the relativistic field 0N,W #rel by the formulas A ONNW(g) where - g(k) (g), ýtel(g) = 0([(-A+2)0 is the Fourier transform of if we replace 9 by #rel ' g] g(x). Then the local systems (localized in momentum space) are still unitarily equivalent to a A direct sum of Fock representations because Isupp gj < p if and only if Isupp [(-A+ 02 4 ^A< .- 2) Exponential Weyl systems have some of the advantages of tensor product representations; explicit formulas for them are given, and one may compute criteria for various properties of the representations. Tensor product representations have been useful for linear 16. problems in quantum field theory. M. Reed [14] has even shown that a certain class of renormalized Hamiltonians with nearly diagonal non-linear interactions acts on infinite tensor product spaces. However, tensor product representations cannot be expected to provide solutions to most physical problems. This point of view has been supported by Powers [13] in the case of the representations of the canonical commutation relations (CAR) provided by Fermi fields. He proves that a translation invariant vector state of a tensor product representation of the CAR is a generalized free state, i.e. the truncated n point functions vanish for n > 2 Power's point of view may apply somewhat to exponential representations. Nevertheless, certain renormalized Hamiltonians, with interactions possessing large momentum singularities different from those of Reed's model, are defined on exponential representation spaces. Indeed, exponential representations are suitable for some superrenormalizable interactions which may be far from diagonal. by Glimm's model for the An example is furnished :4 : interaction for boson fields in three space-time dimensions. This model has an infinite mass renormalization caused by the off-diagonal 1L 17. part of the interaction in the sense that there is fairly strong coupling between low and high energy parts of the interaction. Hepp has demonstrated [8] that the renormalized Hamiltonian for a simplified version of the interaction acts on a closed subspace, the completion of T 0 D, of an exponential representation space. The interaction is taken to be a Here (-.E(k )v) + a v = 4, v(k l where , d = 2, n(j) = J, ... , k 4 ) = lva11 2 almost in example, (-Ep(k i )v - El(ki) ) a = 2 . and (EV(ki))- h(Eki) , is logarithmically divergent. L 2 , but is not close to diagonal. v is not in L2 v is For on the set A {k : 21kll < k2 , Ik3 1, lk4 1 < 31k 1 )l. h is the Fourier transform of the space cutoff function, which is any non-negative smooth function with compact support. It would be of interest to construct a family of inequivalent representations by choosing different space cutoff functions. Incidentally, Hepp has independently 18. obtained [8,9] a Weyl system whose properties are similar to those of W r = W (v, 2, j). It is conjectured that the two representations are unitarily equivalent. 19. CHAPTER II Basic Estimates In this section we obtain an estimate controlling products of the form involving va and a I va (v,) Pa (va) . Products are considered because we want sufficient generality to compare two different exponential Weyl systems in Chapter IV. First we must discuss quantized operators and bilinear forms in Fock space [6]. In order to control the profiferation of constants in the sequel, K>O will denote possible different constants from one line to the next. Let B I be a bilinear form, with distribution kernel densely defined in b, FmxF n . quantized bilinear form B ( ,B*) /2t.-1 = t=o (tm)!.(tn)!] defined in b = fl®. "'fm+n, fiEL2 (Rd), If that B = a (fl)...a We associate to FxF then I the by m+t(x,z)b(xy)n+t(yz)dxdydz (2.1) then one can easily check (fm)a(fm+l)...a(fm+n). b = w(kl'..,km)EL2 (Rdm), B B = a*m(w). Also, if Thus B creates M. particles and annihilates n particles. is the Dirac delta function, then 8 is a distribution 6 If 20. kernel densely defined in FoXF 1 . quantized operator given by Then 6(.-k), a(k), is defined by , . . ., (a(k)4n)(k l . -. , . kn_1 ) = n/2 n(kkl *kn a(k) Thus the _l ) . annihilates a particle with momentum The adjoint a (k) of a(k) (2.2) k. is a quantized bilinear form with distribution kernel densely defined in F1XF O, and it is defined by the improper operator (a (k)4n)(kl,...kn+l )= (n+l) /2S6(k-kl)O®n(k 2 ,...,kn+l)• (2.3) This is, ( n+,,a (k))= (n+1)~/2( Thus a~ (k) a (k) 0' "1kn+l)a(k,2 0 creates a particle with momentum k. denote a (k) or B = Sb(k 1 ... , km k La(k),a* ()] a(k). Let One may verify that I .. kn)a (kl) ... a (km)a(kl) ... a(kn)dkdk = a(k)a* ()-aa*()a(k) [a(k),a(Q)] = 0 = [a (k),a*(t)]. I.a( = 8(k-t) (2.4) 21. This is, (+,B*) = J'(Ta(ki)+, b(k,k )TTa(ki)*)dkdk', and J.(+,b(k)ra#(k)i*)dk = j(4,b(k)rr a (k,)*)dk rr = f(+,b(k) ) 8 (kj-kj+l ) a#(k i i+j, j+1 )dk, + J'(,b(k)h'a#(ki)*)dk where ir denotes a transposition of two factors a(ki ), a(ki+1 ) or a (ki), a (ki+l), a transposition of two factors Note that if Fm B (for example, if 6(k-k ), Nj n let = nt n , operator. N and a(kj), a*(kj+ 1 Fl , F. B then bEL 2 (Rd(m+n))) Indeed, if ). to is a densely I I. is the Then, by (2.1), is called the number of particles By (2.1), (B)i Fn with distribution kernel be the quantization of N denotes TT is a bounded operator from defined unbounded operator in identity operator on and = i! /2 (i-m+n)! /2(im)! SB i-m+n 22. where acts on the first B so that B variables. ti-m+n Hence n variables of is an unsymmetrized function of ifB ( i-m+n - - 2 9?? E il *i-m+n' (i-m+n)!(i-m)!-2 2pB 112 2 "2 2 E (J+l)m+n M<B '2 < Kil B 112I(N+l)(m+n)/2 2 Thus IIB*I! < K BI i (N+l) Hence Dc=(B), so that B By (2.4), we may write is densely defined. N = JSa*(k)a(k)dk. operators to be considered in the sequel are: N(B ) = ikpa (k)a(k)dk, N7 = Ij(k )Ta*(k)a(k)dk, Ho(B ) = (2.5) (m+n)/2*!. Ik• p (k)a* (k)a(k)dk, Similar 23. where and Bp is the ball of radius Ho(Bp) in Rd. are quantizations of operators on by multiplication by where p>O X , I(k)', and il(k)Xp N(Bp), N , F1 given respectively, XP is the characteristic function of Bp. By (2.1), n they act on Fn by multiplication by ZE (ki)v n n E (ki ) , and Z p(k i )xp (ki ) respectively. N(B ) is i=1 i=1 the number. operator over L2 (Bp) for the Fock represen- tation and measures the number of particles with momenta bounded by p. Ho(Bp) measures the free energy of these particles. Suppose B is a quantized bilinear form n m B = Jb(k,k ) To B a (ki) n a(ki)dkdk. i=l i=l we associate a graph with pointing to the left, n m (creating) legs (annihilating) legs pointing to the right; all legs issue from a common vertex (4,5]. (See Figure 1.) Fig. 1: m=2, n=3. 24. B is also called a Wick ordered bilinear form because a (ki) the all appear to the left of the is determined by its graph and its kernel of two Wick ordered bilinear forms a(kj). b. B l, B 2 It The product is not Wick ordered, but it is a sum of Wick ordered bilinear forms, by repeated application of the commutation relations (2.4). The term with no 8 denoted. :B1 B2 :, the Wick product of term contains a variables 8 k,t 8 functions has a kernel function have been contracted. functions, denoted from bl®b2 8(k-4), Bl 1 - B2 , B2 . If a we say that the The term with j 8 functions. is associated a graph obtained by connecting B2 . B1 with j Similarly, (See Figure 2). formo B, is determined by its graph and its kernel. B1 ...Bt To j of the creating Fig. 2: j=l. B1 -?- B2 j by equating contracted variables and summing of the annihilating legs of legs of and and is has a kernel obtained over all possible contractions with B1 -~- B2 Bl bl@b 2 is a sum of Wick ordered bilinear each of which is determined by its graph and 25. Its graph has its kernel. t ordered vertices and is obtained by specifying the number of annihilating legs of the graph of of Bj, i<j. Bi which are connected to creating legs Its kernel b is obtained from bl ...®b t by equating contracted variables and then summing over all possible contractions which produce the same graph. B = fb(k)na#(ki)dk, Then where the product extends over the legs of the graph which do not connect two vertices (external legs). If M is a measurable subset of the variables of b, then fb(k)ra (ki)dk M is called a truncation. A truncation of a product B1 ...Bt is given by a truncation of each of its Wick ordered terms. A truncated power series is given by a truncation of each of its terms. A subgraph of a graph is a subset of the vertices of the graph, together with all legs issuing from these vertices. Two subgraphs are disjoint if they have no common vertices. (They may have common legs.) are called internal. Legs which connect two vertices Note that a leg may be internal in the 26. full graph but external in a subgraph. Pt = P(kt), let let external variables, denote the product over rre the product over all variables, r the internal variables with respect to the I = I(G) G, graph In the sequel, and S the integral over internal variables I [5, p.8]. Let V = a v,v (v), V be symmetric, measurable functions, and = a (v ) the corresponding bilinear forms. I We shall be concerned with v,v which satisfy the following property: Let b be the kernel of B = V --or for a>O and l<t<v, there exists E>O V , l<r<v-.; such that Sn E-bI EL2(R2d(v-r)) I E -a vTPP a.v I t ELa(R 2tdv ) E -a 'Vp If?, !lv !I< K(log(a/p)+l) Suppose that (2.6) is satisfied for that v is almost in is almost in L2 , L2. and A(a) = v!I,=1 2 v = v . In particular, an (2.6) Then we say L2 function 27. is at worst logarithmically divergent. n(j) Choose a>l, strictly increasing but polynomially bounded, and construct Tk' • ) ( e exp n(j))Va, k>O, as described in Chapter I. Tk = Tk(v,a,n(j)) an exponential dressing transformation. is the truncation of expVn(k)a to at most the power n(j), j>k, is called Note that in which Vja Tk appears and does not appear for j<k. Now V P(V') q is a sum of Wick ordered bilinear forms; a bilinear form in this sum is called reduced if its graph contains no x = v -!-v components. Each graph is a union of its connected components. If the number of vertices of a connected component is greatet than one, then the kernel is in L . 2 The improvement of the kernels, as the order of the graph increases, demonstrates the sort of behavior to be expected of superrenormalizable quantum field theories [5, p.10]. 28. Such estimates have been studied systematically by Eckmann [3]. L2 The following lemma establishes geometric growth of norms. Lemma 2.1. Suppose be a reduced term from n = p+q. Then for v,v vPV , satisfy (2.6). b B its kernel, and there exists a>O, Let K>O such that for sufficiently small, E>O eTTe -aS E bl < Kn (2.7) I Here a,E do not depend on Proof: p,q or the reduced term. We may suppose that the graph G of B is connected because both sides of (2.7) are products of similar expressions involving the connected components. The cases n = 1,2 follow from (2.6). Let n>3. v be written as a disjoint union of subgraphs of a central vertex contracted with 1<s<v for use inspection. 3<n<N. choose a subgraph HCG n>3. Since of type G is connected, we may s = 1. Then G-H I disjoint union of connected components the union of H single vertex. For Suppose we have the decomposition n = N+l. Let types: vertices [5, p.8]. This decomposition is obtained by induction on n = 3, G may H . Let is a I H be with all those Hj which consist of a I 1 G Clearly H is connected. If H G, 29. I then apply induction to I If H = G, H and the components of then one can show directly that G G-H I is decomposable into either one or two subgraphs of the proper type. Thus, for n>3, we may write G = UHJ, union of subgraphs of the proper type. where yj is the kernel of inequality in the variables a disjoint Let y = Tryj, H . Then the Cauchy-Schwarz I(G)-UI(H.) implies that j -ajteTrEp yJ 0 where K S(G) j I(H) rrTT TI.E yjr1, compensates in the region of small the factors side. < l(k)E Since these are a finite number of graphs of the H is a subgraph of type s = 1, apply (2.6). HoCH for appearing twice in the right hand proper type, it suffices to show that where Jkl of type 1. Let vertices, and let Multiply y Then for a>O by For H. y0 , yj s>2, f(HrrnEIyI E L2, s with kernel y. For choose a subgraph be the graphs of the other be the corresponding kernels. a n Pa I(H)-I(Ho) and yj by -a r -a. I(H)-I(Hj) sufficiently small, we may apply the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality in the variables I(H)-I(Ho) and 30. use the first part of (2.6) for the first factor and the second part of (2.6) for the remaining This completes the proof. s-1 factors. 31. CHAPTER III Renormalized Hilbert Space In this chapter we construct process, obtain operators in Fr Fr, and, in the as weak limits of products of Wick ordered operators in F . We first establish a combinatorial lemma which is sufficiently general to be useful throughout the sequel. Y 3 1 < i < m , is Suppose a Wick ordered operator in F of the form si ) lyi(kl,...,ks R a#(kj)dk yi where Let V T= or fy(k)a*(k)a(k)dk, J=l ' is a measurable kernel and Tk(V = E Vj V , a, ' = Z V n(j)), X(a) = V* -o-V~ T ' = T (v', y is measurable. a, n'(j)), and ' - v!(vC, v ') v Note that we require i Z j . Let $eD *, at = a . , so that We consider V -o- V ' = 0 32. m T TI YiTczX Yi (Tka4 eX(a) m-X(T) = T 1=1 (For HYi = I m = 0, power series in V .) Now IT YiT i=l Tka HYiT , Yi , V ' 'Yl)e- (3.1) is a truncated and is an infinite sum of Wick ordered terms with distribution kernels. A term will be called reduced if it contains no X components [4]. ROo Let be a reduced term, and let Rja be the sum of all terms whose graphs differ from the graph G of ROa by graph of with graph E R.ja j>o j X components. R. j). G Let eX(a )RG (G is called the reduced be the bilinear form and kernel equal to the kernel of after integration over the variables in the X components. Thus, (3.1) equals E (0, RG a ), where G the summation extends over all reduced graphs G. RGa does not necessarily have a measurable kernel because of the 6 function in fy(k)6(k-L)a (k)a(Z)dkd2 by (2.1) and the form of Yi , (, RGa) . is However, a sum of integrals of the form C f rGa q Cpq i~p' q over the variables (some coinciding) of and C)Opp, rGa, Ga-Iq- q 33. Here rGa 4p is a measurable function, p, Let E q Vq are 4, P, and the the p and q particleCcomponents of choices of and G depend on be the direct sum over all reduced graphs G, and over permissible p, q spaces associated with Cp G , of the measure for each fp rG q . Thus (3.1) equals I ha E where ha is a measurable function; we sometimes use the notation Z (¢, R0a% G ) ha = OrGaP . = f/ r0a~ , E function depending on Similarly, where G . Let vv' is non-negative. Let ý rGa, r0 rGa(S) where X (a) = V Let m(j) is a measurable IROGI = IRO1 Let bilinear form associated with Lemma 3.1 r0a Ir 1 = Ir 0 0 -o- V j be the . '. Suppose = min (n(j), n'(j)). denote a fixed value of the variables of .0 = Then Ie m'(j) < m(j) exp m,(j)Xj(a)roa(E) depends on G and (3.2) ( , m'(j) is 34. independent of a , m'(j) = m(j) m'(j) = 0 for j and for almost all < max (k, j , ) . Let C(j 0 ,a) = c(v,v',j 0,a) = fl Then for all j exists. lim uniformly in Proof. Yi , suppose that G (3.5) c(v,v',j 0 ,a) = 1 S00 Suppose G Vj ' < K Xj = v!(vj,v) a, v, v', such that reduced if it has no Then (3.3) (3.4) < 1 c(jo,t) ->-0 and q V' vertices. a has p Va It is convenient to regard Vji, . Moreover jo ÷ in expm(j )X () 0 , 0 < lim a• -x (a) e Tka YiT'T as a power series A Wick ordered term will be called X. = X.(w) r 0 a(W) X 0 , components. We may else (3.2) is trivial. is a reduced graph from 35. n v. NY. P(J)/(j) j>k I j>9 determined by Eq(j) = q, G p(j) Then p(j), q(j) Note that q(j) < n(j), eX()RGo Ga Her e 5 . and of the measurable E G . function associated to /q(j) I ja ro0(O) is the value at and ( j ) V. Zp(j) =p, < n'(j) is the sum of all terms (after integration over the variables in the whose reduced graph i x(j) are components) X Consider all such terms with X. comnonents, j > max (k, Z) , and hence J p(j) + x(j) Vj and truncations in 0 < x(j) T k•a q(j) -' the T < min (n(j)-p(j), x(j) By + x(j)VQ'vertices. = m'(j), j n'(j)-q(j)) = 0 = m'(j), j < max (k, > max (k, Z) There are + x(j) x(j) q ( j) + x(j) x(j) ways to contract 2x(j) vertices into x(j) Xj components. 36. The remaining legs are contracted according to Summing over all such sequences rGa(0)=e - X( a HT p(j) !q(j) ! [(p(j)+x(j))! (q(j)+x(j)) ! ]- 1r0) j>max(k,tZ) e-X(a) = e Clearly, , ) 0<x()<m' E O<x(j)<m' C) S {x(J)} )+x(j)\ (p(Cx(j) q(j)+x(j) x(j) E -xj () expm' (j)X (a) r 0o(,) r ,(E) (3.2) has the desired properties. It remains to prove (3.4) and (3.5). -X(a) aj( a) By (2.6), for xi. (CF x(j)!X. 3 <x)< I x ()x(J)/x(j) x(j) H X 0<x(j)<m' (C) j>max(k,k) m'(j) Let m()X exD(Q)X Ca) a > n(j) X (a) < v!Ivn( uniformly G a . )n(j +l)l I li v' nj)n (J+l) ii < K(log a + 1)2 Thus Xj (0) and aj (o) exist and 37. 0 < aj (a), (W) < 1 Thus, by [1, p. 190], it suffices to show that z (1 - a J where K (a)) < K is independent of Observe that, for a . x>0 n < xn+l/(n+l)! . 1 - S- ee X expnx Therefore Z(1-aj()) j < EXj (a)m(j )+1/(m(j)+l)! 3 < EX n(j)+1/(n(j)+l)! j < 2 E K1j , + n'()+ ·J •3 + ZX.T <K j since n(j), n'(j) are strictly increasing. The lemma is proved. Let lInI II01F be the vector with n-particle component 38. Corollary. (3.1) is equal to f h , E where {h o is a family of measurable functions which converge pointwise as a c . + Moreover, measurable function on Iho I< h , where h is a E , and f h = Z (I I, IROG11l 1) E G Proof. where (3.6) c By (3.4), j0 = 0, rG(S) is some constant. pointwise as h a = -a . Hence + cr0 () ha = CrGao , converges Let I1Iro0 IIi Then, by (3.2), jrG'I < Ir0 1 , and lhl < h Q.E.D. Thus, in order to remove the momentum cutoff in (3.1), it suffices to show that i.e. (3.6) is bounded. a -+ h is integrable, Then (3.1) possesses a limit as by the bounded convergence theorem. In order to bound (3.6), we strengthen the hypothesis. Let Jm = {yIL2(Rdm) : m 5 RdO}) We consider two cases: SYEL 2 (Rdm) , some E > 01 ,{yoeL 39. S. a) v-v'cJv, b) v=v', where y = Yi fYl H a (k )dk, j=l Yii1 = Y = fy(X)a y.iJ Si , l<i<m (k)a(k)dk , l<i<m , is a bounded non-negative measurable function such that (v, HTeYjv) = f VIT Lemma 3.2. Let [ E y(k i)]v n = G be G , and let V' vertices in < Kj (3.7) Jj > 1 the number of s = Ss or Then the i i=l following estimates are valid: m a) (II, IRoI 1I0 ) < Ks+n b) (I ) IROI l0 ) < Km+nsEcn (a, 3 = min where Proof. a) a') > 1 , First, Let v" = v - v'EJ and w" be the kernels of and V a-o- V" , and 1+6 and v, v' 6>0 satisfy (2.6) as follows. I < t < v - respectively. II-sCn IITUy i i=l --oThen V, 1. Let V W, W' -o- V', I HpE'IwlcL by L (2.6). 40. Moreover, by the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, IIInlU Iw"I II < Il -'vl~ IIn12E v"I I e for sufficiently small. , t-IIw 'I < 1 i I HnEUwl + I I Observe that in case IR I . of JR 01 a•d the kernel We may suppose that radius p in REU Iw"IEL2 (a), Ir 01 is the kernel of be the bilinear form given by the graph B Let Thus, (ll,JR01 101) , a > 0 where vanish off a sphere of , JI, >o RdJ fewer particles. He -a lr I (I, 9 and have n0 or Then, by (2.5) < , (nHali a BHnalj l) .,j<n 0 an <p < P an 0 (101, Bil)) no (s+vn)/2 < Ks+nI I I,- a Since n(j), n'(j) 11011 11 1l l lIB'l I Irol are polynomially bounded, (3.8) 41. J-1 (n(i) + n'(i)) < jvY , E i=0 for some integer from Tka or y • . Hence, for Ikl or contains at least T . for factors K Ir0 e'-a• I integer less than or equal Tk 6 = y- vertices < 1, [(n+l)/21 II <<Ks+n Ille-allr0 I of jY T;' with the magnitude of the largest 1ol G 0 Then there are at most momentum less than because j II R i=l a -E 6 [(n+l)/2] , the greatest (n+l)/2 , vertices from one compensates in the region of small U(k) E The first factor in (3.9) is bounded by Ks+n IIiEyli'j , by Lemma 2.1 and the Cauchy-Schwarz i inequality in the contracted variables between and HYi . The second factor is bounded by [(n+l)/2] E Si=l where TkT' -e i 2 n/ n/2 i . 0 c = (1+6)2 - (l+6) case, from (3.8) and (3.9). 1 di i -cn The lemma follows, in this (3.9) 42. b) Here 1R0 1 does not have a measurable kernel since it contains 6 functions. the number of particles. Observe that Y conserves Thus, every reduced graph from case (b) is the disjoint union of three subgraphs. The first is the union of all components without any V , V' vertices; the second is the union of all components which have exactly one V and one V' vertex, at least one Y vertex, and no external legs, for example V -o- (Y v-l -o- V') 1 The third subgraph is a reduced graph from case (a), s = 0; of course, the corresponding kernel does not arise from case (a) because of the Y's. Therefore IR01 is a product of three factors, corresponding to the three subgraphs. is estimated by YJII <_ KII , YJ'ipl < KJ•1 second factor is estimated by (3.7) . has a measurable kernel by YJlvlI < Kj (3.8) and (3.9) vo l Ir01 The first factor .• The The third factor which can be estimated , uniformly in a . Thus, by 43. (11, IR0 l 1I1) < Km+nh n,-af I Ir'I 1 m+n-ccn1+ < Km+n-cn The lemma is proved. Lemma 3.3. or (3.10) There are at most a) Ks+n(s/2)!(vn)!2 b) Km+nm!(vn)! reduced graphs Proof. G 2 such that IGI = n We overestimate by bounding the number of contraction schemes, so that schemes which produce the same graph are counted separately. p V vertices, 0 < p < n G For fixed can have p , there are at most ) pvn-p) 0<i<min (vp,vn-vp) vn i! < (vn)!2vn 1 possible contraction schemes between the vertices. In case (a) there are V and V' E. i! < (vn+l)! 2s+vn O<i<min (s,vn) 1i 1 possible contraction schemes between V , V' is vertices. 2 2 m+vn Suppose HYYi (vn+l)! HYi and the In case (b), the corresponding bound has q creating legs in case (a). Then there are at most s-qi! < (s/2 + 1)!2 2s min (,s-q) O<i<min (q,s-q) 1i i possible contraction schemes among the the corresponding bound is There are n+l Yi . In case (b) (m+l)!2 2 m choices for p . The lemma follows from these estimates. Lemma 3.4. T' = T (v',a,n'(j)), Let Tk = Tk(V,a,n(j)), Yi be as in Lemma 3.2. Then for 4, 1pID (Tkka, H YiT ta)eX(a)= h E i=l and both limits (311) 45. lim f ha = f lim a- oo E E -oo exist, where E is h (3.12) a measure space, {h I is a family of measurable functions dominated by an integrable function (a) h . f Moreover m h.< KS(s/2)! E or (b) I mH I|I|H y ll i=1 h < Kmm! E Proof. Let E, {h I , Corollary to Lemma 3.1. h be given by the The lemma then follows from the bounded convergence theorem and a bound on (3.6). By Lemmas 3.2 and 3.3, (a) (3.6) is m 1+6 KS(s/2)! H JjHEYijj(ZKn(K(n)!2 -Cn i=l or (b) Kn(vn)! 2 -ccnl) Km!(EK n But bounded by n 46. < EKne2vn log vn -Ecn+6 n EKn( vn)!2 -cn Kn log n - Scn n K+ + << K C BE ( (E c K ) / 2 ) n l + 6/ 2 n>n <K< Theorem 1. Let , some n0 . Tk = Tk(v,a,n(J)). Then for ý,*ED, the limit lim (TkacJ, TUar)eA(a) = (Tk4, T 9)r exists. If k > 2, a > n(k)-, then (3.13 ) T£,i = Tk k , where k-l S= exn( a (3.14) (vn(j)(j+l))ED (0,1)r provides a positive definite inner product for U TkD , whose completion is denoted k>0 F . 47. (3.13) is the special case of (3.11) in Proof. which v = v', s = 0 . n(j) = n'(j), and from the definition of inner product for Tk* (,')r TkD . U (3.14) follows is clearly an It remains to show that k>0 it is positive definite, i.e. if Ir= (Tk STk0l Let Let m 0 # *eD , then Tk )r > 0 be the smallest integer such that m # 0 . be a lower cutoff on the magnitude of the T smallest momentum: vT(k) = v(k) , = 0 Then T , = Tk(vT and let of T > T is an exponential dressing Suppose that Rdn , in E nP (Bn n>O N(B()) . [ki otherwise. a, n(j)) transformation. of radius min l<i<v ( )) vanishes off a sphere n > 0 . Let a > n(R) > T be the spectral decomposition Then IITa1 12 > l p-(B (£))TkQI IlTn(P) *m1. kc 2 = 2 = IIPm(B(£))T k ITn(2) 11 2 11 2 48. because A so that Tka does not annihilate any particles. = v!lv I() ( 2) 112 A = A(0) < A < (a = K , v Let 112 independently of k . Now (4m, m' Tn(T)*Tn(2)m) a 2ka m) (3.15) Tnk Cr(R)*Tfnk () • is a sum of terms given by graphs from By (3.2), the sum over all graphs with the empty set for reduced graph is given explicitly by exPn(j)A( IP j>_ which is equal to exp Az()( I Iml by (3.5), where 2 + 6(Z,o)) 6( ,ka) - 0 as A + uniformly We may bound the other contributions to (3.15) a . 49. follows. Since In,-a ~I I G 1 0 for these terms, Irol II< Kn(P)-) Thus, by (3.8), (3.9), 12 e- A(a) I I 2E 01I I Lemmas 3.1, 3.2, and 3.3, these contributions are bounded by IITka*l I11-a Kn (M)-exp An (9)(a) Hence > e-A(a)exp An( ) (a)( ) C2-(£,a)-Kn (- E) > exp (-v! Z 2-6(a,o)_Kn(£)- E IIM 1mmII I$ v2l Ihm ll i=1 ki <n() > exp (-Ky(n(L)) IjIvjEv I2)(XI 1 > exp (-Kn(Z,)E) (I 11 12-.6(,,- l i 2 -6(,,a)-Kn(a) )K)-E)Kn( > 0 for k sufficiently large. Therefore IITk*l Ir> The theorem is proved. Lemma 3.5. Let lim H Y exists and a i=1 Y, be as in Lemma 3.4. Then 0 -E ) 50. a) IIlim a or b) m T k l HiYi I -< Kss! i=l . i=1 m <_Kmm!. Illim YmTkIr a Proof. lim the limits By Lemma I1 (Tko, a+oo i T a +o) exist. IIH YiT £0 i=1 Hence (3.16) (ITk l Ir a lim +* and a bound on (3.17) )-A(a) (3.16) =1 m lim I I Iriiy., I I 12e - A(a) (3.17) is bounded by e-A()/2 i i=1 is obtained in Lemma 3.4. The lemma follows from the Riesz representation theorem. Corollary. exists, and Let fi eJ. Then lim RH a i=l (fi) 51. m m llim H 0(f i)TlT a i=l Let Y be Ir N(B p) _ Kmm!½ H Illfi i=l T < 0, or H0(B ). (3.18) 0 Then lim Ym exists, and Illim ymTk I*r m H ¢(f Proof. < Kmm ) is (3.19) the sum of 2m terms of the i=l m form HIY i=l a( ) . Thus, , Yi = a'r(fi), where the existence of follow from Lemma 3.5. and a#(f) = a (f) lim H ¢(fi ai= ) and (3.18) lim ym The existence of or and (3.19) also follow from Lemma 3.5, provided that (3.7) is established for Y = N(B p ), NT, or H 0 (Bp). This is verified as follows: (v,HnCN(Bp)Jv) < KvJV(p)2a IjnllE-aVl 1 p (v,IICN v) Ir SK~j Pv 2 2 KJ <_KvJl IPIV112 <_KI , jV(p)2a Iv-al (v,HyEH0(Bp )v) < KJvJV(p) for j > 1, by (2.6). 12 < K j 52. CHAPTER IV Exponential Weyl Systems In this chapter we prove some general results concerning unitary operators and groups in Fr which are defined by weak limits. Particular examples are ita and n-parameter unitary lim W(tf), fEJ, lim eitN(Bp), (f)a(f) lim e, fEJ. Properties of these one- parameter groups and exponential Weyl systems are studied in Theorems 2, 3, and 4. A sufficient condition for two exponential Weyl systems not to be disjoint is given in Theorem 5. For later purposes, we generalize the notion of weak limit. We say that an operator of into F Fr Fr , B, which maps a subspace is the weak limit of an operator A (written B = Lim A) if Z(B) = U TtD in and a (Tk4,BTj)r = lim (Tka$,AT' If Lim A ,)e - X(). is bounded, then it extends uniquely by continuity the extension is also written Fr; r then Lim A = lim A. a a to (4.1) Lim A. If F r = F , r 53. Lemma 4. 1. Suppose that is non-negative. Suppose that on Lim U Fr , F such that Fr , F r U, V and I respectively. v ; are unitary operators is an operator mapping lim V, lim V and such that m on Suppose that v-v v-v EJ Fr are unitary operators Then I Lim U lim V = Lir UV, lir V Lim U = Lir VI. aO a a a Oa a Proof. Choose Tt(n) en I T(n)e n I I V- & such that I r #0 Then !iLim U (Tl(n) e and into - lim V T -)r 0 (4.2) 54. lim supl(Tk4,Lim U lim V)r-(TkUTa)e-X a a a sup l(U Tk, Tn lim limr < n-. a1 e / <KK li n--" - n-VT/)l )rnTk am ! e-X (a) IIT(n)aen-VTta Tm 1/2 !r,n ( f )T'(n)e +r!TtIt r -2Re(TL(n)en, im VT ,,)r) K a 2T '2 = K(r -a VTt r) =0. Thus Lim UV exists and Lim U lim V = lim UV. a a Taking adjoints, we observe that Lim VU = (Lim U lim V) (lin V) (Lim U) = lia V Lim U a Replacing * * V ,U by a V,U respectively, and interchanging t Fr and Fr, we conclude that the second equality in (4.2) follows from the first. The lemma is proved. Corollary. operators on on Fr . Then F Suppose that and Ui, Uir = lim Ui a l<i<m, are unitary are unitary operators 55. T Ur =lim r U. i=1 Proof. the case (4.4) c i=l The general case follows immediately from m = 2, which in turn follows from the lemma t Fr = Fr). (with It Q.E.D. is natural to ask for a sufficient condition that Lim U be a unitary mapping from ar Lemma 4.2. Suppose that a unitary operator on Fr Fr . into F and Fr v = v . Lim U Suppose that for each I en , enED and k(n),t(n)>O F . onto Suppose U is is an operator mapping k,&t>O, there exist such that lim lim sup!i UT•,-T (n)a =0 e-) and * ' 'e-A'(o)/2 () supliU Tk*a-Tk(n)anIe lim lim 7* n-ow Then Lim U Proof. mapping Fr isometric. is a unitary operator mapping By (4.1), into 9 Fr . (Lim U)* = Lim U = 0. Fr (4.5) onto Fr. i s an operator B It suffices to show that Then, replacing U by U Lim U and interchanging is 56. we conclude that Fr, and Fr so that Lim U (Lim U) is isometric, is unitary. By (4.5), nlim(Tk 4 , Lim U Ttl-Tt(n)en)r n a = lim lim I (TkO, n-ow -T (n)an)Ie - A(( a ) UTt a a--w < r Tk Ir lim lim sup IIUTta -- n-oa *-T (n)aen!!e-A(c)/2 = 0. Thus L~n) n IfLim U TL r 2 F-, so that ' '2 2-1 1 1T2th =lim IfT =' in T (n)e n-Lim U T r < lim lnm (T( -UT '8, n-ana-w + lim limr(Tt (n) a n n-a a- a < 2K li = 0. T (n)9 on-UTt supfU ' -T(n) a sp U *) Ie-A (a) UTtI'a)j T,(n)a ( I e-A ( a )/ )le-A(a) 2 2 ene(O)/ 57. The lemma is proved. F unitary group on lim U(x) = Ur(x) and n-parameter unitary group on f n ei(xy)dP n R R Ur(x) J' ei(xY)dPy, Rn Let be spectral decompositions of R , function on U(x) and then n = 1 Suppose exists for all j>0O, g(y)dP (4.6) . are the infinitesimal A, A r Then respectively. then is a dense set of j , j>O, AJOlim r a A CO vectors for if lim A so that Ar - By definition, Proof. •) 'rdr f = lim and U, Ur for generators is a bounded eontinuous g If J g(y)dPry RRn i(x J e - \ -' Rn Fr . is an ry respectively. U TkD k>O n-parameter is an U(x) Suppose that Lemma 4.3. i P r yT 2 r = (dk ,U r(x)'lk t) r = lim(Tat,U(x)TL,,,)e-A(a) = lim h ' urn I n ei(X'Y)d(pyT1 Rý e - C2e- ).' 58. By the Levy continuity theorem for distributions [12, p. 191, p. and the Helly-Bray Theorem [12, p. 205] , 2 =2 lim lg(y)d(, PyTla,,1 2e jg(y)dPryT A(c 182], )). cr-OCO (4.6) is then obtained by polarization. Suppose n = 1 decompositions of JAdPV, and J'AdPrA R respectively. A, Ar are the spectral Then, by the moment convergence theorem for distributions [12, p. t 2 = lim J'xJd(IP Tta INJdI PrhT, so that EI(ArJ )DU TkD for all 184], 2 2e-A(a)) , j>0. Again by polarization, k>0 (Tk ,AJT) = J' jd(Tk' rT = lim fJd((Tka~ , PXTct)e = lim (Tk,4, AJT.,,) - A( c )) e-A (c) This completes the proof. Theorem 2. lim W(f) GJ = Wr(f) Let F r = Fr(v,a,n(j)). = ei 4 r(f), fEJ, Then is a Weyl system on Fr • 59. U TkD is a dense set of and (f)J, j>O, 4r(f)JDlim a 4 k>O entire vectors for $r(f). If !!kC(fn-f)ltIO, some E>O, then ýr(fn) -r(f) U TkD. k>O Definition. and Wr(f), fEJ, Wr(fn)-Wr(f) strongly on is called an exponential Weyl system. Proof of theorem. By (3.18) and the bounded convergence theorem, lim W(f) = lim Z (i4(f))m/m! a a m=O exists. Since W(f) is unitary, Wr(f) C lim(i4f)m/m! E m=O a is bounded in norm by one and extends uniquely to Fr . prove that W(f)* = W(-f) that is unitary. Now so Wr(f)* = Wr(-f) Let Here Wr(f) We wish to T p z (i4(f ))m/m! m=O is an upper momentum cutoff: $ED and let e = f (k)= f(k) Jkl<T -O k> . Tl(k)*ED. (4.7) 60. Then by Lemma 4.2, it suffices to show that, given E>0, c e - A ( a)/ I IW(f)TLoa-Tk < e-A(cr)/2 T *!4 (i()) m=p+l P + 2 m E it A m=l + for p e-A (a)/ E rt[ii(f )m/Im!, Tk]T * m=l kar(k) p,T,,k>.e _\ /,'n ]/m! T(r*, e-ilk)/c 2 sufficiently large. By (3.18), the first sum from (4.8) is bounded by V. (F ,) m -1/2 m=p+l1 which is less than (f)m-4(f")m E/3 for p large. Now = ý(f-f") i=l Thus, by (3.18), the second sum from (4.8) is bounded by (4.8) 61. Kit••.6 (f-f'd)"I which is less that for E/3 7 Ttn (k)k[(f)m, Tk Observe that large. [(fT)m k n(k) is the sum of all Wick ordered terms from • )2mTo *T~o in which there is at least one contraction between 114 VA Trd \ and +(f,) V (k)a. enyravii + C ++A + 1a etwe hio Thus, by Lemma 2.1, the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality in one of the above contracted variables, (3.8), (3.9), Lemmas 3.1, 3.2, and 3.3 the third sum from (4.8) is bounded by ?a+ f11, Tt e" By (2.6) this is less than E/3 for k>t sufficiently large. We have proved that Wr Wr(f) satisfies the Weyl relations: is unitary. By (4.4), 62. Wr(f)Wr(g) = lim W(f)W(g) = lim eim(f,g)/2W(f+g) a a = eiIm(f,g)/2Wr (fg). By (3.18) and (4.7), ccr (KtCf)m:-1/2<Kt-0 . l E (Kt1 fPl ") I(Tk•' (Wr(tf)-Ir)T&$)rjým=l as t-O. Thus the map at t=O, and t-Wr(tf) Wr(f), fEJ, by Lemma 4.3 and (3.18), is weakly continuous is a Weyl system. r(f) Jlim +(f)J, j>O, U TkD is a dense set of entire vectors for k>O We now prove the regularity properties. linearity of + and the Weyl relations for suffices to show that ,pC fn"-O implies that U TkD. k>O directly from (3.18) and (4.7)and Wr(fn)-Ir strongly on IH r(fn)Tk*"r < K"PC fni +O and Moreover, and ýr(f). By the real Wr , it +(fn)-O This follows 63. (KlMmm!-1/2 r(Wr(n)-Ir)Tk r S41 Pe fn!*0 as n--. The theorem is proved. The following result establishes a number operator for the local system Wr(f), fEL 2 (Bp), which are there- fore direct sums of Fock representations. Theorem 3. Let Fr - Fr(v,in(j)) . Then lim eitN(Bp) defines a one parameter unitary group a eitNr(BP) on Fr . N(Bp) Olim N(Bp) , j'>0, and U TkD k>O is a dense set of analytic vectors for The spectrum of Nr(Bp) integers, and, for is contained in the non-negative fEL2 (Bp) eitNr(Bp)Wr(f)e-itNr(Bp) Thus Nr(Bp). Wr(f), fEL2 (Bp), - Wr(eitf) is unitarily equivalent to a direct sum of Fock representations. Proof. Let V(t) = eitN(Bp). bounded convergence theorem, By (3.19) and the (4.9) 64. lim V(t) a exists for unitary, = lim a m=0 It 1<t 0, Vr(t) (itN(BP ))m/m! P t.>0. some and extends uniquely to Fr . E lim(itN(B )) m/m! m=0 O Since is V(t) We prove that Vr(t) unitary by essentially the same proof as that for Let $ED (4.10) bounded in norm by one is aT = lim V(t) = is Wr(f) and let p m=0 Then by Lemma 4.2, it suffices to show that, given E>O, IIV(t)Tta -Tkao re < + for p,k>t - A (a)/2 U(itN(B p)) m=p+l E A /m! T atl!e - ()/2 m r [(itN(B ))m/m!,TkoT-n(k)e 1 m=l1 sufficiently large, Itl<t- 0O * - A( ) (4.11) 65. By (3.19), the first sum from (4.11) is bounded by Z (KlIt o l)m m=p+ 1 which is less than Ti ) E/2 for p large. Observe that [((k N(Bp)m, Tka ]*[N(Bp )m,Tka ]Tn(k) is the sum of all Wick ordered terms from T.a.N(Bp)2mT' in which there is at least one contraction between and Va(k)a and V,(k)o. and at least one contraction between N(B ) Nt(Bp) Thus, by (3.10), Lemmas 3.1, 3.2, and 3.3, the second sum from (4.11) is bounded by KIIN(BP)vn(k)l I'" By (3.7) this is less than E/2 for k>4 sufficiently large. We have proved that Hence, by (4.4), V(t), Itl<t 0 , is unitary. 66. m TTVr() rim I V(ti), = i=l a i=l Then we may define Vr(t), for all It i <t 0 . t, by Vr(t) = Vr(t/m) m = lim V(t/m)m = lim V(t), where m is chosen such that It/mi < t O. Thus, by (4.4), Vr(t)Vt(t ) i.e. Vr(t) = lim V(t)V(t') = lim V(t+t ) Vr (t+t, is a one parameter unitary group on By Lemma 4.3 and (3.19), Nr(Bp)JDlim N(B Fr* j, j O, and U TkD is a dense set of analytic vectors for k>O The same lemma shows that the spectrum of Nr(p). N(Bp), which is the set of nonnegative integers, coin- cides with the spectrum of a consequence of (4.4): Nr(Bp). Finally, (4.9) is (4.12) 67. Vr(t)Wr(f)Vr(-t) = lim V(t)W(f)V(-t) = lim W(eitf) = Wr(eitf), fEL2 (Bp). Thus Nr(Bp) is a number operator for Wr(f), which is therefore unitarily equivalent to a fEL 2 (Bp), direct sum of Fock representations [2, Theorem 1]. This completes the proof. Let 1Ift1 = 1, fEJ, a (f) = 2 2 and let [/r(f)+i$r(if)], ar(f) = 2-/2 r(f)ir(if)] be the creation and annihilation operators for the representation. Let Nr(f) = ar( be the number operators over [2, Prop. 3.1, Remark 2]. lim eitN(f) Fr Let for ), N(f) Wr, W a (f)a(?) respectively They measure the number of particles with wave function Theorem 4. [ff r(* f. Fr = Fr(v, ,n(j)). Then defines a one-parameter unitary group on and lim eitN(f) = eitNr(f). a (4.13) 68. Nr(f)JDlim N(f)j , j>O, and a U TkD is a dense set of k>O analytic vectors for Nr(f). The spectrum of Nr(f) is contained in the non-negative integers. Suppose v*L2 (RdV). Then every vector in Fr has an infinite number of particles for the global system Wr(f), fEJ. Thus Wr(f), fEJ, is disjoint from the Fock representation. Proof. Let Theorem 2, with V(t) = eitN(f). 4(f,) replaced by is a unitary operator, for by the proof of Theorem 3, N(f), Vr(t) = lim V(t) Itf<t 0, with By the proof of N(f), Vr(t) = lim V(t) some N(Bp) t 0 >0. Thus, replaced by is a one-parameter unitary group on Fr. By Lemma 4.3, for Nr(f)J ( j>O, r(f)+i r(if) [r(f)-i4r(if)]) 3 lim (r~l(f)+in(f)][ (f-i(if)]) = lim N(f)j. By (3.17), for U TkD is a dense set of analytic vectors k>O Nr(Bp). Thus Vr(t) = eitN,(f). Moreover, the P 69. spectrum of N(f) is contained in the non-negative integers, so that by Lemma 4.3, the same statement is true for Nr(f). d vfL2 (R ). Let orthonormal basis of J , Suppose (fi9i=l' fiEJ, and let E mPrm(fi m>O E mPm(fi) be the spectral decompositionsof m>O N(fi) respectively. Let S= (y = i(Y): Yi be an )' Nr(fi), non-negative integers, yi = 0 almost alwaysI, and let r be assigned the measure for which each point has measure one. P Then [2, p. (Py yET into = i Pr i i let yEP, (fi), Py = 31 and Prop. 3.1] i PYi i (f i ) . implies that (Pry yEF, are both mutually orthogonal families of projections. F For R Fix k,p>O. and defined by Let g, g be functions mapping 70. g(Y) = !PyTk~1 2e - A() Eyi<p e YTkcr ao = 0 EYi>p ZYiP g(Y) = "PryTk1Ii!r =. 0yi.p U(x) = eiExjN(fJ), g -g pointwise By Lemma 4.3, with as a--". For fc J , dimX1'<-, let be the spectral decompositionsof Z mPrm(x), E mPm(jr) m>O m>0 Nr(73q), N( h,) respectively. Let P Q Orp) P E Prm(M), Q (L)Om m=O Q =lim ( rp rp ), m=0 (L) lim ( M 0. " Here convergence of finite dimensional subspaces is net convergence, and is the projection onto Qrp< lim q a Qr = strong lim Qrp We assert that projection Q subspace is zero. = 0. E Fm m<p [2]. Hence the onto the finite particle Thus every vector in Fr has an 71. infinite number of particles, so that no subrepresentation is unitarily equivalent to the Fock representation [2, Theorem 2]. Let 'M'n = ( f as M'Y 'rpTk" i • iil * in Noting that lim Qp rp-< lim aT increases, we prove that 2 r r Qrp (M) ý decreases = 0: 2 lim Mt4-j < lim lim Tr n Tk rp = lim gi(y) i>n) [Y:Yi.=, = J r (v)< lim inf F go(y) 7 = lim inf lim J' a n-0 [(y=Yi=O, 1 = lim inf a = limr inf i>n (Fatou's Lemma) ( Y) lim fQ(mn)TkcI l2 e-A( ) n-#= 2e-A() Tp ITka! ! Tk,,*! < lim inf K exppA(a)e - A(c) (F because A(a)-". The theorem is proved. = 0 72. I Theorem 5. I v-v EJ, are not disjoint if Moreover, if j, f I Wr = Wr(v,,n(j)), Wr = Wr(v ,a,n (j)) and v = v v v and is non-negative. n(j) = n (j) for almost all I then Wr r and Wr r are unitarily equivalent. I Proof. lim W(f) By Theorem 2, Fr,Fr unitary operators on and lim W(f) By Lemma 3.4, respectively. I U= Lim I isan operator mapping Fr into Fr and bounded in norm by 1 exp ( 2 '2 v ) U is non-zero because (TO0 ,U(ToO))r = lim by (3.2) and (3.4). T e-Xj(a)exp n(jXj(a)>O Finally, by (4.2), UWr(f) = Lim IW(f) = Lim W(f)I = = Thus U intertwines therefore not disjoint. Wr(f)U. Wr(f)U- W Wr(f ) and Wr(f), are which are 73. Now suppose always. k>t Let rED v = v and let and n(j) = n (j) almost e = TtT(k) *ED. Then for sufficiently large, Ttcr*' TT(k)a GIIee-A (a)/2 By Lemma 4.2, U is unitary. = 0. The theorem is proved. 74. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Ahlfors L.: Complex Analysis. New York: McGraw Hill 1966. 2. Chaiken, J.: Ann. Physics 42, 23(1967). 3. Eckmann, J.: A theorem on kernels of superrenormalizable theories. To appear. 4. Friedrichs, K.: Perturbation of Spectra in Hilbert Space. Providence: Amer. Math. Soc. 1965. 5. Glimm, J.: Commun. Math. Phys. 10, 1(1968). 6. Glimm, J.: Advances in Math. 3, 101(1969). 7. Jaffe, A.: Commun. Math. Phys. 1i, 127(1965). 8. Hepp, K.: Lecture Notes. Ecole Polytechnique (1968-1969). 9. Hepp, K.: Proceedings of CNRS conference on systems with an infinite number of degrees of freedom. Paris 1969. 10. 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