“...a comprehensive framework for the physical development of the UC Santa Cruz campus over a 15year period....” FIRST DRAFT UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SANTA CRUZ LRDP #10, October 20, 2004 Purpose and Scope of an LRDP FIRST DRAFT LRDP - Section 2a, page 5 Cooper, Robertson & Partners EDAW Arup Kimley-Horn & Associates “...a comprehensive framework for the physical development of the UC Santa Cruz campus over a 15year period.... “It includes a building program and land-use map to guide capital construction, infrastructure development, and land use.... FIRST DRAFT UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SANTA CRUZ LRDP #10, October 20, 2004 Purpose and Scope of an LRDP FIRST DRAFT LRDP - Section 2a, page 5 Cooper, Robertson & Partners EDAW Arup Kimley-Horn & Associates 1 “...a comprehensive framework for the physical development of the UC Santa Cruz campus over a 15year period.... “It includes a building program and land-use map to guide capital construction, infrastructure development, and land use.... “UCSC’s 2005 LRDP does not constitute a mandate for growth, nor it is a detailed implementation plan for development. It does not commit the campus to carrying out development on any given timeline.” FIRST DRAFT UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SANTA CRUZ LRDP #10, October 20, 2004 Purpose and Scope of an LRDP FIRST DRAFT LRDP - Section 2a, page 5 Cooper, Robertson & Partners EDAW Arup Kimley-Horn & Associates “The 2005 LRDP is accompanied by the 2005 LRDP Environmental Impact Report..., as required by the California Environmental Quality Act. The 2005 LRDP EIR is a detailed discussion of UCSC’s existing environmental setting, the potential environmental impacts of the 2005 LRDP program, proposed mitigation measures, alternatives, and the cumulative effects of projected campus and regional growth...” FIRST DRAFT UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SANTA CRUZ LRDP #10, October 20, 2004 Purpose and Scope of an LRDP FIRST DRAFT LRDP - Section 2a, page 5 Cooper, Robertson & Partners EDAW Arup Kimley-Horn & Associates 2 First Draft 2005 LRDP Contents 1. Executive Summary 2. Introduction a. Purpose and Scope b. The LRDP Process c. Academic and Research Vision 3. Planning Context a. Section Overview b. UC Santa Cruz and the University of California c. Academic and Research Programs d. UC Santa Cruz Physical Planning History e. UC Santa Cruz as Part of a Regional Community f. Existing and Approved Development g. Physical Setting FIRST DRAFT UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SANTA CRUZ First Draft 2005 LRDP Contents LRDP #10, October 20, 2004 Cooper, Robertson & Partners EDAW Arup Kimley-Horn & Associates First Draft 2005 LRDP (continued) 4. Physical Planning Principles and Guidelines a. Section Overview b. Land-Use Patterns c. Natural and Cultural Resources d. Access and Transportation e. Campus Life f. Sustainability g. The Santa Cruz Community 5. UC Santa Cruz Long-Range Development Plan 2005-2020 a. Section Overview b. Enrollment and Population c. Building Program c. Land-Use Plan d. Landscape and Open Space e. Circulation and Parking f. Utilities and Infrastructure g. Housing and Student Life FIRST DRAFT UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SANTA CRUZ LRDP #10, October 20, 2004 First Draft 2005 LRDP Contents Cooper, Robertson & Partners EDAW Arup Kimley-Horn & Associates 3 UCSC Main Campus Student and Employee Growth Projected Growth to 2020-2012 Current (2003-2004) * * FTE, Fall/Winter/Spring 3 Quarter Average FIRST DRAFT UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SANTA CRUZ UCSC Main Campus Student and Employee Growth LRDP #10, October 20, 2004 Million Square Feet Cooper, Robertson & Partners EDAW Arup Kimley-Horn & Associates (OGSF) (ASF) 9 8 7 Academic and Support 6 5 Academic and Support 4 3 Housing 2 Housing 1 0 Actual and Approved Projected Actual and Approved Projected FIRST DRAFT UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SANTA CRUZ LRDP #10, October 20, 2004 Projected Campus Space Demand Cooper, Robertson & Partners EDAW Arup Kimley-Horn & Associates 4 FIRST DRAFT UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA June 17, 2004 Plan SANTA CRUZ June LRDP Committee . Meeting LRDP #10, October 20, 2004 Cooper, Robertson & Partners EDAW Arup Kimley-Horn & Associates New Housing and Recreation New Housing and Recreation New Housing and Recreation New Academic Core New College Housing and Recreation Existing College Existing Academic Core Existing Colleges, Housing and Recreation Existing Colleges, Housing and Recreation FIRST DRAFT UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SANTA CRUZ LRDP #10, October 20, 2004 Land-Use Concept Plan 2005 .LRDP Cooper, Robertson & Partners EDAW Arup Kimley-Horn & Associates 5 FIRST DRAFT UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SANTA CRUZ 1988 Land-Use Plan LRDP #10, October 20, 2004 1988 Land-Use Categories Campus Core Campus & Community Support Colleges and Graduate Housing Family Student Housing Faculty Housing Physical Education & Recreation Cooper, Robertson & Partners EDAW Arup Kimley-Horn & Associates 2005 DRAFT Land-Use Categories Academic Core Campus Support Colleges and Student Housing Family Student Housing Employee Housing Physical Education & Recreation Campus Resource Land Campus Resource Land Site Specific Research Protected Landscape Environmental Reserve Site Research and Support Protected Landscape Campus Natural Reserve Overlay Zone Historic Area Boundary Overlay Zone Cowell Ranch Historic District FIRST DRAFT UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SANTA CRUZ LRDP #10, October 20, 2004 1988 Land Use Categories 1988 and 2005 LRDP . Comparison Cooper, Robertson & Partners EDAW Arup Kimley-Horn & Associates 6 2005 DRAFT Land-Use Categories Academic Core Campus Support Colleges and Student Housing Family Student Housing Employee Housing Physical Education & Recreation 1988 Land-Use Categories Campus Core Campus & Community Support Colleges and Graduate Housing Family Student Housing Faculty Housing Physical Education & Recreation Campus Resource Land Campus Resource Land Site Specific Research Protected Landscape Environmental Reserve (not used) Inclusion Area Remote Parking Overlay Zones Historic Area Boundary Site Research and Support Protected Landscape Campus Natural Reserve Habitat Reserve (not used) (not used) Overlay Zones Cowell Ranch Historic District Parking* *For structured parking. Surface parking allowed in all areas where building development is permitted. FIRST DRAFT UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Cooper, Robertson & Partners EDAW Arup Kimley-Horn & Associates 1988 Land Use Categories SANTA CRUZ 1988 and 2005 LRDP . Comparison LRDP #10, October 20, 2004 Potential Development Areas 601 acres (30%) Potential Development Areas 672 acres (34%) - Academic Core - Campus Support - Campus Core - Campus and Community Support Potential Development Areas - Colleges and Graduate Housing 672acres - Family(34%) Student Housing Potential Development Areas - Colleges and Student Housing 601 acres - Family(30%) Student Housing - Employee Housing (AC,CS,CSH, EH, FSH, PE ) (Campus Core,Housing - Faculty College and Graduate Housing, - Physical Education & Recreation Family Student Housing……… ) - Physical Education & Recreation - Parking (overlay zone) - Remote Parking - Inclusion Area Campus Resource Land 471 acres (24%) Campus Resource Land 471 acres (24%) Campus Resource Land 359 acresResource (17%) Land Campus 359 acres (17%) Restricted Development Areas Restricted Development Areas acres(42%) (42%) 857 acres Restricted DevelopmentAreas Areas Restricted Development 1,074 (53%) 1,074 acres acres (53%) (CNR, SRS, PL, HAB) - Campus Natural Reserve (Environmental Reserve, Protected - Environmental Reserve Landscape……..) - Protected Landscape - Site Research and Support - Campus Habitat Reserve - Protected Landscape - Site Specific Research 1988 LRDP 2005 LRDP First Draft FIRST DRAFT UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SANTA CRUZ LRDP #10, October 20, 2004 Comparison of 1988 and First Draft 2005 Land Use . Cooper, Robertson & Partners EDAW Arup Kimley-Horn & Associates 7 FIRST DRAFT UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA 2005 First Draft Land Use Plan SANTA CRUZ 1988 and 2005 LRDP . Comparison LRDP #10, October 20, 2004 Cooper, Robertson & Partners EDAW Arup Kimley-Horn & Associates Academic Core Campus Support Colleges and Student Housing Employee Housing Family Student Housing Physical Education and Recreation Protected Landscape Campus Natural Reserve Site Research and Support Campus Habitat Reserve Campus Resource Land Parking Cowell Ranch Historic District FIRST DRAFT UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SANTA CRUZ LRDP #10, October 20, 2004 2005 Land Use Plan First .Draft Cooper, Robertson & Partners EDAW Arup Kimley-Horn & Associates 8 102 acres 1988 125 acres First Draft 2005 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Academic Core SANTA CRUZ 1988 and 2005 LRDP Comparison LRDP #10, October 20, 2004 FIRST DRAFT Cooper, Robertson & Partners EDAW Arup Kimley-Horn & Associates Academic Core Campus Support Colleges and Student Housing Employee Housing Family Student Housing Physical Education and Recreation Protected Landscape Campus Natural Reserve Site Research and Support Campus Habitat Reserve Campus Resource Land Parking Cowell Ranch Historic District FIRST DRAFT UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SANTA CRUZ LRDP #10, October 20, 2004 2005 Land Use Plan First .Draft Cooper, Robertson & Partners EDAW Arup Kimley-Horn & Associates 9 Academic Core Campus Support Colleges and Student Housing Employee Housing Family Student Housing Physical Education and Recreation Protected Landscape Campus Natural Reserve Site Research and Support Campus Habitat Reserve Campus Resource Land Parking Cowell Ranch Historic District FIRST DRAFT UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA 2005 Land Use Plan SANTA CRUZ First .Draft LRDP #10, October 20, 2004 Cooper, Robertson & Partners EDAW Arup Kimley-Horn & Associates Academic Core Campus Support Colleges and Student Housing Employee Housing Family Student Housing Physical Education and Recreation Protected Landscape Campus Natural Reserve Site Research and Support Campus Habitat Reserve Campus Resource Land Parking Cowell Ranch Historic District FIRST DRAFT UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SANTA CRUZ LRDP #10, October 20, 2004 2005 Land Use Plan First .Draft Cooper, Robertson & Partners EDAW Arup Kimley-Horn & Associates 10 Academic Core Campus Support Colleges and Student Housing Employee Housing Family Student Housing Physical Education and Recreation Protected Landscape Campus Natural Reserve Site Research and Support Campus Habitat Reserve Campus Resource Land Parking Cowell Ranch Historic District FIRST DRAFT UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SANTA CRUZ LRDP #10, October 20, 2004 2005 Land Use Plan First .Draft 278 acres 1988 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SANTA CRUZ LRDP #10, October 20, 2004 Cooper, Robertson & Partners EDAW Arup Kimley-Horn & Associates 317 acres First Draft 2005 Colleges and Housing 1988 and 2005 LRDP Comparison FIRST DRAFT Cooper, Robertson & Partners EDAW Arup Kimley-Horn & Associates 11 Academic Core Campus Support Colleges and Student Housing Employee Housing Family Student Housing Physical Education and Recreation Protected Landscape Campus Natural Reserve Site Research and Support Campus Habitat Reserve Campus Resource Land Parking Cowell Ranch Historic District FIRST DRAFT UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA 2005 Land Use Plan SANTA CRUZ First .Draft LRDP #10, October 20, 2004 Cooper, Robertson & Partners EDAW Arup Kimley-Horn & Associates Academic Core Campus Support Colleges and Student Housing Employee Housing Family Student Housing Physical Education and Recreation Protected Landscape Campus Natural Reserve Site Research and Support Campus Habitat Reserve Campus Resource Land Parking Cowell Ranch Historic District FIRST DRAFT UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SANTA CRUZ LRDP #10, October 20, 2004 2005 Land Use Plan First .Draft Cooper, Robertson & Partners EDAW Arup Kimley-Horn & Associates 12 Academic Core Campus Support Colleges and Student Housing Employee Housing Family Student Housing Physical Education and Recreation Protected Landscape Campus Natural Reserve Site Research and Support Campus Habitat Reserve Campus Resource Land Parking Cowell Ranch Historic District FIRST DRAFT UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SANTA CRUZ LRDP #10, October 20, 2004 393 acres 1988 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SANTA CRUZ LRDP #10, October 20, 2004 2005 Land Use Plan First .Draft Cooper, Robertson & Partners EDAW Arup Kimley-Horn & Associates 420 acres First Draft 2005 Campus Natural Reserve 1988 and 2005 LRDP Comparison FIRST DRAFT Cooper, Robertson & Partners EDAW Arup Kimley-Horn & Associates 13 Academic Core Campus Support Colleges and Student Housing Employee Housing Family Student Housing Physical Education and Recreation Protected Landscape Campus Natural Reserve Site Research and Support Campus Habitat Reserve Campus Resource Land Parking Cowell Ranch Historic District FIRST DRAFT UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA 2005 Land Use Plan SANTA CRUZ First .Draft LRDP #10, October 20, 2004 Cooper, Robertson & Partners EDAW Arup Kimley-Horn & Associates Academic Core Campus Support Colleges and Student Housing Employee Housing Family Student Housing Physical Education and Recreation Protected Landscape Campus Natural Reserve Site Research and Support Campus Habitat Reserve Campus Resource Land Parking Cowell Ranch Historic District FIRST DRAFT UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SANTA CRUZ LRDP #10, October 20, 2004 2005 Land Use Plan First .Draft Cooper, Robertson & Partners EDAW Arup Kimley-Horn & Associates 14 Academic Core Campus Support Colleges and Student Housing Employee Housing Family Student Housing Physical Education and Recreation Protected Landscape Campus Natural Reserve Site Research and Support Campus Habitat Reserve Campus Resource Land Parking Cowell Ranch Historic District FIRST DRAFT UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA 2005 Land Use Plan SANTA CRUZ First .Draft LRDP #10, October 20, 2004 Cooper, Robertson & Partners EDAW Arup Kimley-Horn & Associates Academic Core Campus Support Colleges and Student Housing Employee Housing Family Student Housing Physical Education and Recreation Protected Landscape Campus Natural Reserve Site Research and Support Campus Habitat Reserve Campus Resource Land Parking Cowell Ranch Historic District FIRST DRAFT UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SANTA CRUZ LRDP #10, October 20, 2004 2005 Land Use Plan First .Draft Cooper, Robertson & Partners EDAW Arup Kimley-Horn & Associates 15 Academic Core Campus Support Colleges and Student Housing Employee Housing Family Student Housing Physical Education and Recreation Protected Landscape Campus Natural Reserve Site Research and Support Campus Habitat Reserve Campus Resource Land Parking Cowell Ranch Historic District FIRST DRAFT UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SANTA CRUZ LRDP #10, October 20, 2004 2005 Land Use Plan First .Draft Cooper, Robertson & Partners EDAW Arup Kimley-Horn & Associates FIRST DRAFT UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SANTA CRUZ LRDP #10, October 20, 2004 Open Space Regional Context Landscape and open space framework Cooper, Robertson & Partners EDAW Arup Kimley-Horn & Associates 16 Redwoods/ Evergreen Forest Chaparral/ Manzanita/ Meadows Meadows/Farmland FIRST DRAFT UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SANTA CRUZ LRDP #10, October 20, 2004 Landscape and Open Space Framework Overall Campus Cooper, Robertson & Partners EDAW Arup Kimley-Horn & Associates Bridge FIRST DRAFT UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SANTA CRUZ LRDP #10, October 20, 2004 Landscape and Open Space Framework Central and North Campus Cooper, Robertson & Partners EDAW Arup Kimley-Horn & Associates 17 FIRST DRAFT UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SANTA CRUZ LRDP #10, October 20, 2004 Landscape Structure Landscape and open space framework Cooper, Robertson & Partners EDAW Arup Kimley-Horn & Associates Engineering to North Campus: Plus 150 feet Oakes College to Engineering: Plus 220 feet UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SANTA CRUZ LRDP #10, October 20, 2004 Elevation Difference Central Campus to North Campus FIRST DRAFT Cooper, Robertson & Partners EDAW Arup Kimley-Horn & Associates 18 New Bridge FIRST DRAFT UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SANTA CRUZ LRDP #10, October 20, 2004 Cooper, Robertson & Partners EDAW Arup Kimley-Horn & Associates Pedestrian Circulation Landscape and open space framework re pi Em G ra de West Entrance High Street B ay e re St t Western Drive Main Entrance Mission Street FIRST DRAFT UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SANTA CRUZ LRDP #10, October 20, 2004 Campus Vehicle Access Circulation and Parking Cooper, Robertson & Partners EDAW Arup Kimley-Horn & Associates 19 FIRST DRAFT UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SANTA CRUZ Cooper, Robertson & Partners EDAW Arup Kimley-Horn & Associates Campus Vehicle Roads Circulation and Parking LRDP #10, October 20, 2004 Trail Connections to Wilder State Park Trail Connections to Pogonip City Park Bike Lanes continue on Bay Street UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SANTA CRUZ LRDP #10, October 20, 2004 Campus Bike Paths Circulation and Parking Bike Lanes continue on High Street FIRST DRAFT Cooper, Robertson & Partners EDAW Arup Kimley-Horn & Associates 20 McLaughlin r ga Ha pi re Gr ad e i ve Dr Em P FIRST DRAFT UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SANTA CRUZ LRDP #10, October 20, 2004 Parking Location Circulation and Parking Cooper, Robertson & Partners EDAW Arup Kimley-Horn & Associates Next Steps - Review First Draft of 2005 LRDP - Work Group Sessions - LRDP Committee Meeting October 19th - Public Workshop October 20th - LRDP Committee Meeting November 15th - Draft 2005 LRDP and begin environmental review December 2004 FIRST DRAFT UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SANTA CRUZ LRDP #10, October 20, 2004 Next Steps Cooper, Robertson & Partners EDAW Arup Kimley-Horn & Associates 21