- _-~'t -~ -i--i Ei -ii --~I THE USE OF MEtIYL IODIDE AS A HIGH Z MLATERIAL IN BLUELE CLil)ILRS by RICHARD KUThEO YAIHALOTO SUEiiTTED IN PARTIAL FULFILI ,E NT OF TUE REQUIRLiENTS FOR T-E DEGREE OF EAC-ELOR OF SCIENCE at the iA-SSACIEU'SETTS INSTITUTE OF TECH1OLOGY (1957) Signature of Author4r. Certified by.. ..-- -- -r . .. * ...... * * * * ....... Thesis Supervisor 'J7ll- The possibility of operating a bubble chmnber using a high Z liquid composed of 30] (by volume) methyl iodide (Ci3 I) and 70 propane (Ehg) is discussed in this paper. A theoretical method of obtaining the operating temperature of a bubble chamber is also discussed, with appli- cation to the above mentioned mixture. The mixture was found to operate successfully at a temperature of 850C in contrast to the theoretical value of 67'C. i-f - W'-Psa; Table of Contents I. II. III. IV. V. VII. VIII. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . General Theory of Operation of Bubble Chamber .. Theoretical Calculation of Operating Temperature. III. 1 Equation for Bubble of Equilibrium Radius III. 2 Energy Needed to Create a Bubble of Radius III. 3 Approximations for Mixtures . " . Radiation Length for Pure Propane and 70% Propane Mixture . 0 0 . 0 0 0 . .0 Description of Appara tus. * . . * . . .3 Iiethyl Iodide- 30 . 0 . . . . 0 . . . Description of Cycli c Operation of the Chamber. V. 1 VI. . Introduction. Experimental Procedur e. . . . . .6 .9 . . 10 Experimental Results. .. .0 . . . . . . 11 Conclusion. . . . . . . . . 12 Figures . . . * • S. . . . .0 S0 . . 0 . . • • S 0 . (2) . (3) . . . . . . 0 . . * * *• 0 0• * 0 • 0 0 • 0 •• • • • • • • •) • • •. 0 • •0 •• •. 00 .0 0 • 0 •- Photos. . . (1) . . . . •. ** . 0 0 : •. 00 6.4. 8.a 0 . • • . • a* a * • • . /l.a ell E)i, (3) . .. (4) * * * 0 0 0 a 0 * * * * 0 * * * 0 0 0 * * w //40 nr - IF ~ II-~ I -1- I , TNTF'RODUCTION The observation of electron-pairs converted from gamma- rays produced in a hydrogen event is of importance in certain experiments. Thus, a bubble chamber utilizing a high d(ensity and high Z (atomic nunber) liquid is of value. In this experiment, we were interested in investigating the possibilities of using a "sensitive" liquid comnosed of propane (C3 H) (hydrogenic comnonent) and iodomethane (high Z component). II GERTERAL TH-EORY OF OPEIATION OF TLEULE ChAMi-IER It is well known that a super-heated liquid will boil spontaneously if the liquid is somehow excited while in this state. The bubble chamber utilizes excitation energy from high energy particles passing thru the super-heated liquid-thus leaving a track of bubbles tracing the path of the i particle. In order to attain a super-heated condition of the liquid in the chamber, a hydrostatic pressure greater than the vapor-pressure of the liquid is applied on the liquid, thus allowing only a liquid phase. If the hydrostatic pressure is suddenly decreased to a value lower than the vapor pressure at the specific temperature of the liquid at that time, the liquid will be in a state of super-heat. this time, a particle passing through the chamber will cause the liquid to boil along its path. III Ti'HEORETICAL CALCULATION OF OPERATING TETERATURE III 1. Eouation for Eubble of Equilibrium Radius r, Given a bubble of radius r, composed of vapor At -2in a liquid of the same component (see figure 1), the out- ward force tending to tear the bubble apart, due to the iS pressure in the bubblgiven by: (1) F= Trr'P where PV is equal to the vapor pressure of the liquid. The inward force tending to collapse the bubble due to the hydrostatic pressure on the liquid is given by: where Pe is equal to the applied hydrostatic pressure. A third force acting on the bubble is due to the surface tension and tends to collapse the bubble--this is given by: (3) F = 2T rTwhere q-is the coefficient of surface tension. Hence, the equation for equilibrium is: or r r. P, Tr.7- + 'TrP r, ) where r. now represents the critical radius of a bubble in equilibrium. Solving for trI ~4 , we have: r. (5) Bubbles of radii smaller than rP will collapse comrpletely, where as bubtles of radii larger than r. will grow indefinitely. III 2. Energy Needed to Create a Bubble of Radius The energy needed to create a bubble of radius r. may be found at once by considering the heat needed to evaporate an amount of liquid equivalent to the amount of vapor contained in the bubble--the PdV work done arainst the hydrostatic pressure and the work done in forming the liquid-vapor surface of the bubble, all during the process of growth fromrO to r'= -3The heat needed to evaporate an amount of liquid equivalent to the vapor contained by a spherical bubble of radius r, is given by: E NH- (Io) H= 4rr Pv where (N) is the number of gas molecules contained in the bubble, (V) the volume of the bubble, (H) the heat of vaporization per molecule, (T) the temperature in *K, and (k) the Boltzmann's Constant. We have assumed the vapor in the bubble to be an ideal gas. The PdV work done by the bubble in growing from zero volume to V is given by: "3 r Sr where Pe is the constant applied hydrostatic pressure. (I)) Finally, the energy needed to form the liquid-vapor surface of the bubble is given by" ES -Wr'r (L) Therefore, the total energy needed to form a bubble of radius r, is given by: E,= Es+Eev= trr.ar + Substituting eq. (5) for r, -T.3" - r ) P, + r H we are left withl ) rrt + szrrP (3 We see that this equation is an implicit function of temperature only, since all variable parameters involved are functions of temperature. Hence, it is possible to plot E. as a function of temperature, and knowing the amount of energy lost by a particle in a region of the order of the critical bubble volume, we may determine the temperature of the operating point. III 3. Approximations for Mixtures For cases where the t"sensitive" liquid is pure, the parameters involved in the energy equation (eq. 13) may be -I+found in almost any physical-chemistry handbook of tables, where as, for mixtures of liquids, they generally cannot be found. We may, however, make certain approximations to determine these parameters for mixtures. Raoult's Lawu of partial pressures for solutions may be used to determine the vapor pressure of a mixture where the vapor pressure of one component is much greater than the vapor pressure of the other. Thus for a mixture consisting of components with largely differing vapor pressures, the total vapor pressure may be approximated by: P..= P X. where Pv is the total vapor pressure of the mixture; Po, the vapor pressure of the component with greater vapor pressure; Xo, the mole fraction of this component; ie., -) where No is N+N. the number of moles of the component with greater vapor pressure, and N is the number of moles of the component .with lower vapor pressure. If the mixture obeys Raoult's Law7 and we assume no interaction between components to occur, the total heat of vaporization will then be equal to that of the component with higher vapor pressure. This is evident from the fact that nearly all the vapor is composed of the component with higher vapor pressure. In the limit, as the vapor pressure of one component approaches zero, this is exactly true. This can be shown analytically by use of the ClausiusClapeyron equation as follows: solution; then P=PoXo is exact. Let us assume a perfect Now, the Clausius-Clapeyron -5equation states that: dP = L_ 4H dr -rT A Vs) but, from Raoult's Law: x. d g dT -H .- -- 4V 7 Assuming the vapor to be a perfect gas, and the specific molar volume of the liquid to be negligible compared to that of the gas, we have: AV= V -,4 C1- A7,T R = T - If the liquid were composed entirely of the liquid with vapor pressure Po, we would have: ,//Yo dP,4 dT Ta Po .=/. O... 06) R Unfortunately, there is no simple way of determining the coefficient of surface tension of a mixture of liquids, unless a direct measurement is made. There is a possibility of using the Parachor for homologous mixtures, which we will, however, not use because of the possibility that our mixtures are not homologous. Instead, we will make reason- able assumptions as to the values of the surface tensions for mixtures, by considering the values of the surface tensions for the pure components, and their concentrations in the mixture. For pure propane, this is all quite unnecessary as all parameters are readily available in handbooks. The plot for energy versus temperature for pure propane has been made and is shown in figure 2 on the following page. The experi- mental operating temperature is found to fall within the calculated range. To find the operating temperature range, we assume the energy needed to form a bubble of critical -- - - - 2 - &.. 4eoree/ vk a reznoe ci........ C------------------ - -- _ _ f- r~ - - _~t ~ - ~-+--!-ty~ ~ -M 4 t 4me~-------- . -- £pet'-: ~- h.. ~ -- #9- ~ t-~---r-A--- ' ' f-fTil - it .,'- ' ' : --. ---- --------- ~------ " - i -f---------------t---~--~-r . . .r~_: 30 tT7 i - 'r ---*-- -- t-- ROO -I * i . i.-_-l... -I -- . .i Tj -------t --------------- t ----- t------ I ~mpprrr~Lcrc FO 2 60 . 70 80 -6- radius to be between 10 and 30 electron volts, which is approximately- equal to the energy needed to ionize one molecule contained in the critical radius(,/otIm). The hydrostatic-pressure (Pe) has been set equal to one atmosphere. An Energy-temperature plot has also been 30% (by volume) methyl iodide--70, lmade for a propane where witure, the surface tension has been assumed equal to th1at of pure propane. The total vapor pressure was found by the use of Raoult's Law--this approximation is fairly good since the vapor-pressure of propane is much higher than that for methyl iodide at any given temperature, viz., 15 atm. for propane as conpared with latm. for methyl iodide, at 46'C The resulting plot is shown in figure 3. IV RADIATION LENGTH FOR PUR URE PROPNE E AND 30 ETh,-YL IODIDE- 70. PROPANL IIXTURE In this section, we are interested in calculating the decrease in radition length obtained by adding 30, (by volume) methyl iodide to pure propane, and by adding 50,. (by volume) methyl iodide to pure propane.* The expression for the radiation length for high energy electrons is Where: given by: ( -fine X= a l 3 structure constant (4~) Z = atomic number of material No- AvoCadro's number (6.023 x 10 molecules per mole) re= classical radius of electron A = atomic weight of material *This :.mixture has not been tried in the bubble chamber as to date, but will be tried in the 6" chamber in the near future. ! I -I- L1 -~ • [L~ .... o ~ hr * * . . ... . *., . ...... .... . IN, _ . . . .;f (- . -- ..-- ." - .l i -[ "" _ . i. -- . tiJ .11 _I_ . .. . . _ N .. LI _ _ * S- .. •. ___ • , ; .. . . :. . . I. i • i ,[ . i ; • i iii i . . ... . I i... . + i ii1 ( i ,... . .Ii . [ . .- K) . . . . . () . I . . 0 . . . . . . . . . ,:: ' . .I . .If . .i.. .. I 4 . . . . . . . i I . .. . . . . ''~C' . . .. . . . OD 0 - . 41 4 t-~~~~~~~ c----e .----- .- '~. '.'..1-- .-- . .... .. ...... * ' ' S N' W - 0ODO(D 0 II . : -7and that for a substance composed of several elementst' whereA,4,---Xf'are the radiation lengths for each component and~~,---P* the fractional weights for the corresponding elements. For carbon, we have iodine XgaB.Ifl5 . =z2 , for hydrogen±E4u Hence, for pure propane we have: may be neglected in comparison to of order l0'ewhile - is of order 1 l of the carbon in propane(Pe) $3. ~ is3CI, and for since it is The fractional weight is equal to - . Therefore, M. or, since the density of propane at room temperature X.o 127s. By the same method, we find the radiation length for a mixture of 30% (by volume) of methyl iodide in propane to be 12.15 cm. and for a mixture of 50% methyl iod.e in propane, 7.62 cm. Thus we find the radia- tion length of the liquid to be decreased by a factor of .105 by adding 30% (by volume) methyl iodide, and by a factor of .167 by adding 50% methyl iodide. Hence, it is possible to have several radiation lengths (2-3) in a bubble chamber of dimensions o 10 inches. This is of importance where one desires to observe electron pairs converted from gama-rays produced in a hydrogen event. V DESCRIPTION OF APPARATUS The bubble chamber used in this experiment has a sensitive volume, 4.5 inch by 1 inch (I.D.). The sensitive body is made of a pyrex glass tube (.25 inch wall thickness) sealed at one end by an aluminum plug fitted with a butyl ~ _~ - -8rubber "O-ring." The base of the chamber is made of stain- less steel and mounted on an all-aluminum stand for rigidity. (See figure 4). Expansion and compression of the "sensitive" liquid is accomplished by the use of a relatively light stainless-steel piston fitted with a dynamic "O-eing" seal. The piston is driven on the compression stroke by compressed nitrogen. On the expansion stroke, the piston may be driven back by the rapid vaporization of the compressed liquid in the chamber (method used in this experiment) or by compressed nitrogen. The complete cycle is controlled by an electro. mechanical solenoid valve. The sensitive body of the chamber is enclosed in a glass casing, and is heated by a hot-air flow passing through the enclosed region. This method of heating is sufficient because of the relatively small thermal-inertia of the system. The air flow is heated by passage through a thermally-insulated nichrome electric heater. A temperature control and two temperature measurement thermistors are placed near the sensitive body. The temperature-measuring thermistors are placed at opposite ends of the chamber to determine any temperature gradients that may arise. The electric current for the heater is controlled by a thyratron control circuit in conjunction with the temperature control thermistor. The temperature is measured by a D.C. Wheat- stone bridge employing the temperature measurement thermistor as one of its balance arms. The temperature may be read from a temperature-galvanometer current plot, or by the W-~ 10 Bubble Chamber Ready for Operation Fig. 4 ~___ _~__ -9conventional null :rcthod (used 'or hihieur accuracy). The electronic co-Iiponnts oi' the sy tem coisist of a variaLle pulsc-gencrator, valve power-supply, trigger circuit, delay circuits, electronic camera-flash plower supply, signal mixer, and a cathode ray oscilloscope. diagram of the electronic circuitry is A block sh;own in figure 5. A 35 mii. Lell and Howell "Eyemo" miovie camera, adapted for single frame advance or a Land Polaroid camera may be used for photography. The latter is generally used for izmlecliate examination of results. V 1. Description of Cyclic Operation of the Chamber (See block diagram in figure 5) The pulse generator is set to produce pulses at a constant desired rate, only one of -which is allowed to pass the trigger circuit when the trigger switch is depressed. The resulting single pulse then enters three of the four delay dircuits simultaneously. Delay (1) is used to fend a gate of desired width to valve driver (1), which alloiws the valve to open and thus cause expansion. Delay (2) is used to send a delayed pulse into delay (3) which then sends a gate of desired width to valve driver (2) closing the valve, causing compression. Delay (4) is used to send a delayed pulse to the camera-flash power supply, thus causing the camera-flash to fire at the appropriate time. The signal mixer is merely used to superiipose all signals on the time axis of the CRO0 to time all signals. thus aking it possible - 9. r-L tiec 1i-romp /; t Ayoo A: 0 d- -- 4ep ,510t P",afy.*a.* igE~- _1 ~___XI_1__~ _:~ ~_rr~_~_ _ _~~~~_ _~_~_~~~~ _ __ _~_I~ -10VI EXPiRIIENT.L PROCEDURE The general procedure used in this experiment is simple and straight forward. A one milli-Curie radium source is used to insure that a constant flux of gamma-rays pass through the chamber. Thus, expansion of the chamber at random times will yield tracks of Compton-electrons. By this method, we are able to measure the number of tracks (if desired) knowing the flux of gamma-rays to be constant, and comparison of track numbers may be made for different sensitive liquids, and for different operating conditions. Also, the rate of bubble growth may be measured by measuring the bubble sizes from tracks photographed with different flash delays. A graph of bubble size versus time delay of the flash may then be plotted. The slope of this curve will determine the rate of bubble growth. The excitation particles (gamma-rays) may be assumed to enter the chamberat exactly the same time (after expansion has taken place) in each track photograph. This is a good assumption since the radium source has a high constant flux. Of course, the largest bubble in each photo will have to be measured in order to give consistent results; the largest bubble is formed by the first gamma-ray entering the chamber daring the sensitive time. However, in this experiment, we were interested in merely observing tracks--that is, to see if the liquid mixture tested was a possible track-yielding liquid. (Note: theoretically any liquid will yield tracks if the operating conditions are suitable. However, our chamber was _ =I- * C- .. limited to a temperature range of 25*C to 120*C and a pressure range of 0 psi to 600 psi). To carry out this test we took photographs with a Land Polaroid ca'- :era, VII E'RIM INTAL RESULTS 23 (by volume) of methyl iodide was added to 77 propane and was found to be readily miscible. of The tenpera- ture was then raised to 65C and traces of tracks were evident, as shown in photo (2). It can be seen from the photo that the number of tracks were low, due to insufficient heating. When the temperature was raised to 750C, distinct tracks were seen, as shown in photo (3). Thus, this mixture was found to be a track-yielding liquid. Comparin g (3) oto to photo (1), it is immediately noticible that the tracks in photo (3) are shorter. knomwn This confirms the well- depenence of radiation length since photo (1) was taken using pure propane. However, it is reasonable to believe that the number of tracks in photo (3) much greater than that of photo (1), should be because of the higher Z, but this is not evident from the photo, due to poor contrast and poor resolution of the Polaroid film. After finding it possible to obtain tracks from a 23% methyl iodide mixture, the concentration of methyl iodide was increased to 30.. Tracks were observed at a slightly higher temperature of 850C, compared with the 75OC temperature required for the 231 mixture (see photo (4)). It can be seen from Photo (4) that the average track lengtihs are shorter than those in both photo (1) and photo (3). The vapor-pressure versus temperature plot for the 30% -r Photo 1. Electron tracks in pure propane (C 3 H 8 ) at 600C. Photo 2. Electron tracks in 23% methyl iodide (CH3I) and 77% propane (C 3 H8) mixture at 65*C. Photo 3. Electron tracks in 23% methyl iodide (CH 3 I) and 77% propane 0 (C H 8 ) mixture at 75 C. Photo 4. Electron tracks in 30% methyl iodide (CH 3 I) and 70% propane (C 3 H 8 ) mixture at 85*C. 3 M#" .. ,laO# ----- ,+-i~~~~~~~~--- --- ---- --- , -,41.4 - - . .................... .' : ; ........ .... 0 9 ... .... . 1 :............ '---070 - ------- YO - --- 6 --------- 161 - ----- --------O - --- 8. 2 / -- 7-r - 70 --- -- --- --------------- .--- -12- mixture is shown in figure (6). We note that the theoret- ical curve (using Raoult's Law) is somewhat lower than the experimental curve. However, the experimental curve lies eurve lower than the pure propaneK-thus Raoult's Law is a first approximation to the true vapor-pressure curve. The theoretical operating point. for the 30 mixture is shown in figure 3--comparison of the experimental operating temperature with the theoretical operating temperature shows the theoretical value to be somewhat low. This is probably due to the error in the value used for the coefficient of surface tension. VIII CONCLUSION It is possible to operate a bubble chamber using a liquid composed of a high Z material (CHSI) dissolved in propane (CHS). The advantages of using this uniform high Z- hydrogen mixture are: a) Interaction of high-energy particles with protons may be carried out. b) The possibility of studying the gamma-rays emitted from such interactions, by observing the electronpairs produced in the high Z material. c) The operating temperature and pressure are relatively low(in the region where pure propane operates). 't _ ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The author is especially indebted to Dr. Irwin A. Pless, for the use of his bubble chamber and electronic equipment, but more so for his constant guidance and advice, both theoretical and technical, throughout the entire experiment. The author would also like to express his appreciation and gratitude to Prof. Robert W. Williams and Mr. Alfred E. Brenner for their suggestions. --~--T~------ References D. A. and Rahm, D. C., Phys. Rev. 2, p. 1. Glaser, 1955. 2. Pless, I. A. 935-7, 1956. 3. Rossi, B., High-Enerqy Particles, Prentice-Hall, p. 50-5, 1956. 4. Glaser, D. A., Phys. 5. Glaser, D. A., Phys. Rev. 87, 474-9, and Plano, R. J., Rev. Sci. Instrum., 22, Rev. ,91p. 762-3, 1953. p. 665, 1952. N. Y.,