I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Yaquina Bay' YaquinaBay River and andRiver Material Dredged Material Dredqed Plan Disposal DiSposalPlan Lincoln County, Oregon Oregon LincolnCounty, July, 1977 July,1977 Wilsey && Ham Ham Wilsey .''" #l.lXI fi'"}' 1S'TT f T RM!4 OT1 cu fi,O4 *imo I'i 1;1;..i,l.i' "*n' 'i?6 part i n part r e p o r t was - w a financed sf i n a n c e din The t h i s report p r e p a r a t i o nof o f this T h epreparation the the under Gr ant Development through a Program Development Grant under P ro gr am th ro l g h 'a adm jnister ed 1972,administered of 1972, Act of Coastal Act Management Z o n eManagement C o a sti l Zone of the the Management Zone by the Office of Coastal Zone Management Coastal by the 0ffice ",'. j on. .,.. L.l,* Adm n' j istr at Atm ospher ic National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration c and N i ti o n a t Oce ani " O q7 i't i,,i ^" i. It I I I I I II I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I HI I I T HII El El TABLT TABLE OF OFCONTENTS CONTENTS Section SectionII I NTRODUCTI INTRODUCTION ON 1 S e c t i o nIIII Section DRTDGING DREDGING METHODS && CONSTRAINTS METHODS CONSTRAINTS 3 3 Section S e c t i o nIIII II DREDGING DREDGING NEEDS && OPTIONS NEEDS OPTIONS 7 RIVER SEGMENT 1I RIVER SEGMENT 21 RIVER SEGMENT 22 RIVER SEGM ENT 43 43 RIVER SEGMENT 33 RIVER SEGM ENT 59 59 RIVER SEGMENT 4 RIVER SEGM ENT 4 71 RIVTR RIVER SEGMENT S E G M E55N T 81 8t RIVER RIVER SEGMENT 66 SEGM ENT 89 89 RIVER SEGMENT 77 RIVER SEGM ENT 99 99 I 7 21 71 .I09 Section S e c t i o nIIVV D I S P O S GUIDELINES A LU I D E L I N E S DISPOSAL G Section V SectionV IMPLEMENTATI IMPLEMENTATION ON t113 't3 Section S e c t i o nVI VI FUTURE FUTURE CONSIDERATIONS CONSIDERATIONS l119 t9 Section VII S e c t i o nV II APPENDIX AGENCY APPENDIX && AGENCY RESPONSE RESPONSE 109 I IiI II LI II 11I II II I I HI I II II I I I II II It T I T TI Section SectionII Introduction lntroduction ilI I I I I 11 tI I I t I II I I I I II I I I I ll LI I I I I I I lt El INTRODUCTION SECTION II .- INTRODUCTION SECTION The The Problem Problem ' im por tanttransportation pr ovidedimportant Oregon's waterways 0 r e g on 'scoastal co a sta l w a te rw a y have shaveprovided link ages tr anspor tation linkages ssince i n c e tthe h e first f i r s t human almost h u m a habitation n a b i t a t i o nof P a c i f i c Northwest. h o f the t h e Pacific N o r t h w e s t . IIn n a lmost pr opor tion to a l l cases, all off the waterways has in dir direct c a se s, the th e use u se o has expanded to th e water ways expanded ect proportion t h e increased i ncre a se deconomic the e co n o miactivity ca ctivity in in the the towns townsalong alongthe and the coastal coasta'bays lbaysand g ro w thin rivers. r i v e r s. T This i n navigational demand has use of of h i s growth n a vigational demand has rresulted esulted in in the the use l a r g e r barges b a rg e sa an larger and which often require deeper water water depths depths than than c can n d ships sh i p s w r equir e deeper h ich often be accommodated by be a c co mmo d a te b ydthe th e natural baychannels. channe' ls. In to n a tur al river r iver and andbay In order or der to ( the rremoval al s allow access vessels, dredging of bottom materials allow a cce ssfor fo r these th e se ve edging(the em ovalof bottommateri ssels, dr from f r o m below be l o wthe th e water in many manyof w a te r surface) su rfa ce)has hasoccurred occur r edin of Oregon's Or egon' waterways. swater way s . both By and deepening deepening the rriver channel, both By removing r e mo vi n gbottom b o tto msediments iver channel, se d i me ntsand and recreational vessels can can gain gain access access to the ocean, ocean, upr upriver iv er ccommercial o m m e rci aa l n d re cre a ti o n al vessels ports a ports and riverside docks, moorages and mar marinas, thus enhancing enhancing the the n d ri ve rsi d e d o cks, moor ages and inas,thus ' land useability and the adjacent adjacentland areas. u s e a bi l i ty of o f both b o th the th e waterway andthe ar eas. w a ter way is oceanis The T h e stream tra n sp o rt of o f sediments fr om the the upland uplandareas to the the ocean s tre a mtransport se dim entsfrom ar eas to p art o g e o l o gic pr ocesses part off th the natural geologic processes are occurring along Oregon's n a tu ra l that ar e a' long 0r egon's e occur r ing coast. c o a s t . As downstr eam, a A s these th e se sediments se d i me n tsare ar e transported tr anspor teddownstream, a significant significant p o r t i o n of b a y s nand and portion within moving t h e mare a r e deposited d e p o s i t e dw o v i n gbays, o f them i t h i n river r i v e r shoals, s h o a ' l s ,slow s l o wm ocean entrance channels. Therefore, the depths of many of the navigation o c e a ne n tra n cech a n n e l s.T her efor e,the depths m any the navigat i on n a t u r a l deposition, and routes a r e constantly c o n s t a n t l ylessened a s aa result r e s u l t of o f natural d e p o s i t i o n ,and r o u t e s are l e s s e n e das d r e d g i n gmu st occur o ccu r at a t regular dredging must maintain these re g ular intervals inter vals in order or der to m aintain these navigational n a v i g a ti o n a ldepths. d e p th s. p a r a 1 1 e those Navigational tl r e n d s in i n Yaquina c l o s e l y parallel t1h o s e N a v i g a t i o n atrends Y a q u i n aBay B a yand a n d River R i v e r closely As the area has become an fo r the outlined o u t l i ne d for th e Oregon C o astas as aa whole. whole. As the ar ea has become an Ore g o nCoast eas i ng center for commercial and rrecreation, increasing iimportant m p o r ta n tce n te r fo r iindustry, er cialfishing and ecr eation, incr n d u str y, comm p l a ce don Within the demands system . l^lithin the bay bay and and d e m a n dhave hsa vebeen b e e nplaced the navigation navigationsystem. o n the p u b l i c and p r i v a t e investments n a v i g a t i o n a limprovements river, r i v e r , both a n d private i n v e s t m e n tin isn navigational improvements b o t h public people goodsand have made movement of goods the m ovement and people h a v ebeen b e e nma d ein i n order o rd e r to facilitate facilitate the public navigation between upriver areas and ocean. M Major im pr ovem ents ajor public navigationimprovements b e t w ee nu p ri ve r a re a s a n d the the ocean. outh,aa have construction an entr entrance mouth, i n cl u d e d the ancechannel channelat the the m h a v eincluded th e co n stru ctionof an h a n n e l ,e through McLean and ann upriver extending b a s i n near nearM c l e a nPoint n da u p r i v e r cchannel, x t e n d i n gthrough tturning u r n i n g basin Point a p u b l i c port p o r t districts have Toledo. i n both b o t h Newport N e w p o rand T o l e d ohave T o l e d o . The T h epublic d i s t r i c t s in at n dToledo moorage and the is cumently o ra g efacilities fa ci l 'i ti es and the Port Por t of Newport Newpor is t currently cconstructed o n s t ru cte dmo i n the t h e lower lower implementing off a large marina r e c r e a t i o n a lm a r i n ain i m p l e m e n t i ncconstruction go n s t r u c t i o no l a r g e recreational p, r i v a t e businesses p u b l i c investments, hs a v e b u s i n e s s ehave addition t o these i n v e s t m e n t sprivate bay. b a y . In In a d d i t i o n to t h e s e public b a r g eloading loading also navigational i tnsc l u d i n g the t h e barge a v i g a t i o n a fimprovements i m p r o v e m e nincluding a ' l s occonstructed o n s t r u c t e dn pr ivate operated Terminals, and the the variety of private b y Newport var iety of ffacility a c i l i ty o p e ra te dby N e w p orTer t m inals,and t h e river. rjver. commercial a r e scattered s c a t t e r e dalong a l o n gthe aln drecreational r e c r e a t i o n a lmarinas m a r i n a swhich w h i c hare c o m m e r c i aand The a n dthe t h e anticipated a n t i c i p a t e dconstruction construction c o n t i n u e duse o f these f a c ' i l i t j e s , and T h econtinued u s e of t h e s efacilities, b a y and and of d r e d g i n gof o f the t h e bay n a v i g a t i o nfacilities, f a c i l i t ' i e s , requires r e q u i r e scontinued c o n t i n u e ddredging o f new n e wnavigation river r i v e r to t o allow a l l o w vessel v e s s e laccess. access. jt is is Before dr edgedfrom fr om the the bay bay and and river, r iver , it ca n be be dredged B e f o r ebottom b o tto msediments se d i me n tscan placed. necessary thosematerials m ater ialscan beplaced. n e c e ssa ryto to locate l o ca te areas a re a supon canbe uponwhich whichthose p l a c e don H i s t o r i c a l l y , Yaquina Y a q u i n aBay d r e d g e dmaterial m a t e r i a l have Historically, B a yand a n d River R i v e r dredged b e e nplaced h a v ebeen on I I I I I I 1 I I I I 1 I I location the location on the dependingon sites depending disposal sites land disposal and land combination of of ocean oceanand a combination sediments the of composition of to be be dredged dredged and and the the composition of the sediments to to of the materials to and YaquinaBay the mouth mouth.of In general, sediments between of Yaquina be removed. removed. In general, sedimentsbetweenthe be .Bayand disposal' McLean the ocean ocean for for deep deep water water disposal, to the iransported to beentransported hav6 been Point have McleanPoint placed placed been have the river of while materials dredged from the remainder of the river have been remainder whiia materials dredgedfrom'the entrance and bay. the Dredged materials from the bay and entrance from areas. Dredgedmaterials the upriver uprivir areas. on in the on land land in lower lower in the areas land newland areas in the channel were also major new to construct construct-major alsb used used to channelwere and bay inctuaing including Mclean McLean Point and and much much of-the of the 0regon Oregon State State University University and UiV property at Beach. SouthBeach. at South Port Newportproperty Port of Newport constraints Due to to a range range of of environmental, environmental, engineering engineering and and topographic topographic constraints Due placed are are yaquiia be. mal' materials dredgedmaterials may be placed uponwhich within which dredged Bay, sites upon witt'tn Yaquina Bay, bayan d the bay and the within to continue continuewithin ye t, if is to in i f navigation havigationis su p p l yl yet, l i m i te ci supply; i n limited activities edgi!g_activities sufficient sites must be identified so that that dr dredging identified so st berriver, i v e r , su ffi ci b n i -si te i mu m ainfor mainis responsible r esponsiblefor of Engineers Engineer sis th e Corps Cor psof A l th o u g hthe m a ycontinue. c on ti n u e . Although may they channel, they channel, tenance of the entranie entrance channe'|, channel, turning turning basin basin and and river river teiranceof local local the after the dredgingonly only after will dredging performthe maintenance the scheduled scheduledmaintenance will perform material for dredged iites for necessarysites port districts have obtained the dredged material the necessary port bistricts have obtained adequate locate adequate also locate mustalso p o rts of Toledo Toledomust and N e wporand t o f Newport T h eports idisposal. i s p o s a l . The existi ng their existing fr om their edgedfrom p i a ce me no tf m that ar ater ials that sites of materials aree dr dredged fo r the th e placement s i t b s for the pr oiects. In por t projects. addition, the In addition, a nynew newport a s any moorage w e l l as a re a s, as a s well m o o r a g areas, e along sites along bar g_e industr ial barge andindustrial private marinas and sites p r i v i i e businesses mar inls b u si n 6 sse operating so p e ra ti ngdr edged dredged the of the disposal of for disposal sites for the must a l so-locate locate sites i t also ri ve r mu a n d river l f r e bay O ayand facilities. of those thosefacilities. g e n e ra te dby maintenance materials of th e maintenance b y the m a t e r i l l s generated judged suitable for for be judged to be area to in-water area land or or in-water In order for for either either aa land In order environof.envir onmeetaa wide wi!e range it must mustmeet the materials, ter ials, it d re d g e dma o f dredged d i sp o sa l of t h e disposal lqlg- gof in difficulty in of the the difficulty Because cr iter ia. Because mental, engineering co st criteria. i n d cost m e n t i t,'e n g i n e e ri n gand disposal mater ial disposal dr edged acceptabledredged material cri ter ian acceptable i h e se criteria, o f these isatisfying a t i s t yi n g -aall l l of and Bay and sites ire-considered are considered to be resource. Along Along Yaquina Yaquina Bay be a scarce scarce resource. sites land flat land f' lat of am ount lim ited the River this is particularly true due to the limited amount of p a rti cu l a rl y due to tr ue i s th i s River i ty of the potential.scarc potential scarcity ecognition of th e shoreline. sh o i eline. In rrecognition to the aOj i ce n t'to iareas r e i s adjacent ( thr ough (through 0r egon of the State sites, of suitable dredged material disposal sites, the State of Oregon disposal ma te ri al d re d g e d i u i ta 6 l e of planning ( thr oughits its comprehensive com pr ehensivepl anni ng g o a l i ) and County(through its a n a Lincoln L i n coln County c oa sta l goals) i t s coastal be will be whichwill areaswhich to identify identify areas process) this repolt to this report p"oceisl have comirissioned frav6commissioned In addition years. In addition 20 next the adequate to meet the disposal needs for for the next 20 years. needs disposal the meet to iAequat6 and and envir onmental eet the the selection off si sites which m meet the established established environmental te i which l e cti o n o tto o d n e se also p l q n . m u s t . a l s o d i s p o s a l m a t e r i a l engineering criteria, this dredged material disposal plan must d r e d g e d t h i s e n g i n e e r i n gc r i t e r i a , as sites as the gover ning of use p rocedur es the outline the policies and procedures governing the use of the p o l i ci e s-a n d o u l t t n e th 6 plan implementation. p ro g ram implementation. for plan well for to outline o u tl i n e aa program a s to w e l l as have bee n havebeen Resour ces CoastalResources for Coastal Statewide Guidelinesfor a ndGuidelines Go a l sand P l a n n i n gGoals St a t e w i d ePlanning Commission and and Comm ission Developm ent and Development Conser vation adopted and L a n dConservation 0 r6 g o nLand b y the th e Oregon i A o p i .a by ( G o a #16) l# 1 6 ) G o a l The Estuarine Resources Goal (Goal R e s o u r c e s E s t u a r i n e T h e 1 , 1 9 7 7 . became effective January 1, 1977. J i n r u w b e c a meef f e c t i u . programs management programs management preparecomprehensive comprehensive govbrnments requires that local prepare local governments requires economic econom ic envir onmenta' I, unique the aimed at protecting and maintaining the unique environmental, p ro te cti n g ma intaining i n d a i n i e da t In addition, I n a d d i t i o n' wetlands. w e t l a n d s . a s s o c i a t e d i n d e s t u a r y and social values of each estuary and associated e a c h o f v a l u e s andsociai government and gover nment and "Local goal states: "Local Implementation Requirement #5 of the goal states: the #5 R e q u i re me nt i *p f e * .n i a ti o n includi including com pr ehensive_pr ogr am s., ng devejopcomprehensive shall state develop programs, fe d e ra 'lagencies 'a g e n ci eshall s a n d federal s t h t e and of dredged d r e d g e materials." dm a t e r i a l s - " s t o c k p i l i n g o f a h d a i s p o i a l t o r specific sites and procedures for disposal and stockpiling u n a p r o i e J r " . i s i t e s ip..itic been River has been River .has Bay and p' lan for .Yaquina This dredged material disposal plan for Yaquina Bay and d i sp osal t i r i s dre a g e dma te ri a l its comprehensive com prehens i v e r evise its to revise effor ts to p o rti o n of County' sefforts prepared L i ncolh County's p i e p a re das o f Lincoln i s aa portion pr ovisions provisions plan the under m anagement p re p a re plan and to prepare an estuarine management plan under the e stuar ine a n i l t a h an a to contained i n Goal G o a l#16. #16. c o n t a i n e din t I t I l1 I t I II I.... I Li [1 Li LI LI Li I I I i1 Section SectionIIll Dredging DredgingMethods Methods and Constraints and Constraints I I I I U I I I I ' I I I I I I U I n I I I I U I I H 11 LI LI LI LI LI Ti LI Li CONSTRAINTS ME ANDCONSTRAINTS SECTION II METHODS AND D R E D GIN G THODS II -. DREDGING SE C T ION Dredging Technology D r e d g i n gT e ch n o l o g y H i s t o r i c a l l y , the Historically, t h e use d r e d g i n gequipment u s e of o f dredging e q u i p m e nhas ht a s been b e e nrequired r e q u i r e din i n Yaquina Yaquina Ba yand Bay entrance, channel, river a n d River R i ve r to to remove re mo vesediment sedim entfrom fr om the the bay bay entr ance, channe' |,r iver sshoal h o al a re a s, aand n d oother reas such areas, areas such as as ship ship or bar barge berths and boat boat th e r a ge ber ths and b a s i n s . The basins. T h em e t h o d used su s e din i n bay b a y and methods 1950 include use a n d river r i v e r since 1 9 5 0 since i n c l u d e u s e of hopper o f hopper ( c 1 a m s h e 1 1 ) d r e d g e s pipeline ,p i p e l i n e dredges dredges, and bucket (clamshell) equipment. d r e d g e sa n d b u c k e t equipment S e l e c t i o nof o f such s u c hequipment e q u i p m e ndepends Selection dt e p e n d upon u s p o neconomics, e c o n o m i c swhich w, h i c hin i n turn t u r n is is d e t e r m i n e by d q u a n t i t i e s and b y the t h e quantities determined characteristics of the dredged material, a n d c h a r a c t e r i s t i c so f t h e d r e d g e dm aterial, c h a n n e restrictions, lr e s t r i c t i o n s , w plr o t e c t i o n , shape e a t h e r ,environmental e n v i r o n m e n t aprotection, channel weather, s h a p eof o f the the d r e d g i n g s i t e and a n dthe dredging site t h e availability a v a i l a b i l i t y and a n dlocation l o c a t i o nof d i s p o s aareas. la r e a s . Each o f disposal Each type o production type off dredge d r e d g ehas h a s characteristic c h a r a c t e r i s t ' i cefficiencies e f f i c i e n c i e s of o f operation, o p e r a t i o n ,production and a n d cost c o s t under u n d e rspecific situat'ions. s p e cfi i c situations. I n tthe In development he d e ve l o p me nof b o th short-range shor t- r angeand disposal otf both andlong-range long- r angedredged dr edgeddisposal p l a n s , costs p r o d u c t i v i t y and plans, dredging are c o s t s of o f d r e d g i n ga r e very d e p e n d e nupon v e r y dependent utp o nproductivity a n ddisposal disposal p re p a ra ti o n . Further site s i t e preparation. developm ent F u rth e r development or in or advances in dredging advances dr edgingtechnology techno l ogy p l a n selection c o u ' l dalso could a l s o have h a v esignificant onn plan s i g n i f i c a n t iimpact m p a c to However, s e l e c t i o nand a n dcost. c o s t . However, ccurrent u r r e n t dredging d r e d g i n gmethods m e t h o dand a s n d anticipated a n t i c i p a t e dmethods i n this this m e t h o didentified s' i d e n t ' i f i e din r e p o r t for report fo r use u se in i n the n e xt 15-20 l5- 20 year yearss must th e next mustbe basedon technol ogy . be based on current cur r ent technology. p re se n te dthroughout C o s t s presented Costs th ro u g h o utthe the discussion djscussionare ar e for relative r elative comparison compar ison p r e l i m i n a r yengineering a n dare a r e not n o t intended i n t e n d e dto b epreliminary and t o be e n g ' i n e e r j nestimates egs t i m a t efor sf o r actual actual w o r k . Reasonable R e a so n a b lassumptions work. aessu mp tions as as to to costs costs are ar e defined definedunder the section section underthe on o n Unit U n i t Cost C o s tCriteria. Criteria. M o s tdredging d r e d g i n gwork Most w o r kin i n Yaquina Y a q u i n aBay i s accomplished a c c o m p l i s h eby bdy one t h r e e methods: B a yis o f three methods: o n eof p i p e fi n edredging. cclamshell l a m s h e l Ior o r bucket b u c k e tdredging, d r e d g i n g hopper ,h o p p edredging rd r e d g i n gor o r pipeline dredg'ing. M a i n t e n a n cdredging der e d g i n gin g e n e r a l ' l ycompleted i n the t h e lower Maintenance l o w e rbay b a yis i s generally completed p i p e l i n e dredges b y hopper by h o p p e ro orr bucket b u c k e td dredge, r e d g e ,w while h y d r a u ' l i cpipeline u s e din h i l e hydraulic d r e d g e sare a r e used in tthe h e upper ri ve r channel. Any of the methods m may used u p p e rriver thr ee methods ch a n n e l . Any the three aybe be commonly com m only us ed particular ffor or n new depending e wcconstruction o n s t r u c t i o nd e p e n d i n upon g p o nthe u t h e constraints c o n s t r a i n t sof o f the t h e particular ' is completed p r o j ect. Most p ri vate marina project. Mo stof dr edgingis th e private and industrial com pl eted o f the mar inaand industr ial dredging b y bucket by b ucke tdredges. d re d g e s. ( C l a m s h e l lDredge )D r e d g e Bucket u c k e t(Clamshell) r B T h ebucket b u c k e tdredge d r e d g eis The i s well w e l l suited s u i t e d to t o working w o r k i n gin ' i nconfined c o n f i n e dareas, a n dis a r e a s ,and i s therethereffore ore u used most off the marinas s e din in m o s to t h e small s m a l l boat boatm a r i n a sand n a r r o wchannels a l o n gYaquina Yaquina a n d narrow c h a n n e l salong B a yand quality Bay a n dRiver. R i v e r . Bucket d r e d g e soperate B u c k e tdredges e f f i c i e n t l y and o p e r a t eefficiently a n d minimize m i n i m j z ewater w a t e r quality p r o b l e msa long a d redgedmater problems ass long ass the materials to th e dredged to heavy heav y ials are ar e firm fjr m and and of medium medium g r a i n size. q u a n t i t i e s , and grain s i z e . They T h e yare a r e most m o s teconomical e c o n o m i c awhen wl h e ndredging d r e d g i n gsmall s m a 1 quantities, 1 and qu a n ti ti e s exceed yar ds, other gener a'l 1y w h e nquantities when are e xce e dseveral se v er al thousand thousandcubic m ethods ar e generally cubic yards, other methods more m o r eeconomical. eco n o mi ca l . placedon W h e nusing usi n g bucket b u cke tdredges, d re d g e s,dredged When dr edgedmaterial mater ial can e' ither be dum p can either be placed on dump b a r g e so irectly o barges orr d directly onto t r u c k s , if i f the t h e dredge d r e d g eis i s operating to n t o trucks, o p e r a t i n gclose c l o s e to sshore. h o r e . Both B o t hof o f these t h e s etechniques t e c h n i q u e constitute sc o n s t f t u t e'rehandling" t h e material, material, " r e h a n d l i n g of "o f the b ut d l l o w ttransportation r a n s p o r t a t i o no but doo a allow off the materials d r e d g e dm t h e dredged a t e r i a l sto t o disposal d i s p o s a lsites s'ites s o m edistance d i s t a n c efrom some f r o mthe t h e dredging d r e d g i n glocation. location. avel or e n er ally utilized Bucket dredges are also generally utilized for for digging digging in gravel Bu c k e tdre d g e sa in gr re a l so g The available available sizes for debr is. The sizes for rock, fo r the th e removal re mo va of lo f stumps stumpsand anddebris. r o c k , and a n d for yards. bucket dredges range bucket dredges from capacities 18 cubic range from capacities of of 22 to to 18 cubic yards. Hopper Dredge Dredge r Hopper d re d g eis A vessel A hopper h o p p e rdredge i s aa self-contained se l f-co ntainedocean-going ocean- going that is is designed designed vessel that hydraulic dredging dredgingand for both for the transport transport of both hydraulic and the of the the dredged dredgedmaterial material area. tto o a dumping d u mp i n g re d g i n gis Dredging while a re a . D is accomplished accom plished vesselis while the the vessel is in in placedon m o t i o nand an d dredged d re d g e dmaterials ma te ri a l s are motion ar e placed the hopper hopperdredge the on the dr edgeuntil until the (genhoppersare hoppers are filled filled and the dredge dredgeis is moved to another and the movedto anotherwater area(genwaterarea erally e r a l ' l y in i n the t h e open o p e nocean) o c e a n )for f o r disposal. d i s p o s a l . Dredging D r e d g i n gis i s accomplished td hrough a c c o m p l i s h ethrough p i p e s which bottom ssuction u c t i o n pipes a re lowered l o w er edto Hopper w h i chare to "vacuum" bottommaterials. m ater ials. Hopper "vacuum" dredgescan can operate dredges operate where whererough roughwater water would would make makeother other methods methodsof dreddredg i n g impractical. ging impractical. im ar ily for In Yaquina Bay, dredges are used pr primarily maintenance dredging I n Ya q u i n aB a y, hopper h o p p e rd re d gesar e used dr edg i ng for m aintenance b a r and of to Point. o f the t h e bar a n dinner The sandy i n n e r channel ch a n n eupstream lupstr eam to McLean M clean Point. The sandymaterial m ateri al d r e d g e din i n those th o se locations dredged l o ca ti o n s is i s hauled hauleddirectly dir ectly to to an an offshore offshor e open openocean ocean disposal d i s p o s a lsite. si te . D Due u eto w weather and bar conditions, hopper dredging e a therand bar conditions, hopperdr is edgingis g e n e r a l l y scheduled d u ri n g the sch e d u l e d m onthsof generally during the months of April Apr il through thr oughSeptember. September . Pipeline i p e l i n e Dredge Dredge r P p i p el i n e dredging pum pwhich T h e pipeline d re d g i n gmethod me th o dconsists lar ge centrifugal The consists of aa large centr ifugal pump which pipeline is mounted onn a is m o u nte do a specially d e signedbarge. bar ge. The The lower end of the sp e ci a l l y designed lower end the pipeline is with revolving cutterhead materials i s eequipped vo l vi n g cutter q u ip p e dw i th a re bottomm headthat breaks br eaksup up the the bottom ateri al s pipe. The so they so they can can be be drawn drawninto into the The cutterhead the suction suction pipe. is lowered cutterhead is lowered bottomon on a large extends forward to the bottom large hinged hinged ladder ladder that extends forward from from the the front, front, or bow, The cutterhead cutterhead depth bow, of the barge. The depth can by the barge. be controlled by can be c a b l e s attached cables atta ch e dto th e ladders. l a d d er s. The The pipeline, pipeline, which which extends to the fr om the extendsfrom the e d g eof th e barge b a rg eto th e shore edge o f the to the sh or eor or to in- water disposal, disposa' |, to an an area ar ea of of in-water p o n to o n s. ffloats l o a t s on o n pontoons. p i p e l i n e dredge p o s i t i o n during T h epipeline d r e d g eis i s held h e l d in The i n position d u r i n g dredging d r e d g i n gby b y anchors, anchors, pudsar l i n e s, and a n dspuds. (Spuds are long heavy heavy shafts shafts that ar are hung fr from sswing w i n glines, sp u d s. (S e long om e hung m a s t snear masts n e a r each e a chcorner co rn e r of o f the th e stern dr edges ster n of the the dredge). dr edge) . Pipeline Pipeline dredges g e n e r a l l yare a r e identified i d e n t i f i e d by d i a m e t e rof are b y the t h e diameter o f the t h e discharge d i s c h a r g eline ' l i n eand a n dgenerally are pipeline a v a i l a b l efrom available f r o m88 to 3 0 inch The advantages of t o 30 i n c h sizes. sizes. T h e cchief d v a n t a g eo sf pipeline hief a d r e d g euse dredge useinclude: i n cl u d e : 1) l ) mo movement material vement lar ge volumes of large shor t volum esof m ater ial in a short p eriodo pipeline, a i m e , 22) ) e a s eo period off ttime, ease off transport off tthe and t r a n s p o r to h e pipeline, 3 ) simultaneous simultaneous n d 3) dredging d r e d g i n gand a n ddisposal d i sp o sa loperations. o p e ra tions. M ajor limitations Major limitations to the the use use of of p i p e l i n e dredges pipeline d r e d g e sare a r e as a s follows: f o l l o w s : 1) l) d i s p o s a lareas disposal must be relatively a r e a sm u s t b e r e l a t i v e l y pipeline c l o s e to t h e dredging d r e d g i n goperations close t o the o p e r a t i o n ssince s i n c e costs e s c a l a t erapidly a s pipeline c o s t s escalate r a p i d l y as llength e n g t h is i s increased p i p e l i n e dredges i n c r e a s e do i s p o s a la orr d disposal area elevated, reae l e v a t e d ,2) 2 ) pipeline d r e d g e sare are u n a b l eto to operate o p e ra tein unable i n open o p e nor o r rough r oughwater logs, large lar ge water areas, 3) buried bur ied logs, ar eas, 3) pr esentserious b o u l d e rsa nd d i sca rd e dw boulders and discarded wastes, a stes, such such as as cable, cable, present obstacles ser ious obstacles pipeli ne t o the t h e operation o p e ra ti o nof to the impeller; and 4) the anchoring th e i mp eller ; of and andpipeline the anchor ingcables cablesand p r e se n t c a n can present a a temporary te mp o ra ryobstruction to navigation o b struction to navigationin in confined confinedchannels. channels . In -Wa te rDisposal I In-Water D i sp o sa l p u m pto Pi p e l i n e dredges d re d g e snormally n o rma l l ypump Pipeline to confined confinedland Recently, landdisposal disposalsites. sites. Recen tl y , h o w e v er,a tte n ti o n h pipeline dredges a s been b e e ndir however, attention has directed ected toward the use towar dthe use of pipeline dr edges f o r in-water i n - wa te r disposal, d i sp o sa l , where w h e rematerial m ater ial is for from is removed fr om one r emoved section of the onesection of the p l a ce din por tion of the b a y river r i v e r and a n d placed i n another a n o therportion bay bay or the bay that is also or river r iver that is also placedin under u n d e rwater. ti me s materials wa te r. Often 0 fte n times mater ials are ar e placed in shoreline shor elineareas ar easor other or other I I t I I I I I I - t I I I I I I II I II i I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 t I t I I I I I I I I II I I I sh oalingoccurs w h e renatural n a tu ra l shoaling reaches r e ach e swhere occur sor or where wher euseful usefultideland, tideland, Imarshland s i g n i f i c a n t biological b i o ' l o g i c a habitat lh a b i t a tcan m a r s h l a n or o d r other o t h e r significant c a nbe b ecreated. created. p o s s i b l ein d i s p o s a lmay m a ybe b e possible i n upper In-water I n - w a t e rdisposal u p p e rYaquina Y a q u i n Bay aB a yand a n dwithin within R i v e rup Yaquina River Yaquina t o river r i v e n mile l l . Specific S p e c i f i c constraints u p to m i l e11. c o n s t r a i n t sto i t s use use t o its iinclude: n c l u d e : 1) 1 ) avoidance d e v e l o p a b loyster e y s t e rrearing a v o i d a n c of eo f existing e x i s t i n g or o r developable o rearing a r e a s , 2) 2 ) limiting l i m i t i n g use t o disposal areas, which u s e to d i s p o s a lof o f sediments sed'imenw t sh i c hcan c a n settle settle r a p i d l y , 3) 3 ) timing rapidly, which with t i m i n g dredging d r e d g i n gto t o seasons seasonw s h i c hlimit l i m i t interference i n t e r f e r e n c ew ith fish m fish migration, i g r a t i o n , and 4 ) selection s e l e c t i o n of a n d 4) o f sites s i t e s based b a s e don a q u a t i chabitat habitat o n aquatic needs n e ed sand a n driver ri ve r hydrology. h yd ro l o gy. IUnit U n i t Cost C o s tCriteria Criteria pr oject is l , l h e nland land d i sp o sa l o d redgedm When disposal off dredged materials ater ials from Feder alproject is fr om a Federal pr epar ethe r e q u i re d , the th e sponsor disposal sites required, must prepare sp o n so rmust the disposal sites to contain the contain the p r o t e c tthe d r e d g e dmaterials m a t e r i a l sand dredged a n dto t o protect t h e surrounding s u r r o u n d i nland g ' l a nor w a t e rareas. areas. odr water A l t h o u g hactual Although a ctu a l dredging d re d g i n goperations oper atjonscan can vary due to equipment equipm ent var y widely w' idelydue h o s t of availability a v a i l a b i l i t y and o f other f a c t o r s , the a s s o c i a t e dwith w i t h site a n d aa host o t h e r factors, t h e costs c o s t s associated site p r e p a ra ti o nand pr esentedbelow preparation d re d g i n goperations oper ationsare ar e presented belowto allow an a n d dredging allow an economic e c o n o mi comparison cco mp a ri soof n f selected o selectedsites. sites. These estjm atesare appr oxi m ate Theseestimates ar e approximate gener ated pr ojects. All b a se don and on a n d are a re based i n fo rmationgenerated on other local projects. All o n information other local costs c o s t s are e s t i m a t e din 1 9 7 7dollars. a r e estimated i n 1977 d o l l a r s . The T h ecost i t e m s which w h i c hmust be c o s t items m u s tbe Iconsidered c o n s i d e r e dfor f o r land l a n d disposal d i s p o s a lare follows: a r e as a s follows: r. Land Land 'is purchase p u r p o s eof so f prepreappraised event for m a r k e value. tv a l u e . In v e n t of o f purchase f o r purposes I n tthe he e a p p r a i s e dmarket p e r dgi s p o s a 'sites, serving and per acre is s e r v i n ga n d developing d e v e l o p ' i ndisposal sl ' i t e s , aa cost i s c o s t of o f $1,000 a c r e $l ,000 assumed. Where h e r eleased l a n d is a s s u m e d .W l e a s e dland i s reclaimed r e c l a i m e dor o r enhanced e n h a n c ethrough tdh r o u g hfilling, filling, j s assumed. n o significant no s i g n i f i c a n t cost c o s t is assumed. IThe acquisition off land, T h ea cquisitiono l a n d , rights-of-way, r i g h t s - o f - w a y ,or to o r easements e a s e m e n tis s subject s u b j e c t to r Clearing C l e a r i n gand a n dStripping Stripping p re p a ri n ga site Cost off preparing timber, timber , brush, and Costo si te by by removing r em ov' ing br ush, structures str uctur es and g e n e r a lg r a d i n gis p e r g r o s s Igeneral grading assumed on the basis of $1,000 per gross acre. a s s u m e d t h e b a s i s a c r e. is on of $1,000 IIf rl1 andRelocation r Surface S u rfa ceDrainage D ra i n a g eand Relocat' ion djverted disposal If d i s p o s a lsites h a v eupland u p ) a n dsurface s u r f a c ewater w a t e r drainage, d r a i n a g e ,it i t must m u s tbe b e diverted s i t e s have around means b e filled fi l led by a r o u n dthe th e area a re a to to be by m eansof of an openchannel channelor or culvert. culver t. an open p e r ]lineal i n e a l foot assumed. Where work W h e r ethis this w i s required, r e q u i r e d , a cost c o s t of o f $20.00 f o o t is i s assumed. o r k is $ 2 0 . 0 0per D i ke Construction r Dike C o n stru cti o n Confined d i s p o s a 'sites i n c l u d econstruction dt ' i k e susing using C o n f i n e ddisposal sl i t e s include c o n s t r u c t ' i o of n o f containment c o n t a i n m e ndikes t h a n 2:1 2:l on-site m a t e r i a l s ,if i f suitable. s u i t a b l e . Typical T y p i c a ' dikes, ld i k e s , with w i t h not n o t less l e s s than o n - s i t e materials, p e r lineal dikes, slopes, tdo cost: c o s t : $4 l i n e a l foot f o r 5-foot S - f o o t high h i g h dikes, s l o p e s , are a r e assumed a s s u m eto f o o t for $ 4 per p e r lineal p e r lineal $12 l i n e a l foot f o r 10-foot; l 0 - f o o t ; and a n d $24 l i n e a l foot f o o t for f o r 15-foot lS-foot f o o t for $ 2 4per $ . | 2per are assumed high off-site h i g h dikes. d ' i k e s . If m u s tbe b e brought b r o u g h in, ti n , costs costs a r e assumed If o f f - s i t e material m a t e r i a l must to t o be be approximately a p p ro xi ma te l yfive fi ve times abovecosts. times the the above costs. R e t u r nFlow r Return F l o wPipeline P j p e li n e p e rma n e n tl installed yi n sta 'lI ed discharge pi pe]i nes are I i nes are used, pipelines ar e lWhere ^ l he repermanently di schar gelines ar e used, p l acedunder assumed a s su meto to d be b u ri e d , placed r oadsand extendedto to deep deepwater. water. b e buried, underroads and extended p e r lineal Average A v e r a g ecost c o s t installed i s estimated a l i n e a l foot f o r 18-inch l8-'inch i n s t a l l e d is e s t ' i m a t eat d t $30 f o o t for $ 3 0per p i p e . Outfall per foot. pipe. are ar e estimated 0 u tfa l l segments se g me n ts estimatedat at $50 foot. $50per . P i p e l i n eDredging Dredging r Pipeline placem entof p i p e l ine dredge dr edgeand Use material and placement of m ater ia' lon on o f aa 121 2 - to 16-inch l 6 -i n ch pipeline U s eof not over dredge, or disposal located not over 4,000 4,000 feet feet from from the the dredge, disposal sites that are are located per over mean in an l 0 feet fe e t above a nsea se a level, l evel, will will result r esult in an estimated estimatedcost cost per a b o veme o v e r 10 y a rd For each additional 1,000 in distance 10 F o r additional feet l0 cubic yard of $2.00. e a ch I,000 in distance or cubic o f $ 2 .0 0 . per yar d. cubic feet in added elevation, the basic cost increases by $.50 per cubic yard. i n a d d e d e l e va ti o n , th e basic cost incr eases by feet $.50 If dredgedmaterial be stockpiled, stockpiled, and andtrucked truckedaway awayat at aa If the dredged material were wereto to be tr anslater date, additional costs would be. incurred for reloading and transd a te , be incur r ed for r eloading and later a d d i ti o n a 'lco sts would p o r t i n g the doubling the porting These costs could result in a doubling of the th e material. T h e se costs could r esult in a of ma te ri a l . p e r y a r d . $2.00 cost per cubic yard. c o s t cubic $2.00 Bucket and Hauling u c k e tDredging Dredging a n dHauling r B The dredgeand haul dredged materials to to an an open open The cost cost to to bucket bucket dredge and barge bargehaul dredgedmaterials per yar d isp o sa l site b e $2.50 ile 00 ocean disposal would Mile o u l dbe cubic yard from fr om River River M o c e a nd si te w $2.50 per cubic hauling, upstream Mi l e 3. 3 . For F or every ever y additional additional three thr ee miles of hauling, u p s t r e a mto to River R i ve r Mile m iles of per yar d. the $.90 per cubic yard. cubic t h e cost c o s t would w o u l dincrease i n cre a seapproximately a p p roximately $.90 Mobilization o b i il z a t i o n r M d r e d g i n gcontract Each mobilizing of equipment, Ea c hdredging re q u i res mobilizing equipment,transport and co n tra ct requires tr anspor t and per miscellaneous A cost was m i s c e l l an e o uadministrative sa d mi n i stra ti vecosts. contr act was costs. A cost of $20,000 $20,000per contract assumed. a ssumed. e Revegetation r Revegetation pr oiects in in Review Reviewof of recent recent U.S. U.S. Army ArmyCorps of Engineers Engineer srevegetation r evegetationprojects Corpsof Coos at Ba y indicates i n d i ca te s that th a t adequate r evegetationcan can be be accomplished at aa C o o sBay a d e q uaterevegetation accom plished per acre. maximum cost m a x i m um o f $50.00 to $75.00 acr e. co st of $ 5 0 .0 0to $ 7 5.00per [1 II I U I U I I I I 11 I I T LI I I I U [1 I Ii I I I I LI I I II ILI I I.' t I t I I I I I I I t I It il lll Section SectionUI Dredging Needs Dredgittg^Needs andOptions and Options C I I I- i __<i-.-'-- -r- | 'i i {t, t8 fs I ;\L \, i / t +O ' River Segments I J l - #r7\i/t {r, g - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I ! -L o E ut o a L. o ir a) Cl) D V0 U.' CD a) CD 0. 0. CO D w 5' .0 YaquinaBayDredgedMaterialDisposalPlan t I I I I II I I I I I T I I F: t I I I t I I I I I I I I I I SECTION IN I I -- DREDGING D R E D G INEEDS NE GE DAND S E C T I OIII N ASN DOPTIONS OPTIONS om the Although materials dredged from mouth of Yaquina Yaquina River McLean A l t h o u g hthe th e ma te ri a l s d redgedfr the mouth River to M c l ean disposed Point of P o i n t have h a v ehistorically h i s t o r i c a l l y been b e e ndisposed o f in i n an a n open disposal o p e nocean o c e a ndisposal re d g edm site, most off the dredged materials from channel ma' maintenance s i t e , mo st o th e d ater ials fr om the rremaining emainingchannel in tenanc e p ro j e cts have gener altrends and n e wprojects h a vebeen b e endisposed disposedof land. These a n d new of on on land. tr end s Thesegeneral are e x p e c t e dto t o continue, c o n t i n u e ,resulting r e s L r ' l t i nin gi n aa continuing c o n t i n u i n gneed a r e expected n e e dfor f o r additional additional land l a n d disposal d i s p o s a lsites. and use s i t e s . Channel n d ccost o s t factors f a c t o r s ffavor a v o r the the u se C h a n n ecconditions l o n d i t i o n sa p i p e l i n e dredges; of o f pipeline d r e d g e s therefore, ;t h e r e f o r e , land l a n d disposal d i s p o s a lsites s i t e s must i n close close m u s toccur o c c u rin p r o x i m i t yto proximity d r e d g eareas. t o the t h e dredge a r e a s . Because B e c a u sof o e f this t h i s close c l o s erelationship relationship between dredge sites and disposal lsites, sites, the bay bay and and rriver have been been b e t we e nd re d g esi te s a n d djsposa' iver have d i v i d e d into dredging divided i n t o aa series i ,n d i c a t i n g areas a r e a sin s e r i e s of o f segments, i n which w h i c hdredging s e g m e n t sindicating p r e s e n t i n gthe will n e e dto t o occur t h e sites s ' i t e s which w h i c hwould w i l l need o c c u rand a n dpresenting b e suitable w o u l dbe suitable p r e s e n t a t i o nallows disposal ffor or d i s p o s a lof allows o f those t h o s especific s p e c i f i c materials. m a t e r i a l s . This T h i s presentation pr ovidesaa dredging in concert, concer t, and n e e d sand a n d options o p ti o ns to be be viewed viewedin and provides d r e dg i n gneeds the mechanism what b e utilized a n dw h a t the m e c h a n i sfor fm o r establishing s i t e s should s h o u l dbe u t i l i z e d and e s t a b l i s h i n gwhich w h ' i c hsites p r i o r i t i e s for i ts discussed discussed priorities f o r their b e . Each E a c hriver r i v e r segment t h e i r use s h o u l dbe. s e g m e nis u s eshould ast a nd separately description off tthe past and h a p t e rincluding i n c l u d i n ga d e s c r i p t i o no he p s e p a r a t e l yin i n this t h i s cchapter future a n a l y s i sof t h e individual individual f u t u r e expected d r e d g i n grequirements asn dan a n analysis o f the e x p e c t e ddredging r e q u i r e m e n tand t h e river river n e e d . Table T a b l e1I indicates i n d i c a t e sthe sites s i t e s that t h a t are a r e available a v a i l a b l eto t o meet m e e tthat t h a t need. del'ineations. c o r r e s p o n d i nriver m i l e delineations. segments s e g m e n tand asn d their t h e i r corresponding rgi v e r mile TABLE 1I TABLE RIVER BOUNDARIES SEGMENT BOUNDARIES RIVERSEGMENT Approximate R A p p r o x i m a tRiver ei v e r Mile MiI e Segment Segment River R i ve r Segment S e g me n t 1 I RM3.0 Entrance to RM 3.0 Entr anceto 2 2 RM t o RM R M5.7 5.7 R M3.0 3 . 0 to 3 3 RM 5 . 7 to t o RM R M7.9 R M5.7 7.9 4 4 RM R M7.9 t o RM R M9.8 9.8 7 . 9 to 5 RM t o RM R M11.7 ll.7 R M9.8 9 . 8 to 6 RM R M11.7 l l . 7 to t o RM R M12.9 7 RM t o RM R M14.3 R M12.9 to .l2.9 .l2.9 .l4.3 categories: The within its broken b r o k e ninto i n t o two t w o major m a j o rcategories: d i s c u s s i o nw i t h i n each e a c hriver r i v e r segment s e g m e nis T h ediscussion discussion l , l i t h j n the t h e Dredging N e e d sdiscussion Dredging O D r e d g i n gNeeds D r e d g i n gNeeds a n dDredging D r e d g ' i nOptions. g p t ' i o n s . Within N e e d sand q u a n t i t i e s of g e o g r a p h ia c r e a sin the areas o c c u r , quantities o f materials materials i n which d r e d g i n gwill w i l ' l occur, t h e geographic w h i c hdredging identified. a r eidentified. to moved, o f the t h e materials m a t e r i a l sare be m o v e dand a, n dthe t h e basic b a s i ccharacteristics c h a r a c t e r i s t i c sof t o be 7 p r i v a t e dredging p u b l i c and d r e d g i n gactivities Both B o t hpublic a n d private a c t i v i t i e s are a r e inventoried, including i n v e n t o r i e d ,including both maintenance maintenance of of existing existing projects projects and and proposed proposed construction construction of of new new both tion of re d g i n gooptions The portion of each each rriver segment discussion ffacilities. a c i l i t i e s. T h e ddredging p ti o ns por iver segm entdiscussion th a t are a re available outlines meet the and o u t l i n e s the th e sites a vailable to meet needsand si te s that the identified needs p r o v i d e sthe i n fo rmationrelative provides th e following fo l l o w i n g information r elative to to each eachsite: site: Description D e s c r i p t i o nof o f the t h e Site: S i t e : The T h esite d e s c r i p t i o nincludes d a t a on o n the the s i t e description i n c l u d e sdata h y s i c a la n dbiological size, s i z e , location, l o c a t i o n , lland a n d uuse, n d pphysicaland s e , aand b i o l o g i c a lcharacteristics of c h a r a c t e r i s t i c sof each e a c hsite. site. Disposal D i q p o s aUse l s eof o f the t h e Site: U S i t e : This T h i s section s e c t i o n includes i n c l u d e saa discussion of d i s c u s s i o nof pr ovide b o t h the both which provide t h e engineering en g i n e e ri n gand a n d environmental e n vi ronmentalconsiderations consider ationswhich g u i d e l i n e sfor guidelines fo r the th e use u se of o f the th e sites. sites. For For each eachsite, consider ati ons site, engineering engineer ingconsiderations c o n c e r n i n gsite p r e p a r a t i o n ,ccost e s i g nccriteria, concerning design s i t e capacity, c a p a c i t y ,d r i t e r i a , ' l land a n d preparation, estimates o s t estimates p o te n ti a l are p r esented. In addition, a n d future f u t u r e use and a re presented. u se potential addition, the environmental envir onmental the e f f e c t s of effects o f site si te use u se are a re also a l so evaluated. e v aluated A summary A discussion the summary discussion for for each eachriver needs river segment segmentcompares dredgingneeds compares the dredging with w i t h the t h e options o p t i o n sand a n doutlines o u t l i n e s the t h e available a v a i l a b l ealternative a l t e r n a t i v e actions. actions. A l t h o u g hthe th e dredging d re d g i n gneeds n e e d sand a n doptions Although optionsare ar e specific individual specific to to each eachindividual s e g m e n tma , n yo th e issues i ssu e s a re applicable segment, many off the are applicable to the the entire entir e extent the extent of the p a ra g ra p hsdiscuss al terms river. T he following fo l l o w i n g paragraphs river. The discuss in general in gener ter ms some the someof the i s s u e sw b e addressed a d d r e s s erepeatedly issues which h i c hwill w i l l be rde p e a t e d l yin i n the t h e site analysis. s i t e specific s p e c i f i canalysis. Gen.eral General Dredging DredgingRequirements Requirements q u a n ti ti e s of gener atedfrom d re d g e dmaterials T h equantities The of authorized o f dredged ma ter ials generated fr om maintenance maintenance author i z ed d e p t h sfor f o r the th e entrance ch a n n el,turning depths navigation e n tra n cechannel, tur ning basin, navigation basin, and and lower lower bay bay ( in n e r channel) c h a n n e l(inner e xce e d,by channel needs. ch a n n e l )exceed, by far, far , any dr y other needs. othermaintenance maintenance D r e d g i n gat at the th e entrance e n tra n ceof o f Yaquina Y aquinaBay Dredging Bayis is required r equir edon basis. on an anannual annualbasis. The necessary necessaryfrequency dredgingand The to be frequencyof of dredging be and the the amount amountof material to material rremoved e m o v e dis e p e n d e nu t p o nthe dependent upon from ocean cur current is d th e shoaling shoaling rrate ate rresulting esulting fr om ocean r ent p a t t e r n s . Tidal patterns. fr eshwaterstream T i d a l currents a n dfreshwater cu rre n ts and str eamflow flow are ar e additional additional year . yearto d e t e r m i n a n ts determinants in i n the th e specific sp e ci fi c location l ocation of fr omyear of shoals shoalsfrom to year. D r e d g i n gin a n the basin Dredging areas other than entrance channel and and turning in a re a s o th e r th the entr ancechannel tur ning basin p ri ma ri l y on d e p e n d sprimarily depends of shipping, th e demands d e mands o n the and shipping, mooring m oor ingof small boats and sm all boats p a st year s, patter ns berth b e r t h capacity. the th e past eight years, shoaling patterns in the c a p a ci ty. Over eight in the 0 ve r shoaling q u i t e stable, Y a q u i n aRiver R i v e r appear Yaquina a p p e a rto t o be b e quite in s t a b l e , with w i t h little l i t t l e or n o change o r no c h a n g ein m o s tof most o f the t he channel ch a n n e from lfro mMcLean Mcl e anPoint Since 1969, the authorized Point to to Toledo. the author i z ed Toledo. Since 1969, c h a n n e lfrom f ro m Oneatta P o i n t channel Point to Toledo has not been maintained. Shoaling 0 n e a tta to Toledohas not beenmaintained. Shoa' ling h a s increased i n c r ea se dthe redgingneeded has off d dredging needed to maintain maintain a ten th e backlog b a ckl o go foot ten foot channel c h a n n e depth. ld e p th . In so meareas, a re a s, depths depthshave feet. to eight feet. In some havedecreased decr eased to eight .|974 pr ism Review off hydrographic data and computed prism volumes in 1973 and 1974 R e v i e wo d a ta a nd h yd ro g ra p h i c computed volumes 1973and .|9 7 7 compared c o m p a r ewith wi d th 1977 information i n fo rma ti o nshow showvery ver y little little difference differ ence in r ecent in recent a tte rn s, a patterns, and noo a apparent of increase or decrease sshoaling h o a l i n gp nd n p p ar entrate r ate of incr ease is evident. evident. decr easeis T h u s , it i t has h a s been b e e nconcluded Thus, that upon rehabilitation of the channel co n cl u d e dth at uponr ehabilitation to the channelto tthe he a ot d u t h o ri ze dte n fo e p th , futur authorized ten foot depth, future as significant, e shoaling shoaling should significant, should not not be be as and the the frequency frequencyof of maintenance maintenance dredgingmay and dredging 10 to maybe be only to only once onceevery every 10 ears. 15 1 5 yyears. 8 II I I II I tI tI I II I I t I I I I I I I 1 I t I Quantity, C.Y. t t I ol Cf) Lr, t= (o \l (o C\l 20,939 tr, C\l 621,825 (o O 613,406 @ or l'\ t.c, 58,357 l.\ + (o f-- 15,276 LO o) 981,212 (\l 470,772 995,830 638,065 46,698 84,122 61,140 c\l F\ lJ p +J +) g dU) ;;< iI' co +, <P .2 F]- *_ |ol J F g) Hopper Dredge g O) Hopper Dredge o-a-o-o-----=------ 9) Hopper Dredge .F.FOOOOOOOOOOd) (t) Hopper Dredge L!.Ll!-l!!-L!dt qJ(uoooJoq)(ljqj(l)d (u(u0J(uoo-oaoooo-aoE Hopper Dredge Hopper Dredge Hopper Dredge CCCEL Hopper Dredge q)(uqJq)oaoooooo-c)a Hopper Dredge +J Hopper Dredge (o (o o P <IJ<IJ(IJAJ<IJOG)(IJOJ<IJL (t) O) O) O) O) O€!-E!!1f,!-O-(Jo(uqJoJoJoJ(lJqJqr(u(u L!LLL5-5-L5-L Pipeline g (o O) t! :J a o Entrance Bar Entrance Bar cu) Turning Basin FFF Turning Basin Turning Basin cococococotnvlcocot, (u(uoooJcocoqJcjco .rtO(o(orOrdCCrO(oC 5===LL!!!lL orqqo-+)+)+rP+rcc4JPc (o(trrd.6cCCCC!LCC! J Entrance Bar L L ! L Entrance Bar € L Entrance Bar d.x.&d.(oro(o (grgrorgooo()oo(J o +) Entrance Bar Yaquina River Yaquina River E Yaquina River Yaquina River J-Lr-L (u(U(u(I)!5-Ll-Lcc'-!c co E t- UI (u P +) (/) P = U- cr) Ol (O l-\ Ol 1976 <t F\ Ot lr) l-\ Ol 1976 + t\ Or Lr) F\ O) 1975 Nl t-Or 1975 t\ Ot 1974 O t-\ O) co t-\ Ot 1974 ot (O O) 1973 @ (O O) 1972 c! rO Ctr 1971 N tI) O) 1970* I 1969 o a O) 1968 (d (o |r)* 1962 L rO (l, 1957 F- U') Entrance Bar lrJ J 6 q- lF (F C\J fJ \O F\ Ol Source: t (u ro Pipeline an ro Pipeline o< I A E '(' Pipeline :{ 3 o d. 1 s, Insufficient Data Available o* ct) .= Type of Dredging p- a o c9> =a 8 < i)2. United States Army Corps of Engineers, Portland District rJ Maintenance +) Maintenance P Maintenance *.z +J Maintenance .P .lJ .tJ +J +) St:Ecccccccccgc 0J'-'-'Z.fd(6(d16(d(d(o(d(o(o(d.6(d =E=========== Maintenance =(u(u(u(I,(uqJ(u(uoJcJ(lJ(uoJ L Maintenance L(o(I'(6(o(o(o(orO(6(ord.O(o 9 L L L L L Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance L L L L L L L ! Maintenance v a Maintenance == New Work =o- qJ(ucjc)(u(l)q)(u(lJqJ(u(u(u (J(Jo(J(J(J()(J(Joo(J(J Purpose 6(u Maintenance 3l 1931-1956 t \o (O fdl Location I I I I I I <f,sf,|.O@tfroloL.)COCi)O '.o Or Lc) cn co $ ro ot c\l +)l HISTORICAL DREDGING DATA FOR YAQUINA BAY AND YAQUINA RIVER TO BASIN t 254,543 >l '|Jl 'Fl TABLE 2 I I I Lc) o c) ct co Nl (O <f, r+ Cr) cl) C! rr)(oo@cor\c\lc\rcf)<r@o) I 6l 969,366 L)l I I T t I >l Fiscal Year - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I qJ (J L an I I T I I I d re d g i n gdata d a ta for fo r Yaquina YaquinaBay 2. Historical H i s t o r i ca l dredging Bay and and River ar e shown in Table River are shownin Table 2. by river The of mile which has o f sediments r iver m ile which the T h e accumulation a c cu mu l a ti o n se d i me n tsby has occurred occur r edsince since the m o s trecent d re d g i n gaction i s shown most in r e c e n t dredging a cti o n is shown in Table Table3. 3. From Fr omRiver River Mile Mile 3.0 3.0 ( McL e a P n tto o 6 6.0 Point Oneatta veryy little dredging . 0 (McLean o i n t to 0 n e atta Point) ver little dr edgingis is rrequired equir ed tto o m a i n ta i n aa ddepth maintain off 1 188 fe feet and no no dr dredging for maintenanc maintenance e e p th o et and edgingis is rrequired equir ed for fo o t channel. of o f aa 10 l 0 foot ch a n n e l .Above River Mile A b o veRiver Mile 6.0 6.0 approximately appr oximately420,000 cubic 420,000cubic yards provide aa 10 require removal removalto to provide yards would would require with two feet l0 foot foot channel channel with two feet 0 .|00,000 .|20,00 of d re d g i n g . Thereafter o f overdepth o v e r d e p thdredging. that T h e reafterit it is is assumed that 100,000 to to 120,000 assumed ard s would year s. c u b i c yyards cubic every w o u l daccumulate a ccu mu l a te ever y10 l0 years. TABLE TABLE33 ACCUMULATED SEDIMENT FOR ACCUMULATED BAY RIVER, SEDIMENT FORYAQUINA YAQUINA ANDYAQUINA YAQUINA RIVER BAYAND RIVER, RIVER (Asm MILE M I L E0.5 0 . 5 tto o 14.1 l 4 . l (As e a s u r ein measured idn Spring, S p r i n g ,1977) 1977) River R iv e r Mile M i 'l e 0.5 1.0 0 . 5 to t o 1.0 1.0 I . 0 to t o 2.0 2.0 2 . 0 to 2.0 t o 3.0 3.0 3.0 3 . 0 to t o 4.0 4 .0 4.0 4 . 0 to t o 5.0 5.0 5 . 0 to 5.0 t o 6.0 6.0 6.0 6 . 0 to t o 7.0 7.0 7.0 7 . 0 to t o 8.0 8.0 8.0 8 . 0 to t o 9.0 9.0 10.0 9.0 9 . 0 to t o 10.0 1 10.0 0 . 0 to ll.0 t o 11.0 11.0 1 l . 0 to 12.0 t o 12.0 13.0 12.0 1 2 . 0 to t o 13.0 13.0 1 3 . 0 to 14.0 t o 14.0 Authorized Authorize.dDepth Depth((Ft.) Ft. ) (CubicYards) Yards) Sediment Se{qent Volume Volume(Cubic 30 30 30 30 30 30 l18 8 t188 18 IB 10 l0 10 l0 10 l0 10 l0 10 t0 10 l0 10 l0 10 t0 2,850 2,850 6,880 6,gg0 108,300 10 8 , 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21,400 2l ,4oo 4,300 4,300 2,400 .l2,400 16,100 . |6,.l 0 , 700 00 10,700 12,100 I 2,.|00 8,000 8,000 38,400 38,400 TOTALS TOTALS Source: Source: 231 2 3 ],,430 430 United U n i te d States S ta te s Army Cor psof A rmyCorps of Engineers, Engineer s,Portland Por tland District Distr ict H i s t o r i ca l dredging Historical records, d re d g i n gre other than for the co rd s, other than for the Corps Cor psof of Engineers Engineer projects, spr oie c ts , p e r m i t s are l i m i t e d . Since S i n c e 1971, 1 9 7 1 ,Section S e c t i o n10 l 0 permits required b y Federal F e d e r a llaw l a w have have a r e limited. r e q u i r e dby pr ojects are gener a' lly numbered n u m b e re11 ldl are a re are a re listed l i ste d in 4. These projects i n Table Table 4. These ar e generally r e l a t e d to to moorages, mo o ra g e s, i n d u strial docking dockingfacilities related industrial facilities or log dumps. dum ps. The The or log q u a n t i t i e s of quantities to o f materials ma te ri a l s dredged d re d gedare ar e low low in in comparison maincom par ison to channel channelmainttenance. e n a n c e . Much Mu chof beenhauled to upland disposalsites sites o f this th i s material ma te r ial has has been hauledto uplanddisposal for f o r deposition. d e p o si ti o n . t0 10 t I I I I I I II tI ,l I I I1 I I I U I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I TABLE 4 TABLE 4 IPERMITS FOR DREDGING IN BAY P E R MITF SORDREDGING IN YAQUINA YAQUINA BAYAND ANDRIVER RIVER River R iv er IMile Ml_'le 1.2 t.2 1.5 1 .5 1.6 1.6 1.8 1 . |..88 1.8 2.5 2.5 5.2 5,2 5.2 5.2 8.3 8 . |.03. 5 10.6 12.1 12.1 Permit Permi t Date Date 1974 1974 1972 1972 1975 1975 1974 1974 1975 I 975 1973 1973 Pur pose Purpose Applicant Appl i cant Fill Fiil U.S. U . S . Coast C o a s tGuard Guard S e aMuseums, Sea M u s e u mInc. sI n, c . Port of Port of Newport Newport Port Port of Newport Newport Oregon 0 r e g o nState S t a t eUniv. Unjv. N.W. N . l , JNatural . a t u r a lGas G a sCo. Co. N Cassell Cassel I Brothers Br other s River River Bend Be ndMoorage M oor age Oregon C o. 0r egonOyster Oy s terCo. Georgia G e o r g i aPacific P a c i f i c Co. Co. Lincoln L' incoln City C ity Dredging Dr edg i ng Fiil Fill Dredging Dr edging Dredging Dr edging Dredging Dr edging Dr edg' ing Dredging Dredging Dr edg i ng 1971 I 97.| 1975 I 975 1972 1972 1975 I 975 1973 1973 Fill Fiil Dredging Dr edg i ng Dredging Dr edg i' ng ISource: S o u r c e : United U n i t e dStates S t a t e sArmy A r m yCorps C o r p sof o f Engineers, P E n g i n e e r sPortland , o r t l a n dDistrict Distrjct q u a n i t i t e s of T h equanitites The o f dredged d r e d g e dmaterials m a t e r i a l slisted l i s t e d within f o l l o w i n g river w i t h i n the t h e following river s e g m e n d t i scu ssi o n s yea r a re segment discussions are estimated on an annual basis and for ten year estir nated on an annual for basjs and ten .|999. p e r i o d sthrough q u a n i t i t e s 1999. through T h e s equanitites were These w e r ecalculated f r o mhistorical historical c a l c u l a t e dfrom periods p ro j ected needs d r e dg i n grecords pr oposedprojects. pr ojec ts . re co rd s and a n d projected dredging needsof identifiable identifiable proposed p u r p o s e D r e d g i n g s o l e l y for f o r the Dredging solely t h e purpose of f i l l i n g is o f filling n o t represented i s not r e p r e s e n t e in di n these these estimates. estimates. D r e d g e Material d a t e r i a lCharacteristics Dredged M Characteristics B o t to mse d i me n tssu b i e ct to IBottom sediments subject to dr dredging and disposal disposal can can be edgingand be categorized categor izedas as b e i n g e i t h e r ocean being either o c e a nsand s a n dor o r upland u p l a n dsediment, s e d i m e n tnamely n , a m e lsilty ys i l t y sand. s a n d . Older 0lder m a t e r i a l s , both materials, b o t h in i n the t h e bay b a y and a n driver t e n d to t o be r i v e r tend b e more a n dof m o r esilty s i l t y and o f lighter fighter d e n si ty. H ( with the density. o w e ve r,recently re ce n tly deposited depositedsediments However, sediments(with the exception exceptionof D e p o eS l o u g hin o l e d o )appear Depoe Slough in T Toledo) a p p e a rto b e heavier t o be h e a v i e rand a n d contain c o n t a i nmore m o r esand. sand. T h eArmy physical and ArmyCorps C o rp sof The physical o f Engineers E n g i n eer shas has conducted conducted andchemical chem icalanalysis anal y s 'i s o f Yaquina Y a q u i n aBay B a ysediments s e d i m e n tat s t aa limited of a l j m i t e d number n u m b eof t h e bay or f sites b a yand and s i t e s within w i t h i n the ( fen1 performed rriver. i v e r. In per fo r m ed In a th e Environmental addition, Protection d d i ti o n , the Envjr onm ental Pr otectionAgency Agency(EPA) sseveral e v e r a ltests t e s t s at a t five f i v e locations l o c a t i o n sin i n 1969. 1 9 6 9 . The T h eresults r e s u l t s of o f these t h e s etwo t w o test test s i t u a t i o n s form Isituations f o r m the t h e basis b a s i s for f o r the t h e following f o l l o w i n qdiscussion. discussion. h y s i c a lCharacteristics Physical o P Characteristics Bo t to msediments pr oject are pr edominant'sandy ly IBottom se d i me n tsthroughout th ro u g h outthe the project ar e of of predominantly sandy m a t e r i a l , ranging r a n g i n gfrom f r o m nearly material, n e a r l y all a l l sand s a n din ' i nthe t h e lower l o w e rbay b a yto t o silty s i l t y sand in s a n din ( p r e d o m i n a n t lhighly t h e river u a fi t y m the r i v e r at P o o rq quality material a t Toledo. T o l e d o . Poor a t e r i a l (predominantly hyi g h l y organic organ'ic s i l t s and a n d clay) c l a y ) exist e x i s t near n e a r the silts in' i n o f Depoe D e p o Slough eS ' l o u gand t h e mouth m o u t hof h a n dupstream upstream Depoe p r o p o s edredging. d r e d g ' i n g . The Depoe Slough S l o u g hto t h e limit l i m i t of t o the o f proposed e x i s t i n g Newport T h eexisting Newport p o o rquality c o m m e r c i aboat q u a l i t y materials, commercial bl o a t basin b a s i n also a l s o contains e v i d e n c i n gaa c o n t a i n spoor m a t e r i a l s ,evidencing p e rce n tof h i g he r percent o f organics. the exception higher o rg a n i cs. With l^liththe except' ionof two areas, ar eas, of those thosetwo p ro p e rti e s of s e t t li n g properties good. o f the settling to th e bottom bottomsediments sedimentsare m oder ate to good. ar e moderate j f adequate M a t e r i a l densities d e n s i t i e sindicate p o s s i b l eif i n d i c a t e moderately m o d e r a t e lgood yg o o dfills Material f i l l s are adequate a r e possible d e w a t e r i n gand dewatering a n d compaction c o m p a c t i oare anr e obtained. o b t a i n e d .Table T a b l e55 lists l i s t s the t h e measured measured p r o p e r t i e salong a l o n g various physical v a r i o u sriver r i v e r miles m i l e s within t h e bay b a yand a n driver. w i t h i n the river. P h y s i c a lproperties il I11 1.347 o - o N @ cq @ cD or ot co 406 N o'r r\ . = 3 3 O I T I I I 5 1706 (I)l-F 1493 Density In Place (9 Ms/L) )>o^l +) lJI .r L ro:.1 t,.l ogo.=l oqotl .08 mm (Silt & Clay) TABLE 5 PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF YAQUINA BAY & RIVER BOTTOM SEDIMENTS an F z O- (l) J t 10 32 sl' cv (u (,o+rl 13 r vl 43 Percent Less Than Hvl +)16 -l CC EL)I oJF E I (J ool L (n@ I .-l .FI al UJ lr= 7 90 ('r 92 O) 95 co 91 87 68 96 92 57 (O ('l Or th O E Lr) (o F .lJ so d. o- I (u (u 0 0 2 0 0 0 COOOO(fOOOC\JO(f 0 0 0 a ! o+r I .FEI q) g UJ (F o o ! a Publisher's -51 Mouth Depoe Slough Below Marker #47 Near Marker #38 Near Bay Beacon #28 o - (J c\t ro c\t <r r\o rf) cc) t\ r-r (\l C\t (g f\ Or O C{ cO o P (g +) t/) ! o P :) 12 13.7 12.7 10.8 9.5 7.6 o (J 6.4 rr, |o CO r.\ L) 2.2 (J 1.5 ro 1.5 .F .Fi d=i tr) 1.5 LI (I) (ul )-l (J ro .n(,.oo5-q,oo. rJ o o co .F .F .n CO (JC)(J=rd.o=O-c lr-!-oo=.t (-) o cD la(Uqro(uo=-c.F Ol EEEre(F +rl EEF_(Fq,-onrftr5_o '-l OOOrd(o..oO(uOOJ .t)l ! Above Marker #25 (o6.dLr-L-vLa! Caffel Bros. Log Dump vrl (ul ol 9, +)+)+Jooc!g@.i-o rO(u16JJrF()cf):F oooo+a coocoLro! 2.25 .rl r-l ul Caffel Bros. Log Dump Commercial Boat Basin Commercial Boat Basin 'F'-EE aa6 (gfo(oooc\ts .COCOCA+g) gl ol .Fl Pl al Site Description Commercial Boat Basin a River Mile ? I a€l 8 EsTl E= t= 0 Percent Greater Than 5 mm (Gravel) JqO United States Army Corps of Engineers, Portland District () o +)v @F\N(OCCNtr)(\tNo (O lJ) Or O) (5 tt1 Source: co<d <dt+l F-<> L +t co ^l o .rJl 68 F= V'O HFLOgF E'O UJFCO J(J +t L' (Sand) LA (/) 5 to .08 mm OH t/'l (J - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 6.315 1219 ca oD ca O N Isf . 0.95 1 r.o O N 93 4 (\l cn 1.030 8 st 1831 6 ol (\,t 8 1585 cn <f 0.933 1959 tr) @ |r) 1870 1868 or lO crr 9 @ tO co 1.114 (f) c'r <+ (O O 1797 1 r\ LO ro cf) 9 O P (n Or 1 O S 1703 (\I 0.776 3 @ |r) ".r TJ'rl '- PI 0(6I >dl 868 2.37 f\ 52 Ratio Vo i d ro r\, CD Or 1657 ot 24 t l:J o v) I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I T I I I P I. Chemical Characteristics r C h e mi caC l h a ra cte ristics show Sampling in Table Table 6 6 show S a m pl i n gand b ottomsediments as listed listed in a n d analysis a n a l ysi s of o f bottom sedim entsas Samples p ro b l e msfor pollutant release pl es uponresuspension. r esuspension. Sam very v e r y minimal mi n i ma lproblems fo r pollutant r eleaseupon polluted and will andwill be polluted from appear ttaken a k e n fro DepoeSlough S' lough appearto to be m the th e vicinity o f Depoe vi ci n i ty of Some e g re a te r care require disposal. Som d redging,and andconfined confinedland landdisposal. r e q u i r e greater i n dredging, ca re in land if land depr essdissolved dissolvedoxygen oxygenif material m a t e r i a l in maydepress i n various va ri o u s river ri ve r sections sectionsmay this reason, r eas on, For this d i s p o sa l sites the materials. m ater ials. For disposal contain n o t adequately containthe si te s do d o not a d e q uate' ly possible above pr ovidedwher above two be wherever t w o cell d i sp o sa l systems*should c e l l disposal be provided everpossible syste ms*should River R i v e rMile M i I e 6. 6. Ir Toxicity T o xi ci ty of o f Dredged D re d g eMaterial dM ater ial of r e s u l t of a s aa result The materials a q u a t i chabitat h a b ' i t a tas T h e release r e l e a s eof o f toxic a t e r j a l sinto i n t o an a n aquatic toxic m ecod r e d g i n ga causeserious ser ious ecodredging and disposal materials n d the th e d ials can can cause i sp o sa i of o f dredged dr edgedmater par t by by in part system damage. The can be be identified identified in s y s t e md a ma g eT . h e extent e xte n t of o f the the hazard hazar dcan per for m ed Tests performed p e r f o rmi n gelutriate dr edged. Tests be performing tests on the materials to be dredged. e l u tri a te te sts on the m ater ials to showed ar ea bas' in by Corps of Engineers on samples from the turning basin area showed b y the fr om tur n' ing on the t h e C o rp so f E n g i n e e rs sam ples m etal heavymetal the heavy e x t r e m e l ylow showsthe extremely heavymetals. metals. Table Tab' le77 shows l o w releases re l e a se sof o f heavy R i v e a n dRiver.r . Y a q u i nBay aB a yand ccharacteristics h a r a c t e r i s t i c sfor i n Yaquina f o r aa sample s a m p l eof o f locations l o c a t i o n sin t I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TABLE 77 TABLE YAQUINA RIVER HEAVY FOR BAY RIVER ME L H A R A C T ERISTICS YAQUINA BAY&& YAQUINA H E A VMETAL Y T ACHARACTERISTICS FORYAQUINA C (T1S 9 7 6Data) BOTTOM B O T T OSEDIMENTS SM E D I M E N(1976 Data) River River Mile M ile I t I 1.0 1.0 1.5 1.5 2.2 2.2 6.4 6.4 7.6 7.6 9.5 9.5 10.8 t 0.8 12.7 12.7 r3 . 7 13.7 Cadmium Cadmium - olos 6.65 4.80 4.80 4.62 4.62 5.12 5.12 7.01 7.0.| 5.45 5.45 17.65 17.65 3.80 3.80 Parameter, m Par am etermg/kg , g/kg Lead Zinc L ead T inc - g .2B 9.28 12.97 1 2.97 13.20 1 3.20 8.84 B .8 4 14.02 1 4" 0 2 i11.39 l .39 26.74 26.74 14.10 14..|0 - gz.so 92.50 178.20 178.20 55.00 55.00 29.10 2 9.10 262.90 262.90 222.80 2 22.80 374.80 374.80 209.90 209.90 Mercury Mercury 0.22 0.22 0.120 0..l20 0.024 0.024 0.035 0 .0 3 5 0.065 0 .0 6 5 0.123 0 .123 0.203 0 .203 0.128 0 ..|28 0.060 0 .0 6 0 ISource: S o u r c e : United P U n i t e dStates S t a t e s Army ArmyCorps Corpsof o f Engineers, D is t r i c t E n g i n e e r sPortland , o r t la n dDistrict h e a v metal ym e t a conUpon b a ywater, w a t e r ,soluble lconU p o nresuspension r e s u s p e n s i oof s e d i m e n tin si n bay s o l u b l eheavy onf sediments p e r c e nof to f the centrations c e n t r a t i o n swere l e s s than t h a n0.1 0 . . |percent t h eundisturbed u n d ' i s t u r bsediment esde d i m econnct o n w e r eless ompared bay, averaged 0.2 . 2 ^mg/kg g / k g ccompared centration c e n t r a t i o nby b y weight. w e i g h t . In I n tthe he b a y , ssoluble o l u b l e zzinc inc a v e r a g e d0 with mg/kg weight boat 2 0 0 mg boat basin bas' insediments. sed' im ents . /kgdry d ry w in the the commercial comm er cial w i t h over o ve r 200 e i ght in believed The blo a t basin T h e source z i n c in i n the t h e commercial c o m m e r c i aboat b a s i n sediments s e d i m e n tis si s believed s o u r c eof o f zinc Zinc p a i n t s used i n c is is to t o be b e the m a r i n epaints u s e don t h e commercial c o m m e r c i fishing af jl s h j n g boats. boats. T t h e marine o n the ' i n aa reducible p h a s e . By p r e d o m i n a ntrace a predominant t rt a c e metal r e d u c i b l ephase. maintaining m e t a lin Bym a i n t a i n i n ghigh high dissolved d i s s o l v e do oxygen within material disd r e d g i n gand d r e d g e dm a t e r i a l disx y g e nlevels levels w j t h i n the t h e dredging a n d dredged presence p o s a l sites, g r e a t l yminimized. posal z i n c concentrations b egreatly m i n i m i z e d . The T h epresence s i t e s , zinc c o n c e n t r a t i o ncan cs a nbe o nor malto Coas t off reduced water r e d u ce diron i ro n in high w to Oregon Or egonCoast i n high a ter content content sediments, sediments,normal q u a l i t y since formed t r i b u t a r i e s , aids tributaries, a i d s in s i n c e iron i r o n oxides, o x i d e s , formed i n improving i m p r o v i n gwater w a t e r quality u p o nsuspension, their upon metals inhibiting s u s p e n s i o ntie i n, h i b i t i n g their t,i e up u p trace trace m e t a l sand a n d orthophosphate, orthophosphate p h a se . r e l e a s eto th e water release to the w a te rphase. * p r i m a r yand secondary A a n daa secondary i n which b o t h aa primary i s one w h j c hboth d i s p o s a lsystem s y s t e mis o n ein A two t w o cell c e l 1 disposal a t the tth a t settles s e t t l e s at the cell ot f sediment teh e amount a m o u nof s e d i m e nthat u t i l i z e d to t o maximize m a x ' i m i zthe c e l l are a r e utilized p r i m a r y p u m p e d The dredged material is first pumped into the primary cell c e l l and and t h e into ssite. i t e . T h e d r e d g e dm a t e r i a l i s f i r s t j n t o the gencye l l . This T h i s system s y s t e mis' i sgens e c o n d a rcell. t h e secondary tthen h e n directed d i r e c t e d over o v e r aa weir w e i r into j s f i n e sediments sedjments erally c h a r a c t e r i z e by db y fine d i s p o s a lmaterial m a t e r i a l is characterized e r a l l y used t h e disposal u s e dwhen w h e nthe or cl o n t a m i n a t i o n . o r chemical c h e m i c acontamination. t13? Gl (o st <f, o=o-l C) c\l tr) (\l +) 4.1 4.0 7.0 (\l 54.8 23.9 42.9 5 6(\rca <f 222.4 aaug F = V)O d COD (gm/kg) (Results of Elutriate Testing) bH9 o.= o o ocDorC\toooo+ 21.2 L z 18.0 TABLE 6 CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF YAQUINA BAY & RIVER BOTTOM SEDIMENTS tt F United States Army Corps of Engineers, Portland District United States Environmental Protection Agency P (J an o p C\J (o> F(J pq r-(t, -EE # Oc') o- r{ d#fr q uto L'r (\l tO C\l ('r CA to 1.5 (\l Ol 1.9 CY) 2.1 CD 6.1 - 2.4 st g(l) .rP 9rO cllrl Ot{- r o(o +) q1 C o-(u >E oc ()c) I ).r 69 31 71 70 54 tf)<tosfoOl Ca(^ot\F\L,Nf\CA(O 71 !-l FoOl (/)cl 70 (ul <Jl E> !-c < lrl (ouo ( u +) +) (orO +, +) v1 at) !'o (u(u +)P Source: cc =3 (l, t\ or 14 O t\ O C\J cr) 13.7 (o F\ 12.7 sl- |r) 10.8 c\l r.o 9.5 (\t 7.6 Lr) 6.4 >Fl .F .rl d=i c) o 2.2 !l (uOI 1.5 ge +rl 64 (o! *r.r 35 -tOCl 1.0 &3 LO ; p Total -< <)2, Or o .n a-l Solids (Percent) lrl Nl 13.9 g=! (Jl '-l (u+) (ua) 2.5 : ,t-r .e rd r -OOl River Mile Jod opl -UtCl .r! Ol 3.9 i., 3.2 F-H (Jd 6c CPercent) .:'. Volatile Solids F ccl lrl L) L = o a - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (\l (\l 4.4 cD 16.2 Nl 2.2 cO CO 1.3 tr) CA 2.3 (\l 3.5 . rr) 3.2 5.2 (\l | ! -- (Percent) Organic Material F^l () (dpl .r.r Cl cl(ul (o(I,(JI ll o)P !(o(uI I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I H t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I T I I t I I ' lead pH conditions A c i d .pH co n d i ti o n s in Acid land i n the th e dewatered dewater ed land disposal disposal sites s' ites may maylead to to some so m e lleaching e a c h i n gof o f heavy h e a v ymetals. , m e t a l s .The T h ehigh h i g h buffering p r o p e r t i e sand b u f f e r i n g properties a n dorganic organic c o n t e n tof o f the t h e saline content s a l i n e soils s o i l s would w o u l dminimize m i n i m ' i zthis e t h i s effect. e f f e c t . Under U n d e runsaturated unsaturated f l o w conditions, c o n d i t i o n s ,leaching l e a c h i n grates flow r a t e s are a r e also a l s o anticipated a n t i c i p a t e dtto o be b e very v e r y low. 1ow. Site S ISite Selection Criteria e l q c t i o nCriteria proposed p r e v i o u s l y rspecific d i s p o s a lof Ass discussed for s i t e s proposed f o r the t h e disposal of s p e c i f i c sites A d i s c u s s e dpreviously, bas' isof dredged materials were e valuatedon on the the basis of aa combination of enend r e d g e dma te ri a l s w e re evaluated combinationof g i n e e r i n gand gineering criteria. E n g i n e e r i ncriteria w e r eutilized utilized a n denvironmental environmenta clr i t e r i a . Engineering cg r i t e r i a were Ito was and h e ssites easible a n d that t h a t cost considerations t o iinsure n s u r e tthat h a t uuse s e ooff tthe ites w a sffeasible c o s t considerations were many envir onmental considerations r e a so n a b l e . In ma n yinstances, instances,environmental were w e r ereasonable. consider ationswere the overriding off a f a c t o r i in n the e ' l i m i n a t i o no a site a, l t h o u g hthe the o v e r r i d i n g factor t h e elimination s i t e because, b e c a u s ealthough the site may a yhave h a v ebeen b e e nengineeringly e n g i n e e r i n g l feasible, yf e a s i b l e , disposal d i s p o s a of lo f dredged d r e d g ematerial dm a t e r i a l site m following would w o u l dhave h a v ecaused c a u s e dloss l o s s of n a t u r a lhabitat T h efollowing o f significant s i g n i f i c a n t natural h a b i t a tareas. a r e a s . The p a r a g r a p ho su t l i n e the paragraphs outline major were the m a j o r criteria c r i t e r i a that that w e r eused i n the t h e evaluation evaluation u s e din p r o p o s edredged d r e d g e material and t h e proposed a n d selection s e l e c t i o nof o f the dm a t e r i a ldisposal d ' i s p o s asites. sl i t e s . Ir Environmental Criteria E n vi ro n me n ta Cl ri te ria p r i m a r i ' l yconcerned Environmental are with maintaining Environmenta ccriteria rl i t e r i a a tgh e r e primarily c o n c e r n ew d ith m a ' i n t a i n ' i nthe integrity off the and integrity o t h e natural eco-system a n y changes changes e s t u a r i n eeco-system a n d limiting l i m i t i n g any n a t u r a l estuarine which Maintenance of wetland w h i c hwould a ffe ct that ar eas w o u l dadversely a d ve rse l yaffect that system. system . Maintenance wetlandareas including mudflats, marshes and marsh arsh i n c l u d i n g intertidal intertidal m u d f l a t s ,tide l a n d s , salt other m t i d e lands, salt m arshea s n d other p r i m a r ycconcern, l a n d sw areas lands was and disposal off m materials a sa primary o n c e r n ,a n d the the d i s p o s a lo i n such s u c hareas a t e r i a l sin p ro h ib 'i te d. The was The ef effect disposal and the w a sessentially fect of di the resulting r esu't'l ing sposa' land e sse n ti a l y prohibited. water w a t e r runoff r u n o f f on f i s h and sites o n all a n dwildlife h a b i t a t was e v a l u a t e d and ,a n dsites a l l fish w i l d l ' i f e habitat w a sevaluated, from which w h i c hwould w o u l dhave h a v erecorded r e c o r d e dsignificant d e g r a d a t i o were n e l i m i n a t e dfrom s i g n i f i c a n t degradation w e r eeliminated q u a l ' i t yeffects ffurther u r t h e r consideration. water c o n s i d e r a t i o n . IIn the w a t e r quality e f f e c t s resulting resulting n aaddition, d d i t i o n , the ffrom r o m site a l s o evaluated. s i t e use u s e were w e r ealso evaluated. p o t e n t i a l land Other c o n c e r n sincluded effect O t h e rconcerns i n c l u d e dpotential l a n d use u s eeffects, e f f e c t s , including i n c l u d i n gthe t h e effect p r i m efarmlands p o t e n t i a l recreation of d i s p o s a lon o n prime f a r m l a n d sand o f disposal a n dexisting e x i s t i n g or o r potential r e c r e a t i o nsites. sites. . r Engineering Criterja E n g i n e e r i nCriteria g Engineering f e a s i b i l i t y and c o s t efficiency e f f i c ' i e n c yare a r e closely t i e d and a n dwere, were, E n g i n e e r i n feasibility g a n dcost c l o s e l y tied j o i n t l y . Since probably therefore, t h e r e f o r e , evaluated e v a l u a t e djointly. S i n c ethe t h e upriver u p r i v e r areas m o s tprobably a r e a swill w i l l most ' i p e l i n eddredge, r e d g e ,iit t w be use pipeline was b e dredged d r e d g e dby by u s e .of of a p a seessential s s e n t i a l tthatand h a t , a n dsites sites p i p e fi n edredge. be b e identified i d e n t i f i e d within t h e operational o f aa pipeline d r e d g e . This This w i t h i n the o p e r a t i o n arange lr a n g eof f a c t o r alone t o the factor meant e a n tthat h a t sites b y necessity, n e c e s s i t y ,occur a d j a c e n tto the s i t e s would, w o u l d ,by o c c u radjacent a l o n em h y s ' i c a features river. addition, physical were r i v e r . In In a d d i t i o n , tthe he p f1e a t u r e s of o f each e r eevaluated evaluated e a c hsite site w pr epar at' ionwas determine whether was feasible, many y iin n oorder r de r to d e te rmi n ew h e thersite sjie preparation feasjble, and and man p r e p a r a t i o n sites were sites w e l i m i n a t e ddue r e t u r n on o n site expenditures. e r eeliminated d u e to t o aa low l o w return s i t e preparation expenditures. Some a l t h o u g hacceptable e n v i r o n m e n t astandpoint, were S o m esites, s i t e s , although a c c e p t a b l efrom f r o m an a n environmental slt a n d p o i n t ,were pr epar ationcosts. too warrant t o o small s ma l l to to w a rra n t the th e necessary n ecessar ysite site preparation costs. p o te n ti a l dredged eva' luated Each off the Ea c ho th e potential d' isposalsites wer eevaluated d re dgedmaterial m ater jal disposal sjtes were ' i n the portions presented against in a g a i n s tthe t h e above a b o v ecriteria. c r i t e r i a . The l a t t e r portions T h esites s j t e s presented t h e latter g e n e r a l l y crjteria of this chapter generally were able to meet this complex set of criteria m e e t t h i s s e t o f of this chapter complex w e r ea b l e t o agenc i es and were co n si d e re dacceptable a cce p tablefor use by the the Federal Feder aland and State State agencies a n d we re considered use by permits. Iresponsible f o r the t h e issuance i s s u a n c eof f j l l permits. r e s p o n s i b l efor o f fill fl t5 I15 I I I I I T I P H Site Si t e Preparation Pr e pa ra ti o n presentedherein previouslJ been Althoughsome someof of the the sites sites presented Although herein have havepreviously beenused used l a ce me no tf d ffor o r tthe he p re d g e dmater ials, many placement of dredged materials, many of the the disposal disposal sites have have p re vi o u sl y, and n o t been u se dpreviously, not b e e nused ther efor e would pr epar ation a n d therefore wouldrequire r 6quir e site site preparation p r i o r tto p l a ce me nof o the th e placement prior disposal ot f the th e disposal mater ials. General Gener alconsiderations consider ations 'levelingmaterials. p re p a ra ti o ninclude: f o r site s i t e preparation i n cl u d e : leveling to for to insure insur e uniform unifor mapplication application for for m a x i m udewatering, dme w a te ri n g ,clearing maximum cl e a ri n g to to remove r em oveexisting existing vegetation, vegetation, dike dike construction constr uc ti on iin n oorder r d e r tto o cconfine o n f i n e tthe materials, off w weirs h e ddredged r e d g e dm a t e r i a l s ninstallation installation o e i r s and and s p i ' l l w a y s ,surface s u r f a c ed r a i n a g erelocation, spillways, drainage utility and relocation, u t i l i t y location location a n d return flow r e t u r n flow or o r outfall o u t f a l l construction. co n stru cti o n . Several S e ver alof the above items are the above items ar e considered consider ed permanentand place to enable temporaryn temporary, but may be and remain enable future but may be permanent remain in in place reuse r e u s eof o f the t h e site. site. The f i g u r e s included i n c l u d e dwithin d i s c u s s i o nillustrate w i t h i n this t h i s discussion T h efigures i l l u s t r a t e typical t y p i c a l details details ffor or e m b a n kmep nro t te cti o n a embankment protection and retur n spiliway n d return spillway design design and and construction. constr uction. D i k e sm a yb n stru cte dto per im eter , interior Dikes may bee co constructed as either perimeter, to serve se rve as inter ior or t r a i n i n g dikes. d i ke s. Perimeter P e ri me te rdikes gr eatest care training d i ke s require r equir e the the greatest car e in in construction constr uction p r o v i d elong t o provide l o n g term t e r m stability to a n d to s t a b i l i t y and a v o i d accidental t o avoid a c c i d e n t a lbreaks b r e a k sor o r spills spi1ls during d u r i n g use. u s e . Interior In te ri o r d i ke s a re used dikes are used when when mor moreethan one cell than one is required cell is r equir ed p r o v i d e adequate t o provide a d e q u a tesettling. to constructed se ttl i n g . Training Tr aining dikes dikes are ar e sometimes sometimes constr ucted f r o m the t h e film f i l m ma te ri a l to pr eventshort from material to direct d i re ct inflow inflow and and to to prevent shor t circuiting cir cuiting o f the t h e disposal of d i s p o s a lmaterial m . a t e r i a land a n drunoff. runoff. C e r t a i n regulatory r e g u 'l a to ryagencies a g e n ci e shave gener alguidelines guidelinesfor h a v edeveloped deve' loped Certain general for the the c o n s t r u c ti o nof o f continued co n ti n u e ddisposal d i sp osal sites construction insureethe sites to to .insur the retention r etention of of p ro te cti o n of s o l i d s and th e protection qua' lity. These solids guidelines establish a n d the o f water w aterquality. Theseguidelines estab' lish s t a n d a r d sfor f o r crest c r e s t heights h e i g h t sof standards standing water levels, o f weirs, w e i r s , minimum minimum w a t e r l e vels, standing a voidance o f over o v e r filling, f i l l i n g , location l o q a t i o n of o f outfalls avoidance of o u t f a l l s and r e t e n t i o n time for a n d retention t i m e for settling. settling. T h e sefactors fa cto rs mu pr epar ation These must st also also be be considered consider edin in the the preparation ( c h a p t e r44 ffurther o f specific of s p e c i f i c sites. s i t e s . (Chapter u i d e l i n e sffor u r t h e r ddiscusses i s c u s s e sg guidelines o r the the d i s p o s a lof disposal d r e d g e materials.) dm a t e r i a l s . ) o f dredged Si t e Reuse R e u sePotential Site P o te n ti a l k e y determinant the A disposal of dr dredged A key d e t e rmi n a n tin is the the use useof of the i n the th e d m ater ialsis i sp o sal of edgedmaterials lland a n d subsequent s u b s e q u e nto t the to th e disposal d i sp o salof of the the material. on m ater ial. Depending Depending on its its reuse r euse p o t e n t i a l , dredged d r e d g e dmaterials m a t e r i a l smay e i t h e r aa highly potential, m a ybe b e either h i g h l y desirable d e s i r a b l eor o r undesirable undesirable commodity. c o m m o d i ty.The p a ra gr aphs T h efollowing pr ovideaa general fo l l o w i n g paragraphs gener aldescription provide the descr iptionof of the p o t en ti a l of r e u s epotential reuse o f Yaquina Y a q u i n aBay B a yand andRiver Riversediments. sediments. Agricultural r. A g r i cu 'l tu ra l Use U se Si n c e Yaquina Ya qu i n aRiver R i ve r sediments se d i me n tsconsist Since consist of of silty silty sand sandand andcontain containapproximately appr oximatel y p e r c e n t organic 5 percent ma te ri a l , they o rg a n i c material, th ey should 5 shouldbe be moderately m oder atelysuitable suitable for for the the c u l t i v a t i o n of cultivation o f agricultural a g r i c u l t u r a l crops. crops. A l t h o u g hthe t h e level Although l e v e l of is o f organics o r g a n i c sis c o m p a r a t i ve 'llow lyo w and a n d would comparatively the w o u l drequire re quir e soil soil enhancement, enhancem ent, the major majorconcern concer n order t o remove r e m o vthis et h i s h i g hsalt . s a l t content. c o n t e n t . In In o i t ' s high r d e r to with w i t h sediment s e d i m e nuse ut s eis i s it's w a t e r fro m th e salt water from the sediments, the dewatered sediments must be subjected salt se d i me n ts,the dewater edsedimentsmust be subjected t o extensive e x t e n s i veirrigation i rri g a ti o n with w i th freshwater freshwateruntil to until the the salts ar e leached salts are leachedout. out. pr oblemis O n esolution s o l u t i o n to to the th e salt One sa l t content co n te nt problem is to to remove r em ovethe the existing existing top top p ri o r to s o i l from f r o m the th e site si te prior disposal of the soil to the th e disposal dr edgedmaterials the dredged m ater ials and and s t o c k p i l e it stockpile until the i t u n t i l t h e filling f i l l i n g has h a s been b e e ncompleted. c o m p l e t e d . Once t h e disposal disposal 0 n c ethe m a t e r i a l is i s sufficiently su ffi ci e n tl y dewatered, d e w a ter edo the top material the top soil r eplacedover the soil can canbe be replaced over the pr ocedur ecan dredged d r e d g e dmaterial. m ate ri a l . This T h i s application a p p 'l i cationprocedure $3,500 can cost cost approximately appr oximately $3,500 per a c r e wh per acre when and e nup u p to 22 feet fe e t of o f top top soil soi' l is is removed r em oved r eplaced. In andreplaced. In areas ar eas c h a r a c t e r i ze d h i g h b y high freshwater fre sh w a terrainfall, r ainfall, natural characterized by leachingmay natur al leaching m aybe be sufficiently sufficientl y rrapid a p i d tto o a l l e v i a t e the alleviate t h e need n e e dfor f o r this t h i s expenditure. expenditure. t166 t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I HIGI-iWAY HiGHWAY FILL flLL 6" SAND FABRIC FABRIC S I L T SSCREEN CREEN SILT E X IIS T . \ - ,// EX ST. CUL VER T YX CU LVE RI E XITST. STOR .OR EX NEW TEGA1 ---FILL---/ .---F I LL --' -s / \ -- ..L_ ( 4 , .-2 ) 2 NROCK R O C KDRAIN D R A I N (4 TYPICALDETAIL DETAIL TYPICAL EMBANKMENT PROTECTION EMBANKMENT PROTECTION H,ALFCULVERT HALF CULVERT-\ 4' R CHANNEL TcHANNEL --18" PIPE_/ 0 REMOVABLE REMOVABLE J , STOP LOGS STOP LOGSI BAGS SAND BAGS UP UP2' 2, TYPICAL DETAIL DETAIL TYPICAL RETURN SPILLWAY SPILLWAY RETURN '1 171 I I I I I p a rti cu l a rl y in a r e a s, particularly i n the Many M a n yareas, the vicinity vicinity of Boone BooneIsland and upriver Island and upr iver poorly drained from Toledo, from Toledo, are characterized characterized by drained diked diked tidelands by poorly and tidelands and A p p l i ca ti o n of d re dgedmaterial wetlands. w e t l a n ds.Application o f dredged mater ial could r aise the could raise the elevation elevation of of I a n d s resulting t h o s e lands re su l ti n g in i mpr oveddr ainageconditions those drainage conditions and and thereby i n improved ther eby enhancing enhan c i ng their a g ri cu l tu ra l 'lvalue. t h e i r agricultural va S easonalflooding f' loodingis also reduced is also r educedor or eliminated. elim inated. a nldu e . Seasonal Su c ha g ri cu l tu ra l land enhancement per m anent Such agricultural must be weighed against e n h a ncement must be weighed against the the permanent possible creation ve n tu a l reclaiming loss orr e eventual wetland habitat and the loss o re cl a i mi n gof wetland habitat and the possible cr eation f u r t h e r flood fl o o d hazard of o f further h a za rdfor adjacentland. fo r adjacent land. r Engineered E n g i n e e r eFill Fd i l l o s t ca IIn n m se s, Y a q u i n aB nd River most cases, Yaquina Bay River dr dredged materials appear to to have have edgedmater a y aand ials appear g o o dstructural q ua' lities. However, reasonably r e a s o n a b l ygood stru ctu ra l qualities. Howeversince , dr y consolidation, since consolidation, dry d ensity a n d co density and compaction mp a cti o ntest data are te st data ar e not not available, availab' le, conclusive conclusiveanalytical analytical p r o j e c t io n s cannot par t,icular l y projections ca n n o tbe b e made. ma d e . The The ability ability to to dewater dewatersediments, sedim ents,particularly t h o s e upriver u p ri ve r of those o f the th e turning tu rn i n g basin, basin, is is also also an an important impor tantconsideration consider ation ar s to i t ca s i n c e it since cann take years materials ta ke several se ve ra l ye to adequately adequatelydry dr y fills fills of silty silty mater ial s t o 55 feet 4 4 to fe e t in time for consolidation and compaction. i n depth d e p th and a d ditional a n d additional tim e for and com pact i on. conso' lidation 'lower dredgedmaterial Sandydredged material from from the the lower bay Sandy bay will will begin begin compaction compactionalmost almost p l a ce me n t. immediately i m m e d i a te l yupon u p o nplacement. M e c h a ni cameans l a n sof me and compaction Mechanical can o f filling fi l l i n g and com paction be used usedto to shorten shor tenthis this can be p e r i o d , resulting, ttime i m e period, r e s u l t i n g , however, h o w e v e rin i,n increased i n c r e a s e costs. dc o s t s . poor material from Dredged material from the DepoeSlough in Toledo be of Dredged the Depoe S'lougharea area in maybe of poor Toledomay q u a l i t y for quality structural fo r even e ve nmoderate mo d e ra te structur al loads. sediments loads. Accumulated Accumulated fr om sedim entsfrom placedin e w p o rtco tthe he N mme rci aboat basin should Newport commercial be placed disposal bl o a t basin should only be in only disposal ' loads he relight ssites ites w l i g h t to to mo str uctur al loads may where moderate may be d e ratestructural be imposed, imposed,unless unless f u r t h e r soils further i n v e s t i g a t i o n sindicate i n d i c a t eotherwise. Examples of acceptable otherwise. E s o i l s investigations x a m p l eo sf a cceptable par kingareas f o r those u s e s for uses parking th o se materials ma te ri a l s include i n clude open openstorage, stor age, unimproved ar eas unimpr oved g o o d a n d sub-base sub-base f i l l for f o r areas and fill with good a r e a swhich w h i c hcan c a n later ' l a t e r be b e surcharged w i t h surcharged q u a l i t y materials. quality materials. l ' l i l d l i f e Habitat r Wildlife H a b i t a tCreation Creation d e ve l o p me nof T h e development mar shlands The and otf artificial a rti fi ci a l marshlands andother for m sof of aquatic aqua.tic other forms h a b i t a t fo r shellfish, fow1 or ha s habitat for water sh e l l fi sh , w a te r fowl or important impor tantfood chain vegetation vegetationhas food chain g a i n e dconsiderable year s. The gained co n si d e ra b 'linterest ei n te re st in in recent r ecentyears. Cor psof Engineer s The Corps of Engineers Waterways has conducted demonstrations, Waterways Experiment demonstrations, ExperimentStation Station has conductednumerous numerous p r o d u c in gsome producing include: Som eof the the approaches inc' lude: so mestriking stri ki n g results. re su lts. Some appr oaches - - cconstruction p l a n t e dwith d i s p o s a lislands -o n s t r u c t i o nof i s l a n d s planted d r y land land o f disposal w i t h dry ass w wildlife nesting or feeding, vvegetation e g e t a t i o na i l d l i f e cover c o v e r for n e s t i n g o r f e e d ing, for - - creation -c r e a t i o n of o f intertidal i n t e r t i d a l marshlands, m a r s h l a n d, s -- creation pr eviouslybelow cre a ti o n of fr omareas -intero f mudflats mu d fl atsfrom ar easpreviously below inter tidal t i d a l levels. l e v e ls . t T I I I I I I II tI I t I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I U I I I II II I T I I I I I U I LI IIt to evaluate evaluate some some of of these these new new techniques for techniques for e bbeneficial I t ccould ou l d bbe e n e fi ci a l to .|50 .|976 specific application Yaquina Bay. Through Section off the a q u i n aB ay.T t h e 1976 specific a in Y h r o u g hS e c t i o n150 o p p l i c a t i o n in R e so u rceDevelopment s e ve l o p ment has authority author ity Water Act, W a t e rResources D Act, the Cor psof of Engineers the Corps Engineer shas r estor ation of m the development, marshlands associated u n d th e ve l o p me n t, ccreation r eation or restoration ar shlands assoc i ated tto o ffund ed with off this authority w i t h maintenance m a i n t e n a n cactivities. this a u t h o r i t y should b e further further aec t i v i t i e s . Use U s eo s h o u l dbe explored ass it t o specific s p e c i f i c sites s ' i t e s under u n d e rconsideration c o n s i d e r a t i o nin i n this this e x p l o r e da i t rrelates e l a t e s to Idocument. document. f o l l o w i n g sections The T h efollowing d r e d g i n gneeds for o u t l i n e the t h e dredging n e e d sand a n doptions o p t i o n sfor s e c t i o n soutline each e a c hriver ri ve r segment fro the mouth m outhof of Yaquina YaquinaRiver River upriver upr iver through thr ough se g me nfrom t m the gu' ideli nes pr el im inar y guidelines Toledo. T o 1 e d o . Specific and S p e cif i c disposal d i sp o sal sites ar e mapped m apped and preliminary si tes are ffor o r their t h e i r use u s eare a r e described. described. El [H I19 19 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - RiverSegment1 U I I \ .\ \ w ii' l?'4!! 'r -a- t '. :sP ::--' V I:: I4 .1 ! 1/'t iii ';, j. ?/4 :i ,//, i.,, I up r iW ",'; #.#.,#,./ " - - -' 'LIII' .1 / -- - iIii _.lI - I d I! r; I M 4 :: I £i9 - r - i_J ! 1II1i:1t!IiI (liii iIiI] i i - LI' r11 u .. LL, Ii'-, -- YaquinaBayDredgBdMaterialDisposalPlan I DisposatSlte f, SlrcalirqgArea I I I I I I I I I I I I T I I I t RiversesJgglJ Wilocy&Ham I t II I (ENTRANCE CHANNEL TO POINT RIVER MILE RIVER McLEAN POINT RIVER MILE3) 3) RIVER SEGMENT 1I (ENTRANCE SEGMENT CHANNEL TOMcLEAN I I Dredging DredgingNeeds Leeds Ir II t I II I T I I I I I I I l T I I I I II II I I I, Maintenance of Maintenance ExistingProjects Projects of Existing of federal maintenance maintenance of According to S Army According to the the UU.S. ArmyCorps Corpsof of Engineers, Engineers,federal the authorized authorized entrance entrance channel, channel, inner channel upstream upstream to to McLean McLean Point, Point, the inner channel is estimated and the turning basin at McLean McLean Point, estimated to to generate generate and the turning Point, is basin located locatedat yards approximately 13 million cubic cubic yards of of dredged dredged materials materials over over the the next next approximately l3 million years. disposed Historically, this material has been disposed in an off shore 20 years in an off shore 20 Historically, this materialhas been the Environmental Environmental ocean disposal for disposalsite for use useby bythe ocean whichis is approved approved site which Protection ProtectionAgency Agency. the Port by the Port of of The commercial whichis is operated operatedby TheNewport Newport corrercial boat boat basin, basin, which year 20 will require maintenance dredging twice over the next 20 year over the next dredging twice Newport, Newport, will require maintenance yards period. quantities period Dredging quantities are are estimated estimated at at about about 125,000 125,000 cubic yards cubic Dredging for each each maintenance maintenance effort, effort, for for a a total total of of 250,000 250,000 cubic cubic yards yards of of for bottomsediments, thesebottom sediments, material of material. Due Dueto composition of these to the the chemical chemicalcomposition canbe be disposal whererunoff runoff can disposalshould land site site where shouldoccur containedland occuron on aa contained Iclosely closely regulated. regulated permit to 27,000cubic of cubic yards Newport Terminals Terminals currently currently has a permit dredge 27,000 yards of to dredge Newport has a Assuming that this that this material materialannually bargeloading loadingarea. area. Assuming annuallyfrom fromits its barge planningperiod, period, they volume were were to would they would to continue the planning vo1ume continuethroughout throughoutthe yardsof generate The facility generate a cubic facility a total total of of material material. The 540,000 cubicyards of 540,000 permit to dispose disposeof of manager indicated haveapplied appliedfor for aa permit to manager indicatedthat that they they have by currently used usedby disposalsite site currently those materials in off shore thosematerials the off shoreocean oceandisposal in the permit the will that the permit will they expect expectthat andthey the S Army the UU.S. ArmyCorps of Engineers, Corpsof Engineers,and receive approvals the necessary receivethe necessary approvals. generate is expected expectedto to generate The Embarcadero Marina The east of Port Dock Embarcadero Marinaeast of Port Dock77 is planning year 20 year planning approximately 8,000 yards of material during during the the 20 of material approximately 8,000cubic cubic yards period. period. Constructionof NewProjects Projects r Construction of New plansto proceeding 600slip slip. The Port is with plans to construct constructaa 600 with The Port of Newport Newport is proceeding Construction of the marina would would the marina Beach. Construction small small boat boat basin basinalong SouthBeach. alongSouth yardsof material. 365,000cubic cubic yards of material. require 365,000 removalof require the the removal of approximately approximately pipelinedredging dredgingis is the the most most Due shallowbottom bottomconfiguration, configuration,pipeline to the the shallow Dueto necessary for the the necessary hasapplied appliedfor Port has ThePort cost effective dredging dredgingmethod. method. The cost effective land. pennitsto 28 acres of adjacent adiacentland. permits acresof on 28 disposeof the materials materialson to dispose of the to total total expected Marinais is expected Maintenance dredging to BeachMarina SouthBeach Maintenance dredgingfor for the the South planning year planning proiected20 yearsover 20 year the projected 20,000 yards every over the five years 20,000cubic cubic yards everyfive period. period. proiecteddredging for River RiverSegment Table the 11 needsfor Segment dredgingneeds survnarizes the projected Table88 summarizes year plan plan time 20 year frame. during during the the 20 time frame 21 II I1 TABLE TABLE88 SEGMINT RIVER 1 NEEDS RIVERSEGMENT I DREDGING DREDGING NEEDS Land Disposal Land Disposal Quantity ty Quanti Project Project l1 . Entrance E n t r a n cechannel-turning ch a n n e l -tu rn i n g basin b asi n maintenance ma i n te n a n ce 2 2. Commercial Cornnercialboat boat basin basin maintenance maintenance 3 3. Newport NewportTerminals Terminals maintenance maintenance 4 4. 5 5. 6 6. 13,000,000 cy 13,000,000 cy 250,000 250,000cy cy 540,000 cy 540,000 cy South SouthBeach BeachMarina Marina construction c o n stru ctio n 365,000 cy 365,000 cy South SouthBeach BeachMarina Marina maintenance mai ntenance 80,000 80,000cy cy Embarcadero Marina Embarcadero Marina maintenance maintenance 8,000 cy 8,000 cy TOTAL DREDGING NEEDS TOTAL DREDGING NEEDS Ocean Disposal Disposal Ocean Quantity Quantity 703,000 703,000cy cy 13,540,000 1 3 , 5 4 0 , 0 0cy c0y Ocean 0 ce a nDisposal D i sp o sa l Dredged materials from channel channel maintenance maintenance have historically been Dredged ma te ri a l s resulting re su l ti n g from havehistor ically been d i s p o s edin disposed approved ocean disposal disposal site site that is located dir directly ectly i n the th e EPA E P Aa p p ro ve docean is located feet of and off shore off shore of YaquinaBay. Bay. The The site site is is in in approximately 60 feet of water water and of Yaquina approximately60 past records past yards of material have disposed 700,000cubic have been beendisposed records indicate that 700,000 cubic yards material annually a n n u a l l yat T h i s results r esults in in about of dredged dr edged nateri al a t that th a t site si te . This aboutfour four feet feet of year . According being b e i n g evenly e ve n l y deposited d e p o si te dover the entire entir e site site each Accor dingto U.S. o ve r the eachyear. to U.S. Army Army Corps minimal long changes in Corpsof Engineers Engineersrecords, records, only minimal in bottom bottom long term tenn changes t o p o g r ap h yhave h a veresulted that topography fro m disposal disposalof This suggests suggeststhat re su l te d from the materials of the mater ials. This m o s tof most o f the th e materials the disdisma te ri a l s deposited d e p o si tedat the out of of the the site site are ar e transported tr anspor tedout p o s a l area place for posal R ec ent a r e a . The re s ting place is unknown unknown.Recent T h eultimate u l ti ma te resting for this material mater ial is studies have haveshown disposal studies shownthat that faunal faunal disturbance disturbanceof in aa disposal of the the benthos benthosin a r e a results r e su l ts in Ess enti al l y , area alteration community structure i n the th e a l te ra ti o n of the the benthic benthic com m unity str uctur e. Essentially, the benthic periodic change benthic community results the becomes dependent upon change which which results cornmunity dependent becomes uponthe periodic f r o m the t h e disposal from d i sp o sa lof ma ter ial. If o f the th e material to If the the disposal disposal materials m ater ials are ar e similar sim ilar to t h e site s i t e bottom b o tto mmaterials, the ma te ri a l s, then th en only only minimal impactsoccur. Thi s m inima'long-term longl ter mimpacts occur . This a p p e a r sto to be b e the th e case th e current appears ca seat cum ent ocean a t the oceandisposal disposalsite. site. presently used Thereis is no There no indication indication that the presently renderedunuseable unuseable that the be rendered usedsite site will will be d u r i n g the a r planning p l a n n i n gperiod per iod. Indeed, during year t he 20 2 0 ye Indeed,since since the benthic community has the benthic cor ununi ty has already been beenaltered altered from from its its natural natural state, already may be continue use state, it it may best to continue be best use of of t h a t site, s i t e , rather ra th e r than that th a n to alter communities. to unnecessarily u n necessar ily alter additional additional ocean oceanconr nuni ti es . 22 2? I I I I II t Disposal D i s p o s a Options l0 p t i o n s r tI I I I I I I I I I I I I I1 I I I t I I I I I 1 I 1 I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Ir Land D i sp o sa l L a n dDisposal gener ally acceptable T h esites si te s listed l i ste d in i n Table T a b l e 99 are The ar e generally acceptablefor for the the disposal disposa l of d r e d ge dma dredged materials 1. te ri a 'l swithin w i th i n River River Segment Segment l. Each Eachsite discussedindividually is discussed ind i v i dual l y site is pages. in i n the the following fol'l owing pages. ITABLE TABLE99 - DISPOSAL RIVER SEGMENT 1I R IV E R S EGMENT OPTIONS DISPOSAL OPTIONS ISite S i te No No. Approximate Appr oxiTateCapacity Capacity I1 50,000 50,000 2 2 50,000 50,000 3 3 150,000 1 50,000 4 4 150,000 1 50,000 5 5 35,000 35,000 .|,000,000 6 6 1,000,000 TOTAL TOTALCAPACITY CAPACITY i23 23 .|,435,000 1,435,000 I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I II II I I I I I I I !:l::{::{::l::t:$ Dirponl DispOSal sltr site Per lpher aldiking diklng Peripheral I I " .. diking Inter ior dlking Interior 111111111Natural Natural barrier barrier [tt|lfl I Outfall 0utfal I point Dtr Discharge Dlscharge point - pipe '. Outfall 0utfall pipe P Primary Pr imar yfill fill area ar ea P s fill area area Secondary S Secondary fill 0verflow l Overflow A drainage Surfacedrainage Surface R IIW RHW jr I \ l1L___ L ii' 2M. CEMT S. o t N. $ L I t rils rHS ( o \\ (l : -J F 6 I.- Plan DisposalPlan MaterialDisposal Yaquina Material BayDredged Dredged YaquinaBay Figure Figure 11 4OO Scale 1:400 Scatcl..r 24 ?4 Wilsey& Ham Wilccy& Ham t * I I I ,l II I II II I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I S I T E1I SITE I ( I l l u s t r a t e d on (Illustrated F i g u r e1) o n Figure l) Site S i t e Description Description L o c a t i o n :A 1y5 0 ' ssouth outh o Location: Approximately off the p p r o x i m a t e l150' p o n dand t h e South S o u t hBeach B e a c hlog 1 o g pond and west w e st of o f road. ro a d . Size: Size: 3 5 0 ' xx 700' 350' 700' yar ds, @@55 feet Capacity C a p a ci ty:50,000 5 0 ,0 0 0cubic cu b i c yards, feet depth, depth, uncompacted uncom pacted. P h y s i c a lCharacteristics: Physical Characteristics: T h i s is This i s aa flat, f l a t , active a c t i v e dune d u n eland, land, ( l a n d cclearing h a v i n ge x p e r i e n c e recent i s t u r b a n c e(land having experienced disturbance rde c e n t d l e a r i n g and and l e v e ' l i n gby b y removal leveling r e m o v aof materia'l). T The ol f material). h esoils a r e dune d u n eland s o i l s are land material. ma te ri a l . S e a sonalfresh fr esh water Seasonal water exists exists on on the the south southborder. bor de r . i s suspected This T h i s is su sp e ctedto to be be surface sur facerun-off, r un- off, as the source as the sour ce c o u l dnot could n o t be b e identified. identified. B i o l o g i c a l Characteristics: Biological C h a r a c t e r i s t i c s : The T h evegetation v e g e t a t i o nis i s comprised c o m p r i s e of d f tree tree. o gr ass and l u p i n e , beach b e a chgrass lupine, bor deris andshorepine. shor epine. The Thesouth south border is made m ade upp o off a and u a thick th i ck riparian ripar ian community fr eshwatermarsh. cor nmunity andaa freshwater m ar sh. Small Sm al l p o s s i b l yraccoon. mamals m a r u n ainclude il n s c l u d emice, m i c e ,shrews, s h r e w sand ,a n dpossibly r a c c o o n . Various Various g r a s s vegetation, bird b i r d species would o u l duse lupine-beach grass s p e c i e sw u s e the t h e lupine-beach v e g e t a t i o n ,as as well w e l l as a s the t h e riparian r i p a r i a n thickets. thickets. Zoning: Zoning: Planned marine P l a n n e dm arine C o mp re h e n siPlan: vel a n : Planned Comprehensive marine P P l a n nedm and recreation r ecr eation ar ineand Ownership: Private ownership Dodd and and Kenneth Stafferson O w n e rsh i p : P ri va te o w n er ship-- Kenneth KennethDodd KennethStaffer son Engineering E n gi n e e ri n gConsiderations C o n si d e ra ti or lg Method M e t h o dof o f Dredging: D re d g i n g : Pipeline P i p eline dredge dr edge prevent Design D e s i g nCriteria: materials C r i t e r i a : Dike D i k e using u s i n g on-site a t e r i a l sas on-site m a s required r e q u i r e dto t o prevent fl o o d i n g of flooding adjacent land and maintain approximately 100 foot s etbac k s o f a d j a ce n t land and m aintain appr oximately100 foot setbacks p o nd. Retur from Returnnflow may be fro m edge l o g pond. flow may dischar gedthrough e d g eof o f log be discharged thr oughaa pni p e l i n e w common with co mmopipeline boat i th disposal disposa' lSite 22 into into deep deepwater water near near the the boat basin. b a si n . Discharge D i sch a rg ewould w ouldnot not affect either marsh mar shor or tideflat tidef' lat areas. ar e as . affect either Site S i t e Preparation: P r e p a r a t i o n : Some leveling Some m u s toccur. M i n o rutility u t i l i t y relocation, relocation, l e v e l i n g must o c c u r . Minor p o w e rlines power l i n e s and a n d buried b u ri ed telephone cab1emay maybe berequired. r equir ed. An An telephonecable undercrossing u n d e rcro ssi n gcasing be ca si n g for for the the South SouthBeach Beachaccess accessroad r oad will will be n e ce ssa ry. necessary. ard $00 .77/cubic Unit Site Unit S i t e Preparation P r e p a r a t i o nCost Cost: $ 7 7 l c u b i cyyard potential for Future F u t u reUse havepotential U seConstraints: C o n stra i n ts: None. M ayhave for stockpiling stockpiling None. May off clean o as fill cl e a n sand sa n dfor fo r later l a ter removal r em ovalas fill material. m ater ial. 25 25 I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I III I I I I II I Environmental Environmental Considerations: Considerations : Disposal materials are expected expected to to come come from from the Effects Effects of Disposal: Disposal of Disposal: pr obablyhave South ma ri n aand a n d would havelow low toxic toxic levels, So u thBeach wouldprobably levels, B e a chmarina pr esentbiological th e area a re a would r eestablishits ttherefore, h e re fo re , the w o uldreestablish its present bio' logical ( 5- 7 years) year s) period per iodof r ipar ian condition c o n d i ti o n within w i th i n aa short sh o r t (5-7 of time. tim e. The Theriparian pr otected,as vegetation v e g e ta ti o nto to the th e south so u thshould shouldbe be protected, as the the annual annual inhabitants i n ha b i ta n ts are a re concentrated co n ce n tr atedwithin within that ar ea. Surface fr eshthat area. Sur facefreshp a sse sthrough par t of the and water w ate r also a l so passes th ro u ghthe the southern souther npart the site, site, and p ro te cte dalong Generalal should s h o u l dbe the riparian b e protected a l o ng with with the r ipar ian vegetation. vegetation. Gener e f fe cts on be short loss. effects o n the th e site si te would w o uldbe shor t term, ter m , without without significant significant loss p l a ce me nof r estr ict The h i g h l y toxic materials mater ials on T he placement ot f highly on the the site site would wouldrestrict future iits t s fu tu re biological b i o l o g i ca l development. Re-vegetation and reestablishment d evelopment.Rer eestablishm ent vegetationand g ro u p swould o f faunal fa u n a l groups cases. of r etar ded, and r estr icted in w o u l dbe be retarded, and restricted in some som ecases placedon to xi c ma If materials I f highly h i g h l y toxic te ri als were natur al wer eplaced the site, site, future on the futur e natural habitat h ab i ta t use w o u l dbe b e severely r estr icted. u se would se ver el.yrestricted. Other O t h e rConsiderations: Considerations: p ro p e rty owners plans The T h e current c u r r e n t property haveindicated indicated that futur e plans o w n e rshave that their their future p re c'l u d e for f o r the its material th e site si te preclude i ts use useas as aa dredged dr edged disposal m ater ialdisposal t h e other R i v e rSegment ssite. i t e , Since S i n c ethe o t h e r available a v a i l a b l esites s i t e s within S e g m e1nI t w i t h i n River the have sufficient capacity meet disposal needs over the h a ve su ffi ci e n t ca p a ci ty to m eetthe disposal needsover a rs, th pr ior ity for n e xt 2 i s site has been for use use. next 200 ye years, this given a low si te has beengiven low priority p' landesignations this The plan designationsfor for this T he current cu rre n t zoning zo n i n gand a n d comprehensive com pr ehensive p l a n n e dmarine placem ent disposal The placement of are ssite i te a re planned ma ri n eand r ecr eation. The of disposal andrecreation. pr ecludeeither material th e site not preclude either use, but would would m ate ri a l on si te would w ouldnot use, but o n the o stp o n e m ent postponement use until materials of that that use the fill fi' ll m ater ials rresult e su l t in in a p until the h ad sufficiently had su ffi ci e n tl y compacted co mp acted. tI 26 26 I I I I II I 1 I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ( I l l u s t r a t e don S I T E22 (Illustrated SITE F i g u r e2) 2) o n Figure Site Si t e Description D e scri p ti o n pr oposedSouth Location: L o ca ti o n : Approximately southeast A p p ro xi ma te l 800' 800' y southeastof of proposed SouthBeach BeachBoat Boat Basin Bas i n Size: Size: 5 0 0 ' xx 400' 500' 400' y ar ds, @@10 Capacity 5 0 ,0 0 0cubic C a pa ci ty: 50,000 cu b i c yards, l0 feet, feet, uncompacted uncom pacted Physical P h y s i c a lCharacteristics: C h a r a c t e r i s t i c s : The T h eSoil S o i l Conservation C o n s e r v a t i oService Sn e r v i c ehas has d e si g n a te dthe designated th e area duneland. The ar ea an an active active duneland. Thetopography topogr aphy p r o g r e s s i n gto c o n s i s t sof consists o f aa series s e r i e s of o f low-lying 1 o w - l y i n gknolls, k n o ' l ' l s ,progressing t o aa s i g n i f i c a n t "hill" significant t h e south b o r d e rof o n the s o u t hborder o f the t h e site. There s i t e . There " h i l l " on a re no n o freshwater fre sh w atercreeks are cr eeksor or saltwater saltwaterchannels channelson the site. onthe site . pondborders A Ann abandoned a b a n d o n elog ldo g pond bor der sthe the easterly easter ly edge. edge. Biological B i o l o g i c a l Characteristics: Characteristics: A f l o r a l community A floral c o m m u n i tconsisting cyo n s i s t i n gof of shorepine, willow, s h o r e p i n e tree ,t r e e lupine, lupine, w i l l o w , European E u r o p e abeachgrass bne a c h g r a sand asn d p e a v i n eexists p e r c h i n gbirds (sparrows, peavine e x i s t s on o n the t h e site. s i t e . Small S m a l lperching b i r d s (sparrows, cchickadees, h i c k a d e e sw , a r b l e r s ,etc.) u s e the warblers, e t c . ) use t h e vegetation v e g e t a t j o nfor f o r food food a n d shelter, s h e l t e r , but and b u t are n o t limited l i m i t e d to t o this t h i s ecotype. a r e not e c o t y p e . Small Small ma mmausing l ssi n g the mammals u the area ar ea may mayinclude include shrews, m iceand shr ews,moles, m oles,mice and bats. bats. Zoning: Z o n i n g : Planned P l a n n e dmarine marine Comprehensive C o mp re h e n siPlan: vel a n : Planned P andrecreation P l a nnedmarine mar ineand r ecr eation Ownership: 0 w n e rsh i p : Public P u b l i c -- Port P o rt of Newport Newpor t Engineering E n g i n e e r i n Considerations: g C o n s i d e r a t i o n: s Method of Method o f Dredging D r e d g i n and ga n dFilling: Filling: Design D e s i g nCriteria: Criteria: Pipeline dredge P i p e fi n e dredge Refer l. R e f e rto t o Site S i t e 1. .|00'setback pond Provide 5 0 ' -- 100' setback near P r o v i d e50' n e a r log l o g pond Site S i t e Preparation: P re p a ra ti o n : Refer R e fe r to to Site Site 1I yard Unit Cost: U n i t Site S i t e Preparation Preparation C o s t : $0.75/cubic $ 0 . 7 5 l c u b i cyard Future F u t u r eUse U s eConstraints: C o n s t r a i n t s : None None Environmental Envi ronmentalConsiderations: Considerations: p o ' l l u t e ddisposal Effects d i s p o s a lmaterials E f f e c t s of o f Disposal: D i s p o s a l : The T h eless l e s s polluted m a t e r i a l swould w o u l dhave h a v eonly only gr ass- lupinevegetation a a temporary te mp o ra ryeffect the area. The beach beachgrass-lupine e ffe ct on o n the ar ea. The vegetati on ccommunity o m m u n i tw yo u l dreestablish y e a r s time, would r e e s t a b l i s hitself i t s e ' l f in i n five f i v e to t o eight e i g h t years t i m e , if if gr oupswould not n o t sooner. so o n e r. Faunal F a u n a lgroups oveout would m move of the area during out of the ar ea dur ing the the 27 27 Dlsposal site slte l':l':{::lllt1Disposal P e rl p h e ra ldiking Peripheral d i ki n g r r r r Interior ---I n t e r i o rdiking diking IMIIUIHU Natural Natural barrier barrier Uillil I Outfall Ou tfa l l point D tr Discharge Dischargepoint ou, .za, ."- Outfall 0utfall pipe PiPe P P ri ma ryfill P Primary fi l l area a re a S Secondary S Secondary fill fill area area A A Overflow 0verflow --- Surface Surfacedrainage drainage J / III I I I I I I I I I I I "*' t_ 3 --4 t 'G t. 2' 3 \[f lN YaquinaBay Yaquina Bay DredgedMaterial Dredged Material Disposal DisposalPlan PIan Figure 2 Figure Scale 1..:4OO 1 :400 Scelc 28 ?8 W.lsey& Ham Wilsey&Ham I I I I I I II I II I I I I I I I I I I ' t I I I I T I I I I eriod, a period, and would not until began ffilling illing p n dw o u l dn o t rreestablish e e s t a b l i s hu n t i l rrevegetation e v e g e t a t i o nb egan. possibly be Some mammals could S o mespecies sp e ci e sof amm als o f small sma ll m could possibly bur ied during be buried dur ing the the disposal d i s p o s a lstage. s t a g e . Such S u c hlosses l o s s e swould w o u l dnot n o t be b e considered c o n s i d e r esignificant. ds i g n i f i c a n t . The e a st side T h e east o f the th e site site should be established, established,through si d e of shouldbe thr oughrevegetation r evegetati on p ra cti ce s , as pr otect the a n d diking d i ki n g practices, and as aa buffer buffer zone zoneto to protect the nearby near bylog 1og p o n d s. The p o n d sact ponds. T h e ponds a ct as as resting r esting and and feeding feeding areas ar eas for various var ious pondsis sh o re b i rd sand shorebirds Rehabilitation of a n dwaterfowl. w a te rfowl. Rehabilitation of these these log log ponds is portion currently being currently as a being undertaken undertakenby by the the Port Port of Newport, Newport,as a portion pr oject. of o f the th e South S o u thBeach B e a chmarine m ar ineproject. p o l l u t e d disposal p l a c e don T h em o r epolluted The more d i s p o s a lm materials a t e r i a l scould c o u l d be b e placed o n the t h e site site par king iif f th e si te w e si gnateda futur e parking ar the site was future area trailer a s ddesignated ea or tr ailer site, site, orr some development. o so mesimilar si mi l a r human h u man development.Polluted Polluted materials m ater ials could couldretard r etar d re ve g e ta ti o nattempts, revegetation a tte mp ts,and andthis this would wouldlimit limit the the future futur e biological biologic al plannedfor d e ve l o p me nof development otf the th e site. site. The The site site is is currently cumently planned for use use i n co n j u n cti o nw disposal of in conjunction with materials i th disposal of m ater ials for for the the construction constr uction off the o th e South S o u thBeach B e a chmarina. m ar ina. IOther OtherC Considerations o n si d e ra ti o n s: plan T The h e cu current rre n t co comprehensive and mp re h e n si vplan e designationsfor this and zoning zoningdesignations this site p l a n n e d a l l o w planned marine allow Disposal of ma ri n eand andrecreation r ecr eationuse. use. Disposal dr edged of dredged p r e c l u d esuch m a t e r i a l son materials o n this t h i s site w o u l dnot n o t preclude u s e , and s i t e would s u c huse, a n din i n fact fact pr epar ationwhich w o u l dallow a l l o w for would the fo r site enhance si te preparation whichcould could enhance the future futur e u s e a b i l i t y of useability l a n d is o f the t h e site. s i t e . The T h e land i s currently the c u r r e n t l y owned o w n e by db y the P o rt of o f Newport Port a n d it i t is is expected expectedthat that its its use will be N e w p o rtand use will be complementary comp' le m entar y pr oject and p' lanned to the th e South S o u thBeach to marina recreation B e a chmar inaproject and other other planned r ecr eation improvements. improvements. 29 29 I 1 I I I1 II I I I I II I 1 I II I I I II II I I I ( I l l u s t r a t e d on S I T E33 (Illustrated 2) SITE o n Figure F i g u r e2) Site S i t e Description D e scri p ti o n Location L o c a t i o n : Just Ju st South S o u thof 0 re -Aqua,South o f Ore-Aqua, SouthBeach Beach '1050'x Size S i z e : 1050' x 500' 500' '1 5 0 ,0 0 0 ya rd s Capacity C a p a c i t y: 150,000 cubic cu b i c yards Physical Ph ysi ca lCharacteristics This site C h a ra cte ri sti cs: This extendsfrom site extends fr om the the beach beachfront fr ont area west a re a on th e w si de to to rolling, o n the e st side r olling, active active duneland dunelandon on the the east e a st side d u nesare si d e . The T h e dunes ar e temporarily tem por ar ilystabilized by vegetation vegetation . stabilized by No water N ow a te r influence i n fl u e n ce is i s evidenced evidencedin in the the area ar ea. The The area ar ea contains contains p re vi o u sdredged previous d re d g e dmaterial mater ial. Biological Bi o lo g i ca l Characteristics C h a ra cte ri sti cs: The ofthe The vegetation the vegetationis is comprised com pr isedof grass-tree lupine European Europeanbeach beachgrass-tree lupine community. mamals cornnunity. Small Small marmals would w o u l dinclude i n cl u d e mice. mi ce . Perching Per chingbirds bir ds use ar ea for for feeding feeding use the the area purposes,and and resting resting purposes, and shorebirds and shorebirdsuse beachfront front use the the beach p u rposes. area a re a for fo r feeding fe e d i n gpurposes Zoning Z o n i n g : Marine M a r i n e-- Planned Planned L a n dUse Land U s eDesignation D e si g n a ti o n : Planned P l a n n edmarine mar ineand and recreation r ecr eation Ownership O w n e r s hi p : Public P u b l i c -- Port P o rt of o f Newport Newpor t En g i n e e ri Engineering n g Considerations: C o n si d e ra ti o n: s M e t h o dof Method o f Dredging D r e d g i n gand a n dFilling Filling: Design D e s i g nCriteria Criteria: Pipeline P i p e l i n e dredge dredge Refer R e f e rto S i t e 1I t o Site Site S i t e Preparation Pr e p a ra ti o n : Refer R e fe r to to Site S ite 1I yard Unit U n i t Site S i t e Preparation P r e p a r a t i o nCost C o s t : $0 $ 0 .24/cubic 2 4 l c u b i cyard Future Use None F utureU C o n stra i n ts: N seConstraints one Environmental E n v i r o n me n taConsiderations Cl o n si d e ra ti o n: s E f f e c t s of Effects o f Disposal D i sp o sa l : This T h i s area a rea would wouldexperience exper ienceshort-tern effects if if shor t- ter meffects p l acedon d r e dg ema dredge materials te ri a l s were w e replaced on it it. Natural could r evegetationcould Natur al revegetation p l a ce within year s, with t a k e place take of fi ve to to seven sevenyears, w i th i n five with reestablishment of r eestablishment g ro u p soccurring t h e faunal fa u n a l groups the o ccu rring concurrently concur r ently. 30 30 I I I II I t I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I edgedm ater ials placed It expected that dredged materials placed on on this this site site a t the dr It is xp e cte dth is e m ar ina Beachmarina the South SouthBeach of the constr uctionof would fro m the the construction w o u l dresult re su l t from project. generatedfrom of the the marina marina from the the maintenance maintenance of Materials generated project. Materials future p l a c e don u n l i k e l y that t h a t future I t is i s unlikely s i t e . it o n this t h i s site. c o u l d also b e placed could a l s o be pollu ted be polluted m ar inawill will be SouthBeach Beachmarina fr om the the South maintenance materials ma te ri a ls from ma i n te n a n ce poseany disposa'l not pose any disposal shouldnot they should with ther efor e they w i th heavy me ta l s, therefore h e a vymetals, probl em. problem, O t h e r Considerations: C o n si d e ra ti o n s: Other p' lanand for this this site site designationsfor zoningdesignations and zoning The plan cu rre n t comprehensive T h e current co mp re h e n sive dr edged of p l a n n e dmarine Disposa'of l dredged use. Disposal r ecr eationuse. andrecreation allow ma ri n eand a l l o w planned pr ecludesuch in fact fact andin use, and not preclude suchuse, materials wouldnot o n this th i s site si te would ma te ri a l s on the future futur e pr epar ationwhich enhance could enhance whichcould would the fo r site a l l o w for si te preparation w o u l dallow ( a l t h o u g hpostponing p o s t p o n i n gthe o f use use t i m e of t h e time useability off the t h e site s i t e (although u seability o Theland hadoccurred.) land is is occur r ed.) The om pactionhad n d ccompaction until and u n ti l settling se ttl i n g a expectedthat that it is is expected and it Newportand Port of of Newport currently owned owned by by the the Port curyently complex ar inacomplex Beachm the South SouthBeach toy the its will marina b e complementary co mplem entarto i ts use u se w i l l be plannedrecreation improvements. recreation improvements. and other and other planned t I I I I I I I I 3l 31 I I t ( I l l u s t r a t e d on S I T E44 (Illustrated SITE o n Figure F i g u r e2) 2) 1 Site S i t e Description Description: Location: L o c a t i o n : Imediately In me d i a te least ye a stand a n dsoutheast southeastof of the the Marine M ar ineScience ScienceCenter, Center , South S o u thBeach B e a ch . Size S ize: 6 0 0 ' xx 900' 900' 600' ya rd s Capacity C a p a c i t y : 150,000 1 5 0 ,0 0 0cubic cu b i c yards pr edominantly Physical P h y si ca lCharacteristics: The site site is is predominantly C h a ra cte ri sti cs: The flat flat and andlies lies fe e t above only mean o n l y aa few fe w feet a b o v em eanhigher higher high is an an old high water water . It It is old year sago. fi fill 'l l site which si te w h i ch was usedextensively ten years w a sused extensivelyover over ten ago. The The m ater i al eastern e a ste rnborder b o rd e rof o f the th e site site faces facesIdaho andfill fill material ldahoTide TideFlats Flats and b ehindthe fr eshwa ter would w o u l dbe b e contained co n ta i n e dbehind the high high water line. No No freshwater waterwash washline. fl o w occurs o ccu rswithin w i th i n the the site flow site boundaries. boundar ies lupinen t r e e lupine, Biological B i o l o g i c a l Characteristics T h evegetation v e g e t a t i o nconsists c o n s i s t sof o f tree C h a r a c t e r i s t i c s : The p e a vi n e ,aand ass conununities, wer eestaestapeavine, European beach gr grass comunities, which u ro p e an beach nd E whichwere p r e v i o u sfilling. Small mamals, a s mice mice blished b l i s h e d after a f t e r the t h e previous filling. S m a l lm a n r n a lsuch ss,u c has per chingbirds, bir ds n and a n d rabbits, ra b b i ts, may ma yuse u se the the area extensively. Small ar ea extensively Smallperching esting an such ass th the and war warbiers, use such areas for rresting andd su ch a e sparrows sp a rro w sand bler s, use such ar eas for feeding fe e d i n g . The l a rg e r shrubs bor der act act T h e larger shr ubsthat that exist exist on on the the eastern easter nborder as important important buffers in the the Idaho Idaho as buffers for for water that feed loaf in water birds that feed or loaf Tide Ti de Flats. F'lats . Zoning Z o n i n g : Marine M a r i n e-- Planned P l a n n e A-i dA - l Comprehensive P C o m p r e h e n siPlan vel a n : Planned marine P l a n n e dmar ineand and recreation r ecr eation Ownership P u b l i c--Ore g oState n S ta te University O w n e r s h ip :Public--Oregon Univer sity Marine Ma ri n eScience S cienceCenter Center Engineering E n g i n e e r in gCharacteristics C h a ra cte risti cs : Method Pipeline Dr edge M e t h o dof o f Dredging D re d g i n g : P i p e l i n e Dredge e dged Design Dikes using on-site materials as rrequired contain dr dredged D e s i g nCriteria: si n g onsite m ater ials as C r i te ri a : D i ke s u equir ed to contain pr eventspillage materials m a t e ri a l s until to prevent within u n ti l dewatered d e w a te re and dandto spillage of of materials m ater ials within 100 Returnnflow be diverted diver ted 1 0 0 feet f e e t of im pr ovem ents.Retur flow should o f tidelands ti d e l a n d s and a n dimprovements. shouldbe north north to channel. to the the deep deepwater water channel g ro u n dleveling Site leveling m must be accomplished Si t e Preparation P r e pa ra ti o n : Some ust be accom plished.. S o meground yca r d s Unit P r e p a r a t i o nCost C o s t : $0 U n i t Site S i t e Preparation $ 0 .30/cubic 3 O / c u b iyards Future Use F u t u r eU None s eConstraints C o n stra i n ts: None 32 37 II II II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t i I I I I I I I T I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I Environmental Environmental Considerations Considerations Effects This ann o old area which established E f f e c t s of o f Disposal Disposal: T is a l d ffill ill a h i s site s i t e is reaw h i c hhas hase stablished past ten years. The community over a lupine-beachgrass lupine-beachgrass community over the the past ten years. The area area is is o o de good example off w what can be be expected expected to happen happen on on old fill fill land landss a g xa mp l eo h at can p r o c e s s e s . If i f left if were l e f t to I f the t h e site f i 1 l e d again t o natural n a t u r a l processes. site w e r efilled a g a i nwith with r e l a t i v e l y cclean it w relatively dredged materials, would leand r e d g e dm a t e r i a l s , it o u ' l drreestablish e e s t a b l i s ha ssimilar imilar vegetation vegetation comrnuni ty. conrnuni ty. Thee e east and south site should should be be developed developed into bu buffer Th a st a n d so u th sides si des of the site ffer p ro te ction belts zo n e sto to act for the zones a ct as a s protection belts for the Idaho IdahoTide Tide Flats. F' lats. The Thetide ti de f'l a ts are a re used flats u se dextensively e xte n sivelyby by shorebirds shor ebir dsand andmigrating m igr atingwaterfowl, water fowl , protected from Iand interference. and therefore therefore should from human human interference. should be be protected Other C o n si d e ra ti o n s 0 t h e r Considerations pl anned designatesthe the site The Plan T h e current Plan designates site for for planned c u rre n t Lincoln L i n co l n County C o u n tyComprehensive Com pr ehensive disposa' lof dredged marine m a r i n eand a n d recreation re cre a ti o nuse. the site site for for the the disposal dredged The use use of the u se . The p re cl u dethat use, postponefuture m a t e r i a l s would it would materials w o u l dnot n o t preclude use, although wouldpostpone futu r e althoughit had cconstruction o n s tru cti o nuntil n e c essar ycompaction com paction hadoccurred. occur r ed. The Thesite site is is u n ti l the th e necessary currently c u r r e n tl y under u n d e rthe Or egonState State th e ownership o w n e rs hipof the the State State of Oregon, Or egon,Oregon University. Placement of dredged materials on the site site does does not confl conflict ict U n i v ersi ty. P edgedmater ials on l a ce me no t f dr p l a n sfor w i t h their with t h e i r future f u t u r e plans f o r site s i t e use. use. t I t I 333 3 . - I Ii I Sf SF I I rtn, 2ND ST z N D ST 11 1 E1 L1 SE 3RD 5T SE 4TN ST I l-1 I r-1 t-l r-1 I I E tit II II ____I I I ST T'1 cv - d- /---- - :Vt1 :i< P l'l S=-El ':l::tl':l':t':tl Disposal D l sp o sa site lsi te eN pipe .zL '' Outfall outfall pipe P Primary P Pr im ar yfill fill area ar ea $ Secondary fill Secondary fill area area S A Overflow A 0verflow --- Surface Surfacedrainage drainage Peripheral P e ri p h e ra diking ld i ki n g r...ttt diking Interior I n t e r i o rdiking rufmf IlISIlIHINatural Natural barrier barrier t I I I I I I t "d MLT I t Outfall OutfalI point o Discharge Dischargepoint tr Yaquina Material DisposalPlan Plan BayDredged Dredged MaterialDisposal YaquinaBay Figure Figure33 34 34 Scale 400 1":4OO' Scale1": Wilsey& Ham Ham Wifsey& I I I I I I I I t It I I I I I T I I II t T I I T I T t tI I I 1 T I ( I l l u s t r a t e d on S I T E55 (Illustrated SITE F i g u r e3) o n Figure 3) S i t e Description: Site Description: Location L o c ati o n : P o rt o N e w p orDocks t Port off Newport 3, 7 Docks and 9, 7 and 9; Newport Newpor t .|200' Size: S i z e : 1200' xx 200' 200' ards, a Capacity C a p a c i t y : 35,000 3 5 , 0 0 0cubic c u b i c yyards, att a 2 addition existing ground 2 . 5' 5' a round d d i t i o n to t o the the e xisting g level. level. P h y s i c a lCharacteristics: Physical C h a r a c t e r i s t i c s : This p r e v i o u sfill T h i s area a r e a is i s aa previous f i l l site, s i t e , which which par king lot h a s been b e e nma i n ta inedas has maintained as a parking and storage area for th the lot and stor age ar ea for e p o rt docks. port d o cks. Biological B i o l o g i c a lCharacteristics: C h a r a c t e r i s t i c s : There a r e no T h e r eare n o biological b i o l o g ' i c a characteristics lc h a r a c t e r i s t i c s p l a n s stay t o consider, c o n s i d e r ,if i f fill f i l l plans to mean water s t a y above a b o v em h i g h e r high e a nhigher high w ater. IZoning: Z o n i n g : Industrial Industrial Comprehensive C o m p r e h e n sPlan: iPvlea n : Marine M a r i n eIndustrial Industrial Ownership 0 w n ersh i p : Public P o rt of Newport P u b 'l i c-- Port Newpor t Engineering E n g i n e e r i n Considerations g C o n s i d e r a t i o n: s IMethod M e t h o do off Dredging D r e d g i n gand a n dFilling Filling: Pipeline P i p e l i n e Dredge Dredge Design D e s i g nCriteria: C r i t e r i a : Limited L i m i t e dfilling f i l l i n g using u s i n gonly o n l y clean, ,s a n d ymaterial c 1 e a n dense, ,d e n s e sandy material m a ybe fo r future may b e beneficial b e n e fi ci a l for futur e site site use use. The The existing would be existing use use would be te mp o ra ri l ydisplaced d i sp l a ce duntil temporarily dewater and be compacted. newfill fill can until the the new dewater and can be com pac ted. IReturn R e tu rnfl o w should flow directed deep water water outside outside the sh o u l d be b e dir ected to deep the basin basin. Site Si t e Preparation: Pre p a ra ti o n : Relocation R e l o cationof and of improvements impr ovem ents andstored equipment. Construct stor edequipment. C ons tr uc t p r eventstreet di ke s sufficient dikes su ffi ci e n t to to prevent str eet flooding flooding and djr ect return and direct r etur n flow flow to to pipe. E s p i l l w a y and Ispillway a n doutfall o u t f a l l pipe. Extend x t e n dexternal e x t e r n a lrip r i p rap. rap. yard Site S i t e Unit U n i t Development D e v e l o p m eCost: C n to s t : $0.60/cubic $ 0 . 6 0 / c u b i cyard IDredging yar D r e d g i n gCost: C o st: Approximately A p p ro xi mately $2.00/cubic yardd $2.O0/cub' ic F u t u re U Future Use seConstraints C o n stra i n ts: None None Environmental En v i ro n me n taConsiderations Cl o n si d e ra ti ons : E f f e c t s of Effects o f Disposal D i s p o s a l : No N o biological b i o l o g i c a l effects e f f e c t s could c o u l dbe b e expected e x p e c t e in di n this t h i s site, site, proximity. a t h e r e are ass there a r e no n o established e s t a b l i s h e dbiological b i o l o g i c a l communities i sn close c o m m u n i t i ein c l o s e proximity. p a r k i n glot ' l o t and T h ea r e a is i s used u s e das a s aa parking The area a n d storage a n d is s t o r a g earea a r e a and i s denuded d e n u d eof od f vegetation. Ivegetation t I35 35 - Other Considerations Other Considerations the Lincoln Lincoln The marine d e si g n a tedfor for mar ineindustrial industr ial use in the s i t e is use in T h e site i s currently cu rre n tl y designated of the disposal of dredged County Plan. Comprehensive Plan. Use the site for the the disposal of dredged CountyComprehensive Use of site for p re cl u d ethat Par kingis materials futur e use. shor t m a t e r i a l s would w o u l dnot n o t preclude use. Parking is currently cur r ently in short th at future for disposal disposal activities activities supply a l o n g the fro n t and of this this site site for th e bay b a y front a n d use use of s u p p l y along p a rki n g use had occurred occur ed. would and repaving r e mo veit until settling r epavinghad i t from fro m parking u se until settling and w o u l dremove pr ior ity for as for use use as Due given a low t o these has been low priority D u eto t h e se circumstances, ci rcu msta n ce s,Site S i te 55 has beengiven the Port Port a future dredged The site owned by dredgedmaterial disposal disposal site site. The is owned by the site is are not not of Newport, disposal and and other other uses uses are Newport,therefore therefore conflicts conflicts between betweendisposal expectedto expected to occur occur. I T I I I I II II II II II II II II tI 36 36 II I I II I T I T I I I I I I I I I I Il I I I I I I I I ( I l l u s t r a t e d on S I T E66 (Illustrated SITE o n Figure F i g u r e4) 4) Site S i t e Description: Description: Location: McLean Point. Location: McLean Point. Plant; P l a n t; Newport. N e w p o rt. Size: Size: SunsetTerminals, Termina'ls , Caffel Sunset LNG Caffel Lumber LumberCompany, Company, LNG .|600' 1600' xx 2400' 2400' ( 5 feet, y a r d s (5 Capacity: C a p a c i t y : 1,000,000 I , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0cubic c u b i c yards f e e t , uncompacted) uncompacted) Physical P h y s i c a lCharacteristics: C h a r a c t e r i s t i c s : The T h earea a r e ais i s recent f i l ' l e d land. r e c e n tfilled l a n d . The T h' leosite sgi t e i s flat, f l a t , and a n d maintained is as maintained a s aa loading/unloading l o a d i n g / u n l o a d i nterminal; tge r m i n a l ;log pavedaccess sto ra g earea, storage site. a re a , and a nd future futur e development developm ent site. AA paved accessroad r oad e x i s t s along exists a l o n gthe t h e easterly e a s t e r l yedge. edge. Biological B i o l o g i c a l Characteristics: C h a r a c t e r i s t i c s : As A s long l o n g as a s all f i l l material a l l fill m a t e r i a lremains remains i s o l a t e d from f r o m the isolated t h e water's w a t e r ' s edge, e d g e ,no n o biological b i o l o g i c a l characteristics characteristics mu stbe must b e considered. co n si d er ed. Zoning: Z o n i n g : Marine M a r i n eIndustrial Industrial Comprehensive C o m p r e h e n s Plan: iPv Iea n : Marine M a r i n eIndustrial Industrial Ownership: Corporate O w n e rsh i p : C o rp o ra te-- Sunset S unsetTerminals Ter minals E n gni e e r i n gConsiderations: Engineering C o n s i d e r a t i o n: s M e t h o dof Method and o f Dredging Dredging a n dFilling: Filling: Pipeline P i p e l i n e Dredge Dredge p h a s e don Design D e s i g nCriteria: C r i t e r i a : May M a ybe b e phased multiple o n use u s e of of m u l t i p ' l ecells c e l l s with single w i t h a single p o n d , p i p e . s e c o n d a rpond, y secondary spiliway s p i l l w a yand a n doutfall Provide o u t f a l l pipe. P r o v i d ea setback s e t b a c kalong along th e easterly the e a ste rl y access a cce ssroad. road. Reser Reserveveinternal cell for for disposal disposal of of inter nal cell commercial co rrn e rci a boat lb o a t basin b a si n sediments. sediments. Site S i t e Preparation; P r e p a r a t i o n ; Construct C o n s t r u c containment tc o n t a i n m e ndikes dt i k e sfrom f r o mon-site o n - s i t e materials. materials. D i re ct return re tu rn flow fl o w to to deep deepwater Direct waterchannel channelwest westof of turning tur ningbasin. basin. yard Site S i t e Unit U n i t Development D e v e l o p m eCost: C n to s t : $0.10/cubic $ 0 . 1 0 / c u b i cyard yar Dredging D r e dg i n gCost: C o st: A Approximately p p ro xi mately $2.00/cubic yardd $2.OO/cubic Future F u t u reUse U seConstraints: C o n stra i n ts: None None E n v ro i n me n taConsiderations: l o n si d e ra tions: Environmental C Effects E f f e c t s of o f Disposal: D i s p o s a l : This T h i s large l a r g e area a r e a is i s devoid d e v o i dof o f vegetation. v e g e t a t i o n . Most Most t h e site of materials, o f the s i t e is i s used u s e dfor f o r log l o g storage, s t o r a g e ,transporting t r a n s p o r t i n gof o f shipping s h i p p i n gm aterials, 37 37 III I I I I I t I \ t \ =--- ;?---f L a a .'J.'JJJJJ.1"1 Disposalsite Per ipher aldi k i ng IIII Interior diking mmalf Natur al bar r ier t 0utfal I tr Dischargepoint o r/ ; I I .+ I I / OutfalI pipe P Pr imar yfill ar ea s Secondaryfill area A Overflow Surfacedrainage Yaquina Bay Dredged Dredged Material Material Disposal DisposalPlan Plan YaquinaBay I I I I I I I t I Figure 4 Figure 400 Scale 11":4OO' Scale 38 38 WiIsey& Ham Wilsey& Ham I t II I1 I I II I I I II I I I I I vegetation in ioncommunities com m unities in existence. existenc e. and an d open T h er eare ar e no no vegetat' o p e nstorage. sto ra g e . There Any of the area would necessarily be of a highly mobile A n y faunal fa u n a l use th e ar ea would necessar ily be of a highly mobi l e u se o f by character and would most likely be capable of avoiding destruction ch a ra cte r a n d w o u l dmost likely be capableof avoiding destr uctio n by Ifill f i l l material. material. Other Considerations: 0 t h e r Considerations: pur poses , currently used for marine being used for mar industr ia' l purposes, IMuch M u c hof the th e site ineindustrial si te is i s cu me ntly being p o rti o n of for log Pl ac em ent in use log storage. stor age. Placement and l a rg e portion th e area ar ea in useis is utilized utilized for a n d aa large o f the to tempor ar yinconveniences inconvenienc es off d dredged materials onn this could cause cause temporary to r ed g e dma th i s site site could o te ri a l s o betw een and coordination coor dinationbetween the Close cooperation cooper ationand t h e current c u rre n t industrial i n d u stri a l operations. o p e r ations. Close i n order the off Newport Terminals m anagement will be be necessary necessaryin or der t h e Port P o rt o S unsetTer minalsmanagement will N e w p o rtand a n d Sunset Ito t o maximize m a xi mi zethe the site. th e efficient e ffi ci e n t use useof of the site. of edgedmateri al s that site for for the disposal disposal of dr dredged materials s eexpected xp e cte dth a t uuse IIt t iis se ooff the site ' lease between could accomplished between or lease agreements agr eements be a cco mp l i sh ethrough d ro ugheither either easement easement c o u l d be th land is is currently cur r e ntl y The land the t h e Port P o rt of S unsetTerminals Ter minalsownership. owner ship. The o f Newport N e w p o rtand a n dSunset plan. Use the o f the Useof designated plan. in the the comprehensive d e s i g n a te dfor fo r marine usein compr ehensive ma ri n eindustrial i n d u str ial use no long long term ter m impacts impac ts haveno site disposal off d dredged materials would have fo r the r edgedmater ials would th e d i sp o sa l o s i t e for or inconven i enc es oper atinginconveniences upon could cause cause short-term or th a t use, i t could shor t- ter moperating u p o nthat h o w e ve r,it u se ; however, of dredged p o s t po n e meof n ft some plans. Placement on dr edgedmaterials mater ial s on Placement postponement plans. d e ve l opm ent o so medevelopment that futur e facilities facilities that of future the effect on on the the types types of t h e site s ite should sh o u l d not n o t have h a veany a ny effect would th e site. site. w o u l dbe b e constructed co n stru cte don o n the t I T I I I T I T I I I I I I 39 39 I n H I II I II I I I I I 11 I I I I I T I I I I I Surmarv&& Recommendations Summary Reconrnendations It is It is expected expected that that the the dredged dredged materials materials generated generated within within the entrance entrance c h a n n e land an d turning tu rn i n g basin b a si n w channel will i l l continue continueto to be be disposed disposedin in the the existing existing off shore ocean disposal off shore ocean disposal site site. Therefore, approximately703,000 Therefore, approximately 703,000cubic cubii y a r d s of yards o f material ma te ri a l will w i l l require re q u i reland landdisposal. disposal. Of 0f this this total, total, 258,000 ZSB,000 cf!!c cubic yqlds yards of of dredging dredging would would occur occur along along the north north shore shore of the bay, bay, of the ya rd s would w h i l e 445,000 4 4 5 ,0 0 0cubic cu b i c yards w o uldresult while r esult from fr om the the construction constr uctionand andmainm aintenance tenance of of the the South SouthBeach BeachMarina. Marina. The total estimated estimatedcapacity The total the capacity of the (si te s 55 and n o r t h shore s h ore sites si te s (Sites a n d 6) 6) is ds, north yards, is estimated estim atedat 1,035,000 1,035,00bcubic cubic yar pr ojecteddisposal s u b s t a n ti a l l y above a b o vethe th e 258,000 2 5 8 ,0 00projected substantially disposalneeds. needs. The majority The m ajor ity dredgedmaterials of dredged materials would wouldresult result from of dredging from the the maintenance maintenance dredgingof theof the corunercial comercial boat boatbasin. basin. It It is is recorsnended recommended that that these these materials-be materials be placed placed p re l i mi n a rysediment o n Site Si t e 6, 6, since si n ce preliminary on sedim entsamples sam plesindicate indicate that m ater ial that the the material n o t be w o u l dnot b e suitable su i ta b l e for fo r ocean would o ce andisposal disposal and andwould wouldrequire r equir e aa confined confined upland u p l a n ddisposal d i sp o sa l site si te . Use U seo Site 66 will off Site will require r equir e close close coordination coor dinationand and property owner cooperationwith with the the property cooperation inownerto to ensure ensurethat that the the existing inexisting dustrial operations dustrial operationsare are not not intemupted. Since Since the the capacity capacity of .I,0 unduly 0unduly 0 ,000interrupted. S i t e -66 is i s approximately yar ds, and a p p ro xi ma te l y1,000,000 cubic Site cubic yards, and the the disposal disposalneeds needs are 125,000 125,000cubic cubic yards every ten ten years, are yards every years, the the Port Port of Newport be Newportshould shouldbe a b l e to t o coordinate co o rd i n a teuse u se of o f Site able of S i te 66 without without significant significant interruption intem uption of e x i s t i n g industrial i n d u stri a l uses, u se s, or pr oper tyowner. i nconvenience existing to o r inconvenience to the the property owner . The dredgedmaterials resulting from The dredged materials resulting dredging from the the maintenance maintenance dredgingat at the the E m b a r c ad e Marina ro ri n acould p l acedon Ma co u l d be b e placed Embarcadero 6, or could on either either Site site 55 or or 6,- - could be be h a u l e dby b y truck tru ck to hauled to an u p l a n ddisposal a n upland par king d isposalsite. site. Because Because of of the the parking r e l o c a t i o n that th a t w o u l dresult re su l t from fr om the relocation would the use use of of Site 5, that Site 5, has-aalow low that site site has p r i o r i t y for quantities of dredged fo r use, u se , unless u n l e ss small sma l l quantities priority could be dr edgedmaterials mater ials could be p o rti o n of cconfined o n f i n e dto to aa limited l i mi te d portion of the the site. site. The capacity capacity of of the the dredged dredgedmaterial material disposal disposal sites The sites on on the the south southside side of of the bay bay is about 400,000 yards uncompacted is about 400,000cubic cubic yards uncompacted.Estimates Estimatesindicate indicate that of the that the the construction construction of the South generateabout SouthBeach BeachMarina Marinawill will generate about ya rd s of 3 6 5 , 0 0 0cubic c u b i c yards 365,000 activities o f dredged d re d g edmaterials, mater ials, while while maintenance maintenance activities ye a rs will o v e r the t h e next ne xt 20 2 0 years over w i l l result re sult in in the the disposal disposa]of of an an additional additional rd s, at 8 0 , 0 0 0cubic yar ds c u b i c ya a t the year s. th e rate 80,000 yards, yards every ra te of of 20,000 20,000cubic cubic ever yfive five years. T h e existing e x i s t i n g capacity yar dsis ca p a ci tyof o f 365,000 3 6 5 ,000cubic The on an uncomcubicyards is measured measur ed on an uncom p a c t e dbasis, b a si s, and a n d if i f material ma te ri a l is pacted before is allowed allowedto compact to compact befor eadditional additional d i s p o s a l occurs, th e capacity disposal occu rs, the ca p a ci ty of the the sites sites would wouldbe be increased. Mainincr eased. M aintenancedredging dredgingwould years after wouJdnot not be be required tenance required until until 55 years the marina marina after the began b e g a noperation. o p era ti o n . T h i s time This ti me lapse l a pse would wouldallow am pletime allow ample tim e for for compaction com paction of the the construction construction materials materi'alsso of materials so that that maintenance maintenance materials could could be be placed on previous disposal year interval on those those previous disposal sites. placed sites. The Thefive five year interval between between e a c hm a i nte n a n ce d re d g i n gaction each maintenance dredging a cti on would wouldallow allow for for continued continuedsettling settling and and c o m p a c t i o nso , that th a t the so th e maintenance ma i n tenance compaction, sites sites could could be be reused r eusedand their andtheir c a p a c i t y increased. capacity i n cre a se d . property owners The ownersof of Site The property Site #1 haveindicated indicated that #l have that they they have development havedevelopment p l a n f o r that th a t site si te which w h i chare not compatible planss for a re not com patiblewith use of with use site for for of the the site t t I I I 1 I LI 40 40 I I I I I I For that the t h e disposal d i sp o sa l of d re d g e dmaterials. that reason Site #1 is desdeso f dredged mater ials. For r easonSite #l is p ri o ri ty site. o s s i b l ethat It iis possible s p t h a t site ignated i g n ate das a s aa low l o w priority site. It t h a t use u s e of o f that site planningperiod, year planning per iod, if would during the 20 year if compaction wouldnot not be be required the 20 compa c ti on required during i n cr easedthe capacity of the remaining of o f disposal d i sp o sa l materials ma te ri a l s increased the capacity of some of the remaining someof sites. si tes . I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I 1 I I 41 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I RiverSegment2 I t j. \\ 11_ I ta f_lw I 1IT11LJI Pfan DisposalPlan Yaquina Material MaterialDisposal Bry Dredged Dredged YaquinaBay RiverS"gJXS,I,S River Segment 2 I I Scali r:1760 Disposal DisposalSite Site 42 Wilsey &Ham Ham UfilseY& II II I I II II I I i I I I t I I I I I I I I I I LI 1 I I ( R I V E MILE R RrvER S E G M E22N(RIVER T RIVER SEGMENT M I L E33 .00 TO T 0 RIVER R I V E MILE R M r L E55 .7) 7) Dredging DredgingNeeds Needs Ir Maintenance of Ma i n te n a n ce o f Existing E xisting Projects Pr ojects C o r p so Corps off Engineers approximately 29,000 cubic cubic re co rds indicate E n g i n e e rsrecords indicate that that appr oxim ately29,000 y a r d s of o f material yards 22 during ma te ri a l will w i l l require requir e removal r emovalalong along River River Segment Segment dur ing a r planning p l a n n i n gperiod. p e riod. This 2 0 ye t h e 20 the year is believed believedto This is figure, to be be aa maximum m aximum figur e, s i n ce historically h i sto ri ca l l y dredging d re d ginghas since hasnot not been beennecessary necessaralong yalongthis this segment. segment. o ssible channel IIn n ad d i ti o n to ivate addition to th the channel m maintenance dredging, two pr private e ppossible aintenance dr edging, two m o ora g ewithin s i th i n Segment possible moorages w S e g me n22t have following possible dishaveindicated indicated the the fol' lowing disposal posal requir'ements: requirements: Sawyers Sawyers Riverbend Moorage Riverbendt'{oorage (unlikely) a r d s (unlikely) 5,000 5 , 0 0 0cubic c u b i c yyards y a r d s 32,000 yards 3 2 , 0 0 0cubic cubic Total Total Private Private Marina Marina yar ds 37,000cubic 37,000 cubic yards r Construction Construction of of New NewProjects Projects p ro j e cts are N o new ne wprojects posNo 2. a re anticipated a n ti cipatedwithin within River RiverSegment 2. The The posSegment ssibility i b il i ty ooff d e e p e n i n gth e author iver channel deepening the authorized channel fr from izedrriver l0 feet in om 10 depth to to 18 pro18 feet feet was exploredby depth the bythe thestudy studyteam; wasexplored team;however, however, theprop o sa l w gener ate a s fo u n d to h a ve insufficient posal was found have local support to generate a i nsufficient local suppor t f a v ora b l ecost-benefit favorable co st-b e n e fi t relationship. relationship. 0n On that basis, it appears that basis, it appear s h ighly u highly unlikely that authorization for channel channel deepening deepening would would n l i ke l y th at a u thor ization for ye a r planning per iod. d u ri n g occur during the 20 year planning period. o c cu r th e 2 0 T a bl e 10 l 0 summarizes th e dredging Table su rrn a ri ze sthe dr edgingneeds needswhich whichhave havebeen beenidentified identified w i t hi n River within Segment 2. 2 . R i ve r S e q me n t TABLE 10 TABLE IO RIVER 2 -- DREDGING DREDGING RIVER SEGMENT SEGMENT 2 NEEDS NEEDS Project Project 1. l. 2. 2. 3. 3. DisDosal D i s p o s a Ouantitv lQ u a n t i t y River R i ve r Channel C h a n n eMaintenance l Maintenance Sawyers SawyersMarina Marina Maintenance Maintenance ( u n li k e l y ) (unlikely) R i ve rb e n dMa ri naMaintenance Riverbend Marina M aintenance TOTAL NEEDS TOTALDREDGING DREDGING NEEDS t 1 I 1 I 43 43 29,350 2 9 , 3 5 0cy. cy. ((5,000 5 , 0 0 0cy) cy) 32,000 3 2 , 0 0 0cy cy 66,350 6 6 , 3 5 0cy cy t I Disposal DisposalOptions 0ptions Disposal r Ocean 0ceanDisposal portion of havenot not historihistoriMaterials the river river channel channelhave of the this portion Materialsfrom from this shallow cally oceanfor for disposal disposalsince since the the shallow to the the ocean cally been beentransported transportedto prohibits the (10 feet) channel generallyprohibits dredges the large largehopper hopper (10 dredges depthgenerally channeldepth could shallow dredgescould shallowdraft draft bucket bucketdredges from accessing accessing the However, the area area. However, from be used to plice place channel channel maintenance maintenance materials materials on on barges barges which which could could be used site for then be be towed towed to the the off off shore disposal site for disposal disposal of of the the shoredisposal then for material is generally acceptable acceptable for is generally materials materials. Composition of the the material Composition be ocean disposal, disposal, however, testing of the the specific materials to to be however, testing of specific materials ocean prior to disposal. disposed would would be be required to disposal disposed requiredprior Disposal r Land LandDisposal are available within availablewithin Table land disposal disposalsites sites which whichare Table11 ll lists lists the the land pipeline dredge dredge. by pipeline sites can can be be served servedby All of of these thesesites River 22. All River Segment Segment TABLE 11 TABLE II 2 -- DISPOSAL OPTIONS RIVER SEGMENT 2 OPTIONS DISPOSAL RIVERSEGMENT Approximate Capacity Capacity Approximate Site No. S i t e No 7 7 30,000 30,000cy cy 8 B 7,000 7,000cy cy g 9 16,200 1 6 , 2 0 0cy cy 10 10 6,200 6,200cy cy 59,400 cy 59,400 cy TOTAL CAPACITY TOTAL CAPACITY following Discussions of on the the following s i t e s are are contained containedon t h e individual i n d i v i d u a l sites D i s c u s s i o no s f the pages. pages. Ii I I t I II I I II I I I II I I I I I I II t I 44 II i I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I T I I t I I I I I 1 I I I I ( I l l u s t r a t e d on ISITE S I T E77 (Illustrated o n Figure F i g u r e5) 5) b, ISite S i t e Description Description Location Location: ISize Size: Immediately CoquiI I e Point Inrmedi ately southeast southeastof of Coquille Po'int .|300' 1300' x 250' x 250' rds, at ICapacity yards, C a p a ci ty: 30,000 3 0 ,0 0 0cubic at 5' 5' depth depthuncompacted cu b i c ya uncom pacted. Physical P h y s i c a lCharacteristics: f i l l site, l e v e l area C h a r a c t e r i s t i c s : Old m a i n t a i n e as da s aa level area 0 l d fill s i t e , maintained along th e river fr ont. No influenceis a l o n g the ri ve r front. No water water influence is evidenced. evidenced. hasoccurred Biological Bi o l o g i ca 'lCharacteristics: C h a ra cte ristics: Some Som enatural natur al revegetation r evegetationhas occurr ed g ra ssesand with shr ubsbeginning beg' inningto to establish establish w i th aa few fe w grasses and small small shrubs popu' lations pr obablyuse themselves. Bird and mamm mammal al populations probably th e mse l ve s. B i rd and usethe the area area i n a transient in manner . tra n si e n t manner IZoning Z o n i ng : Marine Ma ri n ecommercial co mme rci al Comprehensive C o m pre h e n siPlan vel a n : Marine P Ma ri necommercial com m er cial - Roy Ownership Private Private RoySawyer 0wnership: Sawyer Engineering E n gni e e rin g Considerations: : C o n si d e ra ti o ns IMethod Pipeline dredge direct disposal or bucket bucket dredge dredge M e t h odof i p e l ine dr edgewith dir ect disposal o f Dredging: D re d g 'i n g : P with t r u c k hauling h a u l i n gto t o site. site. w i t h truck Embankment by extension extension of of rrock and rrip ock and ip Design D e s i g nCriteria: C ri te ri a : E mb a n kment rrehabilitation ehabilitation by p r eventerosion. rap ra p should o ccu r to to prevent er osion. sh o u 'l doccur pr epar ationnecessary Construct Site Si t e Preparation: P re p a ra ti o n : Minimal Mi n i malpreparation necessarfor yfor site site use. use. Cons tr uc t pr eventspillage berms ontoadjacent adiacenttidelands. b e rmsof o f on-site o n -si te material ma ter ial to to prevent tidel ands . spillage onto Drainage along highway highway would would be be m minor i mp ro ve mn ts along inor . D ra i n a g eimprovemnts yca r d . ISite $0.30/cubic Unit Site U D e v e l o p m eCost: C n to s t : $ n i t Development 0 . 3 O / c u b iyard. Dredging Cost: Variable D redging Cost: V ariable o r fill nd Unless dense, material used and Future fill a F u t u r eUse e n s e ,ssandy a n d ym a t e r i a l is is u s e dffor Constraints: U n l e s sd U s eConstraints: go o dco only t good compaction occurs, shortt ter term usage should should involve only ligh light involve mp a'lcti o n o ccu r s, m usage shor o a d 'i n g s Ifoundation uses. fo u n d a ti o nloadings or o r open spaceuses. openspace Environmental E n v i ro n me n taConsiderations Cl o n si d e ra ti ons : o e sn The existing material, and does not ndd ot x i s t i n g ffill ill m aterial, a IEffects off Disposal Effects o Disposal: T h e ssite i t e is is e Grasses and small assesand small shrubbery shr ubber y support stro n g vegetation ve g etationcommunity conr munity.Gr su p p o rtaa strong 45 S t' 4 7 :,liiii'ii::,iiD i s p o s asl i t e III' illlilllll t n ^ P e r i p h e r adl i k i n g Interior diking Natural barrier 0utfal I D i sch a rg ep o i n t O u tfa l l p i p e P P r i ma ryfi l l a re a s Secondaryfill area A 0verflow Surfacedrainage YaquinaBayDredgedMaterial e DisposalPlan Figure5 Scale1"'4OO 46 lffilEey&Ham -S I 5\ I I I I I I I I I I I I I SI SI SI SI SI I I I I I I I hi t U I I I I I gr owths. occur havenot not established establishedsignificant significant growths. o ccu r in i n the th e area, a re a , but b u t have hav e whichhave The is lined lined with with older older trees, tr ees, which the area ar ea is T h e northeast n o rth e a stborder b o rd e rof o f the tr ees support su ppor t dr ainageditch. ditch. The Thetrees established sm all drainage e sta b l i sh e dalong a l o n g the th e bank bankof of aa small easily revegetate. r evegetate. some fa u n a l life, l i fe , but b u t could s o mefaunal could easily Other O t h e rConsiderations: C o n si d e ra ti o n s: proposed plans have by the the owner owner Site 7 by havebeen beenproposed but recent recent plans unused,but 7 is is currently currently unused, the existing existing county co unty with the for marine comercial uses beconsistent consistentwith that would wouldbe for m a ri n eco ru n e rci a ul se sthat p l a n . Use dr edgedmaterials m ater ial s disposalof of dredged for the the disposal site for U seof o f the the site c o m p r e h e n si ve preclude would not preclude marine corunercial commercial use, but but could could postpone postpone that that future marine would comprehensive.plan. the increasethe to increase development unless methods wereused usedto methodswere compaction development mechanicalcompaction unless mechanical r iver of the the river str etch of alongthis this stretch ar ea along i s the the only only area c o m p a cti o rate. ra n te . Site S i te 77 is pr oiectedmaintenance dr edgi ng m aintenance the projected that dredging handlethe to handle t h a t has h a s sufficient su ffi ci e n t capacity ca p a ci tyto compaction needs needsof Marina. of the the Riverbend RiverbendMarina. either the the needsof of either dr edgingneeds the maintenance maintenance Site dredging meetthe I f Si i s to to be b e used u se dto to meet t e 77 is 20 extendover overaa 20 river Marina, site could couldextend useof of the the site r[fi v e r channel M ar ina,use ch a n n e lor o r Riverbend R i ve rb e n d pr esentowner to wish to It iis whether the y e a r period. p e ri o d . It u e sti o nablewhether ownerwould wouldwish the present year s qquestionable r eached. been hasbeen reached. capacityhas leave disposalcapacity its disposal l e a v e the th e site u n d e ve l o p euntil udntil its si te undeveloped Port of of Newport, Newport, the Port either the for either Due necessaryfor it may maybe be necessary Dueto the factor, it the time time factor, a longterm or p r i v a te acquisition or private marina operators to explore either acquisition or a long-term or ma ri n ao p e ra to rs explor e either l e a s e ffor o r this t h i s site. site. i g n i f i c a n t ssport port e c e i v essignificant The water and areas adjacent Site i t e 7 rreceive o S d j a c e n ttto T h ew a t e ra n d ttideland i d e l a n da r e a sa o n t h e m a t e r i a l s Specific plans for disposal of dredged materials on the p l a n s d r e d g e d o f for disposal fishing f i s h i n g use. use. Specific p ro te ct that site th a t use. u se. s h o u l dprotect s i t e should P1 t I I I I I I U I I [P I47 47 l o \ --J t Ii I i i I rr-- -1. I i l *._--_ __rl---ll ft- -r /\t', F /z l"ill *-t \ -_-t tttl '// j / l.l\ I -rrrr l$ilill I tr .zL P S A --- t. I ll ll Peripheraldiking Interior diking Natural barrier Outfall Discharge Point 0utfall PiPe Primaryfill area fill area Secondary 0verflow Surfacedrainage YaquinaBayDredgedMaterialDisposal II Flg#T? Figure Scale 48 48 Wilsey& Haj wilsey&t"f II 1 T I I I I I I I T I t tI I 1 t I ( I l l u s t r a t e d on SITE F i g u r e6) 6) S I T E88 (Illustrated o n Figure Site S i t e Description Description Poi nt. Location: South Ma rg a r et' sMarine Mar ineWays, 1/? mile mile north nor th of of Oneatta OneattaPoint. Location: S o u thof o f Margaret's l' lays,1/2 ISize: Size: 500' 5 0 0 ' xx 100' 100' feet depth, Capacity: yards at 7,000 cubic cubic yards at 55 feet uncompacted Capacity: 7,000 depth, uncompacted p a s t fill i s aa past f i l l area, a r e a , and Physical T h i s site s ' i t e is a n dis P h y s i c a lCharacteristics: C h a r a c t e r i s t i c s : This is pond. Though in the the level l e ve l except e xce p tfor fo r aa small sm allpond. Thoughwater water collects collects in pond, there pond, fresh-water creeks creeks or streams running onto onto no fresh-water streamsrunning there are no Ithe t h e site. site. the Thereeis on the Biological is very little vegetation vegetationon C h a ra cte ri s tics: Ther ver y little B i o l o g i ca l Characteristics: mar mal s Sm allmammals site, a s fill fi l l activity a ctivity has hasbeen beenfairly fair ly recent. r ecent. Small si te , as and manner . the site, but only in aa transient tr ansient manner. a n d birds b i rd s may ma yuse u se the site, but only in IZoning Marine ri n eCommercial C o mme rci al Z o n i n g : Ma Marine Comprehensive P ri n eCommercial Comm er cial C o m p re h e n siPlan veIa n : Ma P r i v a t e -- MM . SS . Cassell Cassell Ownership O w n e r s h i p :Private Engineering C o n si d e ra ti o n: s E n gni ee rin g Considerations: M e t h odof Method D re d g i n gand a n dFilling: F i l l i ng: o f Dredging Design D e s i g ncriteria criteria: Bucket haul to to site. site. Bucketdredge dr edgeand andtruck tr uck haul Similar S i m i l a r to t o Site S i t e No N o . 77 Similar i m i l a r to t o Site 7. Site S i t e Preparation: Preparation: S S i t e No. N o .7. No N o outfall o u t f a l i is i s required. required. Site S i t e Unit D e v e l o p m eCost C n to s t : Negligible Negligible U n i t Development Variable Dredging D r e d g i n gCost C o st: V a ri a b l e dense sandy material is used usedto to complete complete sandymater ial is Future C o n stra i n ts: Unless F u t u r eUse U seConstraints: U nlessdense o o dco fo r be for the and good compaction occurs, ter m usage usageshould shou' ldbe si te a nd g mpaction occur s, short shor t term t h e site open storage or open space. storage open space. open I Envi ronmental Considerations Considerations:: Environmental t fil' le d with w i th has been beenrecently r ecent' lyfilled that has is aa small sm all area ar ea that Effects D i sp o sa l : This T h i s is Ef f e c ts of o f Disposal: oth er Very little vegetation exists in the area, other exists in the ar ea, dredged d re d g e dmaterial ma te ri a l . V e ry little vegetation g ra sse sand Faunal the east eastborder. bor der . Faunal than th i n line line of of trees on the t h a n grasses a n daa thin tr ees on p r o b a b l y losses No significant wildlife life a n dprobably transient. t r a n s i e n t . N o s i g n i f i c a n t w i l d l i f e losses l i f e is i s minimal, m i n i m a l ,and could b e expected e xp e cte dto to occur as aa result r esult of of site site use use. co u l d be occur as I I I I I I I t I 49 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Ii I placementof future dredge materials on After the the placement of future dredgematerials on the the site, site, revegetarevegetaflor al p o ssi b l e . Given solid floral tion t i o n would w o u l dbe b e possible. Givenaa chance chanceto developaa solid to develop c o n m u n i ty comunity in i n the th earea, a re a ,the th evarious var iouswildlife nicheswould filled. wildlife niches wouldbe be filled. However,due due to However, may be to location location and and surrounding land-uses, the be surroundingland-uses, the site site nay better uses better suited for strictly suited for strictly human human uses. Other O t h e r Considerations C o nsi d e ra ti o n s: The lim its its T h e small s m a l l capacity ca p a ci ty of o f this th i s site si te limits its usefulness usefulnessto the disposal of of the disposal generatedby maintenance dredging moorages and material generated by maintenance dredging at the the local moorages and marinas Bucket would remove moorage areas marinas. Bucketdredges dredgeswould removethe the material from from the moorage areas p l a c e it and It is is possible possible that the a n d place i t on tru cks for fo r hauling h a ulingto to the the o n trucks the site. site. It proposedmarina generatedredged proposed marina development adjacent will generate development adjacent to Site 8 wil'l dredgedmaterials, p l a ce don and on this a n d they t h e y also al so could co u l d be b e placed this site site. T h ed i s p o sa 'lof d re d g e dma te ri als on The disposal materials on Site would not o f dredged Site 8 would not significantly significantly the future iincrease n c r e a s eth e fu tu re useability It is is cur currently u se a b i l i ty of the the site r ently zoned for site. It zonedfor proposed marine comerical marine use construction conunerical useand andthe theowner ownerhas hasproposed constructionof of aa marina marina pr eclude onn the t h e site o s i te . Placement P l a ce me no tf d re dgedmater of dredged materials would not ials on the site not preclude on the site would p o s tponeit occ ur r ed. e v e l o p me n t, that development, but had that d b u t could hadoccurred. co u l d postpone it until until adequate adequatecompaction compaction Lease easement arrangements between owner and would Leaseor easement arrangements betweenthe site site owner and disposal disposal users users would p r e fe ra b l e implementation be mechanism b e the t h e preferable Because of its i mp l e me n ta tion mechanism. Because its relatively smal l r elatively small p ri or ity for Site for use ccapacity, apacity, S i te 8 has h a s a low l o w priority this river r iver segment use within this segment. 50 50 T t t I I I I I t I I I I I t I I I I ( I l l u s t r a t e don F i g u r e7 SITE 7)) S I T E99 (Illustrated o nFigure Site S i t e Description: Description: Location: main fr om Riverbend Moorage, L o c a ti o n : Across i n road ro a d from River bendM oor age,at at Oneatta 0neatta Point Point A cro ssma Size: S i z e : 250' 2 5 0 'xx 250' 250' ya rds @@77 feet feet depth, depth,uncompacted Capacity: C a p aci ty: 16,200 1 6 ,2 0 0cubic cu b i c yards uncompacted dr ainagesystem, Physical This site P h ysi ca lCharacteristics: site is the base baseof of aa drainage sy s tem , C h a ra cte ri stics: This is the fr om where the fresh water in-flow flattens out from steep ridges. th e fre sh inflow steep r idges . water flattens out w h e re s l o p i n g . The The i"s fairly f a i r l y narrow n a r r o wwith w i t h slight The T h e"bottom-land" s l i g h t sloping. " b o t t o m - l a n dis soil t y p e is i s an a n Astoria A s t o r i a silt l o a m . The i n - f l o w is i s aa creek, creek, s o i l type s i l t loam. T h ewater w a t e r in-flow ye a r-round. A A small marsh ar shexists in in the and fl o w s year-round. fr esh- waterm t he a n d flows sm all fresh-water middle m i d d l eof o f the t h e site. site. Biological C h a r a c t e r i s t i c s : veqetation B i o l o g i c a lCharacteristics: v e q e t a t i o nis d o m i n a t eby b d y aa thick i s dominated thick r ove, with riparian grove, with an blackber r y, reed r eed aller g an understory under stor yof of blackberry, i i p a ri a n alder g r a s s , p e r c h i n g birds, b i r d s , such s u c has grass, huckleberry, h u c k l e b e r r yand a , n dsalal. s a l a l . Various V a r i o u sperching _as ' i n the vireos, n e s t and t h e area. a r e a . Moles, f i n c h e s , nest a n dfeed f e e d in Moles, w a r b l e r s ,and a n dfinches, v i r e o s , warbiers, shrews, ra cco o nand and deer deer use usethe the area ar eaas as well. sh re w s,raccoon well. Zoning: Z o n i ngz A-2 A -2 Single-family Comprehensive i n g l e - f a m i l yresidential residential C o m p r e h e n s Plan: iPv Iea n : S R i ver bendMarina M ar ina Ownership: P ri va te -- Riverbend O w n e rsh i p : Private Engineering : E n g i n e e ri n gConsiderations: C o n si d e ra ti o ns Filling: Method of Method o f Dredging D r e d g i n and ga n dFilling: ttruck r u c k haul t o site. site. h a u l to d r e d g ew Pipeline dredge orr bucket with r e d g eo b u c k e tdredge ith P i p e l i n ed feet. Some sevenfeet. So m e May ybe five b e filled fi lled approximately appr oxim ately five to to seven Design D e s i g ncriteria: cri te ri a : Ma bor der of of the the site. s i te. drainage necessary yalong along the i s necessar the northwest dra i n a g ediversion d i ve rsi o n is nor thwestborder pr eventsiltation of nearby near bytideland. tideland. Runoff b e controlled co n trolled to to prevent R u n o ff should siltation of sh o u l dbe ipeline d a r ea. to deep deepwater waterarea. If a p pipeline dredge re d g eis i s used, outfall must m ustextend extendto If used, outfall i f used u s e dby by well l e v e l i n g if Site C l e a r i n gis i s required, r e q u i r e d , as as w e l l as a s leveling S i t e Preparation: P r e p a r a t i o n : Clearing p i p e l i n e dredge. s u f f i c i e n t to to material pipeline a t e r i a l sufficient d r e d g e . Construct C o n s t r u c dikes td i k e s of o f on-site on-site m p re ve n tspillage prevent into drainageway. dr ainageway. o n to highway highwayor or into sp i l l a g e onto yar d Site Cto st: $0.60/cubic S i t e Unit U n i t Development D e ve l o p meCost: n $0.60/cubicyard V a ri a b l e Dredging D r e d g i n gCost: C o st: Variable S i t e No. S i m i l a r to t o Site N o . 88 Future F u t u r eUse C o n s t r a i n t s : Similar U s eConstraints: 51 51 III 9 /7i7/" / (i I f} /7 ( /11 '3& 9 / 7' 10 Ju 'S ,I Disposal site / Outfall pipe Primary i area S Secondary fill area £ Overflow Surface drainage Yaquina Bay Dredged Dredged Material YaquinaBay MaterialDisposal DisposalPlan Plan Figure Figure77 Sca$e 400 1":4OO Scale 1": 52 52 Wilsey& Ham witsey& Ham I I I t I I I I I I t I I II I I I t tI I II I T I I I I Ii : IEnvironmental EnvironmentalConsiderations: Considerations gr ove wou' be cleared clear ed if if The wouldldbe existing thick alder alder grove h e existing Effects Ef f e cts of o f Disposal: D i sp o sa l : T of materials mater ial s disposalactivities. activities. Disposal Disposalof the u se dfor fo r disposal w e reused th e site si te were fr esh over would result in inundation of aa small sm all freshsi te would r esult in inundationof e n ti re site o ve r the th e entire r esulting in in marsh the mar shcould could be be avoided, avoided,resulting H o w e verthe , water ma rsh . However, wa te r marsh. and fauna fauna The initial initial loss loss Of bf flora flor a and decreased ca p a c ity. The d e cre a se site dsi te capacity. niches Faunal species would relocate wher eniches specieswould r elocate where would si g n i fi ca n t. Faunal wo u l dbe b e significant. per ish at the outset were would perish at the outs et th o u ghsome someindividuals individuals would a va i l a b 'l e , though we re available, th e relocation attempt. re l o ca tionattempt. Ior d u ri n g the o r during the vegetation vegetation After be replanted, and the th e area ar ea could could be r eplanted, and A fte r disposal, d i sp o sa l , the year s. The The ten years. community could to ten re e stablishitself itself in in seven sevento co u l d reestablish co mmu n i ty p er m anently;however, size, its small sm all size, marsh however due ,due to to its b e 'llost o st permanently; ma rshwould w o u l dbe r o u p sw groups would ould l o s s . Faunal F a u n a lg this c o n s i d e r e ada significant s i g n i f i c a n t loss. t h i s is n o t considered i s not developed. reestablish as developed. com m unity th e mse l ves as the the floral flor al community re e sta b l i sh themselves IOther O t h er Considerations: C o n si d e ra ti o n s: in size size,, small in 9, although althoughsmall The fre sh w atermarsh in Site Site 9, o f aa freshwater mar shin T h eexistence exi ste n ceof pr ior ity for evaulated for use use when this veryy low when evaulated to receive 1owpriority re ce i ve a ver ccauses a u s e sth i s site si te to to If the site site were were to permit review agencies. If by federal permit reviewagencies. by the state and and federal p ro b a b l eth woul natur al dr ainageways be used, that marsh and natural drainageways wouldd at the the m ar shand bb u se d , it i t is i s probable p r o t e c t i o nand diversion. d r a i n a g ediversion. a n ddrainage Irequire r e q u i r e significant s i g n i f i c a n t protection pr othe prouse of of the The thus use by Riverbend River bendMarina, M ar ina,thus o w n edby T h esite si te is i s currently cu rre n tl y owned or acquisition or p e r t y for either acquisition perty disposal doesnot not require r equir e either i sp o sa l needs n eedsdoes fo r their th e i r d plan designates the land land The plan designatesthe com pr ehensive h e current cu ment comprehensive use u s e agreements. a g re e me n ts.T o s s i b l ethat i f the the possible t h a t if I t is is p u s e . It r e s i d e n t i a luse. for f o r future f u t u r e single-family s i n g l e - f a m i l yresidential pr oper tyto to residential r esidential Riverbend to convert the property conver tthe Ma ri n aowners o w n e rswish w ish to R i v e rb e n dMarina dur ing the the be used usedduring use, materials marina could be fro m their their mar inacould d re d g e dma u s e , dredged te ri a l s from be necnec wouldbe p re p ar ation. Sufficient tim e would lead time Sufficient lead early e a r l y stages o f site si te preparation. sta g e sof pr iortotoconstrucconstr u c essary and andsettling settling prior for compaction com paction to allow a l l o w for e s s a ryin i n order o rd e r to tion. ti on. I 53 I II II II II II I I 1 I I I I I I I I ( I l l u s t r a t e d on S I T E10 l 0 (Illustrated SITE o n Figure F i g u r e7) 7) S i t e Description: Descriotion: Site ( 0neattaPoint) Location: L o c a t i on : Adjacent Marina A d j a ce n tto to and a n dsouth southof River bend of Riverbend Mar ina(Oneatta Point) Size: S i z e : 240' 2 4 0 ' xx 200' 200' rd s at Capacity C a p a c i ty: 6,200 6 ,2 0 0 cubic cu b i c ya at 33.5 yards 5 feet feet depth, depth, uncompacted uncompacted Physical P h ysi ca lCharacteristics: flat area, The site C h a ra cte ri sti cs: The site is is aa flat ar ea, currently cur r ently used used as a s aa dredged d re d g e dmaterial ma te r ial disposal disposalsite. W aterdrainage dr ainagefrom fr om site. Water por tion of the nearby n e a rb yslopes sl o p e s is i s channeled channeledunderneath under neatha portion the site site through th ro u g haa culvert cu l ve rt system. The outfall system. The outfall is is clear the disposal dispos al clear of of the site site. Biological B i o l o g i c a lCharacteristics: C h a r a c t e r i s t i c s : Due D u eto t o recent r e c e n t filling f i l l i n g activity, there a c t i v i t y n there h a s been b e e nno has of n o reestablishment re e sta blishment of the the biologic biologic community. com r nunity. Zoning: Zoning: Marine Marine commercial conunercial C o m p r e h e n siPlan vel a n : Ma Comprehensive Marine comercial P ri n ecor nner cial Ownership: 0 w n e r s hi p : Private P ri va te -- Riverbend R i ve rb endMarina M ar ina Engineering E n gni e eri n gConsiderations o n s: C o n si d e ra ti M e t h o dof Method D re d g i n gand of Dredging a n dFilling: F i l l i n g: Bucket Bucketdredge dr edgewith w' ith truck haul to to site. tr uck haul site. pr event Design D e s i g nCriteria: C ri te ri a : Use b e rmsconstructed material U seberms constr uctedof on-site ater ial to to prevent on- site m spillage s p i l l a g e onto o n t o adjoining a d j o i n i n gtideland. t i d e l a n d . Additional A d d i t i o n a lrip r i p rap r a p and erosion a n derosion control control may maybe necessary. be necessary. Site Maintain Si t e Preparation: P r e p a ra ti o n : Ma i n ta i nberms ber ms t I S i t e Unit Site D e v e l o p m eCost: n to s t : Negligible U n i t Development C Negligible I II I I I I I I I Dredging D r e d g i n gCost C o s t : Variable Variable Future F u t u r eUse U s eConstraints: C o n s t r a i n t s : Similar S i m i l a r to t o Site S i t e No. N o . 88 Environmental E n v i r o nme n taConsiderations Cl o n si d e ra ti o n: s E f f e c t s of Effects D i s p o s a l : This T h i s is i s an a n existing e x i s t i n g fill f i l l site, no vegetation, o f Disposal: site, and andno vegetation, g ra sse s,has other o t he r than th a n grasses, h a sbeen beenestablished. materials established. Future Futurematerials should not alter current condition, so no loss vegetation or or s h ou l d n ot a l te r the th e cu rr ent condition, so no loss to to vegetation wildlife w i l d l i f e is i s expected expected. tI 54 54 II I I I I I t I I1 II II I I II II II I I I I I I I I I ' is com ul d the dredged material disposal lis completed, could pleted,rrevegetation evegetationco ter ial disposa' IAfter ed re d g e dma Afte r th p l a ce w take with communities establishing them themselves seven to to ten ten establishing selvesin in seven mmunities t ake place i th co g ro u p swill ye a rs. Faunal into the as habitats habitats become becomestaes e taF a u n a lgroups will move moveinto the area ar ea as years. s e s , it it However, due and adjacent uses, d j a c e n tland land u blished. h e site s i t e ' llocation ocation a n da blished. H o w e v e rd , u e tto o tthe r ecr eation al may or mo refeasible fe a si b l e to to use the site site for for commercial cor nner cial or recreational ma ybe b e more usethe purposes. purposes IOther O t h e r Considerations C o n si d e ra ti o n s em ov ed Site currently used for the disposal disposal of dr dredged materials edgedm ater ials rremoved i s cu se d for Si t e 10 l 0 is rre n tl y u s during maintenance dredging Riverbend Marina, and continuation continuation of of thi this d re dgingof River bendM ar ina, and d u r i n g the th e ma i n te n a n ce p ro p o se duntil is designated desi gnated its capacity The site is r eachesits capacity. The use th e site s ite reaches u s e is i s proposed u n ti l the plan for marine commercial use current comprehensive plan and and wi1l will b bee av availai l i n the cur r ent com pr ehensive for m mme rci au l se in a ri n eco ur r ed. able that use after disposal and the necessar necessary ycompaction compaction have have occ occurred i sposal and a b l e for f or th at u fte r d se a r ent No action since River Riverbend Marina is the cur current ar inais i s rrequired equir ed since bendM N o implementation i m p l e me n ta ti oa ncti o n is owner o w n e rof o f the th e site si te . 55 Surunary&& Recommendations Summary Recorrnendations It is projected projected that that dredging dredging within within River Segment Segment 2 will will generate generate It is yards of approximately approximately66,000 66,000cubic cubic yards of dredged dredgedmaterials. materials. Channel Channel ds of this maintenance accounts yards m a i n t e n a n ce fo r about 30,000cubic a cco u n tsfor a bout 30,000 cubic yar this total, total, pr eviouslyrequired channel although has a l t h o ug hsince si n ce this th i s river ri ve r segment segm ent hasnot not previously r equir edchannel q u e sti o n a blewhether d r e d gi n g ,it i t is in the The dredging, i s questionable it will the future. whetherit will in futur e. The ds of dredged remaining yards materials would r e m a i n i n g32,000 3 2 ,0 0 0to 37,000 3 7 ,0 0 0cubic dr edgedm cubic yar ater ials would result maintenance dredging marinas that are result from from the maintenance are located located dredgingof the marinas along 2. along River 2. River Segment Segment The 2 2 T h e total t o ta l capacity ca p a ci ty of o f the th e four sites located located within River River Segment Segm ent ds, which iis s bbetween cubic yar yards, which rresults in a deficit e tw e e n339,000 9 ,0 0 0aand n d 440,000 0 ,0 00cubic in deficit esults ya rd s . In pr ior ity off about o 2 6 ,0 0 0cubic In addition, Site a b ou t 26,000 cu b i c yards. Site 8I is is aa low low priority p r i o r i t y site site d u e to t o its i t s small site due while s m a l l capacity, c a p a c i t y ,w h i l e Site i s a low l o w priority S i t e 99 is site d u e due to t o the th e existing e xi sti n g marsh ma rshhabitat. habitat. Since S' incesufficient sufficient land land areas have ar eas have projected not been identified within River beenidentified not 2 meet the River Segment Segment 2 to to meet the projected d i s p o sa l needs, n e e d s,other disposal o th e r options o p ti onsmust m ustbe be evaluated. following evaluated. The The following p o s s i b l e options possible are suggested: o p ti o n s a re su g g ested: Option O p t i o n1l : Channel 2 could maintenance materials 2 C h a n n ema l i n te nance m ater ials within River Segm ent River Segment could placed be be removed removedby by bucket dredge, dredgen placed on barges and transported to the bucket the on barges and transported off ocean disposal site for dumping. o f f shore o ce a n d i sp o sa l This would leave the land s ho re si te for dumping. This would leave the land s i t e s a va i l a b l e fo r u se sites available for use by marina b y the the m ar inaowners for disposal disposal of their their owner sfor m a i n te n a n ce maintenance dredging d re d g i n gmaterials. ma te rials. W When henRiverbend River bendMarina Mar inahas has filled filled S i t e 10 l 0 to to its i ts capacity, Site will need ca p a ci ty, they they will needto locate locate a disposal disposal site p l a ce the ds of u p o nwh e y can upon which they additional 26,000 yards i ch th ca n place the additional 26,000cubic cubic yar g e n e ra te per iod. The year planning m a t e r i a l th e y The material they will w i l 'l generate during dur ing the the 20 20 year planning period. only site that site within River River Segment that could accorsnodate that volume Segment22 that could accommodate volume pr ivate ownership. would w o u l dbe b e Site S i te 77 which w h i chis i s currently cur r ently in in private owner ship. The The other other options o p t i o ns available a va i l a b l e to of to Riverbend R i ve rbendMarina M ar inainclude developm ent of Site include development Site 99 la ce me no t f a portion p o rti o n of their a nd p and placement of materials their dredged dr edgedm ater ials on on that that site site p r e p a r a t i o n ,or d u r i n g site s i t e preparation, during l 0 and and o r stockpiling s t o c k p i l i n gtheir m a t e r i a l on o n Site S i t e 10 t h e i r material ( Cr iter ia for t r u c k i n g them th e mto trucking to an a n upland u p l a n dsite site for for disposal disposal. (Criteria for upland upland d i s p o s a lsites s i t e s are d i s c u s s e in di n Section disposal a r e discussed S e c t i o nIV). IV). ( o r both) Option 0 p t i o n 22 : S i t e s 77 o Sites orr 10 l 0 (or c o u l d be sites b o t h ) could b e used u s e das a s stockpile s t o c k p i l e sites p a r t i c u l a r l y well-suited n e i t h e r site a l t h o u g hneither If although s i t e is i s particularly f o r that t h a t use u s e . If w e l l - s u i t e dfor these these sites were developed developed for sites were for stockpiling, stockpiling, both both the ano the channel channeland placedon marina m a r i n amaintenance ma i n te n a n ce materials ma te ri a ls could could be be placed on the the sites assuming sites assuming that the dredged materials materials v{ere were trucked that the dredged trucked away at regular intervals. awayat regular intervals. public use T h estockpiled The s to ckp i l e d materials could be be made m adeavailable for public use or or ma te ri a l s could available for preparedby port and trucked the trucked for for disposal disposal to to upland upland sites sites prepared by the the port and the p r i v a te marina private ma ri n aoperators. Tr uckingthe m ater ials subsubo p e ra to rs. Trucking the dredged dr edgedmaterials sstantially t a n t ia l l y ra raises disposal materials i se s the i sp osal costs, unless can be be th e d unless the the m ater ials can private party party that will sold or given sold given away away to to a private themat at will transport transport them their own their expense. oh,nexpense. 56 56 II I I II II II I I I I II I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I II II I I II I I II I Option 0 p t i o n 33 : T The off the h e capacity ca p a ci ty o the land land sites sites within River River Segment Segm ent 2 is is p rojected channel s u f f i ci e n t to sufficient meet channel maintenance maintenance needs without to me e tthe th e projected needswithout o r t rreserved utilizing u t i l i z i n g Sites S i t e s 88 and a n d9. 9 . IIf he p port f tthe e s e r v e dSites S i t e s 77 and a n d10 l 0 for for d i s p osa l o disposal off channel maintenance materials, marina operators ch a n n e lma i n tenance mater ials, the the mar inaoper ator s ( pr obablyupland) w o u l dbe b e forced would fo rce d to to locate l o ca te other other (probably upland)sites sites for for the the d i s p o s a l disposal o off their maintenance dredging materials, their m a i n t e n a n cd er e d g i n gm a t e r i a l s , resulting r e s u l t i n g in in pr ivate costs i n c r ea se dmaintenance increased costs. ma i n te n a n ce co sts. These additional private Theseadditional costs could could p o rt participation p a rti ci p ation in be o f fse t by be offset upland disposal disposal site acquisition b y port in upland site acquisition p o ssi b l e financial chaseof the equipm a n d possible and through purchase equipment fi n a n ci a l support su ppor tthr oughthe pur en t necessaryto necessary the dredged to transport transport the dredgedmaterials materials. Option 0 p t i on 1I is i s the th e recommended re co mme nded dueto option option due to its its lower easier lowercosts, costs, easier i m p l e me n ta ti oand ann d better b e tte r suitability implementation s uitability for for the the sites sites involved involved. It It i s ccurrently u rre n tl y u is unknown whether channel maintenance maintenance dr dredging will be be n kn o ww n h e therchannel edgingwill n e c e ssa ry;h o w e ve r,si n ce the channel necessary; however, since channel mater materials are believed to be be ials ar e believed ssuitable u i t a b l e ffor i s p o s a l , it ocean disposal, dispose off tthem or o c e a nd i t is i s rreasonable easonable tto o d i s p o s eo h e min in tthat h a t manner. m a n n e r. L Lincoln may wish Marina i n co l n County C o u ntymay to assist assist Riverbend wish to Mar inain River bend in ttheir h e i r llocation ocation o off s suitable disposal both ass rrelates Sites uitable d i s p o s a l ssites, otha ites, b e l a t e s tto o S ites 6 - 1 0 identified i d e n t i f i e d in i n tthis o c u m e n to ,r in 6-10 document, or upland his d i n rrelationship e l a t i o n s h i p tto o u pland ssites ites. t I I I I I t 1 57 I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I- - - - - - - - - - - - - - I I RiverSegment3 I I .1 Yaquina Bay Dredged Dredged Material Material Disposal DisposafPlan YaquinaBry Plan I I River River ses$FTl,,.t Segment 3 DisposalSite Site Disposal SCale 1 :1760 trr Shoahng ShoalingArea " Area 58 Wilsey& Ham Ham Wilsey& I I I II I t I I I I I T I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I1 ( R M R MILE SEGMENT T 0 RIVER R r V E MILE R M I L E7.9) 7.9) IRIVER S E G M E33N(RIVER T M r L E5.7 5 . 7 TO RIVER Dredging DredgingNeeds Needs Maintenance of Pr oiects E xi sting Projects r Ma i n te n a n ce o f Existing Maintenance of 3 would result in River Segm ent 3 would r esult M a i n te n a n ce n a vi g a tionchannel channelin River Segment o f the th e navigation year s. yar ds over next 20 20 years. dredging he d 75,000cubic cubic yards over the the next iin n tthe re d g i n gof o f about a b o u t 75,000 this This maintenance dredging would occur occur along dr edgingthat that would along this T h i s is i s the th e only i n te n ance o n l y ma Isegment. segment. NewProjects Projects r Construction Constructionof New p ro j e cts INo N o new n ewprojects 3. have 3. RiverSegment Segm ent b e e nidentified identified within within River h a vebeen Disposal D i s p o sa lOptions Op ti o n s possible disposal disposal of dr edged IThree for possible of dredged T h r e esites i d e ntified for si te s have h a vebeen b e e nidentified Table a b l e12 1 2 lists l i s t s those t h o s esites s i t e s and and materials m a t e r i a l swithin R i v e rSegment S e g m e 3. n3t. T w i t h i n River their t h e i r estimated e s t i m a t e dcapacities. capacities. TABLE 12 I2 TABLE IRIVER SEGMENT 3 OPTIONS 3 -. DISPOSAL DISPOSAL R IV E R S EGMENT OPTIONS Approximate Capacity Approximate Capacity Site S i t e No. No. l1 37,000 3 7 , 0 0 0cy cy 12 12 32,000 3 2 , 0 0 0cy cy 13 13 30,000 30,000cy cy I11 ITOTAL TOTALCAPACITY CAPACITY 99,000 99,000cy cy p h ysi ca l characteristics par ameterfor sfor use T h ephysical The u s e of o f each eachof of the the ch a ra cte ri sti cs and and parameters a b o v esites i s c u s s i o n son the following fol lowing above discussions s i t e s is i s ccontained o n t a i n e din i n the t h e site site d on the pages. pages. 59 I. t .%..... .J.1...... Disposal Disposalsite site I Per ipher aldiking Peripheral diking IIII Interior I n t e r i o r diking diking lImmf 1111111111Natural Natural barrier barrier 84 84 Y U OutfalI I Outfall ) n point D Discharge point Dischar ge pipe Outfall OutfalI pipe ' 7," P P Primary Pr im ar yfill fill area ar ea "N. \ / s S Secondary fill Secondary fill area area N A Overflow 0verfl ow '. / Surface drainage Surface drainage - - --' / I I -4- ! I / \ I i I \ ,) t -t :f -.:.. .:: I I 7 t 11 11 / / I" / I, / I ,,, - Yaquina Bay Dredged Dredged Material Material Disposal YaquinaBay DisposalPlan Plan Figure8I Figure Scale 1: 400 Scale1":4OO' 60 60 I I I I I I I I I Wilsey& Ham Wilsey&Ham I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I t I I I I I I t T I I I I II II I I ( t t l u s t r a t e d on F i g u r e8) ISITE 11l (Illustrated S I T E1 8) o n Figure Site S i t e Description: Description: Poole' s Slough Location: L o c a t i o n : Approximately A p p ro xi ma te l 1,800 y1 ,800feet feet east east of of Poole's Sloughon on the the south south R i v e r . side of Yaquina River. side of Yaquina ISize: S i z e : 200' 2 0 0 ' xx 500' 500' rds at feet, uncompacted ICapacity: yards 3 7 ,0 0 0cubic cu b i c ya at 10 l0 feet, uncompacted C a p a ci ty: 37,000 drainage i s the t h e opening rainage Physical P h y s i c a lCharacteristics: C h a r a c t e r i s t i c s : This T h i s site s i t e is o p e n i n gof o f a small small d system, which and widens widens at the h i ch flattens fl a ttens out and baseof the the steep stee p syste m,w the base hills. The hills. T n o r t h end i s diked d i k e dby t h e county c o u n t yroad. road. h enorth e n dof o f the t h e site s i t e is b y the end th e The site slopes upward to the south, and the north end has the sl o p e s to the south, and the nor th has T h e si te u pwar d 'lowest A lowest elevation. Soil elevation. S o i l type t y p e is i s aa Fendall F e n d a l lsilt loam. A s i l t loam. seasonal dr ainingthe the surrounding sur r oundin g se a so n acreek cre 'l e k runs thr oughthe the site site draining ru ns through hills. h ills. Grasses of the th e Biological Bi o l o g i ca l Characteristics: assescover cover the the "bottomlands" C h a ra cte ri stics: Gr "bottomlands"of site, The s i t e , and a n dsome s o m efreshwater f r e s h w a t e marsh rm a r s hvegetation v e g e t a t i o nis i s visible. v i s i b l e . The hills a n dDouglas D o u g l afir. sf i r . h i l l s surrounding s u r r o u n d i n the g t h e site a r e covered c o v e r e dby b y alder a l d e r and s i t e are i n h a b i t the t h e site, arious Shrews, moles ass w well ass v various a n d squirrels el a S h r e w sm , o l e sand s q u i m e ls inhabit s'ite, a p e r c h i n gbirds, Iperching b i r d s , including i n c l u d i n gwoodpeckers. woodpeckers. Z o n i n g: A-2 A -2 Zoning: C o m p r e h e n siPlan: vel a n : Rural IComprehensive P R u ra l residential residential Ownership: Private Elizabeth Hall, 0wnership:P r i v a t e -- E R u s s e l 0. l0 . S Sinnhuber l i z a b e t hH a I l , cdo / o Russell innhuber IEngineering E n g i n e e r i n Considerations: C o n s i d e r a t i o n: s g pipeline Method and o f Dredging a n dFilling: F i ' l l i n g : Hydraulic M e t h o dof Dredging H y d r a u l i cpipeline Design D e s i g nCriteria: C r i t e r i a : Upland U p l a n ddrainage d r a i n a g emust m u s tbe b e diverted d i v e r t e dthrough t h e fill f i ' l l site. t h r o u g hthe site. gravel cut-off Protect road road embankment embankment Protect on on north north by by construction construction of of aa gravel cut-off p l a s t i c filter p l a c e dover wall. A sand with f i l t e r fabric w all. A s a n dblanket b l a n k e tw o v e r the the i t h plastic f a b r i c placed placem ent surface of material. re d u ceclogging dr edged m ater ial. s urfa ceshould sh o u l dreduce cloggingupon uponplacement of dredged Maintenance of is important im por tantto stability the Ma i n te n a n ce o f low l o w soil stability of the so i ' l saturation satur ation is (S Iroad r oa d embankment e mb a n kme(See n t e eFigure f' low should be to to deep deepwater. wa ter . F igur e8). 8) . Return Retur nflow shouldbe Site P re p a ra ti o n : Construct C o n stru ctdrainage diver sionwith culver t, Si t e Preparation: dr ainagediversion with use useof of culvert, f i l l i n g and f l o w , and spillways, s p i l l w a y s ,road r o a dundercrossings u n d e r c r o s s i n gfor f so r filling r e t u r nflow, a n dreturn a n dwall. wall. mi n o r clearing necessar y. Some S o meminor cl e a ri n g and is necessary. a n dleveling leve' lingis yar d Site D e ve l o p meCost: n Cto st: $0.44/cubic S i t e Unit U n i t Development $0.44lcubicyard 61 I61 yard range Dredging Cost: Dredging yard Cost: $3.00/cubic rangedue dueto to higher higherelevation. elevation. $9.00/cubic Future Use Use Constraints: Constraints Future 0penspace spaceuse Open useis is desirable desirablefor for at at least least 10 l0 yearsto settling and years settlin9 to allow allowadequate adequate andcompaction compaction. Envi ronmental Considerations Considerations : Environmental pr im ar ily Effects E f f e c t s of o f Disposal D i sp o sa l : T s ite contains This contains a small ecotype used used primarily h i s site small ecotype p e rchingbirds. by b y mo moles, l e s, shrews sh re w sand a n dperching bir ds. Filling Filling of of the des tr oy the site site would woulddestroy somespecies some attempt to relocate species and and force force the the rest rest to attempt relocate. Displaced Displaced f a un a w o u l dhave h a veto re l ocate in in ar fauna would areas whereeniches weree available available o orr to relocate eas wher niches wer p e ri sh . T perish h e habitat h a b i ta t that th at would The wouldbe be lost lost is is not not unique uniqueto to the the overall over al l area. area. The site could be and new established The be revegetated, revegetated, and site could habitat types newhabitat types established ye a rs. i n three in th re e to to seven se ve nyears Other Co n si d e ra ti o n s: 0 t h e r Considerations l l is Site S i t e 11 i s currently cu rre n tl y undeveloped, but for u n d e ve loped, but is is designated designated for rural r ur al residential r esidentia l plan. Placem use plan i n the th e current u s e in cu rre n t comprehensive co mp re h ensive Placement entof disposal disposalmaterials m ater ials on on r o v i d ea ssuitable tthe h e ssite ite w o u l dp would provide building however, u i t a b l e rresidential esidential b u i l d i n g ssite; ite; h owever, p re c ludedfor year s after use off the th e site u se o si te would for 77 to w o u l dbe b e precluded to 10 l0 years after filling filling had [ad been b e e ncompleted. c o mp l e te d . Because B e ca u se S i te 11 ll may maynot not be Site be filled filled to to capacity capacityfor for approxiappr ox i a rs, it per manent m a t e l y10 l0 ye i t would b e 15-20 15- 20year mately years, yearss before residence w o u l dbe befor e aa permanent r esidencecould coul d be constructed be constructed on on the the site. The current site. The current owner ownerhas has indicated indicated that that he he would would e a r s , aand l i k e tto o d e v e l o ptthe h e ssite in 5 - 7 yyears, like develop 5-7 would not bee w willing have i t e in n dw o u l dn ot b i l l i n g tto o h ave p l a c e don d i s p o s a lm a t e r i a l splaced disposal materials o n the t h e -site s i t e after a f t e r that t h a t time t i m e . This T h i s site s i t e is i s aa riority u h igh p s e ssite, high priority use i t e , ssince i t is i n c e it i s tthe h e oonly n l y aavailable i s p o s a l ssite v a i l a b l e tland a n d ddisposal ite within Ri ve r Segment w i t h i n River S e g me n33t . In der to In or to m aximizeits order maximize its efficient efficient use for the usefor the d i s p o s a'lof o f dredged d re d g e dma te ri a l s, acquisition disposal materials, may acquisition m aybe necessar y. be necessary II I I I I t I I I I II t I I I I II 1 I I I I I I I t I I I I 62 62 tI I I T I t I I I I I I T I t I I t I I I I ( l l l u s t r a t e d on F i g u r e9) 9) ISITE o n Figure S I T E12 l 2 (Illustrated Site S i t e Description: Description: no r th Com pany on Approximately 4 m miles Oyster Company on north iles east east of Oregon 0r egon0yster Location p p ro xi ma te l 0y .4 L o c a t io n : A off highway. Iside side o h i g h w a y. Size: 275' S i z e : 300' 3 0 0 ' xx 275' ya rds at at 10 l0 feet feet depth, depth,uncompacted uncom pacted cu b i c yards Capacity: C a p a ci ty: 32,000 3 2 ,0 0 0cubic by by hills, hills, which wh i c h ar ea surrounded sur r ounded Low- ' lyingarea Physical C h a ra cte ri stics: Low-lying P h ysi ca lCharacteristics: The soil is a Coquille i s a s o i l C oquille T h e is the basin for a small drainage system. d r a i n a g e s y s t e m . is the basinfor a small as a sm alI There are small tide channels, as well as a small as wel] I tide channel s, silt loam. si I t I o a m. T h e rear e sm al fresh-water creek. fresh-watercreek. a marsh a diked d i k e dm a r s hin in s i t e is i s considered considered C h a r a c t e r i s t i c s : This T h i s site IBiological B i o l o g i c a l Characteristics: p r i m a r i l y g r a s s l a h d . The site is primarily i s T h e s i t e transition to a terrestrial grassland transition to a terrestria'l e d g e sof g r a s s e s ,with t h e edges of grasses, o n the t h e salt v a r i e t i e s occurring o c c u r r i n gon w i t h the s a l t varieties The borders along the hills to the h i l l s t o the t i d e channels. c h a n n e l s . T h e b o r d e r sa l o n g t h e tthe h e small s m a l l tide fir , sitka spr uc e, west, north, and east are covered by a Douglas fir, sitka spruce, w e st, n o rth , a n d east ar e cover edby a Douglas Various moles, shrews, m o l e s , s h r e w s, f l o r a l assemblage. alder, a n dmaple m a p l efloral a s s e m b l a g eV . arious a l d e r , and per ching sever al perching mice as well well as as several ra cco o nuse this habitat, habitat, as mi ce and a n d raccoon use this birds. birds. Zoning Z o n i n g : A-2 A-2 Comprehensive R u ra l residential residential P C o m p re h e n siPlan: vel a n : Rural W e]ls May Johnson, c/o do Saralee Sar aleeWells ayJohnson, e ta M IOwnership P ri va te -- LLeta 0 w n e r sh i p : Private :s Engineering Consideration E n g i n e e r i nConsiderations: g Filling: IMethod M e t h o dof o f Dredging D r e d g i n and ga n d Filling: IDesign Criteria: D e s i g nC riteria: Pipeline P i p e l i n e Dredge Drecige ( S e eFigure Similar 1 1 (See F i g u r e8) 8) S i t e No. N o . 11 S i m i l a r to t o Site ll t o Site S i t e No. N o .11 Site S i m i l a r to S i t e Preparation: P r e p a r a t i o n : Similar yards C Site S i t e Unit D e v e l o p m eCost: n to s t : $0.60/cubic U n i t Development $ 0 . 6 0 / c u b i cyards yar $2.00/cubic yardd range r ange Dredging D r e d gi n gCost: C o st: $ 2 .OO/cu b ic ll t o Site S i t e No. N o .11 S i m i l a r to IFuture F u t u r eUse U s eConstraints: C o n s t r a i n t s : Similar : Considerations: IEnvironmental En v ri o n me n ta C l o n si d e ra ti ons diked i n u n d a t eaa diked f i l l i n g of o f this t h i s site s i t e would w o u l dinundate T h efilling Effects o f Disposal: D i s p o s a l : The E f f e c t s of pr esentl y p e rma n e n tlclosing y o s ing off marsh, the small sm all tide tide channels that presently cl off the channelsthat m a rsh ,permanently 63 63 RI / / / ( -- I 1' 13 p Yaquina Bay Bay Dredged Material MaterialDisposal DisposalPlan Yaquina Dredged Plan Figure 9 9 Figure Scale 1 :400 Scalc 1":4OO 64 Wi Isey &Ham Ham Wilsey& I I I I I I I I I I I I T I gr assland, exist. e xi st. Most is in in transition tr ansition to to terrestrial ter r estr ia' l grassland, o f the th e site si te is Mo stof is completed. com pleted. which after the the disposal disposa'project lpr ojectis b e reestablished re e sta b lishedafter w hi chcould co u l d be groupsdependent relocate The faunal dependent upon channels would would relocate the tide tide channe'ls faunal groups uponthe The grassland p e r i s h . Those g r o u p sexisting p o s s i b l eor i n the t h e grassland e x i s t i n g in T h o s egroups where o r perish. w h e r epossible Once p r o b a b l yrelocate, loss. 0 nce environs s i g n i f i c a n t loss. r e l o c a t e ,without w i t h o u tsignificant e n v i r o n swould w o u l dprobably gr oupswould ak e r etur n to to m vegetation was would return make the faunal faunal groups re e sta b lished,the v e g e ta ti o nw a s reestablished, h a b itats. use u se of th e various va ri o u shabitats. o f the Other O t h e rConsiderations: Co n si d e ra ti o n s: wetland/marsh dueto to its its wetland/marsh Site 12 recomended for for current cumentuse usedue 12 is is not recorrnended r e q u i r e das a s outlined outlined b e required were mitigation would itigation w o u l dbe o bbee uused, s e d ,m habitat. h a b i t a t . I[f t w e r e tto f iit p r o x i m i t yto t o the t h e shoaling shoa'ling t s cclose l o s e proximity P l a n n i n gGoals. G o a l s . IIts Goal off the iin n G S t a t e Planning o a l 16 16 o t h e State standpoi nt; fr om an an engineering engineer ingstandpoint; areas makes disposal site site from a cce p ta b ledisposal a r e a sm a ke sit i t an a n acceptable p re se n ceof it unacceptable unacce ptabl e however, wetland/salt water conditions makes it conditions makes h o w e v e r,the of w e tland/salt water th e presence t h i s analysis analysis i t h i n this within i s included i n c l u d e dw T h esite s i t e is from f r o m an e n v i r o n m e n t astandpoint. slt a n d p o i n t . The a n environmental p r o v i d e djl p o s s i b l ybe in e r eprovided itigation w because it mitigation were b e used u s e dif i f adequate adequatm e because i t could c o u l d possibly pr oviding m benefi ts offset the the bene1its migitation could offset return. th e cost co st of providing igitation could r e t u r n . However, H o w e ve r,the p i o x i m i t yto - t othe p r o v i d e dby channel. n a v i g a t i o nchannel. provided t h e navigation c l o s eproximity t h e site's b y the s j t e ' s close I agencies r The Theresource r esour ceagencies not recommended. r ecomm ended. At this o f Site S i te 12 1 2 is is not t h i s time ti me use u se of m ak e the site site would represented believe would make docum ent be' lievethat that the re vi e w of o f this this document r e p r e s e n te din th e review i n the tidegate would would Removal existing tidegate an a re a. Rem oval of the the existing a n excellent e x c e l 'l e n tmitigation mi ti g a ti o n area. pr eviouslyoccurred that For that the site. site. For return occur r edon onthe i n fl u e n cethat that previously r e t u r n the th e tidal ti d a l influence c o u n t y ' s m i t igation f o r t h e reason is suggested that Site 12 be considered for the county's mitigation t h a t b e c o h s i d e r e d r e a s o nit i s S i t e ' ' 1 2 it suggested futur e mitigation. m itigation. bank si te for for future b a n kas a s an a n acceptable a cce p ta b l esite i I t I I T 655 6 ( I l l u s t r a t e d on S I T E13 1 3 (Illustrated SITE F i g u r e9) o n Figure 9) Site S i t e Description: Description: Location: Approximately Location: on Approxirnately0.6 0.6 miles miles east east of Oregon the 0regonOyster 0yster Company Company on the n orth side north si d e of o f the th e highway. h i g h way. Size: S i z e : 500' 5 0 0 ' xx 200' 200' Capacity: Capacity: 30,000 cubic cubic yards yards at at 10 depth, uncompacted uncompacted 30,000 l0 feet depth, Ph ysi ca lCharacteristics: Physical C h a ra cte ri stics: The is aa former for m er marsh that was dik ed The site is mar shthat wasdiked byy th the construction The soil is a b e co n stru cti onof the the county countyroad. is r oad. The soil a Coquille Coqu i l l e silt si l t loam. l o a m. Freshwater F re shwaterflows ainage flows into area from upland dr drainage into the ar ea fr om upland q u a n t i t i e s ; quantities. Tidal influence ssystem, y s t e m ,although a l t h o u g hnot n o t in i n significant T i d a l i n f luence significant occurs o ccu rsdaily d a i l y due d u eto to aa faulty faulty tidegate. tidegate. Z o n i n g : A-2 Zoning: A-2 Comprehensive C o m p r e h e n siPlan: vel a n : P Rural R u ra l Residential Residential Ownership: 0 w n e r sh i p : P Private Reinoehi ri va te -- Claude Reinoehl C 'l a u de Engineering En g i n ee ri n gConsiderations: C o n si d e ra ti o n: s M e t h o dof Method and Dredging o f Dredging a n dFilling: Filling: Pipeline P i p e l i n e dredge dredge ( S e eFigure D e s i g nCriteria: Design C r i t e r i a : Similar S i m i l a r to t o Site S i t e No. N o . 11 l l (See F i g u r e8) B) Site S i t e Preparation: P r e p a r a t i o n : Similar S i m i l a r to t o Site S i t e No. l1 N o .11 ds Site S i t e Unit U n i t Development D e ve l o p meCost: n Cto st: $0.45/cubic $0.45/cubic yar yards D r e d g i n gCost: Dredging C o st: $ $2.00/cubic yardd range r ange 2 .0 0 /cu b i cyar F Future u t u r eUse U s eConstraints: C o n s t r a i n t s : Similar S i m i l a r to t o Site 11 S i t e No. N o .11 Environmental En v ri o nme n taConsiderations: l o n si d e ra ti o ns : C Ef f e c t s of Effects d i ver se mar marsh would o f Disposal: D i sp o sa l : AA diverse shassemblage assem blage wouldbe be destroyed destr oyedby by the the f i l ' l i n g of filling o f this t h i s site. s i t e . The T h emarsh m a r s his i s regularly r e g u l a r l yflushed f l u s h e dby b y tidal tidal gr asses . action, a cti o n , and a n d supports su p p o rtsaa variety var iety of freshwater fr eshwaterand and saltwater saltwater grasses. As a marshland, As a ma rsh l a n d it ,i t supports su ppor tsvarious water fow l . var ious shorebirds shor ebir dsand and some som ewaterfowl. g ro u p sw fl o ra l groups The would dredged materials, and coul couldd T h e floral o u l dbe be buried bur ied by by the the dr edgedm ater ials, and not be destroyed not marine fauna be replaced. replaced. The The marine fauna using the area be destroyed using the area would would be also. a l so . A Avifaunal and mamalian use vi fa u n a l a n d mamnalian of the thesite site would beterminated, ter m inated, useof wouldbe as the the various as various species specieswould be forced forced to relocate. The role of wouldbe to relocate. The role of the the p roducerfor ma rshas a s aa nutrient n u tri e n t producer marsh the estuarine estuar inesystem also be for the systemwould wouldalso be terminated. terminated. 66 66 II I I II II I II I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I II II 1 I I II I t I I I I I I I I I I I T I I I I I I I I I I I I I pr ogr am is IVegetation is re e stablishedafter after the the disposal disposalprogram V e ge ta ti o ncould b e reestablished co u l d be develop habitats would Ass the would develop completed. c o mp l e te d . A th e vegetation ve g e tationstabilized, habitats faunal species, species, which would the w h i chw o u l dencourage th e influx influx of of terrestrial ter r estr ial faunal e n co u ra g e This may may take seven bir ds. This take seven bringing and b r i ng i n g in sma l ' lmammals mar nnals andbirds. i n various va ri o u s small placementof to ten years after dredgematerials. materials. ten years the placement of dredge after the Other 0 t h e r Considerations: C o nsi d e ra ti o n s: marsh Site 13 recommended for for current currentuse usedue dueto to the the saltwater sa'ltwatermarsh is not recornnended 13 is w o u l dbe be were b e used, u s e d ,mitigation m i t i g a t i o n would which I f iit t w t o be e x i s t s on t h e site. s i t e . If e r eto w h i c hexists o n the I t ' s close P l a n n i n Goals. gG o a 1 s . It's close required t h e State S t a t ePlanning r e q u i r e das a s outlined i n Goal G o a l16 ' 1 6of o f the o u t l i n e din p r o x i m i t y to fr om disposal site site from proximity makes it it an an acceptable acceptabledisposal to the a re as makes th e shoaling sh o a l i n gareas esenceof wetland/saltwater Ian standpoint; presence wetland/saltwater marsh mar s h a n eengineering n g i n e e ri n gsta o weverthe pr n d p o i n t; hhowever The conditions from standpoint. fr oman an environmental envir onmental standpoint. The ma ke sit i t unacceptable c o n d i t i o nsmakes u n a cce p table p o t e n t i a ' l l ybe be site within it because i t could c o u l d potentially i s included i n c l u d e dw t h i s analysis a n a l y s i s because s i t e is i t h i n this pr ovidedin the of Howeverthe n cost cost of in return r etur n. However, used mitigation were i f adequate a d e q u a temi er e provided u s e dif ti g a ti o n w pr ovidedby p r o v i d i n g acceptable the by the providing mitigation the benefits benefits provided a cce p ta b l emi ti g a ti o n could could offset the the addition, p r o x i m i t yto d d i t i o n , the t h e navigation c h a n n e l . In In a site's c ' l o s eproximity t o the n a v i g a t i o nchannel. s i t e ' s close for the p r o p e r t y owner site for the property to use use of of the the site stro ng opposition oppositionto o w n e rhas h a s voiced vo i ce d strong p' lansto tr out disposal materials, constr uct aa trout has plans to construct d i s p o s a l of o f dredged d re d g e dma te ri a l s, since since he he has p o n do Ipond onn the t h e site. site. The agencies r esour ceagencies 1 3 is i s not Theresource t ime use o f Site S i te 13 not recommended. r ecom m ended. At this t h i s time u se of would believe that the site site would represented believe this document document that the i n the th e review re vi e w of o f this r e p r e s e n te din and the the road r oad Removal the tidegate of the tidegate and make m a k ean ar ea. Rem oval a n excellent e xce l l e n t mitigation mi ti g a ti o n area. tidal influence influenc e p l a ce don the tidal debris would return r etur n the b y Lincoln L incoln County Countywould d e b r i s placed th e site si te by o n the that For this this reason, that is suggested suggested it is p r e vi o u sl yoccurred r eason,it th e site. that o n the site. For t h a t previously o ccu me don for a c c e p t a b l esite a s an a n acceptable s i t e for Site for mitigation b a n kas f o r the i t i g a t i o n bank S i t e 13 1 3 be b e considered considered t h e county's c o u n t y ' sm future f u t u r e mitigation. mitigation. 67 67 I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I III I T I I I I I Sumnary & Recommendations Recgrmendations Summary & Dredgingneeds needswithin within River River Segment Segment Dredging 33 are are estimated estimatedto beapproxito be approxiya rd s over planningperiod. m a t e l y75,000 year planning 7 5 ,0 0 0cubic cu b i c yards per iod. Almately the 20 20 year o ver the Alt h o u g hthe th e to ta l ca p a ci ty o though total capacity off the thr three ee sites sites identified identified in this this rds, only one s e g m e nis ( Site 11) its 99,000 9 9 ,0 0 0cu b i c ya segment cubic yards, one of of the sites sites (Site ll) is is readily acceptable readily acceptable to to the the state state and and federal federal agencies agencies which which are r e s p o n si b l efor per m it applications. fo r review re vi e wof responsible o f permit applications. Since Sincesufficient sufficient l a n d si te s a re , th u s, n o t available land sites are, thus, not available in River Segment Segment 3, other other in River options must be explored projected dredged explored for disposal of for disposal options must be of the the projected dredged m a t e r i asl . materials. 0 p t i o n1l : Site S i t e 11 Option l l has a r d s , which h a s aa capacity c a p a c i t yof o f 37,000 3 7 , 0 0 0cubic c u b i c yyards, which would accommodate about one-half generated one-half of of the the dredged dredgedmaterials would accommodate about materials generated w i t h i n River R i ve r Segment within S e g me n3. 3t . By extendingthe B y extending the length length of of the the hydraulic hydr aulic p i p e l i ne and pum p,it u si n g aa booster a n d using b o o sterpump, pipeline materials it is is expected expectedthat mater ials f r o m all all o th e shoaling sh o a l i n gareas a reas in in River River Segment from off the 3 Segm ent 3 could could be be disposed disposed onn Site o S i t e 11. ll. T h e capacity ca p a ci ty o ll would The off Site Site 11 would meet meet the the dredging needs dr edgingneeds ye a rs. After f o r the t h e next n e xt 10-12 1 0 -1 2years. for After Site Site 11 ll has hasbeen beenused usedto to capacity, capacity, additional materials can bucketdredged canbe bebucket dredged additional materials and to andbarged barged offtothe theoffshore ocean property owner oceansite site for shore for disposal. disposal. The cument property exThe current ownerhas hasexp r e s s e da pr oper ty for e si re to to develop d e ve l o phis his property pressed a d desire for residential r esidential use use within years. Therefore, the next next few the few years. implementationof Therefore, implementation would of Option 0ption 1I would p r o b a b l yre p u rch a sea q u i re purchase cquisition of the the site site. probably require acquisition Option 0ption 2: 2: The The Port Port of of Toledo Toledomay maybe be able negotiate aa short-term able to to negotiate short-term lease ll property lease with with the the Site Site 11 property owner owner if were to be used if the site site were be used o n l y once, o n ce , and i n the only a n din th e near n e a rfuture. futur e. Thus, Thus, the site could the site could be used be used g ener atedduring f o r disposal d i sp o sa l of per iod, o f materials ma te ri a l s generated for dur ing the next dredging the next dr edgingperiod, and all all subsequent subsequentmaterials materials would and would be be barged bargedto to the the off off shore shore ocean ocean ssite i t e for f or disposal. d i sp o sa l . Because B e ca u se of of the the settling time settling and and compaction needed compaction time needed before development development property owner could occur before could occur on on the the site, the property site, the may ownermay n o t believe b e l i e ve this th i s to not to be b e an a n attractive a ttr active alternative. alter native. Option 0 p t i o n 3: 3: A l l dredged d re d g e dma ter ials from fr om River All materials 3 River Segment Segm ent 3 could be could be d i s p o s e din i n the th e o disposed off ff shore sh o re ocean disposal site o ceandisposal This would site. This wouldresult r esult i n higher year h i g h e r dredging d re d g i n gcosts co sts during in yearss since d u r ing the the first fir st 10-12 10- 12 use since use ' less p i p e l i n e dredge gener ally less costly o t h e hydraulic h yd ra u l i c pipeline off the d r edgeis is generally costly than than b a r g i n gthe barging th e materials ma te ri a l s 6-8 6 -8 miles to the miles to the ocean for disposal oceanfor disposal. Option 1I or or 22 is is recommended recormended Option for 33 and for River River Segment and the Segment the choice choice betweenthe two is dependent between two is dependent upon arrangements which which can uponthe the arrangements be can be madebetween propertyowner. betweenthe the Port made Port of of Toledo Toledoand andthe the property owner. Option l, Option 1, p ro b a b l yrequire w h i c hwould pur chaseof w o u l dprobably re q u i re the the outright which outr ight purchase of the the site site is is the the p referableo p ti o n because b e ca u seit preferable option allows maximum maximum use i t allows use of the the site site. 68 68 t I I I I I I I I I I 1I - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I if bucket bucketdredges dr edges mayyb become increasingly viable if e com e incr easingly viable o w e ve r,ma , hhowever, o O)tion p t i on 33, 2. within River RiverSegment Segment 2. This This sh o a l i ngareas ar easwithin a ree used u se dto to remove re mo veshoaling )uld result in more efficient use of bucket dredge and barge. dr edge bar ge. the bucket and w( w o u ld re su l t i n mo ree ffi cient use of iee P Port should coordinate closely with the the Corps of dinateclosely Cor psof Th o rt o0ff TToledo o l e d osh o u l d coor mainigineers to d determine when they will will schedule schedule future futur e channel channelmainEt En g i n e e rsto e te rmi n ew h enthey in deciding deciding the Port Por t in d re d g i n g . This i n for m ationwill will assist assist the ttenance n a ncedredging. T h i s information the most acceptable. wiich h i ch ooption p ti o n iis s th e mo st acceptable. Iai tI I I I I I I I I 69 69 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - RiverSegment4 I II II II II I I I I I 16 - 15 I \I I 71 1)1 -- Rii,e MiI9 t I 1' /' I I 1/ II I14r.f 1I I I I I I I I I I I I Plan Material Disposal Plan Disposal Material Bay Dredged Dredged Bay Yaquina Yaquina I I River Segment 4 River sesJgf1l,* DisposalSite I II Itr Shoaling Shoaling Area a.. Area II I , Disposal Site Scale T:1760 Wilsey& Ham WileeY&Ham I I I I I I ' I I I I i I T I t I I I ( R M R MILE R r v E RS E G M E4 T IRIVER M I L E7.9 7 . 9 TO T 0 RIVER R r V E MILE R SEGMENT 4N (RIVER M r L E9.8) 9.8) Dredging Needs Dredging Needs Ir Ma i n te n a n ce o f Existing E xi sting Projects Pr ojects Maintenance of Approximately 54,000cubic cubic yards dredgedmaterial Approximately 54,000 yards of of dredged material would would be generated be generated b y Corps c orp s o E n g i n e e rschannel ch a nnelmaintenance by off Engineers maintenance over 20 over the the upcoming upcom ing 20-year year p l a n n i n gperiod. p e ri o d . T planning h i s is i s the the only pr 6Sectlato dr edgingprojected This only maintenance maintenance dredging o c c u r within w i th i n River Ioccur R i ve r Segment S e g ment 4. 4. r C o n stru cti o nof o f New N ewProject Pr oject Construction n ewconstruction N o new co n stru cti o nactivities a cti vi ties resulting r esulting in in the No the disposal disposal of of dredged dr edged m a t eri a l s have h a vebeen b e e nidentified i d e n tified within within River RiverSegment materials 4. Segm ent 4. D i s p o s a lOptions IDisposal Options T a b l e13 l 3 outlines p r o p o s esites ds i t e s and o u t l i n e s the t h e proposed a n dtheir Table t h e i r approximate a p p r o x i m a capacities. tcea p a c i t i e s . TABLT13 I3 ITABLE RIVERSEGMENT SEGMENT 4 -- DISPOSAL RIVER 4 OPTIONS DISPOSAL OPTIONS S i t e No. ISite No. ApproximateCapacity Capacity Approximate l14 4 19 , 0 0 0cy cy 19,000 t155 cy 15,000 cy l16 6 60,000cy cy 60,000 .|5,000 TOTALCAPACITY CAPACITY ITOTAL The p a g e spresent o l l o w i n g pages p re se nt aa description physical characteristics descr iption of The ffollowing of the the physical char acter is ti c s p o te n ti a l use a n d the t h e potential u seof o f each eachof and of the the above abovesites. sites. tI I II II I 94,000cy cy 94,000 I 71 "--- r ,,f :{.L:+lii:.:{.} .3il:+lillii: n IIII ilnrllll I tr /-t 'i/ l--_---t Disposalsite Per ipher aldiking Interior diking Natural barrier 0utfal I Dischar gepoint 0utfall pipe P Pr imar yfill ar ea s Secondaryfill area A Overflow Surfacedrainage i R': 14 i i I I Ri VFF YaquinaBayDredgedMaterialDisposalPlan Figure10 Scalc 1":4OO' 72 Wilsey&Ham I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II - I I I ISite Description escription: Site D t rds at 19,000 cubic yards at 10 feet depth, ICapacity 9 ,0 0 0cu b i c ya l0 feet depth, uncompacted uncom pacted C a p a ci ty: 1 I I I I I I I I I II I I II I 1 I I ( I l l u s t r a t e d on SITE S I T E14 1 4 (Illustrated o n Figure F i g u r e10) l0) Location: iles east miles on L o c a t i o n : Approximately A p p ro xi ma te l 0.9 y0 .9 m east of of Oregon 0yster Company Company the north nor th Or egonOyster on the Iside o f the h i g h w a y. si d e of th e highway. Size Size: 5 0 0 ' xx 130' 500' 130' Physical area P h ysi ca lCharacteristics: is aa flat flat marshland mar shland ar eathat has C h a ra cte ri stics: This This is that has been diked diked on on the been the south south side by the countyroad. Thesoil side by the county road. The soi'l Freshwater is i s the t h e Coquille C o q u i l l esilt s i l t loam l o a mtype. type. F r e s h w a t einflow irn f l o w and a n d tide tide channels e x i s t on t h e site. c h a n n e l sexist o n the site. mature marsh f l o r a is i s aa m a t u r ehigh high m a r s hin in IBiological B i o l o g i c a ' Characteristics: lC h a r a c t e r i s t i c s : The T h eflora gr ass' land. Saltwater transition Saltwatervegetation vegetation tra n si ti o n to to terrestrial te rrestr ial grassland. is mixed with upland with upland birds being p l a n db irds b e i n g tthe he is m i x e dw ith u p l a n dvvegetation, e g e t a t i o n ,w ith u p ri ma ryavifaunal as primary such as the shrews, a vi fa u n a lusers. user s. Smaller Smallermammals, such the shr ew s , mamm als, p moles, t h e area. f i e l d mice a n draccoons, m o l e s ,field m i c eand r a c c o o n sprobably , r o b a b l yalso a l s ouse u s ethe area. IZoning: A-l Z o n i n g : A-i Comprehensive r esidential C o m p re h e n siPlan P vel a n : Rural R u ra l residential IOwnership: Private ri va te -- Mae Ma eE. E. Sherman Sher man 0 w n e r sh i p : P IEngineering n g Considerations: En g i n e e rf C o n si d e ra ti o n: s Method and M e t h o dof o f Dredging Dredging a n dFilling: Filling: IDesign D e s i g nCriteria Criteria: Pipeline P i p e l i n edredge. dredge. ( S e eFigure Similar l (See F i g u r e8) S i m i l a r to t o Site S i t e No N o . l11 8) Site P r e p a r a t i o n : Similar S i m i l a r to t o Site S i t e No N o . l11l S i t e Preparation yar ds 70/cubic yards ISite S i t e Unit U n i t Development D e ve l o p meCost n Cto st: $0 $0.70lcubic yar d range Dredging D r e d g i n gCost: C o st: $2.00/cubic r ange $ 2 .0 0 /cu b icyard Future ll S i m i l a r to t o Site F u t u r eUse U s eConstraints: C o n s t r a i n t s : Similar N o .11 S i t e No. Considerations:: IEnvironmental EnvironmentalConsiderations placementof dredged on this this site site would w oul d dr edgedmaterials mater ials on Effects o f Disposal: E f f e c ts of D i sp o sa l : The T h e placement lo s t inundate mature mar sh. The wouldbe be irretrievably ir r etr ievably lost i nu n d a tea ma tu rehigh h i g h marsh Themarsh mar shwould 73 73 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II II II II II Ii I ri n especies, sp e c ies, as and various marine well as would a nd va ri o u s ma as we]l as saltwater saltwater vegetation, vegetation, would ass ar be b e sacrificed. sa cri fi ce d . T te rrestr ial gr h e terrestrial eas of the The grass areas could be be the site site could placementof reestablished in reestablished years after after placement Of the dredged in seven sevento to ten years the dredged probably materials. materials. Manrnal and bird Mammal and would relocate, and and probably bird species species would return to the return to the area after habitats area after habitats were reestablished. werereestablished. Other O t h e r Considerations C o n si d e ra ti o n s: Site 14 14 is is not recormended recomended for for current dueto current use usedue to its high marsh marsh its mature maturehigh ccharacteristics. h a r a c te ri sti cs. If e re to be used, were If it it w to be used, mitigation mitigation would wouldbe be required r equir edas as p r o x i m i t y o outlined u t l i n e d in in G Goal off tthe State Goals o a l 16 16 o he S t a t e Planning P l a n n i n gG o a l s . It's close proximity It's close t o the t h e shoaling to sh o a l i n g a areas re a s ma makes an acceptable acceptable disposal disposal site from an enenke sit i t an site fr om an g i n e e r in g sta esenceof h o w e v er ,the pr gineering standpoint; presence of wetland/saltwater wetland/saltwater conditi conditions, n d p o i n t; however, ons , m a k e sit makes i t unacceptable fro man standpoint. u n a cce p ta b lfrom e a n environmental envir onm ental site is standpoint. The Thesite is possibly be i n c l u d e dw included within analysis because it could possibly be used used if adequate i th i n this th i s a n a l ysi s because it could if adeq uate p ro vi d e din pr ovidingmitigam i t i g a t i o n were mitigation However, the w e reprovided i n return. r etur n. However the n cost cost of providing miti gapr ovidedby pr oxim ity to the t i o n ccould ould o tion offset close proximity ffse t the th e benefits the b e n e fi ts provided the site's site' s close by the navigation n a v i g a t i o nchannel channel. this time, At this time, use not recommended At use of of Site 14 14 is is not recommended. The resourceagencies agencies The resource th e represented in the review of this document believe that the site would r e p r e s en te di n re vi e w o f this docum ent believe the site would m a k ean make excellent mitigation area. a n e xce l l e n t mi ti g a ti o n ar ea. Rem Removal ova' ofl the the existing existing tidegate tidegate could coul d marsh to the return the the marsh estuarine system. the estuarine system. For For that reason reasonit is suggested it is suggested t h a t Site S i t e 14 that for mitigation 1 4 be b e considered considered f o r inclusion i n c l u s i o n in i n the t h e county's bank c o u n t y ' sm i t i g a t i o n bank a n as an acceptable site for future mitigation as a cce p ta b l esi te fo r fu tur e mitigation. 74 I I t ( I l l u s t r a t e d on SITE S I T E15 l 5 (Illustrated o n Figure F i g u r e11)) I Site S i t e Description: Description: t t I I I I I t I I I t I I I II I I I I I1 'll e a s t of n o r t h of L o c a t i o n : Just J u s t east o f Boone B o o n eIsland, I s ' l a n d ,north o f Boone's B o o n e ' sSlough Slough Location: Size: 5 0 ' xx 800' 800' S i z e : 50' .|5 ,0 0 0 r ds at ICapacity: C a p a ci ty: 15,000 cubic cu b i c ya yards at 10 l0 feet feet depth, depth, uncompacted. uncompacted. pr ivate road Physical P h ysi ca lCharacteristics: C h a ra cte ri s tics: Low, slum parea ar ea between Low, slump private between r oadand and sloping h i l l s . The s l o p i n ghills. T h esoil i s Coquille s o i l is C o q u i l l esilt s i l t loam, l o a m oand a n dexperiences experiences year . Freshwater h i g h water a high w a te r table ta b' leeach eachyear. Fr eshwaterinfluence mayoccur influence may occ ur during d u ri n g substantial su b sta n tial local local runoff. r unoff. gr a s s es IBiological Bi o l o g i ca l C Characteristics: h a ra cte r istics: The of The area ar ea is is mostly mostly comprised of grasses compr ised ( blackber r ies,etc.) bordered trees. b o rd e re dby b y evergreen e ve r gr een tr ees. Some Someshrubbery shr ubber y(blackberries, etc .) occurs o c c u r ssporadically. sporadically. B is Because e c a u s of oe f its i t s narrow n a r r o wwidth, t h e site s i t e is w i d t h , the p ro b a b 'l yused probably of Some e moles and u se dby num ber animals. Som and b y aa small small number of animals. moles shrews may may nest shrews nest in in the the area. area. IZoning: A-l Z o n i n g : A-1 Comprehensive -- Dikeland P Dikeland C o m p re h e n siPlan: vel a n : Natural N a tu ral Resources Resour ces IOwnership: ri va te -- Ed Private 0 w n ersh i p : P E d Stanwood S tanwood Engineering En gne i e rin g Considerations: C o n sid e ra t'i o ns : Method of Method o f Dredging D r e d g i n and ga n dFilling: Filling: IDesign D e s i gnCriteria: C ri te ri a : Pipeline P i p e l i n e dredge dredge Prevent P re ve n tredirect fr omreturning r etur ningto r edir ect from to Nute Slough. NuteSlough. pr epar esite. Site Si t e Preparation: Pre p a ra ti o n : Very V e ry little l i ttle work r equir edto to prepare wor krequired site. ISite Cost: S i t e Unit U n i t Development Deve'lopme Cnot s t : Negligible Negligible yar d range Dredging D r e d g i n gCost: C o st: $2.00/cubic r ange $ 2 .0 0 /cu b icyard Future F u t u re Use U seConstraints: C o n stra i n ts: Limited to open openspace spaceuntil and comcom L imited to until settling settling and p a c t i o nhave paction occurred. Initial salt content may limit agricultural h a v eo c c u r r e d . I n i t i a l s a l t c o n t e n tm a yl i m i t a g r i c u l t u r a l use High u s e until u n t i l leaching l e a c h i n greduces i g h rainfall r e d u c e slevels. levels. H r a i n f a l l amounts a m o u n twould w s ou'ld increase in cre a seleaching l e a ch i n grate. ra te. IEnvironmental En v i ro n me n taConsiderations: Cl o n si d e ra ti ons : pr ivate dirt Effects Ef f e cts of o f Disposal: D i sp o sa l : This namowband bandof of area ar ea follows follows aa private dir t T h i s narrow r o a d and a n d cannot road ca n n o tbe b e considered co nsider edan ecotypeof an ecotype Filling of its its own. own. Filling 75 I I Disposal site Peripheral diking -.- Interior diking 111110111 Natural barrier Outfall U Discharge point Outfall pipe P Primary fill area S Secondary fill area A Overflow Surface dranage Plan DisposalPlan Yaquina Bay Dredged Dredged Material Material Disposal YaquinaBay U I F:9#T9-'1' Figure 11 Scale 1 :400 76 76 Wilsey& Ham Ham wileey& I I I I t t ( b l a c k b e r r i e s )but grassesand Ithe b, u t the area andcertain certain shrubs s h r u b s(blackberries), area would bury grasses wouldbury plants from generalarea Parts of fromthe area. Parts would the general of wouldnot not eliminate eliminatethe the plants l o s t , but b u t species the local habitats be temporarily temporarilylost, s p e c i e susing using the local wouldbe habitatswould habitats could Ithose readily relocate relocate. thosehabitats couldreadily yearsand andhabitats The in in three three to to seven sevenyears habitats be revegetated revegetated Thesite site could couldbe the area could be during Anylosses lossesin in the duringthat that time. time. Any area could be reestablished reestablished would wouldbe be temporary temporary. I I I I IOther Considerations 0ther Considerations: Placement of dredged materials on Site 15 would rraise area ea ar around 15 would aise the the ar oundthe the P l a c e me no tf d re d g e dma te r ials on o int that the rroad lands wou' be oad and existing roadway the point and adiacent adjacent lands wouldldbe e x i s t i n g ro e p a d w a yto th Resour ce-- Dikeland Dikela nd The area currently designated as as Natur Natural al Resource level. level. T h ea re a is i s cu rre nt' ly designated p l a n and eate an in comprehensive plan and filling filling of of the site site would would not not cr create anyy i n tthe h e co mp re h e n si ve p r e s s u refor pressure i n te n sity uses. uses. fo r higher h i g h e r intensity by lease leaseor expected that use of the could be accomplished by or be accomplished the site site could It is is expected that use propertyowner. easement agreement agreement with with the owner easement the property IIt tI I T U I I I I I II II I I II I I I I 77 ( I l l u s t r a t e d on SITE S I T E16 l 6 (Illustrated F i g u r n11) o n Figure lel ) Site S i t e Description Description: just north Location: L o c a t i o n : Southeast e d g eof S o u th e a stedge o f Boone Island, just BooneIsland, nor th of Boones BoonesSlough, Slough, a p pro xi ma te l 2,700 y2 ,7 0 0feet approximately fe e t from fr omriver r iver channel. channel. Size: Size: 3 0 0 ' xx 1000' 300' 1000 rd s at Capacity C a p a c i ty: 60,000 cu b i c ya yards 6 0 ,0 0 0cubic at 55 feet feet depth, depth, uncompacted uncom pacted. Physical Ph ysi ca 'lCharacteristics C h a ra cte ri sti cs : Low-lying, Low- lying, flat flat area ar ea bordered bor der edon on the the north nor th by the the slopes by of Boone slopes of BooneIsland, Island, and and to the south by Boones Boones south by p o r t i o n s are Slough S l o u g h . The T h esoil i s the t h e Coquille s o i l is C o q u i l l e silt s i l t loam, l o a m ,and a n d portions are inundatedeach eachseason inundated Slough. seasonby by the the flooding flooding of of Boones Boones Slough. There There gates. Several i s no n o tidal i n fl u e nce as is ti d a l influence as the the dike dike contains containstide tide gates. Sever al creeks drain seasonalcreeks into the the area seasonal drain into area from from the hills hills to the the north. h a s been T h e site si te has b e e nreclaimed reclaim edfor gr azing. The for farming far m ing and and grazing Bi o l o g i ca l Characteristics pr im ar ily covered Biological C h a ra cte ri stics: The The site site is is primarily cover edby by various var io us g ra sse s. ( shr ews grasses S ma l l ma mm als Small mammals (shrews and moles) live in the area, and moJes) in the live ar ea, and and 'l a rg e r ccoons,nutr obablyuse ma mn a l (ra s(raccoons, ia, etc.) larger maniials nutria, etc.) pr probably use the the site site for water fo r w a cce ss. During Dur ing the a te r access the dr ier season, drier field birds bir ds feed season,field feed g r a s s e s(sparrows, ( s p a r r o w sfinches, i n the in t h e grasses f, i n c h e s , etc e t c .)) . During flood D u r i n gthe t h e flood ( ducksand geese)use a n d mi q ra ti o n seasons, se _ asols, and miqration waterfowl wdter fowl(ducks the area and qeese) use the ar ea for fo r feeding fe e d i n g and a n d loafing l o afing. Fairly Fair ly large marshes lar ge freshwater fr eshwaterm ar shesexist par tial spreading n o rth of o f the th e site, site, with just with partial the marshland mar shland spr eadingof the i u st north i n to the into th e site a re a . si te area. Zoning Z o n i n g : A-1 A-l t I I I I I t I Comprehensive C o m p r eh e n siPlan P ve'l a n : Natural N a tu ra l resource r esour ce-- Dikeland Dikeland Ownership Edd S Stanwood 0 w n e r s h i p : Private P ri va te -- E ta nwood Engineering En g i n e e ri n g Considerations C o n si d e ra ti o n: s M e t h o dof o f Dredging Method D r e d g i n gand Filling: a n d Filling III I I I I I I I I Pipeline P i p e l i n e Dredge Dredge e n e r a ld Design D e s i g nCriteria: Criteria: F i k e dw Fully diked with general diversion off u upland drainage ully d ith g i v e r s i o no rainage p l a n dd p e ri me te r. Wetland around a r ou n dperimeter. We tl andand seasonally flooded areas would and seasonallyflooded ar eas wouldnot not permit receive r e c e i v edisposal d i s p o s a lmaterials m a t e r i a l s . Use U s eof o f multiple m u l t i p l e cells c e l l s may m a ypermit ( tr ' lithoutmu' r e tu rn flow return fl o w to to adjacent a d i a ce n tslough s lough. (Without multiple ltiple cells, dischar g e cells, discharge wouldbe be returned to the would returned to the river, rivero avoiding avoiding effects marshtidetideeffects to to any any marsh f l a t areas flat a r e a s). ) Highway H i g h w a undercrossing u y n d e r c r o s s i nfor fgo r - pipeline p i p e l i n e filling f i l l i n g would w o u l dbe be plus freeboard required r e qu i re d . Dikes D i ke s should sh o u l daverage aver age10 l0 feet feet plus fr eeboar d. Capacity Capacity pr im ar ycells ccan a n be b e varied va ri e d to to suit su i t need n eedby by constructing constr uctingone one or all cells. all primary placementof fill C r e a ti o no a d d i ti o n a l freshwater freshwaterm Creation off additional marsh ar shthrough fill thr oughplacement m a t e r i asl . materials 78 7B I i I I I T I i I I I I i I tI I I I IiSite II I Site P per imeterand re p a ra ti o n : C ISite o n structionof of perimeter Preparation and interior inter ior dikes, dikes, weirs, Construction weir s , sp i l l w a ys and a n dhighway h i g h w aunclercrossing yunder cr ossing casing. Tidegates spiliways casing Tidegatesmay m ayrequire r equir e r e p l a ce me nor ot r rehabilitation. re h a b i litation. Some replacement Som eminor m inor leveling leveling would wouldbe be required. r equi r ed. Material for for diking diking may be taken taken from from areas areas where Material may be where marsh marsh creation creation or or rrestoration e sto ra ti o n can ca n occur o ccu r. Si t e Unit U n i t Development yar d D e ve l o p meCost n Cto st: $0 27/cubic yard $0.27/cubic D r e d g i n gCost yar d range C o st: $3 Dredging r ange 00/cubicbic yard $ 3 .OO/cu F u t u r eU seConstraints: C o n stra i n ts: None Future Use N oneupon uponcompletion com pletionof of dewatering dewater ingand andcompaction. com pa c ti on. por tions of M a ybe b e desirable d e si ra b l e to to reuse reuseportions per i od of the the site site over May over extended extendedperiod o t i m e . Final off time. F i n a l use u s e should s h o u l dbe b e compatible c o m p a t i b l with ew i t h adjoining a d j o i n i n gnatural n a t u r a lareas. areas. En v i r o n me n taC l o n si d e ra ti ons IEnvironmental : Considerations: t I I I I I I I I I t I I T I I I II I I T i E f f e c t s of o f Disposal: Disposal: T Effects h i s ssite i t e is is u s e db i g r a t i n gb This used byy m migrating birds i r d s ffor o r ttransient ransient h a b i ta t. The gr azing foods T h e area a re a contains habitat. co ntainssome som egrazing foods for for water water fowl, fowl, but bu t is is p r i m a r i l y used u s e das a s aa loafing p a r t , the l o a f i n g area. parallels primarily a r e a , For F o r the the m o s tpart, t h e site s i t e parallels most t he north n o rth shore sh o reof o f Boone's B o one' sSlough Sloughand and the the birds bir ds using using the the shoreline the shor e' li neare ar e d ra w nto to the th e site si te because b e cause of the the calm calmslough drawn of sloughwaters. water s. No No filling filling would w oul d o ccu r w i th i n the th e existing e xi sting freshwater fr eshwaterm ar shor or seasonally occur within marsh seasonallyflooded flooded areas ar eas u n l e ss it it w a sassociated a sso ci a tedwith the creation cr eation of unless was with the of additional additional freshwater fr eshwa ter ma rsharea Imarsh a re a . Therefore T h e re fo rewater fowluse use would be maintained incr e as ed. waterfowl would be maintained or or increased The protected from freshwater marsh areas would be protected from dredged The current current freshwater marsh areas would be dredged m a t e r i a l s ,and a n dsite s i t e use u s ewould w o u l dresult r e s u l t in i n the t h e creation c r e a t i o nof materials, o f additional additional freshwatermarsh marsharea. freshwater area. O t h e r Considerations: C o n si d e ra ti o n s: Other .|976 T h r o u g hS IThrough e cti o n 150 150o th e 1976 W aterResources Resour ces Section off the Water Development Development Act, the the Corps C or ps o f Engineers E n gi n e e rshas h a s authority a u th o ri ty to to fund fund the of creation the development, development, cr eation or restoration r estor ati on o f marshlands m a r s h l a n dassociated ass s o c i a t e dwith w i t h maintenance of m a i n t e n a n cdredging der e d g i n gactivities a c t i v i t i e s . Site S i t e 16 l6 c o u l d be b e utilized u t i l i z e d in p o r t i o n sof could i n such s u c haa manner. m a n n e r . As A s shown s h o w non o n Figure F i g u r e11, I ' l o portions of tthe h e site s i te co u l d be be a l te re d to to increase incr easethe could altered amount of freshwater marsh the amount fr eshwatermar sh. This T hi s h a b i t a t is i s ccurrently urrently o p r o d u c t i v efor limited a vailability a habitat off limited availability and n d is i s highly h i g h l y productive for tthe h e total plan designates t o ta l ecosystem. e co syste m.The T h ecomprehensive compr ehensive designatesthis plan this area ar ea for for N a t u r al Resource R e so u rce u se . D Natural use. i sposalof edgedmater ials would be used to enhanc Disposal of dr dredged materials would be used to enhance e t h i s use, u s e , and a n d it i t is i s expected e x p e c t e dthat t h a t the t h e current this c u r r e n t land l a n d use d e s i g n a t i o nwould u s e designation w o u l dbe be p r e s e r ve d . Ipreserved T h e current c u rre n t owner o w n e rof o f Site S i te '1 offer ed use use of of the The 166 offered the site site in in order or der to to raise r aise the the l a n d that t ha t is i s now n o wseasonally pr esently se a so n a l l yinundated inundatedby land flood waters. by flood water s. He He presently uses us es p a s t u r eand t h e adjacent a d j a c e n tland l a n d for f o r pasture a n d hoped h o p e dto t o utilize the u t i l i z e the f i l l e d land t h e filled l a n d in i n the the p ro p o se ddredge s a m emanner. ma n n e r. The same plan for plac e T h e proposed dr edgedisposal disposal plan for this this site site would wouldplace fill m a t e r i a l only o n l y on o n the t h e upland u p l a n dareas, a r e a s , or i n the fill material o r in t h e lowlands l o w l a n d sas a s necessary n e c e s s a rfor fyo r t h e creation c r e a ti o n of the additional freshwater marsh o f a d d i ti o n a l fr eshwatermar sh. Thus, pr oposedplan plan is Thus, the the proposed is p roper tyowners n o t consistent c o n si ste n twith plansfor w i th the th e property owner scurrent cumentplans for the not thesite. site. On 0 n that that b a s i s , i t ma y b e n e ce ssa ryfor for the basis, it may be necessary the Port Por t of of Toledo r o' ledoto acquire acquir e the the site, site, a l t h o ug ha l e a se o pr efer able from e a se ment agr eement although a lease orr easement agreement would be would be preferable fr om an an economic eco nom i c s t a n d poni t. standpoint 79 I I I I I I I II II I I I I I I I I I I Surunary& Summary & Recorrnendations Recomendations Al t h o u ghthe th e existing e xi sti n g disposal d i sp o s al sites Although 4 sites within within River River Segment Segment 4 have haveaa ds, their ccapacity a p a c i ty o bout9 off a about 94,000 cubic yards, their use use constr constraints and 4 ,0 0 0cu bic yar aints and p l a c e me nin itn relationship re l a ti o n sh i p to the shoal placement areas does not allow maximum maximum shoal ar eas does not allow ' 14 e f f i c i e n t use efficient u se of o f that th a t available a va i l a ble capacity. capacity. Approval Appr ovalto to use useSite Site 14 w o u l dbe b e difficult d i ffi cu l t to would to achieve a ch i e v edue due to to its its mature matur ehigh high marsh mar shcharacterchar acter iistics, s t i c s ; th placedin e re fo re , it i s recommended i t is re cor r nended therefore, that that the the site site be be placed in L i n c o l n County's C o u n ty'smi ti g a ti o n bank Lincoln mitigation and slated for futur future mitigation bankand slated for e mitigation. s i t e s 15 15 a n d 16 1 6 have Sites and combined capacity of 75,000 75,000 cubic cubic yar yards, which h a vea co mbined ds, which capacity p rojected54,000 s u b s t a n ti a l l y exceeds e xce e d sthe th e projected yar dsof substantially 54,000cubic cubicyards disposal of disposal m a t e r i al s. H materials. o w e ve r,these oxim ity th e se sites However, are close pr proximity sites ar e not located located within close t o all to a l l of o f the t h e shoaling s h o a l i n gareas. areas. T h edredged d r e d g e dmaterials ma te ri a l s located l o ca ted below belowRiver The 4 River Segment Segm ent 4 could could be be disposed disposed by use bucket dredge by use of of bucket dredge and and barging barging to the off off shore ocean disposal disposal site site shore ocean p o s s i b l yby p i p e l i n e dredge o b y pipeline orr possibly d r e d g eto t o Site Careful S i t e 16. 16. C a r e f u lanalysis a n a l y s i sof of b o t t o mse ior to ocean d i me n tsw ill b e cessar ypr bottom sediments will bee n necessary prior ocean disposal disposal to ensur ensuree tthat h a t the t h e sediments se d i me n tsare a re acceptable a cce ptablefor for that that disposal disposalmethod. method. ally ar C u r r e nt d a ta indicates ticular ly in i n d i ca te s th a t they Current data that they gener generally are, particularly e, par in light o h e vvery e r y limited light off tthe alternatives available along limited a l t e r n a t i v e sa vailablea l o n g tthis h i s ssegment egment p o t e n t i a lof o f the t h e river, r i v e r , and of a n dthe t h e mitigation m i t i g a t i o npotential o f Site S i t e 14. 14. T h e Port Po r t of The o f Toledo T o l e d oand a n d the th e Corps Cor psof Engineers Engineer sshould shouldevaluate evaluatespecific specific p d r e d g i ngcosts co sts immediately i mrn e d i a te lprior y r ior to dredging to dredging dr edgingaction action to determine deter mine w h e t h erit i t is i s mo whether morerecost material co st efficient e ffi cient to to bucket dr edgethe bucketdredge the mater ial or t o use th e necessary n e ce ssa ryadditional pumpsto pipeline pipeline the u s e the to a d d i ti o nal booster boosterpumps the m a t e r i a l from f r o m these t h e s elower l o w e rshoals material s h o a l sto t o Sites S i t e s 15 1 5and a n d16. ' 1 6 . If I f the t h e bucket bucket d r e d g eis i s used u se din i n River dredge 3, then R i ve r Segment S e g m ent then bucket bucketdredging dr edgingand and ocean ocean p ro vi d eaa more d i s p o s a l should sh o u l dprovide disposal mor ecost cost efficient efficient disposal disposalmethod. method. H o w e v e r,if i f aa land l a n d site However, 3, then would si te is i s used u sedin in River River Segment Segm ent then it it would p i pe the be m o r ecost co st efficient e ffi ci e n t to to pipe be more material the mater ia' lto Sites 16, Sites 15 15 and and 16, r a t h e r than th a n to to incur i n cu r bucket rather mobilization costs b u cke tdredge dr edgemobilization for dredging dr edging costs for q u a n ti ty o ( about 20,000 o s u c h aa small ds over off such off mater material yards sma l l quantity ial (about 20,000cubic over cubic yar years). 20 2 0 years). S i t e s 15 15 a n d 16 16 w Sites and would disposal of dredged materials o u l dbe b e used u sedfor for the the disposal dr edgedmater ia' ls ( a p p r o x i m a t eRiver lR y i v e rMile f r o m the t h e upper u p p e rshoaling s h o a l i n gareas a r e a s(approximately from M i l A8.9 t o 9.8). 8 . 9 to 9.8). S i t e 15 l 5 would preparation w o u l drequire Site so r e q u i r eonly o n l y minimum m i n i m upreparation m s owould w o u l dbe b eavailavaila b l e even e v e nthough t h o u g hit i t has able h a saa relatively r e l a t i v e l y small s m a l lcapacity. c a p a c i t y . Site is 16 S i t e 1 6 is p r o p o se dfor fo r development d e ve l o p me na ts aa freshwater proposed as marsh, fr eshwatermar sh,utilizing utilizing Corps Cor ps o En g i n e e rsfunds fu n d s a va i l a b l e through off Engineers available Water thr oughSection Section 150 150 of the the 1976 1976W ater Resources Development placed Resources Development Act. Act. Dredged Dredgedmaterials materials would would be be placed on on u p l a n dsites, upland orr as marsh s i te s, o a s necessary n e ce ssar yto to create c.r eateadditional additional freshwater fr eshwatermar sh area. area. T I 1 I I I I II tII 80 BO I II I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - RiverSegment5 YaquinaBry DredgedMaterialDisposalPlan I DisposatSite rrr ShoalingArea RiversesJXfTL.? Wilsey&Ham I I I I I I I II I I t I I I I (RMR M 1 1 .7) 7) RIVER M I L E11 8T IRIVER SEGMENT (RIVER MILE 9 .8 TO0 RIVER MILE I L E9 R r v E RS E G M E5N T DredgingNeeds Dredging Needs Pr oiects E xi sting Projects Ir Maintenance of o f Existing Ma i n te n a n ce gener ate to generate 5 is is expected expectedto Channel maintenance within 5 River Segment Segm ent w i th i n River C h a n n ema l i n te n a n ce ds of the 20 20 year approximately yards material within the year ater ial within of m cu b i c yar 8 8 ,0 0 0cubic a p p r o xi ma te l y88,000 be d u m p c a nbe p l a n n i n g l o g p e r i o d . P a c i f i c Dredging of the Georgia Pacific log dump can t h e G e o r g i a o f D r e d g i n g planning period. .l0,000 yar ds is It is It m ater ial. of cubic expected to add an additional 10,000 cubic yards of material. e x p e c te dto a d d a n a d d i ti o nal s o m e r e q u i r e w o u l d p o s s i b l e , but M o o r a g e C r i t e s e r ' s possible, unlikely, that Criteser's Moorage would require some but unlikely, that eshas Mr. Criteser has esM r . Cr iteser fr ame. this time maintenance dredging during this time frame. d u ri n g m a i n te n a n ce d re d g i n g .|6,000 yar ds. q u a n ti ty to cubic yards. to be b e about about16,000 cubic ttimated i m a te d the th e quantity Pr oiects N e wProjects Ir Construction C o n stru cti o of no f New p' lansto pr epar ingplans sm all to construct constr uctaa small The i s currently cu rrently preparing T h e Port Po rt of o f Toledo T o l e d ois dr edging initial The The initial dredging Air por t. to the To' ledo moorage area adjacent to the Toledo Airport. moorage a re a a d j a ce n t 20' 000cubic p ro p o sa lw oximate' ly em ovalof for would entail of appr approximately 20,000 cubic ntail rremoval f o r that o u l de t ha t proposal planning the y a r d s thr oughout Maintenance of the basin throughout the planning of the basin odf material. ma te ri a l . Ma i n tenance yards - p e r i oof y a r d sof Noo o f material. material. N c u b i cyards 1 0 , 0 0 0cubic period w would a n additional a d d i t i o n a l10,000 o u l dadd a d dan a pr epar ed not it is and specific plans for this facility have been prepared and it is not a p l a n s been fa c' ility have fo r th i s s p e c ifi c i n i n c l u d e d b e i t w i l l p o r t p r i o r i t y for t h e r e f o r e ,it will be included in high a c t i o n , therefore, f o r port action, h i g h priority proiect. p r o j e c t , rather t h a naa specific s p e c i f i cproject. r a t h e r than this p o s s i b l eproject, a s aa ' possible t h i s analysis i n a l y s i i as TABLE 14 I4 TABLE NEEDS DREDGING IRIVER SEGMENT 5 NEEDS 5 - DREDGING RIVERSEGMENT t I 1 I 1 tI I I I I I I I I tI Disposal D i s p o s a Quantity lQ u a n t i t y Project Project 88,000 cy 88,000cy ma 1 . Channel C h a n n emaintenance l i n te n ance 1. ( . | 6 , 0 0 0cy) (16,000 cy) 2.. 2 (unlikely) Criteser's M o o r a g(unlikely) e C r i t e s e r ' s Moorage 3 3. Georgia l o g dump dumP P a c i f i c log G e o r g i aPacific 10,000 cy 1 0 , 0 0 0cy 4. 4. Toledo Airport Moorage age i rp o rt && Moor T o l e d oA C o n st. Preliminary P re l i mi n a ryConst. ( 2 0 , 0 0 0cy) (20,000 cy) 5. 5. Toledo Moor age A i rp o rt Moorage T o l e d oAirport maintenance i ntenance ma ( 1 0 , 0 0 0cy) (10,000 cy) NEEDS TOTAL NEEDS DREDGING TOTALDREDGING 8t 81 .|44,000 144,000 cy cy I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I1 I I I I I I I I I I II I I I Disposal Disposal Options Options 5, two two disposal disposalsites WithinRiver sites along alongthe airport have have Within 5, RiverSegment Segment the airport combined capacity about capacity of been identified. been identified. The Thecombined of these thesesites sites totals totals about ( S i t e 17 y a r d s . Each desE a c hof o f these t h e s esites s i t e s (Site l8) are 9 l , 0 0 0cubic 1 7and and18) aredes91,000 c u b i cyards. pages. followingpages cribed cribedin in the the following 82 82 IT I I ( I l l u s t r a t e d on SITE o n Figure F i g u r e12) l2) S I T E17 l 7 (Illustrated Site S i t e Description Description: tiLocation Ar ipor t stri p area, a r ea, Toledo ToledoAriport L o c a ti o n : Landing L a n d i n gstrip Size: Size: I1 I I II t I I I I I I I I I t I I I 1 I I 1 200' 2 0 0 ' xx 1800' 1800 yar dsat of feet depth, depth,uncomCapacity C a p aci ty: Potential P o te n ti a l maximum ma xi mum of 66,000 66,000cubic cubicyards at 55feet unc om pa cte d . pacted. gener allanding Physical the Ph ysi ca lCharacteristics: site encompasses encompasses the general landi ng C h a ra cte ri stics: This This site strip th e airport. a i rpor t. The The site site is is bordered bor der edon on the the west west by by the t he stri p of o f the Yaquina River, and on the east by low hills. The area is Y a q u i n aR i v e r oa n d o n t h e e a s t b y ' l o w h i l l s . T h e a r e a i s currently as i mp ro ved as the the airport air por t runway. r unway. No No water water influence inf1uen c e cu rre n tl y improved occurs o ccu rs. od f vegetation, v e g e t a t i o n ,and and l a n d is i s denuded d e n u d eof Biological B ' i o l o g i c a Characteristics: lC h a r a c t e r i s t i c s : The T h eland g ro u p s the site. faunal groups are suspected of using the site. of using Ino n o fa u n a l ar e suspected Zoning Z o n i n g : A-2 A-2 IComprehensive Plan: i ve PI Comprehens an: Public Pub'l ic Tr anspor tation, Public of of Oregon, Depar tm ent of Transportation, Ownership u b l i c -- State S ta te of Or egon,Department 0 w n e rsh i p : P Aeronautics A e r o n a u t i c Division sD i v i s i o n Engineering E n g i n e e r i n Considerations g o n s i d e r a t i o n: s C and Filling: IMethod a n dFilling M e t h o dof o f Dredging Dredging Pipeline dredge. P i p e l i n edredge pr imar ily sand dr edged material sanddredged m ateri a'l S h o u l dbe b e reserved r eser vedfor for primarily Design D e s i g nCriteria: C ri te ri a : Should pr oper ties. Existing Existing improvements will having im pr ovem ents will be be fi l l properties. h a vi n gstructural stru ctu ra 'l fill and would require until dewater dewatering and compacti compactionon ar aree q u i re rrelocation elocation until ingand llost o st a ndw o u l dre completed S i te can ca n accommodate co mp l e te d . Site accom m odate about about55 feet feet of fill. of fill Construct uctdikes dikes l i ttle work wor kwould wouldbe r equir ed. Constr Site S i t e Preparation: P re p a ra ti o n : Very V e ry little be required. p re ve ntspillage into drainage dr ainage as of dredged dr edgedmaterial m ater ial into a s required re q u i re d to prevent spillage of Icourses co u rse sor o r adjacent a r eas. a d j a ce n tareas. yar d $0 40/cubic yard Site Cto st: $0.4O/cubic U n i t Development D e ve l o p me Cost n S i t e Unit $22 .0 00/cubic yardd range r ange IDredging D r e d g i n gCost C o st: $ 0 /cu bicyar of and compaction compac ti on comp' letion of dewatering dewater ingand N oneupon uponcompletion Future F u t u reUse U seConstraints: C o n stra i n ts: None Iof f i l l materials o f fill materials. 83 83 \ \%' \\\ \ \ \ t\ I \\ \t \ \: \\ \. e9 -' _IlI_-pp. \\ .\ \Jj IS Figure12 I 14 Wilsey& Ham gO ii 11 \\ ti1;:\\T 2r\ \ \\ \\\A YaquinaBayDredgedMaterialDisposalPlan tcale 1":4OO It I II I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I It I 1 IEnvironmental E n v i r o n me n taConsiderations: Cl o n si d e ra ti ons : Effects E f f e c t s of o f Disposal: D i s p o s a l : This s i t e is i s currently c u r r e n t l y used u s e das a s an a n airstrip, a i r s t r i p , and T h i s site a n das as such s u c hhas h a slimited l i m i t e d habitat N o vegetation o r wildlife h a b i t a tvalue. v a l u e . No v e g e t a t i o nor w i l d l i f e would would be All b e affected a f f e c t e dby t h e filling f i l l i n g of t h i s site l ' l fill f i l l material m a t e r i a l would b y the o f this site. A would be b e confined co n fi n e dto not affect affect the the adjacent adjacentintertidal to the th e uplands u p landsand andwould wouldnot inte r ti da'l Iareas. areas. Other C o n si d e ra ti o n s: 0 t h e r Considerations: q u a n ti ty of placedon The materials and be placed on this this site o f ma te ri a l s that could could be site is is unknown, unknown, and T h e quantity is dependent dependent upon upon the type of of runway runway improvements improvements that that will will be be proposed proposed is suggested that by t h e State disposa' materials lm ater ials be b y the S ta te of o f Oregon. It is is suggested that disposal be stockstoc k 0 re g o n . It p i ' l e d on piled will o n Site S i te 18 a d jacentto to the the runway r unwayso so that they 1 8 and/or a n d /o r adjacent they wi' l' l be be available av ai l abl e for of the f o r use d u ri n g construction impr ovem ents.Because Because u se during of the the runway r unwayimprovements. th e co n stru cti o nof ( in both uncertainty width),, this u n c e r ta i n ty over expansion(in both length length and and width) th i s o ve r future fu tu re runway ru nwayexpansion p ri o ri ty. The The Corps Toledo and the site ha s aa very Cor psof Engineers Engineer sand the Port Por t of T ol edo s i t e has ve ry low l o w priority. plans with the the Department should make every effort coordinate their plans Depar tment of s h o u ldma kee ve ry e dinatetheir ffo rt to coor edgedmater ial that Transportation order maximize the am amount dredged material ountof dr T r a n s p o rta ti o nin in o rd e r to maximize p l a ce don b e placed ccan a n be th e site. o n the si te . 855 8 S ( I l l u s t r a t e d on SITE F i g u r e12) 12) l 8 (Illustrated o n Figure S I T E18 III I I I EI II I I I I I I II I I'I I III II I I I I I I iI I Li Site Description: S i t e Description: Location: Toledo Air Airport L o c a t i o n : Southeast a n d adjacent a d j acentto, to, the So u th e a stof, o f, and the Toledo por t Size 2 0 0 ' xx 350' S i z e : 200' 350' LI ya rd s at a t 10 l0 feet, feet, uncompacted Capacity C a p a c i t y : 25,000 2 5 ,0 0 0cubic cu b i c yards uncompacted Capacity b e substantially C a p a ci tycould co u l d be su bstantially increased incr easedif as if utilized uti' lized as a stockpile site. s t o c k p i l esite flat area, Physical P h y s i c a lCharacteristics: ar ea, bordered bor der edon east by by sloping sloping C h a ra cte ri sti cs: AA flat on the the east hills t h e west w e s tby o n the b y the t h e Yaquina Y a q u i n River. aR i v e r . T The s o i l is i s aa Coquille h i l l s and a n d on h esoil Coquille from silt with creek fre shwatercr the site site from l o a m, w i th a freshwater eek flowing flowing through through the s il t loam, fh t hII e e ae+ st. disBiological Bi o l o g i ca l Characteristics Muchof the beendisC h a ra cte ri sti cs: Much the area ar ea has has recently r ecently been Along the turbed, t u rb e d , denuding d e n u d i n gmost mo stof of the the vegetation small creek cr eek vegetation. Along the small gr owthof that t h a t runs ru n s through th ro u g hthe th e site, s ite, however, however is ,is a thick growth of shrubs shr ubs ( b l a ckb e my)and ( alder ) . These (blackberry) a n d some so metrees trees (alder). suppor taa Thesethickets thickets support p e rch i n gbirds number n umb eof b i rds and finches, or f perching andsmall small mammals manr nals.Sparrows, Spar r ows,finches, and ass w well moles, t h e area, and a n d blackbirds b l a c k b i r d suse u s e the area, a e l l as a s shrews, s h r e w s ,m o l e s ,and raccoons r a cco o n s. Zoning: Z o n i n g : A-2 A-2 C o m p r e h e n siPlan: vel a n : S Single Comprehensive fa mi ly residential P i n g l e family r esidential Ownership P ri va te -- Jay a n d Roland 0 w n e r s h i p : Private R o landKiersey Kier sey Ja y and Engineering E n g i n e e r i n gConsiderations C o n si d e ra ti o n: s M e t h o dof Method o f Dredging D r e d g i n gand a n dFilling Filling: Pipeline P i p e l i n e Dredge Dredge Design D e s i g nCriteria C r i t eri a : Requires i ve rsion of surface diversion and upland R e q u i re sd ar ound sur face and uplanddrainage dr ainagearound pr otect adjacent site. dikes s i t e . Construct C o n stru ctd i ke s as a s required requir ed to protect fr om spillage. ar eas from spill age. adjacentareas Pr o t e ct stream Protect buffers. ri p a ri a n vegetation stre a mand a n d riparian vegetationwith with adequate adequate buffer s. Discharge Dischar ge return flow flow into return into deep deepwater. water. ' leveling Site S i t e Preparation: Some minor Pr e p a r a ti o n : S n o r clearing cl ear ing and o memi andleveling required. Retur nflow flow r equir ed. Return p i p e l i n ewith may m a yuse u s e comon c o m r nspillway osnp i l l w a yand a n doutfall o u t f a l l pipeline Cononw i t h Site S i t e No. N 0 .17. 17. C p l u s freeboard, s t r u c t five-foot fi ve -fo o t d fr eeboar d,spillway struct dikes weirss as i ke s plus spillway and as and weir rrequired. e q u ir e d . yar d Site S i t e Unit U n i t Development De ve l o p me Cost n 76/cubic yard Cto st: $0 $ 0 .76lcubic ya rd range Dredging D r e d g i n gCost 00/cubic C ost: $2 r ange $ 2 .0 0 /cu b i cyard 86 86 LI I. I. I I I I t I I I I I I I I LU I I I I I I I I I I I I I I LI IFuture Use None F u t u r eU seConstraints: uponcompletion completionof C o n stra i n ts: N oneupon dewater ingand of dewatering andcompaction. compa c ti on. Environmental En v i r o n me n taConsiderations Cl o n si d e ra ti ons im ar ily composed IEffects Ef f e c ts of o f Disposal: T h i s site s ite is is pr primarily of D i sp o sa l : This composed of blackberry blackbemybrambles, bram bl es , per chingbirds and an d as a s such numberof su chsupports su p p o rtsaa number of perching bir ds and andsmall small mammals. mamm al s . placementof The The area area would would have haveto to be be cleared cleared of of vegetation vegetation for for the the placement ( if not pr esumabTy dredged d re d g e dmaterials, move most w h ichwould wouldpresumably m ovem hot all) all) of ma te ri a l s, which ost (if the fa u n a l species the site. fauna wou' wouldldrelocate t he faunal sp e ci e sout o u t of of the site. Most Mostof of the r elo c ate the fauna in surrounding i n su a re a s, experiencing exper iencingonly only aa temporary tempor ar yinterference. inter fer ence. rro u n d i n gareas, p ro g ra mwas planted IAfter vegetation fi '1 1 program could be A fte r the th e fill wascompleted, com p' leted, be planted vegetationcould f o r the for of th e reestablishment of the the habitat, habitat, or the could be be mainmainre e sta b l i sh ment the area ar ea could h u mauses. nu se s. Itamed t ai n e d for fo r human If maintained is m a i n t a i n e das a s aa long-term l o n g - t e r mstockpile revegetation h e site s t o c k p i l esite, s i t e , revegetation I f tthe s i t e is would not occur. o c c u r . w o u l dn o t Other 0 t h e r Considerations: C o n si d e ra ti o n s: e v e nthough The makes l o c a t i o n of S i t e 18 l8 m a k e sit i t suitable f o r stockpile u s e , even though T h e location o f Site s u i t a b l e for s t o c k p i l e use, g e n e r a ' l 1used for the smaller t h e available a v a i l a b l e land a r e a is i s somewhat somewha uys e dfor l a n d area s tm a l l e rthan t h a n is i s generally p u rp o se . that t h a t purpose. p lan d The Toledo designates l a r g e lot 1 o t single T h eT o l e d ocomprehensive e s i g n a t e sthis t h i s area f o r large single c o m p r e h e n s i plan ve a r e a for f a m i l y residential family b e of The will r e s i d e n t i a l use. use. T h e stockpiling s t o c k p i l i n g activities activities w o f sufficiently sufficiently i l l be small s m a l l scale t o interfere i n t e r f e r e with uses. s c a l e not n o t to w i t h adjacent a d j a c e n airport ta i r p o r t or o r residential r e s i d e n t i a luses. n a t u r eo i t is i s expected expected Because of off stockpiling B e c a u so e f the t h e long-term l o n g - t e r mnature s t o c k p i l i n g activities, a c t i v i t i e s o it per m anent that use. t h a t the t h e Port P o rt of T o l e d owill w i 'l l wish to acquire acquir ethe the site for permanent us e. o f Toledo wish to site for Li 87 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1I I Surunary&& Recommendations Recorrnendati Summary ons T h e ccapacity a pa ci ty o e tw l a n d disposal The off th the twoo land disposal sites identified River identified in in River sSegment e g m e n5 is d e p e n d e nu t p o nthe 5t is dependent upon the specific specific plans plans for for futur future airport e air por t e x p a n si o n p o te n ti a l a n d th e use of pur poses. site 18 lB for expansion and the potential use of Site for stockpiling stockpiling purposes. A p p r o x i ma l e l 144,000 y1 4 4 ,0 0 0cubic yar dsof cu b i c yards of material mater ial will Approximately will require r equir edisposal disposal w i t h i n this th i s river ri ve r segment year s. The se g me nover ot ver the the next next 20 within 20 years. The capacity capacity o f the t h e existing e xi sti n g land l a n d sites si te s is i s estimated estimatedto to be of be about about 90,000 90,000cubic cubic y a r d s , a l t h o u g h y a r d s indicated t h e 65,000 6 5 , 0 0 0cubic c u b i c yards i n d i c a t e dat yards, although the a t Site S i t e 17 1 7 are are dependent uponfuture future airport dependent upon airport expansion expansion and and the the timing timing of that exexpansion. pansion B l e n g t h e n i n gthe pipeline a t h e pipeline p u m p sit u s i n g booster Byy lengthening and b o o s t e rpumps, will i,t w n d using i ' l l be be p o s s i b l e p l a ce to d re d g e d por tion of mater ials fr om the northern nor ther n portion possible to place dredged materials from the (within River Se g me n55t on o n Site S i te 19 1 9 (within River 6). River Segment Segm ent 6) . Approximately Appr oximately ! ! v e r Segment 2 9 , 0 0 0 ya rd s cu b i c o f te rial fr om this segm entcould 20,000 cubic yards of ma material from this segment could be placed on on be placed tthat h a t site. s i t e . In In a d d i t i o n , about a b o u t10,000 1 0 , 0 0 0cubic c u b i c yards - y a r d sof o f material m a t e r i a lfrom from addition, o rti o n o tthe h e ssouthern o uth e rnp placedon i ver segm ent5 portion off R River Segment 5 could could be be placed on site Site 15 15 o r l 6 i n R i ve r Segment S e g me n4. or 16 in River 4t . This yar ds T his would wouldleave leave about about 58,000 58,000cubic cubic yards o f channel c h a n n e 'lma i n te n a n ce ma te rial that placementon that would wouldrequire r equir e placement of maintenance material on-Sites Sites 1 a n d18. 1 8 . Without 177 and W i t h o u tstockpiling, s t o c k p i l i n g , Site S i t e 18 1 8 has h a s aa total t o t a l capacity c a p a c i t yof o f 25,000 25,000 cubic_ ya rd s. When p re p a re das cubic yards. Wh e nprepared as aa stockpiling stockpiling site, site, the the capacity capacity of Si t e 18 18 w o u l dbe b e substantially su b sta n ti a lly increased incr easedover Site would over the the long long run r uh andwouldbe be and would llimited i m i t e d only o n l y by b y the t h e Port's P o r t ' s ability a b i l i t y to d i s p o s eof t o dispose o f the t h e stockpiled materials. i t o c k p i l e d materials T h e increased i n cre a se dcosts co sts of o f bucket b u cketdredging dr edgingand The and hauling hauling that would be wouldbe iincurred n c u r r e d th i s fa r u p ri ve r makes ohibitively this far upriver makes that method method almost almost pr prohibitively e x p e n si vein i n River R i ve r Segment expensive S e g me n5. 5t . G e o r g i aPacific P a ci fi c has h a s historically h i sto ri cally used usedaa bucket bucketdredge dr edgeto Georgia to remove r em ovethe the m a t e r i a l s from fro m their th e i r log l o g dump d u mpand materials and has has then then hauled hau' ledthe the materials mater ials by by t r u c k to t o an a n upland truck u p l a n ddisposal d i sp o sa 'lsite. site. This This method methodof of disposal disposalis is rer ecommended to continue continue for for future future maintenance maintenance commended to of of the the log log dump. dump. In In a d d i t i o n , construction co n stru cti o nand a n d maintenance dr edgingof addition, maintenance dredging of the the-proposed pr oposed T o l e d oairport a i rp o rt boat b o a t basin b a si n should sh ou' ldbe be handled Toledo handledin in the the same sam manner. emanner . T h ePort Po r t of o f Toledo T o l e d ocurrently cu rre n tl y own appr oximately The 30 ownapproximately 30 acres acr es of of salt salt m a r s halong a l o n g the th e east e a st bank b a n kof o f Yaquina YaquinaRiver marsh River at at the the southern souther nboundary boundar y o f River R i v er Segment pur chasedthis pr oper ty for of S e g me n5. 5t . T h e Port P o r t purchased this property for use as aa The use as d i s p o s a lsite, s i t e , but b u t its i t s biological p r e v e n tit b i o l o g i c a l characteristics disposal c h a r a c t e r i s t i c smay m a yprevent it f r o m being p u r pose. The b ei n g used u se dfor fo r that from th a t purpose. maywish Por t may wish to to retain The Port r etain o w n e r sh i pof o f that th a t site si te for fo r use ownership u s eas as aa future futur e mitigation mitigationsite. site. LI 8B 88 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - RiverSegment6 ( N II I , 1 I - - : ..-.. " I m ho i , 1111111 ' - I/i, Iul uIUI - / - I I '::: :: '-. A- t.II II / V A ;;; _______ - jij / : 1W I a1fl ) ,t. 1I.a S / J 'UI, ' --____________________ .1 I ii Yaquina Bry DredgedMaterialDisposal -I Plan - I DisposatSite rrr Shoaling ._ Area I £ I - - RiversesJUFTl,g - Wilsey& Ham I II I tI I II I I II II I I It I II II tI tI (RIVER R rvER RIVER SEGMENT MILE S E G M E66N(RIVER T M r L E11.7 1 1 . 7 TO T 0 RIVER R r V E MILE R M r L E12.9) 12.9) Dredging D r e d g i n gNeeds Needs Maintenance of i n te n a n ce r Ma o f Existing E xi s ting Projects Pr ojects M a i n te n a n ce Maintenance of channel in Segment will rrequire o f the th e navigation n a vi g a tionchannel in River River Segm ent 6 will equir e ds of m the yards material, while the the t h e removal r emo va lof o f about a b o u t 34,000 3 4 ,0 00cubic cubic yar ater ial, while m a i n te n a n ce maintenance of o f the ch a n n elin in Depoe th e channel DepoeSlough Sloughwill wi' |1 result dr edr esult in in the the dredg i n g of ardsd ear p lanning of a 2 0 , 0 0 0ccubic ging ann additional during 200 yyear planning a d d i t i o n a l 20,000 u b i c yyards u r i n g the the 2 period. T period. h em a i n t e n a n cof The maintenance oef the t h e Georgia P a c i f i c barge G e o r g i aPacific b a r g efacility f a c i l i t y will will p r o d u ce40,000 ya rd s produce cubic yards of material. Thus, maintenance of 4 0 ,0 0 0cu b i c of mater ia' |. Thus, m aintenance of ards e x i s t i n g facilities existing will disposal off 9 94,000 facilities w the d i s p o s a lo i l l rrequire e q u i r e the 4 , 0 0 0ccubic u b i c yyards of o f dredged d r e d g e dmaterial. ma te ri a l . C o n stru cti o nof o f New Pr ojects r Construction N e wProjects T h e Port Po rt o The off T Toledo anticipates first phase constr construction of a boat boat n ti ci p ates fir st phase uctionof o l e d oa m o o r a gfacility fea c i l i t y in moorage Little Toyko Harbor. Initial dredging would i n L i t t l e T o y k oH a r b o r . I n i t i a l d r e d g i n gw o.|0,000 uld g e n e ra tea ds of m generate approximately 20,000 cubic yar yards material, about 10,000 p p ro xi ma te l y2 0 ,000cubic ater ial, about p r e p a r a t i o n . An off w which o h i c hwould b e used f o r land l a n d site A n additional w o u l dbe u s e dfor s i t e preparation. additional ya rd s 2 0 , 0 00cu 20,000 cubic yards of material would result from maintenance of the the bic o f ma ter ial would r esult fr om m aintenance of facility. facility. Total for 6 T o t a l disposal d i sp o sa l requirements for River listed in in Table Table re q u i re me nts River Segment Segm ent 6 are ar e listed 15. t5. TABLE 15 TABLE I5 RIVER 66 DREDGING NEEDS RIVERSEGMENT SEGMENT DREDGING NEEDS Project P ro j e ct 1. l. Approximate Quantity Appr oximate Quantity 34,400 cy cy 34,400 Channel maintenance C h a n n ema l i n te n ance 2 . Depoe D e p o eSlough S l o u g hmaintenance ma i ntenance 2. H a rborMarina Mar ina 3.. Little 3 L i ttl e Tokyo T o kyoHarbor 20,000 20,000cy cy construction co n stru ctio n 4. 4. 5. 5. Little T o kyoHarbor H a rborMarina Mar ina L i ttl e Tokyo maintenance maintenance 20,000 20,000cy cy facility Georgia P a c i f i c Barge B a r g efacility G e o r g i aPacific 40,000 40,000cy cy TOTAL NEEDS TOTALDREDGING DREDGING NEEDS II tI tI I II 20,000 20,000cy cy 89 134,400 1 3 4 , 4 0 0cy cy I I I I II I I I Disposal Op ti o n s D i s p o sa lOptions been Two yards have capacity of of 186,000 186,000cubic cubic yards have been Twosites with aa combined combinedcapacity pr oximity identified 6. S e g me nt 6. Both Both are ar e located located in in close close proximity i n River R i ve r Segment i d e n t ifi e d in dredge sites, sites, and and the site site on on the southern southern shore shore has has been been to the dredge p r e v i ou sl y utilized disposalof dr edgedmaterials. Por t previously fo r the th e disposal of dredged mater ials. The The Port u ti l i ze d for parcelfor dison that parcel for future holdsan an easement easement onthat futuredisof Toledo Toledocurrently currently holds p o s a l of these posal d re d g e dmaterials. ma te ri a l s. The The characteristics char acter istics and and use use of these of dredged pages. sites t h e following f o l l o w i n gpages s i t e s is i s discussed d i s c u s s e don o n the t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I 90 90 II T I I T I I T I I I I I t t I I I I II I ( I l l u s t r a t e don F i g u r e13) 13) o n Figure SITE 1 9 (Illustrated S I T E19 Site Site Description: Description: mill, Toledo Toledo Pacific Company Company Across river mill, fromGeorgia GeorgiaPacific river from ILocation: Location: Across 600 S i z e : 350' 3 5 0 ' xx 600 Size: (I0 feet, yards(10 feet, uncompacted) uncompacted) cubic yards 66,000cubic ICapacity: Capacity: 66,000 previously-filled flat, previously physicalCharacteristics: filled is aa large, large:.flat, site is This site Characteristics:This Physical influence water The only water influence The only marsh. river marsh. river old an atop area, that sits atop an old sits that area, Yaquina River. of the the Yaquina flood stage stageof that may may occur occur would would be River. duringaa flood be during that hasestaestagrassand conrnunity A grass shrub community has a!q_shrub Biological BiologicalCharacteristics: Characteristics:A p l a c e d i n 1969. t h e r e f i l l w a s blished itself on the site since fill was placed there in 1969. itself on the site-since SttsneO local bird primarily by probably in transience The site is probably used primarily in transience by local bird used Thesite is iS more more populations, environment thesurrounding surrounding and mamal populations, as environment i asthe andmanrnal purposes. desirable shelter purposes. for food food and andshelter desirablefor A-2 Zoning:z A-2 Zoning GeneralIndustrial Industrial Plan: General Comprehensive Plan: Comprehensive - Skelton Estate SkeltonEstate Private IOwnership: 0wnership: Private : Engineering ng Considerations: Considerations Engineeri andFilling: Filling: Method of and of Dredging Dredging Method Pipeline Dredge PipelineDredge filt the fill and around aroundthe extended andextended be improved improved shouldbe Dikesshould Design Criteria: Design Criteria: Dikes -site ten feet feet At least least ten provideaa multiple-cell configuration. At site to multiple-cellconfiguration. to provide f i l l i n g . - May May f o r future futyrie off d dikingis filling. c o u l dbe b eraised r a i s e dfor . r e q u i r ebut db u tcould i k i n b i s required o providediking material. dikingmaterial. require to provide dredgingwork workto initial dredging requiresmall imall initial dike construction construction thandike otherthan Very little work is is required requiredother little work Preparation:Very ISite Site Preparation: spillway, weirsand and spillway,weirs Construct if available. available. Construct with on-site mateiial, if with on-site material, pipelineto portionof return flow flow pipeline return deepwater of river river channel. channel. Disposal Disposal to deep waterportion previously havebeen beenpreviously filled. would filled. wouldbe be limited whichhave limited to to those thoseareas areaswhich yard Site Unit Development Site Cost: Unit Development Cost: $0.18/cubic yard $0.18/cubic yard IDredging Cost: Dredging Cost: $2.00/cubic yard range range $2.00/cubic in the short-termbecause because spacein the short-term Future FutureUse Constraints: Limited Limitedto to open openspace UseConstraints: Upon leachinci of salts, salts, will will be of slow leachingaf be of and slowdewatering dewatering andcompaction. compaction.Upon grazingand for grazing suitable suitablefor andagricultural agri'culturaluse. use. tI II I 91 I91 a _J I tbo-\ >'\ %iY ==+:-_---.*_- -'a // \. \ \-- \ ( 19 7/ t A \ 7 \ \\ b4, / ,, I 0utfall 10,., ifp / e gutfall pipe Primaryfill area Secondary fill area 0verflow Surfacedrainage '4 % i;. e, /41 ,,, 0' N / 1,s\ t ,s% I .21P S t, --- ,?, % z (I i/I point tr Discharge 9/' lIsp ii \' ..\ ififAlAfif *(S '4, '4, t*'i{::ll*::lDisposalsite Peripheraldiking rrrr Interior diklng ttrlllf Naturalbarrier . 14 1 WI S. '1 '1# YaquinaBayDredgedMaterialDisposal I / Figure13 Scale t"' 4Ol wilsey&t"f II t I I I I I I I I II I I II 1 I II I I II I I I I II I I I I Environmental Considerations: : Environmental Considerations i s an a n old f i l l site, i n ' 11969 9 6 9for for Effects E f f e c t s of o f the t h e Disposal: D i s p o s a l : This T h i s site s i t e is o l d fill s i t e , used u s e din i sp o sa l of disposal tthe he d o f local l o ca l dredged dr edgedmaterials. mater ials. The The veqetation vegetationthat that has has (var ious grasses) gr asses)has hasdone doneso natur a' |1y. No rreestablished ee sta b l i sh e dthere th e re (various so naturally. No revegetation effort effort was was made, made, thus the development development of of new new habitat revegetation Faunal use use of the the site is most mostlikely likely in i n the th e area a re a has h a s been b e e nslow. s' low. Faunal site is passing. t h e site s i t e only o n l y in i n passing. ttransient, r a n s i e n t , in i n that t h a t birds b i r d s or o r mammals m a m m ause ul ss ethe habitat would w oul d If revegetation through e nhanced thr oughaa replanting r ep' lantingeffort, effor t, habitat I f re ve g e ta ti o nwere w e reenhanced develop mor ereadily r eadily use the site. site. d e ve l o pmore mo rerapidly ra p i d l y and a ndfauna faunawould wouldmore usethe p l a ce me nof hav e The materials will have dr edgedmater ials on on the the site site will T he placement ot f additional a d d i tional dredged p r e s e n t d i s p o s a l little effect on the present condition, since the disposal of materials litt]e effect on the of materials condition, since the p r e v i o u s ' lfilled. yf i l l e d . Disposal Disposal h a v ebeen b e e npreviously will w i l l be b e limited l i m i t e d to t o areas a r e a swhich w h i c hhave p ro te c t fr om degr adation. techniques protect adjacent wetlands from degradation. t ech n i q u e swill adjacent wetlands w i l 'l Other Co n si d e ra ti o n s: 0 t h e r Considerations: gener al The T h e Toledo P designatesSite Site 19 l9 for for future futur e general T ol e d oComprehensive C o mp re h e n siPlan vel andesignates use, t is is iindustrial ndustrial u z o n i n gis i s A-2, A - 2 , or o r agricultural. a g r i c u l t u r a l . IIt s e , although a l t h o u g hthe t h e current c u r r e n t zoning q u e s t i o n a b l ew questionable whether future industrial use is suitable adjacent to the h e th e rfu tu re industr ial use is suitable adjacent to the This area wetland the west the site. site. This ar ea w e t l a ndhabitats h a b i ta ts that th a t exist e xi st to to the westand andsouth southof of the pr oviding natur al over serves overflow fl o o d control function by by providing aa natural f'l ow s e r v e san a n important i mp o rta n tflood contr ol function p ro te cts the area, ass as well a a r e a , and land immediately imm ediatelyacross acr oss the the river r iver as a n d thus th u s protects th e land pote nti al l y downstream. of d o w n stre a m.Expansion could potentially h igh intensity intensity uses uses into into that that area ar ea could E xp a n si o n o f high alter It is is suggested suggested that a l t e r the th e flood fl o o d hydrology that the the City City of of h yd ro l o g yof o f the the river. r iver . It process. p l a n revision r e v i s i o n process. Toledo this d u r i n g its i t s comprehensive c o m p r e h e n s i plan ve T o l e d oclosely c l o s e l y examine examine t h i s area a r e a during p r op e rty owner ia'l s to have dr edgedmater The willingness to materials T h e property o w n e rhas h a s indicated i n d i cated aa willingness havedredged pr 'land eviously entered p ' l a c e don into has previously enter edinto placed Toledo has o n the th e site, a n d the th e Port Por t of of Toledo si te , and If the future land use becomes of the the site site becomes easement agreements for easement for that that use. use. If use of agreements a critical may f o r the P o r t to t o acquire a c q u i r ethe t h e site site c r i t i c a l issue, i s s u e , it it m a ybe b e advisable a d v i s a b l efor t h e Port in order order to in future use. use. to control control the the future 93 93 : 4i\* ffi NU, L! arr{ Tl. t ffi ffi TEffi b I t4\WII t I I I I t I I :dHr I I I 3 TX \ I % iiiiliiiiF;il* PT 20 'c'\ \ llolrL ntrm 97. Nontlr ltruffi )'\HF{rl t | 'N5= v\\\r rrrTT'l 'iiililiii"i DisPosal si te r Pe ri p h e ra ld i ki n g rrrr Interior diking llllllltll Natural barrier I 0utfal'l n D i sch a rg eP o i n t 4' .21P S A --- gutfall pipe Pr imar yfill ar ea Secondarfill y ar ea 0verflow Sur facedr ainage \ I It I I T %I YaquinaBayDredgedMaterialDisposatPlan I It It Figure 14 I Scale1":4OO' 94 çc,ciao Wilsey&Ham I I t I I I IPH II I I P I H I I I H I U I 1 T P LI [1 H. t (Il l u stra te d on 14) F i gur e14) o n Figure SITE 20 (Illustrated SI T E20 De scri p ti o n : Si t e Description: Site plywoodmill, mill ' Corporationplywood Pacific Corporation GeorgiaPacific the Georgia of the North of Just North Location: Location: Just in T oledo in Toledo 900' 0 0 ' xx 900' 500' S ize: 5 Size: uncompacted depth, uncompacted feet depth, at 88 feet 120,000 cubic yards at cubic yards 120,000 Capacity: Capacity: on the the ber mson someberms with some openarea, glga, with Flat, open C h a ra cte ri stics: Flat, P h- ysi ca lCharacteristics: Physical dr ainFreshwater drainFr eshwater fill site. old an is The area is an old fill site. n o rth side. si d e . T h e ar ea north source source an undetermined undetermined from an edgefrom north edge the north age occurs along the occurs along age hills) (i u sp e cte do Toledo nor th the fr om (suspected off draining from the north Toledo hills) d i aining with land' with is open openland, the site site is M ostof the C h a ra cte ristics: Most B i o l o g i ca l Characteristics: Biological alder. and ygulg grasses, shrubbery scattered bunches of grasses, shrubbery and young alder. icattered bunchesof freshwater smal'lfreshwater part of bordersaa small site borders The the site of-the northwestpart The northwest finches andfinches war bler s, as spamows, Small birds, such as sparrows, warblers, and such ma rsh . S ma l l b i r ds, marsh. for area the use Various small mammals also use the area for also marunals the area. area. Various small use use the n e stingpurposes. feeding a n dnesting fe e d i n gand Pur poses. In d u stri a l Zoning: Z o n i n g : Industrial Inclustr ial Ge n e r alIndustrial P Comprehensive C o m p re h e n siPlan: vel a n : General Pacific Geor giaPacific C o rp o ra te-- Georgia Ownership: 0 w n ersh i p : Corporate : C o n si d e ra ti o ns Engineering En g i n e e ri n gConsiderations: F i l l ing: a n d Filling: Method D re d g i n gand o f Dredging M e t h o dof Dr edge Pipeline Dredge Pipeline for use use ce1ls for m ultiple cells in multiple p hasedor constructed May ybe constr uctedin b e phased Design C D e s -i gn w iCriteria: thri te ri a : Ma r eloc adr ainage Major drainage relocaMaior m ater ial. q u i l i ti e s of dr edgedmaterial. of dredged with various va ri o u s qualities m ater i al . to contain Use dikes to contain material. necissar y. Usedikes tion construction d ra i n 'co n structionnecessary. Ito n or o r drain buffer s will will be be Dikesor or buffers r iver . Dikes to the the river. Return fl o w should sh o u l dbe b e to Re tu rnflow protect the freshwatermarsh marshareas. areas. created adjacentfreshwater to protect the adjacent created to im prov edr ainage anddrainage Construct weir sand improvedikes, spiliway, spillway, weirs P re p a ra ti o n : C o n structdikes, Site Si t e Preparation: r equir ed. leveling required. andleveling mi n o rclearing cl ear ing and m e n ts. Some S o meminor ments. yar d Cto st: $0.18/cubic D e ve l o p meCost: n Site Si t e Unit Un i t Development $0.18/cubicyard Li I II II I LI Li r ange yardd range C o st: $3.00/cubic Dredging D r e dg i n gCost: $ 3 .O0 /cu bicyar quality of fill material. mater ial . of fill by deter mined by quality h |ill be be determined C o n stra i n ts: Will F u t u re U seConstraints: Future Use f i l l e d with with A r e afilled q u a l i t y materials h i g h e ruse. u s e . Area a l l o w higher m a t e r i a l swill w i l l allow Better B e t t e r quality as open be r eser ved silty, high organic dredged material should be reserved as open mater ial should d r edged o rg a n i c si l ty, h i g h storage. or for for open openstorage. space spaceor 95 I I I I I I I : Considerations Environmental Environmental Considerations: by recent recent disturbed by extensively disturbed This area has been beenextensively area has of Disposal: Disposal: This Effects of Effects as the the,vegetais now nowavailable, available, as Very habitat is vegetalittle habitat Very little activity. human activity. human youngalders. grassesand alders. andshrubs shrubswith with some someyoung tion is mostly scattered scattered grasses is mostly andminimal. minimal. be temporary temporaryand faunawould wouldbe flora or or fauna the local local flora Any effects on on the Any effects preserved. andpreserved. be buffered buffered and north should shouldbe to the the north The freshwater marsh marshto The freshwater C o n si d e ra ti o n s: 0 t h e r Considerations: Other s i te disposalsite as aa disposal useboth both as Site for long-term long- ter muse ca pacityfor 20 has h a s sufficient su ffi ci e n t capacity Si t e 20 cr eati on allow creation ar ea would wouldallow lar ge area r elatively large Therelatively si te . The a n d as a s aa stockpile sto ckp i l e site. and placem ent mater ials. the materials. of the in the the placement fl e xibility in of of ce a n d flexibility n u me ro ucells, s l l s, and o f numerous Pa c i fi c Geor giaPacific futur e Georgia with future conflict with This conflict a l low minimum m inimum sh o u l dallow fl e xi b i l i ty should T h i s flexibility plans. andstorage storageplans. development and development generalindustrial plan designates industrial this area area for for general designatesthis The plan comprehensive The Toledo Toledocomprehensive precludethis this not preclude the site site would wouldnot on the dredgedmaterials materials on use. Placement Placementof dredged use. to aa confinedto be confined m ater ials should shouldbe silty h i ghly organic or ganicmaterials o r highly u s e . However, H o w e ve r, si l ty or use. area the area of the of most mostof use of portion of the future structural structural use that future so that small portion the site, site, so small of Por t of tle Port Pacific' the betweenGeorgia Geor giaPacific, coor dinationbetween C l o secoordination is n o t'h a mp e re d .Close is not hampered. to minimize m inimize in order or der to encour aged Toledo in C o rp sof o f Engineers E ngineer is sis encouraged T o l e d oand a n d the 'th e Corps agreement easement lease or or easement expectedthat that aa lease agreement is expected It is site use. use. It conflicts conflicts over over site mechanism. implementation feasible implementation mostfeasible be the the most would mechanism. wouldbe I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I 1 96 96 I I I I I I t I I I t ISummary Summary & & Recommendations Recomrnendations T h e location oposeddisposal l o ca ti o n a The and capacity proposed disposal sites and and the n d ca p a ci ty of the the pr the s h o al i n gareas a re a s are shoaling within 6. a re well w e l l matched matched within River RiverSegment Segm ent 6. The Theuse use of of b o t h Site pr ojections estimate S i te 19 I9 and both a n d 20 2 0 will w i l l be be necessary. necessar y. Cur Current r ent projections estimate t h a t the re d g i n gneeds th e d n e e d sfor for this that dredging of the rriver are about this segment segm entof iver ar e about y a r d s , while 1 3 5 , 0 0 0cubic 135,000 c u b i c yards, w h i l e the t h e capacity c a p a c i t yof o f the t h e two t w osites s i t e s is i s about about 186,000 y a r d s . All 186,000 cubic c u b i cyards. A l l materials m a t e r i a l sfrom f r o mDepoe D e p oSlough eS l o u g hshould s h o u l dbe be p l a ce don o n Site S i te 20 placed 2 0 since i t affords si n ce it affor ds the the best best opportunity for adequate oppor tunityfor adequat e p r o ce ssi n gof o f the processing found th e silty foundin si l ty sediments sedim ents in that that location. location. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I II II 1t 97 I I I t I I I I t I I I I I I I I RiverSegment7 I I U 11L ,. - tOP II -o - - - T. - - ________ (S IIUII ito,. I.. I SMIIIU.tfl - 'Z14-n _ ' - a = iaa / ' A JI ,1 c I " I'--'"I 'I ft / "s IiL' !'i,!a11 ifr i_.:-.oifl - SiiU i "III ____ -:t i - N V r If '\ 'p ,.. , iifj ' \\ I ,.,a \- '-!,u \ I' 1 ) ' it \ i. 1 U I 4,. / 'A \ I U. :; I -ii-. Materia! Disposal Yaquina Bry Plan iDredged - - I .. I Disposal Site rrr ShoalingArea -- - -I Riversesglf1lJ - S S Wilsey & Ham I H' II I I I I I I I I I I I I Ifollowing I I I I I I I ( R M R MILE RMR S IRIVER E G M E77N (RIVER T M r L E12 1 2 .99 TO T 0 RIVER R r V E MILE R M r L E14 1 43) .3) SEGMENT DredgingNeeds Dredging Needs r Maintenance Ma i n te n a n ce of E xi sting Projects of Pr ojects Existing M a i n te n a n ce a vi g ationchannel ooff th en Maintenance the navigation channel above above Depoe Depoe slough Slough has has not o c c u rre d si n ce 1961. 1 9 6 1 . Therefore, occurred since T h er efor e,approximately appr oximately yar ds 48,000cubic cubic yards 48,000 o f ma te ri a l w re q u i re removal i l l require removalfrom fr om Butler Butler Bridge Br idge upstream of material will upstr eamto the the Pu b l i sh e rsPaper P a p e rCo. C o . log l o g storage ybar planning s tor agearea ar ea during dur ing the planning the 20 Publishers 20 year period. Iperiod paper IIn n oorder r d e r tto o m a i n t a i ntheir t h e i r barge b a r g eloading l o a d i n gfacility, maintain f a c i l i t y , Publishers P u b l i s h e r sPaper yar ds C o . removes r e mo ve 250-300 s2 5 0 -3 0 0cubic cu b i c yards of mater ial every year s. They of material ever y55 years. Co. They q u a n t i t y of h i s small p l q c g tthis s m a l l quantity p l a n t parking o f material m a t e r i a l directly parking d i r e c t l y on place o n the t h e plant llot ot b u se of o f aa bucket b u cke tdredge. byy use d redge. r Construction C o n stru cti o nof o f New Pr ojects N e wProjects Is p ro j e cts have n e wprojects N h a vebeen b e e nidentified identified within Noo new 7. within River RiverSegment Segm ent 7. D i s p o s a Options lO p t i o n s IDisposal o te n ti a l si T h r e ep te s w i th a Three potential sites with a total total capacity capacity of of about about 420,000 420,000 cubic cubic yyards a r d s have h a v ebeen b e e nidentified i d e n t i f i e d in i n River R i v e rSegment S e g m e 7. n7t. Table T a b l e16 1 6 lists l i s t s the the i n d i v i d u a l sites s i t e s and a n dtheir physical individual t h e i r estimated e s t i m a t e dcapacities. c a p a c i t i e s . The T h ephysical o te n tial use ccharacteristics h a r a cte ri sti cs a nd p sites ar and potential use of of these these sites are described e descr ibedin in the ages. followingp pages. It I I I I 1 I 1 TABLE 16 TABLE 16 R IV E RS EGM ENT DISPOSAL RIVER SEGMENT 7 OPTIONS 7 -- DISPOSAL OPTIONS S i t e No. Site No. Appr oxim ate Approximate Capacity Capacity '1 21 2l 15,000cy 115,000 cy 22 22 155,000cy 155,000 cy 23 23 150,000 cy cy .l50,000 TOTAL DISPOSAL TOTAL DISPOSAL OPTIONS OPTIONS I 99 99 420,000cy 420,000 cy 1t1 1 L LI tpu.uupII.II..II p V:: DC L - ..::::::::. -j '%\:::'lIti \ \\\4s>'\ 21 I '-' I1f \\ -- 1 iji'!!!ltiiiir1. J) P \\ - - - - ' 2' Disposal site Peripheral diking -- Interior diking 1111111111 '\ Outfall pipe P Primary fill area S Yaquina Yaquina Bay Bay Dredged Dredged Material Material Disposal Disposal Plan Plan Figure Figure15 15 400 Scale Scale11"c4OO' 100 100 WiIsey& Ham Ham Wilsey& I H I I l l u s t r a t e don S I T E221 1 ((Illustrated o nFigure F i g u r e15) SITE l5) t t I S i t e Description: Description: Site I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I L o c a t io n : Upstream Location: fro m the U p stre a m th e mouth from mouth of of 0lallie Olallie Creek, of Cr eek, southeast southeastof t h e Georgia ponds. G e o r g i aPacific P a c i f i c Pulp P u l pPlant P l a n t settling the s e t t l i n g ponds. S ize: 3 Size: 7 5 ' xx 1125' 375' ll25' C a p a ci ty: 75,000 Capacity: 7 5 ,0 0 0C.Y. C .Y . at a t 55 feet feet depth, depth, uncompacted uncompacted Ph ysi ca lCharacteristics: C h a ra cte ri sti cs: This Physical This site site has has aa varying var yingtopography, topogr aphy, w i t h a with a series s e r i e s of o f small s m a l lknolls k n o l l s throughout t h r o u g h o uthe t h e area. a r e a . In I n the t h e 1low ow l y i n g areas a r e a smuch m u c hof o f the t h e land l a n dis lying i s flat. f l a t . The T h eCoquille C o q u i l l esilt s i l t loam loam so i l has h a s been b e e ncovered co ver edby by dredged soil dr edgedmaterials. m ater ials. The site m The site may ay e xp e ri e n ce a high h i g h water watertable table during dur ingthe experience a the wetter wetter seasons. seasons. B i o 'l o g i ca lCharacteristics: C h a ra cte ri stics: The Biological The area ar ea has has been beendisturbed distur bed extensively extensiv el y a s t , ssoo tthat iin n tthe he p h a t aany n y vvegetation past, wildlife e g e t a t i o noorr w i ' l d l i f e eexisting x i s t i n g oonn tthe he piedom i nant si te has h a s established e sta b l i shedin in recent r ecenttimes. site times. Shrubs Shr ubsare ar e the the predominant ( s c o t c hbroom), v e g e t a t i o n(scotch (alder) b r o o m ) with ,w i t h aa strong vegetation s t r o n gstand s t a n dof o f riparian r i p a i ^ i a n(alder) ve g e ta ti o nalong a l o n gthe the creek. cr eek. vegetation Z o n i n g : IIndustrial Zoning: ndustrial C o m p r e h e n siPlan: P vel a n : Ge Comprehensive n e ralIndustrial Industr ial General Ownership: 0 w n e r sh i p : Corporate C o rp o ra te-- Georgia Ge or giaPacific Pacific En g i n ee ri n gConsiderations: Engineering C o n si d e ra ti o n: s M e t h o dof s f Dredging Methods o D r e d g i n and ga n dFilling: Filling: P i p e l i n eDredge Pipeline Dredge D e s i g nCriteria: Design C r i t e r i a : Important I m p o r t a n to t o divide d i v i d e site s i t e with i n t e r i o r diking w i t h interior d i k i n g so that s o that a d e q u a tesettling adequate se ttl i n g of o f dredged d redgedmaterials m ater ialsoccurs. occur s. Return Retur nflow f' lowwill will bee tto b o Olallie 0 l a l l i e Creek. Creek. E revent xistingd i k e s sshould Existing dikes prevent h o u l dbe b e improved i m p r o v e dto to p lloss oss o p o o rw orr spillage s p i l l a g e to t o the q u a l i t y in t h e creek. creek. E x i s t i n g poor Existing water a t e r quality in Olallie 0 l a l l i e Slough S l o u g hwill w i l l restrict r e s t r i c t dredging d r e d g i n gtimes. times. D Dredging r e d g i n gefforts e f f o r t s must must b e coordinated co o rd i n a te dwith w i th Oregon be of Fish 0 regonDepartment Depar tment Fish and and Wildlife W ild1ife in in o rd e r to to minimize mi n i mi zeeffects e ffe cts on order on the the fish fish runs. r uns. P r e p a r a t i o n : Improve Site S i t e Preparation: I m p r o v ed i k e s using dikes u s i n g on-site o n - s i t e material, m a t e r i a l , construct c o n s t r u c tweirs, weirs, p i p e installation. sspillway p i l ' l w a ya and n dd discharge i s c h a r g epipe installation. Si te Development: yar d range Unit U n i t Site D e ve l o p me n t:Cost: C o s t: $0.27/cubic r ange $0.2Ucubicyard Dredging D r e d g in gCost: C o st: $3.00/cubic yardd range r ange $ 3 .O0 /cu b i cyar L t II III F u t u r eUse Future U s eConstraints: C o n s t r a i n t s : If I f ffilled illed w with dredged material ith d r e d g e dm a t e r i a l ffrom r o m tthe h e vvicinity icinity o f Depoe D e p o eSlough, S l o u g h othe th e area a r ea should of shouldremain space use until r emainin in open openspaceuse unti' l adead eq u a te settling quate has se ttl i n g and a n dcompaction co m paction hasoccurred. occur r ed. t0t 101 Environmental Considerations: : Environmental Considerations Effects This area area has extensively disturbed disturbed by Effects of of Disposal: has been beenextensively Disposal: This by recent recent human humanactivity, Small activity, and and therefore therefore supports supportsno no strong strong habitats. habitats. Small shrub groups exist scattered shrub groups exist none are extenextenscattered throughout throughoutthe the site, site, but none gr oup. sive a diverse faunal group. s i v e enough e n o u g hto to support a diver se faunal The filling of the su p p o rt the site s i te The filling greatest would Of greatest wouldcause causeminimal minimaleffects effects to to the local environment. the local environment. 0f concernis is the concern marsh area area on on the Olallie the marsh the northeast northeast border border that lines lines 0lallie pr otected Creek. C r e e k. T i s This is a well established marsh, and should be protected his a w e l l establishedmar sh,and should be from from adverse adverseimpacts. impacts. Future conFuture use use of of the the site site should take into into conshouldtake preservationof proposed sideration proposed diking system sideration the the preservation of the the marsh marsh. The diking system The p ro te ct will w i l l protect the th e existing e xi sti n g riparian r ipar ian system systemso that wildlife im pacts so that wildlife impacts will w i l l be b e minimal. minimal. Close coordination Close of coordination with with the the Oregon Departments 0regonDepartments of Environmental Environmental placem entof dr Quality and Wildlife will insure dredged n d Fish F i sh && }{i l d l ife will insur e that that placement edged Q u a l i ty a per iod that quali ty m a te ri a l s occurs d u ri n g aa time materials o ccu rsduring time period that will will minimize minimizewater water quality and Olallie Slough. a n d fisheries f i s h e r i e s impacts i m p a c t sin in 0lallie Slough. Other O t h e r Considerations C o n si d e ra ti o n s: p o rti o n o Only off the capacity of this this site would be used dur during O n l y a small sma l l portion th e capacity site would be used ing e a r planning p l a n n i n gperiod, p e ri o d , and placem entcould the and dr dredged material could be t h e 20 2 0 yyear edgedmater ial placement be planned c o o r d i n a te dso a s not n o t to to interfere i n te r fer e with coordinated uses so as other planned with other usesof of the thesite. site. plan general The curuent comprehensive The current plan designates comprehensive designatesSite Site 21 2l for for future future general p l a ce mentof industrial i n d u s t r i a l use. u se . The T h eplacement of dredged dr edgedmaterials does mater ials on on this this site does p r e cl u d e not this settling and and compaction compaction must must n o t preclude th i s use; u se ; however, h o w e ver adequate ,adequate settling p r i o r to occur o c c u r prior to structural Close coordination stru ctu ra l use u seof of the the site. coor dinationwith with site. Close Georgia G e o r g i aPacific P a ci fi c is i s advised a d vi se din i n order to insure insur e the the most mostefficient efficient shortor der to shor tand tterm erm a n d long-term l o n g -te rmuse u se of o f the th e site. site. 102 102 II II II II II II II tI I I II II II II II II II II II II II I t I t I I T I I I I T I I t t I I I ISITE S I T E222(Illustrated 2 ( I l l u s t r a t e d on o n Figure F i g u r e15) l5) Site S i t e Description: Description: Location: from mouth of Olallie fro m the th e mouth the east L o c a t io n : Upstream U p stre a m 0lallie Creek, Cr eek, on on the east off the sside ide o th e creek. cre e k. Size: S i z e : 600' 6 0 0 ' xx 1,000' 1,000' .|1 0 ,0 0 0 ya rds at ICapacity: depth, uncompacted C a p a c i ty: 110,000 cubic cu b i c yards at 55 feet feet depth, uncom pacted pastur e,with Physical The site Ph ysi ca lCharacteristics: site is is aa flat flat pasture, ber m s C h a ra cte ri sti cs: The with berms formed The f o r m e dalong t h e waterfront. h e soils i s the t h e Coquille C o q u i l l esilt a l o n gthe waterfront. T s o i l s is silt possibly occur loam with water influence occurring Io a mvariety, i th water influence possibly r ing during dur ing va ri e ty, w f l o o d i n g of flooding o f the t h e Olallie 0 l a ' l li e Creek. Creek. p a s t u r e l a n dthe Biological B i o l o g i c a lCharacteristics: t, h e site C h a r a c t e r i s t i c s : As A s pastureland, s i t e is i s restricted restricted gr assesare both iin n b o th floral f'l o ra l and a n d faunal ar e the t he faunal assemblages. assemblages.Pasture Pastur egrasses p l a n t types, ma i nplant main mammals may typ e s, and andsome bum owing maylive live there. ther e. som eburrowing mar nm als (cro wnedsparrows, F i e l d birds Field goldfinches, etc.) would use b i rd s (crowned etc. ) would use spar yows,goldfinches, the th e area a re a for fo r feeding. fe e d ing. Zoning: A-2 Z o n i n g : A-2 Comprehensive C o m p r e h e n siPlan: vel a n : Rural P R u ra l residential residential Ownership: P ri va te -- Ray a nd Lurena Fieber 0 w n e r s h i p : Private R a yand Lur enaFieber Engineering En g i n ee ri n gConsiderations: C o n si d e ra ti o n: s Method M e t h o dof o f Dredging D r e d g i n and ga n dFilling: Filling: Pipeline P i p e l i n e Dredge Dredge Design N o .21 2'l D e s i g nCriteria: C r i t e r i a : Similar S i m i l a r to t o Site S i t e No. Site Similar S i t e Preparation: Preparation: S i m i l a r to t o Site 2l S i t e No. N o .21 Site S i t e Unit U n i t Development D e v e l o p m eCost: C n to s t : $0.11/cubic $ 0 . 1 . | / c u b i yards cy a r d s Dredging C o st: $ $3.00/cubic yardd range D r e d g i n gCost: r ange 3 .0 0 /cu b i cyar gr azingand phasedand agr iFuture F u t u r e Use U seConstraints: C o n stra i n ts: May Maybe be phased andreturned r etur nedto to grazing andagricultural c u l t u r a l use d e w a t e r i nand ga n dinitial i n i t i a l settling. u s eafter a f t e r dewatering settling. Environmental : En v ri o n me n taConsiderations: l o n si d e ra ti o ns C pastur ewould Effects D i sp o sa l : This not experience exper iencesignificant Ef f e c t s of o f Disposal: T h i s diked diked pasture wouldnot significant adverse materials. a dve rseimpacts d u eto to the disposalof of dredged dr edged mater ials. Shrews, Shr ew s , i mp a ctsdue the disposal g o p h e rsmay be the fauna that be directly moles m o l e sand a n d gophers ma ybe the only that would dir ect' ly only fauna wouldbe per ish, or i nfl u e n ce dby influenced Some of these mammalsals may perish, b y the th e fill fi l l action. action. Some these mamm may t I I I I 103 103 I U I IU I I II II I T I I I U rrelocate. e l oca te . Field b i rd s, such F i e l d birds, s uchas as blackbirds blackbir dsand andmeadowlarks, m eadowlar ks, would wouldfeed feed elsewhere. habitat is elsewhere. The The habitat is not not unique uniqueto to the area the area a n d no n o significant i mp a ctswould and would occur si g n i fi ca n t impacts occur as as aa result r esult of its its use use. grassesafter years, The site site could be replanted in grasses The could be replantedin twoto after two to four four years, pasturelandcould and the years. the pastureland could be be regained regainedin five and five to ten years. Any in to ten Any impacts on the impactson the area area would be temporary wouldbe temporary. Close coordination Close of coordinationwith the Oregon with the OregonDepartments Departments of Environmental Environmental Quality Wildlife would be a n d Fish F i sh && t^ l i l d life would be necessary necessar yto insure insur e that Q u a l i ty and d r ed g i n gschedules quality and dredging sch e d u l e swere w e reconsistent consistent with water fisher ies water quality and fisheries needs. n e ed s. Other 0 t h e r Considerations C o n si d e ra ti o n s: p l a n designates T h e current c u r re n t comprehensive co mp re h e n si ve The plan designatesthis ar eafor this area for rural r esir ur al resip l a ce me no t f dr dential use. The Diacement of dredoed materials on the d e n t i a l u se . T h e edgedmater ials on the site should site should p r e c l u d ethis n o t preclude th i s use, u se ; however, h o w e v er structural ,str uctur al use not would be use of the the site be site would p o s t p o ne d u n ti l adequate postponed until had a d e q u a tesettling se ttling and and compaction compaction had occurred Raising occur r ed. Raising p ro p e rty through placementof disposal t h e elevation e l e va ti o n o th e property the off the materials ials thr oughplacement disposal mater pr essur esfor n o t cre s h o u l dnot a d d i ti o n a l pressures should create conversion moreeintensive a te additional for conver intensive sionto mor land l a n d uses. uses. N e i t h e r the th e ca Neither capacity off S Site nor Site 22 p a ci ty o i te 21 2l nor 22 could could be be fully fully utilized utilized p l a n n i n gperiod. ye a r planning per iod. These pr oxiduring d u r i n g the t h e 20 2 0 year These sites sites are ar e in in close close proximity only one m i t y to t o each ea chother; th e re fo re,use useof, would o th e r; therefore, of only one of of the the sites sites would be needs. The be sufficient The Port sufficient to to meet the short-term dredgingneeds. meetthe short-termdredging of Toledo Port of Toledo property owners maywish wish to to negotiate negotiate with may with both both property ownersto to determine determinewhich which site site pre fe ra b l eoption. is i s the t h e preferable o p ti o n . It expected that easement It is is expected that a long-term long- ter mlease lease or ease m ent p r o vi d ethe would implementation flexibility. w o u l dprovide n e ce ssa ry th e necessary i m plementation flexibility. t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 104 1 04 t I I I I I t I I I t I I I t I I I I II I ( I l l u s t r a t e don S I T E23 SITE 2 3 (Illustrated F i g u r e16) t6) o n Figure ISite S i t e Description Description: p o r t i o n of Location L o c a t i o n : Southern S o u t h e r nportion o f Publishers P a p e r ' slog 1 o gstoraqe P u b l i s h e r sPaper's s t o r a g ea area rea Size S i z e : 400' 4 0 0 ' xx 400' 400' ya rds at 55 feet Capacity C a p a ci ty: 40,000 4 0 ,0 0 0cubic cu b i c yards feet depth, depth, uncompacted uncompacted Physical Ph ysi ca lCharacteristics C h a ra cte ri stics: AA flat, flat, open openarea, ar ea, bordered the west bor der edon on the wes t b y the th e Y by Yaquina a q uinaRiver River and and to to the the east east by tr acks. by railroad r ailr oad tracks The T h esoil s o i l is i s Fendall l o a m ,and a n d experiences F e n d a l lsilt s i l t loam, e x p e r i e n c eseasonal s e a s o n ahigh hl i g h water Berms w a t e rtables. tables. B e r m sline l i n e the t h e river-side r i v e r - s i d e border. b o r d e r . Existing Existing i s log use and u s e is log a n d slash s l a s h storage storage. Biological Bi o 'l o g i ca lCharacteristics C h a ra cte ristics: The is currently cur r ently used for storage The site site is usedfor stor age of o f logs l o g s and a n dslash s l a s hmaterial m a t e r i a l . There T h e r eis i s no n o significant significant pastur el and fl o ra or flora fa unaon o r fauna on the the site. site. Adjacent Adjacentuses usesinclude include pastureland which w h i ch experiences tabl e. e xp e r iencesannual annualinundation inundationdue due to to aa high high water water table ( I-1) Zoning: Z o n i n g : Industrial I n d u s t r i a l (I-i) IComprehensive Plan C o m pre h e n si P vel a n : General Ge n e r alIndustrial Industr ial Co. Ownership C o rp o ra te-- Publishers P u blisher sPaper PaperCo 0 w n e r sh i p : Corporate Engineering En gni ee rin g Considerations C o n si d e ra ti o n: s M e t h o dof Method o f Dredging D r e d g i n gand a n d Filling Filling: Design D e s i g nCriteria Criteria: Pipeline P i p e l i n e Dredge Dredge S Similar i m i l a r to 21. t o Site S i t e 21 ISite S i t e Preparation P r e p a r a t i o n : Similar 2l S i m i l a r to t o Site S i t e 21 Unit U n i t Site $0 22/cubic yar yardd S i te Development D e ve l o p me n t:C Cost ost: $0.22/cubic ard Dredging D r e d g i n gCost $22 .00/cubic Cost: $ 0 0 / c u b i cyyard Future Use F u t u r eU C o n stra i n ts: N None seConstraints uponcompletion completionof of dewatering andcompaction, compac ti on, oneupon dewater ingand year s. b u t limited l i mi te d to to non-structural but n o n -structur alloading loadingfor for 55 to l0 years. Latter Latter is is to 10 f u r t h e r soils ssubject u b j e c t to t o further investigation. s o i l s investigation Environmental En v ri on me n taConsiderations l o n si d e ra ti ons : C Effects Placement of additiona' additional l dr dredged materials Ef f e c ts of edgedmater the o f Disposal D i sp o sa l : P l a cem ent ials on on the of effects. Habitat site would have noo a adverse environmental si te w o u l dh a ve n d ver seenvir onmentaleffects Habitat use useis is re stri cte d by restricted b y the the site into the the th e current cu rrent use use of the site. Direct Dir ect outfall outfall into p reventany pas tur e/ river ri ve r channel ch a n n e lwould any adverse adver seimpacts impactsto to the the adjacent adjacentpasture! w o u l dprevent w e tl a n darea a re a . uwetland t II t LI 105 105 I II I 'I .:::::::: 23 23 A I l. r -i.3 /1/I 1' - I III I it I 1% iI I I I I t \: ! I : I .l l:+$ll]]:+ii r'r'JJJJJJ.'JJJ - D i sp o sa lsi te P e ri p h e ra ld i ki n g PeriPh dikiflg IIII I n t e r i o r dikifl9 diking __ Inter° iltffililf Naturalbarrier barrier UIUUI Natural I Outfall 0utfal I I n point Discharge 0 DisCharge polflt pipe .-^. Outfall 0utfall pipe P PrimarY Pr im ar yfill fill area ar ea P area S SecondarY Secondary fill area S fill A 0verflow £ OverfloW --- Surface jnage Surface drainage \ VaquinaBay MaterialDisposal DisposalPlan Plan yaquina Bay Dredged redged Material '16 Figure16 106 106 Sca$e 1: 400 Scrlc 1":4O0' Wileey&H8m Ham I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I IOther Considerations Other Considerations U s eo ite 2 Use off S Site 233 w will with Publisher's Paper Coo . e q u i r e cclose l o s e ccoordination o o r d i n a t i o nw u b l i s h e r ' sP i l l rrequire ith P a p e rC in o in order maximize r de r to to ma xi mi zecontinuing co n ti nuingefficient efficient use for both log storage usefor bothlog stor ageand and pur poses. The dredged d r e d ge dmaterial ma te ri a l disposal d i sp o sa lpurposes The land land is is currently cur r ently zoned zonedfor for g e n e ra l industrial entof i n d u stri a l u general use, and placement of dr dredged materials on the site site nd placem edgedm se , a ater ials on p l a c e don will n o t alter w i l l not a l t e r that A l l materials t h a t use. u s e . All m a t e r i a l swill w i l l be b e placed o n top t o p of o f existing existing ffill ill. pasture that The The area area adjacent adiacent and and southeast sorrtheastof of Site Site 23 23 is is currently open openpasture e x p e r i e n ce sseasonal experiences water table se a so n a inundation li n u n dationdue due to to aa high high water table. Publisher's Publisher 's h a s indicated i nd i ca te d th has that they would be willing willing to rreceive fill m material on tthat a t th ey w ouldbe ater ial on eceive fill hat p r o p erty; h property, however, filling cannot occur occur due due to the existence existence of of a wetl wetland o w e ve r,fi l l i n g cannot and habitat h a b it a t. Negotiation N e g o ti a ti o nof l e a se between b e tweenPublisher's Publisher ' s Paper PaperCo. Co. and and the the Port Tol edo o f aa lease Por t of Toledo is advisable mechanism i s tthe he a d vi sa b l eimplementation i mp l e me ntation m echanism. I tI II 1I I i107 107 Surnnarv Recorrnendations Summary && Recommendations T h e capacity ca p a ci ty of th e available a va i l able dredged dr edgedm The material o f the ater ial disposal disposal sites in R iver S r su e g me n7t fa rp a ssesthe anticipated River Segment far surpasses anticipated need, need, although although it is it is portion of Sites 22 expectedthat that Georgia Pacific may GeorgiaPacific expected may use use aa portion 22 and and 23 23 pondwastes. f o r disposal di sp o sa l and a n d settling se ttl i n g of for of their their sludge sludgepond Sites 21 2l wastes. Sites priorities for 23 have and 23 highest priorities and have the the highest for use use since since they they have have been been p r v e i o u s l ydisturbed prveiously d i s t u r b e dby b y disposal d i s p o s a lactivities. activities. 108 108 II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . I I I I I I I I I tI I I I Ii Li Li I Li LI I U I I Section IV Section lV Disposal DisposalGuidelines Guidelines I H t I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I L I I I 1 SE C T ION SECTION IV GUIDELINES IV DISPOSAL D IS P OS A L IDELINES GU T h eindividual previous The d i s p o s a 'site i n d i v i d u a l disposal sl i t e discussions d i s c u s s i o n scontained i n the c o n t a i n e din t h e previous p r e s e n t e dtthe section engineering and s e c t i o n presented he e n g i n e e r i n gcconsiderations o n s i d e r a t i o n sa n d use u s e ccriteria riteria p ro p o se ddisposal ffor o r each ea chproposed d i sp o sa' site. lsite. These Thesecriteria cr iter ia vary for each var y for eachsite site d e p e n d i n gu p o nboth b o th the th e char depending upon characteristics and of the dredged acter istics of the site site and the dr edg ed p .l a ce d material on m a t e ri a l to to be the site. A' lthoughdifferent b e placed o n the differ ent criteria site. Although wer e cr iter ia were a p p l i e dto guidelines t o specific s p e c i f i c sites, s i t e s , there n u m b eof applied t h e r e are a r e aa number d i s p o s a lguidelines or f disposal general which w h i c hshould s h o u l dbe b e applied a p p l i e dto t o all a l l disposal d i s p o s a sites. l s i t e s . The T h efollowing f o l l o w i n ggeneral g u i de 'l i n e swere w e redeveloped d e ve l o p ed guidelines through thr oughreview r eviewof technicalliterature, liter atur e, of technical i n t e r v i e w sw i t h dredging interviews with d r e d g i n gand a n ddisposal d i s p o s a 'technicians, tl e c h n i c i a n s and ,a n ddiscussions discussions per sonnelresponsible fe d e ra l and w i t h federal with sta te agency a g encypersonnel a n d state r esponsiblefor the r eview the review of o f disposal d i s p o s a lactivities. activities. l. I1. Drainage D r a i n a g eDiversion Diversion Proper water runoff P ro p e rdiversion d i ve rsi on of surface sur face water r unoff must mustbe be p ro vi d e dto provided to maintain ma intainthe integr ity of natur al the integrity of the the natural streams stre a msand d rainageways.Leaching a n ddrainageways. Leachingof of disposal disposal runoff waterway must be ru n o ff into i n to the th e water be controlled contr olled and and waymust a l l disposal all water must must enter d i sp o sa i runoff ru noff water enter the the waterway water way th ro u g han through a n appropriate a p p r opr iateoutfall. outfall. Underground Under gr ound protected. springs s p r i n g smust m u s tbe b e identified a n dprotected. i d e n t i f i e d and Ito 2. I2. Sediment S e d i m e nQuality Turbidity Qt u a l i t y && Turbidity D i k e sshould l a r g e enough Dikes well s h o u l dbe a n d large enough be w e l l constructed c o n s t r u c t e dand p roper upondingu pr event proper and to prevent the to encourage e n co u ra g e to and the "ponding" re tu rn o return off suspended fines waterway or su sp ended fines into into the water way the e s t u a r y . Ponds estuary. maintain P o n d sshould d e s i g n e dto s h o u l dbe b e designed to m a i n t a i nat at l e a st one least water at all times fo o t of of standing o n e foot water at all times standing pr opersettling. to further to proper fu rth e r encourage sett' ling. Weirs W eir s e n cour age 2 3 should have 2-3 inch crest heights. s h o u l dh a v e inch crest heights. performedon Sediment analysis analysis has recent'ly performed Sediment has been beenrecently on ma te ri a l from material a number of sections of fro m a numberof sections of the navithe navig a ti o n ch gation channel, as well well as as the the conr comercial boat a n n e l ,as m er cial boat basin and South Beach Marina site. b a s i n a n d S o u t hB e a c hM a r i n as i t e . P Prior r i o r to to per for m ed d re d g i n g , sediment dredging, se d i mentanalysis be performed analysis should shouldbe for off-channel for off-channel and nearshoreareas that may may and nearshore areas that ccontain o n t a i nfiner f i n e r silt s i l t or o r g a n i cmatter. m a t t e r . This T h i s will will o r organic p roper disposal pr ecautionscan th a t proper ensure e n su rethat disposal precautions can be be p l a n n e dfor planned f o r in i n the t h e specific d e s i g nof t h e disdiss p e c i f i c design o f the p o s a lsites. posal sites. Ilog 109 t LI 3. Timing Timing The d r e d g i n gand a n ddisposal d i s p o s a lactivities activities T h etiming t i m i n g of o f dredging should be be coordinated coordinated with the Department Department of of should Environmental Quality Quality and and the Department Department of of Environmental protection Fish and t,{ildlife Wildlife to ensureadequate Fish and to ensure adequateprotection pr oductiveelements of suchas as o f biologically b i o l o g i ca l l y productive elem entssuch general, a I n general, ffish i s h runs, s p a w n i nactivity, g c t i v i t y , etc. e t c . In r u n s , spawning per iodsof disposal dur ingperiods sh o u l doccur of adeaded i sp o sa l should occurduring q u a te river quate flushing of of suspended ri ve r flow fl o w to to aid flushing suspended parsediments. d i s p o s aaction la c t i o nisi s pars e d i m e n t s .Timing T i m i n gof o f disposal i m p o r t a n tin i n the C r e e karea area tticularly i c u l a r l y important t h e Olallie 0 ' l a l l i e Creek quality poor water of d u e to o f Toledo to existing existing poor water quality T o l e d odue conditions. c o n dti i o n s. 4. 4. Land L a n dSurface S u rfa ceUse U se Disposal off d dredged materials occur on ials should D i sp o sa lo re d gedmater on shou' ldoccur p o ssible land the th e smallest land area ar ea in in order or der to to sma l l e st possible q u a n t i t yof minimize i s disturbed. disturbed. m i n i m i z ethe t h e quantity o f land l a n dthat t h a t is Clearing off land l a n d should occur in in stages stageson on an an C l e a ri n g o should occur disposal b a s i s . Reuse ass needed basis. a needed R e u s eof o f existing e x i s t i n g disposal p re fe rrable to new of new sites si te s is i s preferrable to the the creation cr eation of sites minimize the land area ar ea i n order o rd e r to minimize the total total land si te s in covered by by disposal disposal material. material covered 5. 5. Revegetati on Revegetati on Revegetation of R e ve g e ta ti o n disposal sites sites should occur as as o f disposal shouldoccur p ra cticable in soon to retard r etar d wind so o nas a s is i s practicable in order or der to wind induced t o restore r e s t o r e wildlife habitat i n d u c e derosion e r o s i o nand a n d to w i l d l i f e habitat Native species should value to the site. t h e N a t i v e s h o u l dbe be t o s i t e . s p e c i e s value be made to the the Interused reference should madeto used and and reference should be Interpreparedby the Soil Agency seeding Agency seedingmanual by the Soil manualprepared Efforts Conservation be made m ade ts should shouldbe C o n se rva ti oService. nS e rvice. Effor to mi minimize tim e necessary necessar yto achieve achieve n i mi zethe th e time leaching l e a c h i n gof o f salts f r o mthe t h e soils. soils. s a l t s from 6. Toxic T o x i c Materials Materials Materials dredged dredgedfrom from the the Newport cornmercia'l Materials Newportcommercial boat basin and Depoe Slough in Toledo b o a t b a s i n a n d D e p o eS l o u g hi n T o l e d owill will have t h a n materials materials h a v ehigher h i g h e r toxic t o x i c characteristics c h a r a c t e r i s t i c sthan parts river. removed from other parts of the bay and of the bay andriver. removedfrom other Sites t h e s ematerials m a t e r i a l shave have S i t e s which w i l l contain w h i c hwill c o n t a i nthese been designed cy e l l s in in b e e nd e s i g n e dto t o include i n c l u d e secondary s e c o n d a rcells quality effluent. goodquality order effluent. The The o rd e r to to achieve a ch i e vegood be monitored m onitor ed discharge fro m these shouldbe d i sch a rg efrom these sites sites should have ensure adequate cel I structures to e n su rethat th a t a dequatecell str uctur es have pr oper ' ly. been constructed functioningproperly. and are ar e functioning n stru cte dand b e e nco r10 110 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II t t I I I I I I I I I I I I I 7. I7. D i sp o sa l Upland U p l a n dDisposal be will be dredgedmaterials materials will In In some someinstances instancesdredged final for final disposal sites sites for to upland u p l a nddisposal trucked tru cke d to be shouldbe cr iter ia should The following criteria d i sp o sa l . T h e following disposal. design of and anddesign used the selection selection of e va l u a tethe u se dto evaluate d i sp o salsites: sites: for fo r upland u p l a n ddisposal U -- streams receiving streams minimize the effects effects on on receiving minimizethe drainageways or drainageways - and vegetationand effects on on vegetation minimize th e effects mi n i mi zethe wildlife wildlife - p ro vi d e adequate sur face diver sion of of surface provide a d e q uatediversion water water I- I- It 8. 8. primary or or secondary secondary minimize adverseprimary minimizeadverse effects land use effects land use - acceseasily accesit is is easily locate wher eit th e site si te where l o ca te the tru ck s to sible to trucks si b l e Land LandUse Use effects the effects SectionV, V, the As fu rther in in Section d i scu sse dfurther A s discussed ust land use use m of material must disposal on on land te rial disposal o f dredged d re d g e dma Compr ehensive the County's County' sComprehensive be b e addresed a d d re ssein di n the to r e s p o n s i b i l i t yto c o u n t y ' sresponsibility t h e county's i s the Plan. P l a n . It I t is p r o h i b i t p o l i c i e s f i l l e d t o accept land use policies to prohibit filled u s e l a n d accept pr essur e intenfor m or e land from creating pressure for more intenfro m cre a ti ng land county's i n the t h e county's t h o s eoutlined o u t l i n e d in t h a n those u s e sthan ssive i v e uses further This issue will be p l a n and p o l i c i e s . b e further w i l l i s s u e T h i s plan policies. and in discussion addressed in the implementation discussion in im plementation th e a d d re sse di n ISection S e cti o nV. V. 9. 9. I II I I I I U 1 I - 10. 10. p l a c e dat a t aa Influent discharge p o i n t s will b e placed w i l l be i s c h a r g epoints Influent d points to sufficient distance from outfall points to outfall fr om d i sta nce su ffi ci e n t maximize settl ing. m a x i m i zsettling. e r vill quality standards standar dswill Federal and water quality sta te water n d state F e d e ra la disposal d i s posal p h a s e s t h e o f be considered during all phases of the a 1 l d u r i n g be considere activity. a cti vi ty. ii: 111 ill I I I I El I El H I H Li H H H t H I I El V Section SectionV Implementation lmplementation I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I El t I t I I II t I SECTION ISECTION VV IMPLEMENTATION IMPLEMENTATION T hee co n o my th e Y o a q u i naBay The economy off the Yaquina Bay and and River dependent upon River region r egion is is dependent upon ccontinuing o n ti n u i n gnavigational n a vi g a ti o n a luse u se of the waterway. of the water way. In In order or der for for navigation navigation tto o ccontinue, o n ti n u e , dredging d re d g i n gmust mu stoccur occurto to maintain maintainthe the necessary necessarchannel ychannel depths. d e p t h s . In I n turn, t u r n , the t h e ability a b i l i t y to d r e d g eis t o dredge d e p e n d e nupon i s dependent utp o nthe t h e availaavailaa d e q u a t sites es i t e s for bility off adequate bility o f o r the t h e disposal d i s p o s a lof o f dredged d r e d g e materials. dm a t e r i a l s . Y a q u i n aBay A l o n gYaquina B a yand R i v e r the Along a n d River t h e supply s u p p l yof d i s p o s a lsites o f land l a n d disposal s i t e s which which m e etthe n e ce ssa ryenvironmental meet and th e necessary e n vi ronm enta' and l engineering engineer ingcriteria cr iter ia is is limited, lim ited , a n d those th o se that th a t are a re acceptable and must a cce ptablem ust be consider edas r esour c e, be considered as aa scarce scar ceresource, w o r t h yof p u b l i c c a r e f u l allocation a l l o c a t i o n in worthy maximize the public benefit. o f careful i n order o r d e r to to m aximize the benefit. D u eto to the pr ogr ammust th e scarce sca rcenature n a tu re of Due of these these sites, sites, aa program be evolved evolved mustbe i n su re that th e sites to t o insure th a t the si te s are ar e reserved for disposal r eser vedfor disposal use use and and are ar e a v a i l a b l efor available f o r disposal d i s p o s a lwhen w h e nneeded. needed. P r e p a r a t i o nof Preparation o f aa workable workable p iimplementation m p le me n ta ti oprogram n ro g ra mrequires questions: re quir es answering two answer ing majorquestions: twomajor l. pr oposed Planning Options: t i o n s : How sites Howshould shouldthe the proposed be sites be designated in i n the t h e comprehensive a n d zoning c o m p r e h e n s ' plan ipvl ea n and zoning ordinance? o rdi n a n ce ? 2. Site S i t e Use U s eOptions: , . O p t i o n slWhat :, l h a tkind k i n d of for o f arrangements amangem ents for site site p u b jl c agencies use be miide made between u s eshould ahbuTdlE the applicable betweenthe a p p l i c a b l epublic agencies private property propertyowner? and a n d the the private owner? Ii. 2. questionsare A variety v a ri e ty of A o f answers a n sw e rsto to these these questions discussedbelow. ar e discussed below. IPlanning P l a n n i n gOptions Options P Placing l a c i n gd dredged r e d g e dm materials onn a must b e viewed a t e r i a l so a land l a n d site site m u s tbe v i e w e das a s aa shortshorttterm e r m use u se of o f that th a t land l a n d resource. re sour ce. Once Oncethe the disposal disposal action has been action has been c o m p l e t e and d a n dthe t h e necessary n e c e s s a rsettling, ys e t t l i n g , compaction completed ann dstabilization c o m p a c t i oand stabilization haso has occurred, c c u m e d nthe t h e land l a n d becomes b e c o m eavailable asv a i l a b l e for f o r aa variety v a r i e t y of l a n d uses o f land uses depending d e p e n d i nupon g p o nthe t h e specific a n dlocation. s p e c i f i c site c h a r a c t e r i s t i c sand location. u s i t e characteristics disposa'l Therefore, T h e r e f o r e ,although a l t h o u g haa specific m a ybe f o r the t h e disposal s p e c i f i c site s i t e may b e utilized u t i l i z e d for year per iod, dre d g e dmaterials ma te ri a l s throughout 20 year period, the disposaluse of o f dredged th ro ughoutaa 20 the disposal use permanent is only temporary is temporary and and the may be more permanent land may be converted to aa more the land convertedto Iuse u s e afte after r the th e disposal d i sp o sa l has h as been beencompleted. completed. pri ma ryconcern pr epar ationof The T h e primary co n ce rnin i n the YaquinaBay of the the Yaquina Bayand andRiver River th e preparation plan has d r e dg e dmaterial dredged ma te ri a l disposal beenthe d i sp o sa l plan has been the relative r elative scarcity of scar city of acceptable acceptable disposal d i s p o s a lsites, R i v e rMile The s i t e s , especially e s p e c i a l l yabove a b o v eRiver M i l e 3.0. 3.0. T he study s t u d y team t e a mbelieves b e l i e v e sthat i d e n t i f i e d in i n Section S e c t i o nII I I are a r e the t h a t the t h e sites s i t e s identified the only o n l y land l a n d sites s i t e s adjacent t o the a r e able t o receive receive a d j a c e n tto t h e shoreline s h o r e l i n ewhich w h i c hare a b l e to per m it agencies. the t h e approval agencies. ap p ro va lof o f the th e applicable a p p l i cablefederal feder al and and state state permit h e s e ssites If are made available I f tthese r e not not m d i s p o s a lof dredged ites a a d ea v a i l a b l e for f o r the t h e disposal o f dredged m a t e r i a l s , other, materials, o t h e r , more b e explored. exp'lored. m o r eexpensive, o p t i o n smust m u s tbe e x p e n s i v edisposal d, i s p o s a loptions I T L I t 1 113 il3 I i1 permanentuses prior to placeThe loss of of these uses prior to other permanent to the the placeThe these sites sites to public incr easedpublic costs and ment w ouldresult r esult in in increased costs and m e n tof o f dredged d re d g e dmaterials ma te ri a l s would p o t e n t i a l l y inhibit could n o t only t h e maintenance m a i n t e n a n cof oef the t h e existing existing c o u l d potentially i n h i b i t not o n l y the navigation routes, developmentent of new new econom economic ic enterprises u te s, but th e developm of enter pr ises n a v i g ati o n ro b u t the as a s well. well. that the dredgedmaterial material It is is the reconrmendation recommendation of It of the the study study team teamthat the dredged necessar yfor for future be disposal d i s p o sa l sites to be be necessary futur e use use should shouldbe si te s determined d e te rmi n e dto p1an. Since compr ehensive Since reserved plan. o ve rl ay zone in the the comprehensive r e s e r ve din i n aa special sp e ci a l overlay zonein the disposal use that disposal use of t.he the land, land, we recorunend that the is aa short-term useof we recommend use is short-term 'l a n d p l a n land use the comprehensive plan designationfor for the the sites reflect r eflect the c o m p r e h e n si ve u se designation long-term industrial l o n g - t en ndesired cor nmer cial, industr ial su chas as residential, r esidential, commercial, d e si re d use u se such pr oper ty owner of orr recreational. th a t action, the property owneris is informed infor m edof o r e c re a ti o n a l . By B y that a ction, the p o 'l i ciesfor par ticular parcel. par cel. In the t h e county's In the the c o u n ty's long-term l o n g -te rmpolicies the particular for the disposal site site short-term, that a i t is a "dredged h o w e ve r,it i s recommended recomm ended s h o r t - te rm, however, "dr edgeddisposal p l a ce don essencereserving r eser ving overlay sites, in in essence o v e r ' l ayzone" zo n e " be b e placed o n all all acceptable acceptablesites, site Use of the those sites for the ofdredged materials. dr edged the site r th mater ials. Use te s fo e ddisposal i sp o sal of t h o s e si per m awould i f it d i d not not result r esult in in the the construction constr uctionof of permaw o u ' l dbe be allowed a l l o w e dif i t did lan. O Once nce nent c o m p r e h e n s plan. ip ve n e n t facilities c o n s i s t e n with tw i t h the t h e comprehensive f a c i l i t i e s and a n dwas w a sconsistent q uantity of dredged the mater ia' lswas wascompleted, com pleted , t h e disposal o f the dr edgedmaterials d i sp o sa l of th e total to ta l quantity land would be available available the would t h e overlay zo n ew b e removed, removed,and and the the land wouldbe o ve rl a y zone o u l dbe p1an. for plan. f o r the i n the the comprehensive t h e use d e si g n a te din com pr ehensive u se designated for the the r eser vethe land for The a n overlay zonewould wouldreserve the land T h e adoption a d o p ti o nof o f such su chan o ver lay zone disposal materials, t h e anticipated anticipated d r e d g e dm i d e n t i f y i n g the a t e r i a l s , while w h i l e identifying d i s p o s a lof o f dredged proProperty owners not be be proownerswould wouldnot long-term long-term use of the the land land area. area. Property use of to hibited from the short-term use of of the land, would be but would be limited limited to land, but h i b i t e d fro m th e sh o rt-te rm use per m anent Again, land. Againn uses which commitment of the land. d i d not n o t create com m itm ent of the u s e s wh i ch did cre a te aa permanent basedon the limited limited on the this t y p e of re se rvesystem systemis is suggested suggestedbased t h i s type o f aa reserve availability a n dthe t h e belief t h a t use u s e of o f the o f acceptable a c c e p t a b l esites s i t e s and b e l i e f that the a v a i l a b i l i t y of public benefit. for the benefit. available for mu stbe b e maximized ma ximized the public a v a i l a b l e sites si te s must Site U s eOptions S i t e Use 0ptions A options for use use by by the the ar e available available for i mp l e me n ta ti on options are A variety v a r i ety of o f implementation necessary Ports in order to acquire use of of the the necessary Toledoin order to acquire use Ports of Newport Newportand and Toledo be The option f o r each e a c hsite s i t e should s h o u l dbe disposal h e specific h o s e nfor d i s p o s a lsites. sites. T specific o p t i o n cchosen pr oper ty dependent discussionwith with the the property th e site co n ditionsodiscussion d e p e n d e nupon ut p o nthe si te conditions, pages p o te n ti a l future following pages the site. site. The Thefollowing owner fu tur e use useof of the an d the th e potential o w n e rand available to to implement im plement describe that are ar e available d e s c r i b eaa wide ra n g eof o f methods methodsthat w i d e range pr oper ty acquisition, p1an. T p r o p o se dplan. easements, These i nclude property acquisition, easements, tthe h e proposed h e seinclude pr oper ty exchanges p u r c h a seo r eand other other repurchase off d development and rit g hts, property exchanges e ve l o p me nrights, be may Any one or a combination of these options may be these options a of me th o d s. A n y o r com bination lated methods. lated one p re fe re n cesof im plementing agencies. used based onn the agencies. the local local implementing ase do th e preferences of the u s e db 114 il4 I I I t I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I II I I II I I I I II I1 II II II II I T I I T I B e f o r ethe t h e actual Before methods a c t u a l site s i t e acquisition a c q u i s i t i o nm e t h o d are s r e described, a d e s c r j b e d ,it i t is is important the i m p o rta n tto to understand u n d e rsta n d the method methodby by which whichsite site acquisition acquisitionis is funded. T h estudy e xplor edaa variety f u n d e d . The te a mexplored var iety of stu d y team state and andfederal feder al of state p r o g r a m to f u n d i n gprograms funding determine availability off o outside tso d e t e r m j n ethe the a vailability o u t s i d e funding funding p ro g ra mimplementation. point, no for f o r use i n program u se in i mp 'l e mentation.At At this this point, no federal feder al or p ro g ra mshave s t a t e funding fu n d i n g programs state which would would aid the h avebeen beenidentified identified whjch the p l a n implementation. ast, a l o c a l agencies a g e n c i e sin local i n plan i m p l e m e n t a t i o n .IIn n tthe past, acquisition he p c q u i s i t ' i o nof of d i s p o s a 'sites disposal sl i t e s has h a sbeen b e e nthe t h e financial r e s p o n s i b i l i t yof f i n a n c i a l responsibility t h e indivio f the indivip o rt d d u a l port pr ivate party par ty i stri ct benefiting b e n e fiting from dual district fr om the the action action or the the private initiating i n i t i a t i n g the d r e d g i n g . This i s expected e x p e c t e to dt o continue. Although t h e dredging. T h i s is continue. A lthough l a n n i n ga L i n c o l nC o u n t yw Lincoln County will planning and i l l supply s u p p l yp n d implementation i m p l e m e n t a t i osupport, snu p p o r t ,they they possi bl e no t expected a r e not e xp e cte dto are costs to share sh a rein in the the implementation im plementation costs with with one one possible ro p o seddr exception. e x c e p ti o n . If If a p proposed dredged material edgedmater ial disposal disposa' site lsite has futur e hasfuture p o t e n t i a l for p u b l i c potential public use including recreation, shoreline access orr for u s e i n c l u d i n g r e c r e a t i o n , s h o r e l i n ea c c e s so p u b l i c benefit, pur chase other o t h er uses u se sof county may may wish wish to o f public b e n efit, then then the the county to purchase tthe h e site a n d convert s i t e and c o n v e r tit i t to t o that t h a t designated d e s i g n a t euse du s eafter a f t e r the t h e disposal disposal activities have been completed. a c t i v i ti e s h a ve b e e nco mpleted. p a r a g r a p hdefine IThe f o l l o w i n g paragraphs T h efollowing dse f i n e aa range r a n g eof o f acquisition a c q u i s i t i o nand a n duse u s e options options a r e available which w h i c hare a v a i l a b l eto t o the t h e local l o c a l implementing i m p l e m e n t ' iagencies: nag e n c i e s : Easements I Easements pro p e rty owner por t district The o w n e rand a n d the th e port d' istr ict may enter into into an T h e property mayenter an easement easemen t p roper ty gr ants place agreement whereby the property owner grants the right to a g r ee me nwt h e re b yth e owner the r ight to place d r e d g e dmaterials m a t e r i a l son dredged o n his/her h i s / h e r land. l a n d . The T h eowner o w n e rretains f u i l use r e t a i n s full u s e and and p l ownership rights to the land, but allows materials to be placed o w n e r s h i pr i g h t s t o t h e l a n d , b u t a l l o w s m a t e r i a l s t o b e a c e don on pro p e rtyunder the t h e property th e conditions co nditionsoutlined outlined in easem ent.When W hen u n d e rthe in the the easement. i s completed, disposal d i s p o s a lis f,u l l use t h e site s i t e reverts t o the t h e owner. c o m p l e t e dfull u s e of o f the r e v e r t s to owner. pr ivate property pr oper ty owner th o dis This method mostst applicable T h i s me i s mo a p p l i cable when whenthe the private eithe r ownereither p l a c e d d e s i r e s fill desires material fill m a t e r i a l to t o be o n the t h e land e n h a n c the e b e placed on l a n d to t o enhance t h e sites sites p o t e n t i a l , or p l a c e m e nof f u t u r e potential, l e a s t has n o objection future o r at a t least h a s no o b j e c t i o nto t o the t h e placement ot f the t h e material. m a t e r i a l . Because B e c a u sthe teh e owner m a i n t a i n sdirect d i r e c t use u s e of o f the o w n e rmaintains t h e site site gened uringa during and n d after a f t e r disposal, d i s p o s a ' | ,the o f acquiring a c q u i r i n geasements e a s e m e n is ti s genet h e cost c o s t of rally r a l l y less l e ss than is common Use of easements is th a n many ma n yother o th er methods. methods. Use easements com m on p r a c ti ce among p o rt districts practice a mo n gport d i stri c ts and the Port Por t of Toledo cur r ently has has and the Toledocurrently easements e a s e m e n on tosn two t w o of o f the t h e sites s i t e s identified i d e n t i f i e d in i n Section S e c t i o nIII. I I I . Easement Easement a c q ui si ti o n ma r eim bur sem ent acquisition may yor may ynot by o r ma n o t be be accompanied accompanied by financial financial reimbursement private property property owner to to the the private dependingupon ownerdepending uponthe the contract contract agreement agreement p o rt district reached r e a c h e dbetween b e tw e e nthe th e port distr ict and andthe the owner. owner . FeePurchase r Fee Purchase p o r t districts p u r c h a s i n outright go u t r i g h t the The T h e port t h e option d i s t r i c t s have h a v ethe o f purchasing t h e sites sites o p t i o n of placed. A on which Although h i c hdredged d r e d g e dmaterials m a t e r i a l sare b eplaced. l t h o u g hthis t h i s option on w a r e to t o be option entails e n t a i l s higher h i g h e r costs t h a n does e a s e m e nacquisition, atc q u i s i t i o n , it i t has h a s several several c o s t s than d o e seasement advantages. a d v a n t a g e s .M not Many t h e sites i d e n t i f j e d in i n Section S e c t i o nIII I I I would a n yof o f the s i t e s identified w o u l dnot p e r i o dof r e c e i v ea receive all l l of n e c e s s a r disposal d y i s p o s a lmaterials f o r aa period l0 o f the t h e necessary m a t e r i a l sfor o f 10 e a r s and p e r m a n e nuse to t o 20 2 0 yyears n o t be b e available until a n d permanent o f the t h e site s i t e would a v a i l a b l euntil uts e of w o u l dnot ort d a f t e r that after t h a t time. I f tthe t i m e . If he p istricts a b e l i e v e that port districts and n d the t h e ccounty o u n t ybelieve that I115 il5 p ro p e rty owner per iod of the will willing to wait for that period t h e property o w n e rw i l l not not be be willing purchasethe property and time, they time, may wish wish to they may to purchase the property and absorb absorbthe the expense expense of o f holding h o l d i n gthe land. t h e land. pr ogr am ,the por t districts pur chase B y use By off a land u se o b a n ki n gprogram, l a n d banking the port distr icts could could purchase d i s p o sa l sites disposal form si te s in i n unimproved u n i mp roved for m and and retain r etain ownership owner shipuntil until the the por t d i s p o sa l has disposal h a s occurred. o ccu rre d . After After settling settling and com paction,the and compaction, the port pr oper ty, thus d i s t ri cts could pr ivate co u l d resell re se l l the districts th e property, thus returning r etur ning it the private it to the sector. s e c to r. A Although method would would result l th o u g hthis th i s method r esult in in increased incr easedfront-end fr ont- end c o s ts, the pr oper ty could th e future fu tu re sale costs, sa l e of o f the the improved impr ovedproperty could result r esult in in g a i n to por t districts. public bond l o n g-te rmfinancial long-term fi n a n ci a l gain the port to the distr icts. Use Useof public bond fundso possible means a ti o n o l o c al revolving r evolving fund funds orr cre creation off a would be a local fund would means be possible g e n e ra ti n gthe o f generating of n e ce ssar revenue. yr evenue. Again, th e necessary Again, this this implementation implementation m e t h o dcould co u l d be b e used u se din i n combination method decom binationwith with other other methods, m ethods,thus thus deq u a n ti ty of c r e a si n gthe creasing th e quantity o f land land to to be be acquired. acquir ed. p re vi o u sl y, if As mentioned m e n ti o n e d As previously, that if Lincoln Lincoln County deter m ined that sufficient Countydetermined sufficient p u b li c benefit gainedfrom b e n e fi t could co u l d be public b e gained fr om site acquisition, the site acquisition, the county county purchaseselected could could purchase selected disposal disposal sites reserve them future sites and and reserve for future themfor p u b l i c use. public After u se . A th e disposal d i sposal activities fte r the activities were wer ecompleted, completed,the the county county wouldmake necessaryadditional would to makethe the necessary improvements additional improvements to implement implementthe the p l a n n e dpublic p u b l i c use planned u s eof o f the t h e site. site. P u rch a seof Rights r Purchase o f Development D e ve l opm ent Rights property ownership This that This implementation implementationmethod methodassumes assumes that property carries ownershipcarries w i t h it i t aa certain with rights. ce rta i n amount a mo u nof t development of developm ent r ights. These Theserights r ights are ar e purchasedeither on transferable and transferable and they they can can be be purchased on aa temporary temporaryor aa p e r ma n e nbasis. chasethe permanent bt a si s. If e por If th the portt distr district weree to to pur purchase the develop develop- ict wer p i e ce of pr oper ty, they ment be m e n trights ri g h ts of o f aa piece o f property, they would, would, in in essence, be essence, p o rti o n of pr oper tyowner's buying b u y i n gaa portion o f the th e property owner ' suse useof of the the land. land. Although Although p e rty o tthe h e pro property owner would retain full ownership of the land, full owner ship the land, the w n e rw o u l d the use use pur chase w o u l dbe b e restricted would activities spelled out in the purchase re stri cte d to to those activities th ose spe' lledout in the agreement. a g r ee me n t. p u rch a seof per iod, Si n ce purchase o f development d e ve l o pm ent r ights can Since rights be for for aa temporary can be tem por ar yperiod, rt d tthe h e po i stri cts co port districts could buy those rights until the disposal u l d buy those r ights until the disposal actions actions were completed. co mp l e te d . A t At that rights were th a t time tim e the the development developm ent r ights contract could contr act could pr oper ty b e cancelled, c a n ce l l e d , and a n d full fu l ] use the site be u se of of the site would wouldrevert r ever t to the property to the owner. o w n e r. e r Property Property Exchange Exchange p o rt districts I n some s o meinstances i n sta n ce sthe In th e port distr icts may maywish to acquire acquir edisposal disposal wishto pr oper ty with the th e e through exchange ssites i t e s th ro u g hthe xch a nge of property the disposal disposal site site owner. owner. p o rt w par cel of land I n effe ct, th In effect, the would e port o u l d trade tr ade title title to to a parcel they land they currently c u r r e n tl y own fo r title ti tl e of disposal site o w nfor of the the disposal site they they wish to acquire. acquir e. wish to por t districts fe a si b l eif Thismethod T h i s me th ois di s feasible i f the distr icts own the port ownland land that that would wouldbe be d e s i r a b l eto desirable t o disposal d i s p o s a lsite s i t e owners. owners. II I I I I I III I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I t I t I I I I I I I 1 116 16 t I I I I II t I p ro p o se dsite Wh e nuse u se of o f aa proposed When by means is implemented implemented site is by m eansother other than than site pr oper tytaxation a c q u i si ti o n , the i ssu e of acquisition, th e issue of property taxation must m ustbe beresolved. r esolved. If If p ri va te l y owned pr ohibits the u se of o f aa privately use making o w n edsite site prohibits land owner the land ownerfrom fr om m akin g q u e s t i o nremains: f u l l use property u s e of full o f the t h e site, s i t e , the t h e question r e m a i n s : Should S h o u l dthe t h e property o wn e rcarry ca n y the ta x burden? owner th e tax b u r den? Lincoln Lincoln County Countyshould shouldexplore explor ethe the p ossi b i l i ty of o f awarding a w a rd i ngtax possibility on material tax deferments defer m ents on dredged dr edged mater ialdisposal dispos al s i t e s until g e n e r a use. 'ul s e . If u n t i l the i s again sites t h e site s i t e is a g a i navailable a v a i l a b l efor f o r general i t is I f it is p o ssi b l e to n ot possible to implement i mp l e mentsuch not deferral, tax defer r al o then such a tax the Ports Por ts of then the preparedto Newportand payments Newport and Toledo Toledo should should be be prepared to negotiate tax payments negotiate the the tax f o r those t h o s e sites for onn w which sites o h i c huse i s restricted r e s t r i c t e d until u s e is u n t i l disposal d i s p o s a lhas h a s been been compl completed. eted. I I I I I I I I I R e l a ti o n sh i pto IRelationship Plan to Comprehensive C o mp rehglr sive Plan II fu tu re use T h e future The manyn yof the u se of o f ma disposal sites sites and the effect effect that the disposal and the that filling w filling would cannot be h a v eon s i t e and o u l dhave o n site a n d adjacent a d j a c e n tland l a n d use c a n n o t b e use e va l u a te duntil evaluated a fte r the the current u n ti l after cur r entrevisions r evisionstotothe thecounty's county' scorncom p r e h e n si veland p l a n have prehensive l a n d use u se plan completed. The federal havebeen beencompleted. Thestate state and andfederal jn par ticipated resource that participated in the review of the dredged r e so u rceagencies a g e n ci e sth a t the r eview the dr edged p l a n expressed m a te ri a l disposal material concern d i sp o sa l plan concer nover the future futur e land expr essed over the land use use p r o p o s e disposal d i s p o s a lsites. of o f the t h e proposed The exact land use designations T h e e x a c t d e s i g nations sites. land use that will will i l l be b e applied t o those i l l not n o t be k n o w nuntil u n t i l the that w a p p l i e d to t h o s esites sites w b e known the p l a n n i n g p ro g ra m planning program has h a sbeen b eencompleted. completed. The The agencies agencjeswill will be be afforded affor de d p a rti cipate in pr ogr amand a p p o rtu n i ty to ann o opportunity to participate in that that program and to to review r eviewthe the p r o p o s e comprehensive d p r o c e s s(as (as p 1 a n . proposed plan. Their input d u r i n g that t h a t process comprehensive T h e i r i n p u t during p e r m i treview p r o c e s s )should w e l l as well a s the t h e permit r e v i e wprocess) s h o u l densure e n s u r ecompatible c o m p a t i b l shorees h o r e line l i n e land l a n d use u s edesignations. designations. II II tI t I I II I preparation s e l e c t i o nof The T h eselection o f dredged d r e d g e dmaterial d i s p o s a lsites m a t e r i a l disposal s i t e s and a n dthe t h e preparation pr ogr amare o f the th e necessary n e ce ssa ryimplementation i mp l e mentation of program ar e aa significant significant work wor k planningprogram. pr ogr am . The e f fo rt in i n Lincoln effort planning L i n co l n County's C o u nty' scomprehensive com pr ehensive The stuaries Goal adopted by the Oregon and d o p te dby and Developala the 0r egonLand LandConservation Conser vation DevelopEstu a ri e sGo gover nment m en tCommission C o mmi ssi ostates n te s that 'local ment and sta and state state and and federal feder al "local government p r o g r a m sincluding agencies a g e n c i e sshall d e v e l o pcomprehensive s h a 1 l develop i,n c l u d i n gspecific c o m p r e h e n s jprograms, ve specific r o c e d u r e ffor so r d ssites ites a ndp and procedures disposal and i s p o s a la n d stockpiling s t o c k p i l i n g of dredged o f dredged pl l a n has m a t e r i a l s . " When materials." When d r e d g e dmaterial d i s p o s a 'plan the t h e dredged m a t e r i a l disposal h a s been b e e nrerev ' ie w e dand viewed and a n d adopted a d o p te dby b y the the Lincoln Lincoln County CountyPlanning PlanningDepartment Depar tm ent and p o l i c y . As B o a r dof Board o f Commissioners, C o m m i s s i o n e it ri st , will b e c o mcounty ceo u n t ypolicy. w i l l become A s the the Pl a n n i n gDepartment Planning D e p a rtme ncontinues co t ntinueswith their efforts r esolve the with their effor ts to to resolve the lland and u s e iissues use are necessary order s s u e s tthat hat a re n e c e s s a r yin in o t h e ccounty's r d e r tto o revise r e v i s e the ounty's p ' l a n ,the p l a n will comprehensive material c o m p r e h e n s i plan, ve t h e dredged d r e d g e dm a t e r j a l disposal w i 1 ' l become d i s p o s a lplan become p o r t i o n of p 1an. integral w a n integral an working o r k i n gportion o f the t h e revised r e v i s e dcomprehensive c o m p r e h e n s iplan. ve IPlan P l a n Review Review I t is It i s recommended t eh da t Lincoln w i t h the r e c o m m e n dthat L i n c o l n County, C o u n t y ,in i n conjunction c o n j u n c t i o nwith the IPorts Po rts of T oledoand o f Newport N e w p o rtand a n d Toledo and the the Corps Cor psof Engineers, the Engineer s,review r eviewthe plan at pur pose dredged d r ed g e dmaterial year intervals. The purpose ma te ri a l disposal d i sp o s al plan at 55 year inter vals. The o t h e s ereviews off these current r e v i e w swill w i l l be t o examine c u r r e n t navigational n a v i g a t i o n arequirelr e q u i r e b e to examine pr oposedsites, per m it requirements Iments, m en ts, the th e condition co n d i ti o n of o f the sites, new newpermit the proposed r equir emen ts plan has a nd the and th e extent e xte n t to beenimplemented. to which w h i chthe hasbeen im p' lem ented.Any Anychanges the plan changes I117 117 p l a n ' s ability g u i d ethe which w h i c hwould w o u l denhance e n h a n c the e t h e plan's a b i l i t y to t o guide of t h e disposal d i s p o s a lof d r e dg e dmaterials dredged re spondto to changing ma te ri a l s or o r respond changingconditions, conditions, should be shouldbe prepared permit review prepared and and submitted submitted to the permit review agencies agencies for for their their plan should rreview e v ie w and a n d comment. co mrn e n t.As A s necessary, n ecessar y,revisions r evisions to to the the plan should b bee submitted for s u b mi tte dto to the th e Board B o a rdof of County CountyCommissioners Com m issioner for s their appr oval . their approval. Site Si t e Use U seand a n d Permit P e rmi t Review R e vi ew Pr i o r to a Prior actual use off th the for the disposal disposal of dr dredged ctu a l u se o e sites for edged p o rts and pr epar e m a t e ri a l s, the th e ports materials, Cor psof Engineers a n d the the Corps mustprepare Engineer smust design materials and deter determine when and and how minewhen sspecific p e ci fi c d e si g n ma howthe sites te ri a l s and the sites will w i l l be b e utilized. A t that t i m e it i t will n e c e s s a rto yt o apply for u t i l i z e d . At t h a t time w i l l be b e necessary a p p l y for per mits at both tthe h e ap p l i ca b l e S applicable Section and Section Section 404 404 permits e cti o n 10 l 0 and the both the per mits, the ffederal e d era l and a n d state sta te level. l e ve l . After approval appr ovalof the the permits, the sites sites w i l l be will b e available a v a i l a b l e for f o r use, t,o any u s e , subject, s u b j e c t , however, h o w e v e rto a n y conditions conditions p l a ce do p e rmi t approval. placed onn the th e permit a p p r oval. 118 il8 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I U I LI LI U I [II I U I U U I L I Vl Section SectionVI Future Considerations FutureConsiderati I II I I U I I I I I I U I I I I I I I LII LI LI LI LI t LI I I I I T I [1 SECTION VI F U T U RCONSIDERATIONS CEON SIDERATIONS SE C T ION V I FUTURE plan is Although A ' l t ho u g hthe th e dredged d re d g e dmaterial ma ter ial disposal disposal plan is directed djr ected towards towar dsthe the e a r s , Lincoln t h e 2g0 yyears, location of disposal sites for only the upcoming l o c a t i o n o f d i s p o s a ls i t e s f o r o n l y u p c o m i n20 Lincoln n d the County and and Toledo C o un tya P o rts of o f Newport Newpor and t To' ledoshould should begin begin to to look look th e Ports pr oblems . beyond of b e yo n dthat th a t timeframe a n dto futur e problems. ti me fra meand to anticipate anticipate some som e of the the future y e a r swill The T h edisposal d i s p o s a lactivities t h enext n e x t20 2 0years will a c t i v i t i e s which w h i c hwill w i l l occur o c c u rwithin w i t h ' i nthe o s to the use most off the available disposal v a i l a b l e near n e a r shore land d i s p o s a lsites s i t e s along a l o n g the the a s h o r eland u s em bay Some capacity at both Toledo may b a y and a n driver. ri ve r. S and o meland l a n d capacity both Newport Newpor and t Toledomay remain r e m a ' i nsubsequent t h e river r i v e r the t h e available available s u b s e q u e nto t ot that t h a t time, t i m e , however, h o w e v e ralong a, l o n g the pipeline land will l a n d sites sites w i l l be b e filled f i l l e d to c a p a c i t y . Land d i s p o s a lby b y pipeline t o capacity. L a n ddisposal j e a s t ( s e c o n donly e n e r a l l ythe dredge generally d r e d g eis only is g t h e least expensive e x p e n s i v edisposal d i s p o s a loption o p t ' i o n(second bay); to d r a f t to t h elower l o w e rbay); t o large l a r g e hopper h o p p e rdredge i s limited l i m i t e d by b y draft t o the d r e d g euse u s ewhich w h i c his u t u r e reliance a s stockpiling therefore, onn o other methods orr t h e r e f o r e , ffuture e t h o d ssuch u c has s t o c k p i l i n go relianceo ther m bucket dredging d i s p o s a will lw i ' 1 1signifis'ignifib u c k e td r e d g i n gand b a r g i n gto o c e a nfor f o r disposal a n dbarging t o the t h e ocean i t should b e recognized recognized i n c r e a s efuture d i s p o s a lcosts. s h o u l dbe ccantly a n t l y increase f u t u r e disposal c o s t s . Thus, T h u s ,it plan w in although of will c o s t efficient e f f i c i e n t in tthat hat a l t h o u g himplementation i m p l e m e n t a t i oo nf this t h i s plan i l l be b e cost s i t e s for f o r current c u r r e n tneeds n e e d will sw i l l the t h e short-run, s h o r t - r u n , use t h e available u s e of o f the a v a i l a b l esites i n the t h e future. future. force f o r c e the t h e selection m o r eexpensive s e l e c t i o nof o f more e x p e n s i voptions eo p t i o n sin j n i t i a t i o n of p r o c e s sit t h a t near n e a r shore shore i t was h o p e dthat At A t the t h e initiation t h e study s t u d y process w a shoped o f the land disposal most material a t e r i a l to t o be be land d i s p o s a lsites f o u n dfor for m o s tof o f the the m c o u l d be s i t e s could b e found year s. However, not the the case, case, 2 0 years. Howeverthis th' , is was wasnot dredged d r e d g e dover n e xt 20 o ve r the th e next p a r t i c u ' l a r 1 yfrom Along 9 . 0 . Along particularly M i ' l e33 upriver t o River R ' i v e Mile rM i l e 9.0. f r o m River R i v e r Mile u p r i v e rto p o rti o n p' lan d' isposal that most mostdisposal that that r ecomm ends t h a t portion of th e river, ri ve r, the the plan recommends o f the for the ocean material dr edgeand andbarged bar gedto to the oceanfor m a te ri a l be b ucketdredge b e removed re mo ve by db y bucket become t e c h n j q u e sbecome Unless n e wequipment e q u i p m e nand/or d i s p o s a ltechniques disposal. disposal. U at n d / o rdisposal n l e s snew t h a t method will o f that method available will i n the f u t u r e , it i t is t h a t use u s e of t h e future, i s expected a v a i l a b l e in e x p e c t e dthat m a k e sstockstockcontinue fdo r fill f i l l material i n c r e a s e ddemand d e m a nfor m a t e r i a l makes c o n t i n u eunless u n l e s san a n increased p i ' l i n g a mo advanc es Techni cal advances al ter nati ve. Technical piling morereeconomically l y attractive e co n o m'i cal attr act' ive alternative. p r o v i d esome i n the the in off d dredging mechanics may s o m eoptions o p t ' i o n sin i n the t h e ffield ield o r e d g i n gm e c h a n i cm s a yprovide now i s now o p t i o n which w h i c his which ffuture uture w n o t currently c u r r e n t l y available. a v a i l a b l e . One O n eoption h i c hare a r e not disposal. i s in-water i n - w a t e rdisposal. being elsewhere along P a c i f i c Coast u s e de lsewhere a l o n g the t h e Pacific C o a s tis b e i n g used natura'l Byy tthis method materials b e disposed o f in d e e pnatural d i s p o s e dof i n deep his m e t h o dshoaling a t e r i a l scan c a n be B s h o a l i n gm jn- water Another method method of of in-water holes, orr used h o l es, o cre a te wetlands. wetlands. Another u se dto create p u r p o s eof i s to to disposal w h i c his o f which d i s p o s a lis i s termed l a n e dispersal", d i s p e r s a ' I " the ,t h e purpose t e r m e duflow " f l o w lane ' i n the p l a c e the be t h a t it i t will w j l l be place material major f l o w lane l a n e so s o that t h e shoal a i o r flow s h o a lm a t e r i a l in the m moved t h e .ocean. ocean. t h e channel c h a n n einto li n t o the m o v e ddownstream d o w n s t r e aand amn dout o u t of o f the p r o b i e mof shoaling t h e problem o f shoaling Although d r e d g i n gis i s the t h e common ann s w e to rt o the A l t h o u g hdredging c o m m oanswer to be to to take take steps steps to in appr oachmay maybe i n the th e bay b a y and a n d river, secondapproach ri ve r, a second of p ro b l e mat amountof to control contr ol the the amount control i ts source, that is is to sour ce, that c o ntro l the th e problem a t its year s past 50 50 years the past system. Over Overthe sediment th e estuarine estuar inesystem. w s e d i me n which t h i chenters e n te rs the notedwithin Yaqu' ina a ma marked has been beennoted wjthjn Yaquina d e cre a sein i n sedimentation rke ddecrease se d im entationhas Bay which a n d River Riverw i s believed b e l i e v e dto b e attributable a t t r i b u t a b l e to t o ' iimproved mproved B a yand h i c his t o be p r a c t i c e sand forest f o r e s t practices a as a n d road r o a d construction t e c h n i q u e sas , s well w e l l as c o n s t r u c t i o ntechniques, is d e c r e a s ein si n timber H o w e v e rit i,t is decreases h a r v e s t i n gin i n the t h e watershed. w a t e r s h e d . However, t i m b e rharvesting 119 lt9 generally believed generally more can can be done to believed that that more be done to control the sediment sediment load th e Yaquina Y a q u i na River. l o a d carried to the River . Lincoln ca rri e d to Lincoln County Countymay wish to to m aywish pr eth e following fo l l o w i n g erosion consider measures during c o n si d e rthe contr ol m e rosion control easur es dur ing the the prep a r a ti o n of plan: paration plan: o f the th e revised re vi se d comprehensive compr ehensive - ma i n te n a n ce maintenance of o f natural n a tur al riparian r ipar ian vegetation vegetationalong along ri ve r a n d streams the and draining th e river stre amsdr into the aining into the river r iver - ma i n te n a n ce maintenance of o f vegetation ve getationalong along roadway r oadwaycuts cuts and and drai drainageways nageways - p l a ce me non t stream ri p ra p placement riprap on erosion bankswith high str eambanks high er osion p o te n tia l potential - cconstruction o n s t r u c t i o nrestrictions onn u unstable restrictions o n s t a b l esoils s o i l s that that potential a re subject are su b j e ct to to high h i gh erosion er osionpotential - co n ti n u e dinvolvement i n vo l ve mentin continued and in the the improvement im pr ovem ent and pr actices monitoring mo n i to ri n gof o f forest fo rest practices - - - - - p o l i c i e s relating I n c l u s i o nof Inclusion o f policies r e l a t i n g to t o these t h e s eissues issueswithin within the the CompreCompr eh e n si veP l a n ma h a velong-term l o n g- ter meffects upon hensive Plan mayyhave upon the amount of sediment the amount sediment r e a c h e sthe w h i c hreaches r i v e r , which which t h e river, c o u l d in w h i c hcould i n turn decrease decreasethe the future dredging d r e d g i n grequirements. re q u i re me n ts. 120 120 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FI Li LI LI I LI LI I S :ii II r H 1 U Li Section Vll Appendix Appendix and SectionVII and Response Agency AgencyResponse I t II T I E xi sti n g Federal Existing F e d er alProjects Pr ojects In In Yaquina YaquinaBay Bay&& River River Li Li t ((1) 1) jetties at T w ohigh h i g h tide ti d e rubblemound ru.|,0 b b l emound Two jetties entrance. at the the Yaquina Yaquina entr ance. 00 j e tti e s T h ejetties are a re 1,000 feet The feet apart apar t at at their The their outer outer ends. ends. The e tty is jetty is n o rth jjetty i s 7,000 north feet long, long, and andthe 7 ,0 0 0feet the south southjetty is 8,600 f e e t long. long. 8 , 6 0 0feet LI I I I I I I I I LI j e tty and ((2) 2 ) An gr oins on A n 800-foot 8 0 0 -fo o t spur sp u r jetty five groins and five on the the channel channelside side j e tty. of o f the th e south so u thjetty. (3) (3) ( 4 ) AA channel feet deep 30 feet deepand and 300 300 feet feet wide from the channel30 wide from inner the inner (4) e n d of o f the th e entrance e n tra n cechannel end Point, channelto to McLean Mclean Point, including including a .|,200 tu rn i n g basin b a si n 30 turning 3 0 feet fe et deep, 900 to to 1,200 feet feet wide, deep, 900 wide, and and I , 4 0 0 feet 1,400 f e e t long. long. LI LI t I H I I I T I I I I I ii A n entrance e n tra n cechannel ch a n n e 40 l40 feet An feet deep deepand feet wide. and400 400feet wide. 'l B (5) (5) A channel ch a n n e l18 feet fe e t deep d eepand 200 feet fr om the A feet wide and 200 the end end wide from o f the t h e 30-foot 3 0 - f o o tchannel c h a n n eat l t River of a R i v e rMile M i l e 2.4 2 . 4 to t o Yaquina. Yaquina. (6) (6) A small b o a t mooring A sma l l boat mo o ri ngbasin basin at at Newport Newporformed for t medby by conconstru cti o n o struction off a breakwater about 2,650 2,650 feet feet long, b re a kwaterabout long, a sh o re w ing a bout4 shore wing about 400 and dr dredging 0 0 feet long, edg' ingwithin long, and th e mo o ri n gbasin b a si n area the mooring a rea to to aa depth depthof l0 feet. feet. of 10 '|50 ( 77 ) AA channel g e n e r a l l y150 feet f e e t deep c h a n n e 10 l 0 feet d e e pand a n dgenerally f e e t wide in w i d e in Y a q u i n aRiver R i ve r and Yaquina a n d200 2 00feet feet wide widein in Depot DepotCreek, Cr eek,extenextend i n g from fro m the th e town ding Yaquinato to Toledo. to w nof of Yaquina Toledo. .|50 (8) A I(8) l 0 feet A channel ch a n n e l10 fe e t deep feet in Yaquina d eepand and 150 feet wide in Yaquina . | 4 , wide R i v e r from River f r o m Depot D e p o tCreek C r e e kto t o Mile M i l e 14, including i n c l u d i n gaa turning turning b a s i n 10 l 0 feet f e e t deep, basin d e e p ,350 f e e t wide, 3 5 0feet w i d e ,and 5 0 0feet a n d500 f e e t 'long. long. T I I I I I T I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I T I I I I I t I II Participat'ion Federal and and State State Agency Agency Participation Federal Pr ocess PlanProcess Disposal in Dredged Material Disposal Plan Mater ial i n D re d g e d t h e -planning planning p a r t i c i p a t e din - i nthe a g e n c i e sparticipated s t a t e agencies f e d e r a l and a n d state o l l o w i n g federal T h e ffollowing IThe Plan. DisposalPlan. Materials Mater ialsDisposal Dr edged BayDredged Y a q uinaBay p r o c e s sto d th e Yaquina process develop 6 ve l o pthe cr ite r i a, evaluation criteria, evaluation site of seiection Agency representatives assisted witn with selection of site i i g "n c yre p re se n ta ti ve sa ssi sted gener a' l disposal general disposal suggested and sites p ro p o se d disposalsites and suggested l p e ci fi c proposed disposal ireviewed 6 v i e i r e aspecific articipation participation their p dsi s c u s s j n gtheir a g e n c ' i ediscussing t h e agencies f r o m each e a c hof ' o fthe g u i d e l i n e s . Letters L e t t e h sfrom guidelines. plan follow: g en e ra lsupport o f the th e plan follow: and su p p o rtof a n d general Agencies Federal FederalAgencies Distr ict P or tlandDistrict E n g i n e e rs,Portland Corps o f Engineers, C o rp sof ArmY the Army Department of the Departmentof RegionXX Agency,Region U.S. Pl rotectionAgency, E n vi ro n me n taProtection U.S . Environmental ' Ser vice F i sh e ries Service National Marine ri n eFisheries N a ti o n a l Ma Adm inistr ation A tmospher ic National Administration 0 ce a n i c&& Atmospheric Na ti o n a l Oceanic Cormerce Department of of Comerce States Department United States IUnited Service l , { i l d l i f e Service Fish a n d Wildlife F i s h and Interior the Interior States Department of of the Department United States IUnited Agencies State SLateAgencies L a n ds off State S ta te Lands IDivision Di vi si o n o t' lildlife a n dWildlife F i sh and Department otf Fish De p a rtme nof Development and Development Conservationand LandConservation of of Land IDepartment Department EnvirdnmentalQuality Department of Environmental Quali ty Department II I I I I I I I II Li D E P A R T M E N T OF H E AARMY OF T RMY DEPARTMENT THE PORTLAND D I S T R I C T . CORPS C O R P S OF O F ENGINEERS ENGINEERS PORTLAND DISTRICT. P . o0. . BBOX O X 2946 29,16 P. P O R T L A N D , OREGON O R E G O N97208 97208 PORTLAND, NPPND-WM NPPND-WM 15 September September 1977 L977 15 Li Li t Li T I I I I I I II I I II I Li Li Li Li Li LiT t I Ms. Nancy Nancy Tuor Wiloey Wilsey & Ham Ham gn Harrison, 222 SW Suite 4 222 Harrison, Suite Portland, OR OR 97201 Portland, 9720I Dear Tuor: Dear Ms. Tuor: Portland Portland District District has has reviewed reviewed the the dredge materiat material disposal disposal plan plan your your firm the Port for the Port of firm prepared prepared for of Newport. plan was Newport. A copy copy of of the the plan was transmitted transmitted tto o tthis h i s office office b y letter L e t t e r dated d a r e d 19 1 9 August by A u g u s r 1977. L977. you are aware, As you anare, the the Portland participated in participated Portland District District your firm's in your firm's efforts leading preparation to the of plan. the final final disposal efforts leading to the preparation of the disposal plan. Members Members of the Navigation staffs of of the the Portland of the Navigation and Environmental Environmental Resources staffs Portland District the Navigation District attended attended meetings meetings and a member member of of the Navigation Division Division participated staff in an on-site on-site review staff participated in review by many many Federal Federal and State state agencies proposed disposal for the the proposed agencies for disposal sites. sites. recent years In recent disposaL of material for of dredge material In years disposal for maintenance of of the the Yaquina Yaquina River Project has become become a serious problem, and serious problem, and the the study study is River Project is both both timely timely and wil-lof direct direct benefit benefit to and will be of to this this office. office. approve of We tr{eapprove of the the sites sites set forth pLan and look forth in in the the plan look forward forward to to their their utilization as set during util-ization during future maintenance maintenance projects. projects. future yaquina The Ports Ports of of Toledo project sponsors Tol"edo and The and Newport Newport as as project sponsors for the Yaquina for the River Project Project wiLl required to secure the River will be required to secure the rights-of-way rights-of-way for the for the sites when sites when they they are are needed needed for for use by the of Engineers Engineers maintenance the Corps of a ctivities. activities. IIt t iis s a orts w n t i c i p a t e d tthat h a t tthese hese p egin a anticipated ports will begin acquisition ill b cquisition of some some of of the the sites of sites in the near plan to in the near future. future. coordinate directly trle plan to coordinate directly We with the Ports of the Ports of Toledo Toledo and during the the winter months in with and Newport Newport during winter months in an an attempt to select those to select those sites sites which feel should have an early attempt which we we feel early priority for their their acquisition program. priority for acquisition program. T h e report report w i l l - obviously o b v i o u s l y aid a i d Federal, F e d e r a l , State, a n d local l o c a l interests The will s t a t e , and i n t e r e s t s in in permit applications reviewing permit applications for for use of of those those sites sites that reviewing that are included are included I 1977 SePternber 1977 15 September NPPND.I{M NPPND-WM Nancy Tuor Ms. Nancy eliminate not eliminate does not pLan in in itself itself However, the does plan. the plan Ilowever, disposal plan. the disposal in in the 404 Section 404 l0 and Section Section 10 for processing the requirerEnts any of requirements for processing of of Section of the of Engineers. permits through the Corps Engineers. through the Corps of permits Portland District District appreciates appreciates the the efforts efforts provided provided in in compLetion completion of of this this Portland planning presentLy involved in planning invoLved in the unknowns It many of unknowns presently renpves many of the It removes report. report. perform mainmainus to to perform wiLl allow alLow us mat,erial and and will for the the disposal disposal of of dredge material for efficient in a timely timeLy and and efficient tenance in manner. tenance yours, Sincerely Sincerely yours, I I I I I I I Redacted for Privacy I L. KENOLD, JR. HARVEYL. HARVEY of Engineers Colonel, Corps of CoLone1, Corps Engineer District Engineer District I t I I I I I T I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I Ri35J,y D SEP20 1977 WfLSEY ftfc. HAM, WILSEY &&HAM, tttC. II. I I I I I 1 I I I II I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I AGENCY U.S. E N V I R O N M E N T A T PROTECTION P R O T E C T I O N AGENCY U . S . ENVIRONMENTAL IREGION X REGION X a'"xh' iSEATTLE, LI s"*H\o 1200 I 2 O O SIXTH AVENUE S I X T H AVENUE 98IOT M A S H I N G T O N 98101 S E A T T L E , \WASHINGTON PRcø0 Mai1 stop Stop 521 521 li{SJgIMail $[il, 1 $ tgll Ms. NancyR. Tuor Wilsey t,lilseyand a'd Ham Ham 222 222 S.W. S.|r'|.Harrison Harrison Suite 4 Suite 4 Portland, Oregon Portland, 0regon 97201 97201 D Ri$TJ#f 1IEOV1E [j L_) SEP 161977 ll.lC. WILSEY && HAM, HAM,INt. WILSEY Dear DearMs. Ms.Tuor: Tuor: pr ovideour your request for mal our formal This T h i s letter l e tte r is re sp onseto r equestthat that II provide i s in i n response to your River Dredged Material review and comments on Material review and YaquinaBay Bayand andRiver Dredged on the comments the Yaquina we addition we Disposal D i sp o sa Plan. lP l a n . In minor editorial suggestions In a d d ition to the editor ial suggestions the minor pr ovided. h o n e ,the ar e provided. Idiscussed byy p phone, are d i scu sse db following comments comm ents th e following pipeline dredged mater i al dr edged lWe r r |e are still about dischar geof of pipeline material a re sti l l concerned co n ce rn e d aboutthe the discharge p e r h a p 15. s1 5 . T are These a r e a sare into i n t o disposal 13, h e s eareas d i s p o s a lsites 1 4 and a n dperhaps s i t e s 9, 9 , 11, 1 1 , 12, 12,1 3 n 14 for settling sett' ling small would s m a l l in i n size si ze and ver y short shor t retention r etention times tim es for andw o u l dhave havevery p a rti cu l a te s. Discharging hydraulic dredged material into these the s e o ut particulates. ial into out aulic dr edgedmater D i sc har ginghydr n d loss l o s s ooff will unacceptable and ssites ites w i l l likely levels a l i k e l y cause teu r b i d i t y levels c a u s eu n a c c e p t a b lturbidity we can s ettl e a b l e solids c an settleable r eceivingwaters. water s. Unfortunately, Unfor tunatelyowe so l i d s to to adjacent a djacentreceiving pr ocedur ethat significantly enhance not would significantly n ot suggest su g g e stany a n y operational o p e ra tional procedure that would enhanc e e rreduced educedto to the settling capacity unless dr dredge are r ates ar t he se ttl i n g ca edgedischarge dischar gerates p a ci ty unless ar e cos tl y Use of chemical coagulants may these are costly low l ow levels. may help, but these l e ve l s. U seo f ch em icalcoagulants pr oblem . a nd sti Iand still may not solve the problem. l l ma yn o t so l ve the generally g u i d e ' l i n e sin I V was w a sgenerally The i n Section S e c t i o nIV T h ediscussion d i s c u s s i o nof o f disposal d i s p o s a lguidelines i te a de q u a te . T of disposal ssite adequate. The advance specifications on the location of disposal the h e a d va n cespecifications on location par ticular ly However, no points However n ' o o utfa l l s and outfalls discharge points was particularly useful. was useful. a n d d i sch a rg e g ui d a n cewas pondinfluent p re se n te don pr oper location infl uent disposalpond guidance location of of the the disposal w a spresented on proper pr oximity an discharge. d isch a rg e . A Ann influent in close to an located in close proximity to i n fl u e n t discharge dischar gelocated thr ough outfall structure will allow dredgedmaterial to short circuit through o utfa l l stru ctu re w i l l allow dr edgedmater ial to shor t cir cuit o f d r e dged leo s s of dredged tthe h e disposal d i s p o s a lsite. r e s u l t in i n an a n unacceptable u n a c c e p t a b lloss s i t e . This T h i s can c a n result Thus, influent discharges m a te ri a l to water ways. Thus, influent disc har ges material andwaterways. to adjacent a d j a ce n ttidelands ti delandsand gr eatest opportunity s ho u l dbe mater i al b e located for dredged dr edgedmaterial should l o ca te d to allow a l low the oppor tunityfor the greatest to settle settle out before structure. water flows flows over over the the outfall outfall structure. before the return water the return t1 -2-2- I I Notwithstanding Notwithstanding the concerns mentioned mentioned above, above, we we fully fully support support the the the concerns planning It represents represents It planning process process used in the the development development of of this plan. plan usedin plan an excellent excellentexample an of maintenance dredging example of how howaa long long term dredgingplan termmaintenance can be can be developed. developed.Coordination with our our Agency Agency allowed allowed us us to to review review Coordination wit}r provideearly proposed andprovide disposal and coments on disposal early comnents onthe acceptabilityof of proposed theacceptability sites. sites. Although Althoughwe against use of wehave recommended of the the smaller smaller haverecommended againstthe the ruS€ pipelinedredging sites for for pipeline barges sites into disposal,clamshell dredging into barges dredgingdisposal, clamshelldredging to the the could be alternative. could be an an acceptable }le have no objection objectionto acceptable alternative. We haveno plan. other disposalsites other disposal sites identified identified in in the the plan. The future future success success of of this plan, however, however, will will depend depend on on whether whether the the The this plan, proposed proposed sites material for dredged materialdisposal. disposal. sites can be acquired acquiredand andused usedfor dredged canbe If placement is restricted If placement of of dredged dredged material material over over the next 15-20 years is restricted the next 15-20years review to the to acceptable sites sites identified identified in plan, our our permit permit review the acceptable in the the plan, processwill greatlyexpedited. process will be be greatly expedited. S incerely, Sincerely, Redacted for Privacy R o n a l dA Ronald A.. Lee, L e e , Chief Chief Permits Section Ocean Disposal Section 0cean Disposal && Construction ConstructionPermits t I II I I I I I I t II I I I I I I I I I I I I ri I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I COMMERGE OF COMMERCE UNITED DEPABTMENTOF STATESDEPARTMENT UNITEDSTATES National andAtmospheric Atmospheric Administration Administration Oceanicand National Oceanic FISHERIES SERVICE MABINEFISHERIES NATIONAL SERVICE NATIONALMARINE Environmental && Technical Division(NW5) Technical- Services Services Division(FNW5) Environmental Portland, Oregon Box 4332, Oregon 97208 97208 P.O. Box 4332, Portland, I El S e p t e m b e r13, 1 3 , 11977 977 September Nancy Nancy Tuor, Tuor, Project Project Manager Manager Wilsey & IIam Wilsey & Ham Suite 44 222 S.W. S.W. Harrison, Ilarrison, Suite 222 Portland, Oregon Oregon 97201 9720L Portland, disposal dredged material2-year dredged Bay 2-year 1977 Yaquina Bay JuLy 1977 We material disposal We support support the the July part land and water-use plan as an integral the land plan part of of the water-use planning planning process process integral your firm firm with participated We with your We have participated for the Bay estuary. estuary. for the Yaquina Bay of inspection of on-site inspection the on-site planning process process including incl-uding the throughout throughout the the planning process willplanning process this planning We feel will We feel certain certain this sites involved. invol-ved. the sites the receive same wide wide use as as has has Lincoln Lincoln Countyfs County's previously previously establ-ished established recelve the the same ttThe Yaquina Bay Pl-ant'. Use Plan". Water Use Land and and Water Bay Land national example, national example, "The Plan only only Disposal Plan l4aterial Disposal Dredged Material general, the In Bay Dredged In general, the Yaquina Bay to avoid screened carefully includes sites that screened to avoid impacts impacts on on incLudes sites that have been carefully in our discussed as Several sites, as discussed in our however, sites, Severalfishery fishery resources. resourceg. (enclosed) on the June 13, comments (enclosed) the draft draft pl-an plan should should be be 13, 1977, L977I cornnents Specific below under Other than the concerns expressed expressed below under Specific Other than the reaffirmed. reaffirmed. Section the Section comments during to expedite expedite our Comments, will be be able able to our comments during the Cornnents, we will material dredge protection of In addition, protection of dredge material process. permit In addition, lO/404 permit process. 10/404 that concept that zoning is sites by acquiring or zoning is a concept acquiring or future disposal disposal by for future sit,es for coastal planning the coastal inception of has been encouraged since of the planning since the the inception Lincoln and Lincoln We Ports of of Toledo and Newport and process. the Ports We encourage the process. process. with this to proceed with this process. County to I I I I I I I I 1 Specifie Comments Cormnents Specific Creation Wildlife llabitat Creation Wildlife Habitat refer approached. Please refer carefully approached. be carefully should be concept should Page 18. 18. This This concept Page (ODIXI]) Pacific North (ODFW) to North Pacific to Donaldson Dr. Donaldson from Dr. to the .oclosed enclosed letter letter from E-ttt" t I El \ryILSEY & HAM, WILSEy & HAM, IN INIC. Bay 1977 Yaquina your July J:uIy 1977 We Yaquina Bay review of of your We have completed our detailed detailed review completed our reply supersedes supersedes Plan. This reply This l"Iaterial Disposal Disposal Plan. River Dredged Dredged Material and River intended to to comply with L977, letter letter intended our with your your very very short short our August 26, 26, 1977, period. review period. review t I I I I SEP15 1977 !fs, Tuor: Tuor: Dear Ms. Li I RT9TJ,YX D -ffi oUT1O,v /2to-1916 Divlsion Engl.neer, Major ldaJor General General Peel Peel dated Division Engineer, dated May }fay 25, 25, 1977. 1977. Page 45, Page 45. Site Slte 7. 7. No No mention mention is present recreational Ls made made of of present recreational- fishing. fishlng. Sloping and bank Sloping bank stabLlizatLon stabilization shouLd should acknowledge acknowledge this this inportant important use. use. Please refer refer to Please June 13, to our our.June 13, 1977, L977, comments. cotrments. Page 54, Site 10. Imedlately adJacent herring adjacent herring spawning spawnlng areas areas should should 19. Immediately be referenced. Construction Construction of of berms and bank bank protection protection should shouLd conslder these consider these values. values. Please refer refer to our June June 13, to our 13, 1977, Lg77, comments. coqrments. Page 63, Page 63. Site Slte 12. 12. Although the inmedlate Although the immediate use of of this site Is not this slte is not recormended recommended wLthin within the the plan, plan, lts its incLusioa inclusion as as a numbered numbered site site is ls questlonable. questionable. Please refer refer to to our our June June 13, 13, 1977, Lg77, comments. connents. Page 66, Page 66. Site Site 13. 13. Same comment connent as Same as Site SLte 12 12 above. above. Page 73, Site 14. Page 73. Site 14. Same comment Same comment as Site 12 above. SLte 12 above. Page 78, site 16. Page 78' Site 16. avoided. avoided. This site site would This would be acceptable wetlands were acceptable If if wetlands Page Slte 19. Page 91, 19. We 91, Site lrle understand understand that flll- on that only onJ-y fill on top existing top of of existing 'rDesign Criteria" upl-and is ls intended intended for upland for this this site. site. A statement statement under under "Design Crlteriarf please and/or "Site Preparation' point. and/or would clarify cl-arify the the point. Please refer "site Preparation" refer to to our our June 13, 13, 1977, 1977, comments. cotrments Page 95, Page Site 20. preparation statement 95, Site 20. The The site site preparation statement should should Include include buffer buffer or diking dlking requirements requirements necessary protect the or necessary to freshwater marsh. to protect the freshwater marsh. Pl-ease refer refer to to our Please our June June 13, 13, 1977, L977, comments. conments. Thank you for the particLpate the opportunity opportunity you for to in to participate in the Yaquina Bay land land the Yaqulna planning process. process. and water-use water-use planning trIe feel feeL the We comments the above above specific comments specific are relatively relatlvely minor generaL is that the the pl_an are minor and that plan in Your in general one. Your is a good one. firnts successful- technique technique of of involving firm's successful lnvolving State State and Federal Federal agency personnel from from the p1-anning process process promotes aa better the onset onset In personnel in this thLs planning better understanding understanding amongst amongst agency agency personneL personnel and development devetopment interests. interests. Hopefully, pLanning techniques simiJ-ar planning Hopefully, similar techniques can can be used on other estuarine other estuarine in Oregon. systems In Oregon. Sincerely, Sincerely, Redacted for Privacy DaLe R. Dale R. Evans Evans Division Division Chief Chief Enclosure Enclosure cc: Ron Lee, EPA EPA Ron Lee, Yoshinaka, FI,ilS, ES Mary ES llarv Yoshinaka, Jim Lauman, Latman, ODFW ODFI,I Stan Hamilton, Ha.nilton, DSL DSL Glen Carter, DEQ Carter, DEQ Ted LaRoe, LaRoe, LCDC LCDC II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I II LI I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I HII I I II I 1 I I H t o Et q d /226-lg16 '6i91 Interior United States Department of the the Interior StatesDepartment WILDLIFE SERVICE FISH AND AND WILDLIFE SERVICE R e f e r e n c e : ES ES Reference: Services Division of f Ecological E c o l o g i c a l Services D ivision o F i e I d Office 0ffice Portland P o r t l a n d Field Avenue 2 4 t h Avenue 727 N . E . 24th 7 2 7 N.E. 0 r e g o n 97232 P o r t l a n d , Oregon Portland, . 97232 1 , 1977 1977 Sept. S e p t . 1, M s . Nancy N a n c y Tuor Tuor Ms. a n d Ham Wilsey W i l s e y and Ham 2 22 S . W . Harrison Harrison 222 S.W. S u i t e 44 Suite P o r t l a n d , Oregon 0 r e g o n 97201 Portland, 97247 M s . Tuor: Dear D e a r Ms. Tuor: Material R i v e r Dredged D r e d g e d Material B a y and a n d River We t h e Yaquina h a v e reviewed r e v i e w e d the Y a q u i n a Bay W e have and l e t t e r and y o u r 1 9 7 7 1 9 A u g u s t Disposal Plan as requested in your August 19, 1977 letter i n Disposal Plan as requested ' p l a n d e v e l o p m e n t. i t s a n d have the following comments on the plan and its development. comments on the have the following early p l a n , which i n v o l v e d early w h i c h involved p r o c e s s used b h i s plan, The t o develop d e v e l o p this u s e d to T h e process in r e p r e s e n t a t i v e s in S e r v i e e p a r b i c i p a t l o n Wildlife participation by Service representatives F i s h and a n d Wildlife b y Fish s p e c i f i c i n s p e c b i n g c r i b e r i a , developing s i t e selection s e l e c t i o n criteria, inspecting specific d e v e l o p i n g spoil s p o i l site plan t h i s plan o f this d r a f t s of e a r l i e r ' drafts disposal r e v i e w i n g earlier a n d reviewing s i t e s , and d i s p o s a l sites, p r o b l e m o f f u ture p o s i t i v e approach t h e problem of future t o the appears a p p r o a c h to t o be a positive a p p e a r s to be a term l o n g t h a t We are pleased to see that long term p l e a s e d to see We are s p o i l disposal. disposal. dredge d r e d g e spoil t h a t w i l l m a n n e r a spoil disposal haa been addressed in a manner that will spoil disposal has been addressed 1n those a n d those a g e n c i e s and hopefully to b o b h resource r e s o u r c e agencies t o both sabisfactory b e satisfactory h o p e f u l l y be dredging. f r o m future f u t u r e dredging. who b e n e f i t from w h o will w i l l benefit sites d i s p o s a l sites g e n e r a l agreement s p e c i f i c disposal w i t h the t h e specific We a g r e e m e n t with i n general a r e in W e are p r o c e d u r e s and d i s p o s a l procedures and selected s p o i l disposal a n d recommended r e c o m m e n d e dspoil s e l e c t e d and plan. Concerns and C o n c e r n s and priorities priorities set f o r t h in i n this t h i s plan. s e t forth been h a v e been r e p r e s e n t a t i v e s have b y Service S e r v i c e representatives e x p r e s s e d by rrecommendations e c o m m e n d a t i o n s expressed g e n e r a l l y Although w e generally plan. A l t h o u g h we f i n a l disposal d i s p o s a l plan. indicated t h e final i n d l c a t e d in i n the b e recognized recognized s h o u l d be i t should agree s i t e s , it d i s p o s a l sites, w i t h designated d e s i g n a t e d disposal a g r e e with eview o rreview equired b e rrequired that Fish Wildlife Service will be to ill b S ervice w i s h and ildlife the F and W b h a t the ermit 4 0 4 ppermit a n dSection S e c t i o n14014 and S e c t i o n 101 0and a n y future f u t u r ' e Section c o m m e n t upon a n d comment u p o n any and d r e d g i n g and f o r dredging applications issued E n g i n e e r s for C o r p s of o f Engineers b y the t h e Corps i s s u e d by applications in participation However, in o u r participation b e l i e v e our w e believe I - l o w e v e r , we spoil disposal. s p o i l disposal. r e v i e w and and o u r review g r e a t l y facilitate facilitate p l a n will development our w i l l greatly o f this t h i s plan d e v e l o p m e n t of permits. comment u p o n such s u c h permits. c o r n m e n tupon Ri,u,5,o, D SEP 6 1977 WILSEY&& HAM, WILSEy HAM, JNC. INC. ?14C' !.,uiLt I 1k A IRECTOR OFFICE OF DIRECTOR F TTHE HE D O F F I C EO ROBT STPAt.IB FOBttlw w srRAUE 97208 PORTLAND, OREGON 1634 PORTLAND, OREGON 97208 ALDERSTREET, STREET, 1634S.W. S.W.ALDER I I SYTRo? I I I I II I II I I I I I I I I I 1 I HODGES HODGES Wildlife andWildlife Department Fishand Departmentofof Fish - TUTTLE TUTTLE KCSKI KCS(I DO:.,PIER D0APIER LINVOS LINvOG PRENTE eqREilTE y'suetron b1-ELTON s: S:.:!TH !TH sa.f:tcTRot L977 vt*l:fts Itay 25, 25, 1977 Hay .v Cr.e.irill Peel E. Peel Major General General Wedley Wesley E. M,ajor Pacific Division Division Engineer, North North Pacific Division Di.vislon Engineer, Engineers Corps of U. of Engineers U. S. Arrny Corps S. Army 2870 P . 0. B o x 2870 P. O . Box Portland', Oregon 97208 Port1and, Oregon 97208 Peel: Dear General General Peel: of the intenE Fish and Wilcllife The Oregon Deparrment Department of of Fish Wildlife agrees agrees with with the intent of inPortant areas wetland As is noted, wetland areas important is noted, Law 94-587. Publlc Law 94-587. Section 150, Public Section 150, flood control in wildlife food control and and water water quality quality have been chain, flood food chain, in the the wildllfe lost. lost. of through disposal of wetlands creation of the creation Resource agencies view the wetlands through disposal of agencles vierv desirabLe tt is is desirable Certainly it Certainly feelings. mixed feelings. virh mixed dredged materials with naterials of water of water fiLling hovrever' filling habitat; to increase increase the however, wet,land habitat; of wetland amounE of the amount to via creation Thus, believe that wetland creation via wetland tlrat Titus, we beLleve undeslrable. is undesirable. area area is trade-offs s environmenfal trade-off about environmental bring about dredge placement, would woulcl bring dredge spoil spoil placement evaluate. to evaluate. that are difficult, at at best, best, to difficult, that are filling or filLing diking or resulted by diking The rnajorlty majority of losses have resulted marshland losses of marshland environmentally the environmentally Thus, the use. Thus, for agricultural agricultural or use. industrial or industrial for dikes to open dikes shouLd be to expanslon should preferred methods for preferred for marshland marsfiland expansion methods uplands. of uplands. or remove tidegates and excavation excavation of tidegates and or the Corps to work Department rvould would welcone welcome the opportunity to work wLth with the Corps tfue opportunity The DeparEment Prior to Prlor to wetlands. of for in Identifying potential sites for creation of wetlands. creatlon potential sites ln identlfylng to advisable have be potential would submitting a list of potential sites, it would advisable to have it sites, of l1st. submitting of Section 150 150 of authority under Section the Corps' CorPsr authority your staff your brief us on the staff brief PL 94-587. PL 94-587. please call. call. assistance, please If further assistance, of further I can be of If I Sincerely, Sincerely' Ph.D. DONALDSON, JOHN Ph.D. JOttN R. DONALDSON, DIRECTOR DIRECTOR JRD-JL : ek JRD-JL:ek cc Department of Environmental Quality of Environmental Department Quality Lands Division oE State Scate Lands Dlvlsion of Lee Environmental Ron Lee Protection Agency, Ron EnvironmenEal Protection I.lalters K- Walters Charles K. National servlce, Charles Fisheries Service, ltarine Fisheries National Marine W. Kincheloe Jotrn t'ltl<lllfe Service, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, John Kincheloe ffsn U.S- L t I .1 I I I I t I I I I I I I I I t I I I t o f Toledo T o 1 e d oand and P o r t s of a n d the t h e Ports C o u n t y and We l J e understand t h a t Lincoln L i n c o l n County u n d e r s t a n d that p r o p o s e d disposal sites d i s p o s a l sites t h e proposed t o acquire a c q u i r e the Newport will N ewport w i l l soon s o o n begin b e g i n to this W e encourage e n c o u r a g e this We f u t u r e availability. avaitability. t o insure l n s u r e their t h e i r future to c a n be be p r l o r i t y disposal s i t e s can d i s p o s a l sites h i g h priority approach a p p r o a c h and h o p e that t h a t high a n d hope obtained. obtained. p a r t i e l p a t e d in the i n the o h a v e participated Wee aappreciate p p o r t u n i t y ttohave p p r e c l a t e tthe h e oopportunity U process p l a n and t h i s process b e l i e v e this a n d believe o f this t h i s plan development d e v e l o p m e n t and a n d review r e v l e w of dredge r a n g e dredge n e e d e d long l o n g range m u c h needed d e v e l o p i n g much w 111 b e o f vvalue a l u e in i n developing will be of p l a n s for estuaries. O r e g o nestuaries. o t h e r Oregon t s p o s a l plans f o r other spoil disposal spoil d Sincerely S i n c e r e 1 y your, , 7/ Redacted for Privacy iicheloe ,dhñ)L.I1ñcheloe u p e rv i s o r F-ie1d Supervisor E}€Id S cc! cc: E PA EPA NMFS NMFS ODFt'l ODFW DSL DSL I j Division of of state State Lands Lands Division IDEGEIVE f)EtEOYIE [ij ,"o*rlllL-.ff8r eTsloPHONEU-3a1 oREGoN 'ALEM, 1445 STATE SALEM, OREGON 97310 srREEr, 144s srArESTREET, Septenber 29, 29, 1977 L977 September STATE OREGON STATE OREGON BOARD LANDBOARD LAND STRAUB ROBERT W. STRAUB Oo\r€mor Governor PAULUS NORMA PAULUS ol State Stets Secretary Socrltary ot CUY CLAY MYERS Trea3urgr State State Treasurer Nancy Nancy ?uor Thor l{ilsey & Ham Wilsey & Ham Suite 44 Harrison, Suite 222 Southwest Southwest Harrison, 972OL Portland, OR Portland, OR 97201 877 r 1977 1 [$ 1) INTC. HAM,INQ. WILSEY &&HAM, WILSEY l,[s. Tuor: Tuor: Dear Ms. of your its review review of conpLited its The of State has completed your State Lands has Division of Ttre Division firm' report entitled entitled Yaquina Yaquina Bay Bay and and River River Dredged Dredged Material Material firm's s report your clear you on your clear lrle commend colunend you July I 1977. 1977 . We dated July, Disposal PLan Plan dated Disposal yery of users to concern iurportant a of and concise handling of very important concern to users of handling ana concise River. and River. Yaquina Bay and Iaquina project since inception; since its its inception; this project in this Our agency has been involved involyed in recomnenand general.ly, with the results and we are generally, with the results and recoinmensatisfied, are satisfied, to "get opportunity We appreciate to on the opportunity "glet on we sincerely appreciate the sinerely dations. dations. agencies. resource you extended natural resource agencies. to the the natural extended to board earLy" that that, you board early" concerned, we site clomlents are Insofar site comments are concerned, we conCur concur with with detailed InSOfar as detailed (letter service the of the National l'liarine Marine Fisheries Fisheries Service (letter the National staternents of the statements dated the Oregon DePartnent Department of of Fish Fish and and 1977) and ttre 13, 1977) September 13, dated September to We urge you to !{e urge (letter I977r. 14, 1977). Septenber 14, Wildlife (letter dated dated September vtildlife in your them consider and incorporate them in your incorporate carefully those comments coments carefully consider those plan. plan. spoil dredge and spoil the dredge is that that the The point we wish wish to make is to make najor Point ttre major Plan will Disposal Plan activities anticipated in Yaquina Bay Disposal will in the the Yaquina anticipated activities pernrits require fill-removal permits from from the the Division Division of of State State Lands. Lands fill-renpval require 541.695 and the under ORS ORS 541.605 541.605 to to 541.695 the Corps of of Engineers Engineers under under under permits will. will These programs. These permits 404 programs. Section 404 their 1O and Section Section 10 ttreir Section anticiproject has beenanticiproposed project has been be required the proposed though the even though reguired even planning pated in the comprehensive planning process process and approved approved by by the the paged in the corprehensive prior considyou that considthat prior Wedo lte do assure assure you agencies. natural resource resource agencies. natural sinrplify eration and acceptance acceptance of of a proposed proposed project project will will greatly greatly simplify eration the permit and speed process. sp,eed up the Proc€ss. Permit pernit permit existing in the the existing We do not not anticipate any rnodification modification in anticipate lfe projects proposed process accornnrodate specifically to circulation process to specifically accommodate proposed projects circulation plan. HowHowdisposal dredge with this that would consistent with this dredge disposal plan. wouLd be consistent ttrat state state from response faster mrch ever, would anticipate a much faster response from we would anticipate ever, and local local agencies agencies because because lrcst most of of the the controversy controversy surrounding surrounding been consideredalready of these considered. sites has already these sites any of may be Nevtport may qnderstand that Port of of Newport the Port We understand Lincoln County Oounty and the that Lincoln lfe plan. the Within the within in the sites discussed acquiring the sites discussed in the plan. sorne of of the acquiring some I I I I I I I U I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I III I I t t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Nancy Naney Thor luor Page 22 Septrenber September 29, 29, 1977 L977 constraints suggested suggested by by the the National National Marine Marine FLsheries Fisheries Service Service constraLnts the Oregon Department of for and tlre Fish and l{ilcllife for selected selected sites, Depar&nt and Wildlife sites, of Fish pursrn acquisition plans. re we see no reason plans. leason not to pursue not to acquisilion plan. !{e appreciate We to appreciate the the opportunity opportunity to comment comment on on this this plan. Sincerely, Sincerely, WI.LLIAIT{S. WILLIAM S. COX COX Director Director Redacted for Privacy Stanley F. Hamilton, P.E. Stanley F. Ha$ilton, P.E. Waterway Manager tfatenay t'lanager SFH:bf SFII:bf C- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Wldlife Fishand andWildlife Department Depa#ment ofofFish OFFICE OFFICE OF OF THE THE DIRECTOR DIRECTOR RO8€trw' STRAU8 ryalu 97a)8 MILLSTREET, PORTI-ANDOREGON OREGON97208 506 S.W. S.W. MILL STREET,PORTLAND fieptember l-4, ceptember 14, l9i7 197 lJil-sey & I{am Wilsey&Ham Nancy Tuor Tuor do c/o Nancy 222 S. W. Ilarrison, Suite Sulte 44 222 W. Harrison, 0regon 97201 97zOL Port,1-and, Portland, Oregon Dear Nancy: Naney: E0E{lwt;i t !:') LI Ii 1Q77 sEPl SEP j. ste,? .\lllusHr HAM, WIJSEY &&HAM, INC. tNC. The Oregon Department Department of of Fish Fish and Wildlife Wildlife has cornpLeted completed review review of of your July 1977 report, report, "Yaquina your July River Dredged Material Material Di.sposal Disposal "Yaquina Bay and River pleased to. quite thorough to. were pleased and were be quite thorough and to be Plantt. We found found the the document document to Plan'. We company and in the the document. document. Your company identifled resource concerns concerns identified see nany many resource in for including inel-uding resource to be congratulated congratulated for the are to resource agencies agencies the county county are and for identification identificatlon during plan development allows for and resol-ution resolution during plan development as this this al1ows plan formulation. during plan formulation. of probl-ens problems during of excellent job feels that The department plan does an excellent job of of presenting presenting that the the plan department feels spoil for dredge dredge spoil environmental, for constraints topographic constraints engineering and topographic environmental-, engineering bridge. 101-bridge. of the the 101 Bay upstream portion of Yaquina Bay upstream of placement placement within of Yaquina within that that portion recognjzi.ng in recognizing county in of the the county farsightedness of We are very encouraged by the the farsightedness We are very into plan which takes disposal the for development of a long-range disposal plan which takes into long-range need for development of the those factors. consideration those factors. consideration anticipate sites'and disposal sites identified We generally disposal and anticipate generally support of identified support the the use of We however have We We do do however permitting agencies. agencies. to permitting favorable recornmend.ationsto favorable recommendations Cormnents Comments sites. disposal sites. of certain eertain disposal use of some about the the use some reservation reservation about listed listed below in the sites are eontained relating to the use of specific sites are contained in the below speeific of relating to the specific conments. specific comments. plan, the plan, portions of of the to specific specific portions relate to itemized comments The conunentsrelate The following fol-lowing itemized paragraph. page number and comments are referenced by page number and paragraph. by comnents are referenced 1. 1. utilizing o f utilizing s t r a t e g y of with i t h the t h e strategy p a r a g r a p h 2... 2....W e e oncur w Page .We concur P a g e 3, 3 , paragraph disposalof disposal of identification the identification in the current methodology in dredging methodoloBY current dredging we strongly we strongly year period. llowever, However, period. 20 to 20 year sites for the next 10 10 to sites for the next dredging plan new the plan as new dredging recommend modify the the county counLy modify recommend that that the become available. available. techniques techniques become r I I t I I I t I I I I II I I II I Wilsey && Ham Wilsey Ham Page Page 22 2. 2. paragraph 66 (in-water (in-water disposal)... Page 4, 4, paragraph Page .State and dlsposal)....State federal natural federal natural resource resource agencies strong concern concern agencies have strong over in-water in-water disposal over materials by by pipeline pipeline disposal of of dredged materials dredge. dredge. Therefore, this Therefore, of spoil placement spoil placement thls alternative alternative method of should only should with only be considered considered after after thorough thorough coordination coordination with resource agencies. resource of creating additional agencies. The thought thought of creating additional esturine esturine marshes does in appear desirable, desirable, however in itself itself appear the resultant the resultant loss loss of of existing existing tidal or subtidal lands must must subtidal lands tidal or be evaluated. evaluated. The Department Department of Fish and The of Fish and Wildlife's Wildlife's position regarding within the position is regarding this i-s contained the this activitity activitity contained within attached letter Major General General Peal. Peal. attached letter to to Major 3.. 3 paragraph 3. inconsistency Page 3, . . .Thereappears appears to to be be some some inconsi-stency Page 3, paragraph 3....There presented in regarding soluble in this regarding presented soluble zinc zine concentrations this concentrations paragraph to in Table paragraph contained to the the information inforuation Table 7. 7. contained in 4. 4. t paragraph 5... Page 15, paragraph with Page .The conclusion conclusion that that spoils spoils placed with 5....The pipeline the the use of a pipeline dredge must necessarily fall adjacent of necessarily fall adjacent to to past the the river river is is based more on past dredging history rather rather than than on dredging history pumps technological technologieal limitations. The use of booster pumps in-line booster limitations. of in-line could increase inerease the could sites. the distance distance between between disposal di-sposal and and dredging dredging sites. 5.. 5 p a r a g r a p h 5... ( W i l d l i f e Habitat P a g e 18, Page 1 8 , paragraph 5 . . . . (Wildlife H a b i t a t Creation) Creation) Refer to Refer to Comment Comnent#2. {f2. I 6.. 6 Page 40.... Page (River Segment Segment 11 - Summary Recommendations) 40.... (River Summary&& Recommendations) The The department department concurs with the suggests the the report report and suggests the concurs with fol1-owing order following order of for upland sites of use for upland disposal disposal sites ( 6 r 5 , 3 , , ,1,2,4). 1,214). (6,5,3, 7.. 7 p a r a g r a p h 2... P a g e 47, Page mention 4 7 , paragraph 2 . . . . T.The h e rreport e p o r t ffails a i l s tto o m e n t i o n current c u r r e n t use use of We of the the area for for sport sport fishing. fishing. We recommend recommend that that this this use be taken into consideration. taken into consideration. 8. 8. Page Page 56... (River Segment Segment 2 - Summary Summary & 56.... . (River & Recommendations) Recornrnendations) The department in with the department concurs concurs with the recommendations contained contained in the the report. report. However, have concern over the the use of of Site Site 9 due concern over its marshy to marshy nature habitat. We suggest to its nature and existing wildlife wildlife habitat. We and existing following order identified sites the upland the following for identified upland sites order of of use for ( l - 0 ,7 , 8 , . ) (10,7,8,.) 9.. 9 Page 68.... 68.... (River Page (River Section Section 3-Summary 3-Summary & Recommendations) Recommendations) presented findings. Dredge The department agrees Dredge The with the findings. agrees with the presented disposal disposal sites sites 12 and esturine march march and and 13 13 are esturine and very very close close prior to with resource coordination coordination would be required required with resource agencies agencies prior to placement of any placement of dredge dredge materials. materials. t t I I t t I I I I I I I I. I t I f f LI1 . I I 1 I I I II I I I I I I I I T I I{ilsey Wilsey & IIam Ham Page Page 3 10. 10. Recommendations) Summary&& Recomrendations) Page (River segment Segment 44 -- Summary Page 80.... 80.... (River is a lt is site 14 as it The department of site a the use of discourages the department discourages require L6 would addition, site would require very very site 16 In.addition, high marsh. rnarsh. In mature high materials. placement of dredged materials. of dredged prior to to placement close coordination prior close coordination have subpage 78, does currently currently have 78, does on page Site explained on as explained site 16, 16, as wildlife util-ization. stantial wildlife stantial utilization. page 97... (RiverSegment Segment 66 - - Sumrnary Summary & & Recormnendations) Recommendations) 97.... .(River 1-l_. Page 11. It must must be clarifl-ed clarified that that spoil spoil placement placement at at site site l-9 19 is is It uplands. existing uplands. of existing limited to to coverage of lirnited L2. 12. Recoumendations) Surnmary&& Recommendations) Segment77 - Summary Page 108.... 108.... (River Page (River Segment pl-acement of of to placement lirnited to Approval site 23 would be limited of site Approval of existing uplands. uPlands. spoils spoils on existing the project In conclusion, the Department of of Fish Fish and llildlife Wildlife believes believes the project the Department In conclusion, can Ports can l-ocal Ports and local County and the County that the plan plan to workable document document that to be a workable ten to to next ten the next during the disposal during utilize in material disposal with dredge material in coping eoping with utilize identified sites the disposal We that the disposal sites identified years. that emphasize tr'Ie must twenty years. twenty consideratioa, thorough consideration, and thorough given very careful and plan have been very careful been given within within the the plan engineerdeemed locations extent of upland the and that they represent the extent of upland locations deemed engineerthat they represent materials. placement dredged of for ingly and environmentally acceptable for placement of dredged materials. acceptable ingl-y environmental-l-y judiciously to Thus, valuable resource which must be managed managed judiciously to resource which they are are a valuable Thus, they high future for sites disposal insure the availability of upland disposal sites for future high upland of insure the availability projects. p riority d r e d g i n g projects. priority dredging If we we may may be be of of addition addition service service or or further further explain explain or or comrnents comments please please If call. call. Sincerelq,\ SincerelX,"\ !: Redacted for Privacy Ph.D. DONALDSON, JOHN Ph.D. R. DONALDSON, JOHNR. )llre c to r -,Director JRD:JEL:mw JRD:JEL:nw Attach: Attach: cc: cc: Charles K. National Marine Marine Fisheries Fisheries Service, Mr. Charles K. Walters Walters Servi-ce, lulr. National Kincheloe John W. W. Kincheloe Service, Mr. John U. S. Fish && Wildlife Wildlife Service, S. Fish Environmental Quality Department of of Environmental Department Quality Lands Division of Division of State State Lands Ron Lee Environmental Protection Agency, Agency, llr. Mr. Ron Environmental Proteetion Engineers Corps of of Engineers t I I I I I I r I L I I I I T I I I I I I 1 I I I I T I t I II II I I I II Departmentof LandConservation of Land Conservation andDevelopment Development Department and toactt w.3ft^u! 1175 (503)378-4926 PHONE(503) 378-4926 1175 COURT COURT STREET STREET N.E., N.E.,SALEM, SALEM,OREGON OREGON97310 97310 PHONE ffi September 14, L4, 1977 L977 September RigTJ,Y D jjJ y M s . Nancy N a n c y Tuor, P r o j e c t Manager T u o r , Project Ms. Manager Wilsey & & Ham Ham Wilsey 2 2 2 S.W. S . W . Morrison, M o r r i s o n , Suite S u i t e 44 P o r t l a n d , O r e g o n Portland, Oregon 9 7zCI 97201 222 SEP 16 1977 WILSEY& HAM,INIC. WILSEY&HAM,INt. D e a r Nancy: Naniy: IDear This letter is in in response response to for our review of to your our review This letter is your request request for of the River Dredged Plan. Dredged Material Material Disposal Plan. the Yaquina Yaquina Bay and River Disposal As part you of request points that asked four addressed. be that four points be addressed. part of that request asked that We done so so to to the included the extent We have have done extent applicable applicable and and have have included related your comments for and Lincoln Countys' related comments for your and Lincoln Countys' consideration. consideration. l. 1. The Department's participation Department's has occurred occurred through through the the participation has Field Representative Interest for Lincoln Lincoln County. in Field Representative for County. Interest in l a n hhas tthe h e pplan a s bbeen e e n hhigh i g h bbecause, e c a u s e , tto u r kknowledge, t n o w l e d g e , iit o oour is plan first the pursuant to is the first plan developed developed pursuant implementation to implementation requirement of the Statewide Planning requirement #5 of Planning Goal Goal for for the Statewide Estuarine Resources. Estuarine Resources. Overall, reaction our reaction to the Overall, our to the plan is positive and we consider it an excellent docuplan is positive and docuconsider it excellent ment. ment. Lincoln County for certainly deserves credit Lincoln County certainly deserves for credit under.taking your assistance. In a the effort effort with your assistance. a undertaking the with In sense we therefore sense therefore view view the plan as as a model model that the plan that a of other governments will other local local governments will want number of want to to examine examine support their to their similar In this to support own similar efforts. effortssame In this same connection including in connection however, however, you you should should consider consider including in the introductory material the introductory material some additional additional background background information general Estuarine Resources Goal Goal in in general information on on the Resources the Estuarine implementation provision particular. It in particular. and implementation provision #5 It #5 in to us us that that this seems to would easily supplement this would supplement the easily existing the existing problem statement. problem statement. You should should also also consider adding a consider adding diagram the process plan so so its diagram of of the process used used to to develop develop the its the plan readers would fully understand both readers would more more fully understand both the the context context and plan. and content of the content of item of the plan. of business business we As an item request request that that the the customary customary credit credit language on the language on the attached sheet printed sheet be inside cover attached be printed on the cover or or title the inside title page of Ipage of the the document. document. 4. 2 && 4. Ueither the Department Department or give full or Commission Neither the Commission can fuIl can give approval to plan at at this to the Rather, when the approval the plan this time. time. Rather, the provisions the Dredge Plan are inprovisions of of the Dredge tvlaterials Materials Disposal Disposal Plan are included as plans for cluded as part part of of the the comprehensive comprehensive land land use for use plans Lincoln Lincoln County County and and the the Cities Cities and and Ports Ports of of Newport Newport and ToLedo the the Commission Commission could fully could fully approvg them Toledo approve them under under an an Ms. Nancy Nancy Tuor Tuor Ms. September 14, September L977 14, 1977 --22- (Section 20 570 of 570 acknowledgement 20 1(a) 1(a) of of Compliance Compliance (Section acknowledgement of plan the plan It does does appear appear however, however, that It that the ORS. 197). amending amending ORS. L97'). adequately addresses provision of of the Estuarine adequately addresses the the Estuarine the provision p1an. disposal plan. Resources Goal materials Resources disposal Goal mandating mandating aa dredged dredged materials process of of It is the process It that is also also the the Commission's Commissionts expectation expectation that the of comprehensive comprehensive coordinated development of implementation development and and implementation coordinated impleits impleplans plans would would result in agreement on on the plan and and its result in agreement the plan your efforts efforts provisions. Accordingly, Accordingly, we support menting provisions. menting support your on the on soliciting agency and agreement the plan plan and and on soliciting agency reviews agreement on reviews and approach. pursue this hope that Lincoln County continues to pursue this approach. hope Lincoln County that continues to of comcomIt should It should be stressed, stressed, though, acknowLedgement of though, that that acknowledgement plan given plianee pliance is given only for a complete comprehensive plan only for a is complete comprehensive provisions. Accordingly, the AccordinglY' the including implementation provisions. including implementation Implemenplans disposal plans discussion on Disposal Guidelines, Implemenon Disposal Guidelines, disposal discussion (pages 109-119) tation and Future Future Considerations Considerations (pages will need need tation and 109-119) will Estuarine related aspects of of the to be directly related to to be directly other aspects the Estuarine to other as Resources Planning Goals Statewide Planning Resources Goal Goals as Goal and the other Statewide the other (for be particular noted well (for instance, should reference well aa particular reference should noted instance, Shorelands provision Implementation under provision #4 of of the Coastal Shorelands the Coastal under Implementation Goal) . Goal). is of the the plan This is not meant meant to plan is This say that immediate use is not to say that immediate use of However, However, be. at this should be. not feasible at feasible because it it should not time because this time pursued must full implementation vigorously full implementation must continue to bs vigorously pursued to be continue land while development comprehensive land while completing overall development of of overall comprehensive completing plans. use u s e plans. 3. 3. rt would comprehensive It would be be desirable desirable when when agreement agreement on on the the comprehensive plan occurs and is plan occurs and is acknowledged acknowledged that implementation the implementation that the process at at provisions permit review provisions include permit include a streamlined streamlined reviehr process In pLan. In least for for the in the least sites disposal sites designated designated in the plan. the disposal this regard, regard, aa streamlined streamlined process process would would undoubtedly this undoubtedly Federal procedures benefit the Federal benefit the to implemented under the procedures to be implemented under the provisions Oregons Coastal Consistency of Consistency provisions of Oregons Coastal Management Program approved of Zone Management Act Program Act of Coastal Zone approved under under the the Coastal Section 1972. the Section This would be be particularly particularly relevant to L972. This would relevant to the permits of Section 404 404 permits Engineers.where 10 and Section .where of Engineers of the Corps of the Corps process. is a corresponding permit review review process. there there is state level 1evel permit coruesponding state you for Thank you the for the opportunity review and comment comment on the Thank to the opportunity to review plan, and me. please contact contact me. plan, assistance and. if of further further assistance please if II can be of can be I I I I I t I t I I I I I I I II I - Sincerely, Redacted for Privacy ua es r. ioss cting Director I I NC:iub N C:mb I II I I I I I I I 1 I I I I II I I I I I I I )IEtIEDWE IRI IDEGEIVE A P.E. Jr., P.E. Jr., Fetrow, R. Fr.Fetrow, DEPARTMENT LÔF r;iror DEPARTIIIENTI* l. SEP 16 1977 Manager ENVIRONMENTAT 6UALW ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY Reeion coastRegion Salem-North Coast !113fl:il",..n N' E. E' 796 Winter Street, N. ll'Ic' uSC. & HAM, WILSEY & HAM, WILSEY Salem, OR 97310 33f"H:";;'rili;"'' LI I-i. o PORTLAND, (503) 229- 5696 e7205 t",;?1.ij_fu3il ORE. 97205 ' Telephone oRE. PoRTLAND, STREET 1234 s.w. S.W.MoRRlsoN MORRISON STREET 1234 Zrf;_22?? Tillamook 842-6637 ROBERT W. W. STRAUB STRAUB ROBERT 977 1.977 29, 1 August A u g u s t 29, 6DVERNOR GOVERNOR Manager Project u o r , Project Ms. Nancy Tuor, Manager ancy T M s. N Ham l.li lsey & 6 Ham Wilsey S u i t e 44 Suite Harrison, W . Harrison, 222 2 2 2 S. S . W. 0 R 97201 Portland, OR P ortland, 972O1 Program D i s p o s a l Program Proposed S p o i l s Disposal P r o p o s e d Spoils CountY L i n c o l n County B a Y - Lincoln Y a q u i n a Bay Yaquina [iranch C o a s t branch North N o r t h Coast IRE: RE: ancy: Dear N IDear Nancy: Department t h e Department representing have the b e e n representing a v e been p a s t six s i x months, months, I h During D u r i n g the t h e past spoil sites on of of o f E nEnvironmental v i r o n m e n t a | Q u a | Quality i t y i n a r e v i ein w o fap rreview oposedsp o i | proposed siteson p r o posed e a c l r personally reviewed each proposed p e r s o n a l l y r e v i e w e d I County. i n Lincoln L i n c o l n County. B a y in Yaquina Y a q u i n a Bay dredge t h e first draft of the dredge o f d r a f t f i r s t t h e o n c o m m e n t s on the written site comments s u b m i t t e d written a n d submitted s i t e and Bay "Yaquina t h e o f r e p o r t f i n a l After reviewing the final report of the " Y a q u i n a Bay the plan. reviewing After disposal plan. d isposal 1 977, J u l y Ham, July 1977, H a m , 6 l s e y b y W i P l a n " and Disposal D i s p o s a l Plan" by Wilsey & Material D r e d g e d Material R i v e r Dredged a n d River satisfied. s a t i s f i e d . a d e q u a t e l y b e e n h a v e been adequately our c o n c e r n s have a g e n c y t s concerns I feel feel o u r agency's I I I be still be will still P r o g r a m will R e v i e w Program P e r m i t Review should t h e Permit t h a t the b e emphasized e m p h a s i z e d that s h o u l d be would antiI w o u l d a n t i H o w e v e r , However, p r o p o s e d sites. si tes. t h e proposed i n certifying the rrequired e q u i r e d in permissible b e permissible p r o c e s s would w o u l d be o f this t h i s process cipate that o" .u. ri i f ystreamlining si tnrge a m l i n i n g of t h a t our cipate I months' six months. p a s t s i x t h e d u r i n S the past activities in agency's during ur a g e n c y r s activities light oof f oour i n light I I and Newport will N e w p o r t . w i a n d T o l e d o o f Toledo P o r t s of t h e Ports understand a n d the C o u n t y and t h e County t h a t the u n d e r s t a n d that f o r e a s e m e n t ) (either of land or easement) for ( e i t h e r o r l a n d of program soon program b e g i n the t h e acquisition acguisition s o o n begin agencies' t h e agencies. receiving support o f all a l I the s u p p o r t of receiving Ithese t h e s e sites sites IIt It I I y o u r staff staff y o u and a n d your c o m m e n d you t o commend opportunity would to t h i s opportunity t a k e this I i k e to t o take o u l d like I w o f r e c omincorporation of recomi n c o r p o r a t i o n and j o b in preparation t h e preparation i n the for and f i n e job f o r a very v e r y fine If lf P l a n ' D i s p o s a l Dredge D r e d g e Disposal Plan. inal iin n tthe h e ffinal sites mendations sites o n specific spLcific m e n d a t i o n s on N o r t h a t o u r please contact me at our North m e please contact assistance, further assistance, b e of a n y further o f any I can c a n be Ti I lamook. 8 \ z - 6 6 3 7 , Tillamook. a t 842-6637, Coast at 0ffice B r a n c h Office C o a s t Branch 1 I ISincerely, Sincerely, Redacted for Privacy T I P.E. T i l s o n , P.E. Murray l ' 1 . Tilson, M u r r a y M. E n gi n e e r R e gi o n a I Engineer Counties L i n c o l n Counties Clatsop, T i l l a m o o k &E Lincoln C l a t s o P , Tillamook MMT: mmm M M T1:I m I., t ,i'it .. i.,.:,nj{t. i..tl vr l:l l;''"" DEQ cc: cc: cc: cc: cc: cc: Icc: cc: R e gi o n C o a s t ' Region S a l e m - N o r t h Coast F e t r o w , Salem-North R. H . Fetrow, R . H. 0 p e r a t i o n s M.. Bolton, R e g i o n a l Operations B o l t o n , Regional F.. H F Division C t u a l i t y Division Carter, Water a t e r Quality L.. C ar t e r , W G. G. L NewPort S t . , Newport 0 l i v e St., 2 2 5 Olive C o m m is s i o n e r s ' 225 Lincoln o f Commissioners, B o a r d of L i n c o l n County C o u n t y Board