Geometric computation on the plane – signal machines – Jérôme D URAND -L OSE MC2 LIP UMR CNRS - ÉNS Lyon - UCB Lyon - INRIA 5668 Geometric computation on the plane – p.1/43 Methodology Cellular automata word (Discrete) Space-time diagrams Dynamics Conception Geometric computation on the plane – p.2/43 Methodology Cellular automata word (Discrete) Space-time diagrams Observation Discrete lines Interpretation Lines on the plane Dynamics Conception Geometric computation on the plane – p.2/43 Methodology Cellular automata word (Discrete) Space-time diagrams Implementation Observation Discrete lines Interpretation Discretization Lines on the plane Dynamics Conception Geometric computation on the plane – p.2/43 Methodology Cellular automata word (Discrete) Space-time diagrams Implementation Observation Discrete lines Interpretation Discretization Lines on the plane Dynamics Model on its own Conception Geometric computation on the plane – p.2/43 Outline Cellular automata, particles and signals Signal machines Computational universality Geometrical modifications Accumulation Undecidability of appearance Accumulation Conclusion and perspectives Geometric computation on the plane – p.3/43 Origins — Cellular Automata — Geometric computation on the plane – p.4/43 Cellular Automata Modeling tools in biology, physics. . . parallelism Dynamical systems Geometric computation on the plane – p.5/43 Cellular Automata Modeling tools in biology, physics. . . parallelism Dynamical systems Cells ... ... t=0 Geometric computation on the plane – p.5/43 Cellular Automata Modeling tools in biology, physics. . . parallelism Dynamical systems Cells |States|< ∞ . . . ... t=0 Geometric computation on the plane – p.5/43 Cellular Automata Modeling tools in biology, physics. . . parallelism Dynamical systems Cells |States|< ∞ . . . t=1 ... t=0 Updating rules Geometric computation on the plane – p.5/43 Cellular Automata Modeling tools in biology, physics. . . parallelism Dynamical systems t=4 t=3 t=2 Iteration Cells |States|< ∞ . . . t=1 ... t=0 Updating rules Geometric computation on the plane – p.5/43 Cellular Automata local Space-time diagram uniform t=4 synchronous t=3 t=2 Iteration Cells |States|< ∞ . . . t=1 ... t=0 Updating rules Geometric computation on the plane – p.5/43 Example of particles [Hordijk et al., 2001, Fig. 7] [Boccara et al., 1991, Fig. 7] [Siwak, 2001, Fig. 5] Geometric computation on the plane – p.6/43 To build an Turing-universal CA [Lindgren and Nordahl, 1990, Fig. 4] [Lindgren and Nordahl, 1990, Fig. 3] Geometric computation on the plane – p.7/43 Signal algorithmic 1 A AAA A AA AAA AA A AAA AA AA AAA AA AAA AA AA AA AA A AAA AA AAAAA AAA AA AAA AA AA AAAA AA AA AA AAA AAA AA AA AA AAA AA A A AAA A AAA AA AA AAA AA AA AA A AA AAAA AA A AA AA AA AAA AA AAA AA A A AAA AAAA A AA A AA AAAAA AA AAAAA AA A AA A (2n, 2t(n)) Bits 1 of the multiplier E1 0 Bits 0 of the multiplier 1 D1 Bit "end " of the multiplier * T Bits 1 of the multiplicand 0 0 <1 Bits 0 of the multiplicand 0 0 Bit "end" of the multiplicand E 0 0 Limits of a computation 0 0 Bits 0 in transit throught the network Time f(n) 1 Bits 1 in transit throught the network 0 1 Time f(5) 1 0 Signal T Time f(4) 0 * 0 Signal D * 1 0 Signal D Time f(3) 0 1 0 1 1 Time f(2) k Signal E - 1 0 0 k/2 Signal E 0 0 1 Time f (1) 1 1 Time 0 1 [Fischer, 1965, Fig. 2] D2 E-1 0 Signal E + 1 Cell 0 Figure 8: Computing (ab) . Figure 18: Characterization of the sites (n; f (n)). [Mazoyer, 1996, Fig. 8] [Mazoyer and Terrier, 1999, Fig. 18] 2 Geometric computation on the plane – p.8/43 Geometric algorithmic [Goto, 1966, Fig. 3] [Goto, 1966, Fig. 6] Geometric computation on the plane – p.9/43 Signal machines Geometric computation on the plane – p.10/43 Signal Machines Geometric computation on the plane – p.11/43 Time Model analyze Space Geometric computation on the plane – p.12/43 Model analyze Signal (Meta-signal, position) Position (x, t) Time Meta-signal µ = (ι, ν) Space Geometric computation on the plane – p.12/43 Model analyze Signal (Meta-signal, position) Time Collision (Rule, position) Position (x, t) Meta-signal µ = (ι, ν) Rule + ρ = {µ− } → {µ i i j }j Space Geometric computation on the plane – p.12/43 Model definition Machine Space-time diagram M = ({µi }i , {ρj }j ) Finite description Deterministic Configuration (at t) Positions of signals and collisions Computation collisions + dependence ordering Geometric computation on the plane – p.13/43 Properties Uniform in space and time Local Light cone Finite number of values & rules Continuous space & time Geometric computation on the plane – p.14/43 Turing-universal 2-counter automata simulation A and B two non-negative integer counters beg: B++ A-A != 0 B != 0 beg1: A-A != 0 pair: B-A++ B != 0 A != 0 imp: B-A++ A++ B != 0 A != 0 imp1: B-A++ A++ A++ B != 0 A != 0 beg1 imp beg pair beg imp1 beg imp1 beg Operations A++ B++ A-A-A != 0 <label > B != 0 <label > Encoding bord a0 = 6 instruction b0 = 2 Unbounded place for signals bord Geometric computation on the plane – p.15/43 Transcription of the instructions A++ a=0 a 6= 0 After A++ B != 0 m Geometric computation on the plane – p.16/43 Geometric computation on the plane – p.17/43 Turing-universal Any recursive computation can be performed Highly unpredictable e.g. all these are undecidable Finite number of collisions Appearance of a meta-signal Collision with a signal Geometric computation on the plane – p.18/43 Geometrical constructions Modify the space-time diagram but preserve the computation (i.e. ordering of collisions) Dynamic Freezing Translations Homotecy Constructions with these “operators” basic iterated Geometric computation on the plane – p.19/43 Freezing the computation Freeze then restore Rest of computation Rest of computation n Tra Beginning tio a l s n Beginning Geometric computation on the plane – p.20/43 Freezing the computation Freeze then restore Only modifications: new meta-signals and rules Geometric computation on the plane – p.20/43 Contraction Rest of computation Rest of computation Beginning Contraction Beginning Geometric computation on the plane – p.21/43 Contraction Geometric computation on the plane – p.21/43 Contraction to a ribbon 3 Contraction 3 2 2 Contraction 1 Contraction 1 Beginning Beginning Geometric computation on the plane – p.22/43 Contraction to a ribbon Geometric computation on the plane – p.22/43 Distortion Rest Rest of computation of computation ×2 Beginning Beginning Geometric computation on the plane – p.23/43 Distortion ×2 ×2 Geometric computation on the plane – p.23/43 Continuous contraction Geometric computation on the plane – p.24/43 Contraction to a triangle Geometric computation on the plane – p.25/43 Any computation can be embedded in a triangle Great malleableness of space-time Problem generation of an accumulation point Geometric computation on the plane – p.26/43 Accumulations Geometric computation on the plane – p.27/43 Undecidability of accumulation prevision Instance M: signal machine, c0 : finite initial configuration, (all values in Q) Question Will there be any accumulation? ∃(x, t) ∈ Z×N, ∀n ∈ N, There is at least n collisions in the light cone ending in (x, t) Geometric computation on the plane – p.28/43 Undecidability of accumulation prevision Instance M: signal machine, c0 : finite initial configuration, (all values in Q) Question Will there be any accumulation? ∃(x, t) ∈ Z×N, ∀n ∈ N, recursive total predicate There is at least n collisions in the light cone ending in (x, t) in Σ02 (arithmetical hierarchy) Geometric computation on the plane – p.28/43 Reduction for 0 Σ1-hardness Accumulation ⇔ the 2 counter automaton does not stop Geometric computation on the plane – p.29/43 Placing all possible computations Σ02 -complete Instance A: 2-counter automata, Question Does the computation finished for all initials values? (0, 3) (1, 2) (0, 2) (2, 1) (1, 1) (0, 1) (3, 0) (2, 0) (1, 0) (0, 0) Geometric computation on the plane – p.30/43 0 Σ2-hardness Σ02 -complete Geometric computation on the plane – p.31/43 Topological reformulation Space-time diagram D R × R>0 7−→ {⊘} ∪ {µi }i ∪ {ρj }j ∪ S void singularities Conditions D (p) = ⊘ ⇐⇒ ∃r > 0, D(ball(p, r)) = D (p) = ⇐⇒ ∃r > 0, D(ball(p, r)) = D (p) = ⇐⇒ ∃r > 0, D(ball(p, r)) = |S| < ∞ and ♦∈S Matches machine approach definition Geometric computation on the plane – p.32/43 Accumulated values ∀p ∈ R × R>0 AccVal(p) set of values accumulating around p Singularity ⇐⇒ AccVal(p) ∩ {{ρj }j ∪ S} = 6 ∅ Isolated ⇐⇒ AccVal(p) ∩ S = ∅ Closer look at isolated singularities Geometric computation on the plane – p.33/43 Meta-singularities , , ∅ {∅, ∅} ( ( , , )) Geometric computation on the plane – p.34/43 Non deterministic meta-singularities ( ∅, ( , )) {∅, ∅} ( ∅, ( , )) Geometric computation on the plane – p.35/43 Non deterministic meta-singularities ( ∅, ( , )) {∅, ∅} ( ∅, ( , )) Geometric computation on the plane – p.35/43 Non deterministic meta-singularities ( ∅, ( , )) {∅, ∅} ( ∅, ( , )) Geometric computation on the plane – p.35/43 Non deterministic meta-singularities ( ∅, ( , ( ∅, ( , )) , ∅ )) Geometric computation on the plane – p.36/43 Non deterministic meta-singularities ( ∅, ( , ( ∅, ( , )) , ∅ )) Geometric computation on the plane – p.36/43 Non deterministic meta-singularities ( ∅, ( , ( ∅, ( , )) , ∅ )) Geometric computation on the plane – p.36/43 Second order Geometric computation on the plane – p.37/43 Non isolated singularities Geometric computation on the plane – p.38/43 Non isolated singularities Cantor Geometric computation on the plane – p.39/43 Conclusion Geometrical computation model Turing-computability Continuous space and time aspects Great malleableness of space-time Accumulations Decidability Partial treatment Geometric computation on the plane – p.40/43 Perspectives – on the model Singularities Comprehension Utilization (super-Turing capability) Algorithmic principles Complexity Intrinsic universality Geometric computation on the plane – p.41/43 Perspectives – relating the model Link to other model Understand continuous models Continuous classes of complexity and decidability Cellular automata Automatic discretization Transfer theorem Validate proofs Geometric computation on the plane – p.42/43 References [Boccara et al., 1991] Boccara, N., Nasser, J., and Roger, M. 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