Lecture 2: Dirac notation and a review of linear algebra Read Sakurai chapter 1, Baym chatper 3 1 State vector space and the dual space Space of wavefunctions The space of wavefunctions is the set of all the possible wavefunctions of a given system. Ψ1 (ξ), Ψ2 (ξ), ..., are wavefunctions in the representation of ξ. ξ can be general. For example, in the coordinate representation ξ = (~q, σ), where ~q represents the set of coordinates (~q1 , ...~qN ), and σ represents the set of particle spin (σ1,z , ..., σ2,z ). The inner product between two wavefunctions are defined as Z (ΨA , ΨB ) = ∗ Z dξΨ (ξ)Ψ(ξ) = ∑ σ1,z ,...,σN,z d~q1 ...d~qN Ψ∗σ1 σ2 ...σN (~q1 , ..~qN )Ψσ1 σ2 ...σN (~q1 , ..,~qN ). (1) Space of state vectors (right-vectors); the Hilbert space More conveniently, we use the notation of the state vector |Ψi (right/ket-vector) to represent a wavefunction Ψ(ξ) of a given quantum system. The advantage of the state vector notation is that it does not depend on concrete representations. All the state vectors |Ψi span the linear space denoted as the Hilbert space H of a given quantum system. The following correspondence between a wavefunction and a state vector is defined as: 1) Ψ(ξ) ←→ |Ψi; 2) c1 Ψ1 (ξ) + c2 Ψ2 (ξ) ←→ c1 |Ψ1 i + c2 |Ψ2 i; 3) The inner product: (Ψ1 , Ψ2 ) ←→ (|Ψ1 i, |Ψ2 i). The orthonormal complete bases for the space of state vectors complete bases Ψα , we have ∑ Ψα(ξ)Ψ∗α(ξ´) = δ(ξ − ξ´). (Ψα , Ψ´α ) = δ(α, α´ ), For an orthonormal (2) α For any wavefunction Ψ, we can expand it as Ψ(ξ) = ∑ Ψα (ξ)(Ψα (ξ), Ψ), (3) α and the inner product as (Ψ´ , Ψ) = ∑(Ψα , Ψ´ )∗ (Ψα , Ψ), (4) α Using the formalism of right-vectors, we use |Ψα i to represent the wavefunction of 1 Ψα (ξ), and rewrite the above equations as (|Ψα i, |Ψ´α i = δ(α, α´ ), |Ψi = ∑ |Ψα i(|Ψα i, |Ψi), α ´ (|Ψ i, |Ψi) = ´ ∗ ∑(|Ψα, i|Ψ i) (|Ψαi, |Ψi), (5) α where (|Ψα i, |Ψi) is the coordinate of the state vector |Ψi projection to the basis |Ψα i. The dual space (space of left-vectors) The right-vector space H is a linear space. All the linear mappings from the right-vector space H to the complex number field C also form a linear space, which is denoted as the dual space. We use left-vector (bra-vector) to denote an element in the dual space. Let us consider a linear mapping denoted by hA| in the dual space, which can be determined by its operation on the orthonormal bases Φα in the Hilbert space H. hA : |Φα i → a∗α , (6) where a∗α is a complex number, and α is the index to mark the orthonormal bases. Then for any right-vector |Bi = ∑α bα |Ψα i where bα = (|Bi, |Ψα i), the operation of hA| on |Bi is represented as hA| : |Bi → ∑ a∗α bα . (7) α We can identify a one-to-one correspondence between a right-vector and a linear mapping (a left-vector) as hA| ←→ |Ai = aα |Φα i, (8) such that the operation of hA| on any right-vector |Bi is expressed as hA| : |Bi → ∑ a∗α bα = (|Ai, |Bi). (9) α Below we will simply use the notation hA|Bi to denote the mapping hA| : |Bi. Using these notations, we can rewrite Eq. 5 as hΨα |Ψ´α i = δ(α, α´ ), |Ψi = ∑ |Ψα ihΨα |Ψi. (10) α We define the conjugation operation for left and right vectors, and complex numbers as |Ψi = hΨ|; hφ| = |φi; ā = a∗ , (11) thus we have a|Ai = hA|ā, ahB| = |Biā. 2 (12) 2 Operator of an observable We define the linear operator L acting on the right-vectors in H , which satisfies 1) L|Bi is still a right-vector in H , 2) L(b|Bi + c|Ci) = bL|Bi + cL|Ci. L can be determined through its operation on the orthonormal basis |Φβ i of H as L|Φβ i = ∑ Lαβ |Φα i, (13) α where Lαβ = hΨα |L|Ψβ i is the matrix element of L for the basis of Φα . For any state-vector |Bi = ∑α bα |Φα i, the operation of L is L|Bi = ∑ bβ L|Φβ i = ∑ Lαβ bβ |Φα i. β (14) αβ The operation of L on the left vectors can also be defined. For a given hA|, the operation of hA|L is defined through the following equation hA|L : |Bi = hA|L|Bi, (15) where |Bi is an arbitrary right-vector. Thus hA|L is a linear mapping from the right-vector space to complex numbers, thus it should be represented by a left-vector hφ| = hA|L, such that hA|L : |Bi = hφ|Bi. The conjugation operations low We further extend the definition of conjugation operation behΨ1 |L|Ψ2 i = hΨ2 |L|Ψ1 i, L1 L2 = L2 L1 , L|Ψi = hΨ|L, hA|Bi = hB|Ai. (16) In the following, we denote L as L† . In the orthonormal basis Ψα , the matrix elements of L† reads † ∗ Lαβ = hΨα |L† |Ψβ i = hΨβ |L|Ψα i = Lβα . ∗ , we call that L is Hermitian. If the operators L = L† , i.e., Lαβ = Lβα 3 (17) 3 Outer product between left and right-vectors as operators We define |AihB| as a linear operator. When acting on a right-vector |Ψi, it behaves as (|AihB|)|Ψi = |AihB|Ψi. (18) Corollary: 1)hΨ|(|AihB|) = hΨ|AihB|, 2) |AihB| = |BihA|, 3) |AihA| is Hermitian. 4) |AihB|Ψi = hΨ|BihA| = |Ψi |AihB|. 5) For a set of orthonormal bases |Ψα i, from Eq. 5, we have I = ∑ |Ψα ihΨα |, (19) α where I is the identity operator. 6) Expansion of a linear operator L as L = ∑ |Ψα ihΨα |L|Ψα´ ihΨα´ | = ∑ |Ψα ihΨα´ |Lαα´ , αα´ (20) αα´ where Lαα´ = hΨα |L|Ψα´ i is the matrix element under the bases of |Ψα i. Examples: 1)For a single spinless particle, we denote |~ri as the eigenstate of the coordinate operator ~r, which satisfy the orthonormal condition h~r|~r´ i = δ(~r −~r´ ). We have Z d~r|~rih~r| = I, (21) d~r|~rih~r|Ψi = |Ψi, (22) d~r´ h~r|~r´ ih~r´ |Ψi = h~r|Ψi = Ψ(~r). (23) thus Z and Z 4 Similarly, for an orthonormal basis Ψα , we have ∑ Ψ∗α(~r)Ψα(~r´) α = ∑h~r|Ψαi∗h~r´|Ψαi = ∑h~r´|ΨαihΨα|~ri = h~r´|{∑ |ΨαihΨα}|~ri α α ´ α ´ = h~r |~ri = δ(~r −~r ). 4 (24) Representations and transformation of representations When we fix a set of orthonormal bases |Ψα i for the Hilbert space, it means that we are using a specific representation. We can express a state vector |Ψi and a linear operator L as matrices as |Ai = ∑ |ΨαihΨα|Ai, α L = ∑ |ΨαihΨ´α|hΨα|L|Ψ´αi, (25) αα´ and hA|Bi = ∑hA|ΨαihΨα|Bi α hA|L|Bi = ∑hΨα|Ai∗LαβhΨα|Bi. (26) α´ Using the matrix notation, we denote Aα = hΨα |Ai, then in the representation of |Ψα i, |Ai is represented by a column vector of Aα , and L is represented by a matrix Lαβ . In the matrix notation, we have hA|Bi = ∑ A∗α Bα , hA|L|Bi = ∑ A∗α Lαβ Bβ . α (27) αβ Let us choose another set of orthonormal basis |ϕλ i, which satisfy ∑λ |ϕλ ihϕλ | = I. The transformation matrix U between these two sets of bases is defined as |ϕλ i = ∑ |Ψα ihΨα |ϕλ i = ∑ |Ψα iUαλ , α (28) α where Uαλ = hΨα |ϕλ i. U is an unitary matrix, which satisfies the following relation U †U = UU † = I. (29) For an arbitrary state vector |Ai, its coordinate hΨα |Ai in the |Ψi representation can be expressed in terms of its coordinates in the |ϕi representation through the transformation matrix 5 U as hΨα |Ai = ∑hΨα |ϕλ ihϕλ |Ai = ∑ Uαλ hϕλ |Ai. λ (30) λ And for the matrix element Lαα´ in the |Ψi-representation can also be related to that in the in the |ϕi representation as † hΨα |L|Ψα´ i = ∑hΨα |ϕλ ihϕλ |L|ϕλ´ ihϕλ´ |Ψα´ i = Uαλ hϕλ |L|ϕλ´ iUλα ´. λλ´ 6 (31)