Augsburger Mathematisches Kolloquium Sharp asymptotics for metastable transition times in one- and two-dimensional Allen–Cahn SPDEs Nils Berglund MAPMO, Université d’Orléans Augsburg, 10 May 2016 Joint works with Barbara Gentz (Bielefeld), and with Giacomo Di Gesù (Paris) and Hendrik Weber (Warwick) Nils Berglund Metastability A metastable system: supercooled water (Source: CE) Metastability of stochastic Allen-Cahn PDEs 10 May 2016 1/21 Metastability for finite-dimensional SDEs √ dxt = −∇V (xt ) dt + 2ε dWt Mont Puget V ∶ Rd → R confining potential = inf{t > 0∶ xt ∈ Bε (y )} first-hitting time of small ball Bε (y ), when starting in x Col de Sugiton z τyx Metastability of stochastic Allen-Cahn PDEs Luminy x 10 May 2016 Calanque de Sugiton y 2/21 Metastability for finite-dimensional SDEs √ dxt = −∇V (xt ) dt + 2ε dWt Mont Puget V ∶ Rd → R confining potential Col de Sugiton z = inf{t > 0∶ xt ∈ Bε (y )} Luminy first-hitting time of small ball Bε (y ), x when starting in x Arrhenius’ law (1889): E[τyx ] ≃ e[V (z)−V (x)]/ε τyx Calanque de Sugiton y Eyring–Kramers law (1935, 1940): Eigenvalues of Hessian of V at minimum x: 0 < ν1 6 ν2 6 ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ 6 νd Eigenvalues of Hessian of V at saddle z: λ1 < 0 < λ2 6 ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ 6 λd E[τyx ] = 2π √ Metastability of stochastic Allen-Cahn PDEs λ2 ...λd ∣λ1 ∣ν1 ...νd e[V (z)−V (x)]/ε [1 + Oε (1)] 10 May 2016 2/21 Metastability for finite-dimensional SDEs √ dxt = −∇V (xt ) dt + 2ε dWt Mont Puget V ∶ Rd → R confining potential Col de Sugiton z = inf{t > 0∶ xt ∈ Bε (y )} Luminy first-hitting time of small ball Bε (y ), x when starting in x Arrhenius’ law (1889): E[τyx ] ≃ e[V (z)−V (x)]/ε τyx Calanque de Sugiton y Eyring–Kramers law (1935, 1940): Eigenvalues of Hessian of V at minimum x: 0 < ν1 6 ν2 6 ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ 6 νd Eigenvalues of Hessian of V at saddle z: λ1 < 0 < λ2 6 ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ 6 λd E[τyx ] = 2π √ λ2 ...λd ∣λ1 ∣ν1 ...νd e[V (z)−V (x)]/ε [1 + Oε (1)] Arrhenius’ law: proved by Freidlin, Wentzell (1979) using large deviations Eyring–Kramers law: Bovier, Eckhoff, Gayrard, Klein (2004) using potential theory, Helffer, Klein, Nier (2004) using Witten Laplacian, . . . Metastability of stochastic Allen-Cahn PDEs 10 May 2016 2/21 Potential-theoretic proof “Magic” formula: for A, B ⊂ Rd disjoint sets, E νA,B [τB ] = 1 −V (y )/ε dy ∫ hA,B (y ) e capA (B) B c ▷ Equilibrium measure: νA,B proba measure concentrated on ∂A ▷ Committor function: hA,B (y ) = P y {τA < τB } ▷ Capacity: capA (B) = ε ∫ (A∪B)c Property: capA (B) = ε Metastability of stochastic Allen-Cahn PDEs ∥∇hA,B (y )∥2 e−V (y )/ε dy inf h∈H 1 ,h∣A =1,h∣B =0 ∫ (A∪B)c 10 May 2016 ∥∇h(y )∥2 e−V (y )/ε dy 3/21 Potential-theoretic proof “Magic” formula: for A, B ⊂ Rd disjoint sets, E νA,B [τB ] = 1 −V (y )/ε dy ∫ hA,B (y ) e capA (B) B c ▷ Equilibrium measure: νA,B proba measure concentrated on ∂A ▷ Committor function: hA,B (y ) = P y {τA < τB } ▷ Capacity: capA (B) = ε ∫ (A∪B)c Property: capA (B) = ε ∥∇hA,B (y )∥2 e−V (y )/ε dy inf h∈H 1 ,h∣A =1,h∣B =0 ∫ (A∪B)c ∥∇h(y )∥2 e−V (y )/ε dy Proving Eyring–Kramers formula: A and B small sets around x and y √ √ (2πε)d−1 −V (z)/ε ▷ Variational arguments: capA (B) ≃ ε ∣λ1 ∣ e 2πε λ2 ...λd √ d (2πε) ▷ Laplace asymptotics: ∫ c hA,B (y ) e−V (y )/ε dy ≃ e−V (x)/ε B ν1 ...νd ▷ Use Harnack inequalities to show that E νA,B [τB ] ≃ E x [τB ] Alternative: coupling argument by [Martinelli, Olivieri & Scoppola] Metastability of stochastic Allen-Cahn PDEs 10 May 2016 3/21 Deterministic Allen–Cahn PDE [Chafee & Infante 74, Allen & Cahn 75] ∂t u(x, t) = ∂xx u(x, t) + f (u(x, t)) ▷ x ∈ [0, L], L: bifurcation parameter ▷ u(x, t) ∈ R ▷ Either periodic or zero-flux Neumann boundary conditions ▷ In this talk: f (u) = u − u 3 (results more general) Metastability of stochastic Allen-Cahn PDEs 10 May 2016 4/21 Deterministic Allen–Cahn PDE [Chafee & Infante 74, Allen & Cahn 75] ∂t u(x, t) = ∂xx u(x, t) + f (u(x, t)) ▷ x ∈ [0, L], L: bifurcation parameter ▷ u(x, t) ∈ R ▷ Either periodic or zero-flux Neumann boundary conditions ▷ In this talk: f (u) = u − u 3 (results more general) Energy function: L 1 1 1 → min V [u] = ∫ [ u ′ (x)2 − u(x)2 + u(x)4 ] dx 2 2 4 0 Scaling limit of particle system with potential N N N2 1 2 1 4 2 V (y ) = 2L 2 ∑i=1 (yi+1 − yi ) + ∑i=1 [− 2 yi + 4 yi ] Stationary solutions: u0′′ (x) = −u0 (x) + u0 (x)3 Metastability of stochastic Allen-Cahn PDEs 10 May 2016 critical points of V 4/21 Stationary solutions H = 12 (u ′ )2 + 12 u 2 − 14 u 4 u0′′ (x) = −f (u0 (x)) = −u0 (x) + u0 (x)3 ▷ u′ u± (x) ≡ ±1 ▷ u0 (x) ≡ 0 ▷ Nonconstant solutions satisfying b.c. H= u −1 1 (expressible in terms of Jacobi elliptic fcts) Metastability of stochastic Allen-Cahn PDEs 10 May 2016 5/21 1 4 Stationary solutions H = 12 (u ′ )2 + 12 u 2 − 14 u 4 u0′′ (x) = −f (u0 (x)) = −u0 (x) + u0 (x)3 ▷ u′ u± (x) ≡ ±1 H= u ▷ u0 (x) ≡ 0 ▷ Nonconstant solutions satisfying b.c. −1 1 (expressible in terms of Jacobi elliptic fcts) ▷ Neumann b.c: 2k nonconstant solutions when L > kπ 0 ▷ π 2π 3π 4π L Periodic b.c: k families when L > 2kπ Metastability of stochastic Allen-Cahn PDEs 10 May 2016 5/21 1 4 Stability of stationary solutions u0′′ (x) = −u0 (x) + u0 (x)3 Variational eq around u0 : ∂t vt (x) = vt′′ (x) + [1 − 3u0 (x)2 ]vt (x) Sturm–Liouville spectrum of RHS determines stability of u0 ▷ u± ≡ ±1: always stable (global minima of V ) ▷ ) u0 ≡ 0: always unstable, eigenvalues −λk = 1 − ( βkπ L 2 (Neumann b.c.: β = 1, periodic b.c.: β = 2) 0 Neumann b.c.: Number of positive eigenvalues 1 1 2 π 0 (= unstable directions) 3 3 2π 1 Transition state 2 4 3π 2 4π L 3 0 Metastability of stochastic Allen-Cahn PDEs 10 May 2016 6/21 Coarsening dynamics [Carr & Pego 89, Chen 04] Metastability of stochastic Allen-Cahn PDEs (Link to simulation) 10 May 2016 7/21 Stochastic partial differential equations √ u̇t (x) = ∆ut (x) + f (ut (x)) + 2ε Ẅtx (∆ ≡ ∂xx , f (u) = u − u 3 ) Ẅtx : space–time white noise (formal derivative of Brownian sheet) Metastability of stochastic Allen-Cahn PDEs 10 May 2016 8/21 Stochastic partial differential equations √ u̇t (x) = ∆ut (x) + f (ut (x)) + 2ε Ẅtx (∆ ≡ ∂xx , f (u) = u − u 3 ) Ẅtx : space–time white noise (formal derivative of Brownian sheet) Construction of mild solution via Duhamel formula: ▷ u̇t = ∆ut ⇒ ut = e∆t u0 2 ) = e−(kπ/L) t cos( kπx ) where e∆t cos( kπx L L Metastability of stochastic Allen-Cahn PDEs 10 May 2016 8/21 Stochastic partial differential equations √ u̇t (x) = ∆ut (x) + f (ut (x)) + 2ε Ẅtx (∆ ≡ ∂xx , f (u) = u − u 3 ) Ẅtx : space–time white noise (formal derivative of Brownian sheet) Construction of mild solution via Duhamel formula: ▷ u̇t = ∆ut ⇒ ut = e∆t u0 2 ▷ ) = e−(kπ/L) t cos( kπx ) where e∆t cos( kπx L L t √ √ u̇t = ∆ut + 2ε Ẅtx ⇒ ut = e∆t u0 + 2ε ∫ e∆(t−s) Ẇx (ds) 0 ´¹¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹¸ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¶ wt (x) = ∑ ∫ k t −(kπ/L)2 (t−s) e 0 Metastability of stochastic Allen-Cahn PDEs (k) ) dWs cos( kπx L 10 May 2016 =∶wt (x) α ∈ H ∩ C ∀s, α < s 1 2 8/21 Stochastic partial differential equations √ u̇t (x) = ∆ut (x) + f (ut (x)) + 2ε Ẅtx (∆ ≡ ∂xx , f (u) = u − u 3 ) Ẅtx : space–time white noise (formal derivative of Brownian sheet) Construction of mild solution via Duhamel formula: ▷ u̇t = ∆ut ⇒ ut = e∆t u0 2 ▷ ) = e−(kπ/L) t cos( kπx ) where e∆t cos( kπx L L t √ √ u̇t = ∆ut + 2ε Ẅtx ⇒ ut = e∆t u0 + 2ε ∫ e∆(t−s) Ẇx (ds) 0 ´¹¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹¸ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¶ wt (x) = ∑ ∫ k ▷ u̇t = ∆ut + ⇒ ⇒ t −(kπ/L)2 (t−s) e 0 (k) ) dWs cos( kπx L =∶wt (x) α ∈ H ∩ C ∀s, α < s 1 2 √ 2ε Ẅtx + f (ut ) √ ut = e∆t u0 + 2ε wt + ∫ t 0 e∆(t−s) f (us ) ds =: Ft [u] Existence and a.s. uniqueness [Faris & Jona-Lasinio 1982] Metastability of stochastic Allen-Cahn PDEs 10 May 2016 8/21 Stochastic partial differential equations √ u̇t (x) = ∆ut (x) + f (ut (x)) + 2ε Ẅtx (∆ ≡ ∂xx , f (u) = u − u 3 ) 1 ∞ Fourier variables: ut (x) = √ ∑ zk (t) ei πkx/L L k=−∞ √ 1 (k) zk1 zk2 zk3 dt + 2ε dWt ⇒ dzk = −λk zk dt − ∑ L k1 +k2 +k3 =k (k) Itō SDE, dWt : independent Wiener processes λk = −1 + (πk/L)2 Energy functional: 1 1 ∞ 2 zk zk zk zk V [u] = ∑ λk ∣zk ∣ + ∑ 2 k=−∞ 4L k1 +k2 +k3 +k4 =0 1 2 3 4 √ ⇒ dzt = −∇V (zt ) dt + 2ε dWt Metastability of stochastic Allen-Cahn PDEs 10 May 2016 9/21 Coarsening dynamics with noise (Link to simulation) Metastability of stochastic Allen-Cahn PDEs 10 May 2016 10/21 Eyring–Kramers law for 1D SPDEs: heuristics √ u̇t (x) = ∆ut (x) + f (ut (x)) + 2ε Ẅtx Initial condition: uin near u− ≡ −1 (∆ ≡ ∂xx , f (u) = u − u 3 ) with eigenvalues νk Target: u+ ≡ 1, τ+ = inf{t > 0∶ ∥ut − u+ ∥L∞ < ρ} Transition state: (β = 1 for Neumann b.c., β = 2 for periodic b.c.) ⎧ ⎪u0 (x) ≡ 0 if L 6 βπ with ev λk =( βkπ )2 −1 ⎪ L uts (x) = ⎨ ′ ⎪ ⎪ ⎩u1 (x) β-kink stationary sol. if L > βπ with ev λk Metastability of stochastic Allen-Cahn PDEs 10 May 2016 11/21 Eyring–Kramers law for 1D SPDEs: heuristics √ u̇t (x) = ∆ut (x) + f (ut (x)) + 2ε Ẅtx Initial condition: uin near u− ≡ −1 (∆ ≡ ∂xx , f (u) = u − u 3 ) with eigenvalues νk Target: u+ ≡ 1, τ+ = inf{t > 0∶ ∥ut − u+ ∥L∞ < ρ} Transition state: (β = 1 for Neumann b.c., β = 2 for periodic b.c.) ⎧ ⎪u0 (x) ≡ 0 if L 6 βπ with ev λk =( βkπ )2 −1 ⎪ L uts (x) = ⎨ ′ ⎪ ⎪ ⎩u1 (x) β-kink stationary sol. if L > βπ with ev λk [Faris & Jona-Lasinio 82]: large-deviation principle ⇒ Arrhenius law: E uin [τ+ ] ≃ e(V [uts ]−V [u− ])/ε [Maier & Stein 01]: formal computation; for Neumann b.c. √ λk (V [uts ]−V [u− ])/ε ⇒ E uin [τ+ ] ≃ 2π ∣λ01∣ν0 ∏∞ k=1 νk e Metastability of stochastic Allen-Cahn PDEs 10 May 2016 11/21 Eyring–Kramers law for 1D SPDEs: heuristics √ u̇t (x) = ∆ut (x) + f (ut (x)) + 2ε Ẅtx Initial condition: uin near u− ≡ −1 (∆ ≡ ∂xx , f (u) = u − u 3 ) with eigenvalues νk Target: u+ ≡ 1, τ+ = inf{t > 0∶ ∥ut − u+ ∥L∞ < ρ} Transition state: (β = 1 for Neumann b.c., β = 2 for periodic b.c.) ⎧ ⎪u0 (x) ≡ 0 if L 6 βπ with ev λk =( βkπ )2 −1 ⎪ L uts (x) = ⎨ ′ ⎪ ⎪ ⎩u1 (x) β-kink stationary sol. if L > βπ with ev λk [Faris & Jona-Lasinio 82]: large-deviation principle ⇒ Arrhenius law: E uin [τ+ ] ≃ e(V [uts ]−V [u− ])/ε [Maier & Stein 01]: formal computation; for Neumann b.c. √ λk (V [uts ]−V [u− ])/ε ⇒ E uin [τ+ ] ≃ 2π ∣λ01∣ν0 ∏∞ k=1 νk e ▷ Rigorous proof? ▷ What happens when L → βπ as then λ1 → 0? Metastability of stochastic Allen-Cahn PDEs 10 May 2016 11/21 Eyring–Kramers law for 1D SPDEs: main result Theorem: Neumann b.c. [B & Gentz, Elec J Proba 2013] ▷ ▷ ▷ If L < π − c with c > 0, then ¿ Á 1 ∞ λk (V [uts ]−V [u− ])/ε À [1 + O(ε1/2 ∣log ε∣3/2 )] E uin [τ+ ] = 2π Á e ∏ ∣λ0 ∣ν0 k=1 νk If L > π + c, then same formula with extra factor and λ′k instead of λk 1 2 (since 2 saddles) If π − c 6 L 6 π, then ¿ √ Á λ1 + 3ε/2L ∞ λk e(V [uts ]−V [u− ])/ε À [1 + R(ε)] √ E uin [τ+ ] = 2π Á ∏ ∣λ0 ∣ν0 ν1 k=2 νk Ψ+ (λ1 / 3ε/2L) where Ψ+ explicit, involves Bessel function K1/4 , limα→∞ Ψ+ (α) = 1 ▷ If π 6 L 6 π + c, then same formula, with another function Ψ− , involving Bessel functions I±1/4 , limα→∞ Ψ− (α) = 2 Metastability of stochastic Allen-Cahn PDEs 10 May 2016 12/21 Eyring–Kramers law for 1D SPDEs: main result Theorem: Neumann b.c. [B & Gentz, Elec J Proba 2013] ▷ ▷ ▷ If L < π − c with c > 0, then ¿ Á 1 ∞ λk (V [uts ]−V [u− ])/ε À [1 + O(ε1/2 ∣log ε∣3/2 )] E uin [τ+ ] = 2π Á e ∏ ∣λ0 ∣ν0 k=1 νk If L > π + c, then same formula with extra factor and λ′k instead of λk 1 2 (since 2 saddles) If π − c 6 L 6 π, then ¿ √ Á λ1 + 3ε/2L ∞ λk e(V [uts ]−V [u− ])/ε À [1 + R(ε)] √ E uin [τ+ ] = 2π Á ∏ ∣λ0 ∣ν0 ν1 k=2 νk Ψ+ (λ1 / 3ε/2L) where Ψ+ explicit, involves Bessel function K1/4 , limα→∞ Ψ+ (α) = 1 ▷ If π 6 L 6 π + c, then same formula, with another function Ψ− , involving Bessel functions I±1/4 , limα→∞ Ψ− (α) = 2 Metastability of stochastic Allen-Cahn PDEs 10 May 2016 12/21 Eyring–Kramers law for 1D SPDEs: comments ▷ Periodic b.c.: similar result [B & Gentz, Elec J Proba 2013] √ For L > 2π: extra factor ε because saddle is a whole curve ▷ Proof: relies on spectral Galerkin approximation ▷ Similar results by F. Barret [Annales IHP, 2015] using different method (no bifurcation points, f more general) Metastability of stochastic Allen-Cahn PDEs 10 May 2016 13/21 Eyring–Kramers law for 1D SPDEs: comments ▷ Periodic b.c.: similar result [B & Gentz, Elec J Proba 2013] √ For L > 2π: extra factor ε because saddle is a whole curve ▷ Proof: relies on spectral Galerkin approximation ▷ Similar results by F. Barret [Annales IHP, 2015] using different method (no bifurcation points, f more general) ▷ For Neumann b.c. and L < π: spectral determinant in prefactor is explicitly computable (Euler product formulas) 2 2 kπ L sin(L) 1 ∞ λk 1 ∞ ( L ) − 1 1 ∞ 1 − ( kπ ) √ = ∏ = ∏ =√ ∏ 2 2 kπ L ∣λ0 ∣ν0 k=1 νk 2 k=1 ( ) + 2 2 k=1 1 + 2( ) 2 sinh( 2L) L kπ Similar expression for periodic b.c. and L < 2π ▷ For larger L, techniques for Feynman path integrals allow to compute the spectral determinants in prefactors [Maier & Stein] Metastability of stochastic Allen-Cahn PDEs 10 May 2016 13/21 Sketch of proof: Spectral Galerkin approximation ut (x) = (d) √1 L ∑dk=−d zk (t) ei πkx/L ⇒ dzt = −∇V (zt ) dt + √ 2ε dWt Theorem [Blömker & Jentzen 13] For all γ ∈ (0, 12 ) there exists an a.s. finite r.v. Z ∶ Ω → R+ s.t. ∀ω ∈ Ω sup ∥ut (ω) − ut (ω)∥L∞ < Z (ω)d −γ (d) 06t6T Metastability of stochastic Allen-Cahn PDEs 10 May 2016 ∀d ∈ N 14/21 Sketch of proof: Spectral Galerkin approximation ut (x) = (d) √1 L ∑dk=−d zk (t) ei πkx/L ⇒ dzt = −∇V (zt ) dt + √ 2ε dWt Theorem [Blömker & Jentzen 13] For all γ ∈ (0, 12 ) there exists an a.s. finite r.v. Z ∶ Ω → R+ s.t. ∀ω ∈ Ω sup ∥ut (ω) − ut (ω)∥L∞ < Z (ω)d −γ (d) 06t6T ∀d ∈ N Proposition (using potential theory) ∃ε0 > 0∶ ∀ε < ε0 ∃d0 (ε) < ∞∶ ∀d > d0 ∃νd proba measure on ∂Br (u− ) ∫ E v0 [τ+ ]νd (dv0 ) = C (d, ε) eH(d)/ε [1 + R(ε)] (d) ∂Br (u− ) Metastability of stochastic Allen-Cahn PDEs 10 May 2016 14/21 Sketch of proof: Spectral Galerkin approximation ut (x) = (d) √1 L ∑dk=−d zk (t) ei πkx/L ⇒ dzt = −∇V (zt ) dt + √ 2ε dWt Theorem [Blömker & Jentzen 13] For all γ ∈ (0, 12 ) there exists an a.s. finite r.v. Z ∶ Ω → R+ s.t. ∀ω ∈ Ω sup ∥ut (ω) − ut (ω)∥L∞ < Z (ω)d −γ (d) 06t6T ∀d ∈ N Proposition (using potential theory) ∃ε0 > 0∶ ∀ε < ε0 ∃d0 (ε) < ∞∶ ∀d > d0 ∃νd proba measure on ∂Br (u− ) ∫ E v0 [τ+ ]νd (dv0 ) = C (d, ε) eH(d)/ε [1 + R(ε)] (d) ∂Br (u− ) Proposition (using large deviations and lots of other stuff) H0 ∶= V [uts ] − V [u− ]. ∀η > 0 ∃ε0 , T1 , H1 ∶ ∀ε < ε0 ∃d0 < ∞ s.t. ∀d > d0 sup v0 ∈Br (u− ) E v0 [τ+2 ] 6 T12 e2(H0 +η)/ε , sup Metastability of stochastic Allen-Cahn PDEs sup d>d0 v0 ∈Br (u− ) E v0 [(τ+ )2 ] 6 T12 e2H1 /ε 10 May 2016 (d) 14/21 Main step of the proof Set TKr = C (∞, ε) eH0 /ε Let B = Bρ (u+ ) and define nested sets B− ⊂ B ⊂ B+ at L∞ -distance δ ΩK ,d = { sup ∥vt − vt (d) t∈[0,KTKr ] (d) P(ΩcK ,d ) 6 P{Z > δd γ } + Metastability of stochastic Allen-Cahn PDEs E v0 [τB− ] (d) KTKr ∥L∞ 6 δ, τB− 6 KTKr } (d) Cauchy– Schwarz . ⇒ lim sup P(ΩcK ,d ) = d→∞ 10 May 2016 M(ε) K 15/21 Main step of the proof Set TKr = C (∞, ε) eH0 /ε Let B = Bρ (u+ ) and define nested sets B− ⊂ B ⊂ B+ at L∞ -distance δ ΩK ,d = { sup ∥vt − vt (d) t∈[0,KTKr ] (d) P(ΩcK ,d ) 6 P{Z > δd γ } + (d) E v0 [τB− ] (d) KTKr ∥L∞ 6 δ, τB− 6 KTKr } (d) Cauchy– Schwarz . ⇒ lim sup P(ΩcK ,d ) = d→∞ M(ε) K (d) On ΩK ,d one has τB+ 6 τB 6 τB− (d) (d) ⇒ E v0 [τB+ 1{ΩK ,d } ] 6 E v0 [τB 1{ΩK ,d } ] 6 E v0 [τB− 1{ΩK ,d } ] (d) (d) ⇒ (d) (d) (d) (d) (d) (d) E v0 [τB+ ] − E v0 [τB+ 1{ΩcK ,d } ] 6 E v0 [τB ] 6 E v0 [τB− ] + E v0 [τB 1{ΩcK ,d } ] Metastability of stochastic Allen-Cahn PDEs 10 May 2016 15/21 Main step of the proof Set TKr = C (∞, ε) eH0 /ε Let B = Bρ (u+ ) and define nested sets B− ⊂ B ⊂ B+ at L∞ -distance δ ΩK ,d = { sup ∥vt − vt (d) t∈[0,KTKr ] (d) P(ΩcK ,d ) 6 P{Z > δd γ } + (d) E v0 [τB− ] (d) KTKr ∥L∞ 6 δ, τB− 6 KTKr } (d) Cauchy– Schwarz . ⇒ lim sup P(ΩcK ,d ) = d→∞ M(ε) K (d) On ΩK ,d one has τB+ 6 τB 6 τB− (d) (d) ⇒ E v0 [τB+ 1{ΩK ,d } ] 6 E v0 [τB 1{ΩK ,d } ] 6 E v0 [τB− 1{ΩK ,d } ] (d) (d) ⇒ (d) (d) (d) (d) (d) (d) E v0 [τB+ ] − E v0 [τB+ 1{ΩcK ,d } ] 6 E v0 [τB ] 6 E v0 [τB− ] + E v0 [τB 1{ΩcK ,d } ] Integrate against ν√ d and use Cauchy–Schwarz to bound error terms: E v0 [τB 1{ΩcK ,d } ] 6 E v0 [τB2 ]P(ΩcK ,d ), take d → ∞ and finally K large Metastability of stochastic Allen-Cahn PDEs 10 May 2016 15/21 The two-dimensional case (Link to simulation) Metastability of stochastic Allen-Cahn PDEs 10 May 2016 16/21 The two-dimensional case ▷ Large-deviation principle: [Hairer & Weber, Ann. Fac. Sc. Toulouse, 2015] ▷ Naive computation of prefactor fails: 2 log ∏ k∈(N2 )∗ L ) 1 − ( ∣k∣π 2 L ) 1 + 2( ∣k∣π ≃ ∑ log(1 − k∈(N2 )∗ ≃− ∑ k∈(N2 )∗ Metastability of stochastic Allen-Cahn PDEs 3L2 ) ∣k∣2 π 2 ∞ r dr 3L2 3L2 ≃ − = −∞ ∫ ∣k∣2 π 2 π2 1 r2 10 May 2016 17/21 The two-dimensional case ▷ Large-deviation principle: [Hairer & Weber, Ann. Fac. Sc. Toulouse, 2015] ▷ Naive computation of prefactor fails: 2 log ∏ k∈(N2 )∗ L ) 1 − ( ∣k∣π 2 L ) 1 + 2( ∣k∣π ≃ ∑ log(1 − k∈(N2 )∗ ≃− ∑ k∈(N2 )∗ ▷ 3L2 ) ∣k∣2 π 2 ∞ r dr 3L2 3L2 ≃ − = −∞ ∫ ∣k∣2 π 2 π2 1 r2 In fact, the equation needs to be renormalised Theorem: [Da Prato & Debussche 2003] Let ξ δ be a mollification on scale δ of white noise. Then √ ∂t u = ∆u + [1 + 3εC (δ)]u − u 3 + 2εξ δ with C (δ) ≃ log(δ −1 ) admits local solution converging as δ → 0 (Global version: [Mourrat & Weber 2015]) Metastability of stochastic Allen-Cahn PDEs 10 May 2016 17/21 Renormalisation t Problem: For d = 2, stoch. convolution ∫0 e∆(t−s) Ẇx (ds) is a distribution ▷ δ-mollification should be equivalent to Galerkin approx. ∣k∣ 6 N = δ −1 : t 1 (k) wN (x, t) = ∑ ak (t) ei Ωk⋅x ak = ∫ e−µk (t−s) dWs L 0 ∣k∣6N µk = (Ω∣k∣)2 Metastability of stochastic Allen-Cahn PDEs 10 May 2016 Ω = βπ/L 18/21 Renormalisation t Problem: For d = 2, stoch. convolution ∫0 e∆(t−s) Ẇx (ds) is a distribution ▷ δ-mollification should be equivalent to Galerkin approx. ∣k∣ 6 N = δ −1 : t 1 (k) wN (x, t) = ∑ ak (t) ei Ωk⋅x ak = ∫ e−µk (t−s) dWs L 0 ∣k∣6N µk = (Ω∣k∣)2 ▷ Ω = βπ/L t limt→∞ ∫0 e(∆−1)(t−s) Ẇx (ds) = φN is a Gaussian free field, s.t. L2 CN ∶= L2 Eφ2N = E∥φN ∥2L2 = ∑ 1 2(µk +1) = Tr(PN [−∆+1l]−1 ) 2 ≃ log(N) ∣k∣6N Metastability of stochastic Allen-Cahn PDEs 10 May 2016 18/21 Renormalisation t Problem: For d = 2, stoch. convolution ∫0 e∆(t−s) Ẇx (ds) is a distribution ▷ δ-mollification should be equivalent to Galerkin approx. ∣k∣ 6 N = δ −1 : t 1 (k) wN (x, t) = ∑ ak (t) ei Ωk⋅x ak = ∫ e−µk (t−s) dWs L 0 ∣k∣6N µk = (Ω∣k∣)2 ▷ Ω = βπ/L t limt→∞ ∫0 e(∆−1)(t−s) Ẇx (ds) = φN is a Gaussian free field, s.t. L2 CN ∶= L2 Eφ2N = E∥φN ∥2L2 = ∑ 1 2(µk +1) = Tr(PN [−∆+1l]−1 ) 2 ≃ log(N) ∣k∣6N ▷ Wick powers ∶ φ2N ∶ = φ2N − CN ∶ φ3N ∶ = φ3N − 3CN φN ∶ φ4N ∶ = φ4N − 6CN φ2N + 3CN2 have zero mean and uniformly bounded variance (when integrated) Metastability of stochastic Allen-Cahn PDEs 10 May 2016 18/21 Computation of the prefactor ▷ ▷ Consider for simplicity L < βπ ⇒ transition state in 0 Galerkin-truncated renormalised potential 1 1 VN = ∫ [∥∇uN (x)∥2 − uN (x)2 ] dx + ∫ ∶ uN (x)4 ∶ dx 2 T2 4 T2 Metastability of stochastic Allen-Cahn PDEs 10 May 2016 19/21 Computation of the prefactor ▷ ▷ ▷ Consider for simplicity L < βπ ⇒ transition state in 0 Galerkin-truncated renormalised potential 1 1 VN = ∫ [∥∇uN (x)∥2 − uN (x)2 ] dx + ∫ ∶ uN (x)4 ∶ dx 2 T2 4 T2 √ √ ∣λ0 ∣ε 2πε Using Nelson estimate: capA (B) ≃ ∏ 2π λk 0<∣k∣6N Metastability of stochastic Allen-Cahn PDEs 10 May 2016 19/21 Computation of the prefactor ▷ ▷ ▷ Consider for simplicity L < βπ ⇒ transition state in 0 Galerkin-truncated renormalised potential 1 1 VN = ∫ [∥∇uN (x)∥2 − uN (x)2 ] dx + ∫ ∶ uN (x)4 ∶ dx 2 T2 4 T2 √ √ ∣λ0 ∣ε 2πε Using Nelson estimate: capA (B) ≃ ∏ 2π λk 0<∣k∣6N ▷ Symmetry argument: ∫ Bc ▷ hA,B (z) e−VN (z)/ε dz = ZN (ε) ≃ 2 ∏ √ 2πε −VN (L,0)/ε νk e 1 1 −VN (z)/ε dz = ZN (ε) ∫ e 2 2 where −VN (L, 0) = 41 L2 + 23 L2 CN ε ∣k∣6N Metastability of stochastic Allen-Cahn PDEs 10 May 2016 19/21 Computation of the prefactor ▷ ▷ ▷ Consider for simplicity L < βπ ⇒ transition state in 0 Galerkin-truncated renormalised potential 1 1 VN = ∫ [∥∇uN (x)∥2 − uN (x)2 ] dx + ∫ ∶ uN (x)4 ∶ dx 2 T2 4 T2 √ √ ∣λ0 ∣ε 2πε Using Nelson estimate: capA (B) ≃ ∏ 2π λk 0<∣k∣6N ▷ Symmetry argument: ∫ Bc ▷ hA,B (z) e−VN (z)/ε dz = ZN (ε) ≃ 2 ∏ √ 2πε −VN (L,0)/ε νk e 1 1 −VN (z)/ε dz = ZN (ε) ∫ e 2 2 where −VN (L, 0) = 41 L2 + 23 L2 CN ε ∣k∣6N ▷ Prefactor proportional to (since νk = λk + 3) ∏ 0<∣k∣6N λk 3/λk λk +3 e Metastability of stochastic Allen-Cahn PDEs converges since k log[ λλk +3 e3/λk ] = O( ∣k∣14 ) 10 May 2016 19/21 Main result in dimension 2 Theorem: [B, Di Gesù, Weber 2016] For appropriate A ∋ u− , B ∋ u+ , ∃µN probability measures on ∂A: ¿ νk −λk Á √ 2π Á À ∏ ∣λk ∣ e ∣λk ∣ e(V [uts ]−V [u− ])/ε [1 + c+ ε ] lim sup E µN [τB ] 6 ∣λ0 ∣ k∈Z2 νk N→∞ ¿ νk −λk 2π Á µN Á À ∏ ∣λk ∣ e ∣λk ∣ e(V [uts ]−V [u− ])/ε [1 − c− ε] lim inf E [τB ] > N→∞ ∣λ0 ∣ k∈Z2 νk Metastability of stochastic Allen-Cahn PDEs 10 May 2016 20/21 Main result in dimension 2 Theorem: [B, Di Gesù, Weber 2016] For appropriate A ∋ u− , B ∋ u+ , ∃µN probability measures on ∂A: ¿ νk −λk Á √ 2π Á À ∏ ∣λk ∣ e ∣λk ∣ e(V [uts ]−V [u− ])/ε [1 + c+ ε ] lim sup E µN [τB ] 6 ∣λ0 ∣ k∈Z2 νk N→∞ ¿ νk −λk 2π Á µN Á À ∏ ∣λk ∣ e ∣λk ∣ e(V [uts ]−V [u− ])/ε [1 − c− ε] lim inf E [τB ] > N→∞ ∣λ0 ∣ k∈Z2 νk (Inverse of) prefactor involves Carleman–Fredholm determinant: det2 (Id + T ) = det(Id + T )e− Tr T Defined whenever T is Hilbert–Schmidt, but not necessarily trace class Applied here to T = [(−∆ + 2) − (−∆ − 1)](∣−∆ − 1∣)−1 = 3(∣−∆ − 1∣)−1 Metastability of stochastic Allen-Cahn PDEs 10 May 2016 20/21 Outlook ▷ Dim d = 3: more difficult because 2 renormalisation constants needed ▷ Potentials with more than two wells: understood in d = 1 ▷ Potentials invariant under symmetry group: understood in Rn ▷ More difficult: non-gradient systems References: For this talk: [1,2,3,5]; Overview: [4]; Non-gradient: [6]; 1. 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