New Mexico Bureau Mines and Mineral Open File ReportNo. 273 Resources HYDROCARBON SOURCE-ROCK ANALYSES. AMOCO PRODUCTION COMPANY NO. 1 BAKER'WELL, QUAY COUNTY, NEW MEXICO By GeoChem Laboratories, Inc. and Chevron U.S.A., Inc. 1987 QEOCH,'?MlCAL ANALYSES ROCK CHARACTER'ZATION CRUDE OIL CRUDE OIL-SOURCE ROCK CORRELATION SOURCE PI1OSPEPTINQ DTWHeM lABORATORle.9. INC. 14007-H EAST FASTER AVENUE . Mr. SteveJacobson CHEVRON. USA, INC. 700 S. ColoradoBlvd., Denver, CO 80201 Dear MF. ENGLEW00Q.CQLQRhDQ EO111 PHONE (303)8*3-0220 20 J a n u a r y 1984 Box 599 Jacobson: on t h e P l e a s ef i n de n c l o s e dt h er e s u l t so ft h eg e o c h e m i c a ls c r e e n i n ga n a l y s i s f o u r ( A ) samples a s you r e q u e s t e d . Your r e f e r e n c e numbersand well name f o r t h e s e s a m p l e s a r e l i s t e d t h e c o r r e s p o n d i n g GeoChem Jobandsamplenumbers. Amoco P r o d u c t i B o na k e r s ... zk9k3QL. GeoChem Job No. D1123-001 P4420-5 6400'-6500' -002 -003 -004 -6 -7 -a 7100'-7200' 7700'-7800' 8050'-8100' " .Q???.C.O,.,,.& If YOU s h o u l d h a v e a n y q u e s t i o n s c o n c e r n i n g t h i s a n a l y s i s , p l e a s e hesitate to call us. Sincerely, T e c h n i c a l Manager RWP :pkn Enclosure .. belo-q w i t h do n43t I Amoco Production Baker 111 29-9N-30E Quay Co., NM RESULTS OF TOTAL ORGANIC CARBON GEOCHEn SAMPLE NUMBER CLIENT IDENTIFICATION NUMBER D1123-001 Depth0.84 6400'-6500' D1123-002 Depth 7100'-7200' 1.21 [ b y - D1123-003 Depth 7700'-7800' 1-67 54,--4 D1123-004 8050'-8100' Depth TOTAL ORGANIC CARBON (% of Rock) A bo 6.5616.59 %dh ProductionBsksr 29-9N-30E Quay C o . . NU Amucu T.O.C. 81 SI 52 53 Hydrogen Index Oxygen Index PI Tmax RESULTS OF ROCK-EVAL PYROLYSIS *: 1 44597.5 1.67 0.26 8.78 0:74 p, D1123-001 Depth 6400'-6500' Dl 123-002 Depth 7100'-7200' 01123-003 Depth 7700'-7800' 25.1 D l 123-004 Detph 8050'-8100' 1.17 i 332 442 0.29 0.260.56 0.65 0.20 0.80 0.40 1 . 6 3 0.14 0.42 3.90 0.33 0.20 0.08 --- -- Total o r g a n i c carbon, v t . X Free hydrocarbons. mg HCIg of rc Residual hydrocarbon potential (mg HC/g of rock) CO2 produced from k e r o gpeynr o l ) (mg C021g of rock) mg HClg o r g a n icca r b o n mg CO2/g organic carbon SllSl 52 Temperature Index, degrees + C. 0.84 77.5 66. 1.97 1.21 66.0 33. 26.22 6.58 133.4 5. GEOCOM ROCK E V A L I 1 J H N I S 9 1984 T I ME= 1442 I V = 23 0 0 1 F I D AT TENUATION= TCD HT TENUATIUN= ! 4 32 50% 350 1 1 TOC = 6.84 U T = 99.4 TIIHX = 332 DEGREES C t2.532E-01 SUM= +1.902E+03 52= t6.511.E-81 SUM= +4.704E+03 c - t5.555E-01 SUM= +7.391E+03 7 UNKNOLIN I I 96% 1 I ! 550 ! JAN 13,1334 TIME= 1 5 1 1 I D = 23602 F I D FITTENUATION= T C D ATTENUATION= GEOCOM ROCK EVAL I 1 S 32 I TOC = 1 . 2 1 WT = 1 9 . 4 T t k = i i 0 DEGREES C " SUM= +1.455E+03 52= +7.991E-01 SUM= +5.773E+03 53= t4.64'3E-01 SUM= +5.683E+63 ur.4 K N 0 w N 51= t2.814E-61 1 _"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""- I ! 902 550 ! GEOCOM RUCK EVFIL 1.1 !AN 189 1984 r IrlE= 1540 I D = 23063 F I D HTTENUATION= rCD ATTENUATION= 16 32 oi: 1e0 ! ! ! 50% 350 I I ! I I I 9 0 i; 550 ! CiEUCOll ROCK EVAL I 1 IFID HTTENUATION= 128 T C U ATTENUHTION= 32 ../. 108 If I I I ! 56% 356 I I I ! I 96% 558 ! GEbCOH ROCK EVHL I 1 ' H N 19, 1934 TIllE= 0721 "_ " _ GEPTH 081 ctw 063 QO4 52 SI " " " 900.65 80.26 00.28 80.26 80.74 ~ 8 . 8 081.63 008.73 LEGEtdD - = N E C H T I V ED H T A * = S I G N A L > A/G L I M I T + = O R T A > COLUPlN L I P I I T it = I N V R L I ' O DHTRiRESULTS " _5 3 TPlRX 013 ..56 01 ~ 3 ., e 0 01a. 3 ..42 01 - 3 3 332 ""_ """"""""""""~ . . " " 440 445 442 "_P I "_ 52/52 TUU -"" 0.29 01.: e.28 91.1 83.: 26.: a. 0.14 0.08 " " " " " " " " " " _H I 1. I. 6. "_" " " "__ " _iri BIOSTRATIGRAPHIC STUDY 01303 ( A D D C I J D U ~) LOCATION: Amoco)-aR PROBLEM: MOA, TAI and RoV analyses of four Pennsylvanian age wellcuttinp samples for J.T. Jonas. RESULTS: Kerogen TypeMOA 1 IT Sample No. Depth 111 P4420-1 6300 - 400' 0 20 40 40 2 6600 - 700' 0 15 45 3 7500 - 600' 0 20 4 7800 - 0 20 900' Organic Submitted Yield IV m1/10 grm % RoVPge/J.T.Jonas Trace 2.7 No plug. Wolfcamp?Penn. 40 Trace 2.7 No plug. 50 30 Trace 2.8-2.9 No plug. 40 40 Trace 2.7 No plug. I, It ,I DISCUSSION: MOA analysis of these samples by S . C. Teerman - COFRC (re memo to S . R. Jacobson, 3 / 2 5 / 8 5 ) and J. D. Saxton indicate the organic matter in these semples to be dominantly TypeI11 vitrinitic "gas prone" kerogen. This determination is somewhat corroborated by pyrolysis results of four other samples within the samk over-all well interval, in which HI values range from 66.0 to 133.4 indicating gas proneness (i.e., 0-150). This degree of corroboration became necessary because of the presence of agreat deal of amorphous Type 111 ammp+me material which resembles Type I1 "oil prone" kerogen. MM. d ~J W D. . w. THOMPSON/J. SAXTON t s. c. MWT:Uml TEERMAN (COFRC) ~.. ...- - . MEMORANDUM Box 446 La Habra, CA 90631 March 25, 1985 ANALYSIS AMOCO BAKER #I.. NM AND IDENTIFICATION OF AMORPHOUS VITRINITE d4 - q d - 30& MOA MR. S. R. JACOBSON Chevron-Central Dear Steve: ' Much of the amorphous fraction in the &co four baker #l samples (P-4420) consists of vitrinitic organic matter (OM). However, some oil-prone amorphous OM and degraded cutinite also occur in these samples (approximately5-20%). This observation is based on microscopic analysis of sieved are transmitted light slides only. Geochemica1,data necessary to confirm the microscopic classification of amorphous organic matter. /#4NFr b*-L4mJ 3500- 7LOD bboo- L h + f 7800- 7909 Identification of Amorphous Vitrinite ' The following are some general comments and nricroscopic to help identify amorphous properties that can be used vitrinite: 1: Descending gradation of identifiable vitrinitic particles to amorphous-like OM. Often, amorphous vitrinitic material OM will displaya transition between amorphous and structured (Plates 1 and 2 ) . Vitrinitic particles that display amorphous edges or "coatings" are often a good clue that tke of vegetal or amorphous OM may be humic in origin. Remnants woody structure (incompletely altered hum3.c remains) in amorphous-looking particles also suggest a humic origino f the OM (Plate 2 ) . 2. Appearance in reflected light. Amorphous vitrinite with 0.8% vitrinite reflectancewi1L a maturity less than about generally have higher "visual reflectivity" than oil-prone amorphous OM. However, .with increasing maturity, the OM. decreases; hydrogen content of oil-prone amorphous therefore, their reflectivity or ''gray level" increases an'l in an they developa more consolidated texture resulting appearance similar to vitrinitic OM. Vitrinitic remnantsin. in amorphous clumpsor particles are easier to recognize reflected light. As shown in Plates 1 and 2. using a transmitted li ht slide and alternating between transmittejl and reflected ight can be very useful to help recognize vitrinite remnants. f 2 3 . Color of amorphous OM in transmitted light. In general, humic amorphousOM will be a darker color (reddish brown or OM. This color difference dark brown) compared to oil-prone the edges of amorphous particles. is especially evident at However, this is a subjective and maturation dependent OM is somewhat dependent property. The color of amorphous enviroment, upon theEh potential of the depositional (Masran and Pockock, 1981). With increasing maturity, the of amorphous color differences between differtint types kerogens become less distinctive. 4. Fluorescence of amorphousOM. Although the fluorescence of oil-prone kerogens is often extremely weak, can it sometimes be used to help distinguish oi.1-prone and vitrinitic (non-fluorescent) amorphousOM. Immature oil-prone amorphous kerogens have a positive fading effect in fluorescent (increase intensity with time of excitation), help be u.sed to identify the oil-prone amorphous which,can kerogen. However, fluorescence is subjective and also maturation dependent ‘and can not be used alone t o distinguish different typesof amorphous kerogens. 5. Texture. Oil-prone amorphous kerogenwi’ll sometimes display a more crystalline or ‘!grainy” texture in contrast to amorphous vitrinite. 6. Other characteristics useful in detecting amorphous vitrinite include: (a) evidence of fungal breakdown such as (b) partial woody remains permeated with fungal hyphae, of exinitic degradation, pitting, or patterned thinning material, and (c) diagnostic microfossils, whFch provide information on the depositional environment. As stated above, most these of microscopic properties that can be used to identify amorphous vitrinite are subjective and often difficult to detect.No single microscopic is property will provide a conclusive answer. The problem compounded with mature and post-mature samples. However, by piecing together as much information as possible by using the above criteriaa decision can often be made on the typeof amorphous OM. This decision needs to be confirmed with geochemical analyses. I hope in the near future to write a of the more complete description (with photomicrographs) microscopic properties and identification of amorphous humic material. S. C . TEERMAN COFRC SCT: ez Attach: Plates 1-2 cc wlattach: L. C . Bonham R. W. Jones File-4th REFERENCES Masran, T. C. and Pockock, S., 1981. The classification of plant-derived ,particulate organic matter in sedimentary J. (ed.). Organic maturation rocks. In: Brooks, pp. 145-175. studies and fossil fuel exploration, Academic Press, New York. PLATE 1 in transmitted Figure 1. Amorphous vitrinitic particles light (arrows). Note gradation of identifiable amorphous-like organic vitrinitic particles to matter. 750X Figure 2 . Amorphous vitrinitic particle in reflected ligt-t. Using transmitted light. Note themore vitrinitic appearance of particles in reflected light. Same field of view as Figure 1. 750X PLATE 2 Figure 1. Amorphous'vitrinitic particle in transmitted light. Note reddish-brown colorof particle (arrow), which is transition between vitrinite and amorphous. 750X Figure 2 . Amorphous vitrinitic particle in reflected (arrow). Note vitrinite relic in particle Same field of view as Figure 1. 750X light. T.O.C. Production Baker 8 1 -9N-30E a y Co.. NH SI nco s2 s3 Hydrogen Index Oxygen lndex PI Tmax RESULTS OF ROCK-EVAL PYROLYSIS ,7 0.26 0.65 ?%;.lrdY/0.56 0.29 0.20 0.807h&.40 445 0.26 1.63 442 0.74 8.78 123-001 Depth 6400'-6500' 332 123-002 Depth 7100'-7200' 440 123-003 Depth 770O'-780Ot' 123-004 Detph 8050'-8100' 3 . ?& 1.17 0.20 1.97 0.42 0.14 1.67 3.90 0.33 0.08 26.22)rd ---- *. \ ' Total organic carbon. Y:. Free hydrocarbons, mg IIC/g D Residual hydrocarbon potentlal (mg HClg of rock) COZ produced from kerogen pyrolysis (me CO2/g of rock) mg RClg organic carbon mg COZ/g organic carbon SllSl 52 Temperature Index, degrees C. 0.84 1.21 6.58 + 77.5 .7 66.1 66.0 33.5 97.5 25.0 133.4 5.1 7 I; .. I , . 23 I) TABLE 1 GEOCHEMICALPARAMETERS DESCRIBINGSOURCE ROCK GENERATIVEPOTENTIAL AND LEVEL OF THEREIAL MATURATION Poor . 0-0.5 0.5-1 ' Fair ' . . >lo 0-150 150-300, >300 3 -5 >5 Maturation PI [ S l l (Sl+S2) I Tmax ( " C ) Ro ( % ) Oil "birthline" -0.1 -435 -0.6 Oil "deadline" '0.4 -460 -1.2 Gas Gas and oil Oil . 5-10 S2lS3 0-3 HI:'t Quality -1 0-3 3 -5 1-2 >2 Good Very G o o d ... S2 (mp, H C / g rock) TOC (wt.% ) Quantity . . . ~ . ..- . ." .... (mg H C I g Cor ) .- *Hydrogen Index, assuming a level of thermal ma tura tion for the organic matter equivalent to R = 0 . 6 x . 0 AMDCB BAKER HI NEW MEXICO P442B F ICURE , 1 FIGURE 2 AMUCO HAKE3 # 1 NEW MEX I.CO F'4420 75LC I