StudyBuddy Library App Competition TEAM 3 Laura Cioffi, Andy Gao, Damian Hernandez, and Hudson Vantrease Hi, we’re industrial designers Seniors IndustrialDesign Product Design User Experience Creative Problem Solving User Interface & Us New & Fun Challenge Experience in New Territory Make life better for students Problem There are many missed opportunities for group study sessions. Problem Inhibiting Factors: Large Lectures Intimidated Students Lack of Communication Problem Benefits of Study Groups: 1) Procrastination Solution 2) Learn Faster 3) Get New Perspectives 4) Learn New Study Skills 5) Breaks the Monotony 6) Fill in Learning Gaps User Freshman In mostly large lectures and doesn’t know anyone in class. Doesn’t know her way around campus. Unaware of resources User Senior Diagnosed with senioritis No motivation to study Personal Experience Goals & Opportunities Initiate group study sessions Utilize and access library resources Connect students to each other Improves organization StudyBuddy StudyBuddy StudyBuddy connects students to each other and to library resources to encourage good study habits and communal gatherings. StudyBuddy StudyBuddy StudyBuddy Home Screen 0:00 AM StudyBuddy Your Courses: RHET 105 (12) SOC 100 (6) ARTH 114 (23) FSHN 120 (57) BADM 310 (2) Settings 0:00 AM StudyBuddy Your Courses: Settings + Edit courses RHET 105 (12) SOC Location 100 Services (6) My Account Out ARTHSign 114 (23) FSHN 120 (57) BADM 310 (2) Gear icon opens up settings panel where user can add or edit subscribed courses. Home Screen 0:00 AM StudyBuddy Your Courses: RHET 105 (12) SOC 100 (6) ARTH 114 (23) FSHN 120 (57) BADM 310 (2) Starred indicate “favorites” which will send push notifications This number indicates how many people are checked in and studying for that course. Home Screen 0:00 AM StudyBuddy Your Courses: RHET 105 (12) Name IS AT Place Name IS AT Place Name IS AT Place Swipe down to see who is checked in where. SOC 100 (6) ARTH 114 (23) Profile 0:00 AM StudyBuddy Your Courses: BRUCE WAYNE Senior in “Bat Studies” Enrolled in RHET 105 Currently: “Studying at the Undergrad Library Second Floor” 2:45 pm Displays similar courses Current status Message user to arrange study session etc. Home Screen 0:00 AM StudyBuddy Your Courses: RHET 105 (12) Name IS AT Place Name IS AT Place Name IS AT Place SOC 100 (6) ARTH 114 (23) Click on course name to go to course page Course Screen 0:00 AM StudyBuddy RHET 105 (12) Course Documents Discussion Board Resources Find a Buddy Home 0:00 AM StudyBuddy Your Courses: Four Button Menu RHET 105 (12) SOC 100 (6) ARTH 114 (23) FSHN 120 (57) BADM 310 (2) Home 0:00 AM StudyBuddy Your Courses: RHET 105 (12) SOC 100 (6) Four Button Menu ARTH 114 (23) 1. Home FSHN 120 (57) BADM 310 (2) Home 0:00 AM StudyBuddy Your Courses: RHET 105 (12) SOC 100 (6) Four Button Menu ARTH 114 (23) 1. Home 2. Check-In FSHN 120 (57) BADM 310 (2) StudyBuddy Check-In StudyBuddy CHECK IN: WHERE ARE YOU? Four Button Menu 1. Home 2. Check-In VIEW MAP Check-In StudyBuddy CHECK IN: WHERE ARE YOU? Four Button Menu 1. Home 2. Check-In VIEW MAP Check-In StudyBuddy CHECK IN: WHERE ARE YOU? Four Button Menu 1. Home 2. Check-In Search and add a new place, or check into existing locations. Similar to Facebook’s Check-in feature. Check-In StudyBuddy CHECK IN: YOU ARE AT... Four Button Menu 1. Home 2. Check-In STUDYING FOR... Select which course you are studying for Check-In StudyBuddy CHECK IN: YOU ARE AT... Four Button Menu 1. Home 2. Check-In STUDYING FOR... CHECK IN Connect with Facebook and Twitter to create a status or tweet Check-In StudyBuddy Check-In StudyBuddy CHECK IN: YOU ARE AT... Four Button Menu 1. Home 2. Check-In 3. Resources STUDYING FOR... CHECK IN Resources Four Button Menu 1. Home 2. Check-In 3. Resources Resources Swipe down to see list of resources Four Button Menu 1. Home 2. Check-In 3. Resources Resources Four Button Menu 1. Home 2. Check-In 3. Resources Click on book to see which library on campus it can be found. Resources Click on library or location to pull up map. Four Button Menu 1. Home 2. Check-In 3. Resources Resources Swipe to find a room at a library to reserve Four Button Menu 1. Home 2. Check-In 3. Resources Resources Four Button Menu 1. Home 2. Check-In 3. Resources Wednesday, Feb 13 Resources Home Screen 0:00 AM StudyBuddy Your Courses: RHET 105 (12) SOC 100 (6) Four Button Menu ARTH 114 (23) 1. Home 2. Check-In 3. Resources 4. Messages FSHN 120 (57) BADM 310 (2) Messages 0:00 AM StudyBuddy Create new message Messages INBOX Four Button Menu 1. Home 2. Check-In 3. Resources 4. Messages (4 Unread) Peter P. (badm 310) ALICE W. (ARTH 114) Bruce B. (I will be...) YOUR POSTS (5) 4 Message Board Posts Messages 0:00 AM StudyBuddy Messages PETER PARKER Enrolled in BADM 310 Four Button Menu Hey do you think I could get those notes from class today? 11:25am Yeah, where should we meet? 11:45am 1. Home 2. Check-In 3. Resources 4. Messages Does Espresso at 2 work for you? I’m in class now. 1:15pm SEND Messages 0:00 AM StudyBuddy Messages PETER PARKER Enrolled in BADM 310 Four Button Menu 1. Home 2. Check-In 3. Resources 4. Messages Does Espresso at 2 work for you? I’m in class now. 1:15pm SEND Q W E R T Y U I O P A S D F G H J K L Z X C V B N M .?123 space SEND Tag current location in message Summary StudyBuddy will make it easier for students to form study groups, use library resources, connect with each other, and encourage good study habits. StudyBuddy Thank You!