645 ISSN 1364-0380 (on line) 1465-3060 (printed) Geometry & Topology G T G G TT TG T T G G T T G T G T G T G T G GG GG T TT Volume 8 (2004) 645{673 Published: 22 April 2004 Units of ring spectra and their traces in algebraic K-theory Christian Schlichtkrull Department of Mathematics, Oslo University PO Box 1053, Blindern NO-0316 Oslo, Norway Email: krull@math.uio.no Abstract Let GL1 (R) be the units of a commutative ring spectrum R. In this paper we identify the composition R : BGL1 (R) ! K(R) ! THH(R) ! Ω1 (R); where K(R) is the algebraic K-theory and THH(R) the topological Hochschild homology of R. As a corollary we show that classes in i−1 R not annihilated by the stable Hopf map 2 1s (S 0 ) give rise to non-trivial classes in Ki (R) for i 3. AMS Classication numbers Primary: 19D55, 55P43 Secondary: 19D10, 55P48 Keywords: ogy Ring spectra, algebraic K-theory, topological Hochschild homol- Proposed: Thomas Goodwillie Seconded: Ralph Cohen, Haynes Miller c Geometry & Topology Publications Received: 25 November 2003 Revised: 21 April 2004 646 1 Christian Schlichtkrull Introduction Given a connective (symmetric) ring spectrum R, we follow Waldhausen and dene the units GL1 (R) to be the union of the components in Ω1 (R) that correspond to units in the discrete ring 0 R. With this denition GL1 (R) is a group-like monoid whose group of components equals GL1 (0 R). As in the case of a discrete ring there is a natural map BGL1 (R) ! K(R) to the algebraic K-theory of R. If R is a commutative discrete ring this is split by the determinant, but the denition of the determinant does not generalize to the setting of ring spectra and the above map is in general not split, even if R is commutative. For example, Waldhausen shows [21] that this fails quite badly for the sphere spectrum. However, it turns out that the notion of traces of matrices does generalize to ring spectra. This gives rise to the trace map tr : K(R) ! THH(R), where the target is the topological Hochschild homology rst dened by Bökstedt [6]. The purpose of the present paper is to identify the composition R : BGL1 (R) ! K(R) ! THH(R) ! Ω1 (R) tr r (1.1) when R is a commutative ring spectrum. The rst two arrows are dened for any (symmetric) ring spectrum, whereas the denition of the last map depends on R being commutative. By denition, THH(R) is the innite loop space associated to the realization of the cyclic spectrum [k] 7! R^(k+1) with Hochschild type structure maps. We shall use Bökstedt’s explicit denition of the smash products R^(k+1) . If R is commutative, the degree-wise multiplication R^(k+1) ! R denes a map to the constant cyclic spectrum. This gives rise to the innite loop map r in the denition of R . In order to state our main result, we need the fact that GL1 (R) has the structure of an innite loop space when R is commutative, ie, that there exists a spectrum gl1 (R) such that Ω1 (gl1 (R)) ’ GL1 (R). (We follow the convention to use small letters for the spectrum associated to an innite loop space written in capital letters.) It will be convenient for our purpose to give an explicit construction of gl1 (R) using Segal’s notion of Γ-spaces. Let 2 1s (S 0 ) denote the stable Hopf map. Theorem 1.2 The composite map R admits a factorization BGL1 (R) ! GL1 (R) ! Ω1 (R); in which the second map is the natural inclusion and the rst map is multiplication by in the sense of the following commutative diagram in the homotopy Geometry & Topology, Volume 8 (2004) Units of ring spectra and their traces in algebraic K-theory 647 category of spaces, −−−−! BGL1 (R) ? ? y GL1 (R) ? ? y Ω1 (id^) Ω1 (gl1 (R) ^ S 1 ) −−−−−−! Ω1 (gl1 (R)): In the case where R equals the sphere spectrum this result is due to Bökstedt and Waldhausen [8] (with a completely dierent proof). It is clear from the denition that there is an isomorphism of abelian groups i gl1 (R) = i R for i 1, but since the spectrum structures are dierent this is not an isomorphism of s (S 0 )-modules. However, using that is realized as an unstable map : S 3 ! S 2 , it is not dicult to check that the actions of are compatible in degrees i 2. The following is then an immediate corollary of Theorem 1.2. Corollary 1.3 For i 3, the composition i−1 R = i BGL1 (R) ! i K(R) ! i THH(R) ! i R is multiplication by 2 1s (S 0 ). It thus follows that classes in i−1 R not annihilated by give rise to non-trivial elements in i K(R). Example 1.4 Let R = ko, the real connective K-theory spectrum. In this case GL1 (ko) ’ f1g BO⊗ , where ⊗ indicates that the H-space structure is the one corresponding to tensor products of vector bundles. Using the cobration sequence ko ! ko ! ku, [18, V.5.15], we see that Z = 8k (ko) ! 8k+1 (ko) = Z=2 is surjective and that Z=2 = 8k+1 (ko) ! 8k+2 (ko) = Z=2 is an isomorphism. We conclude that for k 1, 8k+1 BBO⊗ = Z maps non-trivially to 8k+1 K(ko); 8k+2 BBO⊗ = Z=2 injects as a direct summand in 8k+2 K(ko). Geometry & Topology, Volume 8 (2004) 648 Christian Schlichtkrull This example is interesting in view of the attempts [1], [2], to relate algebraic Ktheory to elliptic cohomology and the chromatic ltration of homotopy theory. Another major source for the interest in algebraic K-theory in the non-linear setting is the relation to high dimensional manifold theory via Waldhausen’s work on stable concordances [20]. Example 1.5 Let R = 1 (G+ ) be the suspension spectrum of a commutative (or E1 ) group-like monoid G. By denition, the algebraic K-theory of this s (G ), and spectrum is Waldhausen’s A(BG). In this case, i BGL1 (R) = i−1 + thus classes in the stable homotopy that are not annihilated by map nontrivially to i A(BG) in degrees i 3. the algebraic K-theory of the associated Remark 1.6 Given a discrete ring R, Starting with a Eilenberg-MacLane spectrum H R reduces to Quillen’s K(R). = 0 R, the linearization map R ! H R gives rise to a ring spectrum R and R bration sequence F ! K(R) ! K(R); where by denition F is the homotopy bre. Let SL1 (R) be the unit component = we get a map BSL1 (R) ! F which of GL1 (R). Using that BSL1 (R) is important in the understanding of how algebraic K-theory behaves under linearization. The proof of Theorem 1.2 breaks up into two parts. The rst part is to give a description of R in non-K-theoretical terms as the composition BGL1 (R) ! L(BGL1 (R)) B cy GL1 (R) ! GL1 (R) Ω1 (R): r Here L(BGL1 (R)) denotes the free loop space of BGL1 (R) and B cy GL1 (R) is Waldhausen’s cyclic bar construction, see Section 3. The rst map is the inclusion of the constant loops and the map r : B cy GL1 (R) ! GL1 (R) is given by iterated multiplication in GL1 (R). The fact that GL1 (R) is an innite loop space ensures that it is suciently homotopy commutative for the latter map to be well-dened. The second part of the proof is then to show that the composite map BGL1 (R) ! GL1 (R) is multiplication by . This follows from a general analysis of how the free loop space of an innite loop space relates to the cyclic bar construction. Let us say that a sequence of maps of based spaces F ! X ! Y is a homotopy bration sequence if (i) the composition is constant and (ii) the canonical map from F to the homotopy ber of the second map is a weak homotopy equivalence. (This denition is most useful if Y is connected.) Given a Geometry & Topology, Volume 8 (2004) Units of ring spectra and their traces in algebraic K-theory 649 well-pointed group-like topological monoid G, there is a commutative diagram of homotopy bration sequences G ? ? y −−−−! B cy G −−−−! BG ? ? y Ω(BG) −−−−! L(BG) −−−−! BG; in which the lower sequence is split by the inclusion of the constant loops BG ! L(BG). If furthermore G admits the structure of an innite loop space, then the upper sequence has a natural splitting B cy G ! G given by the iterated product in G. The failure of these splittings to be compatible is measured by the fact that the composition BG ! L(BG) ’ B cy G ! G is multiplication by in the sense described above for GL1 (R). The paper is as a whole fairly self-contained, and in particular we present in Section 4 a new explicit construction of the trace map tr : K(R) ! THH(R). This version of the trace map is used here to identify the action on BGL1 (R), but there are many other applications of this combinatorial construction. In Section 2 we recall the denition of symmetric ring spectra and their units and in Section 3 we recall Waldhausen’s denition of algebraic K-theory in this framework. The Sections 2-4 can be read as a self-contained account of the topological trace map. In Section 5 we explain the innite loop structure of GL1 (R) used in the formulation of Theorem 1.2, and in Section 6 we construct the splitting r : THH(R) ! Ω1 (R) and complete the rst part of the proof. Finally, in Section 7 we consider the relationship between the free loop space and the cyclic bar construction of an innite loop space and nish the second part of the proof. 1.1 Notation and conventions Let T be the category of based spaces. In this paper this can be understood as either the category of compactly generated Hausdor (or weak Hausdor) topological spaces or the category of based simplicial sets. However, we will usually use the topological terminology and talk about topological monoids etc. In both cases equivalences mean weak homotopy equivalences. In the topological case we will sometimes have to assume that base points are nondegenerate in the usual sense of being neighborhood deformation retracts. Geometry & Topology, Volume 8 (2004) 650 Christian Schlichtkrull We let S n denote the n-fold smash product of the circle S 1 = I=@I . By a spectrum E we understand a sequence fEn : n 0g of based spaces together with based maps : S 1 ^ En ! En+1 . Again this may be interpreted either in the topological or simplicial category. A map of spectra f : E ! F is a sequence of based maps fn : En ! Fn that commute with the structure maps. We say that f is an equivalence if it induces an isomorphism on spectrum homotopy groups, the latter being dened by n E = colimk n+k Ek . All spectra we consider will be connective, ie, n E = 0 for n < 0. We shall also assume that the spectra we consider are convergent in the sense that there exists an unbounded, non-decreasing sequence of natural numbers fn : n 0g such that S 1 ^ En ! En+1 is as least n + n -connected for all n. This is not a serious restriction as any connective spectrum is equivalent to a convergent one. 2 Units of ring spectra In this section we recall Waldhausen’s denition of the space of units associated to a ring spectrum. We shall work in the framework of symmetric spectra and begin by recalling the relevant denitions from [12] and, for the version with topological spaces instead of simplicial sets, [16]. 2.1 Symmetric spectra A symmetric spectrum is a spectrum in which each of the spaces En is equipped with a base point preserving left n -action, such that the iterated structure maps m : S m ^ En ! Em+n are m n -equivariant. A symmetric ring spectrum is a symmetric spectrum equipped with n -equivariant maps 1n : S n ! En for n 0, and m n equivariant maps m;n : Em ^ En ! Em+n for m; n 0. In order to formulate the axioms, let n be the composite tw n n;m n : Em ^ S n −! S n ^ Em −! En+m −! Em+n ; where tw twists the two i n, i 7! i − n for i > 0 : S 0 ^ En ! En and These maps are required factors, and n;m is the (n; m)-shue i 7! i + m for n. Notice that n is m n -equivariant. Also, let 0 : En ^ S 0 ! En be the canonical identications. to satisfy the following relations for all l; m; n 0: (a) 1m+n = m (S m ^ 1n ), Geometry & Topology, Volume 8 (2004) Units of ring spectra and their traces in algebraic K-theory (b) m = m;n (1m ^ En ); 651 n = m;n (Em ^ 1n ), (c) l+m;n (l;m ^ En ) = l;m+n (El ^ m;n ). Here condition (a) states that the maps 1n assemble to give a map of spectra 1 : S ! E , where S denotes the sphere spectrum. Notice that (b) and (c) imply that l;m+n (El ^ m ) = l+m;n ( m ^ En ) as maps El ^ S m ^ En ! El+m+n and that l (S l ^ m;n ) = l+m;n ( l ^ En ): These are exactly the conditions for the maps m;n to produce a map of spectra : E ^ E ! E , where the domain is the internal smash product in the category of symmetric spectra. Condition (b) then says that 1 is a two-sided unit, and (c) is the condition that the multiplication is associative. (These comments on the internal smash product are only to motivate the denitions; we shall not make explicit use of the internal smash product in this paper.) We say that R is commutative if the diagrams m;n Rm ^ Rn −−−−! Rm+n ? ? ? ?m;n ytw y m;n Rn ^ Rm −−−−! Rn+m are commutative. 2.2 I -spaces and I -monoids In order to dene the units of a symmetric ring spectrum we need a combinatorial framework to keep track of the suspension coordinates. Let I be the category whose objects are the nite sets n = f1; : : : ; ng and whose morphisms are the injective (not necessarily order preserving) maps. The empty set 0 is an initial object. The concatenation m t n dened by letting m correspond to the rst m elements and n to the last n elements of f1; : : : ; m + ng gives I the structure of a symmetric monoidal category. The symmetric structure is given by the shues m;n : m t n ! n t m. We dene an I -space to be a functor X : I!T . Given an I -space X , we write XhI = hocolimI X . The homotopy type of XhI can be analyzed using the following lemma due to Bökstedt. For published versions see [15, 2.3.7] and [9, 2.5.1]. Let Fn I be the full subcategory of I containing the objects of cardinality at least n. Geometry & Topology, Volume 8 (2004) 652 Christian Schlichtkrull Lemma 2.1 (Bökstedt) Let X be an I -space and suppose that each morphism n1 ! n2 in Fn I induces a n -connected map X(n1 ) ! X(n2 ). Then, given any object m in Fn I , the natural map X(m) ! XhI given by the inclusion in the 0-skeleton is at least (n − 1)-connected. Let us say that an I -space X is convergent if there exists an unbounded, nondecreasing sequence of natural numbers fn : n 0g such that any morphism n1 ! n2 in Fn I induces a n -connected map X(n1 ) ! X(n2 ). It follows from Bökstedt’s lemma that in this case XhI is equivalent to the usual telescope of the sequence of spaces X(n) obtained by restricting to the natural subset inclusions in I . In particular, XhI is the usual directed colimit of the groups X(n) if X is convergent. We say that an I -space X is an I -monoid if it comes equipped with an associative and unital natural transformation m;n : X(m) X(n) ! X(m + n); where both sides are considered functors on I 2 . The unital condition means that the basepoint in X(0) acts as a unit and associativity means that the identity l;m+n (Xl m;n ) = l+m;n (l;m Xn ) holds for all l; m; n 0. By denition an I -monoid X is commutative if the diagrams m;n X(m) X(n) −−−−! X(m + n) ? ? ? ?m;n ytw y n;m X(n) X(m) −−−−! X(n + m) are commutative. If X is an I -monoid, then XhI inherits the structure of a topological monoid. The product is given by the composition XhI XhI = hocolim X(m) X(n) ! hocolim X(m + n) ! XhI ; II II in which the last map is induced by the monoidal structure of I . We say that X is group-like if this is the case for XhI , ie, if the monoid of components 0 XhI is a group. We will show in Section 5 that if X is commutative and group-like, then XhI has the structure of an innite loop space. Remark 2.2 For I -spaces X that are not convergent, the homotopy type of XhI may well dier from that of the usual telescope. Consider for example the I -monoid n 7! Bn . In this case the associated homotopy colimit is equivalent Geometry & Topology, Volume 8 (2004) 653 Units of ring spectra and their traces in algebraic K-theory to the base point component of Q(S 0 ). To see this one uses that the natural map B1 ! hocolimI Bn induces an isomorphism on integral homology. By the universal property of Quillen’s plus-construction and the fact that the target is a connected H-space, it follows that the latter is equivalent to B+ 1 . The conclusion then follows from the Barratt-Priddy-Quillen-Segal Theorem. As a second example, let R be a discrete ring and consider the I -monoid dened by the classifying spaces BGLn (R). By an argument similar to the above, the associated homotopy colimit is equivalent to the base point component of the algebraic K-theory space K(R). In these examples (and many more), evaluating the homotopy colimit over I thus has the same eect as Quillen’s plus-construction. 2.3 Units of ring spectra Given a symmetric ring spectrum R, the sequence of spaces Ωn (Rn ) denes an I -space as follows. A morphism : m ! n in I induces a map Ωm (Rm ) ! Ωn (Rn ) by taking f 2 Ωm (Rm ) to the composition −1 S l ^f l S n −! S n = S l ^ S m −! S l ^ Rm −! Rn −! Rn : (2.3) Here : n = l t m ! n is the unique permutation that is order preserving on the rst l = n − m elements and acts as on the last m elements. The action on S n is the usual left action. The multiplication in R gives a multiplicative structure m;n : Ωm (Rm ) Ωn (Rn ) ! Ωm+n (Rm+n ); f ^g m;n m;n (f; g) : S m ^ S n −! Rm ^ Rn −! Rm+n ; which is commutative if R is. We let Ωn (Rn ) be the union of the components in Ωn (Rn ) that have stable multiplicative homotopy inverses in the following sense: For each f in Ωn (Rn ) there exists an element g 2 Ωm (Rm ) such that n;m (f; g) and m;n (g; f ) are homotopic to the unit 1m+n in Ωm+n (Rm+n ). We consider Ωn (Rn ) as a based space with base point 1n and restricting the above structure maps gives an I -monoid Ωn (Rn ) . We dene GL1 (R) = hocolim Ωn (Rn ) I with the monoid structure explained above. If R is convergent so is the I -space Ωn (Rn ) , and by Lemma 2.1, 0 (GL1 (R)) = GL1 (0 (R)). If furthermore R is commutative, the general construction in section 5 will produce a spectrum gl1 (R) such that Ω1 (gl1 (R)) ’ GL1 (R). Geometry & Topology, Volume 8 (2004) 654 3 Christian Schlichtkrull K-theory and cyclic K-theory of ring spectra In this section we recall the denition of the algebraic K-theory K(R) and the cyclic algebraic K-theory Kcy (R) of a symmetric ring spectrum R. We also recall the inclusion of the units BGL1 (R) ! K(R). This material is due mainly to Waldhausen. Let Mn (R) be the symmetric ring spectrum whose mth space is Map (n+ ; n+ ^ Rm ). The multiplication resembles multiplication of n n matrices over an ordinary ring. (In this case the \matrices" in question have at most one non-base point entry in each column.) We let GLn (R) = GL1 (Mn (R)) with the monoid structure coming from the multiplication in Mn (R). Using the natural maps Map (m+ ^ S k ; m+ ^ Rk ) Map (n+ ^ S l ; n+ ^ Rl ) ! Map ((m t n)+ ^ S k+l ; (m t n)+ ^ Rk+l ) we have a notion of block sum of matrices and corresponding monoid homomorphisms GLm (R) GLn (R) ! GLm+n (R): These homomorphisms are associative in the obvious sense and thus the induced ‘ maps of classifying spaces give n0 BGLn (R) the structure of an associative topological monoid. By denition K(R) is the group completion a K(R) = ΩB BGLn (R) : n0 Notice that this is the version of algebraic K-theory with 0 K(R) = Z. The‘classifying space of the units BGL1 (R) embeds in the 1-simplices of B ( n0 BGLn (R)) and since there is just a single 0-simplex there is an induced map a 1 S ^ BGL1 (R)+ ! B BGLn (R) n0 whose adjoint is the requested map BGL1 (R) ! K(R). The image is contained in the 1-component of K(R). There is a variant of all this using the cyclic bar construction B cy GLn (R). Recall that for a topological monoid G, B cy G is the realization of the cyclic space [k] 7! Gk+1 with simplicial operators ( (g0 ; : : : ; gi gi+1 ; : : : ; gk ); for 0 i < k di (g0 ; : : : ; gk ) = (gk g0 ; : : : ; gk−1 ); for i = k si (g0 ; : : : ; gk ) = (g0 ; : : : ; gi ; 1; : : : ; gk ); Geometry & Topology, Volume 8 (2004) for 0 i k; Units of ring spectra and their traces in algebraic K-theory 655 and cyclic operator tk (g0 ; : : : ; gk ) = (gk ; g0 ; : : : ; gk−1 ). We refer the reader to [13] for background material on cyclic spaces. The degree-wise projections (g0 ; : : : ; gk ) 7! (g1 ; : : : ; gk ) dene a simplicial map p : Bcy G ! B G, and if G is group-like and has a non-degenerate unit there results a homotopy bration sequence G ! B cy G ! BG: Since Bcy G is a cyclic space its realization has a canonical action of the circle p group T. Consider the composite map T B cy G ! B cy G ! BG, where the rst map is given by the T-action. Letting L(−) denote the free loop space, the adjoint is a map B cy G ! L(BG). It is immediate from the denition that this is a T-equivariant map when the action on L(BG) is by multiplication in T. The following proposition is well-known and follows easily from the denition of the T-action. We shall prove a related result in Proposition 7.1 with a proof that can easily be adapted to the present situation. Proposition 3.1 There is a commutative diagram G ? ? y i p i ev −−−−! B cy G −−−−! BG ? ? y Ω(BG) −−−−! L(BG) −−−−! BG in which the lower sequence is the usual bration sequence associated to the evaluation at the unit element of T. If G is group-like and has a non-degenerate unit, then the upper sequence is a homotopy bration sequence and the vertical maps are equivalences. Notice that the lower sequence in (3.1) is split by the inclusion of BG in L(BG) as the constant loops. By denition the cyclic K-theory of a symmetric ring spectrum R is given by a cy cy K (R) = ΩB B GLn (R) : n0 cy The projections p : n (R) ! BGL(R) induce a map p : K (R) ! K(R) which has a section in the homotopy category. The quickest way to see this is to consider the diagram of monoid homomorphisms a a a BGLn (R) −! L(BGLn (R)) − B cy GLn (R); B cy GL n0 n0 n0 where the equivalence is a consequence of Proposition 3.1. After group completion there results a well-dened homotopy class K(R) ! Kcy (R), giving a section of p up to homotopy. Geometry & Topology, Volume 8 (2004) 656 4 Christian Schlichtkrull Topological Hochschild homology and the trace map In this section we present an explicit construction of the topological trace map tr : K(R) ! THH(R), where the target is the topological Hochschild homology. In order to motivate the construction we rst recall the linear trace map for an ordinary discrete ring tr : K(R) ! HH(R) with target the Hochschild homology of R. The latter is the realization of a cyclic abelian group HH (R) : [k] 7! R⊗k+1 with cyclic structure maps similar to Bcy G. The multi-trace tr : HH (Mn (R)) ! HH (R) is the cyclic map given in degree k by X tr(A0 ⊗ ⊗ Ak ) = a0sk ;s0 ⊗ ⊗ aksk−1 ;sk ; where Ai = (ais;t ): s0 ;:::;sk Composing with the obvious inclusions Bcy GLn (R) ! HH (Mn (R)) we get a cyclic map a a Bcy GLn (R) ! HH (Mn (R)) ! HH (R): n0 n0 This is a monoid homomorphism with respect to block-sums of matrices on the domain and the abelian group structure on the target. After realization and group completion we get maps Kcy (R) ! ΩB HH(R) HH(R): The linear trace map tr : K(R) ! HH(R) is the homotopy class obtained by composing with the homotopy section K(R) ! Kcy (R). 4.1 Topological Hochschild homology Topological Hochschild homology is obtained by replacing the tensor products in HH (R) by smash products of spectra. We shall follow Bökstedt [6] in making this precise. Given a sequence of symmetric spectra E 1 ; : : : ; E r , we consider the smash product as a multi-indexed spectrum in the natural way, (E 1 ^ ^ E r )n1 ;:::;nr = En1 1 ^ ^ Enr r : In general an r-fold multi-indexed symmetric spectrum E = fEn1 ;:::;nr g has an associated innite loop space Ω1 (E) = hocolim Ωn1 ++nr (En1 ;:::;nr ): r I Geometry & Topology, Volume 8 (2004) 657 Units of ring spectra and their traces in algebraic K-theory The functoriality underlying this denition is analogous to that in (2.3). We shall always use the symbol Ω1 (E) in this precise way. Notice that the monoidal structure of I r makes Ω1 a functor from multi-indexed spectra to topological monoids. The topological Hochschild homology of a ring spectrum R is the topological realization of the cyclic spectrum TH (R), dened in spectrum degree n by TH (R; n) : [k] 7! Ω1 (R ^ R} ^S n ): | ^ {z k+1 The spectrum structure maps are dened in the obvious way involving only the S n -factor. This construction represents Bökstedt’s solution to the problem of how to turn the multi-indexed spectrum R^(k+1) into an equivalent singlyindexed spectrum. The cyclic structure maps are analogous to those in Bcy (G) and HH (R). Thus for example d0 : TH1 (R) ! TH0 (R) is the composition hocolim Ωn0 +n1 (Rn0 ^ Rn1 ^ S n ) ! hocolim Ωn0 +n1 (Rn0 +n1 ^ S n ) I2 I2 ! hocolim Ωn0 (Rn0 ); I where the rst map uses the multiplication in R and the second map is induced by the monoidal structure t : I I ! I . It follows from the version of Bökstedt’s approximation Lemma 2.1 with I k+1 instead of I that TH(R) is an Ω-spectrum, and we let THH(R) be the 0th space. In order to dene the spectrum level multi-trace, we need to model the additive structure of a spectrum in a very precise way. We next explain how this can be done. 4.2 The cyclic Barratt-Eccles construction Let E n be the cyclic set [k] 7! k+1 with simplicial operators n di (0 ; : : : ; k ) = (0 ; : : : ; i−1 ; i+1 ; : : : ; k ); 0 i k; si (0 ; : : : ; k ) = (0 ; : : : ; i−1 ; i ; i ; : : : ; k ); 0 i k; and cyclic operator tk (0 ; : : : ; k ) = (k ; 0 ; : : : ; k−1 ). We let E1 be the cyclic Barratt-Eccles operad with nth space E n , see [3], [17, 6.5]. This is an E1 operad in the sense that the realization En of the nth space is n -free and contractible. We use the notation E1 for the associated functor from based spaces to simplicial based spaces, a 1 n E (X) = (4.1) E n X = ; n0 Geometry & Topology, Volume 8 (2004) 658 Christian Schlichtkrull where the equivalence relation is dened as follows. Notice rst that the correspondence n 7! E n denes a contravariant functor from I to simplicial sets: Given a morphism : m ! n in I and 2 n , the composition has a unique factorization = () () with () : m ! n injective and order preserving and () 2 m . In this way induces a simplicial map, : E n ! E m ; (0 ; : : : ; k ) 7! ( (0 ); : : : ; (k )) and given : l ! m it is clear that () = . Secondly, given a based space X the correspondence n 7! X n denes a covariant functor on I by letting a morphism : m ! n act on x 2 X m by (x) = y, where ( xi ; if (i) = j yj = ; if j 2 = (m): With this notation the equivalence relation in (4.1) is generated by the relations (e; (x)) ( (e); x) for e 2 Ek n ; x 2 X m and : m ! n: In other words, E1 (X) is the tensor product of the functors n 7! E n and n n 7! X over I , ie, the coend of the I op I -diagram Em X n , cf. [14, IX.6]. We let E1 (X) be the realization. (Barratt and Eccles use the notation Γ+ (X), but we want to avoid this since we also use Γ-spaces in the sense of Segal.) We write the elements of E1 (X) as [; x] where 2 E k and x 2 X k . Block sums of permutations give E1 (X) the structure of a simplicial topological monoid, [; x] [ 0 ; x0 ] = [ 0 ; (x; x0 )]: The homotopy theoretical signicance of the functor E1 (X) is that it provides a combinatorial model of Ω1 1 (X) for non-degenerately based connected X . In more detail, it is proved in [3] that in the diagram E1 (X) ! colim Ωn E1 (S n ^ X) colim Ωn (S n ^ X); the left hand arrow is an equivalence for connected X and the right hand arrow is an equivalence in general. We extend E1 to a functor on (symmetric) spectra by applying it in each spectrum dimension, ie, E1 (E)n = E1 (En ) with structure maps S 1 ^ E1 (En ) ! E1 (S 1 ^ En ) ! E1 (En+1 ): Since we assume spectra to be connective and convergent, it easily follows that the natural map E ! E1 (E) is an equivalence. Similarly, given a simplicial spectrum, we may apply E1 degree-wise to get a bisimplicial spectrum and then restrict to the simplicial diagonal. This is in eect what we shall do when dening the spectrum level multi-trace. Geometry & Topology, Volume 8 (2004) 659 Units of ring spectra and their traces in algebraic K-theory 4.3 The spectrum level multi-trace The multi-trace for a symmetric ring spectrum R is a natural map of multiindexed spectra tr : Mn (R) ^ ^ Mn (R) ! E1 ^ R}): k (R | ^ {z | {z } (4.2) k+1 k+1 Let us rst explain how to dene this when R is a spectrum of based simplicial sets. In this case tr is based on a natural transformation tr : Mn (X0 ) ^ ^ Mn (Xk ) ! E1 k (X0 ^ ^ Xk ); where X0 ; : : : ; Xk are based sets and Mn (Xi ) = Map (n+ ; n+ ^ Xi ). Suppose given an element (A0 ; : : : ; Ak ) in the domain and use matrix notation to write Ai = (xis;t ). Let D be the set of multi-indices corresponding to the non-trivial summands in the multi-trace formula, ie, D = f(s0 ; : : : ; sk ) : x0sk ;s0 6= ; : : : ; xksk−1 ;sk 6= g: Since by denition the matrices have at most one non-base point entry in each column, the projections (s0 ; : : : ; sk ) 7! si give rise to injective maps pi : D ! n. Suppose that D has cardinality m and order the elements by choosing a bijection γ : m ! D. The composition pi γ : m ! n is injective for each i and admits a unique factorization pi γ = i i , where i is injective and order preserving and i 2 m . Consider the natural map D ! X0 ^ ^ Xk ; (s0 ; : : : ; sk ) 7! (x0sk ;s0 ; : : : ; xksk−1 ;sk ) and let x be the composition x : m ! D ! X0 ^ ^ Xk : The rst observation is that the element m [(0 ; : : : ; k ); x] 2 k+1 m m (X0 ^ ^ Xk ) is independent of the ordering γ used to dene it. By denition the multi-trace is the image in E1 k (X0 ^ ^ Xk ), tr(A0 ; : : : ; Ak ) = [(0 ; : : : ; k ); x] 2 E1 k (X0 ^ ^ Xk ): (4.3) The second observation is that because of the base point relations in the target this construction is natural with respect to based maps in X0 ; : : : Xk . Example 4.4 As an example to illustrate the construction we calculate x012 x112 tr ; 1 = [(12 ; ); (x021 ; x112 ); (x012 ; x121 )]; x021 x21 where 2 2 is the non-identity element. Geometry & Topology, Volume 8 (2004) 660 Christian Schlichtkrull The spectrum level multi-trace (4.2) is dened by degree-wise extending the above natural transformation to a natural transformation between functors of simplicial sets. We then extend this to a natural transformation of multiindexed spectra by applying it in each multi-degree. This gives the required maps tr : Mn (Rn0 ) ^ ^ Mn (Rnk ) ! E1 k (Rn0 ^ ^ Rnk ): In the case where R is a spectrum of topological spaces we observe that the expression in (4.3) also makes sense if X0 ; : : : ; Xk are (non-degenerately) based topological spaces, and we dene tr by the same formula. 4.4 The topological trace map We dene a combinatorially enriched version TH+ (R) of topological Hochschild homology by applying Bökstedt’s construction to the multi-indexed spectrum on the right hand side of (4.2), ie, 1 1 TH+ ^ R} ^S n )): (R; n) : [k] 7! Ω (Ek (R | ^ {z k+1 This is in a natural way the cyclic diagonal of a bicyclic spectrum. The + decoration indicates that TH+ (R; n) is a homotopy commutative cyclic monoid. Using the natural inclusion X 7! E1 (X) we get a degree-wise equivalence TH (R) ! TH+ (R) and thus an equivalence of realizations TH(R) ! TH+ (R). The spectrum level multi-trace has formal properties similar to the linear multitrace and in particular there results a cyclic map tr : TH (Mn (R)) ! TH+ (R): (One can show that the realization can be extended to give an equivalence of T-equivariant spectra, but we shall not use this here.) The denition of the topological trace map is now completely analogous to the linear case. There is an obvious embedding of cyclic spaces Bcy GLn (R) ! THH (Mn (R)) induced by the natural transformation Ωn0 (Mn (Rn0 )) Ωnk (Mn (Rnk )) ! Ωn0 ++nk (Mn (Rn0 ) ^ ^ Mn (Rnk )) (4.5) that sends a tuple of maps to their smash product. Composing with the multitrace we get a cyclic map a a Bcy GLn (R) ! THH (Mn (R)) ! THH+ (R): n0 n0 Geometry & Topology, Volume 8 (2004) 661 Units of ring spectra and their traces in algebraic K-theory This is a monoid homomorphism with respect to block sums of matrices on the domain and the simplicial monoid structure on the target. After realization and group completion we get maps Kcy (R) ! ΩB(THH+ (R)) THH+ (R) THH(R): The topological trace map tr : K(R) ! THH(R) is the homotopy class obtained by composing with the homotopy section K(R) ! Kcy (R). Remark 4.6 It is not dicult to extend this denition of the trace map to a map of spectra or to rene it to a version of the cyclotomic trace trc : K(R) ! TC(R), cf. [7]. However, this is not the purpose of the present paper. A construction of the trace map from a more categorical point of view has been given by Dundas and McCarthy [11] and Dundas [10]. Letting n = 1 in (4.5) gives a map B cy GL1 (R) ! THH(R). The following proposition is immediate from the denitions Proposition 4.7 There is a strictly commutative diagram of spaces B cy GL1 (R) −−−−! ? ? y Kcy (R) 5 THH(R) ? ? y (4.8) tr −−−−! ΩB THH+ (R): Γ-spaces and units of commutative ring spectra In this section we show that if R is a commutative (and convergent) ring spectrum, then GL1 (R) is the 0th space of an Ω-spectrum. The same is true for the group-like monoid XhI associated to a commutative and group-like I -monoid X , and we formulate the construction in this generality. 5.1 Γ-spaces We rst recall Segal’s notion of Γ-spaces and the Anderson-Segal method for constructing the associated homology theory. The paper by Bouseld and Friedlander [4] is the basic reference for this material. Let Γo denote the category of nite pointed sets and pointed maps. A Γ-space is a functor A : Γo ! T such that A() = . We say that a Γ-space is special if given pointed sets S and T the natural map A(S _ T ) ! A(S) A(T ) is an equivalence. This Geometry & Topology, Volume 8 (2004) 662 Christian Schlichtkrull implies in particular that A(S 0 ) has the structure of a homotopy associative and commutative H-space with multiplication A(S 0 ) A(S 0 ) ’ A(S 0 _ S 0 ) ! A(S 0 ): We say that A is very special if A(S 0 ) is group-like, ie, if the monoid of components is a group. A Γ-space A extends to a functor on the category of pointed simplicial sets in a two stage procedure. First A is extended to the category of all pointed sets by forcing it to commute with colimits. Given a simplicial set X we then apply A degree-wise to get a simplicial space [k] 7! A(Xk ) with realization A(X). The main result is that if A is very special then the resulting functor is a homology theory: Applying A to a cobration sequence of pointed simplicial sets X ! Y ! Y =X gives a homotopy bration sequence A(X) ! A(Y ) ! A(Y =X) in the sense that the inclusion of A(X) in the homotopy ber of the second map is an equivalence. In particular, a very special Γ-space gives rise to a symmetric Ω-spectrum fA(S n ) : n 0g, in which the structure maps are the realizations of the obvious (multi)-simplicial maps S1 ^ A(Sn ) ! A(Sn+1 ). 5.2 Γ-spaces associated to commutative I -monoids In order to motivate the construction we recall the denition of the Γ-space associated to a commutative topological monoid G. Given a nite based set S , let S be the subset obtained by excluding the base point. Then G(S) = GS , and a based map : S ! T induces a map G(S) ! G(T ) by multiplying the elements in G indexed by −1 ftg for each t 2 T . Implementing this idea for a commutative I -monoid requires some preparation. be the category of subsets and inclusions in S . Given S as above, let P(S) by letting A based map : S ! T induces a functor : P(T) ! P(S) −1 (U ) = (U ) for U T . We dene a category D(S) of S -indexed sum ! I that takes diagrams in I as follows. An object is a functor : P(S) disjoint unions to coproducts of nite sets, ie, if U \ V = ;, then the diagram U ! U [V V represents U [V as a coproduct of nite sets. (The category I itself does of course not have coproducts.) Notice in particular that ; = 0. A morphisms in D(S) is a natural transformations of functors (not necessarily an isomorphism). This construction is clearly functorial in Γo : A based map : S ! T induces a functor : D(S) ! D(T ) by letting = . Notice that an object in D(S) is determined by its values s for s 2 S ; Geometry & Topology, Volume 8 (2004) 663 Units of ring spectra and their traces in algebraic K-theory a choice of injective map s ! U whenever s 2 U such that the induced map ts2U s ! U (with any ordering of the summands) is a bijection. Restricting to the one-point subsets of S gives a functor S : D(S) ! I S , where the latter denotes the product category indexed by S (we let I ; denote the one-point category). This is an equivalence of categories, and specifying an ordering of S gives a canonical choice of an inverse functor I S ! D(S), using S the monoidal structure of I . Notice however, that I is not functorial in Γo as is the case for D(S). Lemma 5.1 Given a functor Y : I S ! T , the natural map hocolim Y S ! hocolim Y D(S) IS induced by S is an equivalence. Proof By the conality criterion in [5, XI.9.2] (or rather its dual version) it suces to check that for any object a 2 I S , the category (a # S ) of objects under a is contractible. But this is clear since this category has an initial object. Let now X be a commutative I -monoid and consider the I S -diagram X S dened by Y 7! fns : s 2 Sg X(ns ): s2S For S = ; this should be interpreted as the one-point space. We use the notation X(S) for the D(S)-diagram obtained by composing with S . With this denition X(S) is functorial in S is the sense that a based map : S ! T gives rise to a natural transformation of D(S) diagrams X(S) ! X(T ) : In order to see this x an object in D(S) and choose an ordering of the subsets Ut = −1 (t) for each t 2 T . The map in question is then a product over T of maps of the form Y G X(s ) ! X( s ) ! X(Ut ); s2Ut s2Ut where the rst arrow comes from the multiplication in X and the second arrow is induced by the bijection ts2Ut s ! Ut determined by the sum diagram . The main point is that since X is commutative the composite map does not depend on the ordering of Ut used to dene it. Geometry & Topology, Volume 8 (2004) 664 Christian Schlichtkrull By denition the Γ-space associated to X is given by XhI (S) = hocolim X(S): D(S) Given a based map : S ! T , the induced map : XhI (S) ! XhI (T ) is the composition hocolim X(S) ! hocolim X(T ) ! hocolim X(T ); D(S) D(T ) D(T ) where the rst map is induced by the above natural transformation and the second map is the map of homotopy colimits determined by the functor . It follows immediately from the denition that XhI (S 0 ) = XhI . In order to compare XhI (S 1 ) to the usual bar construction of XhI we specify an ordering of the k -simplices in S1 by letting uj = (0; : : : ; 0; 1; : : : ; 1); | {z } for j = 0; : : : ; k: (5.2) j Then u0 is the base point and Sk1 = fu1 ; : : : uk g. Proposition 5.3 The Γ-space associated to a commutative I -monoid X is always special and is very special if and only if the underlying monoid XhI is group-like. In general there is a natural equivalence BXhI ! XhI (S 1 ). Proof Using Lemma 5.1 we get an equivalence XhI (S) = hocolim X(S) ! hocolim XS = D(S) IS Y XhI ; s2S which is the condition for XhI to be special. The statement about being very special follows from the denition. In order to dene the equivalence we use the ordering of the simplices of S1 given by (5.2). As noted earlier this ordering determines an equivalence hocolim X(n1 ) X(nk ) ! hocolim X(Sk1 ) Ik D(Sk1 ) using the monoidal structure of I . Identifying the left hand side with the k simplices of B XhI we get a simplicial map B XhI ! XhI (S1 ). Since this is an equivalence in each simplicial degree its realization is also an equivalence as required. Geometry & Topology, Volume 8 (2004) 665 Units of ring spectra and their traces in algebraic K-theory Remark 5.4 This construction of Γ-spaces based on the category D(S) diers from that of Segal [19, x2] in that we allow all natural transformations, not only the natural isomorphisms. Consequently, our denition of the Γ-space associated to a commutative I -monoid takes into account all the maps X(m) ! X(n) induced by morphisms in I . As an example, consider the commutative I -monoid given by the classifying spaces BO(n) of the orthogonal groups. In this‘case Segal’s construction produces a special Γ-space with underlying space BO(n), whereas our construction produces a very special Γ-space with underlying space hocolimI BO(n) ’ BO. The last equivalence follows from Bökstedt’s Lemma 2.1. Thus the two constructions respectively produce models of the (−1)-connected and 0-connected topological K-theory spectrum. Denition 5.5 Given a commutative (and convergent) symmetric ring spectrum R, let GL1 (R) be the Γ-space associated to the I -monoid Ωn (Rn ) considered in Section 2.3, and let gl1 (R) be the associated spectrum. It will always be clear from the context whether GL1 (R) denotes a Γ-space as above or the underlying group-like monoid as in Section 2. 6 Commutative ring spectra and splittings Let R be a commutative symmetric ring spectrum. In this section we show that the natural inclusions GL1 (R) ! B cy GL1 (R) and Ω1 (R) ! THH(R) have compatible left inverses in the homotopy category, where by compatible we mean that these splittings are related by a homotopy commutative diagram r B cy GL1 (R) −−−−! GL1 (R) ? ? ? ? y y (6.1) r We then dene R THH(R) −−−−! Ω1 (R): to be the composite homotopy class R : BGL1 (R) ! K(R) ! THH(R) ! Ω1 (R): tr r Using the diagrams (4.8) and (6.1) we get an alternative description as follows. Proposition 6.2 The homotopy class R is represented by the composition BGL1 (R) ! L(BGL1 (R)) r B cy GL1 (R) ! GL1 (R); (where the rst map is the inclusion of the constant loops), followed by the inclusion of GL1 (R) in Ω1 (R). Geometry & Topology, Volume 8 (2004) 666 Christian Schlichtkrull This concludes the rst part of the proof of Theorem 1.2. In order to motivate the construction, consider the cyclic bar construction of a commutative monoid G. In this case the inclusion G ! B cy (G) is split by degree-wise multiplication in G. This can also be expressed in terms of the Γ-space associated to G: The sequence G ! B cy G ! BG is the eect of evaluating G on the cobration 1 sequence S 0 ! S+ ! S1 , and the splitting is induced by the projection 1 0 S+ ! S that maps S1 to the non-base point in S 0 . Let now GL1 (R) be the Γ-space dened in Denition 5.5. The next Lemma shows that we may replace 1 ) up to homotopy. B cy GL1 (R) by GL1 (R)(S+ Proposition 6.3 Let X be a convergent and commutative I -monoid. Then there exists a space W cy and equivalences B cy XhI ! W cy 1 XhI (S+ ): Proof Let Wcy be the cyclic space [k] 7! hocolim X(n0 t 0 ) X(nk t k ); 1 ) I k+1 D(Sk+ 1 ) and we write = . We have functors where is an object of D(Sk+ i ui k+1 k+1 1 1 I !I D(Sk+ ) D(Sk+ ) obtained by xing the initial object in one of the factors. The cyclic structure of Wcy is the obvious one such that the induced maps 1 Bcy XhI ! Wcy XhI (S+ ) become maps of cyclic spaces. Since we assume that X is convergent, it follows from Bökstedt’s approximation lemma 2.1 (with I k+1 instead of I ), that these maps are equivalences in each simplicial degree. After realization we thus get 1 ). a pair of equivalences relating B cy XhI and XhI (S+ Remark 6.4 The condition that X be convergent is necessary for the argument in Proposition 6.3, since otherwise the map hocolim X(m) ! hocolim X(m t n) I II induced by the functor I ! I 2 , m 7! (m; 0) need not be an equivalence. The I -monoid X(n) = X n considered in Section 4 provides a counter example. It should also be noted that the construction of the simplicial map B XhI ! XhI (S1 ) in the proof of Proposition 5.3 cannot be applied to give a cyclic map 1 ). Bcy XhI ! XhI (S+ Geometry & Topology, Volume 8 (2004) 667 Units of ring spectra and their traces in algebraic K-theory Using the above equivalences, we dene the splitting r to be the composite homotopy class 1 r : B cy GL1 (R) ’ GL1 (R)(S+ ) ! GL1 (R); 1 ! S0 . where the last map is induced by the projection S+ We next consider a version TH0 (R) of topological Hochschild homology that 1 ) relates to B cy GL (R). By denition this is relates to TH(R) as GL1 (R)(S+ 1 the realization of the cyclic spectrum TH0 (R; n) : [k] 7! hocolim Ω0 ttk (R0 ^ ^ Rk ^ S n ); 1 ) D(Sk+ 1 ) and we again write = . The cyclic where denotes an object in D(Sk+ i ui 1 ). For example, in spectrum structure maps are dened as for GL1 (R)(S+ degree zero, d0 : THH01 (R) ! THH00 (R) is the composition hocolim Ω0 t1 (R0 ^ R1 ) ! hocolim Ω01 (R01 ) ! hocolim Ω 0 (R 0 ): 1 ) 2D(S1+ 1 ) 2D(S0+ 1 ) 2D(S1+ 1 ) and the rst map is induced Here 0 ! 01 1 denotes an object in D(S1+ by the natural transformation that takes f 2 Ω0 t1 (R0 ^ R1 ) to the element in Ω01 (R01 ) given by the composition −1 f 0 1 S 01 −! S 0 t1 = S 0 ^ S 1 −! R0 ^ R1 −! R0 t1 −! R01 ; ; where : 0 t 1 ! 01 is the bijection determined by . The second map 1 ) ! D(S 1 ). With this is induced by the natural transformation d0 : D(S1+ 0+ denition we have the equality d0 = d1 : TH01 (R) ! TH00 (R) and consequently the iterated boundary maps give a well-dened cyclic map r : TH0 (R) ! TH00 (R), where the target is considered a constant cyclic spectrum. In spectrum degree zero we thus get a cyclic map of spaces r : THH0 (R) ! Ω1 (R): The next proposition is the analogue of Proposition 6.3. Proposition 6.5 The spectra TH(R) and TH0 (R) are related by a pair of equivalences. Proof Letting Wcy = fWcy (n) : n 0g denote the cyclic spectrum [k] 7! hocolim Ωn0 t0 ttnk tk (Rn0 t0 ^ ^ Rnk tk ^ S n ); 1 ) I k+1 D(Sk+ the proof proceeds exactly like the proof of Proposition 6.3. Geometry & Topology, Volume 8 (2004) 668 Christian Schlichtkrull As in the denition of the trace map we consider the transformation Ω0 (R0 ) Ω(Rk ) ! Ω0 ttk (R0 ^ ^ Rk ) that sends a tuple of maps to their smash product. Viewing these maps as 1 )-diagrams we get a cyclic map natural transformations of D(Sk+ 1 GL1 (R)(S+ ) ! THH0 (R): It follows immediately from the denitions that this map is compatible with the splittings of B cy GL1 (R) and THH0 (R) in the sense of the following proposition. Proposition 6.6 There is a strictly commutative diagram of spaces 1) − GL1 (R)(S+ −−−! GL1 (R) ? ? ? ? y y THH0 (R) −−−−! Ω1 (R): The homotopy commutative diagram (6.1) in the beginning of this section is derived from this using the equivalences in Proposition 6.3 and Proposition 6.5. 7 The Hopf map and free loops on innite loop spaces In this section we nish the proof of Theorem 1.2 by showing that the composite homotopy class BGL1 (R) ! L(BGL1 (R)) r B cy GL1 (R) ! GL1 (R) is multiplication by in the sense explained in the introduction. More generally, let G be a very special Γ-space and let g = fG(S n ) : n 0g be the associated Ω-spectrum. By [4, 4.1], the Γ-space G is determined by g in the sense that the diagram G(X) ! hocolim Ωn G(S n ^ X) hocolim Ωn (G(S n ) ^ X)) = Ω1 (g ^ X) species a natural equivalence G(X) ’ Ω1 (g ^ X). Evaluating G on the based 1 gives a cyclic space G(S 1 ). The realization G(S 1 ) then has cyclic set S+ + + a T-action and, as in the case of the cyclic bar construction, we consider the composite map 1 1 T G(S+ ) ! G(S+ ) ! G(S 1 ) 1 ) ! L(G(S 1 )). In the next proposition we analyze the homowith adjoint G(S+ topy bration sequence obtained by evaluating G on the cobration sequence 1 ! S1 . S 0 ! S+ Geometry & Topology, Volume 8 (2004) Units of ring spectra and their traces in algebraic K-theory 669 Proposition 7.1 There is a commutative diagram of homotopy bration sequences 1) G(S 0 ) −−−−! G(S+ −−−−! G(S 1 ) ? ? ? ? (7.2) y y Ω(G(S 1 )) −−−−! L(G(S 1 )) −−−−! G(S 1 ) in which the the vertical maps are equivalences. Proof The commutativity of the right hand square is immediate since we evaluate a loop at the unit element of T. In order to prove commutativity of the left hand square we recall that for any cyclic space X , the T-action on the zero simplices X0 jX j has the following description. If x is an element of X0 and u 2 T, u x = [t1 s0 x; u] 2 jX j: Here t1 is the cyclic operator in degree one and we make the identication T = 1 =@1 . Using this, it is easy to check that the composition 1 1 T G(S 0 ) ! T G(S+ ) ! G(S+ ) ! G(S 1 ) is given by (u; x) 7! [x0 ; u], where x0 2 G(S11 ) is the image of x under the homeomorphism induced by the based bijection S 0 ! S11 . The above composition clearly equals the composition T G(S 0 ) ! S 1 ^ G(S 0 ) ! G(S 1 ); which shows that the left hand square in the diagram is also commutative. 1 )) ! G(S 1 ) in the lower sequence is split by In Diagram (7.2) the map L(G(S+ 1 ) in the upper the inclusion of the constant loops, and the map G(S 0 ) ! G(S+ 1 sequence is split by evaluating G on the projection r : S+ ! S 0 that maps S1 to the non-base point of S 0 . The next proposition expresses the fact that these splittings are not compatible in general. As usual 2 1s (S 0 ) denotes the stable Hopf map. Proposition 7.3 Using the natural equivalences Ω1 (g ^ S 1 ) ’ G(S 1 ) and Ω1 (g) ’ G(S 0 ), the composite homotopy class G(S 1 ) ! L(G(S 1 )) is given by Ω1 (g ^ ). Geometry & Topology, Volume 8 (2004) r 1 G(S+ ) ! G(S 0 ); 670 Christian Schlichtkrull Proof We rst observe that (7.2) is in fact a diagram of innite loop spaces and innite loop maps, and that as such it is equivalent to the following diagram of spectra g ^ S0 ? ? ’y −−−−! 1 g ^ S+ ? ? ’y −−−−! g ^ S1 1 ; g ^ S 1) − F (S 1 ; g ^ S 1 ) −−−−! F (S+ −−−! F (S 0 ; g ^ S 1 ): Here F (−; g ^ S 1 ) is the obvious function spectrum and the upper and lower 1 ! S 1 . These cobration cobration sequences are both induced from S 0 ! S+ 1 ! sequences have canonical stable splittings induced by the projection r : S+ 1 . The vertical map in the S 0 and the associated stable section s : S 1 ! S+ middle is the adjoint of 1 1 1 S+ ^ g ^ S+ ! g ^ S+ ! g ^ S 1; where the rst map uses the action of S 1 on itself given by the group structure. It is clear that the above diagram is equivalent to the one obtained by smashing g with 1 S0 −−−−! S+ −−−−! S1 ? ? ? ? ’y ’y 1 ; S1) − F (S 1 ; S 1 ) −−−−! F (S+ −−−! F (S 0 ; S 1 ): Here the denition of is analogous to the denition given above. We must prove that the stable map r r 1 1 S 1 = F (S 0 ; S 1 ) ! F (S+ ; S 1 ) ’ S+ ! S0 represents . Using the canonical splittings to represent −1 as a 2 2 matrix, this composition represents the o diagonal term. It is therefore the negative of the composite stable map starting in the upper right corner of the diagram, s s 1 1 S 1 ! S+ ! F (S+ ; S 1 ) ! F (S 1 ; S 1 ): The adjoint of this is the stable map s^s 1 1 1 S 1 ^ S 1 ! S+ ^ S+ ! S+ ! S1; where the second map is the group multiplication in S 1 . It is well-known that this composition represents . For example, one can see this by considering the 1 , whose domain is the unreduced suspension e 1 ! S 1 ^S+ equivariant splitting S 1 of S , and then use that the map of homotopy colimits induced by the diagram S1 S1 ! ! S1 ! Geometry & Topology, Volume 8 (2004) 671 Units of ring spectra and their traces in algebraic K-theory represents a generator of 3 (S 2 ), cf. [22, XI.4]. The result now follows since has order two. Proof of Theorem 1.2 The only thing left to prove is that the homotopy class BGL1 (R) ! GL1 (R) considered in Proposition 6.2 agrees with the one in Proposition 7.3 when the Γ-space in question is GL1 (R) and we use the canonical equivalence BGL1 (R) ! GL1 (R)(S 1 ), cf. Proposition 5.3. Let W be the realization of the simplicial space [k] 7! hocolim X(n1 t 1 ) X(nk t k ): I k D(Sk1 ) Since the space W cy considered in Proposition 6.3 is the realization of a cyclic space it has a T-action, and the adjoint of the composition T W cy ! W cy ! W gives an equivalence W cy ! L(W ). It easily follows that we have a commutative diagram of equivalences −−−− −−−− L(GL1 (R)(S 1 )): B cy GL1 (R) −−−−! W cy ? ? ? ? y y L(BGL1 (R)) −−−−! L(W ) 1) GL1 (R)(S+ ? ? y It thus suces to check that the homotopy class dened by the diagram BGL1 (R) ! W GL1 (R)(S 1 ) is compatible with the canonical equivalence BGL1 (R) ! GL1 (R)(S 1 ). We do this by exhibiting an explicit homotopy inverse of the equivalence GL1 (R)(S 1 ) ! W . Let W 0 be the realization of the simplicial space [k] 7! hocolim X( D(Sk1 )D(Sk1 ) 1 t 1 ) X( k t k ): Ordering the k -simplices Sk1 as in the proof of 5.3 gives an equivalence W ! W 0 . Moreover, using the monoidal structure of I we get a functor D(Sk1 ) D(Sk1 ) ! D(Sk1 ). Varying k this is a transformation of simplicial categories and consequently there is an induced simplicial map W0 ! GL1 (R)(S1 ). It is easy to check that the composition W ! W 0 ! GL1 (R)(S 1 ) is a homotopy inverse of the map in question and that the composition with BGL1 (R) ! W is the canonical equivalence. This completes the proof. Remark 7.4 The discussion in the above proof can be generalized to any 1 ) are commutative I -monoid X . If X is convergent, B cy XhI and XhI (S+ Geometry & Topology, Volume 8 (2004) 672 Christian Schlichtkrull related by cyclic equivalences as in Proposition 6.3, and if X is group-like we get equivalences relating the same spaces by comparing them to the relevant free loop spaces. In case X is both convergent and group-like, the two equivalences agree by an argument similar to the above. Acknowledgement The author was partially supported by a grant from the NSF. 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