Fisher College of Business Faculty The Art of Leadership

The Art of Leadership
Fisher College of Business Faculty
Faculty Honors
Finance Professor Deborah A. Ballam
received her PhD in history from The
Ohio State University. Professor Ballam
also holds a JD from Ohio State.
Jay B. Barney, Bank One Chair for
Excellence in Corporate Strategy and
professor of management and human
resources, was selected by Lund University for receipt of the Doctor of
Philosophy, honoris causa.
Marketing Professor Roger Blackwell
was one of four professors who received The 1997 Ohio State Outstanding Faculty award. Nominations
were based on teaching excellence,
student exposure and development,
contributions to the professor’s field,
and contributions to the university.
The Columbus Foundation named
James L. Ginter, MBA program chair
and professor of marketing, chair of
its Information and Marketing Committee.
Jerald Greenberg, Abramowitz Professor of Business Ethics, was invited to
give the honor’s address at the May
meeting of the American Psychological
Society in Washington, D.C.
The Art of Leadership
Jay B. Barney
Bank One Chair for Excellence in
Corporate Strategy
Professor of Management and Human
Last May, the 16th Annual Advertising and Consumer Psychology conference was held in Columbus, Ohio.
Leadership Activities:
Fisher Committee for Graduate
Education in Labor & Human
Ford-OSU Partnership Steering
Fisher Research Committee
Fisher Salary Appeals Committee
President, Business Policy & Strategy
Division, Academy of Management
Senior Editor, Organization Science
Co-chaired by Marketing Professor
Curtis P. Haugtvedt, the conference
examined research relevant to the
development of communications and
other promotions designed to influence the health-related behaviors of
consumers. The program featured top
national academic, practitioner, and
government researchers.
Two of the three 1997 Ohio State
University Career Services Awards
were presented to Fisher faculty members Robert P. Leone, Berry Chair of
Marketing, and Accounting Professor
Raymond Krasniewski.
JAY B. BARNEY • I like to talk to my students about what I call
“moral leadership”—leading not through fear or manipulation, but through reason, patience, concern, respect, and a
Professor Robert P. Leone, Berry
willingness to listen. A true leader inspires his or her team
Chair of Marketing, was named 1997
to see the greater good that may be achieved through coop-
“Marketer of the Year” by the Co-
eration. I see students exhibit this quality of leadership in
lumbus Chapter of the American
my Business Solution Team class as they consult with cor-
Marketing Association.
porations. They are often required to work with business
leaders to help them understand that some of their “pet
The Alpha Gamma Chapter of Sigma
theories” regarding how a problem should be solved are
Chi at The Ohio State University se-
not always viable.
lected Accounting Professor Kenneth
As academic leaders, we need to do more to teach
R. Pelfrey to receive the 1996-1997
leadership skills. We must give our students leadership op-
Outstanding Teaching Award.
portunities and then give them the latitude to succeed. If
they fail, we must provide them with another opportunity,
and then another, until they discover for themselves how to
In pursuit of leadership, we should always ask ourselves, “What is the right thing to do?” The leader who can
communicate this vision in an environment of cooperation
can build an effective organization. A leader who can instill
loyalty and personal commitment in his or her staff can
outperform and outproduce the competition.
dignity respect optimism
The Art of Leadership
Faculty Editorial Activities
Well established in their respective
the editorial boards of the Journal of
James L. Ginter sits on the editorial
fields, Fisher College of Business fac-
Marketing Research and the Journal
board of the Journal of Strategic Mar-
ulty collaborate both nationally and
of Consumer Psychology.
Stephen A. Buser is an associate edi-
Jerald Greenberg is on the editorial
tor for the Journal of Finance, the
boards of Organizational Behavior
Journal of Housing Research, and
and Human Decision Processes, the
Housing Policy Debate.
Journal of Management, and Sage Se-
internationally in all facets of research, training, and presentation.
More than half of Fisher faculty are
members of editorial boards of the
most prestigious journals in their dis-
ries in Business Ethics.
ciplines, helping to shape future ap-
David A. Collier has served on the
proaches to management.
editorial board of the International
Nicholas G. Hall is associate editor
Journal of Service Industry Manage-
for Operations Research, Manage-
ment since 1989, the editorial board
ment Science, and IIE Transactions.
of the Case Research Journal since
He is also a Standing Review Panel
1987, and the editorial review board
member of the Hong Kong Research
of the Journal of Operations Manage-
Grants Council.
Greg M. Allenby is an associate editor
of Marketing Science and the Journal
of Business and Economic Statistics.
In addition, he serves on the editorial
board of the Journal of Marketing
Deborah A. Ballam is the managing
editor of the American Business Law
ment since 1988.
Curtis P. Haugtvedt is on the editorial
Martha C. Cooper is on the editorial
boards of the Journal of Consumer
boards of the International Journal of
Research, the Journal of Consumer and
Physical Distribution and Logistics
Market Research, and the Journal of
Management, the Journal of Business
Empirical Generalizations in Market-
Jay B. Barney is on the editorial
Logistics, and the Journal of Transpor-
ing. He is an associate editor of the
boards of the Strategic Management
tation Management. She is also an ad
Journal of Consumer Psychology.
Journal, the Journal of Business Ven-
hoc editor for the Journal of Retailing.
turing, and the Columbia Journal of
World Business.
Neelima M. Bendapudi serves on the
editorial board of the Journal of Marketing.
North American editor of the Journal
tion Science.
of Property Research, the leading non-
Peter D. Easton is associate editor of
the Journal of Accounting and Economics, Accounting Horizons, Review
W.C. Benton currently serves as a
of Accounting Studies, and Account-
guest editor for the European Journal
ing and Business Research.
of Operational Research and sits on
the editorial board for the Journal of
Operations Management.
nal of Housing Research, and the
He serves as associate editor of the
Journal of Financial Services Research.
Robert L. Heneman is a member of
the editorial boards of Human Re-
Leslie M. Fine serves on the editorial
source Management Review, Compen-
board of the Journal of Personal Sell-
sation and Benefits Review, and the
ing and Sales Management, which rec-
Human Resource Planning Journal.
Robert E. Burnkrant is the editor of
ognized her with an Excellence in Re-
the Journal of Consumer Research,
viewing award.
of Business. He is also a member of
ence and Urban Economics, the Journal of Housing Economics, the Jour-
counting Research and Accounting
rial board of Accounting Review.
currently housed at the Fisher College
Real Estate Economics, Regional Sci-
editorial boards of Contemporary AcHorizons and has served on the edito-
the editorial boards of the Journal of
Journal of Money Credit and Banking.
the Production and Operations Manof the Journal of Operations Man-
U.S. real estate journal. He is also on
John C. Fellingham is currently on the
William L. Berry is the area editor of
agement Journal and associate editor
Patric H. Hendershott currently is the
John R. Current is co-editor of Loca-
Daniel L. Jensen serves on the editorial
boards of Issues in Accounting Education, the Journal of Accounting and
Public Policy, and The Ohio State University Press.
The Art of Leadership
William L. Berry
Richard M. Ross Chair in Management
Professor of Management Sciences
Jay S. Kim is a member of the editorial
board for the Quarterly Journal of
Leadership Activities:
Director of Center for Excellence in
Manufacturing Management
Fisher Endowed Appointments
Fisher Research Committee
Former Liaison to the Ohio Governor’s
Board of Regents Steel Advisory
Associate Editor, Journal of Operations
Business and Economics.
Elliot I. Klayman currently serves as an
editor of the Real Estate Law Journal.
Douglas M. Lambert is the co-founder
and co-editor of the International
Journal of Logistics Management. In
addition, he serves as member of the
editorial review boards of the Journal
of Marketing Channels, Marketing
Education Review, the International
Journal of Physical Distribution and
expertise competition innovation
Logistics Management, and the Journal of Business Logistics.
Robert P. Leone is an editorial review
board member for the Journal of Mar-
WILLIAM L. BERRY • United States manufacturers face a major
keting and Marketing Science. He is
challenge to be competitive in the world marketplace. In or-
also an occasional reviewer for the
der to be competitive, they must achieve innovations in their
Journal of Marketing Research, the
products and systems. We’ve learned that the companies who
Journal of Consumer Research, and
succeed understand the importance of the operations func-
the Journal of Advertising.
tion in a business and are able to deliver quality products at
G. Keong Leong serves as associate
editor of the Journal of Operations
Management and is a member of the
editorial review board for the Quality
Management Journal.
the right price, the right margins, and the right time.
Those who want to remain on the leading edge utilize
the expertise of Fisher faculty through the Center for Excellence in Manufacturing Management. By promoting close
ties with manufacturing companies, the center produces, discusses, and disseminates leading edge information—knowl-
Roy J. Lewicki serves on the editorial
edge that flows both ways. I’m pleased to report that 40% of
boards of the Negotiation Journal and
the center’s sponsoring board members have won Industry
the Journal of Management Education.
Week’s America’s Best Plant Award within the last five years.
He has also recently been named to
These companies seek the leadership of Fisher faculty
three-year terms on the editorial boards
because of their depth of expertise in their fields; their skills
of the Academy of Management Re-
in listening, observing, and communicating; and their ability
view and Organizational Behavior and
to work effectively with all levels of management. It’s our
Human Decision Processes.
goal to instill these leadership qualities in our students, as
Stephen L. Mangum is a member of the
editorial board for the International
Journal of Manpower.
well. When we provide our MBAs with internship opportunities, they gain manufacturing knowledge that prepares
them for future leadership roles.
Waleed A. Muhanna currently serves
as a member of the editorial board of
the Journal of Information Technology and Management.
The Art of Leadership
Faculty Editorial Activities
Deborah A. Ballam
Professor of Legal Environment,
Department of Finance
Director of Undergraduate Business
Administration Honors Program
Leadership Activities:
Facilitator, Ohio State University
Women’s Grassroots Network
Chair, Council on Academic Excellence
for Women
Senator, University Senate
Co-chair, Fisher College Personnel
Co-chair, Fisher College Climate
Co-chair, Feminist Jurisprudence
Section, Academy of Legal Studies
in Business
Richard J. Murdock is an ad hoc
reviewer for Issues in Accounting
Paul C. Nutt is a senior editor of Organizational Science.
Erik Rolland serves as associate editor
for the Journal of Heuristics, INFORMS Journal on Computing, the
Journal of Information Technology
and Management, and the International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Organizations.
Anthony B. Sanders is the associate
editor of the Journal of Real Estate
Economics and the Journal of Real
Estate Finance and Economics.
DEBORAH A. BALLAM • One of the primary goals of any
leader should be to help others reach their full potential.
People are best able to do this in an environment character-
David A. Schilling is the associate editor of Location Science.
ized by warmth, honor, and dignity. Thus, the most effective
Oded Shenkar serves on the editorial
leaders facilitate rather than dictate, providing direction
boards of the Journal of International
without giving orders. In so doing, they reinforce the belief
Business Studies, the Journal of Man-
that by working together individuals can make things hap-
agement Inquiry, Management Inter-
pen to accomplish organizational goals.
national Review, and Organization
Positive results require a positive process. Good leaders enable their teams to arrive at conclusions based on
group participation—where people feel ownership at all
levels. At the same time that individual ideas are shared and
respected, the energy of the group is focused on achieving a
common goal.
Fisher undergraduate students in the newly developed
Eric E. Spires is a member of the editorial board of Auditing: A Journal of
Practice and Theory.
In addition to serving as managing
editor of the Journal of Finance, which
Business Administration Honors Program are exposed to this
is currently housed at the Fisher Col-
“group energy” through team building activities that begin
lege, Professor René M. Stulz is an
during orientation and continue throughout the academic
associate editor of seven other aca-
program. Through these team experiences, our students learn
demic and practitioner journals.
a valuable lesson about leadership and teamwork — that
everyone must be successful or no one succeeds.
William Todor is on the editorial
boards of the Journal of Management
and Human Resource Planning.
integrity communication cooperation
The Art of Leadership
Douglas M. Lambert
Raymond E. Mason Professor of
Transportation and Logistics
Professor of Marketing
H. Rao Unnava is on the editorial review board of the Journal of Consumer Research.
Leadership Activities:
Director, The Global Supply Chain Forum
Founding Co-Editor, The International
Journal of Logistics Management
Chair, Fisher College Logistics Program
Fisher College Executive Programs
Fisher Endowed Appointments
Fisher College Executive Education
Recipient of all three Council of
Logistics Management Awards (the
only individual to have received
more than one of these prestigious
• First Recipient of the Journal of
Business Logistics Founder’s
Award, 1997 (for outstanding research that has made “a profound
impact on the theory and practice
of logistics”)
• Distinguished Service Award
• Doctoral Research Grant
Rakesh V. Vohra is an associate editor
of Management Science.
Ralph A. Walkling is an associate editor of the Journal of Financial and
Quantitative Analysis, Financial Management, and Financial Review. He is
also a member of the editorial board
for the International Journal of Finance and Accounting.
David E. Wallin is currently on the
editorial board of the Journal of Management Accounting Research.
John P. Wanous serves on the editorial
boards of the Journal of Organizational Behavior, Group and Organization Management, and Human Resource Management.
Peter T. Ward is an associate editor of
enthusiasm energy involvement
the Journal of Operations Management and is on the editorial review
DOUGLAS M. LAMBERT • Enthusiasm is a key element in leader-
boards of the Production and Opera-
ship. In my life I have been greatly influenced by individuals
tions Management Journal and the
who loved their work. A leader’s enthusiasm generates en-
Quality Management Journal.
ergy, which in turn is imparted to those around him or her.
David D. Williams is a member of the
editorial board of the Journal of Accounting & Public Policy and Advances in Accounting.
This is especially true of business education and research. Our logistics research at the college has focused on
topics that are exciting and relevant to industry throughout
the world—developing supply chain partnerships, implementing supply chain management, measuring logistics per-
Richard A. Young serves on the edito-
formance, examining how logistics affects profitability, to
rial board of Accounting Review.
name but a few. If we show leadership in terms of research,
we then have an opportunity to turn those research projects
into educational opportunities, especially for our executive
education programs.
I have served as a faculty member for more than 400
executive development programs in North and South
America, Europe, Asia, and Australia, and I’ve seen how
our research is having an impact on the corporate community in these countries. It’s exciting to be involved in this
process and to see the leadership role the Fisher College has
shown in helping these emerging programs.
The Art of Leadership
Faculty Research
A Sampling of Faculty Research,
Daniel L. Jensen and David M.
1996-97 Academic Year
Cottrell, “Cost Allocation,” The
Zhiwu Chen and Gurdip Bakshi, “An
Handbook of Technology Manage-
Alternative Valuation Model for Con-
Accounting and MIS
Anil Arya, John C. Fellingham, and
Jonathan Glover, “Teams, Repeated
Tasks, and Implicit Incentives,” Journal of Accounting and Economics,
Anil Arya and Jonathan Glover, “The
Role of Budgeting in Eliminating
Tacit Collusion,” Review of Accounting Studies, forthcoming.
ment, CRC Press, forthcoming.
Waleed Muhanna, J. Jiang, and R.
Pick, “The Impact of Model Perfor-
Zhiwu Chen and Gurdip Bakshi,
mance-History Information on User’s
“Equilibrium Valuation of Foreign
Confidence in Decision Models: An
Exchange Claims,” Journal of Fi-
Experimental Examination,” Com-
nance, 1997.
puters in Human Behavior, 1996.
Concepts in Real Estate Research,”
Patterson, “Mean-Variance Analysis
Journal of Property Research, 1997.
of the Performance of Spatial Ordering Methods,” International Journal
ology: The Importance of Suppressing
of Geographical Information Science,
Marginal Totals,” IEEE Transactions
B. Dodin, A.A. Elimam, and Erik
Rolland, “Tabu Search in Audit
P.C. Chu, “Actors and Scripts: Ob-
Scheduling,” European Journal of
ject-Oriented Simulation of Enterprise
Operational Research, 1997.
Systems,” Journal of Systems and
Software, 1997.
Erik Rolland and R. Maghroori, “Enhancing Corporate Investment Deci-
Peter D. Easton, “The Argument for
sions for IS/T: The Role of Leadership
Earnings: How Earnings Take Their
Strategies,” Measuring Information
Place in Picking Stocks,” JASSA,
Technology Investment Payoff: Con-
temporary Approaches, ed. MA
Peter D. Easton, “Use of Comparisons of Patterns of Stock Return and
Mahmood (Harrisburg, PA: IDEA
Group Publishing), 1997.
Accounting Data in Understanding
Ronald R. King and David E. Wallin,
Apparently Anomalous Returns to
“Managerial Incentives for Disclosure
Accounting-based Trading Strate-
Timing,” Journal of Management
gies,” Contemporary Accounting Re-
Accounting Research, 1996.
search, 1997.
Anil Arya, Jonathan Glover, and Ri-
Patric H. Hendershott, “Valuing
Properties When Comparable Sales
Do Not Exist and the Market is in
Disequilibrium,” Journal of Property
Research, 1996.
Bernadette A. Minton, Christopher
Géczy, and Catherine Schrand, “Why
Firms Used Currency Derivatives,”
Journal of Finance, September 1997.
Bernadette A. Minton, “An Empirical
Examination of Basis Valuation Models for Plain Vanilla U.S. Interest Rate
Swaps,” Journal of Financial Economics, 1997.
Timothy Opler, M. Saron, and S.
Titman, “Corporate Liability Management,” Journal of Applied Corporate Finance, 1997.
John C. Persons, “Heterogeneous
Shareholders and Signaling with
Share Repurchases,” Journal of Cor-
Daniel L. Jensen and Edward N.
chard A. Young, “Mechanism Design
Coffman, eds. James L. Pierce: A Col-
under Alternative Information Struc-
lection of His Writings, Vol. 3, The
tures and Constrained Capacity,”
John C. Persons and Vincent A.
Accounting Hall of Fame Series in
Journal of Economic Theory, 1996.
Warther, “Boom and Bust Patterns in
Accounting History, The Ohio State
University, 1997.
Anil Arya, Jonathan Glover, and Richard A. Young, “Capital Budgeting
in a Multidivisional Firm,” Journal of
Accounting, Auditing, and Finance,
Patric H. Hendershott, “Equilibrium
Waleed Muhanna, A. Kumar, and R.
P.C. Chu, “Cell Suppression Method-
on Knowledge and Data Engineering,
tingent Claims,” Journal of Financial
Economics, forthcoming.
porate Finance, 1997.
the Adoption of Financial Innovations,” Review of Financial Studies,
The Art of Leadership
Susan L. Josephs
Associate Dean for Educational and
Professional Diversity
Anthony B. Sanders, Stephen A.
Buser, and Andrew Karolyi, “Ad-
Leadership Activities:
Fisher Executive Committee
Fisher Committee for Educational and
Professional Diversity
Ford-OSU Partnership Steering
justed Forward Rates as Predictors of
Future Spot Rates,” Journal of Fixed
Income, 1996.
Anthony B. Sanders and Andrew
Karolyi, “The Variation of Risk Premiums in Real Estate Returns,” Journomics, forthcoming.
Paul H. Schultz, Paul Clyde, and Mir
Zaman, “Trading Costs and Exchange Listing: The Case of Firms
that Voluntarily Move from the
American Stock Exchange to the
NASDAQ,” Journal of Finance,
SUSAN L. JOSEPHS • Diversity must encompass all aspects of our
Paul H. Schultz and Jeffrey Harris,
lives, including how we all do business. We live in a diverse
“The Importance of Firm Quotes and
world with diverse customers and diverse employees. It is
Rapid Executions: Evidence from the
simply good business and good management to respect the
January 1994 SOES Rules Change,”
differences of those with whom we live and work. With the
Journal of Financial Economics,
creation of my position as associate dean for educational and
professional diversity, the college took a leading role in the
academic community by committing itself to preparing stu-
René M. Stulz and Andrew Karolyi,
“Why Do Markets Move Together?
An Investigation of U.S.-Japan Stock
Return Comovements,” Journal of
Finance, 1996.
dents, faculty, and staff to work in an increasingly diverse
environment. This move on the part of the college was a bottom line initiative, not a federal mandate.
One example of the college’s leadership in this area is
its overarching aggressive policy concerning the continuous
René M. Stulz, Kooyul Jung, and
recruitment of key faculty. Other examples include our out-
Yong-Cheol Kim, “Timing, Invest-
reach activities with external constituents, such as the MBA
ment Opportunities, Managerial Dis-
Corporate Mentoring program. We pair women, minority,
cretion, and the Security Issue Deci-
and international students with corporate mentors to help
sion,” Journal of Financial
with the challenges they will face in their future careers. The
Economics, 1996.
program truly prepares students to become leaders in a di-
Jon Karpoff, Paul Malatesta, and
Ralph A. Walkling, “Corporate Governance and Shareholder Initiatives:
Empirical Evidence,” The Journal of
Financial Economics, 1996.
teamwork vision diversity visibility
nal of Real Estate Finance and Eco-
verse workplace.
Leadership asks us to train ourselves to run counter
to some of our basic psychology. We have to get outside of
ourselves and view the world through the eyes of others. It
demands that we truly listen rather than simply sending
back our own ideas. These personal qualities are not always
found in the smartest person or the one with the highest test
scores. They are found in those people who possess new
ways of seeing, rather than seeing new things.
The Art of Leadership
Faculty Research
Waleed A. Muhanna
Associate Professor of Accounting
WALEED A. MUHANNA • Advances in computer and communications technologies are transforming the very nature of
managerial work and reshaping the structure of organizations, the way firms operate, relate to other firms, and compete in the global marketplace. At the Fisher College we
have worked hard during the last four years to provide curricula that are state-of-the-art in both content and pedagogy. We have become a leader among business schools in
leveraging the web and other technologies to enhance course
contents and flexibility and maximize the efficiency of instructional delivery and student learning. Students already
see how these technologies are transforming instructional
and other services at the college.
It is very important for our students to realize that
these technologies are the foundations of a new digital
Classifications on Financial Research,” Journal of Financial and
Quantitative Analysis, 1996.
Management and Human Resources
Jay B. Barney, B. Fuerst, and F. Mata,
“Information Technology and Sustained Competitive Advantage: A Resource-Based Analysis,” MIS Quarterly, 1996.
Jay B. Barney, Gaining and Sustaining Competitive Advantage (Reading,
MA: Addison-Wesley), 1997.
Jerald Greenberg, Negotiating the
Gray Zone: A Guide to Stemming the
Tide of Invisible Losses (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass), forthcoming.
Jerald Greenberg and R. Cropanzano,
Advances in Organizational Justice
(San Francisco: New Lexington),
C. von Hippel, Stephen L. Mangum,
David B. Greenberger, Robert L.
Heneman, and J.D. Skoglind, “Temporary Employment: Can Organizations and Employees Both Win?”
Academy of Management Executive,
economy, not just new tools. The ability to lead organizations
Robert L. Heneman, C. von Hippel,
in directions that leverage the new technologies will be a key
D. Eskew, and David B. Greenberger,
success factor in the future. Most business programs focus on
“Strategic Rewards in Unionized En-
solving today’s problems with today's technologies. We take a
vironments,” American Compensa-
different approach: preparing our students to work with new
tion Association Journal, 1997.
technologies throughout their careers and helping them be-
Belton Fleisher, Yong Yin, and
come change agents in business and industry. This requires a
Stephen M. Hills, “The Role of Hous-
clear vision about what, how, and where technology can best
ing Privatization and Labor-market
be used; careful planning; and the ability to motivate and
Reform in China’s Dual Economy,”
enlist the support of others. In the courses I teach, I make it a
China Economic Review, Volume 8
practice to point out these leadership characteristics and
Number 1 (1997).
strategies for managing the change process.
Walkling, “The Impact of Industry
vision strategy motivation
Leadership Activities:
Interim Co-director, Center for
Information Technologies
Committee for Graduate Education in
Accounting & MIS
MIS Program Committee
MBA Program Policy Committee
Undergraduate Program Policy
Career Services Advisory Committee
World Wide Web Ad Hoc Committee
Professional Experience Program
Adviser, Ohio State Information
Systems Association
Kathleen M. Kahle and Ralph A.
The Art of Leadership
P. Roberto Garcia and Stephen M.
John P. Wanous and Arnon E.
David A. Collier and Darryl Wilson,
Hills, “Meeting ‘Lean’ Competitors:
Reichers, “Overall Job Satisfaction:
“The Role of Automation and Labor
Ford De Mexico’s Industrial Rela-
How Good Are Single-item Mea-
in Determining Customer Satisfaction
tions Strategy,” Work and Workers in
sures?” Journal of Applied Psychol-
in a Telephone Repair Service,” Deci-
the North American Auto Industry,
ogy, 1997.
sion Sciences, forthcoming.
Management Sciences
John R. Current, S. Ratick, and C. S.
W.C. Benton and R. Srivastava, “Pur-
ReVille, “Dynamic Facility Location
P.W. Mulvey and Howard J. Klein,
chase Quantity Discounts and Open
When the Total Number of Facilities
“The Impact of Perceived Loafing
Order Rescheduling in an Assemble-
is Uncertain: A Decision Analysis Ap-
and Collective Efficacy on Group
to-Order Environment: The Hidden
proach,” European Journal of Opera-
Goal Processes and Group Perfor-
Economic Tradeoffs,” European Jour-
tional Research, 1997.
mance,” Organizational Behavior
nal of Operational Research, 1997.
edited by Steve Babson and Huberto
Juarez, forthcoming.
and Human Decision Processes,
C.A. Weber, John R. Current, and A.
W.C. Benton and Michael Maloni,
Desai, “Non-cooperative Negotiation
“Supply Chain Partnerships: Oppor-
Strategies for Vendor Selection,” Eu-
Howard J. Klein and Jay S. Kim, “A
tunities for Operations Research,”
ropean Journal of Operational Re-
Field Study of the Influence of Situ-
European Journal of Operational
search, 1997.
ational Constraints, Leader-Member
Research, 1997.
Exchange and Goal Commitment on
Nicholas G. Hall and C.
C. Bozarth, William L. Berry, and S.
Sriskandarajah, “A Survey of Ma-
Chapman,” Market-Manufacturing
chine Scheduling Problems with
Congruence: Measuring the Strategic
Blocking and No-Wait in Process,”
Roy J. Lewicki, R. Bies, and B.H.
Fit Between Market Requirements
Operations Research, 1996.
Sheppard, Research on Negotiation in
and Manufacturing Capability,” De-
Organizations, Vol. 6 (Stanford, CT:
cision Sciences Journal, 1997.
Performance,” Academy of Management Journal, forthcoming.
JAI Publications), 1997.
Nicholas G. Hall, H. Kamoun, and C.
Sriskandarajah, “Scheduling in Ro-
T.E. Vollmann, William L. Berry, and
botic Cells: Classification, Two and
Roy J. Lewicki and R. Robinson, “A
D.C. Whybark, Manufacturing Plan-
Three Machine Cells,” Operations
Factor Analytic Study of Negotiator
ning and Control Systems (4th ed.)
Research, 1997.
Ethics,” Journal of Business Ethics,
(Homewood, IL: Business One Irwin),
Andrew Sum, Stephen L. Mangum,
Amelia S. Carr and Larry R. Smeltzer,
the Potential of Advanced Manufac-
et. al., “A Generation of Challenge:
“An Empirical Definition of Strategic
turing Technologies,” Journal of Op-
Pathways to Success for Urban
Purchasing,” International Journal of
erations Management, forthcoming.
Youth,” Institute for Policy Studies,
Purchasing and Supply Management,
Johns Hopkins University, Mono-
graph 97-03, 1997.
Amelia S. Carr and John N. Pearson,
Garth Mangum and Stephen L.
“Strategically Managed Buyer-Sup-
Mangum, Programs in Aid of the
plier Relationships,” 1997 DSI An-
Poor (Johns Hopkins University
nual Conference Proceedings, forth-
Press, Baltimore), 1997.
K.K. Boyer, G. Keong Leong, Peter T.
Ward, and L.J. Krajewski, “Unlocking
Glenn W. Milligan, “Cluster Analysis,” Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences, Vol. 2, 1997.
Richard Cheng and Glenn W. Milligan,
“Measuring the Influence of Individual
Data Points in a Cluster Analysis,”
Journal of Classification, 1996.
David A. Collier, “Interlinking Process Performance to Customer Satisfaction,” Advancing Service Quality:
A Global Perspective, 1996.
The Art of Leadership
Faculty Research
Paul C. Nutt, “How Decision Makers
Peter E. Rossi, Robert E. McCulloch,
Curtis P. Haugtvedt and Consumer
Evaluate Alternatives and the Influ-
and Greg M. Allenby, “The Value of
Psychology Seminar: “Beyond Fact
ence of Complexity,” Management
Purchase History Data in Target Mar-
and Artifact: An Assessment of
Science, forthcoming.
keting,” Marketing Science, 1996.
Fishbein and Middlestadt’s Perspec-
Paul C. Nutt, “Framing Strategic De-
Neelima M. Bendapudi, Surendra N.
cisions,” Organization Science, forth-
Singh, and Venkat Bendapudi, “En-
hancing Helping Behavior: An Inte-
Erik Rolland, David A. Schilling, and
John R. Current, “A Tabu Search Approach to the p-Median Problem,”
Curtis P. Haugtvedt and J.R. Priester
(1997) “Conceptual and Method-
ological Issues in Advertising Effec-
search, 1996.
L. Berry, “Customers’ Motivations
SIAM Journal on Computing, Vol.
25, No. 4, 1996.
WanSoo Rhee, “Packing Random
Intervals,” The Annals of Applied
Probability, Vol. 6, No. 2, 1996.
WanSoo Rhee, Y. Bartal, A. Fiat, H.
Karloff, and Rakesh V. Vohra, “New
for Maintaining Relationships with
Service Providers,” Journal of Retailing, 1997.
Martha C. Cooper, Lisa M. Ellram,
John T. Gardner, and Albert M.
Hanks, “Meshing Multiple Alli-
tiveness: An Attitude Strength Perspective,” In T.W. Wells (ed.)
Measuring Advertising Effectiveness,
Erlbaum, 1997.
Douglas M. Lambert, “Developing
and Implementing Supply Chain Partnerships,” The International Journal
of Logistics Management, 1996.
ances,” Journal of Business Logistics,
Douglas M. Lambert, “Building Suc-
cessful Logistics Partnerships,” Journal
P.V.S. Balakrishnan, Martha C. Coo-
of Business Logistics, forthcoming.
per, V.S. Jacob, and P.A. Lewis,
Robert P. Leone and Srini S.
“Comparative Performance of the
Srinivasan, “Face Value: Its Impact
FSCL Neural Net and K-means Algo-
on Coupon Redemption, Brand Sales,
rithm for Market Segmentation,” Eu-
and Brand Profitability,” Journal of
Peter T. Ward, Deborah J. Bickford,
ropean Journal of Operational Re-
Retailing, 1996.
and G. Keong Leong, “Configura-
search, 1996.
Algorithms for an Ancient Scheduling
Problem,” Journal of Computer and
System Science, forthcoming.
tions of Manufacturing Strategy,
Business Strategy, Environment and
Structure,” Journal of Management,
puter Models in Consultative Sell-
Wendy L. Warren, “Identifying Peer
ing,” Decision Dynamics, 1997.
Mentors in the Sales Force: An Exploratory Investigation of Willingness
and Ability,” Journal of the Academy
Gregory M. Allenby, Lichung Jen,
of Marketing Science, 1996.
Trends and Being Trendy: The Influence of Consumer Confidence on Retail Fashion Sales,” Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 1996.
H. Lee Mathews, “The Use of Com-
Ellen B. Pullins, Leslie M. Fine, and
and Robert P. Leone, “Economic
Leslie M. Fine, Krista Matheny Harris, Ellen Pullins, Wendy Warren,
“The Salesforce Mentor/Protege Relationships: An Exploratory Qualitative
Investigation,” Marketing Theory and
Applications, Volume 5 (Chicago:
American Marketing Association),
Planning,” Journal of Marketing,
Neelima M. Bendapudi and Leonard
tribution for Best-Fit Decreasing,”
Journal of Consumer Psychology, in
grative Framework for Promotional
European Journal of Operations Re-
WanSoo Rhee, “Convergence in Dis-
tive on Attitude Change Processes,”
H. Lee Mathews, “A Roadmap for
Strategic Marketing,” Decision Dynamics, 1997.
Mark Stiving and Russell S. Winer,
“An Empirical Analysis of Price Endings with Scanner Data,” Journal of
Consumer Research, 1997.