CHEMISTRY OF THE SULPHITE PROCES S VIII . Studies of the Acid Hydrolysis of Woo d By R . N . :fille r Chemist in Forest Product s an d W . H . Swanso n Assistant Wood Technologis t The species of wood which serves most commonly a s the raw material for the manufacture of sulphite wood pul p is white spruce . Balsam fir and hemlock are also used, an d other species in smaller quantities . The composition of spruce wood, as recorded in th e literature, varies considerably with the :methods employed i n the analysis . Practical agreement is found as to the mai n constituents, but Tlot as to their exact grouping . A typical analysis by Klason- gives : Cellulose free from pentosans , 53 per cent ; hemicellulose, 15 per cent ; lignin, 30 per cent ; fat, resin, and proteins, 2 per cent . Johnson and Hove y find cellulose, 50 .33 per cent, lignin, 24 .44 per cent a s constants for balsam fir . The methods of Schorger_ at the Forest Products Laboratory show as a typical analysis o f spruce wood : Cellulose, 55 .4 per cent ; lignin, 28 .3 pe r cent ; pentosans, 11 .8 per cent ; soluble in 7 .14 per cent sodium hydroxide, 18 .55 per cent ; soluble in 1 per cent sodium hydroxide, 8 .8 per cent ; soluble in ether, 1 .24 pe r cent . From these results it can be seen that while the distribution of constituents may vary, spruce wood may be take n to consist of a more resistant carbohydrate called cellulose , certain less resistant carbohydrates (called variously hemicelluloses, pentosans, etc .), lignin, and extractives, whic h 1Svensk Pappers Tid ., 26, 319-22 (1923) . -Paper, Vol . 21, 40 {1918) . 3J . Ind . Eng . Chem ., Vol . 9, 556 (1917) . R33 latter class may be defined as materials consisting of resinous and fatty bodies soluble either in a mixture of benzen e and alcohol or in ether . The analytical methods employed in the presen t study were : (1) Schorger's modification of Cross and Bevan' s chlorination method for cellulose ; (2) lignin determination by means of 72 per cent sulphuric acid ; and (3) Allihn'smodification of Fehling's method for determination of reducing sugars . It is appropriate to note here that when th e terms cellulose, lignin, etc ., are used in connection wit h experimental results, they refer only to the material as defined by the analytical methods used . Cross and Bevan- and Cross and Engelstadt6 hav e advanced the idea that sulphurous acid is the active chemica l in the sulphite process . More commonly the view is held , however, thet the part of the cooking liquor known as "free, " that is, all acid in excess of a monosulphite compound of th e base, is the active constituent . The concept of the reaction s of the sulphite pulping process that has at times seemed t o the authors of paramount importance is that it is, from on e point of view, essentially an acid hydrolysis of wood . Th e reaction from the standpoint of hydrolysis has therefor e been made the subject of special study in the work reporte d here, and the results are interpreted from that point of vie w throughout . The behavior of wood toward hydrolytic attack a s been studied under a variety of conditions by Kressmann, L Sherrard and Blanco, . Haggland, Klason,?G and others . Generalizing from their results it may be stated that spruc e wood when subjected to hydrolytic attack will yield a variet y of reducing sugars with more or less marked reduction in th e amount of stable cellulose, and with little or no change i n the lignin content of the wood except in the presence o f sulphurous acid and bisulphites . 4J . Assn . Off . Agr . Chem ., pp . 107-108, (1916) ; see als o Leach, Food inspection and analysis, 4th ed ., p . 633 . - A Textbook of Papermaking, 5th ed ., p . 73 . -J . Soc . Chem . Ind ., 43, 253T-357T ; also Paper, Vol, 34 , No, 18, Aug ., 1924 . -U . S . Dept . of Agric . But . 983 . J . Ind . and Eng . Chem ., Vol . 15, No . 6, p . 611, June, 1923 , gSvensk . Kern . Tids ., Vol . 35, pp . 2-24 (1923) . --Paper, Vol . 35, No . 1, Oct . 23, 1924 . R33 -2- Hydrolysis of Wood with Hydrochloric Aci d It seemed rather desirable at the start of thi s study to establish a conception of the acid hydrolysis o f wood in terms of the analytical methods to be employed an d under a range of conditions, as re7,ards destruction of cellulose, comparable with those obtaining in bisulphite cooking . To this end hydrochloric acid in a graduated series of wea k concentrations was selected as the hydrolytic reagent, an d white spruce, ground to pass an 80-mesh but to remain on a 100-mesh screen and extracted with a mixture of benzene an d alcohol in proportions of 2 to 1, as the wood to be hydrolyzed . The hydrochloric acid was prepared in a series o f concentrations ranging from 0 .05 to 3 .00 per cent . Five gram samples of the finely ground wood were heated wit h 100 cc . portions of the acid in a water bath at 96° 0 . , under a reflux condenser, for 5 hours . The loss in weigh t suffered by the wood was determined and the residue Was examined for cellulose . The extract from the wood was divided into tw o parts . In one the reducing sugars were determined directly . The other part was rehydrolyzed by boiling again under a reflu condenser for 3 hours with 3 per cent hydrochlori c acid, -L2- and the reducing sugars were determined as before . The results obtained in both treatments are shown in Table 1 . The loss in weight suffered by the wood under th e primary hydrolytic treatment increases decidedly as the aci d concentration is increased, until 0 .75 per cent is reached . From that point on the loss in weight becomes nearly enoug h constant to suggest either a marked decrease in the rate o r reaction or else a complete cessation . The latter is unlikely , as it has been shown that mineral acids may bring about complete resolution of the carbohydrate material of wood upo n treatment at high concentrations . Rather, an acid concentration of 0 .75 per cent seems the point of differentiatio n between two parts of the carbohydrate material with respec t to their resistance to such hydrolytic conditions as ar e represented in the experiments . 11 --The quantities marked with an asterisk (*) in Table I (fourth column) were obtained with 1 .5 per cent and 2 pe r cent hydrochloric acid respectively and are therefor e somewhat low . R33 -3- Table 1 .--Hydrolysis with hydrochloric aci d (All results are expressed as percentages o f the weight of the original wood . ) Con- : Weight : Reduc- ; Reduc-- ; Cellu- : Lignin : Cellu- : Mate cen- : loss : ing ing :lose in : in lose : rial tra- : on : sugar : sugar :residue :residue ; loss : enac tion : hydro- : formed : after on :counte d of : lysis : during :rehydro- : hydro- : for HC1 : : hydro- : lysis . . lysis . . lysis . Per cent : 0 .05 .10 .15 .25 .50 .75 1 .00 1 .50 2 .00 2 .50 3 .00 Per . cent Original 9 .88 : 12 .72 . : 14 .67 : 14 .75 : 18 .33 : 20 .13 : 20 .16 : 18 .78 : 19 .28 : 20 .17 : 20 .95 Per cent : wood 2 .31 : 3 .50 4 .54 : 7 .32 : 12 .52 : 16 .15 16 .37 : 14 .12 : 15 .24 : 16 .37 : 17 .54 : : : : : : : : : : : Per cent : r Per cent 6 .59 : 8 .57 : 12 .07 : 13 .15 : 16 .28 : 19 .00 : 18 .05 17 .34* : 17 .48** : 18 .67 : 19 .40 : 58 .88 51 .18 50 .96 50 .08 50 .89 49 .06 48 .31 48 .61 48 .74 48 .62 48 .79 48 .70 *Rehydrolyzed with 1 .5 per cent HC1 . **Rehydroly with 2 per cent HC1 . . : : : : : : : : : : : : Per cent : 28 .55 28 .55 28 .55 28 .55 28 .55 28 .55 28 .55 28 .55 28 .55 28 .55 28 .55 28 .55 Per : Pe r cent : cent : : 7 .70 : : 7 .92 : : 8 .80 : : 7 .99 : : 9 .82 : 10 .57 : 10 .27 : 10 .14 : 10 .26 : : 10 .09 : : 10 .18 : 12 .5 7 13 .6 8 11 .9 2 9 .3 0 7 .41 66 .1 1 4 .1 4 4.7 9 5 .3 7 5 .35 3 .9 9 3 .35 The determination of reducing sugars (column 3 ) shows a reduction in rate of their formation at about th e The de same point as the reduction in rate of weight loss . e rehydrolysis of th termination of reducing sugars after 4) show s extract with 3 per cent hydrochloric acid (column y an approach to constancy quite comparable to that shown b the loss in weight of wood ; not only so, but the reducin g sugars now fall but little short of accounting for the whol e loss in weight . From these results it seems that the carbohydrate material of wood most subject to removal by the mil d acid hydrolysis represented is, in part at least, removed a s a nonreducing body and is further broken down by the rehydrolysis . This is in cc;formation of earlier observations of Sherrard and Blanco . The values for cellulose in the residue (column 5 ) show a slow decrease in the earlier range of the hydrolysis . The highest of the figures after hydrolysis is, however, i n marked reduction from the initial value, 58 .88 per cent, obtained on the unhydrolyzed wood, and shows that part of th e carbohydrate material included in the cellulose determination in wood, as performed at this Laborato4y, is much more susceptible to hydro tic attack than the rest . Similar effect s are noted by Dore and also by Johnson and Hovey in thei r work on the analysis of wood . The former includes, in hi s analytical summary, determinations of material soluble in 5 per cent caustic, besides mannans, galactans, and unaccounted for pentosans . The latter investigators provide a preliminary hydrolysis with acetic acid and glycerine as one ste p in the determination of cellulose in balsam fir . s From the foregoing analysis of the data, it is evident that the carbohydrates that are removed from wood b y acid hydrolysis of varying intensity, within the range examined, come from at least two different sources or groups o f bodies, and with different degrees of reluctance . Again, if it is assumed, as is done throughout thi s paper, that the hydrolytic action does not alter the inerti a of the cellulose toward the manipulations of the cellulos e determination, it is interesting to observe that the reduction in cellulose in the experiment with the weakest aci d is approximately equal to the reducing sugars formed, an d that the reduction in cellulose does not increase greatl y with the more drastic treatments . From Table 1 it can b e 12 T . Ind . and Eng . Chem ., 15, 1166 (1923) . 13 --J . Ind . and Eng . Chem ., 12, pp . 264 and 476 . R33 -5- seen that the material unaccounted for, obtained by addin g together the analytical results for lignin, cellulose, and reducing sugars after rehydrolysis, and subtracting from 100 , decreases slowly as the strength of the acid increases . The loss in cellulose reaches a slow rate of change early in th e series, whereas the reducing sugars in the rehydrolyze d extract increase at a rate comparable to the reduction i n amount of material unaccounted for . It is, therefore, possible to conceive of the carbohydrate materials of wood a s existing in three groups : (1) Those most resistant to hydrolytic attack and, (2) those least resistant, both of whic h are grouped as cellulose by the analytical method ; and ( 3 ) a class of intermediate resistance, referred to by variou s writers as pentosans, carbohydrates other than cellulose , etc . Hydrolysis with Sulphite Cooking Aci d Next, for the investigation of the acid hydrolysi s of wood under conditions related to the foregoing but als o favorable for the removal of lignin, that is, with sulphit e cooking liquor, a special apparatus was contrived and a technique developed . Apparatus An autoclave of bronze, capable of withstandin g high pressures and the solvent action . of the cooking acid , was the digester used . Details of its construction are shown in the accompanying sketch (fig . 3) . It was heated in a well insulated bath of oil . Heat was supplied by two "Simplex st electric imi ersion heaters of 440 watts capacity, operatin g at 110 volts . One, the primary heater, was connected throug h a rheostat with the source of current . This heater was use d constantly, and with proper adjustment of the rheostat woul d maintain the oil within 2° or 3° of the desired temperature . The secondary heater, furnishing the heat required to maintai n the bath at the exact temperature, worked intermittently . It was connected to the source of current through a relay circui t breaker actuated by an adjustable mercury thermoregulato r immersed in the oil . Temperatures up to 150° C . could thu s be maintained within +0 .5° C . of that required . Eodifications of procedure were made to correct fo r irregularities that appeared in the preliminary runs, and th e experimental procedure as now used may be described in detai l as follows : R33 -6- .r 4 r l F 5c&€~. f-inc h BRONZE AUTOCLAVE FoR SULPHITE COOKING 1 Preparation of Woo d Spruce ground to 40--60 or 60-80 mesh size was th e material cooked . It was extracted with a 67 per cent benzene , 33 per cent alcohol mixture for 6 hours in a Soxhlet extracto r in order to remove resins and waxes . Also, the wetting of th e wood was thus enhanced . The sample for cooking was weighe d approximately into a weighed aluminum can . Can and content s were then dried at 105° C . for 5 hours, cooled in a desiccator , and weighed to determine the oven-dry weight of the charge . About 15 grams of wood made a convenient portion . The woo d was then transferred to a 250 cc . tall form pyrex beake r cut off just below the lip, making a size which fitted conveniently within the autoclave . • 41, Liquor Preparatio n The cooking liquor was made up in 250 cc . quantities, which amount was sufficient for one cook . Stock solu tions of sulphurous acid and sodium bisulphite make a satisfactory source, respectively, for the acid and salt used i n the liquor making . The two solutions were analyzed in th e usual manner with N/16 iodine solutio to determine the tota l sulphur dioxide . The Sander analysisl4 was used to determin e the oisulphite in the bisulphite solution . Five per cent total sulphur dioxide for the sulphurous acid and 7 per cen t for the bisulphite solution were convenient strengths for th e stock solutions . From the analysis the correct quantities o f each solution necessary to produce the desired concentratio n of cooking acid when diluted with distilled water to 250 cc . were calculated . After the acid was made up, its compositio n was checked by analysis . Two hundred cubic centimeters of the acid wer e siphoned into the beaker containing the wood, and 40 cc . mor e were poured into the autoclave around it . A lead disc wa s placed over the beaker, after which the autoclave cap wa s tightened on . Cocking The oil bath having been brought to a temperatur e 8° to 10° C . above that at which cooking was to be carrie d on, the autoclave was immersed, and when the temperatur e had dropped to the desired point, usually in about 5 minutes , the thermoregulator was adjusted to maintain it there . The time at which the desired temperature was reached was take n . See Miller and Swanson, Paper . Trade J ., April 13, 1922 . R33 -7- as e starting point of the cook . When the autoclave ha d `., 'e; ' -, been in the oil for the intended length of time, it was withdrawn and cooled in a bucket of water . was the n ate ' opened, the beaker and contents were removed, and the pul p was separated from the liquor on a filter folded to fit a •_« ' Buchner funnel . The paper had previously been dried a t .•. 105° C . and weighed in a covered aluminum dish . -, a se. After filtration and washing with hot water th e ~x<< , pulp was air dried for 16 hours, oven dried for 5 hours a t 105° C . in the aluminum weighing dish, cooled, accuratel y f weighed, and the yield thus calculated . The pulp was the n analyzed for lignin and cellulose in the manner noted earlie r e-,. .* ; in this paper . .4 It The results of the analyses are recorded in Table 2 and are shown graphically in Figures 1 and 2 . The figure s for yield, or residue after cooking, follow a descendin g curve with increasing time, but at a decreasing rate of chang e that becomes quite slow in the later stages . The curve showing the removal of so-called cellulose material (as define d by the application of the Cross and Bevan method) indicate s a rapid onset followed by a slow continuation in the late r stages of the reaction . The rate of removal of lignin i s - steady up to about the twelfth hour but decreases thereafter . The relts confirm those previously obtained on a large scale . The reaction involving the removal of carbohydrat e material from the wood shows certain similarities to that i n , the previous series in which hydrochloric acid was used . The reduction in amount of material determined by the application of Cross and Bevan's cellulose method to the residue after cooking is, as just stated, rapid at first and reaches a slowly changing value early in the series . The quantity o f so-called cellulose showing a resistance to prolonged aci d eatment at the higher temperature used is very close t o at which in the previous series showed resistance to in creased concentration of acid . That the resistance is no t perfect is shown by the lower values appearing, especially , . 'With further reference to the analysis of wood acrding to Dore, or the results of Klason, attention is agai n rected to the group of poorly defined materials of carbohydrate nature which are not included in the part often re ' erred to as cellulose . 7 In the first1 series of experiment s 'd 4-3 o 0 cd to d I a) 4-1 w o k .' o 'd 1b a) -p r s~ o ~•, 1-4 H O Fi r-1 all co 0 o tA? r-1 ad ' O N o . ra 0] p:, cd ri O . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . a) C)] a) u) ''d •H H 0] + 3 o as w Cd o H rd 41 r I Q) O A q •H w r-1 ECG r4 a) r1 a) •H r-r k a)kO k0 p7. 0 0 H u) rq o 0 I to fl .H k 4-4 a) I a) 1 I k 111(11 LON Lf1 H f- tf N to al O [t1 t+ rrO c\ J CU 150 t r. CV CV r-4 CU H a) 1 p, .. .. . . 1 0 1 k I 1 'do s 4s I +3 1 G 1 a] o a) 1 r l 1..1 rja H r- C7! O 150 '60 ry-N_- r- N N sN■.D ■..0 r C r-150 CNCT 0 HHHH N a) k • • Lr)lo Cn o t ,o L▪f 1 - ■.o LC'1r~10 r-1 H tv r- +3 q O 'd In ,o . . . . . . 1 a 'J+ 01■.A rr 1LO l0 0 0 1 i.n■.o LD r-i ■.D Q 5o CV 0 I~ LC1 C7O r-l r-1 Lr1~D r- r-tO 60 ON O N E to 4-4 a 1) I k t-locor-4P o w r-i q d o 0 'CI Q- I P< 0 r 1 I. .. • H .p • d •rI [d f~ I r1 a) CF2 •ri a) 1 a5 1~ q cd s~ w 1 q taf) o ,o c i bU Q) I O •*a .H k 1 F-1 4-4 a) f••1 H R I a) F< O O I P. • •H •r 1 ~.., 'd r +3 co 4-i (I) o k l • - Q ,O q O rd I P+ o .. 0 to to C1. 1 OH 01N 0■ .D H r ■ ▪ rnCl1rfoNoCV o r-r N ■ .C] 150 150 CSr C7-N ou O - Lh r-i'- In ON ~Q MD \-0 0 ■ . ■ . IS1 r-I \-0 O LC1 N1 CU CU CV C1.1 r-i r- i X50 ,-r LC1r0 [1J C7r r \ N 1•rr\ H tO H tO H O ▪ f- ts-N r- ova if1 r n 1 CV (\I o) 1 r'I -H 4-3 w 4i N ~+ H Fi 0 o p ) Q O' d P . 1 R. C .. . 4-s r+ I +-' oHSM 0%-t s~ 'd 0 'd 'd r a) w r o 1 q b l O r•-l 0 0.. . H • r i '~ ad I a) • 0 o IP- F +3 1 I ttO P. •rt 4-4 a) r-+ i cd w o Fi t F- + ▪ Cab fo 1 0 . . . . . . .. I w I trd „` C 1 H Fi o 4-i o .H o o 1 o Q +3 q 4-3 I w bit b s~ I E a) Oo k 1 k q 'd I o OR Sd q 0 I C.) I LC1 LC1 1• r1■..0 rrN ON 0 fi4 rr1 C31■,0 0 H O 0nioO;CJ\Or-;Hi 0 ON r 6 0 o tD L LC) LC' LC) . tO 60 150 LSN'60 e ^E r- a N -\ CU Li-) HA- r-\ID 0 Lnr` CL' 150 r+' I oHLrf . 0to ▪ ('U C] ON t5) 150 1` fHH H r-! T41\0 0 CU 11\150 H r I r-I H CU t.ovd- a . to H H -1- Kr. r--.-l- 'AD m r~ r-10 to to o r` 0000OHH O Lfl UN LC\ 111 LC \ LIN LC1 L f H H H H H H r-I r- 1 hhlD o10 150 t- L[ l E- r- r~ r` 150 r- r- f-9 - .. rd r a) •rl !~ N 0 0 • •rl a) a) q to r-i U o o 0 fw Fs fi F c • ID a) G.) .0 0 PL1 a) 0 E ° 000 0 . • O 1-‘N nir-r-i to o to n.1 150 tO 0 CJ] to• CV 0 o q on 0 c rn0 w Fi H •r-1 Ca • a) cd to ,P a ) +3 a) E. O co to 014 q m q r-1 a) E ' IT, rJ -H c-I w 1-1 U r 4 •d -• r- r to •H cd to 'd H 'd tt3 •ri r ~ o • • • ' • 1 r ZtI~1° t o - , Q tu LL 0' oQ ~. ( o, 4o I I I iza r _ N 1 F a ca. 4 O Lt. ( ° ' q V -4 _ $ N . Uj v Qe tt.i e C Lt. O k Q # r 4 V.) m ftti _ _ w w N W C ii ow ~~I 1 N~.7 b1Zcy (Table 1) considerable proportions of these ordinarily unaccounted for substances were left in the wood residues afte r hydrolysis . In the second series the more complete degradation of the wood has been accompanied by their more nearl y complete removal . (See Table 2, last column . ) In the first series it was shown that a part of th e carbohydrate material defined as cellulose by the analytica l treatment was very susceptible to mild hydrolytic attack , and that the materials unaccounted for in the analytica l methods used, and frequently defined as pentosans, are mor e resistant . The same conditions can be seen to exist in th e second series . The values for cellulose based on weight o f original wood show an immediate initial drop, while the portion of the residue unaccounted for in the analytical method s used shows a continuous decrease, but without reaching zero . The latter fact hould occasion no surprise, as it has bee n shown by Sieber t and others that sulphite pulps always contain a portion of furfural-yielding bodies . Of especial interest is the fact that the part o f the cellulose most susceptible to hydrolytic attack is re moved so easily, with or without accompanying lignin removal . or does there seem to be any interdependence whatever between the removal of lignin and that of the carbohydrate s other than cellulose, the latter having been reduced practically minimum before the lignin had been remove d even to the extent of one-half . to the The general similarity of the results obtained i n the two series of experiments indicates that the reactio n upon the carbohydrate materials of the wood remains unaltere d by the presence or absence of lignin , RelativeEffects of Acid Concentratio n and of Temperature upon Cooking Tim e The idea of a differentiation between more and les s stable carbohydrate material in the wood having been forti fied by the results of the study thus far, it seemed desirable to examine the reactions under different but comparabl e conditions of temperature, acid concentration, and time o f ,poking . To this end the series of cooks, results for whic h are tabulated in Table 3, was performed . The aim in all instances was to reduce the lignin to between 1 and 2 per cen t of the weight of the wood . 0 ra q a) cdR 0 r-I 7 q 0 d~HH cDp) HI • rd • r--I HI a) •. • r1 •r d o • . •• a . •• I a) p4 S ■ j H q co 1 d I ca +3 0 N-'D 0 x1150 UN ri 01 rr t~} t1J . f 150 '60 P'-1 r-1f1 CV .- a• r\ 1w 1 Q .■ .■ ■• • 1E0 1.0 L0Eq ~D L \r--N-CO'-0u-1 1''-') LC') r-r-P r\{-'15O ro f-II10 Pr\ O~ U' W 0 .••I bQ .•-I 0 CV - t r~1 H • • • . • I G) ID 4' .- LC1 LC\LO r+1 L0 Lf 1 11140 ‘ .I) CV p4 U ON Oti ON ON ON ON O\ ON ON ON ON O N I H > ■Pr . C7 r -I a) co q H4 a) ca rd 'd 0 0 A 4-I p,, ri q H a) •0 W I 150 HLO .-4 r-a1NlCV . E.0150 I 4 LQ O10150 r. 1•- CV CV I-150 0 a ■ • • a ■ LO Q1150 01 o1 p to \D a7 . a cu ri r•i r••! HI HI CV Hi HI r-1 H H CU 0 U i I I q H?.'d G` O 4A4a~ H 0 rI S I I a] p. H a) • +3 a) co El k H to d •H .. +yw iC 0 4-i #12I +> s~ 0 q { p CI a7, Cu LIN NA- 150 1 .I1tD 010 .4- A-Lf •H . bO r-1 •H a) I +-2 180 (VA- I- r . CV 0 153 L0 t0 O CV ' QQ ci . GO 1 H • • • . ■ H w 7,1 ~ a) ! a) l.n LCl LW L0 LC1_1- LD LO L0 O •H 1) cd d •*-1 •H F-i I R . 0, ON 0\O1D1OA01Ol0101O 0101 r 7 f-1 ,o r-1 f:7. I 0O O• 04 •* 00 00 •0 0 . •0 00 •0 OO RD 09 " 0o •• WO 0 .0 •0 Oo •• • 0 • a)) I I I +a LC1 LtV 0 C& 01\0 CV CV ti.f NC 'd • H HI CLI \0 0 0' H rO Lf 1.f tit] 0 rd a 0 ,-o ..f U H Hr-1r-IHI HI HI HI OH CU H 0 'd , Ip H • .0 S. ca I1 •r.I •r•{0C { Q, }i CV L.C1 CV 150 N-. LD N HI CV I- 01 s~ ~. a) 4 I C >%H LIl CU H O N r,0 i ti s~ 0 ON O F4 N b,O0cd ook I ma) •• • • • • • •H A rd p. rr1CV CV CV CV CL CV Iw1CV CV CV LC \ I 114 0 0 I CH 4, q H C 0 F-i i c L0 • Lb Pr11;O NA- 0 CV O LC'\ O \ d 0 d d CD 4 Hi ON CU H I'---4 r- r- :--I H r U H ON150 Q C R. 1~ 0 150 x101150 t0 '60 to CL) 0 H GQ G.) H •H cd P a) >-■ a P. . a w +a I I 0 .O 53 01 ON LC1 H N 1 CV 1:0 150 ON ro 150 1505 H 0 0 LL-NO T.0 f- E0 LO LO b[+4-a a) p4- p1 t-L.D O L0 N- 0 Na H I cd P r1 0 0 0 150 01150 H01I!OuD01 ▪a q 'd p. • • • • • • • • I >~ •) 10 r- r• N-- ,,O LD ~D N-D LO •0 00 00 •• 40 •0 •0 00 00 00 00. •• • • ■ •0 V. R . Im 0 0 0 0 0 LL"1 LC1 LC1 LC3 Lr1 O P r1 rd 0 0 I r~ 0 O LI1Il10 r- CV CV 0 NrN ~+a 0 0 i o Lnr+''CUCVCU H 0 -00ti A I x CV r-a ri H 4 •l • 1. bO I sd a) I o 0000000000 0 d p E i H CV CV Cu rr1 N \ I + Z I! Lf1 Lf1 LIl o 'H 4) a] Id HHIHrIrIrHHr-iHI • o +' p •+' I •I j • { 0 cd 4-) 10 0 • +s • I 1c 44 A i 4 44 4 . 4 : ' a . . I 1 m cu +-J o 0 do o o o oo o o i ci ooQoo0o0000 0 . a O 1 0 C] r--I CV Pr1 r{ CV tr 1 H CV N".H CV Prl ▪ 1 I I I 4-) an ! I k 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 rr:l -H ,s:) rd cV o a) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 to a) 0 • P-1 ;r, { q U H r--aHrlr-IH HHriH r-!r H d i r-i I O ■■ • - •■ ■ . •• 00 • • I cd I I~ a3 CV I +' 00000000000 0 d 11.1 0 0 0000000000 0 10n0i [~w CV▪ ref ni r CU trLf C U 1 Ra U ▪ 00 00 00 . . •. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 1 cad N } Fi I G 00000000000 0 I i +'0 1m a CY7 i P1 . U r f Lf32* Lnr *r LC1 N Lr1 •• 0 v . ■• .• • . HIriHIHHIHiLC1r-iraO0 0 +' I r m 0000001-0000 0 .~ 'd C 1:kO 0 a) >1 E N•1 Pr 1 FIN M N N ti50 Pr1 r+l Pr1 M N1 0 0 H I cdd 0 0 'd i HI r--I r-1 ra r I rH ri r+ r-r rI r-i r- I .. . 64 * q 0 I r` cu H N-Lc1 LI\010 H 0 .4- Aq Z I 4 M he\ Nl rr1 CU Tr \ L C 1 if 1_f LC1 r` r1 0 LQ a~ 0 N^ +3 0 cd I H t.1 .H 0)) C bd: H 'P 0 r- i a~ It may be remarked that the effect upon the rate o f cooking shown by both temperature and acid concentratio n change is in the direction which earlier exper gents on a larger scale, already reported, had indicated _ The greate r refinement of the later experiments, however, makes possibl e a more exact estimate of the relative magnitude of the effect s of temperature and acid concentration on the rate of cooking . It has been hown, in this report, and also i n earlier publicatiorfs, l2 that the removal of carbohydrat e material from wood by sulphite cooking proceeds much mor e rapidly than the removal of lignin . The factor controllin g the rate of pulping, then, must be the rate at which ligni n is removed . In the cooks here reported it is seen that a t any particular acid concentration within the experimenta l range (between I and 3 per cent excess sulphur dioxide) th e rate of cooking is doubled by each successive 10° increas e in temperature between 120 0 and 150° C .,1- with but sligh t tendency toward greater loss of cellulose at the higher acid concentrations . Also, at a particular temperature, a change in acid concentration from 1 to 3 per cent is necessary to make an equivalent change in rate . As pointed ou t in a previous paper, such a change in acid concentration i s not possible in present commercial practice . It is quite a fortuitous circumstance that the resistance of the desired fibrous carbohydrate material o f wood to sulphurous acid hydrolysis should be such as to permit the removal of the lignin by the same reagent, and further remarkable that such a wide variation in cooking conditions should produce approximately the same amount of pul p of approximately the same composition . The picture of th e course of the sulphite pulping reactions that can be draw n from the foregoing results is not that of a successive breaking down of the wood in various parts, but rather that of a set of simultaneous reactions proceeding at different rates . $ l Effect of Acids and Salts on Cooking Action With reference to the changes that might be manifes t in the qualities of the residual fibrous material as a resul t of adding reagents to alter the rate of lignin removal, muc h 15 See Miller and Swanson, Paper Trade J ., Apr . 10, 1924 . ---Cf . R . Manisawa, Eng . Chem . Jour . (Japan), 1, 194-206 (1921) . -$ See Sieber, loc . cit . R33 - -12- speculation has prevailed, and some experiments are on record . The following cooks, the results of which are given in Table 4 , were performed to show the effects producible by the additio n of a few simple chemicals to the cooking liquor . As standards of comparison, the two cooks, Nos . 8 7 and 68, were made with 1 .05 and 0 .55 per cent excess sulphu r dioxide, respectively . A 6-hour cooking period was allowe d in all cases, and conditions were identical in all respect s except for the addition or substitution of some reagent . 410 411 In cooks Nos . 63, 64, and 65 enough hydrochlori c acid, sodium chloride, and acetic acid, respectively, wer e added to produce 1/2 per cent concentration of each in a cooking acid containing the usual 1 per cent combined sulphu r dioxide and 1/2 per cent excess sulphur dioxide . The result s in all three cases show a tendency toward the removal of mor e lignin and cellulose than in cook No, 68 . The difference is most decided in the case where hydrochloric acid was added . Cook No . 71, in which sodium bisulphate was added, also show s a tendency toward rapid removal of lignin and cellulose , while in cook No . 82 with sodium acetate, the same cellulos e destruction is seen with less lignin removal . Cook No . 70 , with an extra 1/2 per cent of sodium bisulphate, is littl e different from the control in cook No . 68 . In cooks Nos . 72 and 81 the only base present was that added as sodiu m chloride and sodium acetate in amounts equivalent to th e quantity of sodium bisulphate necessary to give 1 per cent combined sulphur dioxide . In the case of cook No . 72 containing sodium chloride, a decided increase in the destruction of cellulose is•seen without accompanying acceleratio n in lignin removal ; the pulp was decidedly burned . Coo k No . 81, with sodium acetate, shows a decided and genera l slowing up of the reaction . It is unprofitable to generalize too widely o n results with so small positive differences, but it may be observed that there is a tendency for strong acids and salt s of strong acids to "speed up" the reaction ; while weak acid s or salts of the same have a contrary effect, if any . Suc h a generalization points directly to the theory of the pulpin g process as an acid hydrolysis of wood, and to a consideratio n of the influence of the concentration of the hydrogen ion the pulping process . Results of experiments to establis h e possible relation of hydrogen-ion concentration to th e hite pulping process will be i .n _•_ d. in. a future pape r -his ser s . oCuIsor,rnH NH o HA- r- N HA- to U r-t r . . . . . Na•0r-INNO0F r1iy1 Lr> LC Lc1 LCt I[1tn Iii Ln ▪ . . Of ► n 0 r- r- ON-1- O O r-1 .z l~1 LD N LD Lfl 0 . 0 %.O ▪ f F.+ I.C N rr\ at N H LD NLL]LD L O • . ■. .. 0 n . . . 00 00 oo ■ .0 • .. 00 . . e 4-1 r7 00 . . 00 0 p. 4-1 . • ° -p d a. I 1 a p 0 q rn a'1 D K.\ NLQr N LC\LcLD Cti7n N .■■ ■ ▪ C7' - DSO O H at C~ H K.\ e--i H CV H ri ri N N f . . 00 f . •f ■■ 00 . . r+ 4O isa H 0 a' La CU ' HN LOA- .1:) Ch 0 LC% ri .- ...JD A- A- r-I CVit CV CV NNNCUrr1 N f o L,D LD FA q r+1L.CZ r- gZ%. D 0 r-1 LO GO N CV t.0 (3 1 n .■ . ▪ t• LC1LD LCl e- t 15O r+1 p1LID 1 f-LD r- t- a r- r-koL° W p 0 Q.) q !Sl 0 a) Fa 1 4) I C) • cdd°C ( 0 q >~ d a) i f~ w .. r~ -1-3 00 . . n . 0000\9O0 CUL.q I Ln LCl LCZ lCl_f !n I ti+O In 1 . I 0I NON q0 00 •0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 • 0 0 0 U •ri 41 a) bl:l d C S I . . 1114 n . q O 4) a3 I I .04 w 0 0 0 0 Q or 00 et t CO co a) I 1 W 0 0 CI) a) a 0 • q ' -I a I a1 C V I ~I W 00 1 I +3 H f a) a) C] I 1 w 00 I o 1 al 4) Oct) I G4 0 H I . . . . . . .. .. .. . . .. 'cl 0 bA4-+ Q 4s >, a) ° IW 0 s .. 06 .. .e .. 1 rA 1 L o:l ▪ .. .0 . 0 . .0 00 00 00 0• ea 070 0 W\0 qq 0L,DOa.O0 • • hlnLClLC)LC1r-w a'O 0 ▪ ■, .■ . n r-1 ri ri ri ri ri ri r1 r-4 ri 00 0"0 0 00 000 00 0 00 . 00rr\ O O Ln In LCl Lf 1 I.f 1 q L11 C)1 o 0 . . . . . . . N N CV CV CV rn Cu N ri r i q0 00 00 00 06 ea 00 00 pm 00 •0 0 0 art() to LO rl M Lt'') O CT N LC 0A- LA r" r4 r---W e-I LnT.O . r ou'0I- O r e\ at 0310-N 'LSO N W 5O LCl 'A- .- ■ .- A- LC\ HHri riH -r ir-i rira H or IS i:O r LClN 0 ri f-N H VD L.D VD LD 6Q r- r-'.O r--14- a) p GO +~ td .r• ~ 4-3 il] • O • tr, m 0 r-4 • r'-t C ref cd Q Cf) -P x cd Z (1) U 4-3 qt CV l r- I Q o xz - 00 0Z ~ z Z MZZZ 00 0 0 •• ■ n n. t 4 LC10 0 0 O 0 LC\ 0 O ;4 )ol IntitInInLr Lc111%O q 0 I p4 0 0 rl 1- + ■ . . . . . ■ n. q 0000 .- 0A0 0 q 000 q N001O 0 H1 0 W w ri e-E H r-1 r•i ri H 0 0 C r, . w U f-i w P. G IaO .H H 0 b 0 •rl ( re.% 0 K1 0 0 4i rK". 'd Cd a) Z -P p • q ri 4-i ., ▪ . n . 00 00 0 0 0 0 00 00 00 . .0 0 LD N f- at N O at Ln N LD C') 0 L0 N re•\ r- t- t e ' LC r` ►.n. .- 0 'ea N Pr% 0 w r+1 rr 1 r•I v] ~o Cu 0"1L 0 n r-la'rtr-IN H0001t +• t e1 rte-4r-1rIHH ri. . . . . ■ . I I . .d 0 cd oa e O '60 }' v 0 F-t a) P. V f-+ a) a q '(O CI) 0 q 0 a) LD N to o [ II 0 • ▪ •rl te) a Ga a a q 1 w q H r! rl 0) 0 0 d • 0 4- 4 }7 p 0 a) 4) a ) C) 0 C3 i 1 • oa A. a P. •e i m 'Go Cu .A A 1 [mod C) r~ CU rel 0 Fr1 . HI NI r a Summar y The results recorded in this paper show : I. That the same amount of carbohydrate material s are removed from wood by mild hydrolysis with hydrochlori c acid as are removed by sulphite digestion which reduces th e lignin content of the residue below 2 per cent . That the carbohydrate materials removed b y 2. hydrolysis are, in part at least, removed as complex bodie s that can be further hydrolyzed to reducing sugars . 410 3. That the time of lignin removal by the sulphit e reaction is reduced approximately one-half by each 10 0 inin temperature between 120° and 150° C . 4. That a change in acid concentration from 1 t o 3 per cent is necessary to reduce the time of lignin removal by one-half . 5. That the tendency of salts of strong acid s added to the cooking liquor is to increase the rate of reaction, and for those of weak acids to decree the rate o f reaction, suggesting a process dependent upon hydrogen-io n concentration . R33 -15-